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1 0 11 1000 -67 111.-J'T(l) G1. ACC NRI AT600?102 SOURCE CODEs UR13_1W16~_j6oo1o0310_0781O2~f AUTHOR: Chornyakova, A. P. ORG: Basin Hydrometoorological Observatory of the Black--and_Azov Seas (Bassoynovoya !gidromoto.orologiefioska-ya-,obs-erva-,to-r*iy-a-, Chorn__`og__o_ i -Azovskogo-moray) _- - TITLS: Wind"field types of the Black Sea\*// SOURCEs Bassoynovaya gidromotoorologiohoskaya obsorvatoriya Cbornogo i Azovskogo Morey. Sbornik rabot, no- 3, 1965t 78-121 'EUPIC TAGS: synoptic meteorology, wind Velocity, wind direction, mar!-no meteorology, Isea water ABSTRACT: Using computation methods developed by the State Oceanog?naphic Institute, the prevailing vrlnds of the Black Sea were classified on ti6 Jwsii of 14,608 synoptic !charts and 43,824 microsynoptic charts for a 10 year period (1946 to 1955)- 'Classification of wind types was conducted according to wind direction as well as wind ~Velocity (5-10, 10-15, 15-20 m/sec and more than 20 m/soc). Statistical tables showing the frequency and duration of the synoptic process typos are given; also, the Idistribution of synoptic proco.-,s typos and subtypo3 in rivon accordln,: to noason and v winris ovor the I olocity. The influence of the Crimean and Caucasion 'Eoiatains on IBlack Sea is discussed. Those different wind charactoristios in the form of,charts L 10090-67 AT6o07I0Z and tables can be used to compute waves and currents, to solve problems on the intermixing of sea waters, to select the most economical seaway routes, and also to solve various problems faced by pJAnning and construotion organizationsk Orig. art. ftas; 22 tables and 8 figures. SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATEz none/ ORIG RM 009 Card 2 MEDVINSKIY, Veniamin Grigorlyevicht' inzh.; CHEMAKOVA, I.Z.p inzb., red.j FOMICHEV9 A.G. I red. izd-va; GVIRTSO--V-.L.-g--t6kWr.--red.-- (Efficiency promotion in forging shop engaged in large-scale forging] Ratsionalizataiia v loisneabno~-pressovyllh tsekhakh pri proizvodstve kruprykh pokovok. Leningradp 1961.' 34*p. (Leningradskii Dom naucbno-, takhniabaskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriias. KOVIM i gori#;- ebaia shtampovka, no.1) (MIRA 2J,:7) (Forging-Tecbnological innovations) SHVA~ Aleksandr Germanovich; VOLKOVICH, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; CHERNYAKOYA,-I,Z" inzh.p red.; FOMICHEV, A.G., red. izd-va; RIJUS, V.L., tekhn. red. (Semiautomatic machine for trimming andkurlingthe .edges of parts having the state of a body of revolution] Poluavtomat dlia obrezki i zakatki borta detalei, -'meiushchikh formu tel vrashcheniia, loeningradp 1961. 8 p. (Leningradskii Dom na- uohno-tekhnioheskoi IQ-opagandy. Opyt novatorov. Seriiat Go- riachaia i kholodnaia. obrabotka metallov davleniem, no.8) (MIRA 14:12). (Machine tools) TKACHENKOY Z.A., dotsent; CHEMAKOVA.9 K.Z.; KROMALIP E.N. Bromine-caffeine-calcium alectrOPhOresis in the compound treatment of rheiimatic fever and other diseases of the internal organs. Vrach. delO no-10:81-84 0 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. w dotsent ZeA. Tkacbenko), fakulltetbkoy-terapii (zavil - dotsent V.V. Oginskiy) Luganskogo meditsinskogo institute i oblastnaya klirticheskays. bollnitsa. o P1.1, Jl~-..,.- heaung cu, rat f--- arn, t, CHERNYAKOVA, M. A.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "The thermal conductivity of semi- conductor thermoresistors". Leningrad, 1958. 11 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Lenin- grad Polytech Inst im M. 1. Kalinin), 150 copies (KL, No 7, 1959, 126) ACCESSION NR: AT4637535 AUMOR: Chudnovskiy, A.F.; Babanov, A.A.; Kaga6v, M.A.; lazarev, A.I.; ChernXako3% i TITLE: Equipment for measuring the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of metals at high temperature4 and data for some heat resistant alloys SOURCt: Leningrad. Politekhntcheskiy in titut! Trudy*, no. 224, 1963. Lit- eyny*ye svoyscva zharoprochny*kh splavov I(Castability of heat-resistant alloys), 203-216 TOPIC TAGS: castability, heat resistant 'alloy, iron based alloy, nickel based alloy, Nichrome alloy, austcnitic steel, cast steel, high alloy steel, alloy composition, cast alloy steel, alloy No.3, alloy K11, alloy Kh32, alloy Wo. 6, steel 1OKhSND, steel 15KhSND, steel 65 G,,steel lKhl8N9, transformer steel, alloy heat capacity, alloy thermal conductivity, hollow sphere measuring pro- cedure, alpha calorimeter measuring procedure, heat capacity measurement, heat conductivity measurement ABSTRACT: Special equipment (see Fig. 1 in the Enclosure) was designed and con- structed to measure the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of metals at Card 1/4 ACCESSID14 NR: AT4037535 temperatures up to 1000C and to obtain curves for the dependence of these para- meters on temperature. The hollow sphere procedure was used to measure thermal conductivity, while heat capacity was deteimined by means of a technique involv- ing two samples, one of which acts as a calorimeter and the other as a so-called 11alpha calorimeter". Metals tested included a number of heat resistant alloys (see Nekhendzi, Yu. A., p. 9-23, this same book for compositions) and other cast alloy steels. The results indicate that the specific heats coincide closely at similar temperatures for allays of widely varying composition. Sharp peaks in the gamma to alpha conversion range were noted for 1OKhSND, 15KhSND and 65 G. Similar peaks, but at varying temperatures, were noted for ferritic steels with 5% Si, steel lKhl8N9 and heat resistant alloys not subject to such conversions. Thermal conductivity values ranged from about 55-65 cal/m-degrees at 100C to about 25-35 at 800C, except for 65 G (about 42 at 200C to about 25 at 800C) and alloy No. 3 (about 10 at 150C to about 5 at 850C). Orig. art. has; 12 graphs and 6 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M.1. Kalinina (Leningrad rdlytechnical Institute) -2/4. 'Card _-A ACCESSION NR: AT4037535 SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 04jun64 SUB CODE: MM NO REP SOVt 003 Card 3/4 ENCL: 01 OTHERt 000 ACCESSION NR: AT4037535 f 7m L 17 77 ne ENCWSURE: 01 'Fig..l Overall view of the measur- ing equipment. vacuum furnace 2 - fore-pump r 4 ~ 1 itI PVN-20 3 - diffusion oil pump _ 1 - . M40A 4 - scales 5 - hinged leaf bench 6 - potentiometer PPTNI 7 - clock with timer 8 - pump, heater, transformer and other switches 9 - vacuum gage dial window 10 - rotating Z hoist 11 - upper frame plate 12 adjustable cock 13 - - transformer (127/12 v), two- 12:_ .1 1 parallel wired auto transfor- mers IATR-I,'thermccouple vacuum gage VT-2 14 - fuse box- Card 4/4 USSR/T-arm Animals. Swine, Q-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol.t No. 22, 1958t 101200 Author : Chernlakovat H.M. Inst : Kharkov Zootechnical Institute Title : The Topography of the Chromaffin System in Piglets (Preliminary Report). Oria, Pub: Sb. tr. Kharlkovsk. zootekhn., in-t, 1956, 89 117-119 Abstract: It was demonstrated on 30 piglets aged I day to 2 months that abdominal paraganglions are situated alona, the abdominal aorta as adrenal caudae, and adjoin the lpteral svrface of its wall as single elongated glands. In a fetus~ they then continue deriving from the adrenal medulla substance. In piglets, the carotid ,aland is situated under the wing of the atlas Card 1/2 CHEWYAKOVA, R. B. KATSKELISON. M.U.; GHEMAKOVA, R.B.- BTJDRINA, M.S. Integral method for determining the quantity of a substance. Zav. lab. 23 no.4t443-445 157. (Gamm rays--Maasurement) (Radioactive Y -radioactive (MM 10:6) substancas) CHMMAKOVA, R.L., otv. za vypusk (Programs for individual and group training of solution o erstors on finishing machine units; manufacture of pot spun rayZ Programmy dlia individuallnoi i brigadnol podgotovki apparatchikov rastvoreniia na otdelochnykh agragatakh; proizvodstvo viskoznogo sholks tsentrifugal'nogo prisdaniia. Moskva, Vaes.uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1959. 12 p. (M.M 13:9) 1. Russia (192.1- U.,S.S.R.) usuaarstvamvy komitet po professio- nallno-tekhnicheakoma obrazovaniiu. (Rayon industry) L 30245-66 EWT(m)/EVIP(e) WH SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/003/05--5-----,---~ ACC NRi AP6011325. CA) 3/0559. AUTHOR: Pavlushkin, N. M.; Chernyakova, R. M. ORG: Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology im. D. 1. Mendele (Moskovskiy khimiko-, tekhnologicheskiy institut) TITLE: Investigation of the kinetics of burning out sulfides from blast-furnace glasses SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 3, 1966, 553-559 TOPIC TAGS: sulfide, sulfur, glass property ABSTRACT: The study was carried out at 1400-14500C and the burning duration was from 5 min to 24 hours. The sulfur removal was found to increase with burning Aemperature and burning duration. The greater the carbon content in the glass charge) the less sulfur was removed. Regardless of the burning out process con-di-tions and carbon con- tent in the glass, the minimum sulfur content in the final glass product was 0.02- -0.03%. After rapid sulfur removal in the initial 3-5 minutes of burning, the rate declined sharply. On the basis of the experimental results the following correlation between sulfide sulfur content in glass and the b--ning out duration at a given tem- perature was determined: Yo - & + b In -c+elnl v.0 UDC: 666.199 rnrcl 1/2 J 30245-66 ACC NR: AP6011325 where y is the sulfide sulfur content (in %) in the glass at an instant T, Yo is the T theoretical sulfide content (in %) in the glass charge, T is the burning out duration (in min); a, b, and c are constants depending on process temperature, quantity of the carbon reducing agent, and quantity of glass charge, respectively. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 4 tables, 2 formulas. SUB CODE: ki 107/ SUBM DATE: 19Jul65/ ORIG REF: OOS/ OTH REF: 001 2 (".U (;HERNYAKOVA, Revekka Samoylovna eathog6ny and bengthy Treatment of (nezazhivayushchilh) Injuries of the Soft Tissues of Firearm Origin Dissertation for candidate of a Medical Science degree. Chair of the Department of Surgery (head, Prof. S.R. Mirotvortsev) Saratov Medical Institute, 1948. mamANclirmv, TE7MIYAN6VII 72-1. R. lly~ertension symioms an -- diagnosis of initial stages of hypertension. Sov. med. 16 no. 8, 1952. 2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December -1950. Unclassified. (e)AVP(V IMB-a(k (WEX(m)-6 ~U'TA257 UR/02 Atc M TV-: -;To ~ X 620.179-1:5~41-3 Vj SOURCE E: Ref .zh TeRhnologiya mashinostroyeni)-a. Svoanrj tom, Abs. -0 Aunt OR: Timoshenk Ya.A Bedritoldy, A-G Cherayakova, S.S. TITIE: Ultrasonic inspection.of parts in industry CITED SOURCE: Sb- Frimeneniye. ulltrazvWm v mashinostr. Minsk, Naulm i tekhnilm, 19.54; 34-1jo TOPIC TAGS: ~,;Alcn wejL.,43, nondestructive Vtst, test method, test inGtr=i~~ntation URIU.-soWic ~koWJ~Aedkov- # I TRAM13MIZION: The design of the_WD-601defectoscopefiras somewhat modified for ul- trasoaic inspections of parts welded by friction (the tip of the%steering rod and rear drive shaft for power selection). With the help of a iP-ildefectoscope, the adhesive fusion of a braking lining and the quality of fusion of metal and ceramics were ultrasonicaLly inspected; the joining of a disc with its friction cover plate were UDM-DI tested. Inspections of the -above mentioned parts took from 10 to ;30 seconds. 3 figures. L. Tsukerman SUB CODE: 13'w"zo/ SUIBM VA-M! novNP- Card I'll vmb %Gianoral Problems of Patholoi,-y. Tum-ors. Human U Neoplasms* 'Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 11, 1958, 51772. Author : Baranov, V. I.; Chernyakova, T. Inst :Not given. Title :On the Duration of Re-mi-nt N~sin Chronic IvIyelo- leukosis. Orig Pub: Terapevt. A',rkhiv.; 1957, 29, No 2, 38-43. 4"~,bstract: ,. case of chronic myeloleukosis in a 47 year old woman, the interest of which lies in a ma-rkad clinical and hematological remission, obtained by irradiation of the spleen (2400r-totally) in com- bination with erIthrocyte transfusion, the remis- sion occurring 22 years after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, when the patient was in a very critical condition. The patient felt Card 1/2 CHULNYAKOVA, T.A. Ilvaluation of the effectiveness of x-ray therapy in certain forms of cancer of the larynx. rop.otorin. 21 no.6175-77 N-D 159. (MM 13:4) 1. Iz rentgeuo-radiologicheekogo (nachallnik - dotsent S.A. Sviridov) i otolaringologichookogo (nachallnik - V.N. Shchechkin) otdeleni7a TSentralluoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Ministerstva putey soobahcheniya (Moskva). (LARM neoplasms) LIMCHIK, S.L.; CHERNMOVA, T.A. (lbskva) Giant follimdar lymphoma (Brill-Symaers diseane). 40 no.6:59-63 Je t62. (IUM 15 --9) 1. 12vkhirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - zasluzhennyy vrach McrSSR A.F. Fedorov) Basseynovoy bollnita7 VTo.2 (glavnyy vrach I.L. Popkov) Moskovsko-.CkE3ko-Volzbskogo vodzdravotdela Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSM (LMd"OMA) --- c a Q Hemotherapy in treating eazema in yoimg children. Kaz. mod. zhur. no.5:74 S-0 361q (MIRA .15:3) (ECZEM&) (13LOOD AS FOOD OR 12DICIVE) t 47085-66___r_1n(m)/ZV1P(t)/E;TI IJPW JD/JG _XdeTT1t,_'_Vn30228 SOURCE CODE: uR/2776/66/000/049/0084/0085 AUTHOR: Sorokina, N. N.; Fedorov, A. A.; Golubeva, V. M.; Chsrnyakhovskaya, F. V. ORG: none TITLE: Chemical-spectroscopic method of determining the samarium content in lKhl3Nl6B and 12KhlMF steels, and KhN77YuR alloy -Z7 1~ It SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel.'skiy institut chernoy metallurgii. metalloV, khimicheskiy kontrol' Sbornik trudov, no. 49, 1966. -Novyye inetody ispytaniy v metallurgii (New methods in the analysis of metals; chemical control in metallurgy)) 84-85 TOPIC TAGS: samarium, sp_-c_+%-,oscopy, rneA.1 ABSTRACT: A chemical-spectroscopic method of determining the samarium content in I iKhl3Nl6B, and MhDIF steels, and KhN77TYuR alloy has been developed. Samarium is I isolated by precipitation in the form of fluoride, which is subjected to spectroscopi~_- analysis. With this method, samarium contents of 0.001-0.1% can be determined with - respective errors of t0.0003-0.0082. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [TD1J_ SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ /.11 Card 1/1 KASABIYAN, S.S., prof.; CHKRIIYAKOVSKAYA, G.L., Histochemical characteristics of the distribution of ascorbic acid in the thyroid in endemic goiter [with siLmmary in English]. Frobl. endok. I gorm. 3 no.5:89-92 3-0 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz kafedry patologichaskoy anatomii (zav. prof. S.S.Kasablyan) Dagestanskogo meditsinskogo Institute (dir. prof. M.T.Nagorriyy) (VITAMIN 0, metabolism, thyroid gland, in endemic goiter, cytol. distribution (Rua)) (GOITER, metabolism, endemic, vitamin C cytol. distribution in thyroid (Rua)) . CHiaWAKOVSXATA, G. L. ,-- - Analysis of children's accidents in Archangel in 1955. Ortop travm. i protoz. 18 no.1:68 Ja-F '57, (MLRA 10:4 1. Iz kafed:r7 operativnoy khirargii (zav. - prof. S.I.Yelizarovskiy) Arkhangellskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ARCHANUL-ACCIDINTS) ERNYAOVSKAYA....G.L.: RYABOKOHI, Ye.A.. Results of treating fractures of the radius in a typical location at the Traumatology Center of Archangel. Ortop.travm. i protez. 20 no.11 .37-40 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:3) 1. Ix kafedry operativnoy khirurgli (zav. - prof. S.1. Telizarovskly) Arkhangel'skogo maditsinskago institute. i travmatologicheskogo otdele- niya 1-y Arkhangeluskoy gorodakoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - Ye. P. Abrikosova). (RADIUS, fract. management (Rua)) CHERNYLKOVSKAYA.9 G.L.;.RYABOKON', Ye.A. Analysis of the treatment of fractures of the malleolus according to data of the Department of Tk-aumatology of the First Archangel Hospital. Ortop., travm. i protez. 21 not,8:1+2-1+7 Ag(160. MIRA 1~:ll) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof.S.I.Yelizarovskiy) Arkhangellskogo medit4 .Inskogo instituts. i travmatologicheskogo otdeleniya Iy gorodskoy bollnits' (ANKLE-YW-OUNDS AND INJURIES) We 0000 *40000000 00*4,410,4649100411110owwwwoorv,op - I a floallillutoo& 1, 1-21 If is 3d Is Is :7 2020 loll III) uss A M. 1. . u I LL--L- I -I AA 04 CC go U i 0 I PU 00, Cc von"osolsukke of artall amostuts W licittylaile by a -06 awtisild, T. 11. ChrmYokkowASY111- Simtrt- 00 all A'awbak 19M. No. 2. 2V-31-A tax Milt. 0( tMtiW Z Imadicat and Coils or N and Cil-lo was cOlItTled in a 1 whole vM-A litrated with acandardited C.11, watet 0.(r.!- !~ &&k!." lluch a way that a pre"urewsomerealtdin lbc&jkk. (JA3 cc. of Coll, 114-t j Ev. of H,0), till identically the same -90 -bra she gap mix%. from the dask wu sl"lY pautd ivic"tion we% ubtained as in lite lot flask. Coils .00 7 nivist be kept at 0'. Flasks and tubings mu%t be Illfwgil Snothef 1Uk. %hich owbilled S ltnhlY 11tti"j, Water Tht. rualrill W" 111oratighly viathtd, 6wallw ifirl cougulairs tilt cicu, goo lusavaySchulfte reagent. 60 '1 of the 3 vrays: (1) g- CuClo.3RA 1.5 g. NUT")., wilich was formed during the r,*,Iim. ljxh da, :1 cc. of '107'. Nil,OH find 2 .5 g. NHOH. 110; (2) 1.0 a. inustbcofthe~amedisfm. The error i% n(A over 4%. 66 Cu(NOsh-MIA 4 cc. of 201,r N1140H and 3.0 g. NFj- 0 Oil 110 and 0) 1 .11 g - 4 cc. W20% N11,011 A. Pestoff 3. indflMit,N11,011-11M, Tit 1.6141 one of the 3 point. "err COO witted 6 re. of 2 -'1" miln (it NJ-jdl1q (cf. (-% A. 111 11141 00 A, V.I. of lilt wu 111111, Jr.60 00 r! to hk-b was Iwwd lluough tile teagrut was, int-aputrd. The rvearsti iw-dueel durins: the Process, of reaction *till C.H, a light pink coloration. Then into the 2nd daA 64, woo added exact lY I he parlic anti - of the reagrM and I he X60 zt tie* 09 A j j I A ETAWAOCIL 1.17111IT1,11t CLISSIFICATIGI, 00 An too 0 03 Ai a ed 0 of a I W it it tt 11 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 so* goo@** 0 0 0 0 Fie 6 6;0 0 go 0 00 0000 0 0 0 0 o 0 0,J yij "\-O I/ Detscutballas of but production by fate by chromata. WAftoxidadn. Ym.S.lkIumbrk*vaudT.P.ChrrnyR- 4 1 Savil. IOSO, No. 4 'AJA~-Cf. tr. for pfinciple. Fats are IncompIrtely oxidimi by dichronate-HpM, hence Ct*j was used with 2-hr. btatin an's water bath. OWWation of 9"17v of the sam* w" observed with K palmitAtt. Na steamte, Ka cleste, wA olk: sunflowa. soybean, butter, lafd. It Is Jmlieved that the method can be uwd (cc (at analysis. G. M. K"POff,. BOGORODSKIY, S.M.; KRAVCHUK, V.N.,- GREMAMIOVS17, A.G. Lower-Middle Miocene eltmium in tho Uot-Urt, Kora vyvatr. no.5:371-373 163. (MIIU .16: 7) 1. Vseooyuzn~7 aerologicheokiy trest. (Uot-Urt-!Weatbaring) CIIERMOVSKIY., F. P. "Installation of Foucault's Pendulum in School.." Fiz. v Shkole, No.1, 1952 1,MROV, M.M.; CH3R-'-%IYAKOVSYIY F P _- Deilectric proporties of friction rings. Uch.zap.IArosl.te',-,hnoI. I inst. 2:147-161 157. MRA 12:7) (Clutches (Mochinery)) (Vulcanization) (Induction heating) SOV 1112-59 -1-152 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 1, pp 16 -17 (USSR) AUTHOR: Makarov, M. M., and Chernyakovskiv, F. P. TITLE: Dielectric Properties of Friction Rings PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Yaroslavsk. tekhnol in-ta, 1957, Vol 2, pp 163-172 ABSTRACT: Dielectric properties of friction-ring material were investigated at 6-23 mc with a moisture content of 1. 28-11.81o, in connection with the task of high-frequency drying and curing the rings. The measurements were made by a KV-1 Q-meter with an airgap between the sample and the measuring- capacitor plate. Bibliography: 1 item. Soviet abstractor's note: The frequency-response characteristics have a sharp peak of permittivity and a dip in the loss angle at 12 mc. This contradicts the physical meaning of the relaxation losses and compels one to look for the cause of these effects in the systematic errors of measurement. A. V. N. Card 1 / 1 H lie 0; P: 0: 27745 S/058/51/000/007/027/086 A001/A101 A AUTHOR:. Chernyakovskiy, F.P. TITLE: A device for investigating free radicals by the paramagnetic reson- ance method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 7, 1961,-148, abstract 7V365 ClUch. zap. Yaroslavsk. tekhnol. in-ta!', 1960, V. 5, 35 - 4o) TEM The author describes a simple straight spectrometer for observati= of 911P (EPR) in the 3-cm range. A cylindrical resonator with H011-type oscilla- tion.s has been used. To investigate anis6tropy of spectrum, it is possible to vary the angle between the specimen and the permanent magnetic field H., The feeding of klystron is stabilized. The modulation depth of the magnetic field amounts to --/150.oe. The signal-to-noise ratio for 10-6 mol diphenyl picryl hydrazyl is equal tof-j2O. k-r E. Kharakhash' yan [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 --GHMWAKOVSKIT 7 F -~ KALHANSON, A.B.; BLYUMBRYSLID, 1.A. Electron paramagnetic resonance in crystals of triphenylmethans dyes. Opt. i spektr. 9 no. 6:786-787 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Methane--Spectra) AUTHOR: TITLE: S/08 61/000/012/006/026 B1 I 7XB203 Chernyakovskiy, F. P. Apparatus for studying free radicals by the paramagnetic resonance method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1961, 164, abstract 12E2 (12Ye2 ("Uch. zap. Yaroslavsk. tekhnol. in-tall, v- 5, 1960, 35-40~- TEXT: A simple apparatus for observing the electron resonance of free radicals at a frequency of 9500 megacyc es per second is describedl the signal to noise ratio is 20 : 1 for 10- M diphenyl picryl hydrazyl. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 CHERN.YAKOVSKIY, F.P.; MAGHTINA, K.A.; MUSABEKOV, Yu.S. Using the magnetic method for investigating the properties of the crystals of dyes from the malachite green group. Khim. i khim. tekh. 1t247-254 t62. (MIRA 17:2) CHERNYAKOVSKIY, F.P. Mangetic properties of the crystallohydrates of triphenylmethane dyes. Khim. i khim. tekh. 1:255-258 162. (MIRA 17s2) i I i BASAYEV, R.M.; MAGHTINA, K.A.; CHE.RNYAKOVSKIY, F.P.; MUSABEKOV, YU.S. i Electronic paramagnetic resonance of alizarin dyes. Khim. i khim. tekh. 1:259-261 162. (MUM 17:2) S/08 62/000/006/040/117 BIOIX33110 0 AUTHORS: Basayev, R. M., ghern ygkoyg_kjy, F. P. TITLE: Apparatus for studying electron paramagnetic, resonance spectra with high-frequency modulation.of the magnetic field PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 156, abstract 6Ye1O (Uch. zap. Yaroslavsk. tekhnol. in-ta, v. 6, 1961, 249 - 251) TEXT: A short description is given of a radiospectrometer for electron paramagnetic resonances straightway type, with 3-cm range and HF modula- tion (100 keps). In the spectrometer a rectangular resonator with piston is used for the H 012 wave.. The high frequency feeding is done by a coupling loop. A similar apparatus has been described earlier (RZhKhim, 1959, no. 20, 71287)- [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 1/1 DARBINYANp T.M.; CliEPJIYAKHOVSKIYI F.R.; K14YAZIKOVA, Z.I. Modern chloroform anesthesia with the use of a mask and exact dosage for pntients with burns. Eksper. khir. i anest. 9 no.1:67 70 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Institut khirirugii imeni Vishnevskogo (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva. GRIBANOV, V.A.; CIIERNYAKOVSKIYJ, F.P. ------------ Densitometric recording on an MF-4 microphotometer by means of an EPP-09M recording potentiometer. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.6:119 N-D 164. 041RA 18:3) 1. Yaroslavskiy tek-hnologicheskiy institut. ACCESSION NR: AP4011500 S/0051/64/016/001/0155/0159 AUTHOR: Chetverikov,A.G.; Chernyakovskiy,F.P.; Blyumenfel'd,L.A.; Lyubchenko,L.S.; Moshkovskiy.Yu.Sh. TITLE; Light induced paramagnetic centers in triphanylmethane dye crystals SOURCE: Optika i spoictroskopiya, v.16, no.1, 1964, 155-159 TOPIC TAGS: paramagnetic center, color center, photoreaction, triphenylmothane dye, brilliant green, malachite green, EPR, photocoloring, photobleaching ABSTRACT: Ih recent years a number of investigators have reported observing the ap- pearance of paramagnetic centers in pigment and dye crystals under the influence Cx illumination. The present paper gives the results of preliminary expeAments on the influence of illumination 'as regards formation of paramagnetic centers in the crys- tals of some triphenylmethane dyes, namely, brilliant green W, and two methylated derivatives of malachite green (II & III), synthesized by the Grignard reaction. The spructural 4ormulas of the investigated dyes are shqwn in the,*Enclosure. The EPR spectra were measured on an XPR-2 IKhF spectrometer; the absorption and reflec- tion,Fpectra on,an SP-10 spectrop~otomoter.;In agreqmen~ with the results of V.E. Card I/P ACC.NJI: AP4011590 Xholzqogorov and~D.N.Glebovskiy (Opt.i spcIctr.l2,726jl962) and in contrast with the results of F.I.Qhernyakovskiy,A,YerKalmanso~ and L.A,Blyunienfelld (Ibid.9,786,1960), the cirystals ofi'tho investigated dyes proci:pitated firom scolution in the dark did not y~old an EPI signal. PR signals disapppar upon t1lumination of the-dye crys- talsivith the light from f 3 watt 4neandesqent lamp. Itwas found, in fact, that two types of paramagnetic centers.)form in dye 1. He9ting (of the-crystals results in IadinF of the EPR signal.fIn the iourse of 'the inve#tigatl~on it was also found thati in addition to formation of paramagnetic centers, illumination results in reversible change in the color of the dye.. A tentative interpretatioi.a of the results is given, but t4orough anglysis musX await mpletion of quar~titative measurements.-whi-,ch are now underway. 3 floulas and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUENITM4. ISAprG3 IUATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL: 01 SUB qfvE: PH NR MW SOV; 008 OIWR: 003 A fl -Card*,' sIKHARULIDZE, I.A., zasl. deyatell nauki, prof., otv. red.; BERADZE, N.I., dots., otv. red.; ARKHANGEL'SKIY, V.N., prof., red.; ABIJLADZE, V.A., red.; ANTELAVA, D.N., kand. med. nauk, red.; BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.I., doktor biol. nauk, red.; BUNIN, A.Ya., kand. med. nauk, red.; VILEIHNA, A., doktor med. nauk, red.; VISPNEVSKIY, N.A., prof., red.; ZARUBIN, G.S., nauchn. sotr., red.; ITSIKSON, L.Ya., kand. med. nauk, red.; KRASNOV, M.L., zasl. deyatell nauki, prof., red.; 14ACHARASHVILI, P,D., zaal. vrach Gruz. &9R, red.; FUCHKOVSKAYA, N.A., prof., red.; RABEI, Ye.B., prof., red.; RSHZHECHITSKAYA, O.V., kand. med. nauk, red.; R)SLAVTSEV, A.V.,, st. nauchn. sotr., red.; TARTAKOVSKAIA, A.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; FRADKIN, M.Ya., prof., red.; KHAYUTIN, S.M., prof., red.; CHRWIK0uK_I_Y_,_G_.Ya., kand. med. nauk, red.; CHKONIYA, B.A., kand. med. nauk, red.; SHATILOVA, T.A., doktor med. nauk, red.; YAKOVLEV, A.A., nauchn.sotr., red. [Materials of the Second All-Union Conference of Ophthal- mologists] Materialy Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii oftallmolo- gov. Tbilisi, Respublikanskoe nauchn. ob-vo oftallmologov Gruz.SSR, 1961. 498 p. (141IRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiva oftallmologov, 2d, TifIds, 1961. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Arkhangellskiy). L 6715-65 Pr,-4,/Pr-.)i PAI (mP)-2/RM(c)/WD/ ~~~Da /-'-3D(t) ACCEMON NF: APIKA2208 S/OM/64/157/002/0381/03~-J AMOR, Blyumenfelld, L. A.; Gribanov, V. A./ kyd--h=~_L L. B./ cj~-.m ~vsk F. Ft Chetverlkoy, A. G. TITW: The appearance of paramagnetic cent~era and a& during elgetrocbemica.1 reactions in Polycrystale of triphenyinethane dyes SOURCE: Ali &WR- DOklaW., V- 157, no. 2, 1964, 331-383 TCFIC TAGS- paramagnetic center, elect nammotive force) electrochemical reaction, trlpheny2methan d"j, pol7crystal of zripnenyinetb 4~m eiec wupetic resonance, electron paranagentic rescoance, Cbm's lav, singlet, free ralical, Curie lav, triphenylmethane dye condu~-,.Avlty, solid trlphc~n~lmatham cond uc t i vi ty depandewe .guatic reson APSM-M i In caftinuatim of earlier vork vhicb shaved electron ma once (emr) isigmals in polycrystallins specim-mw of brillient green subjected to artificW light, the authors describ-, f!-~7ts aev electric and =gw-kic effec-.-, observed up= passing an electric ctLrrr-.-si~ uuvugh preaW. tablets o-l' aucL-I spe-i- ams of the same wA other dyes (a" I-M). All teat.8 w-em coz--actea Card 1/5 - - Awtb i . G Card 3/5 L 6715-65 ACCEMIM NRs AP4042208 ENCLOSURE 1 01 c0 Nil So"Na C-C vi H c0 (cl I'l, N (CI!3)3 (rj 1h)3\ - C-0 N(Cfi.). 'C' 0 1 (C:H3)5N C-/-\ F(CI12)2N C -0 N (a],), IV NKHS)~j Carl 4/5 L 6715-65 - I ~ - -AGCMICH - VRs: - -,-. AP4042208- I i I - I I. i, . - xll~ - Card 5/5 ENCLOSUREs 02 0 0 L 59541-65 Ewg(i EPA(s)-~2AWT(b) 4Wn)Av,F~W/ VIA (h) Pz-6/PC-4/Pt-7/Peb A TA i X.,M. ACCESSIM NR- AP501b829 fJP/0364/65/001/006,/-O-,--~51!'D-73P 601.315.592:547 AUTHOR: Chernyakovskiy, r. P Gribano%,, V. A. -~~etverikov, A. G. Plv,-unenfel'd L. A. TITLE: Electrochemical mechanism of charge -~~d generat~i~x,. ,tive force in certain onzanic semiconductors SOURCE: Elektrokhimiya, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 735-73b ITOPIC TAGS! cbarge transfei-, electromotive force, organic semiconductor, electro- cbemisjr~_, polycrystalline complex 1,ABSTRACT: The charge transfer phenomenon anc~ -ne of the -were studied in poly crys tal line complex With tetr.Lbromoquinone (1), n-phenylered~--ur,"- -r,rach ~1T dine letrachlor-uquinone I and ber.. 3ceton-Itr-i'le, eth-anc.1, bromobenze- of --o~:Kn temoer&',ine under 10 rw, ':'j; !kg/CM2) into tablets 10 mm in diameter and I uq-. Each tablet a I-)uillt-in [Card 1/3 L 59541-65 [ACCESSION NR: APS016829 Letal electrrde. The tablets had e-n electri-_1 -,A~_-ance or'f the -5 to 1C, am- :(ohm-cm) After passing a 10 :-)r a 7_ -tive forces z)f 30 to 35 volts were gernei-a--_ N_n" ~'exp Ia- acetonitrile the electrical conductancP :%'e tional to the iableT thickness. There bet-ween he electrodes through the con: '~x ;the energy of activ2tion of thermo-electrir..~. -X z- -0.01 Plectroii v.--,It and 0.381 0,01 elec?-n v ve, II tablets were exposed to vapor of ace,,.);-.. -7 ~~_er all: Hg' the mechanism of the charge transf-P., tivation dropped to 0.251' 0.01. electro-- tiveiv. Dis-~rtinuous change of the t rans f t~ rmec7,an;sm is electroche-nical'. -of electrIcal curT-ent involves reducti~,!% X of them take place on the surface of reverse --eactions resuit in generation vater, condensed o-. the comple.: surfac, -CoMT,1,eX ITT and. "V 1~- not -nmduce a-YV Il pT--par--d from br-mobenzene, ethanci, -t- iCard 213 5~541-65 ~ACCESSION NR: AP5016829 .force. Orig. art. has! 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: 'Ins t i t-,jt khirichaskoy fi?i~ leal Physics, Acade" of Sciences,SSSR) SUBMITTED- 01"Feb65 EN C:. .NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER. CIO, card 3/3 DARBINYAN, T.M.; SARKISOV, D.S.; KRYMSKIY, L.D.; ~UFRIAYHOVSKIY,F.R. Postoperative pulmonary atelectasis in patients with congenital heart defects. Grud. khir. 5 no.6:26-34 F-D'63 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz Instituta. khiriraii imeni A.V.Vishnevskogo (direktor deystvitelInyy chlen A~21 SSSR prof. A.A. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSR. Adres avtorov: Moskva, B. Serpukhovskaya u1., d. 27. Institut khirurgii Imeni A. Vishnevskogo. ~DARBINYAN, T.M.;,_CHERNYAKHOVSKIY, F.R. Anesthesia in surgery and painful bandaging of burned perscns. Eksper. khir. i anest. 8 no.3t77-82 My-Je'63 (MIRA 1721) 1. 1z laboratorii anesteziologii Instituta khirurgii imeni A.V.Vislmevskogo (dir, - deystviteltnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Vishnevskiy) Am SSSR, , C99MAKHOVSKIYP F.R, 4th, .5thp 6tho 7th -and Sth -me,&tings- of the Amaesthsainlodcal Society of Moscow and Moscow region. Eksper. khir. i anest. 9 no,5t87-91+ S-0 164. %MiRA 18:11) CHEBOTAR', DARBINYAN, T.M.; CIDRNYAKHOYq Autoiratic maintenance of adequate artificial pu2nonary ventilation; preliminary report. Nov. med. tekh. no-3:108-111 165. (MIRA 19:1) KOVALENKOP Ye.A. (14oskva); POPKOV, V-L. (Moskva); CIIERNY-A-K0-V,-j..-jj. (Moskva) Oxygenation of brain tissue during the inspiration of air and oxygen with an admixture Of C02. Fiziol. zhur. 50 no.2:177-182 F 164. (14IRA 18:2) KOKINf M.V., kand. tekhn, nauk; MONAKHOV, I.G., kand. tekhn, nauki ~H~NYAW~~, L.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHADRINA, G.N,, kand. tekhn. nauk Selecting cranes to assemble large-panel industrial buildinge. Transp. stroi. 14 no.11:30-32 N 164. (MW 1883) /IV/ '\>//) Al RAPOPORT, 13.v.;MIWVIWVA, N.V.;C A , S.M. I ~~ Group chemical composition of kerosene gas oil fractions. Xhim. i takh. topl. i masel no.2:3-11 2 157. (NMA 10:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut poppererabotki neftl i gaza i poluchenlyn iskusstvennogo shidkogo topliva. (Hydrocarbons-Analyels) (Chromatographic analYsis) CHEMANSKIY, P.M., inzh. Investigating the reliability of the design of can mechanisms for automatic machine tools. Izv.vys.uchqb.zav.; mashinostr, no.9t131-139 162. (KRA 16t2) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheakoye uchilishche imerd Bauman&. (cams) (Machinery, Automatic) PJI- , Inzh. I w-'; LiB . ii- ,,ffic-lenc:7 of bracketless ca gearr in FoatoT ti~~ es. I,TE-.Ab. i -avt.proi7v. 18 no.8',418-119 164. OMTI~ CM, IYANSICTY, P.M., inzh. Interaction of a slide bar and supports considering the rigidity and fitting gap. Izv. v)rs. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no. 10:4.4-51 165 (KIRA 19:1) 1. Submitted 1,11ovember 22, 1963. ACC iNiZi AP0'02)91;2 A SOUh(;S'-Cd6S;': -.Iiii/04f:F/6-6/6C)6/01&5/Oi29/Oi3O-~ _~..,Ya.; Ghurnyanskiy, P. M.; Yormakov, Yu. M. Zamehalov, Zaprodnikov, .L. P.; Shaumyan, 6. A.. x~- OliG: none TITL'E: A method for taking a finish cut in producing bodies of revolution. Class 119, No. 161,560 Cannounced by Technical School of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Workers' Red Banner imeni N, S. Bauman (Moskovskoye ordena. Lonina i ordona Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni vytjshoye toklinialieskoye uchilichcho)7 SOUPCE: Izobrot prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 129-130 TIGS: metal-i-torking, metalworking machine accessory, machine tool, metal cutting machine tool, body of revolution ABSMRACT.- This Author Certificate presents a method for taking a finish cut in producing bodies of revolution being simultaneously turned (see Fig. 1). To increase the efficiency and to improve the quality of surface, the finish cut is taken with a tool bit fod in the radial and the tangential directions in respect tp the product. -th Iwo cutting blades, one of which in hi--33A ~tt, an anglo J wi to -~-Ie axis of tfici dro-~Iuc;. and i3 fed gradually into the contact with the product at 'the removal zone of the outer layer. The other blade is hold parallel to the axis Card L 09ZZ-67 ACC NR: A?6029952 Fig. 1. 1 - tool bit; 2 - first cutting blade; 3 - product; zone of outer layer removal- 5 second cutting blade of the product and is ground to fit that region of the body of revolution which is beinu cut by this blade. It is this second blade,~d-iich produces the finish cut on 'he product. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE% 170ct64 CHEMIYASHEIVSKIY., V. T. IfInstruction Charge Panel for Storage Batteries." Fiz. v Shkole, 111!o.4, 1952 1. CHKRNYASID,VSKIY, V. T. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Microscope and Microscopy 7. Homemade microscope from a sDare eyepiece. Fiz v shkole No 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ADril -1953, Uncl. CHERNYASHEVSKIY., V.T. (g. Voroahilovsk Luganskoy oblasti) ---I.--,--,. laboratory counter ofionizing particles. Fiz.v shkole 21 no-4:88-89 Jl-Ag 161 (14MA 14:10) - ~Physical instruments) 1. IZRAYLEVIC9; Ls" A*'.)' -'1.,YA.- I - 2* USSR (600) 4* Sand, Foundry 7. Production cost of reclaimed sand. Lit. proizv. No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. IASTIKOVP H-P inS141 ASHKINAZI* Bot-I=ht-mekhanik (Baku); BELENIKArA, Lop inzh.; ZHAMOSKIY9 Apt ZAYT6BVp V.; CHERNUTEVICH, K., tekhnik- elektrik. Suggestedt createdr introduced. Izobr.i rate. no.l*-28-30 Ja 161. (millk 14:1) I* Byuro, ratsionalizatorov i isobretateley Pokovskogo oblastnogo vpravleniya mestnoy pramyshlennosti (for Lastikov). 2. Nachallnik Eyuro ratsionalizatorov i izobretateley, Leningrad (for Znamenskiy), 3, Starehiy inshener J*o ratsionalizatorov i izobretateley Dallnevostoohnogo parokhodetvap Vladivostok (for Z&Asev). .k, Dneprodzerzhins4ly azotnotukovyy savod (for Chernyatevicb). (Te6bn9l4ical innovations) CHERNYATINP A.A., dots6nt, kand.tekhn.nauk New method for determining the stiffness degree of leather of footwear bottoms. Nozb.-obuv.prom.2 no.3:26-28 Mr 160, (MIRA 14:5) (Leather-Testing) CHERNYATIN,, A.A., kand.tekhn.naukp dotsent Determining the degree of complexity of lealher footwear styles. Report No.2. Method of determining the complexity of leather shoe trimmings and decoration. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.1t 764o 162. (MIRA 15s2) 1. L'vovskiy torgovo-ekonomicheskiy institut. Bekomendovana kafedroy tovarovedeniya promyshlennykh tovarov. (Shoe manufacture) --.'CHEMkTIII, A.A. , kand.tekhn,,nauk,, dotsent Problem of establishing the degree of complexity of leather shoe styles. Report No.2: Determining the complexity of the shoe upper desig4i in leather footwear. Izv.vys.ucbeb.zav.; tokh.leg.prom. no.6:63-70 161. (MM 14:12) 1. Llvovskiy torgovo-ekonomichaskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy tovarovedeniya promyshlonnykh tovarov. kShoe manufacture) SOV/1 37-59-3-5242 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 45 (USSR) AUTHORS: Chernyatin, A. N., Kitayev, B. I. TITLE: On the Maximum Size of a Lump of Charge Material in a Blast Furnace (0 maksimal'nom razi-nere kuska shikl1tv N, domennoy Pechi) PERIODICAL- Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, 1958, Nr 73, pp 74-86 ABSTRACT: An attempt is made to obtain a relationship for determining the maximum lump size (LS) of charge material by means of the laws governing the heat exchange and the aerodynamics of the layer. The relationship found indicateg that the height of a blast furnace (F) is determined by the LS and that a slight change in LS causes a fairly large change in the height. A change in LS permits the regulation of the temperatures of a blast F by decreasing or increasing the reserve height of the blast F. The author draws the conclusion that an increase in the yield of the blast F obtained through a simultan- eous increase in the LS and the height of a blast F results in a deterioration of its volumetric utilization factor. Card 1/1 M. 0. CHUMTO. A.11. Aerod,.nmics of the loose material layer. Trudy Ural.politekh. inst. 87-ID4 '58. (MIR& 12:8) (Blast furnaces) (Aerodynamics) Effect of burden material properties on heat exchange in the layer. Triuly Ural.politakh.inst. 73:105-122 '58. (MIRA 12:8) (Blast furnaces) (Heat-4ransmission) CUR ATIN, A.M.; KITAYET, 3.1. New developments In the calculation of 2onal heat balances and thermal conditions in blaWfurnaces. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.10:20-30 6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Urallskly politekhaichookiy institut. (Blast furnaces) (Hest-,Transmission) TROYBq S.G.t OMMMTIN, A.N.; PASTUKHGVp G,M, Claasification of ompacted excavator peat. Gaz. prm. 5 no. 12:15-17 D 160* (MM 14:1) (Post, gagifteation) A4 TROYBJI S.G.; CHERNYATIN A.N,; VELIZHEV,, F.K, GaBification of fuel oil* Izvevys.uchebszavo; chern.met. 4 no.6.- 194-197 161. (KMA 14t6) 1. Urallskiy politekhaicheskiy institut. (Fe.troleum as fuel) CHERNYATIN, A.N.; TLEUGABIJLOV, S.M. _-Z Design and durability of blast furnace hearths and hearth bottoms. Metallurg 7 no.9:7-9 6 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Karagandinskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod (for Tleugabulov). (Blast furnaces-Design and construction) CHEPMATTN, A.N. (Chalyabirisk) i- of studyIng 'the d3mamia properties of a blant llu-mrv-e hearth. Izv. AN SM Met. i gore delo no. 3,02-36 ~~, ` - (m IPJ -":1717) rHEIMATIN, A. 114. Investigating tha indtcem of tho Lt?~:tlo,,M coiclitions of a furmoo Ntl,-om in ate '"I'dy and, tr%mdent rionditinns ir Its opl-ration. 17-v. t-1.3. uchob. zaLv,,- ~!horri. mot.. I n(-,.6.-2:~-39 '64. 170) A. ChO`yibin-~kiy Lristitut metallu-'F!i. ,.; OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya.,- GDOIELIFARB, CHE4K,kTIN ,_&fl R.A.; VOLKOV, Yu.P.; BABARYKIN, N.N.; SHPARBER, L.Ya.; GALATONOV, A.L. Mastering of MNIK [Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) blast furnace operations with the use of natural gas. Metallurg 10 no.8:12-13 Ag 165. (KIRA is: 8) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut metallurgii i Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. AGASHIN, A.A.; BABARYKIN, N.N.,- VOLKOV, Yu.P.; GALAIDNOV, A.L.; KRYUKOV, N.M.; MALIKOV, K.V.,- OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya.; PISHVANOV, V.L.; CHERNYATIN, A.N.; YUSHT-N., F.A* Experimental opt-ration of blast furnacps on mazut, and natural gas. Stalt 25 no.5:393-400 My 165* (MIRA 18:6) 1. Yjagnitogorskiy metallurgichoskiy kombinat; Vsesoyuzw nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut metallurgicheskoy teplotekhniki i Chelyabinskiy nsuohno-issledovatellskiy institut metanurgii. CHER YA 11, I.A., starshiy nauchayy sotrudaik, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. 34juipment for bydroolectric power stations for measuring and control- . ling the water flow conditions during op6rations. Izv.VNIIG no.43: 43-53 '50. (XLIIA 10:2) (Hydroelectric power stations) UMNYATIN LA-, starshty nauehn.gotruanikg kand, tekhn. nauk. ..- - Water-level lowering time in surge tanks In connection with suddenly turned-on loads. Izv. VNIIG 46:167-175 151. - (MIRA 12:5) (Hpirauliae) 98-58-7-9/21 AUTHOR: Chernyatin,I.A.,Candidete of Technical Sciences TITLE: Operational Testing of Hydraulic Turbine Units in Hydro-elec- trio Power Plants (Ekspluatatsionnyye ispytaniya gidrotur- binnykh blokov i agregatov na gidroelektrostantsiyakh) PERIODICAL: Cidrotekhnicheakoye stroitelistvo, 1958, Nr 7, Pp 30-34(USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reviews different simplified methods of the oper- ational testing of turbines and proposes the method of syn- thesis of exploitation, This theory is described in details and analytical and graphic determinations are given. There are 3 graphs, 1 figure and 7 references, 6 of which are Sov- iet and 1 American. 1. Power plants 2. Hydraulic systems--Test methods 3. Hydraulic systems--Test results Card 1/1 ClMhTATIR, I.A.# starshiv nauchnyy sotrudnik, Investigating the relatioU between the pressure drop case and the discharge of water flowing through the bine. Izv.VNIIG 61:60-71 '58. (MM 13:6) (Hydraulic turbines) .CHEMATIN, Ivan Aleksandrovich; GIRSHXAN, I.A., red. [Methods for operational investigations of hydraulic turbine units of hydroelectric lower plants and planning their flow metering devices] Netodika eksDluAtFitsiionnykh issieaovanii gidroturbinnykh blokov GAS. Prook-tirovanie ikh raakhodomernykh, ustroistv. Moskva, Gosenerg,izd-vo, 1959. 77 P. (MIRA 1?:3) (Hydraulic turbines) CHEMMTI4 I.A.p starshiy nauchnyy sotrudniks kand.tekhn.nauk I- n:~~ Head loss in sectional pipes before the spiral turbine casing in low-pressure hydroelectric power stations. Izv. VNIIG 65:107-116 160. ~ (MIU 14: 5) (Hydraulics) (Hydroelectric power stations) I., VUKS, M.F.; CHEMU10SKAYA, I.A. Broadening ~f the scattering line in alcohols and affine homo- logous series and its relation toithe scattering of electro- magn6tiewavies. Tost.LGU 17 no.22,345-51 162. (MMA 15:12) (HYdroca*ns) (Alcohols) (Mectromagnetic waves-Scattering) AVTONOMOV, G.Ye.; XARTVELISHVILI, N.A.; ql~44NXATIN, I.A. Results of the calculations of a water hamer by the effective curves of the shutting-off of turbine deflectors. Izv.AN - SSSR.Makh. i mashinostr. no.52155-159 S-0 163. (MIRA 16s12) VASIL8YEV, Yu.S., dots., kand. tekhn. hauk; VELINER, Kh.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; GODUS, D.O., inzb.; GOLOVACHEVSM N.I., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; GRO14)V, A.I., inzh.; DOMANSKIY, L.K., inzh.; ISAYEV, Yu.M., inzh.; XULESH, N.P., dots., kand. tekbn. nauk; MIKHAIZV, B.N., dots., kand. tekhn. mquk; MDROZOV., A.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk (deceased]; NALIMOV, S.M.p at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; REZNIKOVSKIY, A.Sh., kand. tekhn. nauk; SVANIDZE, G.G., doktor tekhn. nauk; TANANAYEV, A.V., dots., kand'. tekhn. nauk; KHAZANOVA, A.Z., inzh.; CHEMATIN, I.A., at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; fH-CAAtIEV--DwSi, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; YAGODIN, N.N., at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; LEONOVA, B.I., red. (Utilization of water power] IspolIzovanie vodnoi energii. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 563 p. (MIRA 19:1)' ACC NR: AP7004238 SOURCE CODE: UR/0103/67/000/001/0005/0016 AUTHOR: Chernyatin, V. A. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Synthesizing stable linear control systems SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 1, 1967, 5-16 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control R and D, automatic control theory, linear automatic control ABSTRACT: A linear automatic control system describable by A + bit is considered; here, 9 Is an n-vector, A is an nxn matrix, b is an n-vector, u is a scalar control input (of the controller). Two synthesis problems are solved, with gain constrain imposed by the asymptotic stability of the system: (1) In the class of permissible controls, denign a linear controller u - WD that would Card 1 /Z UDC:.-612.-,50 1. 1 i ACC NR: AP7004238 ensure asymptotic stability to the equilibrium state 0; (2) Design a linear controller that would ensure a stability c~ higher than a certain specified (n> 0; ,here, k is an n-vector and k' is a transposed vector (with respect to k). The solution is based on the Hurwitz stability criteria; however, solution of the Hurwitz inequalities proper is avoided by introduction of positive parameters. 'Four examples illustrate applications of the method. Orig. art. has; 75 formulas, SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: VApr66 / ORIG REF. 009 i.Card lip C ABC ~'L 63684-65 ENT(d) EPF n)-2,, ~U-W( ACCESSION NR: AP5013834 U-RJ'01031'65,'026/005/0770/0781 55 b 2 AUTHOR: Chernvatin, V. A-.- (Moscow) TrrLE: 1;V--e-stigation of the solutions ofaset of Rccati equations ':n the problem of analy-tical construction of optimal controller!! !SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika.. v. ?,6, no. 5, 1965, 770-781 TOPIC TAGS: Riccati equation, automatic control, aut ?T atic control design, Aautomatic contiol system, automatic control theor y I D ABSTRACT: The problern is considered of tli- an--~lvtical construction of an optimal controll,~r for a plant describable ij~, '-q-'atiors d71 n !-A = Yj N. (f) Y1. +(t) t, n), d I a-1 or in a vector form: d1l + n;(01- di where ~ is the n-variable vector; B W/ and in (t) are n x n and n x I matrices, respectively, which are continuous and bounded by a t., T interval; is the Card 1/2 -:J-Adct~~1103~NR: AP501-3834--- output variable of thc controller. An auxiliary theorem is proven which reduces ~the problern to the solution ofa set of n(n+0/2 Riccad equations- dYhj + + (b"y., dt ilk MtLyaj) Ma9QA 0 x 4, and to finding the conditions guaranteeincr the existence of this positive definite quadratic V-forr-n: n It is further proven that the solution of the above problem exists. Two examples illustrate the use of formulas. "The author washes to thank A. M. Letoy-for hib useful advice and comments, Orig. art. lttAs- 4 ftgures and 60 formulas. ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 08May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: DP, MA NO R.EF SOV: 012 OTHER: 000 Cord ?