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SCIMANU, I., ing.; CRISTOLOVEANU, E.,, ing,, Obtaining light-colored ce3Fesin with a high melting point, Petrol si gaze 14 no.11;571-575 N -63* (ir, czya); Given 11maes Couritry. Rumaxii Ex Acad--mic D-_zraez; KAU 11i li-tion, Source; Buchares"v I Problems. Zootchnioe al Vetarinara Vo I XI No 10 Oct 1961, Pp-_63~--~ luta. "Certain Aspects Concerning the Presence of the Clostxidiun welchl. (Cl. perfrinvens) Germ in Meat Products." Author3: CONTIU, X., -Dr.- Regional Veterinary Laboratory (Lat:)ratorul Veterinar ReF71onal)) Cluj. SOFLE'TEA 1 1. , -Veterinarian- , Regional Veterirlary Lat.,)ratory Cluj. I* - -Dro- , Urban People's Council (Sfatul Popular oras1_61 RU11WIA SUTEU, E., Veterinarian, of the Gilgau Veterinary Circuzsc,ip- tion (Circumscriptia Veterinara Gilgau), RADU, P., Dr, aLi CRIST0LOVBANU,,I., Dr, of the Cluj Slaughter House (Abator;l -Cluj 7~- "Observations on Cysticercosis in Pigs." Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Medicina-Veter-iriara, Vol 13, No 11, Nov 63, pp 64-;8. Abstract: A study based on the examination of 30,173 pigs from Cluj, Iasi a,-.d Suceava. Regiunes, of which 60 were found to have been affectk', by the disease. The foci are identified and the disseminatiOrL Of the infection is discussed. The diagnostic value of veterinary testinv : after all slaughtering is poirted out. The salvaging of slightly infested meet by different methods of sterilization iv also disc-ossed. Include!j 3 tables and 2 Rumanian references. RUHAKA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 1. - Water Treatment S o%,ia ~, e . Abs Jour: Fef Zhur-Khimiya, No 16, 1953~ 61360. Abstract: aqueous Na2SiO solution at continuous stir- ring till alkaiinity was partially or complet,t- ly neutralized. The solution was aged till o:)al- Eisoence appeared and distilled water was adde,t to it to the concentration of Si02 of 1% or less. Solutions with pH = 6 to B were used. Water of the hardness of 3.4 mg-equ. per lite:, E,nd turbidity of 1000 to 12C.00 (artificially prepared and natural) was coagulated. It was J* 'ound that coagulation with A12(304)3 without AS did not clear water completely even in 3 hours. In the case that AS was present simul- taneously, the water turbidity dropped to 10 ; -n L to 2 hours. The necessary conaumption of card 2/3 9 RLQC,ANIA /Chemical Technology, Chemical Products; and Fj Their Application, Part 11 - ',Iater TrElatraent Sewage. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Yhimiya, 'No 18~ 19158, 613BO. Abstract: A12(SO ) dropped by 60% or less. AS solutions H Je3s of p s than 6 produce a better efJ ''ect. The dilution of AS solutions results in the forma- tion of strongly hydrated micelles, which co- agulate slowly. Consequently, solutions with Sioz concentration below 1% do not lose their efficiency even 15 months after their prepara- tion. The efficiency increase of As Solutions with the pH decrease is explained by the fact that H so causes dehydration of micelles by penetrRtitg into the intermicellar spaces and their more rapid coagulation with the forma- tion of voluminous flakes. The coagulation un- dEir the action of Fe2(SC4)3 and FeSC4 in the nre- sence of AS proceeds more rapidly the:n under action of A12(SO4)3- Card 3/3 DRAFTA, Doniso; CIOCIRDIA, Cpzarina; OFRESCUj Maria; BUSII.Ji, Eugenia; CRISTOVEX41J, AAa; rACHE, Alina; BMA, Minodora Now methcds of steroid determination for use in c-"Linical endocriaology. Stud. cercet. endoer. 14 -,io,l:'3-74163. 0 (SIEROIDS) (ENDOCRINOLOGY) (DIAGNOSIS) (URINE) (BLOOD CMUCAL ANALYSIS) (CHROH'ATOGRAPHY) MILCU, St,M., acall.; LUNGU, Al., dr.; CRISTOVEATIM, Ana, VLolog; DUMITRESCU, St., dr. . the urinary level of 174v, oxycorticosteroids Under t 10 Gmnges in dr influence of balneo-p4ysiotherapoutic factors. Med. intern. 15 n).2: 135-142 F 263. 1. Lucrara efectuata in Institutul de endocrinologie, Bucuresti.- (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES) (URUZ) (BAU.MLOGY) (PirrsiCAL TITMAPY) (ARTHRITIS) (HYPOTHYROIDISM) (OBESITY) (ADRENAL CORTEX HYPOFUNCTION) WOLFSHAUT, C.; YONESCU, D.; CRISTOVEgTU,_Ana ROE, Emilia; BUSILA, Euprdia-; ,;--ST SAVESCUp G"a.; GAIU, Sdin-aE~,-MITRACHE, LuUmila. Problew concerrdng a case of hyperadrenocorticism. Stud. cerce~. endocr. 13 no.5:699-702 162. (ADRENAL CORTEX WERFUNCTION) (ADRENOGENITAL SINDROI~S; LUNGU, Al.; TACRE, ALIna; BERLESCU, Elena; ~PISTOVEMU, Ana; NICOM, Gratlela; SCHIMLER, A. - Hormonal changes during physiotherapy of patients with excess weight. 13tudii careet. andoer. 16 no,2:17!5--180 1"65. OPRESCU, Paria; IMANU, C.; -q~jSTQ.VKANU,, Ana; GR19,)RESCU, A.; TAM., Alinaj DRAFTA, Dmim). Rmetion4awromination of the a&-enal cortex in obesity. Studii cercet. i9ndoar. 16 no.2tl49-157 '65. SERBAN, Al. M.D.:j STROB, &dlia; KLEPSCH, lulia; CRISTOITMU, Ana flomcne olimIxistion in asymptomatic climacteric. Stud,, cercet. i~,~docr. 3.5 no.,6:573-577 164,, WOUSHAUT, C.; AUPI, Natalia; ISTROX, Fir.-Ita; MM3TOVMU,, him; BMIFA, Mirodoinx .01 i 2 Cases ofhypix~vorticism with extensive Ain pigmenim,tion of the digital jo:bLts, Stadii cercet. endoar. 16 no.2:WF-:L91 165, MILCUp St.-M.,-, DRAIFTA, Denise; MAICANESCU, Madeleine; TACHE, Alina; CIOC-"PDIA, Cezvrina; STROE, Emilia; OPRESCU, Maria; S ~a&~ni44_,,'RISTOVEANU Ana E I ~,U 1=2:~ Punational capi.cityof Leydig cells studied with the Jayle test In oovtral tool,icu3ar myridromov. Stud. corcet. endoc-:-. 15 no.6- 095~-562 164. CRI,'3TCVIG:C,, Harlusp Ing.; YMTORESGU,, Ale2r.p ing. hisearch on Intoduction of hydrooirclones as dlassifying apparatus in the. milliEig flow of the dresaijig installation in Sasar, Rev m!m 12 nc.9:402-408 S 161. 1., institutulde cercetari miniere. CRISTOVICI,, J-4, Ing.; FRUMOSU, B., ing.; APOSTOLESCII, M., ing.; SIVRITT, 1 M., ing.; :q4R'Tr4, I., ing.; PC~pF,.,,ICU, I.I., inC. Application J(Ant flotation of lead and zinc of nonferrous ores in order to apply a new metallurgic method. Rev min 15 no.11: 58:2-585 N 16,!.. G!dSTUJ M.; SCINTEUp N.; SAVU, V.; DORCIONAN, D.; COJOCARU, V, Automa'tic s,!rstem for the zero adjustment o mechanical counters. AutWatiCft Olectronica 5 no.5:2-28..229 3-0 161. A T GALATEkNU, I.; FODOR, G.; CHIOTEN, C.; C-PISTU, M. I A -1 1 Obtaininirt 59Fc, it ly? rc!rn ch*--, 11 no.10:647.-652 0 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics of thp Runani-an, Bucharest, P.C.. Box 35. ~ CRISM, M.I.; COJOCARU, V.P.; DORGIOMAN, D.I. Contributions to the method of standwdizing the anergy and intensity of the gamma seintillation spectromieter. StudIA cerc fiz 11 no.l-. 161-174 6o. (EZAI 1011) (Scintillation spectrometry) (Gamma rays) CRMJ, M.; COJOCARU, V.; DORCIOM, D.; DRAGOI]RESCU, D. The low-energy Ierays emitted at tha capture of tbermal neutrons in As75. Studii. qaere fiz 11 no.2:357-362 160. (MLI 10:1) (Neutrons) (Gayma rays) (Arsenic) i: COJOCARU, V.; CRISTU, H,,; DORCIOMAN, D,; BALiANCIU, M. The %(-spentomelxic analysis of the impurities silicon for semiiionductors. Stsidii cere fiz 11 (Sill.con) (Semiconductors) (Radioactivity) (Garum riws) (Spectrometer) radioactivatt!d in the no.2.447-454 160. (EEAI 10:1) SPACUP P.; EREZEANU, H.; GHEORGHIU, C.; qj~*STURMI, E- Oxidi2ing sodium chlorite in quantitative analytic chemistI7. Note V. Use of sodium chlorite in the separation of sulfurous ores. Rev chimie Min petr 12 no.12.,723 D 161. 1. Catedra de chinle anorrIlLnica, Universitatea "C. I. Parbon,n BucurestL. (Suafur mines and mining) (Sodium chlorite) (Oxidation) SPACU, P.; GHEORGHIIJ, C(,nstanta; CRISTUREAN,.-Elena- _ Complex compounds of palladium (II) with paludrine. Pt. 1. ,Rev chimie Roim 9--no. 4s265-271 Ap 164. 1. Section of Inorganic Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry, tucharest Uni,rersi.ty, Splaiul Independentei 89. SPACU, P,; GHEORGHIIJ, CDnstanta; CRISTUREAN, Elena Complex combinILUWIS of bivalent palladium with pal-Irire. Pt. 1. Studil cera, chim 12 no, 4-265-271 Ap 164. 1. Chair of inorgan4- Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry of the Bucharest Univc.rsity. F SuMfM (in capa); Given Nunes Country: Rumania Acxiemic Degree3:-Wt given- Aff iliation: -nDt given- source: Bucharest Comunicarile Academiel, Republicil Populare Romi ne No Vol XI 91 =1 pp 1059-1066. ra-'a: "The Hybrid Betula Warnstorfii, G.- K. Schneider in a Bouque;- of Betula iiana Aje , at Waina (Cinpulung4bldovenesc)." Authors: STEFUREAC, Traien I, CRISTUREAN , Ion STEFURUC, Tr. I.; - sl~ Rare peat bDg species of the Carex L. genus in Rumania flora. Studii cerc biol vaget 15 no.2s227-237 163. 1. Laboratoral de botanica stematica, Universitatea din Bucuresti. Comunicake preAn'tata de academician E.I.11yarady. IONESCUP POP L191--l-r'Ll~.-L., tahn. ConsolidatIbm of the eartlhua,~k Uith Mllast tags. I. Rev cailor fer 10 noAt294-301 Je. 1152. 1. Directia regionaU Iaai. IONESCU, P. , iTLg.;; CRISU, S. , takmician Consolidation of the carthuork with ballast Nags, Hav caifor fer 1.0 no.7131,9-356 J1 162. 1. Diroctia im)gionalas Iasi. .QIjTIN16"AMLa,,, , i -ql-rlll~ t .1~ On the study of heterosis on the Zea mays L. reciprocal h0brids of different origins. Studii cerc biol veget 15 no.2s28.3-2cfl 163. 1. Comunicare pi!ezentata de Al. Priadcencu, membru co:respondent al Academiei R.P.R. 1"AGOSTE, Gh,,, ing.1; MINAT, I., ing.; METINCU, Gh.., ing. Results of directional turbine dril-ling in Rumania. Petral si gaze 14 no.,7.-3/a-346 J'l 163, RLMANIA / Miran and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T logical). Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 19582 97496 Author : Ciofu, S.; Blaja, Ca.; Crivda, S.; Vlad, C. 1nst : Not given Title : Fibrillation and Electric Defibrillation of the Heart of a Do& Orig Pub: Fi--J.ol. norm. si. patil., 19517, 1+, No. 6, 553-563 Abstract: Resistance of heart of a dog at currents of 13-14 ma and 0.64-0.83 volts consisted. of 40-170 ohms. r-i- brillations were induced by electric -Impulses (0.1- 0.5 a), utilized for 0.5 seconds and longer in order to catch the heart during the per-iod of vulnerabi- lity. For defibrillatior. the current durat'A'.on Card 1/2 24 RL94ANIA / Human and Animal Pl:iysiology (Ilormal and Patholo- T gical). Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958) 97496 of 0.01-0.04 seconds, current 1.5-3 amperes was Utili2ed. If the impulse produced no effect, it was repeated after a certain pause. Short,. serial f impulses induce inconsequential injuries ot the Uve I heaxt and are much more effecA than a ;9 ngle, long impulse, -- From author's resume. Card 2/2 RUMANIA/Hunan anC,. Aniriii Physioloa - (Nornal and Pathologica,L) T Blood Blood Transfuedon and Blood Substitutes. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bicil., No 4, 1959, 17321 Author Du,7an, S., "rivda, .133., Ichim, V., Solomon, M. I"St Title Fffectiveneos of In-braarterial Transfusion of Oxygenated Blood Orig Pub : Chirurgiya, 1957, 6, No 5, 751-758 Abstract : In experiME:DtS on ], groups of dogs, oxymetry was performed with the oxymeter of Berg according to the principle of Millican. Artificial enriching of 'the blood with 02 was performed ticcording to the methods of Nikitin, Negovskiy, arid Porterp and by means of bubbling. Die traiisfusion of oxygenated blood is not dangerous. The netnod of Negovskiy 1',;ave the best results. The results of correct- ing decreat:ed oxyhemonetric indexes by means of intratra- cheal intrt.)duction of pure 02 under normal conditions Card 1/2 RTIMIXIA/Human and Animal Physiology - (Normal and Pathological). T Blood. Blood Transfusion and Blood Substitutes. Abs Jour Ref Zhur -3iol., No 4, 1959, 17321 of resp~bratory apparatus considerably excel those ob- toined by means of intranrterial transfusion of oxygena- ted blood. -- A.D. Zhuchkova Card 2/2 - 23 - XRMAI a (QdV*jj8,.jj XIIOZOKq D. (HozocD]; RU,WLLSIW,R. (MwaleseuR]; D.6ft=ir;-I;'APlmdtr;bvcu,, L]; KELUGERU,,M. [Calugara., 14.) Carliovasoular 6iveases as an aggravatimg factor in thei surgl- cal treatment of' pros-tats adenoma. Urologiia no.1:3.3-37t63. UAIRL 16:7) 1, Iz I-oy kblnLrj:lob-)vkuy kliniki (direktor - prof, T.Burge-le) Bukhareattkogo mmdiltsinskogo instituta. Bollnitsu P"zwt. (PROSTATE GLOM-TUMOPS) (URDI*COIIASGMAR SISTEK-DISEASLS) CRIVITZ, D.; MISSITS. Gh,,; VM, P. Flectrolyttt Imbalomce in pathogenesis of some rheueuttle diseases, wit'n speclal reTerence to the painfnl syndrome with muscular cra,DPB in inlneri3. Probl. reumat., Buanr. 3:239-254 1955. (BEEBMUSPI, atiol. & pathogen. electvilyte balance disord.) (ILICTRDIVITS, metabolism diso-ra. In etiol. of rheum. die.) (OC"JUPATIOMAL DISFASICS rheum. in miners. etiol., electrolyte balance d1sord.) D., dr.; WNU, 3., dr, DUMA,'G.. Dr.; ILOA. St.. ing., ebim.:,Sl .LWT Studies on olintrintion, of billrabin In Icterogenic hepatitis. Mod- int., Bucur. 4 rLo.8:1143-1151 Doe 56. 1. Lucrare efectxists, in Spitalul unificat do adulti Lugoj. (MWArITIS, urine In tetbrogimic, elimination of bilirubin) (BILIRUBM. In rxine in icterogenic hepatitis) L"'A Sched-Ac of Pl.e.ri an- cos., accountinl- on !~t=te far-s. p. 241. '.'-)1.2'~-y j 71--F 1-96. Praha. Czechoslovakia. SOUPCE: Past European Accesi5ions List (M-41) Vol- 6, No. 4--April 1157 TRIPCEA, D., dr.; CEIV:*-rLZ, D. , dr.; TICAU, E. , cir.; HODOR, T. , dr. ContributionB to the interpretation of the antistreptolysin 0 titer in rbeumatology. Ij'ed. intern. 13 no.U:1663-1672 D 161. 1. Lucrare efefAuata in Sectlia de reumatologie si LabDratorld Sanepidului, Li)goj. (RHEUMATISM diagnosi.,I) (ANTISTUTTOLYSIN) CRIVEM, Dan, dr.; ILCA, St., ing. On a case of primary hyperparathyroidism. Med. intern. 15 no.11:1385-3391 N 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Sectia do reumatologie si LAor-Auorul do biochimie ale Spitalului do adulti I Luggoj. (HYPERPARA'111YROIDILN) (DIAGNOSIS) (CALCMI 14ETA13OLISM DISORDERS) (PHOSPHQRUS METABOLISM DISCRDERSIN CWVA, F. Prafting the cost schedule for production and management in national arricuLtural enterprises. p.123. (Beseda Venkovske Ro6iny, Vol- 30, No. 2, Apr. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Europi?an Accessiors (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, ;ept. 1957. Uncl. CPXMI'JlC. Ivan y Sunny side of -bbit Ivancics, mountain chain; evolution of an ao ri xian landscape. (To bi~ contdj- Gaocr.glas. no-19:7-59 '57. (Fdblirhed 1958). (RU': 9:5) (Croatia-Agriculture) CRUENCIC, Ivan,_!!E,,, asistent (74igrebl Marulicav trg 19) I FiLuctimtion of the population of Zumberacka gora as a refloc-don of econorAc ard goographical conditions. Geogr glan no.21:35-68 160. 1. Geografekt 4:d0jek Prirodoolovno-matematickog fakulteta Sviiucil-ista u Zagrebu 1. c-Un Urednickog odbora, "Goografski glamik". (Yugoi5li.via-Population) (,Yq,,o;DIi,via-EconoxLc conditiona) CRKVENCIG, I. "Serbian Village" by J. M. Halper. Roviewed lyy I. Crkvencic,-. Googr glas 22:3.21-12'4! 16o (publ 161). CRMNCIC, Ivan T~jvs of village landBeapes. Geogr hor 6 no.3:11-23 '60. CPUI-IIJAK, N. Prospects of the developrent of thermal econoTTW in Yugoslavia. P. U-5 (TEKSIFIL. Vol. 6. No. 6, June 1957, Zarreb, Yugoslavia), SO: Monthl~~ List of East European hccez~sion s (ITAL) Lo. Vol. c, No. 10, ~Uctolb~~- UI:Icl. CRLENJAK,-Hilan, prof. inz. (Zagreb) Precisioni, errorso and proc-qiing of measurement data. Automacija Zagreb 2 no. 2/4:64-69 162. 1. Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Kaciceva W. 26); Member of the Board of Editors, "Automaci,41, CRMNJAK, HiLwo prckf. inz. (Zagrabl' Determination of vapor dewing in boillers. Enorgija Hrv 12 no.5/~:; 165-166 163. 1. Tehnoloaki fakultot., Zagreb. ~.'RIJQMAK, Milan, prof., dipl. inz. (Zagreb) Direct conversion of fuel heat into elo!7tric energy. Enc-,rg:Lja llrv .12 no.11/32:338-340 163. CZECHOSLOVAKIA J., RefAgeration Research InBtitute HEIDINGER) K -, Engri and,,CJWQXA (Vyskuany ustav mraziarens4),-Bratislava. IIAJ.r 5creens in the -4efrigeration Industry" i~rague, Zdravotn:l Tochnika a Vzduchotechnika, Vol 6, No 5, 1963, pp ;!13-220* Abstract; Discussed is the necessity of separatirkg the storago and wini- PA.ation rooms Ju freezing plants to reduce the 1:)ss of heat. For this purpose the authors propose an air screen consisting of a vaw4.lator and air ducts which produce a thin air current separating the rooms. The device may be installed in the door frame. ,R' 'I.- D, ," orwrmriAal f ishiri~ using I:Lmitect f ishing means& p. 162 MOIRSKO RMULST.M. Odrusenle morsRog ribarstva Juloslaw~je) ~iickn, Yugosla-vis- Vol. 11, no. Em kug. 1959 1,1onthly list of East European Accessions (1hFid) LC Vol. ~, no. 2 Feb. 1,-'6p Uncl. CUCEVIC, lidivoje, inz. Frocossing offrunes. Tehnika Jug IS no.5.,SuPpI.-.Prehran ind 17 no.5043-941+ MY 163o CRLTCMG. V. Selecting fruita and vegetables for processing; industry should indicate to agriculture kinds of products capable of being processed. p. 1288. Vol* 9, No* 8, 1954. THHNIKA. Beograd, Yugoslavia. SOURCE: East Huropean Accessions List, (ERAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5. No. 8. August. 1956. CMICKVIC, V. Procedure for industrial production of Pozaga fresh prune juice. p. 1465. Vol. 9, No. 9, 1934. TEHNIKA. Beograd, lugoalavla. 'MCE, East European Accessions Ust, (MM) Library of Congreas. vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1956. CRNCKUC. V. Modern production :,f tomto juice. p. 1925. Vol. 9, 110. 1211 19.54. T&MIKA. Niograd, Yugoslavia. SOURCE: East Em-opean Accessions List. (FSAL) Library of Congresis. Vol. .5. 1b. 8. August, 1956. vie, 'YugoBlavia, /Uhen).ual Teon,,-io-lok, Chemical Pzo~-"Q,~;LL and --i~ei:r Ipplication Food indu-Stry Abs Jour: Referat Zhtw -- Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33008 Author Crncevic Title Production of Grape Juice Orig Pub: Tehnika, IS)55,, 10, No 5, 755-758 Abstract: DescriptIon of' the method of production and of the productiori coot calculations, of turbid and clear grape juice. Production of turbid juice includes bie'I'ollowing operations: washing, sortingo soparation or atem3, crushing of the berries and s(ittling, pressing, do-aeration, filtraticn,, pasteurization, cooling and bottlinE:. Card 11*2 Y t*oslavia themical Teeft3ology. Chemical Products I and Their Application FoDd industry Abs Jour: Referat ZhLw - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33008 The process of' production of a clear juice in- cludes, after the crushing of the berries, a trsatment vrith enzyme preparations, pressing, settling, heal; treatment, precipitation of tar- trates, c:Larffication, filtering, de-aeration, pasteUriZjjt4 on, bottling and cooling. C ard 2A Clulcm:C, V. Ch(,maic,cl p:--cam:vatkires in the f(od inOw3try. 1).18(12. TUNIU. Bcoc,rad. 7o.l. 10., no. 12, 19515. SOURCE: East lZuropean Accessions list (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. (, jime 1956 CRNGEWC. 1'. Process for pmluclimg prune juices. p. 261. Vol. 3.1. Ho. 2, 19.56. T111ITMA. Beograd, Yugoslavia. SOURCE. gast Nwroptan Accessions Idst. (MAL) LtbraZ7 *f Coqj-mvs, Vol. 5, No. 8, Axigutit, 19569 CRNCEVIC, V. From classical methods o:! drying to dehydration of foods by sublimal:.ion. p. 453 VWNO-TMICKI GIASNIK. Beograd. Vol, 4. no. 6, June 1956 SOUPM. East Eiwopeean Accessions List, (EFAL), Library of Congress,, Vol-j-', no. 12, December 195~ C. E v 1, c!- - 1/ 4- 4,3, 2-/ P,7 / /1--' -fUGOSLAVIA/Processes ajid Equipment for Chemical Industries K-1 Processes vad Apparatus for Cheuical Technology A,Ahor Crncevic Vlautirair Title Subli~~t"EoFTFFM-g Crig Pab Tehnika, 1556) 11~ No 8) 1225-1228 Abstract Considex-tyd are the principle, techniques and principa.. fields of utilization of the process of drying by su- blimation) in food and pharritce-atical industries. Card 1/1 - 26 - )c /Vi/I jr- Yugoslavia A~hpn-_Ical T~~chn,-~ Chemical Pro'.1-acts T P and Their Food inuuE;-6ry Abs Jour: Referat Zhur -- Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33087 Auth3r : Crncevie Vlastimir Title : The Problem, of' Packing in the Yugoslav Canning Industry Orig Pub: Tehnika, 19506, ll.. No 10, 15539, :L541 Abstract: In view of the! shortage of tin in Yugoslavia the question is dJ.scussed of the Possibility of re- placing tin,cEins by almiinum cans and glass jars. It is pointed out that it is entirely possible to increase the production of glass containers and to lower their prime cost by an, liaprovement of the C ard 1A Yugoslavia /themical Tenabnology. Chemical Products 1-32 and Their Application Food industry Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya., No 9., 1957) 33087 technology of production and a standardization of the containers. It is pointed out that glass con- tainers are of good quality and withstand temper- ature changes of 600 and heating to 130*. C ard 2A C~ A, C E V/ C Y/- YUGOSLAVIk Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H-4 and Their Application. Corrosion. Protection f rom Corrosion Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - Khimiya, No 2, 1958, No 4977 Author Crncevic VlsLstimir Inst Not Given Title Protection Df Inner Surfaces of Concrete and Metal Reservoirs in the Canning Industry and Viniculture Orig Pub Ambalaza, 1957, 4, No 3-4, '/18-82- Abstract Description.of procedures for protecting against corrosion concrete and. metal reservoirs. To protect thit former use is made of paraffin, paraffin-rosin composition, ceresin, tartaric Card : 112 YUGOSLAVIA Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H-4 and Their Application. Corrosion. Protection from Corrosion Abe Jour Ref. Zhur. - Khimiya, No 2, "958, No 4977 Abstract acid, CH3GDORt MgF soluble glass, bitumen com- positions, coatings 9f, glass, ceramics and (,.bo- nite, as well as of certain plastics. For the protection of metal reservoirs use 15 made of glass-enamels, licquers, pai4ts, bitumen com- positions, symthetic resins and..rubber. Card 2/2 CRNCEVIC,V. Food supply problems !.n Yugoslavia. p, 462. (Tehnika, Vol. 12, no. 3, .1957, Yugoslavia) C- SO: Monthly List of East European Accesaions (EEkQ LS, Vol. 6, no. 7, JulY' 1957, Uncl. TO(limolo,-T. Products and Thc;lr Food Industry. ,',bs Jour: Ref Zhur-ll'Li.i., !'!a 2, 1,059, 6360. -uthoa: Crncc'vic Gur-usc;vic, Ylilica. 'EH~ad-, 7nfV7 sity. Last L X 'E.-L'I.-, Conditions of Stabilizrtlan of Systuy.,. Fruit juilcc - IV*:iE-,. Or-'L-, I'Lib: -'b. radova roljo,,?rivrccbioG falk. Uzl-t Duopmdu, 1957, 5, I IlTo 1, 3 -11 - bstract-: The -1-ossiblo condit~-ons of usin.- pectin ---. a st-abilizer of a )Aixturc of a fruit julce with ndll-, is pastou- rizr~ticn ant'l (lurinf~ ToLlmdnj~-, sLorat-,o wca~o stvalied. It ia shmm th,%t crili, hi,-Lh quality ,,Qctin s hould. bc: used and its ailount -JAn ]~-Lm~ ,-.ilk bc-Lore t1he addition of fru--'t juice should --not, 0.1".,'. 11110 --cidity Card 1/2 YUGOSL',VL',/Chc:.!i Cal TA~;chnoloo-. QcI.J ec.1 T)rojUets r~:jcj ~.:~Iejr :,~)i)licatiall. Food lntlua~ry. i',bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Kh-J:.1.) Nj 2) 1959, 6360. of ,dU~ should b(-, k1cercased (fron. I)TI = 6 .6 '4- o p 7 - 0 in adwance. - ",ut-iors' stummry. card 2/2 CRIUCIVIC, V.; NIAETIC, G. ft~ Composition and technologic-al rroperties of the fruit of the arbutus uriedo L. P. 1362. (ITINIKA. Vol. 12., No. 8, :L957,, Beograd, Yuposlavia) SO: Monthly List of East Eorop:!an 11c,.,ecsions (EIAL) -41c. VA. u, 'No. 10, Uctober 1957. Uncl. 7D OLAND / Chemical Tochnologgy. Che-mical Products anl H-28 ThGir p..ppl.joetions. Food,l.-!- Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khi-imiya, No 3, 1959, 1002,1 Author : Crnce'Vicv. TO Inst : Not ep.~v'e-n', T it 1 c;: Tho Prosant 8tata and J,rospects for Develcping Boverage Production from Fruit Juices in YW-10- slavia. Orig Pub: Przem. spozywozy, 3.958, 12, No 6~ 219-2-13 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 knrlica,~ions. Food Industry. ABS. JWR. : Mffhim.., No 17, 1959, No. 62566 AUTHOR : Crncevic,, V. Puir of Aromatic TITLE ProdUCt%On of Jiiices Containing Fruits oRl 0. pUB. Tehnikaj 1958t 13, No 8, Prebran. ind., 121 ho A, 1-13-115 ABSTRACT Reviewe,l is a now -variety of refining rethod for fruit3 and vegetables - nroduction of juicos con- to-ining P1211P (of aromatic fruits or liquified ve- getables). Juices with T~ulp are homogeneon.5 rro- ducts emsisting of fruit or vepetpble juit:e vith fi:nely divided fruit or vopetable mass of solids. Washed and sorted cut, veret&bles or fruits undergo t'ie sepvration of iineflibia portion, follo- wed by nressing, grinding, straining, filtering, adding-water, -supar, acid or salt (demending on the taste desired), aeaeration, bomogenizing, iiasteurizinR in a continuous nasteurizor, and Card-. 1/2 E - 121 COUNM t H. CAMXM i me JOMO I 1;t2JUAWM'J NO 17~ 1959, No. 62666 AUTMR INMTUTB 21w OIMG* IMO ABSTPACT filli-ag into sterilized containers. Products ren- Con'd aered into the above form have hipher nutritive value than corresponding liquid juices. Such a preservation method is-applicable to toinatoes, carrots, apricots, reaches, cberries, a-brawbe- rries, apple*, quine e, pears, cantalope. Card-. 2/2 OU,TRY fuFoslavia GO R'-" A""'. lilt. -4D OR :..c lVell js,~ of Chemical Prec;ervatiljes n Food IndusLry ~jrerlran Ind. 12, No ?"I' I B i~o L ~, (!g. -~) . witiior Liiscusseu zne s~.oj.'--r.y of the ai:,Flicasiz)n of cner.-ica- ves in tne food industry from a ea.,I.,:ation point of view. A urief cnaracterizatior. of ill- dtvidual preservative&( formaidehyde uenzoatec,t i.:z givell. A. yemellyanov CR=Vlr,, Vlautimir., dr inz., redorya profer-or (Malog Redojice I, Beograd) . - -, - - 1 -111, 1--, -- The scientific-revearch institutions and c0res in the fiold of our refrigeration network. Tehnika Jug I.?. no.6:Supp:L. Prehran ind 16 no. 6:1169-1173 Je 162. 1. PoljoprivrednL fakultet Universiteta u Beogradu. MWCMC,, Mastimir,, pr(kf,. dr ins* (Beograd,, Waog Radojice 1) Ths newest kwwledge on the composition of ftuits. Tehrdkn Jug-. Suppl.-.Prebtlhijxl 1 17 rst>62:341-346 Fe 10* L Foljoprivre(bd. fakultat Univerziteta u Beogradus, urednik i odgovorni uredn,'.k,9 "Tahnika [Supplematz 'Prehran " i lleynindustriJalli~t CENCEVIC, Vlastimirj profe dr* (Beograd., Malog Radojice 1) Drying of focdstuff by sublimation. Telinika Jug 18 nc),,7:Sup- plement: Prelcran Iid 17 no.7:1337-1340 J1163. 1o Poljopriv-redni fakultet UniveT-ziteta u &-ogradu. COIC , Stefanija Region of tirkopulj. !Jeogr glike 24 67-81 162. FILIPOVIC, I,; PIWAG, 1.1i CNIX, -11'.; 14DULOVIC, M.;. VAXM*T]?~;[OVIC, Dj. Polarogr4phic Anlrei!tigations of'some motal-,monocarboirylato compli~xes. II. Mono carboxylati: oomplexqyj 'of -zinc. Groat chem 4ota 33 no.1:45-50 161. 1, Institute of Initirganic Chemistry, Faculty of Techn*log7, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia,, 2. Editorial 34oard, "Croatica chemica acta", metflmr (for Filipovic). (complex compounds) (Carboxyl group) (Zinc) FILIPOVIC, I.; PILAC, Z2j_.RADU1.DVIC, M.; VALE9TEKNIC, Dj'. Polaropraphic inwstigations of sone metal monoca:rb(nrxyJato compLexes. II. Monocarboxylato complexes of zinc. Croat chem. acta 33 no.1:45-5() 161. 1 1. Institute of 1-tiorparle Chemistry, Faculty of Tachrology, ljni- Varsity of Zagreb, Za�reb, Croatia, Yugoslavia 2. Mvmber of the Mitorial Board, "Croatica chemica acta, Arhiv za kemijull (for Filipovic). CRNICA . A. The problem of the culture'af FrV mullets in the Fortorose-Pirano Bay. P. 3. Pariodicalt MORSKO RMUWVO., vole n. no* i. jano 1959* AGR=TURE SO: M=tbly list of Ewt IN&Dpean Accessianb (EM) LC Vol* 8so no* 4 April 1959., Uncl, CUILOVICY Fdlivojo Vacuum in nuclear technics. Nova prozv 13 no.1-59-62 162. I K. Cazafura; PAVKO, D.; SIRCA, F.; KERSNIC, Viktor, prof. dr. inz.; KOSAK, K.; GRAFENAUER, S.; PODGORNIK, A.; KERNC, J.; D(~BDVISEK, Bogomir., docent, dr. inz.; OCEPEK, Drago, docent, dr. inz.; HOMANY A.; 1-901CEC, M.; RANKEL, J.; (',TtIJV~C, M.; S~IAJJC~, N.; CUCEK, I.; KERSNIC, V., ml.; VODDPIVEC, F. New books. Rud met zbor no. 2:1"-187 163. 1. Glavni urednik ORudaroko-metalurski tbornik" (for Viktor Kersnic~- 2. Clani Uredniskega odbora, "Rudarsko-metalurski zbo:rnik" (for Dobovisek and Obepek). 41c~ c c:--.3,3.3c llencDs the cl --nnt,3 --I S~ 0 RIRCDA, Vol. 7, SC; L-,st of I'nEt nc-. fi WRISGLASS, Henrik; GKZIK, Stjopan; GRU0, Botena Case of sepalip caused by Glostridium perfringens; bacteriological and toxicological aspects. Higijena, Beogr. 8 no.1:8)-87 2936. 1. Central Inotituts of Hygiene, Zagreb. (CLDSTRDIUM PMURINGUS, Inf set. septicemia after crininal abortion (Ser)) (ABORTION, CRIMINAL, compl. septIcamia caussa bjr DlostrMuw parfringamp jSsr)) tSEPTIODUA AED BACTMMUA, etiol, & pathogen. septlesmift cause& by ClottTidiuz -psrfringenE, after criminal abortion (Ser)) OnOVIG, Ante (Zagreb) of the Vetraleum business Im Europe and the t:rends in itB development. Consumption and charaterlatics of the Market. 3afta .rag 12 no.1:167-'192 -Te 161, 1. J~agonafta -, Zagreb. (Yugoalavia-Petroleilm JndUF;try) I Petroleum trade of WeBt Burppeam countrica in 1960. NI)fta jug 14 no.1:41-43 JEL f63, lo Naftaplin.. Ugreb. CRNKOVI-C, Ants. -, Petroleuri, nnd tlee Europe= Canon MeirloBt. NaM Jug L'~ no.21/n'. 3; 71-79 F-Hr 16.3. 1. Naftaplin, Zagreb. ,CINKOVIC, Ante ..- .... I-, - . Expansion of' the Soviet petroleum industry, and the world market. Nafta Jug 14 no-~/7t182-190 My,41163. 1. Waftaplin, Zagreb. CWCVIC, Branko The hornblende-peridotite on the northern side of Medvelnica Mountain (Zagrebacka Gora). Geol vjes Hrv 13:57-641,59 (publishcd 60) (EEAI 1094) 1. Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Ore Deposits, Technological Faculty, Zagreb, Kaciceva 26. (Croatia--Rocks) (Hornblende) (Peridotite) SIMIC, Mileta (Elalgrade); CRNKOVIC, Branko (Zagireb) Occurrence nf basic effusives near Golubac on the Dmrube River, saft-eastern Serbia. Geol vjea firv 14,53-62 160 (publ.162). 1. Geoloska tehnicka skola, Beograd, Vojvode Stepe 84 (for Simic). 2. Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology and Ore Depos'its, Techrclc- 7ical Facultv, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Kacice,ra 26 (for Crnkovic). MARIC, Lukaj dr. (Zagreb);- agreb) Sedirentar.y rocks of the Sara Palaeozoic In the mIjjir;,, reFir r~ r Ljubija. Geol vjes 11rv 14:343-153 160 (publ. 161). 1. Institute of Mineralor ~V, Petrology and Ore Depooitv, Technological Faculty, University o" Zagreb, Zap V, ,reb, Kacdcova 26, 2. Clan Urednicko~- odbora, referent, "Geoloski vjesmik" (for Maric). 01:11 c %' I ;,.-, , I . Fishirp areas of Fvarner, the tcy of ijeYci, -r !;nd j 4 t 3(4 Vol. -1 , "lo. 11 v . 10 C;~ S:,(: .-,CUT lil"R, .jo: Lest Lc~-essio-,:, ,fol. -5, 1~0. MCITC47 D. Tuna fisheries on the Croat-ian littora; Why are there twia :risherien only in Rijek&, Yugoslavia District? Found in Vol. 8, no.4., April 1956 In Rijeka, Yugoslavia (MORSKO RIBARSVO) S6. LAST EUROPEAN A(;CESSIONS LIST Vol. 5. No.7 July 1956 -- ;Mzovic I - D. The trawling proVlem in thevaters of the district of Ri6eka. p. 244 (Mlorsko Ribarstvo. Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1956- Rijeka, Yvgoslavia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) D'O. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1558 CR,,,,4K0v'ic, D CR*.OVIC, 1). Too riGid restriction on judar fishilRe in the district of Ri4ek-a. P. 418. (Gomdarakl vestaik, Vol. 8, No. 12. Dec. 19.56. Ijubljana. Yuevclavia) SO: Monthly 11jit of RaDt Muropeam *cceselvas (BRAL) 1c. Vol. t, No. 8. Aug 29,57. VnO. GYMDVIC, D. Tuna fisharies and their unusual catches. 1). 23. kGozdarski vestnik, Vol. 9, No. 1. Jan. 19,57p Ljubljanav 7ugslovia) SO: Monthly LLst of East European Accessions (.,MLL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uw~l. CMINOVIC, D. Goby f ishing. p. 89, (Gozdarski restmik, Vol- 11, No. 3, Mar. 1957, Ljubljana, Yugmlovla( SO: Monthly List of East %ropean Accessions (EUL) Le. Vol. 6, Wo. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. CRNKOVIC, D. "A contribution to the volution of fishing problems of the Norfilh Atlantic Channel." p. 283 (Morsko Ribarstv-.)) Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Rijeka, Yugoslavai SO: Monthly Index of Siit Earopean Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol,, 7 no. 4, April 1958 CRNKOVIC, D. "Norwegian lobster in channels of the northern part of the Adriatic Sea." p. 303 (Morsko Ribarstvoli Vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 1937 Rijeka, Yugoslavai SO: Montly Index of Baot European Accessions (SUI) LC. Vol- 7, no. 4, April 1958