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137-58-6-13095 'Diffusion and Interatomic (cont.) varies with the composition and proportionally to the number of borid-form- ing electrons (per aton-i'l. The value of E is correlated with the behavior of the X-ray K-absorption spectra of Go and Cr in alloys. The K-side of Co moves toward greater energy xvith an increase in Cr content. This corre- sponds to an increase in interatomic coliesion. energy. E of Go in these al- loys increases simultaneously. During the melting of metals with incomplete d-shells, filling of d-vacancies of the corresponding atorns of the alloy com- ponents takes place, and this results in a short-wave displacement of K- sides of both components. The problem of the determination of the state of atoms in alloys of Fe-Cr, Co-Cr, and Fe-Ni groups on the basis of the rnag- netically unordered scattering of neutrc-ns by a ferroinagnetic alloy is inves- tigated in detail. These data permit the cleterminatio-I of the magnetic atomic moments for various components of an alloy and indi( ate a filling of d-vac- ant states of either kind of atorn-s during an increase of Cr concentration in Fe-Cr and Co-Cr alloys. Given corresponding assumptions, the two methods produCE' concurrent results. 1. D. 1. MetaLs--Diffusion 2. Metals--Adhesion :3, MetalE-Structural analysis Card 2/2 SoNr/137-58-7- 15592 Trans"'ation f rom- Referativnyy zhurnEil, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 239 (USSR) AUTHORS: Q"kjjyar,,.L., Shalayev, A.M. TITLE: Influence of Defects of Crystalline Structure on the Decomposition and the Ordering of Solid Solutions of Cobalt and Iron (Vlivaniye defektov kristall.icheskogo stroyeniya na raspad i uporyadocheniVe tverdykh rastvorov kobal'ta i zheleza) PERIODIC,A.,L: Sb. nauchn. rabot In-ta metalloiiz. AN Ukr SSR, 1957. Nr S. pp 91-100 ABSTRACT- The effect of supersaturation of the lattice with vacancies produced by high temperat~ire tempering on the rate of' deconi - position or the ordering during annealing was investigated. For this purpose, the longitudinal magnetoresistance (in a field -2000 oersted) was measured for the alloys Go with 10 atom % Al and Fe with 30 atom 07o Al, quenched at 1100, 1200, and 1300 0C, in the process of annealing at different temperatures. The slope of the primary sections of curves of the relationship of A R/R to time of annealing (R is the resistivity) was taken as a criterion of the speed of the reaction. For the rate of Card 1/3 decomposition V of the solid solution in the initial stage the SOV/137-58-7-15592 of Defects of Crystalline Structure (cont. ) expression V(Q = B(Dt) 3/Z was adopted, where D is the coefficient of dif- fusion and t is the time. From the relationship D = " cDb, where c is the concentration of vacancies, aDb is their coefficient: of diffusion, the follow- ing expression was obtained for the energies of activation of the formation of vacancies E. and the motion of the vacancies Es: Es - E() =. 2/3 R ( d log V/d (I /Tquench)] -ranneal= const 'and Es = 2/3 R [ d log V/d(I/Tanneal )I Tquench=const. -Yor the rate of the ordering process the following relationship was adopted: Nr ord= VO exp (-a)RT, where Vo does not depend on T. From this, the follow- ing expressions were deduced for E 0 and Es: EO=R [ d(log Vord)/d(I/Tquench)] T-Anneal= const. ES=R [ d(log Vord)/d(l /T anneal)) Tquench=const. For the alloy Cc + 10 atom O/o Al the equations: Card 2/3 SOV/1 37-- 58-7- 15592 Influence of Defects of Crystalline Structure (Cont. I E0 Z: 20. 2 kcal/g- "Itom T.,jjjjjejl:- 4000C) an,3 Es ~ 21 1,cal/g-atom(T uenchl- 1100 0); for the alloy Fei 30 atom'~oAll Eo ~ 14. 7 kcai/g-atom(T anneaC 3_50 and 11). 1 kcal/g-atorn(.1' 11000), The assumption is made that in the E3 quench alloy of Co with Al, quenching aids the group, ing of cavities in pairs I'due to tile low E s in this case); it is possible that a qaickening effect on the ri:~'usicr is exerted by the stresses developed in the process of decomposit;o-i. The con-, clusion is made that the defects of crystall:ne structure halye a considerable effect on the speed of phase trans f ormati orS. 1. Vleta1s--Cl_~YstaI sl,nu~e7uure 2. Metais--T_rarsforaatic.PS 3. Meia-_Z~ --Eleet:ron transitionc D. B. Card 3/3 SOV/ 137-58-8-17587 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurna'., Idetallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 197 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gertsriken, S.D., Dekhtyar, I.Ya., Kumok, L.M., Madatova, E.G. TITLE: Determination of the Diffusion Parameters in a Mixture of Two Phases (Opredeleniye parametrov diffuzii v smesi (1vukh faz) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot In-tit metallofiz. AN UkrSSR, 1957, Nr 8, pp 105-108 ABSTRACT: The relationship between the effective coefficients of dif- fusion in an alloy D ef and the coefficients in each separate phase DG and D,3 is exarnined, also the relationship between the analogous effective energies of the activation of diffusion E,f , E, , and 93 . The calculation is conducted on the basis of a method in which the utilization of radioactive isotopes affords a determination of D from the diffusion currents. s a result the following formulae are obtained: D DCCL ane ef ~ a' Eef= c0, E,.+ cp where c and c13 are the concenlions of the phases in the alloy. The formulae obtained are verified Card 1/2 on the example of known data on self-diffusion of Zn(RZhKhim, SOV/ 137- 58- 8-17587 Determination of the Diffusion Paramerers in a RIfIXtUrV of Two Phasc~s Nr 1, abstract 188) parallel and perpendicularly to the ( axis by the appli- cation to the case of diffusion in polyc rystallint,. 7n, in v.-hi.Ai th12 presence of fine crystals of the different phases "phase ",sv is assumed. A good concurrence with experimental data is o:j"11 1. D. 1. Alloys--- Diffusion 2. Alloys--Yhase 3. %athematics Card Z/Z K t 0~ '_M , ,--,,. -x MR, !t r d'W b I C 4 c A j 3 34 R ~ ~Oi J, F1 "fi I l 34 tstN I i - . , i ~4 - , "T m, t 4 A 4 1"be il'tlf -11 f Pic:] t~ 1- ' i aljvys~ lb 111 k~a Ind at :I fou- flon b1 6ajnIin.'. -.Tbti di mill hbu bebb6h~~ t Irvin the flis. -PLIIetun-=t~d th e X A V Ptlge 4i( a mu I in an crde W biorpth as c~f~ iia 6 -metal i -bats: f:~r Ni$?4n wdt~td by*-- v. i b-4LG* for -Ito: bts. tam I SIDIV Z06-i- DIM dMi At,4 A `QIn agree 41 --ttrt 411 Abh I no. C~ 3 e) w- Wilt -men. o frum, ., ellancUL-U, fij t~,p jnl"lct;~v rif _# stid d 4t tict"it 6.4 147, -ki. c 0,,14,, Imt 0.;% Ttr. q 41 LL t:c T AUTHORs DEKHTYAR,I.Ya. 53-2-3/9 TITLEt _D_e_f_e_o_ts__I_n7IWe- Crystal Structure and Some Properti-s o.-I hletala and Alloys. (Dafekty kristallicheakogo stroyeniya '_ ricko- tDryye avoystva metalloir i f3plavov, Russian) PERIODICALt Uspekhi Piz. Nauk, 1957, Vol 62, '.'Tr 2, pp 99 - 128 (U.5.31R.) ABSTRACT3 The investigation of a number of properties of metals and alloys showed that one and the same defects of the atomic type exercise influence on such processes as diffusion, electric conductivity, plastic deformation, etc. Defects of the atomic type' are local displacements of atoms in the lattice etc., which occur mainly on the occasion of the crystallization of liquid metals, cold- and warm treatment, or by the action of high-energy corPU8cular radi- ation. Material was collected from 78 publications and the following chapters deal with defects in crystal structures 1~ Types of atomic deviations andtheir properties. 2 Methods for the determination of the density of defects in crystal structure. 3) "he iafluence exercised by defects in crystal structure on the ebatric resistance of metals and alloys, in which con- nection~the following subdivision is madet Card 1/2 53- 2-3/9 Defects in the Crystal Structure and -come Properties of' Metals and Allovr, a) Influence exercised by thermal treatment (Ca, brass, aluminum, bronze, Cu Au). b) Influence exercisL by defects caused by deformation (brass, Al, Cu, Au, Fe, and 13 different alloys). c) Part played by defects in crystal structure in con- nection with the aging of metals. 4) Defects in crystal structuke and the diffusion in metals and alloys with the follorinj; subdivisions% a) mechanism of diffusion and Kirkendal effect b) influence exercised by the shifting of the crystal lattice upon the diffusion process ASSOCIATION3 Not gilren PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 212 0 .1 1 sov/137-59-4-8372 Translation from: ReferativiVy zhurnal, Metallurgiya., 1959, Nr 4, p 148 (USSR) AUTHORSs Gertsriken, S.D.,-.De L.M., Madatova, E.G. TITLE: Investigation Into Cobalt-lifftsig in Multi-Component Alloys of the Ferrite and Ferrite-Austenite Type PERIODICAL- V ob.-. Metallurgiya I metallovedenlys, Ploscow, AS USSR, 1958, pp 253-258 ABSTRACT% The authors investigated diffusion of Cc 60 in alloys eontaining in %: Cr 15-18, Ni 17-18, Mo 0-2, Al 5-8, Fe 54-61, Nb 0-1, Zr 0-1, B 0-2~ Alloys with a two-phase structure of the ferrite austenite type, were annealed at 900 1,2000C; single-phase ferrite type alloys were annealed within the 800 1,OOOOC temperature range with intervals of 500. Diffusion coefficient D was determined by the absorption inethod. From IgD - 1,/T graphs, described by a straight line, values of the activation energy E and of the pre-exponential multiplier D were calculated for all the alloys. The authors analyzed the relation botween the effective diffusion co- efficient. De in the alloy and diffusion coefficients Da and D5 of each individual P~ase; they also investigated the relation of the effective Card 1/2 energy of difftision activation E of and the energies of diffusion activation SOV/137-59-4-8372 Investigation Into Cobalt DifNsion in Multi-Component Alloys of the Ferrite and Ferrite-Austenite Type .in each phase E Ok and E Theoretical and experimental data agreement, It Is shown that inspite of the difference in the in Individual phases, Def In a two-phase mixture obeys, under conventional formula D - Doexp ( - E/RT). The diffuslon rato siderably higher than in a two-phase mixture, ivere in a satIsfactory parameters of diffusion certain conditions, -the in ferrit,~ alloys Is zon- 1,L. Card 2/2 OMSRIXF,11, S.D.; DRKHTTAR. I.Ya.; PLOTNIKOVA, N.P.; SLASTHIKOVA, L.P.; TATSHMO Inveitigating diffusion In the iron - aluminum concentration range. Isel. po zburopr. sPlav- -aluminum alloys)1', (Iron system In a wide 3:68-76 1 58. (MIRA 11:11) DSKHTTAR, I.Ta.: MIKHALFINKOV, V.S. Determining diffusion and deformation parameters In nickel-cbromium ,pw, alloys. Issl. po sharopr. splav. 3:77-90 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Nickel-chromium alloys) (Diffusion) (Deformations (Mechanics) Dff~~ &Ja.; Hump'lo-Ov. V.8. Iffect of plastic deformations on the rate of diffusion in nickel - molybdenum alloys [with suTdinnry In Inglish]. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 3 no-31385-390 MY-Je 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Institut metallofiziki AN USSR.'- (Nickel-molybdenum alloyv-Tenting) (Diffusion) -nffKHMB,-I-TiL-LrDskhtiar, LIAJ; LITOVCHWO, S.G. [Lytovchehko,. S-H-1; URSUL, D. A. Effect of short-range order on residual electrical resistance of nickel-base alloys (with summary in Inglishl. Ukr.fix.zhur- 3 ao,,4: 506-515 Jl-Ag 158. (MIRA 111.12) 1. Institut Toetallofiniki AN USSR. (Nickel alloys-Ilectrid properties) DIKMIYAR, I.Ya. [Dekhtlar, IJAJ; MKFDIINKOV. V.S. [Mykh&lenkov, V.S.] Atomic mobility, during high-temperature axial compression of ferrite- tYPR allOYD [With BUMM7 In Inglish). Ukr.f1s.zhur. '3 z4o.4.*516-520 jl--~ 158. (MI1U 11.-12) Iron alloys-Metallograpbr) (Diffusion) JOV/1 3)- 58---18/3 5 AUThOR: TITI,E.;--On the Question of the Influence of Intease Pressure on Diffusion Velocity in Metals (K voprosu o vli-yanii vsestoromiego szhati-fa na skorost' diffuzii v metallakh) FERIODICAL; Iz-vestiya vysshikh u, hebnykh zavedeniy, f izika, 1958, Nr 90-95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The self diffusion coeffi--ient D of a metallic lattice varies accoi-ding to 0 D a exp i-;here a 4 s a parameter of the lattice, i) is some charact- e-istic vibration frequency of the lattice atoms,, 6F is the free energy (i.e. that available to t-he'diffusing partic-"-e), R is the gas c~-.)nstanlv- and T is -absolute tem- perature. The free energy is also related to the effective a--j-ailable to tha diffusing particle according volume U to N. SP J),T Card 1/7, On the Question cf the Influence of Intense Pre:3sure on Diffusion Velocity in Metals Usin- these and standard thermodynamic :relations the pressure 0 coefficient of diffusion is found to be given by the followin;; formula: d 1n D 1 d (AF~') +- d 1n *2 d 1n a (9) dp Rf- dp dp dp kn alternative form of this equation, in terms of the total free ener,,W Ar, is found more convenient for actual cal- culation; it reads as follows; d 1n 1) V [1 d-x - --d- = --0 _ _T_,l +- P Y (W p p UT (\ with V =-,AF -V-1 (8V/0p)j = X-1 and 6FX, VP-1 and where '~' is ageometric constant of the lattice. This form of the equation is used to computo lgD for typical metal lattices ?ver a wide range of pr-3ssures from zero up to Card 2/3 about 104 kg/cm,-, The calculated quantity - lgD is found to soir/139-58-5--18/35 On them QUE!StiOn Of the Influence of Intense PrEssure on Diffusion Velocity in Metals vary almost monotonical4y from2the valu.e 6.9 at zero pressure to 8.2 at below 1.0 kg/cm . For pressures up to C' X 103 kg/cm2the calculated curve is found to be indisting- u1shable from the experimental curve of -lgD against press- uxe; above this pressure the theoretiCELl formula appears slightly to cverestimate -lgD , th o1rerntimation amounting to about 1%,at a pressure of 8 x 10~ kg/cm . The paper con- tains 3 tables, 1. figure and 9 references, of which 3 are Soviet and -4- L1~glish. ASSOCLkTION., Kiyevsk.ty ordena Lenina politekhrri-cheski.7 institut (Order of Lenin Polytechnic Institute of '.~-Ayev) SUBKETTED; March 21+, 1958. Card 3/13 SOV/126-6-5-32/43 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I,.Ya,.and Madatova, E.G. .1 ------------- TITLE: The Mechanism of Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals on Repeated Quenching (0 mekhanizme deformatsii poli- kristallichoskikh metallov pri mnogo'&-.ratnoy zakalke) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1938, Vol 6, Nr 5, pp 939 - ()40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Deformation of metals on repeated quenching consist of the fact that if a metallic specimen is quenched several times from L high temperature or is subjected to repeated heating and cooling cycles to a temperature above below that of polymorphic tranEformEition, respectively, it deforms, elongating in one direction and contractirg in the other. With the aim of stud,ying the meehani&m of this phenomenon the authors have investigated the J.ri-fluen,2e of repeated quenching from various temperatures on Ghe elongation of thin wire specimens o,. silver, gold, platinum and. a platinum plus 10% rhodium alloy. A prelim.- inary investigation carried out on silver has shown that the elongation of a thin specimen at a constant quenching temperature in the first approximation is proDortional to Cardl/7 the nuTyber of thermal cycles. In Figure 1 graphs of the SOV/126-6-5-32/-43 The Mechanism of Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals on Repeated Quenching temperature dependence of deformation for the investigated specimens are shown. Along the abscissa axes are marked the values of l/T 3 ' where T 3 is the quenching temperature and along the ordinates axes AL/Los where L. is the original length of the specimen. All changes due to deformation refer to a constant nuiaber of thermal cycles. The curves satisfy the relationship: ,6L U e -- = A exp L0 (- kT3 where A and U are constants depending on the matei7ial. Assuming that the microscopic deformation is due to excess concentration of vacancies: Gard2/7 SOV/126-6-5-32/43 The Mechanism of Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals on Repeated Quenching U N e 3T b nb nb kT 3j which arises after each quench, as well as to the nature of their movement as the result of interELCtion with dislocations, we obtain: L = A',~N exp Ub (2) L 0 kT 3) where N is the number of atoms per cm3 I Ub is the energy of vacancy formation. Data given in the table show that the numerical values of U , determined in accordance with Formula (1) by experiment, are close to Ub - the energy of vacancy formation. In Card3/7 order to explain the directional deformation of wires, the BOV/126-6-5-32/43 the Mechanism of Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals on Repeated Quenching dislocation mechanism of deformation can be taken as the basis. It is assumed that vacancies are most easily formed in dislocations (Ref 1). The latter are not only sources but also reservoirs for vacancies. Stresses arise on quenching which are greater in the case of thin wires in a radial direct-ion than along the axes of the specimen. These stresses are associated with the emergence of new dislocations, i.e. supplementary reservoirs for vacancies. The stresses can be removed by anni:ailation of the vacancies with dislocations, which takes place during second h 'eating 'iameter following quenching. In the case of wires having a a approximately equal to the size of the grain, the excess vacancies car. come to the surface of the crystal as a result of removal of' stresses but this must be compensated by the movement Of ELtOMS in the opposite direction, as a result of which the specimen elongates along the axis and contracts in the cross--sectional direction. If the number of dis- location protrusions per unit length of dislocation, which are reservoirs for excess vacancies, is denoted by n i , Card4/7 then the elementary deformation thus broughtabout can be SOV/126-6-5-32/43 The Mechanism of Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals on Repeated Q.uenching expressed as follows (Ref 2): e = h~ 6 n (3) ni where b is the B,-Lrger vector. From the above equation we obtain: I~L b2N Ub'\ exp (4) Ito ni kT3 From Eqs (1) and (4) we obtain: ,lb2N Card 5/? SOV/126-6-5-32/43 The Mechanism of Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals on Repeated Quenching According to Maclin (Ref 3) the mean number of dislocation protrusions per unit length of dislocation which bring about deformation is: ni ~ f LNO' (6) where f .-*-s a coefficient, less than unity, defining the effective number of protrusions which are reservoirs for vacancies, is the length of the free run of dislocations and N a is &elir density. From Fo-cmulae (5) and (6) an estimate of the density of dislocations can bemade: b2N fLA if the course of the free run is assumed to be half the distance bet-ween the source of dislocation and the barrier. If d is the distance between the active slip planes, -then Card6/7 the mean distance between dislocations will be SOV/126-6-5-32/43 The blechanism of DE!formation of Polycrystalline Metals on Repeated Quenching (1d) 1/2 This distance is of the order of --,jlO-4 cm -8 2 and .-d 10 cm The distance between the active slip planes, according to electron microscope data, is of the 0 3 order of 100 to 1 000 A. Hence, 10- cm and the density of dislocations as estimated. from these data is of the order of 10 11 cm72 (see table), which satisfactorily coincides with estimates made by other methods. This is a complete translation, except for the table. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 4 references, 1 of whizh is Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki AN USSR (Institute of Metal Physics of the Ac.Sc. Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1956 Card ?/? itz .003 9 65 'r- 9 P '!15.0 fym 9 3 A A. 105 '0.0. O-r j5 rg 1 -, -49 ZnAl -0 Is ~~Zll . a W.4 '01 .81 - - -, - - ... gal *07 -1 - t. - . ~2.0 Ir 0.0 Sao- for AD .0fil Ail 0 it Ch ut "$A !7511 OAS a JIM a _bc6Tya,~, T z PEASE I BOOK EUWITATION SOV/4-177 Akadeniya nauk Ukr&inskoy SSR. Institut netalloriziki Voprosy fiziki metallov I metallovedeniya, (Problem In the Physics of Metals and Metallography) Kiyev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1959. 215 P. (Series: Its: Bb:)rnik nauchn-ykh rabot, no. 10) 3,000 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: O.N. Pechkarskaya; Tech. Ed.: B.A. Buniy; Editorial Board: V.N. S,rechnikov., Academician.. Academy of Sciences UkrSSR (Reap. Ed.), S.D. Gertariken.. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, and I.Ya. Dekhtyar.. Doctor of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended for scientific workers., aspirants and engineers working in metal physics, metallograpby and metallurgy, and for students in advanced courses of metallurgy and physics departments. COVERACM: The collection of articles gives the results of an investigation of ft effect of high heating rates,, therml treatment, deformtion and crystallization conditions on the phase transformations., structure &n& properties of metals and alloys, and or the effect of alloying additives on volume and intergranular Card 1/6 Problem in the Physics of Metals and Metallography SOV/417 diffusion in alloys., as well as the effect of repeated. tempering by ultrasound irradiation an the physical properties of alloys. There is also a description of an x-ray camera, for studying the structure of the individual grains. The following pe.-:sonalities are mentioned: V. Raksha, A.A. Smirnov, B.G. Glazunov, Ye.l. Morozor,, V. Danilenkoj, L.M. Kikot'-, and I. Ta. Dekhtyarl, Doctor of Technical Sciences. There in a bibliography of Soviet and non-Soviet references at the end of each article. TANZ OF C:DY=rS: Kozyrskiy., G. U... V.A.Ibnonenko, and P.N. Okxainets. Study of the Deformation Mechanism of Nickel During Creep From Reflection From the Individual Grains 3 Kozyrskiy, G.U., and P.N. Okrainets. Ketallographic Study of Creep in Puure Nickel 13 Kozyrskiy, GX36., V.A. Kononenko, and P.N. Okrainets. An X-Ray Camera for Studying thLe Structure of Individual Grains 21 card 2/6 Problem in tle Physics of Metals and MetallograPhY SOV/4177 Effect of CrIstal Structural Defects on the Change in the Magnetic Properties of Metals and Alloys During Plastic Deformation and Thermal Treatment,, and on the Stability of Interphase Boundaries 26 Sirotenko,, D.ra.,, and L.I. Lysak. Effeact of Chromium and Cobalt on the Change in Certain Properties of Iron During High Rate Cold Plastic Defoxnation 40 Danilenko, V.M., and K.P. Ryaboshapka. Scattering of X-Rays by Plastically Deformed Substitution Alloys Containing Dislocations Without the Cottrell Atmospheres 46 Danilenko, V.M., and K.P. Ryaboshapka. Effect of the Cottrell Atmospheres on X-Ray Scattering by Plastically Deformed Alloys 56 Gertariken, S.D., and M.P. Pryanishnikov. Self-Diffusiorl Parameters of Iron in F -Zone of Iron and in AUoys of Iron With Lc-.r Aluminum Impurity 68 Card 3/6 Problem in the Physics of Metals and Netallography SOV/4177 Gertoriken,, S.D., and M.P. Pryanishnikov. Effect of All-Sided Hydrostatic Compression on the Rate of Self-Diffusion in the Boundaries 74 Gridnev, V.N., V.A. Rafalovskiy, V.I. Trefilov, and N.F. Chernenko. Phase and3tructural Changes During Heating of Ti-Cr Alloys 77 Gridnev., and V,I. Trefilov. Carbide Phase in Carbon Steels During Electrotempering 86 Gridney, Yu.N. Petrov,, and V.I. Trefilov. Electron Mi6roscope Investigation of the Carbide Phase During Tempering and Electrotempering of Carbon Steels 94 Vesterenko, Ye.G., and K.V. Chuistov. Characteristics of Crystal Structure Changes in the Disintegration Process of Cu-Ag Alloys 104 Larikov, L.N. Growth of Crystals in the Solid Phase 111 Larikov., L.N. Effect of Soluble Impurities on the Linear Growth Rate of Recrystallization Centers 121 C.ard 4/6 Problem in the Physics of Metals and Metallography SOV/4177 Ovelyenb)., D.Te.., and V,P. Kostyuchenko. Effect of Oxides on the Crystallization of Iron an& Certain of Its Alloys 130 Romanove, A.V. Structure of the Molten AlWis NsOK and XDH 144 Lashko, A.S... and A.V. Romanova. Investigation of the Close- Packed Order in Certain Liquid Binary System 150 PolotskLy., I.G.., and G.I. Levin. Mechanism of the Action of Ultrasomind on the Crystallization Process 16o Svechnikov,, V.N., A.Ts. Spektors and YeJe. Maystren1w. Investigation of Transformations in the Solid State of Co-Cr-Fe Alloys 168 Svechnikov, V.N... and Yu.A. Nocherzhinskiy. Transformation. in Annealed Armao Iron During Rapid Heating 182 Ucher,fliinskiy, Yu.A. Formation Conditions of Metastable Austenite in Carbon.-Containing,lron Alloys 186 Card 5 /6 Prdbliew In the Physics of Metals and MetallograPhy WV/4-177 Kozyrskiy., G.Ya. Problem of the Decomposition of Metals During Creep 200 Append.ix. Parameters Characterizing Certain Properties of Metals and Alloys 207 AVAIUME: Library of Congress card 6 / 6 JA./rn/mas 9-2o-6o ID 14 oo.. 93 ,n w.C 0 40 .3 E . I A .4 d 0 'es Ri 0 0 Ch on a r UA W.) 9. . Imn . " 0 -0 ~ . Q 0 t .0- 'td so 0 E c o c A I.; HE 10 . i-. U 08 61 . - . , i~ .0 a a* 0 jm~. 0 .18 6. AB-" t, du a a, -z Nm~s AZ . cc .'a 1 A 0 b0 0 d P, ICV a C 0 *0 -0 0110.0 %.,n 0 At lo- C. 00 go,., '41 "a OZ;V o ~O t U. ~ 0 0 . C c a 0 . 4 " 0 0 e~ 0, ; a ~* S E31 0~U K V* O_t. o 0 '4 - ~ a 1 a~- c R o -0 6 *c A 4 t d c . t. " . z .. - ."' A .0 0 10 W 014 0. 01 Sl 0:8 c 0 n Nou isc wj!m;.ivuj 00 0 101; ~q go I~c 0. 110 &0 Ts A 0 A . "I t11 Z to 11-20 c 0 o 01 ml "-0 -5 c ohw %4 a;.z I-On' ty. J --d 1 -90 1 1. as 0 0l 0 0 0.. Ild 7C 24(6)~ 24(2') AUTHOR: Dekhtvar4-~L_Ya. SOV/139-59-1-1/34 TITLE: On the Problem of Determination of the Equilibrium Density of Vacancies and the Energy of their Formation in Metals (K voprosu opredeleniya ravnovesnay kontsentratsii vakansiy i energii ikh obrazo7aniya v metallakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zave6,eniy, Fizik-a, 1959, Nr 1, pp 3-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT% According to statistical thermodynarai;3s the equilibrium density of vacancies is determined by the heat of their formation (&Hf) and the change of entropy on formation (&S~). Temperature dependenca of the vacancy density C is given by: C = exp (1) I kT I The author derives first the valu of the energy of formation of vacanciesg Hf S20/8 + HTs - H 8 (1n T. - 6,685) T,,,.(5) Ts -- 09F I where H and S are the enthalpy and entropy respecti- Card 1/3 velyi TS is the melting point temperature; the SOV/139-59-1--1/3u On the Problem of Determination of the Equilibrium Density of Vacancies and the Energy of their Formation in Metals subscripts 298 and Ts si&-nify the values at 208c.K and at the melting point. The value of' &Sf was deri~.od earlier by the author (Ref 34). It can be deduced f,.!,om ar- expression fo.- the entropy of a(utivation of self- diffusiori,. &S-, which is a sum of the -hange of' entrop7 due to a change of volumeq t~S,~, and the 1-hange ef entropy due to disordering of the structure by fozmation of vacancies, 6S4-. -4 1, y))j Asa V 2 COC 7a + k in 3 The fo~lowlng symbols are used in Eq (6), m is ~ha expansion coefficients X is the compressibility, *~*, is the atomic volume. is the Gaussian functior-.~ y = 0 . 1 r/ r2 is one half of the inlueratomi(,- separation5 is the mean squaro of the displacemcrit of atoms frcm their equilibri,)m positions, which is related to the characteristi(t temperature 43 and tlias Card 2/3 Debye function D(x) by the Yelationshl-1.) given ir. Eq ('47). SOV/139-59-1-1/34 On the Problem of Determination of the Equilibrium Density of Vacancies and the Energy of their Formation in Metals Table 1 lists the values of ^Hf (col 5) and AHf-/Ts (col 6), calculated by the author. The calculated &Hf agree well with the experimental values of Gertsriken and Slyusar (Ref 4), and Dekhtyar and Madatova (Ref 5) which are listed in col 7. Table 1 lists also (col ll~ the values of ASf calculated using Eq (6). The vacancy densities near the melting points of various metals were calculated using Eq (1) and are given In col 12. ThGse densities agree satisfactorily with the experimental values, taken from Gertsriken and Slyusar's work (R6f 4), listed in col 13. There are 1 table and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Kiyev Order of-ldnin Polytechnical Institute (K-Lyevskiy ordena Lenina Politekhnicheskiy Institut) SUBMr2MD: June 27, 1958 Card 3/3 IEKHTYAR, I.Ya_-__MDATOVA, E.G. Effect of repeated hardening on certain physical properties of metals and alloys. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. motallofiz. AN TRSR no.9:162-172 '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Metals--Hardening) (Metallography) IECK~H!T~YAR. ~B_j GERTSRIKBN, S.D.: SRAIAYHV, A.M.; PLOTITIKOVA, N.P. Iffect of Y-irradiation on certain physical properties of N'314n. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN TJ_RSR no.9:173-177 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Gamma rays) (Nickel-manganese alloys-Metallography) DMTYAR. I.Ya. Pffect of crystal structure defects on changes in ragnetic properties of metals and alloys under the effect of plastic def ormation and heat treatment and the strength of interphase boundaries. Sbor. nauch. kab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no.10:26-39 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Crystal lattice~-Defects) (Netals-Kagnetic properties) (Metallography) P&M I BOOK EXPWITATIOU SOV/4&`7 Gertsriken, Solomon Davydovich, and T.11ya Yakovlevich Dakhtyftr Diffaziya v met&l1akh i splavakh v tverdoy faze (Diffusion in Metals and Alloys in Solid Phase) Moscow, Flzmtgiz, 1960. 564 p. 6,500 copies printed. Ed.: Ye. L. Starokewdomskmya; Tech. Ed.: N. Ya. Marashova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students at universities and polytechnic, metallurgical, and mechanIcalvengineering institutes. It may also be used by physicists, chemists, metallurgists, and engineers worldng in plant laboratories. COVERKIE: The book describes methods for the calculation and study of diffusion and discusses the theory and lava of diffusion processes. ~It investig&tes the role of crystal structure defects and atomic interaction in diffusion processes, the association of diffusion phenomena witl heat and scale resist- ance, and the use of diffusion in metal ceramics and other industries. Stand- ard data on diffusion in metals and alloys are presented in tabular form -Diffusion in Metals (Cont.) SOV/4827 in the appendix. The material Includes new data on diffusion obtained from 1954 to 1958. No personalitties are mentioned. There are 966 references: 436 Soviet, 369 snglish, 113 German, 30 Ukrainian, 15 French, 1 Czech, 1 Italian., and 1 Swiss. Mk= OF CONTENTS: Fbreword Ch. 1. Iaws of Diffusion and Calculation Formulas 7 1. : DiffbAlm equations 9 &. - - - statloftry f low 12 b. flow 14 2. One-dimensional diffusion 14 1. Infinite solid 14 2. Semi-infinite solid 20 3- Finite body 21 3. Nonuniform sources of diffusion 28 4. Concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient 33 Card-2[9~- GERTSRIKEN, S.D. Werteriken., S.D.]; DEKHTYAR_, 1. Y&.: MIMLENKOV, V.S. . , ; [Mykhalenkov, V.S.); IIADATOU-,-i~.-C.-Effa-(Fa~Wa" B.H.] Studying the state of atoms in iron-aluminum solid solutions .by means of the electric transfer method. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no.l*.79-87 Ta-F 160. WMA 14:6) 1. Institut metallofiziki AN USSR. (Iron-aluminum alloys) DIUMAR. I.Ya.; DARTYAR. H.I. Fluctuation of electron concentration in solid solations. Izv.vys. acheb.z&v.;ftz4 no.2:75-80 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kiyevskiy politekbuichegkiy justitut. (Solutions, Solid) 82333 JD' P-2- 0 0 S/139/60/000/03/013/045 AUTHOR: Detkht a I E032/E~i4 TITLE: e ermination of the Density of Dislocations from Measurements of Distortions of the Third Kind PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebxLykh zavedeniy, Fizika, ig6o, No 3, pp 83 - 86 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is known from calorimetric measurements that the extergy of residual stresses in plastically deformed metals is not more than 10 to 15% of the energy used in the deformation. It is also known that most of the residual energy is associated with distortions of the third kind. One can estimate the energy per unit volume of the metal, which is associated with distortions of the thjX4.kind, using tho formula: 1 U W III - 2 2 62 Cardl/4 where u 3 ux and U. is the mean square Determination of the Density of of Distortions of the Third Kind displacement along the atomic distance and E the other hand, Seeger 8233 S/139/60/000/03/'013/045 9%2~fjl4s )is c on from Measurements X.-axis and 6 is the inter- is the elastic modulus. On at al (Ref 2) have shown that: c; = mbG fN_ (2) d where b is the Burgers vector, G is the shear modulus, Nd is the density of dislocations and a is a coefficient which depends on the geometrical disposition of the dislocations, in particular, the effective number of dislocations per group giving rise -to the given stress. In the present calculations it is assumed that a 1~ 0.5 On combining Eqs (1) and (2.) one obtains: 1 u N 1/2 = _ ___ (3) Pr Card2/4 d 2 G abb2 8 S/139/60/000/03,(013 0 5 Determination of the Density of DisIONNONA"s from Measurements of Distortions of the Third Kind which can be used to estimate the di--.01, ition density as a function of the degree of deformatioL 'abl e I and Figure I give the values of N d for i, calculated assuming that E = 1.93 x 10 12 dyne/cm G = 7.82 x 10 11 dyne/em 21) b = 2 x 10-8 1 and a = 2.86 x io-8 cm. The dependence of U density of dislocations on the degree of deformation (e) , which is shown in Figure 1, indicates that: Nd= 0.7- 10 11 C1/2 + const (3a) Using the data reported by Golubkov et al (Ref 3) it is shown that for Armco iron: Nd = 0-7- 10 11 C1/2 -1.5- 10 10 Ob)"~K Card3/4 8:2333 S/139/60/000/03/01:3/045 10~2 Egll Determination of the Density of Dis o 50 ns from Measurements of Distortions of the Third Kind for 0.10 < c < 0.8 . Tikhonov (Ref 4) has reported some determinations of static distortions of the third kind on plastic deformation of p_;LD;L=.1j There appear to be three istages in hardening during plastic deformations The first stage occurs for c below 25%, the second stage for c between 25 and 60% and the third stage for z greater than 60% . These data were used by the present authors to show that for the first stage: 11 J'/2 Nd = 2.17 - 3.0 8- (30 Similar calculations for copper and nickel in Table 3. There are 3 tables, 2 figures 4 of which are Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Xiyevsk-.Ly po.1-itekhn-1.cheskiy Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: June 29, 1959 Card4/4 are given and 7 references, institut (Kiyev S/139/6o/ooo/03/030/045 AUTHOR: Pekhtyar, I.Ya. E073/Z335 TITLE: lInfluence of Defects In the Crystal Strueture~on the %AActivat:Lon Energy ~f PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebrtykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1960, Nr 3, pp 165 - 169 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the author assumes that the creep activation energy is stress-dependent and on this basis he investi- gates the relation between -this dependence and the 11 On- clusions resulting from the theory of dislocationso(Ref 8). In an earlier paper (Ref 9), the author has shown that the dependence of the creep activation energy on the stresses can be expressed by the following formula: E E0 aot h a (4) M, where v a is the volume of a gram-atom, of1is the effective internal str Cardl/3 E0 is the creep activation energy in the case of very low external stresses~ S/139/60/000/03/030/045 22794RNure on the Activation Influence of Defects in the Crysta Energy of Creep In Figure I the dependence of the dislocation 4 density " Fe and Al.'7 on the applied stresses is graphed for quA 0 - - In-Tables 1-3 data are given of the dislocation densities Nd I which were calculated for Cu, Fe and Al on the basis of data given in an earlier paper (Ref 9). On the basis of analysis of earlier obtained experimental results, the author concludes that the changes in the creep activationenergy as a function of the applied stresses can be considered as being due to the influence of the degree of imperfection of the crystal lattice and the mechanism of the high-temperature creep is also inter- related with the movement of dislocations. Thereby, changes in their density are linked with the simultaneous effects of applied stresses and of thermal movement. The above mentioned equation can also be applied for the case of changes in the diffusion actilration energy when a specimen is subjected to axial compression or compression from all directions. In particular, from the change in the Card 2/3 V-6 S/139/60/000/03/03o/o45 Influence of Defects in the Crystal 9MOM on the Activation Energy of Creep diffusion activation energy in the case of compression from all sides, when the resulting deformation leads to a compression which is not purely elastic but also comprises microdeformltions along the grain boundaries or the mosaic blockslit is possible to evaluate the density of metastable dislocations and its dependence on the applied stresses by means of an equation which is given in this paper (Eq 9). There are I figure, 3 tables and 12 references, 2 of which are English and 10 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy politekhmicheskiy institut (Kiyev- Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 3/3 3/021/6o/000/003/010/010 A ~-3 ;-'/A 029 AUTHM ptk ,htyar, I.Ya. TITLE, -41.he Republican C-~,nsultation on ~he Pr-,blems "Def"cts of tre Crvs- ta.-Iine Structure and the Pi-_,pertLes of Merall_~ art! PERIODICAL: DDpovidi Akademivi nauk Ukrayin-zlkoy! R-SR, 1~60, N.:, 3, Pp, 394 - 398 TEXT: Thi!: is a report, on the Republikars'ka narada. z pytan' "Defeky krystalichnoyi budovy ~o v_-,_astyvoati met-3-liv 1. splavlv" fF~pulrj.-Ilcan CcnSulliti= on the Problems "Defects r-f the Crystalline Structurf, ana th,~ Pr-)per-t.ies of ME4 + - als and Alloys") vinich tL,,k plac- In Kive-v frcnr 0:t.%'n1- to N-.:vi~mN-r 3, 1959 It was convened by the Ak-ademiya nauk UR3R iAcademy of ScienceS.. A3 Uk-SSR..~ _-1 the initiative Df +h~- instytut metalofizyllky Ali URSR (Jn_stita~e -,f the Fhyiic E of Metals, AS Ukr33R) . The consul tation was at t-ended by in-'s t-ii-tu-tes---of __~_h_x: A-33 UkrSSR, AS USSR, repres-zentativc-s of planii5 and h,,gher edu,--atL.-nal Institutions of Kiyev, laiarlkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Mos-zow. Leningrad, etc, -4 -f, 6L) re-- ports were heard and discussed, whict deal-~,. wl~h the foll1cwIng problems- 1) methods of determining defects. of a crystalline stn)-ture and their baalc para- meters In me--als and a-lloys, 2) the effect of defect.& of the crysT~allllne ;str-uc- Card 1/7 3/021/6D/OM/003/010/010 A2- 52/029 The Republican Conz!ultatlon (.--n the Problems "Defects of the Cr- and -the Prcpertaes of Metals and Alloys" ture on the mechanical. properties of Yw~-tals, 31 on th~ and properties of metals and alloys; 4) Lin the atomi.._, niovjil!~-y An, metals_ -~nd 5) the nature and properties of Aefects which are obtained d--iring a rvar-lear ir- radiation of metals and their influence ~n the propertlef~ -4 and -I~Icy-- The consultation was opened by V.N. HrIdnyev, Corr-~~ponding Member, AS UkrSSR The following reports were rea& A.A. Smyrnov rorrespondtrig Member, AS UkrSSR.'. "The Theory of the Dispersion of Edow Neu~ronsif%_n_ the- rmefc-rmaTions of the C-v- - talline Lattice\11of Alloys". Generalized studies in ihi.-- d.,.r-~-~tion wer,~ ci~rrted out at the theoretical deparlment of the Irstyt--Ul~ metalofl.-ylky, AN UPOR _'ni- T. i tute of the Physics of Metal AS UkrSSR). A. P. , Zvyvahkina fund, V. T. IVC-r,,,, Ai nova, "The Ohara3-,,erIs-,ic Temlyeraturc- and the Spectrum of Thermal lattice", YA._J~r~.- ~z. "The Theozy of the. Influenre :;I' th~! Defect-Z C, a Crystal on the Scatterinf, of' X-Ravs ";,~l V. 1, , lvr- rc=va jvnd Tne Characteristic Temperaturi- and Vie Short.-Range ,'.rder in th~ A~IovlNi-qF_t", V.M, Darylenk : "The Theory of the Cottrell Atm,~sphers .1d Ojdu~E~- Z.;~ L.. 1. rank and .-V. JykbnnrYj__ "The Effe.-~t of tht, Anisstrc.Ty of ~:cpi)er, roPzr+I_e_5 C171 the. Defecots of a Crystalline Stracture".. 3.D. Hertzri T ___Lji~koy and B..F.- r-4 5 1021160100010031010/-) 1 -0 A:_;'72D/AO2,9 The Republican Consul-,a-,~ion on the Problem~ "Def ec ~,s of ihe Cryst-~_' o- r,,_t r~ and the Properties of Metals and Alloy5l' S1301gar2 "'The Determination of Hidden Deformation Rnprg:~_tn Metals by the Calo- rimetric Method", E.N. arber and YP.T_ St,-,pinw- "'The Etch Figures of the Elas- tic Duplicates of Calcite"z AA. Predvcditely X and N.A. Tyapuni a~ "The In- vestigation, of the Geometrical Shape of the Spacial Locatlon and the Density of ~kislociations in Cadmium", A S. T. Konobyeyeys'1gy, Corresponding Member, AS USSR, reviewed a series of ~_orks on the subject "The Nat!are and Properties of Defects Caused by Treating Metals With N)Aolear Trratl d Their Effect on the P:mp- erties of Metals and Alloys"; Sh.Sh. Ibrahimov and V.S. ljxashenko~ "Radiation Defects of the Strengthening of Metals 11 ; S.D, Hcrtsriken and.&P Pl~ptnihovas. "The Irradtlation Effect on Certain Structural Changes in Nlckel"~ 1.Ya. Dekht- yar and A.M. Shalayev.- "The Influence of y-Radiation on the Galvanomagnetic Ef- fect and on the Coercive Force of N1 Mn and~~Ajfl ; Ye,,V. Kolontsova and M.T. Zhestovs7ka*. "The Effect of the 'Neuiron Bombardment on the Structure of"'tithium Fluoride Crystals"; H. ShvYdkovs1 , A.A. Durharyan, A.A._PredvgA)[1t1_yev and A.A. Ty ina, "On the Connection of the Nonelastic Properties of Hard Bodies With Dislocations in Application to Metals". M P. Shaskol''s~ka and Yu.Kb, Veki- lam; "The Influence of Crystalline Structure Defects on 7nner Friction 5. D. Card 3/7 S/021/60/000/003/0101/010 A22`12/029 The Republican Consultation on the Problems "Defects of tho Crystalline Str.icture and the Properties of Metals and Alloys" Hertsriken, I.Ya. Dekhtyar and L.M. Kumok: "The Study of Defects of the Crystal- line Structure of Chromium"Depending on the Deformation Degree", I.A. Odirth, M.H. Lozins' alline Structun -kyy and L-V liardiyEnkn. "The Influence of th-~ Crys' Defects on the Change of Inner Friction and the Elasticity Modulus of Metals During the Process of Creep"; S.D. Hertsriken and M.M. Vo)akQy. "The Investi- gation of the Defects of a Crystailine Lattice Which Appear During Def-ormation"; R.I. Harber -and L.M..Polvakov-, "The Investigation of Defects Appearing During a Plastic Deformation of Sodium Cl-doride", Ya.Ye. Hehuzin., "An Investigation of the. Early Stage of the Creep of Metals and Alloys Having a Distorted Crystalline Lattice"; Ya-Ye. Hehuzin, N.N. Oveharenko and L.N. Paryts1ka. "An investlgatdcn of the Process of a High-Temperature Healing of Defects Deliberately Produced on the Surface of Crystalline Bodies Having a Distorted izttice";- E.N. Pohrlbn .U "Coalescence, Spheroldization and Healing of Micro-Pores and M1 o-Flaws In Fe- Alloys"; R.A. Andriyevs' . "The Clinkering of Metal Powde-Irand the Defects of the Crystall"ne Structure"~ M k, and S,.jj.__N,%Z_urXk; 'The Study of Ele ctro-Re si stance Appearing When Strengthening wid Weakening Alloys Whic.,r) Have a Nickel Base% D.A. Frokoshki ., L.2.1 D-, kh ty ar a _~.v ~ov, M.P. Mat-yevyva and 1,Ya S/021/60/000/003/010/010 A232/AO29 The Republican Consultation on the Problems "Defect* of UiR Cryatailiiiv and -the Properties of Metals and Alloys" "An Investigation of the Effect of the Plastic Deformation on, tbe Kinetics of the Process of' Evaporation"; 4of Metals and Al- -1!.N. Laakov: "The Re crystal I izatio; loys in the Case of Phase Conversion"; A.F. Polesya~, "Roentgenographic Inves- tigation of the Motive Force of Nickel. and Aluminurd'~llecrysta',-llzallion", V.N. Da- nyloy ftThe Investigation of Rearyst&llization Based on the Observations of Dis- locatiion 11 z V.M. DADjIgnko and 1H.,Ya, KozyrsIk : "The Investigation of the Mo- sai begree In the Case of Creep"; S.Z. Bokshteyn, P.I. udk:,va, f.A. Zhukhovy- ts'j=,,,and $.T. Kisbkln, "The Effect of the Stress and Deformation on the Dif- fusixm\`Process',,'; M.A. Bykhovs1kyy. "The Distortion Effect of the Grys',alline Lattice of I=L~nd Cadml'um ort the Surface Diffusion of"humiry% S.D. Hertsrik- en and M.P. Pryanishnykov*. "The Effect of an All-Side Cort(preselon on ttle Diffu- sion Parameters In Metals and Alloys. A.V. Savyts'ha.~t On the Problem of the Effect of Stresses and Defonftations on Self-Diffuslon'T A.Ya. Shynyayev. "The Formation of the Separation Surfaces When Separating a New Phase and the Diffu- sion in Alloy Y.,S. Lya ~nko. V.N. Bykov and L.V. Pavlinov'. "Self-Diffusion um.,in in Zirconi d Certain Binary and,Ternary Alloys Based n It", B.V. Molotilov and L.N. Fedotov: "The Magneti c ,band Di slocation St ructure of A! I oy- CryTt-a1_S_1r_; Card 5/7 S/021/60/000/003/010/010 A2,32/0219 The Republican Consultation on the Problems "Defects of th? Crystallint- Structure and the Properties -f Metals and Alloys" I.Ya. Dekhtyar and D.A. Levinai, "The Effect of Plastlc Deformation on the in the Coercive Force of Ordered and Non-Ordered ircn and Nickel Alloys",; 1,Ya. Dekhtyar and E.H. Madatova. "The Charge of the Coercive Force During a Cyclic Thermal Treatment Effected 5-elrw and Above th-, Curie Points'; I.Ya. D-.kbtyar, !~.A, Tvtovchenko and R.H. Fedchenko., "The Influen,:~e ofA Defects Caused by a Flab- tic Deformation on the Change of Electro-Resistance in)VIrie-Alloys".~ P.,P. Kuz'- menkcs and E.I. Kharlk 6 "Ths Study of the BlectrN-Tra~i.7f~;r-Pl~eL-omeni.,n in Pur-e Metals"; B.M. Rovyns'kyy and L.M. Rybakova. I'The Effect, of a Thermal Pre-Treat- ment and Plastic Deformation on the Strength and DirabiliTy of the Metal%- A..A. Baranov and K.E. B "The Accumulation of Defects During a Cyclic Treatment =in-, -Alloys"; A. and -the Phenomenon of the GrowNb of Fe _A. Barateko and L.N. HuEeva~ "The Structure and Strength ofVolid Solutions's "Or the De- struction of Metalss`~ L.I. Lysak and L-V. Tykho-nov". "The Defect's of' the Cry,,- t&lline Structure oAlobium WhIch Appear During large re-formations"i K.V. Chu- yis j~X. and Ye,T. Nesterenko; "Defects Which Appear During a Dls,Miegration, of Oversaturated Solid Solutionz Onto a Copper Bases',, Ivanova~, "74'he Impor- tance of the Defects of a Crystalline Lattice in the Formation and Development S/021/60/000/003/010/010 A2~12/029 The Republican Consultation on the Problems "Defects of the Crystalline and the Properties of Metals and Alloys"- of Fatigue Flaws In Metalsir,, _L.I. VasyVyev and Sin' Syu-sanv~ "-be Effect of the Surplus of Vacancies on ths Dependence of the Deformation Rate of an Alumimn Crystal"; D.Yu. Ovsiyenko, K.I. Sosnina and I.K. Zasimchuk.- IlAn Investigation of the Mosaic Structure and the Structural-Sensitive Properties of Cast Aluminum Monocrystals" ~ K.A. Osypov, "The Structure and Energy of Grain Limits in Met- als"; B.A. Movchan: "The Origin, Structure and Certain Properties of' the Limits of Crystals in Cast Metals and Single-Phase Alloys'#.,, M.I. VarychL- "The Fress- Effect in Alloys"; V.K. Hlazin-iovat. "The Thread-Shaped Crystals on Electrolytic Coatings With Tin". The resolution passed by the consultation emphasizes the fact that the investigations conducted broaden the notions of the nature and be- bavior of various types of defects, the work done in this direct-ion, however, is not sufficient. The consultation outlined measures :for the extension of inves- tigations and showed the ways for the development of the study of the defects of a crystalline structure and their influence on the physical propertIE-S of metals. Card 7/7 S/180/60/000/005/021/033 Elll/E135 AUTHORS: L.!~ Matveyeva, M,F and Dekht Ivanov, F_.rokoshkin, D.A. (Moscow) TITLE; Influence of Plastic Deformation on the KinE!+.-iCS Of Evaporation of Iron from Type 10 Steel X-1 3/~ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademi,*L nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye telduiieheskik:/ nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, No-5, pi?.1'171-173 TEXT: The authors point out that crystal lattice defects produced by plastic deformation must affect both partial and integral thermodynamic properties. Dekhtyar et al. (Ref,l) and other authors (Refs 2, 3') have previously shown that plastic deformation affects many properties. The present work gives preliminary results of an investigation of the influence of plastic deformation (torsion) on the rate of evaporation of iron from type 10 steel (0.10% C; 0.45 Si; 0.03 P; 0.02 S~l 0.26 Al; remainder Fe),, The apparatus developed and used is shown in Fig,l: the hollow cylindrical specimen has its open end closed with a tantalum diaphragm to form a Knudsen cell,. The specimen, subjected to torsion if required, is heated in a Card 112 S/180/60/000/005/021/033 Elll/E135 Influence of Flastic Deformation on the Kinetics of Evaporation of Iron from Type 10 Steel graphite inductor of an axially varying wall thickness, After fabrication specimens were annealed in helium for 30 minutes at 1200 OC, sealed inFquartz capsules and irradiated with thermal neutrons, giving Fer-9. The rate of evaporation was found from the activity of the deposit on a molybdenum foil (polished to a mirror finish) in an aluminium holder cooled with liquid nitrogen., Fig.2 shows evaporation rates of iron for undeformed specimens of the steel (curve 1) and pure iron (curve 2)_ Fig,3 shows evaporation rate for the steel (curve 1) and the corresponding deformation rate (curve 2), The effect is complex 3aid the authors suggest a similar study on pure iron, There are 3 figures, 1 table and 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 English, SUBMITTED: March 22, 1960 Card 2/2 --.DZMYAR. I.Ya. ___ Effect of crystal structure defects on the activation eneTgy of creep. Iesl. po zharopr. splav.6:29-33 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Crystal lattices-Defects) (Creep of metals) 88043 S/l3q/6o/ooo/oo6/oo6/o32 o E032/9314 AUTHORS: 9661tyarl-jLaa. and Mikhalenkov, V.S. TITLE: Effect of All-aided Pressure on the Atomic Magnetic Momentsof Iron, Nickel and the Fe+36% Ni Alloy PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1960, No. 6, pp. 44 - 51 TEXT: A study is reported of the variation in the atomic magnetic momentowith pressure in electrolytically pure Fe and Ni,and in an alloy containing 36% Ni. The high-pressure device employed was of the form described by Lazarev and Kan in Ref. 8. The "bomb" employed to produce high pressures is-shown in Fig. 1. The bomb is made of Be-bronze . The specimen 3 is fixed in a holder 2 which, in turn, is held in position by the plug I , which is screwed into the body 4 . In order to produce a hermetic seal,inolten tin was introduced between 4 and I . At the other end of the bomb a capIllary 6 --was provided (diameter I mm, length 22 mm). The bomb was first heated to a temperature of Card 1/4 88043 S/139/60/000/006/oo6/032 E032/9314 Effect of All-aided Pressure,on the Atomic Magnetic Moments of Iron, Nickel and the Fe+36% Ni Alloy 33 to 35 deg by immersion in a water bath,and the hollow space was filled with liquid gallium through the capillary. The water jacket 7 was then placed on the end of the bomb and the latter was removed from the water bath. As a result of the intensive cooling of the end of the bomb by the water jacket, the gallium present in the capillary solidified first, thus sealing-off the device. The high pressure was produced by the remaining amount of gallium inside the hollow cavity which solidified soon after. The pressures produced in this way are quite large since the change in the volume of gallium on solidification (29 OC) is about 3.3%. In fact, pressures up to 13 000 atm. could be obtained at room temperature. The atomic magnetic: moments of the specimens under investigation were measured in a field of 3 000 Oe (which was sufficient to produce saturation), using the method described by Permyakov et al in Ref. 9. Card 2/4 88043 s/i3q/6o/Ooo/006/00(;/032 EC)32/E4]L4 Effect of All-aided Pressure on the Atomic Magnetic Moments of Iron, Nickel and the Fe+36%-Ni Alloy The specimen in the bomb and a standard specimen were placed-in*a special holder at an' angle of 90* to each WAer, and were inserted into the field. The holder was suitably suspended*so that it could rotate freely in the field'. In the absence of pressure acting on the specimen under investigation the specimen and the standard came to rest at an angle of 45* to the field. If the magnetization of the specimen changes on application of pressure, then there will be a change in the angle between the specimen and the field. It was found that the atomic magnetic moments of the above three materials decreased on application of pressure* The reduction is 3.5% for the Fe-Ni alloy and 1.8 and 0.7% for pure Fe and Ni respectively. These results are interpreted in terms of the 9-d exchange model of Vonsovskiy (Ref.12). They are consistent with this theory but further experimental date, are still necessary.. There are I figure and 14 references: 8 Soviet and-6 non-Soviet. 88043 S/139/60/000/006/006/032 E032/E414 Effect of All-sidod Pressur* on the Atomic Magnetic Moments of Iron.,Nickel and the Fe*36% Ni Alloy ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Kiyev Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: February 10, 1960 Fis.l. A lk S108116110001019100'YO85 b101/B110 AUTHORSz Gertsriken, S. D,p Dekhtyar, I. Ya., Mikhalenkov, V. S., Madatova, E. G. TITLE: Study of the electrolytic conductivity of solid iron - aluminum alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 190 1961, 31, abstract 19B227 (Sb. "Issled. po zharoprochn. splavam", M., AN SSSR, v. 6, 1960, 99 - 104) TEXT: The electric migration in Fe - Al alloys (2.5 'A by weight of Al) at 13000C was studied by the method of displaciag -,an inert marker. In all cases, the markers moved toward the anode in electric migration. Since the displacement is due to the Kirkendall effect, Fe ions migrate to the cathode and are positively charged. It was shown*that the ionic charge can be determined from the activation energy of diffusion and from that of motion of the markers. EAbstracter's note: Complete translation.j Card 1/1 I- TkIlff MIKHAILRMV, V.S. ,:P-- Irfect of moneqailibrium defects of crystal structure on the mobility Of ELtOMS in.nikel and iron alloys. Isal. po zharopr. splav.6:12G-129 l6o. (KIRA 13:9) (Crystal lattices) (Nickel-iron alloys--Ketallography) GIRTSRIKO, S.D..; DRUMAR, I.Ya.; KUMOK, L.M.; MADATOVA, B.G. Sttulying defects In the crystal structure of chromium. Issl. p0 zharopr. splav. 6:251-258 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Chromium--Defects) (Dislocations in metals) GIRTSRIIIIN, S.D.; DAMMAR, I,Ta,; KUMOK, L.K. investi~Lting the heat resistance and structure of certain iron-base alloys depending on their composition. Isel. po sharopr. Elplav, 6:259- 267 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Iron alloys--Xetallography) (Heat-resistant alloys) 32031 S/601/60/000/011/010/014 )!;.16 D207/I)304 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I. Ya., and Mikhalenlcov, V. S. TITIE; The effect of crystal imperfections on the parameters of diffusion in nickel alloys SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins1koyi RSR. Instytut metaloWykye Sbornik nauchnykh rabot. no. 11. 19 0. Voprosy fiziki metallov i metallo- vedeniya, 106-116 TEXT: The authors investigated the effect of imperfections generated by high-temperature plastic deformation on diffusion in Ni-Mo alloys (6.5 - 16.7 at.% Mo), in Armco iron, and in a ferrite-type alloy (0.12 0, 12 Cr, 0.7 Mo, 4 Wt 0.2 V, and the rest Fe---all in weight %). Deformation was produced by applying an axial compressive load during diffusion annealing. Friction was avoided by placing mica foil between the sample ends and the compression-machine plungers. Radioactive tracers (Co 60 for Card 1/4 32031 S/601/60/000/011/010/014 The effect of... D207/D304 Ni-,Mo and iron; Fe59 for the ferrite) were deposited on the sample ends in the form of 1pL thick layers. Diffusion coeffi- cients D were deduced from the tracer distributions along the samples. These distributions were found using an end-window- counter MC*T-11 (MST-17), making an allowance for the change in dimensions due to deformation. The coefficients D were found to be directly proportional to the rate of deformation 6 in th8 following cases: Co diffusion in the Ni-Mo allo a at 950 - 1150 0 at low rates of defoEmation (up to 1.5% per hour5; Co diffusion in AEmco iron at 750 C; Fe diffusion in the ferrite at 900 and 1000 C. This proportionality can be accounted for by assuming that new vacancies are generated by dislocations during plastic deformation. A "softening coefficient" R was defined as R = dD/d6 . The value of R of the Ni-Mo alloys was of the order of 10-6 cm2 at 950 - 1150 OC; it rose with temperature and had a minimum at 9.6% Mo, where a maximum of the diffus6jon activation energy is known to occur. For Armco iron at 750 0, Card 2/4 32031 S/601/60/0,DO/ull/010/014 The effect of... D207/D304 it was found that R = 3.2 x 10-5 cm 2 , while for the ferrite at 900 and 100000 the values of R were 4.3 x 10-5 and 5.8 x 10- 5 cm2 respectively. The number of dislocations N. interacting with vacancies was found from Nd'_ R_ For the Ni-Mo alloys at 950 - 11500C, the value of N d was of the order of 10 6 cm-2; for Armco iron at 7500C, N d = 9.4 x 105 cm- 2, and for the ferrite at 900 and 10000C, N d = 6.6 x 104 and 4.8 x 104 cm-2 respec- tively. These values of N d indicated that only a proportion of dislocations interacted with vacancies. Alternatively, N d re- presented dislocation clusters rather than single defects. The diffusion activation energy E a of the Ni-Mo alloys was 35 - 80 Card 3/4 The effect of... 3 0 1 3/60X 60 OCIO/011/010/014 D207 D304 kcal/g-atom, and it fell with increase of the rate! of deformation. There are 4 figures', 3 tables and 15 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language -oublications read as follows: F. S. Buffington, WL Cohen, J. ketals, 4, no. 8, 1952; F. Seitz, Advances in Physics, 1, 43, 1952; 1. Yolenar, W. Aarts, Nature, 166, 690, 1950. SUBMITTED: June 24, 1959 Card 4/4 S/601/60/000/011/012/014 D207/11304. AUTHORS: Dek4~~r Litovchenko, S. G., and R. G. TITLE: Investigating the effect of plastic deformation on the electrical properties of alloys in the Fe-Al system SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. Instytut metalofyzyky. Sbornik nauchny~kh rabot. no. 11. 1960. Voprosy fiziki metallov i metallo- vedeniya, 121 - 128 TEXT: The authors investigated the influence of crystal de- fects produced by plastic deformation on the electrical resis- tivity of pure iron and of Fe-Al alloys with g-13 - 8% Al. Cast alloys were homogenized (120 hours at 1150 0), forge 9, drawn into a ivire of 0.56 mm diameter, annealed (3 hours at 800 C), and finally cooled in air. Extension was produced by a constant load Card 1/_~ S ,-/601/60/'000/011/012/014 Investi, ~ :a4- int, Ulu effecL... D207/D304. of 1.5 2 kg and measured by a clock mechanism. The electrical resistivity was determined with a nnTH PPTN) potentiometer and a highly sensitive galvanometer Ma3 M5/3). For pure iron and Fe-0.13% Al, it was found that ~1) L\ e /e , = AE 3/2 , where is the change of resistivity due to plastic deformationg PO is I*he initial resistivity (in ohm em), is the relative defor- mation (in%), and A is a constant; (2) the increase of resis- tivity was Drimarily due to vacancies. The electrical resistivi- ty due to one vacancy in pure iron was 1.1 x 10-21 ~Lohm cm/cm3 ; and for Fe-0.13% Al, it was 0.6 x 10-21 ~Lohm cm,/cm3,, For the 112 alloys with 0.28 - 1.08% A!, it was found that [_Se/e 0 = BE and that the increase in resistivity was primarily due to disloca- tions; the electrical resistivity due to one dislocation was of the order of 10_13~tohm cm/cm3, and it rose with increase of the Card 2/3 S/601/60/000/011/012/014 Investigating the effect... D207/D304 aluminum content. The Fe-8% Al alloy behaved differently from all the other alloys: its electrical resistivi";,y was reduced by plastic deformation. This was que to destruction of the short- range order produced by the 800 0 heat treatment before tests. It was also found that the electrical resistiv-.Lty of all the al- loys, except Fe-8% Al, rose linearly with their Al content. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 11 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-language publications read as follows: D. 1. Dexter, Phys. Rev., 90, 7109 1953; S. C. Hunter, F. Nabarro, Proc. Roy, Soo,,, 220, 542, 1953; W. A. Harryson, Phys, Chem. of Solids, 5, 44, 1958; Matsura Keisuke, Hamaguchu Volshikazu, Kod.a Sbigeyasu, J_ Phys. Soc. Japan, 12, 1424, 1957, SUBMITTED: June 24, 1959 Gard 3/3 S/170/60/003/02/15/026 BOO8/BOO5 AUTHORS; TITLE: PERIODICAM Dekhtyar, I. Ya., Shalayev, A. M. The Nature of Imperfections Occurring During the of an Fe 3A1 Alloy by ~-^'~-Rays ~1 Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol- 3, No. PP- 76-82 Iq irradiation 2, TEXT: The authors studied the influence of r-rays on the galvanomagnetic 6fie'dt 4,; and the coercive force H of the Fe Al alloy depei iding on the R 3 0 radiation dose. The samples oooled suddenly -in oil from 900 were irradiated at room: temperature, 140, and 2400C. For' control, the variation of the Pro!)crties investigated was also measured under the action of temperature without irrE.diation. It was shown that ~--rays increase! the H . at room temi)erature (Fig. 1). At 140 and 2400, the change of H., is accelerated by A':-r~ys. It attains higher values than under the action of temperature alone Card 11-2 The Nature of Imperfections Occurring During the S/170/60/003/02/15/026 Irradiation of an Fe 3Al Alloy by r-Rays BOOS/BO05 (F-Jg. 2). The galvanomagnetic effect is not influenced by V-'~-rays at room temperature. At 2400P its change proceeds more quickly, and attains higher values than in heating without irradiation (Fig, 3). The change of H. and .NR'. under the action of X-rays proceeds in the same in R II thermal regulating of the alloy. A saturation can be o'bserved in both cases. On the basis of the investigations of Fe 3A1 and Ni, as well as of Ni 3~n (Refe 4), it is assumed that Frankel's pair defects and dislocation loops originate due to the h--rays. The variation in physical. properties of the metallic substancen investigated is also connected with the formation of these defects. The chanr of (-LR-R)Ij iD e.-f-fected by the formation of Frankel's pair defeats,' and its subsequent relaxation and the change of Ho are effected by the formation of dislocati.on loops. A table shows maximum energy values for various atoms. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 13 ref- er ences, 7 of which axe Soviet. Card 2/3 The Nature of imperfectionB Occurring During the S/170/60/003/02/15/026 Irradiation of an Fe3Al Alloy by 6--Rays B008/B005 ASSOCIATION; Institut.'motallofiziki AN USSR, g. Kiyev (Institute of Metal - Physics AS'.Ukrainskaya SSR, City of Kiyev) A V Card 3/3 S/170/60/003/03/15/034 B014/BC07 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I. Ya., Mikhalenkovq V. S. TITLEi The Relationship B t een 0;!-YAtal StructureKn7d, the Alloys the NonequJl'brJum Defects of the DiffusioriGa4rameters in Nickel PBRIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol- 3, No- 3, PP-91-95 TEXT: The present paper is one of a serias of papers by the authors (Refs. 5-8), in which the diffueion in materials deformod at high tempera- tures wan investigated. Investigations were oarried out of nickel -molybdenum alloys, armoo-irong and a ferritic iron alloy with 12~ Cr and 4~ W. In the oase of the rxiokel-molybdenum, alloys the indicator used was Cow, and in the iron alloy it was Fe59. From the diagrams shown in Figs. 1 and 2 it may be seen that the dependenoe of the diffusion coefficient on the deforma.- tion ra-te is linear. For the purpose of explaining this effeot a model is suggested according to which an excessive concentration of vacancies occurs during the slow deformation, which is accompanied at the same time by a mutual interaction of dislocations. Basing upon this model, the authors calculated the diffusion ooeffioient in the caBe of plastic deformation, which is represented as linear function of the deformation rate. The values ra-rel 112 . V The Relationship Between the Nonequilibrittlm S/170/60/003/03/15/034 Defects of th,) Crystal Structure and the B014/BO07 Diffusion Parameters in Nickel Alloys show good afg-eement with experimental data. Finally, tho activation energy of diffusion is dealt with. A diagram, Fig,, 3 compares the experimental values which represent the dependence of the activation energy of diffu- sion on the deformation rate for the Ni-Mo--alloysg with the curve calculat- ed by means of formula (8). The values wero found to be in good agraement. The activation energy at first quickly decreases with increasing deforma- tion rate, whilst later on it develops more slowly. In conclusion, the usefulness of the model for diffusion suggested is pointed out. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 15 references;~ 8 Soviet an6 7 English. ASSOCIATION, Institut metallofi4ziki AN USSR9 g. Kiyev (Institute of Metal Physics of the AS Ukr'113R, City of Kiyev) JA Car. 2/2 86809 11111, 3/A85/60/O05/CK)lM)8/01Pd A'1151/A029 H(')'RS. lertsriken, S.b.; Dekhtyar. I.Ya.; Mikhalenkov, V.S.; Madatova, G . 0" The Study of the State of Atoms in Solid Iron - Aluminum Solutions oy. the Electrical Transfer Method ~In--LYIXCAL~ Ukrayinslkyy Fizychnyy Zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 1, Pp. 79 - 87 TEXT~ The paper investigates the state of atoms in solid iron - aluminum solutions by applying a method based on the effect of displacement of inert marks 1xi a d-iree-E; current field. Samples cfa homogeneous solid solution of Re and Al wem used iqhich had the form of lengthened small semicylinders with a diameter of 5mm2 ax!d a IeDgth of 40 mm. Apertures with a diameter of 0.5 mm were drilled perpendio- u2arlv to the axis of such a sample, through which molybdenum wires were pulled. T]7..e s":uple wits tightly clamped between two nickel electrodes, placed In a wide %_~iartz tube of a vacluum installation. The electrolytic current served simultane- -.ts a ;.-lurce for heating the sEunples. In a number of cases, when direct could. not ensure the pre-set temperature, additional heatings by alternat- .n, current were applied. As proved by former experiments, a displacement of ~:a_-a 1.(/,:) 86809 S/185/60/005/001/008/018 A151JAD29 The Study of the State of Atoms in Solid Iron - Aluminum Solutions by th~_ E'_ cal Transf er Method marks in the direction to the anode took place after a certain annealing, The location of -~be marks in relation to the edges of the sample and To '~be line, -i- near its cold ends was measured on a comparator with an ac ~:acy of 1 0~17,,~'_~. Ube observat:~on of the displacement gave a clear evidence for the presence of Kirkendall effect within the direct current circuit. Alternating current pass,.,r~ through did no-. lead to any displacements of the marks. It was discovered tha- in all cases investigated the displacement of the marks proceeds in the directlr)n to the anode, Bearing in mind that in the investigated alloys with little alumin i;m content the majority of places in the lattice was occupied by iron ato:rs, it can be aSSUMEd that the dosplacement of marks is conditioned chiefly by the motion of iron ions. Formula (6) shows that this displacement should be proportional to the duration of annealing t. 7be displacement of marks pro3eeding in the direct- ion of the anode led to the conclusion -that under such conditions of the experim9ri the ions of iron are positively charged. On the basis of Formula (12), the numbEm U of.the- ransfers of iong of iron at 1,3000C -were calculated. They proved to be 4.6 io 9 and 3.45 - 10- g-ion/farad for alloys contaning: 2.5 and 8 weight % of Al, respectively. The results obtained make It possible to calculate the charges of iron ions with an accuracy of up to 'the multiplier constant. The calculation Card 2/3 1 86809 s/185/6o/bo5/boi/oo8/oi8 A151,/A029 j-kudy of the State of Atoms in Solid Iron - Aluminum Solutions by the Elec~xi- 1-i-anz--ler Method . -1 - o,,t a,a Uiis paper has -shown that the positive charge of iron ions in an .i ;o3, i'_tb a 2,,1z% aluminum content is aproximately twice as high compared to the27 -rgi- -1 an alloy with 8% of aluminum. In order to determine the real volue of :J,~ fori charge, as well as the symbol and the value of the charge of the second aj:'~)y "orliporient, .-I r, seems necessary to make the calculation conducted more precJse. are 4 ftguces and 11 references: 7 Soviet, 2 Ehglish, 1 German and 1 'Un- i.ndE-ntified. ,P.SSOCIATION. I'nstytut wetalofizyky AN URSR (Institute of the Physics of Metals, 11.S UkrSSR). '3UPKITTF), Jime 29, 1959 -::.-d 3/3 _)~~KHTYAR, I.Ya.; SHAJAYEV, A.11. [Shalaiev, A.M.] Effect of gamma radiation on certain magnetic: properties of iron and its alloys. Ukr. fiz. zhure 5 no. 5-.677-682 S-0 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN USSR. (Irorr-44agnetie properties) (Gamma rays) 81728 t1- 6 Poo s/on/0/133/01/16/070 12 Z/. 6 15~ B014/BO11 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I*_Ya*9 Mikhalenkov, V. S. TITLE; A Study of the Angular Correlation of Gamma Quantaj Arising in the Annihilation of Positrons and Elootrone in Bismuth ,I PERIODICAL, Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, Ho. 1, pp. 60-63 TEXT: To determine the surface of maximum momenta in the study of angular distribution of y-quanta the authors used a device allowini the measurement of the intensity of photon momenta at different angles. Na 2 was used as poijitron source, and a sointillation counter served as detector. The au- thors studied 2 mm thick bismuth single crystal plates. Fig. I ehows a typical angular distribution, and Fig. 3 the average maximum momenta of electrons in the form of polar diagrams. When analyzing the diagrams one finds an asymmetry of the curve shape of the angular correlation of y-quanta in the annihilation of positrons by electrons for different direc- tions in bismuth. From a study of the zonal structure of bismuth the authors conclude that the quantity characterizing the form of the distribution Card 1/3 A Study of the Angular Correlation of Gammsk S/02 R~~3/01/16/070 Quanta Arising in the Annihilation of B014Y0.4011 Positrons and Electrons in Bismuth function of the electron states, an well as the quantity characterizing tbo average maximum momenta, reflect the surface of filled energy levels. It results from an analysis of the curves of the angular correlations for three different orientations of the bismuth crystal that the maximum anisotropy of the form of the surface of filled energy levels, according -to the halfwidth of the distribution curves, is 10-5%, and according to the average maximum momenta, 12.2%. These values of anisotropy approach those values that can be estimated from the form of the cross section according to the boundaries of the principal zone. The authors thank A. A. Smirnov and M. A. Krivoglaz for valuable advice given. There are 4 figures and 6 references.- 1 Soviet, 4 American, and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallofiziki Akademii nauk USSR (institute of Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) PRESENTED: February 9, 1960, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician Card 2/3 81'j'3.8 A Study of the Angular Correlation of Ga=a B/020/60/133/01/16/070 Quanta Arising in the Annihilation of B010011 Positrons and Electrons in Bismuth SUBMITTED: February 4, 1960 Card 3/3 MGEIMAN, Oganes Iosifovioh- DE=.AR.,, IJ4~A,_otv. red.; SLKUNI, A.G., red. i; SWIMIA rod. [Experimental investigation on the moverent of disloations in rietals] Eksperimentallrqe iseledovaniia po dvizheniiu dislokatsii v notallakh. Erevan, Izd-vo Ikad. nauk Armianskoi SSR, 1961. 187 p. WIRA 14tlO) (Dislocations in metals) 42~ BRAUN, M.P., cloktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red. (Kiev); do1ttor takhn. neuk, red., DFLAYGOR, D.A., doktor takhn. nauk, red.; XAWANIGHM. I.S., inzh., red.; WOMOTSKIT, Ye.A., kond. tekhn. nauk, red.; PIMITAKOV, V.G., inzh,, doktor tekhn. nauk, red. (Kiev); CIMTOTOL, A.T.. kand. tak1m. nauk. red. (Kiev); SOROKA, M.S., rod.; GORNOSTAYPOL'SKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. F-Metals and their heat treatment] Matallovedenle I termiche- skain obrabotka. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- atroit. lit-ry. 1961. 336 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. lauchno-tekhnichaskoys obshchestvo mashinostroitellnow pro- myshlennosti. Kiyevskoye oblastnoye prpvleniye. (Metallography) (Metals--Heat treatment) 89697 S/139/61/000/001/005/018 36 0 (/,0 YJ,, // 37, 11S~5) E030/E435 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.-Ya. and Madatava, E.G. TITLE. Interaction Between Magnetic Domain Structure and Dislocations in Ferromagnetics PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.1, pp.63-70 TEXT: Calculations have been performed on the effect of edge and spherical dislocations on the coercive force of ferromagnatics and experiments on the change in coercive force of pure nickel after successive rapid quenchings from 10400C have given excellent agreement with the theory for edge dislocations but poor agreement for spherical dislocations. For edge dislocations, the coercive force Hc is related to the number of times t of quenching by the formula Hc th2bt + A th2 /2'bt (16) 2 VI-1 where b is a parameter directly proportional to the square root of the number of stationary dislocations and where A is a function of crystallite dimensions, saturation magnetization, Card 1/3 89697 S/139/61/000/001/005/018 Interaction Between Magnetic ... E030/E435 diameter of vacancy and number of domains. In practice, A and b would be determined empirically and in Fig+ for nickel, values of 3.66 oersted for A and 0.15 times- for b , give excellent agreement with the coercive force variation over 30 repeated quenchings from above the Curie point. (The specimen was a pure nickel rod, 0.5 mm diameter and 70 mm long; it was subjected to prolonged heating, then quenching at 1000C, when its coercive force was measured to an accuracy of + 0.02 oersted.) Calculation of the coercive force arising from the formation of inclusions of spherical symmetry around vacancies produced by heating was not completed, since it was demonstrated that the radius of such defects must go through a pronounced minimum on repeated heating and that the coercive force would then also show a minimum. This is clearly not confirmed by experiment. There are I figure and 4 references: I Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy politakhnicheakiy institut (Kiyev Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: February 9, 1960 Card 2/3 Interaction Between Magnetic ... lye 4j Card 3/3 S/139/61/000/001/005/018 E030/E435 DUJITYAR, 1.1a.; MIKHALENKOV, V.S. Method of studying the energy state of electrons in metals by meami of the positron-elvatron annibilelion phenomenon. Sbor. naucb.rab.Iwt.met&l1of".AN URSR no.12:46-60 161* ODA 14:8) (Electrons) (Feral awfaces) fl~ - DEKHTXAR, I.Ya.; MADATOVA, B.G. Changes of coercive force during cyclic heat, treatment. Sbor. nauch.rab. Ins URSR no.12:72-87 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Metals-Heat treatment) (Ferromagnetism) S/05EV6P_/000/009/029/O69 AOO(;/AlOl AUTHORS: Gertsrikeri, S. D., Dekhtyar, 1. Ya., Kumok, L.. M TITLE: Investigating the defects in the crystalline -.;tructure of chromium depending upon the deformation degree PERIODICAL: Referativn~-y zhurnal, Fizika, no. 9, 1962, 49, abstract 9E347 C'Sb. nauchn. rabot In-ta metallofiz. AN UkrSSM", 1961, no. 12, 98 - 101) TEXT: The density of dislocations in Cr after de.for7iation to 35, 65 and 90% was determined by the X-ray method from blurring of lines due to.the forma tion of domains and stvesses of II order. It is shown tha'. high dislocation density is obtained already at 35% deformation; farther increase of the defor- mation degree raises the dislocation den6ity only slightly. The authors sul)pose that one of the causes for Cr brittleness,la its proneness to considerable ac- -cumulation of dislocations at relatively low deformations. (Abstracter's note: Complete tranolation] V. Verner C ard 1/ 1 140~ 21 :2q, S/196/62/000/019/002/004 E194/E455 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.Ya., Lovina, D.K. TITLE: The influence of strain on the coercive force of ferromagnetic alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotikhnika i energetika, no.19, 1962, 2, abs 'tract 19B7.' . .(Sb. nauchn. rabot In-ta inetallofiz.-AN UkrSSR, no.13, 1961, 51-61) TEXT: An investig4tion was made of the influonce of plastic I strain c on Hsat of the following materials: commercial nickel; the non-orientating alloys Fe + 2.5% Al; ' Fe -t4 8% Al; Fe + 85a Cr and the orientating alloys Ni Mn; Ni3Fe; 201o Co,' 6 07'0 N i , 2 0% Mn ;400% Co, 40'a Ni,* 20% Mn; - 90% Co', 2070' Ni, 2o% Mn. It was found that for nickel and the first three-alloys Hsat - el/4 which confirms the relationship Hsat --N1/2 (where Nd is the density of parallel lines (if dislocalion). Thus, the increaso in Hsat on increasing c 1.9 due to retardation of domain boundaries on the evek-increasing number of dialocaifons. The relationship Hsat(c) is also given for the orientating alloys and qualitatively explained in the light of the Card 1/2 S/196/62/000/019/002/004 The influence of strain ... U94/E455 theory proposed. 8 figures. 16 literature references. .-t [Abstracter's note: Complete translation .1 , Card 2/2 S/196/�2/000/018/005/017 E194/P,155 AUTHORS: Dekhtyar, I.Ya., and Mikhalenkov, v.s.- TITLE: C'nanges in -flTe-e-Lectrical resistance of copper- ninnganese alloys during plastic strain PERIODICAL: lie f erativii,-Iry zhurnal, )'-',lektrot(!khni1cr% i onergetika, no. 18, 1.96..", It, abst-ract 18 B 20.- (Sb. nauchn. rabot In-ta meta1lofiz.AN'Qa-5SR, no.13, 196l, 62-b9). TEXT: The additional specific resistivity caused by plastic strain is expressed by the formula: ,LN~ ()= Ac 1/2 + Be 3/2 in which the first term characterises the contribution to 4~~ of dislocation and the second that 'of vacancy (A.and. B are coefficlionts Al that depend upon the material; e is the amount of strain). Published experimental data are evidence of the ctifferent contri- butions of vacancy and dislocation to /-%n in different metals and alloys..'In the present work alloys of copper with 0.54; 1.0; 1.35; and 2.07 0,0' (atomic) Mn and pure electrolytic copper were Card 1/2 4 Changes in the e1ectrica.1 ... S/196/62/000/016/005/k)17 r,194/EI55 inves t igated. A wire 0-5 mm in dimn(!ter was produced by forVin~~ and drawing and to relieve the st.ressos it was anneaJed Vor -5 hours, at 900 Oc in vacuum. I'he specimens -~,!ere 10 cm long. A hil_-.~I of strain was produced by twisting, For almost aIJ sjwcimez,:, thcre was an almost linear relationship between to z~nd the number of rotations An twisting. For 11.loys of Cii-jin t6e greatest rate.-; of' increase of p on sLraan are obtainevI for the contc~nk. ~,m ! . , ') (atomic ). on the basi!-... of the irregu.Iar distribution of SLI- .:! over the section on twisting the authors derive a reIaLiOTIshJI;) Iretween (-\ pand the '_(~,jigth of tlit-, specimen, it!5 radius and, number of rotations. lj.'his expression and the dat;% are used to calculate the factors A and B fo~ the investigated. 8 figures, 6 referenceJ, T~bstractor,s note: Complete translation. - Card 2/2