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EXCERPTA VEDICA See 5 Vol 12/8 General Path. Aug 59 2096. THE ROLE OF ASSIMILATION AND ADAPTATION FACTORS !I.% THE DEVELOPMENT OF HETEROTRANSPLANTS - Die Rolle der A~simila- ttons-Adaptationsfaktoren in der Entwicklung von ifeterotransplar!aten - C8aba G. ltintol.-Embryol, Inst., Nled. Univ., Budapest - VIRCHOWS ARCII. PAT 11. ANAT. 1958, 331/6 (653-665) Illua. 6 In th~ behaviour of heterotransplants 3 phases can be distinguished: (1) the phase of triumatization and local disturbances in nutrition; (2) the phase of aE,Similation and ;idaptation; (3) the phase of immune reaction. Of the greatest importance for the f ate of the transplant is the 2nd phase. This is shown by transplantittions of liver tissue into tht! anterior chamber of albino rats' eyes. In autotransplantations only the biliary ducts remained alive, and regeneration started from these. All tran:;plants from homologous and heterologous mammals and fowls were de- stmfed and only transplants from r- fish and Triturus remained alive. Liver tissue cultivated on rat serum in tissue culture showed that all the tissues which re- maitied alive in vivo survived also in vitro. It is therefore concluded that mainly all Viose tissues remain alive as transplants that are able to assimilat'! foreign prot-!ins in vivo and in vitro. In the experiments of the author it is sho Nn that the immune reactions are of less importance than assimilation and adaptation. The explination for this fact is that tissues of phylogenetically lower formE, have not only a higher ability for assimilation but also a lower antigen characte!r. Wagenfeld - Hamburg (V,I, 16) -W CSABA ;--PM- I.;KISS. F.I.;JMAY, G.;2101)1, F. _~S IIA _G_ On the exact mechanism of the agar-binding reactL)n in a quanti- tative method. Neoplasms, Bratiel. 6 no.4:366-382 1959. 1. Histologisch-Imbryologisches Institut der Medij;inischen University Biochemisches Institut der !Zgarischeu Akademie dor Wissenschaften, Budapest, Ungarn. (MPIASMA, diag. ) ,PSM, Gya~-g7, dr.; TORO, Inre, dr.: KISS. Ferenc Istvan bieceased] Carcer diagnostic method with quantitative agar fi:mtion. Orv. WA1 100 no.44:1580-1582 if 159. 1. A Budepeati Orvostudomanyl Bg3retem Szovet so lFe5bodestani I-atezetenek (igazguto: Toro Inre dr. eg7et. tanar, akad.emlkus) koilemerAye. (ERMUSMS diag.) (MODIAGNOSIS) C&M. Gjr,)r#y. dr. The role of inueopolysaacharides In the growth of lumors. Orv. hi)t1l. 100 no.52:1882 D 159. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomnyi $Vaten Szovet- as Yejlcldestani Intezetenek (Igaugato: Toro Imra dr.ogyet. tanar) kazlemanya. (NUCOPOLYSkCCHARIDIS metab.) (NECKASMS exper.) OSABA, Gyorgy.,-.. ftamination of the hm-n thy=v with special refibrence to the thymas fat calls. Kiserletes Orvostudomany 12 ne.1-10-15 Ir 160. 1. Bmdupesti Orvantudommyi XSystam Szovet as PejUdestani Intexate. (THMS GL&ND anat, & histol) GSABA, Gycrgy; AGS, Tamas; HORVATH, Cecilia Tke reciprocal action between 2 t=or transplants. Kiserletes orvostud. 13 no.2:138-241 My 161. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szovet es Fejlodestani Intezeta. (NEOPLASIZ exper.) CSABA, Gyorgy; VIOLDOVANY1, Ilona A new method for the quantitative determination of' serum af,,id mucopolynaccharides (hepar-4n). Kiserl. orvostud. 1), no-3:229-234 Je 152. 1. Badapsti Orvostudomanyi E.rYet..ei-. Szovet- es Fejlodestaiii Inta-,etct. (REPATIN blood) CSAPA., G 0 g7_, dr,,., egyetemi adjunktus, az onroatudomanyok kardidatusa (Budapest) --- 7 T Some words about the d~vrslopment deformities with special regard to the *Conteremi. case." Term tud kozl 6 no.12033-536 IJ 162. TOROK) Gabor; CSABA, 3yorgy; HORVATH., Janos - .-- -- ------------ Efft,-ct of heparin on the frequency of mutations induced on StrDptomyces. Biol kozl .10 no.l.:51-57 16~0' 1. Agrartudonanyi Fg~tem W-krobiologiai Tanszek, Go-dol-lo. Tan- sze' ~vezeto: Dr.Janos Horvath egyetemi tanar, es aidaFesti Or- vostudoraanyi Egyetem. Szovettani es Fejlodestald Intezet. Igazgato: R.-Imire Toro egyetemi tanar, alkademilci..s. 2. Biolor-dai Kozlcmenyek" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Hoi-vat,b). Yl BIERBLUER, Ttizsef; GSAU) Gyorgy inveftigating the effect of toluidire blue, ,a beparin bindir4,7 substance, on the foot regenaryion of Pleurqdeil6s waltlii. Diol -64 162. kozl 10 no..1:59 1. Ih-dapeati Orvostudomanyi EgyetA,m Szovet- es Pejlodestani Inte.;et.igazoato Dr.lx=e Toro egycitemi tanar. CSABA, Gy.; 11131WAD, Iren The-foijr,aticn of thymus cysts and frassall's corpuscles in model oxporiiawi~o. Acta morph. acad. aci. hung. 11 110-4:40"1-4-14 3. Ac!partmenf. of Histology and Embryology, University Medical School, Budapest (Djx~~ctor: Prof. 1. Ton)). (TIMMUS GLAND) (TROSPIXiTATION) CSABA~ G.; HOWATH, Cecilia; MOLDOVANYI, Ilona A atudY on protein oontent of tiosues from vartebrat-is cf age or of different grade of evo:~ution and its beariTI17 cn Aota bLoI. 13 no.3.,223-229 162. 1. Depirtmarit of Histology and Embryology,, Medical University, Bndapoo-,, (Head: I. Toro). (...V-OpuSMS IEXPERIMNITAL) (GARCINOMA, Elmicil m"01-6) (FISH) (BIRDS) (AGM) (PROTEINS) (LIIJFR) I (11TERUS) (SPLEEN) (AMPHIBIA) (RODENTS) CSARAY Gyorg7, dr., az orvostudonanyolc kELnclj.da-L-,iFa, adju-n,`,t,,.,,s TrwispLintation and immunity of Uf) tissuco. 'Ellovilag 8 n.).3:27-31 My-Je 163. 1. Rudai?,esti Orvostlado:,nanyi Pgyctelu Intezete., - CSABA, G.; KULMATIN)L. on the phjsiological control of connective tissue mast cells. Act,B. biol. Hung 14 no-31175-181 163. 1. repartment, of Histology and Embryology, Medical University., Budapest (Head: I. Toro). CSABA, G.; KOROSI, J.; HORVATH, C.; IIGLD,K.,- ACS, Th. Effect of' heparin-bound alkylating agmits and enzyme inhibiton un neoplEtstic grovith. Neoplasm 11 no.2:137-144 164 1. Institute of Histology and Embryolonr, Budrapst "edf -cal Univeirsity; Research Lrilvratmry of the United Worl.-v fcll Pliamacetitical and Diete'lic Rroducts , Budapst, Ihmgary. CSAPA, G.; MIOLD, X..; KOPOSI, J. On the effect of tvarnor-inhibitilig agents bound to inactivated heuarim on tissue cultures. Neoplasma (Bratisl.) 11 no,4i345- 351 164. 1. HisilologIsches und Embryolog.IlSches Institut der MledizInischer UnivemitaX, Forschungs,laboratorium der Vereinigton Heil- und Nahmittelwerke, Budapest, Unpa-,M. TCRJ, I.; BERNAD, Iren; FISCAER, J. The imwnological competence of the tiymus and spleen in neurborn and adult ;:at. Acts, biol. acad. sci. Hung. 14 no-4:301-309 164. 1. Department of histology and ambriology (Head: I. Toro), MEdical University of Budapest, and biometrical division, matbematical re- search institute (Head; I. Juvancz), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. GSABA, G.; TOROK$ (Yttilia; PISC J,k MI Immunological competence of nawborn and adult v and rb t thymA spleen after explanation in V~ssue culture. Acta biol.'acad. sci. Hung,. 16 no.2tl6l-168 r65- 1. Institute of Histology and &bryology, MedictOl Univer.-ity, Budapest (Head: 1, Toro) Bionotrical Division, Mathematical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Neadi I. Juvancz). Sutmitted April 8, 1965. WOS, L.;PALI, K.;CSA3A, I. ,immdmwjmwwm Function and blood supply to tho pituitary in advanced pregnancY toxemias. Kiserletes orvootud. .1; no.2:102-106 Mar 1933. (GJAL 24--4) 1. Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of Pecs Medical University. -B A ~ IAJOS, L.;?ALI, K.;CWA, I. Function and u'l'o'c, supp 1Y of the adenobypophysie in late tozaemlas of' pregnanc.y. Acta med. hang. 4 no.3-4.-273-281 1953. (MCA125:5) 1. Of the Department of Obstetrics and 07necology of Pecii University. IAJOS, L.;PALI, K.;SZOWUGH, F,,;GATI, I.;HUSVET, ,&; H&LVAX, L. Iopro,rement of results of abdominal operations with the utilization of ret;ent pathophysiological knowledges. Orv. hetil. 94 n0-13:348- 351 21) Mar 1953- (GLML 24:4) 1. Dontors. 2. Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic (Dirtctor -- Prof. Dr. Liazlo Lajos), Pecs Medical University. HUNGARY / Human and Animal Physiology. Metabolism. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.i No 51 1958, 21871. Author : *)omany Sandor, Osaba 1mre, Szekely Josef. Inst : lint,,,given. Title : 'En Vitro Utilization of 02 By Placentas Ob- tained in Normal and Pathological PrE~gnancies of Various Duration. 1 -:1 Orig Pub: Xiserl Orvostnd, 1956, 9, No 1, 48-53. Abstract: The consumption of 02 by placentas (P) obtained In the first trimester of normal pregnancies was of 6.5mm3 per 1 mg/hour. P. in pregnE,noies with late toxemia absorbed 3.5mm3. Under fav- Drable hypoxic conditions (20% 02) the constnp- tion of oxygen wras lower, and in P. of early pregnancy was 4.1, normal term. 2.3 and in preg- Card 1/2 LAJOS, Lassloi- CSABA, Imrs; SAIMOR alit Ion of the endocrine function of the placenta. Ma&v. Tuclom. Akad. Biol. Ory. Oest. Kozl. 8 no.1-2: 131-132 1957. 1. A Pecei Orvontudomanyt. Fastem Ssulessett as Bogyogymazati KlintlaJa. (PLACENTA, pbTsiol. pituitary regulation of endocrine funct. (Run)) (PITUITARY GLAND. physiol. regulation of endocrine funct. of placenta (Htm)) I-irn; WMATTY, ;,-tndor; Josnefl, BRETIA, Istvan Annero bic glycolyils in -aIncentn.9 from different 7)hrtsf~n of normal nnd natholopical -preg-riftnclen. noorv. Ian. ?2 Ply 57. 1. A I'seq i OrvostudomnNvi 'D~,yetem i on i Q iniks isr- Ir kozlemaMlp, (Irtzgato: Lni;jo iro;zlc dr. egyet-ii. tayvzr) (Pi'AOLTT!~, iintab. glycolysin, annorobic, in different of nnri-tal withol. pregn. (Ifirn)) TII-tib, 111--inenta, annerobic plycolyri,) in phaqer, of nor!-.~,! ci pregn. (.Iftux)) IAJOS, Insolo; GSAPA, Imre; DDMKNY, Sandor; SZMLY, iozeef; BRMIYA, 19tvan Experimental studies on the conditions of the eecretion of chorionic gonadotropins. Kiserletes orvoBtud 9 no.5-6:554-563 Oct-Zinc 58. L.Peasi Orvostudomanyi Eaetem S?uleazeti es Nogyogynazati Klinikaja. (GONADOTROPINS. CHORIONIC, physiol. secretion under varioue exper. cond. in vitro (Min)) OSABA DM; IAjOS IASZLO-, DOMM SANDDR Rionosay of ahorlogonadotrovin (MG) an4 luteinixing hormone (LH) on frogs. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.2-3:1!?3-200 Apr-Jl:xne 58. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi gVetem Ssulessati so Nogycqqaszati Klinikuja. (GONADMOPIES, CHORIONIC. determ. bioassay on vale frogs (Hun)) (GOVADOTIROMS, PITUIURT, detera. interstitial cell stimulating hormone,, bioa,ssay on male frogs (Hun)) IAJOS, L.; GSAJA, L; DDYABY, S.; MUM, J.; ISTVAH, B. Effects of gravidic adenobVpophysis on the chorionic gonEi.dotropin T):rc- ducticz of placenta in vitro. Kiserletes orvostud., 10 nci.4:359-373. Lug 58. 1, Pecsi, Orvostudo-a" i Fqgetem SZulesneti es Wyogyassisti, Kliniknja. (PITUITARY GIJM. AHTERIOR, extracts gravidic extract form autopsy material, eff. on choriDniC gonadotropin prod. of placenta in vitro (Ibn)) (GONADOTROPINS, CHORIONIC, physiol. eff. of gravidic anterior pituitary extracts from a1ltDPSY material on prod. in placents, in vitro (Him)) GORM, Jeno; tuffiftw; MSKES, laJOB Glanduitrin instillation in prolonged pregnancy. Msglr. noorv. lap. 21 no.4,232-235 Au_- 58. 1, Feesi &vostudomanyi 3aetem Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Klinilm- janak komlemenye (1,-,azgato: InjoB Iaszlo dr. egyetemi. tanar) (LOOR, ITTMUM by oxytocin instillation in prolonged pregn (11un)) (OXYGO, ther. use Induction of labor by oxytocin instillation in prolonged pregn. (Aan)) IAJOS,IaBzlo; GSABA#Imra; DDXANYoSandor;SZXXXLY.Jozsaf; BREIIL,Istvan Placental role of the adeno-hypophysta in labor and purporperium, Kiaerletes Crrvostud. 12 no.2:157-164 Ap 160. 1. Pecol Orrost-adomnyi Naetem Ssuleezeti eB Nogyo&vaosati Klinikaja. (PITUIMY GJAND ANTJWOR phys io 1. (PIACMITA phys iol. (IA:3OR physiol. ) (PErAmpxuum phys i01. LAJOS, Laszlo; DMOY, Sandor; SZEKELY, Jozsef; BMIA, Istvan MorphOlDgy and biology of experimental adenohypophysial. condit-cris similar to changes caused by pregnancy. Magy. noorv. lap. 25 no-5: 269-289 S 1620 1. A Pecei Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szuleszeti es Nogyogv aszati Klinikajanak kozlemenye (Igazgat'o*. Lajos Laszlo dr. egyet, tanw7j. . (PITUITARY GLAND OTEMOR) (ESTROGMIS) (PREGNTIOCY) ,-CSABA, Jozsef,,ciki.olajmwnok Preftentittion of W.R.Cox's papi)r entitled "Key factors affectirm the landing of.casing," and VC-s,conclusions applicable in Hungariem conditions. Bany lal:) 95 no.4:265-Z75 Ap 162. 1. Orazagpos Koolaj-es Gazipari Troazt Dw=tuli Koolajfurasi UMMO, VAgylengyal. TrIKODFXUSZ, Istvan, dr.; _GSABA,_K~r - .,. ORMAY, Laszlo, dr. ,__~r A ease of botulism diagnosed by laboratory mlthodc. 0r7.hiYti1. 101 no."12:1856-1858 25 D'60. 1. OrszaZos Elelmezas- es Taplalkozastudomanyi Inteset on Orazzagov KozogouzaegWi Intezet. (BOTULISM diag) ., ~, A-r, ~ , ~, "),t ,, r f :?t " ~- L, u ~ - U:! thc 'i - ~, 'b". -, - , f - ~, 'Zzm,~al-hely M,I=f!.-,-. ~.qtZ.-a -.."n " ; - , ~, .. - , - - I - I I '.. - '. . . , C: -, ~ 2 1 VKIiB, Andras; SCHAFeR, Lujos; TAPFER, Dezso, dr.; I.ViDETITZKY, Iena; NMII, Imre, dr.; BABAY, Karoly; SOLY14OSSY, ID-inlo, dr.; GYORY, J.!)no; FFKETE, Karo2y; FERENU, 143klos; UTIBY, ~ . y SZEMERE, Laszlo; SAGHY, Antal., dr. ; C*~iJ3~ ~ KEVE, dr.; AGAU.I, Ede; KOFFAN, Karoly; SCBMIDT, Egon Data on the avifauna of Dunantul. Aquila 69/70:2'6(~-266 162-16.3 [publ. 1.641. tJ it,! Per' C- T tEi.t -he nicr: 14f~t ()f -',',orcpean AccesL-i 0.S r ,I r p vrop-~,m kccU;, 7. 4 of fOod-o-ocka,--iriF maturials TO'. -'Inn n4.hl-- 1.4:~' 7,f' 'T'~e vol~3 of' runs-pecj fie nat'llorers .1111 -(,c)cl i T ;mropean iiccessior, k,j, 'Tncl. CSABA . Karoll y, dlr,. Significance of the Arthropoda fror.,-, thE, point o" rJ-,vl ~-i food hygiene and the chief aspect,,, of Elelm ipur 13 no.6:2006- 3 of cover lc; 1. Orsze.gos Elelnezestudomanyi Into:,c~t. CSABA) K. Significance of tho Artthropoda from the food hy,.-iene vievn)oir-'u and t1he. nain viev,points on the protection w7aiiist them. D.200. rLEV,!EZFSI IPAR. Budavest, Hime-ary. Vol. 1-1, no. 6, June !'V59. - - r, Monthly List of East European Accessions (SEAI), LC. Vol. 8, 9, September 195~~ thel. CSABA, Karoly, Dr. The significance of arthropods for food sanitation and the most important w4ya of controllIng them. Elelm ipar 23 no.6:200-3 of cover Je 159. 1. Orszagoe Elelmozestudomanyi Intezet. CSABA, Karoly, dr. . - Intestir-rl diveaues ca=ed by Salmonella# Elet tud 18 no*3*.86- 87 Ja 163, .11 - K CSABA, Karoly, dr.; NIKOD&USZ, Istvan, dr.; D. PAL, Margit, dr. . Experiences in inspecting meat products. Nepagemsegugy 44 no.10-.30,1-304 0 f63. 1. Kozlemeny az Orazagos Blelmenzes- ea Taplalkoz-astudomanyi Intesetbol (igazgato: Tarjan Robert dr. egyetemi tanar). (FOOD INSPECTION) (MEAT) (FOOD POISONING) (LEGISLATION, MEDICAL) (SALMONELLA FOOD POISONING) 0 C$ABAq ?~~l ~drq NIXDMMZ, Istvans dr. On. t1w ettology of food polsoni4- of bnoterial origim. NapagesmegaV 44 no.W!~-28 ja .163, I loilemeo, as Vrazagos &Wmeseo- as Taplalkozaghdomanyi Intezetbol 'Rgesgato: Tarjan Robert dr.). (FOOD POISONING) LLmpgp Ist"in, dr.; TOM, Bela# dr.1 CSARLI -M-araj, dr. me0otympanic otitis of allergio origin, Fulon7gegegyogyaozat. 10 no62t63-67 *Te'64 1, A Dabrecani Orrostudwanyi HMtem Pal--n-n IgeltekLinikajanak (Igazgatc a -Takabfiv Imm, dr*,, egyet. tzmar' k)z1anaiye. CSABA, lajos, dr. Caries exominations In military personnel. Yogorr. smemle 47 no-10-0 M-3U oat 54, (A=M FCRM PMtSONMg die. deinte -carlesin PhMary) (MMALVARISS, statist. Ifi- Hungary, military personnel) CSAVAF L. Errors in designing and construction of public utility and civil- enc-, Ineering wms. P. 392. MAGUR EPITOIFAR. (Zpitoipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest, Hiungpxy, Vol. 7, no. 8/9, 1958. Monthly List of East Euro~q)an Accessions (EMI) LC, Vol. 8p no. 7, July 1959. UNCL CUBA, Laszlo; FARKAS, Ipoly Brazilian arobitecture. Magy, op ipar 12 no.10t/+4;!-445 163, A- 13 A 'grta~ Iv, el a- INDFJ, Redri, dr