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CRETU, D.; ATFTREI, G. Modeling exciters of synchrontius machines. p. 695 STUDII SI CMCETARI DE ENF-RGFI'ICA. Bucuresti, Rumnia, Vol. 7, no. 4, 1957 r "Ant Monthly List of East European Accession. (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9,;Y~Fq Uncl. CMW, D.: AHMNIp C. TEGHHI-~LOGY PERIODICALt STUDII SI CIRCIRPTARI DE ENERGETICA. Vol. 8,, no 4,. 1958 APETHEI, C.: CqEI'U:o D. As:rmetric working conditions of synchronous generatious in the case of local power-producing systems. p. 599 Monthly list of East. Europe;m Assessions OMAI) LC,, Vol. 8, no 4 April 1959., Unclass. CRETU. D.; SPRINCEW, 11. Modeling prinary machines with the help of electric machines. p. 168. EX.CTROTWICJL. (Asool,401a Stiintiftes a Ingirarilor si Tehnicl.en:11or din Rominia si Ministerul 2hwgiei Electrice si Industriai Electrotehace) Bucuresti, Rumania, vol,- 79 no. 5, May 1959 Monthly 31st of East European Acceasions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959 uncl-91 in BALA, C.V.; BIRCYAUANU, CRETU, D.V. Stud.-( of some special operatirg systems of high-power synchronous moto:.,s. Rev eleotrotechn energet 8 no.1:77-97 163. WMI AMMI ZbOgAns VA2116 (Mr _4inwrl Profeasor *on-itus)i Jurag CoxT&el (Mglneer) I Giuremkin, xLha:L (Ragineer)l ChIlItu, Gheorghe (Engimer)l Hirel, Ion (Zag1w*r) Oros Pblytechnical InStitutes TARLS"M (Lutituud poutechnic) TIM$ Stv* of thie, water clutfication process in cylindricia suspencionO. mottling tawo SDW=1 Hidrotehnics., gospodeArea apelor, neteorologia, Y, n, no. 2, 2966, 80-86 TOM TAGSs water ptwification, surface water, water purification equipment,, water tank ABSMCT: A description of the vurface water treatment process used In Tinisoarae The oper&Uonq UmbinS use of cylindricaX vusperAtonal settling tarks, is described, and Its eHeativenm fron,.pooncinio-tochnical points of Yjaw.2resenteds Arise arte b& figures &W t~b3 v. &L-Ad Dn authors' ftge abstraqtj JiMs 36AW SUB WM 23 MEN DAUs .-MW / ORM RM 005 / SOV RErs 002 On EMF8 001 --s-MMRS-Un ca,2a); Giviln name Country: Eumenia Academic DcIpmea., -G(iologist- Affiliatiow, I.S.E.Ho not iaentiftedy source: Bucharoit 9 Stilnta -Pi Tghnioa. No 6, Jun 1961, pp 6-7 a Vats: "Disnove ot Xron Deposits at Capusu-Mic." ry CRETU 1. Detemination of the time im which it depression per- turbat:lon is transmitted to the outward boundary of a synclil;al watery zone. Bul Inst Petrol Rum 9.1 57-67 163. STATICESCU, P. Lng.; OLTEAIRJO Gh.,, dr.; HATElp A.p ing.; MUNTEANIJ, E* ing.; VMCIJ, M& 0 ing.; POFA~ I., 1xig.; RACZv Z.0 ing.; cosm, -r., ingt,; IXNGYEL, V., ihg.; IMIGIr, C.., ing.; SINGER,, ~M.9 ing.; ing.; GRIGORAS, m., ing.; CRACIUN:3SGUPCOP ir,g*; COLISS I.P ingo; BACOS., M.,ing,; ALKWRWCUp T., ing.; BERZOVANO I p ing,; TOARNICZSKI,E,,, ing,; OCHIANA, S., ing.1; MOGANU, E., ing. Results obtained with different variettes in sug,-r-beet growing, Ind alim 14 no,,9.*342-348 S163. 1. Fabrics. de zahar Giurgiu (for Matei, Munteanu). 2. Fabrica de zahar Bod (for Lutsch, Popa). 3* Fabrics, de zahar Tg. Mures (for Racz,, Cosma, Lergyel). 4. Fabrica de %shar Rom (for Iainga, Singer). 5. Fabrics. de zahar Baceces. (for Cretup Grigoras). 6. Fabrics. do zahar Oltenia (for Craciumescu, Colis). 7. Fabrics, do zahar Banat (for Bacos), 8. Fabrics. de, zahar Arad (for Alexandrescu., P--rzovan). 9. Fabrica de zahar Ludil-s (for Toarniczski., O~hiana). 10. Fabrics. de zahar Sascut (for Mocanu). CRETU, I. "Anatarq of big business* by L.C.Park, F.W.Park, Reviewed by I.Creta. Probleme soon 16 no.3sl46-151 Mr 163. CRETU, I. On the possibility of establishing the c-)nnection between the development time of the phenomena on a hydrointegrator and th development timo of the phenomena in the deposit subject to modeling. Petro]. ~.-,.gaze 15 no. 7-356-359 JI 164. M r, il "RF j I !,-Ie. rtrdning the par.:, of -~o 6-myor and tn t i - 11 6 or '.I i~. it ~ ; pressure Lin the basla Of Dressurf) varirition -measurements afrer flow mcclificiaV.on A-i*., a vieh. Petrol- -A vaze 15 CRETUP I.Y ing. Influence of porous nedium a-isotropy on the presoure re3toring clarves in vells at reflected by Via hydrl-irtagrator. Petrol si gaze 15 no.-IO2556-559 0 164. ii-117 . CREU ) 1. ) I Hydraii1ic models of tbp flov of comprese.1ble I.iquJda through porous media. Petro2 si gaze 15 no.12:642-65,6 D 164. ACC NR: AIW2h2l5 SOURCE CODE: RU/0007/65/016/Mi, AUTHOR: Cretu, I.-Kretsup I.jEngineer) ORG: none TITLE: Processing of some oil wen, data obtained by flow variation SOURCE: Petrol ei gazep v. 16p no, 9, 19659 477-481 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum engineeringi, petroleum industry ABSTRACT: The author describios the processing and interpre- tation ofpressure measuremewl;e obtained according to a pro- .cedure described in an earlier paper through the lowering or raising of the flow in 4 wella in the Ploiesti Trust. The .processing of the data allova-a co=on basis for the eval- uation of the results regardless of whether the flow was raiseilp. ~Iowered or eliminated; in al:L the cases studiedp the graphs showed a straight portion whioh allowed calculation of the effective.permeability of the afferent zone of the wen* Orig. ar.t. .1 has; -_ 4'figiresp '.:; formillao',aaid 4 tables* [JMSI 77/0481 /;7 SUB CODE: 13,, 05 / SUBM ME: none / ORIG REF: 004 / SOV REF: 001 CRETIT", M. . and others. Production of a roof vith thin shells fro"a prestressed coi:crete a,. DaCi2 Te.,tile Factory in Buchar-c-A; plannitig, executicn, tcsting. p.42',,. REVISI.LIA M-STRUCTMOR S I A MATMIA111OR DE CONSTRUCTII. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor Si TEhnicienilor din Rominia si Ministerul Constru,ctiilor si al MaterialEilor de Constructii) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 11, no. ~, Sept.10,59. Monthly list of Eastern 'Europ(!an Accession Index (FEAI) LC vol. 8, No. 11. November 1959 uncl. BORZA., Stefanv,4419.; PRETU, Mihai Generating siot proftatiVity is increasing4 Constr Bue 14 no.654t2 21 J:L '62. 1. Fabrica de ciment "Victoria socialistau,, Turda. dA, Radu, tehni6ian.. Development of the 7 Holembriet Sighisoara Plant. Constr Buc. 15 jio.726::2 7 1) 16.`4 - --- ---- - 11 CRETU, Ractu-, The twentietb yeari the Biroes. Plant of Construction Materials. Constr Vue 16 no.745:1 18 Ap 164. , I., Tehnician, Fabric-.a de materiale do constructie, Bircea. CIREIT, Radu, co-.7espordent, - - A new ,,onntruoticm unit for the 111dromecanica Metallitri-ii- Plant., Brasov. Contitr fte no*756:1 4 July 164, SAGUlo, 1" Ing,; mrilutSVUS, V..' Ing.; CRFTY4-A"i;~P - 9 1)etermina~Aon of the efficiency of centriclAaners In manu... .0 facturing sulfate pulp from reed. Gel hirtie 1.3 no.1:17-25 Ja `4- BOMA, Rodica; .3IMIOIICSCU$ M,., planificator; MI7-EXU, I.; AIIADINII., loan CRETU, Radu, tehnician - - 3~, -. Succes;3es in socialist competition. Constr Duc 16 no.742: 1 28 March 1964. 1. Sub::-edactia voluntara de la Turda (for Borza). 2. Subc7edactia vollintara de la Ploiesti (for Tomescii). 3. Presedintele comitetuhi-I sindicatului de la grupul . . . I de sanUere nr.3, Rozznan (f-r Avadanii). STAINCIU'B'.. telmicimt; DE60Y, Zoltan, tebnicism; -OPIT.. I- cian; GORWI#14.; SMCU7,ESCU,, Ydreea,, economist. J~ac~iq tebr Succeuses J.ti 906.141ist cmpetition. Gonstr Buc 16 no 137:1 22 P64e PETREP H.~ corespondent; FERARU, I., corespondent; BARBALATA, St., cor-99pondent; Raflu, - -9~Tl coreispondelit; DIMAPI Dumitru, corespondent; HARMOS, GavrIl, coreapbildtint; HOIIJPAN, Florian, corespondent; BAGDAZAR, Aural, corespondont May lst, -the builders raport to the party. Constr Bue 17 no.799:1,3 30 Ap 165. HINCULESCU, M.; BIRZU, I.; CREIT S. - IOVANESCU, F.; IOMISCU, D.; LUPUMMJ, V.; S.; RWARU, A.; RUSOVIGI, I.; ZAHARIA, C. The first focus of InfeAtile laiskunaniaais identified in the Rumanian Peoples Republic. Stud. -cercet. inframicrobiol., Bucur. 6 no-3-4:595-603 JulY-111tc. 1955. (WISHMANIASIS, in inf. & child in Rumania, pivthol. & epi&emiol.) ILESCU, C.C., prof.; ROINANj L.4 dr.; DOMOCOSO G., dr.; CRETU, Silvia Btatisticiana Analysis of the morbidAty of the latUbts hospitalized in the Clinica de cardiologiel Asear. Mad.. ir4ern.x Bucur 12 no.12:1823- 1832 D 1600 1. Lucrare efectuata 3oi Clinica da cardiologio Ascar, directo,,,, prof. C.C.Iliescu. (CARDIOVASCULIR DISEASFS at-atistics) (HYPTMENSIOV statistics) (IUMT DEFECTS, CONGENITAL stattstics) ILIESCU C. C. prof J~Wmf, L. dr.; DWOCOS, G. , dr.; CRETU, Silvia Analysis of the morbl,dity of patients examined at the ASCAR polyclinic. Med. Intern. 14 no-41,541-548 MY '62. (CARDIOVIiSCULAR DZEASES) (MORBIDITY) ILIKSCUP C.C.., prol'.; WHAILESCIU,, V.V.drs; EMSCU, R. dr.; MTIU' V. p cir.,; SVET;,144r.; SEEWME, Sqdr.; ARON, L., dr.; GLEV, V,Ar,,; MALITCHI, 8.1dro; PDMOG, C.)dr.; RADESGU, ILIBSCU, A,..,dr.,- CHIHIIA, 0.,ili.; N~Ltural hiistory of arterial hypertension. Statistical observations on 3800 emes followed! up for at least 10 years. Med inter 15 no. 5:563-571 MY 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata Ja ASCAR, Bucuresti, (HYPERTEMION) CRETIJ, Toodor, ing. flatior,al and pareful milagement of railway sleepers to have good rai-Iroads. Rpv cailor flOor 10 n6.7067-368 Jl 162. L Inspeotor do oontrol, L. SCHIOPUP U.;. GRETL)-T.;,ZLATE,, M. - 11 On isome peiychological conditions of accidents in the mining industry, Rev palhololgie 11 no.1,105-117 165, 1. Chair of Psycholoey of the University of Bucharest. Sub- mitted JiiLY 309 '1964, CUITUP T.; CONSTANTINESCU, P, I Centenary of 'the University of Bucharest, ~aientific session of the section of psychology. Rev palholovie', 0 , Al no.l.-135~,141 "5o CRETU , Viorel Graphic and analytii,, standards of the i;uvtiW, of sealin-g wasbers~ industria. IlBoara 11 no.6009-316 Je- 164* CRETU, Valeria A. and FUSCARU, Dumitru "The. Content in Vitamin A of the Flain Vegetal Associations fron the Bucegi Mountains." Comun. A(:ad. Rep. Populare Romine 5, 103-8 (1055). The content was studied of carotene and vitamin A of the principal weeds and of the hay collected on the medows of the Buc4gi Mourt-ains. Results and methods of analysis are given, and practical conclusions drawn. RMUM Chemical Tochnolov, Chemical Products and Their B-17 App3ication# PhEwnucoutlealso Vitamins. Antibiotics. Abs Joiw : Rof Zhiw - Khtziya., No 5, 1959., No* 16510 A - Author : 3zanto, Constantinescu., V. Inst : Not given ' Titlo : &porionco of the Kluzhakaya Oblast Apot1hocaries In the Preparation W.' Injaotion Serum Orig Pub : Farnacia (Rcm~ln), 1957., 5,, no 5,, 442-45.5 Abstmot : The sanitary and ooonmical foasibilities of the lrcpnra- tion of injoction sorwm and solutlons in apothocarios depends oxclwsivoly on the approlwiato dovolopmont of opt:Lr= mothooa employed in their ;roparatiQn undor the conditions of limited oquil=Dnt availability in 100a1 apothocarios. In conjunation with the detailed description of requirownta imposed by the above produots, the articlo doscrl.bos in detail methods Involved In the Card lp- H I RM*IM / Chemical Technolo~;V., ChemLcal Proclucts and Their H-17 Application. Pharimceuticalal Vitamins. Antibiotics, A'b a Jour - Ref Mur - Milmlya., No 5, 15~59, No. 1010 preparation of such solutions. It also lists the necessary requi:vements pertaining to further improve- ment of the equI.pmDnt* -- Es Natkhan 9 Gard 2/2 1*1~~MSCIUP C. CohtHbutions tb carrying cut a Ramanian process for briquetting slag. p. 77. REVISTA MINELOR. (Asociiits Stiintifica a Tehnicienilor din Rominia, Ydnisterul Industriei Carbunelui si Directia Generala a '-Iinelor si Yetalurgiei Neferoase) Ducuresti. Vol. 7., n*. 2, Feb. 1956 So. Fast Europoan Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 ORMMISCU, C. CR-vTIYVSCU, C. Contribations to the pro'blem of the use of coal as domestic fuel. P. 376. Vol. ?, no. 8. August 1956 R=STA MINHWR TErHMOLOGY Bucuresti, Rumania So: East European Accession, Vol. 7, no. 3, March 1937 R/007J61/012/002/003/005 D226/D304 AUTHORS: Cretulescu, C., Doctor of Engineerin~gf, and Altcrescu,l, TITLE: Qualitatively equating Soviet lubricants with Rumanian lubricants PERIODICAL: Petrol 9i gaze, vol. 12, no. 2, 1961, 83-85 TEXT: Based on the requii:lements of Russian lubricant specialistsi, the Oficiul de stat pentru energie (State Office of Energy) has issued the comparative recommendations of Soviet and Rumanian lubri- cants. A "TabelA comparativa' a lubrifiantilor din URSS cu lubrifi- ~nVii din RPRII (A Comparative Table of Soviet Lubricants with Ruman- ian Lubricants), worked out by Doctor of Engineering, C. Cretulescu, Engineers, R. Schmidt, V. Boice and M. Popa, was published for the first time in "Petrol 9i gaze", no. 10-11, 1951, pp 23-24. The cor- responding lubricants are.provided with the numbers of the quality standards of the respLctive countries, i.e. GOST and STAS. A sep- arate column indicates the Rumanian lubricants which replace the Soviet lubricants in cases where the Soviet lubricant has -no equal Card 1/2 R/00 61/012/002/003/003 Qualitatively equating... D226YD304 Rumanian lubricant of the same quality. The lubricants examined in the table are:l) Lubricants for automobiles and tractors; 2) Lubri- cants for diesel engines; 3) Lubricants for special engines; 4) Lub J ricants for steam engines; 5) Lubricants for turbines; 6) a - Lubri- cants for refrigerators; b - Lubricant for rolling mills; c - Lubri- cants for presses; d - Lubricants for ships; e - Lubricants for (MVP) devices with a freezing point of _60oC; f - Technical vaseline lub- ricant; 7) Industrial lubricants; 8) Lubricants for driving gears; 9) Consistent lubricants and 10) Various vaselines. There is 1, table. Card 2/2 ~--- CRFITLILEscut C., dr.,.Jlig. Studies on ths.substitution oil h&rmlesr, to skin for tha oil Ya-102 STAS 28OD-51 uae'd in metalwork. Petrol ei gaze 12 no.9: 421--423 S,161. , (Metalvorking lubricants) M CREETULESCU, C., dr. ing.; SCHEIANU, I., ING. Contributions to the production of a special lubricant for hearings. Constr mas 15 no.51382-383 Vq 163. CRETUIESCUP ConstanVin, dr. ing. . -- .. iiui~~ian-wade lubricants as substitutes for lubricants manufactured in East Germany,, Czechoslovakia,, Poland., and Hungary. Constr mas 15 no. 9-629-64.7 S 163. 1. Ministeru~L Minelor A Energlei Blectrice. C-UMIL-'l,';U~ !'-$ dr. ing. -% acc..iitrol of li.Znit~-.- br,*, :~,,--ttczi i b.; t,',,.E) coll in.~~7,hod and 6.! wi ~ 1 -: - u t. 'Hnv 15 no.-'~.-', -, -, ~ - -.' c)-,)0t -1. CRETUISSCII, Constanti:-,i ~ ~ 7-~F-11",' ~, -~- 1 j., , :~ . -..-, . I .-. ~ - . . . .1 . :. ~ %.-., I ., Analy+ic'il crlteris~ for eliminating from operation the uiv;tq oils fron turbines and transformers. Constr mas 'P TICI,,1.27- 30 Ja '65. . ;? - - C-- f C -!echo sl ovakia,,'Pha rm ac c, '!a ff." O""icology. A-02 VI%'luv Ref 'Zhur-Fdol., No 5, 1958, Author .~~ItLe I dt- Inst ~.-Ot -,:i,ve-n Title ~jo(, T, the SaT~-- Z-Ad r~ 1-t. C'Ort.-O-Dhi C n F7 Orig I~ub 0, t ~ L r, Abstrar,t It wa:~ found., to,,:,t hypopkysecto. A -'ed in to norri-rA. rats endured heT-.a--;,'i "o-.- wh~],e heT)arin a -Ze.-tetivatincr effect-, on 0,1 IJI h rat-s an -L;,b -Cupr J. - - -1 i. I... . j; -, e n ~ 1i. L(- ~ t -a i i c ~ 7-e--st~-b -,-ied tho n;,,-- r.,qi hdstboloi~icai Wf,:~'ure of the renal tex. 4-ard 1/1 CREVAR, M. A conference on the use of technical aids in theeducation ofdu'.ts. p. 2. TESTU. (Jugosliyvensko drustvo "Nikola TeslO za unapredenie nwake i tehnike) DeofTrad, Yugoslavia. Vol. 6, no. 3, 141ay/June 1959. Y,onthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. CRHAP H. ; Cepek, V. Fhotoelw5tic inve9tigation -)f rail sections of the T and A shape. p. 267 INIZOMtSICE, STPVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnictvi) Praha2 Czechoslovalda. Vol. 7, no. ?, July 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 11, Hav. 1959 Uncl. lk Milos Present state-and prospects for production of phosphoric fertilizers in Czechoslovakia, -.j~grochem 2 no.2s33-36 162. 1. SIveroceake chemitike zavody Lavosize. CRHA, Milos Freezing method of NPK.-1 combined fertilizer production. Chain prum 14 no.0172-177 Ap ~'64. I. Severoceske obemickn zavody, Lovosice. SLAVIGM:, I-van; CRHA,, Mircialav Electronic imitrameilts with mpacity fealws for explosion dangel.- arear3 in chevic-al plantEr. Chem prum 12 no.3-.331-135 Mr 162. 1. Vy!&ktmny ustav mikromolekularni chemley Brno. L 28590-66 TWP(i~~,t)/ETI UP (k) /94P (h) IEWP (11 1JP(0 JD1HW ACC NR1 AP6027701 souRa. coDss cz/oo34/66/00W0-0lX2-3/0-* =1101tt Zamyslovsky, Wenek (En&Ueer); Crha, Vladislav (Engineer). ORG: CoLloge of.LUni2y, a (Tysoka skola barska) TITLE: Evaluation of iwthods for ~the calculation of rolling presuvwes based. on the Wory of plasticity in the b1:)oidj%9 mill r 11ing process SOURCE: Hutnicke listy, no, 1, 19,.-16,'23-29 TOPIC TAGS; rolling id.11, plasticity, pressure moasuremant, metal rolling ARSTR&CT: Both exporixiontal and trLoorotical methods for the detervAnation of the me" prossuie of the rcUs are dis!t;ussod. Nothods of Colikov, Sizu;, Orowan,, Elcelund, and Ge3.eji are wvaluated. Now for~n]As of Dinnik and Lugovs1gr are analyzed., Compute pressure values 4we conpared to tht~ valaos obtained by exporimntal, moasurenonts on a blooming md-U. Although Lugovs~j,la equation needs somB adjusting it is the best one available at present. Orige gtt. has: 8 figures, 3 formulas -U-4 5 tabiese fB-ased on wethors' Eng. abs .-,-.7 SUB CGDe-,: 13, 20 / SUMI DAV: i%one / ORIG REF: 002 / SOV REF: o16 ~'2 Z2() AUTHOR: Crha, Zden4k, Engineer -20859 Z/034/6l/ooo/oo6/oo2/OO2 E073/E335 TITLE: Chronium Carbides in WC+Co Carbides PEMODICAL: llutnickd:usty, iq6i, No. 6, pp. 421 - 424 TEXT.- A numbitr of now carbides are being introduced for cutting tools. For ins(-,ance, WC+Co with a high Co content or with a low Co content and further grades of sintered carbides for rough mach4.ning of IArge components and machining with special steels, particularly austenitic,Bteels (Ref. 'I'; D. Friedl, ZprAva ZPP Tit 3090, 1958). A further new type of carbide 11HIe) flor machil2ing miniature steel components on automatic machine tools is being introduced, which is characterised by the fine grain of the carbide components, the average grain size of the tungsten carbide being about 1 to 1.115 ji. Xn the initial charge very fine grain raw materials are used or additional carbides, which in most cases prevent grain growth, rpartlcularly of the tungsten carbide (Ref. 8: Z. Crha, Tecb:nicke' informace 1957, Vol-3, 8, UTEIN, PragueY. Chromium carbide has favourable properties Card 1/7 20859 Chromium .... Z/034/61/ooo/oo6/002/002 E073/E335 from -the point of view of increased resistance to oxidation. The author aimed at utilising these properties. In most cases, the c1iromium ce.rbide was not the basic component but was added as av admixturo. The main tests with chromium carbide were carried out for the carbide 0 containing 20706 Co and Cr 3 C2 with contents cif 59 159, 30 and 50050, respectively. Additions of over 5% chromium car-bide proved unsuitable duo to. greatly reduced bendinj; strength but carbide containing 5% Cr C had 3 2 good physical and mechanical properties. Metallographic tests revealed that increasixig chromium carbide contents led to decreasing grain size of the tungsten carbide. In the further experiments, sintered carbides containing 5, 10 and 200' Co /0 were investigated with additions of 1, 2 and 551o Cr 3C2 and 0-59" Cr 3C2 for. a sintered carbide with 50% Co. The dependence Of the hardnesa on the-content of Co and Cr carblde is given in Fig. 3; for all tho testred grades the hardness increased with increasing chromium-carbide content. This is particularly Card 2/7 20859 Z/034/6i/ooo/oo6/002/002 Chromium Carbid,3s .... E073/E335 true for carbid~Bs with 1,ti.igher Co contents. In the saine way as hardness, th.!! bendin,q strength increases at first with increasing chromium carbide, reaching a certain maximum, and then decreases ::-apidly,.as can be seen from Fig. 4, which shows the bending strength as,a function of the Cr 3C. and Co contents. The bending-test results show that for sintered carbides with higher Co contelits the chromium addition can be within wider limits than for sintered carbides with low Co contents., In the latter, an addition of 4".5% chromium carbide leads to it drop in j the bending strength bylabout 2%, whilst an addition of 10"0, chromium carbide leads 'to a drop by about 1050'. Fig. 5 indicates the average grain size of the tungsten carbide in a carbide with 20% Co as a function of the chromium-carbide content. In machining te5ts the -virear-resistance of chromium-containing carbides was higher theirk that of those without chromium. Fig. 7 shows the wear (,in mm) of carbides with 10 and 5% Co as a function of the Cr C, content. Excitation tasts were carried 3 11! out at goo OC for I hour and the gain in weight of carbide Card 3/7 20859 z/o34/6i/ooo/oo6/oO2/002 Chromium Carbidos .... E073/E335 specimens with 20% Co with various chromium-carbide contents is plotted in FLg. 8. :1:n the conclusions it is stated that considerable improvements can be obtained in the properties of sintered carbid,!!s as a result of.adding chromium carbide, provided the ratio of the Cr 3C2 content to the Co content is correctly chose:.-1. There are 8 figures and 8 references: 4 Czech and 4 non-Czech. The English-language references is: Ref. 6 - J. Hinailber, 0. RUdiger, Symposium on Powder Metallurgy, 1954- Spe'~!Ial Issue, No- 58 - The Iron and Steel Institute, London, 1956, Pp. 305-310. ASSOCIATION: V~zicumnt U'stav pro pra'gkovou metalurgi:~,, -Sumperk (Powder etallurgy Research Institute, Sumperk) SUBMITTED: December 16, 1960 Card 4/7 Carbides .... Fig. 5: 92 1 2 3 4 5 - CIO c~ V Card 5/7 20859 3:~' 7 B3 3 5 FiF. -4: cn, cz V Chromitun Carbides Fig. 5: 96- 2,4- RAW 16 20859 Z/034/61/000/006/002/602 E073/E335 7:. QJO % r-1 I Jrnm qzo 4 01f0 .' C, V% cr CrAl. v 20859 Zj/o3 4/6 Vo oo/oo6/oc n/o ~;.2 Chromium Card 7/7 cric? S/123/62/000/013/005/021 Aoo4/Alol AUTHORSt Crha, Zden6k, Vicha, Vladimir T=: Method of manufactu ilng tools with cermet bits FMIODICAL:. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 13,* 1962, 13, abstract 13B86 (Czechoslovaklan Patent No. 99008, 15-03.61) TEXT: For joining two centiet layers - of higher strength and wear resis- tance - and their subsequent solc'ering onto a steel holder, the authors suggest to sinter in a mold under pressu:;-e the bits of cermet material which possesses a high wear resistance with strongtir carbides of the same WC + Co series in the form of powder. Also additions ~,)f chromium, tantalum, niobii1m, molybdenum, boron and vanadium carbides are applioiible. The sinter temperature depends on the com- position of the powdery mixture. Daring the sintering, the binding ductile metal of the powder fuses together witti the binder of the bit, owing to which a high strength of the joint and the absence of a sharply expressed surface of separation are ensured. V. Sheynfin)cel [Abstraoter's 'notel Complete trimslation] Card I/I -777777, i-4 ~-L: 128722-ioi6,5- CRUP., Zdenek, inz.-, 11[)VAKp Ja:vomir, inz. 11(w rk-sults of the :vesenrch on sintered carbides for mine tools. Elat liRty .11:11 no.1:34-3"? J&164. 1. Vyzk-li-T%,.ny UBL&V pro praskovou metalurg!~, Sumperk (for Orha). 2. UBtp-v pro Nryzkum rui, Prahs, (for No-ak). CMIld") L. -------- -- _--- Anthropological researches in Czechoslovak Silesia. Tr. f on the Czech. P. 91 CZIDI'MR W. NASIEV I PR79STR2PTI Vol. 2, no. 2, 1959 1-Tarsaw, Poland Mlonthly List of East European Accession (EEAI) LG, Irol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. RUMANIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Applications. Glass. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiya, 1959, No 4. 12583, Author : Tentulescu, D.; Tentulescu, L.,,- Cricoveanu, M, inst :'Not given. Title :Study of Mielting of Slags and Rocks In Continuous Process Furnaces for the Production of Slag Cotton. Orig Pub.- Rev.-constructlilor sci mater. constr., 1956, 10, 110 5Y Z130-206. Abstract: Results of activities in substituting a contin- uously-operating furnace for a cupola furnace in the production of slag cotton are described. -- From the authorst resume. Card 1/1 46 E.; BROSTWU, R.; NESTIANU, V. ElectroaricephaLlographic research on cortical reactivi.ty: variations of the curve of the latent period of corticU reactionc to intermittent luminous stimuli, rble of experimo.ntal spasmodic attacks and barbituric sleep. ]~'- 1013- Academia RepubUcii Populare) Romine. COMUNICATILE. Bucuresti. Vol. 5. no. 6. -June 1955- SOURCE: East Eurcipem Accessions Ust (ESAL) Library of Congreas, Vol# -3, Ko. 12, December 195.6 CR I C- f)C- -I,) RLMOIA/Human and Animal .1hysioloa - The Nervous '-y,,,tvm. V - 131 Abs Jour : Ref zhur - Biol., .11o 4, 19c8, 18564 Author : E. Crighel, R. Brosteanu and V. Nez~tirtnu Inst Title : Electroencephalogrk-hic Lxa=inrti,,~n of Cortical Re:-Ctivity. The Effect ;f Chloi-promazine. Orig Ilub : ~'Ommun. Acad. R,?R, 1'956, 6, No 7, 95,:'t-,`63, Abstract : in the first five minutes after cattz. -,;f--re in",eatc-.1 intr--f.- venously with chlorpromuzine, ~. reauction was obscrvc~! in the latent re-,-iod of cortical resnnn!;es ti t rh5,t!=~c liGht, :~-ni then a..brief incre.,.~Fe in the -11,tent Zraring convulsive self' are the ch~,nges in reactivity we:-v the -%jae ~,3 in. the c,~ntrol F-e-nim.1r.. Card 1/1 RUXANTA/Human and miw.1 Phyt-loloa~ - The Nervou.. Lyst I em Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Bi,Q1., No 4, 1955, "1485157 Author, E. Crighel, -z; Brosteunu tx,.:l V. Ncsti~,.nu Inst :-- Title 1;lt!ctr,,5ence,,\I.;hlogra~phic of Cortic;.~I in ~Itates of increased Excitt-Ibility. Orig ?ub Comun. Aead.' RN, 1956, 6, No 12, i4oi-i4o6 Abstmet After cats were injected uith cEffeine, and with pervitin particulexly, a sudden lncre!~se ~,ns observed in the L7crL- ge w-dues of' the lKtent -peri-ldl of cortical responscs tD stimulatim vith a blinking light. The st&-nd,,Lrd devia- tions alsD increased noticeably. Card 1/1 EYMMITA PIDICA SEC 8 Vol 12/2 Neurology Feb 59, L 829. ELECT ItO-ENCEPHALOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH ON THE REAcriva'- OF THE, CORTEX. ILEFFECT OF POST-CONVUL-SIVF I%HlI3lVO%? on INHIBITION IN THE COURSE OF SLEEP INDUCED BY BARBITURATES ON THE LATENCY PERIODS OF THE CORTICAL RESPONSES TO I%- TERMITTENT LIGHT STIMULATIONS - Cercel5ri electroencefalcgrafice a su pra :react ivitfi Iii corticale. Nota 11. Acliunea inhibilici postconvolsive Vi din timpul somnului barbituric asupra latenjelor rilspunsurilor cortic!ale la atitnuliluminogiintermitenti-Crig-heI E., Brogteanu R. and N e s t I a. n u V. STUD. CERC. 1MURXM-.-TM, 2/1 (53-67) Graphs; 3 Tables -1 After an experimental convulsive fit, the latency periods of the cortical responses to intermittent light stimulation hecome shorter. Sometimes, a shortening of this latency period is followed by a lengthening before the initial values are reached again. During sleep induced by barbiturates, the same diminution in the latency period values is observed. This phenomenon, observed during inhibition aliates, hi, belitvtd to be due to a simplification of the cortical circuits which play a role lit the responme to the intermittent light stimulation, a simplification produced by the predo.vinant inhibition of the Intercalated neurons of the cortex. Crighel - Bucharest Co=try : MDOLI T Category: Huran i%nd Aniual Physiolopy. Nervous Syst=. Ce2vbr,).l Cortox Abs Olour: =Diol-, No 19, 3-958, 89210 Author : Crljq~~e"j Nvetlanu,, V. Inst : VanitmAc,-AiaW, Institute of Neuroloa. Tktle : Electrenecphalographic Investigation of the Trigeer Mechanisu of 'the Experimental Convulsive A.ttack Prcduced by Pi.;atanethylenetetrazol Orig Pub: Studii si ceractarii neurol. .'icad. RPR, List. neurol. 1957, 2, No 2., 2o5-2i6 Abstract: Investigat,,Xn of the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex of a cat by stimulatitya with an interrupted lielit stirmlus demonstrated thuit fol- lowine the inJection of pentamethylenctetrazal the Ca:rd 1/2 T-91 CRIGHBL, I. ; NRNTIM, V. lectro.-notipholographic studiso of cortical, reactivity; type of cortical resDonno to intermittent light stimuli. Dal.. Stiint., sect. m" 9 no.l: 211-228 1957. (OWMRAls CORM. physioloff response to intormittent ligbt stimuli, tiff. of caffaine & amphetamine, ING stuay. in cats) (CAMM, effects on cortical responses to intermittent lifftt stimuli, in cats) (AMPMMMIU, effects same) EXCERPTA YMCA See 2 Val 13/5 Fhysi:,!o;-~ Yay 2467. EEG STUDIES ON CORTICAL REACTIVITY IN MAN - Cercotgri FEG as-jpra reactivitlitit corticale la onn - C r i g h e I E. and N e I t i a n u STUD.CERCET.NFUROL. 1958, 3/2-ITTT.-Mr- The method U;Ied (previously describea ny tne authord) consists in measuring 1,he latent period I)etween stimulation by light and the evoked cortical re ponse. nie latent periods found ranged from 33.75 and 72 meec. (mean 50.01 m5uec. standard deviation 6.31 insec.). These values are larger than those found by the same investigators in the cat. This is probably due to the existence of a greater number of intercalary neurons in man, while the high degree of functional lability of these neurons may -3e responsible for the large standard deviation. Voiculescu Bucharest (11, 8*) IMCERPTA MICA See 2 Vol 12/7 Physiology July 59 3026. ECC STUDY OF THE MECIIANISM OF PRODUCTION OF CONVULSIVE ACTIVITY OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX - Recherches klectrographiques sur le m6caniame du d6clenchement de Vactivitf convulsive de Fftorce cfrf- brale c_CxA41L&1.E. and Nestiano V. Inot. de Neuro).. Acad. de Ja RL4pubUciU-ei-P6p-utaU,"oumaine, Bucarest - J. PHYSIOL. (Parts) 1958, 50/ 4 (799-808) Tables I Illus. 3 In the normal. non-anaesthetized cat. convulsions were induced by i. p. injection of 60 mg./kg. of pentetrazole or i.v. injection of 200-300 mg.lkg. of caffeine Na benzoate in 10 ml. saline. The cortical electrical activity and the reactivity were registered. "her experiments were carried out on the 'isolated brain' prepara- tion. Before the onset of the convulsive seizure an acceleration and a loss of the capacity to assume the rhythm of the luminous stimulation were noted, the latel t period increased by 40-50%. Two modes of appearance of the convulsive activity were observed. one being common to both pentetrazole and caffeine and the other peculiar to pentetrazole. A considerable modification of cortical reactivity is thus present befoxe the actual seizure. In the pre -seizure. Ertage more neurons become active; this does not yet constitute a seizure, the latter being the result of "!r- activity of es,ch neuron. leading to synchronization of their electrical activities, without the necessity for a synaptic interrelation betwe,en the various active neu- no. M eye r -Ou lif - Paris (H. 8 r0 .4 A A.- 3ec 8 Vol 12/11 'Neurology Nov S~ 5599. WALKING APRAICIA (Russian text) - C r i&el E. and A r s e n i C. ZH. NEV110PAT. I PSPMAT. 1958, 58/8 (92r- Walking apraxia, which is often accompanied by standing apraxia, is not due to cerebellovestibular dist,arbances and is not a c6nsequence of damage of the frontal lobe as observed in intracranial hypertension. It was only diagnosed in the J)rC- i;enceoffrcataltumours,ln69outoI 165 examined patients with unilateral or bilateral damage of 'the frontal bruin, the turnour was localized in the frontal lobe or its vicinity. From these 69 piatients, walking disturbances of a cerebellar 11nd 1resti- bular type were found in 26, whereas walking apraxia was only observed in 4. Examinations of 3 patients revealed that these disorders differ from cerebellar disorders in that they arn bilateral and show no cerebellar symptoms. The main signs are disturbances of standing. and the peculiarities of this type of standing, by which they distinguish themselves from Isbyrinthice disturbances. Another characterintic is that they develop in patients with ps:rchical disorders and depend on disturbances of the cortical functions. which are localized in the frontal lobes. Dirnitrijevid Sarajevo SEEMS M ..A- CRIGHEL,Z..; UNGHRR,Julia Considerations on abdominal epilepsy. Rumanian X- Rev- 3 ILO-3: 77-80 Jl-S 159. l.. ILP.PavlovO Institule of Neurology of the R.P.R. Acadeav, Bucharest, Director Acad.: A. Kreindler. (VILIPSY) (SUCTROENCIVIHMIDGRAPHY) NISM-KRfGll~ Bella [Xis'on-ilbrighel, ITJ; ONSTMIftSM, Telizabeta [0onstantinesco, IMIM, Te. [Orighel, Z.3 3ft'fect of tbe precotivvIsive functional stage on the development of the convulcive selintre and on the biochemical modifications induced by, the lat'-er. Uk:r.Mokhim.zbur. 31 no.6034-M 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Navrol ich skiyr Institut I.P. Favlova AN RumWansko Yhrodnoy Respublik"i, ;=ellt. (ODIVULSIONS) CRIGHEL, E.1 UNGHER,, J: The effect of auditory stimulation on bioelectrical, assimLlation of the r)2ytkm of imterTdttent. light stim.Llation. Rev. scl. mod. 5 no.3/4:13^-"138 160. (FLFJ,'-TRQENGEPHkWGRUHY physiol.) (.RFYL OJITIOIMD) KREINDMER, A.; GRIGHEL, E.; W-WLINIU, V. Studios on the mechanism of the appearancr, Of SOC-Dndary words e'voked by barbiturates. Rev. sci. mod. 5 no.3/4::LV-193 160. (BARVITURATFS phamacol.) (CEREBRAL CORTa pharmcol.) KFEINDLEH, A.; CRIGHEL, E,,; NESTIANUv V. The p~2enortwnon of 'enhancement of the secondary elicited response during deep barbiturate sle6p. Rumanian M Rev. no.l:.179-180 Ja-,Mr 161, 1. Tho "1.P. Pavlov" Institute of Neurol R.P.R. Academy. (CIMEBRAL COMM physiology) (S Physiolof',Y) (BRUP STEM physiology) CRIODRIDI 1, ; LUFU, A. i Study on the pellAization iq plumbous concentrates. P- 33370 Academia RepubliciJA Populam Romine. Centiul de Gercetari Metalux-gice. -'zTLDII,SI CETIC!:TATI DE METILUGIE. Bucuresti., Romania. Vol. 4, no. 3, ig5g. Monthly List of East Europeart Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 9) No. 2) January 1960. Uncl. CRINGU, Aurora, asist. univ. (Bucuresti) Land development of V-9 city of Medgidia. Nattira Geogra-fie. 17 no.2:35-39 Mr-Ap 165. VASILIMOu'D eprof ot deceased]; CRINGUX; PASOU'r.; Rku'G. Correlation between the colposcopic aspect and the results of histopathological examination of biopsy samples of.the.cervix' uteri. liamanian H- Rev- 3 no.4:72-73 0-~D 159. (GIRVU UTM,pathology) IT cll:-- :"Gu, f kr V70,mon oo:-, ie Dircct r: Dr. 1. 6, to. o-111 No ov 6,i, of Uteri 0?-ncor. HvrT4 A.; CIMU, V.; CRIVM, R.-, MIYEDI, C.; STIPANISCU, C. R. Humoral'ebanges 111. Sokolski-Bouillaudle rheumatism. Probl. reumat., Bucur. 3:134-210 1955. (FMBDWIC M&M DI SIMI Bouillaixd's die., off. on body fluids) (BWOD, In trarious die. Bouillaud's die., coaVlation, proteins & sedimentation rate.) (URINE proteino & tbyroxin, in Bouillaud' a dis.) (PRDTBINS in blood & urine In Bouillaud's die.) CZECHOSLOV.'XYJ4/CU3.ti'ir,.itod Toclinical Ilantse h O:U ail.10, Bug,-,r Bwrin-. Pl-n-nts. Lbs Jour : -11of Zhur-.JlUol,6, No 15, 19587 63315 .,'.uthor : Crip?ai Ek G. Inst Titl-- Furtilizim, Hops with Doron. D Orig Pub Chmelarstvi, 1957, 309 No 107 154-155 Lbstract P,.cso,-xch o* C the Gollcling anO.. Early Bird strains initicatos that tho Ic-nves' `3 content rises vith the baEiwitn~; of rij)enln.-.*. In young-- lcavc.:s (Jile -Lnd Julv) t'aa D~cuntent nrmuntod tc 20 an(i in t-ho o1rior 1L,-,Vos (in 1"Ugust) it, rose 53.5-92.6 ng/ lltilogrcvis (the calculations ucro, carried out on a dry wcti~ht lx~sis). L-1 19509 th~ DD coatent Tins also dotorminad for the stalks of these Card 1/3 CZECHOSLOV,'JUL/Cultivated ,I'lants, Technical 5.1-ants. , ". 1 Oil M.CI Suig-ir Doarim,---, " ants. Lbs joiri? : 2Laf zj-j.Ljr-Bj,-.)l., Wo 159 19532 63315 of tho oxpartriontt arc prosontad in th(, article. -- D, 1'34 Garbuzow., Card 3/3 SAVIUC, Victor; SARATIN, Igor:j CRLSAN, Alexandru Electric parameters of the aluminum-steel twisted cables. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.2:IL77-194 159. (EM 9:9) (Electric cableii) (Impedance (Electricity)) (Aluminum) M.eel) (Torsion) NEGRU, Alexandru; CRLWg A,- Contributions to the knowledge of the mycologic flora of the Rarau. Mountains. Studil bid Cluj 10 no.2:203-215 159, (IMAI 10.,2) 1. Universitatea "Babos-Bolyai," Cluj, Catedra de botanica (RUKANIA~FUWGE) SAVIUC, Victor; SABATIN, lgor;(TI~S~~,.Alexandru - Electric parameters of steel multiple-wire conductors. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 11 no,,1:135.x47 6o. (EEAI 10:3) (Electric conductors) (Electric wire) (Steel) VICIUJI E., dr.; DULMRIJ, -011 chim Am GAIE, Nadia, i~hjM.; chlia. Functional emtminatAon of the liver In cardiac insufficiency. (Considerations on dysproteinemia, serum transaminases, ammonnmia and other fun-Aion tests). Med. intern. 14 no.1:41-55 Ja 162, 1. Lucrare efectuate. in Clinica a V-a medicala "V. Roaita". (HL-,',IRT FAILURE, 0014GESTIVE physiology) (LIVEA FUR' MON USTS) (BLOOD PROTEINS chemistry) (UANSAMINASES blood) (AHAONIA blocd) BFCHET, Maria; CRISAN, Aurel::a Pnyllosticta Pqrs., it new ap*,clea for lium-ni%n arfc-;,llr-.ra. Studii biol Gluj 14 '63. 1. Chair of Botany, "Babes-Bolyail' Universiry,, Cluj. ILE Ior.; RASCh, Dumitru; CRACIUN, Ion, economist; SIRIOPOL, Telemac; BARBAIATA, Stanciu; jQRISAN,,_~3azil,_-ing.; CIRS'iOIU, Valentin; GHINKAY Vasile, corespondent Enthusiastic socialist competition. Constr Buc 16 no. 750:1 23 May 164. 1. The Galrati Brwich of the Voluntary.Editorial Office of "Constructorul" (for Siriopol, Barbalata) ' 2. Head of the Department of Production., Regional Trust for Housimg Construction., Hunedoara (for Crisan). IVIEm CRISAN, C, A-,,qD 071=RS. Increase of vitality of poultry ly means of beterosnermia. p. 137. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Filiala Cluj. STUDII St CERCETAK DE BIOLOGIE. Cluj-, Rvmanis.. Vol. 9, no. 1, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) Vol. 8~, no. 7, July- 1959. Uncl. 00 c 00 00 a 00 a 00 a IF Ovit"t mot ILI$ a w"I'" sicat ullanov 6wiss"IMON 14- L - 0 A I a fm 0 it a I x m 0 A a 3 0 v U, Ax IQ As 0 It 0 4, 1, a a it p 1k fit I t, - I - 0.0,04 4k a A. 6 0 00 0 0 4110 0 0 0 60o6010 0600600 a, ~1'100 00 2t 0 0 '.0 0 0 41i's, 0 0 4) 0 0 0 * 0 0 *-,a too 0 is 0 *Go** 0 0000000 Joe JOS woo see *00 NO me 11110 0 1 1 Ao as 1 I At Y'l! p A 4 V I P A _J - - ~ J. 0 ; .' ' l . " ' M laflutu;ir *lamista adds on Lhe rowthoffilinta, 1. *to DIAK4~u 4lujC Cis' pull. 19 , Ramonshot $, 4N ", ad -on, 111 l f i f l IF t - l ~4, ml ft orant . l MIN I I t e t i ) sAw, variety i1srobblifro wl-tv prilliluMil at f'WAll V_ for 1;. 12, '214. 414. 72 and PO) bro, trAp.. tit a miti. ill .08 glydric, C) Swine. tryptoph3n. taltritic att(I Iyoll'. to 0 a sublitariec trA 101 cc, -prisitt *,,tter. fit es theetwitiltills Ifid-tysafict the lvVilittilla of the V%Ilt' Ill,, irviibigi~ forlorn the ocids which have 1,cen imll, r tile actil,l) ill the atuirto widli beloomn 24 and 48 brA. appeal mm,- ad- vallontif i,.i everytt-qxv in thrirdevel(tirturnt thAn thow frous Iftesvil-ilmninalr(I fit "wing water, andaNo thow treattil IrAx lbilit '214 hill. coir more IhAn 48 hit. with tile mi%t. '3 11111illo W.'W4. Thiq difIrtritt'r ill I Ill, dv% ch)),1111 Ill of Well lingq pri-bil,ts for wime little (A 4 ILIVO evrit it Ihrv Are plalvird in earth, It disappmrs I)y drps-4-4 with the ap [A-limim: of The first. leave% even if the tartil I% V01161111AIN - i h l h W f i k S .w ar roto ur i Av ttrd %%R a m o am po I wee I L A W.LLVrICAL UTERA11.1111 CLASSIFiCAMN !boo treat t ' -r ~f s a all a 0( a S l UR W 1) 1 1* 3 '1`10 0000 go 9 0 ift FIU?y to to op or it it o 0 go iiotbtipo 1011110111's 0 040 is 6 so 00 * ego 6 411 go 0 00 0 oil 0 0 0 O 0 9 9 0 0 4 0: 9 e to 0.0 01 * 6 0 0 9 0 's *000 00, .900 w 6 a Oi ? ? 7 9 *~ 'f I ~ - A b L bb is 0 " . " , . F . . . " 13 io U it ITO a AA W IX to 111 a . . . if 4o; I~Ovjpj The Stu" of O*kwxe ON the mb w the Id"t, up nd 88 vu'WB)- L D1390iii and ' C(-i Kilumamic 4. 1~1; 111 k! -!A 0 k Nb 00 c1 . . . 140. retar d% the grnwth ol the cukom pjbd 1"n in be firi IlIt" d h , an t rn vi,q), it definitely. 16 -00 : -.00 00 00 so* atTALLUKKAL LITINA'1601 CLASSIFKAMN r I., AV so is' '6 1 .0 , r, ii CPU oil Nu NON Itoc 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 6 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 A v It .3 '3a3 0 An a kwn 1 14 0 0 04 0 0 9 6 0 0 9 4 0 0 it 0 4 to 0 0 4 0. 0 40 0 v a 0' 4to * 0 0 00 4 G 0 11 to a a 0 G A CRIS111,10,AND OTIER3. J17 Exromire of the altotic capicity of accc~ssvry colls Df the principal ston~,ch glands of a dog with the aid of colchicine. F. 599. (COMIPNICARIL-E. Riviania. Vol. ~j, no. 3, 1441r. 1955) SO: Monthly List of East European. tIccessicns (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, JulY 10/57. Uncl.] MWM /Chemical I-Pec.1wology. Chemical J>roducts and Their Applicationp Part '$. - Aromwtic Substances.. Volatile Odle, Per:'hmry and Cosmetics. Abs Jour: Referat. 9-hurnal Iflaimiya, No 21, 1958, 71875. Author : C. (,riEan. Inst, : Title Indastrial. Yield of Volatile Oils from Some Local Medicinal Plants. Orig Pub: Farmacia (.B=in.),, 1957.. 5s 110 5,v 422-42B. Abstract: The follolling vcIntile oils were extracted by steam distillation (the mean yield Is expressed in %%): 01. Am1plicae - 0.08,, 01. Mamomillae - 0-027, 01. BeleW - 0.48, 01. Melissae - 0.026) 01,, Absimti - 0.3,45, 01. Coriandri - O..1l to 0,!P3.. 01- HYS81:9)i - 0-52from dry plwits and Card 1/112 AHWIA/cbemical TeAmology. Cbenical Products and %eir AjVlicatiot, Part '.I, - Aramt1c Substances, Volatile Oils, Perftamerlr Lail, Cometics. Abs Jour: Referst. 2turnal. ladmiya, No 21, 1958j. 71M5. 0-15 from 1;rem 1)ljlnts, 01. juniperi bacese 0.98, 01. YAntbae aquatiese - o.48, 01. Mentbae pulegi - 0.49, 01. Wntbae piperitae - 0.99 from whole plants and 0150 to 0.0 from stems, 01. Origani vulgaris - 0.15, 0.1. Thimi serpuM - 0.12. A brief deamription iX some extraction methods is given and Utevvture deAm, shawing the imortance of the aebieried yLelds to secure the requirements of the count:ry in volatiliv oils are presented. Card 2/ 2 MURLSM, I., Professor; UIOGHF-QJk, U.; MCLI, ~i.; POP, Z.; G.; BIHOIU 1. RAICU 'E., Extern. Y Surgiml Clinic Il in Timisoara (Clinica II-a Chizzurgicala, Tjxiisoara) -(for all) Timisciara, TimiMara Modicala Illo 1, Jan-Jiui 63, pp 27-32 "Our I~merience in. the Swgery of the hydatid Orst of the Liver." (Report prescat,Bd t~ the Timisoara Socie-V of Mediual Sciences Surgei7 Section, - 5 A-Pril 1961.) Gh. He. COW171 h1mbilk AcmMmU VWWWI /not gilow/ Lffitizutal /Prem"bly ow so a airpry cites* (clialm n Go chtfuma)l Twocam/ ftonto Italocarm. no-imers loodleals-, 00 1, Ad-too 60, pp 33-37 Raw "Uperlence of be .'salm"S me 2 auvry asme is camm"Uts With mov Vora" of arms% camr." Co-autbant twgnis met giv", dnuauow F*nmailr joe.t. amrpry C-Ifule, Tiall [arm/ on "U" CRISAK, G. FM&HIA PALTWMaMEANIJ, A., MD, Pi-ofessor; GRISAN, G. 1. Bditcr-in-Chief of lixisoara Medicala Review of the Institute 2MEFTMOR"Ce of'Kedicins and' Societies of Medical Sciemes in the IR.P.R. (4vieta Institutului de Madicina si a UnimAi So-Aetatilor Stiintalor Hadicale din R.P.R.) Tivisoarn., Timisoara Modicala, Vol. VII, No 2., Jul-Doc 62,, pp 1-5. *Auti-onayme substamett in the modern treatment of acute panareatitis."