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CHERNYAVSKIY, A.A., starshiy geolog Eliminate the causes of deformations in buildings. Transp. stroi. 11 no.7:60 11 161. (MIRA IL4:7) 1. Filial Dorproyekta Severo-Kavkazskoy dorogi. (Foundations) CHER11YAVSKlY, A.A., kand.tekhnanauk~ LAWIN, A.B. the output of a p.l..j.grj'.fn jpoil by rwiucl,ng, !.-, t~jiiot (,F Pcv~,,Jlne I,'." mandrel into the tube. Mgti gorneirud, promo N-D t0"'a (milu, GHMNYAVSKIYj A.A. . kand. ntad# nauk; FfV , 1 , t-.. Six peptic ulcers of the smOi fcIIow--;f,g a resection of the stolaach in pej,tl(.~ 111~~er. Kidrurgija 39 no.6,. 133-134 Je 163. OMIR4 17--5) 1. Iz fakalltetskoy n! v ,:,e,,) deyatall naukI Prof. Yo.T,. 1Y.: maditainskogo instituta. KUKOSH, v.-T.; -QB�jUffAYZLjX,_AjU; MIKHAYLOVA, T.N. Results of repeated surgery in gastric cancer. Vop onk. 10 no.8:94-99 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Iz kafedry fakulitetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I.Kukcsh) Gorlkovskog6 Ifteditsinskogo instituta imeni Kirova (rektor - dotsent I.F.M.atyushin). Adres avtorov: Gorlkiy, 6, u1. Kovalikhinskaya, d-4, kv.6. S/137AI/OW/006/046/092 A006/AlOl AUTHORS- Chekmarev, A.P., R-adoy, V.S., Chernyavskiy, A.A. ------------------ TITLE- Forward flow of metal during rolling on a pilger mill PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1961, 36, abstract 6D290 ("Tr. Ukr. n.-i. tribn. in-ta!', 1959, no. 1, 96 - 105) TEXT: Forward flow during the rolling of 273 mm dilamieter pipes on a 6 -12" pilger mill was determined from imprints left on the pip-- and the pilger mill head by apertures drilled In the rolls. The apertires of 10 mm diamqter and 5 - 7'mm depth were drilled on every 150 (starting from the groove rims) over the width, and or, every 100 (from the begi=ing of tthe top) over the length of the roll groove. it was established that the forward f'Lcw along the top of rolla during rolling on a pilger mill was considerably higher than in long4 tudinal rol- ling of pipes or compact 8ec-vions in rourld'gr;D-:~ves. The dependences of the coef- ficient of forward flow on the turning-aigle of the roll.-- show that the forward flow attains its highest value within 100 - ';-)0c from the beginning of the top, and then deoreases. At the beginning of the t.op near the rims lagging was ob- served. The width of this zone near the ro-li rims extends up ,-:. 450 nver the Card 1/2 8/137/6,31/000/006/046/092 Forward fl-ow of metal during rolling.o~, a pilger mill Aoo6/Aloi groove width in the eectlon of the metal outl6t frcyr, the rolls. The coefficient of forward flow first increases on the length of the polishing section (along the initial 100 - ~Oo) and then decreases. To de-,erm:Uie the coefficient of forward flow with sufficient- practical accuracy, the Gorresponding Yemel'yanov formula may be emplo7ed. Yu. Manegin [Abstracter's noteg Complete t'ranslation] Card 2/2 24572 S/137/61/000/005/025/060 A006/A106 AUTHORS: Shevchenko, A.A., Rudoy, V.S., Chernyavskly, A.A. TITLE: Production of pipes of variable section on a p1lger mill PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurpal. Metallurgiya, no.5, 1961. 29, abstract 5D267 ("13-Vul. nauohno-t-ekhn, lnf~jrm. Ukr. n.-1, trubn. In-t", 1959, no. 6 - '1, 21 - 22-8) TEXT-: Pipes of variable section were rolled from sleeves prc~:Iuced on a piercing mill and from a pipe blank prerclled on, a pilger mill on special shaped mandrelE. It is con;aluded +-ha-"-. pilger mills can be used to prod-ice large diameter pipes with walls thickened a'. the ends and shaped pver be length; the ratio of the wall thickness in the thickened por"'lon to the basin z-action -is up to 2 - 3; the length of the thickenpd portion Is limited ty the wefght of the ingot. The mechanical properties of the pipe remain apprc-ximats'ly constant over. -the who3e, length of the pipe. ;17his Is ecruneot.ed wlth the qbsenc-e of curvat*ure. and bending of the metal threads. Metal fclds, formed d-url-rig rc.1.1ing Pon the transition s Card 1/2 I 24572 s/137/61/000/1005/025/060 Production of pipes of varlable section on a pilger mill AO.04-/AI06 of the thick.!:--ed wa211 to ibe basla pipe se:'.Icn do n.,-,!. re-AT-,ce Mhe mechan'--al. prop- erties of the p44pe and. may ne easily el!mi-nated ty internal boring. Yu, M. [Abstracter's noter CDmplete trans''.icn-I i Card 2/2 PLYATSKOVSKIT, O.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHMMAVSKIY, A.A., inzh. Grooving Pilgrim Hill rolls in a way ensuring a maxim= Lt- put of the machinery. Izvovystucheb,sav.; chern.met. 2 no.10:49-56 0' 059. (MIRA 13: 30 1. Ukraiuskiy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy trubM7 inztitu~ i savod imani K.Libknekhta. Rekomendovano laboratoriye7 takhnologil goryachey obrabotki trub Ukrainakogo nauchno- iosledovateliskogo trubnogo instituta. (Rolls (Iron mills)) 1-1% ChFMftaV3KIY, A.A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Kinematics and Dynamics of the Pilger Hill Process For Rolling Thin-WAlled Tubes," Dneprnpetrovsk, 1960s 24 pp, 150 CoPkes (Dnepropetrovsk MetallurgIcal Institute im 1. V. Stalin) (KL, 47/60, 104) Jv~ 1-1/00 400 69876 S/032,/60/026/04/16/046 BOIO/ .006 AUTHORS: Lyuchkov, A.D., Laming A.B., Polyakovap B.Z.9 Ghernyavskiy, A.A.- TITLE: Detection of Defects in Welding Seams of SmallTdiameter TubeaL,'-Q; PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 196o, Vol. 26, No- 4, PP. 454-457 TEXT: The sensitivity of ultrasonic control methods for welding seams of small-diameter tubes (51 mm X 2.5 mm) was investigated~ A RKPZ7Ngultrasonic crack detector (Fig. 1, photograph) was used. The pulse-echo method and an acoustic frequency of 2-5 Mops were applied in the tests. The sound waves were sent in such a way (Fi& 2,diagram) into the tube, as to make them strike the welding seam at an angle of 900. The maximum heights of the echo pulses thus come to lie in the middle of the scope. Tube specimens having visible defects in the welding seams as well as specimens which had already been subjected to hydraulic tests were investigated. To evaluate the defects by means of the oscillograms obtained, the tubes were out in pieces after ultrasonic control, and then investigated microscopically,. It was found that ,L~Itrazonir; control is insensitive to defects on the specimen surface, but Card 1/2 0876 Detection of Defects in Welding Seams of B/032/60/026/04/16/046 Small-diameter Tubes BOIO/Boo6 that it is very sensitive to deep-going surface defects~ The quality of the welding seam can be estimated from the size of the echo reflected from the seam and from the size of the final echo. The type and the size of the defect however, can only be estimated in a first approximation by evaluating both echos, Therefore~ a special apparatus must be designed in order to render possible the selection of electric pulses (at the amplifier) with respect to time. There are 4 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION. Inepropetrovskiy truboprokatnyy zavod (Dnepropetrovsk Tabe-rol mill) Card 2/2 S/137/62/GOO/0014/071/~01 A052/A101 AUTHORS: Chekmarev. A. P., Rudoy, V. S., Chernyavskiy, A. A. TITLE: Deformation seat parameters at hot pilger pipe rolling PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya. no. 4, 1962, 37, abstract 1ID212 (V sb. "Proiz-vo trub". Khar'kov, Metallurgizdat, no. 5, 1961, 43-5a TEXT: The available investigations of the deformation seat geometry are not sufficient for calculating optimum technological and energy conditions of the pilger mill operation. To determine the basic deformation seat parameters (angle of grip, entering height and length of deformation seat), an analytical and a graphoanalytical method ai-e suggested. For both methods some assumptions are made. To check the suggested methods tests were carried out on a laboratory pilger mill; the results of the tests are given. The results of the investiga- tions have shown that the angles of grip determined by both methods differ from the true values by 8 - 131,6, and the contact areas by 5 - &%. rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] A. Leontlyev Card 1/1 CHERNTAVSKIYj A,A.; UMERENKOV, V.N. Size determination in the cutting of ingots. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 p0.5:23-27 Yq 162. . (Steel ingots) (NIRA 16:5) CHERNYAVSKIY, A.A., kand.takhn.nauk; UICREMKOV, V.N., inzh. Determining the polishing ratio in the hot pilger mill rolling of tubes. Stall 23 no.12:1105-1107 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Truboprokatnyy zavod im. Karla Libknekhta. SHEMIN, Yu. F.; CHERNYAVSKIY, A. A.; IAMIN, A. B. Engineering method of cOnOnting changes in wall thickness during tube drawing withotit mandrels- Izv.vys,ucheb.zav.; chern-met, 7 no. 5:104-109 164. (MMA 1715) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. VATKIN, Ya.L., dcktor takhn.- 4auk,, 6=Av.-,Krf, A,A.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; KAZAKOV, V.E.,z inzh.; U."IN, M,P.,, inzb.; PERCHANIK., V,V,.,., inzh.; YMAIIIII, M.I., inzh,; BIBA, V.I,, lnzh~ Reduaing internal laps in tube rolling on Pilgrim mills.- Stal2 24 no.!,.63.-67 ja '-61,, (1,M1 17: 2!' I. Dnepropet-rovskiy metallurgIcheskly Lnstitut i zavod im. LiUmekhta, AWIHOR: Chernyavskiy, A. A. 11TIZ: Hermet4c car. C`ass 6', No. Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 8, 1965, 96-97 -A~110, P-i r- r~z It equi pm,-n'., he rrr., .0 22 Cord km gg! ig,--g ;l , 5~1 A p Noli. 3, ml -1; 1 WE I Accyz"51uri NR: A-F-01 -551 1Y 11KO-31!, V.I., F.-O-C.; ruid. nvvik Carcer of the gastric sturip following resecLioll Of the sto7i-.,aclh Por i)ent-c ulcer and its~surf-Jcal treatment. "0 no.E: 3-8 Ag 164. OJILA IF: 3) 1. Kafedra fal-iii'tetskoy kl,-Jrurj~ii- (7av. - pral". Y.1. Fiiikosh) - -L . Iuor')cov;,-,kogrn TvpJl-.tsinslc,-o bastltiita 4-Incri I'lrova. I KnAKEVICH,, F.P., kand. teklm. nauk; STEPPITMKOp V.F., inzh.,, LEBEDEV, P.M., inzh.; CHERNYAVSKIY. A.F... inzh. Heat transfer in a combustion chamber during the burning of natural gas. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.2:51-56 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskly khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy teplotekhniki. MAUTICHI F. P', kand. tekhn. nauk; STEPANENKO, V. F., inzh.; LEBEDEV, P. M., inzh.; CHEMffA"KIY, A. F., inzh. Heat transfer in a ribbed feed-water economizer in a boiler system operating on natural gas. Teploenergetika 10 no.3: 54-56 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy inzhonerno-stroitellnyy institut. (Boilers) _Vil 034~ SOURCE CODE: DR/0120166/000/005/0134/0135 AUTHOR: Yefimchik, M. K.; Izokh', V. V.3 Lakizo,_V. I.; Podol'nyy, E. I A. F. ORG: Belorussian State University, Minsk (Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE*. High-speed scalin& circuit W, h tunnel diodes SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1966, 134-135 TOPIC TAGS: computer component, scaling circuit, tunnel diode, ABSTRACT: A binary scaling circuit using three tunnel diodes (see Fig. 1) Is investigated. It is largely free from the deficiencies characteristic of the widely TD, R, Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of a sealer with D6, three tunnel diodes C, R, TD2 R, R Card 1/3 uc: 621.374.32: ACC NR: AP6034231 used bridge-type scaling circuit with two tunnel diodes, which is sensitive to pulses of both polarities and has a tendency to shift the working point of the tunnel diode characteristic. The TD, and TD2 dAodes shown in Fig. 1, together with their resis - tances R, and R2 and the inductance L1, form a flip-flop circuit. The third tunnel diode TD3, with its resistance R3 and inductance L2, forms a monostable multivibrator. Fig. 2. represents the volt-ampere characteristics of the,whole system. Curve I t Fig. 2. Selection of operating condi- tions of the scaler shown in Fig.A Fig. 3. Circuit diagram of a binary scaler with a neon lamp indicator Card 4 C AT WRFAP603 231 ~ 0 A indicates the static volt-ampere characteristics of the flip-flop; curve U, the static load characteristic; and curve III, the dynamic load characteristic. Rt' regulates circuit sensitivity. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the circuit is sensi- tive to pulses of positive polarity only as its d-c load characteristic is sufficient15 steep, which results in a considerable extension of the dynamic range of this circuit. There is no need for the rigidpower source stabilization necessary in the two-diode system. Fig. 3 represents a practical circuit diagram of a scaler equipped with three Z1ZOlV tunnel diodes. This scaler operates stably even with no parameter identity of TD1 and TD 2. with the input signal frequency up to 100 Mc, and with supply voltage fluctuations of �25%. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM,DATE: llSep65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5103 Card 3/3 fc P eb ACCESSION NR: AP501!873 A ".. ~ ~. , - .- .. I q~ . I I :.-~ J, ~ V - Cord 2-/2- L lrw_6~ ACCESSJON INR: AP5011873 ASSOCLATION: Belorui3skiv gosudarst-- Un: SUBINUTTED: 28Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE- rE fo NO REY SOV. 003 OTHER: 003 ATI) PFTSS' L-003 L _1421-t~ XCCESSYM NR: AP5021374 UR/0120/65/000/004/0234/0235 621.373.51 AUTHOR,. yefi~ ik,, M. K.; Izokh, V. Vo, Chernyavskiv, A. F. TITLE: Dynamic element using tunnel diodes V SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta,Ino. 4, 1965, 234-235 TOPIC TAGS: pulse goperator. tunnel diode, computer storage device, ABSTRACT., The principies of operation and characteristics of a dynamic storage element using tunnel diodes are presented. The element is designed on the principle of a,circulating generator in which a section of a high -quality cable is used to store recoverable information. The principal circuit and a modification are shown! in Fig. 1 of Enclosure. The modified circuit includes an inverted diode and an additional resistor to assure free passage of the signal from the end0of the cable tothe input. Both circuits are identical with respect to operating tharacteriatics:.I.. a 300 ke-20-Mc pulse repetition rate and a 30 x 10 9 see pulse width with n-garmanium tunnel diodes; a 300 ke-100-He pulse repetition rate and 4 x W? see-pulse width with gallium arsenide tunnel diodes'. Stable operation of the circuits is maintained at supply voltage variations within45%.. The eircuite.are reported to be relatively:. Card L 142146 r ACCESSION NR: APS021374 EN CLOSURE: Oi a b I-lid. r wt ut u U ou 06t ut r r ' v -~ ..,..InU -Input. T 'Ys IL ,5- 8 st 1B e -7 YIEW AXESSION NR- APS019831 4TUM! C9' Pis are vs"Z, A. lip; YellmohiktM.R., lzakh,V.V.; Ch9rayavskiy,A.F.5_; --TITLE: at,, og tilae urese cop. 'rTL-, nts in _nucloa-r app~j~troq L'tAB1111111 ClOn�erouge on Nucliany Spectrosr,-. -7 2 Feb 19651 S OL'W;'B, AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya flz,,. Ll me intervi,l countar, time n~. a- tu~ rne semiconductor de-ice All:' 3 1- R 1:7. Tne cj~,!,crllbo three 71-1, purpose, )f -w-ying tunri-&I dlodeF c C.rc! 1/3 M OWN !I- --l- --l.... -~ T. ~~v ~ , ~:~N ~;~. - `.~ ~ z , ~ - , ~e I- s U SM , T-FKv - ; ~(. ~11 R. - & N4T 00 00 004 904 00 00d 690 U.S.S.R. 0.477, Ott, 31, 1047, trot the punwoo of dectVasills, The b*bf of the column, the Plain having, smaller M"% 9110140 Than the Column are affansftl hel Ily within the ll~h latte.1, S L A MPALLW*KAL j)"p4Tb" CLAIM"111110 tell" tube" ~&f os$ SAIIIII GO 9 IN* "MOV U U A, 0 bs ; - ; ; .; 11111111 a" tit If A a, A ;14.1;..- A iP, Aft a I 00060000000~89' dft 0 rp 0 0 9 a to -00 .00 1100 Jae* too .09 ~ -77777 lg~ US SR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application __ Fermentation industry, 1-27 Abst Journal, Referat Zhur - Kbimiya, No 2, 1957, &70 Abstract: inside of which are set, in horizontal position, several rows of screens disposed in a rocf-like manner, checkerboard fashion in the vertical direction. There is given a diagram of the unit as well as its principal dimensions and a description of its opera- tion. It is assumed that. the proposed unit will make it possible to reduce the duration of malt production, decrease expenditure of water for steeping, eliminate the need of compressed air and de- crease the over-all dimensions of the steeping department building. Card 2/2 CHERffAVSKIY, A%I*, doteent, kand,tekhn.nauk Zffect of moisture on the mechanical characteristics of black alder wood. Sbor. trud. HISI no.13.-59-93 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Wood--Hoisturs) (Alder) L 00972-66 SSION fiRt AP50202 UR/9332/65/000/008/0002/00C~ ACCF 04 665-3/35:663-05.3-493:631*563.~ -7, AVMORS2 2inj V, D.; Chernyavskiy# A. I. (Candidate of technical seiencesyZJ6 TITLEt. Investigation of aerodynamics anddi~ o rape seeds in the boiling laye SOUROTt Xaslozbirovaya promvahlennost', no, 8, 19659 2-6 -ve .,~.TOPIO.1AGSs rape seed# drying, table oil 90 ABSMCTt The optimum conditions for the drying of rape seeds were determinedo and theexperimental drying installation is shown sohematically. The rate of drying wa found to be given by dw -609.10-7H-0,370(7,8-10-3v 1,28 X,,'10-1) (1,48-10 31V + ~,B- 10-3) P-21 O'Pseo.. where where W -'is the humidity in H .- the initial depth of the seed layeri-in mm, V thexelooity of hot air in m/age, t - the temperature# and 'r - the time. It was also found that increasing the temperature of the seeds beyond 357C led to a con- siderable lowering of their quality. Orig. art. has: 1 table, 6 graphs,-.and 9 equations.~ ASSOCIATION s Wyovskif.,, P-6i,i-tekhnicheskiy institut (Ltvov Polytechnical lnatituto).:,.~, CODEtGGj SUBMITTED: ENCLz 00 Sn OTHERi 001 110 REP SOV i ODS CWD CMUUffAVSrIT,. A.L., kandidat tekhmicheskikh nauk, detsant. , ~, -1-4 *1-1--~,--, -~ V-Mk4~~ -~44- Book for rural read builders (mBuilding rural roads." A.I.Slavutakii. Reviewed by A.I.Chernlavskii). Avt.dor.19 no-3:31 Mr 156. (HLRA 9:7) 1,Poitaviskiy Institut Inshenerov sallakekhozyhystvennogo stroiteltstyk, (Read construction) (Slavutakii, A.K.) YAMIE~,C'H', Ye.I.,; FIXROVSKIY, Ye.A.; CHEMAVSKIY,A.L.; MYNIN, R.M., red, [Medical gymnastics for tresting hypertension] Lechabnaya gimnactika pri gipartonicheakoy bole2ni. Moskva, 1957. 63 p. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Moscow. Institut sanitarnogo prosveshcheniya. (MRCISE THIRAPY) (HYPERTENSION) CHERNYAVSKIY, A.11. Itei. 6,hanized unloading of annular kilns. Biul. TSIIIICHH no. 8:44- 45 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Domodedovskly opneupornyy zavod. (Brickmaking) OMNYAVSKIY, A.P. Organization of hiih-speed minimp in nCherkasskaya-Severnaya" mine no.2 of the Leninugoll Trust. Ugoll Ukr. 4 no.3:32-3.1 Mr 16o. (MMA 13!6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener shakhty "Cherimsekaya-Severnaya" No.2 tresta Leninugoll. (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) CHERNYAVSKIY P-,--- Ppbedydrivage of development workings in the "Cherkaoskaya-3--vernaAn No. 2 mine. Ugoll 36 no.1:29-31 Ja '61. (MIRA 1491) 1. Glavnyy inzhener shakhty "Cherkasskaya-Severnayan No.2 tresta Leninugollp Luganskiy sovnarkhoz. (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) CHERNYAVSKIY, A.P.; SUBBOTIN, A.S. "Cherkasskaya-Severnayall No.2 Mine makes 751 meters of baulageway per month. Ugoll 36 no.9:6-8 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Nachallnik shakbty "Cherkasskaya-Severnayall no.2 tresta Leninugoll (for Chernyavskiy). 2. Nachallnik ugollnogo otdela TSentrallnogo byuro tekhnicheskoy informatsii (for Subbotin). (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) CHERNYAVSKIY, A.P. High rates of mining. Ugol' 38 no.11:10-11 N 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom Pervomayskugoll. . CH=4YAVSKIYj A.F., inzh. ~,- ~-. I. Making 50Z meters of latoral drift in one month. Shakht. a trol. 8 no.8z20-22 Ag 164- (Ma 1719) 1. Upravlyayuohchiy trestom llorvomayskugoll. G"'i STABY, A. L;CMIMAVSKIY, A. R. On vhite bile. Xhirurgiia, Moskra, no. 10:72-77 Oct- 1950o (CIXL 20: 1) 1. Of the Hospital Surgical Glinic (Director - Yu. Tu. Dshanalidze). First Leningrad Medical Institute imeni Aeadem- icien I. P. Pavlov. 2, Z. V. Ogloblina has the title of Professor. nu~-' C2 r_~ i'. ek. ti- In jr- j._' t .jr'T n BELYLKOV, Yu.L, kand.tekhnonauk; KONONERKO, A.A*-, inzb.; CHEPMAVSKIY, A.T.., inzh. Selection of parameters and plans of operation of a stacker with a productivity of 500 W/hr. Nauch.zap.MamUproekta no.5:112--118 161. (NMA 15, It) (Conveying machinery) AKSENOVp V.P.; ROZENPLENTER, A.B... kand. takhn. nauk; CHERNYAVSKIY.. A.T. Efficient correlation between the height of the top and bottom scooping of rotary excavators. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.2:67-69 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) VARGA, I.I. (Budapezht,j.o~3,',-,rjj); Gi-lrI'JaLVSKIY I B.A. SHALI'LN, K.K. . Method for studyipg the scale factor in cavitation erosion. PKIF no.3.122-129 Yly-Je 163. (~"Iipui 16: 9) (Cavitation) SHALINEV, K.K.; GHEMAVSKIY, B.A. Cavitation of the human heart. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.3:706- 709 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom F.Ya. Kochinoy. I CHERNYAVSKIY, D.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. (Kharikov) I,--------- -7--loll" Designing asymmetric bracelese girders with rigid and semirigid struts. Issl. po teor. sooruzh. no-8:383-394 '59. OaRk 12:12) (Girders) -CHEMAVSKIY, D.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; DORFMAN, Yu.I., inzh.; MIMBERG, Ye-1. Design of the unitized bodywork of the TE10 diesel locomotive. Vest.TSNII MPS 22 no.5:27-32 163. - (MM 16:8) 1. KharIkovskiy politakhnichaskiy inatitut imeni V.I.Lanina Kharlkovskiy zavod transportnogo mashinostroyaniya imani V.A.Malysheva. (Diesel locomotives-Design and construction) ChEn'TAWSE-11Y. D.L., kand. takh:.% nauk Charanteriatics of the diesel locomotive body and methDdq for its design, Trudy VNIN no.19%66.-86 164. Studyir.g the state of stress of type TIE3 truck frames as a three-d4mensional system. lbid.;98-113 (MZRA 180) 1. F"icrIkovskiy politekhniccheskiy institut im. V.1. Lenina. CHERNYAVSKIY, D.L. (Khartkov) Reducing stress concentration in a plate of unlimited dimertions having angular auts.,Prikl. makh. 1 no.2:13.1,-138 165. (MIRA 18:6) Khaylkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. KOZIOV, K.I.; CHMNYAVSKIY, D.T. Modernization of the tenter dryer drive. Isv.vye.ucheb.zav.;tekh. tekst.prom. no.4:147-151 160. (MM 13:9) 1. Kostromakoy tekstillnyy inotitat. (Textile machinery--Electric driving) CHEMiTAVSKIY,.E.I., gornyy inzhener. _'. I . ,- . - - . ~43 1 1 1. -A~ P. United States fire resistance tests for conveyer belts (fromnMining XVipment* no.6. 156.)-U9011 32 no.2:44-45 F 157. (VJRA 10:3) (United States--Conveying machinery) M&MEOV, Y.Ya., inzh. , I.I., inzh. Reviewing "Prevention and extinction of endogenous fires by - silting" by B.K.Sereda, D.I.Sazhin, X.G.Bubok, Y.IA.Manakov, I.I.Cherniawakii. Bezop.truda v 'prom. 4 no-3:36 160. (MIRA 13:6), (Mine fires) (Sereda, B.K.) (Saahin, D.I.) (Bubok, K.G.) (Wanakov# VoIA*) (Cherniavskii, 3.1.) 7AKHAROV,, V.A., inzh.; inzh. Blasting techniques for pyrite mines subject to pulfide dust explosion. Bezop truda v prom. 6 no.8:23--26 Ag 162. (MIRA 16-4) ipyrites) (Mne dusts) (Blasting) CHFAWUVBKIY.9 B.I.t insh.- Using thermocouples in detecting explosions and flashes of pyrite dust, Bezop.truda v prom. 7 no.2:26 F 163. (MRA,16-.2) (Copper mines and mining-Safety measures) CHIKULAYEVY S.; LARIN, D., inzh.; YEFIMOV, M.; CHERNYAVSKIY,.-1-E,J~,,, inzh.; USLISTYY' B*S. inzh. po tekhnike bez6ii&iiT~~i fbonetskaya oblast'. gorod UkrainsO Letters to the editors. Bezop.truda v prom. 9 no.4:54-55 Ap 165* (MIRA 18;5) 1. Zameatitell glavnogo inzbenera po takhnike bezopasnosti, priisk Leninal-Ay.. Yakutskaya ASSR (for Chikulayev). 2. Upravleniye Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskogo okruga Gosudarstvennogo komitata pri Sovete Ministrov KazSSR po nadzoru za bezopasnym vedeniyem rabot v promyshle-nosti i gornomu nadzoru (for Larin). 3. Nachallnik tekhnicheakoy informatsii i ratsionalizatsii Berezovskogo rudnika imeni Kirova (for Yefi-qov). 4. Urallskiy natichno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut mednoy promyshlennostil Sverdlovsk (for Chernyavskiy). CHIMAVSKIY, 7. B. -i~o,-io-g-]-roi- the loWtailed suslik of Varkhoyansk (Citellus undulatus Fall.). Biul. MOM Otd. biol. 64 no.3:17-22 MY-Je '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Oym-Yurys" Vallay-Sualiks) CHEM,YAVSKIYI F.B. Materials on the biology of the snow sheep (Ovis in the Koryak Upland, Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 66 161. (KORM RANGE-SIMP) nivicola Esch.) no.6-.61-76 H-D (MIRA 1493-2) CHERNrAVSKIr. F.B. Reproduction and Zrovtb of m=tain sheep.(Ovis nivicola,Eash.) 41 no.1031556-1566,'O 162, (MM 15t12) 1. Zoological Institute, AcadeW of Sciences of the U.S.S*Rt Leningradb (Koryak 24wo-Awtain shW) CIIMYAVI,;KIY F.B. Systematic interrelationships bel-ween the mountal~i sheep of .C,TT'. Q11, . -1 1 d 'u A o -11 . U-7 n o . 6 - -ie Old and New Vibrlde. BjUj. JJI 17-26 N-Dt62 (MffRA 17:7) PORTENKO, Leonid Aleksandrovich; KISHCH111SKIY, Aleksandr qTYAVSKIY, Feliks Bo irovich; Aleltsandrovich; QLI~C r , - SMIRPOVA, V.V., red.lid--via~'_ EiA, R.A., tekhn. red. [Rammals of the Koryak Range; materials on their distribu- tion, abundance, biology and economic significance) Mleko- pitaiushchie Koriatskogo nagorlia; materialy po raspro- stranenUu chislennosti biologii i ekononichaskomu znacho- niiu. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 129 p. (MIRA 16-12) (Koryak Rmae--MwmmIs) OWNYAVSKIYo F.Bf. - Some adaptive characteristics of the posteranial skeleton structure in Ovia nivicola, Each. Zoole zhur. 43 no.2s242-252 164a (MIRA 17:6) 1. Zoologieheskiy institut Akadamii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. CHERjNjffSKIYj F.B.. kand.biplog.nauk (Eanipgr4d) Koryak Highland. Priroda 53 no. 1101-89 164. (MIRA 181l) At CHERNTAVSKIY, F.D. Some data on the morphology of Ovis nivicola Each. Niul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 69 no.1:122-126 Ja.-F 164. (MIRA 17:4) USPEVSKIY~ S.1-1., doktor bj.o2og. nauk; CHKI-NNY.AXSETY, ~ W.B. kand. biolog. nauk "Maternity home" of polar bears: winter lairs on Vra-nrell Island. Priroda 54 no-4:81-86 Ap 165. (1-MR], 18: 5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Uspenskiy),. 2. Zoologicheskiy institut All SSSR, Leningrad (for Chernyavskiy). F. 1. Chernyavskiy, F. I. "Rerrodeling of the asymbronous roverents in synchronous generators," Trudy Povocherkas. politekhr.. in-ta ;-,. Orcizliorlkidze, Vol. XVITT.9 191-.8, p. 61-63 SO: U-3850, 16 June 53, (Ittopis 12hurnal Iny'li 3*, No. 5, 1040). CHETUNAVSKlY, F. I. Chernyavskiy, F. 1. "R-econditioninr tbe 27,5ff kilo-volt-arpere turbo I gererator," Trudy Novocherhas. pol.trklin, in-ta i--. Ordzhnnikicize, Vol. Iviiii 194P, P. ~5-69 SO: U-3M, 16 June 53, (T-atopis 'Zhurn-al Invkh State.-y, No. 55) V V V W-W W W a W 8-9 W NJ M NJ IM-0 ME W_ W A A L a p W is u is W of v ' it 9 0 it - -. , 00 00 go r (,21.)16.717.077.65: 01-31419,5 3m Gn" commift of myndvotomm umew. Idc. whim) "d nkmw)4vctlr%T. 1. 1, 00A00-AVSK4. 1104orkiwilm (Nm 6) 16 41 JJ~~. 11siftkatin ofishill its IN uw of All lig stxlilk, to : twatal all Irklmilion nuilord.c. mAimw povp wc o colLbijklvd. Ik adullimsc% of 111c %)~IMI ~tm 41, 00 a i Saitaik-foly olumloy ottr a much %Ikt sallilv %4 qWd Seculalk)" Ifull a rutaly C.41kelive %ouw 000 pmkk. AIIJ 1119 MIUMLICKV1 Of IhU U11W14404) 04 i! C11011misomson of the commor Arc 14 tvrarast, the insrotluc-iion of histirr lUll"RIFIk. by IIIC soil Ilic WmAnt sutlfumwfil AM all ma lialnumic, 0011 diuMat; Ilw tmiminhig hilillef humonk-, irprvx-m 99 4 low lWitv"lap mij do Ito mill dw ulviation of IJK, gloull, 11w preilut) tt.%l 4.1 Ilk t0VUl) IV 41SO "Ll IIIJII IIIJI UM119 3 C011W101 WhI I Inill del.cs. Ito.. o"Ifiv too -I -to a". ort coo 1111 v a 111 4 M a a um 0 T-0 ~00 ..go .00 xo* coo coo &00 800, off SOW use noes I ad 0 4 4 in 6 3 6 IF U n Iv 10 W; IN, a, I, . 0 0 * 0 0 goose 0 0goes, 00000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 go g OT44 .:I, p Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -iRwu5uvSK~j V~.-Ya-. (Eng.); BERGER, Prof.A. Ya. CHERNYAVSLM R2e2nt F. I ; ZAVALISHIN, Dr. D. A. Electric Machinery - Testing L. M. Pyotrovskiy and Ye. A. Falls book "Testing electrical machines.". Prof. A. Ya. Berger, Docent F. I. Chernyavskiy Eng. V. Ya. Yakubovskiy, Dr. D. A. Zavalishin, and others. Elektrichestvo No. 51 1952. t X of Congress, November 1952 UNCIASSIFIED MontUZ Us of Russian Accessions, LibrF .,n S, S. A. -T.-p BAWYEEV, V. X. Eng. , GRUSY-3--vSM, V. D---cent . , fS 1 2. USSIR (600) 4. Electric Engineering 7. Comrmnts en the textbook "General Electrical engineering," edited by S. A. Press, F. I. Cherniavokiy, 23ng. V. F. Balljye~, , Dccent B. V. Grushevskiy. Elektrich stvo No. 2, 19---3. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. CHICRNTAVSM I I dotsent, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. ~ - Experimental determination of the efficiency coefficient for cascade asynchronous motors with mercury rectifiers. Nauch. trudy IWI 26:321-324 055. (MLRA 9:12) (Slectric, motors, Induction) (Mercury-are rectifiers) SOV/ 112-57 -9 -18691 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 9, p 87 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chernyavskiy, F. 1. TITLE: Cross -Flela7 Machine as a General Case of the DC Machine (Mashina poperechnogo polya. kak obshchiy sluchay mashiny postoyannogo toka) PERIODICAL: Tr. Novocherkas. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Nr 33/47, pp 36-43 ABSTRACT: A cross-field machine is analyzed as a general case of the DC machine; in the cross -field machine, in addition to the conventional 1-1 brushes refftred to as "transverse, " "primary, " or "motor-type, " a pair of 2-2 bruishes is provided for each pair of poles; the 2-2 brushes are shifted with regard to 1-1 brushes by one pole pitch and called "longitudinal, "secondary," or 11gener'ator-type. " All quantities corresponding to the 11primary" axis have the s*ubscript "l, " to the "secondary" axis, 112. " The following assumptionz have been made: (1) the stator carries exciting vindings in axis 1, exc#ing windings in axis 2; (2) axes I and 2 have different per- meances; (3) voltage drops in brush contacts 1 and 2 are different and, there- Card 1/2 SOV/1 1?-57-9-18691 Cross-Field Machine as a General Case of the DC Machine fore, armature resistance is different for both circuits. From the equation of the primary power, an expression can be derived for the torque of a cross - field motor. Such a motor can develop a reactive torque if the permeance values for axes* 1 and 2 are different. Because of this reactive torque, the motor can rotate without any stator excitation - a fact corroborated by experi- ments. Equations for a number of specific cases can be derived from the general equations. If in the general equations the generator axis - 1 current and the motor axis -2 current be equated to zero, the equations of a conventional DC machine will result. If in the general equations the assumption of U1 = 0 :s made (1-1 brushes siiort-circuited), and if the effect of compensating wind- i_ngs is allowed for, amplidyne equations will result. If in the general equations Ut = 0 and the effects of the separate -excitation winding and series-field wind- ing acting along axis 2 are allowed for, equations of a cross-field welding generator will result. All the above equations for specific cases show that the fundamental properties of various DC machines can be found from the general equation for the cross-field machine. 0. 1. Z. Card 2/2 SOV/112-58-2-2180 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 2. p 62 (USSR) AUTHOR:-- Chernyavskly, -F. 1. TITLE: A Determination of Scalar Magnetic Potential Ln Electric Machinery (Opredeleniye skalyarnogo magnitnogo potentsiala v elektricheskikh mashinakh) PERIODICAL- Tv. Novocherk. politekhn- in-ta, 1956, Vol 43157, pp 37-43 ABSTRACT: A method is suggested for calculating the magnetic potential of a flat field on the basis of concentrated current. A calcilatio.Ta applicable to a DC machine is given. A comparison of experimental and design data reveals that the method suggested is simple and no less accurate than the graphic- analytical method. B. Ya. G. Card III SOV/144-58-8-9/18 AUTHOR: -Chernyavskiy, F.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent TITIS: Experimental Determination of the Losses in Steel in the Case of Pulsating Currents (Opytnoye opredeleniye poter' v stall pri pul'siraj r.-shchem toke) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Blektromekhanika, 1958, 1,4r 8, pp ?4 - r?? (USSR) ABSTRACT: The experiments were carried out by means of,a 2 kVA, 220/145 V transformer.- The 220 V winding was fed by an AC for which the frequency could be regulated; the 145 V winding was fed by DO. A large inductance was connected into the 145 V circuit as a result of which the AC component of the current was almost completely eliminated in this circuit. By changing the current intensity in both windings, various ratios could be achieved between the DO and the AC components of the current and, corres- pondingly, various magnitudles of the pulsations of the magnetic flux in the transformer core. The experimental results have shown that the losses in steel in the case of a pulsating magnetising current and a DO component of a low value are higher than the corresponding value of the Cardl/2 losses for a p-L~zely alternating current. The maximum of SOV/144-58-8-9/18 ExDerimental Determination of the Iosses in Steel,in the Case of Pulsating Currents the losses in steel in the case of a pulsating current corresponds approximately vrith the maximum of the permeability. With further increase in the magnitude of the DC component-, the losses in the steel decrease. The losses in steel magnetized by means of a pulsating current increase with increasing frequency. The law of changes in these losses as a function of the frequennay differs from that pertaining to a purely alternating current. For certain magnitades of the DC component of the current-, the in the steel vary in proportion to the frequency; if the magnitude of the DC component increases further, the -losses in the steel increase more slowly than the frequency. In the uase of saturation of the magnetic circuit, the hysteresis losses in a circuit fed by a pulsating current can be -aali2ulated approximately by means' of the "tangent method", which is described in this paper. There axe 4 f igures. A95OCTATItONS.- inv-tit,.it (Nc7c^11-.~--kausk L--stitu+,a) SUBMITTED: July 9P 1959 Card 2/2 SOV/144-59-7-16/17 ATJ r." I I OR Chernyavskiy, F.I. (Cand. Te(-,LL. Sni., Docent) TITLE: A Scientific-Technical Crn-ference on the Commutation of Electrical Machines PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uohebny;~:h zavederdy, Elektromelihanika, 195c), Nr '79 Dp 108-110 (USSR) ABST'RACT: The Miinist:ry of Highei- Educa 4- 1 -q- C) fthe USSR decided to call. the first All-Union Scienti fic-Te,-hnJi-al Conferen(-;e or., Commutation in electrical ma-3hines. Tha conference was haeld from the 3rd to the 6-th July 1959 in Vine Novo ~:herka s sk Polytechnimal Instit-Ute ant the transa~:tions (If the confe-"once will be published Jin this jo=nal. There were more than 100 delegates from J.'r, oolleges5 8 research institutes and 15 industr'ai undertakings. Tweilt-y--Itwo ~reports were read, cover-Ing a very wide range of questions on the t1hoory, inyesti:gation and adjustment of aommutation in va.-ious types of electrical macihine. M . CaLd.Leah.Sai. O.G. Ve-ner of Leningrad described exper-i-- mrsntal and theoretica-1 work commutation carried out in thq Leningrad branch of the Sclantif-ic Resear--h Institute of the elactrinal industry. lie (considers that the absence f an integrated approach has made the problem of Card .1/4 o i,.ommutation appear uiLnecessa-.,::.1y oc;mpli!,ated, arid proposed 30V/l!P+-5')-7--,6/l7 L A So-! e'ntif J-0-Tachnical Conf erenc3 on the Co=utatiion of Electrical Ma h i n e s tho setting up of a co-ordinating couii,:til oil Commutation and bi-ashes and the strengthening of research work on the subic-,,~t. Profe3sorYe.M. Sinellnikov and Aspirant A.G. Nazi-kyan of the Novocharkasslr Poly+.--- c1anical Institute desc7ibad a new method of investigating and adjusting commutatiozi Vaich is very useful in determining the r,-jquiled charac-teris-16-i-es of d.-I. mar.-Il'iine interpoles. Cand.Ter~h.Sci. V.P. Tolkunov of the Khar1kov Polytechnical Institute considered the influence on commutation of %7arlou5.; d.,i. machine .-.-onstants suf.-h as the width of the interpole tip, the field of the nain poles, brush cha.-aoteristics and so on. Professor M.S. Karasev, Di,.Tech.G-~-,'L., of the Tomsk Elektro-Mechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, discrassed the causes of sparking of brushes and tiie determination cf their -orr V =u 4- a ting oapacity. lie considered riiiechanical defects in the commutato-.L, to be a major cause of sparking. The J"emaining :~aports a'~,e describad vary brieff y, usually with ?.ittle more than author and title. as their are to be Ca-,~d 2/4 published in this Jou-;.~nai soon they are not all listed here. The c:onference noted t-hat electrictal brushes are SOM"411" 7,9-7-16/17 ~ 'r- ., A confe-len~:e cr.L C,_.iamutation of Electrical Ma,~:Ij_-nes ;.-,o' pi-oducod In sufl",.cia= railge, oy. of good enough r ~ju lity. Must Investigatiors tin and brashes a no. r o a(-had the stare or to seem to rely tc;o much on 1-,ho ell,wisi-al theoi,y of a.1,-,('- to pay J--isuffiel:ont atten'.-.-Lon '~o ronontl- dim-vol~.)pmlents Fu 1, t h atl;ention -4o requixod to ~-Ihlfo Vioory ol' ~-omxu-utaticn. d The calculation, design aiw'. ::on.,t:LuctV-_fon of Machines and ,,_I 'he e-11-w-dation of their ta;5J.,i7 1):~cpzArtfss sh-uld be Oved*'. lutans`vt-, Is on the role of tz_ushes in the jurw>--sS C.-f and in the dievelop- niGnt ol' -.uw J_mp-_-,o-;nd graOe:s of lx~ushes. Bacause of the __'J.-utfou s-ocltlai attention roq:airemmts of railway c i. i; ~- 11 - . ~.7 - _L shou-16i be Paid. to the coramii'l-IV.-lion of a.e.. moturs and of mollors oppratin,-, or, pulsating, voltaga. The confarence COTISidered, J."G necessary to organiso undle~ t-e management oll' the of the Elactri(,-al Indust-s~v a co-ordiruqting comittoe for svszematic exchange i1i2fornition and :~f resear(;'i wark on C 3A, C, C, -aim ra tt.-L 0 11 .It was consi, dered advisable to hold an SOV/144-59-7-16/17 A Scientific-Technical Conference on the Commutation of Electrical Machines annual conference on commutation of machines, and to invite the participation of manufacturers and operators of electrical machinery. There figures) tables2 are no no no references* ASSOCIATION: Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute) Card 4/4 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 9, 72, 0 0 E194/E355 AUTHORS: Sinellnikov, Ye.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor, Departmental Head, Nazikyan, A.G., Assistant, Kleymenov, V.V., Head of Laboratory and V_ T. I Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika, 1960, No. 10, PP. 58 - 77 TEXT: It is impossible to provide a strict analytical solution of commutation problems in DC and AC machines because of the complex nonlinear character of the differential equations involved. Assumptions that are made to simplify the equations lead to errors in these solutions. The development of computers offers new prospects of solving commutation problems. These devices can solve the problems involving the complex differential equations of the commutation process without introducing crude simplifying assumptions. The first practical attempt to use modern high-speed computers Card 1/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines for calculations on commutation was reported by Alger and Bewley in Power Apparatus and Systems, August, 1957. These authors used a digital computer and because of the cumbersome algorithms it was necessary to make a number of simplifications and exclude various factors which are important in practice. In prticular, it was necessary to simplify the volt-ampere characteristic of the brushes and to assume sinusoidal flux distributions of the interpoles. In comparing the advantages of digital and analogue computers for solving commutation problems it should be remembered that existing procedures for calculating the parameters that enter into the equation do not utilise t'he potential accuracy of computers. Accordingly, in this case, the accuracy of digital machines is of no advantage as compared with that of analogue computers which are adequate for the purpose. With an analogue computer it is possible to obtain a number of output magnitudes Card 2/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E19VE355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines such as the voltage between commutator bars, currents in sections and their differential coefficients, voltages as the commutator bars leave the brush and other magnitudes. With digital machines each of these magnitudes would require a fresh algorithm. Accordingly, at the present time analogue computers have considerable advantages for work of this kind. In the present work the authors show the extensive possibilities of analogue computers for calculating and explaining various factors that influence the commutation process. It would be difficult or impossible to study these factors by existing procedures. The assumptions that were made in applying the method are then stated. The more important are; the self- induction coefficients of short-circuited sections and mutual induction coefficients between simultaneously commutating sections do not depend on the value of current or the angular position of the rotor; for any given slot section the inductance is the same as that of any other corresponding Card 3/14 I s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines section in other armature slots; section and loop resistances are constant; the voltage drop in the brush contact depends on the current density and not on the speed. The direct- current machine for which the different 'ial equations of commutation were formulated was of the following character- istics: 2.6 W, 220 V, rated current 14 A, speed 1400 r.p.m. The armature has a diametral pitch winding with three sections per slot and the commutator bar width is 7.5 mm with 1 mm of mica between. The brush is 15.5 mm wide and can short-circuit one or two sections simultaneously. Fig. I shows a schematic section of the winding undergoing commutation under two brushes of opposite polarity. In view of the assumptions that are made, if the brushes are similarly located relative to the neutral position, brushes of opposite polarity have identical volt-ampere characteristics, and the laws of change of current in analogous sections short-circuited by brushes of opposite polarity are the same. Accordingly, there is no need to Card 4/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines write down twice the differential equations of commutation for identical sections and correspondingly to double the electronic model. Hence the circuit of Fig. 1 may be simplified to obtain that of Fig. 2, and as in thereal machine the resistance of the risers is small they are omitted. In formulating the equations of commutation it is convenient to measure time from the start of commutation of a section; in particular, the start of commutation of sections 2-3 in Fig. 2 is considered. The commutation process is cyclic and is repeated after the armature has passed through a single- tooth pitch. The commutation cycle may be divided into three stages, each of which introduces new operating conditions in some section. Fig. 3 shows equivalent circuits of section commutation for all stages of a complete cycle. There are nine of them. Eq. (1) is then written for the first section of the slot in operator form for all stages of commutation. In the second stage the equation takes the form of Eq. (2) Card 5/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines which is the equation of damping of current oscillations in the section 1-2. In the next four stages of section 1-2 the first section of the first slot is not commutated. However, the process of modelling commutation of this section is incomplete since no allowance has been made for the start of commutation of the section 1-2. The method of allowing for this is explained, and Eq. (3) is derived. In the next, eighth stage, Eq. (3) is again valid. The ninth stage of commutation commences when electromagnetic oscillations in section 3-1 are terminated and is described by differential equation (4). The nonlinear differential equations (1), (2) and (3) for the first section must be solved simultaneously with similar equations for other sections for the same stages of commutation. Consequently, the electronic model which is required to solve the equations should automatically on completing the solution of one system of equations reconnect in the next stage of Card 6/14 S/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines commutation to solve another system of equations to give a continuous solution of the commutation process on the machine output. Thus, from the mathematical standpoint the process of commutation is determined by a system of differential equations with coefficients which are discontinuous functions of-t�me. Differential equations (1) and (2) may be combined to give an expression of the form of Eq. (5). Similarly, expressions (3) and (4) may be united into the general equation (6). Finally, to obtain the most compact electronic model, Eqs. (5) and (6) should be united into a more general equation for the first section of the slot, which will be of the form of Eq. (7). Eqs. (la) and (3a) are then combined to obtain a general expression (7a). Similar expressions (8) and (8a) are obtained for the second section of the slot and Eqs. (9) and (9a) for the third section of the slot. Eqs. (7), (8) and (9) are solved relative to the differential coefficient of current for the first, second and third sections Card 7/14 s/i44/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to investigate the Commutation of DC Machines of the slot, and on introducing other necessary terms Eqs. (71), (81) and (91) are obtained. The reason for writing the expressions in this form is explained. The Eqs. W) - (9') and (7a) - (9a) were used to formulate the analogue-computer block circuit diagram shown in Fig. 4, the notation of the block-circuit components being given in Table 1. Table 2 note's certain parameters of the DC machine investigated4 the scales used are stated. Table 3 gives coefficients of the block-circuit of the electronic model with the circuit of Fig. 4. Fig. 6 shows the law of change during the process of commutation of the area of contact between the brush and the corresponding commutator bar. Vales of section capaci- tance on the machine investigated were determined with a ballistic galvanometer, using the circuit of Fig. 7. A description is then given of the electronic model whose block-circuit diagram is given in Fig. 4. In order to Card 8/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines , understand all the mathematical operations carried out by the model in a complete commutation cycle it is sufficient to follow the solution of the equations of any one section. Accordingly, solution of the equations of commutation of the first section of the slot (P) and 7a) is considered. The way in which the various values shown in the blodr.-circuit diagram of Fig. 4 are obtained is explained. It is shown that on the model it id possible to follow the solution of the necessary equations for a complete cycle of commutation of the machine. The model was',designed to repmduce the process of commutation continuously,:i.e. to solve the equations in a time of 255 sec, which corresponds to the time of the commutation cycle on the time scale chosen. When the calculations for one cycle are complete the computer stops and a further current setting may be made. The operation of repeated starting could have been made automatic but the complication involved was not worth while. Card 9/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines Some results are then given of the solution of the commutation equations. Oscillograms of current in commutating sections obtained with the model are shown in Fig. 8 and the shape of the curves is discussed. Corresponding curves with higher values of e.m.f. are plotted in Fig. 9. and again the shape is discussed. These curves show that with the machine investi- gated satisfactory commutation cannot be obtained with a uniform field in the commutation zone. The optimum field can very easily be selected on the model and changes in section current with optimum field in the commutation zone are plotted in Fig. 10. Fig. 11 gives oscillograms of currents in the section assuming that there is no vGltage drop in the brush contact, It will be seen that because of the intensive magnetic linkage between sections the values of section current are much closer together in this case. Consequently, the greater the voltage drop in the contact the greater the counter- action to the effect of equalising current in the section and Card 10/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines the more uniform the process of current change in the section. Fig. 13 shows curves of changes of current in two section short:-circuited by two brushes of opposite polarity. The curves were taken oscillographically on an actual DC machine; the method is briefly,explained. It will be.-seen that there is satisfactory agreement between the curves obtained on the machine and with the computer and this confirms the method of formulating the differential equations for modelling. The general principles of formulating equations of commutatio,/C and block-circuit diagrams of an electronic model are then considered. This section for the most part repeats the explanations given in preceding parts of the article. It is shown, however, that in writing the expressions for the transient process in analytical form the requisite number of commutation equations need not exceed the maximum number of commutator bars covered by both brushes. It is concluded that the principles described in the article Card 11/14 S/144/(')0/000/010/005/010 E194/E155 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines may easily be used to construct a model of a DC machine with any practical numberof sections in the slot and with any width of brushes. By making very simple changes in the coefficients and other parameters of the model it may be used to study commutation processes in DC machines with different winding pitches and with any number of sections in the slot or widths of brush. The following data may be obtained fo'r each of the variants: the nature of current changes in the sections and their differential coefficients; the nature of current changes in the risers; the law of change of voltage drop in the brush contacts; the law of change of current density in the brush contact and the voltage of the commutator bar relative to the brush at the moment of exit of the section from commutation. The-influence on the above characteristics of the following factors may be consideredt the field shape in the commutation Card 12/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines zone of the machine; the grade of brushes and the effect of too early interruption of contact between brush and commutator bar. Further work with electronic modelling methods and the development of special analogue computers will make it possible to discard most of the ill-founded assumptions that are usually made, including some tolerated in this article. Then a more complete study can be made of the commutation process. There are 13 figures, 3 tables and 3 referencest 2 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. Card 13/14