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MILENIM)HUN, Yu.; C, RTEMIPRU, I.K. Brief.,news. Zhur. mik-rob-ial., 4r~pioi. 1 lz-mm. 42 no-8:154-155 A- 165. (IERA 18:9) a USSWCultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons M-5 -Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 1j, 1958, No 1552 Author :H. Tbitsishvili., G. Tbitsishvilip T. Kiparenko, B. Chikhladze Inst :Not Given I - Title :A Chemical Study of the Potato Me& at the Bakuriani Botanical Garlen Orig Pub :Tr. Thilissk. un-ta, 1956, 6o, ipi-128 Abstract :The average chemical composition of 54 varieties of the 1953 potato crop: moisture 72.44%, dry residue 27.56.. starch 19.77, aggregate nitrogen 0.46, ash 1-35%, vitamin C 2-41mg%- Tile low vitamin C content is explained by continuous storing of pota- toes (8 months) under heterogeneous conditions. Outstanding in starch content as calculated by their dry matter are the fol- lowing varieties: Sibiryak 84.67%, Silosnyy 82.74.. Sileziya 82.05, and 0stbote 81-35%. Card 1/1 51/60/008/0-6/00 i201/2691 AUTWIM i ShYansiradso, R.R., Oganelov, and Chikhladzs, B. TITLIts Isotopic Shifts of Bands In the Electron-Vibrational Spectra of Certain Diatcalo Molecules 1~ PMLIODICALs Optiks, L spektroskoplya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 4, pp 452-457 (USSR) ABSTPACTs The authors measured the Isotopic shifts of bands in the electron- vibrational spectra of N2, Nis CO and Ge, enriched with N15 and 013. The'loot.opie shifts weremeasured using the edges of the bands of the cond positive4yatem of N2 (Table 1). the first negative system N+2 (Table 2). the first negative system of 00+ (Table 3) and the fourth positive system of CO (Table 4). The spectra -were recorded with a spectrograph ISP-51 in the visible region and ISP-22 in the ultraviolot region. Th spectra of the molecules lql*15, 1q15 (Nl4Nl5)+, (11P) +, C130 I (C'30)+ (formed in the discharge fr;m gaseous IM3, NO, CM4 and C02 enriched with N15 and G131 were excited In hollow-cathode and in Geleler tubes (no foreign workl3ig gas vas used). The measured isotopic shifts are listed in Tables 1-4 and Fig 1 shows card 1 /2 (by way of example) microphotograms of the O-J~O bands of N2+. The 4/0 3 2 6/0 S/0 51/60/008/0 4/00 V032 2201/1691 Isotopic Shifts of Banis in the Blectron-Vibrational Spectra of Certain Diatomic molecules sx- perlmeatal results were caimpared with the values predicted by an elismentary theory Ybieh allows for changes of the reduced molecular moo. The vibrational constants w and cax of the isotopic molecules were dotermined and are listed in Table 5. A graphical method is described for presentation of the isotopic shifts as a function of the vibrational quantum atsabars Y' and v" (Fig 2). There are 2 figures, 5 tables and 9 references, I of 'which in Soviet, 6 English, 1 German and I translation from English into Russian. SUM(ITTRDs July 14, 1959 card 2/2 SHUMBADZE, R.R.,-, OGANCOV,, X.A.; IIHIMMZI, B.Ya. Temperature and tbezml eqailibrium in an arc bmming in inert gaves. Opt.i spektr. 13 nool:25-31 Jl ~62* (NIRL 15:7), (Electric discharges through gases) AUTHORS: TITLE: 42201 S/051/62/013/004/022/023 E039/E420 Shvangiradze, R.R., Oganezov, K.A., Chikhladze. B.Ya. Study of the d.c. are at different preissure3 of argon and air PERIODIC.,%L; Optika i spolctro'skopiya, V-13,-no.4, 1,)62, 613-615 TEXT: Measurements on the radiation emitted by an arc and its temperature for a range of pressures of argon and air are*made with a view to determining the nature df the spectral line excitation process. An are is struck between carbon electrodes in a pressure chatuber similar to one described in an earlier paper (A.G,;Zbiglinskiy, A.N.Zaydell, E.A.Karkli-na. Opt. i spektr. v.10, 1961, 696). Interelectrode distance is 4 mm and current 10 A. The electron temperature T., is obtained from the intensity of the Fe II line. A minimum temperature of 6.2 x 1o3 OK is observed for air at a pressure of - 300 mm and for argon a minimum temperature of 7.4 x lo3 OK at r,-, 1. atm. At pressures greater than that at which the minimum temperature occurs the electron temperature T., = Tgas while at lower pressures- Te.i~> Tgas-- Tgas is measured by means of the Doppler broadening. Card 1/2 S/051/62/013/004/022/023 Study of the d.c. arc ... E039/E420 The difference between Tel and Tgas at lower pressures is due to the decrease in number of elastic collisions of the electrons with gas molecules. The are temperature depends on many factors and does not have a simple connection with the potential drop across the arc, which is larger in the case of air than in argon. C Il and C !I1 lines are only observed at atmospheric pressure for the inert gases, and in argon at pressures -'~ 5 to 6 atm they disappear. They are also present in the case of air for pressures < 300 m"'. It appears that the presence of these lines does not depend on the temperature of the arc but is a function of pressure. Hence the relative intensity of the carbon lines will give an anomalously high temperature. The lines of the argon atoms are observed at all pressures of argon and are only weakly dependent on pressure. The A I spectrum is produced by means of electron collisions with metastable atoms of argon. There is 1 figure. suW."A-71,HD April 24, 1962 Card 2/2 SBVANrI-RADZE, R.R.; OGAIZZOV, K.A.;.SgjMAP&E, B.Ya. Studying a d-c'arc at different argon and ait pressures. Opt. i spektr..13 no.4; a3415 0 162. (MIRA 16:3) '(Electric are) IRATEMAN, T.A.; CHIS I.S. Phenctlc&7 bf the malarial mosquito Anopheles bifureatus L. in -IQ AdzhjLr lowl=ds. (with M=ga7 in Nzilish]. Medparax. i araw, boleime 23 no,1:18-20 Ja,-F 159, 1 (MIRA 12:3) 1, Is; parazitologichaDkogo otdola RespublikanskcY sanitarno-spi- demiologicheskoy stantsii Hintaterstva sdravookhranentys, Adsharskv7 AM (glavw vracb B.D. Avallshvili). (MOSqUITONS, Anq&slee bifurcAtue (Rag)) CHIKHL',DZE, G. A. Chikhladzes G. A,. . .......................... '-- "Aut-,)m9tic Rem-ilation of the Pcraer of Hydroelectric Power Stations in Terms of the ,Kater 6iirrent." YAn Higher Education USSR. Georel.F,n Order of Labor Red Banner Polytechnin Inst imeni S. M. Kirov. Tbilisi, 1955 (Dj_8sertFktion for t.he deeree of Candidate in Technical Saileneps) SO: Knizhnaya Ietopis' No. 27, 2 JulY 955 CILIJOLEADZEp G.R. Case of salivar7 159. umumal loulization of eohinococcoois in the uubmazillary gland in a 6-year-old girl. Xhirargi-ta,35 no.8:113 Ag (SALTVARY GIANDSHUTIDS) (MM 13:12) 0"MMADZE, G. YV-. 1. 27137 E vuprosu 0 shlitsevvkh W profilya. Trudy (Grua. politakhn in-t im kirova), No 18, 1949, c 73-80 - na gruz. Yaz. - Rezyums na Rut. Yaz. SO: LMOPISI N'o- 34 m - CHMILADZE, G.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Experimental investigation of the rigidity of flat steel butta. Izv,,vys.ucheb*zav*; mashinostr. no.4:33-37 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Gruzinskly politekhnichaskiy institute (Strains and stresses) CHIKHLADZF., Georgiy Yevaeyevichi MWKRI, Ketevan Georgevna; ` ~---GArfaVD7gMVTLT,-Tgffd'Momonovich; GOGAVA, Levan A3.eksandrovich (Program control-led machine tools] [Motallorezhushchie stanki s programmrWm upravleniem. Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo OTSodna"] 1963. 146 p. [In Georgian] (MIRA 172-4) GAKMLIDZE, P.,D., akademik; ADAMIYA, Sh.A.; CHIKHRADZE, G.A.; DZHAVAKHISHVILI, Sh.l. Now data on the stratigraphy of Pre-Jurassic sediments in Svanetiya. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2:424-426 N 163. (MIRA 16-.12) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN GruzSM. 2. AN GruzM (for Ganikrelidze). CHIFELADZE I. A., Cand Med Sai (diss) "Indicators of 4t-AW motoor, optical, and vestibular chronaxy 4w the period of , ubercu- lar-meningitis Araw6mmt by antibacterial preparations." Tbilisi, 1958. 27 PP. (Tbilisi State Mod Inst), 200 eoples. (KL,9-58, 123) 149 TAPT't)7E, Sh. A., kand. med. nauk; CHIlgilADZE, I.A., kanc. med. nauk Causes of the development of far-advanced Rnd irreversible fo.-ms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. no,7:21-23 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. 1z kafedry tuberkuleza (zav. - zasluzl,-3nnyy deyatell nauki prof. G.V. Mlestiasbvili) Thilisskogo gostidarsivennogo institute. usover- shenstvovaniya vrachey i 1-y klinicheskoy tuberktileznoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A.E. Beseliya), Tbilisi. L 24218-65 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/EPT(n)_2/EPR Pr-~/Ps_4/p~_4 DM ACCESSION NR: AP5001268 S/0089/64/017/006/0463/0474 (doessood) AUTHOR: Kurchatov. 1. Vqz. FAn!je~r S. M.; D9~1lezhal'L_N. 4.; shcherikov. Q;Mzdcjy_F_ S.; Yemellyanov. 1. Ya.; Zhtrnoyj,._A. P.; Kazachenko, M. KaXaze D.; Xondr - _'_ Lavrenikov' V. D., .Mor _atlyev, F. V I _gunoy, N. G. Petunin,, A. V., 5%Lrnoy,_V, P.; Talyzin. V. .;'F LIiWvL A. G.; Chikhladze, .2,.Lj.,j C~hu~~ov P. 11. Shevglev. Ya. V. TITLE: Pulse graphite reactoAGR SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 8, 1964, 403-474 TOPIC TAGS: pulse graphitt reactor, high neutron flux pulse, nuclear reactor ABSTRACT: The paper Is a summary of the SSSR #322a report at the Internati al Conference on Peaceful Us s of Atomic E qrgy It represents . M an elaboration of the description of the pulse graphite reactor 1GR given by S. ZYL Feinberg at the Second International Conference. The pulse reactors are used when a high neutron flux is desirable. The described reactor was in opera- Cwd 112 NAUCRASIMM1, L. MI; CHMILADZE, L.A.; TSKSKIIIADN, T.V. ProduoLion ot tritium-labeled ~;I--&m~xoacetia acid. Soob. AN Grua. SSR 34 na.3*41-544 Je '64 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Submitted October 2, 1963- 26-5P-2-25/48 AUTHOR: Chikhladze, L.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences TITLE: Changes in the Sha e of Leaf Surfaces (0b izmenenii formy listovoy plastinki~ PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 2, p 99 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author has found from a long study of the Eastern beech that under the action of climatic conditions it can change its morDhological characteristics. This beech usually has a smooth- edged leaf, but varieties with atavistic, crenellated leaves have been found which, the author concludes, should be regarded as a new form of the species. There is 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Gruzinskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut, Tbilisi (Georgian Agricultural Institute, Tbilisi) Card 1/1 1. Botany--USSR 2. Leaves--Characteristics 3. Climate factors --Applications OFIKHLADZE., m'. Great prospects. Prof. tekh. obr. 21 no.h.]/,-15 J~, '~ 4. (HIRA 1?.- 3) 1. Fredsedatel I Govidarstv-inogo komiteta Mir! - nw Gruzin- skoy SSR Do professional 'no-tekhrdcheskonm obrazovaniyu. CHXHLLM, M. -~z TraffInft of young workers for the national econovv of Georgia. Prof.- takh. Or. 14 no.20-4 7 157, (KIMA 10.r4) 1. Smoballnik Grusin-skogo respublikauskago upravlenlya trudovykh reseryov* (Goorgia-Technical education) ONDMADU, M. Sebools of Georgia are solving important problems. Profo- takh.obr. 17 no-513-4 MY 160o (KIPA l3t7) 1. Nwhal lulk Glavnogo upyal!1eniya, professionsa $no-tekhnicheskoso obrasovanlya pri Smote Hinistray Grusinskoy 56R, (Georgia-Vocational edacation) CHUMILD1113) M. R~c-congres8 or,-,vari of Gcor-lan !:choclls. T'r.:-2.-tekh, obr. 1-8. 0 161. ii 24. 11) Nr~clie']. Glavnoco um~avleni,mU -profes! j anal lro-tal-hnicheshoLo SOVAn !'Jilisti-mr Gnizimhoy ril-aicaticn) KHOKHLOV, A.I.; KALININA, N.A.; BESSARABOV, B.F.; KORUTCHIKOVO F.G.; SHULIMAN, Me.; AZIMOV) D.; MARDMV, M.M.; CHIKHLADZEp S.; KRYLOV, M. Information and short news. Veterinariia 39 no.7:90-96 Jl 162. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Starshiy ekskursovod pavillona "Veterinariya" na Vystavke dostizheniy narodnogo'khozyaystva SSSR (for ]Khokhlov). CMHLAD73, T. Ye. "The Sanitary-Wgionic labor Conditions and Health Conditions of the laborers of Leading Professions in the Open Hearth Shops of the Rustavskly Metallurgical Plant iment Stalin." Cand Mod Sci, Tbilisi State Medical Inst, Tbilisi, 1955. (KL, No 13, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55-S~L-vey of Scientific and Technical Dissertati,ma Defended at USSR Higher Educational In8titutIona (15) S/048/60/024./007/012/032/X-X B019/BO56 AUTHORS.- Basina, A~ S., D and Chikhladze, V, A~ TITU?.- The Lu 167 t Yb 167 Conversion Electron t /? -/q, a2RU9~ PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1960, Vol, 24, No- 79 PP- 807--810 TEXTs This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopyg which took place in Moscow from January 19 to 27. 1960. The lutecium fraction, which had been obtained by chromatographic separation of rare earths, was investigated with a lens spectrometer having a re- solution of 2%. The rare earths were spallation products of Ta. The source was produced by the evaporation of 1-atecium lactate on an Al backing; ife diameter wau not greater than 4 mm. The Ta targets were bombarded with fast protons on the proton-synchrotron of OIYal for 15 to 30 minutes~ The fraction was separated I hour and 50 minutes after exposure, 50 min"tes later, the conversion spectrum was studied~ It was the purpose of the present work to investigate the conversion electron spectrum of Card 1/6 65580 The Lu 167 + Yb167 Conversion Electron S/046/60/024/007/012/032/XX Spectrum B019/BO56 Lu 167 + Yb 167 within the energy range from 30 to 340 kev. Within this ener6y range there are lines that are formed by the decay of Lia 167 Ybi 67 Tu 16 .7 167 167 167 ~ Er . The experimental spectrum of Lu -tYb recorded one hour aftA sepi~r-ati&, is shown in Fig. 1. In the conversion electron spectrumv a number of very bright lines having the half-life of 55�5 minutes were found to exist 1 to 6 hours after separation. After these lines had vanished, 208 kevr-transition lines could be observed^ which are formed in the decay of Tu 167*The energies and the relative 167 intensities of the conversion lines for Lu167 -~yb167 and Yb167-,Tu N decays are given in Tables I and 2. The intensity of the W167 K-239 line 67 _106 line. In Table 3~ unidentified ~.-on- is 35-55% of that. of-the. Yb1 D version lines of (Lu 167 + Yb 167) are given, which did not appear in the pap b Mlhelich et al. (Ref. 7). P. M. Aron; A. V. Kalyamin t al. (Ref,, 4 , K. Ya. Gromov and I. S. Dneprovskjy (Ref. 6) are mentioned, There are I figure, 3 tables, and 8 references, 6 Soviet and 2 US. Card 2/6 167 167 The Lu. Yb Conversion Electr6n 8/048/60/024/007/012/032/Xx 3 ectrum B019/Bo56 p ASSOCIATIO.,: Hauchno-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Soientific Research Institute of Physics of 'Deningrad State Univeraity imeni A. A. Zhdanqy) -Obllyedixiennyy institut yadernykh,issledovAniy (Joint Institute-of Nuclear Research) ~affllwe Holmepen isme aneuTpoubt (Lu'67 + lb'57 Holluepematintao omnWnm, nommunionMe npa pacnaAo Lut"-Ybl" OTerreToysotux ,E -. keV T. 110 namnm Ain- F L,,V e , mi 68 .1 76:0 5d. 5 10q�40 50�10 1 30�15 15116 176,6 169,0 60�15 30� 15 216,4 228 339,5 Card 316 E lLev 7' milli "Aelmltm- ." . n' uzkmum no [7) tcall" aannum 212.9 59�5 42+6 - 16 K*Ill 238 56�5 100 100 K-239 277,7 65�15 19�5 16 K-27 9 238 65�15 17�4 19 L,239 400.8 56�5 10�2 to K-401 S/048/60/024/007/012/032/XX B019/BO56 TaGamila 2 Rollilepenonnmo v;lelmwllm, 0031oultaloMite npu paconAo Ybll'~TW67 111muctiallocTh S keV Sy. kaV vo (7) 40,7 106 0 56�5 340�70 370 K-106 53,5 112:8 55�5 lqo�io 155 K-113 57.6 116 ,9 25�5 .22 X-116 00.8 03 - 10�6 24 AI-62* 95,7 los 8 55�5 100 1 w L-106 J03.6 105:9 56�5 58�9 50 AI-IOG n L-113 108 117 - 16�7 23 L-1,16 116,5 175,9 53�5 16�5 11 K-176 A22.3 i3t.4 55~.-5 14�5 13 L-132 3Aec k Taitme X-122 Lu'67. Card 5/6 S/048/60/024/007/012/032/XX 8558o S/048/60/024/007/01 2/032/)D~ B01 9/B056 a . . . ~ PHI . : x SILIEDY, I,P*; GHIEUAMp T,*L New isomer Ean3m. Zhur,sksp.1 toor.fls* 38 =-3S1012 Nr l6o. (MIRA 13t7) (Tin) (Isomers) SELINOV, I.P.; CHIKHLAJDZE, VL - KHULELIDZE, D-Ye.; vARTANov, N.A. B6ta a~d ga=DA--spectra of the sb-113 and sbI15 radioisotopes and the neW.SnU3* isomer, lzv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.?: 848-853 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Tin--Spectra) (Antimony-Spectra) VARTANOV, N.A.; RIMIN.. Tu.A.; SELINOV., I.P.; CHIMMAD &,-V.L.; KHULEIJDZE., D.Te. Beta and gama-spectra of Ten7, Zhur,ekspoi teorefiz. 42- nool:303 JI 161. (KIRA 14:7) 1. Fisiko-tokhnichsakiy inatitut AN Grusinskoy 33R. (Tellurium-Spectra) (Beta rays) kG&ma rays) S/056/62/043/002/014/053 B 102/BlOe AUTHORS: Chikhladze, V. Khulelidze, D. Ye., Ryukhin, Yu. A. 97 TITLE: and I-spectra of Rh PE'RIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoretlicheskoy fiziki, V. 43, no. 2(a), 1962, 453 T'EXT; Ruthenium (purity 99.99/"0) was irradiated wilth 10.5-16ev d euteron s (30 [ia)',-then fused with KOH+KNO 3 in an Ag crucible at 750-8000c, solved in water and finally distilled off with a Cl stream. The rhodium remaining in the solution Yfas co-precipitated with iron hydroxide, and the iron -ias then extracted by a 6.5 N licl solution. Then the 'spectra were analyzed. The period of 37.t5 min (y) and that of 47�5 min (X-ray) indicates the presence of the Rh103m isomer (E. - 40 kev, T1/2 = 57 min). The Curia spectrum of the positrons is a straight line. The upper limit Z + 2070:t56 kev, log ft -'4.9. Thus the ~ +-transition is allowed. Th'a Card 1/2 97 S/056/62/0'13/002/014/05~ and y-spectra of ih B102/B104 conversion spectrum consists of the lines E. = 166, 182, 233, 252, 398, and 415 kev (period - 35 min), vhich are identified as K- and L-conversion lines of gamma transitions with E 187, 255, and 420 kev. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Gruzinsko,, SSR (Physioctechnical Institute.of the Academy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 27, 1962 Card 2/2 40101 ..8/048/62/026/008/014/028 B104/BI02 AUTI.-*ORS-. Khulelidze, D. Ye., Chikhladze, V. L., Vartanov, N. A., and Rlyukhin, Yu. A. TITLE: Study of Te117 decay scheme PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. a, 1962, 1o36 - 1041 1 114 TEXT: A tin reparation enriched in Sn to 57~6 was bombarded with 21-liev ~L -Darticles ~-~o2,"a) for about 2.Mrs . "Tellurium was separated chromato- graphically. The half-life-of Te was determined to be 65 :t 5 min sub- sequent to the increase and decrease in intensity of,the K conversion + lines of the transition with Er-u 160 kev. The upper limit of the P spectrum, fe-termined to be EAt - 1810 + 20 kev. Possibly thereis a second component with E -i 690 � 70 kev. I~+/I + - 0.07 ! 0,03. In the 117 W 2 01 Te conversion spectrum of 25 -800 kev, two lines were detected with a half-life of 1.1 + 0.1 hra, respectively E.- - 69o + 3-and E.- 716 + 4kev- These 1* es are K and I; conversion lines of the transition with E - ..Card 117 S/048/62/026/008/014/028 Study'of Te decay scheme B104/B102 3 720 + jj kev. I K/I + - (6.2 + 0-4)-10- The gamma lines (Fig- 4) have a half-life of 1.1 hr8. The right-hand decay scheme 5) is plotted from these data which is compared with that (left-hand) found by R. W. "ink et al '(1961)). There are 5 figures and 2 1, . (Arkiv Fys., 19, 4, 323 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnioheskiy institut Akademii nauk GruzSSR (Physico- technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences GSSR) .0 Card 2/ KHMLIDZ9,.D.Ye.;,PH-TKHLADZ9, V.LL.; VARTANOV., N.A.; RYUKRIW, Yu.A. Depay sehome of T9117, Izv, AN SMR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.S: loj&-1041 Ag 0626 -(K[RA 15111) 1. Fil,iio-takhnichookiy inatitut AN Grusinskoy SSR. (Tel-luriuzm.-Decay) CHIKIILADZE, V.L.; KHUt.ELID2E, D.Te.; RYUKHIN,.Yu.A. on t-2 - and all--spectra of. Rh97. Zhur. eksp. i tear. fiz. 43 no.2t453 Ag 162.. (NM 16:6) 1. Fiaiko-tekhnicheakiy inotitut AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Rhodium--Spectra) ACCESSION NR ~/00,56/64/047/002/0393/0399 AI?40436,07 ...j--AUTHORS: Xhulelidzet D. Ye.1-ChAbladze, V. L.; Maksimov, M. Z.., .:Onufriyev, Vo G.. TITLE: Excitation -functions of the reactions (a, 'and (a. n) on tin Isotopes r>OURCE: SM. eksper. i teor. fiz.., v.- 47, no. 2, 1964, 393-399 TOPIC TAGS.-' excitation, alpha' article reaction, samarium, tel uric p Um, tin, alpha crosesection, ABSTRACT: In view of the unex pectedly likrge value of the cross section the authors obtained previously (Programma-i tezisy* dokladov XIII yezhegodnogo sovesbchaniya po yadernoy spektrookop 13th Annual Conference on Nuclear:, [Program and Topics of, Papers-of, Spectroscopy] AN SSSR, 1963 the excitation fuTy4ionis of reac- 112- do #iell6, "lh w tions Sm (010.1 n)N: and Sm (ot., n)Te were C6M ACCE$SION NR: "4043607 measured in the alpba-particle energy range 10--20 MoV. The values obtained for the cross sections at the maximum were 8, 54, i,-,.l.and 290 ob; respectively, with the cross sections of the (a, -y) reaction v6ry large. A technique usihg sta'cks of foils was emplqyed,~ with the efiergy of the alpha particles incident on each foil calcu lated f rcca *.the range-energy ratio (N.,:Z. Maksimov, ZhETF, v! 37, 19591)41', The corresponding cross sections are calculated on'the 127, basis of the compound-nucleus model.. The probability of gamma emission is calculated both in the single-particle approximation and by means of formulas which-take into account the giant.reso- nance structure. In the latter case, the agreement with experiment i, 18better. Coin conclusion, the authors are deeply grateful to cor- respondijig*member AN SSSR B. MO f6r useful advice and cqn~ tinuous interest in the*work."-., Orig.11art. bast 2. figures and 5 formulas,. XONt None ASSOCIAT. 'Card 2/5 AccsL,;Icm lifts AP4043607 02 vb 1l ?e % Mv - 4p .L 9 ~- Af 12 16 N 11 jp .10 x Hel fl Is If :8 'g, Mev Crmg 9&-+-ims of rea&Ams s 'a 5nm(ft,y), nr, LL2 Te b Sn (a, JZ n)Te c SIII14 (at n)~bW as a ftwticn of the al&A-pardclm kbo' ellem CaM 5,5 CESSID19--liPtiz A-4046440'-------- Me,~ t-J Islas- "ErCO7- i7~e Sipe 03 1 168 A T, A-CCBSSI _N 'hiv,-a ffiddt --b -6 y -the t-~P&Sqible ~-to- eliminatie late - appre Lable statistics -li~ve~d-a.Cti,,~ity--batkground -and --to CUM C; ii-4111aw-time's -Special electronic OjvMqI-_,_ to --control-the. irxadiation 4, app --was -derve~14 -and the Ameasure dratua q yersion detrow di _~,Prezencek-_~_O, two -eledt ron ectruw.- -As -the _X. _;~nd~ L*._~ 4energi. e "he -06riverflion:- 6ctrow --energy-275 3 kev f 4 tiAllsit 1*0 ft --ta-be'- of~the _M3 0 _TIi t', typid' e,275`keV__ 6tU~.1inOS-,,ivere.-:no -presen :In~-the. spectrum,,,~ -tran ey were likewise -Obtained- -with- -a~-t _n-turg6t~-~enk Th ment's-'i - dhicli-th S' ta eta vere 'bombarded by d u labsent in-experi rg Pr -authori -7, terons., om -this:-I-the Aidu6s-tbe-existencB of an isomer W Ic omeri -U: 42 4 'd e~;is 75-_~ i h -t ou:eike ier .6 - iltate 0 Id -160-_112- M~- 2~_ 4~ it -24 ENM .mt "4046W~ 7 -n zz"i Mom 22A Silt t4 Al KHUTALIDZE, D.Ye.; CHIKHIADZEO V.L.; ONUFRIYEV, V.G. 11- The To itsomr, Zhure skspe I toor. fis. 47 110-3tl367-1168 s 164o (MIRA 17811) jgt4 -4f - aay t-M lute-use telectm 'M of Yap eomsifftg ml 67 - 6 ACC ESS I ON I A -F-, 0.] 1 3,~ tensF~ Ki2, in,- 2F~. keY electron 11nes. The vwioua po.!Ls_z-1-,!,!r, vitb these ".ines &rc identified. 7r, t r, - - &1.130 ottlle_- 1.1nes vbieb were idem-ified E~s 7 14nes ~L- '-E -amsltiona b,-;veen the excitad _p" t Y. "oker for n disi-us8ion of the rpimits, ASSOCIAT109; None SUBMITTED, 300at6h WLi 00 FUD COE ~17 _;Nl, Card 2/2 CRIVIAD2E. V.L. -Vhzw, of intir I c(mvorsion electrons in the nuclear reaction To (ed 2n)xa .:TAdi, fit. Inoo6tll27-1128 ;fe 165. (KMk 18.- 6) C; Y, Ch.' kh I ad:',e L. IT IF. -k~'L'ay ii,il'umv-S lor isvmeric b n and Sn ZReport 4 t h n: M Mmle..r Phys Lca held in Tbilisi .-.4-22 Feb 19647 Lim - APSMUIT 'r-ho w- -rh A i r,v~ r 21 W', a: in -Adciti3n to Sn""m and S.' the cta, I I Sim thii I crq energy y-rays from which however, c ct u s c dn~, daf!i- day Sa r~, p (Y r t En by S.M.Kolebin (Zh u r. eks p 325 keV x-rays U~ were not obser-~ed, ar.-i it Is concluded -that thei-r intensity c am,. - '-hat of thp- '7!, Vi-V "~he resislt~i ~,btainvd frr-, thi! J Elf s pf~c t i c n w t h tllo-~k2 T: s a fr re 0 nvj grouri~ cc:,~t nid i-c cl I rid f on -f tll? h f d c.,j hL- r e e p g r R TI 'XJ o s t;,nt I -',r)z a!id for d-,5e u 9 s n t -f r g . u -e Ass) cyc s It- BY; I i-, ENCL: 00 J,rp RE j ryrLT', R D (11 7 ROM -nL C: "Elm Irmo I R KAULELIDZE'., D.Ye.; I~HIK ONUFRIYE~, V.G. The SnI09 deoay sahems. lov. AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 29 no.5t729-73-1 My 465. (MIRA 18s5*/, 1. lqziko-tekhnichElskiy institut Gosudarstvonnogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSM. XF.My"LID"Et D.Ye:,- C11MILADZE V.L.; ONUFRIYEV, KUSHAKEVICH, Yu.P.; DYATLOVt V K. Isomeric transition3 in Inll4* and Tell5* The ~*-3pGcAurip of Te"15. Iz-v. AN SSSR.Ser.fiz.29 no.5:734-738 My ;65. (MIRA 18:5) 1. 'FiziKo-tekhnJcheskiy instltut Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispalizovanlLyu atorinoy energli SSSR. L 34476-66 EWT(m) ACC-4. A771'4699 SOURCE CODE: bR/o367/65/Oo2/O0 16~61/o965' AUa-liOll: _Chj)chlad7.e. V. L. ORG: none S-,cctra of Internal conversion electrons of the (a, n) and k;%, 2n) on the isotopes W-12 and Mo9a 5(Yi.,iCE: 7adernaya fizika~ v. 2, no. 6, 1965, 961-965 TM'10 TAGS: mo],ybden~n, ruthenium, isotope, conversion electron spectrum, Alpha particle reaction, nuclear isomer, Beta spectroscopy A-V-.',;~'XT: Ilic authors descrJbe a procedure for measuring conversion spectra with the ti.-,u oj' a i spectrometer, involving continiious a-particle bombardment of targeLa which r,43-ve in turn an sources of internal-conversion electrons in the spectrometer. This rilu-s it possible to Investigrate activities with shorter lifetimes ( Tgas-- Tgas is measured by means of the Doppler broadening. Card 1/2 S/051/62/013/004/022/023 Study of the d.c. arc ... E039/E420 The difference between Tel and Tgas at lower pressures is due to the decrease in number of elastic collisions of the electrons with gas molecules. The are temperature depends on many factors and does not have a simple connection with the potential drop across the arc, which is larger in the case of air than in argon. C Il and C !I1 lines are only observed at atmospheric pressure for the inert gases, and in argon at pressures -'~ 5 to 6 atm they disappear. They are also present in the case of air for pressures < 300 m"'. It appears that the presence of these lines does not depend on the temperature of the arc but is a function of pressure. Hence the relative intensity of the carbon lines will give an anomalously high temperature. The lines of the argon atoms are observed at all pressures of argon and are only weakly dependent on pressure. The A I spectrum is produced by means of electron collisions with metastable atoms of argon. There is 1 figure. suW."A-71,HD April 24, 1962 Card 2/2 SBVANrI-RADZE, R.R.; OGAIZZOV, K.A.;.SgjMAP&E, B.Ya. Studying a d-c'arc at different argon and ait pressures. Opt. i spektr..13 no.4; a3415 0 162. (MIRA 16:3) '(Electric are) IRATEMAN, T.A.; CHIS I.S. Phenctlc&7 bf the malarial mosquito Anopheles bifureatus L. in -IQ AdzhjLr lowl=ds. (with M=ga7 in Nzilish]. Medparax. i araw, boleime 23 no,1:18-20 Ja,-F 159, 1 (MIRA 12:3) 1, Is; parazitologichaDkogo otdola RespublikanskcY sanitarno-spi- demiologicheskoy stantsii Hintaterstva sdravookhranentys, Adsharskv7 AM (glavw vracb B.D. Avallshvili). (MOSqUITONS, Anq&slee bifurcAtue (Rag)) CHIKHL',DZE, G. A. Chikhladzes G. A,. . .......................... '-- "Aut-,)m9tic Rem-ilation of the Pcraer of Hydroelectric Power Stations in Terms of the ,Kater 6iirrent." YAn Higher Education USSR. Georel.F,n Order of Labor Red Banner Polytechnin Inst imeni S. M. Kirov. Tbilisi, 1955 (Dj_8sertFktion for t.he deeree of Candidate in Technical Saileneps) SO: Knizhnaya Ietopis' No. 27, 2 JulY 955 CILIJOLEADZEp G.R. Case of salivar7 159. umumal loulization of eohinococcoois in the uubmazillary gland in a 6-year-old girl. Xhirargi-ta,35 no.8:113 Ag (SALTVARY GIANDSHUTIDS) (MM 13:12) 0"MMADZE, G. YV-. 1. 27137 E vuprosu 0 shlitsevvkh W profilya. Trudy (Grua. politakhn in-t im kirova), No 18, 1949, c 73-80 - na gruz. Yaz. - Rezyums na Rut. Yaz. SO: LMOPISI N'o- 34 m - CHMILADZE, G.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Experimental investigation of the rigidity of flat steel butta. Izv,,vys.ucheb*zav*; mashinostr. no.4:33-37 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Gruzinskly politekhnichaskiy institute (Strains and stresses) CHIKHLADZF., Georgiy Yevaeyevichi MWKRI, Ketevan Georgevna; ` ~---GArfaVD7gMVTLT,-Tgffd'Momonovich; GOGAVA, Levan A3.eksandrovich (Program control-led machine tools] [Motallorezhushchie stanki s programmrWm upravleniem. Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo OTSodna"] 1963. 146 p. [In Georgian] (MIRA 172-4) GAKMLIDZE, P.,D., akademik; ADAMIYA, Sh.A.; CHIKHRADZE, G.A.; DZHAVAKHISHVILI, Sh.l. Now data on the stratigraphy of Pre-Jurassic sediments in Svanetiya. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2:424-426 N 163. (MIRA 16-.12) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN GruzSM. 2. AN GruzM (for Ganikrelidze). CHIFELADZE I. A., Cand Med Sai (diss) "Indicators of 4t-AW motoor, optical, and vestibular chronaxy 4w the period of , ubercu- lar-meningitis Araw6mmt by antibacterial preparations." Tbilisi, 1958. 27 PP. (Tbilisi State Mod Inst), 200 eoples. (KL,9-58, 123) 149 TAPT't)7E, Sh. A., kand. med. nauk; CHIlgilADZE, I.A., kanc. med. nauk Causes of the development of far-advanced Rnd irreversible fo.-ms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. no,7:21-23 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. 1z kafedry tuberkuleza (zav. - zasluzl,-3nnyy deyatell nauki prof. G.V. Mlestiasbvili) Thilisskogo gostidarsivennogo institute. usover- shenstvovaniya vrachey i 1-y klinicheskoy tuberktileznoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A.E. Beseliya), Tbilisi. L 24218-65 EWT(m)/EPF(c)/EPT(n)_2/EPR Pr-~/Ps_4/p~_4 DM ACCESSION NR: AP5001268 S/0089/64/017/006/0463/0474 (doessood) AUTHOR: Kurchatov. 1. Vqz. FAn!je~r S. M.; D9~1lezhal'L_N. 4.; shcherikov. Q;Mzdcjy_F_ S.; Yemellyanov. 1. Ya.; Zhtrnoyj,._A. P.; Kazachenko, M. KaXaze D.; Xondr - _'_ Lavrenikov' V. D., .Mor _atlyev, F. V I _gunoy, N. G. Petunin,, A. V., 5%Lrnoy,_V, P.; Talyzin. V. .;'F LIiWvL A. G.; Chikhladze, .2,.Lj.,j C~hu~~ov P. 11. Shevglev. Ya. V. TITLE: Pulse graphite reactoAGR SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 8, 1964, 403-474 TOPIC TAGS: pulse graphitt reactor, high neutron flux pulse, nuclear reactor ABSTRACT: The paper Is a summary of the SSSR #322a report at the Internati al Conference on Peaceful Us s of Atomic E qrgy It represents . M an elaboration of the description of the pulse graphite reactor 1GR given by S. ZYL Feinberg at the Second International Conference. The pulse reactors are used when a high neutron flux is desirable. The described reactor was in opera- Cwd 112 NAUCRASIMM1, L. MI; CHMILADZE, L.A.; TSKSKIIIADN, T.V. ProduoLion ot tritium-labeled ~;I--&m~xoacetia acid. Soob. AN Grua. SSR 34 na.3*41-544 Je '64 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Submitted October 2, 1963- 26-5P-2-25/48 AUTHOR: Chikhladze, L.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences TITLE: Changes in the Sha e of Leaf Surfaces (0b izmenenii formy listovoy plastinki~ PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 2, p 99 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author has found from a long study of the Eastern beech that under the action of climatic conditions it can change its morDhological characteristics. This beech usually has a smooth- edged leaf, but varieties with atavistic, crenellated leaves have been found which, the author concludes, should be regarded as a new form of the species. There is 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Gruzinskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut, Tbilisi (Georgian Agricultural Institute, Tbilisi) Card 1/1 1. Botany--USSR 2. Leaves--Characteristics 3. Climate factors --Applications OFIKHLADZE., m'. Great prospects. Prof. tekh. obr. 21 no.h.]/,-15 J~, '~ 4. (HIRA 1?.- 3) 1. Fredsedatel I Govidarstv-inogo komiteta Mir! - nw Gruzin- skoy SSR Do professional 'no-tekhrdcheskonm obrazovaniyu. CHXHLLM, M. -~z TraffInft of young workers for the national econovv of Georgia. Prof.- takh. Or. 14 no.20-4 7 157, (KIMA 10.r4) 1. Smoballnik Grusin-skogo respublikauskago upravlenlya trudovykh reseryov* (Goorgia-Technical education) ONDMADU, M. Sebools of Georgia are solving important problems. Profo- takh.obr. 17 no-513-4 MY 160o (KIPA l3t7) 1. Nwhal lulk Glavnogo upyal!1eniya, professionsa $no-tekhnicheskoso obrasovanlya pri Smote Hinistray Grusinskoy 56R, (Georgia-Vocational edacation) CHUMILD1113) M. R~c-congres8 or,-,vari of Gcor-lan !:choclls. T'r.:-2.-tekh, obr. 1-8. 0 161. ii 24. 11) Nr~clie']. Glavnoco um~avleni,mU -profes! j anal lro-tal-hnicheshoLo SOVAn !'Jilisti-mr Gnizimhoy ril-aicaticn) KHOKHLOV, A.I.; KALININA, N.A.; BESSARABOV, B.F.; KORUTCHIKOVO F.G.; SHULIMAN, Me.; AZIMOV) D.; MARDMV, M.M.; CHIKHLADZEp S.; KRYLOV, M. Information and short news. Veterinariia 39 no.7:90-96 Jl 162. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Starshiy ekskursovod pavillona "Veterinariya" na Vystavke dostizheniy narodnogo'khozyaystva SSSR (for ]Khokhlov). CMHLAD73, T. Ye. "The Sanitary-Wgionic labor Conditions and Health Conditions of the laborers of Leading Professions in the Open Hearth Shops of the Rustavskly Metallurgical Plant iment Stalin." Cand Mod Sci, Tbilisi State Medical Inst, Tbilisi, 1955. (KL, No 13, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55-S~L-vey of Scientific and Technical Dissertati,ma Defended at USSR Higher Educational In8titutIona (15) S/048/60/024./007/012/032/X-X B019/BO56 AUTHORS.- Basina, A~ S., D and Chikhladze, V, A~ TITU?.- The Lu 167 t Yb 167 Conversion Electron t /? -/q, a2RU9~ PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1960, Vol, 24, No- 79 PP- 807--810 TEXTs This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopyg which took place in Moscow from January 19 to 27. 1960. The lutecium fraction, which had been obtained by chromatographic separation of rare earths, was investigated with a lens spectrometer having a re- solution of 2%. The rare earths were spallation products of Ta. The source was produced by the evaporation of 1-atecium lactate on an Al backing; ife diameter wau not greater than 4 mm. The Ta targets were bombarded with fast protons on the proton-synchrotron of OIYal for 15 to 30 minutes~ The fraction was separated I hour and 50 minutes after exposure, 50 min"tes later, the conversion spectrum was studied~ It was the purpose of the present work to investigate the conversion electron spectrum of Card 1/6 65580 The Lu 167 + Yb167 Conversion Electron S/046/60/024/007/012/032/XX Spectrum B019/BO56 Lu 167 + Yb 167 within the energy range from 30 to 340 kev. Within this ener6y range there are lines that are formed by the decay of Lia 167 Ybi 67 Tu 16 .7 167 167 167 ~ Er . The experimental spectrum of Lu -tYb recorded one hour aftA sepi~r-ati&, is shown in Fig. 1. In the conversion electron spectrumv a number of very bright lines having the half-life of 55�5 minutes were found to exist 1 to 6 hours after separation. After these lines had vanished, 208 kevr-transition lines could be observed^ which are formed in the decay of Tu 167*The energies and the relative 167 intensities of the conversion lines for Lu167 -~yb167 and Yb167-,Tu N decays are given in Tables I and 2. The intensity of the W167 K-239 line 67 _106 line. In Table 3~ unidentified ~.-on- is 35-55% of that. of-the. Yb1 D version lines of (Lu 167 + Yb 167) are given, which did not appear in the pap b Mlhelich et al. (Ref. 7). P. M. Aron; A. V. Kalyamin t al. (Ref,, 4 , K. Ya. Gromov and I. S. Dneprovskjy (Ref. 6) are mentioned, There are I figure, 3 tables, and 8 references, 6 Soviet and 2 US. Card 2/6 167 167 The Lu. Yb Conversion Electr6n 8/048/60/024/007/012/032/Xx 3 ectrum B019/Bo56 p ASSOCIATIO.,: Hauchno-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Soientific Research Institute of Physics of 'Deningrad State Univeraity imeni A. A. Zhdanqy) -Obllyedixiennyy institut yadernykh,issledovAniy (Joint Institute-of Nuclear Research) ~affllwe Holmepen isme aneuTpoubt (Lu'67 + lb'57 Holluepematintao omnWnm, nommunionMe npa pacnaAo Lut"-Ybl" OTerreToysotux ,E -. keV T. 110 namnm Ain- F L,,V e , mi 68 .1 76:0 5d. 5 10q�40 50�10 1 30�15 15116 176,6 169,0 60�15 30� 15 216,4 228 339,5 Card 316 E lLev 7' milli "Aelmltm- ." . n' uzkmum no [7) tcall" aannum 212.9 59�5 42+6 - 16 K*Ill 238 56�5 100 100 K-239 277,7 65�15 19�5 16 K-27 9 238 65�15 17�4 19 L,239 400.8 56�5 10�2 to K-401 S/048/60/024/007/012/032/XX B019/BO56 TaGamila 2 Rollilepenonnmo v;lelmwllm, 0031oultaloMite npu paconAo Ybll'~TW67 111muctiallocTh S keV Sy. kaV vo (7) 40,7 106 0 56�5 340�70 370 K-106 53,5 112:8 55�5 lqo�io 155 K-113 57.6 116 ,9 25�5 .22 X-116 00.8 03 - 10�6 24 AI-62* 95,7 los 8 55�5 100 1 w L-106 J03.6 105:9 56�5 58�9 50 AI-IOG n L-113 108 117 - 16�7 23 L-1,16 116,5 175,9 53�5 16�5 11 K-176 A22.3 i3t.4 55~.-5 14�5 13 L-132 3Aec k Taitme X-122 Lu'67. Card 5/6 S/048/60/024/007/012/032/XX 8558o S/048/60/024/007/01 2/032/)D~ B01 9/B056 a . . . ~ PHI . : x SILIEDY, I,P*; GHIEUAMp T,*L New isomer Ean3m. Zhur,sksp.1 toor.fls* 38 =-3S1012 Nr l6o. (MIRA 13t7) (Tin) (Isomers) SELINOV, I.P.; CHIKHLAJDZE, VL - KHULELIDZE, D-Ye.; vARTANov, N.A. B6ta a~d ga=DA--spectra of the sb-113 and sbI15 radioisotopes and the neW.SnU3* isomer, lzv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.?: 848-853 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Tin--Spectra) (Antimony-Spectra) VARTANOV, N.A.; RIMIN.. Tu.A.; SELINOV., I.P.; CHIMMAD &,-V.L.; KHULEIJDZE., D.Te. Beta and gama-spectra of Ten7, Zhur,ekspoi teorefiz. 42- nool:303 JI 161. (KIRA 14:7) 1. Fisiko-tokhnichsakiy inatitut AN Grusinskoy 33R. (Tellurium-Spectra) (Beta rays) kG&ma rays) S/056/62/043/002/014/053 B 102/BlOe AUTHORS: Chikhladze, V. Khulelidze, D. Ye., Ryukhin, Yu. A. 97 TITLE: and I-spectra of Rh PE'RIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoretlicheskoy fiziki, V. 43, no. 2(a), 1962, 453 T'EXT; Ruthenium (purity 99.99/"0) was irradiated wilth 10.5-16ev d euteron s (30 [ia)',-then fused with KOH+KNO 3 in an Ag crucible at 750-8000c, solved in water and finally distilled off with a Cl stream. The rhodium remaining in the solution Yfas co-precipitated with iron hydroxide, and the iron -ias then extracted by a 6.5 N licl solution. Then the 'spectra were analyzed. The period of 37.t5 min (y) and that of 47�5 min (X-ray) indicates the presence of the Rh103m isomer (E. - 40 kev, T1/2 = 57 min). The Curia spectrum of the positrons is a straight line. The upper limit Z + 2070:t56 kev, log ft -'4.9. Thus the ~ +-transition is allowed. Th'a Card 1/2 97 S/056/62/0'13/002/014/05~ and y-spectra of ih B102/B104 conversion spectrum consists of the lines E. = 166, 182, 233, 252, 398, and 415 kev (period - 35 min), vhich are identified as K- and L-conversion lines of gamma transitions with E 187, 255, and 420 kev. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Gruzinsko,, SSR (Physioctechnical Institute.of the Academy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: March 27, 1962 Card 2/2 40101 ..8/048/62/026/008/014/028 B104/BI02 AUTI.-*ORS-. Khulelidze, D. Ye., Chikhladze, V. L., Vartanov, N. A., and Rlyukhin, Yu. A. TITLE: Study of Te117 decay scheme PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. a, 1962, 1o36 - 1041 1 114 TEXT: A tin reparation enriched in Sn to 57~6 was bombarded with 21-liev ~L -Darticles ~-~o2,"a) for about 2.Mrs . "Tellurium was separated chromato- graphically. The half-life-of Te was determined to be 65 :t 5 min sub- sequent to the increase and decrease in intensity of,the K conversion + lines of the transition with Er-u 160 kev. The upper limit of the P spectrum, fe-termined to be EAt - 1810 + 20 kev. Possibly thereis a second component with E -i 690 � 70 kev. I~+/I + - 0.07 ! 0,03. In the 117 W 2 01 Te conversion spectrum of 25 -800 kev, two lines were detected with a half-life of 1.1 + 0.1 hra, respectively E.- - 69o + 3-and E.- 716 + 4kev- These 1* es are K and I; conversion lines of the transition with E - ..Card 117 S/048/62/026/008/014/028 Study'of Te decay scheme B104/B102 3 720 + jj kev. I K/I + - (6.2 + 0-4)-10- The gamma lines (Fig- 4) have a half-life of 1.1 hr8. The right-hand decay scheme 5) is plotted from these data which is compared with that (left-hand) found by R. W. "ink et al '(1961)). There are 5 figures and 2 1, . (Arkiv Fys., 19, 4, 323 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnioheskiy institut Akademii nauk GruzSSR (Physico- technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences GSSR) .0 Card 2/ KHMLIDZ9,.D.Ye.;,PH-TKHLADZ9, V.LL.; VARTANOV., N.A.; RYUKRIW, Yu.A. Depay sehome of T9117, Izv, AN SMR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.S: loj&-1041 Ag 0626 -(K[RA 15111) 1. Fil,iio-takhnichookiy inatitut AN Grusinskoy SSR. (Tel-luriuzm.-Decay) CHIKIILADZE, V.L.; KHUt.ELID2E, D.Te.; RYUKHIN,.Yu.A. on t-2 - and all--spectra of. Rh97. Zhur. eksp. i tear. fiz. 43 no.2t453 Ag 162.. (NM 16:6) 1. Fiaiko-tekhnicheakiy inotitut AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Rhodium--Spectra) ACCESSION NR ~/00,56/64/047/002/0393/0399 AI?40436,07 ...j--AUTHORS: Xhulelidzet D. Ye.1-ChAbladze, V. L.; Maksimov, M. Z.., .:Onufriyev, Vo G.. TITLE: Excitation -functions of the reactions (a, 'and (a. n) on tin Isotopes r>OURCE: SM. eksper. i teor. fiz.., v.- 47, no. 2, 1964, 393-399 TOPIC TAGS.-' excitation, alpha' article reaction, samarium, tel uric p Um, tin, alpha crosesection, ABSTRACT: In view of the unex pectedly likrge value of the cross section the authors obtained previously (Programma-i tezisy* dokladov XIII yezhegodnogo sovesbchaniya po yadernoy spektrookop 13th Annual Conference on Nuclear:, [Program and Topics of, Papers-of, Spectroscopy] AN SSSR, 1963 the excitation fuTy4ionis of reac- 112- do #iell6, "lh w tions Sm (010.1 n)N: and Sm (ot., n)Te were C6M ACCE$SION NR: "4043607 measured in the alpba-particle energy range 10--20 MoV. The values obtained for the cross sections at the maximum were 8, 54, i,-,.l.and 290 ob; respectively, with the cross sections of the (a, -y) reaction v6ry large. A technique usihg sta'cks of foils was emplqyed,~ with the efiergy of the alpha particles incident on each foil calcu lated f rcca *.the range-energy ratio (N.,:Z. Maksimov, ZhETF, v! 37, 19591)41', The corresponding cross sections are calculated on'the 127, basis of the compound-nucleus model.. The probability of gamma emission is calculated both in the single-particle approximation and by means of formulas which-take into account the giant.reso- nance structure. In the latter case, the agreement with experiment i, 18better. Coin conclusion, the authors are deeply grateful to cor- respondijig*member AN SSSR B. MO f6r useful advice and cqn~ tinuous interest in the*work."-., Orig.11art. bast 2. figures and 5 formulas,. XONt None ASSOCIAT. 'Card 2/5 AccsL,;Icm lifts AP4043607 02 vb 1l ?e % Mv - 4p .L 9 ~- Af 12 16 N 11 jp .10 x Hel fl Is If :8 'g, Mev Crmg 9&-+-ims of rea&Ams s 'a 5nm(ft,y), nr, LL2 Te b Sn (a, JZ n)Te c SIII14 (at n)~bW as a ftwticn of the al&A-pardclm kbo' ellem CaM 5,5 CESSID19--liPtiz A-4046440'-------- Me,~ t-J Islas- "ErCO7- i7~e Sipe 03 1 168 A T, A-CCBSSI _N 'hiv,-a ffiddt --b -6 y -the t-~P&Sqible ~-to- eliminatie late - appre Lable statistics -li~ve~d-a.Cti,,~ity--batkground -and --to CUM C; ii-4111aw-time's -Special electronic OjvMqI-_,_ to --control-the. irxadiation 4, app --was -derve~14 -and the Ameasure dratua q yersion detrow di _~,Prezencek-_~_O, two -eledt ron ectruw.- -As -the _X. _;~nd~ L*._~ 4energi. e "he -06riverflion:- 6ctrow --energy-275 3 kev f 4 tiAllsit 1*0 ft --ta-be'- of~the _M3 0 _TIi t', typid' e,275`keV__ 6tU~.1inOS-,,ivere.-:no -presen :In~-the. spectrum,,,~ -tran ey were likewise -Obtained- -with- -a~-t _n-turg6t~-~enk Th ment's-'i - dhicli-th S' ta eta vere 'bombarded by d u labsent in-experi rg Pr -authori -7, terons., om -this:-I-the Aidu6s-tbe-existencB of an isomer W Ic omeri -U: 42 4 'd e~;is 75-_~ i h -t ou:eike ier .6 - iltate 0 Id -160-_112- M~- 2~_ 4~ it -24 ENM .mt "4046W~ 7 -n zz"i Mom 22A Silt t4 Al KHUTALIDZE, D.Ye.; CHIKHIADZEO V.L.; ONUFRIYEV, V.G. 11- The To itsomr, Zhure skspe I toor. fis. 47 110-3tl367-1168 s 164o (MIRA 17811) jgt4 -4f - aay t-M lute-use telectm 'M of Yap eomsifftg ml 67 - 6 ACC ESS I ON I A -F-, 0.] 1 3,~ tensF~ Ki2, in,- 2F~. keY electron 11nes. The vwioua po.!Ls_z-1-,!,!r, vitb these ".ines &rc identified. 7r, t r, - - &1.130 ottlle_- 1.1nes vbieb were idem-ified E~s 7 14nes ~L- '-E -amsltiona b,-;veen the excitad _p" t Y. "oker for n disi-us8ion of the rpimits, ASSOCIAT109; None SUBMITTED, 300at6h WLi 00 FUD COE ~17 _;Nl, Card 2/2 CRIVIAD2E. V.L. -Vhzw, of intir I c(mvorsion electrons in the nuclear reaction To (ed 2n)xa .:TAdi, fit. Inoo6tll27-1128 ;fe 165. (KMk 18.- 6) C; Y, Ch.' kh I ad:',e L. IT IF. -k~'L'ay ii,il'umv-S lor isvmeric b n and Sn ZReport 4 t h n: M Mmle..r Phys Lca held in Tbilisi .-.4-22 Feb 19647 Lim - APSMUIT 'r-ho w- -rh A i r,v~ r 21 W', a: in -Adciti3n to Sn""m and S.' the cta, I I Sim thii I crq energy y-rays from which however, c ct u s c dn~, daf!i- day Sa r~, p (Y r t En by S.M.Kolebin (Zh u r. eks p 325 keV x-rays U~ were not obser-~ed, ar.-i it Is concluded -that thei-r intensity c am,. - '-hat of thp- '7!, Vi-V "~he resislt~i ~,btainvd frr-, thi! J Elf s pf~c t i c n w t h tllo-~k2 T: s a fr re 0 nvj grouri~ cc:,~t nid i-c cl I rid f on -f tll? h f d c.,j hL- r e e p g r R TI 'XJ o s t;,nt I -',r)z a!id for d-,5e u 9 s n t -f r g . u -e Ass) cyc s It- BY; I i-, ENCL: 00 J,rp RE j ryrLT', R D (11 7 ROM -nL C: "Elm Irmo I R KAULELIDZE'., D.Ye.; I~HIK ONUFRIYE~, V.G. The SnI09 deoay sahems. lov. AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 29 no.5t729-73-1 My 465. (MIRA 18s5*/, 1. lqziko-tekhnichElskiy institut Gosudarstvonnogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSM. XF.My"LID"Et D.Ye:,- C11MILADZE V.L.; ONUFRIYEV, KUSHAKEVICH, Yu.P.; DYATLOVt V K. Isomeric transition3 in Inll4* and Tell5* The ~*-3pGcAurip of Te"15. Iz-v. AN SSSR.Ser.fiz.29 no.5:734-738 My ;65. (MIRA 18:5) 1. 'FiziKo-tekhnJcheskiy instltut Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispalizovanlLyu atorinoy energli SSSR. L 34476-66 EWT(m) ACC-4. A771'4699 SOURCE CODE: bR/o367/65/Oo2/O0 16~61/o965' AUa-liOll: _Chj)chlad7.e. V. L. ORG: none S-,cctra of Internal conversion electrons of the (a, n) and k;%, 2n) on the isotopes W-12 and Mo9a 5(Yi.,iCE: 7adernaya fizika~ v. 2, no. 6, 1965, 961-965 TM'10 TAGS: mo],ybden~n, ruthenium, isotope, conversion electron spectrum, Alpha particle reaction, nuclear isomer, Beta spectroscopy A-V-.',;~'XT: Ilic authors descrJbe a procedure for measuring conversion spectra with the ti.-,u oj' a i spectrometer, involving continiious a-particle bombardment of targeLa which r,43-ve in turn an sources of internal-conversion electrons in the spectrometer. This rilu-s it possible to Investigrate activities with shorter lifetimes (