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ZEMYANSINOVt V.D.; Improved indices of the state plan in ferrous metallurgy. Stall 21 no*8:747-750 Ag 161. (KM 14:9) 1. TSentralinn nauchno-issledovatillaki7 inati,tut chernoy metallurgii. (Metallurgical plants-Accounting) ZEMLYANSKOV, V.D.; -ZWLANQY,--.Z..I. Improvement of planning indices in ferrous metallurgy. Stall 23 no.5:471-473 IV 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. TSentrallnyy pauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut chernoy metallurgii 4ron and steel plants-Mnagement) (Incbx numbers (Economics)) CHEP ~.~~NPV New wholesale prioes for ferrous metals* Sbor. trud, TSNIICHM no.4508-47 165, (MIRA 18t9) I Alirnnv and I d*.; i 7 13 Trzzvca with, ChT hrs. ivith 10% IICI .-f*cr tmntn-(:nt with To 17 F in I and th" Inlit St;- Siv, Elf, alt.. 100% t;r Pure tFC- thexviticaj Por on 1. deg-Tad:tn"D ri n~ dr-C-IYE-U (c1, Awa.-, 2227,1 S iz,. Were wepd : 1- ~43 'i 5p:, 1.4271, !A0,,;2; !L'S- 168-DO. 1.4933, LIJ3311, ilv~tiug 8.77 1j. (i~j())~POPWR-h und 2.04 S. AcOll 10 wild at 104-1,5~i folzmo bs "14D. ' ^Ito ithe Ibw-!orzllc-d mi,~A an!!ydridc of'2-46 g . PrOHO nnd hCaling 45 min, 1,) 17z~ ') --W~ 2,5Z17, prc~-duct, bs 123- S', 1.4.;hR, 1 572, w-,i -Pd contg_ 12~6'T I A-,O groiipq, To U -.1 9 and 9X) g. jurhiral was added (~,~ drops rf ;,,? 3M, t )N-Mt~Oli and the mixt~ bmitc! to 9~- I.. ~,ujje SI d I CIL. clic llq(:Ii- hr - . - ' "vilic'; 150 n11. figroine vin.4 trEaled with 10.1 K. Ft;N follm; d addn. of 10,65 g. -PrcGQ; a1mr I hr- -,, 1~,- -.01, the mixt. was filLured af-d distd. yiclding I ~~vbujyrcfr, b,.& IF,0-1', IAG37, MGM. LUMIJ, and 37.,)~ hexanaitc, N., 150-7', 1.4&10, 1.10' 83. The rnwficia with acyl balides is hittitkired by pre-sruce of on tiic 1110-cartying C atmn.t-f the esters and rt-Intivuly high temps. for complutinn. Helting with AcCI all,[ RA~N in ZY16lie P hr~.. nt v;ive -13"1 and thr jai" volar ill 410 ALINDT, P.I.; CHNPLAIIDVA, I.T. Mono-dichloroyliVI @store of some derivatives of PhOCPhOral acids and their properties. Izv.K&s&n.fll.AN SSSR.Ser.kbin. nauk no.4:43-47 157. (JaPA 12:5) (Phospborus acids) (Insecticides) (Ttryl coswunds) ALINOV, P. I.; MORDTA, O.N.; CHEPLANDVA. I.V. Synthesis and properties of some mixed and N-oubstituted amides of dialkylphospboric acids. Izv.Xaran.fil.AN SSSR.Ser. kbis.vauk no.4:49-57 '57. OaRk 12:5) (Auldes) (Phosphoric acids) ALIMOV, P.I.; ~HEPLANOVAL_I.V. Syntheses and properties of some dialkylp p-chlorophenyl-p-trichloroe-I.-hyl phosphites, thiophosphites, and phosphines. Izv.Kazan.fil. AN SSSR. Ser.khim.nauk no.6:54-60 161. ~ (MIRA 16-5) (Phosphorus organic compounds) ALIMDV, P.I.; CHEPLANOVAt I.V. Syntheses of some chlorine organic derivativeB of p4oaphorus acids. 1xv.Kavenefile AN SSSR,.Ser,khim,nauk no.6;61-67 161. (MIRA 16:5) (phosphorus acids) (C*Yorine organic compounds) ALIMOV9 P.I.., nWRDVA, O.N., CHEPIANOVA,. I.V. ----------------------- Syntheses of cerUin substituted &mides and mixed asters of phosphorus acids with possible pbysiological activity. Xhimiya i PrimerlenlYft Postororganichaskikh 9oyedimni)r (Chemistry aM application of organophosphorus cormunds) A. TE. ATTZOV, Ed. Publo by Kazan Affile Acade Sci. USSHp Iloacow 1962,, 632 D;). Collection of comolate oapers Presented at the 1959 Kazan Gonfer-ence o,-; C)--mlatry of ~,'rpanuDhoaphorus Gorwounds. L 26543:&6 EWT(I)/EWT(m) RM/RQ ~ACC Mt AP6017359 SOURCE CODE., UR/0062/66/000/003/0/489/04931 Yamukhametova, D. AUTHOR Kh 1~heplanova, 1. V. ORG i Chemical InstL tute im. A. Ye. Arbuzoy,_AN_ALSR (Khimicheskiy institut'AN.SSSR, TITIS: Organophosphorus derivatives of 122ntachlor6thipphepol S S()URCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiyao er khimicheskaya)no.3,. i966, 489-493. A 'TOPIC T GS: insecticide, phosphoric,acid, ester, organic phosphorus compound's 'organic.synthetic process ABSTRACT: Organoph MLOrui'derivatives of pentachlorothiophanol were synthe- sized to study their biological activity since many pentochlorothioph derivatives are known.pesticidepoW A series of phosphoric acid eaters con- o the 'taining the pentachlorothiophenyl radical were synthesized according to reaction: (RO)2POH 4 C 4- Ha 6Cl5SC1 7- (RO)2P(O)SC6015 -where R=CH H71 iqo-CjH71 G09- !7 .3, C2H5, C3 The pb7sical constants and results ;Lre presented tabularly -Compounds with di the ethyl and propV1 ra calswere also synthesized by the Arbukhov rearrange ~i ment of trietkylphosphite and- tripropvlphosphite with pentachlorophenylmafe~ ~ ~-- i _01-'. chloride. The constants and results of analysis are presentedo ?A number of dithiophosphoric acid esters were synthesized-by.reactift of Card 1/2 UDC 542.9i+661,71A.1 ACC NRt AP6025399 souRcE CODE: uR/oo62/66/ooo/007/126o/li6j AbTHOR: Yarmukhametava, D. Kh.;,.,,Cheplanova, I" V. QPG: 'Instititte of Organic and Physical Chemistry. AcadenV of Scic~.,ces)SSSR) (Institut organ'icheskoy J. fizicheskoy khindi im. A.'Ye. ArbuzovaAkadezaii nauk $GSR) TITLE: Ester of 1-methyl-l-*droxy-2-pentachlorothiophosphonic-acid SOURCE: AN SSSR. lz-~. Ser khim. no. 7. 1966, 126o-1261 TOPIC TAGS: organothiophosphonic acid ester, pesticide P_*-rFA, 4 e-4 0 ABSTRACT:. ,The eight new esters shown in the table were pbtained by the addition---I q - tof pentachlorothiophenylacetone to dialkylthiophosphonous acids in.the ,presence of sodium methoxide at 110-1200C: RON@ C4C18SCH'C0CH8+ IS) O(S)OR R -Lower alkyle W_-C~H& or OR 'The pe'sticidal activity of these esters is under investigation. ,rd 1/ 3 uDc: s42.91+661.718.'1 'ACC NRt. )2~399 iCaliffalmt-ecl Yield- Formula MP r r cl 5 r Ocuc C.C69CH.Cocus 2 5 .81 62.43 9,16 - 70 53;09 9,01 - COC63CHIC(CHO(OCH09 188--169 6.73 40,2 7.32 6,91 ~9. 58 7,13 44 6.75 39.69 , 200-201 6,31 37.48 6 92 6 60 37."i 6,71 60 6.32 37,45 , 6.65 , WCHBC(CV )P(OC Br")s C 167-168 5 79 34 80 6 67 6 14 35 18 34 6 50 s s . f , , , , in 10 5,97 34:86 - caus -158 6,71 39.75 6.94 39,75 7 2~ Table 1. C;cw~.C(Ciijp< OCH. 166-16T 7,02 38,84 .7- 6,73 38,54 49 c6cjscHx(cHjp< eard 2/3 38,77 A Owff. J. C.C63CHACHo< )0--~.1ki 6,79 3T.31 6.63 37, 1 35 06 t, OcIff, 37,23 31 c4wHqcujp(ocj" IOG-107 6.2 35,86 6,3 .36.-VIII - 6,63 JIM I I . 2.3 19 98-99 5.6 34.3 11.92 6.96 34.1 1 X4 0- , o'10 ,-,~ ~-~ m I.. I ~ ~ 11 1. S/IG9/63/000/003/032/()42 D263/D307, -AUTHORS: GaVtsov, A.P-. and IITLE: .,.,~Second conference on the problem of climatic. trans- formation, Leningrad, June 11-13, 1962 n 'RIODICAL:, Re f e r at ivnyv zhur al, Geofizika, no. 3, 1963, 70, abstract 3B464 (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geogr., 1962, no. 5 184-187) '=T: A.conference was held in,Leningrad on Jane 11-13, devoted to climaticchange- organized by the Glavnaya gcofizi- chaskaya observatoriya im. A.I.Noyey1cova (I-Aain Geophysical Observa- tory im. A.1. Voyeykov)-, lustitut prikladnoy geofiziki (institute of Applied Geophysics) and Institut geografil k11 SOSR (Institute of Geography of -the AS USSR). The following subjects were discussed: active influence on clouds and precipitation# methods of protecting plants from au tunnal frost, climate improvement by acting on the snow cover, climate changes during action on the ice of the Northern Arctic.Ocean, possibility of influencing atmospheric movements, and 'Card 1/2 CHEPOROV9 E. The seventy sixth. Sov.foto 22 no.3:18 Mr 162. (MM 15:2) 6* France_-Coal miners) AFANASENKO, Ye.; CHEFOROV, E. School students study photography; general instruction in photo- graphy is introduced in the schools of Balakhna. Sov.foto 21 no.9:20-21 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Ministr prosveshcheniya RSFSR (for Afanasenko). (Balakhna--Photography--Study and teaching) ,GHEBMOV7--F.- The military correspondent as the nowspaperts helper. Soy.foto. 23 no.2glS F t63. (KCRA 16 sA0 (Journalism, Iftlitary) I I CHEFORUKHIN, M. Everyday activities of.a factory co=Ittes. M6st.prom.1 khud. prows. 3 no.3:5-6 It- 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Prodsodatell Altayokogo krayevogo komiteta profsoyusa rabochilrb mostwy promphlanwati i kommal Inogo khozyaystva.. g. Barnaul. (Barnaul-Ghemdeal industries) i U U=fib-6ICUw Bulbacapulne --i~llllv19 ~7- Medicine Toxicology "The APPlication of a Method of Washing Living Organisms in Balbocapnine," P. M. Chepov, 2 pp "Byul Ikep Blol I Had" Vol InII, No 6 Detailed data and brief discussion leading to the conclusion that the effect of the poisoning can be averted by subcutaneous injections in doses of 14 20 milligrams to the kilogram, which have a cataleptic and catatonic effect, and that the samir operation will stop convulsions already induced by subcutaneous injection of bulbocapnine In a dose of 50 milligrams to 1 kilogram. 14T11 CHEP()V, P. M. "Blood Circulation inra Graf ted Extrerrzity as Determined by Roentgen and Vasograpbic Observations,," Khirurgiya., No 5. 1949 Roentgeno-Physiological Lab., Surgical Inst. im. Vishnevskiy, Dept. Clinical Med., Acad. Med. Sci.,USSR CHEP,-~V, P. 1-1. USSR/hedicine - Transplantation of Organs "Transplantation of Organs, 11 P. N. Mazayev, Dr Yed Sci, 1. M. Gher-ov, Can Led Sci, Inst of Slurg imeni A. V. Vishnevskiy, Acad Yed Sci USSR IoNaWca i Zhiznl" Vol XVIIIY No Ily pp 29-32 ; ^A~4qk, I qd-1 Describes successful transplantations of Int, organs (Iddneys in does, heart in frogs and, dogs, etc.) carried out by-USSR investigatcrs. Yentions importance of V. F. Gudov's new app, for suturing in connection vith transplantation techni-iuos. On the basis of olm work, describes auto transplantations of completely severed hind legs of dogs. There was complete healing and restoration of functions: the dogs have lived for about 3 yrs since the operation and are completely normal at present LP-ictures of the running and jumping ~. Describe X-ray methods 01. observittg stages of healing ( particularly dogs are sholm healing of blood vessels Yith the use of the USSR contrast agent Sergozin injected into blood). PA 213T96 VISHNSVSZIY, A.A.;NAUYST, P.N.;CMIPOY, P.M.;GRITSMAN, Yu.Ya.; SHRAYBAR, N.I. , % OW4, ---VW Problem of transplantation of orga=* lhlruMllaq XoskTa, no. 8:5-12 Aug 1952*' (GIRL 23:3) I** Corresponding Mentor AM WSR, Professor for VishnsTakly; Pro- fessor for MasayeTs, Decent for Chepov-, Candidate Medical Sciences for Gritsumn and Shrayber. 2. Of the Institute of Surgery imeal A. V, Vishmevskly, AcadsvW of Medical Sciences** USSR. 14 E PO V) *1~10fidcel MWOMPStIbIlIty of Tionow of Hamografts.," by N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov, M. M. Kapichnikov, P. M. Chepov,, and Ye A. Zotikov, Division of Immunology (head, Prof N. N. Zhukov- Verezhnikov, Active Member, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR), Iwtitute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR (director., Prof I. N. Mayskiy),.Eksperimentallna-va Khirur 142~L ft 6, Noi,/Dec 56, PP 55,62 The authors discuss the factors andthefnechanism involved in the in- ~ological incompatibility of tissues in hDaDgrafts.ind possible means of preventing this type of tissue incompatibility. The authors'! conclusions ww~bwed on a review of Soviet and Western literature. (U) ZUKOV-VMMZHNIKOV, N.N.; "PICHNIKOV, H.M.; CHMV P.M. IKOV, Te.A. IDIPO __- ZOT Immunological Incompatability of tissue In homoplastic trans- plantation. Mmper.khir. 2 no.2.55-62 Mr~Ap '57. Oaft 12:8) I. Is otdola Immologil (say. -daystvitellayy chlen ANN SSSR prof.H.B.Zhukov-Vereshnikov) Instituts eksperimentallnoy biologii A14N SSSR (dire -prof. I - N."ki.O. (311K THOMUMTION homoplastic, Imminol. incom)atability of tissue. (Rua)) CHEPOVi P.MI Canddidate of Medical Sciences, KAFICOMOV, M.M., Candidate of Flealcal-Sciences. "Immunological Basis of Tissure Incompatability in Homotransplants," and explained the incompatibility as bases on the delicate immunotogical difference between the donor and the recipient. The major method for determining this incompatibility was a special method for the selection of donors and recipients, reduction of the antigenic properties of the preserved homotransplants, and a procedure to decrease the cecipients' immunological reaction to homotransplants. Paper presented at 11th Session of AM USSR on Trauma, April 1957. so: sum 1644 6- -7 /101 KAPICHNIKOV, M.N., GIWOV, F.K. First Al'-Uhlon onfOrence on ?issue Incormatibility and the Transplantation of Organs and Tissues. Ve-st~AKK BSSR 13 noo8:79-83 158 OWSPI&MATION CW ORGATS. ITISSUES. ]VC) (KIRA 11:9) 17 GHENVI-?,Nl--- PlamoPhoremis and trwaplantation imminity. Isro AN Am. MR. Blol. "&Wd 13 no-5:19-25 My 160. (MIRA 132 9) 1. Laborateriya bdLolftii antigenov Otdela i=mmologii Iwt4tutg eksperimutallucy blologii AMN &WR, Moskva. (OMOGRMS) CHEPOV P.M. (Moskva) Basic problems in tissue and organ transplantation. Pat.fiziol.i 'eksp. terap. 5 no#3386-91 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz instituta eksperimentallzioy ~iologii (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayskjy) AM SSSR. (TRANSPLANTATION OF ORGANS, TISSUES, ETC.) PUZA, A.V.[doceased]; SISPOV, P.M.; ZOTIKOV, N.A.; URINSON, R.N.; POPMHINAp Lidia T.- Total exoanguinatica transfusion and kidney honotranoplanta- tion in adult dogs In relation to the sensitization of the recipients, Fo2ia btal. (Praba) 9 no.4:25D-257 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Cseebmlvrak AcadmW of Sciences, Pftgue, Institute of Experiviental. B!L*14U, AcadmW of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, Central Institute of Haesiatology and Transfusion, Moscow. (KIDN1ff TRANSPLANTATION) (EXCHANGE TRANSFUSION) (ANTiBoDr Fomnm) (Hmomummoff INHIBI*-*Off TESTS) SOLUNI, V.I.; QHEPOV, Yu.P. Comparison of Paleogene sediments in Badkhyz, the GaLrdak region, the southern part of the Tajik Depression, and the northern foot- hills of the Hindu Kush. Trudy VSEGEI 102:272-294 164. (MIRA 18:2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 548 Akadenlys, nsuk SSSR. TsentralInan nauchno-issledovatel'skays laborstorin elek- tricheskoy obrabotki materialov, Blektroiskrovays obrabotka me tallov (Zlectrospark Machining of Metals) Moscow, Izd-vO AN SM, 1957. 225 P. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 1) 5,000 coPies printed. Deep. Bd.: Liszszeuko, B. R.; Ed. of Publishing(House: Noyzhes, S. M.; Tech. Zd.: Astaflyeva, 0. A. PURP=: This book in intended for scientists and enidn ra working in the field of electrospark mchining of settle and for metallurgists and uscld= builders. COVERUM: This collection of technical papers deals with electrospark machining of metals. It presents Information on developments in this field in the Soviet Union and abroad. A detailed discussion is given of the results of investigations of physical phenomena of electrospark process the methods of measurIng speft-gap, power, metallogmphic examination of Nachned surfaces, and the design and development of new types of electrospark inst&UAtlou. Pbr the abstmet of each paper see the Table of Contents. There am 126 ref- erences of which 91 are Soviet, 19 Inglish, 10 German, and 6 French. Car-I 1/ T Blectrospark Machining of Metals 548 TANS OF CONTEM: 1AMM01109 B- R-, and Uzarenko, N. 1. Contemporary Stage of Development of ZUetrOsWk MaChintug Of Metals Bud SM Scientifte Probleas in ftis M63A 9 ft author revieve the present stage of developments in the field of electro- spark machining of metals and investigate* the physical nature of the proces. sea occurring in the electrode gap during electrical discharge. The investi- gation includes cases when the electrode W is immersed in liquid and gaseous substance, but the major portion of the investigation is devoted to the latter case since this, according to the author.. is a very complex process and is of gmat interest to scientists. 1he gap current-voltLp relation is present- ed and the discharge process is described in detail. It is concluded that the M current-voltage relation is to a great degree affteted by the composition and the state of the electrode gap media, its temperature and pressure, and by the composition and geometri of the electrode. It in stated that the Indust- rial use of the electroapark mischining method was initiated in 1942 in the Soviet Union and since then b&s been growing very rapidly. Various operations performed by this method at the present time are listed. ftere are 9 Soviet references. Zolotykh, B. N. On the Physical Nature of Blectrospark 14schining of Petals 38 This article deals with the Investigation of the physical nature of the electro- erosion process In cases Vhen the electrodes are immersed In a fluid dis' c- Blectrospark Machining of Metals 548 tric. The experimental dAt4L and the mathematical expressions of the reUtlons between the rate of metal erosion and the electrode gap energy an given and the effects of electrode polarity and pulse duration on the rate of erosion are Inveatigated. Various existing theories developed in order to explain the nature of spark erosion are reviewed and their reliability in the light of available experimental data are discussed. The article contains several gmphp of experimental data. There are 42 references, 33 of which are Soviet, 5 English, 3 German, and 1 FYench. I lAmienko, N. 1. Chan In the Initial Properties of the Cathode Surface Wer the'Actiod'of Electric Spark Pulses Flowing in Gaseous Media 70 ra this article the author investigates changes in the properties of a neg- atIve electrode resulting from an electrical discharge when electrodes am immersed in a gaseous dialectric, and - describes some practical applications of electrical erosion. Both electric spark and electric are disebarges were investigated. The author concludes that any type of electrical discharge is fb1loved by erosion of electrodes and that fbr each type of electrical dis- charge there exists a corresponding polarity of erosion. 7bere am 6 refer- ences, 5 of which are SDvlet, and 1 German. Mogilevskiy, 1. Z., and 9M-MYS, S. A. Metall gmphlc Investigation of tbeft-face layer of Steel Pbllowing Electrospark HLchintzg 95 This wUcU dmls with the tecbnlmx-s of InvestlaLtim the stracture and Card 3/T Electroapark Machining of Metals 548 rties of the surface layer of steel after electrospark machining-espec- in the mach-W- of carbon steels with a graphite electrode. 16e Investigation ii;'T~,-Z, US steel and Armco iron after machining with a gm- phits electrode under various operating conditions. It is concluded that after machining the surface layer becomes saturated with carbon to a con- sl&rable depth and it Is possible to observe all structures and phases similar to those in iron-carbon equilibrium diagrams and nonequilibrium struc- tures and phases observed after beat treatment of steel. It is also con- cluded that after electrospark coating of metals a diffusion of coating particles and the base material takes place. The article contains several photographs of the observed microstructure and a detailed description of their characteristics. 7here are 14 Soviet references. Senatorov, K. Th. Measurement of Power in Spark Gaps of Installations for BlectroaWk Macb-Inin of Metals 117 The article presents sow of the results of experimental investigations conducted by TeNn-UMMM, M SSSR (Oentral Scientific %search Iaboratory for Electric Treatment of Metals) in connection with the development of universal equipment and techniques for measuring the power of electrospark instalUtions through the use of multielectrode tubes. The following methods of power measurement-were Investigated: 1) Calorimetric method 2) rn- Card 4/7 Blectrospark Machining of Metals 548 direct (gveiphIcal-analytical) method 3) Nbthod based on the use of electron- tabe equipment. The procedure of each method and its advantages and dis- advaotages, an presented in detail. It is stated that the calorimetric method Is a direct wthod based on measuring energy dissipated in the foru of heat but as it requires the construction of a special electrospark instal- lAtion with calorimeter, it is only feasible in laboratory conditions. Also this method does not make it possible to measure energy lost due to chemical transfbrmtions and the method gives only a!yage results. 7he graphical- analytical method includes a method of graphical integration in the coord- inates of %" and "i" (where u-voltaW applied, and i-WLp cumnt). If the. relationship between-"u" and "i" is available as a function of t (t-timv) the problem reduces to the solution of the flolloving integral: N W- u(t)i(t) dt (where W- ave=V power; t - pulse duration; T u and N - nusber of pulses). It is concluded that this method makes it pos- sible to determine the energy and power in the spark gap with a high degree of accuracy, but requires special equipment to obtain the osciUograms of the relations between u(t) and i(t) or u(i) and that the solution of the Integral is in many cases a time-consumin operation. 7be third method which is based on the use of electron-tube equipment is said to be an exact method Card 5/i 7 Faectrospark MELchining of Metals 548 and applicable to various types of electrospark-machining installations. A detailed description and illustration of the electron-tube watt meter used In this method an presented. 7here are 5 Soviet references. Zolatykho B. N. , Mordvinov,, Yu. B. , and Mniglov, A. I. Wchanical Type Discharge HLebines for Feeding Electrospark Installations and 7beir Characteristics 133 Accordin to the article an increase in machining rate by the electroqark machining method my be achieved by the two following methods: 1) by Pulm freqnncy 2) by increasing pulse eL*rgy. Since previous investigations have shown that the quiality of a machined surface is inversely proportional to pulse energy, increase in energy will result in the reduction of surface qumL31ty,. Vb~n this'is not a practical method for increasing the rate of mach- Jnlng.~ On the other hand, an increase in pulse frequency does not affect sur- face q=Uty, but can not be achieved in a system having condenver-charging circuit. As a result it was necessary to develop new types of pulse generators. A detailed description and an experimental investigation of such pulse gener- ators are presented. It is stated that the maximum machining rate achieved by use of new machine generators du the process of producing holes at the full load was between 5000 and 550.11 ".' 0 mm-Ymin., and the use of MIG-3k and XM-3B electrospark generators increases the rate of machining steel and bard alloys from 2-3 times more than the estimated rate when using a condenser-charging system. 2here are 9 Soviet references. Cord O/T Electrospark Wchining of Metals 548 dyinson, re. M. IndustrIal Types of Blectrospark Bquipment - --1 -oporary lndutrUa electroftark m1ehining oqalpment to -desigaed to perfors three main operations: 1) mmehining of bollm purts' and ctitting of holes 2) grinding of surfaces 3) cutting (slitting) of Wt*As. This article describes and gives technical specifications of U different types of electrospark equIpment manufactured by the Leningrad Carburetor Mant Iment IkUbyshev for machining steel and hard alloys. Detailed information about each machine and a list of operations which my be performed are presented. 2here are no references. f Ukeiiakd, B. R. Present Stage of Development of Slactrospark Machining of Yletals Abroad 176 2he wathor revieve the most Importaot, theoretical mid exprizental in- vettlations on eletrospark machining published abroad. There am 25 references of vh1ch 14 are Inalsh, 6 Germa, and 5 French. AVAIM=: Library of Congress 00/ftl CSTA ?/T 10-22-58 MOGILIWSKIT. I.Z..- CHIMATA, S.A. Metallographic study of surface layers of steel@ oubjocted to electric spark machining. Trudy TSNIL-RUIMON uool:95-116 '57. (MIRA 11:12) (31lectric awtal cuttino (Steel-Xetallograipby) ACCESSION NR- AT4012871 8/3060/63/000/000/0119/0125 AUTHOR: Mog1levs1dy, L Z. (Deceased); Unetskly, Ya. L.; Chepovaya, S. A. TITIX: Macroscopic investigations of structural changes in the surface layers o1 steel and some alloys after electric spark discharge cutting SOURCE: AN SSSR. Tsentr. n. -1. lab. elektr. obtabotki metallov. Elektroiskrovaya Obrabotka metallov. Moscow, 1963, 119-125 T6PIC TAG9: electric spark discharge, macrostructural change, surface layer, steel, '.I finishing c ! mium nickel alloy, nickel containing alloy, electrical metal tTRACT: The macrostruchiral changes were investigated in the following materials: perlite steels: 45, 35 KhGSA, U9, U10, KhG, 9KhS and KhVG; martensite steels: hypo- eutectoidat 19 KhNVA and ledebuites KJhlZF, P18 and P9-, austenite steels- G13 and M18119T; and chromium nickel alloys: Kh20N8O (E1435), E1617. The surface of each sample cut perpendicularly to the plane of travel of the disc was micropolished and then etched to expose the macrostructural changes. Etching solutions were: 2.5 g FeClj + 12. 5 ml HC1 + 25 ml ethyl alcohol, 3% HNO3, and 6% HN03 for carbon and alloy ateels; electrolytic etching: in 0. 1% solution of hyposullite at 0. 15 amp/cm2, 35 rd 1/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4012871 volts, and 15 sec for E1617; a solution of 2 parts HN03 and 3 parts HCl + CuC12 by volume for the steel lKh 18N9T and &Hoy Kh20N80. The lubricant used in cutting was a suspension of kaolin using water with 50 g/liter of boric acid, 40 g/liter of borax and 450 g/liter of powdered kaolin, which was kept at 20-25C. Tables 1-3 in the Enclosure sum- marize the results obtained on samples of ~WhGSA steel and the hardened steel U9. Sections of the machined surface revealed a thin, shiny layer, 0. 05-0.15 mm thick and present at all values of current. At higher currents (400-1000 amps) a wedge-like layer was observed, extending from about the center of the disc to its circumference. This layer was found to arise due to thennal heating of the rod during the cutting process, and its thickness It increased with working current and voltage, as did the length. Ile thick- ness was also larger when a DC generator was used, rather than a rectifier, as the current source. Furthermore, h decreased when the rod diameter was increased and the length of the layer decreased when the tangential velocity of the cutting disc was in- creased. The fact that it is more difficult for the lubricant to penetrate the gap when the cutting disc is near the center of the rod also contributes to the peculiar form of the thermal effect zones. Essentially similar -results were obtained for other materials, Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Teentr. n. U. tab. elektr. obrabotld metallov AN SSSR (Central Scientific Research Laboratory for Electrical Metal FinishingAN SSSRIJ Card 2/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4012671 SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 13Feb64 SUB CODE: M NO REF SOV: 004 3/6 c6rd ENCL* 03 OTHER: 000 ACCESSION NR: AT4012871 ENCLOSURE:01 Table 1: Dimensions of thermal effect zones in rods of steel 36 KhGSA. Current source: dep-down transformer with full-wave selenitun rectifler. Average working voltage 21-23 v; tangential velocity or disc electrode 20 m/sec. laverap Rod diameter 30 mm Rod diame ter 60 mm Rod diameter 6 9 mm amps Layer thick- layer Layer thic k- Layer layer thick- Layer ness MIA Lenjdh ness mm lAnLrth mm nose mm LengUmm 100 0.1 30 0.1 60 0.1 95 200. 0.1 30 0.1 60 95 300 0. 5* 14 0.1 60 0.1 95 400 0.66* .18 0.8* 23 0.1 95 Soo 1.3* 20 1.4* 46 0.1 95 600 1. 5* 20 1. 7* 48 1, P 62 700 1. 8* 48 1.74 so Soo 2.2# 50 2.86 57 Melting wid thermal offeit sone 4/6 card ACCESSION NR: AT4012871 ENCLOSURE: 02 Table 11: Dimensions of thermal effect zones in rods of steel 351(hGSA of 60 mm diameter. Current source: Direct current generator GS-500 with Independent excita- tion and disconnected demapetization winding. Average working voltage 21-23 v., tangential dine velocity 20 m/sec. average Layer thicimnee' LALyer length average Layer thickness Layer depth 'Mm I amps MM Mm amps MM A 60 100 0.1 Soo 1.70 35 200 0.1 60 Soo 1. 9* 47 300 0. 7* 25 700 2. P so 400 1.4* 27 *oee Table 1. card 6/6, ACCEMON NR: AT4012671 ENCIDOURE: 03 Tableffl: Dimensions of thermal effect zones in rods of Meal U9. Average working voltage 22-24 v., tanpWAal disc velocity 20m/sec. Iaverage Step-down transformer and rectifier Weiding diriect current generator 'P" Layer thidkmm Layer Length layer thickness Layer length MIR mm mm mm 100 0.1 30 0.1 30 200 0.1 30 0.1 30 300 0.1 30 to 400 0. 8# 18 19 500 1. 9* 17 94 600 2. P 25 * see Table I Card 6/6 Z-AKHARENKOq I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; SIROTA, D.A.; CHEPOVETSKIY, I.Kh. Introducing a hard-alloy instrument for processing parquets from the vood of tropical species. Bum. i der. prom. no.4: 43-46 O-D 163. (MIRA 17:3) ZAKHARENKO, I.P., insh.; SIROTA, D.A. I inzh. Knives.with glued-in hard-alloy blades. Der. prom. 12 no.6:23-24 Je 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sinteticheskikh sverkhtvardykli materialov i instrumenta. . 0 BAKULI, B.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZAKHARENKO, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHEPOVETSKIY,,,-L,.Kk,.,6.inzh. Sharpening hard-alloy wood-cutting instruments with diamond rings. Der. prom. 12 no.9:8-9 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1, Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh overkhtverdykh materialov i instruotntao BAKULI, V.W.v kand. takhn. nauk; ZAMARENKO.. I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; CHEPOVEMKIYO I.1h., inzh.; STARKOV, V.I., inzh. Sectional har"llo7 milling cutter with an eccentrtc clamp. Der.,pron. 12 so.22:21-22 P 163. (MIRA 17,0) 1e Ukrainsidy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut sinteti- cheskikh everkhtverctrkh materialov i instrmenta. A.A.; CHEPOVEETSKIYp I.Kh. SAGARDA, - , Diamond honing of cast-iron parts. Mashinostroitell no.10:27-29 0 1". (MIRA 17:11) BDIDTNYY, N.V.; CHEPOVETSKIY,,,,I.n.; BORBAT, A.A. Synthetic diamonds at the Zhitomir Automobile Spare-Part Plant. Mashinostroitell no.10:42-43 0 t64. (MIRA 17:11) CHEPOVETSKIY, I.Kh.; IMBIRSKIY, V.I.; PORELAT, A.A. Synthetic diamonds at the VladAmir Truktor Plant and the "Serp i Molot" Plant in Kharkov. Mashinostroitell no.10:45 0 164. ,MIRA 17:11) I, zh, ZAKHARFNKO, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHEPOVETSKIY, I.Kh.p ~;. Hard alloy tool set for the processing of parquet.. ;Der. prom. 13 no.4-.20-22 Ap 164. -(VaFtA 17W SAGA110DAP A,A., kand. tekhn. nauk; I Y~~ Honing cylinder blocks with synthetic dJamond bars. Avt. prom. 30 no.12342-43 D 164. (IMIRA 18:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellakiy konstr4ktorsko--tekhnologicheskiy Institut sinteticheskikh svorkbtverdykh materialov i Anstr=enta Gosplana UkrSSR. GREPOVETSENTY., I.Kh., inzb.; DIEIRSKH, V.I.; GAIMSKY, V.N., inzh. '7-)nJ-ng C714nders alld connecting rods of the D37M eng--ne ~, r syntheticn-d-Jamorid bars. Vast.masbinostr- 45 no.3:53-56 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) CIIEPOVE,TSKIY I.K 9 inzh.; NFLIPOVIGH, ;'.'V.,r inzh., GUSHCHIN, I.A., inzh. IS ... ~~j .6 Diwm.nd honing of parta made of' hardened otbeel. Masshinostroenle . no.5:27-30 S-0. 165. (MIRA 18:9) ~m SAGARDA, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; CHEPOVETSKIYp I.Kh., inzh. Diamond honing of engine cylinders of motor vehicles and tractors. Mashinostroenis no.406-37 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) TULIFt V.V.; CHEPOVSKAYA, V.F. , starshiy inzh. Few method of inspectiony maintenance and repair of locomotives. Elek.i tepl. tiaga 5 no.32:9-3.1 D 261. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Glavnyy tekhnolog otdela remonts. i modernizataii toplavozov Glavnogo upravleniya lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Ministerstva putey soobshchaniya (for Vullf). 2. Otdel ramonta i modernizateii alektropodvizlinogo 6ostava.Glavnogo upravleniya lokomotivnogo khozyaystva.Hinisterstva putey soobsbehaniya (for Chepovskaya). (Locomotives-44aintepance and repair) ..SHINDELI# Ta,G. [Shyndell, IA.H,I; CHEPOVL'TSKIYv.,V,.M..[Chopovetalkyl, V.Mj,); SPIRINP V.K. Automation of manual operations In dyeing and finishing processes. Lehopron. no.100-22 Ja-Mr 164. (MRA 19:1) OVSKIY, V-..S,.--(L!.vov.. ul.Pavlova, d-30 kv-3) Treating acute mastitis by electrophoresis, of antibiotics. llov. khir. arkh. no.1:84-67 Ja-r 160. (Mlz'tk 15-2) 1. Kafedra, gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. L.N.Ku=onko) Llvovskogo meditsinakcgo instituta. (SUGTI'MPHO&SIS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (BILAST-DISLASY.i) CHEFOVSM, V-.S.,(LvOv,,17,ul.Akademika Pavlova.d.3,kv.3) Electrophoretic study of blood plaema proteine In pattents vith acute surgical hispatobiliary diseases, Klin.kh1r. no.505-38 Yq 162, (MIR& 16W 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy kh1rurgii (zav. - prof. L.N.Kumenko) 1;',VcYvskDgo meditsinskogo instituta, - (BIDOD FROTEINS) (LIVER-DISEASES) (BILE DUCTS-DISEASES) - - GHRM"OT# X.-N. - PHNIULI MAII, A.I. (Nook") Paregonimosle of the lungs. glinewd. 34 no.12:69-71 D 156. (I= DISSUM (KIRA 20:2) ftragenyme Infect., clin.aspects & ther.) (PARAGWDM, Infect. lunng elln. aspects & there) - - I - I Y Z, .!. " ,I ~ , GBEMKOvi, N.N. (Hoskva) Peculiarities of the clinical course of zVocardial infarction in hypertension. 35[i.e.341 no.1 -'nw lenet:8 A 157. . p (43ART--IIWARCTION) (KIRA 11:2) (BYPIMENSION) SIDIERNLIHAN. A.I.; CHIPRAXOY, N.N. (Hoskya) A case of matiple traustode infection. 36 n0.3:119-121 Mr 158. (RUA 11:4) (TRINATODA INFECTIONS, case reports coublued clonorchiasis & paragonimiasis (]Rua)) CMRAKOV, N.N., polkovnik medithinskoy sluzhby ParagonimUoils. Voen.-med. zhur. no.5s8l..92 N (L'UNGS-DI3EASFS) (TMMTODA) y 163.. (MIRA 1/,; 8) CHEPRAKOV N.N., I y Irolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby Use of biokhinol in atherosclerosis. Voen.-med.zhur. no.9:81 S ,61. (MIRA 15:10) (BISMUTH COMPOUNDS) (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) I CUMAKOV, V A Ellp ..qg3o65 NERAV140HERMST' RAZVITIYA KAPITALTS-TICHESKIKH SMAN I 0BGSTIZIME P-ROTIMEChlY MEZHDU ND.I. MCBM, IZD-VO MC11YEE, 1953. 46 P. TP.BLES (VSESCYuZNoYL CBSHCIWTVO PO RLSFRC6UW--,lENIYU POLITICHESKIM I NAUCH- .NYKH ZNANIY. 1953, SMIYA 2j, NO. 9) RUSSIA CHEPRAKOV, V, "International Poobtar Air Transportation," World Economics and World Politiess No.89 1945 CmMUKOV, v i 172-312 l'ilitarizatsiya stran Severo-Atiantiche kogo bloka C5 (14ilitarization of the Countries of the North At-lantic Plloc) Yoskva, Voyermoye lzd-vo Yipisterstva Oborony Soyuza SSr, 1954. 95 P. CIMPALM V, Lenin's theory of the uneven development of capitalism and the Intensification of lVerialintic conflicts In the postwar period. Vop.elton. mo.400-0 Ap, 156. (K6U 9: 8) (]foreign economic relations) GERPRAEDV, To - "Oll, $oelal dams~ of bourgeois economists of Me U.S.Ae Seveprofoolusy 4 no.1:73-79 J& 156 (NMA 9:4) (United Ratoo-leenomic conditions) CHE PILIKOV V kand.ekonorniclieskildi nni~,r History and our time ("llistori of the Great Patriotic ~,.Iar of ., -to 1945." Vol.1-Reviewed by the Soviet Union, from Ic'41 V. Cheprakov). Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 1 no.l-.89-94 0 160. (11 M, 14:7) (World War, 1939-1945) CHEEMOV, V. State monopoly capitalism and bourgeois economics. Top,skon. no.7s83-98 n 162. (ML 15:7) (Caplts.usm) (Economics) CHEPRAKOV, V. The plot of monopolies. Sov. profsolusy 18 no.15:40-42 Ag 162e (MIRA 150) (swe"an sconcade Commnity) AUTHOR: Cheprakova, Yu. I. SOV/20-121-5---42/50 TITLE: The Structure and Histogenesis of Pharyngeal Teeth in Certain Cyprinidae Species (Stroyeniye i gistogenez glotochnykh zabov nekotorykh vidov karpovykh ryb) PERIODICALi Doklady kkademii nauk 553R, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 5, ppc 920-92A, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The data in publications on the morphology, histology, and histogenesis of the teeth mentioned in the title are contra- dictory (Refs 2-13). The author studied these teeth from the moment of the hatching of the animals with the common crucian Carassius auratus L.), the brace (Abramis brama L.), the roach Nutilus rutilus L *), the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), and the i-arbel (Barbus barbus L.). For the three last-listed species preparations developed by Professor S. V. Yemellyanov were used. The material was fixed by liquids of Zenker (Tsenker) and Bueno, and tlien decalcified in a 5 per cent nitric acid and in a 10 per cent glycerin. The preparations were completely stained with boron-carmine and the sections were counterstained on slides according to Mallory and with iron-haematoxylin accord- Card 1/9 ing to Haiderhain (Gaydengayn). With all the species studied SOV/20-121-5-42/50 The Structure and Histogenesis of Pharyngeal Teeth in Certain Cjprinidae Species in this place the pharyngeal teeth are, after the hatching; arranged in two rows, of conical shape (Ref 2) and do not pro- trude into the lumen of the throat. They serve possibly for the streching and smoothing of the wrinkled part of the throat at the respiratory movements. The wall of the teeth is thin, in it cells are dicernible (Fig 1 a). The cells are of irreg- ular form and have characteristic protuberances. The small canals characteristic for dentine are absent as well in the apical as in the dental part of the tooth. From this fact the author concludes that the primary pharyngeal teeth consist of bone tissue, whereby they differ from the teeth of further generation, which are built up of dentine. There are 4 figures and 13 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A. N. Severtsova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Zoomorphology imeni A. N. Severtsov, Academy of SciencesjUSSR) PRESENTED: April 1, 1958, by I. I. Shmallgauzen, Member, Academy of Sciences. USSR SUNCETM: march 4, 1958 Card 2/2 CHIPRAKOVA, In. I. Sons data an the effect of Iron malt concentration on the development and survival of fish eggs. Vop.ikht. no.U: 110-112 160. (NIRA 13:8) 1. Inatitut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A.N.Severtsova Akademil nauk SSSR. (Iron--Physiological effect) Obbryology--Fishes) . CHEPRAKOVA,, Tu.1. Relationship between the fat content of egp and morphoblological cbaracteristles of female roach. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.1:233-235 N l6o. WU 13:11) 1. Institut morfologil shivotoykh in.A.N.Severteava AN SSU. Predstayleno akRdmikom T's.N.Pavlovskim. Vieben-ftgs) (Roach Ofteb)) (fat) 'r CHEPRAKOVA, YU.I* Pat content of unfertilized eggs of rutting females in a spawnbng roach school. Trudy sov. Mt. kom. no.13:~96- 300 161. (MIRA 1./+: 8) 1. Iaboratoriya ikhtiologii Instituta morfologil zhivotnykh AN 9SSR. (Reach (Fish)) (Fishes-Eggs) (Fat) -CHEPRAKOVAP Yu.I.; VASETSKIY, S.G. Characteristics of the mature roe of roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus Jak.) in relation to the nature of the spavning stock. Vop. ikht. 2 no.2:262-Z?4 162i (KRA 15:11) 1. Institut morfologii zhivotnvkh iseni A.N.Severtsova AN SSSR. (Volga River-Roach (Fish)) (Caspian Sea-Roach (Fish)) (Fishes--Eggs) corfmovp , Y,,,. I. ,-'I- I- - ---- -- -Cnarga i i the amount of fat in the body of small White Sea . barring of the Randalakshn Bay as related to its biology. T--,dy Inst. morf. zhiv. no.1,2-138-145 162. (MIRA 117:10) 30757. CHEPRASOV., A. F. Opolzni v kaspiyaknkh otlozheniyakh rayona a. stalingrada. VODrOSY gidrogeologii i inzh.-geologii, 9b. 12, 19h9, 9. 60-66. TA-'-'ACHINA, K.V.;VCH3PBASOV. B.L. Unusual eruptive br*ccias In the Altai. Isv.AN lazakh.SBR.Ser. geol. zo.21:14-28 155. (WJ1A 9:8) (Altai Nountains-BroceW GREPRASOV, BaL, Using cuttings obtained in rotary and air drilling in goological. documentation and assayingo Trudy AItGMMI AN Knakh,SM 12-.1-13-328 162, . (KM& 13.- 8) (Pros'pectim) '(Borings) 16(l) PHASE I BOOK ECEWITATION SOV/2445 Aka4emlya nauk SSSR. Vychls3.itellnyy teentr Vychislitellnaya zatmatika (Computational Mathematics) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 183 P. (series: Its: Sbornik, 4) Errata slip inserted. 5,000 copies printed. Reap. Ed#: V, A. Ditkin,, Profess9r; Ed.- M. V, Takovkin; Tech. Ed,: I. N. Omseve, PURPOSE: This book is InteAded for apolied mathematicians, scientists, and engineers, COVERAR: This book contains seven articles concerning the development or new s6thods of constructing namogrects of practical value in eampatations. The first two articles, vhich make up the largest part or the book, deal vi~h various aspects of-practical nomography. Mach attention is paid to the nomogram with movable scales and to the nomographing of canonical forms. ProJective transformations of aligment nowgrams, design of nomograms on high speed computers, nomograms of polynomlals, elemients of the theory of note and their application to nomography are also discussed Card 1/8 Computational Mathematics (Cont.) SOV/2445 in the book. References accompany each article, TABLE OF CONTEXTS: Khovanskly, G. S. Certain Problem of Practical Nomography 3 Ch. I. Nomogrms With Orientated M3vable Scale for Equ#ions With Four Variables 3 1. Introduction 2. Nomographlug the canonical form -f3 a F(112 + f4v 912 + 94) 5 3. Nomographing the canonical form f + F(&,% 9 ) + f12 - () 7 I-t ")C(y -D(-Y,C ) - 0 8 4. Nomographing the canonical form A V) + W 6) .4 5. Nomographing the canonical form f12 + g12 g34 + f34 0 11 6. Nomographing the canonical form i It '~. 1 .1,0 T. Namographing; the canonical fors"w 15 1 i~ . t 16 2:. + Card 2/8 92 + 93k + (fl + f2) 931, + h3h - r1f3h + r2g3k + h3k 0 Computational Matheizatics (Cont.) SOV/2445 Ch. IX, Nomogram With Orientated Movable Scale for Equations Representable by Alignment Nomogram 17 8. The general ease 3.8 9, Nomographing the canonical form 21 10, ing the canonical fam Name 25 S. I z 0 V kits I I the:eanonical fo L rul T 12. Namographing the canonical form 34 13. Nomo the canonical form graphing 32 511 1 L 14. M -Le, canonical form NOMO 34 't Card 3/8 Computational MathmmUcs (COnt-) sov/2445 15 - liomographing the canonical f o=jfj r/3 jo 4-t4L Ta V +-k j I ' 0 Ch. III. liamogrmas With Orientated Movable Scales for Equations With Six Variables, Which Allow the introduction in Equations of a Field of Arbitrary Functions 47 16. The case of one aibitrary function 45 17. Nomographing the canonical form 48 A L 4 + qsd- -;12. ) 'ad?.3 JV + 18. Nomographing the canonical form 49 = F CA, jq't -#j-wL? -i- 19. Nevographing the adnoi a form 51 20. The case of two arbitrary functions 52 2J.- Nompgraphing the canonical form 52 66 'wlf,&+ F (Atz - 0~jid 22, NonogmWng the canonical. 'form 53 Card 4/8 Computational Mathematics (Cont.) SOV/2445 23. The case of three arbitrary functions 55 Ch, 1T. Nomographing Method for the Approximate Representation of a Function of One VwIsble 57 24. Stating the problem 57 25. Nomogrsms vith scales having three degrees of freedaa 59 26. Particular cases of nomogrems having three degrees of freedom 63 27. lamograms vith orientated movable scale 67 28, Namographifag the:~eqtiatibn ff OV, if 4",-4 *, v4 -tv-1 WD and Its special cases 69 29. Nomogmphing the eqmstion ccp I&W" and its particular es 72 30. Aligment nomograms T5 Ch. V. Approximate Aligment Nomograms With Combined Rectilinear Scales 78 31. Stating the problem 78 32* Replacing exact equations by approximate equations 79 33. Geometric errors iu the location of points on on approximate scale 2 80 34. Geomet;ic errors in the location of points in the approximate Carl 5/8 Computational Mathematics (Cant.) SOV/2445 scale 2-2 82 35. Transformation, of initial approximate equations 82 36. Final equation for the blements of an approximation nomogram 83 37. Example on the construction of an approximation nomogram vith combined parallel scales 84 Ch. VI. Application of Nomograms for the Study of Functional Relationships 90 38. Principles of selecting a type of nomogram for the analysis and study of functional relationships 90 39. On certain type of pr9blems in the study of a functional relation- ships by means of i-to nomogram 91 40. Nomographic method of studying the hydraulic Usign of a channel vith regualr crossections 92 41. Nomographic method for the calculation of geect teeth displacement 99 Dzhew - Levi G. Ye. Certain General Methods of Practichl Nomography 104 Introduction 1W Ch. 1. The Problem of General Anamorphosin 107' 1. Construction of nomograms by intersections 107 2. Differential eqnations of the nomogram seales no Card 6/ 8 Computational Mathematics (Cont.) SOV/2445 3. Nomogram of a "stem of equations 11T 4. Application of derived results to equations of third nomographic order 118 5. Zqastiona of fifth nomo&WhIc order 121 6. Nomogram of systems of equations vith rectilinear scale 123 To Nomogran for an equation of third nomographie order vith rectilinear scale IN 8. The derivation of the canonical form for an equation of third nomographic order 125 Ch. 11. NOkAgriWb1ng Without Integration 128 9. General considerations 10 10. Equations of fifth nomographic order 129 11. On one method of approximte nomographing 132 Ch* 117. Transformation of Nomogram 135 12. ProJective tran fo-mation vith fixed triangle 135 13. Device for the transformation of nowgram of third nomographic order 142 Card T/B Computational Mathematics (Cont,,) SOV/2445 Laptev&, D. 0. On Projective Transformation or Aligmeent Nomograms With Rectilinear Reading Scale 150 Chepprasov V A., and G. Ye. Dzhems - Levi. Design of Approximation nomograms on High Speed Computers 159 Denisyuk, I* N. On Effective Formulas For a Projective Transformation and Their Application to the Construction of Empirical Equations 162 Denisyuk, I..N. Certain Polynomials and a Nomogram for Their Construction 167 Smeykalova, T. Elements or the Theory or Nets and Their Application to Nomogmphy' 173 1. Fundamental concepts of the theory of nets 173 2. Anxillary assumptions 174 3. FUndawntal theorem on hexagonal note 178 4. Thompson and Rademelater figures 180 5o Application of the theory of nets to nomography 181 AVAILIME: Library of Congress Card 8/8 Wag 10-30-59