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YUGOSIAVTA/LabOratOrY Equipment. Instruments, Their Theory, FO Construction) and Use, Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1958, 24949 the solvent. The same pressure is applied to toth vis- cosimeters. Measurement of P(eff.) is replaced, by measu- rement of the lenght of time of the outflow of each li- quid. The corresponding calculation formxIa is. derived. Card 2/2 COPICY R. Amateur magnetophones. p. 106. RADIOP14ATER. (Savez radioanatera Jugoslavije) Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 12, no. 4, Apr. 1958. Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG, Vol. 8, no. S, Aug. 1959. Uncl. VARCHIS, A., lng.;..COPILU, V., ing , For a continuous improvement of the quality of cotton fabrics. Ind text Rum 12 n0-31:451-457 N 161. COPILU, V... conf. ing. lc-~ - Progress in the 437-443 N 162. cotton carding process. Ind text R= 13 no.11- 1. Institutul polite~nic, Iasi. .,EO-FILY,a,- ing.; CERNESCU, V., ing.; LIFPU, C., ing.; DOGARU, D., ing. Mechanization of dust and lint evacuation from cotton spinning mills. Ind text Rum 15 no.10.-514-517 0 164. 1. Polytechnic Institute I Iasi (for Copilu, Cernescu). 2. "Tesaturan Plant, Iasi (for Lupu, Dogaru). I CP *e, .'-or; a .-C RUM01 1A Pham. a cist of it-Iff of Phrrimacy '111o 7, Craiova, "cMe am wir u n 11, '-' I ~~, -, ",oming, No 9, Vol X, So-) L', 51" 52,'.. e-,/V-*Le-.-.,)oin4u- s for the Preparation of Colly~riimr." (Paper pro-con"Wd to the interregional *mposliza in pitesti on 15 j-wie 19~2.) Co-authors: COPQLO%IICI, S. Phammccist., Mloi:~bcr of staff of Pharmzic.y No 7, Crair._o~va, Mcn-4a ReZ~iune. !:,!A G111. phai mr-cis 4u- of staff of Pham-acy ito 7, Cr.--io,.,a, 01tonia Rcaiixne. lz�E2 DRAGAIIESCU, C. I., LD; C-OGA-T-01,IESCU, Silvia, '.'D; C&~?, C. F., UD; COPORMI, Rodica, Institute for Oncolotg, ~jucharasl- (Inqtitutul Oncoloi-,ic, Ull -Wr bucurost - (for ,.U); Diroc - Lecturor 0. Go:;tachal. Bucharest, Modicina Interna, Jo 12, Doe 63, PP 1435-14.38 "I Results Ubtained in t7lo Cases of Severe LoW-.othromboDenia., w 'th 0 - nis~ l Haemarrhagi-pa-rous Smclrzome Occurring affter Ad:..L ration o:~ C~rtostztics, troated .-:ith HomoloCous Hae=atopoietic Tissue." Mr"C"; Copordo, Milivoj Sudska veterir-ol-t. t~!,Cirina Pcorrvi-d, Im,*ii-a, 1950. 4C3p. (Forersi~!! vuterirar~~ 1~ r I SO: Eest Eumpear, LC, Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1953 IYUGOSLAVIA 11. COPORDA [Affiliation not given] "Liability During the Course of Shipping Animals by Sea." Belgrade, Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 17, No 2, 1963; pp 192-193. Abstract : Brief review of the British and Yugoslav re-ula ions about 0 the responsibilities and liabilities for animals shipped by sea, includin, cows and horses. In general, both the shipowner and the captain of the Oessel are fully liable. Two Western, 2 Yugoslav ref's. [1/1 -j in - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YUGOSLAVIA/Farm Animals. General Problems. Q-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol, No. 22, 1958, 101146 Author Copordag M., Jankovic, Z. Inst Title Determinin the Species of Domestic Mammals for Legal and 6ther Purposes on the Basis of Morpho- logicial Bone Structure Differences. Orig Pub: Veterin. -lasnik, 1957, 111 ',,7o. 71 657-667 Abstract: Differentiations are established according to the following pairings and grDupings of the animals: horses - cattle; sheep - goats; sheep - goats - swine; sheep - goats - dogs; swine - dogs; cats - rebbits. Pairings are exe,,,:uted according to the principle of closest bone simi- larities. For purposes of species determinationg Card 1/2 8 YUGOSLAVIA/Farm Animal's. General Problems. Q-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., To. 22, 1958, 101146 mutually excluding symptoms are presente~d. Differences of vertebraei of, anterior ai.,id pos- terior extremity bones ribs, thorax., and the pelvic girdle arelae'fribed. The d;ltermined indicators are Very p~ecfeic anJ make it possible to identify the animal's species whose I)one is presented even though only a part of the bone is available. -- A.V. Yablokov Card 2/2 fY'VG(1M.AV:EA 60PORDA-9 No ffiffillation not give~n7. "Responsibility in the Transport of Animals by Airplane." Belgrade, Veterlnarski Glasalk, Vol 17, No 3, 1963, PP . 281-282. Agalgact; The Yugoslav airline company Is not responidble for the natural death or illness of animals transported by air. The company may refuse to transport live an1mals In airplanes designed for passenger traffic. Animals un- likely to survive the trip are not accepted. Horses,, cattle, sheept and hogs are not accepted for the preiient for technical reasons. Responsibility for losses because of delair In arrival Is determined separately in each in- dividual oase. One British reference, one Yugoslav referenae. KLOS,J.; BENDA,.T.; KOPECKIJ,L.; COPOTA,~L Effect of surgical correction of a deformed nasal se-ptum on pathological changes in the respiratory tract. Cesk. pediat. 19 no.0349-353 AP154. 1. Katedra detske otolaryngologie fakulty detskeho lakarstvi KU v Praze (zest. vedouci: doc.dr.J.Klos,CSc.) a 11. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstri KU v Fraze (prednDsta: prof.dr.J.Houstek.. DrSc.). HIOJSKOVA, Zdenka; COMA, Kartag XMINT, Zdanek Results of surgical thirapy of chronic pulmonary dismses. Cook. pediat-15 no.6/7:512-516 J1160. 1. II. detska klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof.dr. J'osef Howtek. II chirurgioka klinika KU v Praze, prozatimni prednosim doc.dr. Jaroslav Lhotka. (IUNG DISEASES in tuf & child) (PIMONECT(Iff in inf 4 child) HOUSTEK, Josef: BRAOMOCNA, Jaroslava; COPOIA, Marta; IMET, Zdenek Cystic pulmonary diseases in children. Cesk.pediat.15 no.6/7: 568-575 J1160. 1. 11. deteka-klinilm, prednosta prof.dr, J. Houstek, II. chi- rurgicks klinika, prednosta dr. J.Ihotka. (IM DISEASES in inf & child) (CYSTS in iuf & abild) KOTASEK,A.; STRAEDVA,M.; COPOVA.M.; SMIDA,I. 7atecif children born to mothers with late gestosis. Cas. lek. Geak. 99 no&27;834-838 I JI 160, 1. 1. porod. kliniks Ku v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Karel KlauB, Detska klini)m TH v Prose It prednosta prof. dr. K. Imbat' U. detska klinika KU v Praze, prednosts. prof. dr. J. Ebusek. (PFMNANCY TOXVIAS) HLOUSKOVA, Z.; COPOVA, M.; FRAGNER, P. The incidence of yeast in the sputum of children %rith chronic and recurrent reapiratox7 diseases. Cesk pediat 17 no.2110-143 F 162. 1. 11 detska klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. T. Houst6k, a Krajalm 1Wgienicko-spideniologicka, stanioe, reditealm MUDr. Vera Krasna. (SPUMM microbiol) (YEASTS) (RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION in inf & child) HOUSTEKP J.; IWUSKOVA, Z.ORP-OVAL_M. The incidence of recurrent respiratory diseases in middle Bohemian regions. Cask. pediat. 17 no.5/6:428-431 Je '62. 1. Katedra fakultni pediatrie fakulty detakebo lekarntvi University Karlovy v Praze, vedouci prof. MUDr. J. Houstak Katadra preventivni pediatrie fakulty detskabo lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, vedouci prof. MUDr. K. Kubat. (RESPIRATORY SYSTRI die) HLOUSKOVAP Z.; COPOVA,, M.; ZAPLETAL, A. The course of ateli-otasis in children. Cesk. pediat, 17 no.5/6:A42-444 Je 162. 1. Katedra preventivni pediatrie fakulty detskeho lekarstvi UniversitT Karlovy v Praze, vedouci prof. Mr. X. Kubat Katedm fakultni pediatria fakulty detskeho lelarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, vedouci prof. MUDr. J. Houstek. (A=TA.0,IS in inf & child) COPOVAI 9 Ao jj~,; HLOUSIKOVA, Ze; ZAPIETAL. Normal respirometric level in healthy children. Cask. pediat. 18 no.10.-91:5-921 0 163. 1, 11 detsloa klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr. T. Houstek, DrSc. Detaka klinika fakultai nemocnice pDd Fetrinem., prednosta prof, dr. K. Kubat, (SPIROMETRY) (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) SNOBL, 0.; COPOVA,-~L41,TPMA, S. Intrathoracic round obadows in childhood and their (lifferential diagnosis. Cesk,, pediat. 18 no.10,"922-930 0 163. 1. 11 detaka klinika fakult7 detakeho lelmrstvi v R-aze, prednosta prof, dr, Je Housteke DrSc. (THO[WIC RADIOGRA.PHY) (ABNORMAUTIM) (PARASITIC DISEASES) (THORACIC DES-EASES) (THORACIC NEOPLASMS) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) UMT.UvA.; COPOVAIM.; ZAKOVAjN. Bronchial adenoma in a 13 1/2-year old boy. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.12&1080-1084 D'63* 1, 11. detska klinika fakulty detakeho lekarstri KU v Praze, (prednostat prof.dr. J. Houstek, rtrSo.) a II. pst.anmt.ustuip. fakulty vaeoboleks KV v Prame (prodnostas prof.droVeJodlickap Drso.) HLOUSKOVA; 3,; VMLCoZoj occurrence,, course and sme flunotional changes in rg.mrrent bronchitis of children* Gesko pediate 20 no.3t425-43,O Mr 165 1, IL Kinderklinik Und Fbrsobungsinstitut der Kindorentwickl'ungy Frag* COPREANU. V. New stage in the development of our parachutiam. p. 12. A~vIFILE FATRIK. (Asociatia Voluntara pentru Sprijinirea Apararii Patri-ei) Bucuresti. Vol. 2, no. 3, Mar. 1956. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 COPREANU, V. The piaotage of parachutes. p. 14. ARIPILER PATRIEI- (Asociatia Voluntara pentru. Sprijinirea Aparaii Patriei) Bucuresti. Vol. 2, no. 6, June 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol- 5, no. 9, Sept..1955 COQUILLION, I.T. , inz.. I Synthatle chlorIne-derivativa materials and their use as dielect-ics in tapaoitors &nd transformers. Przegl elektrotechri 39 no.11: 430-434 N 163. CORMA.1if Gavril, ing. Considerationa on the eoo.,)a;,,4'c operat',on of automolt'lfia until they are no longer used ard some methods of determination, Rff7 tranapd~t 11 na,32g431-485 N 164. BLAZER, Ivan., dr inzs,, naucni saradnik (Zagreb, Gunduliceva 61); CORAK, Vgj&q,j=.; LIVORNIC, Zlatko,, inz, Apparatus for.waste water purification in Zagreb. Tehnika Jul; 18 no.6:Suppl.:Homindus,trija 17 Ao.6:1121-1126 Je 16,'!. 1. PolJopriviodid fakultet., Zagreb (for Blazer). 2. Projektant Vodne zajednii,.e Krapina., Kup1jenovo (for Corak). 3. Direktor Institute, za alatkavrdno ribarstvo, Zagreb. L ACC N% AMMM9 SOURCE com cz/oo53/65/0i4/o04/0M/03,j. AUTHOR,. SpaMonova, R. i;~ Adhaj iky 'PC K.;, C 13 17: Institute of Helmf'nth0l4~j,CSAV# Kosice (Helmintologicky ustav CSAV) 91 TITI. Effect, of a1cah6l on. infestation wit trichinae resent(id r [This paper was p during the Twelfth Phartiacologia Days, Smolenice, 28 Jan 65.1 Ceskoslovenska,,Tysiologie, v. 14 no. 4. 1965v 315 -TOPIC. TAGS: mouse, - ethyl alcohol,, parasitology, animal diseaso ABSTRACT: -! SiUdy in mice -to detemine- the truth Sehind the,old.dictum that" 'drinking-- -alcoholic beve~rages vith meale.protects against infestations from 4-nfested meat;'mice given trichinvus meat and ethanol 1.5 Cm, /Kg Verorally -showed 64% l6is.'Ifitestation t6n- n4ce4iven, such'a'eat without ;ethanol or mice given- il'ch quan.tity 9 arvae by gavage with or without ethanol. Probably the lathanol:,protects~either b y decreasing the host Oigestive enzymes which',are necessary In the cycle of the woi:m -or by., denaturing the structure ot th6':1aival wall. [JFRS3 SUB CODE: .06. SUBM IM: CcwdJA_ Pharmacology and Toxicology CZECASLOVAKTA Si";,LD,')'T07,,kj R.; PODHAJECRY, K.; Hol-minthblor--ical In- S-U-i'U-uto of 'UI~a SLovak Academy of Sciences (Holmintologicky Ustav SAV), Kosice. I "Thianbendazole in "L U-te Therapy of Experin-ontal Trichinellosis." PraFue, Coskoslovenska Pysiologie, Vol 15, ,~Io 5, Sep 66, pp LL06 - 407 Abstract: 'I'lie efficiency of thiabandazole in t'kie whole cycle of the life of Trichinelia soiralis was investigated. &periments wci,e conducted on white mice vrho received 75 and 200 mg/kg body weight of the drug. No difference between the two doses was found. ,.ihon the druEr, was administered on the 1st or 2nd day after in- vasio;i it was 100%, efficient- on the 3rd-5th day on the I I he 16th- 6th - 10th day 79.6c/Ot, on the 11th to 15th day 53-0,.,, on t 20th day 85.9%, on thLe 21st 25th day 66%, on the 26th - 30th day 64-5c,;,', and on the 31st 35th day 25.1%. A dose of 500 mg/kg on the 11th - 1!5th clay was 91.6'/101 efficient. 14o references. Sub- nitted ab 14 Days of Pharmacology at Smolonice, 16 Feb 66, 1/1 YAZOVSKIKH, I.M.; CCRBACHEV.. 1.M.; BUKIN, Yu.A, Beat-resistant, chromium-manganese steel for furnace equipment castings. Lit., proiz7. no.6:10-12 A 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Chromium-manganese steel-Thermal properties) (Steel caatings) GORBAIq, Adrian A multidimensional transportation problem. Rev math Roum 9 no.8e721-735 t64 CORBAN, Adrian A multidimenBional model of tranBport. Studii core mat 16 no.8,953-966 164. NITULF-SCU.- M.; MOCIORNITA, C.; DINCA, A.; VIRCOL, L.; VOICUt Gh.; NIHAIIMCU, Gh.; NAIE, D.; BARBAT, V.; MIHAIL, M.; MUSETESCU, P.; CORBAN, V. j MATEESCUt M. Monograph on the hydrology of the hydrographic basins of the Iza, Viseu, Sapinta., Tur Rivers. GORBASCAP M. ; SANILL&VICI, A.t VDLJIN, V. The X-ray tube with braking action-of B-radiation of 90 Sr (90Y). P. 39. ANALELE SERIA STINTERLDR NATURII. Bucuresti, Aamania. Vol. 7, no. 18, 1958. Ronthly List of East European Accessions (EIAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl. RUMANIA/Solid State Physics - Solid State Theory. Crystallography. E Abe Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No qj 1959, 20218 A.--thor Sanielevieip Al; Vol.)in, V., Corbasca.) M. Inst Title X-Ray Tube with Deceleration of the 13 Radiation of SrqO (Y90). Orig Pub An. Univ. "C.I. Parhon" Ser. stiint. natur., 1953, No 19, 39-42 Abstract To take radiographs of parts of light materials, an x-ray t-be with deceleration of the radiation was constr:.cted, ir. which the electron beam is emitted by a source Sr9O (Y90), and the anti-cathode os a lead plate. The cons- tr'~.ctioa of the soxirce of rays was made with acco--mt of the necessityfor facilitating and insuring safety of its .se without reducing the intensity of the beam. This constr:-.ction eliminates the diffase and backward-scatte- red radiations, which may fog the film, a-ad a suitable Card 1/2 RUMANTA/Solid State Physics Solid State Theory, Crystallography. E Abs Jour Ref 2hur Fizika, No 9, 1959, 2o2l8 chanelling of the (3-ray beam makes it possible to ob- taia clearly defined photographs. The use of a so,.,rce Of activity 1 -- 3.5 millic-,zie necessitates exposiires from 30 miniAes to two hours. This time can be red.-ced to several minutes by using soIxces with a greater acti- vity and greater film sensitivity. The x-ray tube with slowing down of the radiation, thanks to its simplicity of arrangement and use, uud also thanks to the low cost, can be lsed in laboratories that do not have expeasive x-ray apparatus. It can find application in standardi- zation of sintillation spectrometers for rays thanks to the K line of the characteristic x-radiation from lead. Card 2/2 38 - NICOLAUI A,j GEORGESCU9 Mq CORBASCAp M*j BUCUR, St. (deceased) Dependence of the ignition potential on the product of pressure and distance between electrodes and electrode nature of the bi- =7 mixVdres'of different conoentratione of gases, Studii cero fim 16 no.9.-1025-1033 164. COUFANII~ S.,- IAZAIRESCU, V.; POENARU, 1. Vari,q+O -)ns intlie chenicd co-T-ostiti-)n of grapevine leaves durinp, the blossoming peri,Dd. P- 63- ' 1 11 - I :~n., STUDII 81 CEPC-I?TATtj DE.*-F,,j-)L,0d'jE. -cEk-I.A BIOLOGIr ;3-G-. %Lj.. aacure Sti, Rumania Vol. 11, no. 1., 1959 Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (12,U) Lc, Vol. 9., no. 2, Feb. 1990 Uncl. CORBRaU, Stela; HIHUGA, Gh. Mineral nutrition of the grafted and naturally fruit-bearing grapevines. Comunicartle AR 12 no-1:95-105 A 162 1. Gomunicare prezentata de Gherasim Constantinescu, membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. CORBB"U, Stela Influence of soil cultivation wthe dynamics of nitric nitrogen and soluble phbaphorus under the conditions of the Murfatlar Station. .I Dobruja. Comunicarile AR 12 no.1:107-115 Ja 16~ 1. Gommicare prozentata do Glaerasim COnStantiUeSCIL, membru corespondent al.Aeademiei R.P.A. BA CU., N,; GCPJEM,, Stela 4w! Research with the P32- on the phosph=s absorption dynamics in tha ounflower, Cominicarile AR 13 no.7.*629-637 J1 f63. 1. Comunicare prezentata, de, academician Amilear Vasiliu. CCRBEM, Stela- AIMUNMESCU, 1. ZI Influence of the maintenance works an the hydric stability of the soil structure at the Dobruja Station, Murfatlar Sootion (Dobruja region). Comunicarile AR 13 no.7:651--660 JI 163. 1, Comunicare prezentata de academioian Gh. Constantinescu. CAHAN, A., Conf.; BANOTICI, C.; CIADMI . I.; BALTIM, A.; JOBaD. C.; GORBAR, S. 1-119 biii1tivity of typboid bacilli to chlorasphenicol sjud nitrofqran. Rev. Igions, utcrob. opides., Bucur. Val. 4:71-79 Oct-Bee 55. 1. Lucrare efectuats. I& Institul do medicine, last oatedra do opidesiologies al la Institutul Cantacusino. filWa Iasi. Sectia cereetari. (SALMONIMLA TYPHOSA, off o of drop on abloraispbentool & n1trofuran, sonsitivit- tests. (CHLORAMMECOL, off. on Salmonella t"bova. sensitivity tests. (TOM DERITATIVIS. off. nitrofaran. on Salmonella typbosa, sensitivity tests* cl-(Uck 1~ RUWIA/Hi~rQ~logyj Microbes Pathogenic for Mari and knimals Abs Jour Ref zhur-Biol.9 No. us 1958p 57667 Author Gahan A*, Bercovici Cep Girdei lop Baltiyev A.p !'omub C,p Corber .131. Inst Not given Title Sensitivity of Typhoid Fever Bacilli to Chloramphenicol and Nitroruxan Orig Pub Rev. microbiol.,parazitol*, si epidemiol.,, 1956, 1,, No. 1,, 25-33 Abstract No abstract* Card 1A RUMANIAIVirology - Bacterial Viruses (Phagos). E-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 66924 Author Sechtery I.y Bercovici, C., Josub, C., Smilovici, M., Corbg Inst, AcadmW RPR. . I Z, Title Typing of Typhoid Fever Bacteria of the Unclassified Group of Vi- Strains. Commnication I. A Doternination of a New Type of Bacteriophage Type of D-Grouip.. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari, stiint. Acad. RPR Fil Iasi; Med. 1956, 7, No 1, 221-225. Abstract Wo abstract. Card 1/1 Coiantry :11"UMAINIA I Cato5ory :Mcroi)iL-loTY-McroL)cr. Pathogeudc I'or Nan and Animal Abs. Jour IRef Zhur - Biol., Ivo-19, 1958., 3,A48 Author Lercovici, C.'I -Fechterg I.; loaulb, --.; Curber, S.,* Institut. Title Strains of ShiEclla fie-weri of Four lp,es Isolatodl i n Moldova OrIfS Dab. IEicrobiol., Parezital., si 1:)57, Vol..Z, Abs~,ract an ab.4tract 'Bealeaga, V.,, Swilovicl, N. ,~Card: FOEMARUP I.; LAZARESCU, V.; CORBEANUp Stela Contributions to the study of the dynamics of 1growVh of grapevine shoots and leaven, Studii care b1ol vaget 13 n0.1:167-97 161. (EM 10:9) 1. ComunicArs Prozentata do Oheraaim Constantinesau, membra corospDn&~nt &I Aeademiel. RPR. (Viticulture) (r-rowth(Plants)) Veterinary Physician, Veterinary Laboratory (Laboratorul veterinar) Pitesti; and VASILESCU, Dr. Tr., Regional Central Artificial Inscmination (Central regional do insamintari artificiale) Arges. '!Data for Gynecologic Study in Cattle in Three Districts of the Arges Region" Bucharest, Revista do Zootehnie si Medicina Veterinara, Vol 16, blo. 6, June 1966; pp 65-68 Abstract: Data fronm a poll in the Fall 1964 and Sprin., 196.5 on bovine sterility and subfertility in 3 regions of tI-e Arges Province: Slatina, Curtea de Arges and Rimnicu Vilcea with respactively 5,647, 14,428 and 7,862 cows and heifers;number of prepant oyiesp recently freshened or in- seminated or presumably subfertile or stertle with a review of the reasons ~therefor; days between preSnarcies. Problems contributing to low fertility and production are stressed, enumerating remedial measures. Table, 4 Rumanian references. 1/1 INESKOVIC, Milutin V.; BOJANOVIC, Jelena J.; MWEIZOVIC-413TOIMIROVIC, Zagorka T.; STEFANOVIC, Ljubica S.; KULIC-AFUITZIC, Ivanka M.; CORBIC Milasika 0.; KOSTICP Dusan M, Metabolic relation of lipides, glycidep and proteins. I. Changes of glycenia., nonesterified fatty acids wad total proteins of blood plasm in the Ali ntary hyperlipemia of dogs, prcvoked al'ter -fasting. Glas Hem dr 25/26) :no.5/7:341,1-352 160/16L, 1. Medic,inski'fakultet, Biohemijski institut, flemijski instituts Beogrado BOJPXOVIC, Jolena J.; COMIC, Milanka 0.; JUTOVIC, Anki,-,I D.; SIBALIC, StaniVdr-X.---- I-jethods of dete-Twining nitrogenous oubstances Ia biological materials. i. Ificromethod for the determination of nitrogenous components in blood serumt or blood plasma. Glas Hera dr 25/26 no.5/7:361-366 160/161. 1. Medi,.-inski fakultet, H-ijski institut, Veterinarski fakultet, Hemijski institut, Beograd* SIBkLICP Stanimir M*; JEVTOVIC, AnIm D.1 RISTOVIC, LjubIBa; BOJAUOVIC, Jelena J.; CORBIC, Milanka 0. Methods of determining nitrogenous substances inbiological materials. II. Determination of nitrogen or the freecK--amlno Glas Hem dr 25/26 no, -367-372 acids and polypeptides. 5/7, 160/ 161. 1. Veterinarski fakultet., Hemijski institut, 14edicinski fakultet, Hemijski institut, Beograd. If VESKOVIC, M.V.; ZIVKOVIC, R.; CORBIC M 0 ; BOJANGVIC, J.P1; MIADENOVIC STOJIMIROVIC, Z.T. =~ Metabolic relations of proteins, lipids and glucides. Ilr. The effect of the intravenous injection of glucose on the fatty acids of the blood plasma in dogs q1uring alimentary hyperlipemia produced after fasting. Acta mad. 1,ugosl. 16 no.2s213-221 062. 1. Biokemi,',;ski inatitut i Hemijoki inatitut Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. ('6LUCOSE) (BLOOD LIPIDS) (PATTY ACIDS) (FASTING) BOJANOVIC., Jelena J.; SEVAIJMC, Ljiljana N.; CORBIC. Vdlanka 0. Effect of inmdin on the metabolism of proteins, lipides, and glucides. Glas Hem dr. 27 no.7/8:4Z7-433 162 1. Faculty of Medicine, Chemical Institute and Military Medical Academy, Institute of Pathophysiologyp Beograd, Yugoslavia. BOJANOVIG, Jelena J.; JEVTOVIC, Anka D.; COR131C, Milanka 0,; NIN01,11. Fn:znxa B. Effect of Insulin on the metabolism of protelns, Apiles, e~ind glucides. Pt.5. Glas Hem dr 29 no.c?/10:465-.477 163, 1. Chemical Institute of the Faculty of Modicint- of the UniversiV of Belgrade, Belgrade, and Neuropsyc~hiatvric Clinic Of the Fpci,,Itly of Medicine, Belgrade. Submitted 1-11" 13, P-Y--4- BOJANOVIC, Jolona. J.; JEMVIC, Anka D.; CORBIC, 0.; ROSIC, Dragoslav 0,, Action of insv2in an the metabolism of proteins, lipides, and glycideso III. Comparative investigation of blood nitrogenous components in the ijaulin shook administered to metabolically healthy peoples, but affec$ed by schizophrenia. Glas HDm dr 2!;1.26 n%M.7'373-392 IAM161, Wo 1. Medicinsk-i fakultetj, Hemijaki institut, Beograd. CORBIN, VesleyS. Innovati=3 in paper maneacturing machines with high opeed plansiftens. Cel 1--irtie 11 no.9t325-333 S162. 1. Consilker tehnic sef, Mack Clawson Go. PANA, Petro. Ing.;-CORN, Ion, ing.; IVANICA, Alexandru, Ing. Level. conditions of the phreatic water in the Boianu Stic-.LeRnu- Ezerul Calarasi precinct. Hidrotah ape3e meteor 10 no.2:',6-82 P 165. COREU.M.: POPA.V.; BULTRISOU,I.; DAVIDBSC:U,C.; COSTFA,A.; 'GiDirA.G.; BURIAM,X. consiaerations on bronchial fistula following resections for pulmonary tuberculosis. Ybmanian M. Rev. 3 no.4:22-25 0--D '59. 1. Moroeni Sanatorium, Director Dr. C. Iordan. (TUBMOUIMIS.PUIXONkRT,surgery) (BRONGRIAL FISTUIA, etiology) CORBOLEM, V., ing. Experimental contribution to the technology of the perform&06% of asphalt coverings with fillerized bitumen suspension. filiv transport 9 no. 2:52-56 F t62. PAUNMGU-POERM,A. ,Prof.; tTDRO1U,V.,d--.; GORUNU,G.,dr.; MICLU,F.,dr. Pathological. correlations between the sell& tr=ica and the pituitary gland. Med. Intern. Bucur. 11 no. 12:1819-1824 '59. (SELIA TURCIGA, pathology) ... (PIMITARY GLM,patholo,-v) BURLAOU, Gh.; CORCAU, M.; SCHUSTER, R.; M.PFP, E~ Invosbigations an the apoolfit dynamiL action of norvalinfi, leucine,, norleucine, asparagine serine, lysine, tryptc-phan, and phenylalarane in poultry. Studii carc biol 9. zool-I !*? no,l, 57-64 165, 1. Laboratory of Animal Morpholog-1, "Traian Savulsscu" institut.6 of Biology. Submitted Aw-,ua*v 27, 1%'4~ CORCIOVEI, A. A su~perior approximatim in the ferromagnetic study of a monodomain. p. 73 STUDII SI CERCETARI DE FIZICA Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan./mar. lq~,6 Rumania Source: EAST EMOPEAN LISTS Vol. 5, no, 10 cct. 1956 RUMANTA/Magnetism - Magnetic Resonance. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 6, 1959, 13269 Author : Corciolei, Aretin Inst :- -------- Title - Shape of Curves of Absorption in Nuclear Magnetic Reson- . ance. Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari fiz., 1957, 8, No 1, 55-70 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 RUMANIA/Magnotism - Antiforronagnotism Abs Jour : Rof Zhuk - Fizika, No 12, 1958, No 27686 F-5 Author : Corciovoi A~ Inst : N~ov~cn Titlo s Ro-mrks on tho Thoory of Molocular Fiold of Anti-forronagnots. Orig Pub : Studii ei corcotari fiz., 107, 8, No 1, 91-93 Abstract t Briof ronarks on anti-forromagnots, consisting of four sublatticos. Card 1 1/1 CQNIQVEIJ A 'IV. Sergiesculs Introducere in fizica solidului (Introduction to the Pbysics-of Soli 1); a book eview.11 P. 243 (Studii Si Cercetari De Fizica) Vol. 8, no. 2, 1957 Bucharest,, Rwwda SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 Mm4manetism - Masnetio Resonance F-7 Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Fizikaj No 81 1958j Kzl 189-12 Author : Corciovei A.., Mugur M. Inst Nof Rven Title Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in a 'Throe-Nucleon System Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiz. Acad, RPR, 1957, 81 No 3: 267-294 Abstract In this work tho authors consider a systen of three nuclei with spin one half) the positions of which are given by the parameters of their radius vectors. They investigate the stationary states and found the energy lovels of this systen in a constant magnetic fielUZ 0. For the calculation the Re.niltonian of the systemp which is a Van-Vleeck Heniltonian is broken up into two tenas) the principal Hamiltonian h-' (which contains the Zeemn teni, and a portion of the dipole te3m with only those elements for which 4 Sz ~ 0) and the per- turbation Hamiltonian H1 (which contains the remainir:g el,,-- ments of the dipole term and the exchange term). Idso cal- culated is the probability of.the transition in the presence of a small alternating magnetic field, perpendicular to 0' Card 1/1 W_uL411A/Magnetism - Maanetic Resonance F-7 AKs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizikaj No 8) 1958, No 18211 Author Corciovei A. Inst Title Curve of Nuclear Magnetic Absorption in a Systeu of Three Nucleons forcing an Eq~uilateral Triangle Orig Pub Studii si cereetari fiz. Aced. RPR,, 1957., 8, No 3) 295-309 Abstract At the present time an investigation is being raade of the nuclear magnetic resonance in a system of three nucleons, whose positions form an equilateral triangle relative to the distance between the nucleons. The authors investiagte the stationary states of the system in a permanent magnetic field and indicate that correction for level values, with accoumt for the dipole second-order perturbations depend, in addition to the universal constant and the value of the field) only on the angle forced by the normal to the plane of the triangle and the field., and also on the distance between the nucleons. The same is stated relative to the transition probability. Card 1/2 -Lwvdat~Nhgaetisra - magnetic Resonance F-7 I A~s Jour : Rof Zhur - FIzika) lio 8) 12581 No 18211 The absorption curve is inveatigatod for a collective system consisting of three nuclecna which are not dependent on each other and which have an isotropic orientation in space. Card : 2/2 Z~~ RUMANIA/Maipetism - Antiferromagnetism. Alba Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 6, 1959, 13229 Author ; Corciovei, A. Inst Title Parellel Susceptibility of Anti-Ferromagnetic Crystal With Two Magnetic Sublattices at Low Temperatures. Orig Pub Stuaii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RER, 1957, 8, No 4, 399- 413 Abstract A method is proposed for calculating the parallel suscep- tibility of an anti-ferronagnet with tvo sublattices) in which use is mde of the formlism of the Goldstein-Pri- makoff spin wave theory. The essence of the method con- sists of considering the Zeeman energy term in the Halmil- tonian as a perturlmtion. The degeneracy of the unpertur- bed levels is removed and the sura of states is determined in an external magnetic field. The results obtained are in agreement with the results of other authors. -- A.S. Cara 1/1 Borovik-Ronanov - 69 - CORCIOVEI,, A. ParaIlel susceptibility of the antiferromagnetic crystal with two magnetic sublattices at low temperattires. In Russian. p- 57. REVUE DE PHYSIQUE. JOURNAL OF PHYSIGBe (Acaderda Republicii -vopulare Romine) Bucurestis Rumaniae VoL .3. no. 1. 1958* Monthly List of East European Accessions (EW) W, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959. Uncle CORCIOVEI'A. V. Sergiescuts Intr4x1geare in fizica solidului (Introduction to the Physics o Solids ; a book review* In French* p. 61. REM DE PHYSIQUE. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. (Academia Republic-ii Populare Ronine) Ducuresti,, RumarAA. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM) W, VoL 8,, no* 7# July 1959- Unclo RLITV.NV,/ flhgaetism tintiferromagnatism F-5 libs Jour Ref Zhur Kzilza) No 2j 1959) 140 3475 Author Corci .-F Inst Title Present Status of Antiferromagnetism Orig Dab Studii si cercatari fiz. Acad. ITR, 1958) 9., No li 127-157 '~batra ct Fo abstract Card 1/1 40 RUWLM/Magnetism - Antiferromagietisn, i Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, i959, 15577 F. Author : Corciove, A. Inst Title Magnetic Susceptibility of Anti-Ferromagnetic Crystal whose Magnetic Ions Form a Face-Contered Cubic Lattice. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RPR, 1958, 9, No 2, 215- 229 Abstract The Goldstein and Primakoff sDin-wave method vas used to investigate the im.(raetic properties of an anti-ferroin-' &ietic crystal, the i;agnetic ions of which form a face- centered lattice and in which the principla part is played by the exchange interactions at low temperatures. It is s4own in this paper that accounting for the anisotropy term in the Haliltonian is essential fol., the appearance of anti -ferroma &ieti sm in the investigated case. Card 1/1 CORCIOVEI, A.; MOTOC, C. Some observations relative to the Kirkwood method appliei to the phenomena of order and disorder. P. 395, STUDII SI CERCETARI DE FIZICA. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Iizica.) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 9, no. 3, 19.58. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EIAI) LO, Vol. 8, no. 7, July, 1959., Uncl. ,v RUMANIA/Electronics - Substances with Metallic Conduction. H- Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 196o, 647o Author Inst Title Effect of the Order on the Electric Resistivity of Binary Alloys. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fyz., 1959, 10, No 1, 117-131 Abstract A study is made of the effect of ordering phenomna on the specific resistivity of binary alloys with almost equal concentrations of components, upon apyrcach to complete ordering (Referat Viur Fizika 1959, No 12, 27784). In the investigation, one begins with, a poten- tial difference from tbe Nordheim potential (Nordheim L. Ann- Phys. LPz- (5), 1931, 9, 607)- The MaViiessen rule is discussed and it is indicated that actually the more correct one is the Kohler inequality (Kohler K., Z. Phys. 1949, 126, 495). In the discussion of the consequences Card 1/2 CORCIOVBI. A. On the influence of the order upon the bands of energy in binary systems. Studli car.tiz. 10 no.4-.851-854 159. (U&1 9:5) (Solids) (Vector analysis) (wave mechanis) (Blectrons) (Brillouin zones) (Systems (Chemistry)) ettrA, c4heentmd cabicz loyvritb 2compon-ritsii equal profjortions, u-as studied. Startitig from a perfeiftlr ordered alloy, lor wlik-;i the extergy Innes are assumol t" ki~ known, the perturbation produccil by the il-isc~rdcr~ and the encra C-Nrlwtluns Vrert compulted by tbe nwitin oft lie perturixition rnetthM. Dyassuniingth-otuhrn the order is complete. the lattice is divided into 2 simrilec cubic ~ublittims- the ist "Brillanin znne i; the "b~: 6!tt.. by the planes rior=d on the middle of the smailcs( ret ipr ~~c. J vectort and ac Ond Brillouin xc-nc will be placed brticrn the dodecaliedron riblained by tracing the plixic3 nDra-ril s on the middle of the vectors dtig. the reciprocal la',ficr (Gn - 2r(iijbi + i-A + a-A) and the ciib-- forming the !:.t Brillouln zone, When the slJoy is perfect].y 4is~rdvrri` , it n shown that the Brilloum surfaces normal to the iniddit of the Got vectom with n (- 7% - x, + 21,) odd. cease *v te energy discont;nuity surfaces; with s7 evcn, the zunc3 r.-- rmin discontinuity surfaces. It is shown that the ninpi- tude of the forbidden band decresc2 with R for ?j odd (a- d vanishes completely who-% complete eisnrder is macled) and is independent of R far n even. The behavior of Cit., Ixtrids in the ne to M energy igbborhreld of the BrilloOn jarf. VMS studied for R comprised between I (perfect order) w rd D(ciirnVlctedisorder). 13yoomput'ing the po5ilion oft lie 1,:v e1 peiturbed by the disorder, with TtSPCCt 10 the Pf~itiOll D! the enirrgetic level in the approximation of the Irce elec- trons, it is scen that the energy of a level, resp., withiii or outside the D-Mou' sueacc. is greater or srn:Lll.!r th!Ln Li the cast of ti;c f're't elzarons. Molting the cm Tgv e e- pendcnice us a funclinn ~nf the rialmitude Cl %lie PT010agati:011 ,color, nonw) tri 1hi 17WIlouin s"rfaez:5 corre-spoy4ing t--) ------ -vectoTs, IM iiih3cli n Is odd, the slope of the curve 1:wecorreji zero on the iurfare; CORCIOVEIq A.; GF-AMt D. Energy bands in partially disordered binary allcys,, Studii. carc fiz 11 no.2:285-294 160. (EEAI 10:1) (Systems (Chemistry)) (Alloys) (Eiectnms) (Wave mechanics) (Solids) COF~Wip A.; FFITORU" N. 2$pes of o;*irs In the oubooentered binary alloys Studii core vis 12 no. 1: 175-483 161. ~EW 10:9) 1, Inotitutal do fisica, atomics, Duamsti si Institutul do fixica., (Alloys) 4attice thooiT) (Statistical mechanics) h1655 S/058/,'Z/000/010/080/093 A061/A101 AUTHORS: Corciovei,-A., Grecu, D. TITLF: Thermal wedges forming in metals under irradiation PERIODICAL; Referativr*-j zhurnal, Fizika,.no. 10,. 19~2, 80, a:ostract lOE009 ("Studii 9J. ccrcetdrI fiz. Acad. RPR", 1961, v. 12, no. 2,.305 - 323, Rumanian; summaries in Russian and French) TEXT: The displaced atoms of a shourer induced by one primary atom under the action of irradiation are arranged in a spherical layer of radius R, if the free path of the displaced atorris is not larger than-approximately double the interatomic distance. The resulting interstitial atoms from the spherical layer heat the corresponding region to a temperature exceeding the melting point, thus for-ming a multiple thennal wedge,being a set of thermal wedges created by eadh interstitial atom. The energy dependence of the mean free path of the displaced a,toms is calculated. R is estimated. The evolution in time of a spherical mul- tiple thermal wedge iz. examined, and some considerations as to its action in a metal are*presented. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 CORGIOVEI , A.; GHIKA . G, -Z-- - On the theory of farromagnetic thin films. Studii cerc fiz 15, no. 3:373 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics,, Buchar-esta CORCIOVRIJ, A.; GHIKA, G.; GRECU, D. Distribution function of atoms produced by irradiation dis- placed in a solid. Studii care fiz 15 no. 3:373-374 164. I. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. CGRCIOVEI,'Aj GHIKA, G.; GRECU, D. Dietribution of atomB diplaced in a volid body, prcduced by a primary atom, generated by irradiation. Studil. cerc fiz 15 no. 3:374-375 164. 1. Institute or Atomic Physics, Bucharest. CORGIOVU 0 A. ~ Spontaneouo mapatization of ferromagnetic thin films. Acta physica Pbl. 24 no.101-105 J1163. lo Institute for Atomic Physiost Bucharest. CORCIOVF,1j, Aq GRECU,, D. Me effect of long range order on engrgy bands in b;butry alloyse 1. Acts. physics Pol 20 no*3:197-23-1 161. . L Institute for Atomic Physics., Bucharest, XORCHOVEYp A. [Corciovai A.]; GIKA, G.; MMU, D. [Grecu, Dj Distribution of displaced atoms in a solid due to pilmary ttoms generated by radiation. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.10:2777..2790 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut, atomoy fiziki, Bukharest. (Atoms) (Radiation) CCIRCIMI, A.; MGM, C. The speciTic heat of thin films. Acts. phys Hung 15 no.4:299- 316 63. 1 1. Institute for Atomic Physics., Bucharest, Rumania, - Presented by L. Pal, EN T -_Trl,' /CZ C T-. I 77 - F/OG45163/024 /00 ikniv, o 5 ~-ag4euizativn of ierromagnetic thin TOPIC 7A~~S -nnntaneous mE-gnetixation, le ABSTRACT: an a ov a.-=4 U* 4 s lap a _tWAR ".4 an AUchange term, an anisotrcDN, -erm, A~e~ zoa, 4i6wwazu tnat _zagueric- anisotropy with a '"parallill" part 7~ -In :the sam4i 'direction as the magnetization and a "perpandicu'La'r" part in the direction normal to the suTf ace of 't1hit ;4- in ev! the film. It is also asa%jmed that the film can ~61 6tvirip'i monostomic layers parallel to its surface. The spin -.cave theory Is applied. The liamiltoniaa is then transf,rMeC _n- Card ACCESSION NR, AP4 04 5 5 a Z, e xuZes 51 0 n t a t n 0 G i n t b. esecond Figure 3 shows the temperature dependence f o rn 1 0 and ' or n 0. 1 .01 and 0 i) 1 . Card XOFMOVEI, A., BERINDE, A. Thermal vibrations in thin filmo, Studii care fiz 15 no. 3: 374 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest* PORCIOVEIJ, A. -.. - Contributions to the quantum theory of spin waves for antifer- romagnetics. Studii cere fi7 15 no. 5:1+95-562 16/+. 1. Institute o1' Nuclejar'Physics, P.0,Box 35, Bucharest* ACII -1qK: P60'2435~.l " souritt cobE: GF,/0030/66/016/001/032.9/0336 AUTHOR: Corciovel, A.; Costache, G. $/,/ Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest TITLE, Influence of perpendicular and parallel anisotropy on the ferromagnetic DroDerties of thin films Z Z- \-V SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 16, no. 1, 1966, 329-336 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic film, magnetic C-dn film, magnetic anisotropy ABSTRACT: As an extension of a previous theoretical work by Corciovei, a calculation is given of the dependence of the spontaneous magnetization in a thin film on the temperature and the number of monoatomic layers in the film. The dependence of Curie temperature on the number of monoatomic layIE!rs is also calculated, taking into account the effects of perpendicular and parallel magnetic anisotropy on the magnetic properties of thin films. The authors wish to thank Card I L 45319-66 ACC NRI AP6024351 12 Mr. J. Zamfirescu for his valuable interest in numerical calculations made with the CET 500, and Mr. -N, escu for his assistance. Orig. art. has: 2 figures ~e 1~ and 28 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract) [GC] SUB CODE: "20, 09/ SUBM DATE: 09MaytG/ OTH REF.-, 0101' m BUM, I., ing.; PAUN, A., ing.; VOINKA, Irina, ing.; CCRCIOVEI, Fmilia, ing. CokB from nonaokable coal. Pt. 6. Rbv min 12 no.7:315- 317 Jl '61* 1. Colectiv al Institutului de Cereetari Mdtalurgice. 'OjjCjUV7'-j ,I N.; Ti!;ODOR95CU, ,I. 4ind'ing, conductors insuIzA,,4,d kv pol-ai-Adic enamel. 1). 61. ELL=RLrIEKI,;ICA- (A-sociatia Stiintifica a Inginirilcr si TehiAcien-4ilor din Hominia st ~Ilnioto Ul Snirgiei Slactrice si Industr1ei E'le-1-trotelinice) Bucura3ti, Rupimia Vol. 7, no. Z, Feb. 1959 Monthly list of East Europaan Acce3sions (LPE,'d) IC, Vol- 8, no. '?, July 19w29 ULIC1. CORDEAU, 0. "A theorem of Sze-Tsen Hu", 1). 45; "Journal on science i~5ued. by tlie I-tsi Branch, Run-iniiin -Iicademy; with French ~'4nd Russian su; Dvries. STUD11 31 GERGvTkRI STINTIFICE, Vol 5, no. 1/2, Jftn./JIuIe 195"', P-Mala Lisi.) SO: Monthly List of NNst Eurore-an accessions, (EEAL), LG, Vol.4, I'llo. 5, 1.'.',Ly 1955, Uncl. GORT;.,'-,XF,VAp LwM*-.11 Morphological changes J.n Entamoeba histolytica under the effect of tome acridine derivatives and chloroquins in culture. b3d. paraz. 5 ptiraz. bol. 34 no.6j7l3-719 'NI-D 165. (MIRA 16:12) 1. ProOzoologicheskly otdol lnztituta meditiinukoy parz.-~tologil i tropicheskoy neditsiny irueni Ye.l. Martainovskogo Pinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. Submitted Jure 2. '4965.