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CMYSINILI, 0. "POI,Rrimtion of Deuterons In I-anstic Scattering by ;nuclei," Tbilisi State UnIv. paper subm-itted at the A-U Conf. on Nuclear heacti=3 in --ediim and Low r-rerQr Physics, Aoscow, 19-27 Nov 1957. 83769 59,413,06 (A03Sj- 1139,11VS) AUTHORS: Buishvili, L. L., 5/056:/60/039/003/024/045 B006/Bo63 Khutsishvili, G. R., Cheyshvili, Ojj, TITLE: Magnetic Relaxation in Ferromagnetic Metals PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 3(9), pp. 726-736 TEXT: In the present paper, the authors calculate the ;agnetic relaxation in ferromagnetics due to s-d-exchange interaction. They use a simplified model of the ferromagnetic metal, which is based on the assumption of two groups of electrons (conduction electrons and ferromagnetic electrons). The relaxation terms are determined in microscopic spin-wave approximation. The authors co fine themselves to the simplest case of a cubic crystal (Fe, Ni), and i (parallel to the z-axis) is assumed to be so large that the sample may be regarded as a single-domain crystal. First, the authors derive expressions for He and Hd' which are the magnetic fields (due to 9-d interaction) acting upon the spin of the condu_qion electron and that of the ferromagnetic iong respectively. For V - -AS9d one obtains He = Asd/gsp and Hd = (3gsAQ/8gdgo)H. Proceeding from the spin Card 1/3 83769 Magnetic Relaxation in Ferromagnetic Metals S/056/60/039/003/024/045 B006/BO63 Hamiltonian of the conduction electron, the authors then derive the second quantization Hamiltonian as veil as expressions for the energy spectrum of the conduction eleotron and for the eriergy of the ferromagnon. By use of the perturbation theory the authors study the variation of the ferro- magnon distribution funotion n(f) in time. The double absolute value of the sum of projections of all d-spins is expressed by L, and L gives the equilibrium value of L. dL/dt and An(f) are obtained wid L0-L - 2 2:An(~) and IL c-LI/L 04r, 1. The fact that the spins of the con- f duction electrons and the ferromagnetic spins interact not only with each other but also directly with the lattice is taken into account in the following. A number of special cases are calculated. The relaxation times Tad and Tds' which are defined by formula (29), are finally estimated for iron by means of the experimental value of the number of magnetons per iron atom (2*22)o Thust one obtains 1 . 9 T 1 -F T 2-10 T 1n 4 - - 109 T ; these relations hold for ad 0.8+1.3-10- H ; ~ds Card 2/3 83769 Magnetic Relaxation in Ferromagnetic Metals S/056/60/039/003/024/045 BOo6/Bo63 temperatures from 2 - 30K to about 100 0K. The folloming relation is found for the relaxation time of interaction betmeen the spin of the conduction electrons and the lattice Tsl : TS, " 10-11/(,&g)2T. The authors thank M. I. Kaganov and V. G. Barlyakhtar for discussions. A. I. Akhiyezer, I. Ya. Poiie-ranchuk, S. V. Peletminskiy, and Ye. A. Turov are mentioned. There are 18 references: 8 Soviet, 8 US, 1 Japanese, and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSE (Institute of Physics of the Acad6my of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSE) SUBMITTED: April 7, 1960 Card 3/3 ~-ACCMSIOH MY -Ch AUMOR. L.- V. X13madze, 6, -Yuo: G*~ hy'llp ON Do ic TITLE. onc~riiing. tb~ -,YoAex Aructure,*f rotating belium 0 ..'SOTMCE-. Zhurnal ekaperimentaVuoy i teoret-icbeakoy fizi3d, v. 48, no. 5, 19655Y :152N.1523 TOPIC TAGS- rotating hellvm, quanttim liquid., Merfluldityj quarrtum vorte~~(, Onsager F-eymman vortex ABSTRACT; The rotation of superfluid liquid heli-am and ito interr.3ttion with the mc- tior of the Onsager-Feyn= vortex filaments iE conBidered on the baEis of -,he pne- nomenological theoz7 of liquid helium developed by V. L GJ.nzburg ane, L P. Pitayev.- -,,Idy (MISTF V. 34, i24o, 1958- and later papers by Pitayevs)dy). 1t 11 s thovn, by a- nal,ysis o:~ the equations for the equilibrium rotation of 1!.quid h!liun in a suf:-J~- cientiv larRe vessel, that the two-dimensional network of -ortice, zo"ta-ng JUqUid he'lil]M.-,.:arL.XADtaU-abnut.lhe axis of xozazic= of r-or-1 --p-1; "&043 -6~ AP50139 the volume between the vortices',' Extensive -use is made of the analogy between the equations of notion of tbe superfluid, and the equations of the Gimburg- Landau the- ory, nsed by A. A. Abrikosov (ZhETF v, 32, 1442, 1957), to explaiij the properties of supercondr-ttors of the second kind. This property of netvorks of quantum vortices is indicati-n of the principal difference between the wave function phases and 1he velocity -potentials of the networks of geometrically identical classical and quaa- tum vmtices. This difference accounts for the capacity o!' the quanTurm. vo7zic-5 to cres-te a rigid two-dimensional network. Orig. art. has, ASSMIATION: Institut fizild Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSE (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences) GecTgian BSR)- SUBMI'M: 26Dec64 IMCM, 00 SUB CODE: ME= L W~8-66 Fdr(1)1BW(r4)1W(n)-?1 (4)._jqP(c) AT ACCESSION NRt AP5024714 UR/0056/65/0419/003/0925/0929 AVMDR% Cheyahvili, 0, D. ~amsladze, Yu- .,~ 1haradzejGA,j SOURCE: Zhurnal ekspertmentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v.49, no.3, 1965, 925-929 TITLEs Passage of polarized neutronilt,hru superconductoj-~Ih a wAxed state TOPIC TAGSt superconductor magnetic field, nixed state superconductor field, supe conductor magnetic structure, polarized neutron bean nethod, supetconductivity ABSTRAM The!autho r develop6a nethod for the determination of the two-d mension"' tAl periodic magnetic field sixtacture known to exist in a vecond-kind superconduc- tor in a mixed state, For i beam of monochromatic polarized nea4trans passing througl such a superconductors the authorfiaft that the bean directions resulting in depo. larization maxima of the bean are relited to the parametern of the! two-dimensional- Internal field structure and It atype of symetry. This definite dependence is suff. gested for a method for the study of the two-dimensional IsAtice of Abrikosov vor-, tices, One difficulty to seen in the narrowness of the bfivdci, depolarization maxima their angular limits ire of the order of AS t L/do where L Is the overage lattice Card V2 L 412 8-66, Acmssm NRs AP5024714 spaciing,of the--field stro tureen anti Is the sample thickOess. This poses strict c collimation requirements for tile neutron bean. This problem by the use of the main (passiq;) rather than the diffracted is, bowever, alleviat d e bean proposed in other methods. The greatest difficulty to ainticivated In the necessity of using supercon- I ductors with a llmofiocrystallini~" vortex grating# which to note elisential hete than In neutron diffraction experiments Mmerical estimates vn the Imtsis of expres3ion l developed In this work Oint tO attainment of a ten percerit pola:rIzation, Orig. art* best 31 forraulasj I hademit nauk ortizinskoy 88H ASWCIATION: Inatitut: hziki (imititute of PhysIcaj brg VA Acndpmy of Sciencee Ge 881R) ly, I EM M 00 SUBHM41) I 17AIpr65 M RF'F SOVI. 002 OW'R 004 SUB COME ATD PRESS:dbl e P A - Cdrd 2/9 ~. L 4408-66 W(1) 1 ACC NRi AR60-2.3-28-3----- SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/003/EI16/EI16 AUTHOR:' Cheyshvili, 0. D. ORG: none TITLE: Changes in the magnon 4ectrum due to sd-interaction in ferrometals SOURCE: Ref zh. Fizika, Abs. 3E889 REP SOURCE: Sb. Elektron. i ionnyye protsessy v tverd. telakh. No. I Tbilisi, Metsniyereba, 1964, 73-76 TOPIC TAGS: Green function, Hamiltonian, first approximation, perturbation theory, magnon spectrum, ferrous metal, conduction electron ABSTRACT: The Hamiltonian interaction of conduction electrons and magnons is analyzed by the Green function method. The solution of the Dyson equation in the I first approximation of the perturbation theory provides the magnon spectrum, taking into consideration the sd':4nteraction. The error is a conventional conical singularity. No comparison is made with other results. Yu. Irkhin. [Translation of abstract) [NT] SUB CODE: 20/ Card I /I L 04072-67 EWr(l)/T ITP(c) AT ACC NRt AT6026361 SOURCE CODE: UR/3208/65/000/001/0076/0080 AUTHOR: Cheyahvili.-O. D. Y9 ORGY: none TITLE: Electron-pbonop interIg1jan in a magnetio field at low temperature-so 1-9 $0URCE: An GruzSSR. Inatitut fiziki. Fizike nizkikb temperatur (Low tompersiure. physics), no. 1. Tiflis, Izd-vo Metaniyereba,, 1965, 76-80 OPIC TAGS: magnetic field, pbonon interaction ABSTRACT: The article is a study of the change in the characteristics of the phonon spectrum as a function of the magnetic field. This change is particularly marked with strong magnetic fields, since the change in the Fermi surface in this case is considerable. The calculation Is carried out by the known method of Green's functions at a temperature of absolute zero. Practically speaking, it is a question of temperatures much lower than the electron temperature and the Debye temperature. To find the pbonon spectrum, a solution is found to the Dyson equation for the Green's function of the pbonon D-I(q. w) -i. D; 1. (q,6) n (q, w). (1) L 04072-67 '-A:Ciz-"R' AT6026361 On tfie~above basis,, the author proceeds to a mothematical solution of the problem posed. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ OAIG REri: 0021 OTH REF: 002 kh L 1766 EWTW/F.PF(n)-2/ETC(M)-6 WWIJViICG ACC NR: AP600,3829 SOURCE CODE; UR/0~86/65/002/003/0123/0125 ~AUTHORS: Mamaladze, Yu. Gqo, Cheyshvili. 0 'ORG: Institute of P~Zsics, Academ, rRian SSR v of Sciences. Geo (Instibi Miki Akademil. nauk Gruzinskoy SSR) !TITLE: Phenomenological wave function of a superfluid liquid in a !porous medium Z 1, 14 Q "50URCE.0 Zhurnal eksperimentalthoy I teoretichesitoy Miki. Pialma ~v redaktslyu. Prilozheniye, v. 2, no. 3, 1965, 123-125 'TOPIC TAGS: wave function, superfluidity, liquid helium, quantum 'liquid 11ABSTRAM. Inasmuch-as earlier Investigations have shown that the :pdensity of the superfluid component of stationary helium II vanishes .when the dimensions of the vessel (gap, capillary, or other tubular vessel) drops below a certain critical value, the autbors analyze the :,distribution-of the density of a superfluid liquid in a porous Tediu4:- ,showing that the superfluid component in a porous medium bordering ont Card. 1/2 ...... L 17663-66 :ACC NR: AP6003829 la frefa volume of a superfluid liquid is larger in -the pores than in the f:me volunye. Similar effects can be observed also in a partition jwith minute pores separating two values of a superfluid liquid. It !is pointed out that this increase is connected with the propagation ;of the wave field of the condensate to neighboring regions, and is ~Bimilar to the Josephson effect in superconductors. The difficulty .1connected with the need for taking Into Account the complicated _-~boundary conditions is circumvented by averaging the wave function iover a volume containing sufficiently many pores. The ana'lysis is !carried out for a. configuration in which one half-space is porous and-, 'the other one is filled with liquid helium H. Orig. art. bas: 5 iformulas. SUB CODE; 20/ -SUBM DATE:._l0Jun65/ OHIO REP: (>O1/ OTH li]V: 001 i Card 2/.:k ACC NR: ARG035055 SOURCE CO'D' 'E-:-'-I-J'R'-/OO5~JIGG/000/008/L;'074/1-,07.1 ,AUTHOR: Gurgenishvili, G. Ye.; Cheyshvili, 0. D. TITLE: On the shape and width of lines of diamagnetic resonance in semiconductors -d- and semimetals in an intense magneiic field SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 8E567 REF SOURCE: Sb. elektron. i ion. protsessy v tverd. telakh. No. 2, Tbilisi, Metsniyereba, 1965, 96-102 TOPIC TAOS. maonetie GPM, elootron scittering, diamagnatic resonance, semiconductor, semimetal, magnetic resonance, acoustic plionon, dielectric, solid dielectric, conductivity ABSTRACT: A study was made of the effect of electron scattering by acoustic phonons, on the shape and width of diamagnetic resonance lines. Tile basis for the operation is the Lakes expression for electroconductivity (RZh Fiz, 1958, No. 1 0, 27806). Computations are effected by the method of resolvents. A summation -is made of the "principaP terms in a series with respect to 'he interaction constant, C.Ord 1 / 2 ACC -'R' __ A*R6035055 containing a resonance denominator. Conductivity is computed for a simple electron energy spectrum, both for a degenerated and a non-degenerated electron gas. I. Korenblit. [Translation of abstract) ISP) SUB CODE: 20/ 2/2 ACC NRt AT7000107 ing a low probability of electron transition to another level during phonon emisslon or absorption, the equation for the absorption line width is obtained. The cases of Fermi distribution and Boltsman statistics are treated. Orig.' art. has: 27 formulas.j SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG RM 002/ OTH RM 005 Cam 2/2 KOBALADZE, S.G.; ~HEXSUVILI, R.P. Results of the use of chloracizin. Trudy Inst. klin.'i eksper. kard. AN Gruz. SSR 8Y441-443 163. MRA "L'7s'/) 1. Kafedra fakulltatskoy terapii lechobnogo fakullteta Gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta, Tbilisi. 00 CHEYSHVILI, T.A., inzh.; NASARID2F,, D.S., inz)-j.; NFLINIKOV. L.A., inzh. The "Sakartvelo" self-propelled tea plucking machine. 77r-akt. i sellkhozmash. no.4:38-39 Ap 165. (MIRA 18: 5) 1. Gosudarstvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byi1ro po seltskokhozyajystvcnnoy tekhnike Gruzinskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Cheyshvili, Nasaridze). 2. Gruzinskaya mashinoispytateltnaya stantsiya (for Mollnikov). Cllgyshvnl~ V. L. "Device for Automatic Distribution of Coagulant," Byul. Stroi. tekh., 9, No.13, 1952 CIWSMLI, V.L.j IRTXMT, I.L. Automatic reagent batch sister for use in purifying water for public industrial uses. Rats. I isobr. procU. v stroi. no.94:20-23 154. NLU 8: 8) 1. Otdol ratsionallsatsit i IzebretatelOstra Minlaterstva stroitellstra. (Water-Purification) F_M P, F 461) AID P - 2o65 Subject USSR/Electricity card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 7/29 Author : Cheyshvili, V. L., Kand, of Tech. Sci. Title : Device measuring the earth-water mixture output Periodical: Elek. sta., 4, 27-29, AP 1955 Abstract A special device installed in hydraulic-fill pipes for measuring the earth-water flow was designed and tested in the laboratory of the VNIIGS (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Hydrolysis and Sulphite Alcbhol Industry). At present the same institution is desig4ng these measuring devices for pipes 500,,*6oo-atid 7001mm in diametei4 The designers founded the operation of the device on mathematical and hydraulic formulae. This device can be also used in a floating dredge. Some recommendations on the installation of the device are given. Three diagrams. Institution: Eone Submitted : No date UdSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Water treat- ment. Sewage water, I-11 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Ichinlya., No 2,, 1957., 5437 Author: Cheyshvili V. L., Krymskiy, I. L. Institution: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of E1ydraulic Engineering and Sanitation Engineering Operations Title: VNIIGS Automatic Coagulating Agent Measuring Device (Cheyshvili and Krymskiy Design) Original Publication: Sb. tr. Voes. n.-i. in-ta g1drotekhn. i san.-tekhn. rabot, 1955, No 6, 82-106 Abstract: Description of the fundamental hydromechanical and electric layouts and also of the design of the principal components of an automatic measuring device the operation of which is based on determination of the electric donductivity of water before and after addition thereto of the reagent. In the measuring device use is made of the principle of intermittent regulation. Flov of water through each electrolytic Card V2 USWChmical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Water treat- ment. Sewage water, 1-11 Abet Journalt Referat Zhur - KhImlya, No 2., 1957, 5437 Abstract: cell,~0.16 liter/second. On treatment of water having an alkalinity