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BYLLIKEVICH, P.L.; _~HjEqjkL-L,~~tova, L.R.] Study of the ion-exchange propertiee of certain peats of the Waite Russian S.S.R. Vestsi AN 38SR. Ser.f12.-tekh.uav. no.3:29-40 160. (mm 13:9) Mite Ruseia-Peat) (Ion exchange) CHISTOVA, L. R.9 CAND CHEM SCII "INVESTIGATION OF 14~ 1 ION-EXCHANOE PROPERTIES OF CERTAIN PEATS or,,BSSR." MINSKV 1960. (AcAD Sci BSSRt DEPT OF PHYS.-MATH# CHEM AND GEOL SCIENCES). (KLI 3-619 201). 20 CHISTOVA, L. R.; BELKEVIGH, P. 1. 1* *On the ion-exchange of alkali and alkali-earth metals in peat.n Report submitted for the 2nd International Peat Congress, Leningrad-,. 15-22 Aug 63- CHISTRAp L. V.p Candidate Med Soi (dific) -- "The state of the cardiovascular system in diseases acompanied by chronic nutrition disorders (post-burn structures of the Intestinal I-ract, pylorostemsis, pylornspasm)". Mscow, 1959. 12 pp (Becon& Ypscow State Med Inst im 14. 1. Pirogov), 250 copies (KL,, No 22,, 1959, 123) CHISTOVAp L.V. Pardiovasoular system in chronio distrubanoes of nutrition in clMdren. Vop. okh. m&t, i dot. 5 no*6s44-48 N-D 160,b (HMA l3zl2) 1,.Iz klinild datskM bolesney leehobnogo fakulltats (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauld profs N.I.Osinovskiy) fl floskovskogo meditainskogo instituta imeni, W.I.Pirogova (direktor d ts int M.G.Sirptkina)- (AMIOVASCUIAR SYSTEM) (;HMREII--,NUTRITif,0 (ALWENTARY GAN&IDIBWEP) CH1STOVA, 4*V. Continuity in the treatment of children with chronic nonspecific diseases of the respiratory organs. Vop.okh.mftt.i det. 7 no.7: 65,-72 ii 1,62. (MIRA 15:3-1) 1. 1z otdela orgi,mizataii detskogo zdravookhraneniya (rukovoditell- prof. A.G.Meytldn) Nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituts. pediatrii (dir. - doktor med.nauk A.P.Chernikova) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSF5R. (RESPIRATORY ORGANS--DISEASES) I . . -- CHISTOVA, M. A. Cand Med Sai Dissertation: "Surgical Treatment of Chronic Gastroduodenal Uleers.11 2-1 Nov 49 First Yoscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst 130 Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 C,"15rovf) N. A M.A. , sekre VjSihdvsKIY*Pji.A.' professor, predsedatell; CHISTOVA, tar' SHEVA, A.A.; KRICHIVSKIf, A.a., kandidat--iiiaitsins-kikh nauk; UTZ=V, S.S., kandidat meditsinskikh naukle BZGEL'MAY, A.A., kandidat meditsin- skikh nauk; YX6aS]rIY, N.N.; ZATSEPIN, T.S. professor; FWTKIK. P.M., professor; RLTSIORA, M.D.; KA SKIY, V.I.,-professor; TROYAN, I.V.; FXDOROV, I.P.; IILIMIOV, A.V.; UTASHEV. S.S.; DOROWIV. V.I. Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow P~ro- vince of September 26, 1952. thirurgiia no-3:92-95 Mr 153. OWL 6:6) 1. Xhirurgichekoye obehohestvo Moskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti. 2. Fakulitet- okay& Ichirurgicheskaya klinika sanitaruo-gigiyenicheskogo fakuliteta I Moskovskogo ordens, Lenins, meditsinskogo instituta (for Erichevskiy). (Heart--Surgery) (Arteries-Diseases) iz. NA % S r C) 'j r-1 , -'~ ) - F4 - DOROFMV. V.1.; SALISHCHAV. V.14., professor, _9114TOYAA-M.A.., kand.idat meditsinBkikh predeedatel'stvuyushahiy; neuk, sekretarl. Minutes of the Session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province of November 14. 1952. lhiriLrgiia no.5:94-95 Ky '53. (HLR& 6:7) 1. Khirargicheakoye obahchestvo Moskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti (for Salishchev and Chistova). (Heart--Diseases) GRISTOTk, N.A. - ~- t Minutes of the Session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province of Key 8. 1933. Ihirurgila no.2:81-86 IP 154. 0=1 70) (Spleen-Ourgory) (Intestines-Tuberemlosis) (L=gs--Surgery) CMTOVA, V. A. CRISTOTA.M.A. Minton of the stating of the Snrgicai Society of Moscow And Moscow Provifice held,on October 23. 1953. XhirurgU no.5: 91-94 W' '540 OORA 7:7) (PANMUUS --SURGW) (PRQVZUSIS) CHISTOVA, M*A, "" Minutes of the sozosion of the Surgical society of MoscoW and Noscow Province oo! November 12. 1954. KUrw&41& no.8:85-87 Ag 154. (30193-4vlwny) (MM 7:n) CHISTOVA, N.A. Minutes of the sesalon of the Bargical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province of Lpril 9. 1954. Ilhirurgiia no.g-.90-91 9 154. (MM. 7M) (MOSCOW PROVINCE-SURGIRF-SOOMINS) CHISTOVA, M.A. Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province of Mer 28, 1954, Xhirarglia no.10:86-89 0 154. (MOSCOW PROVOCI-SURGIRY-SOCINTIPq) (MLRA 8:1) CHISTOVA, N.A. Ninutes of the 1600th session.of the SinTical Society of Noscov and Hoscow Province hold on October 22, 1954. Xhirm-gila ne.2:91- 91+ 7 '55. 0mu 8:5) (SMGM-SOGXVIBS) CHISTOVA. N.A.; PETROVA. Ye.M~ Use of a surgical elinic; preliminary report. Antibiottki, 2 no.2:57-60 Kr-Ap 157 (KIRA 10:5) 1. Ikkulltetakaya khirurgicheakava klinika imeni N.N. Burdenko (zav.-Prof. N.N. Telanskiy) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskago instituts. (ANTIBIOTICS. ther. use collmycia in surg.) (SURGERY. 0 M LTIVE colliWein ther. in) CHISTOVA, N.A.,; SMOB, O.S., . 1-1, , Some forms of visceral candidoi7cosis resulting from antibiotic therapy. Khtrurgita 35 n0.7:69-75 JI 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz Imfedry falculltetskoy khirurgii (tav. - zasluzhenVy deyatell nauki prof. W.N. Yelanskty) lachabnogo fakalltsta:I Mostovskogo gosu- daretvannogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituts, im I.M. Sachenova. (ANTIBIOTICS, effects, Injurious) (NDNILIASIS, etiology) . J. MARKOV, S.M.; LOSHAMN, N.A.; CHISTOVA, M.A.; KNUNYANTS, I.L., akademik Some problems of nucleophilic substitution in the phosphorus atom in the reactivation of phosphorylated chalinesterase. Dokl. AN SSSR 11+7 no.2-.484-487 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) APhosphorus) (Substitution (Chemistry)) (Cholinesterase) 77- '-J* a-4 RM -P 93/6A4/63/028/00 0406 ACCESSION NR: AP3002630-: AVMORD. Mar]Wr. so Me; Loshadkin;, No, A, IChIstoval, M,A TTTLE: Interaction Idnetica of organophosViorous ftldbitors with ;cholinesterases SOURCE: BiokhUdyag, vo. 28,9 no-,~3*11963* 402-406 or'L TOkC TAGS:'nitro n h y1 eat ctl'old d duous sold 3.*holiyep ftse,, =Wi.. - P40 OPT460Y.10rao on, organopho.fipho Pr .ABSTRACT: Nitro0hanyl,esters of Oboe ric phosphinous acids i hmc~d Cal 'Prepar &r itora of i used in'insecticideftand nedi e 1zhil) -1 some toxic effect on warm blooded ich6linesterases and have Of *1partioular interest are, the, action mechanisms and the chemical jeffinities-of these compounds* Many studies have been made of the intoracti,>n Idnetics Of organophosphorous 1xMbitors with pseudo and, chollnesterasesy but they are based on different methods making comparison of results, difficult, This. work Livestigates the inter- ~aetion kinetics of armin (eth7l-p-nitrophenyl ester of ethylphos hinic aoid) and phosphaeol (0.0-diethyl. 0-(p-nitrophenyl)-- phosphal-eT with'pseudo cholinesterase,of-horse blood etorum "d- tXIU6 Card 1/2 KUZINIS M.'ej, prof.; RHI~TOVA,_ M.A., dotsent Principles of rat-lonal antibiotic therapy of some surgical infections. Khirurgiia 40 no.2:11-19 F 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy- kbirurgii (zav. - prof. N.N. Yelanskiy) 1-go Moskovskogo ordsna lenina meditsinskogo instituta im. IoM. Sechenova, GHISTOY-L-jj..,t',-, datsezrit; NIKOIAYEV, A.V.; CHUP TSZAO-Dll Jejunogastroplasty as a method for the prevention and treat- ment of dumping syndrome. h'hirurgiia 40 no-4.'1-13-119 Ap )614, (MITRA 18:1) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy khirurgii. (zav. - prof. 11.11% Yellanskiy) I Mo3kovskoeo ordena Lenina meditsinsIxogo instituta imeni 1.14. Sechenova. - --- ----- - - T Ux-, n; T a a ih tbo do' vo 0 0021 M 61 iA4blti~ ~ Nc. ids 7 US).- Mmal-verc tmp~~ into -f Tabbils. ~ cit it- I mto at 13 Leitht but no tlzns of malignaucy vVert Yot terl, I .-I inl. of 0.1% toln, of proiwine was Injected suboutauenusl r near the site of the tumor imphin-m- tiai i, In Som. Instanc e3 2 rn). Of th r hject_-d - .,)tr.,vcjlr,UsiY. Folloving thut 1% C'nIdlicirle 10 castor oil was rubbed into t) -c skLi evezy 2--~ d-tv; Colz'Aci-it adMniMCM hltFLVCl-q,1~ A ciertcd cicar-on dc'.oxify- ,118 Oects -01fal-'er C,4( hicine Iras applied to ilip Ain or t:i- ~~ct,-d inLr'lVenol.'sly. Tills Made P-)Ssiblr do: applwair";l A hsglk,:r doses 01 tile Ll 401lic-inc, whi-l. in %m-, mn,:(krab ) ~ 1,Ycd Llw dc%-cicp:-n- ut of the p~qjikntzs, miJuad dht clcgrcc of their maligntu c~v and insome Wstunccs cGrnVIticly -r42stLd both. .11 irzo d5o establi.,hed ?hat the lumbu alld inlravtnogs proniii~~ bi 4ndesmot pnl)~ dttoiify . colebicire Ar cz-iaccr prri~36rik prl6pmim, but that. they -and enhancf rlctt Calar-MTDti~iz mprrlies of their oirju. Ilic %Lse td asAl: is TocommLAM. ep -lik USSR/General Problems -A Pathol )a .. TWors. HarphAo,,~)% U. Abs J,-)ur Ref Mur - Diol., IT3 19, 1958, 89533 basophilic fortntions- sharply outlined, rotuid, diffuse- ly distributed pratoplasi-de eranulea and sililar lar,-e perinuclear canamierations. The reactiDn of thl3se struc- tures was neCntive t.) Feulf4vn, Plasml and Sudan III. Be-,innin,; with the 8th day, a bas,3phylic Granulation (BG) of a new type appeared, [,1vin:; a positive Feul~;e:i reaction. They appear as CXanules of less than a mu, included in a structure similar to a vacuAe, are disseminated in the cyt:)plasa or mssed around the nucleus. In :)--ie culture, enormus drop-like cells liberated in their breakdDWn many ],Tanules of this type. Besides this, with EPS, de- Generative cellular chanE;es were nited- accurjulatiDn of drops of liDonucleoproteids and 3 types of vacuDles; Grjssly dystrDphic; areas becominG apiprent -only after the removal of rlasmal ("plasual vacuoles"); sualler va- cuoles, distinguished only wder irjraersijn. Same nuclei became sualler arA became hyperchromic, Dthers became Card 1/3 - 14 USS'R/General Problems A Path.)I:)a - Tumrs. Morphjl')~,7. U. Abs Jour Plef Zhur - Di:)l., 113 19, 1958, 89533 larc,er and paler as a result of dispersion of chromtin. The lanceolate t~Towth, of the culture vas disturbed, areas of rarefaction appeared, Lnny cells became isola- ted, rounded and damged. In the EPD culturas, the DG a7peared oilly incidentally and narkedly differed from the ones described above. Here tile granules were not sharply outlined, were pale and did not contain desoxy- ribo-liucleic acid, and FeulL;en positive fwanulation was never noted; fatty deGeneration and dam[;e occurred in isolated cells only; the -Yoserved vacuoles were exclusi- vely of the distrophic type. In-oculantion of animls with cultures infected with EPS confirmed the presence in then pf Shope's virus. This virus is capable of mul- tiplication not only in the liquid phase of tie mdium, 'jut also within the cells. The fine FeulLw. positive (7anulatior- is cousidered as one of the virus sta,,es. The der;enerative chanfes in Vile cultures with EPS are due to its action. -- A.G. Andres. Card 3/3 CHISTO . TBIV, Ye.A. Minutes of sessions No*14 and 15 of the Society of oncologists of leningrad and loningrad Province. Top.onk-3 no.3-378-384 157. (ONCOIWY) WaA 10:8) USSR/Twors u-4 AV9 Jour : Rof Zhur - Diol., No 6, 1958, No 27849 Author tnhig~ovae NeMb Inst ;Not Given Title iExporinental Histological Research on Muscular Tissue of Hman Uterus and Uterine Fibronyomatne Orig Pub sArkhiv anatorails gistol. i ombryologii, 1957, 34, No 1, 37-41. Abstract iUterine musculature (25), removed from thepatients ranging fran 27 to 68 years of age, who were oporated on because of carcinoma of tho cervix or fibror-yama of the uterus (30), was studied by noana of tissue culturos. The 61ein-onts of muscle tissue of huran uterus are capable of proliferation. Three variants of growth cay be differentiated in cultures: "spi- cular", mosonchyna-like or connective tissue, emd ribbon-like of strand-like. Growing anooth rjusolo elononts liquify fi- brin, thus forcing cavities, and undergo secondary differ- ontiation manifested by the appearance of fibrillao and the formation of argyrophile fibers. The tissue of fibroryona is 0-ard 3 1/2 Chis To v.A) 20-2-54/60 AUTHORS: Xhlopia. ., N. G. Chia TITLEt Growth and Peproduetton of the Endothelium of Blood Vessels in Tissue Cultures (Rost i razmnozheniye endoteliya krovenos- nykl?'sosudov v tkanevykh kullturakh) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol- 114, Nr 2, PP- 425-428 .% (Usn) ABSTRACTt The opinion that the endothelium of the vessel system has great similarity with the cells of the connective tissue,has been recognized as valid by many scientists since 1927. Among other things, it is being stated that the endothelium represents a source for the generation of connective tissue, elastic ele- ments, and ''smooth" muscles. On the other hand, other scien- tists are of different opinion; they claim that the endothelium can develop from cells of the connective tissue, with this not being possible in the veins and arteries because of the strong specialization of the former. From a phylogenetic point of view, the endothelium is a particular kind of epi- Card 1/3 thelium, differing in quality from other types of epithelium 20-2-54/60 Growth and WYMdacticM of the Endothelium of Blood Vessels in Tissue Cultures and connective tissue and neither originating fiom them nor contributing to their development. A series of sciantific papers published during the last ten years make this latter point of view more and more probable. The paper under review has as its aim the investigation of the transformations of the endothelium of the rear Vena Cava and of the jugular vein of rabbits (age 4 months to 2 years) at a culture in vitro. Through the dynamics of its structures the endothelial zone of growth differs from all other endothelial growths studied so far. It resembles moEt the mesothelium. of the serous enve- lopes of rabbits growing out--side of the organism.In cul- tures both kinds of tissue form complex membranes and loose netlike structures which can go over into each other from the point of view of both space and time. Cells of both kinds of tissues freqnently show a subdivision into a darker endoplasmic part and a lighter ectoplasmic part. On the other hand, the boundaries of the endothelium. in cultures frequent- ly follow a curved course, and the elements without nuclei are numerous. Fibrinolysis is more distinct in the endothelial cultures than in the mesothelial cultures. In spite of their Card 2/3 great similarity, there exists a qualitative difference bet- 20-2-54/60 Growth and Reprody4etion of the Endotbelium of Blood Vessels in Tissue Cultures vien them. The netlike loosening of the endothelium growing outside of the organism in no way means a transformation into cells of the connective tissue; this is true also of many other cases which have been investigated earlier, There are 3 figures, (microreproductions), and 22 references, 12 of which are Soviet.. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Oncology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Institut onkologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: February 22, 1957, by L. A. Orbeli, Member of the Academy SUBMITTED: February 14, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Khlopin, F. G. Chistova, Ii. M, 20-119-4-49/60 TITLEs Elstophysiologi al Observations of Endothelium in Tissuo-Cultureii (Gi6t6fisiologioheskiye nablyudeniya nad endotellyew v tkanevykh kullturakh) PnIODICALs Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR, 1958P Vol,, 119, Nr 4, pp., 803-9"r, (US.9R) ABSTRACTt The -alius of the vascular system is a specialized *, i*1 tissue. It In obviously different in great vessels .Vie same,name. The endothelium Is in tissue cultures/ -.C in the came of a reparative psgenerttion,,,.neither transformed InAo-connectivo it formed from the cells of the latter (reference 1). Therefore the usual and seemingly well founded assumption that the endothelium is one of ihe forms of connective tissue (references 2. 3) is wrong. A detailed and thorough investigation will therefore be necessary. In a previous communication (reference 4) of the author/ the i;ain variants of its growth in explants were described as well as the method of Card 1/4 cultivation. In the present paper the endothelium of the Histophysidogical Observations of Endothelium in 20-119-4-49/6o Tissue Cultures rear and frontal venae cavae of rabbits is studied in a culture in vitro. Energetic growth and high mitotic activity of the andothelium last in the vein cultures 5 - 7 days. The growth is considerably activated by the change of the liquid phase. However, the growth stimulation is weakened after 2 - 3 weeks after the liquid change. After 5 6 weeks always greater dystrophic alterations occur. In order to avoid them, all 2 - 3 weeks passages with cutting out have to be arranged. The inner cell structure is described kfigures I av b, v). In tissue cultures soon fat enclosures occur In the endothelium. This does not disturb good growth and mitotic activity. Then fat drops increase and mitoses vanish if dystrophy occurs, Within the first 4 - 5 days after the explanation or after the passage with cutting out small packed closely together plasmatic drops occur in the endothelial elements of the growth zone. They are colored by ihe Shiff-Reagens reagent intensively after a formalin- or Tsenker formol fixation (figure 3 a). 7 - 8 days after the passage with Clard 2/4 cutting the calls are to a great extent filled with great Histophysiological Observations of zndothelium in 20-119-4-49/60 Tissue Cultures plasmatic drops (figure 3 b) which lie closely together and therefore form facets. Pat and plasma reduce the ectoplasm to a tiny thin seam. Plasma is contained partly in sudanophile fat enclosures, partly in the oytoplasmatic interlayerg. After treatment with concentrated alenhol.plasma often does not become soluble without residues. in order to extract plasma without residues, an additional treatment with xylene is necessary. This speaks in favor of a probable connection between the plasma and the protein substratum. If ink is added to the culture medium, the ink grains are absorbed by the calls. Great quantities of absorbed ink lead tn necrobiotical changes, destruction, and decomposition. The endothelium cells do not pass over here into ameboid state and do not gain the properties of inacrophages. Microbic bodies ksarcinae) can be taken up, too. 'The filling with it leads to destruction, too. 'The comparison with Ipublications shows that the endothelium, in tissue cultures differs Card 3/4 to a great extent acco~rding to several histophysiological Histophysiological Observations of IMdothelium in 20-119-4-49/60 Tissue Cultures properties from the cells of the subcutaneous loose connective tissue and from this tissue of the aorta. There are 4 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut onkologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Oncology of the Academy of Medical USSR) PRESENTED: January 15, 1958, by K. M. Bykov, Member,,Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: January 8, 1958 Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Khlopin, N. G.,, Member, Academy SOV/2o-122-3-Fl/~~7 of Medical Sciences, USSR, Chistovaq N. TITLE: Phosphatase Activity of Endothelium in Tissue Cultures (Foefataznaya aktivnost' endoteliya v tkanevykh kullturakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 3, PP 508 - 511 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Methods were worked out which make possible an energetic growth and a proliferation of the endo- thelium in explantates from great blood vessels of grown-up rabbits. After much had been communicated of these methods, the problem of a further very careful investigation off this strange tissue became topical. The present communication contains the results of a histochemical investigation of the alkaline and acid phosphatase in endothelium cultures from the vena cava inferior of grown-up rabbits. According to the present data the endothelium of small blood vessels and capillaries has under normal conditions a phosphatase which though it varies in different cases and phases Card-1/3 is considerable (Refs 5-7). The results concerning Phosphatase Activity of Endothelium in Tissue Cultures SOV/2o-122-3-51/57 the positive reaction to alkaline phosphatase in the interkinetic nuclei. and in the chromosomes of the mitotic figures agree on the whole with the data given in publications. All those doubts expressed in more recent publications (Refs 11,12) apply as well in the case of the problem whether they are artefacts or reflect to a certain extent the true localization of the ferment. The given observations permit the assumption that the acid phosphatase activity of the nucleus-nucleoproteids is changed to a considerable extent in different stages of the life cycle of the cells. The comparison of preparations which were treated with various (above mentioned) methods leads to the conclusion that the nucleoli of the interkinetic endothelium nuclei enlarged under the conditions of the explantation contain not only ribonucletnicacid, but also desoxy-ribonucleinic acid. If it is proceeded from the ideas of V.A.Engelgardt (Ref 14) that the cell structures themselves have a fermentative activity, the above dVcribed consideration of the observations Card 2/3 concerning the acid-phosphatase in the nuclei and Phosphatase Activity of Endothelium in Tissue -Cultures SOV/2o-122-3-51/57 chromosomes becomes very probable. There are 3 figures and 14 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut onkologii Akademii meditsinskikh nwak SSSR Onstitute of Oncology of the Academy of Medical Sciences 7USSR) SUBMITTED: May 2, 1958 Card 3/3 J_ EXCERPT& YEDICA See 16 Vol 7/9 Cancer Sept- *3645c. The Wfluence of JeWmemic blood serum and extracts of leukaemic leucocytes on tissue cultures of human lymph nodes (Russian text)CHISTO N. Mjnst, orOncol.,Acad. of Med. Sci., Leningrad Vopr. Onkol. 1959, 0 (,j55 'i H21) I I U 9, 6 Particles of human lymph nodes were cultivated in It medium supplemented b serum or extract of Itucocytes of patients with different forms of leucosis. Lymph nodes cultivated in a medium with normal human serum and with the addition of an extract of leucocytes, of normal persons served as controls. The most striking and constant changes were with the serum and "tracts of patients suffering from acute ation of basophi- was an increase of ition in the trans- acrophage forma- lear cells (and of Is. The changes in cosis was similar though I arked. (XVI, 5) EiC,ERPTA Y-&DlCA See 5 Vol 12/9 General Path. Sept 59 2537. THE INFLUENCE OF LEUKAEMIC BLOOD SERUM AND LEUKAEMIC LEUCOCYTFS ON ENDOTHELIUM IN TISSUE CULTURE (Russian text) - C h I o p i n N. G. and C-b i s t o v a N. M. Inst. of Oncol. AMS, Leningrad - VOPH. ONKOL. 1959, 5/6 (662-4TUIrrifis. 6 The cultures were from the endothelium of the inferior vena cava from rabbits. The endothelial growth zones showed dystrophic and necrobiotic changes. The cytoplasma had an increased banophilia and RNA content. and in some cases there were basophilic granulations. The nuclei enlarged. Sometimes there was vacuoliz- ation of the cytoplasm. In 2 experiments the alterations observed were different: atypia in the growth zone. polymorphism. and the appearance of unusually small cells. The changes were In all cases more marked when serum or extracts from cases of acute my~e~oid leukaemia were used. (XVI. 5) A tea EXCERPTA )EDICA See 5 Vol 12/9 General Path. SePt 59 2639. CHANGES IN THE TISSUE ELEMENTS OF THE HUMAN LY,'%1PJI NODES IN EXPLANTS (Russian text) - Chfutova N. M. Lab. of Exp. Morphol., Inst. of Oncol., USSR Acad. of WedT.-S-cis-, -EFErn-grad - BYULL. EKSPER. BIOL. I MED. 1959 4711 (75-79) Illus. 4 'h.4 change of lymphocytes into macrophages. fibroblast-like calls and 'epitholiold' elements was obaerved In culturing the tissue of human lymph node. Lymphocytes were not transformed into elements identical to fibrocytes of connective tissue and did not form intercellular substance in 30-40 days of culturing. The majority of the reticularcells preserved their stationary non-amoeboid characterand resembled fibroblasts. They exhibited an actively phagocytic function and were transformed -into macrophages at various stages of culturing. ......... CHISTOVA, N.M. , Cytochemical study of the activity of envymes of the succinic oxidase system in the explants of human lymph nodes. TSitologiia 3 no.6:687-695 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy morfologii Instituta onkologii AM SSSRt Leningrad. SUGGINIC DERYDROGENASE) (LYI-THATICS) Z0--VA,-ffjI-,_ALeningrad,, K-156p Pr. Engel'sa., 28, kv.38) R~S ._L Activity of alkaline and acid glycerophosphatase in explants of human lymph nodes. Arkh. anat. g.'Fst. i embr. 40 no.5:58-66 Mr 161. (IIIIIA .15"4) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy morfologii (zav. - deystvitelinyy chlen AMI SSSR N.G.Khlopin) Institute. onkologii AN21 SSSR. (GLYGEROPHOSPHATASrZ) (L)WPATICS) CHISTOVA9 P.M. Effect of himan cordyloma acuninatm extract on tissue cultures of vaginal epithelium. Vop.onke 8 no.6-.3-18-128 162. (IMU 15:3-1) 1e Iz patologo-morf'ologichookoy laboratorii (zavo - deystvitel*My, chlen AMN SSSR, prcf.,M.F. Glazunov) Instituta, onkologii AMB SSSR (dir. - deyst7itellnyy chlen AM SSSR$, prof. A.1. Serebrov)o (TISSUE CULTURE) (VAGINA) (TISSUE EMACTS) (GENERATIVE ORGANS-TUMORS) MALYUGINA, L.L.; CHISTOVA, N.M. Studies on possible carcinogenic properties of extracts of cultures infected with the blood of leukemic patients. Vop. onk. 10 no.6:78-81 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallroy onkologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki RSFSR prof. N.V.L--zarev) i laboratorii eksperimentall- noy morfologii (za,v. - deystvitel'W chlen ANN SSSR prof. N.G. Khlopin [deceased]) Instituta onkologii A14N SSSR (dir. - deystvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.T.Serebrov). Adres avtorov: Leningrad, st. Pesochnoye, 2, leningradskaya ul., d.68, Institut onkologii AMN SSSR. CHISTOVA _~ L.&~ ...... __, Histochemical changes in cultures of human lyisphatic nodes under the influence of blood sGrum and extract from leuoocytes of 13at'Larits with leukemia, 'Vop,, ank. 11- no,,7r,47-52 '65. (MM 1859) 1. In laboratorli eksperizentallnoy marfologil (zav.- daktor nod. nauk M.P. Ptakhov) Institute. onkologii AMN SSSR. CHISTOVA "Yeativals for children in day nurseries nnd children's homes* by T.$.Bnbndzhan. Reviewed by X.P.Chistovs. Med.sestrn 17 no-3:48 Mr 158. (MMA 11:4) (NUSIC--IHSTRUCTION AND STUDY) (BARADZRAN, T.S. CHISTOTAIP.I.- HIXFIAYLUW,Tu.Ta., redaktor; SUDAK,D.M., tokhnichask:Ly re [Pundamentals of microbiology; 0snovy mikrobiologil; uchabnoo vetskoi torgovIi. Moskva, Goo. 6o p. textbook for trade schools] posoyle Me tekhnikumov so- Izd-vo torgovot lit-ry, 1955. OC6?A 9: 4) (Microbiology) CIISTOVA P SKUAI N.A.9 red.; MAMONTOVAq N.N.g takhu. red, [Microbiology] Mikroblologiia, Moskm-j Goa. isd-vo torg, litm-ryt 1961. 117 p. (MMOBIOLM) (MIRA 14:6) VAKSER, I.I.; STUBAYLO, G.D.; A19fiXQYA,_V.A,- KRYUCHKOV, G.R., dote., nauchnyy red.; KUNTSEVICH, S., otv. ma vypusk; STZRZHAKOVj P.,, tokhn. i4d. Public health in the White Russian S.S.R. for forty yeare 919-1958); an Index to the literature] Zdravookhranenie R Belurusekoi SSR ia norok let, 1919-1958; ukazatell litera- tury. Minsk., 1961. 500 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Minsk. Respublikanskaya neditsinakaya bibliotaka. (WRM ROSSIA-PUBLIC (BIBLIOGRAM-WHITE gosudaretvannayn nauchnaya HEALTH-BIBLIOGRAPHT) RUSSIA-PUBLIC HEALTH) FUCHEDVA, L.I.; CHIST07A. I.L. Iffect of added phosphatide concentrates on the technological process of wheat broad mmufacture. Trudy HTIPP 4:96-104 $56. (MLFA 9: 10) (Phoupbatides) (Dough) POPOV, N.N.; BATEMN, N.A.; CHISTOTA, !,.V., red.; SHLXKSUYA, T., red.; - - - LAGMINA. I.K.. . [The German Democratic Republic: economy and foreign trade] Germanskaia Demokratichooksia Respublika; skonomika i vneah- n1ala torgovlia. Moskv&,TneshtorgIsdat, 1959. 246 P- (KIRA 13:2) (Germany. last-l-conomic conditions) (Germany. Bast-Commerce) I RACHIMmy., v.V.; TSZYL DAIZN [Chia Ta-ling]; CHISTOVA, Ye.D;' Dynamics of salt transfer in porous media. Izv. T'3KRA'no*2:165-183 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Soil percolation) (Salts) RAGRIVSM,, VT.; TS2'.YA DA-LINj CHISTOVAjj~A& Imstigating the dynamics of salt movement in porous media* S Report No.2: Dynamics of the leaching of salts from porous media. Izv. TSM no.1:176-192 163o (MM 16:7) (leaching) USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 1610 Author: Dibrov, G., Liokumovich, L., and Chistova, Ye. Institution: Hone Title: Combined Drying and Grinding of Clay Original Periodical: Stroit. materialy, izdeliya, i konstruktaii, 1956, No 5, 29-30 Abstract: The modification of a drum dryer (D) at the Rostov brick factory is described. The modification consisted in the removal of the inner scrdens and housings and their replacement with 2 sets of bucket blades and chains. The bucket blades continuously sift the clay (C) and spread it evenly over the cross section of the drum (D), thus assuring a more intensive drying of the clay particles by the hot gasses and reducing the drying time. The chains, in addition to drying of the clay by the heat accumulated in the chains, effect a partial grinding of the particles, thus reducing the amount of clay Card V2 UEZR/Chemical Technology -- Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, Wo 1, 1957, 161o Abstract: which has to be conveyed to the disintegratorB. The productivity of the D on the basis of the amount of water removed was increased by 15-20%; the temperature of the inlet gases was reduced. Card 2/2 C -rd v Eli ia. Hi 6 vzz I Ir, 'A Z I Sd a i q HIU' 1, "12 49113 A 51.031 113 -48 v a Jill j.:1 Aj t! . .4 10 'pt u2 3 0 0-1 2z ON] IC M! 3- &K 1: ft- z %.-i:N list: I L Lis's pliv PIPAC; 'jv* -a v WK zi';.'UUAS4.-s2 9' U -A -1 6 ell in, r. I gAi- iv~ so I ZI 1 It i-1 9111,11i, v I ~,a I I! 1 -1 0' 11 1 ohs 93, 0 coo vai! vi tj a.; AZAROV, K.P.; CBISTOVA,.TQ, w Phosphate anamelm. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31 no.10:1602-1604 0. 158. (MIRA 12:1) lelaboratorlya Gmlaer Novocherkmqskoge politekhnicheskego instituta. (Immel and enaqmling) AUBff. I.P., doteent, land.takhn.muk; CHIBIOTA, Ye.N., aspirant Phosphate enamels. 2~~ NPI 47C273-292 '38, NML 13:5) 1. NovocherboaW ordens friAovogo Xrasnogo Znwnni _politekhnicheakty hatitut iment Sargo Ordzhonikidze; lafedre tekhnologLi keraulki, stekla, i emley. (Inaml and ensimellng) (Phosphates) CHISTOVA, Ye. M., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Phosphate enamels and gla- zes." Novocherkassk, 1960. 18 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Novocherkassk Order of Labor Red Banner Polytechnic Inst im Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Chair of Ceramics, Glasses, and Enamels); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 161) 'C 0 v 6, 17 M40 X WOK EMNATION BOV15583 Podkletnov, Ye. IT., Sta3lm Prize Winner, ed. Emall i protocosy emalirovatiya (Enamels and Enameling Processes) Moscow, maahgiz, ig6l. U3 P. 4,000 copies printed. Sp=soring Agencyt Gosudarstyennyy nsuchno-tekhnicheski7 komitet Soveta. Ministroy UkrSSR. Institat tekbuidwakoy informataii. Rd.t N. F. Onishchenko, Tech. Ed.s M. S. Gornostaypollskaya, Chief EdO MashgIz (Southern Dept.): V.K. Sard3ruk, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engiveerIng and technical personnel concerned with the reaearch,productidn, and uses of enamel. C07BRAGE: This collection of articles on enamels and enameling processes is based an material presented at the first Ukralne-vide conference on the pro- duction of ensmal and eneneled equIpont, organized by the State Scientific Technical ComIttoo or the Vxr&Wsn 80# the Uyav Soynarkbos, Chemical Card I/ Enamels and Ename3lr4 Pimcessee Society imeni Mendelf.-yev, Scientific Technical Society of the Haabine-BUIlding d anning Induatryy and other aovnarXhozcs, scientific research institutes, an p! (The us=, place, and date of the conference are not gi%-cn.l organizations. The following are disowned: old and now types of on In, their coziporition, properties, uses, and methods of production; the proftetion of er-locl equip- uent (chetdcal apparatus, pipes, cisterns, etc.), and their use in the coal, chemical, food, and other lDdustrles; intent advances in the Mcbanization of enowLing,proceuties and techniques, the effect of underlying surfaces on the quality of enE=1 coatings, and mathods of modifying the proportion of enazml coatings, e.g.,incroasing their cbezdcal stability. Anrican and Chinese practices and production an also briefly discaoood. No personalities am mentioned. There are 32 referencast 22 Soviet, 7 English, and 3 Oer-n. TA= OF CCV=St Twell, V. X. Development of the Enamel Industry In the Ukrainian SSR 3 Smirnov, N. S. Proaleats for Developing and Methods of Improving the Enamel rmdustry in the Urals, Siberia, and the (Soviet) Par East 21 Card 2/4 Enamels and Enameling Proeussen so7/5583 Ignatovich, 1. 1. Use of linam-1 Coatings in Various Industries 80 Azmvv, K. P., S. B. CirecluLnova, N. A. KirIjanorej and Ye. M. Chiotova. Studies In the Yield of AIwd.MM fte ling 88 Azarov, K. P., and S. 1. Gawharov., Meebanizatiou of Enameling Proeeoces 97 Savchanko, V. Z. (Deceased). cantraxtsed Ptodaction or vitreous Ran 1r 1o3 Antonova, To. A. Production of Enameled Articles In the Chinese P.Oplel. Republic 3.06 Bibliography 113 AVAILABMs Library of Corgress Card UA JA /dfk/ow 1o-6-61 AZAROV, K.P.; BALANDINA, V.V.; CHISTOVA, Ye.Fj.-; RODIONOVA, A.V. Crystallization of titanium phosphate enamels. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;- Rhim.i khim.te-kh. 4 no.4:647-650 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Novocberkasskly politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Or-dzhonikidze, laboratoriya emaley. (Enamel and enameling) (Titanium phosphate) t~;klz,. nauk; RQ-I(JDAI'ov SHUIio), YeoS*, inzho Plastic cow-rote ori a ba-,-je of the nirfurol a,~elrte monomere Stroi. mat. 10 no.~*,"-3---' Jl 161, (Inw- 16.-I) OWTOVAO., Y9sMvo,k&tid,tokMdn#ukj HMO# AaVsj kahdatekhninauk ~.-~ I I I 14 t A lent#rprisob , Abllit~ Ot Oft, 0 P1601-0 ih ot the fobd Indu9trya ftblci i koh 91 fkbslO04")5 0 1641 (MIRA 18111) it RdotbVokily lhzhtnvjrnb6,ctroltellnyy Instluits CHUYKO, A-V-, kand.teklin.nauk; CHISTOVA, Ye.M., kand.tekbn.nauk; ROMODANOV, AA., inzh,! --UYKO, Ye.S.,, inzh. Floor deformations in enterprises of the canning industry. Prm, stroi. 42 no.2:2.9-21 165. (MIRA 18:4) -.1 yr~.% transistor blvck3 fcr 'the PI anal PID ragulatoz,~i. ~;- borcistrocn- L 2 --i I --- no.!) -,15-18 14 161a (!-;IRA 34-10) ("llmnsi.stor cirmits) (Ellectronic ~,~Out-~Ol) S/103,/62/023/010/007/008 D201/D308 AUTHORS; Minina, 0* M. (deceased) and Chistova., Ye. S. TITILE: A switching transistor power amplifier for the control! of a -two-phase asynchronous motor PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telempkhanika, v. 23,,no. 10, 19620 1393-1395 TEXT: The authors consider the output circuit of the motor stage amplifier of industrial process controllers. "The motor stage is based on a modif ied two-phase asynchronous motor type Aq R - 3 6,7~ (ADP-362). The transistors used are of the type ING(PO) and the diodes are,1L'30_3(D303). The cot consists bf"a center-tapped mains transformer. The C. T. is earthed via the motor dontrol windings. The outer ends of the.transformer are connected to two symmetrical petworks, consisting of two triode transistors, coi-mected in paral- lel to the transformer through diodes in the collector circuit. The two diodes of one pair of transiBtore are connected in opposition .--with respect to eELch other*-Depending on the polarity of the input dhrd 1/2 I I ' S/1 03/62/023/010/007/008 k switching transistor D201./D308 signal, one half of the circuit conducts and the other is cut off. This results in a sinusoidal pulse voltage in the control winding, the main winding being supplied direct from the mains. It is stated in conclusion~that the tr~dnaistors in the above amplifier circuit ..operate very efficientlytithe response is practically instantaneous, the sinusoidal voltage in the load makes the operation ofthe motor easier, the amplifier can.operate,in conjunction with a motor ei- ther at 50 or 500 a/so it can be,used in any control'circuit with .time pulse modulation and, because of the small power dissipated by transistors, no cooling is required. There are.2-figures. SUBMITTED: May 7t 1962, Card 2/2 NININAI 0.& [deceased] (bbskva'; CHI~TOVA I - ,.D Moskva) Power amplifier uBing -switching transistors for regulating a two- phase asynchronous motor, A-vtom.i telem. 23 no.10-:1393-1395 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Electric motorsp Induction) (Transistor circuits) OMTOVA-Z-Ya- (Vetterinary Surgeon., Scientific Proauction Laboratory on the Control of Diseases of theclbung Stock of Agricultural Animals of the YAnistx7 of Agriculture of the RSFSR) "Cultivation ofviruai-of the infeectious avian laryngotracheitis" Veterinariya) vol. 1.9, no. 4, April p. BT SYUR3110 V.K.j prof.j-, CIESTOU, Z~ Yasq Mladshiy naucbnyy sotrudnik Study, and specific proph7laxis of chicken pox in poultrY. V'sterinariia 39 no*6&42-49 Je 16Z- .(MIRA 1881) la Vsesoyu=i7y nauabno-issledovatellskly institut Yeterinamoy virasologii i mikrobiologii Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SWR (for Slyurin). 2. Nauchno-iroizvodetvannayn laboratoriya po imioheniyu bolaxney molodnyaka s*l'akokhomyayvtv*nnykh zhivatnykh MinisterstvaL sallskogo khozyaywtva RSFSR (far Chistova). CHISTOVA) Z,Ya., velerinarnyy vrach Culturing the virus of the infectious lar.,mgotracheitis of poultry. Veterinarlia 39 no-4:87-91 Ap 162. (MIRA 17;10) 1. Nauchno-proizvodstvennaya laboratoriya po borlbe s boleznyami moladnyaka sellskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotn7kh Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva RSFSR. KUDRYAVTSEV, F.S.; qHk4T ,,~.Ya.; KULIKOVA, N.S.; BURINSKAYA, N.D.j SE M RYAKOVA, A.S. Use of furazolidone and streptonyoin in treating respiratory Myooplams. infection in chickens. Veterinarlia 42 no.808-40 Ag 165- (MIRA 18ill) 1. Nauchno-proizvodetvennaya laboratoriya po borlbe s boleznyami molodnyaka sallskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh Ministerstva nollskogo khozyaystva RSF5R. AP6028160 S0URCE CO DE:~ UR/0346/66/000/008/0024/0025 AUTHOR: Kudryavtsev, F. S.; Chistova, Z. Ya.,, Syurin, V. N. ORG: Livestock Disease Research and Production Laboratory, MSKh RSFSR (Nauchno- proizvodstvennaya laboratoriya po bor'be c boleznyami molodnyaka sel'skokhozyay- stvennykh zhivotnykh MSKh RSF`SR) TITLE: Hemagglutination reaction as a criterion for evaluating immunity to Newcastle diseaue SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 8, 1966, 24-25 TOPIC TAGS: hemagglutination reaction, immunity, diagnostic medicine, Newcastle disease ABSTRACT;- Ae'siults of*using a 'modification of the hemagglutination reaction-, :in diagnosis of Newcastle disease and immunity to it have shown it to be superior to present methods in evaluating immunity to ,Aeifcastle disease in fowls. [WA-50; CBE No. 12] SUB CODE:- 061 SUBM DATfit none/ ORIG REF: 00l/ OTH REF: 0011 ----------- --- &~ ------------------- (_1 ff 15 ro Ut e ~1) ~1 . /~ I _USM/Human and AM 1 Physiology - Nervous System. R-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, Nol6, 1957, 71189 Author : ChistovicbL, A.A. Title : On the- Differentiation of Height of the Modulated Signal. Orig Pub : Biofizika, 1956, 1, No 5, 438-447 AbFtract : Limins of distinguishing frequency modulation were compa- red with limens of distinguishing pure tones frequency. The frequency modulation varied within limits of 100-1000 to ge ". The level of modulated signal was 45 "db". The teats were conducted on 5 people with normal hearing. In low frequency modulation (100-700 "ge") the degree of modulated uound is identified from the height of the pure tone, the frequency of vhich is equal to the frequency of modulation. With increase of frequency in modulation the precision of evaluation of the height of sound is decrea- sed and with 1000 gc the evaluation of the height of sound becomes practically impossible. The thresholds of Card 1/2 130 ;141- i-i-i is ii i &'a 104 0 UJIMS bill 1111pail wavog Z " U 11 M 11 14 11 A JIM A A I ata at V'i p -Abe PNC$,i#Tlt$ IRVO The effe" of unall dow of chlodar on tho rexplorsto" a a!rmhw , A. N. Chloilovich stul A. A, Owlaev. 1',m t1 1'. K. S. :~ 1, MO 1: 00 Chow, /Plott, 1936, 11, lithl UN1111. I-IN111'. .,tk 161-bils, Allinva lilt% slul willck, v it%- ill life ISIVIII(ilk 11 0 Ad life it 1:14W W114-11011 fiff lilt' (1- -0 e milwavilmil maliting a lili%hutetil oI i lie Immorvir traction ill file omom. mcm walle .4 the len-italms; o1glill. 111,6.41"1 11101 Ill, it. .1 .00 fliAll JI.I.L.4 J.1 k 1,, 0, ill file Ife,'llij.-til ,[ 611111,111". Al. A 0 Im-Al, Ito lie oollill lilt $om hom ill,- zoo The Cl, din-.4 11,11 m Am wov illipail ill,- loo, It"ll -1 the 1,1111nowry plingwylvs. The mily effect ohich o :~mld I-V oletectlA WA4 tin illaraw if) file Iviso.-VII-4 in Ow 00 3 1111se.111% titeininane, if the up1wr fv%pirnttvrv ZOO 00 M. (1, M(Notir 900 of as 0 4r .0 '00 60 0 00 0 VOID 0 AT so as - 0~ 0 of 0 1 w It, to w 04 K a Ill It a IN Is 1111 to It I 0 0 "log Is o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 4 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 06 00 0 00 to 0 0 0 0 0 000 160 0 so!* 0 0 0 0 00 : : : : : : : 0 CHISTOVICH, A.N., professor (Leningrad, 9 u1. Smirnova. d.10a kv. 6) *at Pathogenesis of surgical tuberculosis. Test. khIr. 74 no.6:20-25 S 154. (WLRA 7:10) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomil (nach, prof. A.N.Chstavich) Voyenno-meditsinskoy Ocademil im. S.M.1trova. (TUMCULOSIS, MILIART, etiology and pathogenesis,) (TUMCMMIS, OSTIOARTICMAR, etiology and pathogenesisj CHISTOVICH, A.M. professor Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Anichkov. Arkh. pat. 17 no.4:94-96 O-D 155. (MM 9:2) (BIOURAPHMI Anichkow. Nikolal 14.) CHISTOVICH, A.N.. ; GOLISIVM. N.1., doktor seditainakikh nauk; SHAMD. LA., I XikbAil FedLorovich Glazuuov. Arkhpat. 18 no.8:130-131 156, (MLFA lOt2) 1. Chlon-korreepandent AXN SSSR. (For Shabod) (GIAZUNOV, XMIAIL NUMOVICE, 1996- ) CHISTOVICH, A.N.. prof.; ZMOV, A.I. Proble= in the pathoanatomy of lung cancer. Vop.onk- 3 no.4: 399-404 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheakoy amatonii (nach. - prof. A.N.Chisto- vich) Voyanno-meditainakoy' ordene Lenina akademii in. S.K.Kirova Adres avtorovi Leningrad, u1. lebedeva, d.37-a. Voyenno-meditain- skaya skademiya ordena lenins ims S.K.Kirove, kafedra patologiche- skoy anstomit. (LUNG XROPIASMS, pathology, Plus)) GRISTOVIGH. A.B., prof. Some problems in experimental tuberculocis [with summaz7 in French]. Probl.tub. 35 -ao*7:103-110 157. (MIRA 11:2) (TUBIRCULOSIS. exper. review) CHISTOVICH9 A.11., rof.; XHWMINITSKIY. 0.K., doteent Work of the Lenln,7ad Pathoanatomical Society in 1956. Arkh. (MIRL 12:8) pat. 20 no.11:90-93 158. 1. Prodsedatel' Laningradskogo obahchastva patologoanatomov (for Chistovich). 2. Sekretar' Leningradskogo obshchestva patoloanatomov (for Mmllnitakiy). (PATHGMTOHICAL SOCIE-MRS) BUNINA, B.Z., prof.: BRAMINA, R.O., prof.; KLIMNOVA, A.A.. kand. biolog.nouk; KOSADI)ANIANSEIi -Y.V.9 prof.; MOISLI, L.M99 prof*; RABMIN# A.U., prof.; ;;;miff, A.I., prof.; SFMULO, I.T., prof.; MUMMA, Ta,.D.0; CHISTOVICH A.N prof SOMM, N.A.9 prof.; JITNIS, VeL,# profoo zaBluzhennyy A7eyetall naukit otv, red.. red.tow; KOMM, P,G,p prof., red*; XMYAVTSUA, A.I., prof. EdeceasedIj red.; LIBEMA, Z.I.. kand.mad.nauk, red.; LAPINAv A.I., rea.; MASSINO. S.V., doktor med.nauk, red,; M-MA OV, F.V., prof.. smsluzhannyy deyatell nauki, red.; SENCHILO, K.K., 'U' E-Valtivolume, kwadbook on tuberculosis] Nnogotomnoe rukovodetvo po tubarkulasu. Koek:vaq Gos.izd-vo md,lit-ry. Vol.le [Gonera-1 problems in tuberculosis] Obahchis problemy tubarkulaza. Red. tons: V.L.Rinis. I.I.Strukov. 1959. 672 p. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AM SM (for Strukov, Shmlev). 2. Deystvi- tel'Wy chlen AMR SSER (for Kornev). (TUMMCULOBIS) CHISMIGH. A.N., profs.-. XMMLINITSUr. 0919p datso ----------------------- Work of the lionlWad Society of Pathomatomists in 1957. Arkh. Pat* 21 490,1:78-83 1590 (XTRA 12:1) la ProdseWol* Leningxadeltoge obmhchostva patologoanatamov (for Chlatovlch)lp 2. Sakretp-rl LeningradskDgo obahchestva patologoana- tomov (for Omallultakly). (IMUGRAD-PATHOATATOKICAL SOCINTIES) CHISTOVICH9 A*N,; SIPOVSKIYI PsVo Brief our7ey of activiti9o of the Ioningrad Society of Pathoanatomists during the past 50 years (190%-1959). Arkh.pat. 21 159, (KM 13:12) (IMIEGRAI).-PATHOANATMICAL SOCIETIES) CHISTOVICHt AlekM.Njko3~"Y~,~~; CHUDAKOVp V.G.p red.; CHUPTAYEVAy . red. V. f [Pathological anatoxV and the pathogenes'is of tuberculosis; es- says]PatoloilicheEkaia anatomiia i patogenez tubarkuleza; ocher- ki, Leningradp Medgizi 1961, U9 pe (MIRA 15:10) (TUBERCULOSIS) CHISTOVICH9 A.No, polkovn:U,. moditsinakoy oluzhby Academician Hikolai Nikolaevich Anichkov; on his 75th birthday. Voen.-mied.zhur. no.ls94 Ja 161. (MM 34o1) (AJ%IGHKOV9 NIKOIAI INIKOIAEVICH, 1883-) 1 1. - CHISTOVICH, Aekop*prof. (Leningrad) ~ - ExperimentcLI oavemous tuberml--is. Probl.tub. no.6:73-79 161. . I (mm 14:9) (TUBERCULOSIA ZERNOV, A.I.; LISITSIN, M.S. [deceased); POPOV., V.I., prokhodtsev, I.I.; RESHETOV,, A.I.; RYZHKOV,, S.Vo; SITENKO, V.M.; GAISTOVICHL A.N.,._ Results in the treatment of cancer patients with somicarbazide and cadmium. Vop. onk. 9 no.6-.114-116 16"'. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Iz Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lanina akademii imeni Kirova (nachallnik - Prof. P.P. Goncharov). Adres avtorov: 1'eningrad, K-9. ul. Lebadeva., 6p Voyenno-meditsinakaya ordena Lenina akademl.ya imeni Kirova. pIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich fdsoemsed]i G28MMICH, A.M.R prof.; LEVIT, M.N., kand.mdonauk;'KUPRITANOV, P.A., prof., retsenzent; CHISTOVIOR, A.N.1, prof., retsentent; DAVYDOVSKIT, I.V., prof., iiAd-.toms,,-R5iW0V, I.Gop prof,m, red,tom; BAKMV, A.N., red.; VISEDPEVSKIT, A.Av, rede; KORUTIV, V.M., red.; KOCHUGIN, I.G., red.; WROV, P.G., rea.; X=DM07, A.N., red.; PITROT, B.D.# red,; SWWA, S.A., red.; EMICHIKOVA, Yu.S., [Collected works in eight volumes] Sobranie sochinenii v vosimi tomakh. Moskva, Goo.isd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol. 4. [Works On pBthO- logical anatomy and clinical surgery) Trudy po patologicheskoi anatomii :1 klinichaskoi khirurgii, 1849-1855. 1960. 571 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Deystvitelln" chlen Akademil maditsinskikh neuk SSSR (for Kupriyano,r, Davydovskiy, Rufanov). (ANATOMY, PATHOLOGICAL) (SURMY) CHISTOVIC14p A. S. CITIS11TOVICII, A. S. "On symptomatic war psychoser, (Psychose.9 following long after inJM7)tl,, In the collection: Boyevaya tralma nervnoy sistenyp KharIkov, 1948, p. 167-71,. SO: U-3261, 10 April 53 (Letopis - Zhurnal Inykh Statey No. 11, 1949) CHISTOVICH, A. S. CHISTOVICH, A. S. "Gunshot GateomyslitLe and awgical treatment methods in psychiatry", in the collection: Boyevaya travma nervnoy sistemy. KharIkov, 1948, p. 172-74. SO: U-3261o 10 April 53 (Letopis - Zhurnal InykIi Statey No. 11, 1949) A.S. 36468. 0 Vzglyadakh I.P. Favlova Na 9hizofreniyu. Nevrorato-Logiya I Psikhiatriya, 1949, No.5, S. 56-59. SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 49, Moskva, 1949 A BALONOV, L. A;SAXM- RSXIY. X. IgTRAUGM. N. N-,CHISTOVICH, A. S. Neuropbysiological study of acute infectious paychosese Nevropat. poikhtat., Naskm 19 no.4:65-70 July-Ang. 1950. (CIML 20:1) 1. Of the Institute of 11volutionary Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity imeni Academician I. P. Pavloy (Director -- Academician L. A. Orbeli) of the Acadenr of Med- ical Sciences USSR. CHISTOVICKs A. S. Pathophysiological. mechanism of a group of catatonic psychoses following extrourebral wounds; significance of chronic inter- receptive stixulationse Nevropat. psikhUt., Moskva 20 noe'3:35- 39 X&Y-JUM 1951, (OLML 20:11) 1. Professor* Institute of niysiology imeni. Academician 1. P. Pavlor (Director - Academician X. M. Bykov) of the AcadezW- of Sciences USS11. Ij TUW,M, N.H.; CRISTMCB. A.S. Attempt of physiologic uniLerstanding of speech incoherence In schiso- phrenia. Nevropat. psikhiat.. Moskva 20 no.6:31-35 Nov-Doe 510 (CIML 21:4) 1. Of the institute of Physiology Iment. I.P. Pavlov (Director- Academician X.M. Bykov) of the Academy of Sciences USSR. CHISKVICH, A. a. Psikhozy i ikh lechenie v svete ucheniia I. P. Pavjo-va Z-Psychcses and their treatment in the light of I.. P. Pavlov's theories J. LeninFrad, Vsesoi~~z. dt- vo po rasprostranen!',upoli-- i nauch. znanii. Leninrra6. otd-4., 1952. 2-;+ p. SO: Monthly Ligi Qf RuRniml Acc-egsions, Vol. 7 No. 2 May P-154.