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CHIOMIRL, I.N. (Ciochisa. I.v.] Equation for calculating the heats of formation of electrolytes &M the heats of lont2ation of chemical elentats. Zhur. fit. khts. 30 no.11:2441-2443 N 156. (MM 10:4) 1. Politekhatcheskly Institut Ruwq&IM g. Tassy. (Heat of formation) (Blee'trolytes) (Ionization) ,bell t MTOMI 510 ogy CX03 11.41c and sn v,-.ry dil. is., cau- inbat casbbytbctlmi~tlulpotcntia~. The give rawts in go~'a mreZzlicilt wit! crptl' ;Valam W. INI. Sttf-, 9--rg SCHACMERP A.; MAXIMILLIAN, V. - PAPAHAGI, E.; CIOCHINA-BANESCU,- C. Difi'loulties and errors in diagnosis of bronchopulmonary canedr. Stud. cordet. med. intern. 3 no'2:-2/+ 262. (LUNG NEOPLMS diagnosis) (BRONCHI neoplasms) (CARCIN014i., BRONGROGENIG diagnosis) TURAI, I., prof.; PAPAUGI, E.,- MAXIMILLIAII, V.; G]:QQjLIINNA-BAITESGU C.;, STEFAIIIESCU, V;; JERCAII--ALBU, M.; PETRESCU, G.; CHIREA, B.; ROSALA, E. Paresis of the right difphragmatic dorno. Ru=nian 11 Rev. no.2- 63-66 Al--Jo 160. (DIAPMAGM diseases) CIOCIREEL) Floy inge; PRICOPj Ghop ingai TUDCR, C., inge Filters for water vell.po Gravel filters whose surface is consolidated with bakelike binder. Hidrototnica 7 no.3:85-.89 Mr 162. CC NR& AP6027676 AUTHOR: Ciocirdel R. (Doctor; Bucharest) ORG: none SOURCE CODE: RLI/0024A6/000/001/0016/0021 3/ TITIZ: Recent movements of the earth's crust -- a target of modern geology SOURCE: Natura. Seria geografie-geologie, no. 1, 1966, 16-21 TOPIC TAGS: Earth crust, geology, Sqr~ quake ABSTRACT: The author discusses vertical movements of the Earth's crust in the territory of Rumania, as evidenced by the deposit of lithologically non-uniform sediments caused by differing paleographic conditions, and the deformation of se~imented deposits determined by their approach to the depressing areas outside the Carpathian arch. On the basis of the findings, the author concludes that e I hquake centers in Vrancea Regiune are in an area having many structural units wit differing tendencies of movement in contact with each other. [Based oil authorts Eng. abst.) 1JPRS: 36p457) SUB CODE: 08 / SUBM DATE: none POTOP, T.; FZLITM, Ye.; CHOXM)YA, K. [Giocirdin, C.] Biochemistry of the t~;m, gland. 4~~i~iliiisi 24 no.2:357-361 Mr-Ap 159. (KI3A 12'-7) 1. Institut endokrinologil AN Ramynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, ft Vmrest. (THMM, extract off. (b=)) MILCU.. St.M., academician; -WIIA-MUSTER, Aneta; DRAFTA, Denise; _QIQURDIA, -~~~RESCU, Marcela; BUSILA, Eugenia New function tests for exploration of the ovaries in hyperfolliculinism. Stud. cercet. endoer. 163. (OVARY) (PHYSIOLOGY) (ESTROGENS) (STERILITY) F1214ALE) (GONADOTROPINS., CHORIONIC) IMCOU, S.L.; FIOTOP, Isabella; 3103Z-01;~, ~eza--Lna,. LEUGSU, C. ; 5111-'. k4 MCU, -ad .6ndocrinologic-al Institute ~Instituttul do oc::-inologie) Bukarest- kall Bz:rlin,, Acta Biologica et 14~diqa Germanici, '0-3, 1~,03, P 371-377 "The influence of Thymus Ap lication and Experimental Athymie or. Serum Prote:Lns of i~ebbits" DRAFTA, Denisei CIOCIRDIA C zarintU OPRESCU, Maria; BUSILA, Eugenia; Ll- - -r- I CRISTOMUM, JW%i. Tffl, ; T BE, Mna; BUNEA, Minodora New methods of steroid determination for use in clinical endocrinology. Stud. cercet. endoer. 14 no.1:63-74163. (STEROIDS) (ENDOCRINOLOGY) (DIAGNOSIS) (URINE), (BLOOD CIEDUCAL ANALYSIS) (CHROMATOGWEY) MILCU, St.-M.; DRAFTA, Denise; MAICANESCU, K%doleine; TACHE, Alina; STROE, Emilia; OIIRFSC!J, Miria; SUM,, Eugenia; GRISTOVEANU, Ana Functional capacity of Leydig cells studied with the Jayle test in several testicular syndromes. Stud. cercet. endocr. 15 no.6: 55"',-562 '&~- CIOCIRLAN, q. TECMIOLOGV Periodical: STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINTIFICE Vol. h., no. Y2/1,957 A comparative study of two shock valves applied to hydraulic rams. p.59. MonthLy List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8,, No. 3, March 1959,, Unclass. BARGLAZAN, A. (deceasedl;.SISAK, E.; CIOCIRLAV, C. Correctiona for the measurements of resistance force of the profiles in the hyArodynamic tunrel MT. Studli tehn Timisoara 8 no.3/4:171-281 J16D 161. GYUIAIP F.; POTENCZ, I.; CIOCIRUN. C. Some optical and acoustic obawntiono on the cavitation phenomenon in axial pumps. Studii lehn Tiziooara 9 no.1/2t.1,7-Q Ja-Je 162. GYUIAI, F.; ANTON, Viorica; ANML., A.; DOBIMDA, V... ing.; CIOCIRM, C- Station for the expwimental research on axial pumps. Studii tehn Timisoara 9 no.1/2:253-161 Ta-Je 162. 1, Secretar stiintific al redactiet "Studii ai cereetari, StiAnte tebnicew' - Timisoara - (for 11obinda). GYRAI, F., mernok; POTENCZ, I., mornok; CIOGIRLAN G., nrerl.-lok; LAMEFMG, Gyorgy [translator] -- -- - t - Testing cavitation characteristic curves on wing-blade pwaps. Cop 16 no. 3-86-~10 W 164. 1. Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering, Rumanian Academy of Sciances, Timisoara (for Gyulai, Potencz, Ciocirlan), CIOCIRLAN, Gheorghe, irg. The BahlufL River was controlled. Constr Buc 17 no.7840 16 Ja 165. 1. Director of the Directoratt of Siret-Prut Water Management. CIOCIRLAT1, N. Reparis and consolidation of bridge metallic aprons mithout Us--'-nF scaffolding. p.287. REVISTA CAILOR FMM. (Calle Ferate Itornine) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 7, no. 6, June 3.959. Monthly list of Eastern European Accession Index (FXAI) W vol. 8, No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. CIOCIMM. N,.-Ing. Fight against the corrosion of. metallic decks. Rev mUor fer .10 no-10042-548 o 1,62. 1. Directia intrat " rii caii. CIOCIRLAN.- N-- . ing. lr~- Fixed constructions executed for exploitation of a f4ryboat. Rev cailor fer n no,206-81 F 163. 1. Directia intretinerii si constructii C.F. CIGGIRLA , N.j, ing., --- -1-- Mechanization Bay oailcr for lo Directia L. of loading and Unloading of construction materials. nnoja25!~-Q69 W 43. t Giseirlan, N,, ing. Welded metallic superstructures of railroad bridges. Rev cailer fer 11 no.10070-576 0 163. CIOCTRIAN , -.N. . ing. .... .. Use of bolts of high resistancep working by, friction, on metallic railroad bridges. Rev cailor fer -12 no. 1: 10-14 Ja 964. CIOGIRLANP 11., in&., C~, ing. Works of river cor.-e(~tion, band consolidati:m, and rorrent improvement. Rev cailor for 12 nc. 4-18k:,-195 Ap '64. CIOCIRLANY N -., ing.; IONESCU, Cl., ing. .................... Works of river correction, bank consolidation, and torrent im- provement. Pt. 2. Rev cailor far 12 no. 60U-321 Je 164. CjQgjaLAN, N., ing. New methods used for consolidatirm of railroad metallic bridges. :%,, I 0 Rev cailor fer.13 no.2;93-98 P "5, " I SIROPIANING Pdre ; ; GHERA IM,L. dr. Contfibutiona to the study of corticotherapy In exudative perl- carditis (10 cases). Kid. int.,Buour, 12 no.1:63-71 J& 160. (PIRIGARDITIS, therapy) (AMENAL GORTZI HORMONIS. therapy) Cl- L (kj SUMAME (in caps); Given Noma Country; H=vnia Acad=xic Degreeo: Affiliation: -not given- source: Bucharest, Microbiologial Paramitologia. Epidemiologial Vol VI, No 5, Sep-067176r, PP-425-430- Data-."On the Regional Epidemiology of Tetanus.-" Authors: BACILLI E., -Dr.- IAIM ROVSCHI 9 V. I. -Dr.- TfDDORESCUs Gh.., -Dr.- MARGINEANU, T.9 -Dr.- BACILA, E.,, dr.; CIOCIRLIE, C., dr. The Echo .viruses. Mad. intern. 3:257-266 Mr 162. (VIRUSES) "x DDBRESCU, D., Dr.; UDROIU, A., dr.; GORCIA, V., dr.; GHBDRGHIU, M., dr.: CIOCIjtLIR, I,, dr. Allergic spontaneous pneumotborax. Ned. int., Bucur.. 3 no,7: 1083-1086 Nov 56.. 1. T-ucrare efectuats in Spitalul militar -- Timisoara. (PNZMTHORAX, cave reports allergic pneumotborai) (ALLINT, complications pneumothorax. came reports) RUMANIA SCHYSITZERO Gh.9 Prof. Dr.; HERSCOTICI, H., Lieutenant-Colonel# Maiical Corps; and ~I-Ocl "I'L.IE-A-I -Major, Medical Corp.s "Immunologic Reactivity After Diencephalic Irradiation" Bucharest. Revista Sanitara ~illtara, Vol 16. Special No., 1965; pp 425-426 Abstract:, Immunologic reactivity-after diencephalic irradiation revealed that the diencephalon plays a very important role in immunogenesia inasmuch as irradiation intensified the imunogeneSi3 in this experiment. Graph, table. DIMITRIU, V., Conf.; ClgCIQIS. &,dr.; CIMPXOM. S., dr. Sorpasil therapy of ultral stenosis; effect of reserpine (nerpasil) on hemodynamice and clinical states of the patient of pure or combined mitral stenosis. Mod. int., Bucur. 4 no.8:1198-1212 Dee 56. 1. Lucrare efectuats, in Clinics. ue&icala I.P.S.K.T. Colts&., (d@ sub conduceros. prof. B. Thoodorescu). (MITRAL STANDSIS, therapy reserpine, off. on homodynamice & clin. state) (RESIRPINIC, ther. use mitral stenosis. off. on hemodynamics & clin. state) RU141ANIA SATIXARI, C., Dr, Col, IONASCU, A.*, Dr, Lt-Col, CIOCIRLIE, I., Dr, Ylaj, and SAFTA, M., Dr, Maj Laffiliation not "Solid Media in Powder Form for Bacteriological Diagnosis Under Field Conditions." Bucharest, Revista Sanitars. Militara, Vol 62, No 2, kllar-Apr 66, pp 303-307. Abstract; The authors g4ve the formulae used in their labo- ratory for the preparation of powders used for the diag:nosis of bacteria, especially enterobacteria, under field conditions. The four mixtures described. are nutritive gelose, gelose with lactose and bromthymol blue, Levin medium, and Istrat medium. Includes the four tabular listings of ingredients and 5 references, of which one German and 4 Rumanian. -- 1,11anuscript submitted 16 August 1965. 1/1 IATAN, Nicolaie, ing.; LANDES, V., ing.; ILINA, I., Ang.;.GIOCIRLIE S. ing.; 141TROPAN, A.; POPA, M., ing.;*MIHAILA, Gh *POPA, PASARE, F.; STENSCHI, C., ing. Considerations on the quality of the equipment used for casting stool ingots in Rumania. Metalurgia *Constr mas 14 no.11:976-983 N 162-. 1. Institutul de ceroetari netalurgice (for Iatan, Landes,, Ilina). 2. Uzina "Viethria" Calan (for Ciocirlie, Mitrofan). 3. Intreprinderea metalurgia Aiud (for Popa, 14., MiIjaila). 4. Ccmb.inatu:L sfiderurgic Hunedoara (for ?-opa, Septim1u; Pasare). 5. Combinatul siderurgic Resita. (for Stenschi). CIOCIRLIE, Sabin, Cr._ I Observations on increasing the.durability of ingot molds at thd F~Pzedoara Siderargical Aggregate Plant. Metalurgia constr mas 15 no.2-97-102 F 163. Is Combinatul siderurgic Hunedoara. CIOClDv' 0. Method of repairing broken rolling vdU cylinders. p. 26. WTALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI. (Ministerul Industriei M._talurgice 91 Constructiuor do Plasini si Asociatia StUmitifica a Ingenerilor A Technicielor) Bucurestl. Vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 19,1;5. S=El East Burop"n Acemalons Ustt (SUL), Library of Congress, Vol. 5l No. 11, movemberv 1956. CIOCOIU, A., VLADESCU, R. Tensioviscosimeter ~lsed in the hygienic control of milk. p. 19 AcademIE Rervblicii Pipulare Ramine. Institutul de Biochizaie STUDII SI CEPCY-TART Dk -1IOCHIMIE. Ducuresti, Rumania Vol. 1, no. 1, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accession Index (EEAI), Lc Vol. 8, No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. PUSCARUp D.; VONESANU, N.; OPRESCU, St.; DINU, I.; CIOCOIU, A.;,TANASE, L. Influence of colostrum on the development of young cattle. Studii cere biol anim 3.4 no.1:47-55 162. 1. Comunicare,prezentata de N. Teodoreanii, membru corespondent al Academiei R.F.R., si membru al Comitetului de redactiey "Studii si cercetari de biologie; Seria biologie animala." PUSCARU, D.,- VERMFZANU p N.; OMESCU 2 St.; DINU, I.; O-Oqqlp~,- A *,* TANASE p L. Influence of colostrum on the development of young cattle. Studii cerc biol anim 14 no-1:47-55 162. 1, Comwdcare prezentata do N. Teodoreanup membru corespondent &I Academioi RqP,Rqj si membru al Comitetului de redactie.. "Studii si core6tari do biologie; Soria biologio animala." CIOCOIU...F3.. Livestock ia.isings, win tasl: of agriculture in the Six-Year Plan. Problene 6603111+ no.6!61-77 Je 161. CIOCOIU, FI.; DAVIDo N. I Livestock raising, the most important way of increasing labor produdtivity. Probleme ecor.15 no.3:89-102 Mr 162. CIOCOIU Fl. -- , , Bovine animal breeding, an important production branch on collective farms. Probleme econ. 17 no. 6;87.-101 Je 164. CIOCOIU, Gh., ing. Glass fibers, their characteristics and articles made of glass yarns. Ind text Rum 34 no.2s55-58 F 163. 1. Ministerul Industrioi Usoare. A I 10 ILISEIV M.; CIOCOIU, Paulina; RUSU, R.; GEORGEMU, M. Equilibrium data on the eyetems consiting of C bydrocarbons and extraotive diatil1ation solvents. Rev cbimie ~Iin petr 13 no-4:3.98-202 Ap 162, :ACCESSION'NRt AP4039648 1,,/0003/64/015/005/0252/0256 AUTHORs Cioooiu, Faulina; Gotthard,, Fr.j- Mines, L; Russu, R. TITLE: Synthesis and applications of some molecular sieves. 1. Some proportias iand uses of molecular sieves SOTJRCRt Rovista de chimie, v. 15, no. 5, 1964, 252-256 ,TOPIC TAGS: molecular sieve, petrochemical application, persorption, alininum- uilioates, crystalline structures geometrioal selectivity, physical selectivity, 'persorption heat, purifioation, separation, pH, hydrocarbons, meroaptan, drying, monomers, inert gas, Ar. 11 sub 2S, H sub 2, 0 sub 2, N su~ 2, 0 sub 2, H sub 4. 'GO sub 2 :ABSTRACT: Molecular sievea are rigid substances with tridimentional structure e ;having pores and cavities rhioh allow selective penetration of atoms or moleoules ;of different dimensions. This first note is a short review of litarature on the osubjaot with emphasis on application on moleoular sieves to petrochemical industry. !ASSOCIATION: Institutul Petrochim, Ploiesti (Floiesti retrochomioal Institute) WO CIOC,-SATJ, I., ing New steps forward in machine construction and technology of bast-fiber spinning. Ind text Rum 12 no.11:441-1,47,N 161. 1. Filatura 118 Martial' - Gheorghieni. i I ,flax arid-hemp tibafkN' by A.Petresen, Ir. "Prooesaiw -jkacescu, I Revierwed- br, I. Moesan. Ind U~A - Ihm 14 no. 8:381-382 Ag163 PZLjr'.NIA Virpl., EID; java) ~--,rrzr. The Raion Sanepid in --,i=,.-u -'evalriii (Salicuidid raion,-a ati--,nu Severir) - (for al!) Bucicarest, Irriena Vol XII, No 1, J,-m-rC'D 63, pp 59-C-6. "Coments on -the L-lethods of Dctcz-:7j--,hig Carbon 6ulfidc, Chloro-picrine, and Phormhated -*Ib-CLroFcn in Cere!--,-, s L,-qd other Foodstuffs. (2) PATRASCU, H., ing.,* NITI. S.p ir~,; CIOCULESCU M .; HFWA., I, -,--,,-,-,ing tohn. lab.j MAGWI, 0., M., tehn. Jain. Moist lateral drilling as-an effective method of fikhting the dust rebulting from hole drilling. Rev ihizkA.3. no,.6t254P-257 Je 162, 1. Institutul do corcetari minieres, Petro9ani, k BASILAY V.T., prof.; VASILEWU, I.; FITARAU, A.; CIOFLEC, D. Serious staphylococcal sopticemia with cavernous sinus thrombosis and bullous pneumonopathy. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:25 Ja-F 161. 1. Clinics. de boli contagioass, Timisoara. IS GIOFLIGA, G.; 4AW;, C.; PUWA, Gh. Some structural peculiarities in the vein system of the metalliferous Stanija Mountains. Studii cero geol 7 no.2:329-353 .162. ILIESCU, 'lioleta; CIOFLICA, GianIna, Palynological study on the Pantellmon stone pits. Dari seama sed 49*Pt-1:113-118 161-162 (publ. 164). 1. Submitted December 13, 1961. C1[)FLICA. G. Geologic and petrographic study of eraptive formation in the Baita(Vala-Mare) region. P, 233, (ANALELE. SHRLk SUINTELOR NATURII. Rumania. Vol. 5, no. n, 1956) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (99AL) LO, Vol. 6. no. 7, JuIyI95"r. Incl. r 'IQ 107 Ic t~ .tur 71 th~ Y~t.iixr-maq orutian 2. "N" Data on tl-.- or or Eart-norn tbldswi a, Rrdruzl-p-ut Pn.?Iuno g roorgoAn! GP.5R-1017 I ch. nj:;~: ~~ a . P.Aly: np If-a. 3. of e-6 U,--r Ltn!ts of thq nle --a I.& t- 383c'm cir-U&Ims." ~.. 0. A pp 1~. "The Mc-ofaims 2r thA tl.!Arn- 3-rl~x in th^ vi,lnt--7 or J:bo~;," r.T. !APr; no 7-51. "C*ntrtbutions to tte -study o' tsto So-.#)re Mollwik and ,oh'mlOpr Paurz i: t!-- IL:.,-L d- SiR ~Ctur' U Fl-zlDn (-e)ut~,% U- at or Cluj), 3. zp ~5-63- r .6. Zeta rha of the Flloc.n. tho-ftrt"Inulul an- prmhov.. VnIlAys", M. ;;) 65-7c. 7. "U21071" ?a=.& of the ~41-jt-pirsova Hill" Aur~na U "SCIT; pt~ al-Sq. E "R, L 8. ;Contrlb~Alons to -.I,& 3tu:!f or tha Dlato=lcs In tlo ;C :%latmarl," 3. K?.ZSTZE; np rI-InO. :1, 31=n-= -zf th- rm~,~-anhlc. Sci-nc-s," rp M'G-or%)r-,*r4loticel O%s-r-^tIo= In thp Eow-r P~sla of thp 3"tou, Tr. 1C.XV; ~p 111-1-16. &I. *Th- Pl&trar.,3 and %M310n T.-v-1s o.- th- Carv!nfr Cumathimt dL-.d 3ut~-Carrathlmns (Mm- 3-ctor is-tw--n Else& Chl~jdulul In th,o '.lost or;d Clinau In tho Sast) Tr. rat"; PP IP7_11-3 P! .i:tr: I Iulul. 1~omr-hologlcaj Cons 1dora tions rl li--C 123- Contributions to th* G~movjhc lo vital St,ud.T of thl. ;olovrarl Cavos ilvia. IZLTU, 3.11vin !ZTV end 112 -CIOFLIGA, Gratian _-petrographic study of the eruptive formations in the C&zanasti - Giur4gyani region (i~mtii Drocea). Anuarul Comit geol 32:257- 423 962e, GOGALNICEANU, S.; GlOFUY A.; MITRILA, R. Iodine microdosing in plants. Studii cerc biochimie 7 no.2:191- 193 164. 1. 'IN. Balcescu" Agronomic Institute, Buebarest. Submitted September 26, 1963. IONICSOUp Mimes; CRACIUN., TeoM; 010FUl Angola .... ... "'-- Modification of chemical characteristics of agricultural plants -, by hybridization. Studii coro chim 12 no.91393-~97 164 1. Agronomic Institutes, Bachares-b.. 5-dul Maraati,, no.53. FODOR, 0., prof.; STANESCU,L.", dr.; COSMA,V.,, dr.; ITUJ., dr.; FRATILA,lv, dr,; HUIITFMU,Ps, dr.; ISCh"WARTZ^p dr.;_G~W,_qk., dr.; ILEA, V., dr.1 COTUL, S., dr.1 DMITRASCU, D., dr.; BORSAN, I., laborant Clinical and epidemiological research on the evolution toward chronicity of acute epidemic hepatitis. Med. intern. (Bacur.) 16 no.12t1505-1510 D 164 1. Luarare efeotuata in Clinics. a 1TI-e medicala, Institutul medico-farmaceutic, Cluj. FODORJP 0., prof;COSMA V., dr.; MUNTEANU, P., dr.; CTOYU Gh dr. Researeh on the relation between neurosis and ulcerous disease. Med. interne (Bacur.) 17 no.1:53-59 Ja 165 1. Lucraro efectuats, in Clinica. a 111-a medicala, histitutul medico-farmaceutic, Cluj, (director: prof. 0. Fodor). FlDRU, R., CIOFU, I.; GmPlli, E.,~ CIOATA, E. Contributions to the study of the neurophysiological mechaniaras of attent-ion. Ft.l. Rev psihologie 10 no.3t243-254 164. 1. Institute of Psychology of the Rumanian Acadeny, Bucharest. CIOFU, S. An Electraphrenic Exciter. Electronic Apparatus for Artificial Respiration. ELECTIROTEHNICA (Electrical Engineering), #8:451:Aug 55 BURGERIA. Th.,; IOACHD(, H.,; DIMITRrU, D.,; GOLDSTAIN, I.,; GIOIFU, S.,; DUVAN, S. Chronic experimental renal tuberculosis in dog. Acta mod. hung. 8 no.2:193-214 1955 (TU M CULOSIS. RE M , experimental.) RU14ANIA / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo- T gical). Blood Circulation, Heart, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 19582 97505 Author : Burghele, Th., Blaja, C., Ciofu) S., Momiceanu, D. Inst ; Not given Title ; Experimental and Clinical Data on Ventrilcular Pibrillation Orig Pub: Rev. raed. (RPR), 19562 21 No 3, 13-21 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 26 RUMANIA / Huran and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T logical). Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, 11o 21, 1958, 97496 Author : Ciofu, S.; Blaja, C.; Crivda, S.; Vlad, C. Inst : Vot given Title : Fibrillation and Electric Defibrillation of the Heart of a Dog OrIg Pub; Fiziol. norm. si. patil.) 1957, 4, No. 6, 553-563 Abstract: Resistance of heart of a dog at currents of 13-14 ma and 0.64-0.83 volts consisted of 40-70 ohms. ri- brillations were induced by electric impulses (0.1- 0.5 a), utilized for 0.5 seconds and longer in order to catch the heart during the period of vulnerabi- lity, For defibrillation the current with duration Card 1/2 24 RU14ANIA / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo- T gical). Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 19582 97496 of 0.01-0.04 seconds, current 1.5-3 amperes was utilized. If the impulse produced no effects it was repeated after a certain pause. Short, serial impulses induce inconsequential injuries of the heart and are much more effective than a single, long impulse. -- From author's resume. Card 2/2 CIOYU, S. Dr.; BLAJA, C... dr.; NDKICXAW, D., dr. Measurement of the electric resistance of the blood plasma. objective method of electrolyte balance In our .gery. Mod. int., Bueur..8 no.2:316-320 Apr-May 56. 1. I.M.Y.-Clinica I Chirurgicala-Director prof. Th. Burghele. (BODT FLUIDS vater-olectrolyto balance In surg., determ. by electric resist. of blood plasma) CIOFUP S., dr. Current concepts and methods of inveotiptiod in Soviet oncology. Med. intern., Duour '13;161-167 F '161.- (11COPLOW) -: (RESEAMill-' CIOFU, V. The industrial exhibition "Rumanian Planned Econo in Fun Progress"; a report. p.57. (ELECTROTEHNICA, Bucuresti, Vol. 1, No.'112, aan,xeb, 1953) SO: Monthly List of East European Accossions, (EEAL), L-C, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. CTOFUI V. Productive activity in the group of tbe Scientific Association of %ineers and Teabnicians in the Electrocabul Factory. p.60. (TECHROTEHNICAp Bucuresti, Vol. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1953) SO; Montbly List, of Fast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. CIGFU, Valeriu, ing. Contributiona to the introduction of the now technology in the electrotechniaindustry. Blectrotehnica 9 no-5:172-175 My 161. la, .13efU Serviciulmi Telmic D.G.I.E.T. 4in M.M.C.M. RADULE'T, R.; HORTOPAN, Gh.; CIOFU, V. . ................. ......... From the work of the Technical Committees of the International Electrical Engineering Commission at the 1964 Session, Aix-les- Bains. Electrotehnica 12 no.ll1438-442 N 164. C TOM I.P'A , a. 44 IE, iven Names COUntrV Ruinania Academic Degrees: -Prof Affi3iation: -not given- SOurc8l- Bucharest I Farmagia 9 Vol IX , No 7 v Jul 1961 j PP 435-438 - Datas "Professor Stefan Minovici as Organizer and leader of -the -Department of Ana.3,vtlcal Chemistry." OPQ 961643 Buohox" t I farw,~ 1 a I 'to 1. XNO of V'l h I. -k UA 0 11 I rim 3 J. 1v I --rxrc...t a X1110 21 I'LL 5h. I," PiQ r Gil, F-, m!I 13ZU. worA per- bo IM A. oh fa r.~ d T rul do C "-16 PazuItatit d- Farmaole), n1olAmazz; Ttmglisll Su~A~*Y; PP 2. *Corpar-~tlv. Study o: the M~,ttodv of Rz In Toxtaolozy " Prof I(. I~Ph= Ft"= Dr Oh I ~cm , pwrmt~r I . 10PA ilm L. A.R"-',:N5CU ;Lnd ph.m '.' . STAXI) --*- rfcm wloo~o= (:Atc---xvn-1 FV " . d. Vc-tTlo I wl do To "tcologle) of -'MMV7~oy (KI ?&=ul-1 t4til do Fa=sole) , B-icharmst; pp 263-266. 3- 'StuC7 o: swnrlowar 011 UsAll In ln~-ct4l>IA 0117 zOlutIO-4 (Note Z)," Prof V. FcA= A. F"-!1APAC,Pb.1- and prA= Work pnfranzz-at t-'14 ;"" H r5 a ~' =1 FhamnElra-T-Ttaboratorul ds F-ar-mnll Z:lenlc -aej.t~ of rhar--acy (al FomItsL*.JJ do Farmsaie), Cluj; Pp ',~,T-275. "7)*A Uontification, Dateminaulon and Uxtrazt1oll oil Allimmin f-vm Fqhawn vulaars L. ?!taits," Conr S. R t r -p~a ~=. ~.,nd p:..~ 71&r1 a. STANESM. 4.;r;- -n R=Md .1 the F--ar =.F.I~z.2ry t*rul do tal F&oultl ,I do Far.,jaciA) , Eng1jr.1% su=&ry; pp 'Dot-r--'rmtIon in Ban-A.;uno-As Yndi= of thm Aziropyrimo xnA VAronAl Cont~n~ In 'Verallrint P"rm Wrk 3-'T-11"N-TS andPrA~m 3. PRVC.114 -k ff.4,d 7nx-Crt-uM6 for the Sttta -WKUr*-l of D .=Z&-Ar-_cL at the Pbltr,--,az. z-m=t--=ttrr-fWntru cz=c lull Ca,.-cettrl FiLmAc6atice); AigUah Zu.-=axy; F, 233-237- *Comtrt--jt1on to t" Vad Of 746fins In the Drug Dlspon- I sir-& ~%&T-%RL7 In. the ClinI03 Of CIUJ~"FIOM V. r-BQRGZJ~511 ?to~m A. Fop-= 4-11 :'mrm L,. 14igll3h M---ii-a27ni ;~p CIOGCLEAP Gh.., prof. 02 the eve of the National Conference of Phamacy.Farm Rum 11 no.3.D641-642 N163. 1. Presedinte al Gumitetulul do organizare a Conferentei Wationale de Parmaciao i'jJi,!,cQjIA CIOGOLM, Gh., Professor. Chairman of the OrGanization Corxiittee of tho 1,1ational Conference on Pharmacy (Presedintele Corutetului do orgamizare a Conferintei Nationale de Pam, acie) Bucl =-est, Famacia -)3, D 1-642 _., No 1", 11ov ( pp 64 "In Preparation for the Nationall Conference on Flip-nnacy.11 GEORGESCU I.I.; TEODOIRESCU Gh.; VoIj,", V-; Radioactivity of the firot solid fallout in Bucharest$ during the 1962/63 winter, Studii cerc fiz 14 no.6:805-834 163, 1. Institutu.1 politehnic Bucuresti, Laboratorul de tehnica nucleara. Universitatea din Bucuresti, Catedra de structura materiei. CIOK, Janusz; VRONSKI, Jerzy The Barb&ra universal Instriment for measurements connected with blasting work. Wisdom gorn 11 no. 1/2:41-42 Ja-F t60. ITRONSKI, Jerzy., doe. mgr inz.;.CIC'K, Janusz, mgr inz.; KRZYSTOLIK, Pawel, mgr inz. The Barb~ra ROW-I fire-damp detector indicates, alerts, switches off, and recordo. Prregl gorn 20 no.10:Supplerrient Biul glow inst gorn 14 no.2-.21-22 163. WOJTOWICZ.Miocz3,s law; PIOCH.Rdmmd; GIOL-Terzy W, 1130 and 000 blood groups and their relation to gestric and duodeml ulcer and gastric cancer. -Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.20, 745-7147 16 Kv 160. 1. *Z :EI Kliniki Ghirurgiczuej A.Me.w Poauaniu; kierownik; prof. dr. Z)mn Draws. (BWOD GRDUPS) (PWTIC UICIR blood), (STOVACH IMMUSMS blood) WOJTOWIGZy Mieczyslaw; GIOK, J'92'ZY Development of cancer irl gastric ulcer. Folski przegl. chir. 33 no.7/.9;71,6--,48 '61. 1. Z II Kliniki Ghirurgiaznej w Poznaniu Kierolwnik: prof. dr R.Drews. (PEPTIC ULCER pathol) (STOMACH I-IEOPLAS143 etiol) MASTYNSKA, Maria; CIOK, Jerz-v Surgical treatment and Ito results lim-elderly patients. Pol. tyg. 19k. 18 no.28slOig-1022 8 ii 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM v Poznaniul kierownik: prof. dr Rman Drews. (SURGERY., OPERATIVE) (STATISTICS) CIOK$ Jorty Metastases in cancer of the colon according to data of the Seoond Surgical Clinic in Poznan. Nowotwory 14 no.l14l-47 Ja-Mr 164. 1. Klinlka Ghlrurgiozna Akademii Medycznej w Poznan:iu (Kierownik- prof. dr. med. R. Drews). MASTRISKA, Maria;_~IOKt 'Le!:y; PEZACKI,Zdz-Islaw REfeot of ligation of blood vessels supplying the liver and de- struction of the 1)*iitaz7 on the development of hepatic tumors. Pol. przegl. chur. 36 no,12il437-1440 D 164 1. 2t II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akadamii Medycznej w Poznanin (Kierovnikt Prof. dr. R. Drew-ar). DELAIRD DICAY OF HZA'7 YNAGUR)Cri'SM L, C" 4t. Dimas and t 1.ftula =j1LPoI"dY:-Nuovo elmento (9) .11, 431-44(1 54) Mai. 7TZ Anglish). Data c6neerning seven cases of production &Ad decay of unstablit =clear fragments are compaied, and dIfforent Interpretation discussed, In all the ioven cases the %matable 'tragmehis ikre produced 13 Interactions the energy of which In in the ranp irom a few to some tons of bent z~d which k correspond to more or lents central collisions of a neutral or singly'chargedparticle with a heavy nucleus In the tsmultsion. The life stole *! the unstable frawmeAts Is longer N thin io-ft sec. Th v e lion of the total energy'releasted Vitus in their decay is ccnsLiter!t with it unique Q value of 175 Mey: but hot with the Value cd 140 Mov. Energy distribution among the charged-Becondaries shows a mArked nommUctmir ty. In the majority of cases no zuesons are obderved to be ensitted among thW succindarles. -Considerft the two modem of decay of a V ~f particle within the nucleus, the Wesonle Wd non-maitoole decay, all the discussed featurets. "of'the sevin cases support the bound YJ bypothe" (auth) j CIOK0 P.,- STEGNER, A. An analysis of Aro-partici* detV in flight recorded in nuc3Aar emUion. p. 153. ACTA PHISICA POLONICA. Vol. 24, noe 1/2$ 19550 In English. wwaaawa. SOURCE: Zast European Accessions List (Ma), LC, Vol. 5.. no. 3,, Karch 1956 c 10 Tq mom May vi~wwl' all ,rw Deb= t i M6 zovit Its for" bien .......... S/058/62/000/008/024/134 A061/A101 AUT14ORS: Ciok, P., Danysz, M., Saniewska, T., Zielifiski, P. TITLE: On the azimuthal angular distribution of particles in high-energy interactions PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Fizl.ka, no. 8, 1962,. 58, abstract M114 (Rept. Inst. badah JgLdroW. PAN,\ '1961, no. 253/VI, 6 pp., illust., English; summaries in Polishand~ Russian) TEXT: The azimuthal angular distribution of slow secondary particles was analyzed for 37 nuclear high-energy interactions in an,emulsion (enerpr of primary singly charged particle > 1010 ev). The angular distribution observed is in'keeping with the assumption of azimuthal anisotropy. [Abstracter's note: Cownlete translation] Card 1/1 Lj4r4_63 ACCESSION NR: AP3001820 same track for~whieh is.. congruent::tcw 0. 14 mic.ron*sup -1. Analysis o~ the dis-- t.ribution of length of the ~ segments e sub epsilon deterte-nes the expont~nt coefficient, g,~~ of the gap-length-di'.stribution in a track iE alpha g 141 small enough and che statfstics relatively: large. A method is given to determine g sub plateau in plates exposed~only to.a_perpendlcular beam of fastparticleis of known velocity. , Dip angles of tracks for Vhich the method is rec!cimmende'd depend on s bi autbmatic ionization many-factor , ut it seens that thesit are - the cases when measurements cannot be,perfqrmed.~. The accuracy attainable.oti a track segment in a 600 micron thick emulsion is-of the order of 15-20%. "The author wishes to thank.Professor M Tia6y~z fior'hii helpful discussion, in _H, Ho8z Dr Zielinski. and, Dr. J. Zakrze ski for their valuable remlirks, Mrs and Mgr.--T. San ewgka f o help in measurements, Mrs. J. Bchd4nbwicz for,help in computations.." 'd equations. Orig. have 1 figares' L' tabla,~ aa 9,'numbered ASSOCIATION,:- :Enstytut Badan -Jadrawych, Warsaw CW-Ututd of Nuclear DATS SUBMITTED: 06JLug62 AR 03Ju163 OCL 00 SUB CODE, 'US NO REF SOV:. ~DTHERi 003 Card ? P/021/62/000/012/003/005 D289/D308 AUTHOR. 'Ciok,, Zbigniew TITLE: Nonsimultaneous short circuits in three-phase networkB1 PERIODICAL: Przegl~d Blektrotechniczny, no. 120-1962, 511-514 TEXT: An analysis has been given of the conditions of symmetry in 1'4 nonsimultaneous short circuits in three- phase networks and their dependence on X" (direct axis sub-transient reactance), X" (qua- d q drature. axis sub-transient reactance), X reac- .(Positive sequence tance), R, (resistance) and 0 (the angle of the instant of make). Mathematical analysis is given with., X" / X" XUiolw formulas when ' d for calculation of individual current-al.f,or, 1st9 2nd and 3rd shortedi. phases for a three-phase and two'phase~short circuit. Several,os- cillograms and numerous curves are givin for*e.mplitude the base of X /X1, angle at the instant of.make 0 and ratio'X1t/X" 0 d The analysis shoure that the non-simult~meity of short circuit has Card 1/2 P/021/062/000/012/003/0051- Nonsimultaneous short circuits ... D289/D308 a definite bearing on the d.c. component and, in certain ranges of the instant of make for single and three-phase short circuits, the d.c. component ia greater than the maximum possible value in the simultaneous short circuits. It18 concluded also that non-simul-,. taneous short circuit has no effect on.a.c. component prov-3ded that;'. there is no magnetic saturation anywhere In the circuit. With 8a-.. turation the a.c. component can increase up to 150. In networks having zero sequonce currents, with non-simultaneous short circuit in the neutral, currents exceeding phaBe,current may occur. The author concludes that inequality of sub-transient'reactances, which: for a large generator could be X"/Xn q d = 1.1 - 1.4, has negligible effect on currents. The d.c. component is affected and, in-the range X /X,,