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L 04077-67 fWA i ACC NR: AP60254M24 SOURCE CODE: UR/0143/66/000/007/0107/0112: AUTHOR: Pospelov, G. Ye, (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor); CbervinakiZ, L. L. T&e.71neer). MMMWM-~ 3 0 ORG: Belorusskiy Polytechnic Institute (Belorusski-y politekbnicbeskiy Institut) J6 TITLE: Investigation of the maximum efficiency of electric transmission lines using a TsVM computer SbURCE: IVUZ. Energetika, no. 7, 1966, 107-112 TOPIC TAGS: electric power transmission, computer application ABSTRACT: The maximum efficiency of an electric transmission line is determined from the equation 6~,. =011 �,_ 0 W1 as the highest value of the efficiency with a change In the load over sufficiently wide limits and with a constant voltage at one end of the line. The article gives a'block diagram of the algorithm used for computer calculation. A table lists the characteristics of electric transmission lines fabricated from various standard types of wire. Lq-~4- 1/2 UDC-. 621.315. !-.-Q1 77-67 ACC NR' AP6025h2L Based on the calculated results, a figure shows the dependence of the specific powars%and the power coefficients corresponding to a maximum efficienzy on t6e lengtbo for different lines (taking the corons. effect into account). The calculations refer primarily to airborne lines witb a lengtb from 500 to 1500 kilometers. Orig. art. bas: 5 formulas, 4 figures and I table, bODE: to 09/ SUBM DATE: 17jan66/ ORIG REF: 001, kh card 2/2 CHER IWKIV, Mark Mik),Aylo Lch;-SAZARNOVSKIY, D.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; ZRITNIKOVA, O.S., tekhn. red. (Ferroelectrics and prospects for their use in computer engineering] Segnetoelektriki i perspektivy ikh primene- niia v vychislitellnoi takhnike. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 134 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Electronic computers-Equipment and supplies) (Electric engineering-Materials) BXKIRBAYRY, D.B,; OROD&O, G.S.; GMISHIK, P.A.; IKOVA, M.S.; PETRU- KHIN. P.M.; PCLYANSKIY, I.P.; RASSCLOV. N.I.; TARASOVA, A.A.; MULONRYSTM. U.N.- CHWINW171 M.S.; SHAHOVSEATA, B.S.; KLIKANOV. A.D.,; ZHUKOV, V. s. red.izd-va; PRO = OVSKAYA, VJ4,; KOHMATITIVA. K.A.. (Control of coal and rook dust In mines] Bor'ba a ugollnoi I pored- nol pylglu v- shakht9kh, Moskva, Goe.nauchno-takhn.W-vo, lit-ry po gornomm delue 1959. 4" p. (NMU 13:3) (Kins dusts) SHANOVSKATA, S.S.; RASSOXOf, N.I.; BEKIRBAYEV, B.D. (deceased]; PETRUKRIN, P.M.; GRODEL, G.S.; FROLOV, M.A.; CHERVINSKIY, M S - BDBRITSKIYI, V.P.; PORYANSKIY, I.P.; NIKITIN, V.S., oty. r ~-*-; LUCITO, V.S., red.izd-va; SHKLYAR, S.Ya., tekhn. red.; MAKSIMOVA, V.V., tekbn. red. (Handbook on controlling dust in coal mines ]Spravochnoe po- sobie po bor'be a pylliu v ugollnykh shakhtakh. [By S.S. Shanovskoi i dr.] Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 190 pe (MIRA 16:6) (Mine dusts) Ch ty s-,op.; -HA ..j.6 "'s 1r. y I.. 1,.Ln (i c u r, Trudy ILIPULIII ]~:1.9(~-205 63. KRAYZMY Leonid Pavlovich. Prinimali uchastiye: CHERVINSKIY,..M.M?j OBO- RENKO, A.Ye.,,SHILEYKO, R.I.; ZAYEZD14YY, A.M-.-,,retsenzent; ULIYANGV, G.K., red.; SOBOLEVA, Ye.M., tAkhn. red. [Discrete information storage d6vi6esl Ustroistva khraneniia diskret- noi informataii. MosWa) Gos,energ.izd-vop 1961. 359s~. MU 14:12) (Ma etic memory (Calculating machine ) rprise techniques (Electronics)) aln I it ASID I.D co a F .- U fac"Ites Afte plopleydi OWN -00 go 00 L -00, go -9e 00' t v The as* m =d - - V NPAAMwqGMA j.. Wad "I Xa- Ji 71 Im mm i , ~, "am is W-= M - bumpwm I aNam to "ememmist, A rd n 6 "I d m N n" to MR. go at IW. 6 !L ; - =C I tk do Wi god Imi am" Mid dw d an waft md dw dWm d adtbg md wym. am t. see tew am. am meaft ft the IN*% fee 190 Of 10 Ism. of 29 00 M. V. coad" 400 l see not oo t $4190" .4p ;6. mail"09 "m Ot ' 'A I IV, p9, llj~wrl .114 111 o ' "A; v o'g ; " , e 0 Q. 0 0 a f D 0: :1 l 66066*0099000oft 84 - ogo*,* 0 0 0.0 a 0410-10 01:1 -90 wl -or &W "Opfollas "NJ see 01 on *0 ghwm*w of news of U "k 1941 No 14 3 6 4- .- wj . . , The do latm-al 1000- * i n 0. Kr. 1110D The vit smoopmled by a -L M t I WWA o -00 the .1 ~M'* d, .R- a lkik.,Pbb *Aw M, 1* Sp. r "Chowed wbik that of U. V. cmd" **W l A i MEVA"iMMAI. La"AlIM C%&DIPCATM *&-?-,VMVMW see ilam& low 0 0 a I v a V do 0 3p a v 010 0 0 0 0 WOO 0 -6 '66 -t-e--Slp 0 a le V . ~ - I Ill Is It If b m 30 bi h is - 3F it Ill It 30 -3 It &A a a T-ffr v Delp POPPI01,19 -01- 09 lowedwill P911111111111.m 4anOWWA 1"ll. No. IA. 17-1p.- 00; sitQrdesufts With the Agiakw a a 00 bat b We an tmr, miad Oundgm _t 0011 map,:=. UIV c if 00 is *04 008 099 *04 *so *of Dow *0 114, : 1L L NIVALLWOOKAL SAT4114111111111 CVASWKATM off 0000 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -00 .00 -00 see 409 see *Do 15-57-10-14688 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 218 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chervinskiyp-P..L. TITLE: Ratio of Gravitational to Capillary-Film Water in Sands in Relation to Grain Size (Sootnosheniye gravitatsionnoy i kapillyarno-plenochnoy vody v peakakh v zavisimostl ot krupnosti zeren) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. po vopr, gorn. dela Mosk. gorn. in-ta, 1956, Sb 16, pp, 223-226 APSTRACT: The author gives a method for calculating the specific Capillary-film water of the weighed quantity of water which is retained under natural conditions per unit of total surface of the sand grains. Laboratory studies have established the relationship between sand-grain size and percent of capillary-film and gravity water. When the percentage of capillary-film water reaches 70 pordent,' the sand should be, ref erred to as - qUiC ks and. Card 1/1 N. S. Gustomesova CMVINSKITAI Pet,r_Iqopt!jpvichj SNAM, D.M.. otvetstvennyy red.; SAVIS, ~-- ~--'I 9 Z.A.,; HADRIUSIATA, A.A.. tokha,red, [Album of vertical shafts and shaft bottoms in coal mines] Allbon okolostvolIzWkh dvorov i vertiiml'zWkh stvolov ugollnykh shakht. Moskva$ Uglatekhisdat, 1957. 10 p. and 89 diagr. (MXRA 11-4) (3h&ft staking) CHIRYINMT, P. ., kand. tekhn. nauk. Coal mining methods in the Albanian People's Republic. Ugol' 34 no.1:56-58 Ja '59e (MIRA 12:1) (Albania-Coal mines and mining) ACC MRi j, i,4 SOURCE COM IUR/0413/66/MO/019/0106/0106' Chervinskiy, P. P.; Donskoy, A. V.; Kratyah,:G. S. ORG: none TITLE'. Contactless pulse-type velocity tiransducer. Class h2, No. 186T79 SOURCE: Izobretaniya, promWehlennyye obraztey, tovarrWye znaki, no, 19, 1966, lo6 TOPIC TAGS: speed regulator, velocity measuring instrument, velacitw transducer ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued for an ultrasonic oscil-, lator with an automatic frequency control and a magnetostrictive trans- ducer which serves as the load of the oscillator. The transducer is connected to a positive feedba*ck circuit and to used &a a selective element (see Fig. 1). To Improve operational stability at the resonant frequency of the mechanical vibrating system, the passband multicLrcuLt phase filter is connected to the positive feedback circuit of the oscil- lator. Orig. art. hams I figure* Sard 1/2 uDc: 621.3T3.42 NRv AM357" FIg# I* ultrasonic Oscillator I Passband sulticircuit phase filter; 2 - maSuatostrictive transducer* BUD ODDZ-- 09, 13/ SUBM DATE: OIJu163/ ATD PRMt 5U2 2/2 PRS,TRIKOV, V,V.; GiERV-IIISKIY, R.V, ----------------I------- ~- I I t OrganizRtIon of the movIng operat,irins of a arce telephone exchazlige to a new building. Vest. sviazi 25 no. 11e:19-21 11 165 (Mi RA 19 1 12) 1. Glavn-,vy inzhener Nybysliev:ikogo oblas-Uiogo up-tiv -:,-Yh sN-Yati (fc.r Pestrikov). 2. Glavnvy lnz~-ner Kuybyshev3kny iaezh-dugo-Tioclnoy telefennoy stantsii (for Chervinskiy). CHETIVIIISKIY$ V. F. . "Lkxestock Raising in Regions of Great Co munist Constraction. Projects," Vop. ekon., No.5, 1952 CITERMNSKly) V. F. S'tock and Stackbrecdine Prosl,ects f or davtloping anirral - husbandry in the urcu.,~ Ertat co :runiz-A eDwItruclk ion projects. ~,:As- zh--',v '14 No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December _19W, Uncl. 52 1. cl-nViliiifi.- PFLIT*, N'. Ill. 2. USSR (600) 4. Pastures - Ust' - Urt 7. Utilization of the southern part of Ust' - Urt falling within the zone of the Main Turkmen Canal. Sots.zhiv. 14 no.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY .1953. Unclassified. CHERVINSKIY,V.P. ............... Horse breading in the Minusinek Basin. Trudy Kong. kom. no.66: 111-159 154. (MLRA 8,6) 1. Sovet po isucheniyu proizvodttel'Tqkh ail (SOPS) Akademii nauk SSSR. (Minusinsk Basin--Horse breeding) USSR/Farr.i Aninals - Szmll Horned Stock Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 69330 Author QhaElinskiy, V.F,- Inst AS USSR Title Problens of the Rational Maintenance of Sheep on Pasture Orig Pub Tr. Atalo-Kaspiyski konpleksu. ekspeditsii. AN SSSR, 1957, vyp: 8, 207~221 Abstract The res,,:-Its of the experinent carried out i-ii Septev.-ber 1952- JI1_IY 1953 ir. the kolkhoz La. Molotov of Kara- Kalpakskaya ASSR a-ad in the sovkhoz "Kazandzhik" of Turlmei!ska~m SSR, regarding rationalization of all-the- year-romid naintenarce of Karakul sheep on pasture under conditions prevailing in the deserts of Kara-Kim, aid Kizil-Kun,, are givei). On each farm, in analogous natu- ral conditions, two groups of flocks of ewes) Card 1/2 CHERVINSKIY, V. F.: Doc Agric. Sci (diss) -- "Pasture animals in the semi-des- ert and desert zones of the USSR (On the example of the Kazakh SSR)". Lenin- grad, 1958. 43 pp (Min Agric USSR, Leningrad Agric Inst), 175 copies (XL, No 6, 1959, 137) CATkCORY Farra Animals. Fjjw.~ll Horned CiAtle. ADS . TC)U.T,. RZhl-liol., No. 6~ 1959, 00. 25873 V, F, L-. 37, . I'll L The Economical Hf-factliveness of Winter Pai-jm- ritions of Sheep in Kazakhstan. ORIG. PUB. Ov"tsevodstvo, 1958, No 47 4-6 A BT.R-A C If eweg are changed to winter parturitions, profits of fine-f-leeced shee.pbreeding in- creased. Wint-)r parturitions, produce posAtellve results If ewes are provided with feed a:--,d birth houses. The va-lue of the pioduction obta:Uied through winter parturitions (comput-ed per 100 ewes) exceeds lGh-e production wtliw of ewes which give birth In spring by almost 3 t.-ILMes. -- G. V. Dogolyubova C ~). D, CIURVIIISKIT. V.F. Organizational and economic problems in the Dasture system of livestock farming in the semiarid and desert zones of Kazakhstan. Izv.AH SSMI.Ser.biol. no.4:40,5-509 J1-Ag '59, (MIRA 12:9) 1. Comail for Research of Productive Resources of the U.S.S.R.0 Acm1eny of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (ZkZ&VSTAH-SED21P--YK1WING AM FWMS) MA"LUM AND XWOWS) CHERVINSKIY. V.. kand. sel'skokhozyaystvounykh nauk ------- Possibilities for developing sheep farming in Kazakhstan. Na&-a i pared. op v sellkhow. 9 no.6:32-)3 Je 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Kazakhstan--Sheep) 1P BOGWLOV, G.T., oty.rod.; AffIFOY-KARATAYN. I.N.. akademik, red.; GISMI, P.A., Prof.. doktor biol.nauk. red.; CHZRVINSKIT. V.P., doktor sell skokhoz.nauk. red.; PAVLOV.'-,Ajr.-9` Tid-ava; -'U~kINA. P.S., [Problems pertaining to soil salinization and vater resources] Problem zesoloniia pocbw i vodnykh Istochnikov. Moskva, 1960. 173 P. (KIU 13: 10) 1. Akedemiya nauk SM. Nezhduvedomstvanneya komissiya po izu- chaniyu zasushlivykh i poluzasushlivykh son. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN Bel-ornaskoy SSR: Nezhduvedometvanneya komissiya po isu- Cheaiya xasushlivykh i polusasuohlivykh son SM Sovets po isuche- niyu proizvoditellnykh sil pri Presidiums M SM (for Bogonolov), 3. AN Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Antipov-Karatayev). 4. Institut fiziolo- gii rastaniy im. X.A.2imiryezova AN SSSR (for Oankell). . (Alkali lands) (Water. Underground) (Irrigation) -CHMINSKIT, Vasilly. ~eckprovich; LARIN, I.Y., skedemik, zasluzhannyy doyatell neukip oiv-.`"*d._-.KCWAKOVA. Ye.A., red.izd-ve; DOROMM. I.N.. [Ways of bringing soul-desert and desert areas of the U.S.B.IL under cultivation] Puti sel'skokhaziaistvannogo osvoeniia &owl' v polvpustynnol i pustynnoi zonakh SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.navir SSSR, 1060. 239 m. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Veesoymnsiya akedemiya seliskokhozyaystvannykh nauk imeni T.I.Lenina (for Lorin). (Reolamtion of land) ANTIPOV-KARATAV-EV, I.N., akadenik,, red.; BOGOYOIDV, G.V., akademik, rad.; GENICELI., P.A., doktor biol. nauk, red.; PETINOV, N.S., doktor biol. nauk, red.; CKLMYSM V F doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; SHAFRANISKAYA,-M.Z.' red. izd-va; YEWROVA, N.F., tekhn. rod. (Plant-water relations in arid regions of the U.S.S.R; (reports of Soviet scientists) VodrWi rezhim rastenii v zasusblivykb raionakh SSR; [doklady sovetskikh uchanykh). Moskva, 1zd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 274 1). (MIRA 15:3) 1 -Symposium on Plant-Water Relations in Arid iud SemiArid _A -Conditions 1 A-ladrid, lc)~9. 2. Akadeniya rAuk Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Antipov-Karatayov). 3. AkadOT..iya BelorusokQy SSR kfor Bogor.olov),4. Inotitut f lziologii rasteniy im. Y.A.Timiryazeva Akaderaii nauk7bSM (for Genkell, Petinov). (Plaikta-Water requirements) (Plants, Effect of aridity on) GHE.hVIBSKIY, V.F. IncreasinC' the output of -livestock products in the samideser-t and desert zones of the U.S.S.R. IZv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. 26 no.5:805- 813 S-0 I&I. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Council for Studying Productive forces, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.1 Moscow. (SOVIET CENTRAL ASU-STOCK AND STOCKBREEDING) CHERVINSKIY, V.F. Study of natural resources of deserts should be intensified and their re,:lmation accelerated. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.biol. no.2ul73-180 Mr-AP162. (MIRA 1627) 1. Council for the Study of Productive Forcesp Moscow. CHERVINSKIY, V.F. Basis for the distribution# specialization, and the comprehensive development of the economy of the Moldavian S.S.R. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.120-10 163. (MIRA 18:5) C11MVINSKIY, Vasiliy Fedorovich, prof.; KVRDYUKOV, I.F., otv. red. (In the land of the kangaroo and emu] V strane kenguru i emu. 1,',oskvav Nauka., 1964. 165 P. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Deystvitellkyy c1den Moldavskoy Akaderdi nauk (for Chervinskly). CH m, IY .;~ , Characteristics of agriculture in Australia. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. biol. no.2:312-324 ~ft-AP'64 WRA 1713) YEFRM~IOVY Ivan SeMellovich; VOLKU, Andrey Fedotovich; ZAGAYIM, Ilikolay Al~kseyevich; NIKOMSKIY, lgorl Runs tantinovich; 111MOMIROV, Clorgey Semonovicb; JQIKI~;'~-1151UY,_ Vladimir l4ikhaylovich; T01,11YANOVICH, D.K., red. [Semiconductor power rectifiers in municipal transport) Po- luprovodni.'-.ovye silovye preobrazovateli na gorodskom trans- porte. Moskva, Izd-vo 14-va, koumun.khoz."la-3R, 1963. 82 p. (MEHA 17:9) POLAND/Cultivated Plants Grains. M. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 4., 1958, 15562 Author Inst Title The Principle of Fertilizin(; Com. (Osnova udobreniya kukuruzy). Orig Pub Plon, 1957, No 7, 7. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 q7 BWO, G.A.; GRCYSlIP:, M.P.; QIE!~~IlqSKIYY Yu.Ye.; ZHURKO, V.-A.; BULKIN, I.N. Rubber expansion joints. Gaz. promr. 8 no.8:31-34 16~. (MI-RA 17: 11) jj MT enlys, Zellmnovna; ARIHAIGILISK N,A., dotment, redaktor; I ILT CHERViliTi� '.-r-odaktor; SUDAK,D.M. , tekhnichookly redaktor 0 [Sown goods commodity science) Torwarovedente shveinykh tovaray. Pod red, N.A.Arkhangellskogo. Moskva, Gos.Isd-vo torgovol lit-ry, 1955-i 167 P. (KLPIA 9:1) (Textile fabrics) (Clothing and dress) CHERVITS,, IOV116niYa tellm&noim; BUIZAKOV, N.V., Prof., red.; SINELINIKMIA, TS.D.., red.j-BRODSKIY, K.P., tekhn. red. [Footwear miumfacture and materials] Tovarovedenie obuvi. Pod red. W.V.Bulgakova. Moskva., Goo. izd-vo torg. lit-ry', 1961 170 P. (Boots and oboes) ~MIRA 14:11) TELINOV,, A.M., inzh.; CHERVOCHKIN, O.A,, inzh.; BETIKOV, I.Yeap inzho Heat insulating blocks of agloporites. Stroi.mat. 8 no.1:27-28 ja 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Insulating materials) CHERVON, V., instruktor-kemandir korablya (gor.Ullyanovok) Using a radio compass with the method of aural position finding. Grazhd. av. 12 no.?:13 J1 '55. (min 11-6) (Radio direction finders) 6 ILI 84-8-14/36 AUTHOR: Chervon V. Plane Commander, Instructor, School of Ad~- (VLP) TITLE: Necessity of a Uniform System of Training (Neobkhodima yedinaya sistema obucheniya) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya Avatsiya, 1957, Nr 8, p. 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is a follow up orp an article published In Nr 1, 1957 of the same periodical entitled "Training of Plane- Commanders for Flights Under Bad Weather Conditions" by A. Zakharevich. The author rejects the charges that in the School of Advanced Pilotage wrong methods are applied in training the pilots in the, 6cn and cn-50 instrument Landing Systems. Zakharevich based his contention on the requirements of "Instructions for Conducting Flights in the 11 -12 Aircraft". But the School does not limit its methods to those recommended in the Instructions. The School teaches that main attention be paid in landing to. piloting instruments. The author also doubts the conten- tion of Zakharevich that it is possible to determine banking by the pressure the pilot feels on his foot. Such a sensation may be unreal under complicated training conditions. The author agrees with Zakharevich that the card 1/2 k~ PMMI BED-2~% IJF ---------- -- Pb- /-Pg-4/Pk-4/po-',/p,.--,4 (C (a -5/RASM(d)/W-EY.(i) :0 EY U) SD (dP) GG/BB ACCESSION NR: A74047 49 N600/64/000/000/0145/0153 A- THOR-. Vapnxk, 1. N.; Chervonenkis, A. Ya. ,,, q. One class of percepl-rons SOURCE: AN SSSR Institui'avt'om- atiki i telemekhanild. Teoriya i primeneniye avtomaticheakikh sisteni (Theory and application of automatic systems). Moscow, Izd-vo Naifka, 1964, 145-15-1 .14110PIC TAGS: -perceptron, pattern recognition ABSTRACT: The suggested class of perceptrons essentially differs from other ktiown classes by its principle of learning. The new principle oi learning permits finding the weights A, - - . X "that divide patterns whenever they exist. The new class may be used for both recognition and discrimination. The first 3 units in the block diagram (see Enclosure 1) are conventional; -in the process of learning, thz: generalized portrait is calculated by successive approximations. Each C:wd 1/3 L 19737-65 -._~;ESSION NR: AT4047749 0 approximation is calculated on the basis of a finite number of objects of a given pp-ttern and of objects of other patterns of the same system. Conditions of exi-stence of an optim,am vector are defined. The machine is shown a number of objects of the same Pattern. A vector is generated at the neuron-field output waich serves as a representation of the object. Such vectors are memorized by the storage unit. Next, in the learning unit, a matrix of scalar products of these vectors is calculated, and the generalized portrait is approximated. The generalized portrait is memorized and Serves to TeC()gniZe the pattern. Further learning involves other patterns. FOTTnUlaS for calculating the generalized portrait are developed. Orig. art. har.: 3 figures and Z3 formulas. ACCESSION NR: AT404775_2,: S/0000/64/000/00010172/0177 AUTHOR: Vapnik, V. -N.; Dronfort, L. M.; Chervonenkis, A. Ya. TITLE: Some pioblems of self -organization of pattern- recognizing systerns SO-ORCE: 'AN SSSR. Institut avtornatiki i telemelchaniki.. Teoriya i prirneneniye avtornatirlieskildi sistern (Theory and application of alatornatic systerns). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 172-1-17 TOPIC TAGS: pattern recognition, pattern recognition model, perceptron ABSTRACT: A learning systern T is regarded as consisting of these two parts: (a) T:, ' characterized by a set of states ~Sk~ and representing a recognition Rutomaton with a set of inputs E and (b) T2 which is a teacher. In terms of a perceRtron, T2 is the entire perceptron including the weight-generating unit while Tj is the perceptron without the ,veight unit. A set of vectors A, - - 1, is the set of states ~SO , while a set of weights A is a signal -Sk, A man is cons-,derf-d Card 112 ATESSM NR: AP4011UI A14THOR: Vapulk. V. N. (MONCOW); Chervoneakie, A. Ya. (Moscow) TITLE: One class *A porceptrons SOWCE: Avtomatika i tolemekhanika, v. 25, so. 11 2964, 112-120 TOPIC'TAGS: perceptron. perceptron learning. perceptron recognition. perceptron discrimination, pattern recognition ABSTRACT: 'A no' w class of perceptrons which differs from that hith6rto existing by its learning method is considered. In case of a wrong answer during the perceptron operations the vector corresponding to an unrecognized pattern is fed to the storage unit and the learning unit and is used to correct the generalized portrait. This function &o w*U as work coordination is performed by a control unit. The generalized portrait is calculated by successive approximations. An optimum approzimation, Is determined and presented as & block diagram. Scalar .::Cwd ACCESSIAON NR: AP4411321 products of certain vedore kU form the input data for calculating the generalized portrait. The coefficients of expansion of the generalized portrait into these vectors serve as the output data. The machine is shown a few objects belonging to a definite pattern., each object produces a vector at the neuron-field output., theme vectors are stored. The'learning unit cosinputes & matrix of scalar products of these vectors. and an approximation to the generalized portrait is found. Further learning of a given pattern goes with the learning of other pattems. The recognition and discrimination modes at operation are also briefly described. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 40 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBUrLTED: 2IFeb63 DATZ ACQ: Web64 ZNCL.- 00 SUB CODZ: COO ZZ NO RZr GOV: 002 OTMMt 003 Cewd ACCESSION NR: AP4041468 SIO 103/64/025/006/09 37/0945 AUTHOR: Vapnik, Ve N.; Chervonenkis, A. Y&, (Moscow) TITLjP: One class of algorithms-for pattern -recognition learning SOUR4E: Atonatik& i tolemekhanika, v. 25, no. 6, 1964o 937-945 TOPIC7 TAGS: pattern recognition, autornaton, learning logic, pattern recognition learnin; ABSTP4CT: Two problems of recognition are formulated: (1) finding the pattern by the #!arning system and (2) synthesizing the learning system. A general formakischeme describing teacher and learner automata operations is presented. The lihgth of the teaching sequence ii evaluated for a particular case. General considgrations regarding the problem of recognition in terms of generating and dichot4*ny-effecting automata are presented. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 30 formula*. ASSOCIATION: none SUBAGTTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: DP - IE NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card I L E7111TW/Th"ED-_~7 1 Pq_4/P._,_4/Pk-_4 ijp(c) BB /,Wm -_PF) .A--'CESSION NR: A-PS007253 S/0280/65/0001001/007Z/0087 AUTHOR: Vannik, V. N. jMoscow); Lerner, A. Ya (Moscow); Chervonenkis, A. Ya. (Moscow) TITLE: Syoteme for teaching attern recognition by means of generalized portrtiits /u, SOURCE: AN SSSR. izvestiya. Tekhnlcheskaya kibernetika, no. 1, 1965. 72-87 TOPIC TAGS: pattern recognition, generalized portrait ABSTRACT: The recognition problem consists of two parts: (1) Synthesis of the autorna.lon being taught; (2) Simulation of a specific autornaton from a given clasB. The setond part is considered in the article, and the results of experimento with (a) recognition of Arabic numerals written in longhand and (b) recogrinor, of water -bearing and pet roleum -bearing beds are reported. Gre-hundre6 and (,,ftty outlines of each numeral vrere used for teaching which reoulted in 10 generadixed Corzi 1 /2, 15 C4-65 W AZCF.SSION NR: AP5007253 portraits (one per each numeral). Each portrait was characterized by 1119 -130 ver-tors with nonzero weights. The automaton was able to carrectly xac'z .' - - i- .- -95 ~ofthe:Patternsi.--_' e r- b 1~he7j 0 -trait was ased aii-thes- e char'ac-teristic-sJa) apparent electric resistivity of the bed; (b) self-polarization potential; (C) natural gamma radiation; (d) capture gamma- radiation intensity junder neutron bombardment); (e) drillhole diameter; (f ) drilling-fluid resistivity. Materials associated with 270 beds were used for teaching and recognition, with particulaT attention to thin beds. Orig. art. has: 4 figure-5, 3 formulas, and 8 tables. ASSOCIATION., none SUBMITTED: 16JuI64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: DP, 1E NO REF SOY: 006 OTHER; 000 card AP6021395 SOURCE AUTHOR: Vapnik, V. N. (Moscow); Chervonenkis, A. Ya~ (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: The teaching extremal imitation to an automaton. Part 11 SOURCE: Aytomatilm I telemekbanika, no. 6, 1966, 120432 TOPIC TAGS: automaton, automatic machine teaching, algorithm, digital computer ABSTRACT: In this paper, which Is a continuation of a previous article (Obuchenlye avtomata ~kstremallnoy imitatsil. 1. Avtomatika i telemekhanika, No. 5, 1966), the problem of algo- ~ithms which can be used to teach automatons extremal imitation and which at the same time are suitable to development on digital computers is discussed. A method is considered for finding the maximum value of a function for a given system of interfaces. It Is shown that if the number of these interface levels Is sufficiently great, the required approximation can be achieved. Also analyzed Is a class of functions G such that at a fixed X their level lines constitute first- or second-order convex surfaces. For these functions a restoration method Is Indicated which Is based on a plotting of the level surfaces. Finally. an automaton Is con- sidered which Is capable of being taught extremal Imitation when go(X,Y) < G and which em- UDC: 621.391.193:518.5 L 4n53-66 ACC HR: AP602395 0 ploys the methods described. An estimate of the teaching sequence for this automaton Is made The problem involves a converter B which represents input vector X and output vector Y. The estimating function go(X,Y) Is given. A learning automaton 0 Is to be built which will be ca- pable of working no worse than converter 0. It Is assumed that the class of functions G, to which function g(X.Y) belongs Is known a priori. In practice, this class Is usually not known and some particular hypothesis Is usually adopted with regard to It. It Is shown that, instead of this procedure, It Is possible to pose a hypothesis regarding a class of representations to which B(X) belongs and then to attempt to restore this representation. If the class consists of a finite number of converters, then by using a lemma derived and proved It can be demon- strated that any automaton which carries out an algorithm designed to select that specific converter which yields the same replies as B (full-memory algorithm) to all the Input situa- ,1tions which have occurred in a past sequence of observations, is capable of learning extremal imitation, given an observation sequence length determined by a formula derived. No training In neceneW. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas. SUB CODR: O6gO9/ SUBM DATE: 24Jun65/ ORIG REF: 004 2/2 hs 1_2no (d)/T/EWP(l) lip(c) OG/BB/JT/GD .5-66 EW ACC NR: AT6012885 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0047/0052 AUTHOR: Vitpnik, V. N.; Chervonenkis, A. Ya.. 37 ORG: None E.,,,-l TITLE: Certain principles for the synthesis of learning systems SOURCE: Sistema chelovek I avtomat (Man;-automaton systems). Moscow, IZd-vo Nauka, 1965, 47-52 TOPIC TAGS: bionics, pattern recognition, Information theoryi learning mechanism, psychology, algorithm ABSTRACT: A system is studied consisting of a learning apparatus 0, the object A, and the teacher Y. The teacher is not necessary for the general case. The learning apparatus' 0 consists of two parts: 01, realizing -certain behavior which is defined by an Interaction algorithm, and 02, the second part which changes this behavior on the basis of the analysis - of the given behavior. Part 01 is characterized by the setfSlc.lof possible behavior which It can realize. For animate systems, this will be that set of l5ehavlor which can be taught to a man or an animal. Part 02 Is characterized by the law according to which it selects one of the possible behaviors of the set tsla of part one. A formal system may be .d n 8 02103- ma pgre complicated by introducing everal stages of teaching such as 01, Cars -IL 37105-66 .- - I . .. ACC NR.- AT6012885 - i I can also be deteragned. I BUD CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 4w/ - I i e-IAll I 1. Cu4 3/3 --- --- * -,-...- 4) : L 06558-67 EWP-(kVEWP h /Ea(d)/EWP(ljAW(v) Ir ACC-M, AKOIC~i~� SOURCE CO_DE:_ URXIO_3[66_/000_/OO_5/O12.5/O135 IAUTHOR: Vapnik, V. N. (Moscow); Chervonenkis, A. Ya. (Moscow) ORG: none Teaching extremal simulation to automata. I .CE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 5, 19669 125-1 C TAGS: learning mechanism, self adaptive control, optimal control, extremal con- ABSTRACT: The problem is posed as follows: it is required to synthesize a converter . Its operational quality is defined by criterion go(X,Y), which depends on a pair ol values X and Y at the input and output, respectively. Criterion go(X,Y) is unknown, but the class to which it belongs, is known. The operation of device A must be satis- factory in some sense with respect to-this criterion. Theoretically, the problem can e solved by reduction of the function go(X,Y), and by determination of the optimum ransformation Y* = Ygo(X). Since this is a very cumbersome way, another converter B is introduced. Nothing is known about B, except that its operation meets the suffi- ciency requirements. Thus, if we can develop device A such that it operates not worse than B, then such a device would be considered satisfactory. By observing the opera- tion of device B it can be seen where the values of g0(X9Y) are sufficiently high. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.391.193 : 518.5 L ^Zeq-67 -AdC NR3 AP6016139 This was done by approximation in two stages: the observation stage, and the training stage. The function go(X,Y) was reduced until such time that the true evaluation 0 X,Y and the approximated evaluation gi(X,Y) became sufficiently close, both for ob- servation and training. Thus, the operation quality of A will either approach or ex- ceed the 6peration quality of B. Algorithms for this type of synthesis were developed and the number of required steps was estimated. The algorithm of synthesis was deve- loped in the form of device 0, which is said to be learning from device B. Orig. art. ~has: 17 formulas. CODE: 13,12/ SUBM DATE: 24Jun65/ ORIG REF: 001 2/2 CHIRTONUXIS, O.A. [translator]. Nogramming a digital computer to learn. Computing laboratory of Harvard University. Translated from Inglish by O.A.Charronenkis. Usp.mat.nauk 11 no.5:153-160 S-0 156. (MA 10:2) (Electronic calculating machines) LYUStERNIK, L.A.; . YANPOLISKIY, A.R.; LAPKO, Aff,RE1UJKI"_DA J_ A.F.,1 red.; KIO[UGHKOVA, V.N., takhn. red. (Mathematical analytis; calculation of elementary, func- tions] Matematicheakii aliz; vychislanie alementarnykh funktaii. Moskva, Fis'Xis, 1963. 247 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Funstions) KRIVOSHEIN, 1gorl Aleksandrovich; CHERVONENKIS, Ya M., red. - 7- - - (Household electric heating appliances and equipment] Bytovye elektronagravatellnye pribory i ustanovki. Mo- skva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 182 p. (MIRA 17:7) A so,! t 13; GOOF W- - - -W~- go*; I- 0- i 4- - -a -_ i --a -i 70--;- 6 is il-W 0-8-6 -6 i-i 4 i -is ilw:- 11 .11 lot. Vayff jf;4~ 0 to "(1rat'll 1.111. f 67 S S L A 16,ft whom d 0 anammm PM& Pmff "MmIdn _qw ds. WAM"m b 11M UJLLN. lm m is owl ammm OwAnk ad Wwdmm glob 6 41ML airab Now = '06 at dampm."Wa sod 1~wft poww" pwm an OWAOML '00 see "TALLUOKKAL LITIMAYLPRI CtASSIFKATtO lose* 00 lose 469099 0 0000000:11A CMMVMWx1S' Ya. H. "Artificial commutation of an Inverter", by Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya. M. Chervo2enkis, at the Power Nngr. Inst. im KRZI!IZHANOVSKIY of the Aced. see. USSR. SO: Blektricbestvo, No 5, Moscow, &w 1947 (U-5533) . . "I OMMAONEMS - Ya- M' "The problem of transmitting power in direct current". by Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya- 91 Chervononkis., at the Power Xn&r. Inrt. im 1MRIM-11OVSKIT of the Acad. 9-c-9.USSR. --- SO: 391ektrichestvo, No 5v Moscovo ZW 1947 (U-5533) UM/nactrialty Rectifiers 116=mlos - Analys is Apr 3.948 wAaelytic and GraPhic Determination of the Wgnituide and Me a of Higher Harmonics of Current and Voltage la Control Rectiflars Having Infinite Cathode Imped- e=*," Ya. M. Chervonankis, Pover MW Inst imenl G. M. 1k*zh1zhanovskiy, Acad Sci USSR, 9 pp CO N E-1 Olt Ak N&uk Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 4 -DaterninatIm of the magnitude and phewe of higher 'hinwics of current and voltage In usually accom- *2ahed by breamcnin into the rourier series. Do- SW1bes vork shaving that this is not the only zeftod .Go tz icity Apr that wamratetwmalas to detannine tha'sine and *i6lne of the ccmpcoant haramics and rectified volt- 'a" with the calculation of the angle of Ignitimoc W'the'angle of contact yo W. be obtained on the' ~~ls of gsnex~&2 alectrcmagnatic lave vithbut break- 40a into the '?curler seriesel a=-,as of camplem cm- X-floration . ftbuitted j= 1948. CEMONWIS, YA. M. USSR/Nuclear Physics - Particle Accelerators Nor 48 Nuclear Physics - Van de Graff Generators *Electrost-stio*Generatore,* Ya. M. Cltdryonenkis, Cand Tech Scl, 2 pp "Elektrichostvo" No 11 Van do Graaff electrostatic generators are being used to obtain high voltages required in nuclear physics. Describes various gases used In generator. Mentions several gases used In USS generators. Refers to work done by Gokhborg, Papalekst, Ioffe, and Trump. Photograph of a Van de Graaff 2,000- kv generator with cover and X-ray tube removed. PA 27/49T91 1W 27/49T91 YA. 2 soleness Jul 49 Aiiftw Of XqOne6r1qg Soleness *Anxiotatione on Works of Academicians and Correa- pondAng Members of the Aca6W of Sciences and. Mer Scientific Collaborators of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Academy in 1949" 2 pp "it Ak Sauk SSSRY Otdol Tekh Nauk" No 7 Includes annotations on Ta. K Chervonenkial "Direct diuTent Pover Transmission,," and N. V. Shishakov's' "fundamental, Principles in the Production of Combustible Gases." 5e/49T4 C1L"HVO:.;S1iT'15, Ya. . I. AID P - 46o Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 23/34 Author Chervonenkis, Ya. M., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Title : Development of Direct Current Power Transmission in Western Europe (Review of Foreign Periodicals) .Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 7, 88, Jl 1954 Abstract : The review concerns the development of DC overhead and cable power transmission in some Western European countries (England, France and Sweden). 6 non-Russian references (1952-19R4). Institution : None Submitted : No date S, of ,YA 10. Subject USSR/Is'lectricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 -- 23/25 AID P - 954 Author Chervonenkis, Ya. M., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Title Mechanical roller rectifier (Review of Foreign Periodicals) Periodical Elektrichestvo, 10, 91-92, 0 1954 Abstract The author presents a summary of an article by E. Marx in ETZ-A, No. 8, 1954. Two diagrams. Institution : Not given Submitted : No date ~CI14_11Z AoOrA=_A-'rA'1S AID F lo42 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 19/23 Author : Chervonenkis, Ya. M., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Title : D-C transmission lines. (Review of foreign periodicals) Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 11, 92-94, N 1954 Abstract : The author summarizes two English and one Austrian periodi- cal as well as data from the 1954 meeting of the Interna- tional Conference on High Tension Lines concerning recent data on long distance high voltage d-c transmission in various countries of the world. One drawing, 1 table,; 3 references (1954). Institution :o None Submitted : No date Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 1299 Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 23/30 Author : Chervonenkis, Ya. M., Kand. of Teoh. Sci. Title : High voltage d-c cables (Review of Foreign Periodicals) Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 1, 81- 82, Ja 1955 Abstract : The author summarizes some articles on American, British and Swedish experience in the above field, and presents data concerning the performance of such cable transmission lines. One photo, 1 diagram, 4 references (1954). Institution : None Submitted : No date C1Y,fJfVO#V,fA)K1J, YR. M. AID P - 2024 Subject USSR/Electricity I Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 28/31 Author : Chervonenkis, Ya. M., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Title : Polish scientist K. Pollak author of the one-phase bridge rectifier layout Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 4, 86, Ap 1955 Abstract : The author summarizes an article from the Polish publication Wiadomosci Elektrotechniczne, No,*2, 1954, concerning a patent right obtained by K. Pollak on his Invention in 1896. Two diagrams. Institution: None Submitted : No date -V A I AID P - 3038 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 25/33 Author : Chervonenkis, Ya., M., Kand. of Tech. Sci. 7 Title : Wo'rks o=the ~tn`=misslon of power with three-phase 380- to 650 - kv current and with high-voltage d-c current (Review of foreign periodicals) Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 7, 144, J1 1955 Abstract : The author summarizes data from three articles in Direct Current conceiming works in Sweden and England and works planned in Canada and the USA. One drawing, 3 references (1955). Institution : None Submitted : No date AID F - 4108 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 19/24 Author Chervonenkis, Ya. M., Kand. Tech. Sci. Title Investigation of the currents of Ii htning in Switzer land (Review of foreign periodicals~. Periodical Elektrichestvo, 11, 84-85, N 1955 Abstract The author summarizes two articles of K. Berger pub- lished in the Bulletin of the $wiss Association of Electrical Engineers on the investigation of lightning currents in Switzerland. One connection diagram, 2 references (1955). Institution : None Submitted : No date CMMOMMS. Ya.M.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. 220- 380-ky systems in Western Burope. glektrichestvo no.2: 81-83 Y '56. (KLHA 9:5) (Europe, Western--Xlectric lines) [MIS Y&.M,, kandidat tokhnicheakildi nauk. Automatic Integrated control of frequency and interchange power. Blektrichostvo no.8:854% Ag 156. (mlaA 9:10) (Blectric power distribution) . PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 709 Chervonenkis, Yakov Mikhaylovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences Peredacha nebollshikh i srednikh moshchnostey postoyannym tokom na da-11niye rasstoyaniya (Long-distance Transmission of Low and Medium ))-C- Power) Moscow, Izd-vo Min. Kommunallnogo khozyaystva RSFSRJ' 1957. 174 P. 5,200 copies printed. Ed.: Obukh, A.A., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: Shneyerov, S.A.; Tech. Ed.: Konyashina, A.D.; Reviewers: Solomatina, A.F. and Kaperskaya, 0. Yu. PURPOSE: This monograph is addressed to electrical engineers working in the field of electric nower transmission and the supply of , electric power to citiesA' ' . The book will also prove useful tb.-,o'tWdent,s-Df~,v,uzes'Spedializing in electric power networks and systeids Long-distance low-and-medium-power D-C Transmission. Wright- Patterson Air Force Baaw; Ohio, 1960. 11,222 p. illus., diagra., tables. (F-TS-999O/v) Translated from the original ]Russian: Peredacha i4ebollehikh i Srednikh Moshchnostey Postoyannym Tokom na Dallniye Rasstoyaniya, Moscow, 1957. Bibliography: p. 216-222. Long-distance Transmission of Low and Medium D-C Power , 709 COVERAGE: The book discusses the fundamental problems in the electrification of Soviet cities, and the importance of extending the area wherein power transmission is economical. The pos6ibility of connecting towns and agricultural communities with electric power systems and large industrial electric power plants is emphasized. The theory, technical nature and economic bases of high-voltage direct-current power transmission are presented. The author emphasizes the fact that despite the great progress already attained in the electrification of Soviet Russia, there still are vast regions where electric power is produced locally by costly, antiquated methods. The foundations of an interconnected electric power system unifying all European USSR and,, later, the Asian part of the Soviet Union were laid by the building of the 400-kv Kuybyshev-Moscow electric power transmission line. It was found that for long-distance low and medium power transmission high- voltage direct-current is most economical. The contributions in this field by Professor K.A. Krug, Corresponding Member, AS USSR, are mentioned. The purpose of the present work is to examine the -CHWOMMIS T&A kwAldat takhnichaskikh nank. Xwpwnt for grid control and regmlation of the Gotland direct- c%wrent line. Slektricbeefto no.1:84-87 J& 157. (NLRA 10: 2) (Gotland--Bloctric lines) CRZ-hVUNBITKIS, Ya.m.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh neuk. , . - .. . - t-1- A cable on 200 kv. d.c. across the EnClish Channel. 1:1ek-trichestvo no.7'.90-91 Jl 15?. (MLRA 10:8) (English Channel-Gablea, Submarine) CHERVOIMMIS, T&A.. kand.tokhu.nauk (Kooky&); LYSKOV, Tu.I., inzh. Outlook for d.o. power transmission in the Soviet Union. Blektrichostvo no,1:77-80 A 158. (MIRA 11:2) l.Toploolektroproyekt (for Lyskov). (Electric power distribution--Direct current) AUTHOR: Chervonenkis, Ya- M., Candidat~- uf TITLE: Foreign Projects for the Application of D. C. Power Transmission (Proyek4.-y primeneniya peredachi energii postoyannym tokom za rubezhom) PERIODICAL: Elektrich,estvo, 1958, Nr 3, PP. 69-90 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A short survey is glion on existing foreign projects, that is to say, on such in Sweden for the isle of Gotland, across the Channel between England and "i-an-,e,. between the two isles of Rew Zealand~ as well as on cable layinG planned in Japan, Denmark and Italy. There are 1 figure and 6 references, Card 1/1 CHERVONENI.IS, Ya., kand.tekhn.n;-:uk Electricity onters our livos. Zhil.-kom. ki-.:)z. 13 -.o.10:22-13 0 ,61. WHA 15:1) (Electric apparatus and al.pliances) --WLOTOV, V.V. (laningrad); RAVDONIK, V.S. (Leningrad); IVANOV, I.I. (Leningrad); CHERVONENKIS, Ya.M.p kand.tekhn.nauk (Moskva) Transmission of electric power at long distances. Prospects of stepping-up the voltages of overhead power transmission lines. Blektrichestvo no.9:77-80 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) CHERVONENKIS, Ya.M.J. kand. tekhn. nauk (Moskva); FINGER, L.M., inzh. (Moskva) Optimal system of voltages for municipal and rural power distrib4liLon networks. Elektrichestvo no.71ll-15 Jl 165. (MIRA 180) I.V PO?Mt&YgV, Y.N.; CHMVOMM, A.G. Dynamics of vertical vibration centrifuges. Obog.rad 3 no.4:32-37 158, (KM 12:2) (Centrifuges) (Coal preparation-Squipment and supplies) DASHEVSM, I.Ya,; MERVOMMI A.G. Structural characteristicB of certain types of equipment at the Dnepropetrovsk Tire Factory, Kauch. i rez. 20 no. 4:28-33 Ap 161. (MM 14:5) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy korAstruktorsko-tokhnologichaskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti Dnepropetrovskoye otdoleniye. (Dnepropetrovsk-Tires, Rubber) (I- -,P,ITURAYEV# V.N.p kand. tekhn. nauk; ~HERVONENkO,,_Aq., inzh. Dynamic design of a vertical vibrating conveyor. Vop. rud. transp. no.54-93-101 161. (K= 16:7) 1. Dnepropetravokly gornyy institut (for Poturayev). 2. Zavod im. Parkhomanko (for Chervo anko). (Conveying machinery) -FOTURAYXV, V.N., kand. tekhn, nauk; CMVOMMKO,, A.G., inzh. Design and selection of dynamic layouto of multioomponent vibrating oomweyors. Vop. rud. transp. no.5-102-123 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gorVy institut (for Potumyev)e 2, Zavod im. Parkhomenko (for Chervananko). (Conveying machiner7) GRYAZNCV, V.I.; CfERVONOOKAYA, L.V. Phosphoroun minerals in the Pikopcil manganese ores. Lit. i pol* iskop. no,,4:153-160 il-Ag 165. (milA 18:9) .1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii Dnepropetrovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni-versiteta. POTURAYEV, V.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHERVONENKO, A.G., inzh.; FAkNCHUK, V.Pl.p inzh. --------------- :-~ Vibrating conveyer vith a hydraulic damper in the drive. Vop. rud. tranisp. no.6tI17-129 '62. (YJRI 15:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy inatitut. (Gonveying machinery) (Damping (Mechanics)) 'Th or y !ind a:-.r~d-,--:;41-,; Of J~rria,,Ar a y Or with a !,ylraulic driv,'i Jamper. -Izv, 777, Q -.;~r;c 0. I'j: 89 POTURAYEV~ V.N.; FRA.NCHUK, V.P.; ggp~TqWKO, A.G. [Vibratory conveyors; funds ntals of their theory and designl VibratsioraVe transportiruiushchie mashirWI os- novy teorii i rascheta. Moskva, Flashinostroenie, 1964. 271 p. (MIRA 170.2) yl_ej. lzv. vyse ur-.,,.,sb. 1 . rri,.;iprop, trovsk-ty gorny POTURAYEVY V.N.; CHE-TIVIMENKO, A.G. ---. Some efficient dynamic parameters of vibrator-y curveying ma-cl-Anc-P. Teor. inash. i makh. no,,98/99:5-17 164. (Mlitk 17:9) qiFRVOKENKO. T.A. [Cherionanko, T.O.] Iffect of light conditions on the development of corn. Trudy Inat. gen. i gel. AN URSR 5:213-36 '58. (KIRA 11:9) (corn Owze)) (Photoperiodtom) CHERVONENKO, V. N. CHWONENKO., V. N.t "The problem it permanent and aware mastery of the course in gistory by students of the fiMeeclass using visual aids (based on material from the histor7 of zincient 6reece)*" Min Education RSFSR. Moscow State Pedagogical Inst imeni V. I. Lenin. Moscow, 1956. (DISSERTATION FOR THE DEGREE OF CANDIDATE IN PEDAGOGICAL S,"IENCES). Knish No. 0, p 1056, Moscow, AID P - 877 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 10/23 Author Chervonenkov, A. A., Eng. Title Classifying and simplifying technical report forms used by industrial electric laboratories Periodical Energetik, 10, 16-17, 0 1954 Abstract The author stresses the importance from the point of view of the improvement of the electric economy of an industrial enterprise of putting in order the technical records of periodical checking and testing of electrical equipment. Institution : Not given Submitted : No date CHERVONENKOV$ A.A.; GOLUBYKH, I.M. Automatic sampler-distributor of coke. Koks i khim. nQ.3.2,~-28 162. OvMLA 150) 1. NovoLipet4ikiy motallurgicheskiy zavod. (Novyy Lipotsk-Ooke) CHERVONETS, V.I., inzb. .. ............... . ............. . Economic efficiency of replacing forging of parts by investment casting. Mashinostroenie no.5t72-75 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:9) L UF--