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29106 P/o46/61/006/010/001/003 Solid - state detectors for ... D256/D302 pulse-height, the signal - to - noise ratio and the energy resolution upon the load resistanco and bias voltage, The best resolution observed was app- rox. 7%; however, it is stated that it may be due to a contribution from the thickness of the alpha-source. Professor G.N. Flerov is mentioned in connec- tion with the advice given to the authors. There are 9 figures and 9 refer- ences: 1 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc . The most recent references to the English-language publications read as follows: G. Dearnaley and A.B Whitehead, Nucleonics, 19, F 1 (1961); T.A. Love,, ORNL Report, ;016, 1960; Avivi and Vavin, Rev. Sci. Instrum. V. 31, N 3 (1960). ASSOCIATION: Instytut badafi jq~drowych PAN, Warszawa, Dziak techniki reak- torowej (Institute of Nuclear Research, PAS, Warsaw, Reactor Engineering Division) SUBMITTED& June, 1961 Card 2/2 CHWASZCZEWSKA, Janina~ C~WANCZEWSKI,_Stefan; DYBOWSKI, Kazimierz Silicon nuclear radiation detectors. Przegl elektroniki 3 no.6:349-352 Je '62. 1. Zaklad I-B Fizyki Jadrovej i Zaklad IX - Instytut Badan Jadrowych, Warszawa. CHUSZCZEWSKI. Stefan -- - Interaction of the high-frequency clactromagnotir.- field with the plasma cylinder. NWdeonika 7 no.6:369-377 162. 1. Institute of Nuclear Research,, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Department of Nuolear Technology. 'ACCESSIO N NR: AP4013318 P/0046/64/004/00110019/0029 AUMOIR: 'Chwaszczewski, S. (Iffivashchevski, Stefan) TIME; Probe measurements of characteristics of plasmoids from a coaxial injector SOURCE: KWdeonika, v. 4, no. 1, 1964, 19-29 T TOPIC TAGS: plasma probe measurements, coaxial plasma injector, electron temperature, plasma density, plasmoid velocity ABST%kCT: The coaxial Marschall-type injector (Marschall, J.: Phys. of Fluids 3. 135, 1960) u-as used by the authors for the study of plasmoid acceleration. The parameters of emitted plasmoids were measured at the trigger point. The dis- crepancy between re.-nats obtalned here and those of other researchers can be explained by the evident existence of two kinds of plamoids, namely slow and fast ones. A gas wave is infused into the injector throu,,?,,h a valve, 1diereupon a diz- charge takes place and the generated plasma is accelerated out of the tube by action of a magnetic field. 7he construction of the injector is shown in Fig. 1 of Enclosure 1; its operating characteristics are; supply current frequency - 210 kc, discharge current per volt of initial capacitor voltage - 6 amp (during maximum Card ACMSSION MIR: A-P4015318 of the first half-period), working voltage of injector capacitor - up to 15 kv- Under normal conditions, the volume of gas entering through the valve par pulse was found to increase at a fast rate with increasing valve capacitor voltage. 74e velocity of plasmoids was measured by means of two probes and analyzed on the oscilloscope. In addition, time-distance diagrams were plotted utich show the difference between slow and fast plasmoids. The electron temperature of ead, type was determined on the basis of the probe current-voltage characteristics. Me plasma density vas measured in a similar manner and calculated by the classical method (Lev, L., "Osnovny*ye protsessy* elektricheskich razr7adov v gazach" - Basic Processes of ZLectrical Discharges in Gases, Gos. Izd. Tekhn. Teor. Litera- tury*, Moscow, 1930) in relation to the ion velocity. The radial distribution of plasma density was established by means of five probes located within the central zone of the chamber. On the basis of all these measurements, it is possible to select the optimum performanco parameters for the injector. 7his, in turn, .-ill facilitate the design of a system for further plasma acceleration. "The authors considers it his pleasant duty to thank Lecturer 1. H. Podgorrq*y for suggesting this subject and for his valuable council." The original article contains 9 figures and 5 formulas. Card ACCESSION N.R; AP4013)18 ASSOCIATION: Instytut badan' jadrowych, Wydzial fizyki reaktorow (Institute of Nuclear Research, Department of Reactor Physics), Warsaw.Slwierk SUMITED: 250ot63 DAZ ACQ; 1~1%r64 ENCL: 04 SUB CODE: FH, SD No REP SOV: 001 0TRERt 005- Card 34t 7= 7~_ -052- rm b'. 65.,~ P50144i~dL_ ACCFZS3)DN-N.R:. *,A Y6/0046/64/W9/%1-/0897/09W,. Dybovski, W~U!12M AUMDR; Ch trzczewrk,,i,,. ~Sta f an,; itpUlSe'L at TIMI Neutrdn geAer Nukleollika, v0-- -9i noi, lla-12' L i964, -897-9W on, pulseL gen or/1GN-2W'pu1se* generator -~6PIC TAGS, rteutr drat .!A s tiae' 'Thi s oommunication' de'soribes mode1 IGN400- neutron impulse at L ~;enerator desigried -and -'built the Institute~. It is intended for ithe study of neutron diffusiot-in Multiplying~and moderating'media iThe vvide rangq of generatea-impulso lengths-end of their rato vf r~_f :petition make the instrument suitable for other applications too. The neutrons are produced:by -bombarding,a. tritium . target with ao- 'celerated deuterons; the neutron flux is modulated by modulating the "deUteron fl= in tile L accelerator. LThe generator output is 1.0 xieuxt- M, OS or eoondj,'their Mev,, the impulse width ran- Fons per get from 1mioroscoond..U.infinitys, their rate of repetition can v t from, 0 to 1.5 Xo. The apptxatus don ains an lon Source of -the THONJ; ~W'T, ~ne w-d is proVided~ivith a power supply, steering, cont~~~- CHWAT, M. -- Progress in the field of protective nutrition in industry with special reference to aromatic nitro and amino compounds. Mod. pracy 4 no-3-.223-228 1953. (CUL 24:5) 1. Of the Institute of Industrial Medicine (Director -- Prof. 3. Paluch, M. D.) in Lodz. PALUCH, M.; CHWIT, It.; PALUCH, J. Attempted application of conditioned reflex method for determi- nation of threshold concentrations of carbon disulfide in experimental animals. Acts. ptysiol.polon 6 n0-1:57-& 1955. 1. Z Instytutu HadycymV Pracy w Lodzi. Dyrektor: prof. dr B. Paluch. (MWLIM~ CONDITIOMM. determ of threshold concentration of carbon disul- fide in animals) (CAHBON DISULFIDN, toxicity. thrembbold concentratioRs in animals, conditioned reflex technic of determ.) ALICHNIEVIC2, Andrzej-, CHWAT, Stefan-, GAWINSKA-OSTROWSXA, J. pw_nft~~ -k-~tm---w'zws Polips of the stomach. Polski tygod. lek. 10 n0-8:230--233 21 Yeb 55. 1. 2 11 klin. chir. A.M. w Lodzi; kier. prof. dr. J.Ratkovski, i z II. klin. chore vewn. A.M. v Lodzi; kier. prof. dr. J.Jakubowski. (STCHACH. neoplasms polypi, diag. & pathol.) (POLYPI stomach, diag. & pathol.) CHWAT, Stefan Kidneys transplantation. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no-31: 1034-1036 1 Sept 55. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Lodil; kisrownik: prof. dr. J. Rutkowski. (KIDNITS, transplantation. CHWAT, Stefan Kidn~ya'transplantation. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no-32: 1063-1066 8-,,Mg 55. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirtargicznej A.M. w Lodzi; kisrownik: prof. di. J. Rutkowski. Panstv. Sspital Klinlemy A.M. w Lodzi, II Klin. Gbirurg., u1. Sterlings, nr 1/3. (KIDINIS, transplantation) CHWAT, Stefan; ZA M H. Henryk Intestinal obstruction in women after small pelvis operation. Polski przegl.chir. 27 no-7:695-696 July '55. 1. Z II Kl1nMChtrarg1cznsj A.M. v Lodzi. Kierownik: prof. dr J. Rutkowski. (IMSTINAL OBSTRUCTION. etiology and pathogenesis small pelvis surg.) (PELVIS small surg.causing Intestinal obstruct.) CHWAT. Stsfw% Val'ue of aspiration of the prostate. Folski przagl.cbir. 27 no.10:1003-1008 Oct. '55. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chirurglcsnej A.M.w Lodzi Kierowalk: prof. dr. -T. Ratkowski. Lodw. ul. Jaracza 4. (PMSTATIC. biopsy. value) (BIOPSY, prostate, value) CHWAT, S. - ------ Enlargement of urinary bladder with Real loop. Postepy chir. 3:75-83 1956. 1. Z II Kliniki CbirurCtcS,~j 4.M. w Lodzi Kier. prof. dr. J. RuWowski. . .1 (BLAIDIM, surg . substitute bladder with Real loop, indic. & technic (POI)) ,C_HWAT, Stefan ""Mm"WWW"w4m Diagnostic puncture of the prostate In cancer. Urol. polska 9:47-49 1956. 1. Z 11 Kliniki ChIrurgicznej A.M. w Kierownik prof. dr. J. Rutkowski. JIT-1 (PRDSTATE. neoplasms. puncture. diag. value (Pol)) tj RUTKOIMKI, Jerzy; CHWAT, Stefan; ADAMKI, Stanielaw A case of exc sion of pulmonary lobe due to a late 81~le netastasis of renal cancer. Urol. polska 10:99-107 1956. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Lodzi. Kierov(nik: prof. dr J. Fatkowski. (LUNG NEOPIASMS, case reports metastatic from kidney, nephrectomy & lobectoqy (Pol)) (PHIUMOUCTOlff, in var. dis. cancer, metastatic from kidney, lobectomy (Poi)) (K,0315' neoplasms metastasis to lung, nephrectomy & lobectom7 (Pol)) RUTKOWSKI,.Jerzy; CHWAT, Stefan Pakarenal tumors. Urol. polska lOtl35-148 1956. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Ghirurgiatnej A. M. v Lodzi. Kierownik prof. dr J. Rutkowski. (KIDIMS. neoplasms pararenal tuinors (Pol)) EX~MMZPTA IMUCA Soc.9 V61.12/4 1953 2384. PATHOGENESIS AND PREVENTION OF OCCUPATIONAL VESICAL TUMOURS - Patogeneza, i zwalczanie zawodowego raka pqcherza moczo- wego - C h w a t S. 11. Klin. Chir. A. M.. Mdt - MED. PRACY. 1957, 8/3 (159--~aMes 2 Illus. 2 New facts concerning the aetiology and pathogenesis are reported; the role of benzidine and beta-naphthylamine in the aetiology of occupational cancer of the urinary bladder is discussed in particular. During the period 1950-1955, 250 cystoscopies were carried out in 162 workers employed in different departments of an amino-dyes factory, which examinations revealed 4 cases of papilloma and 7 cases of cancer. After several years 3 patients had recurrences of the disease. 4 died. Among 30 workers in the benzidine department papilloma was diagnosed in 2 and cancer in 5. All other cases of tumour were found among persons em- ployed in other production departments, where carcinogenic factors were few and sporadic. depending on the kind of production. Among 19 workers exposed to naphthylamine, no case of tumour was found. The exposure period of persons with urinary bladder tumour lasted for from 4 to 30 yr., the latent period from 4 to 31 yr. Pre-cancerous changes in the urinary bladder were found in 20 persons. 6 of them being workers in the benzidine department. Clinical symptoms, the principles of early diagnosis. methods of treatment and prognosis of urinary bladder tumours are discussed. The necessity of technical and medical measures in the prophylaxis is emphasized. (M. 5.16.17) CHVAT, S.; PIETRASZUK, R. Conservative therapy of suppurations of the prostate. Folski prsegl. cbir. 29 no,1:39-44 Jan 57. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chirurgictuej A.M. w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Rutkowski. Lodz. ul. Jaracza 4.- AcIres autorow. (PROSTATITIS, therapy, antibiotics & drain. in purulent cases (Pol)) (ANTIBIOTICS, therapeutic use, prostatitim, purulent, with drain. (Pol)) KOZLOWSKI, Jan; GWIEZDZINSKI, Zenon; CHWASTEK. Marian Value of Schneider's medium in the diagnosis of Trichomonas Infection. Przegl,derm, Wares..47 no.6:487-493 N-D 160. 1. Z Zakladu Dermtologii I Wenerologil. Studium Doelmnalenia Lekarzy v Bydgoexczy, lierownik: dr J.Kozlovski. (TRicHomoxAs inEcTiors diag) CHGA WSKA. Cecrli& - - IMMEAMENNOWO"I"ft-. Thrombus in aortic &nsurpm simulating RMI&Ntin&l tumor. Polski tygod.lak, 10 no.24:810-ftl 13 June 155. 1. Z Zaldadu Radiologil A.M. w Lodst; klarownik; prof. dr mad. Vla4yslaw Trzetrzovinski) Lods.ul.&&%sxhof& 38 a. 24. (AUFMC ANEMSM, Complications, thrombus, sluilatleg uedisstinel tumor) (TIMHBOSIS. complications, aortic aneurysm with Intramural thrombus siftlating medlastinal aneurysm) (MIASTIMM, neoplasms. simulated by thrombus in aortic anoiur7sm) CHWIALKOWSKA, Cocylia; LIPINSKA, Hanna Case of pulmonary cyst with circulatory changes. Polski przegl.radiol.19 no.4:221-227 Oct-Doc 1955. 1. Z III Kl1niki Chorob Wownetrsnych A.M. w Lodii. Kierownik: prof, dr mad. W. Markert i z Zakladu Radiologii A.4. w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr mod. Trzatraswinski. Lodz. u1. Zamenhoffa 38 u. 2-4. (LUNGS, cysts, congen.,causing pulm.heart div.) (?U_TA0WM EDWE DISIASE, etiology and pathogenesis, congen.cyst of lung) ~r - 'YSTS, lung, c&uotng pulm.heart die.) CHWIALKOWSKA, Cocylia; XWIATNOWSKA. Maria Sypbylitic aneurysm of thoracic aorta with gastric cancer. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.8:370-371 20 Feb 56. 1. Z Zak. Radiologli A M. kier. prof. dr. mod. Vladyslaw Trzatrzewinski i z III Ki. Chirur. A M v Lodst; kier. -prnf. c1r. mod. W. Tomassowles Ladr, ul. Zamenbofa 38/24. (STOMACH, neoplasm*, with syphilitic aneurysm of aorta. (Fol)) (AORTIC ANNURTSM, etiology and pathogenesis, srphylis,.with cancer of stnmach. (POW (SYPHILIS, CARDIOVASCULAR, complications, aortic aneurysm with cancer of stomach. (Pol)) W I k C '-,L. A.; SMDIZKOWSKI , S. t,"IAWZ. H.; VOO ,4,09 AL VAt MA AW Case report of magacolon. Polski przegl. radiol. 22 no#4.,211-216 Julzi-Aug 58. 1, Z Zaklada Radiologil A. 14. w lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr W. TrzetrzewilA?- ski % III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Imodzi Kierownik: prof dr. 4 Tomnazewicz i z Zaklada Anatomii Patologioznej R. H. v Lodzi Kierownik: prof Dr. A. Pruazczyneki. (MIGAC01011, case reports x-ray manifest. & hiatopathol. (Poi)) EXCERPTA ~2DICA Sec 18 Vol, 41,2- Cardiolras. Di-~~. -'-eb 140 620. Difficulties in the diagnosis of aortic aneurysm i Radiol.; Allat. Patol., Lo k-Irr-l"Mil. 1959,21!2 (79 91) llltim;. '-,I '111CMIthOTSPITSCIlt a survey oft lie clinical, radii ilo-it-a Iwid pa t holog ica I-alla t signs given by aneurysm of ihe thoracicaorta. Among 29 cast...; of thiw:tricam.,i: ~;Il observed at axitopsN?, a clinical diagnosis had been cstablklMl. 0111V ill rl CA~k"~.0 had been susix-eted in :1 others. The authors prest-nt I I Ca.;cS of .nortic with diquepancies in tht- clinical nnd radi(ilogical diaplo'k. 1,111. pal li"llial. ill of the radiological examination of such cast-s art- pri-l- 11 tv'I ill (14-lail. Mm-ciiiiak - Witwlaw (X I V, 1.,~) C.FMIALK~SKA, Cecylia; WISNINRSJ'A-ROSZY,'TWSKAA, Kinga case of esophageal diverticulosis. Pol. przegl. radiol. 28 0.3.,257,159 1,V-Je 164 1. Z Zakladu Rentgenowskiego szpitala imeni Dr. K. Jonschera w Lodzi (Kierownik: lek. med. G. Clrwrialkowska) i z Oddzi&lu Vewneturznego 11 szpita-la imeni Dr. K. Jonschera, (Ordynator., dr. med. S. Multanski). ,i;(;' 'MRA', Jowina; GIIWIAj,KOWql'A-GW',ZD, Bozerot f, J 1. j ,~ -.1', . -... I I : I ".. ~ RehabUitation in a case of ectrome]Ja. Chir. rarsad. rup--i-u ortop. fol. 30 no.3:323-328 165. 1. Z Sanatorium Rahabilltacyjno-Ort3pedy-l~znego we V'razixilu (D,yroktor: dr. 'Z. Krynick-i). CZEM, Karolp mgr.; CHWIALKOWSKI, lienrykp mgr. Ubservations made on Danish pharmacy. Farmacia Pol 16 no.20: 4,25-428 0 161. CHWIALKOWSKI, Henryk Now methoclB for the qualitative evaluation of surgical plaster. Acta pol. pharm. 18 no.6:499-507 161. 1. Z Katedry Farmacji Stosowaflej Akademii ]4edycznej w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr F. Modrzejewski. (PLASTER CF PARM) CHWIALKOWSKI. H., dr.fam. The problern of pharmaceutical cadres. Farmaeja Pol 18 no.1:9-10 . Ja 162. MIERKA, Vladimir, dr (Czeohoslovakia); CHWIALKOWSKI, Henryk, dr farm. Ultrafiltering and ultrafilters. Farmacja Fol 19 no.7:136-137 10 Ap 163. CHWIALKOWSKI, Henryk, dr. farm. A certain experiment. Farmaoja Pol. 19 no.17/18:374; 25 S'63 -,r MIERKA, V:Ladimir; RRICHLEB, Milosm (Czechoslowacja); CHWIA,LKOWS-KI, Henryk. -k Preparing apyrogenic solutions V,ultrafiltration. Far- macja Pol. 19 no.19/20:401-403;25 0163. iq CIIWIALK(?dSKI, Henryk . . --r." ............... . ... Studies on the degree of swelling of various fibers employed for dressings. Acts. Fol. pharm. 22 no.1:43-48 165- 1. Z Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej w Lodzi. P2ZIDPUSKI, Stefan; CHVIALKWSKI, Jerzy. Nechanical obstruction following gmstrectoiW. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.40:1305-1306 3 Oct 55. 1. 2 oddsialo eh 'lrtLrgicszwch 8spitalm. In. J.Dabrowskingo w Plockm. Plock, Sspital, Klejoki, u1. Koscluaski 28. (STOKAGH, surgm, postap. Intestinal obstruction) (INTWINAL OBMMCTIOB? postgastrootomy) PRZEDPELSKI, Stefan: CHWIALKOWSKI, Jerzy Regional anesthesia In surgical treatment of acute intestinal obstruction. Polski przegl. chir. 27 no.12:1206-1210 Dee 55. 1. Z OddzIalu Chirurgucznego Szpitala Miejskiego w Plocku Plock, Sspital Miejski im. J. Dabrowskiego. (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION, surg. aneeth.. regional) (ANESTHESIA. REGIONAL, in various din. Intestinal obstruct. surg.) PR7RDFRISKI. Stefan; CHWIAlKOVSKI, Jerzy Treatment of perforated garstric and duodenal ulaer. Folski przegl. chir. 29 no.4:363-368 Apr 57. 1. Z Oddzialow Chirurgicznych Szpitala Hiejskiego w Plocka. Adres autora: Plock, u1. Kosciusski 28. (PVTIC UICIM, perforation, surg. (Poi)) PRZEDPELSICI,Stefan; CHWIALKOWSKI, Jerzy Dar experiences in the treatment of acute cholecystitis. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no-4t140-141 25 Ja 165 1. Z Oddzialow Chirurgicznych Szpitala Miejskiego w Plocku. PRZEDPEISKI, Stefan; CH-WIAIXOWSKI, Jerzy Subcapsular hematoma of the liver. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no.19. 55-56 Ja 165 1. T Oddzialow Chirurgicznych Szpitala Miejsklego w Plocku. BOROWSKA-LI04AN, J.; KAMINSKA, M.; CHWIALROWSKI, J. Staphylococcal, uleero-polypous endocarditis in a 12-month old infant. K Kardiol. P01. 5 no.2:123-128 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediati7cznej AM w Gdansku i z Zakladu Anatomii Patolo- gic2snej AM v Gdansku Kierownik; prof. dr nauk med. W. Czarnocki. (STAPHrLOCOCCAL INFECTIONS in inf & child) (ENDOGARDITIS in inf & child) MALECKA-D)MICKA, St.LEIWIALKOWSKI, J-j, ZIELIVSKA, A. Paroxysmal tachycardia. in a 4-year-old girl probably due to Ebstein's syndrome. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.44:1713-1717 29 0 '62. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych.AM w Gdansku; kierownik: prof. K. Erecinski i z Zak'-'adu Radiologii AM w Gdansku; kierownik: prof. dr It. Grabowski. (EBSTEDIIS ANWALY) (ZACHYGARDIA PAROXYSMAL) QW=YMKI, Jan . The export of pharmaosuticAae. Przem chem Speoial issue: 43-" b58* ClTj7wc~ P. Weldid frames for wheels of a mobile loading platform. P. 171. (Przeglad Spawalinictwa, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1956, I"hrszava, Poland) Monthly Index of East E)jrope,n Accessions (FEAI ) TIC. V01. 7,ho. 2. February 1958 X BANDURZI, Albin; CHVIROT, Roman Umsml case of post-tramatlc arterlovenous fistula of the neck. Klin.ocxna 25 no-1:49-58 1955. 1. Z Oddz1alu ChirargiczmV Swpitala Vajewodkkiego v Zielonej Gorse Ordymtor: dr. mad. A. Boandu ski i z Oddzialu OcsmV. Ordynator: dr mod. R. Chvirot. (AR19MM. CAROTID, fistula arterlovenous, jugulocarotid, tram.) (VIKINS, JUGULAR. fistula. artarlovenous, jugulocarot1d, traum) (FISMA. ARFMOTMUS, jugalocarotid. tnum.) CHWIROT, Roman A ease of Crouzon's disease (dysootosis craniofacialia). Klin.ocana 29 no.3:305-309 '59- 1. Z Iliniki OczneJ A. H. w Poxnuniu Klerownik: prof. dr mod. A. Kwaskowski. (HYPERTUORISM case reports) CHWIROT, Roman On methods or clinical d"termination of color of the optic papilla. Klin. oczna 32 no.4;4O3-V6 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ocznej Pomorskiej AM w Szczecinie.Kierownik: prof. dr mod. W. Starkiewicz. (OPTIC IMME) (OPHTHALMOSCOPY) CHWIROT. Roman Complete extirpation of a post-traumatic cyst of the iris adherent to the cornea and the lens. oczna, 33-so.l: 63-68 163. 1. Z Klini4 Gesuej Ponorskiej AN v Szczecinie Kierowniks prof'. dr mod. W. Starkievicz. (IRIS) (EYE INIURIES) (CYSTS) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) (CMUM) (LENSp CRYSTALLINE) CH'WIROT., Roman Histomorphological changes following experimental section of the optic nerve in the dog. Roczn. pm. akad. med. Swierczewski 9:293-308 163. 1. Z Kliniki 01-ulistycznej Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej Kierownik: prof. dr med. Witold Starkiewicz. (OPTIC NVRVE) (HISTOLOGY) (PHYSIOLOGY) CHUSTEK, A, Modernization of the carbide plzmt in Chorzow. Przem chem 4a no.10:598 0 162. 1 i CHWISTEK, A. Realization of the resolutions of the 10th Plenum of the Central Co=ittee of the Polish United Workers Party by the Ilitrogen Work in Chorzow. Przem chem 41 no.10-:598 0 162. MORZYCKI, J.;CHWISTIM V INORZYCKA M.;GEORGLUM. J.;KAWEMI, Z. Studies on poliomyelitis virus in human tissue culture, Red. do9w. mikrob. 5 no.4:439-448 1953. (CD41 25:5) 1 1. Of the State Institute of YALrine and Tropical Medicine in Gdansk, < MORZYGII, Jerzy; CKWISTICKA, Viktoria; MORZYCKA. Maria Studies on polionveliti-i'viins in human tissue culture. II. Galture of poliorqolitis virus Brunhilde and Leon. Had. doav. m1krob. 6 no.4:359-366 1954. 1. Z Instytutu HadycM Morskiej Akadeeii Medyeznej w Gdansku. (POLIOWILITMVIRUS. culture, tissue culture, human tissue) (TISSUR CULTUM, culture of polio. virus. human tissue) Ow. 0 N QvIcitycittatain. Stefan KryAski, Wiktoria Chwhte T11 t - a B d d R ur w r an u Morskrej, Odifisk, Poland),' U~ grd DildZia i Mik ro- . 7 -Ing on a 165-57(1935).-Baciaux PUMIUS groll .1, lucose-potato, Medium at 28* produces after 12-24 hts, an . I cannot 4wdblo teuila f 1). wi th mix. yield after 72,,hrs Im extd1k 1 1r dl ro dl ad r th iti h - . e on c a m eme s um; y :coal. r luted with 1luOH, and purified by the couritercurrent disUibutiou method. I decomp. below lDD* is yellow und h Toscopic, stable In 1130 soln.. insol. In * thcr, CHC4. e ys _~4"tone, -satd Deatcae, PrOH, and BuOH, sol. In HO, HtO t aMethylmestyLol. 1Imnofreta=1novAd groupb or S. 4(;~;.Uot ppt. with protein-pptg. agents has p05. nin- ' hydria renedua contains 8% N, and HCA hyyDl:rzate after In as ; 181 A 7.RoaminoW. Intravenously 10 tug. I does not 4.7 Aite micf~ 1. Z. R 7----- - -Z 7 "7 4 AaZ 91111 intiblatfe, tras otizainva ripea,glucose-potato bmth in- Emulated at 28'~wltljjLaLVI~. which. hnix-ever, djA vot krugmt malto--c'er )~Y~?Pst! and Ilvdroirzed grjatfa to 1]jV.13tCrj tP J)'rl 9.,'y VF Ith ITTated with 2'7-,, rictive C. the activity clutt-,l With R1011, concd. bv vacmum distn.' Purs led by ad'.nflition ml alulli'll'a. elujewA w1th I fl(), and fIllij kjr Sjjbiccj(d to C-Mig Mloter -cur- Itat distribmitin,% with thii ph2set HI,O &itd. with rhOll and MON --.1td. wit'l Hirt 11:10 a rillept'ximt vra% 01,16DEl, Mter trinlIvIrl; Pholl. Atoll, nt-.d C-Ol, the minple %r,i.% refri;cr.,ttuJ and Frum I J.of culture npplol.. 8 rnx~ ;GI purc trWn was obtaint-d. It n-s 'pale yellow, 1.,~rmlcss, very hygroscopic, hmt lahtle In the JrNr Elate vrith greater stability in m1n.; was inscil. In M10, ClICII. fwtr. ether, Wttille, Coils, l3ijOH, Proll; w1. In MORI, MOIR, 1110, PhOH Batil. with M.-O, ethylene glycol; had tic. free avid (,;- Nil, gratips; was riot ppt,l. by Cu, Pb, RCi'K~L-L air, Na tungitatp, pivric seid: had nD S. had 87-e N. 7_S% aminu N, pvt p~_. ninbydfin tmt. dL%Iyz~d through 11 aAludirn ina-itimrat, w" timusitive to trypsin. -.1i'lItly i-nctivated by ~-rnrn I4111litly toxic, nut hernolytit. asailm, Skildh. S"71mondla, Trww' p)-rew.? nir. awrews. non-btraolytiv strrpto. Coe.-I, It %Twt actilfe against Shifella dystrarriatri Psotro W 1. Affinity of poliomyelitis virus to fatty tissue. Bull. Inst. Marine Trop. M. Gdansk 7:P.58-59: Russian tranal. p.59-60; English tranal. p. 60-61 1956. Z Panst. lust. Me&. More. Trap. w Gdansku. (POLIOWILITIS VIRUS, culture, tissue culture, affinity to (TISSUN CULTURE, cultivation of polio.'virus, (POI; Rua: Inglieb)) (FATTT TISSUE, affinity of polio. virus in fatty tissue (Pal; Ras; English)) affinity to fatty tissue tissue culture (Pal; Rus; English)) CHWISTECKA, WIktoria; LALKO, Janina; BUTLER. Anna Preservatinn of the reserve tissue material for inventigations with poliomyelitis virus. Bull. Inst. Marine Trop. M. Gdansk 7:62-66: Russian tranal. p. 67-70; English transl. p. 70-73 1956. 1. Z Panst. Inst. Mod. More. i Trop. w Gdansku. (TISSUE CULTURE, cultivation of polio. virus, preserv. of tissue (Pol; Rue; English)) (POLIOMYELITIS VIRUS, culture. tissue culture, proserv. of tissue (Pol; Rue; English)) ACEPTTA MEDICA See 4 Vol 12/1 Yed. Yicro. Jan 59 232. HIBERNATION OF lie-La CELLS INFECTED WITH POLIOMYELITIS VIRUS - Chwistecka W. Inst. of Marine Med.. Gdansk - BULL. INST. MARINE Z --1"7. 811-2 (21-24) Graphs I Tables I HeLa cells infected with type I poliomyelitis virus strain Ursula were kept at different temperatures. The cultures kept at 36* C. were destroyed in 24 hr. Those incubated at 32* C. showed the final effect of destruction on the 2ndday. At 28' C. there was a pronounced cytopathological effect after 7 days. Room temperature (20*C. ) was critical for the HeLa cells, both inoculated and control cultures perishing after 7 days. Infected cultures which were kept at 4 0 C. for 14 days showed no cytopathological effect. When these tubes were transferred to 364 C. no signs of degeneration were observed in the next 3 weeks, although the evils were susceptible to a repeated Inoculation with the same strain. Versteci; - Leyden (L,4) C, HW Allq? 1~111 f I*- ~10 ~-",;-;, IALKO, Janina; CHWISTBM, Wiktoria Tissue culture of human He-la sarcoma with application to studies on noliomyelitis virus. Bull. Inst. Marine M. Gdansk 8 no.1-2.25-30 1957. 1. Z Instytutu Madycyny Morskiej w Gdansku. (TISSUB CULTURN of Hela calls for polio. virus research (Pol)) (POLION73LITIS VIRUS, culture on Hela cells, tissue culture of cells (Pol)) GEORGIAIW, .1 Ob~iSft=, W. Attempts to obtain immune sera from rabbits for poliomyelitis virus diagnosis. Bull. Inat., Marine M. Gdansk 8 no.1-2:31-34 1957. 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku. (POLIOMLITIS, immunol. immune sera from rabbits for polio. virus diag. (Ras)) 1~1,p' IS 7-,E (2- Nt~/ I, i'- ii?li GSORGULIM, Jermy; CHWISTBCKA, Viktoria Attempted proftation of immune sera on rabbits for diagnosis of poliomyelitis virus. Bull. Inat. Marine M. Gdansk 8 no.1-2-*35-36 1937. 1, Z Inutytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku. (POLIOKY'BLITIS, diagnosis, serol., prod. of immune sera on rabbits (Pol)) r """won Applioation of glass cylinders to the colorimetric method for in- vestigations on toxicity. Bull. Inst. VaTing M. Gdansk 8 no,1-2;49~50 1957. 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Moreklej w Gdansku. (GOIDRIMMY, appar. & instrawnts glass cylinders applied to colorimetric method of toxicol. research on living tissues in vitro (Pol)) L fi VV I -" rill , W, CHWISTECKIL, W.; IAIKO, J. Preservation of tissue material for investigations on -DoliomWelitis virus. Bull. Inst. Marfiie M. Gdansk 8 no.3-4:189-193 1957. 1. (From the Institute of Marine Medicine, Gdansk). (POLIOKTILITIS VIRM, culture freeze pre-P. of human tissue for virus culture, technic) 11 CWWIS7ECKI, Stanislaw, ina.; SZUBA, Wiktor, mgr inz. Application of economical steel swedges in electrical assembling engineering. Wiad elektrotechn 28 no.7:221-222 Jl 161. 1. Elektromontaz PRIC-2, Katowice. GHWISTEGKIS Stanislaw, Lz=.; SZUBA, Wiktor, mgr i=. App2leation of e0onomical steel swedges in electrical assembling engineering. Wiad elektrotechn 28 no.8:256-257 Ag 161~ chWisL-k ejepajoijou of Nilroux Oxide by Thermal'I)CCOtilposlilou ,01rzymywanle , podtlenku. ozotu drogzj termiunego roaJudu va- letry nmonowep. Przernysl Chom1my. No; 2, 1054, jpp. 87-90, 3 figs. A (lenctIplion is riw~j of the decompotition of technical ammen! w Wiviiie, by dirout of melted sa)t, and In a Luutinuous procesi by .:'Vitroduoing 7u 'if,- aquoous solutitm of N114NU3 into the mixtire of XN03 4und NaN03.: 1,rv. addition ~ to the:main' inctidn, soine v.lde* reac- Uonr were obserml, resultIng. Jn the. formation of higher . n1truL:ell oxideq und nitric iddi From the direct decomposition was obtained gas runimning 1115-61b of ~ NLO, ~ and from the continuou,; woeos3 - Wit of N!~C-;- The optlinum 'lemperaturo of decolnPosillon on a labom,tory =10 -,yus folindto JjL intluence of Cl, Was on the The r-italylic 4ft-Llwpr,,.;Won of NffjW0;j,Nviis Investigated, the obscivation L,011g, madv tlt,,,t 11-v- T,u-sE:rlcv- of -anal) quantliles of Cl' Ions in a reaction Inedilun vavioq ilw i~kludifirium ki the direction of side reuctlunr. CITKOJNOWSKI.L.; RUNGE, S.; ANDRZMEWSZ1, T. "Infectious Bronchopnewnonia of Foals." P- 507, (IMEDYGYNA IWITERrIZARYMIA, Vol- 8, No- 11, Nov- 1952, Warazaws, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of Eivopeen Accessions, (EEAL), Lc, vol. 4, Vo- 5, MaY 1955, Uncl. CHW0QJQWSKj. As; RUNGE, So; DZIUSEK, To "From Anatam-opathologic Casuistry. 1. A Calf, an 2. Serous Cyst of the Hepatic Capsule in a Calf* in a Dog.) yo 302, (REDYGYNA WETICRYNARYJNA. Volo Itarazava, Poland.) Octoped Monster. 3. Sarcoma of the Gum 9. No- 11, Nov- 1953. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EFAL). LC. Vol* 4. No* 5, X&Y 1935. Uncle Country :I-OLAITi) catc,&Ory :Goncral Biology. Individual Dove lo nment. F(-rtillzation%. Abs. Jour :R-,hBjr)j., 1-10. 3, 1950, 1-10 '~6691 c !r I, o 7., 3 4u . A P-11trAt.' --vl 3 in a Rabbit-. 0 -P IP u b . A 1,12. t ra c L PCIAM/Gencral rrobimis of Pauiolocye Txmorse Experimental u-4 Inierapye' Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol&., No 20, 1958, No 9396o Authors :Chwojnowski, A*'; Wedrychowicz, St. Tnst Not 10-en. Title Patholo(;ical ahd Anatomical Casuistry of Skin Tumors )f the Goosei Orig Pub Mede wctcryn,p 1956., 120 iio. 14p 233 Abstract No abstract gLven Card 1/1 CHWOJNOWSKI, A.; LOSINSKI, T.; MIUBEK, T.; WHDHrCHOWIGZ, St. (Poznan) Milk ring test of the milk of cows immunized in adult age with atrain 19. Rocz nauk roln wet 70 no.1/4:213-215 160. (EUI 10:9) (Milk) (Cattle) (Immunity) (ABR test) r P 0 L X-141D CHWOJNOWSKI, Alfons, Prof. Dr., Director of the Chair of -J~cohy_7~iene~a e ~ra Zoohil-,,ieny) of the IVSR [,.-iyzsza Szkola Rolnicza, Hi-her School of Agriculture] in Poznan "Conditions for IncreasingNilk Production of Cc ws. b7arsat.-Lublin Nedycyna Weterynaryjna, Vol 19, No 3, May 63, Pi?- 229-23~. Abstract: Revi6i-rin.- findin.-s in this field, the author urZes improved living conditions for cows, such as pleas-' a.iter sheds, sunshine, good care, better utilization of existing feed supplies, prevention of disease or nervous upsets, and frequent pregnancies as means to increase milk production of cows, as well as the proper training of suf- ficient personnel to brin.- about such conditions. There is no listing of references, although names of Soviet and Ulostorn researchers in the field are cited in the body of the article. L 36555-66 EWT(1) 1(e)/EkVT(m)/EEC E"VP (t)/ET1 IJP(c) ACC NRt AP6015761 /V) SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/005/'0766/0768 AU771OR: Anaskin, I.F.; Stoyanova, I.G.; Chyapas, A-F. Ono: none TITLE: 'Pn electron interfergrLce microscope and electron interferometor based on the UwV-100 electron microspol)07/Report, Fifth All-Union Conference on Electron Miaosco hold In Sumy 6-8 July 196a/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya fizichoskaya, v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 766-768 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscope, interferometer, prism ABSTRACT: The authors very briefly describe an electrostatic biprism attachment for a UEKIV-100 electron microscope, which makes it possible to operate the instrument as 'tInterferometer or as an electran'interference microscope'~,Thel- an electron lectro- static biprism consists of an approximately 1 micron diameter quartz fiber with a metallic coating Pmaintained at a positive potential of a few-volts. This biprism to- gether with a slotted diaphragm is mounted in the electron beam. For use as an elec- tron interference microscope it is advantageous,to niount the biprism, as close to the objective lens as possible. It was possible to achieve satisfactory operation with - the biprism as close aa 3 cm, to the objective gap. Photographs are presented showing ',','H/%V.1."'/JD - - --------- L 36555-66 ACC NR: AP6015761 the interference fringes obtained in the measurement'of the thickness of a film, and in the measurement of the contact potential between lead and chromium. For the latter measurement, lead was deposited on part of the chromium plated quartz fiber. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. -1 SUB CCDR: 20/ SUBM DAM 00/ ORIG REF: 001/ OrH REF: 006 L CW-4 CMA, E.; CHUDACEK, J.; MIOLEK, J. Production of high-pressure vessels. p. 208. STROJIME"'SKA IM013A. (Ministerstvc, tezkeho strojirenstvi, M-nisterstvo presneho strojirenstvi a ITIdnisterstvo, autono'biloveho pruWslu a zenedelskych stroju) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7, no. 5, May 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (MU), LC, Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 19159. Uncl. VITOVSKA, J. 10C ~Ie Traumatic aneurysm of the central mesenteric artery successfully operatad- on. Gesk. gastroent. vyz. 15 no.3:183-188 My 161. 1. Ghirurgicka klinika LFH,, prednosta prof. dr. Emerich Polak Ustav patologicke anatomie LFH, prednosta, doe. dr. Josef Stolz. (MESENTERIG VESSELS vds & ini) (ANEURYSM surg) MALINA, Lubor; CHYBA, Jiri An unusual case of multiple Malhefbe's epithelioma with scrotal localization. Cas. Lek. Cesk. 101 no.15:464-467 13 Ap 162, 1. Dermatovenerologicka klinika v Praze-Vinohradech, zast. prednosta MUDr. Q. Hornstein. Patologickoanatomicke oddeleni v Praze-Vinobradecb, prednoeta doe. dr. -T. Stolz. (SCROTUM diseases) CHYBAP J.; JIRAN, 13. Mixed-embryonic tumor of the liver in an adult. Cas. lek. cesk. 101 no.35:10?0-1073 31 Ag 162. 1. Chirurgicka klinika fakulty hygienicke KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. E. Polak. Patologickanatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty hyg-ienicke KU v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. J. Stolz. (LIVER NEOPLASMS) (NEPHROBLASTOYk) HAJEKI S.;,GRMORA,jZ.; STEFAN,.J.; KRAL, Z.; ChYBA, ;.; RUZICFA, L,,; DOBRKOVSKY, M.; DMEZALOVA, J. Analysis of 147 fatal thermic'injuries~ Acta chir. plast. 5 no.39193-204 t63. 16 Medical Faculty of Itygiene,,Gharles University, Prague (Czechoslovakia) Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine Directort Doc. j. Stolzr, M.D. Department of Health Organization, Ybdical Faculty of Hygiene, Prague Director: Prof. F. Blaha, M.D. The Burns Unit of the Clinic of Plastic Surger-r, Charles Universityk Prague Director- Academician F. Burian. (BURNS) (MORTALITY) (PATHOLOGY) (ACCIDENT PREVENTION) DVORAj. .-Vaclaw; 'SGHRRI Bedrich; -HOVOTITY, Antonin; CHYBA, Jiri Thromboombolic com ications, in malignant tumors. Acta Univ. Carol. [med. (Praha) 9 no.5t4O3-414 163 1. Forodnicko-gynekologicka k1jnike, lekarske fakulty hygie- nicke University Karlovy v Praze (prednosta: doe. MUDr. J. Fadoveo); 119 interni klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v Praze (prednosta: prof. 14UDr.J.Syllaba), a Ustav pro patologichou anatomii lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v Praze (prednosta : doe. IAUDr. J.Stolz) SCHREIBER, B.; NOVOTNY, A.; UVOIUK, V.; CHIBA J Thromboembolic disease. 11. Thromboembol# complications of myocardial infarct. Oas. lek. cesk. 102 no-5:125-130 1 P 163. 1. 11. interni fakulty hygienicke KU v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Syllaba eko-gynekologicka klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. J. Padovec Ustav pro patologickou anatamli lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Fraze, prednosta doe. dr. J. Stolz. (MYOCARDIAL WARCT) (THROMBOEMBOLISM), (ANTICOAGULANTS) LORENC) J.; JIRAN) B.; SKALA, J.; SEIR, A.; MISAK, J.; CIIYBA, J. On the prevention of postoperative pancreatitis. Rozhl. chir. 43 no.8:533-539 Ag 64. 1. Chirurgicka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. E. Polak, DrSc); rentgenologicke oddeleni (prednosta prof. dr. R. Blaha); Ustav patologicke anatomie (prednosta doc. dr. J. Stolz); lekarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy University v Praze a Oddeleni kli- nicke bioch6mie fakultni nemocnice v Praze 10 (vedouci MUDr. J. Opplt.). SCHREIBER, B.; DVORAK, V.; CHYBA,J.; NOVOTNY,A. Thromboembolism. 111. Pulmonary embolism as a cause of death. Vnitrni lek. 11 no.2:3.13-119 F 165 1. 11. vnitrni klinike. lekarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy 'University v Praze. (prednostat prof. Dr. J. Syllaba); Pored- nicko-gynekologicka klinika LPH Karlovy University v Praw (prednostat doe. Ehr. J. Fadovec) a Ustav pro patologickou anatomii WH Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta: doe. Dr. J. Stolz). Cjlijj~SKY' J. ~ Praha 10, Srobsrova 50) KREJCI, D.; CHM~,, ~. Chiari's disease. Cas. lek. Cesk. 104 no.51:1381-1386 17 D 165. 1. 1. klinika nemocni vnitrnich lakarske fak-ulty Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. V. Jonas, DrSc.) a Ustav patologicke aziatomie a hostologie lekarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta doc. dr. J. Stolz). Submitted December 1964. CZECHOSLOV,A1CIA uDc 616.233-006.6-033.2:616-419-006-443)-0794 I V'REIBER, B.; OPPLT, J.; Pathological and Anatomical iiYBA, , J. ; S C g Institute, I-led. Fac. of Hygiene, Charles University (Patologicko- Anatomicky Ustav Lek. Pak. Hygienicke 1M),iPra.7,ue, Head (Pred- nosta) Docent Dr J. STOLZ; 2nd Internal C nic Medical Faculty-of Hygiene, Charles University (II. Interni Klinika Lek. Pak. Hyg. KU), Prague, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr J. SYLLABA; Biochemical Dept. Fac. Hospital (Biochemicke Odd. Pak. Nemocnice), Prague 10, Head (Vedouci) Dr J. OPPLT. "Bronchogenic Carcinoma with Metastases into Bone and with ' Hyper- Dlasmogenic Reticuloplasmacytic Reaction of the Marrow." Prague, Casopis Lekaru CesIcych, Vol 105, No 41, 12 Oct 66, pp 1100 - 1106 Abstract ZA-uthors, English summary modified,7: A fatal case of the disease is described; an increased number of reticuloplasmacytes was found in the bone mar-ow, with some plasmablasts and si,-ns of anaplasia, similar to hemoblastic growth. Bone tissue was invaded. Uroprotein was detected in the serum, and in the exudate myelome paraprotein. Connection with malignant growth is discussed. 15 Figures, 31 Western references. 14s. received Doe 65). 42 - CHYBA, Lubomir Ligation of an &wmalous hepatic artery as a complication in intra.- abdominal surgery. Poo, hl. chir. 40 no. 8: 552-556 Ag 161. 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni KUNZ Karlovy Vary, prednosta prim. dr. V. Wachtfaidl. (HEPATIC ARI CHrBAp L. - 1-1--,"-, 4 The presence of double acute abdominal incidents in the same patient. Rozhl. ebir. 42 no.6:1+12-416 Je 163. !*'~ (ABDOMEN, ACUTE) (INTESTDIAL OBSTRUCTION) PERITONITIS) (PEPTIC ULCER PERFORATION) ~APPENDICITIS) (PANCREATITIS) (INTESTINAL PERFORATION) i all on IV. AT Mic tic -1121 PrZie, L C 1./. 471" -Ste vk 01 lie t'f %1 1101 wrtefutivid J(4glw pcger w"Djultv-61'Ita.~ -~ctiii,i t1vits khtihn X i~ikt. oi I nuole t lc 11IMbs R. the:cryst.- N%I ~S;Jlt filtcrcd X% ith suctitall. Ilailed brat! 3; nith SCO nil. EtOlf nd' 1.10 ml.- conv%i. 11CI (or SUO X111. Zal"j' IM-111'I'tOll), 01c Vitcl filti'mi off, With Aw-~~k,~j Willi :.W~ iiii. ritiOlj, ~114.11ir fillrile jjrjurM into 0 1. 11-0inve So,~ E'f rsirr'oEl. ill. "11-2' (from W" EtOH)~ -( rolois OU --esVs, Vi re , ' I ~O lilt, H3 1 10 -fluxitig 110 man. mth 25 ~HiQfl'aaud 'M Ot '0411 01-0111 of Vi%ith t1w r6ffesivilding 110 vollip'l. Ill tile followhil 6-tch (in.p. wid V yicld~ Me ?jIfrj 13' W. 'Bis eslrr, -44'i W~; -Ain cstr;, 51% M. CYCI ~4v)Tcslrr, 94- (from Me,r-Cl), Li.1 2k 6q; and Ph ester, )04'50 (froth RtOll),, 18. 'rhe:'A1rsCII'CH' in, 80* (frolil, 1106111CL- was.prepil.-i 68%,, icld by rtiltixing 0.03 -IthO.Sg.N'r"nWxrA.EtO[l3OvTi ., tit I itb t% in tr in %% 9 fjOnole IITC-9CH;CH2Cl iii 40 aid. 13011, reflu4ug 5 lars., a M! toll, li~-Xpg. the hig iSff the w;Lshin ~ it n-ith ah- E Et,C,,, i7:151111ig evalig. the ether, and crystg.:the prod tIN ter of 1 (0.02 nitale) ullolnd to ittAnd 10 d4 witbi OXXI mole of the tualmi in 60 Till, MR (Miaho'l A), -rrftA~O j,) 60 lilt I'li'Me %vith onotropic rcintivrt! of MOH blid b xpx ji-sla ft , t hm, se: r4etw 6S.9391 Sem. MA -nTt 111! I D! W-- 4 -5' 16 Win -Oprom stkdng an und" d IjAotsu~lt 4 mte that the 6-2 hAt h t 4l A d6i 0j . i ic ves , ng t e p tyl)barbftti~ add. -m 42 ACC NR; AP7003276 SOY.111CE, C'O)-)]--': PO/0045/66/0:30/OOC,/O:jz.'i/O,'),"'I AUTHOR: Chybicki, Al. ORG: Physics Department II, Gdansk Poly' 'echnic, Gdanslc-Wz-zeszc,-, (Politcchnika Gdanska, Katedra H Fizyki, Gdansk -Wrz eszcz) TITLE: Ionization currents induced by alpha radiation in liquid hexane and hcptanu SOURCE: Acta physica polonica, v. 30, no. 6, 1966, 927-931 TOPIC TAGS: ionization, ionization current, alpha radiation, hexane, heptane, hydrocarbon, electrometer ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to find the dependence of the ioni2ation current intensity on the activity of alpha radiation and efficiency of charne collec- tion in liquid hexane and heptane as a function of the electric field. The reSUIL~s oi measurements of the intensity of ionization currents induced by alpha particles from 239pu in hexane and heptane are presented. The effect of simultaneous ionization by alpha particles and gamma radiation from 137Cs has been inves~:;.,,rated. The dependence of the ionization current on activity of the source of alpha radiation'- LCard -1 2. ACC NR: AP7003276 was found to be linear. A detailed description of the measuring apparaLus is available in a previous paper [Chybicki, M., Gzowski, 0., Z. Phys. Chem., 1966]. The currents were measured by the compensation method with the use of a dynamic electrometer made by VEB-Dresden. The author expresses his indebted- ness to Prof. 1. Adamczewski for indicating the line of research, for his attentive advice and discussion during the performance of the work. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [Based on author's abstract] [WA-095] IKSI SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 18Jun66/OTH REF: 004/ 1-Card 2J2 CHM4,j~. TECHNOIA GY periodicals: RUDY Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1958 CIMIK, J. Contributicn of mine research to the solntion of tectonics of Barrandim. p. 298. I M onthly List of East Eitropean Accessions (EIIAI) ILC Vol. 8, no. 5 I-lay 1959, Unclass. ' p 10' 1 l d t 160 th t h OAM Roll I l JI O Ailvi estrt ir lets Of nicotinic Zdev6k 1. VejMdi, VA lutic e o til . . coo n Wit , S Hmvi6 Cbyboviii, rind TOm (Farm extd. With MO. 504, cxtd. again with Acleliflod with dil. HI, ' blo, Chem. LWy 47a.45-58CI953); ' EtgO, and the exts. weredritil with NvjlSO,and Jistd. The ' 0' C.A nerca op 11 esters 47, 11 101i.~~-Mubftituted Zi pt I yI ; 11" (icids And of RSIf are listed; 1, 82, 3&45 1 1 cotinic -rofmi Reid were prtpd..b~j~e following seritis of reac- I ' - V 6a " DO-8 0o IUr 41P 65-7 IV 6 '7O : '147-'62'-' V1lI 'b, i70-00" 114-161 VII 84 M 60 A %tX (X o. haui 0.&.S%, Cl, Br) -4 RSC(: 1411)1~41jllx ~4 ' , , , , , , ; I),; xi, 68" 143-6%. , IX, -W.; X, Doll 167- 85, 168 SH Pukiii'mm . RSCH,CIlACC:CH,CH:CJJ. -bis WOO; 3M, 5L th 13W- XIV 42 b XII. 85, , % . I ~~1 mole) was flod'., 120-50. (C UCHICH1011 (OX"i 1 luole Na In N; %Ill OID of 0 : illu l 1 ! b l (60 ) t N:CH. Sonte of the esters had a considerablc:peripheraF . . . s ow 1 .1. o A o . it S y ? Itaicd M wht,, the Lt- UtOll and 0.1 moln USH, the mixt. vasodflatation effect, is-Welt was hIghielt With R Me, And. ~011 distd. off, NaCl filtered, washed with tbrce 10.1ni. J'Orm; jolvest with R - Cj#H.. The! branched ulkylsifliowed the tibna of Molls And thefiltrate evapd. wid disid, in vccul). Same effect as the straight-Chain alkyls, and cyclohexyl, ~Yltllds and b.p./mm. of ItSMIXI-110" are giveil: * RX(0,11' approx. the same effect as Ph and pyrldyl. /12; IV, 75,, -5*6atm -3 383 11, 75, OV/15: BY, 04, n i mole) In an equal vol. of EtOH was dropped into R suspen- ing of 0.1 mole CS WHA in 40 ml, boiling HLOH. the mixt. 105 1 V, 65, 101 to: VI, so, 110-12 110; 18011 I , 85 (tn. IX, 6, 137' 1 l 68 133 o ' * trillixed 6 fin., tho volatile compris-were evapd. in vactio, /12:: X11,80 142 1 2-3 63, 4 /14, 67. 163-5 l 8' w 50' 50 1 1 i M t M XIV 63 140 afl l Ihe residue was allowed to cm. tallize, mul thp crude iso- - - - e,- om l ; 67, p ) ; 1 -2 -Ot) 0 f 13t0 D~ RkHOM (0 thiuronium sattit ivere crystd. front 146CO-petv. etheri and . foul in. ,l 03 mole ul tiuoyl 'hiurhic it w tit 0 Ivas tuix )l 25 .1 c In I their. picmtes frotti HIO R. X, yield, of the IIX Its And le-rates git,M: M (Tf OM04 011 IOD-201* . l t iinl6inl.,Cilis,refluxed3Outin,,cxtd.witlitt%tce25-t-nt, )ot-' . . ~'!! F',' 87 92 0' 9% -- -ixt~-P; (111~ - F, B, :tIonstill. HCI (1:3). the soln. of the ester It . iti zcd: .0 - , , 'Br 100* 68,40; 170*; iso-ha ffi 99 04 RU U), Br t ivith 2D% NatCOs, extd. with HtA and the ext. 41st . ift i , , . , , , '07'. 167-8 -1- iso~Atn JVI) Dr 94, 83-5% 170-1.1; C&MI, T Dr 107-9- 01 481: e C1 VIII) 94 Wn varua; tbe picrates of the esters spere prcpd. by prag..svill tpicv!L acid, the HCI salts by pp(j. with lIC1 in EtjO R1 , , j , , 0 , S 93, .100-2 , 174-501 A Cyao I V 0 Q yields, b,p./2 mm. of the tster, and m.0s. of Ow, 1301 1054 E2 I d IjCl Wt list M E d) , - PhCuicirs h XI), C1. 92, 149 ' 1" ft e. s are e , , ; , - 138' 144' 100* 11 09 111 06 .02, 09-100 ) Br 021 180-1 PhICH (XI -' - ' bb I 6 F j j 1 . , . , . . : , 17- --- IV 79 1460, FO*, --; V M 140" I W -8 RO ;CH:N.CH: 1I.CII, 7 C.CH, (nV) 7, ; , , ' 0 It Vill 07 V , 77" 173 78 45 , , .(B)RSC(zNIf)NJ1j.HX (0.1 mole), yag. r(Ouxed 2 bra. ,.47' (front ligoloc) 209 04% WO', IX, 71, o * " X XT V b all-D . M. I (picrolollate), fit t , l l , , 7- f4' m :.i: I la, Will- im biocheTn' ~ 'Mtlllri tv Ph Lill 47, 575 M).-L. terifirmiol wid (11 Odell 65-t- Whiefir(-acted i6th litidn's toji,rill wilide-1 or Ig act' I kh t v%n ellhi.' A mixt. of I uiolL ~1-10(~oH4:kr, 2 mok-si (Rtoco)j~ and 113 g. Xa bi,'AJ nil. M01 heatud 3 firs. ..-it W-70' the cv~st_ Na salt filtered with _~iiction, hoilcil dh 80 till: 11(011 a '140 Till. coned, 110 (Or litiCIN it rid jtlj`9l`R'ial--;254/D-.iTCI iivEtOR),`the- Nf Ci filtered-off; %vi 1 7 riitc j)(Jured into 6 1 Wit" With-2DO nil.,EtOll, ~wd the filti 14.0 g:iVe SG-37,,'Et zvler of 1. rn.' 71-:'-' (from 50% EtOIJ);- Ilydreilyiiii of 10 g. r liv refinxiiig 00 Jilin, uith 25 nl: AltOlf-and 25-0- IICI gave 8.2 g. (95')ji in. 23S-40" .4tcrific Am -3*jdu-6uipa') (froill Etoll).i H a li 611 i6th the comsponding 110 minjid. in tbo jjrv~xocv tit j 11 So I-Ave the foliowhill cstm (m.p-and 'Ile rSjrr 4". Q~ -iso-Alnester; 51', 60: cyelri-, 13" 76 Bit ester 4 S; W.CO)j tiI,,,2N)- 591 Ullft Ph citcr, -fol-av ur'11111,010i-I& -The Urklilelli eiter, m. 809 (froill, llooinc),- wris prepd. iii 53r,,, )i0d by refluxins; OAl mole I with 0,8g. Na-in 60 Jill, Molf 30111W.j tr6itingwit] OA tric,16 1iTeSCHzCII%CI in 40 fid- EtOll, w6mcing 5 hrq., -filterulgolT the INTLO, washing it %~-ith abs. HtOfl, evapg, the. so -1due in Rt- -ashing a o drynes%, dis Tviiig t1o rts .0, u :i wi it o7v 41COli -evitfig. the ether, and trystg- the prod- W The F t estcr of 1 (0.02 rito1c) allowed to stand 10 da~q With OM Til6le of the ft"llue. in 50 nil. M1011 (methad A). -Yelluxt-d. bi 60 rul..PlMe with azetitrople t)-hinoval of EtOFI (m4hod 11), or intIft Ld with the an title at I 10~20* (nj ethchl C), :.S:tvL: thumida of I (Ole imjiu~t; niethad %vield and tit ps- H A): .4, 79'L 207-6'1 21041 C, W, 266-V (from RtOH)J; Xarninopyridine, A, 45, -OM*- 44minopyridine, A, 39, 250~4*- NI-IM3, B,' 31,. 84 220- i~m. Hi~dtjt;k 7 a III It, xW'I II I I Ia I I it 1) 11 j 1 t4.1 1'. 1 it V, I~ 1 Fri a Tin, ailbors have %vorlic.1 out a iv,%v int1hod of hoafing and venl)- 1;,(In.,_, Third Clm_; railt-vay under noth Meant mid e!CvtrjC traction, Owing to the high paraineters of the healing (nettir. the use a convmOr healing syslem N suggesteJ. In such v. systern, the tem- -d by changing, by ineam, of ti vaWc operated by peraturu Is regulair, I lever, the amount, of air flowing through. the air convector. A pres- surized venlilation systvin was employed in the ranipartment, using -axial.or vinirifu gal fatL,;. The tit Me also contains it dewription of OIL air healing ipparatui;, how to regulate the ;v-lr temperature, rind of the mannev In %Wch th6 air ii; drawn from the atmosphere and filtered. - ------------------