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CHIUMVP G. A.; TARKOVICH, N. K.; STAROSTIN, S. P.; BONCH, B. 1. Disinfecting seeffs with atonized-muMmmsions. Zaebah. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.6:15-16 A 160. I I (mm 16': 1) (Soode-Disinfection) BOYDIN, V.P.; SVECHNIKOVp I.D.; CHIGAREV, G.A.; SAZDNNIE, Kh.V,.; SANIN, V.A.; FOMMI M.N. Possible methods for aerial chemical. control of ihe'Colorado beetle. Zashch, rast, ot vred. i bol, 6 no*9347-49 A 161. (NM 16: 5) L, Gooudarstvannyy naucbno-issledovatellakiy inotitut Grazhda nakogo vosdushnogo flota, Voesoyuznyy institut zashchit.* rasteniy i UkraindWIRauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut, seLshchity,rasteniy. (Aeronautics in agriculture) (Potato beetle-Ittermiration) CHICIAMP G.A. ~bre rigoro" contra ,I of the quality of poismo-va chemicals. Zashche rasto at vre4, i bol. 7 no.8:13-3.4 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Agricultural chemicals) CHIGAREV, G.A. State and problems of potato crop protection from the Colorado beetle in the U.S.S.R. Trudy V;ZR no*17024,343 16~. km:,,ra 18-9) - CHIGAREV,,j.G.A, -, ~ Fumigation of forest litter with methanasulfonyl fluoride from an airplane in controlling the shield bug Eurygaster integriceps Put, Trudy VIZR no. 21 pt.1tI01-11.3 164. (MIRA 18:12) TMOGRADOV, A.F.1 CHIGAREVp L.I.1 RYBAKp S.P. Pi~portional radiation counters with industrial equipmeA. I=-tekb. no.5:49-52 My t6l. (MIRA 240) (Nuclear counters) CHIGAREV, V.N. (Chyharlov,, V.M.] (Kiyev) Rotation of the roll of a pilger zM. Pryk1.mekh. 8 no.3:337-338 162. (MIRA 15: 6) 1. Kiyevskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Rolls (Iron mills)) CHIGAREV, V.N. [Chiharlov., V.M.) A Dirichlet problem. Dop. AN URSR no.8t997-1,Ml 163. (MIRA 16tio) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univerBitet. PrBdstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR Yu.A. Mitropollskim [Mytropol askyi, IU.0.1. (Boundary value problems; VIJiDZIYKVSK37 j, A. P. , doktor tekhn. nauk.-, YAKOBSOJI., M. 0..,,, doktor tekhn. 1263*; MCIIAIWA, S.L., redaj CHIGAPZVAp )~,Lj red,; ViKTOWVA, Z*No.q teklme red, (Machine tools at*the11960 london InternationalMachine-Tool, Exhibition] Metallorbzhusbohie stamki na Londomakoi mezbdunarodnod, stankostroitellnoi vystavke 1960 g. Moskva, TS6ntr. in-t nauchno- tekbn. informataii zaashinostroeniia 1961. 95 p. (MIRA 24: 11) (London--Exhibitions) Nachine tools) NCIPLOAKBs B.L.j ROZENDAUNt-B.S.i red.1 CHIGAREVA$ E.I.# red.; BONDAMW., M.S., tekhn. red.; [Development of gear-butting machines abroadj survey] 4asvitis kon- struktaii zubodbrabatyvaiuabobAb stankov za rabezhom obsor.. Mo- skva$, 1961. 337 p. (Gew- cutting machines) WRA 14:11) SWNNZ q V.N.,- BELOGUit-YASIOVSKAYA, II.Lp red.; CIIIGMIEVA E.I.# red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. rod. (Automation of gear-machining processes in capitalist countries; survey] Avtomatizataiia protsessa izgotovleniia zubehatykh koles v kapitalisticheakikh stran kh;, ob-zor. Moskva, 1961. 39 P. (KMA 15:7) 1. Moscow. TSentralln" institut naualmo-takhaichoskoy informa- tsU mashinostroyoniya. (Gear cutting) (Automation) AYZENSHTADT~ L.A.; PENIXOVI P.M.; GLADKOV; B.A.; LIKEV, L.O.; KRIHM, T.Ye.; KASIMPAV., M.Yas,, kand, tekhn, nauk; MMPERT,, M.P., kand, tekhn. nauk; XOPERBAKH., B.L.; CHERNIKOV, S.S., kand. tekhn.nauk; BELOV, V.S.; ZHURIN, B.F.; MONAKHOVy G,A., kand.tekhn,nauk; MOROZC'Vj I.I.; MUSHTAYEV, A.F.; OGNEV, N.N.; PALEY, M.B., kand. tekbn. nauk,- FURMAN) D.B.; LIVSHITS, A.L.p kand.tekbn.nEuk;MECHETNER, B.Kh.;SOSENKO,A.B;AVDULOV, A.R.; IZVIN, A.A... kand.tekhn. nauk; YAKOBSON, M.O... d6ktor tekhn.nauk; MAYOROVA, E.A., kand.tekbn.nauk; MOROZOVA) Ye.M.; WSMAN, V.G., kand.tekbn. nauk; WAYDIS, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; VIADZIYEVSKIY, A.P., prof., doktor takhn. nauk,, red.; BELOGUR-YASNOVSKAYA, R.I., red.; CHIGAREVA E *I red.; ASVALIDOV, M.Ya., red.; KOGAN, F.L., i-5 -.r-e [1-lachine-tool industry in capitalist countries] Stanko- stroenie v kapitalisticheskikh stranakh. Pod red. i s pre- disl. A.P.Vladzievskogo. Moskva, 1962. 822 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Mum. TSentrallnyy institut naucbno-tek1u:icbeskoy in- formateii mashinostroyeniya. 2. Eksperimentaltnyy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov (for Vladziyovskiy, Belogar-Yasnovskaya, Chigareva, Asvalldov, Kogan). (Macbine-tool industry) GRACHEVp L.W.; CHIGAREVA, rod.; GONCHAROVA, S.L.,, red.; VIKTORDVAp Z.N., tekhn. red. - ~ -1 [Machinery industry in Frame; machine tools] Stankostroenie Frantsii; metalloresbushchie stanki. Obsor. Moskva, I$INTIWH, 1961. 211 p. (KIR& 16:5) (France.-Machine-tool industry) SEMENCHENKO, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHENCHMO, A.N.; YULIKOVt M.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; CHIGAFSVA, E.I., red.; VIKTOROVA, Z.N., takha. red. [Gear-cutting tools and tools for automatic lines; survey of foreign designs] Zuboreznyi instrument i instrument av- tom--tichoskikh linil; obzor zarubezhnykh konstruktaii. Mo- skva TSINTIHAShp 1961. 57 p. (MIRA 160) tGear-cutting machines) (Metal-cutting tools) (Automation) ZAYCHENKO, I.Z.; IdSHLEVSKIY, L.M.; ZAYTSEVA, X.V.,, KAMENETSKIY, G.I.; MAZYRIN,__LV. (deceased); SHCHERBAKOV, V.I.;WZHKIN, O.Y.; IIHIGAIIEVA,_II.I., red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. red. [Development of the designe of hydraulic and pneumatic equip- ment and of-lubrication and filtration-systems for machine tools abroad) Razvitie konstruktsii gidravlicheskogo i pnevmaticheskogo oborudovaniia, smazoohnykh i fil'truiushchikh ustroistv metallo- r6zhushchikh stankov za, rubezhom; obzor. lbskva, TSINTIMASH, 1961. 101 p. (KM -16:5) 1. Moscow. Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov. (Machine-toole-Doeign and construction) SHCMMBAKOV, A.M.; CHM-YAK,, Kh.M.; GOLID1401 V.B., nauchh, red, 3S-GQ=vj"- , red.; KOVALEVSKAYA, I.F.j tekhn. red. [Mechanization of the placement of fertilizers] Makhaniza- tsiia vneseniia udobrenii. HosWap 1963. $3 p. (Kompleks- naia makhanizataiin i avtoratissatsiia predpriiatii. Seriia 1-63) (MMA 17:1) 1. TSentral'Mry inatitut rmuchno-tekhnichoukoy informatsii po avtomatizatsii i mashinostroyeniyu. FEDOSEYEV, A.D,; CIIIGAnVA, O.G. SyntheLic fibrous fluorine-magnesi-am arfvedsonite. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 5:1130-1132 Je 164. (MIRA 17-6) 1. Institut khimil silikatov im. I.V.Grebenahchikova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.V.Tananayevymo cont but an ower-er"JI. cont6bV,.-. This apparently results from the fact d I that -a part of the trivalent chromium in oxidialid to the hexavalent state during form sodium chromate which is always present in the synthetic product,-Dats-obtaine.4 from x.:ray-powder patterns of -the synthesized-fluoramphlbole.are tabulatedo-Orig. art 0has 11 -f igure ~-3- -tables clan iron nr A vatinu nk-PV I 'ADT a, bt!V6,-nftvj! n-ru arr. nan FBDOSEYEV, A.D.; GR '-i:~QVYEVA, L.F.; CHIqAREVA, P.Q.; KRIIFEN'IKOVA Z V.; RCIZHNOVA, GJi. Synthetic fibrous asbestos-type fluosilica,tes, their properties and prospects for utilization, Izv. AN SISSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.llt2031-2038 N 165s (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut khWi silikatov Jneini IoV& Grebenabohikova AN SSSR, Submitted May 31t 1965. ACC NR% AP70029'17 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/(16/011/006/0773/0778 AUTHOR: Chlgareva,' Tj. ORG: Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol' (Pedagogicheiikiy Institut) WrLE: Micromotion picture study of the mechantsm of growth and separation of Vapor bubbles during boiling of fluids on horizontal smooth surfaces and pores I SOURCE: Inzhenerno4izicheskiy zhurnal, v. 11, :no. 6, 1966, 773-778 TOPIC TAGS: vapor condensation, reaction mechanism, fluid property, surface tension, fluid density, vapor bubble, bubble, vapor bubble separation, bubble separation ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the mechanism of vapor bubble separa- tion from a horizontal poorly-wettable surface with the aid of high-speed motion photography. The experiments confirmed that in the case of a heating surface, the poorly -wettable vapor bubbles separate in a pattern predicted by Ye. I. Nesis. For bubbles with a boundary angle of 100 deg, the sepwration diameter is inde- perident of the boundary angle and to defined by the formula D. 2a - 2 ,rd 112 UDC: 536. 423. 1 i 1 4 CHIGARIN, A.,; SOKOLOV, N.V., prof.; SIGAL, I.Z. Now drngs.,* 40 no.1:102-10) Jalf 159, (HIR& 12:10) (DRUGS) MOARINt A.P.p kandzed.nauk "7~ ,Pforphology of the nem elemento of the ovaries In fibr of the uterus. Akush.i gin* no.6s48-51 160,, (~Mu 14::L) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstm i ginskologii (zav. - prof. Mao Sidorov) Kasmskogo gosudarstymogo instituta dlya usover- showtvovaniya wachey i kafedry gistologii (sav. - prof, A~N9 Niolavaklyp konmatfAmt - profo Yu.1. Ubusay) Kazanskogo meditaimokogo inatitata. (UTERUS--Tumms) (OVARIES.-MMATION) CHIGARIN, V.D. ~-w Rapid determination of the moisture content of *bicarbonate of soda. Rhim.pron,rio.1:47 Ja-P 156. (XMA 9:7) 4. S.Sterlltamakskiy sodovyy zavod. . T~ Oolium carbonates) VASIL I YNTA. M. S. ; GRAQ4M= A Y NOBRITSKATA, Te.K., kand.geogr.nauk, J_ .; R otv,red,; PCTAPOV, I.Te., red.; VMCHKO, G.N., [Nature and econoyW of the Dzhozkasgan Industrial region] Pri- roda i khoziaistvo Dxhezkasgauskogo prosq,shlennogo raionB. Alma-Ata, 1zd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhakoi M. 1959. 96 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Dzhezkazgan District-Economic conditions) 41 "' CHIGAMIN, A.V. TAkad forms of the Aral-ftheslasgRn region. Trudy Sekt.gaog. AN Kanakh. SSR no.5:165-183 159. (MPA 13:4) (Aral Be& region-Physical geograPhy) laudform ohs m torlatics of the northeasteru Aral Bea. region end southwestorn Wrdwl&ud of the lalakb Hilles TrwV' Uktogeoge AN Uukb, 5.8.2, ao.60-33; 160. (HIPA (Uz&kh~tau-Pkwsical geogmpby) ABIRUMNOT, S. 9 - CHIUMNO A.T. ------ All-Union Congress of the Geogmphle Society. Taint.Al Uzakh.WR 16 no.4t8l-83 Ap 160. (KIPA 13:7) (Geogrsphy-Congresses) ZRANDAYEV, M.Zh.; CHIGARKIN, AN. Landforms of the southern part of Alma-Ata Province, their mapping and economic utilization, Trudy Otd. geov. AN Kavakh. SSR no.8:136-146 ,61. (MIRA 14:8) (Alma-Ata Province--Landforms--R'a*ps) CRIGARKIN, A. V., Cand Geog Sci -- "Northealtern Iral region 'U-14 ,U,44 1 a*nde outhwe stern 4~~ of the Kazakh Zi4* country.' ce In the vagimvi,~s landscape characteristic OA 14-M route of theLrailroad _DzhezkELZ gan- -Aral Sea~. Tashkent, 1961. (Tashkent State U Im V. I. Lenin) 8-61, 232 - 94 - CHMARKIN), A.V. Practice in applying landfom research in planmLng new railroad lines. Vest. Mook.un.Ser', 5.- Geog, 17 no.3:18.-24 Yo,-,Te 162. (MM 15:8) Is Mel geografii AN Kasokbo y SSR., Alm-Ata. (Nazakbotan-Landforms-Romearch) (Kasakhatan-4kailroad engineering) --MTIrxARXjj,,-_A.V., kand.geograficheakikh nauk Problems of the reclamation of desert territories in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 113 no.7:76-77 Jl ,62. (MIRA 15%7) (Soviet Central Asia-Reclamation of land) CHESAR PY.; ISAHANKULOV,, M.Sh. Landform map of Alma-Ata Province on a 1:4,000,000 scale. Mat. Kom. po land.~ka~t. no.2:55-62 162. (KIRA 16tlO) CRIGJUIKINO A.V. ChZe~=ris :bW' -of studying desert, landforms. TrIt6 Otd. eew. AN Kazakh. M, no.1040-50 163. Several looal landform,terna, 51-53 (MIRA 1649) CHICARKIN, A*V.; TRINNOVA, T.M,j 111IRNOVA, R.Ya.,- KAZANs5KAYAp VILESMA, L.A., MUKHAMETZHANOV, S.p kand, geologo- minor. nauk; GLADYSMA, U.N. p kand. geogr. nauk; BAZARBAYEVp K.; KU21ETSOVA,, Z.V.; ABDRAM"OV., S.; I;AZAMKOp I.M.1, kand. geogr, nauk; YESAULENKO, F.L., kand. sellkhos. nauk; IAVROVA, I,V,, kand, ekonon, nsuk; PALIGOVj N.N... akademik, red.; CHEZGANOV, L., red.; NAG40_4_;~.p, tekba. red. [The Virgin Territory; brief istudies on nature, jvpplation and econotWITSellmWi krai; kratkie ochorki o prix,ode, na- selenii i khozialetva, A3za-Atap Kazakhokcm gos. izd-vo, 1962. 188 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Otdol geografil. Akademii mauk Kazakhokoy SM (for all 8=ept Chezganov Nagibin). 2. Akademiya mauk Mzalaiskoy SM (for Pailgcyv . (Virgin Territory-Peonomic geograpby) -ACC'NRi S61jiCt CCDE: URIOL13166100010101011610116 INVENTOR: Ch, 4!iRk~. Golltsev, 0. P. ORG: None TITLE: A safety valve. Clas's 47, No. 181934 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pr=Wshlenrqye obraztsyl tovarnM Maki, no, lo, 1966, 1A TOPIC TAGS: valve, nonmilitary safety equipment ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a safety valve containing a primary valve and a full-lift pulse valve vith apringd. Valve wear cautted by pressure drop in the cham1mr ebove the primary valve is eliminated by boring boles both in the vulve skirt and in the nozzle housing to form an ejector unit communicating with the cavity above the-piston. UDC; 621-41,r AM NRI ftroulOW4 ly-twinsim -valve; 2,pulse Valve$ 3~flange; 4-nozzle; 5-ejector; 6--cavity above~ valve -SUB'.COI)E-. 13/ SUBM DATE: '05oct64 Card. 2~2 KUNKOVSHTEYN, G.I.,, kand. tekhn. nauk.,; AKSENOV, V.A., inzh.; SAMSIYANTS.* E.G.0 inzh.; qMV, A.V., inzh.; M,AWSADZfffANTS9 Zh.G.,, inzh.; TROSHINA, M.Ya., inzh.; STETSYUK) L.Sop inzh.; PARSHIN, M.A.p inzh.; KARPINSKAYA, I.M.$ inzh.; FALIKEVICH, B.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; ILARIONOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; POLTEV, M.K., inzh.; KOGAN, E.Lp inzh.; ineh,; KONONUVA, V.S., red,. (Traffic safety and safety measures in automotiva transporta- tion] Bezopasncstl dvizheniia i tekbnika bezopav,:iosti na av- tomobillnom transports. Moskva, Transport., 1961+. 74 p. (KIRA 18:1) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellaki. institut avto- mobillnogo transporta. 2. Moskovskiy avtomiekhanicheskiy institut (for Fallkevich). 3. Moskovskiy avtomobUlno- dorozbrory institut imeni Molotova (for Ilarionov). 4. Vse- soyuznyy zaochnyy po34tekhnicheskiy institut (for Poltev). CHIGARIKOV D .... . Som statistics. Za bezop.dvish. 4 no.5:12 My 162. (14M 15:7) 1. Starshiy gosudaretvannyy avtmobillnyy insp)ktor, Otdol regulirovaniya u3.icbzogo dvizheniya Gosuditretvamoy avtomobilinoy inspektsii. (Traffic accidents) CIRMAS, I. YXI. CHIGAS, 1. Yv.; "Helminths and helIdInthOSe5 Of SWine, cattle, and sheep in the Lithuanian SSR." Acad Sel Lithuanian SSR. Inst Of Biology. Min Rtgher Education USSR. Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. Kaunas, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of CandidatAt in Biological Sciences). Source: -Knizhnaya-letopis No. 28 1956, Moscow wip~ck- see-fa Vol-.11/4 Neuro. -Psychiatry Apr 58 j7r -CIA 2100. THE TREATMENT OF MENTAL DISEASES WITH PROLONCIED SLEEP INDUCED WITH SULPHONAL (Russian text) - C h I g a a a I M ZH. NEVROPAT.PSIXHIAT. (Moak.) 1957. 57/2 (21V--nTj--TM5lVW-t- Prolonged sleep "a induced with sulphonal in 630 patients affected with various mental diseases. In the beginning of the treatment, the patients aver-aged 14 hours .sleep per 24 hr.. and later, 22 hr. A detailed description is given of the various stages 0 the sulphonil effect during prolonged administration. Special attention is given to the effect of the drug in cases of manic-depressive psychosis. Prolon- ged treatment with sulphonal normallses. the carbohydrate metabolism in the brain by stimulating processes otassimillationwithtbe general metabolismof theorganism, It COUTIRY : US:fiz CAM 3ORY : ."idtiv-ted pialits. Ornamental. ABS. JOUR. : IMUDI., No.2~, 1954, Vo. 1041~k16 AUT11071 IPST. (Xoi;isk university) TITLE A'4'xnnrInent in tho Grnwinr of kerennit~! Jrruuaontal k1antq j 'n the t~onditbjnsl of' the Gity of 'Zoirsk. . . ORTG. PUB. i Byul. Sib--'zsk. botsn. sada (Toiaskiy un-t), 1958, Vyp. 5, 69-72 APSTRACT For soveml years, 3iberIF-n Botaniz~al 3arden at Tomsk 'dp.Ivw3-Lt,y, has been eonduetizg the selacti,,)n and stady of the 11*itnesa for tlhte triga reg .,I-onfi of iiberia of oragmantal Perennials, ara wild By 1-949, their collection con3isted of 1008 varieties, assi~,pwl -~n 1-15 ap-cles aad 83 genera. Az the result of the work- carried out, studies were completal on the grouing of irises, gladioli, ohloxes, da.Uias and of CMOs -1/2 168 iCATEGORY AM. JOUR. t MKOLp NO. 231, 1959,~ j~o. 10!,916 AUMOR IVST. TITLE ABSTRACT t .92 wild-growing species ft-om whi0h 41 have baen raeor. - menclod for -ntr,-41uati-.,n -into the oultivatim of ornamental S. Lebedeva CARD! 2/2- CHIGAYEVA, A.F. Cultivation of perennial ornamental TSSBS no.30,31-237 160. (Tomsk--Plants, plants in Tomsk. Ornament%l) Trudy (MIRA 1513) HTELINIKOV, A.A., insh.1 GRIGORIYEVA, N.V., inzh.-ekonc=ist,-_CHIGIN, V.P., inzh. U86-of excavating machinery in the-construction-of the Irtysh- Karaganda Qanal. Gidr. i mel. 17 no.307-44 Mr 1,55. (MMA 18U) CHIGIN, V.S. [Chybin, V.S.1, mashinist linopererabatyvarushchego &"ata deputat Verkhovnogo soveta UkrSSR High output of each unit. Mekh. sill. hosp. 11+ no.4t4~5 Ap 163. (NMA 16: 10) 1. Kolgosp im. Karla MarkBa, Kawlyanalko-Buzlkogo rayonu, LlvivB'koi oblasti. MaGIINIDZE, D.M. i 19791, CHIGUNINE, D.14. i Formy rosta monkristalIA tainka Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, 1949p No ls a 9-16.-Bibliogr: Sivazv. Sox Ietopia Muww~ Statey - Vol. 27, Moskva, 1949 Mechanism Gaeg. 19 if firn action on no.1:31-36 Ja-F CHIGIRO V.G. ]Dispersion of'detrital material by icebergs and sea ice. jest. Mooko un, $or, 5tGeog. 18 no-5t50-62 S-0 163. - (MIRA 16t11) . 1. Kafedra po3yarmykh stran Moskovskogo univeraiteta. ~M CHIGIREV A.A.; PONOMAREV, Y&.B* Computer for calculating carractions for 66ordinates and paral- laxes ef points of atereopairs. Good. i kart. ne.6:39-47 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Aerial photogrametry) (Calculating machines) CEIGIRM111 p.K.S LITVINOVAS I.p.; ML~XRMH&I-Ko, S.V.; IRIEMUKO, T-D. - ~--- 3R ~Ix~ - . Alleviating the aeasona-1 factors of work. Kona. i ovo proA4 no*7t 33-36 Jl 163. (141U 26:9) 1. Konnervnyy kombinat v Krymske. CIIIGLINTSEVP N.A., aspirant w - -- Gray-ity ve.U screens. Sbor. trud. LIIZHT no,196s85-94 162, . (MIRA 16s9) I I BULYZEENKOVA, E. N.; CHIGUNTSEVA, 1. 1. (Ufa) Acute barbamil poisoning. Klin. mod. 40 no.7110 105 JI 162. &M 15 :7) 1. Is 8-y- klinicheakc7 bollnitay Ufy (glavny:r vracb A. I. Batalov). (AMMARBITAL-TOXICOLOGr) - m CHIGIRI, B.0, I'Mivestigating Dust Contamination of Cenerator Gas in the EnWines of Wood Transporting Vehicles." Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Forestry Engineering Acad,, Teningrad, 19.~4. (RZhKhir%* No 20, Oct 54) Sux-vey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55 IMINOTI, I.Z.1 PETROVSKIII, V.I.; GRIGIR0 I.D. Obtaining shaped castings by centrifhwal methods. Lit. proisy. no.2t45-46 7 163. (KMA 16:3) (Centrifugal casting) KOVALEVSKAYA, IA.; EPSHTEYN-LITVAK, R.V.; DMITRIYEVA-RAVIKOVICH, Ye.M.; KURNOSOVAp N.A.; SHCHEGLOVA, Ye.S.; FERDINXID, Ta.M.; KHO141K S.R.; IIAKHLINOVSKIY L.P.; PE .1 S.Soj 2 1 TROVA, GOLUBOVA.. Ye.Ye.; GONCHAROVA, Z.I.; SARMANIffEV, A.P.; SIZINTSEVA, V.P.; Prinimali uchastiye: MEDIETHAO G.A.; OSOKINA, L.A.; RACHKOVSKAYA, Yu.K.; OSOVTSIPVA, Ool.; DEDUSFMO, A.I.; KOVALEVA, P.S.; KARASHEVICH, V.P.; CHEBOTAREVICHO N.Do- CHIGIRI TORO SKULISMYA, S.D.; KWHETZHIYEVY B.A.; D t . 0; ZUSIMAN, R.T.; YESAKOV, P.L; SYSOrEVA, Z.A.; ZINOVOYEVA, I.S.; FALICHEVSKAYA, A.A.; DENISOVA, B.D.; TIMOFEIEVA, R.G.; SYRKASOVA, A.V.; LYANTSMAN, S.Ge Reactivity and Immunological and epidemiological eff-activeness of alcoholic ty-phoid and paratyphoid fever vaccines in school children. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.7:72-77 J1 162. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Iz Moskovskogop Rostovskogo, Omskogo in!ititutov epidemio- logii i miltrobiologii.. Stavropollskogo instituta vaktain I syvorotok I Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. 2. Rostovskiy institut epidemfLologii I mikrobiologii (for Kovaleva). 3. Stavropol'shy institut vaktoin i "vorotok (for Sysoyeva). 4. Kuybyshevskiy institut, epidemiologii I zeikrobiologii (for Zinoviyeva). 5. Saratovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiclo- gicheskaya stantsiya (for Lyantsman). C11I TUNIVICH, N.G., kand.yurJ.dl ohs sicikh naulk. red.; 1%oEmb4a, rw~ t E .4 ~-. khred. [%Ilding contracts In capital construction] Dogovor podriada po kapitallnomy stroitel'struitqVistva. Minsk. Isd.,vo Belormaskogo goo.univ.1m. T.I.Lonlum, 1958. 202 pe (MIRA 12:3) (ftilding-Contracto and specifications) 40019 13/035/6Z/000/008/08W(M ~i A000101 AUTHORS: Smolov, V. B.,~ Chigirev, A. A. A digital-analog computer for processing aerial photographs PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhMrnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 8i 1962, 33 34# abstract 8G271' ("Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta", 1961, no. 46, 50 - 73) The authors propose adigital-analog computer of contimous type provided with an additional accessory which ensures increased accuracy of the memory. The computer is*connected with a stereocomparato:r and was devised for determining geodetic coordinates of the observed points of a stereopair. This determination is carried out automatically, by the method of the range base plane. It includes the following stages: Determination of mutual orientation elements by first-approximation formulae, displacement of the right-hand photo- graph in dependence on themutual transverse inclination angle, determination of mutual orientation elements by two approximations, calculation of corrections to coordinates of the points, calculation of conditional co6rdinates, calculation of inclination angles and scale:of the model, and calculation of geodetic coordinates Card 1/2 3/0356/6Z/ow/008/08(VO90, A digital-analog computer for... AOOI/AIO1 of the points observed; It is pointed out that the formulae of the method of the range base plane are most suitable for mechanization, since they permit a cofisIderable reduction of necessary equipment in comparicon with other methods. The coordinates of points, being measured on the stereoccgnparator, are fed, by turning corresponding screws, into the "shaft-figure" converter unit, being con- vert(d into.birary code. This code is fed into the unit for calculating mutual.- orientation elements, whose servomotor shifts the right-band photograph. Thoico- ordinates of the points are measured again and necessary quantities are calculated. Structural diagrams of computer units are presented, as well as rated data on the precision of operation of the proposed computer; according to them, errors in calaulating the mutual orientation elements will be about 01.5, and calculation of corrections will be made with errors wt exceeding MOT mm. Mere are 11 references. 0.194- 9, 7 -;,010 (4 S/006/61/000/003/003/003 3, o v (Z 3 0 ~51 U 14,r~ 7. B116/13203 Pri I# C7) 1 AUTHORi Chigirev, A. A. TITLEs, Computer for oaloulating,tho elements of mutual orier)tation of aerial photographs -PERIODICAL i Geodeziya-i kartografiya, no. 3, 1961, 2-3-40 ~:).TEXT: The author describes a special analog pomputer for calculating angular elements of mutual oriezitation by the method of the base plane of distances. This method was developed by N. 6, Kell', Corresponding Member of the AS USSR. The choice of this method is based on the following circumstance: thanks to the orientation of the pair of pictures of the trace of the princ- :;.~.:ipal base plane-of the left-hand aerial photo g:--Zph, tho formulas for cor- i r ections required because of the-OVIect of terms of the seconds order of small- -..:..ness;,. are simplified, and the correations required because of the relief are emitted. Though these advantages are attained at the expense of a double measurement of the aerial photographs, this is unimportant thanks to auto- mation. The principal equations for mutual orientation. in first approxima- tion (for the orientation of ae=ial photographs by the initial directions Card Vio 2 0 O~g S/00 61/0 03/003/003 Computer for ... Bl16 B203 with the use of four points) are divided into two groupa as follows: qt (Pt II+YlII C-O Pli qu + -T-(PIITn C 0 Pol Pill (2) 0, Y1IV (PI. Ply qIv + - - V -ri- Y. c=.0 f IV q1, q,,, qljI, qjV are the vertical parallaxes of the points; f is the focal distance of the aerial camera; y1, y, Y, Y, a:re the ordinates of I III IV the points measured on the left-hand aerial photograph; and Y2 IlLyi 3,35 7yq-,~ IT IV are the - dMinates of the points measured on the right-handaerial photograph; p PIV are the horizontal parallaxes of the points; -rnis the I, Pill Pill, Car 2/10 S/OO6j61/OOOPWN03/003 Computer for ... B116/B203 pitch angle of the right-hand, and T.In of the left-hand aerial photograph; e is the reciprocal pitch angle; p0 is the horizontal parallax of the main point on the left-hand aerial photograph. From Eq.(1)9 rn and 6 are found in first approximation. Then, the right-hand aerial photograph is shifted by the servosystem by aq = fe (3). This orientates the pair of aerial photo- graphs by the trace of the principal base plane of the left-hand photograph. Then, the coordinates of points I-IV are measured once more, and Eq.(1) and (2) are solved, but now without taking account of the term Pi f(l - --)a (since it vanishes by the orientation mentioned). The formula it01 for the corrections 6q because of the second order of smallness reads; ( 4 2 61 = _V1 _ ~2 _ r-q) (5)- 1 2 2 For the present computer, a linear rotary transformer is used as main decision element. The identity of structure of the equation systems (1) and (2) shows that a simulation's of (1) or (2) is sufficient to determine r ande Card 3/10 21194 S/006/61/000/003/003/003 Computer for ... B116/B203 The solution is performed by the trial-and-error method (Fig.1). The nature of this method consists, in the present case, in the choice of such rn and 6 values (with the aid of the control motors A 1 and A2) that the error signals generated at the comparison points 1 and 2 (Fig. 1) vanish. This will be true if Fl(p, ... f ... rn, 6 ) - q, and *F2(PII - - - f ... rn, 6) . qII, which is also the solution to the equation systdms. To permit a correct calcula- tion of electrical scales, Table 1 presents the extreme values of all variables in Eq.(1). The electrical scale m is calculated from Uoutput max M = maximum value of the sumulated variablos The corrections 6q are calculated by means of t 'he circuit shown in Fig- 3- The transverse shift Aq - fE is done by means of the device shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 shows a diagram of the position of the linear rotary transformers Y2I and q I with their drive mechanisms. These transformers guarantee t:.-i automatic supply of initial data. The computer described meets the demands made on the accuracy of elements of mutual orientation. Accuracy may be Card V-10 S/006J61,1000/01010603/003 computer for ... B116/B20- 3 'further increased thust by means of a focal distance of up to +0.01 mm, and' using shifting tr ansformers for arguments without change in sign. The terror in the output voltage of the linear rotary transformers due to the de-t ;pendence of the field coil current on the rotation angle of the rotor shows .;no considerable effect on the final result. An essential advantage of the ~eircuit is the automatic supply of initial data with simultaneous adjustment .of the observing system for the respective point. It is pointed out thatt ~.if the linear rotary transformers of rfl and t are replaced by sine-oosine rotary transformers, the sin 7,1 and sin C (for calculating the cosines of :direction arms) in the formulas of N. A. Urmayev-(not given here) can be determined with the aid of the casoade circuits of the'sine-cosine rotary :transformors. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet-bloc references. Card 5A 0 Computer for ... iLegend to Fig. 3t 1 110 v, (2) 500 CYcles1seo. 2U94 8/006J61/000/003/003/003 B116/B203 r ra -Ml AVA 2 4 S/006 6il~ooo/003/003/003 B 11 67B!, 203 uter for ... comp zlLegend to Fig. 61(a) from acrev ~~b~ linear rotary transformer, 1 electromagnetic aoupling, 2 driving-meohanism. 2A94 S1006,1611OO(VO0310031003 B116/2203 21194 S1100616111000100310031003 Oom for B116/B201; 'Puter -.'I'-Legand to Table 1t (1) aequenoe-number,,(2) designation of the variable, (3) minimum value, (4) maximum value. a A no HasBamme nepetiew" MaKCIIIIIIAbHoe 3nawnste nop. 3HaqenHe Y2 Y, It' A Pit. Po 40 mm 90 MM .111 1 It' YIN 2 q, , q1I 0 MU :h 6 um 3 55 UM 210 mw -007 4 -rfi; TA# e o um, �240'. 34.:.R'- Card 10/1() CHIGIREV, A.A., miadsbly nau(.,hnyy sotr-adnik :;sli-~7tbng an alp-thm for 9 digital pbotogrammet-nv ~4nstnimenf; In Ex fellawirg-up system. Izv. vys. ucheb. z ,.; geod. i aerof. no.2-j1I.O-'u7 16,,. zw WIRA 170) 1. Taboratorlya aeronettdov Gon~udaratvennop , ME sk ~ 7n ziche. ogo kor.'-I,eta SSSR. Rekomendovara kafedroy geodezii I'lenlugradskogo g~vrn-:)gc, Irlatit-utri. VINOGRA.DOV, Aleksandr Fedorovicb; C GARRY, Leonid Ivanovich: moRDVINOVA, N.P., inzh., ved. red.; LEVIN, G.E., inzh.., red.; SOHDKBI., TA , tekhn. red. [Scintillation counter with type-B counting system]Stsintillia- tsi6nnys schatchiki so schetnoi ustanovloi tips. B. Moskva, Filial Wes. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. 'informataii,'1958, 15 P. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheakii i proisvodstvannyi opyt. Tema 41. No.P-58-23/1) (Scintillation counters) (MIRA 16:2) KAPIAN', D.Ya.; CHIGIREV. P.M. rj~.ston mercury electrode of fluorop2asto. Zav.lab. 28 nc).2;201-102 1629 (MIRA :L5;2) Gooudaretvinnyy nauebno-iseledovatelle iy i proyektw k institut redkometallicheokoy proaWsh2emoatio (Electrodes, Mercury) -140 WIPW OWID W W Is VIVOW-W-W-t-WI, Iles# ottlolluou is -A-A- --am- JAL M M AND go* Fs-` d Posaft bow swamp. M. am"&. I&L D. W. W No. 1. F."KIs boo gas .64 Job"" __ a, - 90 Paid": MWI WM Will- Wmd&d. bditsdq; 600 -8d& c k "a on. nu, after froctionoug" d dot 000 A. Xwji& 0*4 see coo V_4c-,vLM_Xv. ~.P a k f 15 ;t O$n wee Selo$,) 44f 0 volivicoc *I ; A - - M I 1 8 Id 0 9 8 1 N M 9 A 0 5 V El u 41 ID Al to 19 0 9 a 0 0 0 * *0 0 agel 0 "s "a IS 0 o-1* 0 a 0 a o all lee 0 0 as 0 0 # , i , . 041i i ; i i 4 i I I m F; WIG k~ 7.A T- .--- - - it V 0 * - a 2 a I _v- sob -40 esa so 00 -00 deft A. 1. knov awl 0,0 _j* . m S--U-C eq. eye an!. go 10-d I- dog. It- qwWk., .1 kW, SO col"M's *"b "W"k tr,41(mlOtY CIWW. likr dry mvd.4, whk-b cunwK lie trard lpy the, cIA4%k Wasburg lipp, see =so *so off 000 SO 0 see Of PC-he M. q~ 46 je-,"I we- I ASM.16. .4l.LLLWWAL 1,11111411LARIE CLASIMPKATION too -2c a.. 'W"tTzparou Sal Olt a, it mW"'n-T17F- Us a 0 0 is 6 -0 0 0 ,\. CHIGIRV, V., mekhanik --- IDrying apparatus operatin on diesel ftel. Stroitell no.9:10 6 '59. (]Drying apparatuol (MLRA 13:3) V. I.S.; POLONSKIY, Yu.S.; KHLABALINA, O.I.,~_LHIGIII.E.V Study of the mechanism of the absorption of orthophosphate of the inedium by the mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum. Biokhimiia 29 no.4:759-773 Jl-Ag 164. (KM 18:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, Mos-kva. MINGER, E,N.- CHIGIRF-V V.S.~ 81SAKjAJN~ P LA'PoanLno ar;'Ld mnp~-junds of chlom:-'aate. D :, x 1SR S no.6;1424-1426 0 164. 1. InstAtut biokh--'Tq!.f,. im. A*N. Bakhtt AINT ~,~SSR. ab.WELIM q Cot by-Nikeo solm To prerent -dQ rp= uu&r uto cn M, tbeUttitr Avatum fit "r tops 7o:7 F~7,7 ~t ~7-- T77 ROVAUMSM,, Boris Favlovich[Novaleve"1719 B.F I * DRIG=, V.V. [Cbyb~Tykj ' i0d.-I XOPITIOUp R.K*.(YLOPytkOVa',0Y.), tekbz. re4. [Powerful.weap'on-In 'the building of comunism; the consolida- tion of the alliance of the laboring class,and the collective- farm peasantry in the period of the large-scaled building of commnismlftbutnia oyla pobudovy k=uni=a; mitsennia soiAiza robitnychoho klasu i kolhospnoho selianstya v period razhor- nutobo koimmistychnoho budivnytatva. Kyivp Derzhpolitvydav URSRj 1962. 193 P. (MIRA 15:11) (Agricultural adninistration) (Collective farms) SLYAMM, L.S.; MAZURDV,, V.F.; MDISEYEV., A.V.(Moisieiev, Aj,~; OMAROVp A.M.; sminsny, i.i.[smyrnitelkyi, 1E.K. , _2~~~(Cbyfiyrykq VAJ, red.; KOPMOVA, N.K.,q tekkn. red.; LEVCHEKO, O.K., tekhn..red4- I - [Economics of socialist industry] Ekonomika sotsialietychnol promyslovost:L; populiarnyi navehalinyi posibnyk:. Kyiv, Dar- shpolitvydav UNSR, 1963. 292 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Industrial organization) TREPACIIEV, I-V-; Possibility of using still residues,, waste product3 in the production of dichloroethaneq for combatting prelmaginal stages of files; authorls abstract. Zh. Mikrobiol. 40 no.79 19 J1163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. 1z Kemerovskoy oblastnoy sanitarno--epidemiologi,-.heakoy stantaii. CO trollin g tickg in sr*ao vhere tick-borne encephalitis LB 9:9mic, Med.paras* I pares.bol.supplament to no.'L:59-60 '57- (MIRA 11: 1) lo ]ix antomologicheskap otdoloniya Kemerovskoy oblastnoy protivo- solyarlynoy stantaii. (XANMVO IPROTIM--TICKS) IWOKOV, V.A., LARYUKRIN, N.A., TARABUNHIN, I.A., CHUMAX, N.F., CHIGrRIr' Ye.D. Three yeRre of experience in the encephalitis In Kemerovo Province bol. 27 no.2:199-207 MrwAP 158 control of sectors of tick-borne (1955-1957). Ned. pftra2. I pares (MIRA 11:5) 1. Is sektora profilaktilci infektaiv Inatituta malyarii. meclitsinakoy parazitologii I gellmintologii Ministerstva zdr.avookhrpneniya SSSR (dir. instituta - prof. P.G. Sergiyev, zav. sekborom - prof. V.A.- labokov) i is Kemerovskoy oblastnoy agnitarno-e-3idemiologichaskoy stantaii (glnvrqy vrach G.N. Naydich), (ENGNPRALITIS. epidemiolog7' tick-borne encephalitis, control of vectors (Rua)) (TICKS, control in prev. of tick-borne enceq)halitis (Rue)) CqIGIRIK~ E. D , 3,., N., C',IU'-IAK, N. F., PLES:-IVTST-;VA, E. A. "Prorhy1notic methods nnd local eradicaticn of tick-'borne encerhalitis in sme nreps of the kemerovo oblast.-" Peve P2 Desystoye snveshchinive po pprazitolo-wic,hesiclin prohle-nam. i p-rIrodn---ch;1-,?ovym boleznyarn. 22-20 Oktvnbm 1059 9. (Tenth Conference on P.1rasitol"ical Pr&lems and Diseases wit-h Natural Foci 22-2Q. October lq59), Leninur?d, 1959, Acndeqv of Medical Sciences USSR and AdAdemy of Sciences USSIR, No. 1 254pp. - --- - - - -6 --40, mwpm W"~ a I It Mi7matux-mill via 46 slit loanill in , 1 1 1 A _C # 1 4 ph **A Ths commUntlan of cAlclum carbonate In the wittera of the Polar begin. N.I.Chiptirill. W. V. R'S'S' JQ' cf. p1tv ohng alpmr.- billaillant tilkwevit-4 by revvill ImIlAt v;:mvIl1lm1,, ,ave shown that a wanner wairr JaYry lit Allatilic'Xigin Invomt in tilt Ntwth INJar 1"%iti, Tile Illickile%-4 Id tilt I Ahl) Of Cacti, (VaIni. Imul ,I m11- n-wt "'Id 00 JI-ion runrit.) air: 11) II-Itill us., "44,3.42-3.62 W.All ' 12) in., vain), 3X-3.39, anti .00 (3) 1150-III)ltom, vIJd. ;1,39 3 411, al..Ilt lisCe- 'I h'. 4'1v 6 see see .4 CAOS, hi mm %4114.1 (jel".1111'A 111%111 tile itttlll~lll 0 lit, see 00 .3 vott"Mile swid. the I'llip. 44 file natt's and tile jiv,11-i'lil, '1U ""1 TIW f"41411(V 4SI I IIV Middle IAVVT III thA1111V itl 1!i coo goo C C ]ls its - em tent iti uturked. go 3 lated by the Polar waters is cartircl away to "fie ritclit by CUFTV111% and by kV flOkIt into WhiCh 111MV CACO, go* 00 clibmisiv (it-virs durive fiti-maiin". 1). W, IN-ater goo roe so 8 00 e* ti e* 1011 at CLA$ UPKAT ittahl It ti We* - I , woo,, .11 a.- ae( i -4--v u a If so U to 4 0 0 0 0 0 o 1) 71o 1 0 to 0,000 o 0 a 0 0 0 KAO 1e 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 00 4 0 0 q 0 e s 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 O 011101ftv~ H. P . "Lack of Exactness in MSethod Bor Analyzing Brandy Products," Vin. SMI, No.4, page 33, 1952 t %A I C' k R I Iq . I'\j. P TDIU~STU-MQIKO, V-1.1., CHIGIIR'171, N-F- Wine and Wino ';-'aking C,-xo of mine vats with S02 containing water. Vin. SSM, 110. 19'~12. JULY 1952 9. Monthlj List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, .;= Unclassified. -.. I I.......... . . CHIOIRIU, N. F.; TIMONCIMMO, V. M. Brandy* Lose of brandy spirits as remdt of storage in new casks. N. P. Chigirin, V. M. Timoshchenko. Vin. SSSR. 12 No. 6, 1952 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -3w%, Uncl. 1. CHYGIRIN, N.P. 2. U&S)R (600) 4. Kiziyar - Viticulture 7. Create a branch laboratory in Kizlyar. vin.sssR 12 no.11, 1952 9. Monthly list of Hassian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified SHA,SKOLISKIYY B.V., kand. tekhn. naWc; SOTNIKOVA, K.F."' inzh. ; GAVRILINY Ye.F.; LUBKOV, A.N.; SAPOZHNIKOV., V.14.; ZHUCHENKO, L.F.; CHIGIRINA N I tekbnik; ZHARIKOV, I.P., inzh.; CHERTISHCHEW, A.Ye.; SHAPOVALOV, VA., tekhailt; MORNOV, A.M., inzh.,- SLIVKO, S.V., tekhnik; CHERNAVSKIY, G.N., kand. tekt-n- nauk- STRUZHESTRAKH, Ye.I., inzh., ed.; KLIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red.; DEMKINA, N.F., tekhn. red. (General norm for time and machining conditions used in the IMustry for machining on automatic lathes; mass, large-lot and lot production]Obshchemashinostroitellnye riormativy vreme- ni I rezhimov rezaniia na tokarno-avtomatnye raboty; massovoe, krupnoseriinoe i seriinoe proizvodstvo. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 271 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normativoy po trudu. (Turning~-Production standards) -- CHIGIRINETS, A.A.j -TKACHEVP V.F. Multiple machining of. supports, Masbinostroitell no. 4:30 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) I(M411ing machines) CHrGIRINETS, A.A.; SAMOYLOVO P.N. Copying holder, Mashinostroitelf no.6:30 is 86;,j. I (Drilling and boring machinery) OMU 16-.7) H.G.; 'KATOHIN, B.N.; IDBANOV, V.V. Crust formation'-pn steel-pouring nozzles of intermediate ladles in continuous steel casting equipment. -Stall 23 no-3:215-217 Mr 163. (MM 160) 1, TSentrallnyy nauchno-isiiledovatellskiy institut, chernoy metallurgii i Novolipetskiy metalluriichesIdy savod. (Continuous casting-Equipment and supplies) Y- /9 133-7-15/28 AUTHOR: Chigirinskiy, A.I. and ChetVertak, A.N., Engineers. TITLE: A Load-lifting Device for Pincer Cranes (Gruzozakhvatnyy Instrument kleshchevykh kranov) PERIODICAL: Stall, 195?, No.?, -p. 629 (USSR). ABSTRACT: A modification of the gripping device for cranes handling hot slabs proposed by Chigirinskiy and Koleachenko and used at present on the Zaporozhstall Works is described (fig.). A large gripping surface prevents the formation of indentations on the hot metal. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Zaporozhstall Works (Zavod "Zaporozhstall") AVAILA.BLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 USHAAM, B*N* Case orhonspecific agglutination of orythrooytoo in t)-plasmocAmao -Probl. gemat.i po (MIPA 14:2) (;&I;RSkvovli 6 no.107-59 161. (HER4GGLUTIMT.10N) KRYWV,, A.A*v kandomed.nauk; CHIGIMISKIY, A.N* Case of bong marrow plaamocyte reaction with hMrgammag3.obuli- xemU in prolonged treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfani-la- mide preparations, Probl,endck.i gom. 7 no.30-15-1-16 161. (KMA 14--9) 1, Iz kafedry fakialtetskoy terapil. No.2 6vich. - prof. A.L. Landa) Voyanno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenin& alcademii imeni S.M. Xirova. (SUUWXIIIM) (GMM GLOBULIK) (IMRWW) 6 CHIGIRINSAY) A.R. (leningrad) Role of the adrenal glamdo in the development of an acute leuko- oyte reaction. Probls-endok.i gorm. 7 no*4146-.52 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1, Iss kafedry patologiobeskoy fiziologii (naobs - daystvitell- My Chien AM SSSR prof, I.R. Petrov) i fakulltetskoy terapii NO.2 (nach. - prof. A.L. landa) Vbyemo-meditsinskoy ordena Lenita akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (AMMAL GLODS) (LWOCYTOSIS) (MIU) CHIGIRINSKIY, A. N. Treatment of myelmatosis vith eareolysin in combination vith ACTH and steroid hormones. Vop.- onk. 7 no.7:63-69 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz klinik fakulftetskoy terapli No. 2 (nach. - prof. A. L. Lends) i fakulltetakoy terapii No. I (nach. .. prof. V. A. BeyVlw) Voyenno-teditainakoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S. M. Kirova. (MMOW-DISPMES) (ACTH) (MAMIE) (STEROIDS) CHIUMVP G. A.; TARKOVICH, N. K.; STAROSTIN, S. P.; BONCH, B. 1. Disinfecting seeffs with atonized-muMmmsions. Zaebah. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.6:15-16 A 160. I I (mm 16': 1) (Soode-Disinfection) BOYDIN, V.P.; SVECHNIKOVp I.D.; CHIGAREV, G.A.; SAZDNNIE, Kh.V,.; SANIN, V.A.; FOMMI M.N. Possible methods for aerial chemical. control of ihe'Colorado beetle. Zashch, rast, ot vred. i bol, 6 no*9347-49 A 161. (NM 16: 5) L, Gooudarstvannyy naucbno-issledovatellakiy inotitut Grazhda nakogo vosdushnogo flota, Voesoyuznyy institut zashchit.* rasteniy i UkraindWIRauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut, seLshchity,rasteniy. (Aeronautics in agriculture) (Potato beetle-Ittermiration) CHICIAMP G.A. ~bre rigoro" contra ,I of the quality of poismo-va chemicals. Zashche rasto at vre4, i bol. 7 no.8:13-3.4 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Agricultural chemicals) CHIGAREV, G.A. State and problems of potato crop protection from the Colorado beetle in the U.S.S.R. Trudy V;ZR no*17024,343 16~. km:,,ra 18-9) - CHIGAREV,,j.G.A, -, ~ Fumigation of forest litter with methanasulfonyl fluoride from an airplane in controlling the shield bug Eurygaster integriceps Put, Trudy VIZR no. 21 pt.1tI01-11.3 164. (MIRA 18:12) TMOGRADOV, A.F.1 CHIGAREVp L.I.1 RYBAKp S.P. Pi~portional radiation counters with industrial equipmeA. I=-tekb. no.5:49-52 My t6l. (MIRA 240) (Nuclear counters) CHIGAREV, V.N. (Chyharlov,, V.M.] (Kiyev) Rotation of the roll of a pilger zM. Pryk1.mekh. 8 no.3:337-338 162. (MIRA 15: 6) 1. Kiyevskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Rolls (Iron mills)) CHIGAREV, V.N. [Chiharlov., V.M.) A Dirichlet problem. Dop. AN URSR no.8t997-1,Ml 163. (MIRA 16tio) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univerBitet. PrBdstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR Yu.A. Mitropollskim [Mytropol askyi, IU.0.1. (Boundary value problems; VIJiDZIYKVSK37 j, A. P. , doktor tekhn. nauk.-, YAKOBSOJI., M. 0..,,, doktor tekhn. 1263*; MCIIAIWA, S.L., redaj CHIGAPZVAp )~,Lj red,; ViKTOWVA, Z*No.q teklme red, (Machine tools at*the11960 london InternationalMachine-Tool, Exhibition] Metallorbzhusbohie stamki na Londomakoi mezbdunarodnod, stankostroitellnoi vystavke 1960 g. Moskva, TS6ntr. in-t nauchno- tekbn. informataii zaashinostroeniia 1961. 95 p. (MIRA 24: 11) (London--Exhibitions) Nachine tools) NCIPLOAKBs B.L.j ROZENDAUNt-B.S.i red.1 CHIGAREVA$ E.I.# red.; BONDAMW., M.S., tekhn. red.; [Development of gear-butting machines abroadj survey] 4asvitis kon- struktaii zubodbrabatyvaiuabobAb stankov za rabezhom obsor.. Mo- skva$, 1961. 337 p. (Gew- cutting machines) WRA 14:11) SWNNZ q V.N.,- BELOGUit-YASIOVSKAYA, II.Lp red.; CIIIGMIEVA E.I.# red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. rod. (Automation of gear-machining processes in capitalist countries; survey] Avtomatizataiia protsessa izgotovleniia zubehatykh koles v kapitalisticheakikh stran kh;, ob-zor. Moskva, 1961. 39 P. (KMA 15:7) 1. Moscow. TSentralln" institut naualmo-takhaichoskoy informa- tsU mashinostroyoniya. (Gear cutting) (Automation) AYZENSHTADT~ L.A.; PENIXOVI P.M.; GLADKOV; B.A.; LIKEV, L.O.; KRIHM, T.Ye.; KASIMPAV., M.Yas,, kand, tekhn, nauk; MMPERT,, M.P., kand, tekhn. nauk; XOPERBAKH., B.L.; CHERNIKOV, S.S., kand. tekhn.nauk; BELOV, V.S.; ZHURIN, B.F.; MONAKHOVy G,A., kand.tekhn,nauk; MOROZC'Vj I.I.; MUSHTAYEV, A.F.; OGNEV, N.N.; PALEY, M.B., kand. tekbn. nauk,- FURMAN) D.B.; LIVSHITS, A.L.p kand.tekbn.nEuk;MECHETNER, B.Kh.;SOSENKO,A.B;AVDULOV, A.R.; IZVIN, A.A... kand.tekhn. nauk; YAKOBSON, M.O... d6ktor tekhn.nauk; MAYOROVA, E.A., kand.tekbn.nauk; MOROZOVA) Ye.M.; WSMAN, V.G., kand.tekbn. nauk; WAYDIS, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; VIADZIYEVSKIY, A.P., prof., doktor takhn. nauk,, red.; BELOGUR-YASNOVSKAYA, R.I., red.; CHIGAREVA E *I red.; ASVALIDOV, M.Ya., red.; KOGAN, F.L., i-5 -.r-e [1-lachine-tool industry in capitalist countries] Stanko- stroenie v kapitalisticheskikh stranakh. Pod red. i s pre- disl. A.P.Vladzievskogo. Moskva, 1962. 822 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Mum. TSentrallnyy institut naucbno-tek1u:icbeskoy in- formateii mashinostroyeniya. 2. Eksperimentaltnyy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov (for Vladziyovskiy, Belogar-Yasnovskaya, Chigareva, Asvalldov, Kogan). (Macbine-tool industry) GRACHEVp L.W.; CHIGAREVA, rod.; GONCHAROVA, S.L.,, red.; VIKTORDVAp Z.N., tekhn. red. - ~ -1 [Machinery industry in Frame; machine tools] Stankostroenie Frantsii; metalloresbushchie stanki. Obsor. Moskva, I$INTIWH, 1961. 211 p. (KIR& 16:5) (France.-Machine-tool industry) SEMENCHENKO, D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHENCHMO, A.N.; YULIKOVt M.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; CHIGAFSVA, E.I., red.; VIKTOROVA, Z.N., takha. red. [Gear-cutting tools and tools for automatic lines; survey of foreign designs] Zuboreznyi instrument i instrument av- tom--tichoskikh linil; obzor zarubezhnykh konstruktaii. Mo- skva TSINTIHAShp 1961. 57 p. (MIRA 160) tGear-cutting machines) (Metal-cutting tools) (Automation) ZAYCHENKO, I.Z.; IdSHLEVSKIY, L.M.; ZAYTSEVA, X.V.,, KAMENETSKIY, G.I.; MAZYRIN,__LV. (deceased); SHCHERBAKOV, V.I.;WZHKIN, O.Y.; IIHIGAIIEVA,_II.I., red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. red. [Development of the designe of hydraulic and pneumatic equip- ment and of-lubrication and filtration-systems for machine tools abroad) Razvitie konstruktsii gidravlicheskogo i pnevmaticheskogo oborudovaniia, smazoohnykh i fil'truiushchikh ustroistv metallo- r6zhushchikh stankov za, rubezhom; obzor. lbskva, TSINTIMASH, 1961. 101 p. (KM -16:5) 1. Moscow. Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov. (Machine-toole-Doeign and construction) SHCMMBAKOV, A.M.; CHM-YAK,, Kh.M.; GOLID1401 V.B., nauchh, red, 3S-GQ=vj"- , red.; KOVALEVSKAYA, I.F.j tekhn. red. [Mechanization of the placement of fertilizers] Makhaniza- tsiia vneseniia udobrenii. HosWap 1963. $3 p. (Kompleks- naia makhanizataiin i avtoratissatsiia predpriiatii. Seriia 1-63) (MMA 17:1) 1. TSentral'Mry inatitut rmuchno-tekhnichoukoy informatsii po avtomatizatsii i mashinostroyeniyu. FEDOSEYEV, A.D,; CIIIGAnVA, O.G. SyntheLic fibrous fluorine-magnesi-am arfvedsonite. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 5:1130-1132 Je 164. (MIRA 17-6) 1. Institut khimil silikatov im. I.V.Grebenahchikova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.V.Tananayevymo cont but an ower-er"JI. cont6bV,.-. This apparently results from the fact d I that -a part of the trivalent chromium in oxidialid to the hexavalent state during form sodium chromate which is always present in the synthetic product,-Dats-obtaine.4 from x.:ray-powder patterns of -the synthesized-fluoramphlbole.are tabulatedo-Orig. art 0has 11 -f igure ~-3- -tables clan iron nr A vatinu nk-PV I 'ADT a, bt!V6,-nftvj! n-ru arr. nan FBDOSEYEV, A.D.; GR '-i:~QVYEVA, L.F.; CHIqAREVA, P.Q.; KRIIFEN'IKOVA Z V.; RCIZHNOVA, GJi. Synthetic fibrous asbestos-type fluosilica,tes, their properties and prospects for utilization, Izv. AN SISSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.llt2031-2038 N 165s (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut khWi silikatov Jneini IoV& Grebenabohikova AN SSSR, Submitted May 31t 1965. ACC NR% AP70029'17 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/(16/011/006/0773/0778 AUTHOR: Chlgareva,' Tj. ORG: Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol' (Pedagogicheiikiy Institut) WrLE: Micromotion picture study of the mechantsm of growth and separation of Vapor bubbles during boiling of fluids on horizontal smooth surfaces and pores I SOURCE: Inzhenerno4izicheskiy zhurnal, v. 11, :no. 6, 1966, 773-778 TOPIC TAGS: vapor condensation, reaction mechanism, fluid property, surface tension, fluid density, vapor bubble, bubble, vapor bubble separation, bubble separation ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the mechanism of vapor bubble separa- tion from a horizontal poorly-wettable surface with the aid of high-speed motion photography. The experiments confirmed that in the case of a heating surface, the poorly -wettable vapor bubbles separate in a pattern predicted by Ye. I. Nesis. For bubbles with a boundary angle of 100 deg, the sepwration diameter is inde- perident of the boundary angle and to defined by the formula D. 2a - 2 ,rd 112 UDC: 536. 423. 1 i 1 4 CHIGARIN, A.,; SOKOLOV, N.V., prof.; SIGAL, I.Z. Now drngs.,* 40 no.1:102-10) Jalf 159, (HIR& 12:10) (DRUGS) MOARINt A.P.p kandzed.nauk "7~ ,Pforphology of the nem elemento of the ovaries In fibr of the uterus. Akush.i gin* no.6s48-51 160,, (~Mu 14::L) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstm i ginskologii (zav. - prof. Mao Sidorov) Kasmskogo gosudarstymogo instituta dlya usover- showtvovaniya wachey i kafedry gistologii (sav. - prof, A~N9 Niolavaklyp konmatfAmt - profo Yu.1. Ubusay) Kazanskogo meditaimokogo inatitata. (UTERUS--Tumms) (OVARIES.-MMATION) CHIGARIN, V.D. ~-w Rapid determination of the moisture content of *bicarbonate of soda. Rhim.pron,rio.1:47 Ja-P 156. (XMA 9:7) 4. S.Sterlltamakskiy sodovyy zavod. . T~ Oolium carbonates) VASIL I YNTA. M. S. ; GRAQ4M= A Y NOBRITSKATA, Te.K., kand.geogr.nauk, J_ .; R otv,red,; PCTAPOV, I.Te., red.; VMCHKO, G.N., [Nature and econoyW of the Dzhozkasgan Industrial region] Pri- roda i khoziaistvo Dxhezkasgauskogo prosq,shlennogo raionB. Alma-Ata, 1zd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhakoi M. 1959. 96 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Dzhezkazgan District-Economic conditions) 41 "' CHIGAMIN, A.V. TAkad forms of the Aral-ftheslasgRn region. Trudy Sekt.gaog. AN Kanakh. SSR no.5:165-183 159. (MPA 13:4) (Aral Be& region-Physical geograPhy) laudform ohs m torlatics of the northeasteru Aral Bea. region end southwestorn Wrdwl&ud of the lalakb Hilles TrwV' Uktogeoge AN Uukb, 5.8.2, ao.60-33; 160. (HIPA (Uz&kh~tau-Pkwsical geogmpby) ABIRUMNOT, S. 9 - CHIUMNO A.T. ------ All-Union Congress of the Geogmphle Society. Taint.Al Uzakh.WR 16 no.4t8l-83 Ap 160. (KIPA 13:7) (Geogrsphy-Congresses) ZRANDAYEV, M.Zh.; CHIGARKIN, AN. Landforms of the southern part of Alma-Ata Province, their mapping and economic utilization, Trudy Otd. geov. AN Kavakh. SSR no.8:136-146 ,61. (MIRA 14:8) (Alma-Ata Province--Landforms--R'a*ps) CRIGARKIN, A. V., Cand Geog Sci -- "Northealtern Iral region 'U-14 ,U,44 1 a*nde outhwe stern 4~~ of the Kazakh Zi4* country.' ce In the vagimvi,~s landscape characteristic OA 14-M route of theLrailroad _DzhezkELZ gan- -Aral Sea~. Tashkent, 1961. (Tashkent State U Im V. I. Lenin) 8-61, 232 - 94 - CHMARKIN), A.V. Practice in applying landfom research in planmLng new railroad lines. Vest. Mook.un.Ser', 5.- Geog, 17 no.3:18.-24 Yo,-,Te 162. (MM 15:8) Is Mel geografii AN Kasokbo y SSR., Alm-Ata. (Nazakbotan-Landforms-Romearch) (Kasakhatan-4kailroad engineering) --MTIrxARXjj,,-_A.V., kand.geograficheakikh nauk Problems of the reclamation of desert territories in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 113 no.7:76-77 Jl ,62. (MIRA 15%7) (Soviet Central Asia-Reclamation of land) CHESAR PY.; ISAHANKULOV,, M.Sh. Landform map of Alma-Ata Province on a 1:4,000,000 scale. Mat. Kom. po land.~ka~t. no.2:55-62 162. (KIRA 16tlO) CRIGJUIKINO A.V. ChZe~=ris :bW' -of studying desert, landforms. TrIt6 Otd. eew. AN Kazakh. M, no.1040-50 163. Several looal landform,terna, 51-53 (MIRA 1649) CHICARKIN, A*V.; TRINNOVA, T.M,j 111IRNOVA, R.Ya.,- KAZANs5KAYAp VILESMA, L.A., MUKHAMETZHANOV, S.p kand, geologo- minor. nauk; GLADYSMA, U.N. p kand. geogr. nauk; BAZARBAYEVp K.; KU21ETSOVA,, Z.V.; ABDRAM"OV., S.; I;AZAMKOp I.M.1, kand. geogr, nauk; YESAULENKO, F.L., kand. sellkhos. nauk; IAVROVA, I,V,, kand, ekonon, nsuk; PALIGOVj N.N... akademik, red.; CHEZGANOV, L., red.; NAG40_4_;~.p, tekba. red. [The Virgin Territory; brief istudies on nature, jvpplation and econotWITSellmWi krai; kratkie ochorki o prix,ode, na- selenii i khozialetva, A3za-Atap Kazakhokcm gos. izd-vo, 1962. 188 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Otdol geografil. Akademii mauk Kazakhokoy SM (for all 8=ept Chezganov Nagibin). 2. Akademiya mauk Mzalaiskoy SM (for Pailgcyv . (Virgin Territory-Peonomic geograpby) -ACC'NRi S61jiCt CCDE: URIOL13166100010101011610116 INVENTOR: Ch, 4!iRk~. Golltsev, 0. P. ORG: None TITLE: A safety valve. Clas's 47, No. 181934 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pr=Wshlenrqye obraztsyl tovarnM Maki, no, lo, 1966, 1A TOPIC TAGS: valve, nonmilitary safety equipment ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a safety valve containing a primary valve and a full-lift pulse valve vith apringd. Valve wear cautted by pressure drop in the cham1mr ebove the primary valve is eliminated by boring boles both in the vulve skirt and in the nozzle housing to form an ejector unit communicating with the cavity above the-piston. UDC; 621-41,r AM NRI ftroulOW4 ly-twinsim -valve; 2,pulse Valve$ 3~flange; 4-nozzle; 5-ejector; 6--cavity above~ valve -SUB'.COI)E-. 13/ SUBM DATE: '05oct64 Card. 2~2 KUNKOVSHTEYN, G.I.,, kand. tekhn. nauk.,; AKSENOV, V.A., inzh.; SAMSIYANTS.* E.G.0 inzh.; qMV, A.V., inzh.; M,AWSADZfffANTS9 Zh.G.,, inzh.; TROSHINA, M.Ya., inzh.; STETSYUK) L.Sop inzh.; PARSHIN, M.A.p inzh.; KARPINSKAYA, I.M.$ inzh.; FALIKEVICH, B.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; ILARIONOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; POLTEV, M.K., inzh.; KOGAN, E.Lp inzh.; ineh,; KONONUVA, V.S., red,. (Traffic safety and safety measures in automotiva transporta- tion] Bezopasncstl dvizheniia i tekbnika bezopav,:iosti na av- tomobillnom transports. Moskva, Transport., 1961+. 74 p. (KIRA 18:1) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellaki. institut avto- mobillnogo transporta. 2. Moskovskiy avtomiekhanicheskiy institut (for Fallkevich). 3. Moskovskiy avtomobUlno- dorozbrory institut imeni Molotova (for Ilarionov). 4. Vse- soyuznyy zaochnyy po34tekhnicheskiy institut (for Poltev). CHIGARIKOV D .... . Som statistics. Za bezop.dvish. 4 no.5:12 My 162. (14M 15:7) 1. Starshiy gosudaretvannyy avtmobillnyy insp)ktor, Otdol regulirovaniya u3.icbzogo dvizheniya Gosuditretvamoy avtomobilinoy inspektsii. (Traffic accidents) CIRMAS, I. YXI. CHIGAS, 1. Yv.; "Helminths and helIdInthOSe5 Of SWine, cattle, and sheep in the Lithuanian SSR." Acad Sel Lithuanian SSR. Inst Of Biology. Min Rtgher Education USSR. Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. Kaunas, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of CandidatAt in Biological Sciences). Source: -Knizhnaya-letopis No. 28 1956, Moscow wip~ck- see-fa Vol-.11/4 Neuro. -Psychiatry Apr 58 j7r -CIA 2100. THE TREATMENT OF MENTAL DISEASES WITH PROLONCIED SLEEP INDUCED WITH SULPHONAL (Russian text) - C h I g a a a I M ZH. NEVROPAT.PSIXHIAT. (Moak.) 1957. 57/2 (21V--nTj--TM5lVW-t- Prolonged sleep "a induced with sulphonal in 630 patients affected with various mental diseases. In the beginning of the treatment, the patients aver-aged 14 hours .sleep per 24 hr.. and later, 22 hr. A detailed description is given of the various stages 0 the sulphonil effect during prolonged administration. Special attention is given to the effect of the drug in cases of manic-depressive psychosis. Prolon- ged treatment with sulphonal normallses. the carbohydrate metabolism in the brain by stimulating processes otassimillationwithtbe general metabolismof theorganism, It COUTIRY : US:fiz CAM 3ORY : ."idtiv-ted pialits. Ornamental. ABS. JOUR. : IMUDI., No.2~, 1954, Vo. 1041~k16 AUT11071 IPST. (Xoi;isk university) TITLE A'4'xnnrInent in tho Grnwinr of kerennit~! Jrruuaontal k1antq j 'n the t~onditbjnsl of' the Gity of 'Zoirsk. . . ORTG. PUB. i Byul. Sib--'zsk. botsn. sada (Toiaskiy un-t), 1958, Vyp. 5, 69-72 APSTRACT For soveml years, 3iberIF-n Botaniz~al 3arden at Tomsk 'dp.Ivw3-Lt,y, has been eonduetizg the selacti,,)n and stady of the 11*itnesa for tlhte triga reg .,I-onfi of iiberia of oragmantal Perennials, ara wild By 1-949, their collection con3isted of 1008 varieties, assi~,pwl -~n 1-15 ap-cles aad 83 genera. Az the result of the work- carried out, studies were completal on the grouing of irises, gladioli, ohloxes, da.Uias and of CMOs -1/2 168 iCATEGORY AM. JOUR. t MKOLp NO. 231, 1959,~ j~o. 10!,916 AUMOR IVST. TITLE ABSTRACT t .92 wild-growing species ft-om whi0h 41 have baen raeor. - menclod for -ntr,-41uati-.,n -into the oultivatim of ornamental S. Lebedeva CARD! 2/2- CHIGAYEVA, A.F. Cultivation of perennial ornamental TSSBS no.30,31-237 160. (Tomsk--Plants, plants in Tomsk. Ornament%l) Trudy (MIRA 1513) HTELINIKOV, A.A., insh.1 GRIGORIYEVA, N.V., inzh.-ekonc=ist,-_CHIGIN, V.P., inzh. U86-of excavating machinery in the-construction-of the Irtysh- Karaganda Qanal. Gidr. i mel. 17 no.307-44 Mr 1,55. (MMA 18U) CHIGIN, V.S. [Chybin, V.S.1, mashinist linopererabatyvarushchego &"ata deputat Verkhovnogo soveta UkrSSR High output of each unit. Mekh. sill. hosp. 11+ no.4t4~5 Ap 163. (NMA 16: 10) 1. Kolgosp im. Karla MarkBa, Kawlyanalko-Buzlkogo rayonu, LlvivB'koi oblasti. MaGIINIDZE, D.M. i 19791, CHIGUNINE, D.14. i Formy rosta monkristalIA tainka Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, 1949p No ls a 9-16.-Bibliogr: Sivazv. Sox Ietopia Muww~ Statey - Vol. 27, Moskva, 1949 Mechanism Gaeg. 19 if firn action on no.1:31-36 Ja-F CHIGIRO V.G. ]Dispersion of'detrital material by icebergs and sea ice. jest. Mooko un, $or, 5tGeog. 18 no-5t50-62 S-0 163. - (MIRA 16t11) . 1. Kafedra po3yarmykh stran Moskovskogo univeraiteta. ~M CHIGIREV A.A.; PONOMAREV, Y&.B* Computer for calculating carractions for 66ordinates and paral- laxes ef points of atereopairs. Good. i kart. ne.6:39-47 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Aerial photogrametry) (Calculating machines) CEIGIRM111 p.K.S LITVINOVAS I.p.; ML~XRMH&I-Ko, S.V.; IRIEMUKO, T-D. - ~--- 3R ~Ix~ - . Alleviating the aeasona-1 factors of work. Kona. i ovo proA4 no*7t 33-36 Jl 163. (141U 26:9) 1. Konnervnyy kombinat v Krymske. CIIIGLINTSEVP N.A., aspirant w - -- Gray-ity ve.U screens. Sbor. trud. LIIZHT no,196s85-94 162, . (MIRA 16s9) I I BULYZEENKOVA, E. N.; CHIGUNTSEVA, 1. 1. (Ufa) Acute barbamil poisoning. Klin. mod. 40 no.7110 105 JI 162. &M 15 :7) 1. Is 8-y- klinicheakc7 bollnitay Ufy (glavny:r vracb A. I. Batalov). (AMMARBITAL-TOXICOLOGr) - m CHIGIRI, B.0, I'Mivestigating Dust Contamination of Cenerator Gas in the EnWines of Wood Transporting Vehicles." Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Forestry Engineering Acad,, Teningrad, 19.~4. (RZhKhir%* No 20, Oct 54) Sux-vey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55 IMINOTI, I.Z.1 PETROVSKIII, V.I.; GRIGIR0 I.D. Obtaining shaped castings by centrifhwal methods. Lit. proisy. no.2t45-46 7 163. (KMA 16:3) (Centrifugal casting) KOVALEVSKAYA, IA.; EPSHTEYN-LITVAK, R.V.; DMITRIYEVA-RAVIKOVICH, Ye.M.; KURNOSOVAp N.A.; SHCHEGLOVA, Ye.S.; FERDINXID, Ta.M.; KHO141K S.R.; IIAKHLINOVSKIY L.P.; PE .1 S.Soj 2 1 TROVA, GOLUBOVA.. Ye.Ye.; GONCHAROVA, Z.I.; SARMANIffEV, A.P.; SIZINTSEVA, V.P.; Prinimali uchastiye: MEDIETHAO G.A.; OSOKINA, L.A.; RACHKOVSKAYA, Yu.K.; OSOVTSIPVA, Ool.; DEDUSFMO, A.I.; KOVALEVA, P.S.; KARASHEVICH, V.P.; CHEBOTAREVICHO N.Do- CHIGIRI TORO SKULISMYA, S.D.; KWHETZHIYEVY B.A.; D t . 0; ZUSIMAN, R.T.; YESAKOV, P.L; SYSOrEVA, Z.A.; ZINOVOYEVA, I.S.; FALICHEVSKAYA, A.A.; DENISOVA, B.D.; TIMOFEIEVA, R.G.; SYRKASOVA, A.V.; LYANTSMAN, S.Ge Reactivity and Immunological and epidemiological eff-activeness of alcoholic ty-phoid and paratyphoid fever vaccines in school children. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.7:72-77 J1 162. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Iz Moskovskogop Rostovskogo, Omskogo in!ititutov epidemio- logii i miltrobiologii.. Stavropollskogo instituta vaktain I syvorotok I Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. 2. Rostovskiy institut epidemfLologii I mikrobiologii (for Kovaleva). 3. Stavropol'shy institut vaktoin i "vorotok (for Sysoyeva). 4. Kuybyshevskiy institut, epidemiologii I zeikrobiologii (for Zinoviyeva). 5. Saratovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiclo- gicheskaya stantsiya (for Lyantsman). C11I TUNIVICH, N.G., kand.yurJ.dl ohs sicikh naulk. red.; 1%oEmb4a, rw~ t E .4 ~-. khred. [%Ilding contracts In capital construction] Dogovor podriada po kapitallnomy stroitel'struitqVistva. Minsk. Isd.,vo Belormaskogo goo.univ.1m. T.I.Lonlum, 1958. 202 pe (MIRA 12:3) (ftilding-Contracto and specifications) 40019 13/035/6Z/000/008/08W(M ~i A000101 AUTHORS: Smolov, V. B.,~ Chigirev, A. A. A digital-analog computer for processing aerial photographs PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhMrnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 8i 1962, 33 34# abstract 8G271' ("Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta", 1961, no. 46, 50 - 73) The authors propose adigital-analog computer of contimous type provided with an additional accessory which ensures increased accuracy of the memory. The computer is*connected with a stereocomparato:r and was devised for determining geodetic coordinates of the observed points of a stereopair. This determination is carried out automatically, by the method of the range base plane. It includes the following stages: Determination of mutual orientation elements by first-approximation formulae, displacement of the right-hand photo- graph in dependence on themutual transverse inclination angle, determination of mutual orientation elements by two approximations, calculation of corrections to coordinates of the points, calculation of conditional co6rdinates, calculation of inclination angles and scale:of the model, and calculation of geodetic coordinates Card 1/2 3/0356/6Z/ow/008/08(VO90, A digital-analog computer for... AOOI/AIO1 of the points observed; It is pointed out that the formulae of the method of the range base plane are most suitable for mechanization, since they permit a cofisIderable reduction of necessary equipment in comparicon with other methods. The coordinates of points, being measured on the stereoccgnparator, are fed, by turning corresponding screws, into the "shaft-figure" converter unit, being con- vert(d into.birary code. This code is fed into the unit for calculating mutual.- orientation elements, whose servomotor shifts the right-band photograph. Thoico- ordinates of the points are measured again and necessary quantities are calculated. Structural diagrams of computer units are presented, as well as rated data on the precision of operation of the proposed computer; according to them, errors in calaulating the mutual orientation elements will be about 01.5, and calculation of corrections will be made with errors wt exceeding MOT mm. Mere are 11 references. 0.194- 9, 7 -;,010 (4 S/006/61/000/003/003/003 3, o v (Z 3 0 ~51 U 14,r~ 7. B116/13203 Pri I# C7) 1 AUTHORi Chigirev, A. A. TITLEs, Computer for oaloulating,tho elements of mutual orier)tation of aerial photographs -PERIODICAL i Geodeziya-i kartografiya, no. 3, 1961, 2-3-40 ~:).TEXT: The author describes a special analog pomputer for calculating angular elements of mutual oriezitation by the method of the base plane of distances. This method was developed by N. 6, Kell', Corresponding Member of the AS USSR. The choice of this method is based on the following circumstance: thanks to the orientation of the pair of pictures of the trace of the princ- :;.~.:ipal base plane-of the left-hand aerial photo g:--Zph, tho formulas for cor- i r ections required because of the-OVIect of terms of the seconds order of small- -..:..ness;,. are simplified, and the correations required because of the relief are emitted. Though these advantages are attained at the expense of a double measurement of the aerial photographs, this is unimportant thanks to auto- mation. The principal equations for mutual orientation. in first approxima- tion (for the orientation of ae=ial photographs by the initial directions Card Vio 2 0 O~g S/00 61/0 03/003/003 Computer for ... Bl16 B203 with the use of four points) are divided into two groupa as follows: qt (Pt II+YlII C-O Pli qu + -T-(PIITn C 0 Pol Pill (2) 0, Y1IV (PI. Ply qIv + - - V -ri- Y. c=.0 f IV q1, q,,, qljI, qjV are the vertical parallaxes of the points; f is the focal distance of the aerial camera; y1, y, Y, Y, a:re the ordinates of I III IV the points measured on the left-hand aerial photograph; and Y2 IlLyi 3,35 7yq-,~ IT IV are the - dMinates of the points measured on the right-handaerial photograph; p PIV are the horizontal parallaxes of the points; -rnis the I, Pill Pill, Car 2/10 S/OO6j61/OOOPWN03/003 Computer for ... B116/B203 pitch angle of the right-hand, and T.In of the left-hand aerial photograph; e is the reciprocal pitch angle; p0 is the horizontal parallax of the main point on the left-hand aerial photograph. From Eq.(1)9 rn and 6 are found in first approximation. Then, the right-hand aerial photograph is shifted by the servosystem by aq = fe (3). This orientates the pair of aerial photo- graphs by the trace of the principal base plane of the left-hand photograph. Then, the coordinates of points I-IV are measured once more, and Eq.(1) and (2) are solved, but now without taking account of the term Pi f(l - --)a (since it vanishes by the orientation mentioned). The formula it01 for the corrections 6q because of the second order of smallness reads; ( 4 2 61 = _V1 _ ~2 _ r-q) (5)- 1 2 2 For the present computer, a linear rotary transformer is used as main decision element. The identity of structure of the equation systems (1) and (2) shows that a simulation's of (1) or (2) is sufficient to determine r ande Card 3/10 21194 S/006/61/000/003/003/003 Computer for ... B116/B203 The solution is performed by the trial-and-error method (Fig.1). The nature of this method consists, in the present case, in the choice of such rn and 6 values (with the aid of the control motors A 1 and A2) that the error signals generated at the comparison points 1 and 2 (Fig. 1) vanish. This will be true if Fl(p, ... f ... rn, 6 ) - q, and *F2(PII - - - f ... rn, 6) . qII, which is also the solution to the equation systdms. To permit a correct calcula- tion of electrical scales, Table 1 presents the extreme values of all variables in Eq.(1). The electrical scale m is calculated from Uoutput max M = maximum value of the sumulated variablos The corrections 6q are calculated by means of t 'he circuit shown in Fig- 3- The transverse shift Aq - fE is done by means of the device shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 6 shows a diagram of the position of the linear rotary transformers Y2I and q I with their drive mechanisms. These transformers guarantee t:.-i automatic supply of initial data. The computer described meets the demands made on the accuracy of elements of mutual orientation. Accuracy may be Card V-10 S/006J61,1000/01010603/003 computer for ... B116/B20- 3 'further increased thust by means of a focal distance of up to +0.01 mm, and' using shifting tr ansformers for arguments without change in sign. The terror in the output voltage of the linear rotary transformers due to the de-t ;pendence of the field coil current on the rotation angle of the rotor shows .;no considerable effect on the final result. An essential advantage of the ~eircuit is the automatic supply of initial data with simultaneous adjustment .of the observing system for the respective point. It is pointed out thatt ~.if the linear rotary transformers of rfl and t are replaced by sine-oosine rotary transformers, the sin 7,1 and sin C (for calculating the cosines of :direction arms) in the formulas of N. A. Urmayev-(not given here) can be determined with the aid of the casoade circuits of the'sine-cosine rotary :transformors. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet-bloc references. Card 5A 0 Computer for ... iLegend to Fig. 3t 1 110 v, (2) 500 CYcles1seo. 2U94 8/006J61/000/003/003/003 B116/B203 r ra -Ml AVA 2 4 S/006 6il~ooo/003/003/003 B 11 67B!, 203 uter for ... comp zlLegend to Fig. 61(a) from acrev ~~b~ linear rotary transformer, 1 electromagnetic aoupling, 2 driving-meohanism. 2A94 S1006,1611OO(VO0310031003 B116/2203 21194 S1100616111000100310031003 Oom for B116/B201; 'Puter -.'I'-Legand to Table 1t (1) aequenoe-number,,(2) designation of the variable, (3) minimum value, (4) maximum value. a A no HasBamme nepetiew" MaKCIIIIIIAbHoe 3nawnste nop. 3HaqenHe Y2 Y, It' A Pit. Po 40 mm 90 MM .111 1 It' YIN 2 q, , q1I 0 MU :h 6 um 3 55 UM 210 mw -007 4 -rfi; TA# e o um, �240'. 34.:.R'- Card 10/1() CHIGIREV, A.A., miadsbly nau(.,hnyy sotr-adnik :;sli-~7tbng an alp-thm for 9 digital pbotogrammet-nv ~4nstnimenf; In Ex fellawirg-up system. Izv. vys. ucheb. z ,.; geod. i aerof. no.2-j1I.O-'u7 16,,. zw WIRA 170) 1. Taboratorlya aeronettdov Gon~udaratvennop , ME sk ~ 7n ziche. ogo kor.'-I,eta SSSR. Rekomendovara kafedroy geodezii I'lenlugradskogo g~vrn-:)gc, Irlatit-utri. VINOGRA.DOV, Aleksandr Fedorovicb; C GARRY, Leonid Ivanovich: moRDVINOVA, N.P., inzh., ved. red.; LEVIN, G.E., inzh.., red.; SOHDKBI., TA , tekhn. red. [Scintillation counter with type-B counting system]Stsintillia- tsi6nnys schatchiki so schetnoi ustanovloi tips. B. Moskva, Filial Wes. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. 'informataii,'1958, 15 P. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheakii i proisvodstvannyi opyt. Tema 41. No.P-58-23/1) (Scintillation counters) (MIRA 16:2) KAPIAN', D.Ya.; CHIGIREV. P.M. rj~.ston mercury electrode of fluorop2asto. Zav.lab. 28 nc).2;201-102 1629 (MIRA :L5;2) Gooudaretvinnyy nauebno-iseledovatelle iy i proyektw k institut redkometallicheokoy proaWsh2emoatio (Electrodes, Mercury) -140 WIPW OWID W W Is VIVOW-W-W-t-WI, Iles# ottlolluou is -A-A- --am- JAL M M AND go* Fs-` d Posaft bow swamp. M. am"&. I&L D. W. W No. 1. F."KIs boo gas .64 Job"" __ a, - 90 Paid": MWI WM Will- Wmd&d. bditsdq; 600 -8d& c k "a on. nu, after froctionoug" d dot 000 A. Xwji& 0*4 see coo V_4c-,vLM_Xv. ~.P a k f 15 ;t O$n wee Selo$,) 44f 0 volivicoc *I ; A - - M I 1 8 Id 0 9 8 1 N M 9 A 0 5 V El u 41 ID Al to 19 0 9 a 0 0 0 * *0 0 agel 0 "s "a IS 0 o-1* 0 a 0 a o all lee 0 0 as 0 0 # , i , . 041i i ; i i 4 i I I m F; WIG k~ 7.A T- .--- - - it V 0 * - a 2 a I _v- sob -40 esa so 00 -00 deft A. 1. knov awl 0,0 _j* . m S--U-C eq. eye an!. go 10-d I- dog. It- qwWk., .1 kW, SO col"M's *"b "W"k tr,41(mlOtY CIWW. likr dry mvd.4, whk-b cunwK lie trard lpy the, cIA4%k Wasburg lipp, see =so *so off 000 SO 0 see Of PC-he M. q~ 46 je-,"I we- I ASM.16. .4l.LLLWWAL 1,11111411LARIE CLASIMPKATION too -2c a.. 'W"tTzparou Sal Olt a, it mW"'n-T17F- Us a 0 0 is 6 -0 0 0 ,\. CHIGIRV, V., mekhanik --- IDrying apparatus operatin on diesel ftel. Stroitell no.9:10 6 '59. (]Drying apparatuol (MLRA 13:3) V. I.S.; POLONSKIY, Yu.S.; KHLABALINA, O.I.,~_LHIGIII.E.V Study of the mechanism of the absorption of orthophosphate of the inedium by the mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum. Biokhimiia 29 no.4:759-773 Jl-Ag 164. (KM 18:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, Mos-kva. MINGER, E,N.- CHIGIRF-V V.S.~ 81SAKjAJN~ P LA'PoanLno ar;'Ld mnp~-junds of chlom:-'aate. D :, x 1SR S no.6;1424-1426 0 164. 1. InstAtut biokh--'Tq!.f,. im. A*N. Bakhtt AINT ~,~SSR. ab.WELIM q Cot by-Nikeo solm To prerent -dQ rp= uu&r uto cn M, tbeUttitr Avatum fit "r tops 7o:7 F~7,7 ~t ~7-- T77 ROVAUMSM,, Boris Favlovich[Novaleve"1719 B.F I * DRIG=, V.V. [Cbyb~Tykj ' i0d.-I XOPITIOUp R.K*.(YLOPytkOVa',0Y.), tekbz. re4. [Powerful.weap'on-In 'the building of comunism; the consolida- tion of the alliance of the laboring class,and the collective- farm peasantry in the period of the large-scaled building of commnismlftbutnia oyla pobudovy k=uni=a; mitsennia soiAiza robitnychoho klasu i kolhospnoho selianstya v period razhor- nutobo koimmistychnoho budivnytatva. Kyivp Derzhpolitvydav URSRj 1962. 193 P. (MIRA 15:11) (Agricultural adninistration) (Collective farms) SLYAMM, L.S.; MAZURDV,, V.F.; MDISEYEV., A.V.(Moisieiev, Aj,~; OMAROVp A.M.; sminsny, i.i.[smyrnitelkyi, 1E.K. , _2~~~(Cbyfiyrykq VAJ, red.; KOPMOVA, N.K.,q tekkn. red.; LEVCHEKO, O.K., tekhn..red4- I - [Economics of socialist industry] Ekonomika sotsialietychnol promyslovost:L; populiarnyi navehalinyi posibnyk:. Kyiv, Dar- shpolitvydav UNSR, 1963. 292 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Industrial organization) TREPACIIEV, I-V-; Possibility of using still residues,, waste product3 in the production of dichloroethaneq for combatting prelmaginal stages of files; authorls abstract. Zh. Mikrobiol. 40 no.79 19 J1163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. 1z Kemerovskoy oblastnoy sanitarno--epidemiologi,-.heakoy stantaii. CO trollin g tickg in sr*ao vhere tick-borne encephalitis LB 9:9mic, Med.paras* I pares.bol.supplament to no.'L:59-60 '57- (MIRA 11: 1) lo ]ix antomologicheskap otdoloniya Kemerovskoy oblastnoy protivo- solyarlynoy stantaii. (XANMVO IPROTIM--TICKS) IWOKOV, V.A., LARYUKRIN, N.A., TARABUNHIN, I.A., CHUMAX, N.F., CHIGrRIr' Ye.D. Three yeRre of experience in the encephalitis In Kemerovo Province bol. 27 no.2:199-207 MrwAP 158 control of sectors of tick-borne (1955-1957). Ned. pftra2. I pares (MIRA 11:5) 1. Is sektora profilaktilci infektaiv Inatituta malyarii. meclitsinakoy parazitologii I gellmintologii Ministerstva zdr.avookhrpneniya SSSR (dir. instituta - prof. P.G. Sergiyev, zav. sekborom - prof. V.A.- labokov) i is Kemerovskoy oblastnoy agnitarno-e-3idemiologichaskoy stantaii (glnvrqy vrach G.N. Naydich), (ENGNPRALITIS. epidemiolog7' tick-borne encephalitis, control of vectors (Rua)) (TICKS, control in prev. of tick-borne enceq)halitis (Rue)) CqIGIRIK~ E. D , 3,., N., C',IU'-IAK, N. F., PLES:-IVTST-;VA, E. A. "Prorhy1notic methods nnd local eradicaticn of tick-'borne encerhalitis in sme nreps of the kemerovo oblast.-" Peve P2 Desystoye snveshchinive po pprazitolo-wic,hesiclin prohle-nam. i p-rIrodn---ch;1-,?ovym boleznyarn. 22-20 Oktvnbm 1059 9. (Tenth Conference on P.1rasitol"ical Pr&lems and Diseases wit-h Natural Foci 22-2Q. October lq59), Leninur?d, 1959, Acndeqv of Medical Sciences USSR and AdAdemy of Sciences USSIR, No. 1 254pp. - --- - - - -6 --40, mwpm W"~ a I It Mi7matux-mill via 46 slit loanill in , 1 1 1 A _C # 1 4 ph **A Ths commUntlan of cAlclum carbonate In the wittera of the Polar begin. N.I.Chiptirill. W. V. R'S'S' JQ' cf. p1tv ohng alpmr.- billaillant tilkwevit-4 by revvill ImIlAt v;:mvIl1lm1,, ,ave shown that a wanner wairr JaYry lit Allatilic'Xigin Invomt in tilt Ntwth INJar 1"%iti, Tile Illickile%-4 Id tilt I Ahl) Of Cacti, (VaIni. Imul ,I m11- n-wt "'Id 00 JI-ion runrit.) air: 11) II-Itill us., "44,3.42-3.62 W.All ' 12) in., vain), 3X-3.39, anti .00 (3) 1150-III)ltom, vIJd. ;1,39 3 411, al..Ilt lisCe- 'I h'. 4'1v 6 see see .4 CAOS, hi mm %4114.1 (jel".1111'A 111%111 tile itttlll~lll 0 lit, see 00 .3 vott"Mile swid. the I'llip. 44 file natt's and tile jiv,11-i'lil, '1U ""1 TIW f"41411(V 4SI I IIV Middle IAVVT III thA1111V itl 1!i coo goo C C ]ls its - em tent iti uturked. go 3 lated by the Polar waters is cartircl away to "fie ritclit by CUFTV111% and by kV flOkIt into WhiCh 111MV CACO, go* 00 clibmisiv (it-virs durive fiti-maiin". 1). W, IN-ater goo roe so 8 00 e* ti e* 1011 at CLA$ UPKAT ittahl It ti We* - I , woo,, .11 a.- ae( i -4--v u a If so U to 4 0 0 0 0 0 o 1) 71o 1 0 to 0,000 o 0 a 0 0 0 KAO 1e 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 00 4 0 0 q 0 e s 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 O 011101ftv~ H. P . "Lack of Exactness in MSethod Bor Analyzing Brandy Products," Vin. SMI, No.4, page 33, 1952 t %A I C' k R I Iq . I'\j. P TDIU~STU-MQIKO, V-1.1., CHIGIIR'171, N-F- Wine and Wino ';-'aking C,-xo of mine vats with S02 containing water. Vin. SSM, 110. 19'~12. JULY 1952 9. Monthlj List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, .;= Unclassified. -.. I I.......... . . CHIOIRIU, N. F.; TIMONCIMMO, V. M. Brandy* Lose of brandy spirits as remdt of storage in new casks. N. P. Chigirin, V. M. Timoshchenko. Vin. SSSR. 12 No. 6, 1952 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -3w%, Uncl. 1. CHYGIRIN, N.P. 2. U&S)R (600) 4. Kiziyar - Viticulture 7. Create a branch laboratory in Kizlyar. vin.sssR 12 no.11, 1952 9. Monthly list of Hassian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified SHA,SKOLISKIYY B.V., kand. tekhn. naWc; SOTNIKOVA, K.F."' inzh. ; GAVRILINY Ye.F.; LUBKOV, A.N.; SAPOZHNIKOV., V.14.; ZHUCHENKO, L.F.; CHIGIRINA N I tekbnik; ZHARIKOV, I.P., inzh.; CHERTISHCHEW, A.Ye.; SHAPOVALOV, VA., tekhailt; MORNOV, A.M., inzh.,- SLIVKO, S.V., tekhnik; CHERNAVSKIY, G.N., kand. tekt-n- nauk- STRUZHESTRAKH, Ye.I., inzh., ed.; KLIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red.; DEMKINA, N.F., tekhn. red. (General norm for time and machining conditions used in the IMustry for machining on automatic lathes; mass, large-lot and lot production]Obshchemashinostroitellnye riormativy vreme- ni I rezhimov rezaniia na tokarno-avtomatnye raboty; massovoe, krupnoseriinoe i seriinoe proizvodstvo. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 271 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normativoy po trudu. (Turning~-Production standards) -- CHIGIRINETS, A.A.j -TKACHEVP V.F. Multiple machining of. supports, Masbinostroitell no. 4:30 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) I(M411ing machines) CHrGIRINETS, A.A.; SAMOYLOVO P.N. Copying holder, Mashinostroitelf no.6:30 is 86;,j. I (Drilling and boring machinery) OMU 16-.7) H.G.; 'KATOHIN, B.N.; IDBANOV, V.V. Crust formation'-pn steel-pouring nozzles of intermediate ladles in continuous steel casting equipment. -Stall 23 no-3:215-217 Mr 163. (MM 160) 1, TSentrallnyy nauchno-isiiledovatellskiy institut, chernoy metallurgii i Novolipetskiy metalluriichesIdy savod. (Continuous casting-Equipment and supplies) Y- /9 133-7-15/28 AUTHOR: Chigirinskiy, A.I. and ChetVertak, A.N., Engineers. TITLE: A Load-lifting Device for Pincer Cranes (Gruzozakhvatnyy Instrument kleshchevykh kranov) PERIODICAL: Stall, 195?, No.?, -p. 629 (USSR). ABSTRACT: A modification of the gripping device for cranes handling hot slabs proposed by Chigirinskiy and Koleachenko and used at present on the Zaporozhstall Works is described (fig.). A large gripping surface prevents the formation of indentations on the hot metal. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Zaporozhstall Works (Zavod "Zaporozhstall") AVAILA.BLE: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 USHAAM, B*N* Case orhonspecific agglutination of orythrooytoo in t)-plasmocAmao -Probl. gemat.i po (MIPA 14:2) (;&I;RSkvovli 6 no.107-59 161. (HER4GGLUTIMT.10N) KRYWV,, A.A*v kandomed.nauk; CHIGIMISKIY, A.N* Case of bong marrow plaamocyte reaction with hMrgammag3.obuli- xemU in prolonged treatment of diabetes mellitus with sulfani-la- mide preparations, Probl,endck.i gom. 7 no.30-15-1-16 161. (KMA 14--9) 1, Iz kafedry fakialtetskoy terapil. No.2 6vich. - prof. A.L. Landa) Voyanno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenin& alcademii imeni S.M. Xirova. (SUUWXIIIM) (GMM GLOBULIK) (IMRWW) 6 CHIGIRINSAY) A.R. (leningrad) Role of the adrenal glamdo in the development of an acute leuko- oyte reaction. Probls-endok.i gorm. 7 no*4146-.52 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1, Iss kafedry patologiobeskoy fiziologii (naobs - daystvitell- My Chien AM SSSR prof, I.R. Petrov) i fakulltetskoy terapii NO.2 (nach. - prof. A.L. landa) Vbyemo-meditsinskoy ordena Lenita akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (AMMAL GLODS) (LWOCYTOSIS) (MIU) CHIGIRINSKIY, A. N. Treatment of myelmatosis vith eareolysin in combination vith ACTH and steroid hormones. Vop.- onk. 7 no.7:63-69 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz klinik fakulftetskoy terapli No. 2 (nach. - prof. A. L. Lends) i fakulltetakoy terapii No. I (nach. .. prof. V. A. BeyVlw) Voyenno-teditainakoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S. M. Kirova. (MMOW-DISPMES) (ACTH) (MAMIE) (STEROIDS)