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R.-- A --4043786 C_C_ and wert studied by the method o f electron nsramtiv-,neti r T he requIt'ing In tens I rv of the F!'F sipn ni c r, r 0- 5 Ur") e~- --r n~. per ;zram. 1:13M -MMM7 WIT 1. 8.566-6.5 Au-"SS 104 Ua;. AV-,40-43-786- oe:-bettv on, the points of maxinum slope. a lifte vi dth of ~4 The i -vall gree: of-saturatLon-sf the IPR signal stvilied was deter-mined by partsovi vith the unsaturated RPR signal of ))PPH. a 3ptn~latti( 0" C axati on -X-11RC-lav- et. pro" At saturation of klie aignal, which depende-3 fe Jim V-'rW compaTI-inag-t e-Oxibipattrie-of tP-I-R- nfgnals of polvimers 1,nd ertiel of '~PP SignRIB of Lhe free 7W' ------ j- 5 ACUSSION NR: AP4043786 ASI;OCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki. i goreriva of Chemical Kinaties and Combustiont) SUI,MITTED, 0 10 c t 6 3 ATD PRES;, 3096 sui con OC , NP -C rcl 4 /4 NO REP S.)V- 009 T M~ MEN= SAPRIN, A.N.; KLGCfIKO, E.V.; KRUGLYAKOVA, K.Ye.; CHIBRIKIN, V.M.; E14ANUELI, N.Y. Effect of the inhibiiors of radical reactions on the kinetics of the change in free radical content in the organs of mice in experimental leukemia. Dokl. AN SSSR 166 no.3:746-748 Ja 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-koi-resFondent A14 SSSR (for Emanuel'). Submitted August 27, 1965. 42w_66 'EmYri ( I!JP(c) ACC NRt AP6029851 SOLMi CODE: URIW32/66/032/008/.0933rW Malinp Yu. N*,, Chibrikin. V. M,j $hsbalkln, V. A,; Shuysloys Vg F. IMMOR: I e of Chemical Physics, ORG. Institut Academy of Sciences SfiaUlLnotitut khisicheskoy fiaiki-Aii9edi uk ISSSR) TITLE: Accuracy of measuring the concentration of paremapetic entities by the EFR SMCr.: Zavodskaya laboratorlyst vo 32# no* 80 1966, 933-943 TOPIC TAGS: EPR "ctwomater, spin resonance, *rLvr measurement EPR 2 spectrometer, RE 1301 spectrometer ABSTRACT: The purpose o,.c this Investigation was to make a systematie~study of the or-: rors involved in the quantitative determination of the numher of P arnetic entitiesl (atoms, radicals, ions, ate.) using the electron paramagnetic resonance method. The spectvmter operated at a wavelength of 3.2 cm with lMHz modulation of the magnetic field. A cylindrical cavity (Holl) of diameter 45 mm and height 34 mm was used. Quan- titative results were obtained by comparingthe signal intensity of the unknown sample with that of a standard containing a known number of spins. Both signals were record- ed as the first derivative of the absorption line. Errors connected with the prepara- tion of a suitable standard of known paramagnetic spin concentration were minimized by UDCt 536.113:543.42 card 1/2 ZAKHARGV, S.; CHIRRIKOV, A., inzh. Mechanized operations in the repair of I~olished varnish coatings. Rech. transp. 24 no.6:2/4-26 '65. 1. Glavny .y konstruktor Gortkovskogo tsentraltnogo konstruktor- skogo byuro llinlsterstva rochnogo flcUi (for Zakhurov). 2. Gorlkovokoye tsentrallnoye Ronotruktorkcyo tryuro ',"I n-*Lg ter.Ava rechnogo f2ota (for ChibriNkivv). XVANCHENKO,, Ye.Ya., prof.; CHIBRIKOV, A.V.,_inzh. Calculation of high-frequency initial parameters of triple armored cables. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no.10: 82-92 163, (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychielitellnoy tekhniki. CHIBRIKOV, A.V., inzh. Input resistance of a mine power system during its use as a communication and remote control channel. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor. shur. 6 no.11:1"-148 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki. CHIBRIKOVP GeoEgIZ GeorjiyAAah,- YEFD4DV, O.S., red.; SHIROKOVA, -N A red. aZIEVA LV., tekhn. red. %jontradictions between U.S.A. monopolies and under- developed countries on the basis of the exportation of capital) Protivorechlia mezhdu monopoliiami SShA i slabo- razvitymi stranami na pochys vyvoza kapitala. Moskva, Izd-vo Moak. univ., 1963. 36 p. (MRA 16:10) (Underdeveloped areas-Investmentis, American) FOHIN, Katvey5Ivanovich;; iod-va; KOWASHINA, A-Do, tekhnoredo AIDUFIYIWA, A.M., red. [Payments for official travel and transfers) Raechety pri komandirovkakh i i3luzhebnvkh perevodakh. Izd: 92-oa, ispr. i dop. Koskva, Izd-vo K-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR. 1957 1 p. (KIRA 11:5) (IMloyees,,Relocation of) (Accounting) GHIBRIKOVp V.I.; PETROV, V.T. Selection.Qf,crade A bitime Nefteper. p the production of BN-IIIY (MMA. 17.- 2) i neftakhim. no.lOtl6-18 163. 1. Novokuybyshevskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy amod. -7-7F Let L be (L Wntout in the ---~IA~e COUSistiUff f -A SWO collff lion of t lwed and nW Ocuwlic--, SITIC F)th ' aru a finac number of 4~ornmon points mx )ef GM) be fundlops gi-,,f-r cm, I -.aati--f5,irg a 11Wdq cundjDa-an ect c hu -ng t an wMC d left b2 A hini A b on e bl er Inn ntey z;m c! < 1C 117, P~u licrular ~,Olv!lfln nf 109 G, Vklw--C~ -tldg U, (h +--q in imt; q Then Yfz i)Li~ Is: imp er Xf.-I, than that found 'M by Rvesele f Al -a& Nauk Triiiiv Tbil~.~,~ Mat Irl;t 11- ~j [I: t17 i - 27, INIR 1~, IsSl Al C, Olom rk, M-", k,r- OV f~, USM/Mathematics - Singulex integrals CM-d 1/1 :-Pub. a -2/9 FD-1424 Author Gakhov, F. D. (Rostov),, and Chibrikova, L. 1. (Kazanl) Title - Certain types of singular integral equations solvable in closed form. Periodical Mat. sbor., Vol- 35(77),, PP 395-436., Nov-Dee 1954 Abstract Gives the historical background and statement of the problem. Reduces the complete singt,~Lar equation to a boundary value problem. Discusses finite groups of fractional-linear transformations and automorphous functions.. Solves the Riemann problem,for intersecting contours and,gives the solution of the boundary value problem. Considers equations -with kernels invarlant during transformations of the group,, and equations vith kernel that acquire multiples during transformations of the group. Examplei3 of these are given. Eight references. Institution : Submitted : June 16, 1953 :0 Vi ) L Call Nr: AF 2108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont.)Moscow, Jun-Jul '56, Trudy '56, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatellstvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956,237 PP. Mention is made of Kreyn, M. G. There are 3 references., 2 of which are USSR, and I English. Chebotarev, G. N. (Kazan). Some Matrix Equations and Their Applioation for Solving In Closed Form Riemann Boundary Problem forft.Pa:Lr Function Systems and for Solving of Systems of Linear Differential Equations. 110-111 Chelidze, V. 0. (Tbilisi). Some Summation Methods of Multiple Series. Chibrik2y_a,_.L,1. (Kazan'). On Riemann Boundary Problem ---Of-Wu-tomorphic Functions. Shaginyan, A. L.(Yerevan). The Velocity of Polynomial Approximation on a Closed Set. 111-112 Mention is made of Lavrentlyev, M. A. There is I USSR reierences Card 35A0 CHIBRINDUA Lslk- - .1 Riesman's toundary problem for autowrphic functions. Uch. sap K". (MIAk 11 un. 116 se.4-.59-110 156. 10:4) (Imk6tions. Automerphic) 46(q) 14-SOOO 67082 SOV/44-59-1-2s6 Translation from i Iteferativnyy zhurnal.Matezatika,1959,Nr 1,P 53 (USSR) AUTHORs Shibrikova-A L.I, TITLEs Effective Solution of the Hilbert Boundary Value Problem for Some Folygones Bounded by Circular Arcs PERIODICALs Uch.zap. Kazanak. un-ta,1957,117,Nr 2,22-26 ABSTRACTs Let S+ be the upper half of a fundamental domain, symmetric with respect to the real axis, of a certain elementary or Fuchs grVup of first class of fractional-linear per tations; L the bountlary-of S The &uthor considers the Hilbert problem on the determination of a function,F(z) - u + iv holomorphic in S+ from the boundary condition au + by - c, where a,b and a are real functions given on the boundary Lwhich..satisfy the H61der conditionp where a2 + b2 ~ 0 everywhere on L. After having introduced the auxiliary function Vz) and having it ex- tenaea automorphically -to the whole domain of existence according to the method of Rol. Muckhelishvili (Singular Integral Bquations, 11#0 Gootekhizdat,1946,Chap.2, � 38) the author reduces the problem to the Riemannian problem for an automorphic function which was formerly con- Cc :d 1/2 ~r 67082 16(l) SOV/44-59-1-286 Effective Solution of the Hilbert Boubaary Value Problem for Some Polygones Bounded by Ciroular Area siderea by the author (Referativw zhurn&:L.Matematika,1957,7828). The formula of Schwarz which yields the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the strip, and the formulas of Will for ring and rectangle are derived as examples. I.G. Aramanovich Card 2/2 -kCHIIMIKOVA, L.I. for solving a boundary problem of tho mixed type. Uoh. zap. ARz- un. 117 no.9:44-47 157. , (MIR* 13:111 l.Kazanakly gosudaretyanVy universitst im. V.I. Ullyanova-Lanina. XAfedra differentei&llnykh uravneniy. (Differential equations) a!' -40 Solving Trikomi's boundary problem for the equstio Uch. gap* Kits. un. 117 no.9:4B-51 157. (AQ 13:3.) IJazanekiy gosudaretvenWy universitot Im.- V.I.- U11yanova-Lenina. Nafedra differentsiallzqkh uravnenirl (Differential equations PIZ , , , ,li -f Ak TI; 04 3/006 L I/ i3t;/002/002/015 011 0222 NOTS021 Chibrikoval L.1, Tinzo. The application of autonorphi* functions for the solution of soms~boundazy valum problem for equations of'zixed type PUXODICAL& Referativvyy shuraalg Natemtika, no.2, 1961, 38-39, abstract 2D 183. (In ab.s"Iselmi. po sovrem. probl. tooril funktai,7r kompleken. peresennago", I., Fizmatgiz, 1960, 515- 519) 1=21 In - the. r*giow B bounded In. the plane y > 0 by the Jordan ourve igo with the ondpoints A(0,0) and 'B(1,0) and.bounded in the haltylaze y-'~O by the charaoteristicalkCs y-x and CDs y - x-1 for the law"Atlygy-Bituadle equation uxz+sgn y1joy . 0 M the author considers the Tricoul.probles with the boundary conditions u 1 -P ujAd (2) Y#hsra, Y is one time continuously differentlableg two times differentiable v and tP(A) %p(3) - If(A) - 0; go is the half of the car& I /P3 22807 The applicafton, of autonorphic fu"tionG- .- 8104Y61/000/002/002/015 Cill C2 22 boungLary. of a fun&auental.. region of a certain elementary or ftohe I gxoup r of fractional-lineor transformations 63 Z+ N k(z)-(Cfkz+&)/(X-k Skit ,Pk(z) Cc whore 0~ Ek- 1% G 10 1 z a x4-Iy. in the usual manner -che author reduces the solution of (l)-(2) to the solution of a Hilbert pro'blen (with coofficiontie discontinuous in the points A &:.-.,d B) f rkmotion F(s) - u(x,y)+iv(x,y), v(0,0) - 0 imalytio in the elliptN the part 3) of D. The author introduces Ahe pis e ewjjLL holomorphic fumotion f (z) i6 putting T(z) - V(s) in 3), and T(z) - F--(-z) - TZ z) in the region sy=stric with respect to AB9 she extends q (z) automorphically with respect to the group r on th: whole r&Cion of existence of the simple Lutomorphic functions of thi group k-0,1,2,..., and for the determination of %C(z) she obtains a Riemannian boundary value problem with coefficients discontinuous in A and B for automorphic functions belonging to the-group r. The solution of this problem to carried out explicitly Ixample, the author..considers the case whore 60 in a semicircie y>O, where the obtained solution Cand 2/3 ,4kjv I The APPlication of automorphit: functions ... S,1044J611000100210021015 0-111/0222 agrees completely with the result of A.V,Bitoadze (R Zh Nat-19559 2965). Ekbetracter's notes complete tranalation.3 K. card 3/3 '110023 It. 50'a 0 S/020/611141/001/004/021 Cill/C222 AUTHOR; Chibrikovaq L. #. TITLE: A solution of the Riemannian boundary value problem for automorphic functions in the case of groups characterized by two invariants PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 1, 1961, 47-50 TEXT: Given the functional group F of fractional linear substitutions 6'k(z), k = 1,2,..., the fundamental region R of which has a finite number of sides. In R let lie a curve L consisting of the simple smooth non-intersecting pieces Ill 1 2Y ... 9 1q* ~(z) is called a L/ piecewise holomorphic automorphic function with the line of disconti- nuity 11 if 1) ~(Z) is holomorphic everywhere in R - L with a possible exception of a finite number of points, where it has poles of finite order; 2) + E6k(z)] - (P (z); 3) all essentially singular points of t,z) are accumulation points of the group; ii) ~ (z) is continuously continuable into every point of L. Problem: Determine a piecewise holomorphic,automorphic function ~ (z) xvith the line of discontinuity L having poles of the orders Card 1/3 30023 S/020/61/141/001/004/021 A solution of the Riemannian boundary ... C111/C222 ~41 P29 tL,, in the points z1 9 22? .... zmof R, from the boundary condition ~+(t) = G(t) ~ _(t) + g(t)j where G(t) and g(t) on L are given functions of the class H, where G(t) / 0 on L. The author gives an explicit solution of the given problem in the case of groups for which there exists no simple automorphiz function of the order 1. If p is the genus of R and 6L ~ 6'1 + ~L2 + + O~Lm' then it is stated: For ~L > p the homogeneous problem has 6L - p linearly in- dependent solutions having a common zero a 0; for 6b S p the homogeneous problem has no non-trivial solution. For solutions vanishing in a0 it furthermore holds: for ~L - p the inhomogeneous problem has ~L - p linearly independent solutions; for ~L = p the Card 2/3 30023 s/o2o/61/141/001/004/021 A solution of the Riemannian boundary ... ciii/C222 solution is unique; for 4 p the (unique) solution exists only under the satisfaction of p - ~ additional conditions for g(t). In essential the investigation is based on classical results of Weierstrass, There are 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-~~5-viGt-bloc reference, ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V. J. Ullyanova-Lenina (Kazan' State University imeni V. J. Ullyanov-Lenin) PRESENTED: June 5, 1961, by P. Ya. Kochina, Academician SUBMITTED- May 1B, 1961 Card 3/3 CHIBRIKOVA jjj._ - -1- ..- Riemann boundrry value problem for functions automorphic with respect to groups with two invariants. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no.6:121-131 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kazanskiy V.,osudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Ullyanova- Lenina. (Boundary value problems) (Functions, Automorphic) CHIBRIKO.VA, otv, red. (Boundary value Problems in 4he tbeory of the functions of complex variables] Kraovye zalachi toorii funktsii kompleks- nogo peremennogo. Kazan', Izd-vo Kazanskogo univ., 1962. 78 p. (MIRA 18:4) CHIBRIKOVA L.I. Letter to the Editor. Izv. vy-a.ucheb. sav.; mat. no-3:195-196 162e (MIRA 15:9) (Functions; Autmorphic) 41M .... .... . 5/044163/00aiyu3~1.,4, MaIROVA, L. T lJornwin IJ 1, 1'V V,,'. .11,1 1 i:: h $m odgo lich. zai-. Li:,- ui. :1~13 n, 14 Dour6al-'r valve prnblz:,;~~-, -k 1.4 BADYSHTOVA, K.M.; CHESNONOT, -A.A.j rVMKB,k, X.B.; ZHADANOVSKIY, N.B.; XCRYUKHOVA, M.V. Prinimali uchastiye: KCUOVAIDV,, B.S., inzh.; NAUMOVA, A.P., insh.; nATTL'ETOVA, Inzb.; SMIRNOTA, S.M., inzh,;, CHIj~~~Ujaborant; BUGHOVSKAU M.S., laborarit, Wfect of the nature of raw atock- on the stability of tranefomer oil* nefteper. i neftekhim. no.llt25-17 164 (MIM 18 t2) 1. GiDsudaretvennyy naudno-issledolratellskiy institut neftyanoy promphlmnosti p Kuy"hev i Novolmybyshmkiy zavod, L EWT(d) I 1 o4997-6 jP(c) GD ACC NRt - AT6016793 Soukb~C6bf.*-- Uit/0000/657000/000/0208/911 AUTHOR*, -Gakhov, F. D.; ChibrikoyrA. L. 1. PY ORG: Gakhov) Belorussian Universi!j. Ming (Belorusakiy universitet); Chibrikova] Kazan' i7i University, Kazan' (Kazanskiyunivexaftet) TITLE: The solution of continuum mechanics problems by reducing to boundary problems for: automorphicAmetions SOURCE: International Symposium on Applications of the Theory of Functions !n Continuum Meihanics. Tiflis, 1963, Pidlozheniya teorii funktsiy v mekhanike Bploshnoy sredy. t. 2: Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, matematicheskiye metody (Applications of the theory of functions in continuum mechanics, v, 2t Fluid and gas mechanics, mathematical methods); trudy -Bimp.0 zi.uma.., Moscow. Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 208-218 tropic TAG& continu'um meeb .gnics, boundary value. problem, autolaorphic function, dif- ferential equation solution ) C 0 A-17r-1 OV, Uo 0 7"*UAJC ABSTRACTi Many problems in continuum mechanics have been solved by various authors by means of particular methods. 'All Ziese problems, however, can be;,solved by a single method Card 1/2 L 04957-67 ACC NRo AT6016794 Le. , reducing to theNMarin 6oundary problems for automorphic functions, a particular Case of which are periodiclunctionsi. The Riemann boundary problem is formulated for the auto- morphic functions. TWO mome6ts are fundamental in the solution of the problem: 1) the con- struction of a canonical function X (z), by means of which the problem in the general case is reduced to the problem on the 4iscontinuity r 11 C (1); (1) and 2) the solution of the discontinuity problem. A convenient method for the solution JA given in detail* Orig. art. has: 16 formulas. SUB CODE: 12,20/,4 SUBM DATE: 13Sep65/ ORIG REF: 015/ OTH REP: 009 n card 2/2 CHIBRIKOVAP Yevdoldya Vasillyevna Antibiotical action (aspergillina) on dy-ventary hactrr4lu. Dis!~ertution for candidate -of a 1edical Ecience Degree. Chair of llicrob~olo[,- - - - 1. L y (head prof. 5.1. "herishorina) SL~ratov "edical institute, 1953. M, USSR/Medicine Antibiotics FD-2318 Card 1/1 Pub 148 - 19/36 Author Chibrikova, Ye. V. Title The bacterial properties of &qpergiUin Fericdical War. mikro. epid. i im=. No 2, 554-57, Feb 1955 Abstract States that aspergillin has a broad spectntm of antibacterial ac- tivity, but exerts a rather weak action. Found that among micro- organisms causing intestinal infections Hiss-Flexner Rn-d Sonne dysentery bacilli are the most sensitive to this antibiotic; that the bactericidal action of aspergillin towards dysentery bacilli exerted not only in pure dysentery cultureo, but also in the pres- ence of other bacteria isolated from the hijman intestine; and that the antibiotic action of aspergillin is exerted towards both sul- fanilamide-sensitive and sulfanilamide-resistant strains of dysen- tery bacilli. Six references, all USSR. One table. Institution Chair of Microbiology, Saratov Medical Institute Submitted April 7, 1953 CHMIKOVA, Te. V.; VMNSTSOVA, V.I.; MMOVA, L.P.; DtTDxovA, v.1L Rapid method for the detection of Vlbrio comma in water and In wiLehinge of objects in external environment by using fluorescence mier'becopy. -~9 no.12,52-56 0 158. (NIHA 11:12) ZbMi. MWO'bibil.* eji& i iiiin. 1. Is Gosudaretvannoge nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta epidemic- logii i mikrobiologii Yugo-Vostolm assR. (OMikrobu). (VDRIO COWA, detection in water, luminescence microscopic method (R")) (WATER, microbiology, Vibrio comma. luminescence microscopic detection (Ras)) CHIBRIKOU. Te.T.; SHOWNIZA. 1.I.; BAZMTAO L.P. Accelerated Identification of Vlbric comm. Zhur.m1krobiol.epid.1 lumn. 31 vo.U16-22 Ja 160. (HIM 13 --5) 1. lz Gosudaretveunogo muchno-leeltdowatellskogo institute, spi- demiolf4ft I m1kroblologil Ingo-Tostoka SSSR "Nikrob.0 (Tultzo) CRIBRIKOVA, Ye.V.; SHCHURKINA~ I.I.; TABAKOV, F.K.; MOSDLOVA, O.N. Possibility of using specific fluorescent antibodies for the rapid detection of Vibrio cholerae in water. Zhur.mikrobiol.,, epid. i immun. 33 no.3:9-14 Mr 16-2. (MIRA .15:4) 1. Iz Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta "Mikrob". (ViATER-MIC-ROBIOLOGY) (ANTIGEM AND ANTIBODIES) (VIBRIO UWA) m CRTBRIKOVA"ye.v. Morsovo horizon of the Lifelian stage and its analogues in the east of the Russian Platform. Dokl.AN SWR 145 no.2:41.1-413 il 262. (MIRA 15.-7) 1. Gorno-goologicheakiy institut Bashkirskogo filiala, AN SWR. Bredstavlano akademikom D.V.NalivkiWm. (Raosian Matform-4oology, Stratigraphic) CEWRIKOVA, Te.T. spores from Takata layers of western Bashkiria. Top. geonorf. I geol. Basbk. imo.1%91-99 157. (MIM 1114) (Bashkiria-Spores (Botany), Fossil) e,44 LQ V-- A) r1t 2 45 3.19 Eli ~jla 19 32 19 93 tL to: I 1 *1 81 1 61 b s A j A L 91 U cM X. S~V-i -PEI CHIBRIKOVA, Ts,.V.; ROZHDWTVXHSKAYA, A.A.; OBOLENTSEV, RqD.# profeg oktor khim.nauk, glavnyy red.,- OILI. A.1., doktor geol.- miner.nauk,; CHIPIKOVA. I.M., red.izd-va; ASTAFIYXVA. G.A., tekhn,.redo [Materials on the paleontology and stratigraphy of Devonian and older deposits of Bashkiria] Materialy po palsontologii i stratigrafii devonakikh i bolas drevnikh otlo2hanii Bashkirii. Moskva, Iza-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 246 p. (MIRA 13-.1) (Bashkiria-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) CHIBRIKOVA, Ye.V. Age of the banal horison 9f the Zifelian stage in western BaBhldrl-i. Vop.geolavostookraftwoplatf.i lUzh.Urala no.7.-IIS-223 I N, (MIU 34: 10) (BasbkIriap-Cleological time) TTAZHEVA, Alekaandra Pavlovna; RDZHDRSTVENSKAII, Anna Abramovna; -QUIBBI&OVA, YqVgeni Vasillyevna; OLLI, A.I., dok~*r geol- -L! ya miner. nauF, prof., L.V., red. Azd-va; MISHINA, R.L.,,,red. isd-va; ULIYANOVA, O.G., te)dm, "d. [Brachiopoda, betracoda, and ipores of the Middle and Upper Devonian in Ba'sbkiria]Brakhiopodk ostrakody i spory srednego i verkhnego deiona BaeWdrii. (BylA.P.Tiazhava i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962s 477 po (MIRA 16:2) (Banhkiria-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) CHIBRIKOVA, Yev. Conditions governing the formation of spore-pollan complexes and their use for t~e restoration of the sedimentation and paleogeographic environment. Izv. AN WSR. Ser. geol. 28 no.12:102.?110 D'630 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Gorno-geologicheskiy institut Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSRO Ufa. CHIBUKHCHYM. R.: TSKHOVFLOOV. V. Producers' cooperative societies of Georgia. Prom.koop. 13 no.10:28 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Rukovoditell grupW vnedroniya projrektao-Itonatruktorokoy kontorjr Grusprommoveta. Tbilisi (for Chibukhchyan); Naeballnik konstruktorokogo byuro Gruzpromeovetek, Tbilisi (for TSLIlovrobov). (Georgia-4,rt industries) KUMM-OV, Ye.A.; CHIBUKHC", Z. 0. Posibility of-determining the absolute age of r4eks by comparative bir,eftingence dispersion. Sov.geol. 6:150-152 F 163* (KM l6s4) 1., Moskovskiy gooudarstvennyy universitet imeni. Lomonosova. (Geological time) (Dispersimetr7) MIDETMICHYAN Z.0 -.- Icomicr6c3ine frem the roc*-.,~ of an runciont nottziorl-hic: complex of the Armenian S.3,11s. Z,apvAr2ootd#VsosqLUnvcb- va uo,1:119-r-6 1950, (I-ILIA 14:10) 1tAvienia--I ficroo line) BAGDASARYAN, G.P.; _qjHj3JKWIL KAjj_~.g!"_ Petrography and conditions governing the formation of the Lermontovo gabbroic intrusive. Z&p.AT-m.otd.Vses.min.'&.-va, m.2-. 103-117 163. (MIRA 16:10) CUBUKHCHYAN, 2.0. -~~ 0. 11 - Determination of the absolute age of p2agioclases b7 the method of birefringence comparatiTe dispersion. DokI, .01 Am WR 37 no&4t2-27-230 163# (KRA 1718) 1. Institut geologichookikh nauk AN AmISR. Piedstavleno akademikom AN jkrxyanskoy SSR S.S, Mkrtchyanox, CNIBUKHCHYAN, Z.O.; KFORENYAN, R.A. Determining the absolute age of hornbleade by the rethod of birefringence comparative dispersion. Dokl. All Arm. SSR 37 no.5:277-279 163. (Yl'jt 17:9) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN Arnyan.---~.oy SSP. ` rec!stavleno akademikom AN Aroyanskoy SSR I.G. Magakly:.,~z~r. CHIBUKHCHYAN, Z.O.; KIR)RENYAN, R.A. Composition and dispersion of the birefringence of potassium feldapars and monoclinic pyroxenes. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Nauki o zem. 17 no.3/4t29- 40 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut goologicheakikh nauk AN kruqanskoy SSR. - .11 11- 11 M- -.. - I ... "Repeated 00ekatiozis fro ThJuriois to the Periphery'Nerve.~ SO: TrWy Ukr. Frykhonevrol. In-ta.Vol. XXIIltl947.,pp 224-27 01TIRMAMR, 14. B. I I I CHIBUKRAMR, N. B. and BOIMkREV. N. 11. -'Synpatheticalgla of the eyes in . tla3 light of anatomic data", Oftalmol. zhurnal, 1948, J~o. 4. p. 157-61. SO: U-3042, 11 ~~rch 53, (Letopis Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). CBI3,TJZI-IkMar'.p 11. B. Chibuomakher, 11. R. - "Results of surgical treatment of traumas of peripheral nervesjIl In upnposium-. VIII 3--ssiya Neyrokhirurg. soveta i -Ten--*,:%.-r. :L-f-t-a neyrolchirurgii) (Akad. ned. nauk SSSITI), '6fosccw, 1-943, P. 253,56. so: u-36oo., 10 Julj 53, (Ictopis 'Zhurnal Iriykh Statey, iio. 6, 1949). "Far-ruaching rcSU1W of trawaa of jmriphand Trudy YXV Chibukmakher Voeso.ruz. khix-ur:-ov. Aoscow, 19h8, 388-92 SO: U-3264, 10 April 1951, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stateir, "o. 1949) ORnbWaM 0 11. B. MlbU)6akh9r,, N. B. - "Surgi4ml treatment of long-gtanling injuries of ile perforating nerves," 'n the WJWOsium: V- N- SAMOV9 XIOV, 1949, P- 53-64 SO: U-4355, 14 Auvot 53p (TAtople vaurmi 'mykh Sta-tays No- 159 1949) CHMUD=no 14 D . "Professor Zakharly Yosifovich Gaymanovich 11 Khirurglya, Vol.3, pp 85-9, 1949- (Deceavedi Translation - U-47889 9 Oct 53. diolne wlsqpblg Ulcerst Mhr/Apr 49 Dae to Neurotrawaa Medicine - Trophic Ul-.ers, Therapy Treatmer,t of Trophic Ulcers Caused by ,o Aeurotrama, " Prof N. B. Chibubnakher, Ukrainian :,~Sychonsurological Inet, 7 pp Neyrokbi urgii" Vol XITI, No 2 ~Z*-Gtzothod- fLor tr%-2"1~1 troph1c ulcers due 40 ,., neurotra=a is surgery. However, to avoid -som1b.11ity Of GXTMeong Alskanogen. It In nac- to detemille: (1) Zxt~mt of'the neuro- (2) nature Of trauma, (3) presence or e of regenerative syndromes, and one= 48/49T68 GOIAMOVA, R.A.; CHIBUDUMM, N.B. 18th session of the 7krainlam Psychonew!ologie Institute for Scientific Research. Top.neiroWr. 18 =2:6043 Kr A 154 - TZ670) (PSYCHIMT, (Ummmy. *ln-bleaU. conf.) Olm Russla. conf.) cHIBUIMEM, professor; ZOTIIA, Z.A. Sessions of the narkov NoUrosUrgiCal SOcistY- Top.uairokbir. 20 1no.4:48-52 JI-Ag 1560 (KIPA 9: 11) (mvOus Sy"M-SURMY) CRIBM04mam.N.B - fessor P-A" -- Report on tba 20th session of the Ukrainian Institute of Psychoneuro- logical Research* Vop.asirokhir. 21 ito.4-.55-57 Je-Ag 157. (BRAIN-TW(CRS) (SMIZOPHRIVIIA) (14IRA 10:10) IB I ofeenor; ZOTKIIIA. Z.A. Report on the activities of the rharkov Neurapurgical Society in 1956. Vop.nelrokhlr. 21 no-4:57-58 Js-Ag 057. (MIRA 10:10) (K'MKOV--SURGIQL SOOMMES) CHIBUKKAKHO, N.B.; KANTER, F.M. Inflnmmntory And suppurative nrocesses in the brain no Into sequolne of open aerebroarnninl trnumn [with tiummitry in English, p.621. Vop.n"irokhir. 22 no.2:21-26 K-AD 159. (MIRA 11-4) 1. Res,,mibliksnakiy neyrokhirurgicbeOly i paikbonevrologichookiy gospitall dlia invnlldov Otechostvenr.oy voyny. (BRAIR. wounds and injuries, causing lnte inflamm. & eumurntive comDl. (RuB) CHIBUIKAWM -N*;, TAIMOPOLISKATA9 Lo,A., BIROTINA, Te,I, The work of the XwlkoT Neurosurgical Society and minutes of RessiMI& Vopr.nelrokhir, 22 no,4860-62 JI-Ag '58 11; in 1957* (EMINDY-EMOLOGT-SOCIETIES) (MIRA < CEMMKKAXMIEto N.B.4 .-prof.; SIFMINA. Te.l.; TARROPOLISUTA. L.A. -Iloport on acrivitles of the Mumice/ leuromurgloal SOCIety and wdintes of metlugs for !~.O.uelrokhlr. 23 no.6048-51 I-D 159. (NM 13:4) (MUMY--NFMSUMICAL MCINIES) CHIBUMUK=9 N.B. , prof. (Uarikov) Dynamics of vammaar reactions in nov-ocaive block a the sinczarotid zones. Vrach. delo noo 12s95-99 D 160, 4 (MIM 34:1) l.--,,Ukrainskiy hauohno-iseledovatelloldy pvikhonevrologicheakiy institut, (NOVOCAvr~ (CAROTID SI?IUS--BLOOD SUPPLY) GHIBUKMAKHER. N. B.,, prof. (Martkov) --Nih-09-swein and treatment of reoistant forms of trophic ulcers caused by nerve trauma. Vop. neirokhir. no,6:34-38 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iaboratorlya eksperimentalIncU-neyrokhtrurgii Ukrainskogo naucbno-isaledovatellakogo paikhonevrologicheskogo instituta. (NERVOUS STSMK-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (ULCERS) CRIBUDMUM, N.B. Report of the work of the Kharkov Neurosergical Society for 1961. Vop. neirokhir. 26 no-5t6O S-0162 (KM 17:4) CHIBUKMAKHER, N.B. Some errors in the diagnosis and, treatment of neuralgias of the superficial nerves of the head. Zhur.nervA paikh. 62 no.6:856- 859 162. (KERA 15:11) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy neyrokbLirurgii i topografich9skoy anatomii Ukrainskogo nauchno-istiledovatellskogo psikhonevrologiche.- skogo instituta (dir. O.R.Stepanenko). (NEURAU',IA, FACIAL) CHIBUDI&IMR., N.B., prof.1 ISINIINp A.M. (IlarIkov) Use of threads-and fabric from plrmide~r'eains in the mwgery of peripheral nerves, Vrach.dolo no.,11;75-i-W Mr 163. (KMA 161t 4) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy zieyrokhirurgii Ukrainskpgo nauchno-iouladovateliskogo paikbe-itivrologicheskogo inatituta. .(SUTMM) (ERVM,, MIPHERAL-StWERY) / CHIBUKIIIAKNER., N.B.: PTI-10TIVA, Ya.l.- DOTSF:NXO, M.G. I Report on the work of the hlarkov Neurosurgical Society for 1962. Vop. neirokhir. 27 no.6:56-58 N-D 163. (MBU 17: 12) CHIBUKMMER, N. . - Review c~f A.I.Arutiunov and K.E.Rvdiakla "Cerebrospinal tumors; a bibliography." Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.6151-52 N-D 164. (MI RA 3.8 ~ 41) CRIBUMAKHER. N.B.: SIROTINA, Ye.I.; DOTSHNKO, M.G. Report on the meetings of the Kharlkov Scientific SocietY of neurosurgeons during the year 196.1. Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.6t5g- 59 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:4) tj- A'T I'l-l Clin-'cal- arial-cmical comparisono 'p tiie diagnosis und t-rcatment of facial. neuralgia. Zhur. aevr. I psikh. 65 no.9:1"31-,-'--334 165. ILS:91 n'p, Mi rl~ov. institut GET t---Na= Borisovic-b" prof - GORW.CF.EV, Vikhai I ANN--"w (lergeyevich pr:r.O,-Imtft OV EN., zsx, doyatell nauki, prof., red.fdeceased]- IANTAK, L.B., zas. deyatell nauki prof., red.; PPNCHENK;, V.I., red. (At-las of surgery on the spinal coral) Atlas operatsii na spinnom mozgu. Kiev, Zdcrovlia, IS165. J47 p. (MMA 28:4) Chibti6ovikli,' N,- "Organization, of tile production in factories of the governitent industry of building materials of MosgorIBpolkom,w Sbornik i-ab6t P6 mast. Btroit materialam, (Upr. prom-sti stroymaterialov i Btroydetaley Mosgorispolkoma, Nauch.-issled. i eksperim. stantsiya), Issue 1, 1%3, p. 17-22 so Ti-3264, 10 April 53 (LetopU tZhurnal fnykh St-Mey, No. 4, 1949). Ck I bu, v) C' Y), 0.Gr. P.I.; CHIMMOF51ru, 11.C. I Problems involved In the design of fogade cornice, Btak, 1 ker, 22 no*10:18-21 0 155 0 OMU 9:1) (Ceramic Industries) Aw . Alwomu - Yesterday and today. Stroisuat. 3 no.10:18-21 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Brick lndustr;--~iatwy) CHIMOVSKIY, N.G. CHIBUNOVSKIT, N.G.9 Inshoner, Main technical standards An.brick Indletry, Mokh, trudstngb, -11 U8.4:9-11 Ap 057. (Brick Influntry) (MM IOW I-- - - CHIMOUM, M. G. RWTOVTSEVAO.K. I. INZH. i GHIMOVSM, N. G. -.Inzhoner. Vaesquanyy nsuchno-iesUdovatellskiy inetitut straitellnoy keramiki*- Hasrebotka nowykh vidoy ablitsovochnykh kersaichekikh izdloliy d1ya bysatzogo Woitellstva. Page 99 SO- Collection of Annotations of Scientific Research Work on Construe SCOW) CHIBUNOVSKIY, VoA* W act of functional disorders of the thyroid g2and on the deve2opment o:C malignant tumors in animals. Izv-. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. mod. i Ifiziol. no.2s68-79 261. (MIRA 15:10 (THMID GLAND) (CANGER) CHIBUNOVSKIY,,-V.A. -. - -, -', . .....- Characteristics of intubation anesthesia in transpleural mwgery on cancer of the esophagus and cardia. Trudy Inst. klin. i sksp. khir. AN Kazakh. SSR W40-145 162. (KRA 170) .If XOLOWTSKAYA, L.A.; TURGANBAYEV, A.T.; CM'wYOVSxlY' V.A. Rare case of primary multiple tumors. Trudy Inst. klin. i ekep. khir.-AN Kazakh, SSR 8:3.46-150 162. (MIRA 17:7) I rI CUBUNMY'llp V.A. Tie s of J.-Ituvetion qresthee!a Pr operatione due to tr.' tral stnmo~.%As and patent duct-as qrter~osus. 'Prudy Irst.. K-".n. '.1 eksp. khIr. AY Kav,-kh. SRR %110-112, 163. (MUTRA 17,122" CHIBUNOVSKIY _y~.Aq CLEM, V.K.; TURKIN, V.P. ;=-S - Use of Engstroin's rpap!r-stor in the ing)lementation of contrciled respiration diming operations on the heart. Trady Inst. klin. i eksp. khir. AN Kazakh. SSR 9R126-129 163. (PIPA 17sl2'1 CHIIWNCVSKIY, V.A.; OUT, V.A. Use of Intramuscular barbiturate basic wiesthesiu In child surgery. Trudy Inst. klin. i eksp. khir,. AIN Kazukh. SSR 9t156-160 163. (MIRA 17:12) CHIBUNOVSKIY, V.A.; BDIZYRETAO A. Ya. Complicated intratracheal anesthesia in the removal of a neurofibroma of the posterior mediastintm spreading into the thoracic part of the trachea. Trudy Inat. klin. i ekep. khir. AN Kazakh. SSR 9tl6l-164 163. (MIRA 17-.12) iERYAKIN, Yu.M.; CHIBUNOVSKI!, Y.A.; CHFRNOV, V.K,, Case of gas embolism of the cerebral vetisels during a ritral comissurotomy under intratracheal, anesthesia withnitrous oxide and oxygen. Trudy Inst. klin. i elksp. khir. AN Kazakii. SSR 9:165-168 163. OURA 17-.12) , , A, CHIBJNO'JSf)'IYP ;Or,.O Some progi' of anestlheBi~ in Xurgery on ole Liv-roid glan-2. Truiy inst. klin. 5 eksp. kh-'r. Kazakh. SqR 9A.69-174 16-4. CHIBUROVA, AnastasiyR'-,S"pp*M!k - ~ " , '.. _ _j propagandist Itrushka, in5h.; '--ANDftYEV-A, Ye.D., red.; AZOVKIN, N.G., tekhn. rod. [Theo.ry and practice are inseparable]Toorile. i praktika no- razryv-&iy. fdazan', Riaxanskoe knishnooo izd-vo 1961. 30 P. WRA 16:1) 1, Fqazanskaya fabrika "Pobeda Oktyabrra" (for Chiburova). (Industrial mamgment-Study and teaching) The qmu of Dadibifift. s 'AphNillev. zapolts I'sff-sloshop, Also"al. 4*s4Ar4j $IN. tOlle Will. real.) Tb. 1A1 -2094", 1; CArm. zffvl,. 1041, If. oxi. 1 ill, ltwk rf"141 Imilld in the 114111killA legfoll 1witalgoi ill Ow Allsit 'r tvlw. The oystals we 1, 2A em, fit di,mi dod 141 %if viti . king The ItIllowhis WmIl %iir idwmA: ptimis 1". lbuill1whidion (11111). milli tieg. rhoodmi- brilron 10111). Trilo" Ityratulds (1 11 ) and trip ,0141 11AIVIA111111 (AM) Wille Alk) 4XV111111011411Y fcRill.l. Mlwt of the crystiolo life tow efI1,W (9104lity), Makes 44 ~Ollcwitr air (mostl Ill file Ininkow. CHICHAGOV, iiyu.-Mill, v.,I.; 112-1,OV) akadc-rilk Cn,stal structure of cadndum turgsl-~tij Cd*,10t. Dokl. All SSSR 166 no.1:87-89 Ja 166. 14 (MIM11 19: 1) 1. Mcskmrsk~y gosudarstvennyy universiteta im. M.V.Lopionosova i Instibit AN SSSR. E4-61 LS7 jW(M)/94P*'( XJP(c) JD SWRCE 00 Acc NR,. AP6o DE UP/()070/66/011/004/OW6/0689 24674 Belov, 11, V. dOR." Chich= A v ~imi~infts, L. W.; Ilyuk VO AUT1 IORG: Institute of crystallograft, M SSSR (Institut kristallografti AN SSSR); M'NAomonosov (Hoskovskiy gosudaretvannyy unive YOsciw state uhlvsrsl~. re of cadndum no2lbdate n=: 1 thefiris and, arms 7 tODURCE: Kristallograflyiki'46:21t ho. 4, 19669 b&rgg ooijioiiri~,~'molybdato, crystallisation. exchange roactiong ITOPIC TAGS:, cadmium :8toichiomotryq crystal lattice structure ABSTRACT: The singlo C*stals -of Cdt-SO04 were the prAuct of hydrothorvwl crystal- .'ilizatiDn In the systems CdD-HO03~HCI-H20 (H = U. Na, K). The synthesis was in an lautoclave wi-th working chn or volumo 43 - 30 cm3l at Frossure 1,000 - 1,500 atm for 3 -- 5 days. During - tho hydrothormal synthesis, in addition to the dissolution of the components# their transport# and arystallizatioh of the cadmium molybdate in thG cold son* of the .&A~Dclavev an oxchango roiotion botwOon C41004 and LiCl waa observed An the liqaid -.'pbsx9-at- LiCa concentrations larger than 20%, with formation lof a nixed Lims G&~02'7144 ~-.Oft:."Omstant but non-sUdchionotrio composition, The L R.-- A --4043786 C_C_ and wert studied by the method o f electron nsramtiv-,neti r T he requIt'ing In tens I rv of the F!'F sipn ni c r, r 0- 5 Ur") e~- --r n~. per ;zram. 1:13M -MMM7 WIT 1. 8.566-6.5 Au-"SS 104 Ua;. AV-,40-43-786- oe:-bettv on, the points of maxinum slope. a lifte vi dth of ~4 The i -vall gree: of-saturatLon-sf the IPR signal stvilied was deter-mined by partsovi vith the unsaturated RPR signal of ))PPH. a 3ptn~latti( 0" C axati on -X-11RC-lav- et. pro" At saturation of klie aignal, which depende-3 fe Jim V-'rW compaTI-inag-t e-Oxibipattrie-of tP-I-R- nfgnals of polvimers 1,nd ertiel of '~PP SignRIB of Lhe free 7W' ------ j- 5 ACUSSION NR: AP4043786 ASI;OCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki. i goreriva of Chemical Kinaties and Combustiont) SUI,MITTED, 0 10 c t 6 3 ATD PRES;, 3096 sui con OC , NP -C rcl 4 /4 NO REP S.)V- 009 T M~ MEN= SAPRIN, A.N.; KLGCfIKO, E.V.; KRUGLYAKOVA, K.Ye.; CHIBRIKIN, V.M.; E14ANUELI, N.Y. Effect of the inhibiiors of radical reactions on the kinetics of the change in free radical content in the organs of mice in experimental leukemia. Dokl. AN SSSR 166 no.3:746-748 Ja 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-koi-resFondent A14 SSSR (for Emanuel'). Submitted August 27, 1965. 42w_66 'EmYri ( I!JP(c) ACC NRt AP6029851 SOLMi CODE: URIW32/66/032/008/.0933rW Malinp Yu. N*,, Chibrikin. V. M,j $hsbalkln, V. A,; Shuysloys Vg F. IMMOR: I e of Chemical Physics, ORG. Institut Academy of Sciences SfiaUlLnotitut khisicheskoy fiaiki-Aii9edi uk ISSSR) TITLE: Accuracy of measuring the concentration of paremapetic entities by the EFR SMCr.: Zavodskaya laboratorlyst vo 32# no* 80 1966, 933-943 TOPIC TAGS: EPR "ctwomater, spin resonance, *rLvr measurement EPR 2 spectrometer, RE 1301 spectrometer ABSTRACT: The purpose o,.c this Investigation was to make a systematie~study of the or-: rors involved in the quantitative determination of the numher of P arnetic entitiesl (atoms, radicals, ions, ate.) using the electron paramagnetic resonance method. The spectvmter operated at a wavelength of 3.2 cm with lMHz modulation of the magnetic field. A cylindrical cavity (Holl) of diameter 45 mm and height 34 mm was used. Quan- titative results were obtained by comparingthe signal intensity of the unknown sample with that of a standard containing a known number of spins. Both signals were record- ed as the first derivative of the absorption line. Errors connected with the prepara- tion of a suitable standard of known paramagnetic spin concentration were minimized by UDCt 536.113:543.42 card 1/2 ZAKHARGV, S.; CHIRRIKOV, A., inzh. Mechanized operations in the repair of I~olished varnish coatings. Rech. transp. 24 no.6:2/4-26 '65. 1. Glavny .y konstruktor Gortkovskogo tsentraltnogo konstruktor- skogo byuro llinlsterstva rochnogo flcUi (for Zakhurov). 2. Gorlkovokoye tsentrallnoye Ronotruktorkcyo tryuro ',"I n-*Lg ter.Ava rechnogo f2ota (for ChibriNkivv). XVANCHENKO,, Ye.Ya., prof.; CHIBRIKOV, A.V.,_inzh. Calculation of high-frequency initial parameters of triple armored cables. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no.10: 82-92 163, (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychielitellnoy tekhniki. CHIBRIKOV, A.V., inzh. Input resistance of a mine power system during its use as a communication and remote control channel. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor. shur. 6 no.11:1"-148 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki. CHIBRIKOVP GeoEgIZ GeorjiyAAah,- YEFD4DV, O.S., red.; SHIROKOVA, -N A red. aZIEVA LV., tekhn. red. %jontradictions between U.S.A. monopolies and under- developed countries on the basis of the exportation of capital) Protivorechlia mezhdu monopoliiami SShA i slabo- razvitymi stranami na pochys vyvoza kapitala. Moskva, Izd-vo Moak. univ., 1963. 36 p. (MRA 16:10) (Underdeveloped areas-Investmentis, American) FOHIN, Katvey5Ivanovich;; iod-va; KOWASHINA, A-Do, tekhnoredo AIDUFIYIWA, A.M., red. [Payments for official travel and transfers) Raechety pri komandirovkakh i i3luzhebnvkh perevodakh. Izd: 92-oa, ispr. i dop. Koskva, Izd-vo K-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR. 1957 1 p. (KIRA 11:5) (IMloyees,,Relocation of) (Accounting) GHIBRIKOVp V.I.; PETROV, V.T. Selection.Qf,crade A bitime Nefteper. p the production of BN-IIIY (MMA. 17.- 2) i neftakhim. no.lOtl6-18 163. 1. Novokuybyshevskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy amod. -7-7F Let L be (L Wntout in the ---~IA~e COUSistiUff f -A SWO collff lion of t lwed and nW Ocuwlic--, SITIC F)th ' aru a finac number of 4~ornmon points mx )ef GM) be fundlops gi-,,f-r cm, I -.aati--f5,irg a 11Wdq cundjDa-an ect c hu -ng t an wMC d left b2 A hini A b on e bl er Inn ntey z;m c! < 1C 117, P~u licrular ~,Olv!lfln nf 109 G, Vklw--C~ -tldg U, (h +--q in imt; q Then Yfz i)Li~ Is: imp er Xf.-I, than that found 'M by Rvesele f Al -a& Nauk Triiiiv Tbil~.~,~ Mat Irl;t 11- ~j [I: t17 i - 27, INIR 1~, IsSl Al C, Olom rk, M-", k,r- OV f~, USM/Mathematics - Singulex integrals CM-d 1/1 :-Pub. a -2/9 FD-1424 Author Gakhov, F. D. (Rostov),, and Chibrikova, L. 1. (Kazanl) Title - Certain types of singular integral equations solvable in closed form. Periodical Mat. sbor., Vol- 35(77),, PP 395-436., Nov-Dee 1954 Abstract Gives the historical background and statement of the problem. Reduces the complete singt,~Lar equation to a boundary value problem. Discusses finite groups of fractional-linear transformations and automorphous functions.. Solves the Riemann problem,for intersecting contours and,gives the solution of the boundary value problem. Considers equations -with kernels invarlant during transformations of the group,, and equations vith kernel that acquire multiples during transformations of the group. Examplei3 of these are given. Eight references. Institution : Submitted : June 16, 1953 :0 Vi ) L Call Nr: AF 2108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont.)Moscow, Jun-Jul '56, Trudy '56, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatellstvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956,237 PP. Mention is made of Kreyn, M. G. There are 3 references., 2 of which are USSR, and I English. Chebotarev, G. N. (Kazan). Some Matrix Equations and Their Applioation for Solving In Closed Form Riemann Boundary Problem forft.Pa:Lr Function Systems and for Solving of Systems of Linear Differential Equations. 110-111 Chelidze, V. 0. (Tbilisi). Some Summation Methods of Multiple Series. Chibrik2y_a,_.L,1. (Kazan'). On Riemann Boundary Problem ---Of-Wu-tomorphic Functions. Shaginyan, A. L.(Yerevan). The Velocity of Polynomial Approximation on a Closed Set. 111-112 Mention is made of Lavrentlyev, M. A. There is I USSR reierences Card 35A0 CHIBRINDUA Lslk- - .1 Riesman's toundary problem for autowrphic functions. Uch. sap K". (MIAk 11 un. 116 se.4-.59-110 156. 10:4) (Imk6tions. Automerphic) 46(q) 14-SOOO 67082 SOV/44-59-1-2s6 Translation from i Iteferativnyy zhurnal.Matezatika,1959,Nr 1,P 53 (USSR) AUTHORs Shibrikova-A L.I, TITLEs Effective Solution of the Hilbert Boundary Value Problem for Some Folygones Bounded by Circular Arcs PERIODICALs Uch.zap. Kazanak. un-ta,1957,117,Nr 2,22-26 ABSTRACTs Let S+ be the upper half of a fundamental domain, symmetric with respect to the real axis, of a certain elementary or Fuchs grVup of first class of fractional-linear per tations; L the bountlary-of S The &uthor considers the Hilbert problem on the determination of a function,F(z) - u + iv holomorphic in S+ from the boundary condition au + by - c, where a,b and a are real functions given on the boundary Lwhich..satisfy the H61der conditionp where a2 + b2 ~ 0 everywhere on L. After having introduced the auxiliary function Vz) and having it ex- tenaea automorphically -to the whole domain of existence according to the method of Rol. Muckhelishvili (Singular Integral Bquations, 11#0 Gootekhizdat,1946,Chap.2, � 38) the author reduces the problem to the Riemannian problem for an automorphic function which was formerly con- Cc :d 1/2 ~r 67082 16(l) SOV/44-59-1-286 Effective Solution of the Hilbert Boubaary Value Problem for Some Polygones Bounded by Ciroular Area siderea by the author (Referativw zhurn&:L.Matematika,1957,7828). The formula of Schwarz which yields the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the strip, and the formulas of Will for ring and rectangle are derived as examples. I.G. Aramanovich Card 2/2 -kCHIIMIKOVA, L.I. for solving a boundary problem of tho mixed type. Uoh. zap. ARz- un. 117 no.9:44-47 157. , (MIR* 13:111 l.Kazanakly gosudaretyanVy universitst im. V.I. Ullyanova-Lanina. XAfedra differentei&llnykh uravneniy. (Differential equations) a!' -40 Solving Trikomi's boundary problem for the equstio Uch. gap* Kits. un. 117 no.9:4B-51 157. (AQ 13:3.) IJazanekiy gosudaretvenWy universitot Im.- V.I.- U11yanova-Lenina. Nafedra differentsiallzqkh uravnenirl (Differential equations PIZ , , , ,li -f Ak TI; 04 3/006 L I/ i3t;/002/002/015 011 0222 NOTS021 Chibrikoval L.1, Tinzo. The application of autonorphi* functions for the solution of soms~boundazy valum problem for equations of'zixed type PUXODICAL& Referativvyy shuraalg Natemtika, no.2, 1961, 38-39, abstract 2D 183. (In ab.s"Iselmi. po sovrem. probl. tooril funktai,7r kompleken. peresennago", I., Fizmatgiz, 1960, 515- 519) 1=21 In - the. r*giow B bounded In. the plane y > 0 by the Jordan ourve igo with the ondpoints A(0,0) and 'B(1,0) and.bounded in the haltylaze y-'~O by the charaoteristicalkCs y-x and CDs y - x-1 for the law"Atlygy-Bituadle equation uxz+sgn y1joy . 0 M the author considers the Tricoul.probles with the boundary conditions u 1 -P ujAd (2) Y#hsra, Y is one time continuously differentlableg two times differentiable v and tP(A) %p(3) - If(A) - 0; go is the half of the car& I /P3 22807 The applicafton, of autonorphic fu"tionG- .- 8104Y61/000/002/002/015 Cill C2 22 boungLary. of a fun&auental.. region of a certain elementary or ftohe I gxoup r of fractional-lineor transformations 63 Z+ N k(z)-(Cfkz+&)/(X-k Skit ,Pk(z) Cc whore 0~ Ek- 1% G 10 1 z a x4-Iy. in the usual manner -che author reduces the solution of (l)-(2) to the solution of a Hilbert pro'blen (with coofficiontie discontinuous in the points A &:.-.,d B) f rkmotion F(s) - u(x,y)+iv(x,y), v(0,0) - 0 imalytio in the elliptN the part 3) of D. The author introduces Ahe pis e ewjjLL holomorphic fumotion f (z) i6 putting T(z) - V(s) in 3), and T(z) - F--(-z) - TZ z) in the region sy=stric with respect to AB9 she extends q (z) automorphically with respect to the group r on th: whole r&Cion of existence of the simple Lutomorphic functions of thi group k-0,1,2,..., and for the determination of %C(z) she obtains a Riemannian boundary value problem with coefficients discontinuous in A and B for automorphic functions belonging to the-group r. The solution of this problem to carried out explicitly Ixample, the author..considers the case whore 60 in a semicircie y>O, where the obtained solution Cand 2/3 ,4kjv I The APPlication of automorphit: functions ... S,1044J611000100210021015 0-111/0222 agrees completely with the result of A.V,Bitoadze (R Zh Nat-19559 2965). Ekbetracter's notes complete tranalation.3 K. card 3/3 '110023 It. 50'a 0 S/020/611141/001/004/021 Cill/C222 AUTHOR; Chibrikovaq L. #. TITLE: A solution of the Riemannian boundary value problem for automorphic functions in the case of groups characterized by two invariants PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 1, 1961, 47-50 TEXT: Given the functional group F of fractional linear substitutions 6'k(z), k = 1,2,..., the fundamental region R of which has a finite number of sides. In R let lie a curve L consisting of the simple smooth non-intersecting pieces Ill 1 2Y ... 9 1q* ~(z) is called a L/ piecewise holomorphic automorphic function with the line of disconti- nuity 11 if 1) ~(Z) is holomorphic everywhere in R - L with a possible exception of a finite number of points, where it has poles of finite order; 2) + E6k(z)] - (P (z); 3) all essentially singular points of t,z) are accumulation points of the group; ii) ~ (z) is continuously continuable into every point of L. Problem: Determine a piecewise holomorphic,automorphic function ~ (z) xvith the line of discontinuity L having poles of the orders Card 1/3 30023 S/020/61/141/001/004/021 A solution of the Riemannian boundary ... C111/C222 ~41 P29 tL,, in the points z1 9 22? .... zmof R, from the boundary condition ~+(t) = G(t) ~ _(t) + g(t)j where G(t) and g(t) on L are given functions of the class H, where G(t) / 0 on L. The author gives an explicit solution of the given problem in the case of groups for which there exists no simple automorphiz function of the order 1. If p is the genus of R and 6L ~ 6'1 + ~L2 + + O~Lm' then it is stated: For ~L > p the homogeneous problem has 6L - p linearly in- dependent solutions having a common zero a 0; for 6b S p the homogeneous problem has no non-trivial solution. For solutions vanishing in a0 it furthermore holds: for ~L - p the inhomogeneous problem has ~L - p linearly independent solutions; for ~L = p the Card 2/3 30023 s/o2o/61/141/001/004/021 A solution of the Riemannian boundary ... ciii/C222 solution is unique; for 4 p the (unique) solution exists only under the satisfaction of p - ~ additional conditions for g(t). In essential the investigation is based on classical results of Weierstrass, There are 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-~~5-viGt-bloc reference, ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V. J. Ullyanova-Lenina (Kazan' State University imeni V. J. Ullyanov-Lenin) PRESENTED: June 5, 1961, by P. Ya. Kochina, Academician SUBMITTED- May 1B, 1961 Card 3/3 CHIBRIKOVA jjj._ - -1- ..- Riemann boundrry value problem for functions automorphic with respect to groups with two invariants. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no.6:121-131 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kazanskiy V.,osudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Ullyanova- Lenina. (Boundary value problems) (Functions, Automorphic) CHIBRIKO.VA, otv, red. (Boundary value Problems in 4he tbeory of the functions of complex variables] Kraovye zalachi toorii funktsii kompleks- nogo peremennogo. Kazan', Izd-vo Kazanskogo univ., 1962. 78 p. (MIRA 18:4) CHIBRIKOVA L.I. Letter to the Editor. Izv. vy-a.ucheb. sav.; mat. no-3:195-196 162e (MIRA 15:9) (Functions; Autmorphic) 41M .... .... . 5/044163/00aiyu3~1.,4, MaIROVA, L. T lJornwin IJ 1, 1'V V,,'. .11,1 1 i:: h $m odgo lich. zai-. Li:,- ui. :1~13 n, 14 Dour6al-'r valve prnblz:,;~~-, -k 1.4 BADYSHTOVA, K.M.; CHESNONOT, -A.A.j rVMKB,k, X.B.; ZHADANOVSKIY, N.B.; XCRYUKHOVA, M.V. Prinimali uchastiye: KCUOVAIDV,, B.S., inzh.; NAUMOVA, A.P., insh.; nATTL'ETOVA, Inzb.; SMIRNOTA, S.M., inzh,;, CHIj~~~Ujaborant; BUGHOVSKAU M.S., laborarit, Wfect of the nature of raw atock- on the stability of tranefomer oil* nefteper. i neftekhim. no.llt25-17 164 (MIM 18 t2) 1. GiDsudaretvennyy naudno-issledolratellskiy institut neftyanoy promphlmnosti p Kuy"hev i Novolmybyshmkiy zavod, L EWT(d) I 1 o4997-6 jP(c) GD ACC NRt - AT6016793 Soukb~C6bf.*-- Uit/0000/657000/000/0208/911 AUTHOR*, -Gakhov, F. D.; ChibrikoyrA. L. 1. PY ORG: Gakhov) Belorussian Universi!j. Ming (Belorusakiy universitet); Chibrikova] Kazan' i7i University, Kazan' (Kazanskiyunivexaftet) TITLE: The solution of continuum mechanics problems by reducing to boundary problems for: automorphicAmetions SOURCE: International Symposium on Applications of the Theory of Functions !n Continuum Meihanics. Tiflis, 1963, Pidlozheniya teorii funktsiy v mekhanike Bploshnoy sredy. t. 2: Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, matematicheskiye metody (Applications of the theory of functions in continuum mechanics, v, 2t Fluid and gas mechanics, mathematical methods); trudy -Bimp.0 zi.uma.., Moscow. Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 208-218 tropic TAG& continu'um meeb .gnics, boundary value. problem, autolaorphic function, dif- ferential equation solution ) C 0 A-17r-1 OV, Uo 0 7"*UAJC ABSTRACTi Many problems in continuum mechanics have been solved by various authors by means of particular methods. 'All Ziese problems, however, can be;,solved by a single method Card 1/2 L 04957-67 ACC NRo AT6016794 Le. , reducing to theNMarin 6oundary problems for automorphic functions, a particular Case of which are periodiclunctionsi. The Riemann boundary problem is formulated for the auto- morphic functions. TWO mome6ts are fundamental in the solution of the problem: 1) the con- struction of a canonical function X (z), by means of which the problem in the general case is reduced to the problem on the 4iscontinuity r 11 C (1); (1) and 2) the solution of the discontinuity problem. A convenient method for the solution JA given in detail* Orig. art. has: 16 formulas. SUB CODE: 12,20/,4 SUBM DATE: 13Sep65/ ORIG REF: 015/ OTH REP: 009 n card 2/2 CHIBRIKOVAP Yevdoldya Vasillyevna Antibiotical action (aspergillina) on dy-ventary hactrr4lu. Dis!~ertution for candidate -of a 1edical Ecience Degree. Chair of llicrob~olo[,- - - - 1. L y (head prof. 5.1. "herishorina) SL~ratov "edical institute, 1953. M, USSR/Medicine Antibiotics FD-2318 Card 1/1 Pub 148 - 19/36 Author Chibrikova, Ye. V. Title The bacterial properties of &qpergiUin Fericdical War. mikro. epid. i im=. No 2, 554-57, Feb 1955 Abstract States that aspergillin has a broad spectntm of antibacterial ac- tivity, but exerts a rather weak action. Found that among micro- organisms causing intestinal infections Hiss-Flexner Rn-d Sonne dysentery bacilli are the most sensitive to this antibiotic; that the bactericidal action of aspergillin towards dysentery bacilli exerted not only in pure dysentery cultureo, but also in the pres- ence of other bacteria isolated from the hijman intestine; and that the antibiotic action of aspergillin is exerted towards both sul- fanilamide-sensitive and sulfanilamide-resistant strains of dysen- tery bacilli. Six references, all USSR. One table. Institution Chair of Microbiology, Saratov Medical Institute Submitted April 7, 1953 CHMIKOVA, Te. V.; VMNSTSOVA, V.I.; MMOVA, L.P.; DtTDxovA, v.1L Rapid method for the detection of Vlbrio comma in water and In wiLehinge of objects in external environment by using fluorescence mier'becopy. -~9 no.12,52-56 0 158. (NIHA 11:12) ZbMi. MWO'bibil.* eji& i iiiin. 1. Is Gosudaretvannoge nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta epidemic- logii i mikrobiologii Yugo-Vostolm assR. (OMikrobu). (VDRIO COWA, detection in water, luminescence microscopic method (R")) (WATER, microbiology, Vibrio comma. luminescence microscopic detection (Ras)) CHIBRIKOU. Te.T.; SHOWNIZA. 1.I.; BAZMTAO L.P. Accelerated Identification of Vlbric comm. Zhur.m1krobiol.epid.1 lumn. 31 vo.U16-22 Ja 160. (HIM 13 --5) 1. lz Gosudaretveunogo muchno-leeltdowatellskogo institute, spi- demiolf4ft I m1kroblologil Ingo-Tostoka SSSR "Nikrob.0 (Tultzo) CRIBRIKOVA, Ye.V.; SHCHURKINA~ I.I.; TABAKOV, F.K.; MOSDLOVA, O.N. Possibility of using specific fluorescent antibodies for the rapid detection of Vibrio cholerae in water. Zhur.mikrobiol.,, epid. i immun. 33 no.3:9-14 Mr 16-2. (MIRA .15:4) 1. Iz Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta "Mikrob". (ViATER-MIC-ROBIOLOGY) (ANTIGEM AND ANTIBODIES) (VIBRIO UWA) m CRTBRIKOVA"ye.v. Morsovo horizon of the Lifelian stage and its analogues in the east of the Russian Platform. Dokl.AN SWR 145 no.2:41.1-413 il 262. (MIRA 15.-7) 1. Gorno-goologicheakiy institut Bashkirskogo filiala, AN SWR. Bredstavlano akademikom D.V.NalivkiWm. (Raosian Matform-4oology, Stratigraphic) CEWRIKOVA, Te.T. spores from Takata layers of western Bashkiria. Top. geonorf. I geol. Basbk. imo.1%91-99 157. (MIM 1114) (Bashkiria-Spores (Botany), Fossil) e,44 LQ V-- A) r1t 2 45 3.19 Eli ~jla 19 32 19 93 tL to: I 1 *1 81 1 61 b s A j A L 91 U cM X. S~V-i -PEI CHIBRIKOVA, Ts,.V.; ROZHDWTVXHSKAYA, A.A.; OBOLENTSEV, RqD.# profeg oktor khim.nauk, glavnyy red.,- OILI. A.1., doktor geol.- miner.nauk,; CHIPIKOVA. I.M., red.izd-va; ASTAFIYXVA. G.A., tekhn,.redo [Materials on the paleontology and stratigraphy of Devonian and older deposits of Bashkiria] Materialy po palsontologii i stratigrafii devonakikh i bolas drevnikh otlo2hanii Bashkirii. Moskva, Iza-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 246 p. (MIRA 13-.1) (Bashkiria-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) CHIBRIKOVA, Ye.V. Age of the banal horison 9f the Zifelian stage in western BaBhldrl-i. Vop.geolavostookraftwoplatf.i lUzh.Urala no.7.-IIS-223 I N, (MIU 34: 10) (BasbkIriap-Cleological time) TTAZHEVA, Alekaandra Pavlovna; RDZHDRSTVENSKAII, Anna Abramovna; -QUIBBI&OVA, YqVgeni Vasillyevna; OLLI, A.I., dok~*r geol- -L! ya miner. nauF, prof., L.V., red. Azd-va; MISHINA, R.L.,,,red. isd-va; ULIYANOVA, O.G., te)dm, "d. [Brachiopoda, betracoda, and ipores of the Middle and Upper Devonian in Ba'sbkiria]Brakhiopodk ostrakody i spory srednego i verkhnego deiona BaeWdrii. (BylA.P.Tiazhava i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962s 477 po (MIRA 16:2) (Banhkiria-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) CHIBRIKOVA, Yev. Conditions governing the formation of spore-pollan complexes and their use for t~e restoration of the sedimentation and paleogeographic environment. Izv. AN WSR. Ser. geol. 28 no.12:102.?110 D'630 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Gorno-geologicheskiy institut Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSRO Ufa. CHIBUKHCHYM. R.: TSKHOVFLOOV. V. Producers' cooperative societies of Georgia. Prom.koop. 13 no.10:28 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Rukovoditell grupW vnedroniya projrektao-Itonatruktorokoy kontorjr Grusprommoveta. Tbilisi (for Chibukhchyan); Naeballnik konstruktorokogo byuro Gruzpromeovetek, Tbilisi (for TSLIlovrobov). (Georgia-4,rt industries) KUMM-OV, Ye.A.; CHIBUKHC", Z. 0. Posibility of-determining the absolute age of r4eks by comparative bir,eftingence dispersion. Sov.geol. 6:150-152 F 163* (KM l6s4) 1., Moskovskiy gooudarstvennyy universitet imeni. Lomonosova. (Geological time) (Dispersimetr7) MIDETMICHYAN Z.0 -.- Icomicr6c3ine frem the roc*-.,~ of an runciont nottziorl-hic: complex of the Armenian S.3,11s. Z,apvAr2ootd#VsosqLUnvcb- va uo,1:119-r-6 1950, (I-ILIA 14:10) 1tAvienia--I ficroo line) BAGDASARYAN, G.P.; _qjHj3JKWIL KAjj_~.g!"_ Petrography and conditions governing the formation of the Lermontovo gabbroic intrusive. Z&p.AT-m.otd.Vses.min.'&.-va, m.2-. 103-117 163. (MIRA 16:10) CUBUKHCHYAN, 2.0. -~~ 0. 11 - Determination of the absolute age of p2agioclases b7 the method of birefringence comparatiTe dispersion. DokI, .01 Am WR 37 no&4t2-27-230 163# (KRA 1718) 1. Institut geologichookikh nauk AN AmISR. Piedstavleno akademikom AN jkrxyanskoy SSR S.S, Mkrtchyanox, CNIBUKHCHYAN, Z.O.; KFORENYAN, R.A. Determining the absolute age of hornbleade by the rethod of birefringence comparative dispersion. Dokl. All Arm. SSR 37 no.5:277-279 163. (Yl'jt 17:9) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN Arnyan.---~.oy SSP. ` rec!stavleno akademikom AN Aroyanskoy SSR I.G. Magakly:.,~z~r. CHIBUKHCHYAN, Z.O.; KIR)RENYAN, R.A. Composition and dispersion of the birefringence of potassium feldapars and monoclinic pyroxenes. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Nauki o zem. 17 no.3/4t29- 40 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut goologicheakikh nauk AN kruqanskoy SSR. - .11 11- 11 M- -.. - I ... "Repeated 00ekatiozis fro ThJuriois to the Periphery'Nerve.~ SO: TrWy Ukr. Frykhonevrol. In-ta.Vol. XXIIltl947.,pp 224-27 01TIRMAMR, 14. B. I I I CHIBUKRAMR, N. B. and BOIMkREV. N. 11. -'Synpatheticalgla of the eyes in . tla3 light of anatomic data", Oftalmol. zhurnal, 1948, J~o. 4. p. 157-61. SO: U-3042, 11 ~~rch 53, (Letopis Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). CBI3,TJZI-IkMar'.p 11. B. Chibuomakher, 11. R. - "Results of surgical treatment of traumas of peripheral nervesjIl In upnposium-. VIII 3--ssiya Neyrokhirurg. soveta i -Ten--*,:%.-r. :L-f-t-a neyrolchirurgii) (Akad. ned. nauk SSSITI), '6fosccw, 1-943, P. 253,56. so: u-36oo., 10 Julj 53, (Ictopis 'Zhurnal Iriykh Statey, iio. 6, 1949). "Far-ruaching rcSU1W of trawaa of jmriphand Trudy YXV Chibukmakher Voeso.ruz. khix-ur:-ov. Aoscow, 19h8, 388-92 SO: U-3264, 10 April 1951, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stateir, "o. 1949) ORnbWaM 0 11. B. MlbU)6akh9r,, N. B. - "Surgi4ml treatment of long-gtanling injuries of ile perforating nerves," 'n the WJWOsium: V- N- SAMOV9 XIOV, 1949, P- 53-64 SO: U-4355, 14 Auvot 53p (TAtople vaurmi 'mykh Sta-tays No- 159 1949) CHMUD=no 14 D . "Professor Zakharly Yosifovich Gaymanovich 11 Khirurglya, Vol.3, pp 85-9, 1949- (Deceavedi Translation - U-47889 9 Oct 53. diolne wlsqpblg Ulcerst Mhr/Apr 49 Dae to Neurotrawaa Medicine - Trophic Ul-.ers, Therapy Treatmer,t of Trophic Ulcers Caused by ,o Aeurotrama, " Prof N. B. Chibubnakher, Ukrainian :,~Sychonsurological Inet, 7 pp Neyrokbi urgii" Vol XITI, No 2 ~Z*-Gtzothod- fLor tr%-2"1~1 troph1c ulcers due 40 ,., neurotra=a is surgery. However, to avoid -som1b.11ity Of GXTMeong Alskanogen. It In nac- to detemille: (1) Zxt~mt of'the neuro- (2) nature Of trauma, (3) presence or e of regenerative syndromes, and one= 48/49T68 GOIAMOVA, R.A.; CHIBUDUMM, N.B. 18th session of the 7krainlam Psychonew!ologie Institute for Scientific Research. Top.neiroWr. 18 =2:6043 Kr A 154 - TZ670) (PSYCHIMT, (Ummmy. *ln-bleaU. conf.) Olm Russla. conf.) cHIBUIMEM, professor; ZOTIIA, Z.A. Sessions of the narkov NoUrosUrgiCal SOcistY- Top.uairokbir. 20 1no.4:48-52 JI-Ag 1560 (KIPA 9: 11) (mvOus Sy"M-SURMY) CRIBM04mam.N.B - fessor P-A" -- Report on tba 20th session of the Ukrainian Institute of Psychoneuro- logical Research* Vop.asirokhir. 21 ito.4-.55-57 Je-Ag 157. (BRAIN-TW(CRS) (SMIZOPHRIVIIA) (14IRA 10:10) IB I ofeenor; ZOTKIIIA. Z.A. Report on the activities of the rharkov Neurapurgical Society in 1956. Vop.nelrokhlr. 21 no-4:57-58 Js-Ag 057. (MIRA 10:10) (K'MKOV--SURGIQL SOOMMES) CHIBUKKAKHO, N.B.; KANTER, F.M. Inflnmmntory And suppurative nrocesses in the brain no Into sequolne of open aerebroarnninl trnumn [with tiummitry in English, p.621. Vop.n"irokhir. 22 no.2:21-26 K-AD 159. (MIRA 11-4) 1. Res,,mibliksnakiy neyrokhirurgicbeOly i paikbonevrologichookiy gospitall dlia invnlldov Otechostvenr.oy voyny. (BRAIR. wounds and injuries, causing lnte inflamm. & eumurntive comDl. (RuB) CHIBUIKAWM -N*;, TAIMOPOLISKATA9 Lo,A., BIROTINA, Te,I, The work of the XwlkoT Neurosurgical Society and minutes of RessiMI& Vopr.nelrokhir, 22 no,4860-62 JI-Ag '58 11; in 1957* (EMINDY-EMOLOGT-SOCIETIES) (MIRA < CEMMKKAXMIEto N.B.4 .-prof.; SIFMINA. Te.l.; TARROPOLISUTA. L.A. -Iloport on acrivitles of the Mumice/ leuromurgloal SOCIety and wdintes of metlugs for !~.O.uelrokhlr. 23 no.6048-51 I-D 159. (NM 13:4) (MUMY--NFMSUMICAL MCINIES) CHIBUMUK=9 N.B. , prof. (Uarikov) Dynamics of vammaar reactions in nov-ocaive block a the sinczarotid zones. Vrach. delo noo 12s95-99 D 160, 4 (MIM 34:1) l.--,,Ukrainskiy hauohno-iseledovatelloldy pvikhonevrologicheakiy institut, (NOVOCAvr~ (CAROTID SI?IUS--BLOOD SUPPLY) GHIBUKMAKHER. N. B.,, prof. (Martkov) --Nih-09-swein and treatment of reoistant forms of trophic ulcers caused by nerve trauma. Vop. neirokhir. no,6:34-38 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iaboratorlya eksperimentalIncU-neyrokhtrurgii Ukrainskogo naucbno-isaledovatellakogo paikhonevrologicheskogo instituta. (NERVOUS STSMK-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (ULCERS) CRIBUDMUM, N.B. Report of the work of the Kharkov Neurosergical Society for 1961. Vop. neirokhir. 26 no-5t6O S-0162 (KM 17:4) CHIBUKMAKHER, N.B. Some errors in the diagnosis and, treatment of neuralgias of the superficial nerves of the head. Zhur.nervA paikh. 62 no.6:856- 859 162. (KERA 15:11) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy neyrokbLirurgii i topografich9skoy anatomii Ukrainskogo nauchno-istiledovatellskogo psikhonevrologiche.- skogo instituta (dir. O.R.Stepanenko). (NEURAU',IA, FACIAL) CHIBUDI&IMR., N.B., prof.1 ISINIINp A.M. (IlarIkov) Use of threads-and fabric from plrmide~r'eains in the mwgery of peripheral nerves, Vrach.dolo no.,11;75-i-W Mr 163. (KMA 161t 4) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy zieyrokhirurgii Ukrainskpgo nauchno-iouladovateliskogo paikbe-itivrologicheskogo inatituta. .(SUTMM) (ERVM,, MIPHERAL-StWERY) / CHIBUKIIIAKNER., N.B.: PTI-10TIVA, Ya.l.- DOTSF:NXO, M.G. I Report on the work of the hlarkov Neurosurgical Society for 1962. Vop. neirokhir. 27 no.6:56-58 N-D 163. (MBU 17: 12) CHIBUKMMER, N. . - Review c~f A.I.Arutiunov and K.E.Rvdiakla "Cerebrospinal tumors; a bibliography." Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.6151-52 N-D 164. (MI RA 3.8 ~ 41) CRIBUMAKHER. N.B.: SIROTINA, Ye.I.; DOTSHNKO, M.G. Report on the meetings of the Kharlkov Scientific SocietY of neurosurgeons during the year 196.1. Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.6t5g- 59 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:4) tj- A'T I'l-l Clin-'cal- arial-cmical comparisono 'p tiie diagnosis und t-rcatment of facial. neuralgia. Zhur. aevr. I psikh. 65 no.9:1"31-,-'--334 165. ILS:91 n'p, Mi rl~ov. institut GET t---Na= Borisovic-b" prof - GORW.CF.EV, Vikhai I ANN--"w (lergeyevich pr:r.O,-Imtft OV EN., zsx, doyatell nauki, prof., red.fdeceased]- IANTAK, L.B., zas. deyatell nauki prof., red.; PPNCHENK;, V.I., red. (At-las of surgery on the spinal coral) Atlas operatsii na spinnom mozgu. Kiev, Zdcrovlia, IS165. J47 p. (MMA 28:4) Chibti6ovikli,' N,- "Organization, of tile production in factories of the governitent industry of building materials of MosgorIBpolkom,w Sbornik i-ab6t P6 mast. Btroit materialam, (Upr. prom-sti stroymaterialov i Btroydetaley Mosgorispolkoma, Nauch.-issled. i eksperim. stantsiya), Issue 1, 1%3, p. 17-22 so Ti-3264, 10 April 53 (LetopU tZhurnal fnykh St-Mey, No. 4, 1949). Ck I bu, v) C' Y), 0.Gr. P.I.; CHIMMOF51ru, 11.C. I Problems involved In the design of fogade cornice, Btak, 1 ker, 22 no*10:18-21 0 155 0 OMU 9:1) (Ceramic Industries) Aw . Alwomu - Yesterday and today. Stroisuat. 3 no.10:18-21 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Brick lndustr;--~iatwy) CHIMOVSKIY, N.G. CHIBUNOVSKIT, N.G.9 Inshoner, Main technical standards An.brick Indletry, Mokh, trudstngb, -11 U8.4:9-11 Ap 057. (Brick Influntry) (MM IOW I-- - - CHIMOUM, M. G. RWTOVTSEVAO.K. I. INZH. i GHIMOVSM, N. G. -.Inzhoner. Vaesquanyy nsuchno-iesUdovatellskiy inetitut straitellnoy keramiki*- Hasrebotka nowykh vidoy ablitsovochnykh kersaichekikh izdloliy d1ya bysatzogo Woitellstva. Page 99 SO- Collection of Annotations of Scientific Research Work on Construe SCOW) CHIBUNOVSKIY, VoA* W act of functional disorders of the thyroid g2and on the deve2opment o:C malignant tumors in animals. Izv-. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. mod. i Ifiziol. no.2s68-79 261. (MIRA 15:10 (THMID GLAND) (CANGER) CHIBUNOVSKIY,,-V.A. -. - -, -', . .....- Characteristics of intubation anesthesia in transpleural mwgery on cancer of the esophagus and cardia. Trudy Inst. klin. i sksp. khir. AN Kazakh. SSR W40-145 162. (KRA 170) .If XOLOWTSKAYA, L.A.; TURGANBAYEV, A.T.; CM'wYOVSxlY' V.A. Rare case of primary multiple tumors. Trudy Inst. klin. i ekep. khir.-AN Kazakh, SSR 8:3.46-150 162. (MIRA 17:7) I rI CUBUNMY'llp V.A. Tie s of J.-Ituvetion qresthee!a Pr operatione due to tr.' tral stnmo~.%As and patent duct-as qrter~osus. 'Prudy Irst.. K-".n. '.1 eksp. khIr. AY Kav,-kh. SRR %110-112, 163. (MUTRA 17,122" CHIBUNOVSKIY _y~.Aq CLEM, V.K.; TURKIN, V.P. ;=-S - Use of Engstroin's rpap!r-stor in the ing)lementation of contrciled respiration diming operations on the heart. Trady Inst. klin. i eksp. khir. AN Kazakh. SSR 9R126-129 163. (PIPA 17sl2'1 CHIIWNCVSKIY, V.A.; OUT, V.A. Use of Intramuscular barbiturate basic wiesthesiu In child surgery. Trudy Inst. klin. i eksp. khir,. AIN Kazukh. SSR 9t156-160 163. (MIRA 17:12) CHIBUNOVSKIY, V.A.; BDIZYRETAO A. Ya. Complicated intratracheal anesthesia in the removal of a neurofibroma of the posterior mediastintm spreading into the thoracic part of the trachea. Trudy Inat. klin. i ekep. khir. AN Kazakh. SSR 9tl6l-164 163. (MIRA 17-.12) iERYAKIN, Yu.M.; CHIBUNOVSKI!, Y.A.; CHFRNOV, V.K,, Case of gas embolism of the cerebral vetisels during a ritral comissurotomy under intratracheal, anesthesia withnitrous oxide and oxygen. Trudy Inst. klin. i elksp. khir. AN Kazakii. SSR 9:165-168 163. OURA 17-.12) , , A, CHIBJNO'JSf)'IYP ;Or,.O Some progi' of anestlheBi~ in Xurgery on ole Liv-roid glan-2. Truiy inst. klin. 5 eksp. kh-'r. Kazakh. SqR 9A.69-174 16-4. CHIBUROVA, AnastasiyR'-,S"pp*M!k - ~ " , '.. _ _j propagandist Itrushka, in5h.; '--ANDftYEV-A, Ye.D., red.; AZOVKIN, N.G., tekhn. rod. [Theo.ry and practice are inseparable]Toorile. i praktika no- razryv-&iy. fdazan', Riaxanskoe knishnooo izd-vo 1961. 30 P. WRA 16:1) 1, Fqazanskaya fabrika "Pobeda Oktyabrra" (for Chiburova). (Industrial mamgment-Study and teaching) The qmu of Dadibifift. s 'AphNillev. zapolts I'sff-sloshop, Also"al. 4*s4Ar4j $IN. tOlle Will. real.) Tb. 1A1 -2094", 1; CArm. zffvl,. 1041, If. oxi. 1 ill, ltwk rf"141 Imilld in the 114111killA legfoll 1witalgoi ill Ow Allsit 'r tvlw. The oystals we 1, 2A em, fit di,mi dod 141 %if viti . king The ItIllowhis WmIl %iir idwmA: ptimis 1". lbuill1whidion (11111). milli tieg. rhoodmi- brilron 10111). Trilo" Ityratulds (1 11 ) and trip ,0141 11AIVIA111111 (AM) Wille Alk) 4XV111111011411Y fcRill.l. Mlwt of the crystiolo life tow efI1,W (9104lity), Makes 44 ~Ollcwitr air (mostl Ill file Ininkow. CHICHAGOV, iiyu.-Mill, v.,I.; 112-1,OV) akadc-rilk Cn,stal structure of cadndum turgsl-~tij Cd*,10t. Dokl. All SSSR 166 no.1:87-89 Ja 166. 14 (MIM11 19: 1) 1. Mcskmrsk~y gosudarstvennyy universiteta im. M.V.Lopionosova i Instibit AN SSSR. E4-61 LS7 jW(M)/94P*'( XJP(c) JD SWRCE 00 Acc NR,. AP6o DE UP/()070/66/011/004/OW6/0689 24674 Belov, 11, V. dOR." Chich= A v ~imi~infts, L. W.; Ilyuk VO AUT1 IORG: Institute of crystallograft, M SSSR (Institut kristallografti AN SSSR); M'NAomonosov (Hoskovskiy gosudaretvannyy unive YOsciw state uhlvsrsl~. re of cadndum no2lbdate n=: 1 thefiris and, arms 7 tODURCE: Kristallograflyiki'46:21t ho. 4, 19669 b&rgg ooijioiiri~,~'molybdato, crystallisation. exchange roactiong ITOPIC TAGS:, cadmium :8toichiomotryq crystal lattice structure ABSTRACT: The singlo C*stals -of Cdt-SO04 were the prAuct of hydrothorvwl crystal- .'ilizatiDn In the systems CdD-HO03~HCI-H20 (H = U. Na, K). The synthesis was in an lautoclave wi-th working chn or volumo 43 - 30 cm3l at Frossure 1,000 - 1,500 atm for 3 -- 5 days. During - tho hydrothormal synthesis, in addition to the dissolution of the components# their transport# and arystallizatioh of the cadmium molybdate in thG cold son* of the .&A~Dclavev an oxchango roiotion botwOon C41004 and LiCl waa observed An the liqaid -.'pbsx9-at- LiCa concentrations larger than 20%, with formation lof a nixed Lims G&~02'7144 ~-.Oft:."Omstant but non-sUdchionotrio composition, The L