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IYUGOSLAVIA -CIRI~~~Irst Internal Madicine Clinio (I Interna, 'XIIniks), Veterin"y Faculty (Veterinarski Faltultet), Belgra4e. "Bulbar Paralysis as a 3ymotom of a Nervous Form of Distelauer. 3el rade, Veterinarski Glasij-LkP Vol 17, No 3, 196-1, op 259-290.- Ab3tract: The author JeSCrjj)eS tUo eagea of Abgj -)qjt~, nervous stage of distemper Ln which signs of chronic-oro- gressi-,je bulbar paralysis (its distinct from acute and oseudobulbar) were 31scovered. No references. .2463 LCSO: Polarization, of pr otons from -Md,P)CO reaction as d function of the Incident 4jyt! ~qqrgy,! -1 and jli~ )~JA66 (Inst. Nicl= Sci. "Boris kidrieh," Ifel, d ih.. (Belgrade) 9, No. 172, 39-41(1959).-The polari- zation of protons from the C12(d,p)C13 reaction was mea-~- um-d as a function of energy of the Incident deuteron in the vicinity of the resonant eneWat 1.16 m.e.v. Thepolariza- CFK tion varies rapidly with botabarding energy -and at the peak of the resonance the polarltation is 0. H. 11. IlymAw- C 00 Distr: hE3c I AE, 7fr-a m-l d,p)CII reAction w tfi' 11 0 VOL I~ 4 lq~ ib . ~urlc and bilva U. Vin deuteron. , 4 0 --,* 4radc. aw).. ril LI Inst. floris I 4p, , -VuRosia , toy 1=+-(J(lvbh).--rqucJmr emulsion detection c 112 ) , Ul-.;I;d"tl., of Iwo-e.kv. dcuteron-produced protons clas 4 Prdduckloal red In C sho y, scatte waAhat at 20 Wid 140 f 6 l m omur vdth map tu4es O . resD4 polirizatl e poi U~g 6 CIM, A. "A valuable, sabstltute for the idUmir'. Clemajar, Vit-AIDa- " p. 40. (FXVI-cTk PAMRnkCqv Vol- 6S, no- 8, Aug- 1953, Bucurestiv Rumania) SO: Monthly Mst of East European Accossifns, Lo Cog Vole 3, No. 4, April 1954, Uncl., CIAIN, A.; BMMAU, 1. IlVegetative hybridization of evonymus". p. 1110, (REVISTA FANURILOR, Vol. bg, No. 3. Mar. 19511-, Bucuresi, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East Suropean Accessions, tEHAL), I.C. Vol. 3, No. 12. Dec. 195h, Unal. UIRIN, A.; NISTOR, 1. "Methods of running reservations for seed production". -D. 207, (REVISTA FADURILQR, Vol. 69, No. 5, May 1954, 3ucuresi, Rumania) SO: Houthly List of East European Accessions, kIM-AL), LG, Vol. 3. Vo. 12, Dec. 1954. Uncl. CIRIN, 2j. lhe P. 374, (Fu.vit 9Y (f thc La4,--biccmiy,, STA '~ADWIILCR Vcl. KO. F, Aucust 1951i, Eiu,-,.-lar--l~,l-, SO: "Onthly List of 11r("--)c64j2 I % 11 .1 JX0t?sqic-jjr -91-Al 1955, lincl. MPAIL), LC, CIRIN, A. L__~A~G~. Cultivation of the pine jUggIM distighm. Rich. in nurseries. p. 427. RMSTA PADURILOR. Bucuresti. Vol. 70, no. 9, Sept. 1955 .1. 1 SOUR(Mi East European Accessions List (ZEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no, 2, February 1956 CURIN, A.; ANCA, A. Natural regeneration of acacia from seed. p. 537. REIJISTA PADURTLOR. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Technicienilor din %-mania si al Ministerului Agriculturii si Silviculturii) Ducuresti. Vol. 70, no. 11, Nov. 1955. So. East European -Accessic-ne Ust Vol. 5, No. 8 August, 1956 CIRIN, A. Contributions to this cultivation of osiers. P. 343- REVISTA PADURILOR. Bucuresti. Vol. 70, No. 7, July 1956. a SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL)~ LCI Vol. 51 No. 3o March 1956. PRIN., Liviu, ing.; FOTOCKANU, Ion, ing.; IONESCU, Gh., ing. Economic relations of socialist industrial enterprises and their role in the achievement of socialist management and strengthening of material incentives. Probleme econ 16 no. 5: 140-142 1.17 163. 1. Dire6tor comercial, UzineI6 de vagoane-Arad (for Cirin). 2. Director general, Combinatul siderurgic Resita. (for Potoceanu). 3. Director tehnic,- Uzinele "Steagul rosu", Brasov (for lonescu). CIVAN, Emil, ing. Asynchronous motors with two revolutions. Electrotehnica 12 no.1/2:70 Ja-P 164. PAUNESCU, 0. , conf . ; SEROPUN 0 B. , dr. j OMIOROSAN, S. , dr. j OANCEA I R. , dr. ; SORIN) B. , dr,; SAFIRESOU, Gh.,, dr.; PANAITESCU, Ph., dr.; SOIKU, I., dr.; GREMANU, I., dr.; GIR.TF.,, M., chim. I--- Clinical and biochemical itapeots of atherosclerosis in young persons. Med. intern. 14 no.8t937-944 Ag 162. (ARTERIOSCIM-ROSIS) (HYPERCHOLESUmaA) (LIPOPROMM) SIMIC) M.; MARMOVIC, D.; SLJIVICp V. Incorpora:tion of Na-formiates-C into bases of desoxyribonualoinic acid and ribonucleinic acid of the spleen cells in vitro after primary antigenic stimilation. Bul so Youg 7 no.1/2:14 F-Ap 162. 1. Institut "B. Kidric," Vinca, Beograd, GLISIN, V.; SIMIC., M.; gl4KQ~D. A simple chromatographic method for determining specific activity of the bases in marked nucleinic acids. B41 so Youg 7 no.1/2:14 F-Ap 162. , . 1. Institut "B. Kidric,* Vinca., Beograd, CTRU70T7TC,-S. The effect of poiso-cus gases and first aid. p. LO Milli Gla.511ik. vol. 30, no. 8., Beorp-'-~-I., Yw-osl'-.V41~) I Monthly Index of East hurope,-n Accessions (Eal) LC. V01. 7, no. 2, Febmary 19-1~8 86TV 0/007/0C2/002 I I q,0 R/004/60/Oc ;)10 117 -~ 114 5-, 11, 36 A231/Ao26 AUTHORS: 1vaqcu, Vasile, &gineer, Chief of Laboratory; Rozemberg, Mihai, Candidate of Sciences, University Lecturer; Tanach, Valentin, Engineer, Researcher; and, Ctrlan, Lucia, Engineer, Chief Research- er; (Bucharest) TITLE: Magnetic Ferrite Cores for Application in Radioengineering, Auto- mation and Telecommunications. (Ferrites With Rectangular Hystere- sis Loops) PERIODICAL: Electrotehnica, 1960, No. '(, pp. 247-254 TEXT: The authors present the results of some studies conducted at the ICET (Electric Engineering Research Institute) with regard to the production of magnetic oxide materials (ferrites) with a rectangular hysteresis loop, to be used in electronic computers, automatics telephone exchanges, etc. The ICET in- vestigations led to the development of several types of memorizing and switch cores with the corresponding characteristics presented in Table 1. Reference is made to J.;i (Ref. 3) who described the properties of ferrites with a rectangular hysteresis loop. For their investigations, the authors prepared Card 1/3 86717 R/004/60/000/007,/002/002 A231/AO26 Magnetic Ferrite Cores for Application in Radioengineering, Automation and Tele- communications. f errites With Rectangular Rysteresis Loops) 'F the following three compositionst "HA", with ratio of MnO - 21 -- and "H", with Mao a ratio of MnO 8 and 'Y', a composition similar to In which 50 % of the "Fid = ~ ; I MgO have been replaced by ZnO. The granulation of the raw material was of the 1 P, order. Toroidal-shapepieces of diffbrent sizes have been prepared (Table 2). Measurements of size, density, hysteresis loop, initial permeability, re- versal time, and variations of the hysteresis loop with the temperature have been accompliehed. The results of the measurements are compiled in Figures 6, 7, 8, and 9, and Tables 3 and 4. The "HA" composition proved to be useful for memorizing circuits. The "H" composition can be used in switching circuits and telecommunications due to a low HS coefficient, although the "V" composition is more advantageous for these purposes because of the low coercive force (--' 0.2 Oe). Different factors of heat treatment, i.e., temperature, cooling time, etc., have a certain influence on the propertiss of these compositiong. An increase of the temperature and of the duration of the beat treatment, generally Incre"es Card 2/3 J.k61111 R/004/6()/0DGV007/002/'W2 A231/026 Magnetic Ferrite Cores for Application in Redioengineering, Automation and Tele- communications. (Ferrites With Reotangula_r Hysteresis Loops) the B~, maximum induction and the Br/Pis ratio, but reduces the coercive force. An exception could be found at the H.(I) composition aftar slow cooling. The characteristics of the cores are also depending on their dimensions. The values of the initial permeability of the cores produced (Table-3) are a direct conse- quence of the property of composition and treatment. The LLj value drops with the increase of the YhO content from the "Ht' composition to the "HA" composition via the "V" composition. With the "H" composition, 1_~, increases with the grow- ing~treatment temperature, or with the duration of the treatment. "HA,,, type IV, and 'Y', type I.1 cores treated at 1,3500 for 5 hours and then cooled rapid- ly, proved to be the best materials for memorizing and switch cores, Ih func- tion of their applicattion for which the cores vrith 'a rectangular brysteresis loop a-we determined, the following parameters are decisive for obtaining good perfor- mances: composition, shape and size of the cores, and heat treatment conditions. There are 10 fJgures, 5 tables, and 7 references: 3 Soviet, 3 English, I French, ASSOCIATION: ICET (El. Engineering Researoh Institute), (Ivapvu, Tanacb, Cirlan), Universitatea "C.I. Parhon" (UniversIty) (Re-zemb-Arg) SUBMITTED- February 25, 1960 Card 3/3 Yarginal notes on t),.- article " InterTTet and Utilize Correctly the Frinciple of Unity of Science and Practice." p. 285. Vol. 5, ne, 6, 1955 ZA SCCIALTS'.IXFOU VFDU A TECIWHU Praha, Czechosloval(Ift Sowree: Yonttay List of East European Accr.-Fic)ps, (au), LC Vol. 5, no. 2 F(Airwry 3956, Uncl. I CIRLIC, J. Contribution to the.discussion of the study of dialectical materialism, p. 327, ZA SOCIALISTICK001 VEW A MCMFU (Priprawy vybor vedeckych technickch spolecnosti pri eskosloveske akademi-i ved) Praha, Vol. 5,, No. 7., july 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress, V01- 4:,s NO- 12,, December 1955 C It /_ I C/ i GUILIC, J. Growth of mildew on cotton fabrics; temperature in proportion to the quantity of spores. p. 75. (Textil, Praha, Vol. 9, No. 3. Mar. 1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAL), LC Vol 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl '~` 11, " --,i ) L-~ CIRLIC. J. Research work in the textile industry. P. 324. (Textil, Praha, Vol. 9, No. 11, Rov. 1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC Vol 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl CIRLIC, J. Decompositiom of cotton with fungi* Chakh* biol. 3 no.4:226-232 Oct 54. 1. Mikrobiologicheekly Institut biologicheskogo fakullteta universiteta v Brno I Iseledovatellskiy inatitut shersti, Brno. decomposition of cotton) (CWTON, decompeeltlon.,* fungi) mn, j. Problems of transit transportation within the jurisdiction of the Direction of Railroads in Ljubljana. P.7 ZEMICE, Beograds Vol 12,, No. 20 Feb. 1956 SO:. EUL, Vol 5. No- 7s, Juln 1956 -- . '1~1 . - CIRLIC, J. A study of kemp wool fibers. p. 217 (Tekstilna Industrija) Vol. 5, No. 6/7, June/July, 1957, Belgradej Yugoslovia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EM10PEA14 ACCESS1ONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, W". 1958 CIRLIC, J., Viscose staple fibers in the wool industry. I. Efforts toward improving viscose staple -fibers. in foreign countries. P. 206,, (Textil) Vol. 12., no. 6, Juni 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Mionthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6., No. 11 November 1957 Cluic, J. ; POSPICHALOVA, D. ; VAVER-KA, J. Cellulose staple fiber in the wool industry; crimped viscose staple fiber. P. 325. (TEXTIL) (Praba, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 12, no. 9, Sept. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEK-AI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 ~QMCRY ABS. R7l-him,p NO, 22.1-95990- 8o616 Cirlio, J. ot given j Vivi,.,.ise-l4ooj Blfinde., 1. Strength w-,d S.I.cingntiou. I!. Load-1,11onig'atinm Ctirves. III. Surfac:e 'Wtar and Crease Wear., k Textil. (Gztchc,-!ovakia) , 13, Wo 2, ,;o t .t!G* rUr 0-951 Y40 40 16f!-I?2 (1958) ASS ",MA (IT abstrac+- NEDi Owlt ry Czechoslovakia H-31 .IateGory Chmdeal %cbwaoa. Chemical ProduaU wA fteir AppUcatims. -- Doing & ChM., Westmont at Wxt, ilbs. Jour it,, Zh. - j%jm.s No. 310 1959 Materials. 41106 huthor ! Cirlic, J. Inatitut. F-Iro -tg-1TUn- Wool/Visc6se Rayon Staple Fiber Blends. III. Surface Wear and Wear by Flexing. Or 1,3 Pub. : Textil (Czechoslovakiaj, ,L3, i;o 4,.128-129 (1958) Abstract ! The theoretical principles and test methods are described. For Part II see RZhnim, 1955, 223067- 1. Fodiman Card: 1/1 CMLIC, J.; POSPICIIALOVA, D.; VAVERXA, J. Degree of wrinkle resistance. P. 88. TEKTIL. (Ministerstvo lahkeho prurU-slu) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol* 14., no- 3, March 1959. Monthly List of East %ropean Accessions (EUI) LCI Vol. 8y No. 11) November 1959. Uncl. MARUTA, Al.; CIRLIG, A. Hydrau3ic conveying in pipes under pressure. )%teorologia hidrol gosp 7 no.3:199-205 '62. GIRLIG, I.; HARUTA, Al. On the annular hydroolevator. Hidrotehnica, 8 no.3tlO9-nl Mr 163. an pon*.,.u!7 me-: al.,! 16 udy ~T!: GIRLIG., Gh. Care of internal combustion engines during cold weather. Constr Buc 15 no.7~W 21 D 163. CIRLIG, M., ing. Exposition of lational Economy Achievements of Rumania. Cel hirtie 13 no.8:310-312 Ag 164. 1%Y Mharnical Techi3ology* Ckiemical Prodatts and Their t'pplicatioau.- Inaltrwen+9 and Aui;owtion 1-ba. Joui-. : FIf ZI= - KrUm-y 1-10 1l.- 1950 38934 -..z- : Nemeth, A. and El - -r1-0 9 a -P1 C - jnotiti~t. Not given T t'i~ I The Applicatioa of Thermal F&,~~aetic and Infrared Gas Analyzers in thv Production of Acetylene from Methane Grl~~, Pub. Rev Chiln, 8, No 2, 43-99 (195?) Abatz-actl I'a thc -oroduction of acet-11cac fror. mothane, a the~-Momasnetic anall:zer is used for, the determinatior, of 02 , and an infrared anzlyzer is used. for the do- termination of acet:?Ienc. A descriptiLon of tlie pro- cedures osed in thu menburemento is Siven together "ith a discussion of the construction of the instru- rents used. Fron withorcl sum- mary CLRIDGAN, C. 1~ Plant experiences with magnetic and infrared gas analyzers during the procb,-cticn of acetylene from imethane. p. 16h (Magyar Kemikusok Lapja. Vol. 12, no. 5/6, hay/June 1957, Budapest, Hungary) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 r.i.eodorY ing. ro:-.1 bnari,-, for scaff-AWng. Cunsbr Buc 37 ;',c).782: 2 5 Ja 165. CIRMAN, Ciril I1 111 Llog3lii!!FO~- The never classification oetitis fibrosa. Zdrav. 1955. of the group of diseases known as vest., Ljubljana 24 ro.7-8:277-282 1. Ortopedelm k1talks medicinske fakultate Y Ljubljani- predstojnik prof. dr. Bogdan Brecelj. (OSTITIS FIMSA classif. (SO) CIRLUGEA, Eleodor Ing.; NEGUT, I.C.; RISNOVEANU, C.' - - On the I.S.C.M. construction sites, Braila. Constr Buc 17 no. 798:1 24 Ap 165. CTEU-,"ANI V. Hoalth risks of electric welding in huht of prctsent com-pts. v. 11" f~ .. L, 14. Vol. 5, no. 3, l,'.ar. 1956 ZMRAIE Br9tislava, Czechoslovakia Source: East Eurorean Accession LiEit. Lilbr-ry of CongroBs Vol. 5, INIn. 8, higuat 1956 CIAMN, Vladimir, Mr. Prevent concepts on health has&rds in electrical welding. Pracovni lek. 8 n0-1: 45-53 Jan 56. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob s povolani, Praha, reditel prof. KUDr. J. Teisinger. (IMUSTRIAL HYGIBU, In eloctrical welding (Cs)) CUZMAN, V. Health risks in electric welding in the light of modern conceptions. (Conclusion) P. 120. ZVARANIE Vol. 5, no, 4, Apr. 1956 Czechoslovakia Source: EAST EUROPM LISTS Vol. 5. no. 7 July 1956 CIRMAN, Vladimir, MUDr.; POKL, Jindrich, PhMr. Opinion of hygienists on'cleaning and disinfeaticn cf passenger cars. Zel dop tech 10 no. 1:20-21 ~62. . CIF~9j,,VIadimIr,- HWDA, Stanislav Regimen of work, rest and nutrition in locomotive are-we working on long-distance tracks. Free. lek.. 16 no.9W4-1+07 N 164 1. Ustredni ustav zelemi=iho, zdravotadetvi v Prams (redltel MUDr. K. Vostatek) a Ustav pro -9,yzkum vyzivy lidu v Praze (rB- ditel prof. dr. J. Masek.. Me.). C Z. Some imperfections of chemical standards. 1). 243. NORMA,Ll--~ACE. V01. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1956 Praha, Czechoslovakia SOURCE: East European List (EIAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 11 January 1957 Catogory= Jour. 39651 11ut'-1,)r : Cirman, Z. Instit-dt, : To-t-g-iven Titlo : Rubber Gasket Rings Used in the Pharmaceutical Industry OriZ;. Pub. : Obaly, 3, No 4, 112-114 (1957) .Abstract : The author has investigated methods for testing some. of the properties of' rubber gasket rings. Special attention is devoted to the determination of the effect of heat on the surface of the rings, chemi- cal attack, pyrogenic properties, smoothness, and color. The presence of heavy metals and of other types of cations and, anions has also been determined. Card: 1/1 CM40.9 2. Survey of standardization activities in the production.of immunobiological preparationsja~. Ill. (Normalisace, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957, Praha, Czechoslovak SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. CI RMAN I Z. -------------L "Problems of technical texmdnology in applications concerning chemical and pharmaceutical inventions." P. 15. VYNALEZY A NORHUISACE, OCMIANNE ZNJU4KY., CHRANENE VZORY. (Urad pro vynalezy a normalisac). Praha., Czechoslovakia., Vol. 3, No. 4., Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions-(EEAI),, LC, Vol. 8,, No. 8.. August 1959, Uncla. -- CIRM11, Z. Requirements concerning description of chermical and pharmaceutical inven- tionso Pe 3o rMAIEZY. (Uran pro patenty a vynalezy) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions MAIL Vol. 9. no. 1, Jan. 1960 Unal. CIFZAN, Z. '!Elirrdnating the creation of glass powder in ampoules." P. 180. SKLAR A KERAMIK. (Ministerstvo lehkeho prur7slu). Praha,, Czechoslovakia,, Vol. 9, No. 6., June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAl), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. GIFNAN, Zj. Doc:umentation of inventiona for equipment for pharmacy and related fiel.ds, Gesk~ farm. 13 no.7.-381-384 S '64~ I I GIRMAN, Zdenek Possibilities for protecting Invent-Lova iD the fleld of techmes-I control in chem.1.5try. Chma prim 11 no.12:662-663 D 164 1. Patent and Inven-I.-ion Office. PETRESCU, Al.; ATILUMSIUp Pierrette; CIRNAHUj Stela; PANCU~ V.; VILCU-BWINGA, Ioana Biological characteristics of an inframicrobiol germ isolated from infants with an acute toxia respiratory syndrome. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 11 no.4:587-596 10. I- Gommicare przentata la InstitutiLl de inframicrobiologie al A;ademie:L R.F.R. - ! (VIRUSES) k&SPIRATORY T13ACT INFFCTIOIJS microbiology) BURLUI, Ada; MON$ Ana; BUSGAI Victvrj_qjMt M-y-Stela- Should the prognosis of malignant congenital osteo-petrosis be revised? Roumanian M Rev. no.,3:42-48 161. (OSTEOPETROSIS in inf. & childh.) (DIFANT MWO diaeases) CIRNU, I. Acceleration of winter repairs by means of abetter supply of spare parts and materials. p. 33 (Mecanizarea Si Blectrifiearea kgriculturil) No. 1, Jan. 1957, Bucuresti, Rj6unAa SO: MONTHLY INDEX Or, EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EW) LC, VOL- 7, NO. 1, JAN. 190 RUMANIA/Humn and JLnirnl Physiology (Normal tuia Pathological) T I Nervous Systemi HigIier Nervous Activity. Behavior. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27o47 Author : Cirnu, V. List : - Title Conditioned Defensive Reflexes in Aninals with Unilate- ral Removal of Cerebral Cortex. A. Cortical Represen- tation of Pain Sensitivity. B. Auditory Differentiation. C. Postoperative Defensive Inhibition. Orig Pub Studii si cercetarl neurol. Acad. RFR, Inst* reurol., 1957, 2, No 1, 117-133 Abstract Motor defensive positive and differentiated conditioned reflexes (Crl) to auditory stimuli were produce& in dogs and cats with removed left side of cerebral cortex in- dependently of that to which paw (contra- or ipsilateral in relation to injury) stimulation was applied. With this, in the first case more combinations were required Card 1/2 RUMANTA/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T I Nervous System. Higher Nervous Activity. Behavior. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27o47 than in the second case. Respiratory CR under the same coaditions were produced faster and were more stable than motor reflexes. Apparently, surface pain sensitivi- ty is represented in both hemispheres; furthermore, its contralateral representation is prevalent. Card 2/2 - 122 - - CIRO XgAM j J_: SUE-ME (in cabs); Given Name Country*. Rumania Academic Degrees: -Dr.- Affiliation: -riot given- Source: Bucharest q Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol Vil No 5, -Sep-Oct 19611 PP 397-407- Data: "The History and Oontrol of Trichinosis in our country." CIRONEANU,,Jq,. dr. Factors cone[itioning the epidemiology and epizoolo" of trichi- n9110890 in the Arges region. Microbiologia (Buour~'8 no.4: 345-Y51 Jl-A9 '63a TRICHINOS1S)' (EPIDEMIOLOGY) SWINE DISEASES) (DOG DISEASES) CAT DISEASES) (RODENT DISL4SES) ~ (CARNIVORA) STOINESCU, A.; CIMMM, I.; SIRBU, E.; VISM, C.; MINASCURTA, C.; BRETROU, E.; MOLDOWN, T, Observations on the distribution,' incidence, economic importance and control. of bovine hypodennatosis in the Rumanian People's Republic. Wiad. parazyt. 11 nn.1:296-304 165. OLTEANUO Gh., dr., candidat in stiinte veterinare; CIRONEANUI 10., dr.; CRISTESCU, M., dr.; ALMkSAN, H., biolog, jiiid-jd~Ci~ -s-iiinte biologice; SIREU, E., dr.; UJPU, A., dr.; NESTEROV, V., dr. Trichine*llosis in domest-Ic and wild animals in the Rumanian Peoplets Republic. Microbiologia. (Bucur.) 10 no.3:257-264 MY-Je 165. SOFONEA, I.; GAWANDI, V.; CIROP04 Jooefina; RSTBZRM, Maria Contributions to the dy"mice of the accilmulation of cardiotonic glycosides in the leaves of Digitalis purpurea L. Rumnian H. Rev. 2 no.2:94 Apr..June 58. (DIGITJLLIS 11 purpurea, dynamics of accummlation of cardiotonio glycosides in leaves) of the Ministry of Light Industry (Ministerul Industriei Usoare), SIMION, Elena, Veterinarian, of IRIC [uniden- tified] Bucharest, CADIS, A., Eng, of the IRIC, Cluj, BADEA, Ecaterina, Eng, and CHEBAC, C. of IRIC, Galati. "Investigations on Cattle Hypodermosis in Rumania." Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie Bi Medicina Veterinara, Vol 13t No 6, Jun 63, pp 67-74. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]; It was found triaT-M-y-pUdermosis is most frequent in the sub-Carpatian, hilly and Plateau regions, less frequent in the plains, and rare in the Danube lake region. The frequency of hides depreciated by hypodermosis increases rapidly starting in March, reaches its apex in April-May, is still quite high in June-August and then gradually diminishes. Intensity and frequency of affliction is higher for young bulls that for adult cattle, in some areas as much as 2.2 times. Because of' their localization in the dorsal region, hypodermoses damage the most valuable part of the hide and thus reduce its value by about 50 percent. Contains 1 table, 2 graphs, 3 figures and 13 Rumm ian references. 1/1 FAMBUCCIAN, Gr.; GIRCIMM, 1. ------- -- Observations on experimentia trichinellosis in white rats. Rumanian med. rev. no.2:8-13 162. (TRICHINOSIS) CIROVIC, R. Situation of railroads in the United Sitates * P- 30 ZELEZNICE, Beograd, Vol 12, No. 2, Feb., 3,,?56 SO: ML, Vol 5, No. 7, Ju4v 1956 POPOVICI, Calin; CIRSHARU, Magdalena; DIRSCU, Alex--ndru; SINGEORM, Ion Corvin Visual observations of the e&rth's artificial satellites carried out at Station 1131 of the Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest during the period January 1-December 31, 1963. Studii astron 9 no. 1:101-111 164. POPOVICI Calin; DINESCU Alexanda-d-, C'JRSMARU, Magdalena; CORVIN SINGEORZAN, Ion Visual observations of artif'icial satellites obtained at the (1131) Bucharest Station in 1964. Studii astron 10 no.1:113- 125 165. 1. Astronomical Observatory, 5 Cutitul do Argint St., Bucharest. CIRSTRA DumitrIA . principal (Craiova); TEXESCU, Virgil, ing. (Craiova) Experimental research on the cooling of power transformers. 4ectrotehnica 10 no.9:3/+7-351+ S 162. 1. Uzinele mElectroputere", Craiova. GIRSTBAP D., ing.-O MATHF, B.9 inF,-; PAN(1111~ A., ingo On eiTors in recording strong currents wher, using ineasuring trans- . -. formers, Metrologia apl 11 no. 71297-302- Jl 164. .-.I i C1RSTF,Af D,p ing. (Craiova),- 1'~THE, II.p ing, (Graiova)j OGREMANU) St,; Ing. (Graiova); PANOIU,-A., ing. (Craiova); TUDORACH-1, C., ing. (Graiova). Studios on the commutating-capacity of the IUP-1-10 switch,under laboratory and network conditions. Pt. 1. Llectrotehnica 12 no.4! 132-141 AP '64. 1. "Electroputere" Plant, Graiova. SLIT~'~~JZ&,-D.; COJOCARIF, I.; QGIU, C.; 0(',WEAIIIJ, St.; SIVNCT"V 4 i A TOMAI Gh.$ Ang. Investigations on the dynamic and thermal stability of trans- formaro in cave of an abriipt short circuit. no.1:17-28 Ja t65- 1. Chief Rn--ineer, "Elec-,roputere" Plant (fcr Cojocaru, Gaciu, O.F~rezeanu). 2. Read of t,e ,rarsfor;I~er Technical T)apartmant, "E'lectroputerel, Plant, !lead of Homologation Depirtment, Submitted JulN, 20p 1964. CIRSrEA) M, Sc?c 1B V(sA.- '12-/10 Car6lo. Ocit'. 2971. Roles ol the P,!7;' tx,,,ary and bronrUal ciycnlations in the f5rodirriFon o1 hrc;;c,.V- molor clIccis by intramnovsly ad;ninistered drif',,,s CCTCCtlTi ZIS1114a T0111111i circulaijiJ PUIMOIKITC ~M al circulalici bron,,,ice in producerea efectelor bronhonioto;ire prin ageiA~i farniacologici adnninistra-~i intravinios U)STFA M. lind (;H~NSMN M. 11ISt. de Fi-iol. Norniala ~i Patol., 13ticurqti Slittt-T-rr-celFiziol. 11,157, 211~?-41 (4,35-4,119) Grapl;,s I 1) US In a dog with a left tracheotomy, the bronchus of the left lower lobe was intuba,Wd, under artificial respiration, with a tube carrying, a small balloon connected to .1 Alarey drum for registration of bronchoinotor effects.. Via the anatonlicol space. formed after dissection and ;solation of tile artery and veins of the lelt lo%ver lobe from th6 bronchus in question, a small cuff of thin rubber .vas introduced arou-nd the intubated bronchus, in such a way that the bronchial vessels could be compres, i~!d without interfering with the pulmonary circulation. By alternating exclusioll of tile pulmonary and.the bronchial circulation to the lobe in question it was shown tilat aruTrinjected i.v. produce their bronchomotor effect via the pulmonary circulation, the onchiat circulation playing only a minor role. 14 RUMNIA/Human mid Animl Physioloa. Sic Sensory Or,-ans T-13 Abs Jour Rof Zbur - Biol., No 14, 1958, ,io 65818 Author Cirstea M. Inst Title hi InvastiU%tion of the Mechanisn of Ada-ptatiun of Intestinal and Splenic Interaceptors to Che.-Acal Stinuli. Oris Pub Fiziol. norra. si Patol., 1957, 4, No 2, 143-150 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 EXCERPTA REDICA See 2 161 12/.4; PhYS1010gy VATJ9 1946. ACTION OF ADRENALINE ON BRONCHIAL MUSCULATURE AND PUL- MONARY VFMELS IN THE DOG - Acliunes adrenalLnei asupro muscula- turLi bronhice #L a vasselor pulmonare Is cline - C t r # t e a M. and G r G n - a p a n M. - STUD. CERCET. FIZIOL. 1956, 3/2TUff-219) G phs 4 The technique used permitted simultaneous registration of bronchomotor and vaso- motor effects of adrtnaline perfusing the lower lobe of the left lung, the artery. vein and bronchus of which had been isolated without injury to the nerve fit:res. In 27 of the 30 dogs used, adrenaline caused vasocontriction in the perfused lobe. and in 23 dogs it had no effect on the broncho-pulmonary musculature. The vaso- constrictor effect was suppressed or reverstd by yohimbine snJ the consequent vasodilator effect persisted after injection of atropine. Perfusion rates ranging from 5 to 150 wl./ min. mbde no difference to the results, nor did the use of pheno - barbital as anaesthetic or the use of curarized instead of urethan- anaesthetized dogs. Graur - Bucharest CIRSTEA, M.; GRUNSPAN, M. Studies on the inactivation of the endogenous histamine in the lungs of dogs. Studii core fitiol 4 no.4*.547-552 159. (EEAI 9:9) 1. Institutl de fiziologie normal& si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R., Laboratorul de fiziologie pulmonara. 2. Secretar stiintific, Comitetul do redactie, Studii si cereetari do fiziologie (for Cirstea) (HISTAMINE) (LUNGS) CURARE) TIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) M CULETFA, 11. Action of heparin upon the anaKila tic bronchospasm in dogs. Studii cere fiziol 5 no.2099-~03,Y-67FIL (EBAI 10:2) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica " Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Acadeniei R.P.R., Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari de fiziologie, secretar stiintific, Studii si cercetari de Iliziologie. (HEPARIN) (ANAPHYlAXIS) (BORNCHI) (SPASM) CIRSTEA, M. _ Researches on the anaphylaotic bronchoconstriction in dogs. Studii cere fiziol 5 no.3s579-586 96o, (EKAI 10:Z) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normal& si patologica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Acadenioi R.P.R., Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari do fiziologiep secretar stiAntific. (BRONCHI) (ANAPHYLAXIS) ' KYRSTYA, M.D. [CirottemaLM.D.l (Bukharest) ~jM.D~.L~, - ." biol. 51 no,ig2l-33 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 140) Histamineo Usp. soyro, (HISTAMINE) GRUNSPAN M.; CIRSTEA M - SUHACIU G. .1 :::~~ -p Y Release and metabolization of endogenous histamine in the lung of dogs with allo3ran diabetes. Rumanian M Rev. no.1:166-169 Ja-Mr 16l, 1. The "Prof. Dr. Danielopolu" Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, R.P.R. Academy. Director: Acad. Prof. Gr. Benetato. (DIABETES MELLITUSexperimental) (HISTAMINE metabolism) CIRSTEA, M. On the mechanism of belated death due to ananhvlactic shock in the guinea pig. Rev.-sci. med. 7 no..1/2:33-35 &,.- (DEATH) (ANAPHYLAXIS) (PROMETHAZINE) CIRSTEA, M.; SUHACIU, Ch. Considerations on the mechanism of the anti-enaphylactic effect of Tween'on dogs. Rev. sci. med. 8 no.3/4:107-109 163- (ANAPHIVIIS) (SURFACE-ACTM AGENTS) CIRST HACIUy G.,j BUTCUIMCU, loana ~MRU Rvaluation of the rola of brmlykinin in anaphylactic Bhook. Stu& cerost. do fisiole 10 no.2tl65-177 065. RLjj,jjIjII Soil Science. Genesis and Geography of Soils. J-1 Abs Jolur : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1958, No- 72627 Anthor :Popovat., i.'i.; Cirstea., S. Inat :Rumnian A-.ade-W__ -- Title :Paleopedological Data on the Genesis of Some lxbdern Soils 01-1--r, Aib:Coinun. Acad. MR, 1957, 7, No 5, 559-566 Abstract :Results are reported of the study of buried soils in the south-er-stern part of Olteniya. In the southern part of the right bank of the Olta, on the upper, niddle and lover terraces, two horizons are traced of luried ancient soils. On the basis of a comparison of the morphology arA some phyBical-chemical properties of the buried and Liodern soils,, the authors come to the con- clusion ttzt the age of the chernozem. type soils spread here dose not exceed Us age of the laver terrace, and that after the formation of the upper terrace and before Card 1/2 Oolmtrlrl flunnnis AeAlrdt Digmsui 3bnginoor ACfLUott*%3 fnot ltiven.7 IDGM1 BlahlroSt A- -.Av I ore V1. PIP 7?." Vo: No pp 1 11 We I ..n. v " ?me**@** In Ow OW 2e xroolo r the T:rr to or the sol.t VnI.. SM the b rtr- i a review *r to ull, R -- Or as orlla M alai- kal flostl a hr t aminat It I CIRSTEA, St., ing. "Practical measures for the preservation of pasture fields" by I.Resmerita, Z.Spirchez. Reviewed by St.Cirstea. Rev. geodezie 8 no-lt58 164 "Rational joining of the production branches on collective farms*by FlGilea,, M.IonitAL. Reviewed by St.Cirstea. Ibid.: 58 "Contributions to the mediwi precisiong direct measurement of distances* sespended metallic bands and wires; a stud of the correction formulas and their precision" by [conf. ing.i A.C,ostachel, [asist. ing.] E.Ulea, [] M.Reamtu. Re- viewed by St.Cirstea.Ibid.: 58 "Situation Ecad evaluation of the agricultural lands"*edited by K.I.Ivanov* Reviewed by St. Cirstea. Ibidt5g-60 GIRSTEA, St., ing. Progress in ;edological studies necessary to the agriculture in Rumania. Rev_geodezie 8 no. 3:38-43 164. 1. Higher Council of Agriculture. not rivon U=- 2: Buch, ron t .-Tint,, tin G~mdo-io mt ()r-n1rnrgq ToritirfUlul .. .217 "1 U 75-76. Vol 51 ,,, 196 1W.. -The '-~thod or so, Apinr In the Pro-Cagplan Dooreavlon on '.Gropho to rr=a trio t.n a raview of Straccovn's todl o!,kartirovrni-,rocv1 Prilcasnio'col. nizmanontl po Mtoriftl&m o-*I" In luA d Ins ZWMp,. S., ing.. ulbtbod of drawing large.- seale- peddlegi-ma- mps.usiBg aerophotogrametric materialom,edited by (dr. in stiinte geofrafica'si agricole] I,A, Liverovskie Reviewed by S. Cirstea. Pm7 geodezie 7 no,2*.67-70 1163s, C IRSTU J, S. , ing. First Session of the Group of' Work regarding the ClastAfication and Prosper-tion of Soll and ','oil Rosourcea c,.1' Lhe European Com- mittee in -the fraire of the Food and Agriculture Orranization of the United Nations. Rev geociazle 9 no.l-.66-67 ~65. GIRSTEANU, M.; FIAGOVSCITIO E.; VASU, S. Effect of ureases upgn urea, and the B-amylases upon starch in the presence of some glucoprotein coacerva-tes. In Russian. p. 279. REVUE IG CHH4IE. JOURTIAL OF CMIISTRY. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 2, no. 2, 1957. - Monthly List of East, European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1950.. Uncl. UiSTEANUY M.; XACOVSCHI, E.; VAS.U, S. Effect of rease and B-amylase on the urea, and consequently on the starch, in the presence of certain glycoproteic coacervates. P-933. COMUNICARIU. Bucuresti, I~mnia, Vol. 'I, no. 11, Nov. 1957. Monthly List of European Accessions (FEAT) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. GIRSTEANU, Mioara Influence of experimental hyperemia, times and temperature on electrolyte exosmosis in the normal human skin. Studii cere biochimie '6 no.2:255-261 163. 1. Institutul de biochimis al Academisi R.P.R., Bucuresti. I "Til;~U-i IA At -G 3 a 0 P.D., ii.11-ml- D -3 ed )y Di t j~.w iAUINCR Pu~-)Ovici, 1. Tara, 11. -j2Li.;2.r ~~t ~r Rmi3nian. Acadej-U 1 iT, Vacocination afrainst Irifec-t-iou2 of Sheep and Goats with Live Cultures ir-, 5. Ti. 3u1, -tiint. Acud. RPR. bicl. si stii.-.~a 1957, 71-7r' Sar. Purin., 0 L Foor-year experience in vaccimation o" sheep onil goats in Rumania against infoctious af-plzratia. (in -' witoh livc animals were lnoculated) ci:Alture of the att"enuated strain of ^apromyces a[-;alactiae shoved that' 10-12 days after Jnoculu- i a stable D-miunity lastinCz not less t',.an 1 mon-hs takes peace. Vaccinated elw~-,n- present., 210 u 6anger to thpir 3uckdings nor to Other nonvaccil- nated animals. In lactating aninals, follcr-;ing vaccinnticn a. va,)idly 1)&ssing decrease of ti-io Call' 7', P T --p- con 6 1 d. of Parn Aninalts. Cax'rj(,d bY -"Retevia, and Mingi, `724 ],,I! i 14.13, 1,758) N-1. 51; 111c yield an,-,I sornotimes certain ch-ringes in 'Cho I lactIfctrous F,,Innd (hypcrei~uia, sle'clin-ess) weire noted. 17he vaccim..M-Aon ii better tolerateC, in s-pr-.Ir4, during, the beginni3-ig of the lactaticn pe- r~or!. in case of w-10-c-spre-ad ep.-Izooty, especially --*r;. ho-~ mnths, the vaceintition unually juaes to fin inovease, in the number of' cases of infection d1urinf; 5-6 dp-y-- foilowing? vaccinp.-tion.- L. S. Gobcman. Card: 2/2 - - - R - HUTTYANN, A..;. PASUCH, P.,; GBERASIH, H.,; COJOCARU, L,; - , QGxA 1 4 ; NICULISOU, X.,; TAFM. R...; STXFANISCU. C.R.,; MOSOIU, G. Diagnosis and therapy of sciatica; clinical study of 100 asses. Probl. reumat., Bucur. Vol. 11.:49-84 1934. (SCIATICA atiol, differ. diag. & ther.) (INMVIIRTXMtAL DISK DISPUCINKUT, compl. sciatica. differ. diag. & ther.) (POSTURN in tbar. of sciatica caused by Intervertebral-disk displacment) (PHYSICAL THMAPT, in various din. sciatica caused by intervertebral disk displacement) HUTTMANN, A.,; RADUMIT, 71.,;.PASZTOR, P.,; TAMT, E.,; GIRSTOGIL, I.,; STIWANISCU, G.It.,; COJOCAMJ, L,; IPR"NOSMKI, K. Study of cervical disk hernia. Probl. reumat., Bucur. Vol& II.: 1.37-150 1954 (INMVICR2MWAL DISK DISPLLGXKINT celirical)