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Nobel PrIze Papers SOV/4393 Frank, I. M.' Optics of Light Sources Moving in Aefractive Media 35 Supplement. Bo2otovskiy, B. M. Soviet Scientists,.Winners of the 1958 Nobel Prize In Physics 64 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress .TA/rn/ee Card 3/3 20-20-60 GORBUNOV, A.N.; SPIRIDONOVO V.M. [deceased]; CHERENKOV, P.A. Comments on the existence of particles with masses of 2me Z5me. Abur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:69-73 Jan 160. (MIRA 14;9) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR. (Particles (Nuclear physics)) n i Talantla~A2okmandrovish, prof*, doktor fisiko-matem. naukj&CHSFJMMp PaTv2:'Aj!N!gmTlch'q OW,p doktor fisiko-wtom. mmkg laurea%pliulivs-10-y- prat.9 doktor fiiliko-mt4a. nnki RUMMY 9 Ivan V"illyevich; TOLSTOY 9 NMtia Alsksoyeviebt proL 9 doktcr fWaSko-matma. nw*l VMMp Alskeandr V"illyevich, akRdealk [cleQo;a9odJ,---BAR=q ITS& rimlovich. akMomft [doceaii~dl; BAMMOV9 A.I., FAUMM, X.B.; v".l RAllT*v I.T.t Uldmo red, Sergei Ivanovich ; sbornika NoWmaq Isd-ivo 0410.*Otw 1961.- 43-pi.~ (To-= a pe rasprostramuM po- litlaboakikk mbmykh --41. Ser.99 Fisika i Irbladlat (KIRA 3417) (lavilawt Serpi lvaii~ch, 1891-1951) 33092 S/638/61/001/000/015/056 B101/B102 AUTHORSs Denisov, P. P., Kosareva, K. V., Cherenkov, P. A.- TITLEt Mechanig-bf of emission of nuclear fragments SOURCEs TashkentskaS% konf~rentsiya po mirnomy ispoll-zovaniyu.:. atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, .19619 3.17-126 TEXTs A mechanism of the separation of a fragment from the nucleus in the process of a nucleonic cascade is suggested. The nucleus is assumed to,be structured and to contair nucleon groups connected with th-, nuclear residue by few nucleons. In the nucleonic cascade these binding nucleons can be knocked out, and the fragment is-emitted. The probability of fragment separation from the nucleus is given by Card 11X_4 33092 S/638/61/001/000/0151056 Mechanism of emission of nuclear ... B101/B102 F (n,, no, n., JVI, No. N3, PI, Ps, Ps) n -1 (I+ a) n1 P, (n) rI P,(A) PS (n) -711 -naln.1 n-I p (kg, n)' P.- (n) 1. 4-1 is the number 6f nucleons in the fragment, N 2is the number of nucleons binding the fragment to the nucleus, N 3is the number of the remaining nuclear nuc Ileons. n1, n2 ' N2, and n 3are the numbers of nucleons knocked out of the fragment, from the bonds, and from the nucleus, respectively. P (n) Nmp-(n) p(i n)/n, vhere p(i n) is m m M M m C ard 2A51 33092 S/638/0/001/0CO/015/056 Me-zhanism cf emission of nuclear ... BIOI/BI02 the probability of the nucleon i m being knocked out in a cascade during which n nuclacns are knocked out of the nucleus (n - n + n + n ), and 1 2 3 m 2, 3, The ocrrection coefficient d is negligibly small. The experinerits were cond-u-,ted at 660 Mev with target nuclei of N = 95, 1. R = 3-10-'3 CM. 15 3ascades with 5 - 15 knc.:ked-out nucleons were examined, A rise at 0 = 180 0 and a (lip at G - 00 are characteristic of the reduoed probability. The capture of a fragment by a nucleus is examined on the basis of drop modelst assumption of a bond between f-ragment. and nucleus (variant A); assumption of the fragment forming a surface wave on the nucleus (variant B). The probability, P 2(piO9 T2~y of the emission of a fragment drops with an increase of e (Fig. 4). The model provides good agreement with the experiment regarding angular distribution and energy spectrum of the fragments with an energy near the Coulomb barrier, but does not explain the emission of fragments with higher energies. The N(Z) distribution of the emitted fragments 1), provides agreement with the experiment,, e calculated from Eq. (I xcepting Card 31/C 33092 S/638/t'1/001/000/015/056 Mer.hanism of emisslon of nuclear B1,O-1/B102 Z)8 (FJ.g,, 8). The totECL fragmentation crosa se--tion was calculated' from V (N I )P(N1 ~112gnr)ff(nr)- Y(Ni ) is the number of N1fragment-s N1 nr coexisting in the nucleus-, P(N,, N2, nr) ia the probability for the emission of an N, fragment with N 2 bonds in an nr radiant star; r(nr) is the effective cross section for the formation of an n r pronged star. The calculation of V(111d yields good agreement with experiment at N2 \< 2 and Ni = 10 - 12~ It Is concluded that the cascade model will provide further data on the stleric structure of the nucleus, 0. V. Lozhkin and N. A. Perf-;Icv (ZhETF, 1956., 31, 913) are mentioned.. There are 9 figures, I talble, and 19 referencesi 8 Soviet and 11 non-Soviet, The four most recent referen,_,es to English-language publications read as followsz Nakagaiva S et al, '.-Tourn. of Phys. Soc. Japan.. 12, 7; 7~477, 1957, Goldsack S~ I~ et a~. Mag,, 2, 114, 149, 1.957; Metropolis N. et al.9 Phys. Rev., 110, 1.85, 1958; Hofstaciter R., Phys. Rev..., 28, 214; 1956. Card 4j, X 33092 3163Y61 /00,1/000/015/056 Mechanism of emission of nuclear ... B101 B102 ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy fizioheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Leningrad Physics Institute P. N. Lebedev, AS 7jSSV' Fig. 4-, Probability of emission of a fragment as a function of the separating angle 9, for'a fragment with N - 9, N a 2. (1) 1/2 1 2 . 1/2 p , variant A; (2) idem, variant B; (3) P 5 Mev,, 10 , 7 Mev 10 variant A; (4) idem, variant B. (4) in absolute units, (1) to (3) 0 normalized between 0 and 30 Fig. B. '.Distribution V(Z) of emitted fragments as a function of Z. W according to Eq. (1); (11) N(Z)/Z. Card 5/L L S16361611001100010181056 B100133 ~700 AUTHOR.9i Gerasimov, A. G.. Gorbunov, A. 11., Dubrovina, V. A., Knipov, D Kuvatov, K. Orlova, A. I., Ovipova. V. A., Sakovich. V. S., F..1n, V: A Yu. ~., Cherenkov, P. A. TITI-Es Study of photodisintegration of nitrogen, oxygen, and noon SOURM Tashkentakaya konferenteiya po mirnomy iapolltovaniyu atomucv energii, Taubkont, 1959. Trudy. v, 1. Tashkent, 1961, 134 - 153 16 20 TEM The pbotodiaintegratio~ of N14, 0 , and N was studied by means 7 8 10 of a Wilson chamber in a magnetic field aoting direotly on the brems- strablung boam. In order toLbo able to distinguish roactionsjp arej-pn, and record the recoil nuclei, the Wiloon Chamber was filled with a mix- ture consisting of the gas to be investigated (nitrogen or noon) and hydro-, gen. Reduced pressure was used in experiments with oxyeen. In experi- ments with nitrogen, oxygen, and. noon, the stopping power for protons was o.65, 0.31. and 0.50 relative to air. The mean energy of the photo- Card 1 14 33095 S/638/61/001/000/ole/o56 Study of photodisintegration ... B104/B130 protons fromX,pn reactions wan lower than that from j*p reactions. The effective cross sections were calculatedi their shape indicates the im- portance of transitions in the residual nuclei. The proton angular distri- bution frbm A 2n reactictna is nearly isotropic for low proton energies. For high p on energies >20 Mov), it is very similar to that in deutezm photodisintegration. The proton angular distribution.from dp reactions is approximatoly-isotropic for 1114 ana 016 t low energies. In the expresnion 2 2 7 6 ' dC-/dS?-A(1+1,/Asin Q+C/Asin QoosQ+D/Ac63Q)o the effect of the last three terms in paronthasou increases for higher enorgies. The isotropic part of the angular distribution is greater f)r N20 than for the two other he 1 () rN14 isotopes, An abnormally high yield of t rpn reaction was found to it is attributed to interaction of a photon with a pair of I'valency" nucleons in ti2e outer shell, which are in the 1pj/2 state with 'parallel spins. During photon absorption, the electric dipole absorption plays an essential part in N and 0 nuclei. The logarithmic moments of the, photon- al6sorption cross sectionE are in good agreement with'results ob- tainod on the basis of an independent-particle model. Yu. K. Khakhlov Card 2A? 33095 s/63e/6i/ooi/ooo/p1a /056 Study of pbotodininterration ... B104/BI38 DAIL SSSR, 19~4, 97 2391 ZVRTF, 1957. 32. 124) and A. B. Migdal ETF, 1945, 15, 01 are mentioned. Tliore are 9 figures, 7 tables. W and 22 rarcranoons 0 Soviet and. 14 non-Soviet. 1hu four moot recent rercrencesito Lnglish-language publications read las followsi Livesey D. L. Cnnnd. Journ. Phys.0 35# 99 19571 Rhodes, Stephens W. E. Phys. Rev., 110, 1415, 19501 Elliot, Flowers B. H. Pros. Roy. Sec., A. 242. 57, 19571 3vanteason N. L. Nuol.. Phys., 3j 273, 1957- ASSOCIATIONs Fizichoskiy inatitut im. P. V. Labcdova All SSSR (physics Institute imeni P. N. Labcdev AS USSR) Card Ix r AV 11JU110 I%,orounov, A. ti., iiUUz,oVjna, W. A.1 UDIPOVa, Y. A., A),_,MfMXA Cherenkov, P. A. lo TlTLEt Investigation of the photaeff"t on light nuclei PERIODICALs %hurnal tcorotiahnit~ay fl-Aki, v- 42, tic. 3, 1962, 747 7",7 1!j TFXT: A cloud chamber with a field of 10.5-10 no was used to measure the yields from pbotonuclear reactions with nitro(;en, oxygen aril tic o" tind the cross sections 6 f6(1:)dF, 6_1 - f6(E)E_1dE, and 6 0 -2 ~6(v_)E-2,M, -her. d(E) In the total photon nbriorption, crona nection. n, ..maximum bremostrahlung used was Elmax - 170 Mov. Besides the photonucloar reactions given in Table 1, come 6 pronrod stare were obnervod but not identified. The followIng resultzi were obtained from 5300 009 8500 (0) and 8500-fratnes (No) taken in thooo oxporimentno The rgUon of the y1ol(1s of the (r,pn) and (,r, p) roaationo on the llc4,nuoleill 01 and No 0 are al-i -particle this value equal m6 at equal.and amount to 20,~. Por a free oL Card I/S D/056/62/042/OVOI 7/0) 9 Investigation of the ... 14 many times highor, being 1.90+0.07. Thl 171,.. For 14 this ratio I a in-, dicaloo that P11) is the main renction for V thciirb itn tbroohold in that of (f, p) and (t~ n). This fact is attributed to the higher than ~~ - of emishion of the valent nucleons from 11 and C The low thresholds yield of (t, pn:3,,) reaction on 1; exceals those for 0 and He by a factor of 3-5- It is attribUted to the decay of a hiGbly excited C12 nualcUS The yield of threa-prongod fie stnro Is also due to a (p pn) reaction. high dU amainly to roaDtiona. Appnrently the N20(p N)205 reactim ed F 19 produced In a ( P) rent-MA is the result of au m-aminsion of exalt Ti cros a have ) reactions were' small for all nuclei. The s R C Olin The 14 :30 z. been measured separately for -all reaction types. When thene separate vIaluca are summed up, the following in obtained for N 114.,016 and No ron- pedtivelyl T%i 347,.438, .600 mov.mbj Z6 -1 -12-5, 122-6, 10.0 mbj % 0.46, 6.43, o.60 mb/Mev'. The theoretical values Obtained with bl -2 A113 mb, and 0 2.25A 5/3 00 . 60(N7,/A), Mev.mb 6 0-36 _2 Aib/x1cv are, Card 2/4 13/056/62/042/003/017/049 Investigation of the B102/B130 except for 6_1, lover. The experimental values can be explained by the summntion rule. The Integral orons sections agron wiLh onloulattons for taken into iccount, ,o forces are electrical dipolo abnorptlon when exchang The amall-difference between and n) renctionn nnd the very~ the (r. P) f small one between the retictions o th clei agree -Ath the eon- the charge Ivilopondence'or nuclear for6cs. A. G. Geranif ceptionlof n nov, A. I. Orlova. 11. Pluzz'hnikova, V. A. Sakovich, Yu. A. Fomin, and V Yo. Yakushkin are thanked for assistance. There nro 3 fit-.1area, 5 tnb al andi 36 roferencost 11 Soviet and 25 non-Soviet. The four most recent rorer-' publications read an followuv D. Balfour, D..Ui encos to English-language Mbnzies Pros. Phya. Soo. 15-, 543, 19601 J. S. Levinger. Huclear I'hoto- j disintc~ration, Oxford,,University press, 1960. G. Brown, M. Dolaterli. Phys. Revs Lott 19591 K, Okamoto, Phyn, Rev. 116 .19 472, 420, 1959. SUBMITTEDo Ootober-28, 1961 Card 3/4 i% AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 33429 S/048/62,/026/001/002/018 B120104 Cherenkov, F. A. Emission from charged particles moving at a velocity greater than that of light and its use in the physics of high-energy particles Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 1, 1962, 14-20 TEXT: S. I. Vavilov made an important contribution to the interpretation of the radiation of fast charged particles, which was discovered about thirty years ago (P. A. Cherenkov, Dokl. AN SSSR, 2, 451 (1934); S. I. Vavilov, Dokl. AV SSSR, 2, 457 (1934)). A ~Thotograph taken by V~ P. Zrelov on a 660-Mev prot_o~ beam at OIYaI, Dubna, shows a ring produced by a conical proton beam on the photoemulsion. Because of the energy threshold resulting from 0> I/n, it takes extremely fast particle to emit this Cherenkov radiation. The aperture angle of the radiation cone widens with increasing particle velocity and reaches a maximum at 9max - are cos 1/n, provided P--#1 and n - const. In the borderline case Card 1/3 33429 S/04Y62/026/001/002/01 8 Emission from charged particles... B125 B 104 P = I/n, the above angle of aperture is vanishing, and no Cherenkov radiation is emitted any longer. The extremely sensitive photomultipliers available (the entire apparatus consists of a transparent medium in solid, liquid, or gaseous state, an optical condensor, a photomultiplier, and an electronic circuit) can be used for measuring even very small amounts of light emitted from Cherenkov partioles. A counter for particles moving at velocities greater than that of light is able to record only particles with a definite minimum energy, moving toward the photomultiplier. Such counters have a very high time resolution. In recent years, they have been used at the 260-Mev synchrotron of MAN for studying the pr6duction of neutral pions by photons. L. V. Kurnosova et al. (Sb. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli, vyp. 5, Izd. AN SSSR, 1960) studied the nuclear component of cosmic radiation, especially its composition as a function of Z, using data from the Cherenkov threshold counters of Lunik II. Valuable results were found for the flux of cosmic particles for different Z in the energy range of 1.3 Bev/nucleon. The distinct directivity of the Cherenkov radiation permits the selection of particles according to their velocity. The usability of such counters was confirmed in the discovery of the antiproton. Difficult though it is, also the energy of an individual particle moving at Card 2/3 33429 S/046/62/026/001/002/018 Emission from charged particles... B125/BI04 a velocity greater than that of light can be determined from the Cherenkov radiation. Considering that the refractive index can be changed by a simple change of the gas pressure in a counter adjusted to an angle 9, the mass distribution of beam.particles with equal momentum is easy to determine. The production of a sufficiently intense light flash in the beam requires a counter of 2.5 m length and 3 t weight and a fairly high pressure in it. There are 5 figures and 7 references: 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: Chamberlain 0., Segri E., Wiegand C., Ypsilantis T., Phys. Rev , 100, 947 (1955); Hutchinson G, W., Progr. Nucl. Phys.,.t, 197 Card 3/3 I- ~~:,~. s/ooa.9/63/oi5/ooi/006L,/(?o62 wintsev, K. A. Belyak, A Gridasov.,V. 1.1 Cherenkov, PYA AVMO.R: _JgJ4 Ya. I j TIM: On niwpoissibilitlee~:of lz6Ansing the efficienoy of a mi SOURCE: Atorma 15 no 1-0 1963, 62 _ya energiya~_ 1'. TOPIC TAGS: microtron, ferrite isolator, miagnetron, automatic bias is ABSTRACT: A ferrite olator, serving as, e. matching and decoupling element be- o. tween a magnotron, . oscillator- itfid: ati - accelerating resonator. was substituted for the conventional water-load syatim-~=d the phase shifter in a microtron. As a result ofthis improvementj, tpower loss In the microtron vaveguide was reduced,~ Imicrotron efficiency vs~s factor of approximately two and the sta- 1bility of the h-f channel was id&rkedly due to "coupling 1~etveexx them th, magnetron oftjljat6j~rand e loe!2,. Throu& reduction of vaveguide length and the ==ber of Joints- In wavq-gulde.alt..was. possible to make the system bermeticP thus. increaping considerably' its elictric strength. Since the ferrite isolator i functions simultaneously as a matchbig 4lement, attenuator, and ;base shifter lif !7_ the adjustnert procedure and control of the microtron were considerably s1mp ied, Card -Tren t -owe] uzori,. Ohm, ions 3 .496 at) ore t" SU e ese ?.,.article the.,~~a repo 6 1; tdr hidt Una he--a' 0- 06- -at ge 2804,Ar Fmw:: (3*51ti-Init Aw,nov ed r roe ure jilud he uppa SMI Ahe,orbit':, k At d jowt I . ~~. , ~. ~T;I. -and-:rea *.1wo: -oppillow Lnt I ja ACC NR% ILT5013168 SOURCE CODE: URj0O0O/65jO0OfO00tO11Bt0J25 AUTHOR: flelovintsev, K. A., Cherenkov, P ORG: Phys icu Institute im. P. N. Lebedev AN SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR), on 1ITLE: A povitr migrotr~on SOURCE. AN IZSSR. Mikrotron (Nicr0iron), sbornik statey, 1944-1965 gg. M68cov, VINITI 1965 US-12b ~,TOPIC TAGS-*. particle accel4rator, electron.accelerator, positron, synchrotron ABSTRACT: The authors considerthe possibility,of using*a microtron as a general- -purpose injcl'ctor for a- synchrotron storage ring. Methods for producing, acceleratingi~ and extracting.positrons from the microtron are discussed. If a beam.of electrons re from the Iasi: orbit is directed at.the positron converter K located on the-wall'of sonator P of the'microtron (see Fig.. I), the angular coefficient for capture of,posi_~, trons leaving the converter with low energies will be considerably higher than in the' me of direct coirversion on the storage rhg target due to the high electric field. c w strength in the resonator (about 400 kvfcm). Spatial displacement of the electron beam-toward the converter is accom lished by using two magnetic channels 41 and Ij P with.a difference'in length which determines the amount of displacement AZ. An ap proximate expression is given for determining the length of the magnetic channels. Card 1/2 L -.398a6 SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0367/65/Oo2/oo6/1o42/l.W, AUTHOR: Dordsov, F. P.; Milovanov, V. P.; Latypova, R& A.; Cherenkov. PO A. ORG: Physics Institute im. P. No Leboday. AN SSSR CFizichesldy institut,,U1 SSSR) TIM: Distribution of knocked-out nucleons With, respect to the nuclear voluma and excitation energie!s and monentum distributions of nuclei in the cascade process J-bis paper was given at the 14th Mmal Conference on Nuclear Speqt_roscop-v TbLUsi, rebmary 1~6-47 SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 2, no. 6, 1965, 1042-1048 TOPIC TAGS: nucleon,'excitation energy ABSTRACT: The) discussion of the rosults of calculations described in a previous paper (Journal. of Nuclear Physics, Vol 1, po 329, 1965) is continued. This discussio concerns the distribution of the knocked-out nucleons in the Yo1ume of the nucleus, the excitation energies of the residual nuclei, and the moniontwri distribution of the recoil nualal. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 3 tables. fl--~ed on authors I Eng. abs J~RS7 SUB CODE: ZO / SUM DATE: o6Apr65 oRIG Rrin 006 / OTH REP: 002 Card 1/1 lc~ CHERENKOVP 110 00 Radiation of-fanter-4hah-light particles and some of its applications in experimental physics. Des. such. m2. no.6: 134-l" '62o (MIRA 16:1) (Radiation) SOV/180-59-3-39/43 AUTHOR: Cherenkov (Moscow) TITLE: On the Accuracyand Correlation of Various Methods of D6tertildZg the Concentration opf Aerozole PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii na Iuk SSSR, Otdoleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivol 1959, Nr 3, pp I.84-186(ussR) ABSTRACT: The accuracy of the optical and counting methods of determining the concentration of an aerozole are discussed. It is shown on an example of coal dust that the determination of the weight contentration of particles by the optical method is imore accurate than the counting method (the maximum error + 15-45% as against + 35-60%). However, both methois are more accurate when only finer fractions are measured. The correlation between the counting and optical methods, i.e. the correlation between the specific number of particles per mg of a Irozole (a) and specific surface area of particles (Cm /mg - P) Is shown in Fig I and the dependence of dispersiometric characteristics (a and P) of aerozole on its particle size (%) in Fig 2. It can Card 1/2 be seen that the sensitivity of the methods sharply SOV/180-59-3-39/43 On the Accuracy and Correlaltion o:~ Various Methods of Deter-mining -the Concentration of - - Aerozole decreases with increasing particle size. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: April 4, 1958 Card 2/2 CHER jxOY--Y.,A*h. A *Saturn rine around the earth. IzobrA rats. no.2:36-39 F 16os (KERA 13:8) (Solar energy) S/179/62.f"OCIO/002/004/012 E032/E514 AUTHORS: Cherenkov,'V.B., Sevastlyanov, O.Yxt. and Lukoyanov.Yu34. -Mo S c. 0 ~W) TITLE: Determination of the average velocity and the concentration of particles in a high velocity stream of rarefied plasma PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otqleleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mitshinostroyeniye, no.2, 1962. 25-29 TEXT: The method now described can be used to measure the plasma stream velocity in the range-between a few ang a w - 3 hundred km/sec and the concentration in the range 10 -10 Cm Both these parameters ~iay be measured directly in situ. In addition, the force acting on a body placed in the vray of the streaj-.i can also be determined. The above parameters are 2 calculated. from the expressions dn/dt = NvS I and F cx NmS2V /2g. where S s the area of the entrance aperture, S 2 in the cross- sectional a;ea of the intez~cepting body. N and v are the Card(-,~/3 Determination of the average concentration and velocity of the particles, respectively. m is the particle mass, g is the gravitational acceleration. cX is the "impedance coefficient" of the body and F is the force on the body. Thus, in order to obtain v and N it is necessary to measure F and dn/dt and to know c These quantities were in fact measured with the apparatus shown in Fig.1 (I - chamber, 2 - front flange, 3 - entrance aperture, 4 - rear flange, 5 - connection to manometer, 6 - gas escape valve, 7 - shutter, 8 - illuminator, 9 - momentum trap, 10 - rotatable,disc, l:-' - mirror). The whole dov�ce cart be moved laterally across -c;he beam. The force F can be determined by measuring the deflection of the trap 9 when the beam is let into th 'e chamber. This is done by reflecting a beam of light off the mirror 11. In order to reduce back-flow. there is an escape valve 6. To ensure that c x = 2 (inelastic collisions). the trap 9 consists of a sequence of thin metal dines containing apertures at their c*ntres except for the last disc. The quantity dn/dt-is measured by determining the rate at which the chamber 1 (whose volume is known) is filled trith the gas and this is done by means of an ionization manometer; The device has been used with argon, Card 2/3 S/179/62/000/002/004/012 E032/P-514 Determination of the average S/179/62/000/002/oo4/012 B032/E5i4 nitrogen and.jielium as the*working gases. There are 6 figures and 1 table. SUBINITTED: December 29, 1961 Fig.1 Card 3/3 .-01 o 9-C. limproving the flushing repair of locomotives. Shel.dor,trano,37 noolo:68-69 0 155, (MM 9: 1) 1,1achal'alk slushby lokonotlvnogo khosybystva Kramnoyarskey dorogi. Irrasnoyarsk. (Locomotives-Repalre) CHERENKOVP V.J.9 inzhe First resUts of the operation of a.ceelectrie locomotives on the Krasnoyarsk Railroad. Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no*I+:68-70 Ap 161o (MA 14:3) 1, Naeballzdk sluzbby lokonotivnogo khozyaystvat g. Krasnoyarsk. (Electric locomotAves) CHUM.KOV, V.P. assistant Methods of experimntal, Investigations of dynamic loads in Iconstruction tover cranes. Sb&-trud. KISI no.31:167-176 160. (MTRA14;3) (Craneep &rrickst *te.) the o7cur;3e ff~lachine p&rts'll Kcmspekt lektsl,, p.-) kursu 'Tetali mashin." Moskva, Vt.'11-2. 19E4. (MIRA 18t 5) MOSCCw. .131liversita-L, druziliby narodov,, Kafedra I'Kor, struktsii dataley, uzh---v r'.-ailhinr i mekhani2mov.fl CHEMKOIT, V.P.9 assistent IMperlmental invevtigat~o~ of W mpring4mognte! turning gear of the T-IL28 construction twer crane. Sbor.trad. NISI no.3ltl77-183 160. (Gromat derrickso etc.) (YAIRA 14:3) XT tq Mining thin .Tftr! &-'bor. nauch, t rue. vmm~-t"-. of decr~sit'jor'. I TRA 7 PISARCHIK, G.; CHE RENKOV. Ye.% MATVEYEV, B. In the struggle for the title of the enterprise of communist labor. M*.-elev. prom. 29 no.31:5-6 N '63. (KMA 17:2) 1. Starshiy Wonow Upravleniya elevatornaekladskago khozyaystva Mi- rdsterstva proizvodstva i zagotavok sellskokhozyaystvannykh produktov UkrSSR (for Pisarchik). 2.,Nachallnik Nikolayevskogo upravleniya khlebo- produktow (for Cherenkov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy otdolom truda i zarabotnoy platy Vinnitskogo oblastnogo komiteta professionallnogo soyuza rabochikh i sluzhashchikh sel'skogo khozyaystva i zagotovok (for Matveyev). AMOSOV, A., inzh.; KHOLYAVA, V., inzil.; GHERENK 00V U., inzh.; MOGAUINIKOV, 1. The "Neva-211 transistor radio. Radio no.4-014-36 Ap 165. (MIRA -18-15) e7~ tdii N 15572z66 EVITd -2 DVE: UR/0107/65/000/004/0034/0036-- AM 229 ..SOURCE CO AUTHOR: Amoiiov, A. (Eng:in~ier)j.glg*-v-&,-VLE-aginser)I Cherenkov, 'rue, (Fagin"r), MogillnikoY9116 0RG*T none -21 t TITLE. Transistorized radio receiver VNeva 3OURCE; Radios no. 41 1965y 34736'~ iver, transist 11 orized dio TOPIC TAGS. radio reap cuit, circuit design, ra engineering-~ ~ql ABSTRACT:' The article gives an overall technical description of the "ANeva-z", models It is first comparedto the previous "Neva" model.which it excels In, Aerms of electro-acoustic performanco and operating reliability. The HNI ova- is dosifrned on the super-heterodyne principle with a set of transistors and i One crystal,diode. It operates on battery sikoply and its frequency range ex- tends over long waves and medimalwaves. The basic components of this receiver -are a frequency converter,-a two-sta-e intermediate-frequency amplifier# a sharp-selection filter for adjacent-channel selectivity, a,detector, auto- matic gain control and a.two-stage low-frequeney amplifier. Capacitors are used for neutralization and interstage coupling, except for the second stake of the 1-f amplifier where negative feedback is effected through a resistance- papacitance.circult for,the purpose of reducing non-linear distortional and Card 1/2 CIMENW-WA, A,F* (Brent) I iiie-:~46-cuucll of mrsoo. Mod.mostra 17 no.724"? J1158 (MIRA 11:7) (SUB= AID IMM) CIIERENKOVA A F - , Some changes in laboratory serviceo Made sestra. 19 noo9843 5 160* (MIRA 33:9) 1. Starshaya meditsinskaya sestra BrIestk oblastnoy bollnitay. (NURSES AND NURSMT cHm-Ulmov', i. P. CHUREWOVI., I "Blood-yeast agar and its utilization to prepare a reserve medium ru. --teriologicaldiagnosis of dysentery." Min Health RSFSR. Lieningrad-Sanitary-Hygiene Medical Inst* Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for The Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences) Knizhna,ya letopit'. No 39j, 1956, Hoscowe UPSR /Nicroblology. Medical and Veterinary F-6 i Microbiology. Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35664 Author : Cherenkova, E.P. Title : The Use of Blood-Yeast Agar For the Bacteriolog- ical Diagnostics of Dysentery Orig Pub: Tr. Leningr. san.-gigien. med. In-ta, 1956, 3, 41-45 Abstract: Proposed is a new neutritive medium of blood clots digested with the proteolytic ferments of beer yeast. The recipe of the medium: 200g. of blood clots, 400g. of beer yeast, I liter of tap water. Twenty-four hours In a thermostat at 55-60 degrees, then boil thoroughly and allow Card 1/4 USSR /441crobiology. Medical and Veterinary F-6 Microbiology. Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9., 1957, 35664 to stand;-filter through a cotton-gauze filter, dilute with water two times, add 5% NaCl and 2% agar, to establish a pH of 7.4. To every 100 Mi. of agar add 5 mi. of a 30% water solu- tion of lactose, 4 mi. of a 5% water solution of Congo red, and 3 ml. of sterile oxgall, sterilize with live steam for 20-30 minutes. In a parallel sowing of 304 tests of feces on bacto-agar Zh bacteria dysentery was discovered in 16.4% and on the proposed medium in 14.1% of the cases. The best results were obtained with a modified medium to which the ingredients of Muller's medium -hyposulf1te and iodine were added. To 100 ml. of Congo-blood-yeast agar, Card 2/4 USSR /Microbiology, Medical and Veterinary F-6 Microbiology. Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol, No. qj 1957, 35664 there was added sterilelY 3 ml. of buffer solu- tion (7-5 9 KH PO 7.5 g. K2HPO4, 155 ml. distilled W~teftrj, t'ml- 50% of water hyposul- fite, and 1.2 ml. of a solution of Iodine in potassium Iodine. On the modified agar were sown 209 tests of feces parallel with a sowing on the Ploskirev agar. In the latter, positive results were obtained in 29.1% of the cases and on the inodif led Congo-blood-yeast agar in 29.7%. At the same t1me, 15 of the 77 cultures were obtained only on the Ploskirev agar (19.5%) and 16 (20.8%) only on the modified medium. Coorespondence of results was observed in 46 cases (60%). By such a means, the parallel Card 3/4 USSR Atcroblology, Medical and Veterinary F-6 Microbiology. Abs Jour: Peferat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35664 sowing on the Ploskirev and modified agars increases the plantings from 29.1% to 36.8%. Card 4/4 . (-t\^~ e '~- Q , -, ) ~' 6 V Ok USSR / Radio"ics Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Mika* No 1957, No 10009 Author : Cherenkov&,. Z.R. Inst Title : MOdem Ids" ClOncerning the Propa&tion of Hater waves by Scattering In the Ionosphere Orig Pub : Z1ektrosvymzI, 1956, no 10, 22-28 Abstract : Survey article. Card RACHKOV, N.Ft kand. tekhn. naukI DYATLOVA, V.P,o kand. tekbn. nauk; Surface finishing of asbestos-cement slabs with silicate paints. Trudy NIrAmbeatteezAenta no.8:168-172 158* (MM 16s 8) DZffATOVA, V.A.; FrATTSM, R.Y.; TrMISIAYA, R.O.; CMUSMYA, I.A. Studying puleations of the horizontal component of the velocity of winds up to an altitude of 5 kilometers. Tru4 TSAO noe2l: 52-175 '58. (Winds) (XIMA lIAI)_ CHEMIKOITAj L. L. USSR/Chemistry - Catalysts Apr 51 "Action'of Inhibitors on Catalytic Hydrogenation in Presence of Palladium', ITI,9" Khe Ve Ballyan., Ve A@ Orestova, L. L. Chererflcova,, Chair of Org Chem,, Leningrad Tech Inst imeni Lensovet *Zhur Obshch Kh:bn" Vol XXIP No 4. pp 7205-734 3pthesized methyl esters of methylbutynol and methylbutenol. Describes their properties. Hydrogenation of esters in presence of colloidal Pd proceeded slower than that of corr ales, due to shielding by methyl group of triple or double bond. Phenyl mustard oil, p-thiocyanoanilinep p-thiocyano-ohlorcbenze inhibited cam-se of hydrogenation. 182T24 sov/79-28-6-4/63 CAUTHORS: Petrov, A. A., 3allyan, Kh. V., Kheruzeq Yue I*, Shvarts, Ye. Yu,, Cherenkevap L. L. TITLE: Investigationa in fhe Field of Combfned Systems (Iseledo-- vaniya v oblasti sopryazhennykh sistem) LXXXIX. The Influence of Various Factors on the Yield of Geranji Chloride in the Reaction of Isoprene With Its Hydrochlor:~des (LXXXIX. Vliyaniye razlichnykh faktorov na vykhod eranilkhlorida v reaktaii isoprena s yego gidrokhloridaM4 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahohey khimiir 19589 Vol* 28, Nr 6, pp, 1435 - 1444 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In many investigations of synthesizing geranil chloride in a good yield special attention was paid to the binding of the 1 chloro-3-mothylbutene-2 to isoprene. Its production ,offered good prospects to the perfume- and vitamin industry. This was the reason for many laboratories, such as the authorls~, to investigate the reaction of the diene hydrocarbons with their hydrochlorides in order to learn on which condi- Card 1/3 tions the best yields of geranil chloride and its derivatives sov/79-28-6-4/63 Investigations in the Field of Combined Systems. LXXXIX. The Influence of Various Factors on the Yield of Geranil Chloride in the Reaction of Iso- prene With Its Hydrochlorides -could be realized. The final product of the binding of iso.. prene hydrochlorides to isoprene is a complex mixture of halogen derivatives of the formula C H -(C E ) -C1. In 'this paper only the fraotion of terpene cRl9riAas%F the compo- sition C H Cl(n=1) was investigated. The telomerization reaction If I'Zoprene with its hydrochlorides was investigat- ed in the presence of various catalysts of whichtin chloride and zinc chloride proved to be the best. It was found that the character of the telomerization depends on the nature of the catalyst: tin chloride promotes the formation of the higher telomers besides geranil chloride, tin chloride that of terpenyl chloride. It was shown that in using tin chloride and zinc chloride catalysts the yield of geranU chloride depends first of all on the depth of the conversion, and that with the same depth of conversion secured it does not depend on the nature of the catalyst, the nature of the halogen derivatives, the temperature, the ratio of reagents, and only little on the nature of the solvent. The composi- card 2/3 tion of the mixture of terpene chlorides forming in the telo- soV/79-28-6-4/63 Investigations in the Field of Combined Systems. LXXXIX. The Influence of Various Factors on the Yield of Ceranil Chloride in the Reaction of Iso-- prene With Its Hydrochlorides merization can be determined according to the frequency in- tensities of the infrared spectrum within the range of 1,6 and of from lo .. 12 V. There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 11 referencesp lo of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tekhrologicheskiy institut imeni Lensovp-te- (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) SUBMITTED: May 24, 1957 1. Chlorodimethyloctadine--Synthesis 2. Isoprene--Chemical reactions Card 3/3 50) SOV/79-29-6-21/72 AUTHORS: Petrov, A. A., Ballyan, Xh. V., Kheruze, Yu. I., Shvarts, Ye, iu., Cherenkova, L. L. TITLE: Investigations in the Field of the Conjugated Systems (Issledova- niya v oblasti sopryazhennykh sistec). XCIX.On tht Problem of the Synthesis of Geranyl Chloride by Telomerization of Isoprene With Its 1,4-Hydrochloride (XCIX. K voprosu o sinteze geranil- khlorida telomerizatsiyey izoprena i Yego 1,4-gidrokh1orid-c-r--N PERIODICAL:. Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 6, PP 1876 - 1878 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In a report recently published (Ref 1) the authors described the synthesis of geranyl chloride by means of telomerization of isoprene with its hydrochloride in the presence of stannic or stannous chloride as catalysts. In the paper under review the results of further investigations on this reaction were presented, in which, however, different catalysts were used. TEe effect of titanium tetrachloride on the mixture of isoprene and its 194-hydrochloride (1-chloro,-3-niethyl butene-2), on the Card 1/3 mixtures of TiCl 4 and SnCl 4t SnCl4 and excess HC1, SnCl 4 and Investigations in the Field of the Conjugated Systems. SOV/79-29-6-21/72 XCIX. On the Problem of the Synthesis of Geranyl Chloride by Telomerization of Isoprene With Its 1,4-Hydrochloride Cucl 2, FeCl3and potassium bifluoride, Zn(BF 4)2 and BiBr 3 *as investigated. The investigations with these catalysts led to the conclusion that on telomerizatibn of isoprene with its hydrochloride two groups of catalysts have to be distinguished: The catalysts of the first group (SnCl 41 TiCl 47 Fecl 3) yield the highest telomers. The catalysts of the second group (ZnCl 29 Zn(BF 4)2 , BiBr 3) only lead to the stage of the formation of terpene chlorides where the reaction stops. The cause of this stop is, as has been already found previously, the partial cyclization of the geranyl chloride into the terpenyl chloride. Therefore the content of geranyl chloride in the terpene fraction of the telomer is far less than vilien using catalysts of the first. group. The hydrogen chloride retards the telomerization but does not affect its character. There are 1 table and 1 Soviet refer- ence, Card 2/3 Investigations in the Field of the Conju.-ated Systems. 50V/79-29-6-21/72 XCIX. On the Problem of the Synthesis of Gaxariyl Chloride by Telomerization of Isoprone With Its 1,4-Hydrochloride ASSOCUTIONj Leningradakiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta (Lenin- grad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) do SUBMITTEI's May 31, 1958 Card 3/3 TRAKETEOM, D.K.-, CMMIUMA. L.V.; KROMMOT. A.S. Isolation and propqrties of the antiviral antiblotic violarin. Aitlblotlkl 4 no,5:7-11 3-0 '590 (MIRA 13:2) 1. Tsesoyasnyy mobso-Issledovatel'skly Institut antiblottkov. (APPIBICPf 108 chem.) CHERENKOVA, L.V.; ROS'IYUN114A, M.A. Automatic lines for machining gears. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. laos. nauch.-issl. inst. nauch. I tekh. Inform. 17 no-4:89-92 .AP 16.1+. (MIRA 17:6) DEDKOV, I.P. (Kiyev, Spusk. Stepsna Razina, d-7); MLOVICHKOP -A.Ya.; CMUtMOVA N. D. 'Anesthesia and safety measures in one-stage bilateral Y.M~ n, at Nov. khir. arkh. no.2:75-81 Mr-Ap 160. R& 14: 1. Kafedra torakal$nay khbmMii (sav. - prof. N.M.Amcaov) Kiyevskogo instituta uou"rahanAvoyaniya vreehey. (LUNGS--SURGERY) GHEMKOVA, V.D. (Kiyev) Cardiac fibrillatim in mitral stenosis following commissuro- tcmy. Vrach. dolo no-O 21-24 Ap163. (MIRA 16M 1. Klinika torakallnoy khirurgii (zav.-prof. N.M.Amosov) Ukrainskogo nauebno-iqsledovatellskogo Instituta tuberkuleza. (ARPMTIDSIA) (MITRAL VALVF,--SURGEFZ) CHERENK(YVA, N.D. (Kiyev, ul. Xrasnoarwyskaya, d.67/1,119 k-v.l.?) Ventricular fibrillation during heart" surgery under artificial bloaj cL-culation. Grud. khir. 6 no.200-33 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 1824) 1. Klinika torakallnoy kbirurgil (zav. - chlon.-korrespon(lent AMN SSSR prof. N.M.Amosov) Ukrainskogo Instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - dotsent A.S.Mamolat), Kiyev. =.I ZOOMS ltology. Aaarins and Insoots. Vectors 0 at th..10 Agants. IAP*Ots. ' ' 0 Abo 7our. ter Zhur-Stal.. 5. No 6, 1959, 243 kathar : Volkova, V. I., Disloktava, 2i. A., 1-mitove. A-. W. lost 3J21 rAZSA UAIVarOlty. Tooting or tha Toxic ::ffoot at Totroothyldithio- ItUe , irmhosobsto on smathroiao rilim. Report z. CrIS Pub Vch. zap. Mazanak. un-ts, 1957, 111, No 9. gse- Abotract: A stu4y of tho toxicity, of tatroothy1dithlo;rro. ' 7' 9:009bate an riva san4reticas or tt:4 coamon. rir 4 A tw generations of tho spriAS carrion fly Show44 t IA4* -'ant each 401tw!'ratTICInbulath 6 sutrboettal datearl(01*030cl2r4 Gard 1/8 46 Abstract'. :;wOus OAUl$ 100 Of tatra*tbyl dithiopyro;)hosphoto a t ho ativo dubsta4co). tba romistraco of flias to %h.3 properation inorossom. in tim first goo- oration, 14.' famaies s=vivcd; in the accord. , 3 With L croase of tho concoatrat ion to I 2 t urv ... the S" LT I Of' flics of tbo fifth ganare- 4 .102 Va* c&lnt*in .d at a loyal of 13.6%. Young M130 60d famlas until 10 do!s of ase a arc more Va 0 alo. ittant than oldor Mae T. L. Taiapi. Card 2/2 VOLKOTA. M.I.; DIALEKTOTA. N.A.; MPITOYA, A.N.; CfaMITEOVA, V.A. Testing the toxic effect of totraothyldithiopyrophosphate on synanthrople flies. Uch. ZaP. roz. un. 117 no.9:268-272 '57. (MRA 13:1) 1.1azanskir gosudantvanzy#%niverst tot is. V.I. Mlyanova-lenina. lafedra soologil beeposvonochnykh. - (Thippyrophosphoric acids) (Ilion-.-Extermination) ..t FUNKE, V.F.; YUDKOVSKIY, s.j.; Prirdm&li uchastiye* KUZMETSOVA, K.F.; CHERENKOVA, V.A. High temperature oxidation of alloys formed by titiltd= boride with iron group metals. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.71l557-1562 J11 163, (MIRA l7s2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tverdykh splavov. FUNKE, V.F. Y11D?;OV3JK1Yv S. f ..-, Pririma'L I Uoh8.0,1ye.% qj1E.PLNX0Y'A1 V.A.-, -0v 0 . 9 V.I. High temperature oxidation of alloys of zir-conium borido with iron group metals. Zhur. fiz. kh1m. 38 no.5%1280- 1283 1-~- 164- (MIM 18 f 12) 1, Vooqoyuznyy nau'Ahnc-isaledovatellskiy inntitut tvardykh spalvov, Submitted March 13, 190. KOZBOV, M.M.; IMBOLDINA, L.A.; KAPLINA, G.S.; SHAPOVALOVA, I.M.; CHERENKOVA, V.I. - Littoral and sublittoral benthos of Lake Baikal along the southeastern shore. Gidrobiol. shur. I no.4:3-11 165. (MIRA 18.10) 1. Baykal'skaya biologicheskaya stantsiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo univerviteta. SOURCEt. Yadernmys fisi". ve.l,-no- 2. 1965, 329-337 TOPIC. TAG,"'.: -inelastic resormce,:nuclear reaction. angular distribution, proton, fast particle 4BSTRACT: 'The interactions of high-energy protons'with nuclei have been calculated 01 the basis of the cascade theory of nuclear reactions* 9 nuclear actions induced -340, and 660 NEV on Si by protons with energies of 150, (AgBr)41V5. and Au197were considered* The nuclear diffusion surface and refraction and reflection ofnualeons in the proceps of the 03caping.of the nucleus were taken into account. Comparison of the calculations with the weperiment allows one to conclude that the irdtial principal '.1uppositions of the cascade tjVcW'Ara valide orige art* has: 11 figures amd 1 tab3A LBased on vathors' Engip abstjj SM, CM 1 20 SUBH DUR i ZWu264 ORIG REF: 007':' OM REFt 015 C Alm CEIRMMOFA~ Toleas Lasarevaa, M3,M11. V.A.. redaktor; VAMCPFIIIA. TeX.. --libiwA, N.V., tokbalchomirly rodaktor. [Distort:oa af toleaqk signals is short vave trasoulosioul " tologratsykh signalow pri perodache as koretkikh ,wobuikh. Naskra, G"wisd-we lit-ry po voprosam sviast i radio. 1955. 43 P. (MMA 90) (Telegraph, VIroloss) I CHRMILOYA, Te.L. Present-day Presentations Of motor-length wave propagm;tlcm by means of dispersion In the ionosphere. Blektrosvias' 10 no.10: 22-28 0 156. (Ionospheric radio wave propWtion) (NLPA 9:11) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1149 Cherenkova, Yelena Lazarevna, Dallneye rasprostraneni e ul trakorotkikh voln (Long-distanae Mic.-owave Propagation Noscow, Svyaz'izdatg 1958. 4o p. (Series: Lektsii po tekhnike svyazi) 23#500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: USSR Ministerstvo avyazi. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. Reap. Ed.: Kalinin., A.I.; Tech. Ed.: Karabilova, S.V.; Rd: Bastfahb1c,V.1. PURPOSE: The monograph is intended for persons working in communications. COVERAGE: The author presents a survey of published material on long-distance propagation of microwaves. She deseftbee-the Card 1/ 3 Long-distance Microwave.Propagation 1149 physical processes of long-distance tropospheric and Ionospheric propagation and presents the results of experimental work. She also discusses the requirements,of equipment for radio links utilizing the phenomena of long-distance tropospheric and ionospheric microwave propagation. No personalities are mentioned. There'are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 I. Introduction 4 II. Mechanism of Long-distance Propagation of Microwaves 6 III. Long-distance Tropospheric Propagation of Microwaves 9 Card 2/3 Long-distance Microwave Propagation 1149 Dielectric constant or troposphere 9 Median carrier level 10 Phenomena associated with multipath reception Basic requirements of radio-link equipment 21 IV. Long-distance Ionospheric Propagation of Microwaves 25. Characteristics of ionospheric permittivity 2j- Median carrier level 2 Phenomena associated with multipath propagation 32 Effect of antennas 30 Characteristics of anomalous signals 37 Basic requirements of radio-link equipment 38 Radio com = ication utilizing meteor trails 40 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/kev Card 3/3 1-23-59 68057 SOV/106-59-10-3/11 AUTHOR: Cherenkova, Ye. L TITLE: va-Ma-M Kethods of Calculating Short-Wave 7iold-Strengthe or\ PMODICAL: Blektroavyazl, 1959,, Nr 10, pp-23-29 (USSR) ABSTR&M In this article calculated field strengths for short-wave radjA-linkdWe compared with experimentally m4sured results, In the Soviet Union, four methods of calculation are used: Kosikov's method (Ref 1), the method of the CRPL of the American Bureau of Standards,, (Ref 2), Kazantsev's method (Ref 3), and Robert's method (Ref 4). The article deals mainly with the first three methods. Because these make different assumptions, their results do not agree and the extent of their differences depends on the particular conditions of the problem. To decide which is the most correct method, approximately 2000 monthly-median values of field strength were obtained from about 30,000 separate measurements on medium-latitude, radio-links at different times and at different frequencies. Despite the large amount of experimental data, it was nevertheless insufficient for Card 1/4 all frequencies over the whole of the solar acti~rity 68057 SOV/106-59-10-3/11 Evaluation of the Methods of Calculating Short-Wave Field-Strengths cycle. The experimental conditions are described: the results apply to radio-links the great circle arcs of which do not go higher than L to 640 northern latitude in the Eastern hemisp#ere; the measured results were all referred to a transmitted power of 1 kW9 the necessary data for this reduction being"obtained from the operational charts of the transmitting stations. Details of the method of selecting the measurement periods and of processing the experimental data are given. From the total number of measurements, about 1000 median values refer to the period of minimum solar activity (1953 to 1954) and were obtained on 9 radia-links of lengths 3000 to 7000 km, the majority of the measurements being in the 10 to 20 Mc/s, band. The remaining 1000 median values relate to the period of maximum solar activity (1956 to 1957) and were obtained on 8 radio-links of lengths 5000 to 11000 km at frequencies 5 to 20 Me/e, The difference between the calculated and measured values was evaluated as follows: the ratio of the calculated value E and the measured value E of the median values Card 2/4 over a Routh of the field strength was calculated f or 68057 SOV/106-59-10-3/11 Evaluation of the Methods of.Calculating Short-Wave Field-Strengths each frequency and for specific times of the day.. This ratio is called the calculation error. The results are tabulated in Table 1. in which the results are divided -into two groups,.according to the degree of solar activity. These groups are further divided into three parts; day, dusk and night. It was found that the calculation error for the day-field with maximum solar activity increases with reduction in frequency. During the period of minimum solar activity, when the absorption coefficient is low, the calculation error in the 10 to 20 Mc/s band-has zko clear correlation for frequency. The results show that the error depends on the solar activity- being less during periods of maximum solar activity. The calculation errors for the night-fields show a different pattern. The results indirectly support the assumption that the field level is unaffected by the solar activity cycle. The frequency-correlation assumptions made in the CRPL and Kosikov methods are not justified by the measured results, which showed that there is considerable frequency- dependence and often the field strength increases with Card 3/4 decrease of frequency. It is further concluded that the 68057 BOV/106-59-10-3/11 Evaluation.of the Methods of.Calculating Short-Wave Field-Strengths calculation error does not show any clear correlation with the season and it does not vary much with path OP-111, length. Over path lengths of 3000 to 11000 km, the methods of Nosikovq Kazantsev and Roberts are better than the OPRL method and over the frequency range 10 to 20 Mc/s. their calculation error does not usually exceed f 10 db and there is often no error. The simplest method from the point of-view of calculation is lazantsev's method. ", Meyerao&,,_T.. U. TAIrbanhava ank_G,_j,_5j=jkLjaa helped in this work. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet,2 EWiab and 1 German. SUNITTED: May 27, 1959 Card 4/4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5743 nauk SSSR. I-lezhduvedomstvcnnyy komitut po provodonlya 110zhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo gods. Vrazdal programmy MGG: lonoofera. Issledovaniya ionosfery; sbornik statiy (Ionospheric Researches; Collected Articles. No. 3) Mama, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1960. 100 p. 2,000 copies printed. ReBp. Ed.: N. V. Nednikov, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics; Ed.: L. A. Trofimova; Tech. Ed.. 'T. V. Polyakova. PUR?OSB : This IGY publication Is intended for geophysicists, astrophysicists, and other scientists concerned with the ionosphere and radio atmospherics. COVERAGE: The collection of articles contains the results of invectigations, an the ionosphere and radio atmospheriess based chierly.on IGY observational data from USSR stations. The articles may be grouped Into the three following categories: Card 1/5 Ionospheric Rea~arches; Collected (Cont.) SOV/5743 1) studies of the morphology and physics or both quiet and perturbed ionospheres; 2) methodology of evaluating absorp- tion and drifts In the ionosphere; and 3) questions on tfie use of ionospherle obsex~vations for praoticil purposes. No personalitlon are montioned. English abstracts and refer- enoes follow each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Poreword Shapiro, B. S. An Investigation of the Distribution of Ionization With Height Kessenikh, V. N. Certain Peculiarities In the Geographic Distribution of the Maximum Electron Concentration In the F-2 Layer Over the Urals, Siberia, the North Caucasus, and Soviet Central Asia (1957-1958) Card 2/~ 5 7 18 77-- Ionospheric ReBearohes; Collected (Cont.) SOV/5743 Kerblay, T. S., and Ye. M. Kovalevdtaya. Correlation of foF2 With Solar Activity Indices, 22- ProcesaeB In the Lower Ionosphere in High Latitudes During the Solar Flare of February 23, 1956 2T Felldshteyn, Ya. 1. The Noctural E-Layer According to Obser- vations at the Dikson Island Observatory 34 Pankratova, N. S. Irregular rhenomena In thq F-Region of the Ionosphere According to Observations at-the Dikson Island Obeervatory 40 Cherenkova. Ye. P. Certain Regularities In the.B.ehavior of lNe--Li~wef-ldnosphere Over Dikson-Island 51 Gorbuahina, G. N. On the Use of Single Reflections for Evaluating Absorption In the Ionosphere According to Obser- vations at Dikson Island 60 Card 3/5 Ionospheric Researches; Collected (Cont.) SOV/5743 Struln, 0 N.)and Ya. 1. Felldshtoyn. liondeviating Abcorp- tion of Radio ~%vcs In -the Auroral Zone 66 Gunov, V. D., and S. F. Idirkotan. On Certain Anomalies During an Ifivestigation of lonosphei-1:6 Drifts' 77 tion of Det6rmlning the 1,13000 Rapoport, Z. Ts. On the Ques Coefficient 63 Likhter, Ya. I., and G. 1. Terina. Certain Results on In- vestigating the Intensity of'Radio Atmospherics (Strays) at 4-loscow go Rodlonov, Ya. S. A Possible Method of Determining Effeo- tive Recombination Coefficients and the Rate of Ionization in the Ionosphere 95 Zakharov, V. I., and Z. K. Shlbayev. Effective Recombination Card 4/ 5 87975 S-00 9/049/60/000/010/011/014 9133^414 AUTHORS: Daitriyov. A.A., Mishina. M.I., Mikirov, A.Ye. and or-ankawa - TXTLE: The Influence of Cosmic Dust on Certain Solar Radiation Characteristics in the Atmosphor* PERIODICAL: Xzvestiya Akactenli nauk SSSR, Seriya geofixicheakaya, 1960, N0.10, PP.1518-1528 TEXT: Kalitin ban show that there is a small the measured solar radiation correlated with the date of the Perseids (Rof.1). ' Zatharov round that the minimum measured value Occurred three days after the maximum of the Perseid stream but that the time depended*on the wavelength used (Ref.2). Giovanelli (Ref.3) calculated the sizwand number of the particles responsible, and information on those data has also been obtained from radar (Ref.5) and rocifet (Ref.6) observations as well as from ,.collection of magnetic material (Ref.7) and work on the zodiacal light. It seems likely that the dust in the troposphere derives Card 1/6 87975 s/o49/6o/ooo/oio/oiLi/oA E133/9414 The Influence of Cosmic Dust on Certain Solar Radiation Characteristics in the Atmosphere from the Earth, whereas that in the stratosphere is of interplanetwy rigin. An equation in derived giving the distribution of dust : ith height in the presence of convection (Eq.(7)) . This formula is considerably more complicated than the exponential expression which holds in the absence of convection. A lower limit for the number of dust particles in the stratosphere is then derived, assuming that tropospheric convection does not extend into the stratosphere. It is found that the mass of particles entering the Earth's atmosphere is 5.5 x 10-15 gM/CM2 sect The authors next consider the effect of the dust content on the solar halo and, in this connection derive an equation to represent it, Fig,l is obtained from this equation and consists of a plot of halo brightness against height for various wavelengths. (The observations were made from an aircraft.) The atmospheric transmission coefficient is closely connected with halo brightness, but effects in the lower atmosphere can be sufficiently large to blot out effects in the upper atmosphere. From data obtained in Card 2/ 6 87975 S/049/60/000/010/011/014 E133/r4i4 The Influence of Cosmic Duit on Certain Solar Radiation Characteristics in the Atmosphere the period 1933 to 1955, it is found that the intensity of solar radiation seems to oscillate with'& period of 5 to 7 days as well as having mini" during meteor showers. It is shown that there is a linear correlation between the intensity of short wavelength solar radiation and the'number of meteors per hour found by radar observations. A correlation was also found between oscillations in solar radiation and radio-echo observations, although maxima and minim of the two'curves were displaced. The authors finally cal6ulate the ratio of the intensity of light scattered by meteoritic dust to that scattered by air molecules at varying'heights. The results are shown in FIS.6 for different angles of scattering and different elapsed times after the initial influx of the particle stream. It was found that the ratio had a constant maximum At 87 ka for all angles of scattering near the level of the noctilueent clouds (Fis-7). There are 7 figures, I table and 20 references: 7 Soviet and 13 non-Soviet. Card 3/6 87975 S/049/60/000/010/011/014 B133/E414 The Influence of Cosmic Dust on Certain Solar Radiation Characteristics in the Atmosphere ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut prikladnoy geofiziki (Academy of Sciences USSR Institute of Applied Geophysics) SUBMITTED: December 25, 1959 Card 4/6 87975 S/049/60/000/010/011/014 E133/E414 The Influence of Cosmic Dust on Certain Solar Radiation 'Characteristics in the Atmosphere I -Halo region between 5*12, and 4*27'; 2 -ditto for 2*111 to 1*40. The dashed-curve marked 11 represents the Rayleigh component for the curve 1. The dependence of the halo brightness on height for different wavelengths 3 - 0,11; 4 - o. 45; , 5- - o. 55 ! ~The dashed curve marked 31 is the 4 Rayleigh component for curve 3. - 116 -The left scale refers to curves 1, 11 and 2'; the right scale refers to curves 3, 31, 4 and ~.Fig.l. Halo brightness-as a function of height NO at o .4 Card 5/6 87975' S/049/60/000/010/011/014 E133/E414 The Influence or cosmic Dust on Certain Solar Radiation Characteristics in the Atmosphere Z.NM x/7 -Z Our. 7. 3azuenmoen Or swcom onotneumn zu- Tencnwonn paccennuoro ItEk MOMPUMI IMCTNIt8l Own x Hn"UMB110M CBeTa, Pacceflunoro Ha manexpax. Vron PRO. cenumn P,: tO*; 1901; a - M-~ z 4 Fig-7. Dependence or the ratio of' the intensity scattered by 5, ,;~=eteor particles to the intensity scattered by molecules for 'PI = 10* (curve 1), 90* (curve 2) and 170* (curve 3), wheire ftft~ angle or scattering). -'Card 6/6 ZORN. M.G.; CMUMV. A.M.* SHik=WT. P.YS.. otv. red.; GALICHIN- - . 9 [Instructions for laboratory workin the field of overhead com- mmloation lftesj R*oYedetvo 1i laboratornym rabotem po vozdash- UYS lInIlam sylest. LanIngrad, 8191ktrotekhn. In-t svlasl. Part 1. Eleatin g thm.tugineering proportion, of line wire and Insulators and methods for splicing wires and fastening lines to poles] IspAanis tokhnichaskikh avoletv lineinei'provoloki I Isollatorov, spo"by soadinenila konteov provodov. ukreplenle pravodov na oporakh. Pod red. P.IA.Shiniberova. 1959. 29 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Reetrie lines-Overhead)