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CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physical Chemi3try. Thermodynamics. B-8 Thermoohemistry. Equilibria, Phase Transitions. Physico-Chemical Analysis. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiya, No 9. 1959, 22450. Abstract: phenomera are described within the limits of thermodynamics of irreversible processes and the interphase flows are expressed depending on the jumps of corresponding properties on the boundary. A two-phase multioomponent system is discussed. The assumption that the boundary is-stationary, made in the preceding three reports, is rejected. The ratios ofmass flows of individual oomponents and of momentum and energy transfers are derived; their application to special cases results in some relations obtained previously, for example, in relation to the temperature jmap. New results concerning diffusion are also obtainedi -- M. Ryba. Card 5/5 C&11,0~.OZ61 1_19 USSR/Human and Animal Physiology. Internal Secretion. The Thyroid Gland. T-8 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1956, 55815- Author Chiladze Inst 131 Title The Absorption of Radioactive Iodine I by the Thyroid Gland During Pregnancy (Experimental Study), Orir, Pub: V ab.: Aktual'n. vopr. akusherstvaJi ginekol. M. , 1957, 2~3-303. Abstract: One quarter of an hour to 96 hours,31ter hypodermic injection of 0.1-0.2 1.), curie of I ) it-is absorbed by the thyroid gland TG) of 5 pregnant rabbits in a 10-15 percent larger a-mount than,%not pre(;nant females. The administration of I durinG pregnancy Card 1/2 129 USSR/Human and Anim-1 Physiology. Internal Secretion. The Thyroid Gland. T-8 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 12, 1958) 55815. does not change its absorption rate by the thyroid gland of -the offspring. 0 Card : 2/2 TUSSR/Human and Aninal Physiology. Internal Secretion The Thyroid Gland. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 102, 1958, 55816. Author Chilsd2e, Z.A. Inst Title The Absov3~tion of.Pa'dioactive Iodine 1131 by the Thyroid Gland of Women, Daring Pregnancy. Orig Pub: Aktuallno' vopr. akui.hers tva i genekol. M., 1957, 304-31~9. Abstract: The accumilation of, 11311 in-the thyroid gland (TG) of healtiq pregnant vo.,wh (40 subjects), as masured 1 1/4 to 96 hours m-ter the internal intake of a 1-2 'A ( curie dose of heightened, but it is still vithin - normal iirdts. Simultaneously, the discharge of il3l.into the bloodstream is increased. An inter- Card 1/3 130 CHIIADZE Z.A. dotsimt, --- I---- # :.~ , g.Alectrotown An -the &tonic uterus for Method for-4)roduain arresting uterine-hemorrhage; experimental-am clinical study. Akush. i gia. nO.1&41-46.. 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (zav.- prof. K.V. Chachava) Thiliaskogo instituta usoverabenstvovaniya vrachey. CHILADZE Z. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Absorption of radioactive iodine If3l in the thyroid gland during pregnancy. (Experimental- clinical research). " Tbilisi, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR Pressq 1959. 23 PP with graphs; (Tbilisi State Medical Inst); 200 copies; free; (KL, 17-60, 173) 'I ID .1 rw% ACCESSION IM: AP3005651 S/0218/6 '004/0595/0601! AUTHOR: Krits=2 G. A.; $afronova.. N,; Chil-Akopyanp L A*; Kov'Wun. Yu. T,_ M ILE: Bone marrow nualsio acid autol7sis in normal and in X-irradiated animalsil SOURCE: Bloldiimiya, v. 26,, no 4.- 1963s 595-601 TOPIC TAGS: autOl7sisv RNAO DNA, bone marrowp looal X-irradiationjoh dose ABSTRACT: For DNA and RNA autolysis of rabbit bone marrow,, the right, back extremitles -of a group of rabbits were exposed to X-irradiation*, (RUT-1) of 2000 r (24 min)Athe same parts of another group of rabbitd. were exposed to 200 r (2-4'min). After irradiation the rabbits were decapitated at different time periods. The baek extremities were frozen for 1-2 days, and after thawing at room temperature,, the bone marrow was extracted. Nucleic acid autolysis of bone marrow homo- genates was investigated. Results indicate that shortly after irrad- iation DNA autolysis is slight17 activated for the 200 r dosef For F the 2000 r dose the Initial DNA autolysis. rate inereases'almos~ three1 -Card-: 1/2 - ----- L .18199-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005651 times, RNA autolysis for.a 2000 r dose is activated on17 2 hrs after irradiation. DNA and RNA autolytic rates are sipifioantl7 inhib.itod after the first day, reach their peak between 2-4 da:ysp and then- Igraduall7 return to normal. Nucleic acid autolysis changes were,'com'" pared with changes in their contents. ActiVation of DNA autol7sis is, an earlier radiation disturbance than decrease in nuoleic acid contents or change in free nueleotide eontents. Activation of DNA,~ autolysis shortly after irradiation is a characteristic disturbance lin cell biochemistry and leads to cell disintegration, 'Sharp inbLibi- :t1on of DNA and RNA autolysis shortly,after irradiation can be iexplained by qualitative DNA and RNA changes in the irradiated tissues. The authors express their gratitude to U. B. Aleksandr Ifor assistance in the study. Orig. art. has: 2 tablest 3 f rtm 16 ~ASSOCIATION: Institut biolihimii Im. A. N. BeJ&a Akademii Nai4k S StR.:- ~Moskva.(Instltute of Biochemistry, AcadqM of Sgiences,-USSR) iSuMaTTM: ISAug62 DATE ACQ: 06SOP63 ENCL: iSUB CODE: AN NO REP SOV: 009 OTHER: to ard2 AVAKYAN, Z.G.; CHII,-AK AFRIKYAN, E.K. Effect of feeding with vitamins and other growth substances on the development and productivity of the silkworm. Vo milrrobiol. no.2:333-354 164. ~MIIRA 18-3) KAZARYAN, G.A.; ARUTYUNYAN, V.M.; KARAPETYAN, N.V.; CHIL-AKOPYAN, L.-A. Some biochemical indices in thTrotoxi.coses.-Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 28 no.1:92-96 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:5) ,.I. Laboratoriya gormonov i izotopov Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rentganologii i onkologii afN SSSR, endokrinologicheskiy kabinet Il medit8inakogo ob"yedineniya. cm, , A.Ta. Problem pertaining to the breakthrough of edge water to the gallery of a well. In. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no. 3:241-255 160. (MMA 13&-12) 1. Ibucbno-issledovatel'skiy Institut matematikii mekbaniki imeni N.G. Chebotarava pri Kazanskom gosudaretvannom universitete. (Differential equations) (Oil field flooding) CHIIAP2 A.Ya. Detenaining pressure field in lumpy nommiform -layers. Izv. vya. ucheb, zav*2- neft' i gaz 4 no,1:53-60 161. (IMA 15:5) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni. Ultyantmzt (Ionina). (Oil reservoir engineering) CHILAP Determining the pressure field in a fragmented nonuniform bed using the method of statistical tests. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gas 8 no.3t73-76 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kaunskiy goaudarstvennyy univorsitet im. V.I. Ullyanova- Lanina. SKVORTSOV,, E.V. I FARMN,, B.Xh.; M11AN., A.Ya. (Kazan') ,Solution of certain conjugation problems by reduction to a ~.Ikeneralized Riemannian probke~a. Prikl.mat.i nekh. V no.2i .X)*51-;~35 Mr-AP 163. (MIRA 16SO (Boundary value problema) (Integral equations) CHILAP, A. Ya. Cand Phys-Math Soi -- "Certain problems of determining the fiold of pressure and the displacement of the boundary Moe of water and petroleum in layers." Kiev, 1960 (Joint Academic Council of luets of Mathwatics, Physics, and Metal Physics, Aaad Soi UkSSR). (KL, 1-61, 181) -36- CHIUP, A.Ya. (Kazan') On the conjugation problom for a oectorial region. mat.fiz. 2 no.6tlO54-1061 N-D 162. (Harmonic functions) Zhur.vych.mat.i (MIRA 150-1) CHILAPO, A. Ya. (Kazant) Determining the fields of presoure in a striated blockvise nonimiform layer. Izv,, AN SSSR Makhe I. mashinostr. no-4t 185-189 JI-Ag 064 (MM 17:8) r E wumml Ukv~- -FP: t M Q- A- Wlkghxjlt Zhur Eks;Al T-or~l Fit 26 Z54 S(-f";Y;C tin- NaiLla"I 'raell- m -ACO~. Nl,;h hr mre~,l ~Ilp U', It' -)L~ W r MW. -1 ! h. f-.5 1(]-' CM~. Ind the PXP~rlf"Mtal vklu< If 4 t i ,,0-w EM,WM =,g!R-,7 C141L.95,0 VIL 1) O.P. am ~Oitlhx6lei in Collisions With Heavy I clei, by V. I. Mmmsakhlisov, Corresponding Member, AcadF-Myof Sciences Georgian SSR, and G. A. Chilashvili, TbilArA State Uni- versity imeni Stalin, Soobsbcheniye Akademil Hauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 17, No 10) Oct 56~ PP 873-b77 The two-particle model for light nuclei is assumed, according to which U6 can be represented as a (Ile4 + H2) system and Be9 as a '8 n) system. CHiL,)9SHV11-1j j;,tg, CHILASHVILI, G.A. -In-te-roame'=Ion 'b~stvsen gssma-qum~nta and light nuclei. Soob.AN Gras. , SSR 19 no.1119-22 JI 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1, Tbilieskly gosudarstvenVy universitet im. Stalina. Predstavlono chlenot-korrespondentom akadosti V.I.Msv&sakhlIsovym. (Nuclei, Atomic) C.U.1 lut ` ite' tL,:.c:93 a t- 6wrw, "l 6,n 'Z') -"0604""" ou a."- va '0"t -see vas..m ..&..h -OP61 -"j loerva-E - "V.0 va *"6t ..*&dAom -w-a .ar4 -00 -it.? C9.6-0.1 vat It"[ -16-C Q.0%.K.090" W, -Ora Iml 4-9 111 Z061 - %*61 44M V"j 'T" -J*J) -~ "a LZI -Vftt OoOe-W -4"1 6 coat mcemax ooome, W~4" oooome - ft-d.6~ vvm.~. -..rqdj ~vvowve.." Toner 661-61 'Gra IMF Axlo~& letv I[)-C%z (.," -PM '0". 4% 1*61 t al Tut q----nlOQ-t --AIQR= q_fMTcO. -a -m-g-ty-1 Cv i.m -q.V,Q Q%jPq -8,4 Do %P-Vcw -of i.s. VOC 1569 lbvE of.& 9.7.asa -12L Cl *~ Irl V6 *tcdt le"I -age ~so&ee vamp '1 '4 ~wm -dL) W614 101 ..Swab goom V *.,.H *.f.r4Ax gvc cut wk.& 'rel %%I Ar-a _" Cl Ill '96 '1961 VZJ Uml 't 'Q !My 'r -0 'Ift L C oaf -ZOMr-8 q__A C") -Q. 14-49 -n o; Nt.Qf. ,C.U .C=.g AIR- A 1, *4-t-F T-&Q-t- of, -.9 _-t&-ALq& vQQjqem .01, cz, to'.. C.r -ALL Illud"400j -t-91 'VMS 'we 01 W61 -44- - 0--;g Ooo~ evvar Wvo~ . C---. V_- --. -4*00:) ROA**j dArom 'tu *61 -Res ~ 06 -H*t VIC '1061 *-C A a_A~pft-.wA -3 " -,*I ~~Asv a le-oeoms~ -v siadlj eoo3awwd... Moov" go ~4-0- VOC 1M ~40V.3 x.v" .6r*9m,Ah -;" 101 's w -M .9"1 .'hoc %-ftl 1= 4Adj HV 0% Z) -(J33 -e9l 0 * '1t69 HV --4 -43-54 - 4333 HV :vy *HU - -oofe* -H) -2 IZZ '90, .~mxalsr ~~ m sa"aduvin aw ro.wV acrw%%ej.h TLI, CRILASHVILIO G.A. ----,*03weett6,odialn"tagration of Atomlo nuclei. Soob. AN Orus. SSR 20 no..3i.277-284 Mr 158. (mmA n:?) 1. Tbilieskly gomu&srjItvonW univiersitat im. Stalim. Predstavlono chleacm-kbTrespoodentom Akademil T.I.Momasakhlisovym. (Collistons(Enclear physics)) 44 AUTHORSt TITLE: PERIODICALi ABSTIUCT: Card 1/4 Vashakifteo I4.3hop Kopaleyshvili, T. I., SOV/56-37-3-24/62 Chil 414" Resonance Scattering of r-Quanta on the Mg 24 Nucleus Zburnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19599 Vol 37, Nr 3(9)o PP 750-755 (USSR) The present paper deals theoretically with the resonance 110attering of .r-quanta on the Mg 24 nucleus with excitation of the level 2+ (1-37 Mev) and 2"' '(4.23 Mev)'. F. Metzger (Ri6f 2), N. A. Burgov, and Yu. V. Terekhov (Ref 3) determined experi- mentally the width of the level 2' (1-37 Mev) by the method of resonance scattering. If the Xg 24 nucleus is assumed to be weakly aeformedt the level 2' (1-37 Mev) may be regarded either as a colleative*(rotational) level with the momentum I = 2 (and with the projection K - 0 to the axis of symmetry of the nucleus) or also as a simple particle level (which is due to the excitation of a single nucleon in the field of the deformed nucleus)* The nucleus in the shell N.- 2 may-be on the levelB. Reponance Scattering of r-Quanta on the Mg 214 Nucleus SOY/56-37-3-24/62 9 - t1/2v �3/2, and 15/2. In this connection three different levels correspond to the case? 5? - !1/21 to the case R - �3/2 twov and to the case P - �5/2 one level (S~ denotes the projection of the momentum of the nucleon to the axis of symmetry of the nucleus). The distance between these levels depends on the value 4W and on the parameter of deformation According to the selection rulesp only the transitions 1/2 1/2 and 3/2~ )- 3/2 are pcssible in Mg24. The value I = 10.2 is found for the Nilsson parameter in the transition 1/2 -10 1/2 , in the transition 3/2 ---* 3/2, however, it holds that rf = 0. The widths of the excited 1,37 Mey level, are tabulated. The case with d - -0.2 is out of question. At J - 0.2, the theoretical value of the width is considerably higher than the experimental one. If the value of J (i.e. 0,3) is higher, the agreement with the experiment will probably be better. Angular distribution 'does not depend on the choice of the nuole6r model as far as pure E2 transition is.concerned. A different result with respect to the depondence of angular distribution on the nuclear model is, however# obtained if the resonance scattering of r-quanta Card 2/4 on the Mg24 nucleus with excitation of the second level Resonance scattering of r-quanta on the Ng 24 Nucleus SOV/56-37-3-24/62 2"* (4.23 Nev) is considered, From this level r-transition to the ground level and to the first excited level is possible. In the transition to the ground level, the distribution of ,r-quanta again does not depend on the choice of the nuclear model. In the transition to the first excited level, the transitions B2 and MI are possible. The following relations hold for the probabilitieot W[E2(2---1),W[E2(2--*O)] , -W'-2(2---911)] . The figures 0.1, and 2 donote, the ground level and the first and secona excited level. Moreoverp it holds that W[E2(2--+l)) /W[B2~2-40)]--l 2 /W[E2(2--*1)],10- "Transition 2--*1 is no pure E2 transition. A formula is written down for the compuitation of the correlation function. After fairly extensive computations 1(0) - (I + A coo 0 + B 00829 + 0 coo3 0 + D coo 49) is obtained, where A - 0.11; B - -1#5; C = -0.3; D a 0-7 - Card 3/4 Resonarxe Scattering of ~_Quanta on the Mg 24 Nucleus SOV/56-37-3-24/62 0 denotes the angle between the absorbed and the emitted -quantum. Experimental investigation of the correlation of the r-quanta in the excitatiqn of the Mg 24_nucleug with the energy 4.23 Mev may lead to certain conclusions on the character of excitation of this nucleus. Unfortunately, such experiments ha:;re not yet been made~ The authors thaWc V.I. Namasakhlisov for his supervision,and constant intereat. There are 2 figuresp 1 tablep and 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1959 Card 4/4 KOPIXTEYSHVIL!, T.I.; VASHAKILGE.. I.Sh.; I-V1,1SAIMLISOV, V.I.; Alpha-din-trrmn --- --,(,l .,.' the Lj6 nucleus. Trudy Inat. fiz. All Gro-.*::,. r,";2^3 (,:r,.A i4. io) 31-245 74 3242~'' S/056/60/038/03/26/032 B006/3014 1UTHORSi Vashakidse, 1. Sh., Kapaleyshvili, T. I., Mamasakhlis2y,_V. Chilashvilit G. A. -- ---------- TITLE: The Structure of the B99 Nualmu'-11 PERIODICAL% Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 3, PP* 937-941 TEXT: Investigations conducted by other authors seem to indicate that the Be9 nucleus consists of two alpha particles and one neutron. Suh has proved that the binding energy of the Apartiole in the hypernucleus ABe9 can be viade to agree with experiments only if one assumes that this particle novos in the field of the two alpha particles. Similarly, one may assume for the ordinary Be9 nucleus that the neutron moves in the field of the two alpha particles. In the article under review, the authors went to find out whether such a system is stable, and how the energy spectrum of the nucleus can be interpreted with the help of this model. The Haniltonian on which investigations are based reads: H (A2/2/Ab,)A u Card 1/3 820' The Structure of the Be9 Nucleus S105616010381;'031261033 B006/BO14 (X/2/tL)6q + V.Q"*-u"/2j) + %0JI"o 21) + V U 9+U/ tju ) + C,,,,(u) denotes the radius vector of the alpha particles, 9 is the radius vector of the neutron with respect to the center of mass of the two alpha particles, V and Votj are the possible energies of the noL- and/or cfjx_int eraction, Cwo, nGL is the possible energy of the Coulomb interaction, IA,,,t a 2M, /.t = am/9' X is -p2r2 26 2). the nucleon mass. According to Sub Van 0 -V0 0 (A' - 0.266-10 am- The energy levels of the Be9 nucleus are computed by considering the vibrations along the axis of symmetry and around the center of mass of the two alpha rtioles. In a table, the excitation energies computed from formula (85aare compared with experimental data (Refs. 7P 3). Agreement is satisfactory. Levels with 9.3, 12-4, 14-1P and 15-5 Mev, which so far have not been found experimentally, are obtained theoretically. Their existence appears plausible. On the other hand, two very close levels 17.27 and 17-47 Vevwere found experimentally, to which only one theoretical (rotational) level with 17.2 Mev corresponds. Either there is gally only one or there occurs a level splitting which is not covered by ( ). From the results it may be concluded that all Be9 levels consist of Card 2/3 k1(" 9 0 2 4,2 The Structure of the Be Rucleuts S/056J60/038/03/26/03" B0061BO14 two groupst vibrations al()ng the symmetry axis, with the excess neutron being in the ground state# and vibrations along the synnetry axis, with the excess neutron being it the first excited vibrational state.,The groups are chitracterized by n2 - 0 and ni a I (the quantum number n 1 corresponds to vibrations along the symmetry axis, n 2 to vibrations around the center of case). It follows that n2 is not greater than unAty. Finally, the results obtained are compared with data on the AW hyper-nucieus. The authors thank the collaborators of the Vychislitellnyy t3entr Akademii nauk Arwyanekoy SSR (computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Armyanskaya SSR)9 as well as P. X. Ter-Nikayely and R. A. Aleksar'~-- or having c3m-puted the function tables on a "Yerevan" o-o-z-p-uT-e-r.---There are I fitMe, i table, and 8 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akadexii nauk Grusinskoy SSR I -tut-e-of the Academy of Sciences of the Grusins SUBMITTEDr, October 1, 1959 Card 3/3 85683 S/05 60/638/006/025/049/f,, /'00 B006YB070 AUTHORS: Kopaleyshvili, T. I., Vashakidze. I. Sh., 14amasa-khlisov. V. I., Chilashviliv G. A. TITLE: The Alpha - Deuteron Model of the Lj6 Nucleus PERIODICAL; Zhurnal ek.sperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, '1960, Vol. 38, Yo. 6, pp. 1758-1764 TEXT: detailed A discussion L16 nucleus to be made of an-alpha the relative motion of ~these calculated on the basis of this energy has a minimum in a paper by Biel (Ref. 7) is studied the binding energies model and obtained a good agreement of a mixture of Serber-type present authors assume that possibility of considering the and a deuteron. The energy of alpha and deuteron is assumptions, and it is shown that negative values. Among others, introduction; Biel has nuclei on the alpha-particle experiment by a proper choice forces. In following Biel, the between two nucleons and their Card 1/4 is given of the particle subsystems of one of the the region of discussed in the of Bea and C12 with the and symmetric both the forces 85683 The Alpha - Deuteron Model of the U6 Nucleus S/056/60/038/006/025/049/KX 13006/~070 wave functions have a Ga ssian form. It is further assumed that the six.- nucleon system of the LN nucleus consists of two ooupled subsystems, an alpha particle and a deuteron, which continually exchange nucleons, and that this system has an energy minimum. Parameters are defined which characterize the U6 nucleus in the ground and the excited states. The eight possible states of a nucleon are defined by ita spin, isospin, and belonging to Qne of the two subsystems, and have the form (a, b, c) where a, b, c, = 1, 2. These states are numbered from 1 to 8, and these numbers are used to characterize, for example, the wave functiong. Thus, for example, the spatial part of the wave funz.-~ion of the Li nucleus is represented by ~(1234;56), where the first four indices refer to the nucleons of the alpha subsystem and the last two to the d-subsystem. Since an analytical determination of the energy is not possible on account of the complicated expressions, a numerical calculat~.on is suggested. Energy curves for the ground state of L16 are found and shown in Pig. 1 (Serber- type forces, Curve 1; symmetric forces, Curve 2). The orditate of the curves is taken to be the difference E(,)L)-E(O). where E(O) is the energy of the system when the alpha particle and the deuteron are separated by an Card 2/4 The Alpha - Deuteron Model of the Li6 Nucleus S/1056/60/038/006/02 5/0490Y B006/BO70 infinite distance. The fact that these curves have a minimum shows that the nucleon system consi ered is stable. The minimum In both the cases is found for k = 0-0316.1022CM-2; the energy minima are at --1-58 Mev (Serber- type and -1-42 MOV (symmetric forces). Finally, the excited state W' (T-1~ of the L16 nucleus is studied. Fig. 3 shows the curve E4(A) - E*(O) as a function of \ for a mixture of Serber-type and symmetric forces. This curve has also a minimum (0.66 Mev) for the same yalue of h as in the ground state; it has also a maximum at 0.015 8.102bom--2. The value of excitation energy is found to be 4-77 Mev, which does not agree well with the experimental value of 3-57 Mev. The origin of this divergence is discussed. D. A, Kv2selav and Ye. N. Dekanosidze of the Vychislitellnyy tsentr AN Gruzinskoy ~-SR ( -tation Center of the AS Gruzinskaza SSR),. and R, A. AleksandrXEtn and F. 11. Ter-Mikaelyan of th Vychislitel.Inyy tsentr AN Armyanskoy.SSR (Computation CenT-erof the AS Armyanskaya SSR) are thanked for the calculations. There are 3 figures and 11 references: 3 Soviet, 3 British, 2 US, I French, 1 Italian, and 1 Dutch. IV Card 3/'j 85683 The Alpha Deuteron Model of the Li6 Nucleus S105616010381006102510491XX B006/BO70 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Gruzipskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: December 19, 1959 Card 4/4 83189 3/056/60/039/002/026/044 B006/BO56 AUTHORS: Vashakidze, 1. Sh._, Kgpaleyshvili, T. I.,- Chilashviliq G. A,. 6 TITLE; investigation of 1he (ntp) Reaction on the Li Nucleus PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoroticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 2(8)s pp. 393-396 TEXT. It was the purpose of the present paper theoreticall to determine the proton angular distribution in the (npp) rengtion on Li~ in considera- tion of the neutron-proton correlation in'the Li nucleus. The authors in- vestigated the (n,p) reaction on the L16 nucleus on the basis of the alphas deuteron model of this nucleus, which had been worked out in earlier pa- pers (Refs* 4~ 5)- They assume that the use of this model may lead to a better agreement between theory and experiment* It is assumed in this con- neotion that the neutron and the proton, which are above the closed shell, form a bound statev to that the characteristic of the departure of the proton caused by the incidence of a neutron is due not only to direct in- teraction between these two particles (as assumed in the generally amepted Card 1/2 83189 Investiga tion of the (n;p) Reaction on the B/056/60/039/002/026/044 Li6 Nucleus B006/BO56 theory), but also to an interaction between the inoiding neutron and the neutron bound to the proton. A consideration of neutron-proton coupling in the nualeus must lead to an increase of the cross section at large X angles when calculating the reaction. cross sections, which corresponds the experimental results obtained. A formula for calculating the angular di'stributions, formula (11) with (12) and (13) as definition formulas, is obtained and disauesede The numerical results of (11) are graphically re- presented for a 14-Mev energy of the incident neutron and osoillator-po- tent'ial parameters of r f*1-10-13om (curve I) and r f* 1.2-10-13cm (curve II). The diagramoalso contains the experimenlal values, Both curves satisfactorily represent the experimental results (which have considerable error limits). Curve 11 does so somewhat more satisfactorily, In any case it is shown that a consideration of a proton-neutron coupling in the nu- cleus antually leads to an increane of the total (nsp) cross section at large scattering angles. The authors finally thank V. I, Mamasakhlisov for his interest and discussions. There are I figure anct 6 referenoes., 2 Soviet. and 4 US.- ASSOCIAT~101.: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of I - Physics of the Academy of Scieno-3s Gruzinskay~_SMSR7 SUBMITTED) Marc;-h 1~, 1960- Card 2/2 S/056/60/039/003/018/045 B004/B9.60 AUTHORS: Vashakidze, 1. Sh., KoPaleyshvj.jJ4_2,_J,, Mamasakhlisov ID 7, -nn 'asogit_~67-A. 17 TITLE: Reponance Scatterine of Gamma Quanta on the Li7 Nucleus PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No- 3 (9), pp. 666-668 TEXT: The authors studied the resonance scattering of gamma quanta on the L17 nucleus with the excitation of levels 1/2- (0,477 Mev) and 5/2- (7-46 Mev) (Pig. 1). The calculation of the 5/2- level by means of a model of the oscillator potential, and with the spin-orbit interaction taken into account, is first discussed along with the conception of this level as the rotation of a rigid rotator consisting of an a-particle and a triton (L17 - a + t), and the equation obtained in a previous paper (Ref. 2) concerning the quadrupole moment of L17 is then written down., Qo = (68/49)r2 (1), where r2 denotes the mean square distance between Card 1/3 16- Resonance Scattering of Gamma Quanta on the S/056/60/039/003/018/045 U7 Nucleus BOOVB060 alpha particles and triton. The following relation is written down for an ellipsoid of revolution equivale nt to this rotator: ZR2 p/ J-5--n' 3 (68/49)r2 (2)- Z = 3, R = radiUs of the equilibrium sphere, deformation parameter of the L17 nucleus. Data supplied in a paper by A. S. Davydov and G. 11. Filippov (Ref. 3) are made use of to write down equation (3) for the magnetic moment, and from (1) and (3) the following correlation function is obtained by substituting the data found by V. Yu. Gonchar, Ye. V. Inopin, S. P. Tsytko (Ref- 4): 1(0) - [1 + 1.22p2(coso) + 2-77P4(cos&)j (4)- 9 is the angle between the absorbed and emitted I-quanta. Fig. 2 shows this function or. the assumption of a single-particle- and a collective excitation. Tha value 1.5-10-13 sec was calculated for the lifetime of the state 1/2- (0-477 Mev) of the U7 nucleus, when single-nucleon excitation was assumed, and the value 0.96'10-13 was found when the alpha particle - triton pattern was assumed. The value found experimentally is 1.09-10-13 see. The assumption of the level 1/2- (0,477 Mev) being caused by spin reversal Card 2/3 Resonance Scattering of Gamma quanta on the S/05 60/039/003/018/045 Li7 Nucleus B004YB060 of triton, not of -the nucleus, is therefore in betteragreement with experimental results. There ire 2 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION:, Tbilisskiy.-gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tbilisi State Univers t . Institut.fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR Institute of Physics of the A-Pk4jqM-y-.-0f_BcienjQeap Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 31P 1960 Card 3/3 20458 2/056/61/040/002/018/047 B102/B202 0 10 AUTHORS: Vashakidze, I.3h.9 Kopaleyshvili, T.I., Chilashvilit G.A. Cy TITLE: Neutron polarization on disintegration of B.7 n`uc1_e1`--- by circularly polarized gamma quanta PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fizikip v- 40, no. 2, 1961, 491 - 492 TEXT: As is known, circular polarization of gamma quanta can be determined from the polarization of-photoprotons or photoneutrons which are emitted by nonpolarized nuclei. This is of interest in connection with the discovery of the non-conservation of parity in weak inteKaetions. The best targets for low quantum energies proved to be H2 or BeV. No photoneutron polariza- tion has hitherto been observed in Be9; for this reason, the authors theo- retically studied the polarization of photoneutrons which are released by circularly polarized quanta. They obtained the following expression for the z-component (in the direction of the inciding quantum) of the polari-, zation vector of photoneutrons from Be9: Card 1/4 2o458 S/056/61/040/002/018/047 N'butron polarization on disintegration... B102/3202 0.5 1.28A' - A,' - 12AO As cos (ija - y1i) + 1.53A'21Z Ps. (eo.s 00), P.- 1) A,' + 2Ao As Cos (-qo - Tit) P2 (COs 0) + 2.14 A12 - 0,76A2pt (COS 0) 2 A, r-sdr, A.= ~,R, Rl.,. r3dr, w re -n are the scattering phases, and is the 0- 10 1/21 12- 12 3/20 2 5/2 scattering angle of the photoneutrons; the upper and the lower sign oorre- spond to right- and left-handed quantum polarization, respectively. Since', the dire.ction of the axis can be arbitrarily chosen P x and Py coincide af- ter averaging over 3. Formula (1) contains the scattering phases and 12 and the radial integrals A 0 and A2- These quantities can be easil:~ deter- 9 mined with the aid of the potential parameters of the neutron in the Be nu- cleus, i.e., V 12.16 Mev, Mev and ro-5.10-13cm if the quantum 1 3/2" VO 1/2'3 energy is known. Thust the angular dependence of the z-component of the polarization'vector of, the photoneutron can be determined. It is shown in the figure for quantum energies of 2, 39 4, and 20 Mev. These energies Card 2/4.. 20458 S/05 61/040~002/018/047 Neutron polarization on disintegration... 3102Y3202 were chosen because the elastic scattering cross section of Dhotoneuirons in this range is sufficiently large'(of the order of some barns); besides,- also the photonuclear process has a maximum cross section at 2-4 Mev so that these energies are especially adequate for obtaining a high degree of. efficiency. With E -20 Mev the sign of circular polarization can be deter-. mined only by the photonuQlaar reaction. As may be seen from the diagram, neutron polarization attains almost 50% at certain angles'; according to the direction of circular polarization of the quanta, photoneutron polari- zation has different signs. The curves in the diagram hold for right-han- ded polarization of the quantum. The authors thank V.I. Mamasakhlisov and S.G. Matinyan for discussions. There are 1 figure and 3 references: 2 ~Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Boviet-bloc. The reference to the English language publication reads as follows: E. Guth, C. 17klulln, Phys. Rev. 76 234, 1949- ASSOCIATION: Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tbilisi State Univer- sity) Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: May 23, 1960 Card 3/4 CHILASHVILI, G.A. -v~ ........ mi~lrob em~hres particles interacting with a nonlocal factorable potential. Soob. AN Grus. SSR 32 no. D43-50 0 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Tbilisskiy goondaretvannyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikow V.I.Mamasakhlisovym. CHILASTIVILIA, G~A* f~iob-J;ni of threb, v,11, a factorable pciteetitiaL "sob. ',N C-niz,, 33 r-c-a". 35--il Ja 164. "4.7-.-,) - TtzMsvI'.!Y gosudarn'.,rennyy urniv(---rs4tf~l, ~rc-dstavltenc aha- 1. . .- - L &n,jikc:.q V.I. MamasaWisnvym. CHIUSHVILTY G.A. App-licat!6n of a factorizing potentle-1 to the LI nucleus. Soob. AN Grim. SSR 34 no.2t297-,'304 MY 164. (PURA 1832) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitlet. Sulinitted ApHl 22, 1963. L 18317-65 C 0 U n C-f the tra,s ACCESSION NRt AP4042786 'S/0020/64/157/003/0557/0560 AUTHORSt Vashakidze, 1. 6h.; Chilashvili, G. A. TITLEs Binding energy of-hypertritium in the case of nonlocal inter- action SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no. 3, 1964, 557-560 b TOPIC TAGS: hyperon, tritium, inding energy, lambda particle, sigma particle ~ABSTRACT: A study is made of hypertritium under the assumption of a nonlocal factorizing interaction between any pair of particles, .,,,'.Using the Gell-Mann global symmetry-hypothesis (Phys. Rev. v. 106, 1296, 1957). The total energy of the AH3-hypernucleus is found by solving a system of coupled integral equations with allowance for the M =_ ~N transitions. These transitions were not taken into ac- :count in other similar calculations.* The coupled Schroedinger equa- 1/3 'tions are first written down for hypertritium with allowance for Z transitions in the case of local interaction, after which the made to the equations for a nonlocal factorizing inter-, action. This system can be reduced by integration with respect to ..the angles to a system of three one-dimensional integral equations# wbich can be easily solved 'With the aid of_computers. Account is ..taken of the fact that the binding energy of the hypertritium dif- fers little from the binding energy of the deuteron, and an approxil mation considered by Mitra (Nucl. Phys. v. 32, 429, 1962) can there- fore be used. In this approximation the eigenvalues of the energy ..are determined from the vanishing of an eight-order determinant. The smallest root of this determinant corresponds'to a total hypertritium binding energy of 2.904,MeV. which is-in satisfactory agreement with ':the experimental value 2*3 Mev. if the A-* Z transitions are not included, the binding energy obtained is 4.6 MeV,, showing that the :'transitions cannot be neglected. It is thus-shown that by using the of global symmetry and taking the interaction between the par- Curd 2/3 'ACCESSION NR: AP404i786 ;ticles in the form of a nonlocal factorizing potential in the Yamaguchi form, the observed total binding energy of hypertritium _* Z transitions into account. "We ,..-,can be explained by taking the A4_ thank V. G. Solov1yev for continuous interest and discussions# Vo 1e Oyiyevetskiy for advising us on problems in the field of strong Interactions, and A. V. Rakit*skiy for programining the problem." Orig, art. has: 14 formulas. Report Fwwnted by N. K. BogolyWm. a 1ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Aesearch) l2Peb64 ENCLI 00 BUD ODDEs NP HR REP SM 003 OTHM 006 .,Card 3/3.. ft a i Ch j a e 1 A39 ve SCURCE! me r clmo rPh I c f u n c TOP C T ~GS t: I cf ur, c t IcIrl, tude, angL.lal.- moment-UN, - - amp, Lnc er S, at i C,jte 'n a, ie r a~ t ear A S ...A CF ~rh e e ar w e-- ILe~ t: ~,C- va vt r c ne C)rd 1./3 ............. L 1022-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4048034 continuat_',on of the kernels of the appropriate inti?gral equations --:act results, for reasons which are .3pelled out. It ea6s -o imco7. is Micwn, however, that i f the matrix element that determines the F -cbal il j ty of scattering by the bound state is e>,panded in a per- se-ries each term of the expansicm. In t:"c- appro:CLriiation, zan be set in corresponden_~~ di-agram, from wha-ch it can be deduced that the sca-~ter--7.- Is MiFrOMOrphic in the .1 angii1ar momentu-.-,i p C~C)Mp eX of 1,.ze,--est the sen.,;f~ t,riat eac)a term of the ;~~ay '-,z,-!e a cu-,, whereas the series as a Vi o I E, a funct.ion. A Jezailed expos4tt.,.on of the result _5 1 Pi prirt R-1.662 of the Jc:j.nt 'ns-:.ti,te of Nuclear F e~ s C.LU1,10ri, We thank N. 11, Bogolyubov and A. A. L and also B. h. Arbuzov, A. V. Yefremov, I. "j". T,)6oi:o%, Khrastale-v --,.)r fruitful dism-issions." This rep_~rt was pre-se,-,~:ez~ Ly Y. N. Begolyabov. Or~Jg. art. hF.s: 21 formulas. card 2/3 111?4048034 ASsoc:[,IT..-oz;. (Jo ' ol Yedineriny*,,. 'r't "'stitLte !-'-Ist'tut Yaderr, f ~7ucle,, R evearc S"7B N~ SOV 003 Card 3/3 nommom. CHILASHVILL, G.A. [Chylashvili, HOC*); SPEELEST, V.P. Analyticity of the amplitude of*a compound particle in a field. Uk-r. fiz. zhur. 10 no.7s708-714 JI 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut fiziki. AN UkrSSR., Kiyev. OHIIASHVILI, Sh.Te., starshly nauahVy notrudaik Irm 1200"juw TBIOT dust catcher. Borlba a sil. 2:108-113 155. (MISA 9:5) 1. Thiliaskiy Institut okhrauy truds Voesoyuznogo toontrallnogo soveta profeanionalinvkh soy=ov imani S.M.Kirova. (DUST COLLYMCM) NITRALRAM, Alsksaudr Iwaxievich; C11MAWX - .. -kI..,,Sbmlva Yofimovich; AMITIN, Ions III 10h, 4peteredaktor ; MMOTAO' ' N.A., ,tekbAlcheskiy redaktor [Dust control in dr7 borsholsaj Borlbs v pvlliu pri sukhom burenii sbPuroy. [Moskva] Isd-vo VTa9PS Profisdat. 1956. 45 Ps (KW 10:3) (Borin&) (Mine dusts) Cand- of Tech Sri -- (diss) "Study of the process of catching dust with a dry filter by suction.of drilling dust emanating from the mouth of the bore hole." Tbilisi, 1957., 16 pp, (Georgian Poly- technical Institute im S. M. Kirov), M, 30-5?, 111) ClLlikkSHVIL~11 Sh tekhn.nauk -. . Experinental sudy of the movement velocitY Of some forma of drilling dust. Bor'ba a all. 3:56-60 159. (HIRA 12:9) (MINE vub-,S) NIZE"39, Aleksandr Iyanovich; QUILAMUTT.7 Tefl-vich; DUISOTA. I.S., "do; RAWF, Selo, [Over-all dust control in underground mines) Nonplekenoe obeepylivania podx*=VM vyrabotak. Moskva, Isd-vo We= (KMAi 14. 1) Profisdat. 1960. 107 p. (mine ventilation) (Duet collectors) CHILASUVEJ, ShJeeb~ -kand.tekhn.nax, ; BREGVADZE, M.Ye., star-sW# neuchW 35 ffm-~~ Apparatus for deeping dust down in rod dri-lling* SbDre rab. po silik. no.3:55~-58 161, (Him 15 -.10) 1, Thiliaskiy Institut okhrany truda. (Boring) (Dust co2lectors) NIZHARADZE, A.I.; CHIWHVILI, Sh.Ye.; DZHANIASHVILI, G.G. Dry dust removal during pipe finishing. Metallurg 7 no.9: 32-33 S 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Vaescyuznyy nauchno-issladovatel'skiv institut okhrany truda, g.Tbilisi. (Pipe mills-Hygienic aspects) - E15922-6 6 ACC: NR: A116004423 SOURCE CODE: UR/6051/661020100110183/0184 _AUMOR: k)chko u V4~ C .6orgobiani, A., ~N. Gershun, A S.; Sysoyev, L. A.; ,''Chilaya G _5-- ~~ORG: none 5t iTITLE., Ultraviolet electroluminescence of zinc sulfide OPtika i spektroskopiya, v.~20, no. 1, 1966, 183-184 ITOPIC TAGS;: -electrolumii[lescence, zinc sulfide, single crystal, UV radiation ABSTRACT: Ultraviolet.electrolwni-nescence was observed in pure single crystals of 'zi-ac sulfide grown from a melt- under' inert -essure. Specimens 150 p thick were gas pr -o pulsed voltage am subjected 1. with an plitude of 4.5 kv, a duration of 1.7 psec and, ;a duty factor of 1.5o104. The voltage was applied through indium electrodes. The i lumirescence of the specimens is stable at a constant voltage and increases approxi- exponentially with voltage. A voltage increase from 2.7 to 4.5 kv increases, ~sthe luminescence intensity by approximately one order of magnitude. It is assumed .:that this luminescence is due to recombination of eleatron-hole pairs created by Card- 1/2 535.376-3 'AUTHOR: DochkovjL_Yu. Y,.;.Geor-SobbmL, A. No; .!Philp go Go So '519 "Opa: -gksics Instltuta~ im. Pt" No Lebadev AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR, TITIX: Some electrica.1 -e-haracterlistics,of zinc sulfi6e single crystals SOURCE: rizika tverdoil:o tela, Y. 8, no. 4$ 1956, 1273-1275 TOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfldes,single crystal, electric property, crystal anisotropy ABSTRACT: The authors,study the electrical ch4acteriatice f large ZnS single crys- Me--- tals grown from -the melt at 85OUCun r inert gas pressure by a new method developed un, der the direction of:1. A. Sysoyev. These are hexagonal crystals with no traces of cubic structure so thal,: contact and surface phenomena.have no effect on the electric- al measm.-,wents. The mpecimens studied had dimensions of 4 x 48 mm. The tempera- ture curie for electria-al, conductivity Is approximated by two straight lines in Ina and 11T coordinates. The slope ofthe low-temperature line corresponds to an acti- vation energy of 1.25 1 0.07 ev, thile the high-temperature section corresponds to an energy of 1.6 * 0.06 ev, This section may probably he attributed to natural conduc- tivity since data In the literature give the thermal width of the forbidden band as Z.2 A 0.2 ev. Extrapolation of the low-temperature section to room temperature gives Card 1/2 L 26360-66 ACC NRs AP6012501 %3 a nestimated resistivit.1r of ~01020 0-cm. Thedegree of compensation was calculated at '10-2. It'was found that the electrIcal conductivity parallel to axis CS was no more than 2-3 times as great,::as that perpendicular to this axis. Photoconductive aniso- tropy was found to be 105. This.ecintredicts the work of Limpicki et al. (A. Lin-picki, P. R. rrankl, V. A. Brophy, Phys. Rev., 1079 1238, 1957). In conclusion we thank M. V. Fok for discussing the results, L. A6 Sysoyev for furnishing the zinc sulfide crystals and-V in_fbr assistance in preparation of the specimenso' Drig. art& bast I 11gure. SUB CODEa 20/ SWIN DATE 05,41665/ ORIG REr,. 004/ OTH FXF OU card. 2j *OR 004 A" MA.Awwwat car- I" COWL. CU7 0M 1-fog by BIWASW I" a* oakum MA V" dwtd. am N",-= to am d At Ilenhw4e). TU cc X0 and 90308 Solao. W-M-Ned W" t1w tw". (thr vbwffmll~ wM* confiew I" MAN. a op. cmd. *A rx- awftr O.WS MbD). Tbe an a# Sbww wow" w&U owmainowts d Ma egaw. a**. tb- bin is do Ow dish SOW 1"I I _-IT. IMIll 'Llf%34i __Er -i-jass no ap rit, N-9- No Z-4 lk U w AV a IL It lK IL IL tt 11 0 0 *is 0 go 0 60004 0 0 a 'me 00 a ,, 10.11 '-s Ts. Aft A I IM 0 10 I* so of -00 X00 =00 000 00 Icoo 600 t!oo t3se tl*9 wo* I CHIKVASHVILI, Ya. M. General covariant wave equations. Act& physics Pol 26 no.5:1027- 1028 N 164. 1. Kutaisi Branch of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, Submitted July 24, 1964. _~~_Cc 'N'_RiA____ IF/6-0-48i A_;_6/03_0_/0'0'-;W 0628 0632 P6013068 SOUBCR CCDE: U ysoySy L.A ; C a G. AUTHOR:4 Dochkov,Yu.V.,, Georgobianl, A.M.; S hilay a ORG: Physical Institute im. P.N.lAbedev, Academy of SciencesjSSSR (Fizl~#qskly institut Akademii nault SSSR) TITLE: Electrdluminescence of bulk ZnS crystals /-Report', Fourteenth Conference on Luminescence hold in Riza,16-23 SeRtember 196P7 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 628-632 TOPIC TAGS: electroluainescence, zinc sulfide 4 -4N& n.A-Jj A k C4, i- ~ ruwq, ABSthACT: The sty wa=ertaken in view of the growing interest in II-VI semi- conductors as representatives of the class of compounds with a broad forbidden band# Zinc ulfide belongs in this category and is the most thoroughly studied electro- luminophor. However, most previous investigations of this electroluminophor did not satisfy the basic conditions for electric measurements on semiconductors: absence of surface effects and adequate uniformity of the specimens. For the present work the single crystals were grown from a malt in an inert gas by the Stockbarger technique; the crystallization was realized at 18500 C to insure growth of hexagonal specimens. A characteristic of.the single crystals was pronounced cleavage along the (100) plan the single crystals were up to 30 mm in diameter and 100 mm long. Chemical analysis L 39773-66 ACC NN AP6013068 showed that the crystals contained the following 12urities: Cu about 10-4%, Ni about 5 X 10-6%, Fe about 10-4,%, Un about 5 x 10-6%, S 04 under 10-4%, and oxides under 10-4%. The specimen plates were prepared as follows: the crystals were first oriented:: I with reference to the cleavage plane and then wafers measuring 3 x 3 mm and 2 mmthicki i were cut by means of a corundum disk. The wafers were etched in acid and provided with ohmic contacts to eliminate surface effects. In the experiments measures were taken to minimize heating; these consisted in providing good heat conduction and using! short exciting pulses (1.7 microsec) and a very low duty factor. The electroluminesc-i once peaks at about 460 m~q the brightness is a linear function of the applied voltage.1 Further data are given on the ultraviolet electroluminescence spectrum of purer crystals. The experimental results are discussed in general terms; the emission is attributed to interband recombination. In conclusion, we desire to thank M.V.Fok for discussion of the results and valuable suggestions in the course of the work, V.K.Kostin for assistance in.preparing the crystals, and A.N.Savin and G.G.StolDovskiv for help in adjusting the electronic equipment. Orig. art. hast 4 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 003/ OM REF: 004 2/2//'~'/? CHILAYA, N.M. Active prevention of cervical cancer and inflammatory gynecological diseases. Sov. med. 27 no.6:115-117 Je 164. (MIRh 18:1) 1. Dollnitsa No.7 (glavnyy vrach V.N. Lvarova, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. 1.I. Benediktov), Sverdlovsk. 1. CHILAnV, G. A., Eng. 2* USSR (600) ho KLectric Machinery., Synchronous 7. Installing synchronous com)eneators without the use of a crane. Elek* stao 23 No. 9. Lq52, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. (!~mL-RYEV, C,-,A. PAVWV, N.G., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, dotsent; UNG, A.G., Whiner, rateenzent;. 0. inzhener, relaktor; SOKOIA)VA, L.V., takhnichas radaktor Dkamples of crane calculations] Primary raschetov kranov, Moskva,' Goo. nauchno-tek)mo Isd-vo mashinostroitellnol lit-ry. 1954. 285 p. (Craneng derricks, etc.) (MISA 8:4) CHILAYBY, G.A., inshener. Hoisting arrangement for servicing a synchronous compensator. Zlek.sta. 25 no.11:53 N 154. (MLU 7:11) (Hoising machinery) CHIUMIT G.Ae, Inzhener. __.U- Modification of gondola cars for the transportation of peat. Ilsk. at&. 27 no.3:53-56 Kr 156. O= 9: 8) (Peat--Transportation) (Railroads-Yraight cars) UMOYM. Zakhar Solomonovich; SnXIN, lasar, rzaakovich; CHIIAYIV, G.A.& otvetmtyennyy redaktor; RYKOV, N.A.. redaktor 1031INVOICTUT- AUDOVA, Te.L. tekhmicheekty redaktor [Transport equipment and depou for coal bensfication an& briquette factories) Transportaye ustroistva i sklady no ugloobogatitelinykh i briketnykh fabrikakh. Izd. 2-o9. ispr. i dop. Moskva, Ugletekh- izdat, 1956. 322 p. (min 106.3) (Briquets (ftsl)) (Coal preparation) (Mine baulage) CHILAVIV, G-A- CHILAYNY. G.A..Jnshener. golojigg. d~V109 for rfp&$TjU_.~Mb s, Anarcottk ro;lou 5 U063121-22 IV '570 ~ . p oo*onutor (Nm 10W (Noistiss awhiftery) C? // /I /- 'q X'e-- ~/ 6. /-/, CHILAYNT, G.A., Kobile my 157. inshener. bolating tower for repair work. Zlek. sta. 28 no.5:?2-73 (Hoisting machinery) (mm io.-6) CHILA V, (+.A,,Inxb. berew convdy6p for removing ash from fly-ash collectors. Anergetik no. 10-10 ja 8:)b. (MIRA 11:o) ijkst collectors) (GonveyIng machinery) CHILUICV. G-~L, insh. Nechartized conveyance of fine ashes. Usk. sta. 31 no.3:77-79 Nr 160. (KIRA 13:8) (Blectric power plants) (Ash disposal) ~d CEMAYST Georgiy Andreyevich; N, Z.1h., red,;. SOBCMA9 YeeNot --' Unal economy and fuel sn"ly of large foreign electric power stations] Toplivnoe khosialstvo i toplivopodechi krapnykh sarabethnykh slaktrostentaii. Koskva, Gos.energ.izd-vop 1960, 134 (HIRA 14:4) lilectric power plants--Equipment and supplies) M I- CHILAYEV (I A.. Static overstrain of carrying ropes of cable cranes witb fixed ends. Trudy LPI no.211..116-3.2o 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (wire rope) H I L (' Z, I-) j< ..,V1 IA ~;WLNIJI':~, Given 'Nar-03 Cowntrv Academic Degrees: /riot given/ Affiliation: Geog-raphical Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences /oro,-,,-inal source: Bratislava, Geotrafick-y Casopis, Vol XIII, No 3, 1961, pp 161-175. i)ata: "Contribution to the -eroblems of Exchange of Experiences on the Econo- mic Develolment of Mountain Regions on the Ezample of the Ca--pathians aro 981643 GHIW,ZUK, Idebal Problemo conce2mirg the regeneration of Inwa 2 power; f=m studies on the economia development of the Beahchady and the Iower Beakidee Hauka polakc~ 8 no*302-326 J1-S 160. GBII.CZIIKP Richal Report on LIle acil.1vitlei of the Goirunittee of Geographic Soilenc-05 for 1963. Przegl il 009~-397 164. ,oogr 3b no. Z joi.j., ,Iaelvites of tim reportirx. Fessi::n of the Comm it Ttce Geoglrapblz; :Ictenaes of tht~ Poloh Aendemy fX Tbo Soicritific raxilo!l of, the Insl'itn"r, Of -), '1:0 lloji,nji Acndiny of Sclencos, Van+ 99 Y~1113 I j-'("ll ' 'j~, c?' v - - 0 - ., T; 0 -, , .- 36 no.1.1187 1 (11, r I I O.W IL Ly 0 t' 2. V a.) .nirLy A z c- lc~ tc 5;p 71 4. ALrlrii~l 111',ry L:ItL~ln roi) :,aya, Vr 7.1 1 N- 'Dr 7. ;Z- 7~ = 7, ZA 2, ::~%'5ZLL4.r ~ -, ;,~, :Z Vc n -*ry ct i ry z.n zrv.-griTli C&- O~LL I!, C. :~r Ti~:,r CL, 3:t.:r,&n i G, Cv-tlzr., llic'%~,~',l "n :,I.;" aC 4 22-'!s. BULGARIA MIIANOV, Milan, Dr, and ur Dr [Affiliation not given.] "Viral Abortion in Cows." Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirka, Vol 60, No 5, 1963; pp 7-8. Abstract: Discursive report of studies in several collective dairy farms in the Burgas area, 1961-1962: findings indicate that one or more viral agents are a significant factor in bovine abortion there, and that the agents are closely related to viral abortion of ewes; some serologic studies indicate that the same agent may be involved in both. -BULGATZIA MATEVA, Dr. V., Veterinary Institute of Infectious and Parasitic easesq Sofia; MILANOV, Dr. M., and CHILEV, Dr. D., ODVS, Burgas "Now Methods for the Diagnosis of Hog Cholera" Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirkal Vol 63, No 29 19669 pp 9-1o Abstract: Hog cholera has been eradicated in Bulgaria: there has not been a single case in 1964. However, the danger that the infection may be carried in from abroad still exists . In view of the occurrence of African hog cholera in some European countries, it is also necessary, to have methods whereby classical hog cholera can be identified and differentiated from the African form in - case an outbreak occurs. A method for diagnosing classical hog cholera has been develo- ped which involves biological tests by infection of y6W.4piSs--'trdat*d'- 1/2 CHILXV D ; MILANOV,M. Studies on the enterotoxamiiw end necrotio hapatitis of sheep in the Burgas ~Wstrict. Izv ret inst zaram parazit W53~-158 161. 69375 -59-lo-8i86 SOV/35 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 10, p 79 (USSR) - AM10m: Dmitriyev, A.A., Chili, AN. TtMEE! On Meteoric Streams'~nd Precipitates PERIODICAL: Tr. Morsk. gidrofiz. in-ta AS USSR, 1958, Vol 12, pp 181-190 ABSTR.PLT: Particles of meteoric origin entering the earth's atmosphere In a large quantity (--,/1,000 tons per day) affect its colloidal properties. This is parUcularly marked near the troposphere and'in the stratosphere, v;here the temperature la lower than -400C. At such a temperature any solid par- ticles can become nuclei of crystallization and affect the precipitates. However, Bowen' s conclusions (RZhAstr, 3-954, Nr 8, 11614), attemptirig to estab."Lish a connection between the meteoric streams and the subsequent pre- cipitates, are statistically poorly substantiated. The authors consider that the weak spot in Bowen's work is the fact that he examines the con- nection between meteoric streams and the subsequent precipitates at in- dividual points. It is necessary to examine the probability of the occur- Card 1/3 rence of precipitates over a large territory. The authors chose 6 points 693175 On Meteoric Streams ancl Precipitates scv/35-59-10-8186 on the USSR territory for %-,,hich a sufficiently long series of observations of preoipita- tes vicre available. For each day of the year, for a number of years, the number of points .:"as dotermined at which precipitates vicre observed simultaneously. For each date i of year J, nij occurrences of simultaneous precipitations wcre obtained. In this way the introduced index characterizes the synchronous (the variation does not exceed � 2 days) distant connections between precipitations. With the aid of the Student t-dis- tribution the authors investigated whether it was possible to consider as random the fluctuations from day to day of the means for many years 11 njjj Inij/N; the non-random character of the peaks of the monthly average recurrence J=1 ~t m was determined nN nij/04, where m is the number of days in the month. During J=1 i=l the times of increased rainfall, there is a heightened stability of the simultaneous ap- pearance of precipitates. In order to find the reason for the appearance of peaks on the-histrogram of monthly aver-age recurrences, one must look to the factors constantly manifested in definite dates, and not to the passage of occasional cyclones. The nor- relation of the dates of meteoric streams with the dates of the peaks has allowed cne to establish a connection between them. The phase shift is found to be about 31 days, in Card 21P3 '09375 On Meteorio Streams and Precipitates accordance with Bowen's conclusions. When it was checked as nection between the meteoric streams and the precipitations ing from 31 days, it was confirmed that 31 days is the most of intensification of precipitations in relation to the date with the corresponding meteoric streams. Bibl. 11 titles. SOV135-59-10-618ra to whether there vas a cor.- during phase shifts, differ- probable period in the lag of the encounter of Earth B.M. Rubashev Card 3/3 .1 44597 ~Ooo S/169/62/000/012/090/095 D228/D307 AU'MORS: Dmitriyev, A.A. and Chili. A.V. TITLE;: Meteor flows and precipitation PO-RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhur~nal, Geofizika, no. 12, 1962, 6, abstract 12G32 K-jr. 1.,,Oslc. gidrofiz. in-ta,. A21 SSSR, 12, 1958, 181-190) T 'I Particles of meteoric origin, entering the atmosphcrP in large amounts (-, 1000 tons per day), influence its colloidal properties. This is especially strongly zipparent near the tropo- pause and in the stratosphere, Vnere the tcm,)erature is below -400. .At such a ten,~)erature aiiy,sol*d particles may become crystallization nuclei and influence precipitation. The conclusions of Bowdn- (IU~hFiz., no. 11, 1954, 14093), who attempted to establish a rela- tion betimen mateor strerzis a-ad subsequent precipitation, were sub- stantiated poorly in a statistical r4ispect. The authors reckon the fact that Bowen. exam, ines the relation of meteor -strems to subse- quent, precipitation at separate- points to be a weak spot in his Card 1/3 J)~2/000/ 12/090/095 S/16Y /0 1.1'etcor flows and prccip4_tation D220 307 work. It is necessary to consider the probability off apnearance of precipitation on a large territory. The authors choso 6 points on the territory of the IOS31t where sufficiently long series of I)rdci:)i- tation observations were available. The number of point-G, at which preci-pitation was, observed simultaneously, was determined for each day of the year over number of years. n-j cases o2f simultaneous Ij A. prect3itation were obtained for each i of a year j. The index thus introduced characterizes the synchronous (the tolerance does not exceed t 2 days) distant relations between precipitations. By neans OE Student's distribution t it was investigated whether the estab- lished non-random nature of the peaks of the average monthly fre- quencies naai ni j/61i J-1 t, where m. is the number of days in a month, can be reckoned as the random day-to-day -ACluctuations of the multiyear averages Card 2/3 niN nij/14. S/169/62/000/012/090/095 Xeteor Iflows aad precipitation D228/D307 The stability of th.~ simultaneous appearance,of precipitation rises the moment the raininess increases. The cause o-A" the appcarmice of peaks on the histogram must be sought not in the passage of random 0 cycloues, but in factors that appear constantly on definite dates. Comparison of the dates of meteor flows with those of the peaks allowed a relation to be established between them. 'Adisplacement ha?-pcns every 31 daysin accordance with Bowen's conclusions. 'Veri- fication of the fact that there is no relation between meteor flows and preci!)itation for displacements, differing, from 31 days, con- firms that 31 days is the most probable time of lagging in the in- tensification of precipitation relative to*the dete when the earth encounters a correcponding meteor flow. 11 references. Z-Abstracter's note: complete translatl.*on-7 Card 3/3 .,LHLk'-GEVORGYAN G.M.; BONn-SKAYA, A.K.; SK'JRJXjV, S.M. ~- Automation of a double calorimeter for meanuring the P'Inetics of polymerization reaction. 39 no.7:1794-l,,",'17 J1 165. 18:8) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.LDmonosova. RUMIANIA, Radiobiology POPEsCUO Gh. , Drt Lt-Colt CAVULEA, 0., Veterinarian, Lt4ol, Maj, VOICU, V Drp APOSTOLESCUl R.9 Dr, FUUt C., Pharm, cistp IA Cpt taffiliation not giv;n1j Lt-Col, and C1iI'Lj9=1=A. "Observations Concerning the Bffect of Radioprotection on Irradiated and Burned Animals." Bucharestj Revista Sanitara Militarat. Vol 62, No 2, 14ar-Apr 66, pp 289-297. Abstract: A report on an experimental study to determine the radioprotective effectiveness of cystamine and cystine for burned and irradiated animals. The study, which used 1-80 mature rats, showed-that the protected animals, especially those irra- diated with 400 oentgen units,: showed a more attenuated evolution of the disease and a somewhat smaller intensity of histopathologic. lesions. The difference in mortality between the protected ani- mals and the controls was not significant. Includes 7 :figures, 2 tables and 12 referencest of which 5 Rumaniant 2 Russian and 5 Western, -- Manuscript submitted 19 July 19650 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physical Chemi3try. Thermodynamics. B-8 Thermoohemistry. Equilibria, Phase Transitions. Physico-Chemical Analysis. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiya, No 9. 1959, 22450. Abstract: phenomera are described within the limits of thermodynamics of irreversible processes and the interphase flows are expressed depending on the jumps of corresponding properties on the boundary. A two-phase multioomponent system is discussed. The assumption that the boundary is-stationary, made in the preceding three reports, is rejected. The ratios ofmass flows of individual oomponents and of momentum and energy transfers are derived; their application to special cases results in some relations obtained previously, for example, in relation to the temperature jmap. New results concerning diffusion are also obtainedi -- M. Ryba. Card 5/5 C&11,0~.OZ61 1_19 USSR/Human and Animal Physiology. Internal Secretion. The Thyroid Gland. T-8 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1956, 55815- Author Chiladze Inst 131 Title The Absorption of Radioactive Iodine I by the Thyroid Gland During Pregnancy (Experimental Study), Orir, Pub: V ab.: Aktual'n. vopr. akusherstvaJi ginekol. M. , 1957, 2~3-303. Abstract: One quarter of an hour to 96 hours,31ter hypodermic injection of 0.1-0.2 1.), curie of I ) it-is absorbed by the thyroid gland TG) of 5 pregnant rabbits in a 10-15 percent larger a-mount than,%not pre(;nant females. The administration of I durinG pregnancy Card 1/2 129 USSR/Human and Anim-1 Physiology. Internal Secretion. The Thyroid Gland. T-8 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 12, 1958) 55815. does not change its absorption rate by the thyroid gland of -the offspring. 0 Card : 2/2 TUSSR/Human and Aninal Physiology. Internal Secretion The Thyroid Gland. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 102, 1958, 55816. Author Chilsd2e, Z.A. Inst Title The Absov3~tion of.Pa'dioactive Iodine 1131 by the Thyroid Gland of Women, Daring Pregnancy. Orig Pub: Aktuallno' vopr. akui.hers tva i genekol. M., 1957, 304-31~9. Abstract: The accumilation of, 11311 in-the thyroid gland (TG) of healtiq pregnant vo.,wh (40 subjects), as masured 1 1/4 to 96 hours m-ter the internal intake of a 1-2 'A ( curie dose of heightened, but it is still vithin - normal iirdts. Simultaneously, the discharge of il3l.into the bloodstream is increased. An inter- Card 1/3 130 CHIIADZE Z.A. dotsimt, --- I---- # :.~ , g.Alectrotown An -the &tonic uterus for Method for-4)roduain arresting uterine-hemorrhage; experimental-am clinical study. Akush. i gia. nO.1&41-46.. 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (zav.- prof. K.V. Chachava) Thiliaskogo instituta usoverabenstvovaniya vrachey. CHILADZE Z. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Absorption of radioactive iodine If3l in the thyroid gland during pregnancy. (Experimental- clinical research). " Tbilisi, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR Pressq 1959. 23 PP with graphs; (Tbilisi State Medical Inst); 200 copies; free; (KL, 17-60, 173) 'I ID .1 rw% ACCESSION IM: AP3005651 S/0218/6 '004/0595/0601! AUTHOR: Krits=2 G. A.; $afronova.. N,; Chil-Akopyanp L A*; Kov'Wun. Yu. T,_ M ILE: Bone marrow nualsio acid autol7sis in normal and in X-irradiated animalsil SOURCE: Bloldiimiya, v. 26,, no 4.- 1963s 595-601 TOPIC TAGS: autOl7sisv RNAO DNA, bone marrowp looal X-irradiationjoh dose ABSTRACT: For DNA and RNA autolysis of rabbit bone marrow,, the right, back extremitles -of a group of rabbits were exposed to X-irradiation*, (RUT-1) of 2000 r (24 min)Athe same parts of another group of rabbitd. were exposed to 200 r (2-4'min). After irradiation the rabbits were decapitated at different time periods. The baek extremities were frozen for 1-2 days, and after thawing at room temperature,, the bone marrow was extracted. Nucleic acid autolysis of bone marrow homo- genates was investigated. Results indicate that shortly after irrad- iation DNA autolysis is slight17 activated for the 200 r dosef For F the 2000 r dose the Initial DNA autolysis. rate inereases'almos~ three1 -Card-: 1/2 - ----- L .18199-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005651 times, RNA autolysis for.a 2000 r dose is activated on17 2 hrs after irradiation. DNA and RNA autolytic rates are sipifioantl7 inhib.itod after the first day, reach their peak between 2-4 da:ysp and then- Igraduall7 return to normal. Nucleic acid autolysis changes were,'com'" pared with changes in their contents. ActiVation of DNA autol7sis is, an earlier radiation disturbance than decrease in nuoleic acid contents or change in free nueleotide eontents. Activation of DNA,~ autolysis shortly after irradiation is a characteristic disturbance lin cell biochemistry and leads to cell disintegration, 'Sharp inbLibi- :t1on of DNA and RNA autolysis shortly,after irradiation can be iexplained by qualitative DNA and RNA changes in the irradiated tissues. The authors express their gratitude to U. B. Aleksandr Ifor assistance in the study. Orig. art. has: 2 tablest 3 f rtm 16 ~ASSOCIATION: Institut biolihimii Im. A. N. BeJ&a Akademii Nai4k S StR.:- ~Moskva.(Instltute of Biochemistry, AcadqM of Sgiences,-USSR) iSuMaTTM: ISAug62 DATE ACQ: 06SOP63 ENCL: iSUB CODE: AN NO REP SOV: 009 OTHER: to ard2 AVAKYAN, Z.G.; CHII,-AK AFRIKYAN, E.K. Effect of feeding with vitamins and other growth substances on the development and productivity of the silkworm. Vo milrrobiol. no.2:333-354 164. ~MIIRA 18-3) KAZARYAN, G.A.; ARUTYUNYAN, V.M.; KARAPETYAN, N.V.; CHIL-AKOPYAN, L.-A. Some biochemical indices in thTrotoxi.coses.-Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 28 no.1:92-96 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:5) ,.I. Laboratoriya gormonov i izotopov Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rentganologii i onkologii afN SSSR, endokrinologicheskiy kabinet Il medit8inakogo ob"yedineniya. cm, , A.Ta. Problem pertaining to the breakthrough of edge water to the gallery of a well. In. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no. 3:241-255 160. (MMA 13&-12) 1. Ibucbno-issledovatel'skiy Institut matematikii mekbaniki imeni N.G. Chebotarava pri Kazanskom gosudaretvannom universitete. (Differential equations) (Oil field flooding) CHIIAP2 A.Ya. Detenaining pressure field in lumpy nommiform -layers. Izv. vya. ucheb, zav*2- neft' i gaz 4 no,1:53-60 161. (IMA 15:5) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni. Ultyantmzt (Ionina). (Oil reservoir engineering) CHILAP Determining the pressure field in a fragmented nonuniform bed using the method of statistical tests. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gas 8 no.3t73-76 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kaunskiy goaudarstvennyy univorsitet im. V.I. Ullyanova- Lanina. SKVORTSOV,, E.V. I FARMN,, B.Xh.; M11AN., A.Ya. (Kazan') ,Solution of certain conjugation problems by reduction to a ~.Ikeneralized Riemannian probke~a. Prikl.mat.i nekh. V no.2i .X)*51-;~35 Mr-AP 163. (MIRA 16SO (Boundary value problema) (Integral equations) CHILAP, A. Ya. Cand Phys-Math Soi -- "Certain problems of determining the fiold of pressure and the displacement of the boundary Moe of water and petroleum in layers." Kiev, 1960 (Joint Academic Council of luets of Mathwatics, Physics, and Metal Physics, Aaad Soi UkSSR). (KL, 1-61, 181) -36- CHIUP, A.Ya. (Kazan') On the conjugation problom for a oectorial region. mat.fiz. 2 no.6tlO54-1061 N-D 162. (Harmonic functions) Zhur.vych.mat.i (MIRA 150-1) CHILAPO, A. Ya. (Kazant) Determining the fields of presoure in a striated blockvise nonimiform layer. Izv,, AN SSSR Makhe I. mashinostr. no-4t 185-189 JI-Ag 064 (MM 17:8) r E wumml Ukv~- -FP: t M Q- A- Wlkghxjlt Zhur Eks;Al T-or~l Fit 26 Z54 S(-f";Y;C tin- NaiLla"I 'raell- m -ACO~. Nl,;h hr mre~,l ~Ilp U', It' -)L~ W r MW. -1 ! h. f-.5 1(]-' CM~. Ind the PXP~rlf"Mtal vklu< If 4 t i ,,0-w EM,WM =,g!R-,7 C141L.95,0 VIL 1) O.P. am ~Oitlhx6lei in Collisions With Heavy I clei, by V. I. Mmmsakhlisov, Corresponding Member, AcadF-Myof Sciences Georgian SSR, and G. A. Chilashvili, TbilArA State Uni- versity imeni Stalin, Soobsbcheniye Akademil Hauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 17, No 10) Oct 56~ PP 873-b77 The two-particle model for light nuclei is assumed, according to which U6 can be represented as a (Ile4 + H2) system and Be9 as a '8 n) system. CHiL,)9SHV11-1j j;,tg, CHILASHVILI, G.A. -In-te-roame'=Ion 'b~stvsen gssma-qum~nta and light nuclei. Soob.AN Gras. , SSR 19 no.1119-22 JI 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1, Tbilieskly gosudarstvenVy universitet im. Stalina. Predstavlono chlenot-korrespondentom akadosti V.I.Msv&sakhlIsovym. (Nuclei, Atomic) C.U.1 lut ` ite' tL,:.c:93 a t- 6wrw, "l 6,n 'Z') -"0604""" ou a."- va '0"t -see vas..m ..&..h -OP61 -"j loerva-E - "V.0 va *"6t ..*&dAom -w-a .ar4 -00 -it.? C9.6-0.1 vat It"[ -16-C Q.0%.K.090" W, -Ora Iml 4-9 111 Z061 - %*61 44M V"j 'T" -J*J) -~ "a LZI -Vftt OoOe-W -4"1 6 coat mcemax ooome, W~4" oooome - ft-d.6~ vvm.~. -..rqdj ~vvowve.." Toner 661-61 'Gra IMF Axlo~& letv I[)-C%z (.," -PM '0". 4% 1*61 t al Tut q----nlOQ-t --AIQR= q_fMTcO. -a -m-g-ty-1 Cv i.m -q.V,Q Q%jPq -8,4 Do %P-Vcw -of i.s. VOC 1569 lbvE of.& 9.7.asa -12L Cl *~ Irl V6 *tcdt le"I -age ~so&ee vamp '1 '4 ~wm -dL) W614 101 ..Swab goom V *.,.H *.f.r4Ax gvc cut wk.& 'rel %%I Ar-a _" Cl Ill '96 '1961 VZJ Uml 't 'Q !My 'r -0 'Ift L C oaf -ZOMr-8 q__A C") -Q. 14-49 -n o; Nt.Qf. ,C.U .C=.g AIR- A 1, *4-t-F T-&Q-t- of, -.9 _-t&-ALq& vQQjqem .01, cz, to'.. C.r -ALL Illud"400j -t-91 'VMS 'we 01 W61 -44- - 0--;g Ooo~ evvar Wvo~ . C---. V_- --. -4*00:) ROA**j dArom 'tu *61 -Res ~ 06 -H*t VIC '1061 *-C A a_A~pft-.wA -3 " -,*I ~~Asv a le-oeoms~ -v siadlj eoo3awwd... Moov" go ~4-0- VOC 1M ~40V.3 x.v" .6r*9m,Ah -;" 101 's w -M .9"1 .'hoc %-ftl 1= 4Adj HV 0% Z) -(J33 -e9l 0 * '1t69 HV --4 -43-54 - 4333 HV :vy *HU - -oofe* -H) -2 IZZ '90, .~mxalsr ~~ m sa"aduvin aw ro.wV acrw%%ej.h TLI, CRILASHVILIO G.A. ----,*03weett6,odialn"tagration of Atomlo nuclei. Soob. AN Orus. SSR 20 no..3i.277-284 Mr 158. (mmA n:?) 1. Tbilieskly gomu&srjItvonW univiersitat im. Stalim. Predstavlono chleacm-kbTrespoodentom Akademil T.I.Momasakhlisovym. (Collistons(Enclear physics)) 44 AUTHORSt TITLE: PERIODICALi ABSTIUCT: Card 1/4 Vashakifteo I4.3hop Kopaleyshvili, T. I., SOV/56-37-3-24/62 Chil 414" Resonance Scattering of r-Quanta on the Mg 24 Nucleus Zburnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19599 Vol 37, Nr 3(9)o PP 750-755 (USSR) The present paper deals theoretically with the resonance 110attering of .r-quanta on the Mg 24 nucleus with excitation of the level 2+ (1-37 Mev) and 2"' '(4.23 Mev)'. F. Metzger (Ri6f 2), N. A. Burgov, and Yu. V. Terekhov (Ref 3) determined experi- mentally the width of the level 2' (1-37 Mev) by the method of resonance scattering. If the Xg 24 nucleus is assumed to be weakly aeformedt the level 2' (1-37 Mev) may be regarded either as a colleative*(rotational) level with the momentum I = 2 (and with the projection K - 0 to the axis of symmetry of the nucleus) or also as a simple particle level (which is due to the excitation of a single nucleon in the field of the deformed nucleus)* The nucleus in the shell N.- 2 may-be on the levelB. Reponance Scattering of r-Quanta on the Mg 214 Nucleus SOY/56-37-3-24/62 9 - t1/2v �3/2, and 15/2. In this connection three different levels correspond to the case? 5? - !1/21 to the case R - �3/2 twov and to the case P - �5/2 one level (S~ denotes the projection of the momentum of the nucleon to the axis of symmetry of the nucleus). The distance between these levels depends on the value 4W and on the parameter of deformation According to the selection rulesp only the transitions 1/2 1/2 and 3/2~ )- 3/2 are pcssible in Mg24. The value I = 10.2 is found for the Nilsson parameter in the transition 1/2 -10 1/2 , in the transition 3/2 ---* 3/2, however, it holds that rf = 0. The widths of the excited 1,37 Mey level, are tabulated. The case with d - -0.2 is out of question. At J - 0.2, the theoretical value of the width is considerably higher than the experimental one. If the value of J (i.e. 0,3) is higher, the agreement with the experiment will probably be better. Angular distribution 'does not depend on the choice of the nuole6r model as far as pure E2 transition is.concerned. A different result with respect to the depondence of angular distribution on the nuclear model is, however# obtained if the resonance scattering of r-quanta Card 2/4 on the Mg24 nucleus with excitation of the second level Resonance scattering of r-quanta on the Ng 24 Nucleus SOV/56-37-3-24/62 2"* (4.23 Nev) is considered, From this level r-transition to the ground level and to the first excited level is possible. In the transition to the ground level, the distribution of ,r-quanta again does not depend on the choice of the nuclear model. In the transition to the first excited level, the transitions B2 and MI are possible. The following relations hold for the probabilitieot W[E2(2---1),W[E2(2--*O)] , -W'-2(2---911)] . The figures 0.1, and 2 donote, the ground level and the first and secona excited level. Moreoverp it holds that W[E2(2--+l)) /W[B2~2-40)]--l 2 /W[E2(2--*1)],10- "Transition 2--*1 is no pure E2 transition. A formula is written down for the compuitation of the correlation function. After fairly extensive computations 1(0) - (I + A coo 0 + B 00829 + 0 coo3 0 + D coo 49) is obtained, where A - 0.11; B - -1#5; C = -0.3; D a 0-7 - Card 3/4 Resonarxe Scattering of ~_Quanta on the Mg 24 Nucleus SOV/56-37-3-24/62 0 denotes the angle between the absorbed and the emitted -quantum. Experimental investigation of the correlation of the r-quanta in the excitatiqn of the Mg 24_nucleug with the energy 4.23 Mev may lead to certain conclusions on the character of excitation of this nucleus. Unfortunately, such experiments ha:;re not yet been made~ The authors thaWc V.I. Namasakhlisov for his supervision,and constant intereat. There are 2 figuresp 1 tablep and 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1959 Card 4/4 KOPIXTEYSHVIL!, T.I.; VASHAKILGE.. I.Sh.; I-V1,1SAIMLISOV, V.I.; Alpha-din-trrmn --- --,(,l .,.' the Lj6 nucleus. Trudy Inat. fiz. All Gro-.*::,. r,";2^3 (,:r,.A i4. io) 31-245 74 3242~'' S/056/60/038/03/26/032 B006/3014 1UTHORSi Vashakidse, 1. Sh., Kapaleyshvili, T. I., Mamasakhlis2y,_V. Chilashvilit G. A. -- ---------- TITLE: The Structure of the B99 Nualmu'-11 PERIODICAL% Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 3, PP* 937-941 TEXT: Investigations conducted by other authors seem to indicate that the Be9 nucleus consists of two alpha particles and one neutron. Suh has proved that the binding energy of the Apartiole in the hypernucleus ABe9 can be viade to agree with experiments only if one assumes that this particle novos in the field of the two alpha particles. Similarly, one may assume for the ordinary Be9 nucleus that the neutron moves in the field of the two alpha particles. In the article under review, the authors went to find out whether such a system is stable, and how the energy spectrum of the nucleus can be interpreted with the help of this model. The Haniltonian on which investigations are based reads: H (A2/2/Ab,)A u Card 1/3 820' The Structure of the Be9 Nucleus S105616010381;'031261033 B006/BO14 (X/2/tL)6q + V.Q"*-u"/2j) + %0JI"o 21) + V U 9+U/ tju ) + C,,,,(u) denotes the radius vector of the alpha particles, 9 is the radius vector of the neutron with respect to the center of mass of the two alpha particles, V and Votj are the possible energies of the noL- and/or cfjx_int eraction, Cwo, nGL is the possible energy of the Coulomb interaction, IA,,,t a 2M, /.t = am/9' X is -p2r2 26 2). the nucleon mass. According to Sub Van 0 -V0 0 (A' - 0.266-10 am- The energy levels of the Be9 nucleus are computed by considering the vibrations along the axis of symmetry and around the center of mass of the two alpha rtioles. In a table, the excitation energies computed from formula (85aare compared with experimental data (Refs. 7P 3). Agreement is satisfactory. Levels with 9.3, 12-4, 14-1P and 15-5 Mev, which so far have not been found experimentally, are obtained theoretically. Their existence appears plausible. On the other hand, two very close levels 17.27 and 17-47 Vevwere found experimentally, to which only one theoretical (rotational) level with 17.2 Mev corresponds. Either there is gally only one or there occurs a level splitting which is not covered by ( ). From the results it may be concluded that all Be9 levels consist of Card 2/3 k1(" 9 0 2 4,2 The Structure of the Be Rucleuts S/056J60/038/03/26/03" B0061BO14 two groupst vibrations al()ng the symmetry axis, with the excess neutron being in the ground state# and vibrations along the synnetry axis, with the excess neutron being it the first excited vibrational state.,The groups are chitracterized by n2 - 0 and ni a I (the quantum number n 1 corresponds to vibrations along the symmetry axis, n 2 to vibrations around the center of case). It follows that n2 is not greater than unAty. Finally, the results obtained are compared with data on the AW hyper-nucieus. The authors thank the collaborators of the Vychislitellnyy t3entr Akademii nauk Arwyanekoy SSR (computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Armyanskaya SSR)9 as well as P. X. Ter-Nikayely and R. A. Aleksar'~-- or having c3m-puted the function tables on a "Yerevan" o-o-z-p-uT-e-r.---There are I fitMe, i table, and 8 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akadexii nauk Grusinskoy SSR I -tut-e-of the Academy of Sciences of the Grusins SUBMITTEDr, October 1, 1959 Card 3/3 85683 S/05 60/638/006/025/049/f,, /'00 B006YB070 AUTHORS: Kopaleyshvili, T. I., Vashakidze. I. Sh., 14amasa-khlisov. V. I., Chilashviliv G. A. TITLE: The Alpha - Deuteron Model of the Lj6 Nucleus PERIODICAL; Zhurnal ek.sperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, '1960, Vol. 38, Yo. 6, pp. 1758-1764 TEXT: detailed A discussion L16 nucleus to be made of an-alpha the relative motion of ~these calculated on the basis of this energy has a minimum in a paper by Biel (Ref. 7) is studied the binding energies model and obtained a good agreement of a mixture of Serber-type present authors assume that possibility of considering the and a deuteron. The energy of alpha and deuteron is assumptions, and it is shown that negative values. Among others, introduction; Biel has nuclei on the alpha-particle experiment by a proper choice forces. In following Biel, the between two nucleons and their Card 1/4 is given of the particle subsystems of one of the the region of discussed in the of Bea and C12 with the and symmetric both the forces 85683 The Alpha - Deuteron Model of the U6 Nucleus S/056/60/038/006/025/049/KX 13006/~070 wave functions have a Ga ssian form. It is further assumed that the six.- nucleon system of the LN nucleus consists of two ooupled subsystems, an alpha particle and a deuteron, which continually exchange nucleons, and that this system has an energy minimum. Parameters are defined which characterize the U6 nucleus in the ground and the excited states. The eight possible states of a nucleon are defined by ita spin, isospin, and belonging to Qne of the two subsystems, and have the form (a, b, c) where a, b, c, = 1, 2. These states are numbered from 1 to 8, and these numbers are used to characterize, for example, the wave functiong. Thus, for example, the spatial part of the wave funz.-~ion of the Li nucleus is represented by ~(1234;56), where the first four indices refer to the nucleons of the alpha subsystem and the last two to the d-subsystem. Since an analytical determination of the energy is not possible on account of the complicated expressions, a numerical calculat~.on is suggested. Energy curves for the ground state of L16 are found and shown in Pig. 1 (Serber- type forces, Curve 1; symmetric forces, Curve 2). The orditate of the curves is taken to be the difference E(,)L)-E(O). where E(O) is the energy of the system when the alpha particle and the deuteron are separated by an Card 2/4 The Alpha - Deuteron Model of the Li6 Nucleus S/1056/60/038/006/02 5/0490Y B006/BO70 infinite distance. The fact that these curves have a minimum shows that the nucleon system consi ered is stable. The minimum In both the cases is found for k = 0-0316.1022CM-2; the energy minima are at --1-58 Mev (Serber- type and -1-42 MOV (symmetric forces). Finally, the excited state W' (T-1~ of the L16 nucleus is studied. Fig. 3 shows the curve E4(A) - E*(O) as a function of \ for a mixture of Serber-type and symmetric forces. This curve has also a minimum (0.66 Mev) for the same yalue of h as in the ground state; it has also a maximum at 0.015 8.102bom--2. The value of excitation energy is found to be 4-77 Mev, which does not agree well with the experimental value of 3-57 Mev. The origin of this divergence is discussed. D. A, Kv2selav and Ye. N. Dekanosidze of the Vychislitellnyy tsentr AN Gruzinskoy ~-SR ( -tation Center of the AS Gruzinskaza SSR),. and R, A. AleksandrXEtn and F. 11. Ter-Mikaelyan of th Vychislitel.Inyy tsentr AN Armyanskoy.SSR (Computation CenT-erof the AS Armyanskaya SSR) are thanked for the calculations. There are 3 figures and 11 references: 3 Soviet, 3 British, 2 US, I French, 1 Italian, and 1 Dutch. IV Card 3/'j 85683 The Alpha Deuteron Model of the Li6 Nucleus S105616010381006102510491XX B006/BO70 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Gruzipskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: December 19, 1959 Card 4/4 83189 3/056/60/039/002/026/044 B006/BO56 AUTHORS: Vashakidze, 1. Sh._, Kgpaleyshvili, T. I.,- Chilashviliq G. A,. 6 TITLE; investigation of 1he (ntp) Reaction on the Li Nucleus PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoroticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 2(8)s pp. 393-396 TEXT. It was the purpose of the present paper theoreticall to determine the proton angular distribution in the (npp) rengtion on Li~ in considera- tion of the neutron-proton correlation in'the Li nucleus. The authors in- vestigated the (n,p) reaction on the L16 nucleus on the basis of the alphas deuteron model of this nucleus, which had been worked out in earlier pa- pers (Refs* 4~ 5)- They assume that the use of this model may lead to a better agreement between theory and experiment* It is assumed in this con- neotion that the neutron and the proton, which are above the closed shell, form a bound statev to that the characteristic of the departure of the proton caused by the incidence of a neutron is due not only to direct in- teraction between these two particles (as assumed in the generally amepted Card 1/2 83189 Investiga tion of the (n;p) Reaction on the B/056/60/039/002/026/044 Li6 Nucleus B006/BO56 theory), but also to an interaction between the inoiding neutron and the neutron bound to the proton. A consideration of neutron-proton coupling in the nualeus must lead to an increase of the cross section at large X angles when calculating the reaction. cross sections, which corresponds the experimental results obtained. A formula for calculating the angular di'stributions, formula (11) with (12) and (13) as definition formulas, is obtained and disauesede The numerical results of (11) are graphically re- presented for a 14-Mev energy of the incident neutron and osoillator-po- tent'ial parameters of r f*1-10-13om (curve I) and r f* 1.2-10-13cm (curve II). The diagramoalso contains the experimenlal values, Both curves satisfactorily represent the experimental results (which have considerable error limits). Curve 11 does so somewhat more satisfactorily, In any case it is shown that a consideration of a proton-neutron coupling in the nu- cleus antually leads to an increane of the total (nsp) cross section at large scattering angles. The authors finally thank V. I, Mamasakhlisov for his interest and discussions. There are I figure anct 6 referenoes., 2 Soviet. and 4 US.- ASSOCIAT~101.: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of I - Physics of the Academy of Scieno-3s Gruzinskay~_SMSR7 SUBMITTED) Marc;-h 1~, 1960- Card 2/2 S/056/60/039/003/018/045 B004/B9.60 AUTHORS: Vashakidze, 1. Sh., KoPaleyshvj.jJ4_2,_J,, Mamasakhlisov ID 7, -nn 'asogit_~67-A. 17 TITLE: Reponance Scatterine of Gamma Quanta on the Li7 Nucleus PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No- 3 (9), pp. 666-668 TEXT: The authors studied the resonance scattering of gamma quanta on the L17 nucleus with the excitation of levels 1/2- (0,477 Mev) and 5/2- (7-46 Mev) (Pig. 1). The calculation of the 5/2- level by means of a model of the oscillator potential, and with the spin-orbit interaction taken into account, is first discussed along with the conception of this level as the rotation of a rigid rotator consisting of an a-particle and a triton (L17 - a + t), and the equation obtained in a previous paper (Ref. 2) concerning the quadrupole moment of L17 is then written down., Qo = (68/49)r2 (1), where r2 denotes the mean square distance between Card 1/3 16- Resonance Scattering of Gamma Quanta on the S/056/60/039/003/018/045 U7 Nucleus BOOVB060 alpha particles and triton. The following relation is written down for an ellipsoid of revolution equivale nt to this rotator: ZR2 p/ J-5--n' 3 (68/49)r2 (2)- Z = 3, R = radiUs of the equilibrium sphere, deformation parameter of the L17 nucleus. Data supplied in a paper by A. S. Davydov and G. 11. Filippov (Ref. 3) are made use of to write down equation (3) for the magnetic moment, and from (1) and (3) the following correlation function is obtained by substituting the data found by V. Yu. Gonchar, Ye. V. Inopin, S. P. Tsytko (Ref- 4): 1(0) - [1 + 1.22p2(coso) + 2-77P4(cos&)j (4)- 9 is the angle between the absorbed and emitted I-quanta. Fig. 2 shows this function or. the assumption of a single-particle- and a collective excitation. Tha value 1.5-10-13 sec was calculated for the lifetime of the state 1/2- (0-477 Mev) of the U7 nucleus, when single-nucleon excitation was assumed, and the value 0.96'10-13 was found when the alpha particle - triton pattern was assumed. The value found experimentally is 1.09-10-13 see. The assumption of the level 1/2- (0,477 Mev) being caused by spin reversal Card 2/3 Resonance Scattering of Gamma quanta on the S/05 60/039/003/018/045 Li7 Nucleus B004YB060 of triton, not of -the nucleus, is therefore in betteragreement with experimental results. There ire 2 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION:, Tbilisskiy.-gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tbilisi State Univers t . Institut.fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR Institute of Physics of the A-Pk4jqM-y-.-0f_BcienjQeap Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 31P 1960 Card 3/3 20458 2/056/61/040/002/018/047 B102/B202 0 10 AUTHORS: Vashakidze, I.3h.9 Kopaleyshvili, T.I., Chilashvilit G.A. Cy TITLE: Neutron polarization on disintegration of B.7 n`uc1_e1`--- by circularly polarized gamma quanta PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fizikip v- 40, no. 2, 1961, 491 - 492 TEXT: As is known, circular polarization of gamma quanta can be determined from the polarization of-photoprotons or photoneutrons which are emitted by nonpolarized nuclei. This is of interest in connection with the discovery of the non-conservation of parity in weak inteKaetions. The best targets for low quantum energies proved to be H2 or BeV. No photoneutron polariza- tion has hitherto been observed in Be9; for this reason, the authors theo- retically studied the polarization of photoneutrons which are released by circularly polarized quanta. They obtained the following expression for the z-component (in the direction of the inciding quantum) of the polari-, zation vector of photoneutrons from Be9: Card 1/4 2o458 S/056/61/040/002/018/047 N'butron polarization on disintegration... B102/3202 0.5 1.28A' - A,' - 12AO As cos (ija - y1i) + 1.53A'21Z Ps. (eo.s 00), P.- 1) A,' + 2Ao As Cos (-qo - Tit) P2 (COs 0) + 2.14 A12 - 0,76A2pt (COS 0) 2 A, r-sdr, A.= ~,R, Rl.,. r3dr, w re -n are the scattering phases, and is the 0- 10 1/21 12- 12 3/20 2 5/2 scattering angle of the photoneutrons; the upper and the lower sign oorre- spond to right- and left-handed quantum polarization, respectively. Since', the dire.ction of the axis can be arbitrarily chosen P x and Py coincide af- ter averaging over 3. Formula (1) contains the scattering phases and 12 and the radial integrals A 0 and A2- These quantities can be easil:~ deter- 9 mined with the aid of the potential parameters of the neutron in the Be nu- cleus, i.e., V 12.16 Mev, Mev and ro-5.10-13cm if the quantum 1 3/2" VO 1/2'3 energy is known. Thust the angular dependence of the z-component of the polarization'vector of, the photoneutron can be determined. It is shown in the figure for quantum energies of 2, 39 4, and 20 Mev. These energies Card 2/4.. 20458 S/05 61/040~002/018/047 Neutron polarization on disintegration... 3102Y3202 were chosen because the elastic scattering cross section of Dhotoneuirons in this range is sufficiently large'(of the order of some barns); besides,- also the photonuclear process has a maximum cross section at 2-4 Mev so that these energies are especially adequate for obtaining a high degree of. efficiency. With E -20 Mev the sign of circular polarization can be deter-. mined only by the photonuQlaar reaction. As may be seen from the diagram, neutron polarization attains almost 50% at certain angles'; according to the direction of circular polarization of the quanta, photoneutron polari- zation has different signs. The curves in the diagram hold for right-han- ded polarization of the quantum. The authors thank V.I. Mamasakhlisov and S.G. Matinyan for discussions. There are 1 figure and 3 references: 2 ~Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Boviet-bloc. The reference to the English language publication reads as follows: E. Guth, C. 17klulln, Phys. Rev. 76 234, 1949- ASSOCIATION: Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tbilisi State Univer- sity) Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: May 23, 1960 Card 3/4 CHILASHVILI, G.A. -v~ ........ mi~lrob em~hres particles interacting with a nonlocal factorable potential. Soob. AN Grus. SSR 32 no. D43-50 0 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Tbilisskiy goondaretvannyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikow V.I.Mamasakhlisovym. CHILASTIVILIA, G~A* f~iob-J;ni of threb, v,11, a factorable pciteetitiaL "sob. ',N C-niz,, 33 r-c-a". 35--il Ja 164. "4.7-.-,) - TtzMsvI'.!Y gosudarn'.,rennyy urniv(---rs4tf~l, ~rc-dstavltenc aha- 1. . .- - L &n,jikc:.q V.I. MamasaWisnvym. CHIUSHVILTY G.A. App-licat!6n of a factorizing potentle-1 to the LI nucleus. Soob. AN Grim. SSR 34 no.2t297-,'304 MY 164. (PURA 1832) 1. Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitlet. Sulinitted ApHl 22, 1963. L 18317-65 C 0 U n C-f the tra,s ACCESSION NRt AP4042786 'S/0020/64/157/003/0557/0560 AUTHORSt Vashakidze, 1. 6h.; Chilashvili, G. A. TITLEs Binding energy of-hypertritium in the case of nonlocal inter- action SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no. 3, 1964, 557-560 b TOPIC TAGS: hyperon, tritium, inding energy, lambda particle, sigma particle ~ABSTRACT: A study is made of hypertritium under the assumption of a nonlocal factorizing interaction between any pair of particles, .,,,'.Using the Gell-Mann global symmetry-hypothesis (Phys. Rev. v. 106, 1296, 1957). The total energy of the AH3-hypernucleus is found by solving a system of coupled integral equations with allowance for the M =_ ~N transitions. These transitions were not taken into ac- :count in other similar calculations.* The coupled Schroedinger equa- 1/3 'tions are first written down for hypertritium with allowance for Z transitions in the case of local interaction, after which the made to the equations for a nonlocal factorizing inter-, action. This system can be reduced by integration with respect to ..the angles to a system of three one-dimensional integral equations# wbich can be easily solved 'With the aid of_computers. Account is ..taken of the fact that the binding energy of the hypertritium dif- fers little from the binding energy of the deuteron, and an approxil mation considered by Mitra (Nucl. Phys. v. 32, 429, 1962) can there- fore be used. In this approximation the eigenvalues of the energy ..are determined from the vanishing of an eight-order determinant. The smallest root of this determinant corresponds'to a total hypertritium binding energy of 2.904,MeV. which is-in satisfactory agreement with ':the experimental value 2*3 Mev. if the A-* Z transitions are not included, the binding energy obtained is 4.6 MeV,, showing that the :'transitions cannot be neglected. It is thus-shown that by using the of global symmetry and taking the interaction between the par- Curd 2/3 'ACCESSION NR: AP404i786 ;ticles in the form of a nonlocal factorizing potential in the Yamaguchi form, the observed total binding energy of hypertritium _* Z transitions into account. "We ,..-,can be explained by taking the A4_ thank V. G. Solov1yev for continuous interest and discussions# Vo 1e Oyiyevetskiy for advising us on problems in the field of strong Interactions, and A. V. Rakit*skiy for programining the problem." Orig, art. has: 14 formulas. Report Fwwnted by N. K. BogolyWm. a 1ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Aesearch) l2Peb64 ENCLI 00 BUD ODDEs NP HR REP SM 003 OTHM 006 .,Card 3/3.. ft a i Ch j a e 1 A39 ve SCURCE! me r clmo rPh I c f u n c TOP C T ~GS t: I cf ur, c t IcIrl, tude, angL.lal.- moment-UN, - - amp, Lnc er S, at i C,jte 'n a, ie r a~ t ear A S ...A CF ~rh e e ar w e-- ILe~ t: ~,C- va vt r c ne C)rd 1./3 ............. L 1022-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4048034 continuat_',on of the kernels of the appropriate inti?gral equations --:act results, for reasons which are .3pelled out. It ea6s -o imco7. is Micwn, however, that i f the matrix element that determines the F -cbal il j ty of scattering by the bound state is e>,panded in a per- se-ries each term of the expansicm. In t:"c- appro:CLriiation, zan be set in corresponden_~~ di-agram, from wha-ch it can be deduced that the sca-~ter--7.- Is MiFrOMOrphic in the .1 angii1ar momentu-.-,i p C~C)Mp eX of 1,.ze,--est the sen.,;f~ t,riat eac)a term of the ;~~ay '-,z,-!e a cu-,, whereas the series as a Vi o I E, a funct.ion. A Jezailed expos4tt.,.on of the result _5 1 Pi prirt R-1.662 of the Jc:j.nt 'ns-:.ti,te of Nuclear F e~ s C.LU1,10ri, We thank N. 11, Bogolyubov and A. A. L and also B. h. Arbuzov, A. V. Yefremov, I. "j". T,)6oi:o%, Khrastale-v --,.)r fruitful dism-issions." This rep_~rt was pre-se,-,~:ez~ Ly Y. N. Begolyabov. Or~Jg. art. hF.s: 21 formulas. card 2/3 111?4048034 ASsoc:[,IT..-oz;. (Jo ' ol Yedineriny*,,. 'r't "'stitLte !-'-Ist'tut Yaderr, f ~7ucle,, R evearc S"7B N~ SOV 003 Card 3/3 nommom. CHILASHVILL, G.A. [Chylashvili, HOC*); SPEELEST, V.P. Analyticity of the amplitude of*a compound particle in a field. Uk-r. fiz. zhur. 10 no.7s708-714 JI 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut fiziki. AN UkrSSR., Kiyev. OHIIASHVILI, Sh.Te., starshly nauahVy notrudaik Irm 1200"juw TBIOT dust catcher. Borlba a sil. 2:108-113 155. (MISA 9:5) 1. Thiliaskiy Institut okhrauy truds Voesoyuznogo toontrallnogo soveta profeanionalinvkh soy=ov imani S.M.Kirova. (DUST COLLYMCM) NITRALRAM, Alsksaudr Iwaxievich; C11MAWX - .. -kI..,,Sbmlva Yofimovich; AMITIN, Ions III 10h, 4peteredaktor ; MMOTAO' ' N.A., ,tekbAlcheskiy redaktor [Dust control in dr7 borsholsaj Borlbs v pvlliu pri sukhom burenii sbPuroy. [Moskva] Isd-vo VTa9PS Profisdat. 1956. 45 Ps (KW 10:3) (Borin&) (Mine dusts) Cand- of Tech Sri -- (diss) "Study of the process of catching dust with a dry filter by suction.of drilling dust emanating from the mouth of the bore hole." Tbilisi, 1957., 16 pp, (Georgian Poly- technical Institute im S. M. Kirov), M, 30-5?, 111) ClLlikkSHVIL~11 Sh tekhn.nauk -. . Experinental sudy of the movement velocitY Of some forma of drilling dust. Bor'ba a all. 3:56-60 159. (HIRA 12:9) (MINE vub-,S) NIZE"39, Aleksandr Iyanovich; QUILAMUTT.7 Tefl-vich; DUISOTA. I.S., "do; RAWF, Selo, [Over-all dust control in underground mines) Nonplekenoe obeepylivania podx*=VM vyrabotak. Moskva, Isd-vo We= (KMAi 14. 1) Profisdat. 1960. 107 p. (mine ventilation) (Duet collectors) CHILASUVEJ, ShJeeb~ -kand.tekhn.nax, ; BREGVADZE, M.Ye., star-sW# neuchW 35 ffm-~~ Apparatus for deeping dust down in rod dri-lling* SbDre rab. po silik. no.3:55~-58 161, (Him 15 -.10) 1, Thiliaskiy Institut okhrany truda. (Boring) (Dust co2lectors) NIZHARADZE, A.I.; CHIWHVILI, Sh.Ye.; DZHANIASHVILI, G.G. Dry dust removal during pipe finishing. Metallurg 7 no.9: 32-33 S 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Vaescyuznyy nauchno-issladovatel'skiv institut okhrany truda, g.Tbilisi. (Pipe mills-Hygienic aspects) - E15922-6 6 ACC: NR: A116004423 SOURCE CODE: UR/6051/661020100110183/0184 _AUMOR: k)chko u V4~ C .6orgobiani, A., ~N. Gershun, A S.; Sysoyev, L. A.; ,''Chilaya G _5-- ~~ORG: none 5t iTITLE., Ultraviolet electroluminescence of zinc sulfide OPtika i spektroskopiya, v.~20, no. 1, 1966, 183-184 ITOPIC TAGS;: -electrolumii[lescence, zinc sulfide, single crystal, UV radiation ABSTRACT: Ultraviolet.electrolwni-nescence was observed in pure single crystals of 'zi-ac sulfide grown from a melt- under' inert -essure. Specimens 150 p thick were gas pr -o pulsed voltage am subjected 1. with an plitude of 4.5 kv, a duration of 1.7 psec and, ;a duty factor of 1.5o104. The voltage was applied through indium electrodes. The i lumirescence of the specimens is stable at a constant voltage and increases approxi- exponentially with voltage. A voltage increase from 2.7 to 4.5 kv increases, ~sthe luminescence intensity by approximately one order of magnitude. It is assumed .:that this luminescence is due to recombination of eleatron-hole pairs created by Card- 1/2 535.376-3 'AUTHOR: DochkovjL_Yu. Y,.;.Geor-SobbmL, A. No; .!Philp go Go So '519 "Opa: -gksics Instltuta~ im. Pt" No Lebadev AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR, TITIX: Some electrica.1 -e-haracterlistics,of zinc sulfi6e single crystals SOURCE: rizika tverdoil:o tela, Y. 8, no. 4$ 1956, 1273-1275 TOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfldes,single crystal, electric property, crystal anisotropy ABSTRACT: The authors,study the electrical ch4acteriatice f large ZnS single crys- Me--- tals grown from -the melt at 85OUCun r inert gas pressure by a new method developed un, der the direction of:1. A. Sysoyev. These are hexagonal crystals with no traces of cubic structure so thal,: contact and surface phenomena.have no effect on the electric- al measm.-,wents. The mpecimens studied had dimensions of 4 x 48 mm. The tempera- ture curie for electria-al, conductivity Is approximated by two straight lines in Ina and 11T coordinates. The slope ofthe low-temperature line corresponds to an acti- vation energy of 1.25 1 0.07 ev, thile the high-temperature section corresponds to an energy of 1.6 * 0.06 ev, This section may probably he attributed to natural conduc- tivity since data In the literature give the thermal width of the forbidden band as Z.2 A 0.2 ev. Extrapolation of the low-temperature section to room temperature gives Card 1/2 L 26360-66 ACC NRs AP6012501 %3 a nestimated resistivit.1r of ~01020 0-cm. Thedegree of compensation was calculated at '10-2. It'was found that the electrIcal conductivity parallel to axis CS was no more than 2-3 times as great,::as that perpendicular to this axis. Photoconductive aniso- tropy was found to be 105. This.ecintredicts the work of Limpicki et al. (A. Lin-picki, P. R. rrankl, V. A. Brophy, Phys. Rev., 1079 1238, 1957). In conclusion we thank M. V. Fok for discussing the results, L. A6 Sysoyev for furnishing the zinc sulfide crystals and-V in_fbr assistance in preparation of the specimenso' Drig. art& bast I 11gure. SUB CODEa 20/ SWIN DATE 05,41665/ ORIG REr,. 004/ OTH FXF OU card. 2j *OR 004 A" MA.Awwwat car- I" COWL. CU7 0M 1-fog by BIWASW I" a* oakum MA V" dwtd. am N",-= to am d At Ilenhw4e). TU cc X0 and 90308 Solao. W-M-Ned W" t1w tw". (thr vbwffmll~ wM* confiew I" MAN. a op. cmd. *A rx- awftr O.WS MbD). Tbe an a# Sbww wow" w&U owmainowts d Ma egaw. a**. tb- bin is do Ow dish SOW 1"I I _-IT. IMIll 'Llf%34i __Er -i-jass no ap rit, N-9- No Z-4 lk U w AV a IL It lK IL IL tt 11 0 0 *is 0 go 0 60004 0 0 a 'me 00 a ,, 10.11 '-s Ts. Aft A I IM 0 10 I* so of -00 X00 =00 000 00 Icoo 600 t!oo t3se tl*9 wo* I CHIKVASHVILI, Ya. M. General covariant wave equations. Act& physics Pol 26 no.5:1027- 1028 N 164. 1. Kutaisi Branch of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, Submitted July 24, 1964. _~~_Cc 'N'_RiA____ IF/6-0-48i A_;_6/03_0_/0'0'-;W 0628 0632 P6013068 SOUBCR CCDE: U ysoySy L.A ; C a G. AUTHOR:4 Dochkov,Yu.V.,, Georgobianl, A.M.; S hilay a ORG: Physical Institute im. P.N.lAbedev, Academy of SciencesjSSSR (Fizl~#qskly institut Akademii nault SSSR) TITLE: Electrdluminescence of bulk ZnS crystals /-Report', Fourteenth Conference on Luminescence hold in Riza,16-23 SeRtember 196P7 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 628-632 TOPIC TAGS: electroluainescence, zinc sulfide 4 -4N& n.A-Jj A k C4, i- ~ ruwq, ABSthACT: The sty wa=ertaken in view of the growing interest in II-VI semi- conductors as representatives of the class of compounds with a broad forbidden band# Zinc ulfide belongs in this category and is the most thoroughly studied electro- luminophor. However, most previous investigations of this electroluminophor did not satisfy the basic conditions for electric measurements on semiconductors: absence of surface effects and adequate uniformity of the specimens. For the present work the single crystals were grown from a malt in an inert gas by the Stockbarger technique; the crystallization was realized at 18500 C to insure growth of hexagonal specimens. A characteristic of.the single crystals was pronounced cleavage along the (100) plan the single crystals were up to 30 mm in diameter and 100 mm long. Chemical analysis L 39773-66 ACC NN AP6013068 showed that the crystals contained the following 12urities: Cu about 10-4%, Ni about 5 X 10-6%, Fe about 10-4,%, Un about 5 x 10-6%, S 04 under 10-4%, and oxides under 10-4%. The specimen plates were prepared as follows: the crystals were first oriented:: I with reference to the cleavage plane and then wafers measuring 3 x 3 mm and 2 mmthicki i were cut by means of a corundum disk. The wafers were etched in acid and provided with ohmic contacts to eliminate surface effects. In the experiments measures were taken to minimize heating; these consisted in providing good heat conduction and using! short exciting pulses (1.7 microsec) and a very low duty factor. The electroluminesc-i once peaks at about 460 m~q the brightness is a linear function of the applied voltage.1 Further data are given on the ultraviolet electroluminescence spectrum of purer crystals. The experimental results are discussed in general terms; the emission is attributed to interband recombination. In conclusion, we desire to thank M.V.Fok for discussion of the results and valuable suggestions in the course of the work, V.K.Kostin for assistance in.preparing the crystals, and A.N.Savin and G.G.StolDovskiv for help in adjusting the electronic equipment. Orig. art. hast 4 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 003/ OM REF: 004 2/2//'~'/? CHILAYA, N.M. Active prevention of cervical cancer and inflammatory gynecological diseases. Sov. med. 27 no.6:115-117 Je 164. (MIRh 18:1) 1. Dollnitsa No.7 (glavnyy vrach V.N. Lvarova, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. 1.I. Benediktov), Sverdlovsk. 1. CHILAnV, G. A., Eng. 2* USSR (600) ho KLectric Machinery., Synchronous 7. Installing synchronous com)eneators without the use of a crane. Elek* stao 23 No. 9. Lq52, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. (!~mL-RYEV, C,-,A. PAVWV, N.G., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, dotsent; UNG, A.G., Whiner, rateenzent;. 0. inzhener, relaktor; SOKOIA)VA, L.V., takhnichas radaktor Dkamples of crane calculations] Primary raschetov kranov, Moskva,' Goo. nauchno-tek)mo Isd-vo mashinostroitellnol lit-ry. 1954. 285 p. (Craneng derricks, etc.) (MISA 8:4) CHILAYBY, G.A., inshener. Hoisting arrangement for servicing a synchronous compensator. Zlek.sta. 25 no.11:53 N 154. (MLU 7:11) (Hoising machinery) CHIUMIT G.Ae, Inzhener. __.U- Modification of gondola cars for the transportation of peat. Ilsk. at&. 27 no.3:53-56 Kr 156. O= 9: 8) (Peat--Transportation) (Railroads-Yraight cars) UMOYM. Zakhar Solomonovich; SnXIN, lasar, rzaakovich; CHIIAYIV, G.A.& otvetmtyennyy redaktor; RYKOV, N.A.. redaktor 1031INVOICTUT- AUDOVA, Te.L. tekhmicheekty redaktor [Transport equipment and depou for coal bensfication an& briquette factories) Transportaye ustroistva i sklady no ugloobogatitelinykh i briketnykh fabrikakh. Izd. 2-o9. ispr. i dop. Moskva, Ugletekh- izdat, 1956. 322 p. (min 106.3) (Briquets (ftsl)) (Coal preparation) (Mine baulage) CHILAVIV, G-A- CHILAYNY. G.A..Jnshener. golojigg. d~V109 for rfp&$TjU_.~Mb s, Anarcottk ro;lou 5 U063121-22 IV '570 ~ . p oo*onutor (Nm 10W (Noistiss awhiftery) C? // /I /- 'q X'e-- ~/ 6. /-/, CHILAYNT, G.A., Kobile my 157. inshener. bolating tower for repair work. Zlek. sta. 28 no.5:?2-73 (Hoisting machinery) (mm io.-6) CHILA V, (+.A,,Inxb. berew convdy6p for removing ash from fly-ash collectors. Anergetik no. 10-10 ja 8:)b. (MIRA 11:o) ijkst collectors) (GonveyIng machinery) CHILUICV. G-~L, insh. Nechartized conveyance of fine ashes. Usk. sta. 31 no.3:77-79 Nr 160. (KIRA 13:8) (Blectric power plants) (Ash disposal) ~d CEMAYST Georgiy Andreyevich; N, Z.1h., red,;. SOBCMA9 YeeNot --' Unal economy and fuel sn"ly of large foreign electric power stations] Toplivnoe khosialstvo i toplivopodechi krapnykh sarabethnykh slaktrostentaii. Koskva, Gos.energ.izd-vop 1960, 134 (HIRA 14:4) lilectric power plants--Equipment and supplies) M I- CHILAYEV (I A.. Static overstrain of carrying ropes of cable cranes witb fixed ends. Trudy LPI no.211..116-3.2o 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (wire rope) H I L (' Z, I-) j< ..,V1 IA ~;WLNIJI':~, Given 'Nar-03 Cowntrv Academic Degrees: /riot given/ Affiliation: Geog-raphical Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences /oro,-,,-inal source: Bratislava, Geotrafick-y Casopis, Vol XIII, No 3, 1961, pp 161-175. i)ata: "Contribution to the -eroblems of Exchange of Experiences on the Econo- mic Develolment of Mountain Regions on the Ezample of the Ca--pathians aro 981643 GHIW,ZUK, Idebal Problemo conce2mirg the regeneration of Inwa 2 power; f=m studies on the economia development of the Beahchady and the Iower Beakidee Hauka polakc~ 8 no*302-326 J1-S 160. GBII.CZIIKP Richal Report on LIle acil.1vitlei of the Goirunittee of Geographic Soilenc-05 for 1963. Przegl il 009~-397 164. ,oogr 3b no. Z joi.j., ,Iaelvites of tim reportirx. Fessi::n of the Comm it Ttce Geoglrapblz; :Ictenaes of tht~ Poloh Aendemy fX Tbo Soicritific raxilo!l of, the Insl'itn"r, Of -), '1:0 lloji,nji Acndiny of Sclencos, Van+ 99 Y~1113 I j-'("ll ' 'j~, c?' v - - 0 - ., T; 0 -, , .- 36 no.1.1187 1 (11, r I I O.W IL Ly 0 t' 2. V a.) .nirLy A z c- lc~ tc 5;p 71 4. ALrlrii~l 111',ry L:ItL~ln roi) :,aya, Vr 7.1 1 N- 'Dr 7. ;Z- 7~ = 7, ZA 2, ::~%'5ZLL4.r ~ -, ;,~, :Z Vc n -*ry ct i ry z.n zrv.-griTli C&- O~LL I!, C. :~r Ti~:,r CL, 3:t.:r,&n i G, Cv-tlzr., llic'%~,~',l "n :,I.;" aC 4 22-'!s. BULGARIA MIIANOV, Milan, Dr, and ur Dr [Affiliation not given.] "Viral Abortion in Cows." Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirka, Vol 60, No 5, 1963; pp 7-8. Abstract: Discursive report of studies in several collective dairy farms in the Burgas area, 1961-1962: findings indicate that one or more viral agents are a significant factor in bovine abortion there, and that the agents are closely related to viral abortion of ewes; some serologic studies indicate that the same agent may be involved in both. -BULGATZIA MATEVA, Dr. V., Veterinary Institute of Infectious and Parasitic easesq Sofia; MILANOV, Dr. M., and CHILEV, Dr. D., ODVS, Burgas "Now Methods for the Diagnosis of Hog Cholera" Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirkal Vol 63, No 29 19669 pp 9-1o Abstract: Hog cholera has been eradicated in Bulgaria: there has not been a single case in 1964. However, the danger that the infection may be carried in from abroad still exists . In view of the occurrence of African hog cholera in some European countries, it is also necessary, to have methods whereby classical hog cholera can be identified and differentiated from the African form in - case an outbreak occurs. A method for diagnosing classical hog cholera has been develo- ped which involves biological tests by infection of y6W.4piSs--'trdat*d'- 1/2 CHILXV D ; MILANOV,M. Studies on the enterotoxamiiw end necrotio hapatitis of sheep in the Burgas ~Wstrict. Izv ret inst zaram parazit W53~-158 161. 69375 -59-lo-8i86 SOV/35 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 10, p 79 (USSR) - AM10m: Dmitriyev, A.A., Chili, AN. TtMEE! On Meteoric Streams'~nd Precipitates PERIODICAL: Tr. Morsk. gidrofiz. in-ta AS USSR, 1958, Vol 12, pp 181-190 ABSTR.PLT: Particles of meteoric origin entering the earth's atmosphere In a large quantity (--,/1,000 tons per day) affect its colloidal properties. This is parUcularly marked near the troposphere and'in the stratosphere, v;here the temperature la lower than -400C. At such a temperature any solid par- ticles can become nuclei of crystallization and affect the precipitates. However, Bowen' s conclusions (RZhAstr, 3-954, Nr 8, 11614), attemptirig to estab."Lish a connection between the meteoric streams and the subsequent pre- cipitates, are statistically poorly substantiated. The authors consider that the weak spot in Bowen's work is the fact that he examines the con- nection between meteoric streams and the subsequent precipitates at in- dividual points. It is necessary to examine the probability of the occur- Card 1/3 rence of precipitates over a large territory. The authors chose 6 points 693175 On Meteoric Streams ancl Precipitates scv/35-59-10-8186 on the USSR territory for %-,,hich a sufficiently long series of observations of preoipita- tes vicre available. For each day of the year, for a number of years, the number of points .:"as dotermined at which precipitates vicre observed simultaneously. For each date i of year J, nij occurrences of simultaneous precipitations wcre obtained. In this way the introduced index characterizes the synchronous (the variation does not exceed � 2 days) distant connections between precipitations. With the aid of the Student t-dis- tribution the authors investigated whether it was possible to consider as random the fluctuations from day to day of the means for many years 11 njjj Inij/N; the non-random character of the peaks of the monthly average recurrence J=1 ~t m was determined nN nij/04, where m is the number of days in the month. During J=1 i=l the times of increased rainfall, there is a heightened stability of the simultaneous ap- pearance of precipitates. In order to find the reason for the appearance of peaks on the-histrogram of monthly aver-age recurrences, one must look to the factors constantly manifested in definite dates, and not to the passage of occasional cyclones. The nor- relation of the dates of meteoric streams with the dates of the peaks has allowed cne to establish a connection between them. The phase shift is found to be about 31 days, in Card 21P3 '09375 On Meteorio Streams and Precipitates accordance with Bowen's conclusions. When it was checked as nection between the meteoric streams and the precipitations ing from 31 days, it was confirmed that 31 days is the most of intensification of precipitations in relation to the date with the corresponding meteoric streams. Bibl. 11 titles. SOV135-59-10-618ra to whether there vas a cor.- during phase shifts, differ- probable period in the lag of the encounter of Earth B.M. Rubashev Card 3/3 .1 44597 ~Ooo S/169/62/000/012/090/095 D228/D307 AU'MORS: Dmitriyev, A.A. and Chili. A.V. TITLE;: Meteor flows and precipitation PO-RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhur~nal, Geofizika, no. 12, 1962, 6, abstract 12G32 K-jr. 1.,,Oslc. gidrofiz. in-ta,. A21 SSSR, 12, 1958, 181-190) T 'I Particles of meteoric origin, entering the atmosphcrP in large amounts (-, 1000 tons per day), influence its colloidal properties. This is especially strongly zipparent near the tropo- pause and in the stratosphere, Vnere the tcm,)erature is below -400. .At such a ten,~)erature aiiy,sol*d particles may become crystallization nuclei and influence precipitation. The conclusions of Bowdn- (IU~hFiz., no. 11, 1954, 14093), who attempted to establish a rela- tion betimen mateor strerzis a-ad subsequent precipitation, were sub- stantiated poorly in a statistical r4ispect. The authors reckon the fact that Bowen. exam, ines the relation of meteor -strems to subse- quent, precipitation at separate- points to be a weak spot in his Card 1/3 J)~2/000/ 12/090/095 S/16Y /0 1.1'etcor flows and prccip4_tation D220 307 work. It is necessary to consider the probability off apnearance of precipitation on a large territory. The authors choso 6 points on the territory of the IOS31t where sufficiently long series of I)rdci:)i- tation observations were available. The number of point-G, at which preci-pitation was, observed simultaneously, was determined for each day of the year over number of years. n-j cases o2f simultaneous Ij A. prect3itation were obtained for each i of a year j. The index thus introduced characterizes the synchronous (the tolerance does not exceed t 2 days) distant relations between precipitations. By neans OE Student's distribution t it was investigated whether the estab- lished non-random nature of the peaks of the average monthly fre- quencies naai ni j/61i J-1 t, where m. is the number of days in a month, can be reckoned as the random day-to-day -ACluctuations of the multiyear averages Card 2/3 niN nij/14. S/169/62/000/012/090/095 Xeteor Iflows aad precipitation D228/D307 The stability of th.~ simultaneous appearance,of precipitation rises the moment the raininess increases. The cause o-A" the appcarmice of peaks on the histogram must be sought not in the passage of random 0 cycloues, but in factors that appear constantly on definite dates. Comparison of the dates of meteor flows with those of the peaks allowed a relation to be established between them. 'Adisplacement ha?-pcns every 31 daysin accordance with Bowen's conclusions. 'Veri- fication of the fact that there is no relation between meteor flows and preci!)itation for displacements, differing, from 31 days, con- firms that 31 days is the most probable time of lagging in the in- tensification of precipitation relative to*the dete when the earth encounters a correcponding meteor flow. 11 references. Z-Abstracter's note: complete translatl.*on-7 Card 3/3 .,LHLk'-GEVORGYAN G.M.; BONn-SKAYA, A.K.; SK'JRJXjV, S.M. ~- Automation of a double calorimeter for meanuring the P'Inetics of polymerization reaction. 39 no.7:1794-l,,",'17 J1 165. 18:8) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.LDmonosova. RUMIANIA, Radiobiology POPEsCUO Gh. , Drt Lt-Colt CAVULEA, 0., Veterinarian, Lt4ol, Maj, VOICU, V Drp APOSTOLESCUl R.9 Dr, FUUt C., Pharm, cistp IA Cpt taffiliation not giv;n1j Lt-Col, and C1iI'Lj9=1=A. "Observations Concerning the Bffect of Radioprotection on Irradiated and Burned Animals." Bucharestj Revista Sanitara Militarat. Vol 62, No 2, 14ar-Apr 66, pp 289-297. Abstract: A report on an experimental study to determine the radioprotective effectiveness of cystamine and cystine for burned and irradiated animals. The study, which used 1-80 mature rats, showed-that the protected animals, especially those irra- diated with 400 oentgen units,: showed a more attenuated evolution of the disease and a somewhat smaller intensity of histopathologic. lesions. The difference in mortality between the protected ani- mals and the controls was not significant. Includes 7 :figures, 2 tables and 12 referencest of which 5 Rumaniant 2 Russian and 5 Western, -- Manuscript submitted 19 July 19650