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Rapidity of vo.-'aT,,-ization of lead and zinc sulfides in vacuum.
Trucbr Inst.met.i obog, AN Kazakh.SSR 11:150-159 164.
(MIRA 18:4)
Studying hIgh-bolling fractions of the Il'skiy oil. Izv.
vye.ucheb.z&v..- neft' i gaz 2 no.g-.63-69 '59.
(MIRA 13:2)
1. Groxnenskiy neftyanoy institut.
(11'skly region-Petrolemm-Refining)
Magnetic loentore of couplings and their use in shooting
drilling tocls. Neft. khoz. 38 n0-9:39-42 S 160.
(MI]U 13:9)
(Oil well drilling-Equipment and supplies)
AUTHOR: Cheloklyan, W.S.
TITIZ: Development of a one-channel radioactive well logg-
ing iustrument for servicing wells with teuyeratures
PERIODICAL: 'Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofiziha, no.12, 19 627 49,
abstract 12,Z96 (In collection: Yadern. geofiz. pri
poishaldi polezn. isk-opayemykh, M.~, Gostoptelchizdat,
1960, 117-123)
.%Csults are stated for the develonment of a radio-
active logging' instrument that can work up to 2506C. The heat stab-
ility oJE the Darts of a facton L
.7-produced radioactive logging instru-
me-Lit was checitedt parts capable of working up to 270-300bla were
chosen, the circuii of the instrument was worked out, and its indiv-
idual units were finished off. The asscmbly-circuit of the instru-
:ment includes a high-voltage generator, a high-voltage rectifier
and stabilizer, radiation indicators, and a pulse amplifier. The
Card 1/2
,/62/000/0 12/03;5/0 95
Development of a one-channel D228/D307
high-voltage generator is connected up like a high-frequency genera-
tor on a 6x in (6ZhlP) tube. The circuit windings are wound with
-13,TIwO-O,l (I)ELsho-o.1) wire, ated with all.-yd enamel. The rccti-
fier is connected up on the half-wave principle on a JLIlln (lTsll--In)
tube; it is stabilized by. means of a cr qq (sGgs) stabilitron. Sj~'e c-
ially chosen counters* of the CA -4r, (SI-4G) type, capable of wolixing
to 2500C, are used as radiation detectors. The pulse amplifier is
assembled on a 6ZhlP tube in a triode connection. (DT - (7r-) ty,3e
capacitors and MT- (1-113-) tylpe resistances are used in the cir-
cuit. Type 7M-2250 (11.1-250) wire was employed t'or assembling pur-
poses. Laboratory a-ad well tests demonstrated the reliable perfor-
mance of the,insti-mizent.
Z',,,bstracter s note: Complete translation2
Card 2/2
JIU Pliolis Volkov, l.G., and Gholonmbitlko, P.K., Enginuers
.. ..............I. ......... ...... ~__\
TITLE: New Teansloading Equipment at Sea Ports (Novaya tekhnika
PO"e6I'uzochnykh rabot v morskikli portakh)
PEKODICAL: hiekhanizatsiya Trudoydmkikh i Tyazhblykh Rab6t, 1958!.~Rr 4,
pp 28-30 (USSR)
AB62ilACT: Loading and unloading operations at sea ports are not yet,
or only partly, mechanized. This refers mostly to the hand-
ling of loose freight and goods in packets inside ship holds
and railroad cars. The tsentralInyye proyektno-konstruktor-
skiye byuro (The Central i)esign-Construction Departments) of
the Ministerstvomorskogo flota (Merchant Marine ministry) are
developing new machines and mechanisms for the complex me-
chanization of loading operations at sea ports. The authors
give a detailed description of the following loading mecha-
nisms: 1) the PTS-1 coal loader, designed by Engineer N.T.
Sergell, with a capacity of 350 tons per hour; 2) the FTS-2
for the loading of ships with a capacity of 100 tons per
hour; 3) the PTS-4, designed by the TsPKB-4, for the loading
Card 1/2 of 5W. manganese ore; 4) the PTB.-2, designed by the TsPKB-3,
New -eransloadinC Equipment at Sea Forts 118--e-4-11/23
for the loading of iron ore, bauxites, etc. into ship holds,
with a capacity of 150 tons per hour; 5) the TsPKB-3 designed
a scraper grab crane with a lifting capacity of 10 tons; 6)
the PSG-200, designed by the TsPKB-3, with a capacity of 200
tons per hour (the loader has been designed particularly for
the loading of manganese ore); 7) the bulldozer BMT-1, designed
by the TsPKB-4, for the scraping of loose freight in ship holds,
has a capacity of about 30 tons per hour; 8) the TsPKB-3 has
designed (Initiator Engineer D.B. Spektor) a fork lift with a
lifting height of 4.5 meters, to be used in ship holds; 9) for
use inside railroad cars, the TsPKB has designed a fork lift
with a lifting height of 1.5 meters and a load capacit.v of
1.5 tons. There are 6 figures.
AVAILABLE:. Library of Congress
Card: 2/2 1. Cargo-HeMling-Equipment
I , ,
A hard anoy for the rough boring of bushings. Art. trakt. prom.
no,12:6a-b D 053. (au 6:12)
(Tuwteu alloys)
UT-1 -C~, I
---. - - ---
k~ t , %, - / j .
twmm, Y.A., ushenor; CHRIMITIKO V.A. Inshener.
Use of alneral-coranic bublW in the mumfacture of wire rope. Test.
u"h. 33 no.Ils9l-92 9 '53. (MLRA 6:12)
Mrs rope)
AUTHOR: Chelombitlko, V.I.
TITLE. Mutual Interference of Combination Frequencies
PERIODICAL: Zlektrosvy&z', 1959, Nr 7, pp 26 - 32 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; When transmitters are in close proximity, voltages at the
fundamental frequencies and harmonic frequencies of adjacent
transmitters occur at the anodes of the outputstages.
Experimentally obtained graphs of these voltages, measured
on the anDdes of the output stages of u.s.w. transmitters,
are shown in Figure I as a function of the spacing between
the transmitters. To ensure high efficiency, the output
stages operate under non-linear conditions. Due to this
non-linearity, combination frequencies are formed and also
combinations with the frequencies of adjacent transmitters.
The amplitudes of the anode current combination-frequencies
components are given by:
I D_ Un- 11 U
a KOM6 34L gm p
n=2 n-1
Cardl/5 lilln'.1
Mutual Interference of Combination Frequencles
which shows that the amplitudes of the components of the
anode current are determined by:
1) the equivalent admittance of the valve - D3-19
2) the output stage grid voltage U 9m and the amplitude
Up of one of the voltages produced at the anode of the same
3) the non-linearity of the volt-ampare characteristic
(a n and n );
T1 and Yj are any pair of natural numbers, the sum
1 1
of which equals n - 1
Analysis of the effect of these factors on the values of-
the amplitudes of the combination frequencies enables the
following conclusions to be made.
A) Increase in the equivalent adm~ittance of the valve leads
not only to increase in the amplitudes of the existing
combination components but also to the appearance of new
Card2/5 combination frequencies in the anode current. These components
Mutual Interference of Combination Frequencies
are negligible for small values of D,)
B) The presence of very high voltage U gm is one of the
root causes of the formation of combination frequencies.
C) The number and strength of the combination frequencies
increases with increase in the non-linearity of the valve
The antenna circuits are often tuned by DC switching
apparatus, in the circuit of which is a semiconductor or
vacuum diode. In some radio stations, the amplitude
modulation in the transmitter is checked by using a diode
connected into the antenna circuit. With close spacing of
the radio stations, on these diodes there appear , as well
as the fundamental operating frequencies a nd harmonies of
the given transmitter also voltages at the frequencies and
hazumnic frequencies of neighbouring transmitters. As a
resTalt,-combination frequencies occur in the diode current.
The amplitude of the current can be expressed in the form:
Mutual Interference of Combination Frequencies
I Ae- _m tP
k k P
Uk and U are the amplitudss of voltages, the frequencies
of which form a given combination: U, Is the amplitude
of the transmitter freqaency voltage, U p is the amplitude
of the voltage of the "picked-up" oscillation. The -
indices n-m and m indicate the degree of non-linearity
of the diode characteristic and the order of the picked-up
frequency. The coefficient A takes the nature of the
non-linear element into account.
The author considers the radiation field of the combi-nation.
fr--:-quencies. From 1-6-he experimental data of field :3trength
versus spacing of the transmitters, presented in Figure 2,
it is seen that when the combination frequency coincides
with the reception frequency of a nearby receiver, communi-
cation wIll be either totally suppressed or will be received
Card4/5 with a large degree of interference.
Mutual Interference of Combination Frequencies
After considering the effects of the various non-linear
elements of the transmitter on the field strength, the
authov cons�de3ra the follow�ng methods for- veduc�ng the
combination interference:
1) reduction in the number of non-linear elements;
2) choice of the valve and working conditions of the
output stage so that the amplitude of the combination
frequencies is as small as possible;
3) reduction in the value of the voltages picked up.
This can be achieved by increasing the selectivity of the
output stages. There are 2 figures.
SUBMITTED: December 20, 1958
CMMCKBIT'KO, Tu.P., inzh.; NTING(79 L*A9, in~mh.
Special snow loaders Pat' i put.khoz. no.11:27 N 159*
(M IU 13:4)
(Rallroads-Snow protection and removal)
InVeS4jr,at4ng ciay-i,ud circulation-loss zones in Stavropol
T,,rritory under conditions of increased bottom temperatures.
Burenie no.11.18-11 164. (PaRA 18:5)
3. Stavropollskly filial Grozn, --',ogo neftyanogo nauchno-issledo-
vatellskogo instituta i ob"yedineniye "Stavropollneftegaz".
0 napriazheniiak-h v rastianutoi plastine s podkreplennyTn kri.,-lym
otverstien. Moskva, 1938. hh.p., tables, diagrs. (TSAGI. Trudy,
no. 383)
Title tr.: Stresses in a stretched plate with a reinforced circular
QA911.M65 no. 383
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 195.5.
CHE L 0 M E__ Y, V.
USSR/Engineering Automatic Control FD-1108
Card 1/i Pub. 41-2/13
Author Chelomey, V.-N., Moscow
Pneumatic ervomechanisms
Periodical IzV. iuq SS:R. Otd. tekh. nauk 5, 39-50, May 1954
Abstract Develops differential equations of motion for pneumatic servomechanisms;
of the rudder type, obtains their solutions for the case of small ex-
ternal loads and displacements of the force transmitting rod, and also
investigates the problem of the dynamic stability of mechanisms of.such
type. Two references. .Diagrams.
Submitted April 20, 1954
CHILONZY. V.1.. doktor tokhnlchoskikh nauk, professor.
Pts=atic servomechanism. [Trady) MM no-32:117-133 135.
(MM 9:8)
(Servanschmalms) (fts,=atic meldnery)
On the possibility of tnereasing the stability of elastic systems
by moans of vibrations. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 n0-3:345-347 S 156.
(MLRA 9:12)
1. Nbskovskoye vyesheye tekhalchoskoy uchilishche Iment
19.1. Baumana. Prodstawleno, akadealkon N.N. Bogolyubovym.
(Elastic solids) (Vibration)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 15, p 338 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Chelomey, V.N.
TITLE: Investigation of Pneumatic and Hydraulic Servomechanisms
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Avtomat. upravleniye i vychisl. tekhn., Nr 1, Moscow, Mashgiz,
1958, pp 166 - 181
ABSTRACT: Theoretic problems of pneumatic and hydraulic servomechanisms with valve
distribution system are investigated. They are Used as steering gears and
consist of thepower piston cylinder with.two rods and A four-.edged valve
with the spring-lever feedback, controlled by a diaphragm relay. The
differantial. equa tions of dynamic equilibrium of the valve and rod, of the
basic theorems on pressure equilibrium and of the static characteristics of
the machines are derived. The operation of the mechanism at a low pressure
drop is examined. A comparison of pneumatic and hydraulic mechanisms, the
principal layout of which is taken as being equal, is made. 1 schematic
drawing, 3 graphs.
Card 1/1
Investigation of pne,2-tic and hydraulic servo-mechanimme
Avtom. upr. i vych. tekh. no.1:166-181 158, (KIRA lZ:l)
Cattle in Albania aq Vays for its Improvement. Zhivotnovodetvo
23 no.5s89-9J* Wr *6i;- (MIRA 16:2)
I* Direktor W~uchuo-lexledovatellskogo inatituta sootelftiki,
Albaniya. 11
(Albania-Cattle breeding)
---- ~ - - ~ I
New system for the classification and identification of
motor vehicles and trailers. Avt. prom. 30 no.8:16-19
Ag 164. (14IRA 17 - 11)
1. TSentralInyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy I konstrLktorskly
institut top'Livnoy apparatury avtotraktornykh i statsionar-
nykh dvigateldy.
OBC)LEnTSEV, R.D.; KOTOV, Yu.I.; Ye.N*--
Vibrational speatra of sulfides. Khim.sera-i azotorg.soedsead.v ueft.
nefteprod, 3&105-134 160, (MUd 24-.6)
lo BamW skiy filial AN SSSRI qtdol Irld-449
Composition of maft organic compounds In a straight-run fuel
pro~ucsd frm Twasy'&M Bavly oilso Mdmasera-i asotorgesoode-madev
neft.i nefteprod. N241450 160. ' (NM 14:6)
1. B&nWdrxk$y fWal AN WSR., Otd*1 kh4m44,
(SUIftr organic 6.0%mmads) " (puel-Amilysim)
I I.,
Measurement of ultrasound velocities in some highly compressed
gases. Dokl. AN SSSR. 344 no.6:U72-1274 Je 162. (MIP,4 15:6)
1. Inatitut, fiziki vysokikh davleniy Akademii nauk SSR.
2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vereshchagin).
(Ultrasonic waves--Speed) (Gases., Compressed)
NT~1VEWP(o %JT m
60341 2
411 0 RCE
AUTHORS Zhukov, Ae.Aa.(Candidate of technical sciences); Lisovskiy,
L.. P. (Can-didate of technical sciences); Kokora, A. N. (Enginear)l
Shalashov, Vo A, (Engineer); Chellnyy, A. A. (Engineer)
ORGI none
TITLES Haking holes in.spinnerettes for synthetic filament using an
optical quantum generator laser)~ f/.
SOURCES Veatnik mashinostroyenLya, no. 10, 1966, 54-56
TOPIC TAGS: stool 8p nner 0 filament drawing spLnnerette, spin-
nerette hole drillIng, laser hole drilling, laser / 0Kh23N28M3D3T steel
ABSTRACT: The Scientific Research Institute of Light Textile Machinery
has investigated the possibility.of usi?g lasers in making holcs__!'~_
filament-drawing spinnerettes. 1, 1
A rubXhaser with a 0.7 j maximum
radiation energy was used for making holes in 0Kh23N28M3D3T steel
spinnerettes. It was found possible to make holes of almostj~tylindrica'Al
shape and with a conical entrance if desired. The hardness of the
heat-affeeLed zone did not undergo any substantial changes. Finished
experimental spinnerettes with up to 40 holes were tested at the
Kalinin Synthetic Fiber.Plant, which found that the quality of filament
Card UDCs 621,95,048
L 07828-67
ACC t4R- AP6034622
obtained was not inferior to-that made with conventional spinnerettea.
The use of a laser substantially increased the productivity in spin-
nerette making an~ made it possible to use hard and brittle materialsxh
as glass, 8itallNnd alumina ceratfiics.U~ The use of lasers might inFthe
future perml-F-m--a-king holes of var-ious-shape. Orig. art. has: 4
With the help of the party or~snlzation. Okhr.truda I sots
-1. strakh. n005:47-4 11 158. (KIRA 12:1)
Is Dovexrennyy vrach Imenodarokogo kraysovprofa.
(Krasnodar ferritory--A~dictns. Industrial)
Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Theoretical and experimental bases for
the non-uniformity of fuel supply to diesel cylinders allowable
in operation." Kiev, 1961. 20 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture
Ukrainian.SSR, Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences); 200
copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 195)
Uneven fuel feeding. MOM oil'. hoop. 12 no.10:21-22 0 161.
(MIRA W-11)
1. laboratoriya traktornykh i komboynoyykh dvigatelay
lbarlkovskogo politekbnicbaskogo instituta.
(Diesel engines)
SOV/1 37- 59- 3- 6374
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Meiallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 20L (USSR)
AUTHORS: Smirnov, A. I., Chelpanov, B. V~
TITLE: bitroduction of Sb Into Cast. lron and Steel
(Sur'rnirovanive chuguna i stali)
PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Odessk. pohiekhn. in-t, 1957 (1958), Vol 17, pp
ABSTRACT: Introduction -of Sb iAto gray cast iron (Cl.) markedly refines the
structure and improves the antifrictional properties of the CI but
lowers its mechanical properties and increases its hardness. High
antifriction and anticorrosive properties combined with satisfactory
mechanical characteristics may be ensured if the 5b concentration in
the C1 is maintained between 0A and 0.75%. The new antimonous C1
exhibits good casting properties and, despite its increased hardness,
is readily machinable. This type of C1 may be obtained by means of
introducing Sb into the Cl's of the types SCh 15-32, SCh-18-36,et al.
The antimonous antifrictional CI may be employed instead of bronzes
and babbitts. Optimal results in saturating the surface layer.s of
Card 1/1 iron-carbide alloys with Sb were obtained in a mixture of charcoal
and Sb oxide. A. S.
CHELPANOV, B.V., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) 115tudy of antimond"
pig iron as material for Aid" bearings." Odessa, 1959,
16 pp with graphs (Min of Higher Education Uk&9R. Udessa
Polytechnic inst) 150 copies M, 34-59, 115)
- 61 -
S/121/6o/ooo/bio/011/015 I
AUTHORS: Smirnov, A. I., Chelpanov, B. V.
TITLE: Usixi Antimony-Alloyed Cast Iron Instead of B
PERIODICAL: Stanki~i Instrument, 1960, No. 10, pp. 29-31
TEXT: As a result of research work and protracted investigations, a new
antifrictioni'material has been developed - antimony-alloyed cast iron. The,metal-~
lie antimony is added directly into the ladle with the molten cast iron of grade
15-32 (Sch 15-32) and '_"~ 18-36 (sch 18-36). Based on laboratory and service
tests, the optimum composition of antimony alloyed cast iron is the foiiuwin'g:
C = 3.0 - 3.5%, si = 1.4 - 2.2%, Mn = 0.6 - 0.8%, Sb = 0.3-0.65%, up to 0.3 % P
and up to 0.12% S. The addition of antimony to gray cast iron.causes a conside
able refining of the macrostructure of the latter. The microstructure of anti-
mony-alloyed cast iron is characterized by a finely laminar pearlite and a uniform
graphite deposition over the whole microsection field, while ferrite and cementite
inclusions are not present at all. The addition of 0.25 - 0.35% antimonX to the
-255 kg/nirr-, whi
cast iron increases the pearlite microhardness from,196 to 245 ~~mm~e
the microhardness of the phosphide eutectic is increased from 350 to 425
Card 1/6
Using Antimony-Alloyed Cast Iron Instead of Bronze A004/AO01
Moreover, the Brinell hardness of cast iron is increased from 197 to 229 kg/mm P
The Increase in hardness is-effected on account of the alloying ability of the
solid antimony solution. The bending strength limit and deflection of antifric-
tion cast iron containing antimony decrease on the average by 18 - 20%, while the
hardness increases by 10 - 15% in comparison wi th the initial cast iron. In a
four-hour test series of cast iron containing up to 1.25% of antimony, with a
lubricant supply of 3.75 cm3/hour and a specific pressure of 20 - 60 k&/cm2 it
was found* that cast iron with an antimony content in the range of 0.30 - 0.65%
possesses the lowest friction coefficient Figure 2:
and wear.. Fig. 2 shows the results of the --- ------- -
second test series to determine the effeLts ?ov
/so 110
of antimony on the load capacity of cast 17 5
Figure 2. Specific Pressure of:
2, '.J"
I initial gray cast iron, antimony
alloyed cast Iron with 0.11% Sbo 3 - the - .1, ,
same with 0.25% Sb, 4 - the same with
0.32% Sb, 5 - the same with 0.4% Sb 6 N
Sb, 7 - the same with
the same with 0.64',o
1.0% Sb, 8 - the same with 1.25% Sb,
card 2/6
Using Antimony-Alloyed Cast Iron Instead of Bronze A004/AOOI
9 F,--. 041115-5-5 (Br.OTsS 5-5-5) bronze, 10 4.10-1 (Br.OF 10-1)
Fig. ~ shows the results of comparative tests to investigate the running-in abilily
of antimony alloyed cast iron. As it can be seen from the graph 3, a, the frPtian
coefficients of antimony-alloyed cast iron at a specific pressure of.80 kg/cm are
practically equal to those of bronze. Fig. 3,a shows the friction coefficient dt
Figure 3:
IN 11
--- ------ -
Ali eWl I R !LLUI
411 T1
T=lm I I I
card 3/6
Using AntimorW-Alloyed Cast Iron Instead of Bronze A001t/A001
.a given specific pressure, Fig. 3,. (b) the wear at a given specific pressure for
the following materials: 1 - antimony-alloyed cast iron, 2 - Br.OF 10-1 bronze,
3 - Br.OTSS 5-5-5 bronze, 4 - babbitt. Fig. 3, ' (v) shows the wear of a steel
ring working in a couple with antimonous cast iron, bronze and babbitt respective-
ly. In order to determine the surface finish, the specimens weire tested on the
1,1-7-17 (12-T-17) profile recorder with an enlargement factor of 1,400 along the
vertical and 25.5 along the horizontal. The medium microroughness of the steel
rings after rubbing on a cast Iron plate amounted to 2.6 1.9 tt, while the valueu
for the tested specimens 'Were in the range of 1.8 - 1.5 Comparative tests were
carried out to elucidate the*wear resistance under conditions of dry friction of
antimony-alloyed cast iron, bronze and babbitt. The test results are given in
the following table:
Card 4/6
Using Antimony-Alloyed Cast Iron Instead of bro~,ize A004/AO01
aterial Wear of
in Height
in mm Total Wear of I
three Specimens
in in mm3
l Ratlo between
Near of the
Specimen and
Wear of Babtit
Wear of
Steel Ring
in mg
cast.-iron 0.03 53.8 7.3 1.04 47.8
Initial gray cast
iron 15-43 26.,422.4 3,570.6 510-09 1,032.1
ronze Br.OF 10-1 o.16 294.4 33.9 4.83 22.7
Bronze Br.OTsS
5-5-5 0.31 618.3 70.3 loA 6,2
Babbitt B-83 oA 51.2 7.o LOO 1,0
Card 5/6
8509!; V
S/1 2 1,460/000/010/01 k/0 15 v \
Using Antimony-Alloyed Cast Iron Instead of Bronze A004/AO01
The authors point out that the wear resistance of antimony-alloyed cast iron
parts is 2 - 3 times as high as that of bronze. In addition to g9od friction
properties, antimony-alloyed cast iron has a considerably higherl6corrosion
r*sistance than gray cast iron. In sea water its corrosion resista:nae equals
that of admiralty brass. There are 4 figures aAnd 1 table,
Card 616
Antifriction antinony cast iron. Lit. proizv. no. 5:18-19 My 161.
(MIRA 14:5)
(Bearing metals)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhuika, 1959,. Nr 4.. p 146 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Chelpanov, I. B.
TITLE: Oscillations of Higher -Than -Second Order of the Leading- Characteris tic
Switch-On Relays
PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform.. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1957,
Nr 12,.pp 33-42 .
ABSTRACT: The article extends, to: higher-order systems the results of the
autb.or's work (see PMM, Vol 21, Nr 6, 1957) about the oscillations of a system
with one degree of freedom. An approximation method of solution is used. A
higher-order system is represented by the second order in the case of 2 roots
lying close to the imaginary a.-do (e. g. , the case of two fairly long time
constants of the controlled system and a number of short time constants of the
controller). In this case the solution, for a unit signal at the input of the
linear part and for zero initial conditions (transfer function), can be written as
Card 113
Oscillations of Higher -Than-Second Order of the Leading -Characteristic . . . .
it I t n- Xkt
u0W h(t) = il e I + A,.e+ 7 Ak e
where I Re and I Re )L,,. 19 1 Re)., I(k = 3, 4p . . . n).
Effect of the roots -131 XIX (short time constants of the controller) is
represented in the phase plane as jumps of the path that depicts the points (as
the simplified system has h(O) * 0 and h(O) 1A 0) at joining points of individual
segments. Otherwise, the movement analysis can be conducted as in the case
of the second-order system. Stability ranges of boundary cycles and the ranges
of restricted, but not periodical, movements are determined in the article. AU
example with a third-order system is used to show that the approximation
method can yield qualitatively different results from those of the exact method.
Card Z13
Oscillations of Higher -Than -Second Order of the Ieading -Characteristic . . . .
A system simulation by means of an EMU-6 electronic model is described. A
scheme with a leading -characteristic relay is presented.
N. A. K.
Card 313
CHELPANOV, I. B.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "The oscillation of dynamic sys-
tems containing relays with leading power factors". Leningrad, 1958. 11 pp
(Min Higher Educ USSR, Leningrad Polytech Inst im M. 1. Kalinin), 150 copies
(KL, No 7, 1959, 126)
AUT11OR1 Chelpanoy_,_ I.B. L ~ ing ad) 40-22-1-5/15
TiTLE& Oscillations of a System Which Possesses a Relay With lead-
ing Characteristic (Kolebaniya sistemy, soderzhashohey rele a
operezhayushchey Icharakteristikoy)
PERIODICALs Prikladnaya Matematiks, i Mekhanika, 10,58, Vol 2_22. Nr 19
PP 50-66 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The dynamic properties of a system of one degree of freedom
are investigated, the behavior of which is described by the
(0.1) d 2u + L du + MU = y y F(u)
dt 2 dt
Here the function F(u) is a relay characteristic with a range
of insensibility and an ambiguity in certain ranges of the
initial parameter u of the relay. In this case the idealized
relay characteristic would possess a rectangular hysteresis
cy~;Ie which is cut up in the medium range because of the
existence of the zone of insensibility. Because of the un-
avoidable delays in the switching process the real character-
Card 1/2
Oscill&tions of a System Which Possesses a Relay With AO-22-1-5/1%z
lesd%g Characteristic
istic appears somewhat more complicated and possesses inter-
sections and crossing-overs at the switching points. In the
present paper the influence of these imperfections of real
relays is investigated with the aid of the method of the phase
plans. In the paragraphs 2-6 of the paper it is shown that. If
the system without relay itself is unstable (L u.~4/Pk-4/PI-4*'-IJP(c)
T-1 W7B C
ACCESSION NR: AP5003973 S/0103/65/026/001/0088/00!10
AUT11OR-. Chelpanov, -,I. (Leningrad)
Slap m
Ment in a mul tichannal system whe
.1ITLE Self-adjus* ~n a priori in
formation concerning the propertiet of signals is~absent
SOURCE:-~'Avto.matika i telemelkhanika, v. 26, no. 1, 1965l 88-90
TOPIC TAGS:-~ multi'chanhel-system.-self adjusting filter, self adjust-
~.Jng optim-al filter, single-cl-anne.1 system, optimal control system
-ABSTRACT: -1 t- i s---s tres se d.-- tha t:-the ;oblem of the--synthesis of-
, , .- -.I ~ - -7, . - I - - P ~r a
-multichannel optimal control- -system-. utilizing the minimum -mean-square
error- as, the. performance.criterion has:been studied by many authors
under the, assumption that-'the.useful signal and the noise are randon
stationary functions of time whose properties are defined by means of
given correlation functions.. -, The author investigated the case. in
,:,--.which the -cross-correlation functions of, signals7 are not: given in ad--
vance-and can-be~determined only. during the normal operation' of-- the
system. The -introduction of sel,f-adjusting I ilters on the basis of
_:current~estimates of er o 9 a -!-,.c o r r a 1 a t i o considered as a
Cafd 1/2
GILIBO, Ye.P. (Lent ngrad)
I.B. (Laningradl
Characteristio of an optimal inertialess impulse noise filter. Avtom.
i telem. 26 no.6:1074-1078 Je 165. QaRA 180)
Criticality of automatic control systems optimal according to
the criterion of the minimum of a mean square error. T--udy
LPI 252t153-159 165. (MIRA 18:9)
Rotary-ring typo furnace for the sulfuration of titanium-boaring
rAterials. Titan i ego splavy no.9:162-165 163, (MIRA 16:9)
(Sulfuration-Equiliaont and supplien)
(Titanim ores)
ACC NC-AR6023'34'2____
SOURCE CODE: UR/0271/66/000/004/AOIO/AOIO
AUTHOR: Konstantinov, S. V.;.__P~ejppqqy, L. V.
TITLE: Intermittent amplifier for an analog computer
SOUACE: Ref. zh. Avtomat telesekh i vychial tekhn, Abs. 4A74
REF SOURCE: Sb. tr. In-t gorn. mekhan. I tekhn. kibernet. lm. M. H. Fedorova, no. 15,
1964, 159-165
TOPIC TAGS: analog computer, computer component, ac amplifier, intermittent amplifier
ABSTRACT: Amplifiers of an intermittent action for a specialized analog computer
calculating the second derivative of the gravitational potential are described. Ther
is a'capacitance coupling between the stages of the amplifier. The coupling capaci-
tors are switched by keys. Upon closing the keys the input voltage at the stage is
set at zero and charging of the coupking.capac~itor occurs. On opening the keys the
capacitors retain the charge for a certain time and the entire circuit during this
time has the properties of a dc-amplifier with direct couplings. Fine tuning of the
amplifier takes place during the intervals. The basic data of the intermittent ampli
fiers are given for-two systems. The amplification factor is 30 (1000), range of out
put voltages 0- +50 V (0- �50 V),.and drift 0.5 cases. [Translation of
abstract] 3 illustrationg-and,bibliography-cf- 2 title96 T. R.
*SUB CODE:- 09
Card 1/1 LIM. 62-%?tA21-17%-7
CHUPROVA, Aleksandr Ignatlyevna, doyarka; 2HELPANOV, R.I., red.;
(On a dairy farm above the Arctic Circle] Na zapoliarnoi ferme.
Arkbangellsk] Arkbangellskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960 20 p.
iMIRA 14:12)
1. Narlyan-Marskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya
(for Chuprova).
(Nenets Vational, Area-Dairying)