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. : I I . . . v . . .- . .1 - . G I, - -', *- Shl i khcvc-* nin I ' z AnQlvsis of or-a qjj!re,-, Ic )vw . . . ; - . I vedochnol I rendezic'.heskci 1,4 j ~ -ry, 1057- ( 'I- r, - Cyr.4 QE19 CH T,~vk . " A ;-'14.nerp.lo,ricp! lmllljsis (-.f cre slimes 9nd orc. ccncentrqt~,s :Z~-,/c Keol. lit-ry. I-Q5C. 17" r,. (51-217(0) QE-~C'7- C4," CHUTIVA, M.N.; SHMLIWKOV, I.V., redaktor; BABIVMZV, N.I., rodaktor "IMM.'stya; POPOV, N.D., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. (Practical manual on classIng minerals by means of gravity so- lutions and salts] Praktichaskoe rukovodetvo po rasdelanitu mi- neraloy-v tiashelykh shidkoettakh t soliakh. Moskva, Goa. uauch- no-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr, 1954. 52 p. (Mineralogy--Classification) CH=VA H N dotsent. =-=Ala Method of determining minerals according to streak and chemical reactionse ZapeLenegor-inst*30 no.2:221-233 '55. (HLRA 9:7) (Mixeralou. Determinativa) 15-1957-3-3022 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 82 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chuyevap M*-No TITLE: The Color and Brightness of Minerals in-Light from a Mercury-Quartz Lamp (Okraska i svechenl7re mineralov v luchakh rtutno-kvartsevoy lampy) PERIODICALti V'sb-. KristallogrEcfiya. Nr 5, Moscow~' M6tallurgizdat, 1956, pp ~69-286 ~&BSTRACT: In order to develop a method of identifying minerals-under the light of a mercury-quartz lamp(PRK-4), observations were made under a number of physical conditions. The minerals were investi- g4ted in unnlter'ad violet and in ultraviolet light from af 'portable mercury-quartz lamp using a PRK-4,sourceo Reflected, absorbed, and transmitted rays.were noted under the hnfiltered light in Card 1/3 15-1957-3-3022 The Color and Brig~tness of Minerals in Light from a Mercury- Quartz Lamp '- addition to the change in qolore It was noted that fluorescent minerals were stained violet under the filtered ultraviolet light because the visible violet light passed through the filter along with the ultraviolet light. In unfiltered light, the most characteristic change in color occurred in those minerals that are red or dark blue in visible light. Thus cinnabar and realgar turned black and dark brown, and dark blue covellite became violet* A distinct change in color in characteristic of limonite; it turns a bright greenish yellow in the unfiltered light, reminiscent of native sulfur in color. The changes in color of the streak may be diagnostic. For examplo, the cherry-red streak of hematite becomes black in unfiltered light, Some minerals may be distinguished by thetact that they fluoresce clearly even in unfiltered light. Minerals with metallic, semimetallic, and adamantine Vater shine more brilliantly in the unfiltered light Card 2 3 15-195'7-3-3022 The Color and Brightness of Minerals in Light from a Mercury- Quartz Lamp from the mercury-quartz lamp than they do in ordinary light. Minerals of native metals and of suifidesp which have metallic laster and possess the metallic chemical bond# do not exhibit fluorescent effects. Sulfides of the ;phalerite group, which contain Zn and Cd and lack Fe, o fluoresce. The only native element to fluoresce is diamondo Carbonate minerals that fluoresce are schroackinge- ritep hydrozincitep aragonite, and calcite; of the phosphates, autun~te and apatite fluoresce. Calcium tungstates and molybdates characteristically fluoresce clearly. Of the 6ilicates with separate silica tatrahedronal zircon and willemit* show a characteristically Intense fluorescence, Silicates with chain structures (pyroxenes and amphiboles) show practically no fluorescence. Silicates with skeletal structure fluoresce"only weakly, Fluorescence is generally not present in the halogenides" except for lead chloride (cotunnite) and.fluorite. Card 4/3 G.A.G. CM=A, S.A. I"D=T PRODUCTION OVELECTRON POSITRON PAIRS BY HIGH Fli-ERGY ELECTRONS" S.A.CHuyeva, A.A. Varfolomeyev, R.I.-Gerasimova, L.A. Makaryin2, Ap.P. Miskakova, A.S. Romantseva, G.S. Stclyarova.V.A.Auma-Van, The cross-section of direct production of electron-rositron Pairs by high energy electrons was measured experimentally. For this purp"se, a study was made' of isolatted electron-photon cascades and the photon component of high energy nuclear interqctions in emulsion stacks exrosed to idiation in the stratosphere, In order to exclude svurlous cases of direct pair production, which constitute the main difficulty In experimental me surement of the cross-section of suchpairs, the calculation was carried out b the Monte Carlo method. The calculation was mnde-for three values of primary electron energy:. 10, 100 and 1,000 Bev, taking-tMo consideration two possible variants of the Bremsstrahlung spectnLm: Bethe-Heitler and Migdal variants (Landau-Pomerachuk and Ter-Mikaelyan effects). A method for d6termining the enprV of ultra-ralativistic Aectrons from the lateral distri)--ution of the apexes of electron-positron pairs is suggested. During the experimental measurement of very high electron energies, certain possible sources of underestimation were elimirdhedd. The cross scetion - direct pair production by high enerFy electrons was found to be in agreement with '18babba's ealculation within the lbmits of experimental error. report presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow 6-11 July 1959 C14u S/627/60/002/000/024/027 D299/1)304 AUTHORS: Varfolomeyev, A. A., Gerasimova, R. I., Gurevich, I.I., HakzrLinat 1j.A,,j_Romantseva, A. S., and Chuyeva, S. A. TITLE: Electron-photon showers with energies of 11 11 - 10 13 ev. in nuclear emulsions SOURCE: International Conference on Cosmic Radiation. Moscow, 1959. Trudy. v. 2. Shirokiye atmosfernyyo livni i kao- kndnyyo protoonsy, 299-306 TEXT: A detailed investigation was carried out of 15 electron-pho- ton showers with energies 10 11 ev., at low depths. In contradis- tinction to other works, ih~e results are compared with those ob- tained for cascades by the Monte Carlo method. Six amulsion stacks were used, with total volume of about 10 liters. In 5 of the stacks of emulsion P-H14Kf 14 (R-NIKFI), the grain density of relati- vistiv 61actrona was 30 - 35 grains per 100/A. The enerry E r of primary quanta which generate the shower, waa determined from tjAV Card 1/4 315h1 Slectron-photon showers 3/627/60/002/000/024/027 S D299/D304 number of cascade electrons of energy higher than 6. = 300 Flev, at a depth of 2.5 3.0 to. A table lists (for comparison) the values of BP obtained by the Monte Carlo method and by formula 1 2X 2 R = -1 T'- 145,0 + 1n P-1) 0 + 140 x jj (1) where x is the distance from the pair vertex in cm; this formula is semiempirical and represents the ratio of io4iiation losses of I pairs to those of relativistic electronei the ionization loaaes are due to mutual shielding of electron and positron fields. In the ex- periments, particular care was taken to detect the vertices of the electron-positron paireq formed at depths 1.5 t After determin- 4 0- ing the lateral shower distribution, the energy of the electrons of the pairs was measured by means of multiple scattering (to an accu- Card 2/4 315h1 3/627/60/002/000/024/027 Electron-photon showers D299/1)304 racy of 20 - 30%) for energies of up to (5-7)-10 ev. The total number of pairs formed at deptha