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ESK-1., and K=4-1 Elect-rcalc Equipwat (Coat. SOV/4059 3. Construction of the EM-1 Instr ut 61 4. B&sic diagram of the K936-1 instroment 65 5. Construction of the EM-1 instrment 70 6. Adjustment and testing of the instruments under lebovatory and field conditions 74 7. Souroes of trouble of thet ISK-1, KER-1 and E3HK-1 instrments 81 Ch. IV. 11ecommendations on Using Equipment in Accoaxbmae With the Basic Methods of Faectrical. P~vspecting 82 1. Measurement technique 82 2. Chazmeteristic features of electronic eqaipment operations using basic methods of D-C electriml prospecting 88 Conclusion Bibliography CArd 4/5 92 93 RSK-1., and XM*(-1 Electronic Equipment (Cont. SDV/4059 Appendi a: 1. Wiring table of the EU-1 Instrament 2. Wiring table of the IM-I Instrument 3- Wiring diagmm of the ZK-1 Instrument (insert) 4. Wiring diagram of the KM-1 Instriment control pawl [insert] 5. Basic, diagram of the EMN-1 Instrument in!"rt AVAUANZ: Library of Congress 94 97 XON/fal Card 5/5 8-lo-6o CHIROYEVI ViWaar ALkolargitch gyardii polkovaik; KUDRYIVTSBV, N.Y., polkoyntle, redaktor; OWT11, A.B., polkoynik, radattor; 50ROKIN, V.T#, takhnioheekly redaktor [Notes of a combat pilot; some problems in flying a single-sest fighter] Zapiski voennogo letchike; nekotorye voprosy voshdantia odnomestnogo samclata. Moskva. Voon. 12d-vo Miniaterstva oborony Soiusa SSR, 1936. 120 p. (HLRA 10:2) . (Fighter plane @-Piloting) CHIS,,.Gheor ~e; RADU, Stefan The Cepheid variable S Comae Berenioes. Studii astron seismol 4 no.2:393-399 159. (EUI 9:9) 1. Observatonil astronomic al Academlei R.P.R., Filiala Cluj. 2. Comitetul de redactie, Studii 9i cercetari de astronomie si seismologle (for Chia) (Stars) (Cepheids) CHIS Gheorghe; TODORANs loan Observations of the ainina of some eclipsing variables. Studii astron seismol 4 no.2:401-405 159. (EW 9:9) 1. Observatorul astronomic al Academiei R*P*Ro, Filiala Cluj. 2. Comitetul de redactiep Studii si cercetari de astronomie si seismologie (for Chia) (Stars) (Eclipses) CHIS, 2~L.EIODORANJ, I.; BOTEZ, Z. Obser7ationo of the minor planets and comets. Studli astron seismol 5 no.2:333-346 161, (EFAI 10:9) 1. Observatorul astronomic Cluj. 2.Comitetul de redactie, Studil si cercetari, de, astronomie si seismologie (for Chia). (Planets) (Cometo) CHis, Gheorghe; URECHEp Vasile The V Trianguli photometric binary. Studia Ifniv B-B S. Muth-Phys 7 no.1:107-116 162. CWj Gho, profe.urdv,,- PAL, A., oonf. univ. (Gluj) M~ Inflnite space and time problem in astronwW. Gaz mat fiz 15 nog9t449-462 S 063, OHIS Ghp _qKg~&I_PAL, Arpad On the Y Leonis photometric binary instability. Studii astron 9 no. 1i15-27 164. 1. Astronmical Observatory, Cluj. I I Ills *1 C, Gheorghe I -1:1 Variation of the SZ Hercules photometric binary period. Studia Univ R-B S. Math-Phys 9 no.ls77-87 164. CHIS, Gheorghe; TODORAN, Ioan; PAL, Arpad Visual observations of the earth's artificial satellites carried out at Station 1132 of the Astronomical Observatory of the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, during 1962. Studii astron 9 no. 1013-120 164. 1. Astronomical Observatory, Cluj. .CHIS, Gheorghe; PAL, Arpad Visual obser-vati-ns of artificial satellites of earth carried out at Station No.1132 of the Astronomical Observatory of "Babes- Bolyaill University, Cluj in 1963. Studii astron 10 no.1:127-134 165. 1. Astronomical Observatory, Cluj. Submitted March 14, 1964. TISTUIEASA, Florea, tehnician; CHIS, Stefan Concretes of superior quaUty. Constr Buc 15 no.72311 16 N 163. CHIS, V. GUS, V. Application of Duvanov's methods p. 1. Festival of peace and friendship. p. 1. For correct management of materials for their careful use. p, 2. vol. 7 no. 289, July 1955 CONSTRUCTORUL Bucuresti, Rumania S& Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 CHISALITA, Adripr (rluj); BAZACOV, Gh. (Turnu Severin); BATIMITIU, D.'!. (Ducureati); ... CASANDROW, T.; IONESCU-TIU, C., DEMENY, Zoltan, prof. (Aiud) Solved problems. Gaz mat B 15 no.1:17-24 Ja 164. VARODIN, V., Ing.; IONESCU, G., Ing I j11TSCAN V. ifig.; ('10PARTNI M.P 1, -W, GRE --in .; UALOENESCU, Ing.; MARGARITESCU, D., Ing: 1; C., Ing. Aspects of the reflection seismic prospection in the Moesian Platform. Petrol si gaze 15 no.10:529-541 0 164. rwmdwa of Won in dw N"dk DRIOW T9660. All WWI' ' 114fl-Akad. Sdisk ~11.1.ltnx. so, OdT-+1"47")CTiw'. 7ralp. itt,%,tian Zone RAJ 100. 1. 24.--Tht kw%i and hxv%-Iikt- tninvialA tol the 4,IdIP Imietter regirm differ In tni"CrUlnAk-Al V01111111. limit lbryie of III? lown 11111eloel region nil. Ulm in, Amin, ruklu-4 toy (twit high (vk1.p~ui:xouIrut. lit the fine Itactions Ing" fid than quarts. X-ray clainn. 44 the "rAw C1;;,- frect;; Z 2 mi of tomile 1,votot %stuples from the kower Didepef tell Aint"I 111:1t (ruirit was still preornt in the particle ramor 0.2-2 . tout could no longer he detected In panicles smaller than tr:' o This "raw clay- fraction was made up chiefly of anontmord- hosule foul torricitc. M. G. Moore A. r 'a _41.1-1 I _M_,A CaLmS at cast wft ckmav we to obtain g1tromt coke for the rkh In chrome In Moot fur- 00 & cam. Pz"rothotmIal-I and 0. M. Ctwmy%twv. 53. M17_8(10411) kill luirA&A 1wrilil, Ivy O'blina .41 JAl 1~ .f I "-any chintue me to t"4, illm"11t; Ow suoisturr mi. -00 ... to (vollW11118, WHI mkills at ImV. The coke obtained wus very hard. stinns, sirml sihTry, and ex - 0 wullilly diffeml -my fittir from a good nw[&Hurgk,4d vokir. 11W %1w. of chnmw ~okt in the 1,ttlthwtinn ot chissme-tich 00 coo L A DIVALUJIGICAL L11904TWO11 CLAMPKA11001 11111111 SATINSIVIll Ire 0 $0ago -to OKI al't vallil ON G"v m " , q f a T !- 90 u it , 4 1 0 10 01 at it I's IN ft in 4AG: * 0 * : 0 0 0 6 f. 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 41 00 0 0 '---a 0 016-0 a : PAVIL, I.; GIMPIM, S.: CHISIU, N. An electrophoretio study on dysproteinaemia during experimental A, 31, 0 & D avitaminosis. Rumanian H. Rev..3 no.1:21-27 Jan-Mar 59. (BIDOD PROTEIM dysprotainemis in exper. avitaminosis in guinea pigs, electrophoresis) (VITAMIN IWICIOCIIIS. off. on dyeproteinemia in gminea. pigs, electrophoresis) PAVELP I., profel (;KSIU,_N,; GFAUSIv Gh,v dr.1 MIHAIAGHS, N.v chisdot; visnmyp R. Dymprotelnexis, in the hamoral syndrme of experimental athmmatomis in the rabbitrbypergammaglobalinemia. Mod. interm., Bucur 13 no.2: 265-280 F 161, TEMID GLAND extracts) (GAMA GIMULIN) MIMCLEROSIS "rimental) (CHOLESTEROL blood) M (LINDS blood) (HMURONMOR pharimeoloff) PAVEL, I..I-CHISIU, N.; CAMPEANU, S. J Experimental pellagra in swine. A study on dysprotainemia in pellagra syndrome. Cook. gastroont. vyz. 15 no.1:3-17 F 161. 1. Ustav i AV Bukuresti., Rummoka lidova republika. TFEMIGRA experimental) (BLOOD PROTEINS chemistry) PAVEL, I.; CHISIU, N.; TUDORIN, E. The effect of pellagra on the development of offspring conceived after clinical cure. (Experimental study). Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no.5t647-652 '62. (PELLAGRA) (GUMICS) (GROWTH) (GRAIN) PAVEL, I., prof.; CHISIU, N., dr.; CEAUSI, Gh.,dr.,- TANASESCU, N., dr. ------------ Experimental investigations of the anti-atheromatous protective role of some plant oils. Mod. intern. 15 no.3j295-3M Mr 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica do nutritie si dieteiica a Spitalului uDr. 1. Cantacuzino", Bucuresti. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (HYPERCHOLESTEF$M) (OILS) (GRAIN) (MARGARINE) (FATTY ACIDS, ESSENTIAL) PAVEL, I.0 Prof.; CHISIUV ff. Are s=e proteins of animal origin arteriosolarogenic? Experi- mental researmh with meat and choose. YAd. intern. 15 no.8: 991-1002 Ag 163. 1. Lucrare ofectuata, in Clinica do nutritie, I.M.F., Bucureati (director:,prof. Io Pavel). ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (DIETARY PROTEINS) DIETARY FATS) (MEAT) (CHESSE) BELIGAN, Gr., dr.; CHISIU, N., dr. Tmmunochemical study of the "abnormal" globulin (component M) from some pathological blood sera. I. Relation of the "component M" to the common protein fractionB in blood serum. Mod. intern. 15 no./+:485-494 Ap 163. 1. Lucrare efe6tuata in Clinic& medicala a Spitalului "Dr. I* Cantacuzino" (director: prof. I. Bruckner) si in Laboratorul, experimental al Clinicii de boli do nutritie (director: prof. I. Pavel) Bucuresti. (SERUM GLOBULIN) (MULTIPLE MYELCMA) (HODGKINIS'DISEASE) (ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC) (BLOOD PROTEIN ELWTROPHORESIS) (LIPOPROTEINS) PAVFL~ I.; SDFOB1C1, D.; CHIST11, N.; IMIRALACHF, N,.; BOINAPART-F, H,; TANA3MCU, !j, Research on the mechanism or action of dlmethyib~guunlcl- on glucose metabolism In rats with alloxan dial*-tes. Stud, cercet. med. Intern. 5 no.4;431-435 164. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for 1. Frave.10. MIHAIACHS, N.; VISNf,'.i(',J, it. L4 -1-athor-oggr.-Ile action of swi-fllower- 7he ef fe.-t of heat or. the ar .1 oil. Studs cercelkle ipqd. intem. 5 ro.5350-573 164 CHISIU0 N. __ ........... _.- On the origin of the foam calls of rabbit atheroma and the de- pendence of hypercholesteremia on their appearance in plaques. Stud. cercet. med. Intern. 6 no.103-98 165. CHISIU, N. St.; ,-. --, -- - -,., Altheroma of long duration (5 years) In rabbits fed Intermit- tent cholesterol diets. Stud. oereeto-med. Intern. 6 no. 3: 315-319 165. f- - , . A Chbkb and ost 95% of 0;: 19 -Alm the lats in Ys a VtacbLls agent were re- These were sa d., and grained We~ mtly of the clAin owmalp) V. N,A~,.- nd I Zamod inani AtIlM."TA, IMOU, I.; CHISLYAG,. Gh,; TACU, V, - Panctional disorders of the diaphragm in asthenic neurosis. Bal. atiint., sect. med. 9 no.1:45-50 1957. (INUMCIRGMTORT ASTMWIA, pathology diaphragmatic funate disord. ) (DIAPHRAGM, diseases funct. disord. in neurocirc. ast7henia) Gill-SLEAG, Gh., conf.; MARDARE, D.p dr. ....... Protection of ahildren against the action of ionizing radiations. Pediatria (BUcar.) 13 no.5:1,.65-1,73 5-0 164 1. Lucrare efeatuats. Jm Clinica de radiologie, last. ~er, ~Names~~~ ColultrY. Rumania Aeade!nic Degrees: Engineer Af6filiati--n -. -- Souxc-e: Bucharest, Probieme Zootehnice si Veterinare7 No 5, 1961, pp, 3-9. Deta. "The Development of Animal Production in the Years of the Feople's Democratic Regime." Co-author: FODOR$ I,, Engineer. CHIBLMMOI L.L. - Rou of w-pacticoma. in the mesobauthom bioftxm of some algal biotopes of t1w widto Be&. ZDol.shuro. 40 uo.7t983-"6 JI 161. (MM 14s7) 1, Zoological lutitute of the U,SS,R,, Ao&A*W of Sciences,, Leningrad. (V~ite SOMP-COPOPO") (Oputbad). L . T, ;:.;,i;,tenc-o of a littoral faumt. D6,0 . A:", -'Jl'ifll 13'/ 1. Zoolodcheoldy i-i-stitut X-i Pradst-vl,~ino U Favlovakim. (Plarine fauna) CHISLUIX0. L.),. Relation of the oize of water areas with some character3stina of braAiah-.mter faunas akeenologi-A& 4 no,09528-534 16~ (,mm 18S3.) 1. aordogicheskiy institut AN SSSR,. lAningrads CHISL*F,NKO., IL. L. Sex ratio in free-11ving marine Copopoda. Zool. zhur. 43 no.9: 1400-1402 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. CHISLENKOP L. L. Existence or a relation between fecudnity and abundance in marine Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda). Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2: 451-453 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye. N. Pavlovskim. CHISLENKO, L.L. Distribution of Harpacticoids, (Crustacea, Copepoda) on various algae of the White Sea. Zool. zhur. 44 no.2:185-191 165. (MIRA 18;5) 1. Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. CHISLENK9-, L.L.- q 1. ~ - -.... Correlation between body dimensions of females and the number of eggs in Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda). DokI. AN SSSR 161 no.3:724-727 Mr 265. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN IIISSR, Submitt.ed June 12, 1964. AUTHORS: Stekhanov, A. I., Chialer, E. V. SOV/54-59-1-25/25 TITLE: The Temperature Dependence of the Haman Lines of the Scattered Light Spectrum of the quartz Crystal (0 temperaturnoy zavisimosti kombinatsionn.ykh liniy spektra rasseyaniya kriatalla kvartsa) PERIODICAL: VeBtnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 159-160 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors (Refs 1-4) investigated the temperature dependence of the intensity of the Raman lines for various liquids, they could, however, not explain this dependence according to the existing theories (Refs 5-7). In connection therewith investiga- tions were carried out in this paper concerning the temperature dependence of the intensity of the Raman spectrum at the quartz crystal. The investigations were carried out with a ph0toelec- tric dezice and intensive Raman spectra were obtained at 320 and 690 K. The results of measurement are given in a table. They show that the temperature course of the intensity differs in the case of individual Stokes lines, that intensity rises with the temperature, that the dependence which was determined Card 1/2 experimentally does, however, not agree quantitatively with the SOV/54-59-1-25/2"; The Temperature Dependence of the Haman Lines of the Scattered Light Spectrum of the Quartz Crystal theoretical dependence. The line 206 cm-1 shows the greatest deviation. This fact is, however, ascribed to the indistrict extrapolation of the background within the range of the lines 1 128 and 206 cm- .In this connection the fact is indicated that in the case of an equal position of the maximum the line expands in general as well with rising temperature so that its integral intensity is considerably increased with temperature. The anomaly which had been detected for liquids was found to exist in the case of the quartz crystal as well. The authors thank Ye. F. Gross, Corresponding Member, AS UER, for interest displayed in this investigation. There are 1 table and 9 ref- erences, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 CHISLER Ej. Effect of tie width at monoahromator slits on the accuracy of the photoelectric measurements of Raman line intensities. Opt. i spektr. 8 no.3:359-362 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Monochromators) (Raman effect) P-i I~I/C.O'VG4110391056 AUTHORS Stakhanov, A. I., and Chisler, E. 1. TITLIC& Temperature dependence of the of Raman spectra of crystals 35-1 PERIODICALsFizika tvardogo, tela TEXTS The intensities of Raman lines of quaztz, ~aloite, 0and fXuorito crystals were examined at temperatures from !'I tr~ 670.-760 K. A photoelectric device of high light'intensity~ basing on an'004 67(ISP-07) speotWaphg was used for recording the Raxtizi 5PO-.tra. The prism of the speotrograph is rotated synchronous with the, dram i~f IT (KPP#-~51) tape recorder. An tIr',-mult which was used as a receiver was cooled down to -90 C with nitrogen vapor. Only pure and transparent crystals were used for the meaeuTsments. The specimens were put into a Dewar vessel filled w."h '-,!quid nitrogen. The influence of liquid nitrogen on the oonditi:,ns _f t;%ystal illi-Imination A// and the scattering intensity were determined ioats. At low 101, Card -1 /Y I/ Szl~ ~;51't1/003/01VO39/056 Temperature dependence of the intensity... ii. temperatures, ~h* measuring error was lose 11har, ?or measurements in.the 320-690 X temperature range the specimens were put into a special furnace. The Raman sp*otram was act'..vatoid wIth a high-intoneity Hg low-pressure lamp provided with watsr-oo~~iad e,*I'v).~.--~I'rodes (50 *)._ The intensity of the lamp was kept constant by ltbsrzr.'~, atabijization of - the electrodes and by ferroresonance of the supplyz voltage. Fig. 1 shows the Raman spooirum of quartz at different tempera- tures. As can be seen from Fig. 2D the calculated increase in the intensit#i of tgo lines (206 -0-" 466 om-4) in the temperature range of lap to 700 X strongly dwrla~.ts fri~a; the ex erim*ntal determined value. The intensity of three R-&mar (15( e7 fy - Z . v 284,cm- and 1087 cm-1) for calcite was determined a', '1'*-'K and 320"K. At 320 K, the Raman lines are considerably broader than *~ 71 GK. Furthermore, it was shown that the increase in intensity %:f trils first Ram&n line (156 am-1), as a result of raising the temperature, is far below the values theoretically calculated. The increa.9im In Inten5ity of the ooond Raman line (284 cm'-') with increasing temperature differ& : ard 2//~ Temperature dependence of the intensity... B104/B102 only slightly from theoretical calculations. The increase in intensity of the third line agrees fairly well with theory. The first-order Raman spectrum of fluorite-has only one line ( 327 am-1) This line is 0 broadened oonsidorably,by raising the temperature fron, 77 to 700 Kp the intensity increases much more slowly than had been theoretically calcu- lated. Considering these results, the authors conclude that the anomalies in temperature dependence occur when the frequencies belong to outer lattice vibrations. Thus, the line with 1087 cm-1, for instance, corresponds to a fully symmetrical vibration of the CO ion in calcite 3 and agrees fairly well with theory. Furthermore, the authors envisage the possibility that the anoma 'lous temperature dependence be related to lattice distortions. Ya.S. Bobovich and T. P. Tulub (Opt. i spektr., 6f 566, 1959; Opt. i spektr., .2, 747, 1948) are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 17 references: 12 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The two most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: P. K. Narayanaswamy. Proo. Ind. Acad. Sci., sea. A, L8 1 4 7, 1948; 0. Theimer. Canad. I. Phys., 3A, 312, 1956. Card 8/181/61/003/011/039/056 Temperature dependence of the intensity... B104/B102 ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnioheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Physicoteelinical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTM-i April 27, 1961 (initially) July 11, 1961 (after revision) Fig. 1. Raman spectrum of quartz. Legend: (a) 6900K. (b) 3200K. (c) 770K. Card 41XV VCR 6c41- 06CM ~~Zw' 35792 s/l2o/62/ooo/ool/o4o/o6i 3 E,192/E382 AUTH011C Chisler, E.V. TITLE: A high-powar mercury lanip PMRIODICAL: Pribory i telchnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1962, 164 - 167 TEXT: -The lamp is in the form of a four-turn helix of pyrex glass and is furnished with 2 identical mercury-filled electrodes. The overall length of the helix is 180 cm and the diameter of the helix tube is 28 - 50 mm. The large cross- section of the tube makes it possible to achieve a comparatively low electrical resistance of the lamp. The lamp is primarily intended for the investigation of the spectra of the combination scattering where a high resolving power of the spectral instrumentation is required. The constructional details of the lamp are illustrated in Figs. I and 2. The lamp is fixed to the brass plate 1 (see Fig. 1) by means of rubber gaskets 6 It is first degassed, then filled with mercury and then inserted into brass holders 2 and 3 A glass cylinder 11 is inserted between the flanges The section 2 is filled Card 1/1 S/120/62/000/001/040/061 A high-power mercury lamp E192/r..382 - with distilled water or i. solution of KNO., which is cooled by the radiat-or 10 . The electrodes of the lamp arc cooled by the water filling the section 3 - When in operation, the lamp is situated on a special Etand, where it can be rotated around the axis of the helix without affecting the investigated samples. The lamp is fed from a three-phase rectifier ba50don 3 gas-filled tubes (S~._163 M-163)), which gives a current of 50 A at 200 V. The voltage is stabilized by ferroresonance stabilizers which supply the*rectifier. The stabilizers are grouped in three units and have a phase-difference of 120 0 between them; each unit consists of 4 stabilizers connected in parallel. When triggering the lamp, an AC mains supply of 110 V is connected in series with the rectifier voltage. The auxiliary supply is shunted by a resistance after the ignition of the lampi, In order to reduce the ignition voltage of the lamp, an 'auxiliary are is formed between the auxiliary anode (I in Fig. 2) and the cathode 2 of the lamp; the current of the auxiliary arc i5'3 A. The lamp produces the lines of 11047, 4358 and 5561 9, which can be used for excitation of the Card 2A Temperature dependence of the band intensity of hydrogen bonds in Raman spectra of gypsum and Rochelle salt crystals. Fiz. tver tela 5 ho.912455-2460 8 163. (MIRA 16tIO) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. ACCF.S-l'(-ll. kF 14 `,f) AUTHOR: Chisler, E. V. TITLE- Temperature dependence of the i nt ens i t SOURCE! Fiz,'k;a tverdr)qo tela, l')" TOPIC TAGS: R am .-i nspectrum, t err p Pt cl (--po ow P i T-I cc i- e s )t--aine,~ll earliv,! Card 1/2 wins =03-6219MIMMM IEEE L 25079-65 ACCESSION NR; AP5003450 '!T; investigated were baritei -celestine quartz, calcite, salpeter, fluorite, and gypsum. in most cases the experimental' results w-ere in good aqreement with the theory. Some of the re;~-,- crepancies are 1--r ief ly di scusse-~. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR (Pbysicotechnical Institmte.AN SSSR) S LTBML T T1 F'-~ 4 F'Zf-T NO PLEF Sov- Oil OTHER: 005 Carci '77 6cS246-6r DdT 1 ACCESSTORM: AP5012592 up/o 3B 1.16 51r-q7!00" !a- 956 AUTHOR: TITLE: Investipaticm -,f ~he -phase 129C 3 rezpective lo a ccapRnled by an appreciable -.-Cbangi lm~ the Ritam]3 speau in the reglan -of -ille 65246-65 0 ACCESSION NT: AP'50 L2~92 'he same d(,pendencf, ~f lh~, :C-,- aroaaf--inng or tlie vn line in the RaNO.. apeotrum cjkn- mle^ preted f'r-Tt T-i cnl- . I- PC ik'; S, rr- 7~ A T 7 t t f SUDC'ITTET L 0c, FA,REF OYHER: 003 AVJ11OR; Wwimova T. I.; Ste)Aww4-A.-I.; Chisler E. V. TME: On the temperature dependwas of the'intensity of the mmki-order aaa scattering spectrum of NaC1 =ystals SW=z Fizika tverdbp baa, ve 7. no, 6t 19659 1681-1083 TOPIC TAGS: P-man, s6aftering, P-im spectrum, tempereture dependmael, spectrum analysis ..c AWTRALT: UWke in an earlier investigation (Ste)dwnov rizika shchelocibno- galoidaykh kr~~ov EPhysizs of Mali-halide Q~ystalsi' Tr. II sovesch* Izd. Latv. gm. Univ-s Riga 1962)9 the authors,used the 49358- A01ine (instead of 29537 0 A),;V'-anjf ii~the spectrum by a photoelectric method (rather than by photo- grel$*0 6--thi-s has made it possible to perform quantitative measurements of the spectrum intensity at different temperatures. The light source was a low pressure, marrawry lamp des=ibed elsewlwxe (PTE no. 1. 164 0 1962) , and the spectrum uw cb- 1! tained with a DES-12 double motiochrtmator. The resultant spectrum was continuous s 1 with very cmipl"ed intensity distribution) directly adjacent to the exciting 1/2 L2511-66 ACCESSION NR: 'AP5014660- line and stretching to 580 ~V-1. Several maxim of intensity appear against this' background, With increasing temperaturep the intensity of the spectrwn increases rapidly . the increaw in the 60 - 200 cm,71 region being greater than in the rest i of the spect-nn, The results agm well with the theory only in the high fre- quency put of the spectrumb and for frequencies of 230 "-i-l and below the dis- crepancy between theory and experiment begins to be noticeable. This discrepana"I' is attributed to first-ordar Ptaman scattering caused by defects in the crystal 1 lattice. It is amcluded that the spectrw of awmalous Raman scatterIng extends i at least to 230 cm . in agreement with the theoretical results by P.- P. Pavinskiy (Vestn. LGU no. 22, 51p 1957). Orig. art* has: 2 figures and 1 for- mula. 1 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy L-tstitut im. A. r. loffe AN SSSRp Leningrad i (Physicotechnical Institute M SSSR) SIUMM 28JulG4 ENM: 00 SUB ODIE: OF9 SS ODIER40 000 No ar SOVI 006 ica ~r f-, r L, A 1~ 1 7 1, ;AL ITHOR: ChISler,, e--,i, v. zw tam L7- .. .. . ..... A -7 7~z 7 (Phys Ic o--ie e-nna cd I A~:C t~"" AY-603-1925 S01111CH, COD]!',: OV/0030/001017/001/01G3/0171 AUTHOR: Chisler, V.; Shur, M. S. ORG: A. F. loffe Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR TITLE: The Raman spectrum of NaN02 in the ferroelectric phase SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 17, no. 1, 1966, 163-171 TOPIC TAGS; Raman spectrum, ferroelectric crystal, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrite single crystal, ferroelectric phase, Coulomb force, short range repulsion force ABSTRACT: The Raman spectrum of a NaN02 single crystal in the ferroelectric phase, was obtained and the polarization of the lines iti\,cstigated. The forms of normal vibrations were considered on the basis of symmetry coordinates and the intensity of lines. Formulae for translational vibrations were derived and numerical calculations performed taking into account short-range repulsive forcer, between nearest neighbors and long-range Coulomb forces. The authors thank Card 1/2 T 09~ 22--67-- ACC NR: AP6034925 Professor_,~i,_I. Gubanov-for valuable discussions of the results. 7 figures, 3 tables, and I formula. (Authors' abstract] Orig. art. has: SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 0lJu166/ ORIG REF: OOG/ OTH REF-. 008/ *A 38884-66 EVW1) ACC NRs AT66i~56-7- (m)/T/E1VP(t)/ET1 IJP(c) VNIJ D/J '.','DIJ G; SOURCE CODE: UIVOI AUMOR: Chisler, E. V. ORG: Physicotechnical 'InstRute im. A. F. I;ffe, An SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- teldmicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE*. The opalescence phenomenon and the spectrum of recombination scattering dur the KNO,3-II - Kfi%-X phase transition SAM. lizika tverdogo tela., v. 8.. no. 6, 1938-1939 TOPIC TAGS: potassium compoundp nitrate, Raman scattering, optic transitionp recom- bination luminescence ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the author (M V- L 1586, 10~) where it was reported that a relative increase in the intensity of the 1350 - 1.~(4 eel band., accompanied by anomalous broadeningp occurs during the 11 - I transition in the Ramad'scattering of MJJ Further investigations have shown that this band has a doublet structure at 129 - 135C, with intensity maxima near 1360 and 142D cid-1. The distance between maxim decreases somewhat with further rise in temperature. Above the transition temperature, turbidity developed in the crystal,, propagating along the temperature gradient and gradmlly extending over the entire crystal. In addition to these and other changes in the PA=n spectrum., opalescence was observed at 130 - 180C. Photoelectric wasurements have shown that the opalescence sets in at 1290 and continues to exist at higher temperatures, weakening somewhat with rising 3/2 CH16LOVSKlyl K-1. (Kiyev, ul.Volodarskogo, d.8,,kv.7) Asymetry in the innervation of the pancreas and its practical significance. Nov. khir. arkh. no.l:A4,--27 Ja-F 160. (YLIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra klinicheskoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - doktor med.nauk K.I.Chislovskiy) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershen- stvovaniya vrachey. '.I.",.,--, *-~ I -- - ~ I*. I OANOITAS-INNiaNATION) POINAKOV, Georgiy Yevgenlyevich;VOLPYAN, G.A., naucluiyy red.; CHISLOV, M.M., red.; KOZLOVSKAYA, M.D.., teklm. red. (Construction of electric substations, power plants, and power distribution linesl Ustroistvo elektricheskikh stantsii, pod- stantsii i Unii elektroperedachi. Mosk;va, Vses.uchebno-pedagog izd-vo Proftekhizdat.,-1961. 342 P. (MIRA 14:i2) (Electric substations) (Electric power plants) (Electric power distribution) TRUNKOVSKrYq Lazar' Yamellyanovich; KIUIOIICMKOO G.Ye.q nauchmy redol - GIIISLOVJ, 19-1!, red.1 TOKER, A.M., tekhn. red, [Electrician's manual on the use of industrial electric power systems] Elektromonter po ekspluatatsii promyshlonnykh elektro- uotanovok. Moskvap Vass. uchobno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdatp 1961. 226 (MIRA 15:2) PjZle,- " dnginearing-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) RkSKATOV) Afanasiy Ivrimovichp dots*; ZABkVSKIY, A.V.p nauchnyy red.; CHISLOV, M.M.. red.; PERSOV, MA., tekhn. red. (Laboratory work in electrical engineering] Laboratorlwe raboty po elektrotekhnike. Moskva., Proftekhizdat, 1962. 326 p (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kafedra elektrotekhniki i elektroniki Moskovskogo tekbnologi- cheskogo instituta ayasnoy i molochnay prom7shlennosti (for Raskatov). (Electric engineering-Handbooks, manuals,, etc.) (Electric laboratories-Handbooks, mamials, etc.) KALZAIISKIY, Vladimir Yemgenlyevich; SHOSTIYANOVp A.I., nauchrWy red.; QgLSWV, M.M..,.red.; BARANOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Automation and remote control in electric power 6yotems) Avtomatizatsiia i telemekhanizatsiia energaticheskikh - sistem. Moakvap Proftekhizdatp 1962. 182 p. (MIR/i 15: 10) (Automatic control) (Remote control) (Electric power distribution) BRISKII42 Lecnid Yakovievich; FILIMONOV, P.V.., nauahrW red.;-OISIO~,-_ -H.M"-red.; BARANOVA, tekbn. red.; DOROD14MA, L.A., tokhn. red. [Safety measures for electric work in construction)Elektro- bezopasnost' na stroitallstve. Moskva, Proftakhizdat, 1962. 115 P. (MIRA 15:8) (Electric engineering-Safety measures) SOKOLOV, Aleksandr Alaksandroviah, kezd. tekhn. nauk; GUREVICH, B.M., Inzh., nauchnyy z*d.; CHISWV, M.M., red.; DORODNOVA, L.A., takhn. red. [Fimdamentals of eleetronics]psnovy elektroniki. Moskva, Prof- tekhizdat, 1962. 165 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Electronics) k. VARTANOV, Grayr Leonovich; VERNER, Vadim Vladimirovich; SEREBRYAKOV., Viktor Mikhaylovich; GUREVICH, B.M., nauchnyy red.; ACHISLOV, !I.M., red.; SKITEVA, R.I., red.; NESMYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (A manual for electricians and repairmen]Flektromonter-remontnik. Moskva., Proftekhizdat,, 1962. 222 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Ele'ctric motors-Maintenance and repair) (Electric transforwro-Maintenance and repair) (Electric machinery-Maimenance and repair) KAZAUSK,IY, Vladimir Yevgenitevich; SAVDSTIYANOV, A.I., nauchn. red.; CHIS-LOV, M.M,_,_red.; BARANOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Automatic and remote control in power systems] Avtomati- zatsiia i telemekhanizatsiia anergeticheskikh sistem. Mo- skva Proftekhizdat, 1962. 182 p. (MIRA 16:7) 4utomatic control) (Remote control) (Electric power distribution) TP~NKOVSKIY, Lazar' Yemellyanovich; KHROMCHMO, ' 1~ye. . nauchn. red.; CH1SWL_M_.jj,., red.j TOKER, A.-M., takhn, red. (Electrician of Industrial electric power systems) Elek- tromonter po eksplustateii pronyshlennykh elektroustanovok. 2. izd. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 226 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric engineering--Aandbooks, manuals, etc.) GLAZ, Abram Iltich; KONTSEVAYA, S.M., red., CRISLOV,, M.M., red.; PERSON,, M.N.9 takhn. red. [Manual for beginning electrioians) Spravochnik molodogo elektrotekhnika. 5 dop. izd.. Moskya, Proftakhizdat, 1963. 392 p. (MIRA 16tlO) (Electria engineering--Handbooka, manuals, ate.) KITAYEV, Valentin Yevgenlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHLYAPINTOKH, Lev Samoylovich, inzh.-elektrik; KASATKIN, A.S., nauchn. ,,, red., NESMYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. red.; qjHjSLOI[,_,M..M - (Electrical engineering with principles of industrial electronics] Elektrotekhnika s osnovami promyshlennoi elek- troniki. Moskva, Proftekhizdat,, 1963. 411 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Electric engineering) (Electronics) CHISIOT. P.A. CoNstinwting lines of surfaces of the second order hairing a cAmin pl"o Of ornmetry. Trao MI ne.28i46-59 156. 0 (Go so ry, Aml7tic) (Km io-6) -P&Cralra~se Xapooerepecriou kes6r.C.- pay**,. Goemmd'soa pl. Cyacm limood. fry- 1044, 3. 292 131 ZI pssej~ 19". 216 C. A..6... ? p,. S? ",PrN. 301M. 1949, 11.6. Ji 30". am, 1*13. 9W- X-&AQAs. r.p..ssm He. "ll, 3*xbp.o ro*Q-A Apex*- .... a. Cp*4-9 c-e .;=.. 6accolas Pass samem,00 p- rpy- . tro (Ka".c..9 pass. Apo--,A 1949, 143 c., Pat, I I -A. a. p- CCp). 19M. 136 c.. 4 a". A, 16 Pee. 3.%. t9n. 2S.Z. (Efmoceadl foe. ymx.-~ 954. U.N.. 34c...M gap.&- 31mg. IM, 20.4. covemoomemermov, a 68t.04.6. "& X..F.w ... 0 molasses mpaux PCs rpyseff a rovacCr& ""Ar- V..C.p .... a.*. Onset 4."-- All", erg siaNt"- 1957. 151 ..P."'Potmes, oapec~- 3,qi. 1957, 18-9. sea T6_w . 1941. 20, 181 C, PW_ "5.Uoa. T.%.... Hoo.c.- 1331 ma- 1" .4. 424- PW0sCsNl 4-- 1902. IW 3's. 1944. 9.4. e., 61 ",..Pw. 19 ... 6.. 7 0.. CO. m.pG*oo noveA 0 ...... 5 am 949' 3.6. 1952, 24.10. .a.,. F.CUPOA-a-M MAP--- 9M. 4 ... 3-- ~OmV*%rV0. . A."-ses -A - K)M-' .P641.1- r--"-- NP4-6~ Nam __ Wpaos N.Pa. 190. rs-I vacto,*O4 P, A"Atest am. 3*q. 1943, 13,7- _3.,j, 19M, 20,2. 9m OPON Ca' 0"Nea MXP". 957. 4-- nlTP TIOTPOO"'e. ........ kp.:.,-. py-..C.- sap" M..P--.-. ,es" (13-14 ...). 19W. 106 C.. 2 -A~ A"C-M P.M... ea. -A-- -4 - -p,. (Eptua.m..11 -- 1-4 6- __wx P-m-ra -ldrPaN,,rcsCf 3.,. 19W. 13-10. so.. ACCP AM--- Cray- 1947, 931. n ..... *so B.C.Aftll HO.- 144 ., 121 - .-. Ca. IBHM r-..P".--- C76vo.. J.wTpa~ Cre, Domr"O.11 a- cI*.Pp..__I 3.%. 194S, 2". sommassad.- c'.0p...- 14".160 938. W.M.-3.A. Hcw... AA.t- C_. f2tj V- A.. PK.. -.P- ... . roorp.",ecass -p. ~p A.- 3.qi. 1949. 19-1. ag".0t-PQ -yft"Oh- fA.y, 1940. 952' Ck..6--As- M..*.T*l 173 c., asgrrN. 9-- Cv ... go*... domasa.-mcpaq.-so. &qj. 1940, 29-0. 3NUFAWMAM 04,064-33-c' 2J.6.0.- A--#,P-N*--- 68 e.3...u .60C.. 6-ctOq:4,%- A ... A.09 P-40- (0-0- SO cpbA--2- ..P.-F.CroW. 1933. 4, 244 29 raps. 1953. 4. 744 - 29 "-. 4 eap 6 AserP. W-P-11-11 "*A- -OVY-1- Q.,(W 1954, Ia. coal" owwwomamal so SUBJECTs USSR/Trade Schools AUTHOR: ChIs2ovq V.v Deputy Director TITLE: Assistance to the State - and Collective Farms (Pomoshch sovkhosan i kolkhozan) 27-4-17/15 PERIODICALs Profesalonallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, April 195T, # 4 (143), p 32 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The short note reports that apprentices of the Gvard*ysk Farm Mechanization School Nr. 8, Kaliningrad Oblast', as a training practice installed mechanical devices, built roads, etc,, on state and collective farms having thus simultaneous- .1y assisted the farms and obtained ihe required practical experience. ASSOCIATIONs out PRESENTED BYo 3./1 SUBMITTEDs AVAILAPT-7- L 1609-66 EWT(M)/M'F(C)/EWP(J)/T/EWP(t)/BIP(b)/EU(c) RPL JD/AN/WB/RM ACCESSION NR: AP5021667 UR/0080/65/036/008/1761/1765 620.193.01 AUTHOR: Chislova, Ye. 11 Putilova, L N. TITLE: Effect of acrylon rileL the kinetics of the solution of steel in hydro- i chloric and sulfuric acids SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimli, v. 38, no. 8, 1965, 1761-1765 TOPIC TAGS: 14corrosion inhibitor, 'acrylic acid, nitrogen compound, steel, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, solution kinetics/2 steel ABSTRACT: The article exa i es the relation of acrylonitrile protective action. to its concentration m' an aggressive medium at constant temperature, and the effect of this inhibitor on the initial period of corrosion. Experiments were carried oil on samples of steel 2 with dimensions of 20 x 50 x 2 mm. To obtain isotherms for the protective action of acrylonitrile, the corrosion rate was de- termined by the weight method and from the amount of iron ions going into solu- tion. Protective action H was calculated by the following formula 100% card 1/3 L 1609-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021667 1 where rho, is the corrosion: the uninhibited zeid and rho is the corrosion rate in the inhibited acid. The experiments were carried out at a temperature of 2011 C. The corrosion rate during the first 30 min of solution of the steel plates was measured by change in iron ion content of the solution. To eliminate the effect of the natural oxide film on the plates, the plates were previously etched in I N hydrochloric acid U N sulfuric acid) for 20 min, then washed with I N hydrochloric acid ( I N sulfuric acid), and then transferred to the solution to be investigated. It was found that, practically spealting, a constant corrosion rate in the acid solutions was reached after 15-20 min from start of reaction, and only in the presence of a sufficient amount of acrylonitrile (about 1%). With a change in content of acrylonitrile, there is a transition from acceleration of the corrosion process to inhibition of the process with increasing acrylonitrile concentration. It was found that on steel plates previously treated (48 houra) with I N hydrochloric acid and inhi I d with acrylonitrile, the protective effect (33. 2%) is retained after long exposure (24 hours) in pure 1 N hydrochloric acid. The authors believe that the special characteristics of the efect of acrylonitrile on the corrosion of steel In hydrochloric and sulfuric acid solutions cannot be card 2/3 L 16o9-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021667 explained by absorption of chemically unchanged acrylonitrile on the surface of ithe metal. Orig. :art. has: 4 figures ASSOCIATION: Moskovskil tekhnologicheakii Inatitut p1shebevol promyshlennosti (Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry) SUBNHTTED: 080ct64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC, MM NR REP SOV: 00� OTHER: 007 Icard 3/3 PUTILOVA, I.N.1 CHISLOVA Y- V Selecting inbibitors for protecting metals from hydrochloric acid corrosion. Gas. delo no.9s2l-24 165. (MMA 18:9) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologichaskiy institut pishchevo7 promyshlennosti. 6klii ACERM MEEDICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Fob 59 448. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF PSORIASIS IN CHILDREN AND ITS TREAT- T MENT (Russian text) - C h I a I o v o k a ya E. V. District Dermato-Vencreol. n eo er I Disp., Ivanovo - SBORN. NA XTH". RXK"CFPR. DERM. I VENER. (Ivanovo) 1957 (98-99) Thirteen girls and 4 boys aged 5-14 years were kept under observation, In 3 cases 3 c as e a the mothers also suffered from psoriasis. Neurological signs (minor attacks of a0 r excit- chorea. nightly terrors, Insomnia. urinary incontinence , stammering, over-excit- k'] bilit ) were observed in 5 cases. The mothers of 6 children suffered from th, n.ura, 'nia, neuroses, and hysterical p3ychopathy. In 4 cases the development Pme't of psoriasis was preceded by exposure to cold or periods of emotional stress. The .'. The Iine'se skin in all cases was thin and dry and the hair was poorly developed. The disease involved mostly the trunk. Hospital treatment (baths, physiotherapy. UV light. ght. vitamin A, local applications) lasting on an average 35 days wan followed by a pro- 'yapro_ longed remission. In five cases exacerbation occurred after 8-13 months, Mashkilleison Jr - Moscow (Sj ,ow (:'j r GOTS9 V.L.; IVINSKAYA, V.0,; BAZYAYEV, N.Ye.; CHISLOVSKAYA, I.A. ------------------- Spraying paint materials in a high-voltage electric field with a slit sprayer. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.5:74-78 161. (MIRA 15:3) OPray painting) CHMI'OVSKly., X. 1.,. CHISLOVSKIY$ K. 1. Me asymmetry of the morphological structure and connections of the solar ar)d intermesenteric plexi in man and their practical significance." Min Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Moscow 1956. (Dissertition for the Degree of Doctor in/pciences) Medical So: Knizhnaya Letopial, No. 18p 1956 m ~~A# Xiyev, u1. Tolodarskogo, d.8, kv.8) M 4-9-4 R A K - L - - j Anatomical basis for total local anesthesia in gastric surgery. Noy.khir.arkh. no-1:55-60 Ak-F 057. (NIBA 10:6) 1. Kafedra klinicheskoy anatonli t operatlynoy khirurgil (zav. - dots. K.I.Chislovokly) Kly*vsicogo inetituts umovershenstvovaniya vrachey jWCAL AUSSMIA) (SMACH--SWIRT) K.I.. dots. Asymetr7 of innervation of the ovaries and its practical significance, Akush. i gin. 34 no.4:61-67 J1-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. 1z kafedry klinicheskoy anatomii i operativnoy kbirurgii (Zav. - dots. I.I. Chislovskiy) Klyevskogo inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (OVARIES. innerv. asymetry, clin. significance (Rua)) CHISLOVSKIY,JLJ.,~aktor joedonauk Aaymetry in the innervation of the kidneys and its practical significance,.Vracb.dolo noon:97-100 N 160. (KM 13:11) 1. Kafedra. klinicheekoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii (rav. - doktor med.nauk R.I.ChiBlovskiy) ~iyevskogo instituta. usovershonstvo- vaniiya vracbey. (XIDNEYS-IMMATION) CHISLOVSKIYP K. I. (Kiyev,, ul. Yanyarskaya., d. 36) Study of the topograpby of vague nerve branebes for their preserva- tion during gastric surgery* Novo khire arkh, no 2:48-50) 162. (MiRA 15.2 1. Kafedra. klinichoskoy awtomii i operativncy kbirargii (zav. - doktor med. nauk,, prof. K. 1. Chislovskiy) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya Ymcbey. (VAGUS MVE) (STCHACH-SURGERY) CHISI,DVSKH, 1.10 prof* Asymetry in liver innervation and its practical significance. Wach.delo no.1&75-178 Ja 163. (KrRA 16:2) 1e Kafedra klinicheek amtouii i operatsiomoy khirargii (smv. ~ prof, Lift Chislovskiyl Kiyevskogo instituts uourerohenotmaniya vrachey, (LIVSP,-IMERVATION) CHISLOVSKrT, V.K. Advantages of glucose-natrog blood in massive blood transfusions. Trach.delc uo.105-W 160 i (MIRA 13:6) 1 1. Irafedra khtrurgil (save" - Prof. A*A* Pedorovskiy) pediatrichs- skogo fakallteta 11yevalwCo seditsinskogo instituta. (BLOOD-2WS3USIOT) (CLUMIC ACID) CHISLOVSKTYP V.K. Comparative evaluation of dJfferent natrog prescriptions for the con- sex-ition of blood. Trudy Kiev. nauch.-iselo inst, perel, krovi i nectlozh. khir. 3:52-57 161. (MRA 17t1O) 1. KafaA-- khirurgii pedlatrichaskozo fakulitet-a Kiyevskogo medi- teinskogo institute. imeni A.A.Bogomolltsa. GUSNER, Martin Active contribution of a state farm to increase the general production of meat and milk, Munca sindic 6 no*6:32-3/+ Jo 162. 1e Prenedinte al comitetului sindicatului Goopodariile Agricole do Sta+,,. Halchius regiunea Brasov. BUUM, D.L..CHISNMOT, K.A. Diagram for the cutoff of the-electric drive of an Idling machine tool. Sudostroente no.7:60 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Cutting mehines-Zlectric driving) ; " !' )SS L 2 1 16 V O d m~ u z& - -l Hambm op- fi tL 45 d i ! 4 T d W ,- ri- ~r; fi hc V-x ng &r 7 4 y ' l 4 N--, --x chic Cf~:C Cl?MhtT.Cd with tho um of m ,Ii vrme �R pxat ',srw papillDmk 64 rbb"';u of rwd4r. ' b, , lod bcLl t-wv-v elr~ztjv I-I vri,3 jzjm axt A '15PAIIIM~l . %:qo vmt6d 1 - -4, ~h~ !)U1 C' ,I,,, U)t ;:s ru i~~i 7br app!~L&i~o; iw-ur A- L olhgo-66 WT"d)/W_(m)/EWP(w) EM ACCESSION NR: A115019373 U"R/0124/65/0Q0/007/V007/V007 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanft, Abs. 7V41 AUTHOR: Smolovik, 1. 1. ; ChIsplyakov, M. N. TITLE- A plane problern of the elasticity theory In permutations for a finite circular sedur and anInfinite sector with a vertex sheared along a circular are CITED SOURCE: Dokl. 3-y �SAIrsk, konferentsit 'no matem. I meldmil. , 1964. Tomsk, Tomskty un-t, 964, 341---9-b 07 TOPIC TAGS: elasticity theorj ~~lasttc deformation, Lame equation, wedge bwly TRANSLATION: The authors discuss the plane deformation of a circular sector with elastic permutations assigned at Its boundary. Employing solutions to Lame equations in series and integrals, the authors reduce the probl6m. to -fully regular Infinite algebraic systems; It is pointed out that a soluftu for the case of aii Infinite wedgeMth a vertex shenred nlong a circular arc can be obtalmd In the sante manner, Ya, 8, Uflyand SUB CODE: ASt 14A MCL- 00 card I out (-CHISTICHENKO, I,A9 Late rebults of treating rheumatic fever and the in the prevention of rheumatic favor, Vrach.delo I* Gorlovskaya bol"nitea No.2. (RHEUNATIC TEIVER) (TONSILS-.SURGERY) role of tonsillectoaW no.10:132-133 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) CHISTICEMOv I.A. Prevention of progressive development of rheumatic processes. Terap.arkh. 33 n6,el:46-48 161. (KM 14--3) 1. 1z Gorlovskoy gorodskoy bollmitay No.2. I (RHMTIC FEW I CHISTICHENKO., I.A. Work of a discussion group of nurses. Mod. sestra 20 no.11:52-53 N 161. (MIRA .15:2) 1. Is Gorodako-v bollnits N 2 Gorlovka. -- - jiSM' *" AIM) (NU ; AND CHISTIK, A. A. - Lhe problem of cultivntin~7 -r--~-rnnnial-graspes and grnrg mixturec in Chistik, ~~. A, 11r. the field of rok 'blast," Sbornik ra~pt Xiirskoy pbl,' kojVleks. s.-khI opyt. atantsii, Kursk, 191!9. P. 52-69 SO: U-holh, 29 Oct 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal InykI. Str~tey, No. 16, 1949). ESK-1., and K=4-1 Elect-rcalc Equipwat (Coat. SOV/4059 3. Construction of the EM-1 Instr ut 61 4. B&sic diagram of the K936-1 instroment 65 5. Construction of the EM-1 instrment 70 6. Adjustment and testing of the instruments under lebovatory and field conditions 74 7. Souroes of trouble of thet ISK-1, KER-1 and E3HK-1 instrments 81 Ch. IV. 11ecommendations on Using Equipment in Accoaxbmae With the Basic Methods of Faectrical. P~vspecting 82 1. Measurement technique 82 2. Chazmeteristic features of electronic eqaipment operations using basic methods of D-C electriml prospecting 88 Conclusion Bibliography CArd 4/5 92 93 RSK-1., and XM*(-1 Electronic Equipment (Cont. SDV/4059 Appendi a: 1. Wiring table of the EU-1 Instrament 2. Wiring table of the IM-I Instrument 3- Wiring diagmm of the ZK-1 Instrument (insert) 4. Wiring diagram of the KM-1 Instriment control pawl [insert] 5. Basic, diagram of the EMN-1 Instrument in!"rt AVAUANZ: Library of Congress 94 97 XON/fal Card 5/5 8-lo-6o CHIROYEVI ViWaar ALkolargitch gyardii polkovaik; KUDRYIVTSBV, N.Y., polkoyntle, redaktor; OWT11, A.B., polkoynik, radattor; 50ROKIN, V.T#, takhnioheekly redaktor [Notes of a combat pilot; some problems in flying a single-sest fighter] Zapiski voennogo letchike; nekotorye voprosy voshdantia odnomestnogo samclata. Moskva. Voon. 12d-vo Miniaterstva oborony Soiusa SSR, 1936. 120 p. (HLRA 10:2) . (Fighter plane @-Piloting) CHIS,,.Gheor ~e; RADU, Stefan The Cepheid variable S Comae Berenioes. Studii astron seismol 4 no.2:393-399 159. (EUI 9:9) 1. Observatonil astronomic al Academlei R.P.R., Filiala Cluj. 2. Comitetul de redactie, Studii 9i cercetari de astronomie si seismologle (for Chia) (Stars) (Cepheids) CHIS Gheorghe; TODORANs loan Observations of the ainina of some eclipsing variables. Studii astron seismol 4 no.2:401-405 159. (EW 9:9) 1. Observatorul astronomic al Academiei R*P*Ro, Filiala Cluj. 2. Comitetul de redactiep Studii si cercetari de astronomie si seismologie (for Chia) (Stars) (Eclipses) CHIS, 2~L.EIODORANJ, I.; BOTEZ, Z. Obser7ationo of the minor planets and comets. Studli astron seismol 5 no.2:333-346 161, (EFAI 10:9) 1. Observatorul astronomic Cluj. 2.Comitetul de redactie, Studil si cercetari, de, astronomie si seismologie (for Chia). (Planets) (Cometo) CHis, Gheorghe; URECHEp Vasile The V Trianguli photometric binary. Studia Ifniv B-B S. Muth-Phys 7 no.1:107-116 162. CWj Gho, profe.urdv,,- PAL, A., oonf. univ. (Gluj) M~ Inflnite space and time problem in astronwW. Gaz mat fiz 15 nog9t449-462 S 063, OHIS Ghp _qKg~&I_PAL, Arpad On the Y Leonis photometric binary instability. Studii astron 9 no. 1i15-27 164. 1. Astronmical Observatory, Cluj. I I Ills *1 C, Gheorghe I -1:1 Variation of the SZ Hercules photometric binary period. Studia Univ R-B S. Math-Phys 9 no.ls77-87 164. CHIS, Gheorghe; TODORAN, Ioan; PAL, Arpad Visual observations of the earth's artificial satellites carried out at Station 1132 of the Astronomical Observatory of the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, during 1962. Studii astron 9 no. 1013-120 164. 1. Astronomical Observatory, Cluj. .CHIS, Gheorghe; PAL, Arpad Visual obser-vati-ns of artificial satellites of earth carried out at Station No.1132 of the Astronomical Observatory of "Babes- Bolyaill University, Cluj in 1963. Studii astron 10 no.1:127-134 165. 1. Astronomical Observatory, Cluj. Submitted March 14, 1964. TISTUIEASA, Florea, tehnician; CHIS, Stefan Concretes of superior quaUty. Constr Buc 15 no.72311 16 N 163. CHIS, V. GUS, V. Application of Duvanov's methods p. 1. Festival of peace and friendship. p. 1. For correct management of materials for their careful use. p, 2. vol. 7 no. 289, July 1955 CONSTRUCTORUL Bucuresti, Rumania S& Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 CHISALITA, Adripr (rluj); BAZACOV, Gh. (Turnu Severin); BATIMITIU, D.'!. (Ducureati); ... CASANDROW, T.; IONESCU-TIU, C., DEMENY, Zoltan, prof. (Aiud) Solved problems. Gaz mat B 15 no.1:17-24 Ja 164. VARODIN, V., Ing.; IONESCU, G., Ing I j11TSCAN V. ifig.; ('10PARTNI M.P 1, -W, GRE --in .; UALOENESCU, Ing.; MARGARITESCU, D., Ing: 1; C., Ing. Aspects of the reflection seismic prospection in the Moesian Platform. Petrol si gaze 15 no.10:529-541 0 164. rwmdwa of Won in dw N"dk DRIOW T9660. All WWI' ' 114fl-Akad. Sdisk ~11.1.ltnx. so, OdT-+1"47")CTiw'. 7ralp. itt,%,tian Zone RAJ 100. 1. 24.--Tht kw%i and hxv%-Iikt- tninvialA tol the 4,IdIP Imietter regirm differ In tni"CrUlnAk-Al V01111111. limit lbryie of III? lown 11111eloel region nil. Ulm in, Amin, ruklu-4 toy (twit high (vk1.p~ui:xouIrut. lit the fine Itactions Ing" fid than quarts. X-ray clainn. 44 the "rAw C1;;,- frect;; Z 2 mi of tomile 1,votot %stuples from the kower Didepef tell Aint"I 111:1t (ruirit was still preornt in the particle ramor 0.2-2 . tout could no longer he detected In panicles smaller than tr:' o This "raw clay- fraction was made up chiefly of anontmord- hosule foul torricitc. M. G. Moore A. r 'a _41.1-1 I _M_,A CaLmS at cast wft ckmav we to obtain g1tromt coke for the rkh In chrome In Moot fur- 00 & cam. Pz"rothotmIal-I and 0. M. Ctwmy%twv. 53. M17_8(10411) kill luirA&A 1wrilil, Ivy O'blina .41 JAl 1~ .f I "-any chintue me to t"4, illm"11t; Ow suoisturr mi. -00 ... to (vollW11118, WHI mkills at ImV. The coke obtained wus very hard. stinns, sirml sihTry, and ex - 0 wullilly diffeml -my fittir from a good nw[&Hurgk,4d vokir. 11W %1w. of chnmw ~okt in the 1,ttlthwtinn ot chissme-tich 00 coo L A DIVALUJIGICAL L11904TWO11 CLAMPKA11001 11111111 SATINSIVIll Ire 0 $0ago -to OKI al't vallil ON G"v m " , q f a T !- 90 u it , 4 1 0 10 01 at it I's IN ft in 4AG: * 0 * : 0 0 0 6 f. 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 41 00 0 0 '---a 0 016-0 a : PAVIL, I.; GIMPIM, S.: CHISIU, N. An electrophoretio study on dysproteinaemia during experimental A, 31, 0 & D avitaminosis. Rumanian H. Rev..3 no.1:21-27 Jan-Mar 59. (BIDOD PROTEIM dysprotainemis in exper. avitaminosis in guinea pigs, electrophoresis) (VITAMIN IWICIOCIIIS. off. on dyeproteinemia in gminea. pigs, electrophoresis) PAVELP I., profel (;KSIU,_N,; GFAUSIv Gh,v dr.1 MIHAIAGHS, N.v chisdot; visnmyp R. Dymprotelnexis, in the hamoral syndrme of experimental athmmatomis in the rabbitrbypergammaglobalinemia. Mod. interm., Bucur 13 no.2: 265-280 F 161, TEMID GLAND extracts) (GAMA GIMULIN) MIMCLEROSIS "rimental) (CHOLESTEROL blood) M (LINDS blood) (HMURONMOR pharimeoloff) PAVEL, I..I-CHISIU, N.; CAMPEANU, S. J Experimental pellagra in swine. A study on dysprotainemia in pellagra syndrome. Cook. gastroont. vyz. 15 no.1:3-17 F 161. 1. Ustav i AV Bukuresti., Rummoka lidova republika. TFEMIGRA experimental) (BLOOD PROTEINS chemistry) PAVEL, I.; CHISIU, N.; TUDORIN, E. The effect of pellagra on the development of offspring conceived after clinical cure. (Experimental study). Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no.5t647-652 '62. (PELLAGRA) (GUMICS) (GROWTH) (GRAIN) PAVEL, I., prof.; CHISIU, N., dr.; CEAUSI, Gh.,dr.,- TANASESCU, N., dr. ------------ Experimental investigations of the anti-atheromatous protective role of some plant oils. Mod. intern. 15 no.3j295-3M Mr 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica do nutritie si dieteiica a Spitalului uDr. 1. Cantacuzino", Bucuresti. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (HYPERCHOLESTEF$M) (OILS) (GRAIN) (MARGARINE) (FATTY ACIDS, ESSENTIAL) PAVEL, I.0 Prof.; CHISIUV ff. Are s=e proteins of animal origin arteriosolarogenic? Experi- mental researmh with meat and choose. YAd. intern. 15 no.8: 991-1002 Ag 163. 1. Lucrare ofectuata, in Clinica do nutritie, I.M.F., Bucureati (director:,prof. Io Pavel). ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (DIETARY PROTEINS) DIETARY FATS) (MEAT) (CHESSE) BELIGAN, Gr., dr.; CHISIU, N., dr. Tmmunochemical study of the "abnormal" globulin (component M) from some pathological blood sera. I. Relation of the "component M" to the common protein fractionB in blood serum. Mod. intern. 15 no./+:485-494 Ap 163. 1. Lucrare efe6tuata in Clinic& medicala a Spitalului "Dr. I* Cantacuzino" (director: prof. I. Bruckner) si in Laboratorul, experimental al Clinicii de boli do nutritie (director: prof. I. Pavel) Bucuresti. (SERUM GLOBULIN) (MULTIPLE MYELCMA) (HODGKINIS'DISEASE) (ANEMIA, HEMOLYTIC) (BLOOD PROTEIN ELWTROPHORESIS) (LIPOPROTEINS) PAVFL~ I.; SDFOB1C1, D.; CHIST11, N.; IMIRALACHF, N,.; BOINAPART-F, H,; TANA3MCU, !j, Research on the mechanism or action of dlmethyib~guunlcl- on glucose metabolism In rats with alloxan dial*-tes. Stud, cercet. med. Intern. 5 no.4;431-435 164. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for 1. Frave.10. MIHAIACHS, N.; VISNf,'.i(',J, it. L4 -1-athor-oggr.-Ile action of swi-fllower- 7he ef fe.-t of heat or. the ar .1 oil. Studs cercelkle ipqd. intem. 5 ro.5350-573 164 CHISIU0 N. __ ........... _.- On the origin of the foam calls of rabbit atheroma and the de- pendence of hypercholesteremia on their appearance in plaques. Stud. cercet. med. Intern. 6 no.103-98 165. CHISIU, N. St.; ,-. --, -- - -,., Altheroma of long duration (5 years) In rabbits fed Intermit- tent cholesterol diets. Stud. oereeto-med. Intern. 6 no. 3: 315-319 165. f- - , . A Chbkb and ost 95% of 0;: 19 -Alm the lats in Ys a VtacbLls agent were re- These were sa d., and grained We~ mtly of the clAin owmalp) V. N,A~,.- nd I Zamod inani AtIlM."TA, IMOU, I.; CHISLYAG,. Gh,; TACU, V, - Panctional disorders of the diaphragm in asthenic neurosis. Bal. atiint., sect. med. 9 no.1:45-50 1957. (INUMCIRGMTORT ASTMWIA, pathology diaphragmatic funate disord. ) (DIAPHRAGM, diseases funct. disord. in neurocirc. ast7henia) Gill-SLEAG, Gh., conf.; MARDARE, D.p dr. ....... Protection of ahildren against the action of ionizing radiations. Pediatria (BUcar.) 13 no.5:1,.65-1,73 5-0 164 1. Lucrare efeatuats. Jm Clinica de radiologie, last. ~er, ~Names~~~ ColultrY. Rumania Aeade!nic Degrees: Engineer Af6filiati--n -. -- Souxc-e: Bucharest, Probieme Zootehnice si Veterinare7 No 5, 1961, pp, 3-9. Deta. "The Development of Animal Production in the Years of the Feople's Democratic Regime." Co-author: FODOR$ I,, Engineer. CHIBLMMOI L.L. - Rou of w-pacticoma. in the mesobauthom bioftxm of some algal biotopes of t1w widto Be&. ZDol.shuro. 40 uo.7t983-"6 JI 161. (MM 14s7) 1, Zoological lutitute of the U,SS,R,, Ao&A*W of Sciences,, Leningrad. (V~ite SOMP-COPOPO") (Oputbad). L . T, ;:.;,i;,tenc-o of a littoral faumt. D6,0 . A:", -'Jl'ifll 13'/ 1. Zoolodcheoldy i-i-stitut X-i Pradst-vl,~ino U Favlovakim. (Plarine fauna) CHISLUIX0. L.),. Relation of the oize of water areas with some character3stina of braAiah-.mter faunas akeenologi-A& 4 no,09528-534 16~ (,mm 18S3.) 1. aordogicheskiy institut AN SSSR,. lAningrads CHISL*F,NKO., IL. L. Sex ratio in free-11ving marine Copopoda. Zool. zhur. 43 no.9: 1400-1402 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. CHISLENKOP L. L. Existence or a relation between fecudnity and abundance in marine Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda). Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2: 451-453 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye. N. Pavlovskim. CHISLENKO, L.L. Distribution of Harpacticoids, (Crustacea, Copepoda) on various algae of the White Sea. Zool. zhur. 44 no.2:185-191 165. (MIRA 18;5) 1. Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. CHISLENK9-, L.L.- q 1. ~ - -.... Correlation between body dimensions of females and the number of eggs in Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda). DokI. AN SSSR 161 no.3:724-727 Mr 265. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN IIISSR, Submitt.ed June 12, 1964. AUTHORS: Stekhanov, A. I., Chialer, E. V. SOV/54-59-1-25/25 TITLE: The Temperature Dependence of the Haman Lines of the Scattered Light Spectrum of the quartz Crystal (0 temperaturnoy zavisimosti kombinatsionn.ykh liniy spektra rasseyaniya kriatalla kvartsa) PERIODICAL: VeBtnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 159-160 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors (Refs 1-4) investigated the temperature dependence of the intensity of the Raman lines for various liquids, they could, however, not explain this dependence according to the existing theories (Refs 5-7). In connection therewith investiga- tions were carried out in this paper concerning the temperature dependence of the intensity of the Raman spectrum at the quartz crystal. The investigations were carried out with a ph0toelec- tric dezice and intensive Raman spectra were obtained at 320 and 690 K. The results of measurement are given in a table. They show that the temperature course of the intensity differs in the case of individual Stokes lines, that intensity rises with the temperature, that the dependence which was determined Card 1/2 experimentally does, however, not agree quantitatively with the SOV/54-59-1-25/2"; The Temperature Dependence of the Haman Lines of the Scattered Light Spectrum of the Quartz Crystal theoretical dependence. The line 206 cm-1 shows the greatest deviation. This fact is, however, ascribed to the indistrict extrapolation of the background within the range of the lines 1 128 and 206 cm- .In this connection the fact is indicated that in the case of an equal position of the maximum the line expands in general as well with rising temperature so that its integral intensity is considerably increased with temperature. The anomaly which had been detected for liquids was found to exist in the case of the quartz crystal as well. The authors thank Ye. F. Gross, Corresponding Member, AS UER, for interest displayed in this investigation. There are 1 table and 9 ref- erences, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 CHISLER Ej. Effect of tie width at monoahromator slits on the accuracy of the photoelectric measurements of Raman line intensities. Opt. i spektr. 8 no.3:359-362 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Monochromators) (Raman effect) P-i I~I/C.O'VG4110391056 AUTHORS Stakhanov, A. I., and Chisler, E. 1. TITLIC& Temperature dependence of the of Raman spectra of crystals 35-1 PERIODICALsFizika tvardogo, tela TEXTS The intensities of Raman lines of quaztz, ~aloite, 0and fXuorito crystals were examined at temperatures from !'I tr~ 670.-760 K. A photoelectric device of high light'intensity~ basing on an'004 67(ISP-07) speotWaphg was used for recording the Raxtizi 5PO-.tra. The prism of the speotrograph is rotated synchronous with the, dram i~f IT (KPP#-~51) tape recorder. An tIr',-mult which was used as a receiver was cooled down to -90 C with nitrogen vapor. Only pure and transparent crystals were used for the meaeuTsments. The specimens were put into a Dewar vessel filled w."h '-,!quid nitrogen. The influence of liquid nitrogen on the oonditi:,ns _f t;%ystal illi-Imination A// and the scattering intensity were determined ioats. At low 101, Card -1 /Y I/ Szl~ ~;51't1/003/01VO39/056 Temperature dependence of the intensity... ii. temperatures, ~h* measuring error was lose 11har, ?or measurements in.the 320-690 X temperature range the specimens were put into a special furnace. The Raman sp*otram was act'..vatoid wIth a high-intoneity Hg low-pressure lamp provided with watsr-oo~~iad e,*I'v).~.--~I'rodes (50 *)._ The intensity of the lamp was kept constant by ltbsrzr.'~, atabijization of - the electrodes and by ferroresonance of the supplyz voltage. Fig. 1 shows the Raman spooirum of quartz at different tempera- tures. As can be seen from Fig. 2D the calculated increase in the intensit#i of tgo lines (206 -0-" 466 om-4) in the temperature range of lap to 700 X strongly dwrla~.ts fri~a; the ex erim*ntal determined value. The intensity of three R-&mar (15( e7 fy - Z . v 284,cm- and 1087 cm-1) for calcite was determined a', '1'*-'K and 320"K. At 320 K, the Raman lines are considerably broader than *~ 71 GK. Furthermore, it was shown that the increase in intensity %:f trils first Ram&n line (156 am-1), as a result of raising the temperature, is far below the values theoretically calculated. The increa.9im In Inten5ity of the ooond Raman line (284 cm'-') with increasing temperature differ& : ard 2//~ Temperature dependence of the intensity... B104/B102 only slightly from theoretical calculations. The increase in intensity of the third line agrees fairly well with theory. The first-order Raman spectrum of fluorite-has only one line ( 327 am-1) This line is 0 broadened oonsidorably,by raising the temperature fron, 77 to 700 Kp the intensity increases much more slowly than had been theoretically calcu- lated. Considering these results, the authors conclude that the anomalies in temperature dependence occur when the frequencies belong to outer lattice vibrations. Thus, the line with 1087 cm-1, for instance, corresponds to a fully symmetrical vibration of the CO ion in calcite 3 and agrees fairly well with theory. Furthermore, the authors envisage the possibility that the anoma 'lous temperature dependence be related to lattice distortions. Ya.S. Bobovich and T. P. Tulub (Opt. i spektr., 6f 566, 1959; Opt. i spektr., .2, 747, 1948) are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 17 references: 12 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The two most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: P. K. Narayanaswamy. Proo. Ind. Acad. Sci., sea. A, L8 1 4 7, 1948; 0. Theimer. Canad. I. Phys., 3A, 312, 1956. Card 8/181/61/003/011/039/056 Temperature dependence of the intensity... B104/B102 ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnioheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Physicoteelinical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTM-i April 27, 1961 (initially) July 11, 1961 (after revision) Fig. 1. Raman spectrum of quartz. Legend: (a) 6900K. (b) 3200K. (c) 770K. Card 41XV VCR 6c41- 06CM ~~Zw' 35792 s/l2o/62/ooo/ool/o4o/o6i 3 E,192/E382 AUTH011C Chisler, E.V. TITLE: A high-powar mercury lanip PMRIODICAL: Pribory i telchnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1962, 164 - 167 TEXT: -The lamp is in the form of a four-turn helix of pyrex glass and is furnished with 2 identical mercury-filled electrodes. The overall length of the helix is 180 cm and the diameter of the helix tube is 28 - 50 mm. The large cross- section of the tube makes it possible to achieve a comparatively low electrical resistance of the lamp. The lamp is primarily intended for the investigation of the spectra of the combination scattering where a high resolving power of the spectral instrumentation is required. The constructional details of the lamp are illustrated in Figs. I and 2. The lamp is fixed to the brass plate 1 (see Fig. 1) by means of rubber gaskets 6 It is first degassed, then filled with mercury and then inserted into brass holders 2 and 3 A glass cylinder 11 is inserted between the flanges The section 2 is filled Card 1/1 S/120/62/000/001/040/061 A high-power mercury lamp E192/r..382 - with distilled water or i. solution of KNO., which is cooled by the radiat-or 10 . The electrodes of the lamp arc cooled by the water filling the section 3 - When in operation, the lamp is situated on a special Etand, where it can be rotated around the axis of the helix without affecting the investigated samples. The lamp is fed from a three-phase rectifier ba50don 3 gas-filled tubes (S~._163 M-163)), which gives a current of 50 A at 200 V. The voltage is stabilized by ferroresonance stabilizers which supply the*rectifier. The stabilizers are grouped in three units and have a phase-difference of 120 0 between them; each unit consists of 4 stabilizers connected in parallel. When triggering the lamp, an AC mains supply of 110 V is connected in series with the rectifier voltage. The auxiliary supply is shunted by a resistance after the ignition of the lampi, In order to reduce the ignition voltage of the lamp, an 'auxiliary are is formed between the auxiliary anode (I in Fig. 2) and the cathode 2 of the lamp; the current of the auxiliary arc i5'3 A. The lamp produces the lines of 11047, 4358 and 5561 9, which can be used for excitation of the Card 2A Temperature dependence of the band intensity of hydrogen bonds in Raman spectra of gypsum and Rochelle salt crystals. Fiz. tver tela 5 ho.912455-2460 8 163. (MIRA 16tIO) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. ACCF.S-l'(-ll. kF 14 `,f) AUTHOR: Chisler, E. V. TITLE- Temperature dependence of the i nt ens i t SOURCE! Fiz,'k;a tverdr)qo tela, l')" TOPIC TAGS: R am .-i nspectrum, t err p Pt cl (--po ow P i T-I cc i- e s )t--aine,~ll earliv,! Card 1/2 wins =03-6219MIMMM IEEE L 25079-65 ACCESSION NR; AP5003450 '!T; investigated were baritei -celestine quartz, calcite, salpeter, fluorite, and gypsum. in most cases the experimental' results w-ere in good aqreement with the theory. Some of the re;~-,- crepancies are 1--r ief ly di scusse-~. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR (Pbysicotechnical Institmte.AN SSSR) S LTBML T T1 F'-~ 4 F'Zf-T NO PLEF Sov- Oil OTHER: 005 Carci '77 6cS246-6r DdT 1 ACCESSTORM: AP5012592 up/o 3B 1.16 51r-q7!00" !a- 956 AUTHOR: TITLE: Investipaticm -,f ~he -phase 129C 3 rezpective lo a ccapRnled by an appreciable -.-Cbangi lm~ the Ritam]3 speau in the reglan -of -ille 65246-65 0 ACCESSION NT: AP'50 L2~92 'he same d(,pendencf, ~f lh~, :C-,- aroaaf--inng or tlie vn line in the RaNO.. apeotrum cjkn- mle^ preted f'r-Tt T-i cnl- . I- PC ik'; S, rr- 7~ A T 7 t t f SUDC'ITTET L 0c, FA,REF OYHER: 003 AVJ11OR; Wwimova T. I.; Ste)Aww4-A.-I.; Chisler E. V. TME: On the temperature dependwas of the'intensity of the mmki-order aaa scattering spectrum of NaC1 =ystals SW=z Fizika tverdbp baa, ve 7. no, 6t 19659 1681-1083 TOPIC TAGS: P-man, s6aftering, P-im spectrum, tempereture dependmael, spectrum analysis ..c AWTRALT: UWke in an earlier investigation (Ste)dwnov rizika shchelocibno- galoidaykh kr~~ov EPhysizs of Mali-halide Q~ystalsi' Tr. II sovesch* Izd. Latv. gm. Univ-s Riga 1962)9 the authors,used the 49358- A01ine (instead of 29537 0 A),;V'-anjf ii~the spectrum by a photoelectric method (rather than by photo- grel$*0 6--thi-s has made it possible to perform quantitative measurements of the spectrum intensity at different temperatures. The light source was a low pressure, marrawry lamp des=ibed elsewlwxe (PTE no. 1. 164 0 1962) , and the spectrum uw cb- 1! tained with a DES-12 double motiochrtmator. The resultant spectrum was continuous s 1 with very cmipl"ed intensity distribution) directly adjacent to the exciting 1/2 L2511-66 ACCESSION NR: 'AP5014660- line and stretching to 580 ~V-1. Several maxim of intensity appear against this' background, With increasing temperaturep the intensity of the spectrwn increases rapidly . the increaw in the 60 - 200 cm,71 region being greater than in the rest i of the spect-nn, The results agm well with the theory only in the high fre- quency put of the spectrumb and for frequencies of 230 "-i-l and below the dis- crepancy between theory and experiment begins to be noticeable. This discrepana"I' is attributed to first-ordar Ptaman scattering caused by defects in the crystal 1 lattice. It is amcluded that the spectrw of awmalous Raman scatterIng extends i at least to 230 cm . in agreement with the theoretical results by P.- P. Pavinskiy (Vestn. LGU no. 22, 51p 1957). Orig. art* has: 2 figures and 1 for- mula. 1 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy L-tstitut im. A. r. loffe AN SSSRp Leningrad i (Physicotechnical Institute M SSSR) SIUMM 28JulG4 ENM: 00 SUB ODIE: OF9 SS ODIER40 000 No ar SOVI 006 ica ~r f-, r L, A 1~ 1 7 1, ;AL ITHOR: ChISler,, e--,i, v. zw tam L7- .. .. . ..... A -7 7~z 7 (Phys Ic o--ie e-nna cd I A~:C t~"" AY-603-1925 S01111CH, COD]!',: OV/0030/001017/001/01G3/0171 AUTHOR: Chisler, V.; Shur, M. S. ORG: A. F. loffe Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR TITLE: The Raman spectrum of NaN02 in the ferroelectric phase SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 17, no. 1, 1966, 163-171 TOPIC TAGS; Raman spectrum, ferroelectric crystal, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrite single crystal, ferroelectric phase, Coulomb force, short range repulsion force ABSTRACT: The Raman spectrum of a NaN02 single crystal in the ferroelectric phase, was obtained and the polarization of the lines iti\,cstigated. The forms of normal vibrations were considered on the basis of symmetry coordinates and the intensity of lines. Formulae for translational vibrations were derived and numerical calculations performed taking into account short-range repulsive forcer, between nearest neighbors and long-range Coulomb forces. The authors thank Card 1/2 T 09~ 22--67-- ACC NR: AP6034925 Professor_,~i,_I. Gubanov-for valuable discussions of the results. 7 figures, 3 tables, and I formula. (Authors' abstract] Orig. art. has: SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 0lJu166/ ORIG REF: OOG/ OTH REF-. 008/ *A 38884-66 EVW1) ACC NRs AT66i~56-7- (m)/T/E1VP(t)/ET1 IJP(c) VNIJ D/J '.','DIJ G; SOURCE CODE: UIVOI AUMOR: Chisler, E. V. ORG: Physicotechnical 'InstRute im. A. F. I;ffe, An SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- teldmicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE*. The opalescence phenomenon and the spectrum of recombination scattering dur the KNO,3-II - Kfi%-X phase transition SAM. lizika tverdogo tela., v. 8.. no. 6, 1938-1939 TOPIC TAGS: potassium compoundp nitrate, Raman scattering, optic transitionp recom- bination luminescence ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the author (M V- L 1586, 10~) where it was reported that a relative increase in the intensity of the 1350 - 1.~(4 eel band., accompanied by anomalous broadeningp occurs during the 11 - I transition in the Ramad'scattering of MJJ Further investigations have shown that this band has a doublet structure at 129 - 135C, with intensity maxima near 1360 and 142D cid-1. The distance between maxim decreases somewhat with further rise in temperature. Above the transition temperature, turbidity developed in the crystal,, propagating along the temperature gradient and gradmlly extending over the entire crystal. In addition to these and other changes in the PA=n spectrum., opalescence was observed at 130 - 180C. Photoelectric wasurements have shown that the opalescence sets in at 1290 and continues to exist at higher temperatures, weakening somewhat with rising 3/2 CH16LOVSKlyl K-1. (Kiyev, ul.Volodarskogo, d.8,,kv.7) Asymetry in the innervation of the pancreas and its practical significance. Nov. khir. arkh. no.l:A4,--27 Ja-F 160. (YLIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra klinicheskoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - doktor med.nauk K.I.Chislovskiy) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershen- stvovaniya vrachey. '.I.",.,--, *-~ I -- - ~ I*. I OANOITAS-INNiaNATION) POINAKOV, Georgiy Yevgenlyevich;VOLPYAN, G.A., naucluiyy red.; CHISLOV, M.M., red.; KOZLOVSKAYA, M.D.., teklm. red. (Construction of electric substations, power plants, and power distribution linesl Ustroistvo elektricheskikh stantsii, pod- stantsii i Unii elektroperedachi. Mosk;va, Vses.uchebno-pedagog izd-vo Proftekhizdat.,-1961. 342 P. (MIRA 14:i2) (Electric substations) (Electric power plants) (Electric power distribution) TRUNKOVSKrYq Lazar' Yamellyanovich; KIUIOIICMKOO G.Ye.q nauchmy redol - GIIISLOVJ, 19-1!, red.1 TOKER, A.M., tekhn. red, [Electrician's manual on the use of industrial electric power systems] Elektromonter po ekspluatatsii promyshlonnykh elektro- uotanovok. Moskvap Vass. uchobno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdatp 1961. 226 (MIRA 15:2) PjZle,- " dnginearing-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) RkSKATOV) Afanasiy Ivrimovichp dots*; ZABkVSKIY, A.V.p nauchnyy red.; CHISLOV, M.M.. red.; PERSOV, MA., tekhn. red. (Laboratory work in electrical engineering] Laboratorlwe raboty po elektrotekhnike. Moskva., Proftekhizdat, 1962. 326 p (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kafedra elektrotekhniki i elektroniki Moskovskogo tekbnologi- cheskogo instituta ayasnoy i molochnay prom7shlennosti (for Raskatov). (Electric engineering-Handbooks, manuals,, etc.) (Electric laboratories-Handbooks, mamials, etc.) KALZAIISKIY, Vladimir Yemgenlyevich; SHOSTIYANOVp A.I., nauchrWy red.; QgLSWV, M.M..,.red.; BARANOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Automation and remote control in electric power 6yotems) Avtomatizatsiia i telemekhanizatsiia energaticheskikh - sistem. Moakvap Proftekhizdatp 1962. 182 p. (MIR/i 15: 10) (Automatic control) (Remote control) (Electric power distribution) BRISKII42 Lecnid Yakovievich; FILIMONOV, P.V.., nauahrW red.;-OISIO~,-_ -H.M"-red.; BARANOVA, tekbn. red.; DOROD14MA, L.A., tokhn. red. [Safety measures for electric work in construction)Elektro- bezopasnost' na stroitallstve. Moskva, Proftakhizdat, 1962. 115 P. (MIRA 15:8) (Electric engineering-Safety measures) SOKOLOV, Aleksandr Alaksandroviah, kezd. tekhn. nauk; GUREVICH, B.M., Inzh., nauchnyy z*d.; CHISWV, M.M., red.; DORODNOVA, L.A., takhn. red. [Fimdamentals of eleetronics]psnovy elektroniki. Moskva, Prof- tekhizdat, 1962. 165 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Electronics) k. VARTANOV, Grayr Leonovich; VERNER, Vadim Vladimirovich; SEREBRYAKOV., Viktor Mikhaylovich; GUREVICH, B.M., nauchnyy red.; ACHISLOV, !I.M., red.; SKITEVA, R.I., red.; NESMYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (A manual for electricians and repairmen]Flektromonter-remontnik. Moskva., Proftekhizdat,, 1962. 222 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Ele'ctric motors-Maintenance and repair) (Electric transforwro-Maintenance and repair) (Electric machinery-Maimenance and repair) KAZAUSK,IY, Vladimir Yevgenitevich; SAVDSTIYANOV, A.I., nauchn. red.; CHIS-LOV, M.M,_,_red.; BARANOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Automatic and remote control in power systems] Avtomati- zatsiia i telemekhanizatsiia anergeticheskikh sistem. Mo- skva Proftekhizdat, 1962. 182 p. (MIRA 16:7) 4utomatic control) (Remote control) (Electric power distribution) TP~NKOVSKIY, Lazar' Yemellyanovich; KHROMCHMO, ' 1~ye. . nauchn. red.; CH1SWL_M_.jj,., red.j TOKER, A.-M., takhn, red. (Electrician of Industrial electric power systems) Elek- tromonter po eksplustateii pronyshlennykh elektroustanovok. 2. izd. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 226 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric engineering--Aandbooks, manuals, etc.) GLAZ, Abram Iltich; KONTSEVAYA, S.M., red., CRISLOV,, M.M., red.; PERSON,, M.N.9 takhn. red. [Manual for beginning electrioians) Spravochnik molodogo elektrotekhnika. 5 dop. izd.. Moskya, Proftakhizdat, 1963. 392 p. (MIRA 16tlO) (Electria engineering--Handbooka, manuals, ate.) KITAYEV, Valentin Yevgenlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHLYAPINTOKH, Lev Samoylovich, inzh.-elektrik; KASATKIN, A.S., nauchn. ,,, red., NESMYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. red.; qjHjSLOI[,_,M..M - (Electrical engineering with principles of industrial electronics] Elektrotekhnika s osnovami promyshlennoi elek- troniki. Moskva, Proftekhizdat,, 1963. 411 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Electric engineering) (Electronics) CHISIOT. P.A. CoNstinwting lines of surfaces of the second order hairing a cAmin pl"o Of ornmetry. Trao MI ne.28i46-59 156. 0 (Go so ry, Aml7tic) (Km io-6) -P&Cralra~se Xapooerepecriou kes6r.C.- pay**,. Goemmd'soa pl. Cyacm limood. fry- 1044, 3. 292 131 ZI pssej~ 19". 216 C. A..6... ? p,. S? ",PrN. 301M. 1949, 11.6. Ji 30". am, 1*13. 9W- X-&AQAs. r.p..ssm He. "ll, 3*xbp.o ro*Q-A Apex*- .... a. Cp*4-9 c-e .;=.. 6accolas Pass samem,00 p- rpy- . tro (Ka".c..9 pass. Apo--,A 1949, 143 c., Pat, I I -A. a. p- CCp). 19M. 136 c.. 4 a". A, 16 Pee. 3.%. t9n. 2S.Z. (Efmoceadl foe. ymx.-~ 954. U.N.. 34c...M gap.&- 31mg. IM, 20.4. covemoomemermov, a 68t.04.6. "& X..F.w ... 0 molasses mpaux PCs rpyseff a rovacCr& ""Ar- V..C.p .... a.*. Onset 4."-- All", erg siaNt"- 1957. 151 ..P."'Potmes, oapec~- 3,qi. 1957, 18-9. sea T6_w . 1941. 20, 181 C, PW_ "5.Uoa. T.%.... Hoo.c.- 1331 ma- 1" .4. 424- PW0sCsNl 4-- 1902. IW 3's. 1944. 9.4. e., 61 ",..Pw. 19 ... 6.. 7 0.. CO. m.pG*oo noveA 0 ...... 5 am 949' 3.6. 1952, 24.10. .a.,. F.CUPOA-a-M MAP--- 9M. 4 ... 3-- ~OmV*%rV0. . A."-ses -A - K)M-' .P641.1- r--"-- NP4-6~ Nam __ Wpaos N.Pa. 190. rs-I vacto,*O4 P, A"Atest am. 3*q. 1943, 13,7- _3.,j, 19M, 20,2. 9m OPON Ca' 0"Nea MXP". 957. 4-- nlTP TIOTPOO"'e. ........ kp.:.,-. py-..C.- sap" M..P--.-. ,es" (13-14 ...). 19W. 106 C.. 2 -A~ A"C-M P.M... ea. -A-- -4 - -p,. (Eptua.m..11 -- 1-4 6- __wx P-m-ra -ldrPaN,,rcsCf 3.,. 19W. 13-10. so.. ACCP AM--- Cray- 1947, 931. n ..... *so B.C.Aftll HO.- 144 ., 121 - .-. Ca. IBHM r-..P".--- C76vo.. J.wTpa~ Cre, Domr"O.11 a- cI*.Pp..__I 3.%. 194S, 2". sommassad.- c'.0p...- 14".160 938. W.M.-3.A. Hcw... AA.t- C_. f2tj V- A.. PK.. -.P- ... . roorp.",ecass -p. ~p A.- 3.qi. 1949. 19-1. ag".0t-PQ -yft"Oh- fA.y, 1940. 952' Ck..6--As- M..*.T*l 173 c., asgrrN. 9-- Cv ... go*... domasa.-mcpaq.-so. &qj. 1940, 29-0. 3NUFAWMAM 04,064-33-c' 2J.6.0.- A--#,P-N*--- 68 e.3...u .60C.. 6-ctOq:4,%- A ... A.09 P-40- (0-0- SO cpbA--2- ..P.-F.CroW. 1933. 4, 244 29 raps. 1953. 4. 744 - 29 "-. 4 eap 6 AserP. W-P-11-11 "*A- -OVY-1- Q.,(W 1954, Ia. coal" owwwomamal so SUBJECTs USSR/Trade Schools AUTHOR: ChIs2ovq V.v Deputy Director TITLE: Assistance to the State - and Collective Farms (Pomoshch sovkhosan i kolkhozan) 27-4-17/15 PERIODICALs Profesalonallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, April 195T, # 4 (143), p 32 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The short note reports that apprentices of the Gvard*ysk Farm Mechanization School Nr. 8, Kaliningrad Oblast', as a training practice installed mechanical devices, built roads, etc,, on state and collective farms having thus simultaneous- .1y assisted the farms and obtained ihe required practical experience. ASSOCIATIONs out PRESENTED BYo 3./1 SUBMITTEDs AVAILAPT-7- L 1609-66 EWT(M)/M'F(C)/EWP(J)/T/EWP(t)/BIP(b)/EU(c) RPL JD/AN/WB/RM ACCESSION NR: AP5021667 UR/0080/65/036/008/1761/1765 620.193.01 AUTHOR: Chislova, Ye. 11 Putilova, L N. TITLE: Effect of acrylon rileL the kinetics of the solution of steel in hydro- i chloric and sulfuric acids SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimli, v. 38, no. 8, 1965, 1761-1765 TOPIC TAGS: 14corrosion inhibitor, 'acrylic acid, nitrogen compound, steel, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, solution kinetics/2 steel ABSTRACT: The article exa i es the relation of acrylonitrile protective action. to its concentration m' an aggressive medium at constant temperature, and the effect of this inhibitor on the initial period of corrosion. Experiments were carried oil on samples of steel 2 with dimensions of 20 x 50 x 2 mm. To obtain isotherms for the protective action of acrylonitrile, the corrosion rate was de- termined by the weight method and from the amount of iron ions going into solu- tion. Protective action H was calculated by the following formula 100% card 1/3 L 1609-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021667 1 where rho, is the corrosion: the uninhibited zeid and rho is the corrosion rate in the inhibited acid. The experiments were carried out at a temperature of 2011 C. The corrosion rate during the first 30 min of solution of the steel plates was measured by change in iron ion content of the solution. To eliminate the effect of the natural oxide film on the plates, the plates were previously etched in I N hydrochloric acid U N sulfuric acid) for 20 min, then washed with I N hydrochloric acid ( I N sulfuric acid), and then transferred to the solution to be investigated. It was found that, practically spealting, a constant corrosion rate in the acid solutions was reached after 15-20 min from start of reaction, and only in the presence of a sufficient amount of acrylonitrile (about 1%). With a change in content of acrylonitrile, there is a transition from acceleration of the corrosion process to inhibition of the process with increasing acrylonitrile concentration. It was found that on steel plates previously treated (48 houra) with I N hydrochloric acid and inhi I d with acrylonitrile, the protective effect (33. 2%) is retained after long exposure (24 hours) in pure 1 N hydrochloric acid. The authors believe that the special characteristics of the efect of acrylonitrile on the corrosion of steel In hydrochloric and sulfuric acid solutions cannot be card 2/3 L 16o9-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021667 explained by absorption of chemically unchanged acrylonitrile on the surface of ithe metal. Orig. :art. has: 4 figures ASSOCIATION: Moskovskil tekhnologicheakii Inatitut p1shebevol promyshlennosti (Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry) SUBNHTTED: 080ct64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC, MM NR REP SOV: 00� OTHER: 007 Icard 3/3 PUTILOVA, I.N.1 CHISLOVA Y- V Selecting inbibitors for protecting metals from hydrochloric acid corrosion. Gas. delo no.9s2l-24 165. (MMA 18:9) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologichaskiy institut pishchevo7 promyshlennosti. 6klii ACERM MEEDICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Fob 59 448. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF PSORIASIS IN CHILDREN AND ITS TREAT- T MENT (Russian text) - C h I a I o v o k a ya E. V. District Dermato-Vencreol. n eo er I Disp., Ivanovo - SBORN. NA XTH". RXK"CFPR. DERM. I VENER. (Ivanovo) 1957 (98-99) Thirteen girls and 4 boys aged 5-14 years were kept under observation, In 3 cases 3 c as e a the mothers also suffered from psoriasis. Neurological signs (minor attacks of a0 r excit- chorea. nightly terrors, Insomnia. urinary incontinence , stammering, over-excit- k'] bilit ) were observed in 5 cases. The mothers of 6 children suffered from th, n.ura, 'nia, neuroses, and hysterical p3ychopathy. In 4 cases the development Pme't of psoriasis was preceded by exposure to cold or periods of emotional stress. The .'. The Iine'se skin in all cases was thin and dry and the hair was poorly developed. The disease involved mostly the trunk. Hospital treatment (baths, physiotherapy. UV light. ght. vitamin A, local applications) lasting on an average 35 days wan followed by a pro- 'yapro_ longed remission. In five cases exacerbation occurred after 8-13 months, Mashkilleison Jr - Moscow (Sj ,ow (:'j r GOTS9 V.L.; IVINSKAYA, V.0,; BAZYAYEV, N.Ye.; CHISLOVSKAYA, I.A. ------------------- Spraying paint materials in a high-voltage electric field with a slit sprayer. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.5:74-78 161. (MIRA 15:3) OPray painting) CHMI'OVSKly., X. 1.,. CHISLOVSKIY$ K. 1. Me asymmetry of the morphological structure and connections of the solar ar)d intermesenteric plexi in man and their practical significance." Min Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Moscow 1956. (Dissertition for the Degree of Doctor in/pciences) Medical So: Knizhnaya Letopial, No. 18p 1956 m ~~A# Xiyev, u1. Tolodarskogo, d.8, kv.8) M 4-9-4 R A K - L - - j Anatomical basis for total local anesthesia in gastric surgery. Noy.khir.arkh. no-1:55-60 Ak-F 057. (NIBA 10:6) 1. Kafedra klinicheskoy anatonli t operatlynoy khirurgil (zav. - dots. K.I.Chislovokly) Kly*vsicogo inetituts umovershenstvovaniya vrachey jWCAL AUSSMIA) (SMACH--SWIRT) K.I.. dots. Asymetr7 of innervation of the ovaries and its practical significance, Akush. i gin. 34 no.4:61-67 J1-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. 1z kafedry klinicheskoy anatomii i operativnoy kbirurgii (Zav. - dots. I.I. Chislovskiy) Klyevskogo inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (OVARIES. innerv. asymetry, clin. significance (Rua)) CHISLOVSKIY,JLJ.,~aktor joedonauk Aaymetry in the innervation of the kidneys and its practical significance,.Vracb.dolo noon:97-100 N 160. (KM 13:11) 1. Kafedra. klinicheekoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii (rav. - doktor med.nauk R.I.ChiBlovskiy) ~iyevskogo instituta. usovershonstvo- vaniiya vracbey. (XIDNEYS-IMMATION) CHISLOVSKIYP K. I. (Kiyev,, ul. Yanyarskaya., d. 36) Study of the topograpby of vague nerve branebes for their preserva- tion during gastric surgery* Novo khire arkh, no 2:48-50) 162. (MiRA 15.2 1. Kafedra. klinichoskoy awtomii i operativncy kbirargii (zav. - doktor med. nauk,, prof. K. 1. Chislovskiy) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya Ymcbey. (VAGUS MVE) (STCHACH-SURGERY) CHISI,DVSKH, 1.10 prof* Asymetry in liver innervation and its practical significance. Wach.delo no.1&75-178 Ja 163. (KrRA 16:2) 1e Kafedra klinicheek amtouii i operatsiomoy khirargii (smv. ~ prof, Lift Chislovskiyl Kiyevskogo instituts uourerohenotmaniya vrachey, (LIVSP,-IMERVATION) CHISLOVSKrT, V.K. Advantages of glucose-natrog blood in massive blood transfusions. Trach.delc uo.105-W 160 i (MIRA 13:6) 1 1. Irafedra khtrurgil (save" - Prof. A*A* Pedorovskiy) pediatrichs- skogo fakallteta 11yevalwCo seditsinskogo instituta. (BLOOD-2WS3USIOT) (CLUMIC ACID) CHISLOVSKTYP V.K. Comparative evaluation of dJfferent natrog prescriptions for the con- sex-ition of blood. Trudy Kiev. nauch.-iselo inst, perel, krovi i nectlozh. khir. 3:52-57 161. (MRA 17t1O) 1. KafaA-- khirurgii pedlatrichaskozo fakulitet-a Kiyevskogo medi- teinskogo institute. imeni A.A.Bogomolltsa. GUSNER, Martin Active contribution of a state farm to increase the general production of meat and milk, Munca sindic 6 no*6:32-3/+ Jo 162. 1e Prenedinte al comitetului sindicatului Goopodariile Agricole do Sta+,,. Halchius regiunea Brasov. BUUM, D.L..CHISNMOT, K.A. Diagram for the cutoff of the-electric drive of an Idling machine tool. Sudostroente no.7:60 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Cutting mehines-Zlectric driving) ; " !' )SS L 2 1 16 V O d m~ u z& - -l Hambm op- fi tL 45 d i ! 4 T d W ,- ri- ~r; fi hc V-x ng &r 7 4 y ' l 4 N--, --x chic Cf~:C Cl?MhtT.Cd with tho um of m ,Ii vrme �R pxat ',srw papillDmk 64 rbb"';u of rwd4r. ' b, , lod bcLl t-wv-v elr~ztjv I-I vri,3 jzjm axt A '15PAIIIM~l . %:qo vmt6d 1 - -4, ~h~ !)U1 C' ,I,,, U)t ;:s ru i~~i 7br app!~L&i~o; iw-ur A- L olhgo-66 WT"d)/W_(m)/EWP(w) EM ACCESSION NR: A115019373 U"R/0124/65/0Q0/007/V007/V007 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanft, Abs. 7V41 AUTHOR: Smolovik, 1. 1. ; ChIsplyakov, M. N. TITLE- A plane problern of the elasticity theory In permutations for a finite circular sedur and anInfinite sector with a vertex sheared along a circular are CITED SOURCE: Dokl. 3-y �SAIrsk, konferentsit 'no matem. I meldmil. , 1964. Tomsk, Tomskty un-t, 964, 341---9-b 07 TOPIC TAGS: elasticity theorj ~~lasttc deformation, Lame equation, wedge bwly TRANSLATION: The authors discuss the plane deformation of a circular sector with elastic permutations assigned at Its boundary. Employing solutions to Lame equations in series and integrals, the authors reduce the probl6m. to -fully regular Infinite algebraic systems; It is pointed out that a soluftu for the case of aii Infinite wedgeMth a vertex shenred nlong a circular arc can be obtalmd In the sante manner, Ya, 8, Uflyand SUB CODE: ASt 14A MCL- 00 card I out (-CHISTICHENKO, I,A9 Late rebults of treating rheumatic fever and the in the prevention of rheumatic favor, Vrach.delo I* Gorlovskaya bol"nitea No.2. (RHEUNATIC TEIVER) (TONSILS-.SURGERY) role of tonsillectoaW no.10:132-133 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) CHISTICEMOv I.A. Prevention of progressive development of rheumatic processes. Terap.arkh. 33 n6,el:46-48 161. (KM 14--3) 1. 1z Gorlovskoy gorodskoy bollmitay No.2. I (RHMTIC FEW I CHISTICHENKO., I.A. Work of a discussion group of nurses. Mod. sestra 20 no.11:52-53 N 161. (MIRA .15:2) 1. Is Gorodako-v bollnits N 2 Gorlovka. -- - jiSM' *" AIM) (NU ; AND CHISTIK, A. A. - Lhe problem of cultivntin~7 -r--~-rnnnial-graspes and grnrg mixturec in Chistik, ~~. A, 11r. the field of rok 'blast," Sbornik ra~pt Xiirskoy pbl,' kojVleks. s.-khI opyt. atantsii, Kursk, 191!9. P. 52-69 SO: U-holh, 29 Oct 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal InykI. Str~tey, No. 16, 1949).