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~J'/6 01 //61/000/01 7 D207~:)302 "Iikhalenikov, V. Dekhtya~7j_ Y~, and of tlic concluc-t-f-on c~iectrans ir coT-,- ill u 'r'y ruboL, no. 13, 1)61. Voprosy f i -~ i'?, i ..'etallov i met 1 ov e d en a, 70-73 aut.-,ors report on doteri-.iinatiori of the Conduction-alec- LL L)C)i'VCI-'V.'3ta1s of copper and Cu-Mn. E-.Iloys containinE..; L' a+.,, Hii. e tE:clinique \-.ras the sa;~,,e .0, .55 .nd 2.0 ov c ~al- --o-- C - I e 2:. w o Ref. 4: Voorosy zilri i.,ie1 -e ~11't .11. ~. ~C--r- I U- o vd -- ,,- I y a ,rio. 12, 1960). Angular distributio'n cf r.-a.-I,.-',a-rays re- s ut 1:11- L~7; on,, o s ir o i i - e 1 e c t r o n au. i h J I a -'U- i o ii i. i a s r e c o r d e d . F r om t",s 1- 4 ',, U0-_e VZtlues o-P +hc elect, on p w, e r e c a u to 1.1 cuh;ted, A ~,2.o-'L,* of pa~;ain.,~t ~.hc 7-In content showed aL =inimu-n o--F' bard 1/12 4, -n i c) llojol() 3,,/j03 /017 D207/D';'02 x 1 j 2 4 I - 31 CC Ll'jl ~-O by LtLit1jol.o. u1 ul 01 C C r,-) S 0 0 0 0 1 " Of U 1'7-'~y on fell hith 1. . -.1 U- Lootrical -,)C.C Wn(.- V;.tC~Ljj(_,%r WtS - Jnated -LoLID, ailo,,Z3; es Wthles .-rced +"OZ;c C"liculatc- :-ures tub! e an,~ 0.1 -nD!I-.;Ovje~--,-- 0 u - 0 c . TI)~ c o u c 'U S L; - 3 0 zis 'oi- 0 1 r L3 -.U t1) 1, 1 v 0 v 12 1077, t --Id 1 jL~cc) OS, phys. che., 01 .1. 113~ o 11 do, 3 , 3 2 19 5 7 D 01.10 -1 If C 112 1363, C a T . , ' ; 11' u .1 4~ - - -D' ~/53) oele Q -7 ~L2 -.d T -"e v 107, ., ~I -~)~ II . e t e.. .1) e ! 5 , 1 6 0 CCL2d 2/2 S/185/61/006/001/010/011 DAO/D3.05 ALJTHCRS~ liertsriken, S,.D. . Delchtyar, 1. Ya, , Inikhalenkov, V,.S. and "alchenko.. V T IT LE - ~~tudy of electrical transfer in steels by the method of inert tags P*.'-.R1C.%D1CAL-. Ukrayi,,:is ~yy fizycanyy zhurnal, v, 6, no, 1., 1961, 129-135 This study is a continuation of a previous work (Reif, 5: J, Hertsriken, 1. -Ya i ')ekhtyar, V Mikhalenkov, 2.' 14, Madatova, Ul--h, 5, *79- L960, in 'Which details of the investigation method were described. In this article it is only stated that molybdenum inert tags were used, incorporated into the studied samples and that -their dislocation was measured by means or a comparator with precision of 2 m- ID the present v.,ork two kinds of steel' -40'' and "U8- with carbon con-Lents 0, 35 and 0, 7~~, respectively were stu.. died. ivs iiiert tags are aule to inove only into vacanL nodes of cry- stat-lattices the latter have to be abandoned L)v iron ions. The "';ard V ~a L/000/001/010/01 i c~tudy of electrical transfer i)210/1.13o5 direction of tags motion is opposite to that of iron ions, The mass of transferred ions. exT)ressed in gram-ions equals ~M ~ �,q V. where S - the magnitude of the tag dislocation. (I - the cross sec-- tion of the sample. V - the molar volume The nuriber of tags trans- fer r, equals. n Ui~: uthere V -- velocity of tag motion, F - 1;'araday, Vi i - current density, V - molar volume. ~-'xperiments were carried out at 945 and 10200C. the temperature controlled by a chromium- aluminum thermocouple, with a direct current density of 12-15 a/MM2 /'Abstrac- ter's notE! In the given table the current densi,:y is given as 10- 3a/cm2 j, The dependence of the magnitude of tags displacement from the iime of passing the direct current is a linear one for each sample, temperature and current density. In all the experi- ments it has been found that tags uere displaced toward tne cathode and iron-ions - toward the anode. The autiiors explain this phenom- enon as the result of interaction of i": and --e electrons, the carbon valency eLectrons, filling the 3d energy level of iron atoms, confer- ring on them a negative charge ~1: every time-m:)ment only a part of Card 2/4 S//185/I61/006/OUI/010/011 Study of ~Aectrical. transfer U210/u.~05 iron atom;i form negatively charged ions and are able to raigrate toward the anode, The velocity of iron ions migration was found to increase with the rise of temperature which is riot in agree- ment with experiments on 0,I'P carbon steel. The authors endeavor- ed to determine the iron ions eiectric charge by means of the ~y of diffu- formula ra Q t RTycthy where activatio-nenerg sion, and o activation energy of the process, but found that the value of 0 is too similar to that of ',a ands therefore. the formu- la was useless Thev i:ised instead. another formula- RITAU z 1 I: - P d74.1 where z , eiectric charge, d . specitic gravity i.'- specific electric resistzmcc, diffusion. coefficient. 'Elie vaLues of z have been found as foli'Lows for steel. "40"'; L-4 at 94VOC' and 1 03 at L02007 i for steel .138" 0.85 at c)45('.-.' and 0 Y_ at 10200.*, w1i ~,i ; ",r proves the decrease of the electric charge with the rise of te ature ancl the rise in caroon content, fhese results are reararded bv the aUthors as relativeLy correct only, This statement has Deen verified by the authors by (letermining the inicro-tiardness of samnles .3fter Lrea-_mellt sample of steel '40 was subjected to ..ard 3/4 S/185/61/006/001/010/011. of electrical transfer, 1)210/D305 the action of direct electric current_-_ density 15,000 a/cm2. for 4 hours a-: 10200C and after quenclhing. the distribution of micro- hardness was studied The hardness of the anode part of the sample markedly decreased and at the cathode end, increased which proves the migra'--ion of carboit. ionss towards the cathode The cathode part of tlie sample seemed to be compi)scd entirely oE' martensite. while the anorle part was aLmost. of pure ferr.ite with. a few izziclu- sions of martensite, '.1herc. are 5 fillures- I table and 9 references! 7 oviet - bl oc and 2 nor.- ---oviet -bloc The references to the ;:,nglish- language publications read as follows H W., Mead, G Birchenal, J Met 8 sec, 2 1956, Metals Handbook, a S 1.1 Gleveland, 1948, ASSCC LIVION Tnstitu.t nietalofizik-,~_ aN USSR,, Kiyev (institute of Mlet.alLophvsics. &: UkrSSR, 11"iyevi ~~UBMITTED; June 18., L960 Gard 4/4 5/185/61/006/uO2/012/020 D210/E304 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.Ya., LytovchePICO, S.H., and Fedchenko, R-11. TITLE: Effect of plastic deformAion on the electrical resistance of alloys 11E,RIODICIAL Ukrayinightyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. b, no. 2, 1961, 253 - 2`8 TEXT: The authors describe the influence of vacancies and Cii!iioca- tion in alloyF3 on the electrical resistance of the alloys. Titore plastic, exists a large amOUnt of theoretical data, on the ef i*ect of , L, deformations on elec-trical resistance Lind the main pUrT)090 Of this study -~~as to clieck this theory as well as the authors' thcory pre- sented in an earlier mblication !,,hich state-,c! that W PO PO PO Card 1/4 3/185 161/006/002/02-2/0120 of plastic deformation 1)210/D-lo4 increase of specific resistance; ~_` 0-initial specific resis- tance; ~, - resistance due to one vacancy; resistance dite to IV one dislocation; b - Buerger's vector; 1 - mean lergb), of free dis- location run; f - COE!f'Licient specifying the effective number of steps which are the source of diolo cation-c. From tiliS e0U."Aior" the constants A and 14 and hence -, and - can be casill, calca'I'a- rv F'd a ted by plotting experimental values of 1/2/ -, against as !0 this should give a straight line. I~xoerimental resistivity measiore- ments were made on Pe + Mo (0-9 to 1.5 %) at ror,)m ten-p~-rature and Pe + 1.0 at .% Ni, Fe + 0.9 at .0% Mo, and Fe + 0.9 at V at 780K. The samples were in the form of 0.5 mm diameter wire, 9 cm long and they viere strained up to 10 cl'o' at room temperatiire, and up to 150 r", at 780K. The resistance measurements were made nith a potentiometer and a sensitive galvanometer. For the Fe + Mo alloy measurements carried out at room temperature the plot of acainst z+ gave 0 'Z' - straight line.-3 implying that the principal cause of resistance in- Card 214 S/185/61/006/002/012/020 Effect of plastic deformation ... D210/D304 crease is due to dislocations. This can be explained by concentra- ting vacancies near the admixed atomsp forming a "modified admix- ture". The Mo concentration in. ,this experiment had no significant effect9 probably because it was very high (0.9 %) in the lowest concentration. On the basin of I determined in the previous experi- ment, ?d was found to be 17-10- 4~r2cm/cm-2. No appreciable change in resistance was found on annealing for 8 hours at 1000C after 10 % deformation of it Fe + Mo specimene For low temperature measu-, rements the deformation was effected at room temperature while the resistivity was measured at 780K. After a certain. deformation a limit in the number of defects is reached and the resistivity rea- ches a limiting'value, By plotting these curves according to Eq. (1) straight lines were obtained in each case. Fe + Mo gave A = 0o037 and B = 09011, The curve for Fe + Ni, plotted up to E = 70 gave a straight line going through the origin implying that the main source of res~st&ce are vacancies, with the relationship ,6?/,&po = 0.01E 3 2. For the vanadium alloy A was found to be zero Card 3/4 S/185/61/006/002/012/020 Effect of plastic deformation ... D210/D304 and B = 0.095. The differences between these curves are attributed by the authors to the afffnity of the admixed atoms for the vacan- cies, being greatest for V and least for Ni. Other factors which may affect the resistivity are the scattering of electron waves by point defects (vacancies) and dislocations, and the interaction of point defects with dislocations. There are 3 figures and 7 referen- ces: 1 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the 4 most recent Binglish-language publications read as follows: P. Jongenburger, Phys. Rev., 90, 710, 1953; F. Seitz, Advances in Phy- sics, 1, 43, 1952; S.C. Hunter, N.F. Nabarro, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1953 220, 542; W.A~ Harrisong Physo Chem, of Solids, 1958, t. 5, 44-46. ASSOCIATION: Instytut metalofizyky AN URSR m. Kyyiv (Institute of Metal PhysicB AS -L-,krSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTEDr June 18, 3.960 Card 4/4 S/126/61/011/004/001/023 E073/2335 AUTHORS: Dekht Ar,.,j_.,Y*. and Madatova, E.G. TITLE: Change of the Magnetostriction Saturat"ion During Annealing of a Hardened Ferromagnetic PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.11, No.4, pp-507-512 TEXT; In an earlier paper (Ref.1) the authors have shown that the change in the coercive force under conditions of low-temperature annealing of a ferromagnetic which has been hardened from a high temperature is due to the fact that the dislocation loops arising during hardening increase with increasing annealing time. This leads to an increase in the dimensions of the dislocation loops which, in turn, brings .about an increase in the coercive force. The maximum possible increase in H during annealing in determined by the time required for tfie confluence of all point defects to the dislocation loops to take place. From this time onwards H c remains almost unchanged. The authors investigated the change in the saturation magnetostriction during low-temperature tempering Card 1/5 Change of the Magnetostriction ... S/126/6i/oil/004/001/023 )t073/E335 of ferromagnetics originally heirdened from a high temperature. The case is considered where the hardening temperature is higher than the Curie point and sufficiently hi h to produce dislocation loops. According to earlier work (Ref..I~, for nickel as a ferromagnetic, the required conditions are satisfied by hardening from temperatures above 9000C. In this paper a new method of measuring the saturation magnetostriction is described, which is based on studying the kinetics of the change in the magneto- striction of low-temperature annealed nickel, previously hardened from 900, 1000 and 11000C. The use of this method for investigating changes in the saturation magnetostriction is also described. The method is based on applying the quadrature dependence of the sag of a suspended wire X on its length (Fig.l)% Card 2/5 s/126/61/011/004/001/023 Change of the Magnetostriction ... E073/E335 el - t 2 % 2 0 (4) 3 12 In Fig. 1, Xo is the initial sag in the absence of any field and AXH is the absolute change in this quqntity on switching-on the saturation field7 H . The sensitivity of the method is of the order of 10 for initial specimen lengths of 100 - 120 mm. The main advantages of the method are its high sensitivity and speed. The formula used for the calculations was applied by S.D. Gertsriken and one of the authors for creep tests. The method was used for studying thehinetics of changes in the magnetostriction of nickel, tempered at low temperatures after being hardened from 900, 1 000 and 1 100 0C. The plots, Figs. 2 and 4, show the dependence of the saturation magnetostriction X s of nickel originally harderied from 900, 1 000 and 1 100 OC, respectivelyp Card 3/5 S/126/61/011/004/001/023 Change of the Magnetostriction ... E073/E335 0 on the time of tempering at a tempering temperature of 100 C. The obtained relations are explained on the basis of the IV concept that germination of regions of remagnetisation occur on semi-fixed ring-shaped dislocations which are produced during hardening of nickel from low temperatures. On the basis of experimental data, the energy parameters were deter- m i n e dwhich characterise the behaviour of defects in the metal. There are 5 figures and 6 references: 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: June 15, ig6o Card 4/5 S/126/61/oll/004/001/023 Change of the Magnotostriction E073/E335 Card 5/5 Fig. 2: Fig. 4: ppe)wp p1mura, wcbi eAl.9 OM.WUzci VOCAI 25n3 5/126/61/oi2/001/004/020 3073/9535 AUTHORSt Dokhtyarl I. Ya. and Levina, D. A. TITLIt Study of the influence of plastic and elastic deformation on the coercive force of ordering and non-ordering alloys PIRIODICALt Fizika metallov i notallovedoniye, 1961. Vol.12, No.1, pp. 30-37 TZM Ya. 8, Shur and V. A. Zaykova (Ref.121 FMM, 1958, 4.3) found that tensile stresses lead to a displacentnt of domain boundaries and they assume tbiat, under the effect of elastic loads, the direction of easy magnetization in a single crystal which is nearest to'the axis in which the tensile stresses are applied will become the direction of still easier magnetization. The authors of this paper studied the influence of plastic deformation an the coercive force of nickel and of iron-base non- ordering alloys containing Al (2&5 and 8%) and 89 Cr, binary ordering alloy Ni 3Mn (23.7 At.% Mn) and Mi F* and ternary ordering alloy: Co-Ni-Mn (No.1 20% Co~ 60% Ni, 20% Mn; No.2 - 40% Col 40% Ni, 209 Mn.1 No-3 6o% Co, 20% Ni, 20% Mn). Card 1/7 Study of the influence of plantic ... 5/196/61/012/001/004/020 2073/3535 All the alloys were produced from high purity materials in a high frequency furnace in an argon atmosphere. The ingots were forged into rods, homogenized in vacuum at 1000 to 1200*C for 150 hours, sachined to a depth of 2 to 3 mm and then drawn into wire of I mx~ diameter (specimen length 30 mm). The specimens intended for studying the influence of elastic deformation on the coercive force were 0.41 mm diameter and 30 = long. Following that, all the specimens were covered by Ak film of aluminium oxide and packed into nickel fail and, to relieve the stsvimes,the specimens wore annealed in vacuum for two hours at the following tomperaturest 900*C (Fe-Al alloys), 7500C (Fe + 89 Cr) and 1000 0C (Ni Mn, Id Pot Cc-Ni-Nn). After preliminary annealing, the sphimens of thl ordering alloys (Ni 3Mn, Ni3Fe, Ni-Co-Mn) wore subjected to an ordering anneal, The specimans of th Ili F: alloys were annealed in vacuum at 450*C for 170 hours, tho:G 0i he Co-Ni-Mn alloys were annealed at 4300C for 150 hours. The specimens of the Ni Mn alloy were subjected sucessuiv*ly to the following heat treatmeatal 2760C - 95 hours, 310*C - 101 hours, 340*C - 50 hours, 355*C - 47 hours, 4400C - 28 hours. Following that, some of the Card 2/7 255M Study of the influence of plastic S/126/61/012/001/004/020 2073/Z535 pocimons wore water quenched from 440*C, whilst for the others : nnoaling continued as followst 500% ~- 13 hours, 5200C - 13 hours, 525*C - 5 hours, 530*C - 5 hours, 550*C - 8 hours, 580*C - 5 hours, 6oo0c - 8 hours, 6ao0c - 5 hours, 650*C - 5 hours. After annealing at 6500C all the spe6imens wore w&ter-quenchad. Thus, each group of the Ni3Mn specimens was characterized by a definite degree of ordaring and for each of those coercive fore Hc; 00 Vs. degree of deformation, g,% , curves wore obtain% * and for the non-ordoring alloys, the curves H V80 SM Ni 1/2 reprosent straight linos,,which confirms the decondence H -%-,o N if data on internal friction in iron are taken into c d consideration. Thus, the increase in coercive force on increasing the degree of plastic deformation in due to the braking of the domain boundaries on the continuously increasing number of dislocations. The results for the ordering alloys after plastic deformation are plottedt in Fig-3 for Ni Mn (for specimens nnealed at the following t*mperaturesl aurvo 1 - 490*C, curve 2 :400C, curve 3 - 65060; in Fig.4 for Ni Fe (curve 1 -~- annealed at 450*C, curve 2 - quenched from 10000C3; in Fig.5 for the Card 3/7 25n3 Study of the influence of plastic ... 5/126/61/012/001/004/020 Z073/Z533 alloys 20% Co + 60% Ni + 20% Mn (curve 1); 40% Co + 40% Ni + 209 Mn (curve 2); 60% Co + 20% Ni + 20% Mn (curve 3) (- ordered state - ------- disordered state). Fig.6 shows the dependence of the coercive force on the degree of elastic deformation for the alloys Fe + 8% Cr (curve 1 loft-hand scale Hc, Os) and the alloy F* + 2.5% Al (curve 2 right-hand scale H , Oe). In the case of ordering alloys, the coercive force durin; plastic deformation is determined by the interaction of two processes: an increase in the density of dislocations, which leads to an increase in Hfn, and a destruction of the ordering, which leads to a decrease the coercive force. In the came of elastic deformation of the alloys Fe + 2.5% Al and Fe + 8% Cr, the coercive force in the elastic deformation rang* decreases with increasing degree of deformation. This is explained by the fact that the elastic stretching leads to a redistribution of the directions of easy magnetization in such a way that in each block the direction which is nearest to the direction of the tensile stress will become the direction of easier magnetization. This atate corresponds to the lowest boundary energy, which leads to a Card 4/7 2 913. .qtudy of the influence of plastic ... S/l26/6i/oi2/ooi/vo4/o2o E073/E535 decrease'in the coercive force. In polycrystalline specimens the coercive force will not always decrease'with increasing degree of elastic deformation. It will depend on whether the crystallo- graphic anisotropy of the latti *ce or the axial anisotropy caused by the tensile stresses is predoiqinant. The first factor brings about a decrease in the coercive force, whilst the second leads to~ an increase of the boundary energy of the domains, which impedeb the processes of remagnetization and thus increases the coercive force. There are 6 figures and 16 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to English-language publications read a! follow's: Ref.5. K6ster.' W., Bangert, I., Acta met., 1955, 3,' 274; Ref.11, Brown, N. Herman, M., J.Me~als, 1956, 8, sec.2, 1353). ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTEDt February 16, 1960 (initially) November'12, 1960 (after revision) Card 5/7 1% A20 27475 S/03 61/027/009/014/019 B101YB220 AUTFORSt Dekhtyar# I. Ya., and Madatovat E. G. TITLEs Exchange of experience PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriyap v. 27, no. 9, 1961, 1166 TEM A special apparatus was designed by the authors to study the deformation of specimens caused by repeated quenching (see Fig.). Tube 3 of heat-resistAnt steel is inserted into furnace 1 and quenching tank 2; specimen 4 is moved in this tube. The time of heating and oooling is regulated by drum 5 which is mounted on the motor shaft. When the drum is rotated, relay 6 reverses the direction of rotation of motor 7, on the shaft of which disk 8 is fixed. A spocial arrenting devico atops the disk after every individual rotation, Counter 9 records the number of cycles of thermal treatment. The apparatus was used for studying the deformation of aluminum, silver, goldp and platinum specimens on ~,yclic quenching in vaouo. Vaouum oil was filled into tube 3 sealed at its bottom endl furnace 1 and disk 8 were put into an evacuated vessel. Cyclic quenching Card 1/2 27 75 8)(032j6l/C'27/009/014/019 Exchange of experience BIOI/B220 resulted in a change of the diameter and- length of the specimens, but their volume remained practically constant. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.j. There is I figure* ASSOCIATIONt Institut metallofiziki Jkkademii nauk USSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences )JkrSSR) Fig. Scheme of the apparatus for oycl Card 2/2 s/o;?o/61/1 3 61001 /010/0317 BO19/BO56 AUTHORS: d Mikhalenkov,,V. S. TITLE: The Temperature Effect Produced Upon the Angular Correlation of the t-Quanta Formed During the Annihilation of Positrons and Electrons in Bismuth PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk *3SSR, 1961, Vol. 13 6,No.1, pp. 63-65 TEXT: In an earlier paper the authors investigated the angular dis- tribution of the ~-quanta formed during the annihilation of positrons and electrons in bismuth at room temperature. The investigations were carried ou-. on a bdsmuth single crystal -and showed a marked anisotropy of the energy surface cross section which is perpendicular to the main axis of the crysta:.. The anisotropy is about 14%. The angular correlation curves, among other things, depend on the interactlon of the positrons and the lat- tice vibrations. It is therefore of importance to knoir the effect produced by temperature upon the angular correlation. In Fig. the mean values of the maximun. momenta of the electrons in me-units (m. photon mass, c = velocity of light) for 3000K (curve 1) and for 90c'K (curve 2) are Card 1/3 The Temperature Effect Produced Upon the S/020 61/136/001/010/037 Angular Co:7relation of the t-Quanta Formed B019,XB056 During the Annihilation of Positrons and Electrons in Bismuth graphically represented. As may be seen, the anisotropy at 90 0K is much lower (abol;.t 8%) than at 3000K (about 15~2'). The results obtained indicate a change in the character of the positron-electron anrihilation. In the case of lo* positron energy, the single-photon annihilation is considerably less probabla than the two-photon annihilation. In thc- case of positron energies of about 10m 0 (m0 is the positron mass), the ratio between the single-photon annihilation and the two-pboton annihilation in bismuth is 0.2. The difference between the surfaces bounded by the curves 1 and 2 in Fig. 1 yields the decrease of the total number of positrons taking part in two-photon annihilation. This decrease is,in the given case, 30%. The authors thank A. A. Smirnov and M. A. Kri-voglaz for discussions. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki Akadamti nauk USS-1 (Institute of the Physics of Metals of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) Card 2/3 The Temperature Effect Produced Upon th-9 S/020/61/136/001/010/037 Angular Correlation of the t -Quanta Po'emed B01,)/B056 During the Annihilation of Positrons anti Electrons in Bismuth PRESENTED: July 15, 1960, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 13, 1960 Legend to Fig. 1: Angular distribution of J',-quanta et 900K (curve 1) and at 3000K (curve 2). Legend to Fig. 2: Angular diagran'. of the effective maximum momenta of electrons in bismuth at 300 0K (curve 1) and at 900K (curve 2). 10 Fig. Card 3/3* -4 C 4 6 1Z 15 ZO)-y S~020 '/6-'/" 14C;~ c-, B 04/B102 AUTHORS% Ya., and Mikhalenkcv. V. S~ TITLEt angular correlatior of gammE, electron annihilation in ziri:: PERIODICALm SSSR. Doklady. v,. 140. no. t~ TEXTs The ,?d the anisotropy in t+ elect.ron zinc singlt' 8 %3 Zn) . Because of tfh6 diffe_,Ft.- distances !!~ t%. lane (2-6995 1) and in2,ule pla-le 1--. principal a considerable anisutrdpy of ihe tum was tr, 1-~! The angular distributifvn, ~"f t"IL! measured at rl)t!,,' room temperatares. Thq~, hal f --w t d distributiot~ _.nambiguously related t~ the maxiri:, momentum (a. E~ T, Stewart, Phys. Rev, . 28, 46-, half-widths f t', ir gamma quantum distri:bu'-'1-.i_ons the princip_~.-.' i, (perpendicular to ihe pr-inc-p":t f6llows: I Card 1/3 Study of t~.~L bii bL The anisoti effective t: part of the tropy. Dat. Rev., 71, 1)z ratures ar--~ ity betvieen~ :1, maximiun e I i susceptibi'. bility will struction I- i that part (A 11, -elation of 300c K S/020/6- `.-1o B- 04/B 10, 4C !f-widths at both temperalures ~n momenta are Jetermined from curves. The result is the saT.,-- %:ptibility of zinc crystals (2. A~ Rev.., 36, 113, 621 (19149.1.k A.., .1 these results, There is a q~a~ t!y in susceptibill.*,y and the a:i-~ >Dntr~buticn t o ---i If the ion c -.ic, the electron contribu'rion e) 6. 4,,9 ~.~3tribution curves is discussed, it is with a momentum p > p are pi of d--elee7trons lation of i-i-- Phe contribution direction i-, 1--- -:1 in paralke" With :,a temperature :h- w the curve of' anplar correlat,,-,r. Card 2/3 S/020/61/140/006/012/030 Study"of the angular correlation of ... B100102 This corresponds to a contribution of single-photon annihilation. The authors thank 1. A. Naskidashvili for having grown the single crystal. There are 1 table, 3 figures, and 8 references: 4 Soviet and 4 non-Saviet. The 2 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: N. F. Mott, H. Jones, The Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloys, London. 1938; A. T. Stewart, Canad. J. Phys., 168 (1957). PRESENTED: May 20, 1961, by G. V. Yurdyumov, Academician SUBMITTEDi May 18, 1961 Card 3/3 Ljr-ftnIIjU*7j- I. YA. cl-el PHASE I BOOK WLPIJOITATION SOV/6176 Konoboyevskiy, S. T:, Corresponding Member, Academy tf Sciences USSR, Reap. Ld. Deystviye vaderi3.vkh izluoheniv na materialy (The Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Vaterials). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1952. 383 P. Errata slip inserted. 4000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye tekhni- cheskikh nauk; Otdoicniye fielko-matematloheakikh nauk. Reap. Ed.: S. T. Konobeyevskly; Deputy Reap. Zd..: S. A. Adasinakiy; Editorial Boarda P. L. Gruzin G. V. Kurdyumovi B. X. Levitakiy, V. S. Lyashenko (Dpc9asedI,.Yu. A. Nartynyuk, Yu. 1. Pokrovskiy, and N. F. PravdyUk; Rd. of Publishing Houset X. 0. Makarenkoi Tech. Bdat T. V. Polyikova end 1. N. DorokhIna. ICard 1/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOV/6176 PURPOSE: This book is intended for personnel concerned with nuclear materlals. COVERAGE: This is a collection of papers presented tit the Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials, held December 6-10, 1960. The material reflects certain trends in the work being conducted in the Soviet scientific research orginization. Some of the papers are devoted to the experimental study of the effect of neutron irradiation on reactor materials (steel, ferrous alloys, molybdenum, avialgraphite, and n1ohromes). Others deal with the theory of neutron Irradiation effects (physico- chemical transformations, relaxation of Internal stresties, Internal friction) and changes In the structure and proper-~ ties of various crystals. Special attention in given to the effect of intense Y-radiation on the electrical, magnetic, and optical propertl*a or meta2m, dieleatrios, and semicondue,ors. Card 2/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOV/6176 Andronikashvili, E. L., N.,G. Politov, and M. Sh. Getiya. Effect-of Irradiation in a Reactor on Structure and Hardness of A-11-cali-Halide Crystals 277 The Irrediation was the IRT-2000 Reactor at the Physics Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Orlov, A. X. Use of' Electronic Computers for Calculating Radiation Disturbances in Metals 288 rD-eikh~tvar. I a-, and_ A,M.--Shalayyew~ Change in Physical Propi~~r~ ~e-,~F-Ferromagnetib Metals and Alloys Caused by y -Radiation 294 ,Pe7j-tsr1k1gn, S. D._ (AQ..,-easejd, end N. P.--Plotnikova. Effect of Y-Irradiitroh-'on Pi-odesses of Ordering and Disordering in Fe-Al Alloys K9,nozenko I.._D., V.---I. Ustl-yanov, and A. P. Ga.lushka. f:eo-nd-U-M-vi~Y--of Cadn-diii-N16-ni&e 306 308 Ca~pd 11/~'-; DEKHTYAR, I.Ya,,~ LEVINA, D.A., MIKHALENKOV, V.S. Effect of compression from all sides on the magnetization satura- tion of iron-nickel alloys. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz, AN URSR no..14:37-45 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Iron-nickal alloys-Testing) (Magnetization) S,,'601/62/000/015/003/010 AOOVA127 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.Ya., Mikhalenkov, V.S., Fedchenko, R.G. TITLE: Rating of the interatomic action in-ferrochromium alloys at high temperatures SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyl RSR. Instytut rretalofyzyky.. Sbornik nauchnykh rabot. no. 0. Kiev. 1962. Voprcsy fiziki metallov i metallovedeniya, li7 -'122 TEXT; The authors investigated the paramagnetic sunceptibility vs tempera- ture curve of ferrochromium alloys containing 12.4,24.5, 33.6 and 41.6 atomic % Cr., respectively. The alloys were smelted in an induction-type vacuum furnace. The ingots were homogenized for 50 hours at 1,200 C, and *then forged and drawn to 2 mm in diameter with subsequent 3-bour annealing at 900 t" to relieve the drawing stresses; The paranuignetic BuseeptilAlity vs temperature curves obtained proved that the tested alloys comply with the Curie-Weiss law. A number of formulae and a table arE.1 presented. The investigation results reveal that, if in changes of the state of the solid solution, magnitude n is changed in the same direction as Card 1/2 S,/601/62/000/015/003/010 Rating of the interatomic action in A004/A127 is the case with an increase in,concentration of the second constituent, this will favor the "strengthening" of interatomic binding.' There are 3 figures and 1 table. SUBM March 10, 1961 Card 2/2 5/185/62/007/012/011/021 D234/D308 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.Ya. and PolotiLyuk, V.V. TITLE. The change of coercive force after annealing dEtformed Ni alloys with additions of cerium, praseodymium and gadolinium ' PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 12, 1962, 1324 - 1333' TEXT: The concentration of Ce, Pr, Gd was 0.1 to 0.4 % by weight. Specimens (0.8 mm in diameter) were annealed in Ar at 10000C for 2 hours, then aubjected to -torsional deform- ation up to nd/1 - 0.7, and heated to 2500 - 6700C at lo-3 mm Hg, after which the coercive force was measured. Conclusionst 1) In- crease of Ce, Pr, Gd concentrationa leads to a nearly linear in- crease of the coercive force, both after initial annealing and after deformation, with maximum variation in the case of 0.4 % admixtures (by about 15 % after deformation). 2) The-rate of variation of the coercive force is not affected by admixtures up to 0.1 % but. Card 1/2 B/185/62/007/012/011/021 The change of coercive force D234/D308 is considerably increased by larger admixtures. 5) X ray investiga- tion of the alloy with 0.4 1,9' Od showed no recrystallization below 5200C, even on prolonged annealing. At 5700C recrystallization was observed 5 minutes after the beginning of annealing. For the low- temperature stage it is calculated that 1 n (I - -ZA- 1ic/,.-\ 1i 0 max ) - - ,A, Nd(AD T/ kT )2/3 (8) and, for the hiGh-temperature stage, A H0/p, c max '(kT/f, 6max ) 1 n ( 1 + ZI-CO (19) Both relations are confirmed. There are 6 figures tknd 2 tables. ASSOCiA,rim liLatytut metalofizyky AN URSR'K~yiv (Institute of Ketal Physics AS UkrSSR, Kiev SUBMITTED: May 25, 1962 Card 2/2 S/126/62/013/002/016/oig 00 E039/El35 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.Ya., Levina, D.A., and.Mikhalenkov, V.5. TITLE: Magnetic saturation of alloys of iron and nickel at high all sided pressures PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-13, no.2, 1962, 308-310 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of high all sided pressure on the magnetic saturation of nickel and of the alloys: Ni + 23.7 at';v Mn; Fe + 36u,4 Ni; Fe + 36~0* Ni + 1~0' No; Fe + 36~~ Ni + 250 Mo; Fe + 361,'; Ni + 35; No; Fe + 36% Ni + 4~~ Mo. High pressures were generated by the change of volume on solidification inside an improved design of thick walled high pressure bomb. Magnetic saturation could be measured, by a differential inethod, to an accuracy of t 0.05%, in a field of 5000 oersted at room temperature. For all the investigated materials the magnetic saturation decreased linearly with increasing pressure over the range 1 to 10 000 atm (accuracy 1 30 atm). In the ordered alloy Ni + 23.7 at5o' Mn the change in magnetic saturation with pressure is reversible. This verifies Card 1/2 Magnetic saturation of alloys of ... s/i26/62/013/002/oi6/uiq E039/E135 ' that the degree of order is not changed over the pressure range investigated but that there is a change in the magnetic moment of the atoms on account of the decrease in distance between them at high pressures. The addition of IS Mo to Fe + 36~9 Ni approximately halved the relative change in magnetic saturation, but further additions of Mo did not essentially change this value. The thermodynamic relations associated with these changes of magnetic saturation are given and discussed. It is concluded that further work is necessary in order to obtain a satisfactory explanation of the processes occurring. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATIONi Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: April 21, 1961 Card 2/2 DEKHTYAR, I.Ya.; MIKHALEMKOV, V.S.; FEDCHENKO, R.G. Evaluating the interaction Ix)tween atoms in alloys at high temperatures. Issl.po sharopr.splav. 8:31-35 162. (MIRA 16.-6) (Heat-resistant alloys--Mtfnetic properties) .(Electrons) DEMUR, I.Ya.; MADATOVA, E.G. Behavior of defects in cry5tal structures ditring heat tr4atment. Isal.po zharopr.oplav. 806-41 162. (MIRA 166) (Metal er7stal-Defects) (knnealing of metals) _PKKUTXAks Ijae- I-LIKHALENKOV, V.S.; FEDOCHENKO, R.G. _t ftaluating the interatomic interation in in)rb-chromium alloys at high temperature. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no.15: 117-122 162. (MIRk 15:32) (Irorkrahromium. alloyi~-Thermal properties) (Crystal lattices) 5/810/62/000/000/06", V013 AUTHORS: RL-kht r, 1. Ya., 1,,Iadatova,"- E. G. TITLE: Effect of cyclic heat treatments on the volumotzic propertics of rn-j;tals and alloys. SOUPLCE; Metallovedeniye,i terinicheskaya obrabotka; materialy konlerentpii. po metallovedeniyuIi terinicheskoy o0rabotke, v g. Odet~sc v1960 g. Moscow, Metallurgiz4at, 1962, 29-34. TEXT- The paper describes an experimen-i-al investigation of the mechlziirn of elongation of a meta4lic body in ofie direction and contraction in another direqion 0 upon multiple high- temperature quenching. I'vIore specifically, the investigation comprised: (a) The effect of multiple quench QvfQ) on the volumetric -changes-'; f .0 metals, and (b) the effect of MQ on the decomposition rate (DR) of supersaturated solid solutions (SSS). Effect of MQ on volume changes: Wire spe"cimens 0.5-0.9 T~m- tr men mm diam and strip 4 mm wide and 0.1-0.2 hick were employed. Speci ~ length- 100- 150 mm. Pure (99.997a) metals, namely, Acy, Au, Pt, and alloys Of Cu F-nd Au, a brass, and cL+p brass, were tested. Quench (Q) tempordhires (T) 500- 1,0000C, For a given number of T cycles (e.g., 1,000) the empirical elongation equation, e =A e (-U/kT), appears valid (A ar-d. U are certain mar-erial- XP Card 1/3 E'ffect of cyclic heat treatments on the volumetric ... $/8,10/62/000/000/004/013 dependent constants). The macrodeformation thus obtained appears to be the M_ mation or accumulation of the microdeformations derived from each single T R~cle, v4hich may be attributable to an excess concentration of vacancies obtained after each Q and the character of their motion as a result of interaction -with dlsloc4ktions. -a It is found that the value of the constant U is indeed close, to that of the energy'~I f vacancy formation. Effect of MQ on the DR of SSS: Several Ag- and Cu-bi~sed alloys with various admixtures were prepared._Y~_otos "4nd test-data grap"is k%re shown for an Ag-Cu alloy containing 6 wt- Oj'o Cu. 'This alloy was qualitatively~ representative of others tested. A single Q produced intense grain ryrov,,th, ing of grain boundaries, and appearance of porosity. The T and time dependdr-ce oil hardness (H) is taken as a representative characteristic, and it is found that _MQ spacimens attain their H maximum upon a change in anneal T more rapidly thim a SQ specimen, even though the value of the maximum H is low(-,:r than in the SQ7 spe- cimen, a phenomenon that indicates an acceleraticr. of the decomposition (D) of the SSS and also an acceleration of the process of coagulation of the precipitating p'arti- cles of the new phase. X-ray-diffraction studies, in agreement with microstr ctural and 1-1 investigations, show that during the aging of a specirnen. the second phase appears much more rapidly in MQ specimens than in SQ specii-nens. In summary, the eifect of MQ on the volumetric changes in Ag, Au, and Pt point to the conciusion that in slender specimens MQ leads to a considerable dislocation density, attended Effect of cyclic heat treatments on the volumetric S/810/62/000/000/001k/013 by great internal stresses in the solid-solution crystals, and since the D of the solid solutions is a diffusion process, the presence of internal stresses must afford an a6celeration of the D process as observed in the present investigation. There is no detailed theory of the D of SSS on the basis of dislocation concepts at this time. Further investigations and accumulation of additional data are required to clarify the function of dislocations and other defects of the crystalline structure in the process of the D of the SSS. There are 7 figures and 2 Russian-langUZLge Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki, AN SSSR. (Listitute of Metals Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR). s/6ol/62/000/0:L6/oO7/029 E193,/E383 D. (Deceased) Dekhtyar, I.Ya. and AUTHCV S: Gortsrilcen, S Kumok, L.M. TITLE:,, A study avior of defoi;ts formed; in chromium of tile 'beh, and niobium during filing S OURC j;. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinsl1coyi RSR. Instytut metalo- fyzylcy. Sbornilc nauchnyldi rabot,. no. 16. Kiyevs 1962. Voprosy fiziki metallov i metalloved.eniya. 55 - 53 TEXT: Plastically cbformed specimens of 99.99~ pure Nb and 9 9. 90"~l pure Cr were obtained by filing with various types of filest the degree of deformation varying with the s-L:&e of the filings which vrere separated into fractions by sievi;lS. X-r.-ay diffraction 'Itnalysis was used to determine the effect of the size of the filings (i.e. the degree of deformation) on the block dimensions D the magnitude of the stresses of the second type 4-a/a and the dislocation density N in the metals studied. It was shown that with decreasing size of the particles, 1) decreased and Aa/a i~ncreasiBd. -At apal pwtic3e size the degme of def brniation ifas higher in Nb, Card 1/2 GERTSRIKEN, S.D. (deceaseij,; ECKHTYAR, I.Ya.; MM , L.M. Studying the behavior of defects occurring in chromitun and niobium during their deformation by fiUng. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst.metallofiz. AN URSR no.16:45-58 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Chromium-YAtallography) (Niobium-Metallography) s/6o3./62/'ooo/ol6/oo6/o29 :;i AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.Ya. and Shalayevt AJ4. TITLE; The effect of y-radiation on sone properties of deformed metals S OURC B: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSP. Instytu,t metalo fyzyky. Sbornik-nauchny1ch rabot. no. 16. Kiyev, 1962. Voprosy fiziki metallov i metal lov eid eniya. 48 - 54 TEXT The effect of y-radiation on the microstresses and atration gradients in Fe-Cr (8, 10, 129" Cr), Fe-2,5 at.% Al cone e 11~1~.'~:.'~ and ste The test pieces, in the e1 Y 8 (U8) specimens was studied. form of strip 30 - 35 mm I m thick, were bicomogenized ong and 0.5 u and than bent over a 60 mm radius in a suitably-shaped vice. The bending'operation was carried out at 720 -C on Fe-Cr alloys, 0 0 C, C on the Fe-Al allo- and at 850 C ork steel U8; t 620 and 1200 after bending the specimens upere hold at the temperature for 'l.- 1.5 min and then water-quenched. The radius r of the 0 vras determined, after removal from the 0, Spectmea Vic :Crom the depth of the arc curvature. The specimens, cither fr4?e or clamped -C S/6ol/6Vooo/ol6j/oo6/o2q The off oct of .... E193/H383 n a fle,t vice, wer e then bombarded with y-radiation and the resultant changes Aol In the internal micro adress es wore calou- 1 at ed. from the formula: r r EZ r r U -he halt-i;hicknoss of the wher(t E is the Young modul s, ~Z t ,'4 4.-:, pecimert and r its radius after the irradlation treatment. a For comparison, a was also determined in specimens held in a ~flat vice but.not irradiated. Typical resultii are reproduced in Fig, 1, wheEe Acr- (kg/mm ) is plotted againsi: the y-radiation, dose (YA' cin the various curves relating -to the follo-wing Fe-Al Ilo, t at 620 OC and irradiated in a flat vire;~ y specimens: 1 - ben a ~2 1) ent at 620 OC and aged in a flat- vice without irradiation; 0 bent at 620 C and irradiated without clanping; 4 - bent at 0 1"1300 C ahd irradiated in a flat vice. The following, explanation was postulated of the y-radiation-induced relaxation of internal microstresses observed in the course of the pressent, investigation. ;.~~'J:.Card 2/4 s/6ol/62/000/()16/oo6/o29 E193/E383 Th e effe.:t of .... .::Fraeacke-'L: pairs or more complex (dislocation-tyPe) defects are ormed ii.,x the metal as a result of y-radiation. These defects increased mobility at the moment of their formation and migrate to the microstress regions, annihilating defects formed the preliminary deformation and, consequently, leading to "17w~j.rlelaxation of internal stresses. 3:n general, it can be stated that' radiation reacts with metals and induces in them processes that Y tate of plead to ructure more approaching the s -the formation of.a st 13*.br:Lu e obtained during studies of tile equ3L M. Similar results wir effect of y-radiation on the coercive force of nickel wires ~j deformed in torsion; -the higher the degree of eater was tho'y .11,~:..'~:Preliminary deformation, the gr -radiation-induced :,N!~.!.;decrease in the coercive force of the test pleces. An additional, di act proof of the y-radiation-inducod increase, in the morct ir mobility of atoms was obtained in the following manger. Specimens of - c. 270/0' Xn-Ni alloy.trere vacuum-annealed tit 1: 000 C for 1 h. "Weconcezrtration gradient was formed*in the surface layer as a result N'olat:Llization of Mn. Measureivionts of the width of the (311) and (200 diffractions at half-height.of the maximum, before and C . ard 3/4 JI S/601/62/000/016/009/029 AUTHORS: Dekhtya r, Madatova, EG. TITLE: _-Urlatotnotric investigatlons.on xxickol and silver, quenc.hel&. from high, temper.4itures t metalfyzyky. POURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Xrlstytil Sbornik nauchnykh rabot, no.16. Kiev, 19152. Voprosy fiziki metallov i metallovedenlya. (13-67 3 determir.,ed b: measuring the XT: Small dimensional changesw.tre c ang tenary of the test mixterial in the 1C e in the deflection of a ca -form of a foil 0.2 to 0.3 mm thick and 120 to 150 MCI long. This of 0-5 to 10-6 enabled relative changes in volume I to be determined. The ends of 'the strip were attached-to a bar of the test material, which was either pure nickel, the foil being quenchod from 900 to 1.10DOC, or pure silver, quenched from 700 to 9000C- The foil -:-i specimens were then annealed at a low temperature which left in them o islocations, nly loops of'fix6d d The volume changes observed in the tests therefore corresponded to'the't)limination of 'The calculited density of the I these loops. o0ps was a 0. 92 x lo--15 3.13 x 10-15 and 8.47 x 10-]L5 for nickel at 900 100o and IiOO'*C respectively, the cot-responding calculated loop Card 1/2 .1'1~ I :,~, - ~ i " ., ;!~;, . 17. i~ f DEKEIYAR-, :L.Ye!.~; MADATOVA, E.G. Stud,ving the rate of remagnetization durt'ng the repeated hardening of iron-silicon alloys. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst.metallofiz'4 AN URSR no.16;68-70 162. (kRA 16:5) (Iron-silicon alloys-Hardening) (Magnetization) S/048/62/026/002/019/03~ B106/B112 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I. Ya.,- and Madatova, L, G. TITLE: Change of coercive force on tempering of hardened -,.i ke PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 2, 1962, 270-273 TEXT: The connection between magnetic (domain) end dislocation of ferromagnetics was investigated. For this purpose the authors st~ud----~ the change in coercive force H on low temperatuie tempering of pure C nickel which has been hardened by quenching from 900, 1000, 11000C. Thc- specimens were 70 mm long and 0.4 mm thick wires. After hardening were tempered at 1000C for 18 hrs. H c was measured every hour (Fig Calculation of the coercive force as depending on the time of low temperature tempering was in good agreement with the experiments According to I. Ya. Dekhtyar and E. G. Madatova ~Ref. 1: Izv. vyssh uchebr.L. zaved. Fizika, no. 1, 63 (1961)), -!.he coercive force beccm~?s practically stable after sufficiently long tempering at 1000C of high Card 1/4 S/048/62/026/002/019/032 Change of coercive force on... B-06/B112 temperature hardened nickel. This behavior occurs as soon as pract4lcajlljy all existing point defects have migrated to the periphery of the 7DrI s-"IaT.--" deformation loops and the regions of remagnetiza-,ion are growing nc lonEer, Nickel specimens in this state were subnequently tempered a, h4g, temperature (7000C) until Hc became equal to H 0. Coercive forc;e wa;-,-- measured every now and then during the tempering (Fig, 1)~ It dc-c:r-aseE; exponentially with proceeding time of tempering according to the law Hc = 110+ aHmexp(-at). The change in free energJ of the system was considered taking into account the kinetics of formation and grow,~h -~D! nucle-i of the "excess" phase. "Excess" phase ar,~ the loops of prisi.,.a-I-- dislocations which after long low temperature tempering reac- cer~,-- dimensions. The equations dr/dt - -D(T) 1 r r or] for the rate of coalescence of the dislocation lDops (Ref, 6, see 2-2 and Hc W1 c3nd1NS 1 r /L3I S for the dependance of the Card 2/4 S/0413/62/026/002/019/032 Change of coercive force on... B106/BI12 on the size of the dislocation loops (Ref. 1) were made 'he starting points, r - size of the dislocation loops, r cr - critical size at the respective temper4turp of experiment (dialocation loop with r r cr vanish loops with r,,,r or will grow)l D(T) - function depending on temperature in the same way aa the ri%to ci autodiffumion, T - tc-mperature of tempering,, density of magnetic poles on tho surface of the separation "plate", d thickness of the "Platoll (in the Can$ in question nearly equal to the vacancy diamotor dv), No - number of dialooation loops in a crystal of size L, i - MoEkn ois~ of the loopso 19 - saturation magnetization. The calculationo yiPId~d 4H max a Ar0n309 where A a o3nd c 'i !I/LIIS; nS.0 = nSexp(POI n, - 24N./dvi rc - ; exp(kt). Thia expression means that the maximum change in coercive force on tomporing is determined by the maximum radius of the loope with -,r~'Ir or and bv the initial number of Card 3/4 Change of coercive force on... S/048/62/026/002/019/032 B106/BI12 all existing flows on the loops of the prismatic Jislocations. There are 3 figures and 7 references: 2 Soviet and 5 non-S)viet. The three moot recent references to English-language publication3 read as follows: Kim-ura, H Maddin R., KuhlmanrWiledorf D., Acts, mAallurgica, 1, no. 3, 145P (1959~; Ref. 6: Silcox J. , Whelan M. J. , Phi-los. Mag, L), no. 49, 1 (1960); Johnson C. A., Philos. Mag., no. 60, 1?55 19) 60.1. Fig. 1. Dependence of coercive force of Ni on a-lowing time. Legend: (1) glowing at 1000c; (2 glowing at 700OC; (3~ hrs; (4) min. li, rec Zq R 60 SO 120 Cc Card 4/4 S/1048/62/026/1002/'020/032 B106/B104 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I. Ya., and Shalayev, A. M. TITLE: Effect of lattice defects on the displacement velocitY of the domain boundaries PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. IzveBtiya. Seriya fizichcskaya. v 26 no. 2, 1962, 273-276 TEXT: The effect of lattice defects on the rate of magnetization of pure nickel (99.99 % Ni), of an Ni-Cu alloy (30 % CU), and of an Fe-Si all"Y (4 % SO was studied. The specimens were 50 mm, long and 3 mm thick polycrystalline cylinders. As the specimens were no single crystals with simple domain structurep the authors did not obtain the velocity of displacement of the domain boundaries but only the rate of maffnetiza-.ion of the specimens which is proportional to the velocity of displaceirient, Two coils were wound around each specimen, one for magnetization cf th~~a specimen and the other for measurement of the induction appearing when the field is applied to the specimen. The curves of the currents in the coil were recorded on a film by a loop oscillograph. All spec---mens Card 1/4 S/048/6 2,10 26/00 2/0 201C,,-" Effect of lattice defects on... B11)6/B104 were e:camined after tempering or after plastic deformation by -wistuing ~r ne in two ways: after E.dioactive irradiation. The 'latter was do e--h:~- by gammas from a Co 60 preparation or in a reactor with filtra-lc- cf therma'- neutrons by a cadmium filter. The thermal neutrons calls- ~, flux -A, gamma quanta which act upon the specimen in addition to the V/ Plasti-; deformation causes dislocations in the material. Irradia~i~-,- gamma quanta causes paired Frenkell defects and c:)mDlex the fa:3t neutrons cause dislocations, Therefore, in the descr--t-d trea-m-n- of the specimens imperfections will arise which a-re a resistance migrat:-on of the domain boundaries. Fig. 1 shows the dependenc-~ magnet:-zation rate of Ni-Cu specimens on the applied f,-eld ~for d-f--:,~-rent pretreatments) , The magnetization raze was found to aecrt-,--5= w` -,n .~-, degree of plastic deformation. Similar condition3 WE'I-e als- fol--d i-., specimens of Ni and Fe-Si alloy. Fi,-;~~ 3 shows the effe---c cf :'t, tion dOSE- on the magnetization rate of Ni and Fe-3i --Iloy The magnet--zation rate can be explained 'oy the slowin,~- down of doma-r. migrataon by the defects arising on lastic deformation or irradiation~ Recovery can be explained either by radiation t) B defects with increasing radiatioi.-i dose, or by ~i ard 2/f --I S/04 62/026/002/020/032 Effect of lattice defects on... B106%104 redistri*bution of the imperfections in the material with increasing radiation dDse- There are 3 figures and 7 refe~enoes: I Soviet and 6 non-Sovieb. The three most recent references ifto Engli,-ih-language publioa-,,iona read as follows: DeBloia R. W i. Appl. Phys., 29, 459 (1958)1 Galt J. Kit Phys. Rev., 6~ 4 (1952~fj Rludboll D. S., Bean C. P.. J. Appl. Phys. , L6 5 , 11, 1318 (1~55 - Fig. 1. 9 natization rate of Ni-Cu versus field titrength. Legend: (11 deformation 0.151 (2) deformation O-3-f5 (deformations in nd/1 units; r;-number of turns on twistin 1 - length, d - diameter of spegimer.)l (5) annealed specimens; 14') C06o_gamma irradiated)epecimons (10 r~ reactor (5'lo7 r); (6 idem, d (5),s ecimens, irradisted in & 1 .5 10 'r) 1 U ~ i don# 2 - 5 - 10. T) i . ordi nate a - V, m/seo. Fig. ~. Magmatization'ra-te versus radiation dose for specimens of nickel (I - 3) an4 Fe-Si (4 7). Le end: (1), (4) H 40 oel (2)'t (6) H - 24 oe; (3), (7) H = 20 oe; M H - 30 oe. Ordinates - V, m/esel abscissas - radiation dose, r. Card 3/020/(52/144/004/012/024 B125/B'108 AUT111013: Dekhtyar, 1. Ya., and Levina, D. A. TITLE- Th2 influence of pressure on the atomi,. magnetic moments and th-a parameter of exchange interaction in some iron alloys PIM I OD I CAL: Akadcmiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no, 4, 1c)62, 770-773 TEXT: In order to avoid the experimental difficulties of directly in- vestiCat-LnC the influenice of I;ressure upon the atomic magnetic moments and upon the exchanve interaction in some iron alloys the authors examined the. temperatare dependence Is - 1 0(1 - f(T/9)) (1) of -nagnetic saturation. I'd th ~ I I s /0 p- -'4j/')H9 (1) leads to the equation H .. Is (~m0/m0~p) - T(QI8/9T)(9K/Np) vaii,d in the range of para- processes. 10is the magnetic saturation at 0 OK, 9 - z~/2k is the Curie temperature, z ia the coordination number, K is the parameter of exchange interaction, Q)i;3 the vol"e magnetostriction. Measurement of the mag- Card 1/3 S/020/62/144/004/012/024 The influence of pressure ... B125/B108 netostriction of the paraprocess at two different temperatures makes it possible to deterrrine::9m 0 /M0Op and 'J!/Dp. cjof for,~ed and annealed samp- lea of Fe + 31j'4' Ni was measured. It increases linearly with incre-asing field strength; calculation with measured data gave (,)1 8/~T ) 2 98 0 K - -5-55 oe/deg and ("?I /~)T) 8.72 oe/deg. ?ig. 2 shows the s 3470K ' - 4 dependence of -)mol/m 01~p and -91/~4 on the nickel concentration. The crosses mark the experimental points found by measuring the atomic moments at low tetnneratiimi. ")m I /m Vp has a maximum at -306 Ni. For p = jo4 atT~ 0 0 the relative variation 4~/K - (1 + (1/-q)),6 M-Im alloy of the s-d exchange interaction parameter amounts to respectively 0.17; 0.35; 0.171 and 0.04 for 31; 34.7;.38;ard 440 ~o of Ni in the alloyi ~ is the space factors filaeni4iq f4pp;RO oilangprq �40~~.Ty with P4QfigtPg a tom Ac magnetic moments and the paraiiieter of exchange interaction of ,artially ordered alloys are less influenced by presz~ure than in the case of non-ordered alloys. There are 2 figures and 1 table. L.ard 2/3 The influence of preEsure ... S/020/(;2/144/004/012/024 B125/B108 ASISOCIATIO'N't Institut metallofiziki Akadcmii nauk. USA (Institute of Motal 11bysics of the Academy of Sciences Uki,SSR) PIIES~-,,NTED - January 11, 1962, by G. V. Kurdyumov, hcademician SUB*.,V,ITTED % January 2, 1962 CN f/dum Fig. 2. Card 3/3 qs QC3 kao;p -t-i- ,rd,-O I X. 1 0 F;--CF- -t--, j0 JZ -74 JS 38 40 4Z- HI -- 3 I 3/020/62/147/006/014/034 B1.04JB160 AUTHORS: Dekh~tyarj__~~. Ys~~, Litovchenko, S. G., Mikhalenkov, V. S. TITLE: Positron-alectron annihilation in ordering alloys PERIODICAL: Akade miya nauk SSSR. Dokladyj v. 147P no. 6, 19620 1332-1335 TEXT: laethocLs developed in recent years are here used for the first time to study the. variation in the',*maximuin mome'nta 'p. of conduction electrons on the ordering of the alloys Ni Mn, Cu Au and CuAu. The alloys differ 3 3 both structurally, and in the elastic stresse's of the lattice, which are due to the different atom'. c dimensions. For ordered-etate CuAu p is -3 m 8.0-10 me, for disordered, 8.9-10 me. Similar results were abtained with Ni Mn, but with Cu Au there is no difference in p M for the ordered or 3 disordered states. N(p) the momentum distribution-of conduction electrons in the Brillouin zone is plotted from the angular dependence of the annihilation photons according to A. T. Stewart (Can. J. Phys., 35, 16a (1957)) (Fig. 2). The change,in N(p) on ordering primarily indicates Card 1/2 S/020J62/147/006/014/034 Positron-.electron annihilatW ... B104/B18O ergy levels on formation of the energy gap AE compression of the en (separation of the Brillouin zone into two halvis). Further, as ~-he total number of occupied en6rgy levels remains constant, N (p) ar,:st be max larger for the ordered than the disordered state. The variation in the mean kinetic energy of electrons due to change in the degree of long- range order is investiSated in a manner similar to that employed by H. Jones (Proc. Phys. Soc.,149, 243 (1937)) for the variation in Fermi energy on the a- and P-phase) stabilization of brass. It is found that PM diminishes on ordering. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki Akademii nauk USSR (institute of Physics of Metals of the Academy bf Sciences UkrSSR) PRESENTED: June 8, 1962,,~y G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 4, 1962.,- a IE 16 E F:*L'g2 I AE Card 2/2 N_ BZMTrARP I* LITOVCMMDP S. G.; MIIHALVMOV, V. S. ItUctron-positron annihil&tion'in ordorod alloys. Dok3,. AN SSM 3.47 no.6:1332-11135 D 162, OURA 16: 1) 2. Tmotitut metanofiniki AN UkrW* Predstayleno akademikois G. V. Kwtyuwvyz. (Copper-told alloys) (Nickpl-mMawse anoym) (32metrons) SjS1O/62/C,00/0o01009AO13 -AUTHORS: Dckhtvarj 1. Ya., Shalal~ov, A. M. TITLE: Effect of -y-radiatiqn on the relaxation of internal stresses in iron-. based alloys. :~.SOURCE: Metallo,~Iedeniye i termiaheskaya obrabotka-, -~aterialy konferentsij P'o metal.lovedeni~u i termicheskoy obrabotke, s6st. v g. Odesse v 191~0 g. MOSCDIM~, Metallurgizdat,~1962, 240-245. TEXT: The paper reports the retiults of an expexirnc;ntal investigation which extends concepts develop;d. in antecedent literature, including Thompson, D., j -Z78, regarding chang' ~Iome s, D., J. Phys. Chern. Solids, v. 1, no. 1, 1957, 275 0 in physical prope rties of rnetals unde:.7 y - radiation, for example, increase in Young modulus (1\41E) and the coercive. force. The present investigation studie6 the -eases (M) in plastically deformed specimens undcr relaxation (R) of tnternal sti y -quantum radiation. Specimens of :Fe-Al (25% at - Al), Fe-Cr (8, 10, and I 20,'o G r), and steel .. 8 (US) were tested. Ecuillbrium structure in Fe-Cr specimens was attained by a 50-hr anneal at Is 1700C. Strip 30-35 mm. long, 0.3 mm -thick, was. bent to a 60-mm radius at high temperature. The Fe-Cr specimens were thus bent at 7200, those of Fe-Al at 020 and l,ZDO 0i and those of steel US at 8500, and were Card 1/3 Effect of y-radiation on the relaxation of ... S/810/62/000/000/0091013 then cooled in water. The holding timt-,s were reduced to a mihimur-- i to avoid any noticeable recrysta.llization. Upon bending and subsequent quench (Q) a certain -rer,ce stressed state remains fixed. The stress relaxation was observed with refe to the change bending defl.ection and was measured with a comparator accurate to 10 4. A CO%O iource with an activity of 140 curie provided the radiation, Flux through the specimen: 1.5 - 1011 -Y /CmZ. sec. The results are tabulated. It was assumed, for the Fuzposes of the present investigation, that the ME does not vary under, y -radiation (contrary to existing evidence). Fe-Al alloy specimens bent at 6200 with subsequent water cooling wexe clamped in a flat vise, and some of the specimens were exposed to 'Y -radiation at 200C. Both specimen batches under- went relaxation, but the tests showed that the Y -irradiated specimens experienced a greater degree of IS relaxation and tlie rate of IS -_-~Aaxation was greater (graph). It is hypothesized tha.t the defects produced by the -y -radiation have sufficient mobility to migrate to points at which stresses exist and to annihilate with defects arising during the plastic deformation and Q. Such a mechanism would. explain the 1S relaxation accon:~plished by the y-radiation. Assuming that for the materials tested, the effective scattering cross-s6ction for *Y -quanta is approdunately equal 2 to '0.5 .10-24 cmZ and the maximum. Y-quanta flux equal!j 5.4 .1016 1 1-m , then the number of displacements per unit volume will appro.,d.mate 2.3 .1015 cm-3. card,-. 213 Effect of -y -radiation on the relaxatizn of ... S/810162/000/000/00~../013 This number of d41splacernents formed corresponds to a specified of chan,,e -ing with a metal will initiate in it Thus, it is concluded that radiation interact 'ss- relaxation processes and that, since the number of defects formed increases steaDly with the energy oi the -y -quanta, the effect of -y -1padiation in IS rela-.~,~:tion will also increase in intensity. Th-are are 3 fi,-,ures, 1 table, and 4 referenres (3 Russian-language Soviet and the 1 English-language U9 reference cited in Ae to xt). ASSOCIATION: Institut rnetallofiziki,~ AN USSR (Institute of Metals Physics, AS LrkXSSR)" Card 3/3 DEKHTYAR, I.Ya.; MADATOU, E.G. Changes in the coercive J'Orce during highm-temperature anwaling of hardening nickel. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN UMR no-151 123-1.30 162. (MM& 15:12) (Nicks-1-Magnetic properties) (Metals, Effect of temperature on) DUBININ, Aleksundr Dmitriyevich; DICKHTYAR . doktor fiziko- I -L-YA'. matem,, nauk., Prof., retain-ze-n-f-,-PONMO, B.F., doktor nz.- matem. nauk., prof., red.; SINGOYEVSKIY, K.V., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. [Theory of the energy friation and wear of machine parts] Energatika trenlia i izno3a detalei mashin. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 135 P. (MIRA 16-5) (Friction) (Mechanical wear) FRANTSEVICH, Dmn Nikitich, doktor khim. nauk; VOYTOVICH, Raisa Yominichna., kand. khim. nauk; LAVIENKO, Vladimir Alekseyevich, kand. khim. nauk; 1"941"1 1 -prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; CHUMACHENK0, T.I., rec..Izct-va; EEREZOVYY, V.N., tekhn. red. [High temperature oxidation of metals and alloys] Vysokotempera- turnoe okislenie metallov i splavov. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo tekhn. lit- ry USSR, 1963. 321 p, (MIRA 16:9) (Oxidation) (Metalfi at high temperatures) AM4017096 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Gerteriken, So Do; Pjkht=s,_jq_X!* I Krivoglaz., Me A.j larikovp Le Nol ;,F*sako Le 1,; Nesterenko, Yee Go; Worikovs No No ; SosnInaj re, I&I Slyusar, Be r,y Tikhonow, Lo Vol Trefilov, 1'o 1*1 Chuistov., K. V. Physical bases of the strength and ductility of metals (Fizicheskiye oenov" prochnosti i plastichnosti metallov) Moscow, Yetallurgizdat,, 1963. 321 p. illus.,, bilblio. Errata alip inserted. 4250 copies printed, Editor of the publishing house-. Te, No Be.,,*lln;. Technical editort Le V, Dobuthinalwa; Bindez7 artist: Yu. Me Vashchanko TOPIC TAGS: strength of metals, ducttlity,, crystal lattice,, dislocations,, metal failure,, strain hardening,. oolld solution,, microstreas,, lattice defect., plastic strain, relazatlon,, po3.ygonIzation,, recryetallization,, grain growth . PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This conection of articles-is intended for scientific personnel and for engificera ard metals phyaiclatel it s.lao may be useful to stu.. dents at metallurgical and wthine-building vuzes. The results of study of crystal-lattice imperfections and the dislocation theory of metal failars are Card 113 A)14017086 presented, Contemporary cimcePts of the nature and mechanism of different wak- ening processes In metals are expounded, P-s well as present-day thinking concec.- ning the effect of impuritlea on the kinetics of the veakening processes. The articles in this collection are principally the original results of research performed in recent years at the Institut Notallofiziki AN USSR. TABIS CF CCNTRNTS: Foreword 4 See Ie Cry3tal-lattice loperfectlors lo Crystal-lattic6 defecte; (L. V. TDhonaw) 2. ImperPections in crystia stracturc and strain hardening In the case of th* dissociation of solid solutions (Yes X, Nestersnko,, No Vo Chuistor) 48 Behavior of defects in the crystal structure in metuile during heat treatment and their effect on pll%ysical propertles (I. YA, Dekhtyar) 71 See. 11. Methods of inywitigating crystal-lattice impirfections 1. Bases of the theory of the radiographic method of t2vestigrating crystal defects M A. Kriiroglaz) 100 Card 2/3 AM4017086 2, Determining the disorfentation and dimensions of blocks (greater than 10-4 cm) (Y.. 1. SwIna) . . :L29 3. D6tormination of alas-tic distortions (or microatresses) and dimensions of, disperse blocks (L,' le Ly*sak) - - 153 4, Mar methods of studying lattice defects (S. 1. Oarteriken,, N. N. Nvvikov# B. F. Slyusar) - - 171 Sac. IIL Plastic strain and the failure of metals 1. Plartic; strain and the failure of metals M~ 1. Trefilov) 190 Sao. 11F. Weakening of vistals 1, Relaxation# polygonication,, recrystallization,, and grain growth (L. X. Larikov) 2.55 SUB CODEz IiL,, A? CTHZRz 463 card 3/3 SUUM70: 23Au&63 DATE ACQt 17J&n64 R M7 SOV: 253 DEUTYAR,.I.Ya.; LITOVCHENKO, S.G.; MIKHALENKOV, V.S. Annihilation of positrons and electron-, -n iron-silicon alloys. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no.17:50-54 t63. (MIRA 17:3) DEKHTYAR, I.Ya.; POLOTNYUK, V.V. Changes in the coercive force during the ayuie&ling of a ferro- magnetia material. Sbors nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no.17:55-59 163. (MIRA 17:3) DEKifiIAA, 1,,Ya.; U'VINA, D.A. AI effect in plastic deformations of ferromagnetics. Fiz. tver tefli 5 no.9t2719-2722 S 163. (MIRA 16-10) 1. Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. DEKHITYA:~ I.Ya.; 1,11KIIALMOV, V.S. Effect of defects of the crystal latLiCe 011 the susceptibility of paramagnetic metals. Fiz. tver. tela 5 iio.10:2997-3002 0 163. (PaIU 16:11) 1. Institut inetallofiziki AN UkrqSR, Kiyev. DEKHTYAR. I.Ya.; POLOTNYUK, V.V. in the density of dislocations during, the annealing of a deforrxid metal. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.6s92q-q:i'I D 163. (KRA 17:2) 1. Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR. AT4042830 8/2601/G4/000/018/0026/0031 ACCESSION NR: AUTHOR: Dekhtyar, I.YajDoctor of tecbnical sciences); dmUyev, A. M. TITLE: hicrease of atomic mobility in alloys as a rcisult of gamma irradiation SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut metallofiziki. Sbornik nauchr,,y*kli rabot, no. 18, 1964. Voprosy* fiziki metallov I metallo-jedeniya (Problems In the physics of metals and physical inetallurgy), 26-31 rOPIC TAGS: atomic mobility, nickel manganese alloy, alloy electrical resistance, manganese concentration gradient, gamma irradiation, radiation dosage effect, alloy conductivity, Gamma ray ABSTRACT: Samples (100x Ix 0.035mm) of a Ni alloy conWningMn (10 at.%) were annealed I hr. at 1000C (td produce a Mn concentration gradient on the sam le surface by high temperature,vacuum eva ration) and irradiated (C660 source, 5. 9- 10N sec!-]L) in doses of 1. 08. 104 or 2.44* 10tocurieAgat a rate of 3. 23- 10-2, curieft- sec. Electrical resistance was measured (temperature constant to + 0. 02C, measurement error + 0. 05%) ACCE&SION NR: AT4042830 to verif, the assumption that changes in the physical properties of Irradiated non- equilibrium systems are related in part to an Increase in atomic mobility. The results obtained (0. 4731, 0.4743 and 0. 4750 - all +2. 10- 10-4 - oluns for the Initial state, small and large radiation dose, respectively) indicate an. almost lineax increase in resistivity with dosage. Samples without a concentration gradient did not exhibit a similar variation in electrical resistance when irradiated. Analysis indicates that the net effect; of an in_ crease in atomic mobility during irradiation and the formatlon of an excess del"ect con- centration Is equivalent to an effective increase in temperature. Orig. art. has: 14 equa- tions and I graph. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofLziki AN UkrSSR (Metallophysics Institute, AN UkrSSR) ENCL: 00 suBmrrTED: 18Mar63 SUB CODE: MM, NP NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 004 2/2 DEKHTYAR, 1,Yaj; POMMK, V.V. ---I-- I Ghanos of dislooation denBity during the annealing of deformed metal. Sbor. nauoh. rab. Inst. inietallofiz. AR 'URSR no.18&32-34 t64 Changes in the rate of magnetie polatiry rev(wsal in nickel during annealing follow-Ing deformation and hardening. 1bid,,1 206-211 DEKHTYAR, I.Ya.; LEVIVA, D.A. Erfect of plastic deformation m the magnetization saturatian of ferromagnetic materials. SbOr. Tlauch. rab. Inst. metallofix. AN URSR no.lgtIS9-197 t64 -0- - "' ~ '?.L . _A ~lr; -. . !.Io I 4 I , ft .N, !,_L i i .'ACCESSICH XR: AP4041147 $/002D/64/156j'W4/0795/0798 AUMOR: Levina, D. A. Mikhalerikov, V. S. ; Kurdyumov, G. V. (Academician) TITLE,. Annihilation of positrca and eject:nxw in plastica1V dafonmA apectra 8OURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 156, no. 4., :L964, 795-798 TOPIC TAGS: electron. positron anaihilatia-a tipectra., plasUcally deformed nickel iron all y, electroa energy distributloa ABSTRACT:* The authors used the method of electron-positron annihilation. in metals for the study of the effect of plastic., deformation on electxvnic, qPruq"j since the annihilation spectra gives iaforw~vlon a))out the energy distribution of electrons in metals, The atudy was conducted on nickel mi iroa-nickel alloy of invar c=positioa because tbe physical prqpertiez of there mettas axe. determined by the interaction and distribution of d- aad a-electxons,, and because the contri- bution of d-electrons to the aunibilatioa spectra is considerable. The method, was described by tha authors earlier (Vop~~osy* f.Lz. met. L metallowdp no. 12y 46 (1961)). The positron source vas Na?2,' The specimen vare deformed 'by rolling to about 75% WA were annealed in argon at 9500 Tor 3 hmus. The ang%~Lar distribution' Card .1/2 !ACCESSION NR: AP40412.47 of gamma-rays was measured with e. sciatillatiou countixr. In, the region of maxim=, the annibilatioa xudiation. vas Uager 'for dei"ormed. specimea than for the annealed ones. The results am qualitatively interpreted in terms of the influence of the rerlistributioa of a- and d-elect=tv in the distortecl regions, of the crystals around dislocatione,* and a subsequeat redist:e"bution of electronic momenta. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. ASSOC=ON: Institut zetallorizikI...Akadcalt auk TYLIM. (Institute of Pbyzics !of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUB~IITTED: 13Jaa& ENCL: 00 SUB 00DR: NP':'MM NO w SOV:' 005 OUZU: C03 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4010697 8/2601/63/009/017/0132/0137 AUTHOR: Cortariken, S.D. (Deceased); Dakhtyal,-, 1. Ta.; lumck, L, K.; PLlipenko,. V,Vo; Khazanov, MoSe TITIX: A study of the processes of diffusion and oxidation in the alloy ZhS-.6k under conditions of cyclic host treatment SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Insty*tut notalofixy*ky*,. Sbornik nauvhny*kh trudov, =99- 17, 1963. Voprosy* f isiki metallov i metallooradeniya, 132-137 TOPIC TAGS: thermal fatigue, heat treatment, flaw formation, chromium diffusion, nickel diffusion, volatilization, concentration gradient, oxidation, alloy ZhS-6k, cyclic heat treatment, radioactive isotope, diffusion ABSTRACT: The number of cycles of heating and cooling before the appearance of cracks is usually taken as a measure of thermal fatigue. Mter studying the dynamics of the appearance of cracks using the roentgenographic (X-ray) method, V.I. Arkhirov noted that it is preceded by tba-development of block structure and the bending and buckling of blockse One met assume t1wat diffusion with high temperature conditions and cyclic stresses plays an fiRportant, if,not decisive, role.. Diffusion and cyclic stressos, lead to the separation of a Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4010697 second phase (carbides and intermetalloids) into a finely-dispersed state, and in addition, to the redistribution of elements between the body of the grain and the border zones; thus, these two processes do have a substantial influence on the durability of materials. As a rule, cyclic beat treatment has a nega- tive effect on the mechanical characteristics of materials: with an increase in cycles, durability decreases. The diffusion of Cr and Ni in the alloy ZhS-6k was investigated by vaporization Irk a vacuum and by radioactive isotopes* If one of the components of an alloy has a comparatively-high vapor tension, it will be easily vaporized when heated In a vacuum. As aresult of this vapori- zation, a gradient of concentration will form in the alloy, and this component will evaporate from the surface to the extent that the vubstance airives at the surface by means of diffusion. Measuring the quantity of evaporatdd substance, it is possible to determine the coefficient of diffusion of the component with high vapor tension* Calculations of this coefficient inkre made according to the formulas given by GrinberS &9A later made more proiAse, and tabulated by Hersriaken and his associates* rat instance, knovLng dm percentage of Cr in an allay it'kis possible to 4stermim Its absolpts, valSht in a giveit samplew.. The thangs in the vaight of the sample during beat timuLtments results, CWd ACCEIESION NR# AT4010697 it is assumed, from the evaporation Of the volatile element Chromium.* There-. fore, it in possible to determine the coefficients of diffusion of Cr at various temperatures$ In this particular came, the coefficients of diffusion were obtained for 5 temperature points between 1273 and 1423K, To determine the energy of activation of the process of diffusion of the alloy under inves- tigation, the dependence of the coefficient of diffusion on temperature was utilized. High values of the energy of activation of diffusion of the alloy under investigation and Its comparatively low coefficients of diffusion showed that this alloy to a considerable degree resists softening at high tesperatureso Diffusional annealing of the samples was carried mit in a quartz tube pumped out, filled with Argon anti placed in an electric' furnace. The oxidation of the alloy ZhS-6k at constant temperature was investigated. A special instal- lation which permits weighing samples vithout taking them out of the furnace was developed to investigate the alloy for isothei7mic oxidation. Hence, continuous annealing and continuous observation of changes in weight due to oxidation was assured* Table I of the Enclosure shows the time-tempertture- weight interrelation for three teisperature points. The curves are in accor- dance with the law of parabolic oxidation. In contrast to the results-of continuous heating, a decrease in tba; weight of samples dependent on the time of treatment- to.ok place In coiWitionsi of cycAlc beat treatment. The weight Card 3/5 ACCESSION MR: AT4010697 decreased because of the breaking away of oxides at the moment of a sharp change in temperature. Comparison of results obtained from our alloy with the data about oxidation obtained from Nichrome (Ni-Cr-Fe alloy) showed that at 1373K the speed of oxidation of ZhS-61. is approximately 1.5 times less than that o;~ Nichrome under similar conditiono, OTIge art. has.- 3 formulas, 4 figurea, and 2 tables* ASSOGULTION: Insty*tut metalofizy*ky*, AN UVj.,RSR (Institute of Metallurgical Physics AN UKrRSR) SUM=EDi 00 DATE AOQ6. Was% ENCL* 01 WD REP SQVi 004 OTHER: 000 SUB CODE: MM 415