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KLTACHKO, Yu.A.; CHISTYAKOVA, Ye.M.; LABUTIYEV, N.D. Vacuum chromatography for the determination of gases in metals. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.31:87-88 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Gases in metals-Analysis) (Chromatographic analysis) KLYACHKO, Yu.A.; CHISTYAKOVA, Ye.M. - --- .1 - ". - Determination of gases in chromium. Sbor. trud. TSNIIGHM no.31i 114-116 163. (KRA 16:7) (Chromium--Analysis) (Gases in metals-Analysts) KLTACHKO, Tu.A.; IZW.OVA, T.A.; CHISTrAKOVA. To.M. trud. Tcj'NIICHN no-31: Det!praination of gjases in tungsten. Sbc* 133-434 163. (MIRL 16:7) (Tungsten-inalysis) (Gases in neials.-Analysis) TIKOSHENKO, N.N.; IZMANOVAp T.A.; CHISTYAKOVA, U.N. Automtic determination of gasso in steel by meana of the exhalogra EA-1, Zav. lab, 31 no.9slO68-1069 165. (MIRA 18-10r 1e TSentralinyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy i-wtitut chernoy metal- lurgii imeni Bardina. CHISTYAKOVA, Ye,M., Cand Phys-Math Sol -- (diss) "Application of the method of terminal differences to the solution of mixed problems for certain hyperbolic and parabolic equations and if - systems. Len, 1956, 8 pp (Len State Pe& Inst), 100 copies. CKLP 1-58P 114) - 7 - PIMI, D.A.; KOZELITSEVA, Y.F.; CHISTYAKOVA, YO.M. Method of forecasting the mean monthly air temperature anoway based on.the consideration of types of procevocs.observed during the preceding months. Trudy TSIP :po.109:1a-,5~ I'61, (NM 14:5) (Weather forecasting) !ACCESSION NRI. AP4005078 S/0032163/0291012/1425/1427 AUTHOR: Klyachkoo Yu. 'A.; Itmanova T. A.; ~~IAXyAk&y TITLE1 Determination of the oxygen, hydrogenj and nitrogen contents in tungsten. niobium, and tantalum SOURCE: Zavodskaya laborstoriya, v. 29, no. 12, 1963, 1425-1427 TOPIC TAGSi tungsten, niobium, tantalum, oxygen determination, vacuum meltingo tantalum carbides, tungsten carbides, niobium carbides, nitrogen determination, hydrogen determination, vacuum fusion method I -.!ABSTRACT: Because the conventional vacuum-fusion method with iron Ifluxing bath for determining oxygen, hydrogen. and nitrogen in metals iis not reliable in the case of tungsten, niobium, tantalum, and their Icarbides, a new proce'dure, applicable to these metals, was developed. For tungsten, tantalum, and niobium, the iron fluxing bath is replaced 1by cobalt, nickel, and nickel, respectively. The use of cobalt and !nickel as fluxing metals provides higher fluidity of the melts and iquantitative evolution of the gases to be determined. The concentra- Ition of the analyzed metals in the melts should not exceed 30%. The I C,rd 1/ 2 ACCESSION NRs AP4005078 fluxing baths are degassed at 1900C. for 10-15 =in, and liberation of the gases is carried out at 1750-1800C. With the nickel fluxing bath, i i oxygen is determined with a relative error of 2% in niobium and 5% in tantalum. The procedure In also applicable for the determination the gases in the carbides of these metals. Orig. art. has: 14 tables. ASSOCIATION: Tsentral'ny*y nauchno-issladovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgli (Central Scientific Re'search Institute of Ferrous Metalhirgy) .SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: CH ;.C :~ o% S;T~ 0 o-.zia syndrcme in children. Pediatria (Bucur~ 14 no-111-5 Ja-F'65. 1. Lucrare efectuata. in Clinics. do pediatrie nr. 1, Institutul medico-farmaceutic, Cluj (Sef de sectie: prof. A. Iancu) si Jn Clinica de neurochirurgie, Cluj (Sef de sectie: dr. St. Iacol). CHISU, 4exandru,; FUFEZAN, V., ing.; POPAI M., ing.; POP, S., ing. i On the increased durability of the bridges and molds in operation. 14etalurgia constr mas 14 no.3sl93-199 Mr 162. 1. Institutul politehnic, Cluj (for Chisu). 2. Intreprindeiaa metalurgica,, Aiud (for Fufezanq Popas and Pop). I"Cu. Axente.. prof.; LUSTIG, T.; CHISU, A.; TMA, L. The long-sight proposis of chores. minor. Rumanian M Rev. no.2:50-52 AP-Je 160. (GHOREA diagnosis) Sir jp Iv 25(5) MM/9-11-4-6/43 AUTHORS: Chigut Ll., Nagineer, Albu, T. and Pop, Stefan, Engineers TITLEs Some Aspects of the Wear and Limit-Lubrication in Zinal Journal Bearings PERIODICALs Metalurgia ji Constructia de Mayini, 1959, Vol 11, Nr il pp 287- 290 (RML4NIA) ABSTRACTt The sliding bushings made from zinal, cast and processed at the factory Ill Mai Ploesti, Rumania, have been tested in heavy-duty oper -ating conditions7 at high specific pressures of 40 to 150 kilograms per sq.centimeter (569 to 2133.5 psi)p and low speeds of 315 rpm. The plotting of the temperature and friction coeffi- cient against the time gives picture of wear in various tests, figures 1 to 5. It is noted that after a smooth increase there is a sudden variation to a maximum temperature and friction coeffi- cient, followed by a decrease to a stable value. The maximum tem- perature observed vas 590C (138.2 F) which indicates no danger of jamming. The authors also tested the Journal bearings of zinal Card 1/2 under limit-lubrication conditions. They explain the formation of RUAI/9-11-4-6/43 Some Aspects of the Wear and Limit-Lubrication in Zinal Journal Bearings the limit layer qualitatively. The experiments were made with a lubricant corresponding to Rumanian standard 413STAS 751-49, of 130 Engler. The authors conclude that under the heavy-duty opera- ting conditions (2130 psi) the bearings tested had remarkable qualities. They affirm that zinal is as good as bronze or other antifriction materials and it has the advantage of being cheaper. Limitations for zinal izinc-aluminum alloys) are imposed by acid mediums and temperatures over 1200C (248 F). There are 7 graphs, Card 2/2 1 diagram and 1 table. R/oo8/62/o13/o06/oO5/OO6 Ao65/AI26 AUTHORS: _C4ig~, Marop, D., Albu, T., Hulpe, G.., Mateipanu, D., Daly, A., Szabo, A. TITLE: Contributions to the investigation of the wear of gears by means of radioactive Isotopes PERIODICAL: Studii pi cerceta"ri de mecanic's, aplicatA, v. 13, no. 6, 1962, 1,549 1,555 TEXT: A C060 bolt, 3 mm long and 1 mm in diameter, was introduced into the tooth-face of a gear of globular pearlite cast iron, while the gear was then sub- jected to a long-period test in a universal gear testing machine provided'With a closed circuit lubrication and a Geiger-MUller-counter. The radioactive parti-_ cles,.retained together with the *wear dust by the oil filter, were detected by the Geiger-161ler counter, whereas the impulses were counted in 1/2-hour inter- vals. The qualitative wear curves,-traced on the basis of this method, chow the- evolution of the wear depending on time caid load.' Presented are then the cali- bration process used for the qualitative estimation of the wear, as well as the Card 1/2 Contributions to the investigation of .... R/006/62/013/006/005/008 A065/A126 calculation of the wear of the tested gear. The precislon of these measurements is limited by the statistic character of the radioactive disintegration. In the case of the conducted experiments, the atatistic error -varied between t 2% and T 5%. These preliminary experiments compiled in a tabli present the result of. the wear test, depending on time and load. The testso)nducted by the Institutul politehnic (Polytechnical Institute) In Cluj, the Laboratorul de radioizotopi, Institutul de fizicK atomicg (Laboratory of Radioisotopits, Institute of Nuclear Physics) in.Cl.uj, and the Uzinele % Mai" ("i Mai" Plan-,,,) in*Ploiepti, will be continued. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONS: Institutul politehnic (Polytechnical Institutj in Cluj (Chipu, Maro~, Albu, Hulpe, Mateisanu, and Daly); InstitutLI de fizica atomicX (Institute of Nuclear Physics) in Cluj (Szabo) SU&%=ED: June 16, 1962 Card 2/2 CHISUS, k.,;.MAROS, D-; ALBU, T.; HULPE, G.; MATIESANU, D.; DALY, A.; VEM$ A.; SZABO, A. Determining the wear and tear on oogwheels by radioactive isOtOP00- Bul stiint Polit GluJ no.5-.217.4!23 162,, It Inatitutul de fizica atomica GluJ (for 3zabq), M -CliTS-V.,,.,Al,pxa,nA3zit,,.conf. ing.; FUFEZAN, V., ing.; POPA, M., ing.; POP, S., ing. - I. Contributions to theincrease of durability of bridges and ingot molds during exploitation. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no. 3:193-199 Mr 162. 1. Institutul politehnic, Cluj (for Chisu). 2. Intreprinderea metalurgica., Aiud (for Fufezan, Popa). CHISUP A.; MAROS, D.; ALBU, T.; HIJLPE, Gh.; BOGDAN, M.; MATIESAN, Dorina; '-"'IYALYP- A.; VERES, A.; SZABO, A. Contributions to the studies on the wear of spur gear wheels with straight teeth made of nodular graphite cast iron with the aid of radioactive isotopes. Bal stlint polit Cluj 61213-223 163. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics, Magurele (for Szabo). BUSILA, V.T., prof.; VASILESCU, I.; PLACINTA, A.;_qHISU, VI. Staphylococcal epiduritis with meningitis gnd consecutive paraplegia. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:32 Ja-F 161. 1. Clinics. de boll contagioase A Serviciul de neorochirurgie, Insti- tutul do medicina, Timisoara). .11 it ..~!ITADZI, T.S. Gauses of the formtion and dyrAmics of artow avalancbes in the Dartall region. Trudy Inst.goofIF-AN GMx-SSR 17:527-541 '58. (KM 13:4) 1. Institut geofialki AN GmSSR. Tbilisi. (Dariall mion..-Avalaimbes) CHITADZE, V.S., Cand Phys -4,-th Soi -- (dies) "Formt~ition and movement of snow slide ii the Great 6:,ucasus. 11 1W ~bilisi, 1959. 24 PP sv 174Z X.'M 4 , ~ i~- 4:,4 S4 -Fo; "4~ze 4, , 11~ I ; I - , V, ;P W~-el Ellbrus expedition 00 of the Aond Sci USSR. Inst of Geophysics of 4 the Acad Sci C-borgian SSR). 150 copies (I:L,37--,,9, 106) / 0 CHITADZE, VIS. Formation of avalanches end their controls Trudy Thil.NIGMI no,9&100-106 161. (MM 150) 1. Ellbrusakaya ekspeditsiya Institute. rikladnoy geofiziki AN SSSR. (Caucasus-AvalanoheZ "ITh SWIRO. S-Ye.. dotsent, Ispolayayushchiy obyaswincet, save&yushchego: RMINOT, Ta.A., chlen-korrespondent Akademil nauk 'PadshOmkoy SSR, direktar; GHITAKHOVA,.M.S., saslushennyy vrach Tadzl2ikskoy SSR, glavnyy vrach. Iffect of different methods of specific viocins therapy upon the degree of selieltivity,of patients affected by brucellosts to intravenous YaGaiiiation. Zhur.aikrobiol.spid-A law2n. no.8:43-47 Ag '53. (MLHA 6:11) 1. Klinika infektolonnykh bolesney Stalinabadskogo meditainskogo instituta na b&2e Stalinabadskoy gorodskoy infektolonnoy bollnitsy (for Shapiro), 2. Stalinabadakiy ditsinskly institut na base Stalinabadskoy gorodskoy Infektalonnoy 'Qgl':eitsy (for Rakhimov). 3. Stalinabadskaya gorodakaya in- fektsionnays, Initsy (for Chitakhova). (Brucellosis) (Vaccination) KIROUNOVA. A.I.; CHITAKHOVA, H.S. Joint conference of research institutes on the problem of influenza. Zdrav.Tadzh. 6 no-3:41-42 My-Je 159. (Him 12: 11) (INFLUBM RISWCH) usm/cultivated Plants. Medicinal Plantsa Essential Oil Plants. M Poisonous Plants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-13iol., No 17, 1958, 77906. Author -_ Ch List -fill-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Synthetic caid Natural Perfuraes.. Title The Primrskaya Lily as an Essential Oil Plant. Cric Pub: Tr. Wes. n.-i. in-t sintetich. i mturalIny3kh dushistylth veshchestv, 1957, vYP. 3, 97-103 Abstract: Pancratium naritimm L. (1), the 3)rinorslmya lily - is a bulb herbaceous p1mit of the armxyllis farlily; net in the wild state in countrieii which are lo- cated in the Meditermiean basin fron Slain to Syria, as well as in separate rayons of western Card 1/3 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Medicinal Plants. Evaential Oil Plants. M Poisonous Plants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1953, 77906. Transcaucasia. Detailed botanica~L features of the species are cited. Activities conducted at the Sulchum ZOG in 1942-1943 showed the possibility of utilization of the essential oil of I in perfurae. The work cited was conducted with the pur pose of clarification of the problem of soils useful for Growth of I in cultivation. It was shown that I on alluvial soil Gives the lowest percentaGe of flowering plants and the lowest harvest of flowers; with cultivation of I on other scilB (Ination of soil to sand 1:1 mid 1:2) more flowerinG plants are ob- tained and the harvest of flowers cones closer to the harvest of flowers with cultivation of I on Card 211 qj 166 USSR/Cultivation Plants. ~Wdicinal Plants. Essential Oil M Plants. Poisonous Plants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Pliol., no 17, 195B 77906.. marine sand; therefore with the introduction of I into cultivation it is necessary to Grow it mL-Lly on sandy soils or on mixtures of Boil and sand. Simultaneously the influence of the size of the plant material of I on the harvest was studied. Observations conducted showed that, as plant material, it is necessary to take larae bulbs with a diameter of 4.2-7.0 cm, whicht blossom, earlier and provide the greatest hoxvest of flawers. -- T. L. Draytseva. Card 3/3 CHITASHVILI, S.Sh. Improvewnt cutting* in mountain foresto. Trudy Inst. less. AN Gri=. SSR 8:73-98 158. (MIU 12: 10) (Georgia-Forest managemut MUTASHVILI, S.Sh. Photosynthesis In pine stands an related to improvement falling. Soob.AN Gruz.SM 25 no-3:595-~98 N 16o, (WRA 14:1) 1. Akadeudya nauk GrusSSR, Institut loss, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom V.Z.Gul-isashvill. (pine) (Photosynthesin) CHITASHVILI, S. Sh. Use of the radiametric ustUd in determining photosynthesis In forestr7. Bot. shur. 48 no.3t.395-402 Mr(163. NLU 16: 10 I 1. Institut leanogo kholoyaystva AN Grusi:-iskoy SSR, Thi3lai. (Photosynthesis) (Georgia--Oak) CHITASHVILI. S. Thinning pole-size spruce-fir and beach stands. Trudy,Inst. less AN Gruz. SSR 10:145-3.60 t62. (MM 17:3) CRITASHVIl'i., S.Sh. Growth and development of the young pJne and oak growths in the mountain forests of Georgia in connection with improvement cutting. Trudy Inst. less, AN Gruz. SSR 12:61-80 163. (MIRA 18.2) CHKHAIDZE, L. . mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; _CHITAVA,-Z,,- ORLOV, Yu.., mladBhiy nauchn.-,y sotrudnik; MANUKOVp R.; ZAK0140RIfyyp G. , makhanik If it's manufactured in the Soviet Union it is of a superb quality. Radio., -, no.2:3,4-35 F 164. (IMU 170) 1. Gruzinskiy politekhnicheakiy institut (for Chkhaidze). 2. Star- shiy inzh. Vychislitel'nogo tsentra AN Gruzinskoy SSH (for Chitava). 3. Institut kibernetiki AN Grazinskoy SSR (for Orloy)* /+. Starshiy tekhnik Vychislitel'nogo tsentra AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Manukov). 5. Institut elaktroniki AN Gruzinskoy 53R (for Zakomornyy).. 2-u-rv 747. A.Ap . . . . . . . . . . 2, 6. 1937t 6.8, 1939; -p 06v&"O-- e-tw 1938, 35.4. Awo,.p ....... 1935 1 M.Psxy ... 4 H... A-AP-C-01. 13 %-. sce-F.OW01- a T-VWI- #.*M.. PC_ 2 ~ m~p- op~6.emt .,"*~Ixa# 1937 -, .. 11 pl-,L .... 'P-A---. r~p-.-Ho,twA.m. (To. 3,,M. IOX. S-12- TrY, . 2. 19361 . 1~ 1939 MqTcV, 1939~ 748. ACAOXXAw reaprob Do. 3.q. t936,15.4. ,........ K meap~cy * 743 J.Apja' k.'3-6 --,~ -261MAo.- OAAOV.~ 213- "-"U V-11- p~.oq X a 1069, 70c,. J-16- t3-&- lag-xvb=- vl-j4l Wr,- ~,,. 4r.. . .. . rrr~ ccp). 3-J. 1942. 365 83., Aftk 3.q. 19W. 1.7. v..Up 1942, 9.6. 749, Acp.6..o. HA-A-W-P SO, n-P-.A*- 13-.?.-r A ... A*- ,.A0*V-- AA..mow. wy~~ . A.-A PP- --- ql-b- i.. IM m.ymj~ ... 0 sop, IM 77 c~. AA I-). t942. 165 1954, 16-1. O.P?p 1942, 9.6. 750. B*W.AS- 9--ver Ay.m% 744. Hco_.P~ ~P_ -ma--awa """ UC04-4 q- 3-61-" 0-jvf- b-ba. "Pp0mm.f_. P90- 1931. = C~ DU joa I- .1~43. 'Daujvk rwvAu. 1%S. 13~ 122 63. (V-1" Sn..66&~ -- 1953, 2.7. R,.(W 1949, 3.6. 751- D.ooS-OAX- MOS. W.AOO P~--Ow Gow mrs pa 0 .2 A.#-... 1954. ".Pogo. 1"s. js~ 122 C. (roporfic-4 -A, '""J, 752. B.SS.-As* Top. 3aw 1%9, 3.6. C...... A. A-~,coamt ooop..vopo~ 743, 6-jUD.6 p3 0'.. ~-_ ~Tmv.xvws O&roiwol~ 3047. (3~ J."AmfinjA S. 104 c. !2 W-mt" -o"j :". ~, p-, (Hoov #Oooo, AN rp~& CCP)6 3,4W 190, ZLI. S""U' 753.' a hat.cosAp 1948. So $3. ("14 330. .6&&). 'OA 0 Hosvioiows, Mcc"asswomot ma*000M e-W ISM, 23.12. Xm..&w. Xyc... Tomps,o- Do I. B.P.-s*m P.&P.1poman "am po Kcr, 1943. 40 C, vo". (roo, ywma .7 - r"S. ccr). 19*4*007 a.*. 1944, 26.X so, (S~t7mcd mo~ wmff.~ 7s4. p,ox..vwx 3all. $910. 23.12. rhx.*&~_ a.,. ~�-"m forpoooonmmommo. 1949. 40. jlj~ 746. A A ... 0 At-.A H*Clt*PW 3.qW 1949. 4.7. ... 0 ..~Ovmx ".V~&. P..Xpoc~ W. Hwmtmte~v AA*.taosp K.~ P.....* Nor- . *"-*W. 1941. 54 e. r..vo Hogovmpw 34M. 196!. $A ft." ciwcl~ft otompo."s COOog for marems --jr UnnJUIX a. S. . wMigriculture dans lea regions montagneuses do la Gerogie dans Is pwoe at 1e present." Report submitted for the 6th Intl, Anthrological and Ithnological Sciencea Congress, Paris,, 31 Ja- 5 AW 1960, RAFMADZE, A.N.; KOKOSHASHVITA, R.I.; fT,-lASHVTLl, Yu.K.; CHITAYSHVILI, Z A. New type of standardized single-circult 110 kvi overhead fower tranamissior.line Ower for mountairo-,-s areas.~Trudy GPI Gruz.) no.1:153-159 163. (MIRA 18:2) %C.HITATAt G.S. (Agriculture in the -Georgian mountainal 0 gornom zemledelii v Gruzii. Moskvap 1960'. 33 p. (MIRA 14:8) (Georgia-Agriculture) CHITAYA, G. S. "0 nekotorykh chertakh drevnekolkhskoy kul'tury." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. NIKOBADZE, I.I.1 TATISHVILI, Ir.Ya.; KURCHISHVILI, I.B.; ZHGENTI, V.K., akademik, red.; ZURABASHVILI, A.D.p akademik, red.; KAVTAMZE, P.P., akademik, red.; TSULUKIDZE, A.P.., akademik., red.; ERISIAVIK K.D.,, akademik, red.; .,4,,red.; KHUNDADZE, G.R., zasl. deyatell nauki2 prof.9 red.; MESKHIA, Sh.A.) profe, red. [Baoic stageo of the development of medicine in Georgial OsnovtWe etapy razvitiia meditsirq v Gruzii. Tbi:Usi, Izd-vo "Metsniereba," 1961+. 286 p. (19RA 17:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzim-skoy SSR (for Zhgentij. Zurabashvili,, Kavtaradze, TSu:Lukidze, Eristavi). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Gruzinskoy M (for Chitaya, Khundadze, Meskh1a). CHITAYBVA, A. L - ww~ ftq"~ Rating the-effectiveness of the therapeutic use of synthomycin, in t'yphoid fever in children. Pediatriia -39 no.4:84 Jl-Ag 156. (CHUMONYUNTIN) (TYPHOID FZVXR) (MLRA 9:12) CHITAYEVAp NO-A. Distribution of rare and dioseminated elements in ore deposits of the Kadaya-Pokrovskiy ore region (eastern Transbaikalia). Krat. soob. IMGRZ no.i:66-70 16o. (MIRA 17.3) KUZNETSOV, K.F.; NEYTUV, G.M.; CHITAYEVA,, N.A.; LIZUNOV,*N.V. Regularities in the distribution of rare elements in complex org' - -` deposits of eastern Transbaikalia. Trtidy Inst. min... geokhim. i kristallokbin, red. slam, no. 3s162-179 159. (KERA~14:5) (Transbaikalia-Chemieal elements) GUREVICH, Yu.Ya. (Moskva); CHITAYEVA N A kand.geol.-aineral.nauk (Mosk%,a) Brief notes*on books 'ir a .52 no.6:24, 33, 84 163. (NIn 16:6) (Br,, 1 9, Loid De 1892-) Og 0 igs (Trans - al regi$~--6;s deposits) (Electric power) -CHITAYEVA# N*Ao ,- Geology of 163. the Yavlenka ore field. Trudy-IGDI no.83:202-237 - (MIRA 16:11) CRITAYEVA, B.A., inXh.; BLIMUK, VA., inzh. Portable vulcanizer* Goro shur no-4151 Ap 163o (MM 16:4), I ' Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu oborudovaniya PO dobyQ i Obogashcheniyu rud, Krivoy Rog. ~(Vukeanization--Equipment and supplies) 7 (CHITAUVA 0, V.A 0 ---- Replacement of sulMde ores by quartz in the Novo-Pokrovskoye de- posit. Geol. rud. mestorozhe no.6.-88-90 N-D 7 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institut minera.Logii, gook-himli, i kristallokhimil reAkilgh elementov AN SSSR9 Moskva. (Transbaikalia-Qmftx) (Transbaikalia-wfidas) CHITAYLKVA, iI.A. Tectonic boudinage in the localization of ores in the Yavlenskoye deposit:(eastern Transbaikalia), Izv.vys*uaeb,zav.; geol. i razv, 4 no.3-1:73-81 N 161. (MIU 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov i. zolota imeni M.I.XabniAa. (Tranobaik&Ua--Ore depos:its)(Transbdkalia--Goology,Structural) CHITAYSMILIs A. A. 6816. Chitayshvili, A. A. K6mnatnaya kulltura liviona v kadkakh. Tbilisi., 1954. 34 s. s. ill. 20 Sm. (M-vo sovkhozov Gruz. SSR. Upr. s.-kh. propagandy). 6.000 ekz. Bespl,-(55-1777) P 634.33 SO: KnizImaya Letopist No. 6, 1955 ARUTYUNTAN, A.B.; CHITCHM, A.G. now Iffect of u1neral fertilizers on grapevine. Isv.All Arm.SMI.3Iol.i 051 the frost-resistanco of the 9911khos.mauki. 4 no.3:283-287 (NLRA 9:8) 1. Institut vinodellys t vinogradarstys, Akatemit nauk Arayanskoy SM. (Grapes) (Fertilizers and maures) cHiTaffis, A. r. CETCHIAN, A. Is Vastlit Vasillsyloh Daknabom I mauke o pochye. I mtolatliu so dnia roxhdeulla (1846-1946). Irevan. AN ArmSSI, 1946, 38 P. Bravan, AN Ara8SR, 1%6. 38 p. SO: LCq Soviet Geograpbr, part 1, 1951, Uwa. USSR/Soil Science - General Problems. J. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 67E63 Author : Chitchyan, A.I. Inst : Acadcmy of Science ArmSSR Title : Soil Science in krmenia for -the Wat 40 Years. Orig Pub : Izv. AN ArmSSR, Biol., i s.-kh. n., 1957, 10, No 11, 5-1-69 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 2 CHITCHYAN, A.I. On an Indescrate review. Izv, AN Am. MR. Biol. naidd 14 no,,8: 85-88 Ag 161. (MA 14:9) (ARMOIA--CROP ZONES) ANANIYAN, A.K., doktortekhn. nauk., prof.; BEK4AFNARCHEV, B.I., kand. geogr. nauk; ZHAKWRTSYAN, V.N... laind. tekhn. nauk; CHITCIff-&I-L-I.,J=d. sellkhoz. nauk; YEI)IGARYAII, Z.P.., mfa-d.nauchnyy sotr.; SATIAN, M.A., kand. geol.-mineral. nauk; PAYRAZYAN, V.V... mladehiy nauchMy uotr.; VEBER, V.V., prof.; NAURYAN, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; POKHSRARYAN, H.S., m1adshiy nauchrWy sotr.; TER-ASTVATSATUAII., M.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; VELIMOV., N.A.; VELIKANOV, M.A., otv,. red.; SHTIBEN, R.A., red. izd-va.-, KAPIXIYAN, M.A., tekhn. red. [Readts of complex reseea-ch on the Sevan problem] Rezul'taty kompleksnykh issledovanii. po Sevanskoi probleme. Erevan., Izd-vo AN Armianskoi 'SSR. Vol.2. [ChArnel processes] Ruslovye protsessy. 1962. 255 P. WERA 15:7) 1. Akademiya.nauk Armyanskoy SSR., Yerivan. Institut vodnykh problem. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akaderii nauk SSSR (for Velikanov). (Sevan.Lake region-Hydrology) ~jjjTCjjYkI.j_G. ., OSIPOV, 0. B. Fertilizers and Manures Effect of mineral fertilizers on hay crop in Nagorno- Karabakl. 0. B. Osipov, G. A-. Chitchyan. Kom., baza, 2, no. 12, 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 19932 Uncl. P 1. C1717C I ---Y G. A., -,-;t77T ~-'17. r! 2. USS7.1 (6C.C) 7. intro.,3mcf- Su~lan g ass cult-~Ivutdon t'; c Az('rbllihtm' S.S.F. no. l)- C)r 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,!7'l%'a!--; 1953, Uncl. DOBRE, Nelu (Buzau);,UTT~I,_Gh. 'A,, (Deva); CAPITAN, Gh. I., prof. (Anina),, GRIGORESCUP D. Nicolae (krsova)~; NISTCR, Gh.V. (Buzau); ~9HALASCU, D., prof. (Pitesti); VELESCU, I. (Pitesti); DUMITRIU, C. (Foesani); SIMON, Petre (Tirgu Mures); BAERA, B., prof. (Paunesti); COJOCARU, Ion (Craiova) Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 16 no.l: 39-42 Ja 165. STRINTICH, M.; DOBREAW-ENESCU, Viorica; CHITESCU, Elena; MARCUS, N.; IOTA, C. G. Treatment of arterial bypertension with beparin. Stud. oercet. Med. intern. 2 no.5:671-679 161. MPERTENSION therapy) (HEPARIN therapy~ IOTA, C.G.; RUNCAN, V.; CHMSCU, Elena; SUTEANU, St.; EJUEST, L The neruovegetative syndrome in chronic hepatitis. 1. Preliminary investigations. Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 2 no.2:203-217 161. (BEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS emplications) (AUTONOMIC NERVOUS MTEM diseases) RUNCAN, V,, Or.; MIRON, C., dr6; VASTLIU, I., dr.; CH E,, dr.; SUTEANU, St., dr. Frgqi;ency of chroilie,hepatitis following epidemic, 40 atitis and factors in its'ehrovicizationo Mod. intern. 15:,UO-4t 473-493 Ap 163. l.-Lucrare efectuata in Institutul do mediciia inte'rna al Aoad. R.P.R. oi Ministorului Sanatatii 9i Prevederilor Sociale (director: acad. N. Gh. Lupu). (HEPATITIS) (HEPATITIS, EPIDEMIC) MUNTEANU, Corneliu (Bucurealti); PESTROIU, Daniel (Tirgu Jiu); PIMAII,, Liviu (Bucureati); VOICULESGU$'D&n (Bacuresti); ALIESOU., I. A(ft 'raras)- FELTEMU, Ioan (Bucuresiti); STANGU~ I.M. (Bucurasti); CULZMGU, Lon (BUouresti), STANESCUOIlie'(Sibit.); IONFSCUi Traian (Braila)- XACSO F. (cluji; M91MOU, L. (Rimibu Vilcea); IOIESCU-TIU, C.; 4; li~, FOCSEM,PIW M.I.; POPA, Eugeh (Iasi); MIHMCA Dan (Bucurest-4); PELIGRADI-c Nico3pe, Pr-,P. (Pit.4--t.41- TZIMMA. T. Darin STANCU, Icn M. Proposed problems. Gaz. m&t B 16 no.2:86-91 F 165. S/081/62/000/Old/050/059 B168/B186 AUThORS i Atoyan, V. V., Phitinyan, Yu. S. TITL13; Vi.niplast as material for 6-10 kv insu'lators PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal.. Rhimiya,. no.. ia, 1962, 508, abstract' ISP124 (Sb. nauchn, tr. Yerevansk. poiitekhn. in-t. Yerevan, 1960, 325 334) TEXT: The authors investigated the properiies.of Viniplast (dielectric losses, corona resistance, atrzospheric resistance, resistance to theriLal brea'r-1dovn)-as material for 6-10 kv ins*ulatore. It was found that Vini- plast is not suitable for such insulator8.owifig to'its corona inz3tability, its lov. thermal stability and its susceptibility to tkierwal breakdown 'it 0 -ambient temperature of 50 -,6o C.- jAbstraoter's notes Complete transla- tton.J Card 1/1 0 an P a It a a Is A 36 N' 9 0 0 41 9 Q-Q 16 .11 CIE A-A-A-AL , 1 -4 ... A -A- P 4 a 1&0 4.0 cool., KO V R 00 1 Cifto , 4761 Omcq 41 PA"d bistawsmes ULAXATWP AT 111011 TMPSILATURZS; tram. frim CIOCIDOGICYAWN PN*r. Alemammler A. Odlkxw. Oct. S. lm. up. The Phemomm F4 er" Miff rountion in nww at blo IMPOWN Iftelftfacomelftred.AsaftmaticAtorre. l attaft to walls Intiman ft reuxbom WA ere" to tm to. $WAS of WNW mma"m of mew farts. T%w Oxtm .1 b"Mams ("Omm7 of atralu-MrdemirAW, "d "th-7 W "09-10rd"IM!") bY D&TIVOrt U. AMI -NU- (1"") 08 04 Process of creep wd reju. 100% 81101119C The Plot sots of retwmiam h.. been ca"bled WA rountift curves so up. Iffs"A"Jam Can b- -6 bet"m mlantion am cr"p. 17 r9brms, *OR 2 PITALLUKKAL L111MATURI CLASSWOMON .411040 -4 Sagami 1. 3.. O-C latillestj alsial 0.. All Aye 0 00 -00 see '00 see u a lal IV 131-4 an L S ad 0 0 V W a A, no 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 : :10 1110 0 0 & 0 & 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 90660;90e90066900060000 00000004040-00e000 tA iTKO A TbagrallaxOndualsbath WarraM . Ale%- *, LO Sy a t conditions which Imitation.,de erram of mm. "kitatift, acclu . Two thftxk, we PONOUtirOl for The isitatrebtlas Wwmn the grIwEatLui and the pbnmnpm: J*ft are the finw-hadvoills and 0& 4onkWu tbtarim. Hamm. test rv%ults Indirstle th:11 Willem of lb"a definei coffmly the tria6m betwmi the rrkutim atid the =pbetiatticim. lk't*,Ill,l the "whAtilms, a# the lala-lk- mli-mi jisd -kt-i Ow ,ult'luid ink-twivehAuk-ol jwtm-t~i Are diffemm for the Ll. phe cnomelu. Tbeftlam C. ambiden it ism o:rny to cosi- et JZ! du "Warch Itork an the rebution It eno" in- tlyofwarkonemp. Resuhn of %%let rr-e;uch "FAIIII)MC We KjWrU. H. = 151721 T ah fm 110mation at Higli,Tempen" Of Met turm. korh ma rmmj-w VYSD&~,, ipit;%. (C.=C)L) Akmntlm A. Chi Wkzm VtOnIbW IWy, v. Aug Two themics arc pTesenied for rectmelling the relation between creep and relantion: differenm letween nwasured relax-aum vaue3 and flose cRkvWcd from creep values- Camb mthods Of measIxing relantim amwiling 0 Bw aW ~ardgeft. I'Alm, dIRStADO, -PhOlOgrOph. I win 11 m EMINEIMM-1 IFNI! -, i ; ; ,I? 1 : :,I,, I rw I- 1~ I , , , 0 mmm m BE I I I I I I I'l, Sqroilrenstvl Vol. 7, No- 1-1, Iii5j. r'. 849-55r CHITKOV2 A. Heat-resistant bolts for high-pressure installations. P- 353. STROJIRENSTVI. ( Mnisterstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Mirdsterstvo presneho strojirenstvi a Ydnisterstvo automobiloveho prumyslu a zemodelskych stroju) Praha, Czechoslovakia.. Vol. 9, no. 5,, May 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EW), W, Vol* 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl. RUK1'JNV,/Huma,n and LniLkal Physiology. Lactation T-10 Abs Jour W ;aiur - Biol., No 14, 1958, No 65575 Author Elias B.: Popescu M. Inst Title Jlm investigation of the Correlation Between Vitrzdn Bl and Certain Characteristics of Lactation Orig Pub :Pediatria., 1957, 6., 521-532 Abstcact :Mien ne~jligiblc anounts of vitnzain 31 were cont-ained in the food during the winter, an increase was seen in the nm-Jber of wor-lan in whose nilk the content of peroxidase was either reduced or absent altogether (Wilimas-Spies test). Injec- tion of Bl normalized the peroxidase level of the Lii.Ui in 13 out of 15 women. In some cases there was also an incroanse in the --iount of milk and in its fat content. Growth tardation in the infants associated with lack or absence of peroxidase in the ni.U. was eliminated by the injection of B into the mothers. The determination of milk peroxidase Card i~l Lmkes possible the tinely eliraination of hypovit-mAnosis 79 Bl. RUMMIA Chemical TechnolodY) Chemical Products and Their H--17 Application* Phamceuticalse Vitan' e Antibiotics. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - IChimiya.. No 50 Mg, No. 16512 Author Opari.. A*; ChItolu, G. Inst Not given Title PkWaico-ChoLdcal Reactions Occurring in the Preparation of Certain Liquid bWicaticm OriG Pub Farmacia (Romin)., 1957, 5p No 4., 344-350 Abstract Presented herein are fornulations of tbree liquid medications., for the purpose of demonstrating the occurrence of undesirable reactions that my talm place in the event that chemical aid phyalco-chemical pro- pertios of the components are not properly accounted for, Such reactions inay be complotely eliminated by strictly fol3xving tho order of steps roc nd d in the methods of preparation of auch mixtures. -- E. NatId-n Card 1/1 CHITORELIDZE, G.V. Effect of ionizing radiation on myogen A. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 26 no.5!539-546 My '61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Institut fiziologii AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom P.A. Kometiani. (Myogen) (Aldolase) (X rays--Physiological effect) ACCESSION NR: AP4023079 15/0251/64/033/002/0339/0345 AUTHOR: - Chitore3 idze , G. V. TITLE-: Effect of various conditior,:. of irradiation 6r% the hormone activity of the -ex adrenal cbrt SMURCE: AN GruzSSR. Soobshchenj.ya, v. 33, no. 2s 1061is, 339-345 TOPIC T=; radiobiolo&7., irradiation, effect of irriAiations adrenal gland, aortex of adrenal glwd, ascorbic acid, cholesterols hormones internal secretion ABSTRACT: A study was made of the effect of irradiatLon with 50-300 roentgen units on the activity of the adrenal cortex in white rats of 160-200 Sms body weight. Determinations of ascorbic acid and cholestm!ol i~ the cortex were performed immediately following exposure to irradiation. The fluctuations of these coikoonents was taken as an Index of hormone actlvity of the cortex. It was found that irra0i~ Vion of the whole body and with the head shielded had a stress- likes stimulatibg effect on the seoretory performance of the adrenal cortex. Irradiation of thp hypophyseal and suprarenal reglons as such had no noticeable &rd 14 CHITORELIDZE, G.V. Effect of fasting, adrenocorticotropic hormone .. and hypophysectomy on the Becretory function of the adrenal cortex of irradiated rats. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 35 no.3:565-5?0 S 164. (KIRA 17. 11) CHITORELIDZ,E,.,G,. V. "Influence of X-Rays on the Enzyme Properties of Myosin and Aldolase in ,Skeletal Muscle." The mechanism of glycolytic inhibition during radiation is the depression of myogen A a1dolase activity. 1;,!~ttd J,Aserr.4ti A -4edirAina rudi cxi 'Isred ~n I -to C1129L&S M. T11W art.Lelt e- --1; I-iot Sr.O.-.e ev-,a' :'I (*1iY-w1At Cie, . Th-,: amt-t-ated zitleii -deal rn,--'17Ajt-, !kkYs1-cALc&y, raidlatirn bioaherdstxnr, ~,-5tma and 6.e of radlaitic-ri on mqener%tive -iro-cesse-C, one rarilai,11ov. pliarmccLe-, CHITROW, F.M. [Khitrov, F.M.) Treatment of defects occurring after surgical correction of the palate. Czas. stomat. 18 no.8/9:903-909 Ag-S 165. 1. Z Centralnego Instytuta Nalikowo-Badawczelo.stomatoa0gii (Dyrektor: prof. A.I. Rybakou [A.I. Rybakov ) CHITUP C". Relations betwoon the slc!el-:3hryin,- provt:--ozs inl the corro-,iori of tl~e C11' u basic N- itin fimiaces. a 17 (lT-TALlQRrTA SI CONST-~IUCTIA Irr! (Bucuresti, $Pw.arlila) Vol. 10, no. 1, Jin 1258 SO: illontli2y Index of East Eluropean Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5". 1 CHITU.. Gheorghe,, ing. .1 Increased productivity of Siemens-Martin furnaces at the Metallurgic I Combinate of Resita. MetalurgiR constr-mas 14 no.2:129-134 F 162 V CHITU, Gheorghe, ing. ------ Increased pToducti-vity of Siemens-Martin furnaces at the 140tallurgic Combinate of Resita. MettLIurgia constr~mas 14 no. 2.129-134 F 162. 1. Combinatul metalurgic, Resita. -GEM,.-Gbwwgbe Gho Gmtructicm of pmmtic machines for o1justing the howth of Simns4lartin furimilboo, Notalurgia ftatr"ma 14 no.6t 504-514 ^ 062o I* Combiwtul wtalurgiep Bramm* x Ducharost,.Stlinta .1 T-hnical, Vol XIV, no 4. Aor lq62 1. 'PrOM1 the UttlA Of t n of Workina Youth Under the tPa4mrship of tVelVanrltay, 1922-1c)62'; rv 3-5. 2. "One of the Thousands of Youngsters," I. V.; vs: 14 wwwwr at an Mi. of vorkLad TrAft) 3. *The joy or the Pirst flina; pa 6. Lumarri" with a yoves easlaomr-1 1L. ~%AgS%ce:"r Ion Bun*&;" pn 6. so bmeder on a -, vatim rv~nal !5* "Th. Ant"CtIC., Z-1 IOM 0011tIMIt Poroalfi I', ksterias ' M. 0DRM-CU; P;3 7-9- 6. 'The Use or Manu.-Az on Aeld Solls,' ft1U. Candidate In ~vr-oultursl Sgj-ncqx( Cand-3 a 2t1ints' agricole): pp 10-1- 7. Iroveltles In Solderinr;" rn 12. *0rftvItv'" Urr PEArift -rrc , Ca redidate In Technical Cr 3cloce-a 'AMidat In stlint. tahn1ce); r-~ 214-1.7. 9. Anti-Irawlty 1* Mum ILI T~Pl"; -jp 114-17. 2 *72.000 21pl, Incom- per Fott*re or V-FI-tables," 1. '25-19. 3AVO-OL, VADUU-POMNARG; =p 2C-2". 22. '22 Lpril 1961. A four Since Van's Penetration Into th- Cosmos," Ugr ron PAS~~401 Conf Unj - I v, 30cratsr ~4 '~ ( cc %i a (3m*retar) or th- ps-t~- * do Astromonloa) of(the "ad^-q of the Hummlin Veopl-'s Republic Aceemla H.P.R.); pp 2.3. Aw OffenBlvm 4minst cancer Continues Dr 2 up 26-27. 34. 'Zlf* in th- ZnIl-rselm Call.%T~FOVrClq Frof Cnlv; pp 28-29. 15. *The Int*rcoptingor Rockets,* Urr D. St. ANDIZEnCU; pp 30-33. 1 16. "Another Ulm& Elucidated. The Pyst.ry WrItInp," Up.- T. TM. f - t:n PMIXU, and P. CMAIC r. tr 2/2 .CHITU., 1.1 TAUTH,, T. ,bwng Iasi physioists. St si Teh Bac 15 no.5t8-9 My 163 ~CHITU,, Maria (Bucuresti); PANAITE, Ludmila (Bucuresti) .- -, -1 -~ ~ The Yakut A.S.S.R. Natura Geografie 12 no. 6:68-74 N-D,60. MOS, Mircea; CHIIIJ, Mdrc-ea Ebcchanges of experience. Constr Buo 16 no.770:3 10 0164 1. The Baia Mare Branch of Vblxitarv Correspondents of "Constructorullft (for C,-aus)e