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25001 a/o44/61/000/003/002/014 On summation of multiple integrals C111/C333 QD CID lim e-pt-qr f(tV) dtdr - S p P Cl -4 +0 0 0 It is shown that under-certain additional conditions from the 0 integrability of f(t,t) it follows its A-integrability. The numbir S is called W-integral of the function f(t,Tj) over the domain R, if lim p(x-t)a(y-T (t,,r) dtd*r - S XYY-400 P 7X TQTY-) 0 0 where t r (t"r S I 0 0 x P(X) - I p(t)dt, 0 Card 3/S f(u,v)dudv V Q(Y) I q(r)dT' 0 25001 13/04~/61/000/003/002/014 On summation of multiple integrals C111/C333 the p(t) and q(t) are given positive fAnctions which are integrable on every finite interval from 1.0, 00). It is shown that under certain additional conditions from the integrabilit-y of f(t,r ) on R it follows its W-integrability on R. There are inaccuracies in the article. Thus, lemma 1 is wrong. Indeed, take as T (x,y,t,T) a function 4f (x,y) (which is constant relative to t and r ), which is finite in every point, however, not bounded on Q = (0-r- x < a, 0-c y < b) and which tends to zero for x,y -+ 0. All the assumptions of lemma 1 are satis- fied for such a function, however, the conclusion of the lemma is wrong, since the integral TIf(x,jr) dt dT'l = I (focfyflmes e is arbitrarily largebecause of the nonboundedness oflf(x,y). There are misprints. E. g. on page 83 in the relation lim F a (X,Y)-s x9y -4 0 % Card 4/5 25001 S/044/61/000/003/002/014 On summation of multiple integrals C111/C333 it must standi x,y-4 cD. In the formulation of theorem 4 the number of the relation (5.2), to which it is referred lateron, is not given. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 5/5 CHHLIDZB, V.G. ------- Absolute convergence of Fourier's series* Trudy Mat.inst. AN Grus.SSEL 26t91-104 159. (KIRA 13:06) (Fourier's series) CHELIDZE, V.G. Second Conference of Professors and Teachers of Mathematics of Institutes of Higher Education of the Georgian S.S.R. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.2:207-210 Vx-Ap 163. (KRA 16:8) (Georgia,Hathematips) CHKaIZE, V.S., inzh.; SHANIME, M.I., inzh. PS-1 shoot cutter. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 30 no.11:34 N 160. (NIU 13:12) (Sericulture-lquipment and supplies) CHMDZx. V. S. --- "". Tensile stress of tea, flush and leaves under static loads. Sell- khozaashlna no.12-.~-9 D 057. (KM 11:2) (Tsa) (strains and stresses) CHILIME, V.S., inzh. Instrument for determining the deformstion of stem. Trakt. I sellkhosmash. no.4-.28-29 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Taa) (measuring instruments) CRELIDZE . V - in2h. - - - - Damages to tea flush in tea sorting and harvesting mach-1--ery. Trakt. i sallkhozmaeb. 31 no.10!23-24 0 161. (MIRA 1402) L Gosudaretvennoye seriyno--konstruktorskoye byaro Gruzinskogo samarlthoza. (Tea roauhinery) .t CHMIDZE, Ye. F. Dzhnnsshvili, A. G., Mebukp, Ye. M. and. Chnlid.-e. Yo. .- "Noter. On the Jjjjbitrt Cf chnmeloons within the boun&tries of Georgia and on their maintenance in tht~ Tbilisi zoolo,~icnl park," Trudy Thilis. zoopnkp-, Vol. 1, 191-3. p. 61-65, (In Geor&inn, resume in Rusninn), - Bibliog : 5 items SO: U4934, 29 Oct 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnvi Inykh StnLey, No. 16, 1949). L CHELIDSE, Ye. F Cand Agr Sci as) "Concerning V~an ~alrhw perspectives ofeavelopment of animal husbandry-4f=tM. C in No Mtskhetskiy kiyon of the Georgian SSR.N Tbilisi, Pub House of Georgian SM Agr Inst, 12- 1958, 28 pp; -vd"Aww sheets of tables (Min of Agr I USSR* Georgian Order of Labor Red I~anner Agr Inst) 100 copies (KL 21-58, 92) 55 - MEBRYAN, 0.1.; CHELIME, Z.A. Pulse method for manuring internal friction. Soob. AN Grua. SSR 31 no. 3s565-568 S 163. (MIRA 11t7) 1. Thili9skiy gosudarstyennyy universitet. Predstavleno chlonom-korrespondentom AN GruzSSR H.M.Mirianashvili. ACC NRj AP6018934 SOURCE CODE: UR/0203/66/006/003/0613/0614 AUTHOR: Nodia, M. Z.; Vekua, L. V.; Chelidze, Z. .; Pavlenishvill, Ye. Sh ORG: Tbilist state University (7bilisokly gosudarstvennyy universitet) TrrLE: A method for studying the secular variations of the Earth's magnetic fi before our era SOURCE: Geomagnetizm'I aeronomlys, v. 6, no. 3, 1966, 613-614 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetle field, earth magnetic field, secular variation, paleontology ABSTRACT: In order to obtain data on the secular variations of the Earth's magnetic field before our era. the authors- collected more than 300 samples of 50 objects, for six of which the directions of the astronomic meridian were determined. Since these objects were only roughly dated, they could not be subjected to conventional research techniques and a new method for st;udying the secular variations of accumulation on the basis of these objects had to be devised. Recqnt theoretical work Indicates that the absolute Intensity value of the earth's magnetic field unde Fgoes variations, the periodicity of which has yet to be established. On the basis of paleo-~ mag#etic data It may be assumed that this period Is not less than 5. 000 years, while the period of s"r accumulaUon variations is in the order of 1, 000 years. It one uses as a point of I ,-CG4 1/3 UDC: 550.384 1. ACC NRt--AP6018934 'V Fig. 1- 41 41 U U U departure the curve k f(t) before our era (Fig. 1) and if a curve I = f(t) is plotted in nformity with measured values. such a c o curve,%vill appear as shown In FIg. 2. It is clear from an analysis of this curve that the character of the cumulative chanp was sinusoidal even before our era for the territory of the Georgian SSR, while the double amplitude lies in a range of 10- 600. If these results are compared with S. P. Burlatskaya's curve (Sb. I'Magne- tizm gDrnykh porod I paleomagnetizin!'. lzd -yo SO AN SSSR, 1963, 245), all the points Nvill be found to lie on Burlatskayda hypothetical curve (Fig. 3). The points for samples ascribed to the earlies eras, forwhich k = 0.5, agree well with the logical extension of the k = f(t) curve, -by which they can be tentatively dated as belonging to the 35th century B. C. The Fig. 2 Card 213 -1-05249Z-7 ACC NR-:--AP60'1-8-934 t cumulative value of these Items, equal to 39-400, falls quite satisfactorily ft! Fig. 3 on the descending branch of the sine curve I = f(t) (Fig. 3). Thus, completx agreement Is observed between the authors' results and those of Burlats- kaya, In conclusion, the authors wish to express their gratitade to G. N. Petrova, and S. P, Burlatskikya for theirhelp. 3flipres. SUBCODE: 08/ SUBMDATE: 08JU165/ ORIGREF: 005 GHALIKABOV. K.H.-, YMLIYANOV, N.F.; ANAWYNY, N.A. Studying the Incidence of diseases causing temporary disability in uschine-tractor workers of Ryazan Frovince.2dray. Ros. Yoder. 2 no,1:11-15 A 158. (91M 11:2) le Is kafedry obahebar aigiyerq (zav. - doktor seditainakikh nauk prof. N.F.Towl'yonov) I Wedry organizatell adravookhraneuiya i Istoril wditelo (sav. - doteent N.A.Ananlyev) Yoxanskogo medi- toinakago Institute. (RYAZAN PROVIAM-MICAL RIG=$) (KACHDM-MC?Oit STATIONS-HYGIANIC AWSM) CHELIXANOV. K.N. (Plyasant) Some material on the hygienic rating of working conditions In sachine-tractor stations repair shops In Ryazan Province; Gig*' truda I profs sabs 2 nos5151-53 S-0 '58 (KID 11:11) Is Neditelasking Institut kefedra obahcher g1glyanyo* (UXM PROVINOL.NACHM STATIMS-MIMNIC ASMOM) C~Mv, K. N.., Candidate Mod Soi (diss) -- "Sanitax-y working conditions and the disease rate of the mecharizers, of agriculture inByazan' Oblast (Based on material from 45 MTS in Ryazan' Oblast)". Pvazanv.. 1959. 18 pp 01yazan' Mod Inst im Acad Je po Pavlov, Chair of General B~rgiem., Chair of the organization of Health and the History of Medleim),, 200 copies (EL,'Ro 23, 1959, 173) YEMELIYANOV, N.F.; ClIBLIKANOV, K.N. Reasons for disease incidence among stock raisers in f~yazan Province. Zdrav'. Roo. Feder. 5 no.8:17-20 Ag 161. (MI-a 14: 10) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyany (zav. - prof. N.F.Yemellyanov) Ryazanskogo meditsinakogo instituta. .. (RYAUN PRMINCE-4GRICULTURAL WORKEFS-DIS EASP AND HYGIFM) YEMELIYANOV, N.Fav Prof.; CHELIKANOV, X.N. - Toxicological characteristics of the accompanying generation of gases in the production-of artificial fibera. Nauch. trudy Riaz.mqd.i'nst. 23t25-29 163o (MIRA 28:32) 1. Kafedra giqlyeny (zav. kafedroy - profesRor N.F,Yorellyanov) 4azansk,ogo maditsinskogo inatituta, imeni akademiks, I.P.Pavlova. YEMELIYANOV, N.F., prof.; CHELIKANOV, K.N,,- LEUS, A.M.: VALIYEVA, S,S. Ryazan Combine of Artificial Fibers in the light of sanitary hygiene. Nauch.trudy 2300-37 163. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra, gigiyeny (zav. - kafedroy - prof. N.F.Yemeilyanov) RyazanBkogo meditainakogo instituta imeni akademika I.P. Pavlova i Fqazanskaya oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheslcaya stantsiya. (glavnyy vrach - A.M.Leus). ,CHELIKIDII-R.F.; GOLUBEV, I.S. (Moskva, 1-327, g'. Babushkin, Kalyayevskaya ul-itsa, dom 25, kv.7); ZOLINIKOV, S.M. Effect of reserpine on the dynamics of the electrocardiogram during mitral commissurotomy. Grud. khir. 6 no.208-62 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 18s4) 1. Laboratoriya funktsionallnoy diagnostiki (zav. - kand. =d. nauk G.G.Gellshteyn) I laboratoriya anesteziologii (ispolnvayushchdy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego - kand. med. nauk S.M.Zoltnikov) Institute serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik A.N.Bakulev) AMN SSR, Moskva. KOGANI B.M.; HEYTINA, R.A.; POKHOVSKIY, A.V.,- CHELIKTDI R F Changes in the functional state of the myocardium, bloo-lectrical activity of th6 brain and gas metabolism during surgery for aortic coarctation. Vest. Mir. no.7t97-102 Jl 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. 1z laboratorii funktsionallnoy diagnostiki (zav. - kand. med. nauk G.G.Gellahteyn) i otdeleniya khirurgii sosudav (zav. - doktor' med. nauk Yu.Ye. Berezov) Institu"a serdechno-sosudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik A.N. Baku-lev) AMNI SSSR. A.V.-. NADZIN11,111VINOV, L.T.., CWELI~~Dij late evaluaiion of the effecti-veness cf surg 'n ecarctat cn very of zhe aorta. cov.ned. 28 nc.lIn204r-m1C7 N 1,S5, kM 1 RA 18: 12 Otdeleniye khirurgii sd~udov (zav. - prcf. Yu.Ye.Perezov) 4 Iftborator-i-,rct fijrikt.-.1if-,nn'f~i)ov diagnovi U-1 i", IM-ok G.G.Gellshieyn) Ins'Llituta ii,irurgii (di-rektor -' prof. S.A. Kole sni kov; nauchnyy nikomodit6l' cOndandk A.N.Bak-ti'lov) AMN Mlus~va. kRWKINp B.; FERDMAN*j M.; HUMBp Tq ZAYTSEVA, Z., prepoftvatelf; CHELIMI V.; VOLMDV, j.; KLAPISHMKIY, L. '-p-- Expand paymmts tr checks. DenA kred. 21 no.2s6O-66 F 163. (MM 16 t2) Is Upraylygymbably Gukovsklm treatom ugollnykh predpriptly kombinata Shakh%ntratelt MInlaterstva ugollnoy prorphlennosti SWR (for Lbro*n). 2. Glavrw bAbgalter GWwvskogo tre 'vtm ugollmykh predpriyatiy kombinsta Shakhtantrateit Ministerstva, ugollnoy prow7ablennoqti SSSR (for Fardman). 3. Upravlyayushchiy Gukovaklu otdolonlyem'Goobanke (for Malyah), 4, Odes5kiy , kroditno-okonomichaskiy inatitut (for Zeyti3eva). 5..Kachallnik planovo.-skonomichaskogo otdola Swwkoy obla6tnoy kontor7 GosbLrda (for Chelikift). 6. Starshiy ekonouist plmovo- gkogo otdola Swokoy oblastnoy kontory Gosbwflm (for Volkov). 7, GlavmWy bA4alter Kiyevskoy transportno- ekspeditsionnoy kontory (for KCapish"skiy). (Cha6ks) KELIN VASILESKU, Adrian (Cholin Varilescu, Adrian] D:provIng the performance of the engine SR-101 by increasing the cwnterpressure at the exhaust, Rev electrotechn energet 5 no.l: 129-239 160. (EW 10:4) 1. Conite do redaction, Revue dlelectrotechnique ot d1onergetique, secretaire scientifique. (Rumania--Automobiles) CHELINSKA, M. Elements of education and world out-look In the teaching of geography in grads 5. P. 32. Warssava Vol, ?j no, ;j Jane/Feb* 1956 1A V1 HOLE SOURCEt East European Acession List (EM) Idbrary of Congress volo 5. no, 8v August 1956 CH=-RJ3KA, M. Spontaneous observations of some climatologic phenomena in the light of an inquiry in the 5th grade. P. 261. (GEOGRAFIA W SZKOLE) (1darszawa, Poland) Vol. 10, no. 5, Sept./Oct. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East Europe4n Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. ~, 1958 IT - A- T,9- and ROGINSKIY, S.Z. Experimntal Testing og the Sup6rBaturation Theor7. (III). Low-Temperature OxidizIng'Reactions on Niskelous Oxide. Zhur. Fiz. Khim., 22 (1948)., 11., 1360-1373- SO: Translation-25244-67, 30 Apr 1954. jo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A i k It a 39 D a A As 11 U li m N Is v a pp I 41 Ij &i a a Joe A l t' I _1_1 A -,5-r of mW R. D. Ontnma. Rim. 33A37, sk. is comorMed by HOr __. Thi i t s an It"aIMM w t moMbylk"vw. s Tid. 6."t. i4A comamw to the Oak". and the comiaw invedw. wilb Na 6% ak. awd arpod. in %bor sawd waumv. .00 00 or -00 of -. As -00 Woo age oo.ajo,) W.9 Cool. u to ID All; so a 90 00 em 04 90 no a 4, 0 90 0 0 : 0 :1* 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 a 0 1 : 4 age 1 met A 0 zoo I Till 0 on goo 000 0 0 0 0 a" , 0 i 0 0 '! so : 00 00 go 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01A 0 0 a 00,3 00 w so* b; It u x 11 2 31 Ad ftedodMod @NNW UBdMWMd'Wdwk.*' O.V.Cbcbdww 1. L.- - Z. V. bml"Ai~~ ~SPZ V. rs. S. IN."ou ass" 65- -Mabdull omotmo loomVetd. Imm bot vow. m sm-iw. rocimma tbb dbwdrOcbbw'& on fi- bow tooolIt -- ~, , At im UO cc. of PD% HASA wad ob. ad&d. Alkab form ad". 4NMtm. lpve the blow. &-thabylitiordso-2- t*- "Sibegin to tr 'Allebrim" low Aml cam 46 P. H, Rathoommoso I,- at .1. oat JOSP31111,411 a Qum 0' , h , , . . -00 17 a** .00 n 00 see age* PIgoe. see goo '00 1,00 000 goo. 110"S" stallimor Gal It[ a 4 1 9 01 '10000*00000000 0 -pallptallis W. D. owtmw &ad S. 11. adevW&I, 34 JIM. mWM"jcmic"6o" ip ANN. Of N99C OW HIP-A 6MOd tO fAl'- '.3 xo: t =0 00 too of S;l 991ALL~At LITUAlve CLASINWAIM u9 0 it It-is 0 u1.0 .1 w0 go .1 .0 al it A a i iti ft .9 9 a a ~11 f,", I., 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 *1* 0 o 0 0 - - - --w - T -W-W~ 4 t 4 0t 4 I 4 i * 0 0 a F-4 0 1 R 1 IN S t? I 11 o is A& JI- 11 A N Au I I V " M b k V 4 N, 4- X IS C U " V 49 a Pe ~tl Cf- _ - I C P U,j k f I 0, swur dw Isenswe of a" watuls. G. V. cbdwtww. jw. road. wad. mi. U. N. S. S. C'Jff-n~ ' uwdmk6m " = .00 ,, I h pLwWMW (d. C.- A. 36, 51461) is mviwd to IR 11- MVc(:0)0Rt + NSCIIIC(:0)01-.l = blec(ONSW is s )Qft 2* Mcc0c&w(:0)09t + Moss f 1l 11 i i P on -l t to . W po + I I on the relative scidit" al the initial the eqnd. l Imu" tbe fad c4awksat"M Product. SW the ak- A Eamilar awchentus is pLatulated [or the %tacirwasion cd cwbmyl compda, with Itetows. rum. their b~jWw 4tsiv nitro couipfc. vie. L. W. K. to ~*'* t IN, CL61EMPOCAl" : go 109 .10 0. ONE *to ' oo - is! u 0 go AnI I a u Ia 1 1 a t IV to to 090 01 on on it 0 0 . 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 0 0 0, J2 0 64: low OW lee -00* (in -ire MOW the , ~016 and. v*b AWi M, *now ad" OW tb, Old VU684 k mw %jr- Cd U" tbt kwum W. 71W to to. T. -, SIM841. fts IWIN"d Akw ago 'n'6 Ctbff, bItp w " pow lee* ba-, 3D maw LA'allilhad in ;10 1 ft b9r ex 00 F.R. .00 go roe ;;:Go .,0O f TALLIOP CKAL LIT14,1,wl Ak --Toll 11, L! 77 K gq it 14 _* To- 09-0 A .0 6 0 a 0 i ~ Z 4 V I I * to I, U 0 It M 14 If a a P a a id )l ty A A ' W It I2I)UDb.VW-W It A 2 f a A I L a - A 't 00 Md dwir "k is wpoic Coup. Forw. dw. a", It- S- S, (N- oo IrvirIll liffid dwarliml di.,uW.. JtAn R. Atill.-Ir PlkM, -VA*n by ad--! of atimm by ww"s of 00 ChIM-4-ull Twess alad Chi Chaim. 'a VNIr. Peklot 4 iMulle. MOUCW Whit At-Mm Freshly prrpd. from IS It. Al 1 101111 -sk (0 thick) in q .4n at -di- t 00 - . . . . I,r,spm. y tbf yield"! 11-10110. 30-0: hwal- 00 IN 14POIC,1111m. 1.6; r)%+shr%&n.ww, qui.1; Oil 07 fillf,1101 311:1 Arto.vw (I, 0i : , . 17.35; yk*i unsirf miltailm 4-jwj,Ijjj4,n.. 00 ed by Mitt weductitm. b%tt phNth I% rr4mcw4 to Kive t14.8% gpjljlw. with asollwilerne a% I'v. Tft.", sip 92 .1 - 0 L: 41 It _t_z 0 Go "00 .00 .00 0 0 ~.000 '00 a* 0 too seloso 440 OftV Oft I i an I s a Ow 0 a - I w so -.1 Its a 3 1 9 0 00 09 00110 14 04 *0 00 0000 000000004000004 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 *0 0* ** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1) It 1) 4 01 If f 1 11, 4, J~ 14 A A A : 0 11 Y If bo 0 a to If 0 IF CL v -4 L AA W I d 6, 1_1 64 0 CtieL _1t4T sev or as X.N 00 c eggigoggiggg, .-00 07,_Cw&~~ 00 CAMP6. md. Wed. ad. V. P. S. S. IN. %.1, 4. M-21 .00 (im Fe )(lM).-Altbpmb so cs&umafino tak- f pbm btt~ AMR~ and PkCOMe (1) in the MUM .00 so j- d No im stso, ON* 2 volve the liberation 44 highly 00 buk N11111111t, comlemmittion Wwwo I and AcNPh, (9) civm a soud ykid e# BaCHeMle (M) by Virtue of the, of rektiv* mmottal N1114m. which i4 90 motoolm"k, dom a# alla. in ewer CoademIstims. F. Is ~, tbe comdmm#n d disubstituted wid 00 onWrs v*b mgm4odium tautomem is regankil in the 00 foom WM as dw ewer Condmostions. Amordingly, goo Ile ""o mwkmdwn Is propuard- MeCONks 4. C(GNl&Pb 82 U~CONRo + NsCHCol1h Irs MW - '00 Cffs: so ~*Omar (OMs)(VJ4)CHjCOft vs MeCOCH.COPh + NmNRt go NkCOCU-C(ON&)Pb + NHR.- Adde. of 25 s. 1 00 .91 MA 44 "M 9:1911. W Na is 2W cc. dry Kt*O save A .6 a - __ 1 0 M. I Owl It g, a to 2.3 a. .146 to 11K1 IV. goo kv RH oto 4 1 mn a b"Y) A W, vt C, ,so coo toe WW, t I Roo #A 0 AV -0 it 1; 4 1 *I i ; " 11 a Q a w a IT 6A I t If 1W a a a 'I iff I- s a 9 -1 a -W~ 1e 4no F 0 0 0 0,0 009 0 0 so go * 9 0 0 It 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9~ e I *Togo 0 0 0 04 * 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 * 0, We 0 9 6 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 07 00 Pit) 4 At -b 00 00 lit, ch 00 4.V Lit. =00 00 age -00 00 ;00 W 00 LITERATANE CLASSWICalloi, too . ...... --- use Al 0 0 0. 6- 00000A0600660640006 0;00;0*0;000004.-.-.-- 404:000006000009,699 41-4-01-0-06-4 0 0 0 a 0 we'.0- 0 0 0 * 1I tz Ij w u 1i ly a it S) j V U Zo A b a V a A I. It 1) 11 A a 1. .1 lu I . 0 v I . 1 T X I I I,- a -L-n 1?0 0 09 00 ;-o0 -66 00 c *0 go -09 -00 fe d 006=00 d Sionk eNrommWis va zoo j=vw"4jd aNdIM AmW nubmagm. "d a. D- On"Oft. J. (;M. chm. (v a. Ch". view. Pus -.00 .7s i 1"s 0 j A$*-%&& GIVALL"fKAL UWAIM CLASUPICATOM I .00 solabi .10 IN. Got sJLAJ113-.' ZO Q- 't, b u a AV 10 IV; 6 P 1 0 1 V ZA All 0 IS it ON 11a it a '90" Oo o go '0 0" 0, 0 0 S, 0 0 00000000 0 41 0 Ps Wo 41Q a 44 s T uv f I AV m n vilft -L% --Ml AM913 JOUVOR111 wwn"im). 0~I-a I malAW)l did c fiq .11HP1.1111 ljj!A Immul an 3 01 Pui~M H a4fW -118w .~W -MMA oqftl W of PUU WAUAVW I- ITSI"I1 NN or 0 0 0 --AL-ak- AL-A-Ak-&--dL=- _W, -00 w-0-9 0 0 0 0 ~ := DWONW, 6 6 . 1, a 5 ~ a It I I I L~ U 11 P*--- GOA.- "I - ;_ -_ _f "I"t iL.-y- _x__A_m.m_r w IJ T~, E Y. Gr, t~%lI 0e a sloe , TWA 8111141011116- d aWWb"ft UVA A 0" vWillill d 66 ChkW911 MC V. %'Mmt-" and 8- V_ "mawt,le -bay", J, (;va 01 lams, 11011 4"1 A, N.I'l, -4 N Isk Law did dil :1 4m"k W. all sive. The j4p"*mA& 00, H. M. Uk-Cwter 0-3 0: ose seeloo 00 $0000 000 06 GOO Soo coo woo cost 00 moo 00 woo 0 0-0 -4 e-" 0 Ow- 11 u 14 u 14 %6 is In jj J# B A, Ij 31 to III a A 24 Is J; L, a a a to ,A A it A -T f A W . J : 5 1 *&did= of it* I-YI VMW to Carbm by the _040 OW"d d anwis omwnsmilli. G. V. Chdill1mv 61HI It. -00 Cf. C. 4. St. IWA14, a Nuiv. umv). 4A NNOM and MVICO Mce( lilts so KOV.- vk*i ul famlylvamptim by thin 11WI&MI in 141WI.F. 0 It. N1. I.Citvstvr doe 00 go roe 00 -00 zoo he* i t ~ =0 I L A Wl& L ft1 Tte s P 1 0 tte 0 1 t L E&L " a 1 0 wr U&SU KA 1. -.- . :, - - __ i 1 kalo 4 I 469 u At 10 as - all I % CU 0 9 94 q 11 4 ~* 0 0 00 loom walka "t in Ito A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1@ 000 0 00 0 a 0 go to 0 0 a 0 ei : 0 0 4 a 0 c 0 rp G to A L a m D so 11~ S I; UV b dab 000 F a 00 ANPW.WJ 'M 'H Ian pelvis A1111132.11PO -7 ov -no. -J-") " A311"no unt 4*pgkid -p3i 00 .&A PUIX.M Qql 00 "W" JO M"30 Aq 0 do= P. I " " P- Awr JO apt*" WMLRtnWpu -2T'!-~Pdlt O!q-pm- -W IP r 27 0-19- up 'I " p" loft 91'" AIAWM "Oupo 4p " PWMIO 0! i~ wat"l-W im. 1111-Nit 'A (-M T ; " .5) .1" 1-t so POP WFP2 -V 0 04 00- W 1 212- "i;;; -i* ;7 00 77 at m w w ty U It a 44 a n ti a It it a 6 0 1 9 1 v 1 6 Glob I iMY 1; ~Afl I' AA CiL ~i'46 I U OL if, f' It I I A U U J A 0 , , ~ - . ~ - MM SJU r go iiii W i:i~~ sa I- add. 00 (12-twools.01 - ___ .1 - 0 A Zdde aw V 4 -419 t . - . -1 W~ -00 00 a i , J. Gm. ahem. (U. a. S. k.) T. 2318,23( 71% Md 4p. (1) 1*. Md% God a sma ant. id it dWio~ on. Won. at QM&WW. The IICI ma Ike 4 md v mad. I kwam a pival, a. UP, -00 see ~ dwbm at wbo mad dftao*.. at =00 a 4dbVn* Obich doommmim. above II.0* and a' Me bi id V61 d I n1ri ed ttrr in e. a. ma be wamps.). ( ' brow 14 260 in a vormumm, it kno Mei mul to" tra roe 1. Vlbm I is booed wM NwOrh in MOH. the ring in sPowd md N-elosms bibmseft " (11). m. ;P)D--7* 6b_ 69 (dmmmM) Is Armed. TIdm com he *hrdnmW to I by a*: 00 tv"Comm wkb FOC16. %law 11 is boated with Phi said efA 14 firm ' ire 0 m. 01-2 (decompn.). Ring r1cmte mvw% wlwn zoo k baud witb H.40n and ' ' * = VMI. is Awn" . Onwistim 4 Mi lh 1. see Kbk% Sim 3-pbnyl4-tutxmyl-(3.44MYtifoauiwLko- 2* ti k ) - ow add and (indolemin. y H. M. L. we* too WG* - T-T * a 4 0 so - - q 0 00o00 ' 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 It a III Ill a a a 41 a a a a -a L ';W Cv.,4 pigs F~~Cli_F_4-'l N T4 l n se a a 004 o d steleuo* Slid. : 00 cHCoNPN d) (U. S. S. U.) 7. Xw z a .1_A, 008 Ic. WAW ~v"TO, C. A. so, Im"m a No d"iv. NA.'" ltl "ONW WO Ilkwill-Ir 1~mlllq o . N IP j 00 00 4 i 00 &rykisemiks 4 IbL, IkAkxvW amisseskvtio widst a-Me 70-l' E k W IV) W M DO* j % a- ; om- em- " . In. ). w. s ( ( =00 *0 &w the diphonyismi& Of ji"00)II"Wic " IV). I!"- i i b i d i h 0 00 on. . s m-Ow w t mik oa Go met = W 4 lurlmd. l b wkb wacd. I g" it Itmenp ' ee N-Ph 9v pidmr. (VI), m. 134-d . by the monw met, s N-01000-0-awlayursomme. vu. 1.10.7 T 8*0 1-0-irthyUrpidsimp. tn. 110-17'. aml IV pis a Q 0 0 goo ,go '00 to too ci;~' we 0 1 481040a *to ON1, ant 0 40 1 bFX Its 9 W 10 U ; a 11 OR a 0& a a 0 1 111 a 9 0 1 All If0 Is I 'a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. : 0 0 * 0 0 0*0000000000000 064 ,00000000060000000 0 4 0o 0* V*0000040090*00001 01 -! 0 -6 a 0 0 lia-"-" * * 0 0 0 0 0 I f v 11 u u w 161 , . . . '. ", !~-11*1 : A L 1-1-6"L 11. L-t-L-.,L A4, WKIAI-lm 00 A F-.J,~: ti E L It El Q V: FROMM ..a .&C491fats pla oygwk eskm go ndkk' Ed U. Chm. (U. S. S. ft.) 7. 23-c"(1147).-Dimethyl. 00 .00 tMer coademm with AcCH*C(%Ht (1) in the NOORt to give fu .00 d 'Mill, kcmw#.wbmidw th, 150-2% Pwn lyridic ester see 00 a ~22 '7 =00 000 H. it. Gee *0 990 see 01 see Os a '00 4's r bee 00 ---- ------ .10m, too S..040 -d .11131 (W 0.- As. -0-i a -I w a Ia u u AT To "I; so 0. 19 a a if a loon I e 03 so.- 00 0 0 11 0 U 36 8 b V 30 3V 0 .1 0 41 'A a cm AV S IS Soo sit Par .1olialuma all jk~ ~Ikkl kit -)la. Div lot 50413041 *.tk.4 Iwo tuAs p% tin" ;wmij I., -Ark",%41. .41 -gc"jwtuAftj ~ jlj~j. ' Jfj Is, 11-19.0 11111A 01111111111111111 A-))" Pk1w Otkk-1103 14IN -1- 1111111 UMP1 IWO IIJPAII v 00 "t'jillitho 4111111 ImuMT4113"U'll '"Willi 'Smial 1 0"Ib4 411A Saualml Imu vialsa In ISWIIU p" $IA 0 ql~- -pneq V- P- IA!qp in 10"m-ps- a 0 4;13tO Ia -.-3paq-I_-qft -%-a" .Z 9 .4 ptm tiq aql P oo 0 V~ I It -,L *hwlv.4 !vw") -)C-1611-115 -.% .6 'amm Ow p o3manpul tip 14111%n 1811101"ra 31welm in voilmape". oo v ir 400 ----- ----- 10146d 04t 4.. , 1 J . . . . . . I f__7 Af. 7 W Aw It IS IN It R 9 IT ff it Ir I is 11 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 11 1; 11 m is it ty 4 " a 11 b A 11 v D b 1 1-1.- 1- 1,AVU Q LID U+4, I 1 0 1 s 1.- 1. V t "It 4 `06 7 A j 00 -00 00 & bfeffdd~ with -00 J- C : 0 a t~ Mg turokp wit Is 2 mols. fit ill ET A) I Irbri " 049 2 und 4 nmh. aumPbor (d- and I- I in Ft io. fwa minit ' s ~06 Mglkl.2C"H.O (1) and MsBt,.IC,.%,0. fe'10. , re thr votnPlex MKOr'.2CIMI.- ls b 2 ow . M p 0 d lw-AsuOll fornittl 0.2CJI,AH M). 13 With RIOII An conpdo. and with PtOH stable %IgBrt.- roluet analYrins v a h PhOH i U M e w t sa p I.O. S Cha%. Blanc! PhOTl Br H O 2C M l f k zoo - - ,* or ,. oe .. e x y 90 000 A ZOO 0 0 's ~ 0 00 O ? 4 '00 =00 400 I sonjol -d I jl)(:Nj *10 Q'I oft suil'i i~;t itt wo* 'i -F- U -V I I-T-Y-s 4 V s u 6 w 03 '1e "neft, oil an it 4 of a H It 01 a- 11 to A I fxa , -n CaLINTSEV, G. V. 111-Phewjl-3-Methylpyrazalone.'I T.G.Aleksandrov, B. 11. Dubinin.. 1. L. Knuqants, and 0. V. Chelintsev. Russ. 57.5o6, July 31, 1940. PhIlIllfif 2- IlCl is treated with the reaction product of AcOEt and Na, III ANO PC ObIff S, AM **A G V b Ch -00 o- als. . . " - set J. C,.;.i. chm. (U. a. 0, Nj "d DAM. Do". litassim Is. W&4(1M).--&NOCJW go n*DW with M. 00 alts in US" own. IN 3D 1111111all.. ' citalthiW (1). las.& 171-2 . The yidd. based as reacted drum k mm 97 V A -00 w c. n attempt to prep. a t:t::Cmd asXl~v lbstituling 6-methazy4t-by- .00 04 ftr hydnmyltasirsofine failed. Red I - - m T G 'Fee 11 B excess of 51 AO at ISO I- I hr. *I d 8-1 . I I i ll l A OH i hih- i d i h A fCl c w~A ec rrate ts a e w t r . w tl"4ilkq V*b im water. efirv neutralifilts wiih all elk. 4a%., it v the I-Cl dwir. of 1. b., I ill dKiM AwOH well tritated (by dmpw) with Hr in SWial see 40 .1kOH; After, varstraliting with KlCOj, it yk4(kd Ilk- ;-Br allriv. of 1. b, 1911-21.111 (in nwu,,). A. A. P. Soo Z we* see 196 1%.At- Olf.UAUA s0@ . OVALLOMM U111111AViOll! CLVMWWATM goo woo ""so out dew a" 4111AL31614 &alibi m a" All 00 's 19 a r -_ 'a' all a a a 111 0 a 6 1 9 a 9 a a 3 6 e 000000 0*0000 0' 14041 0 0 06 0 00 0 00 4 1 9 1 Is 11 u 13 W u M 11 is b is v 11 )i a )1 3) 33 M A k ff a a I A_L_ . - ., - I t M-A-Z 00.4 a 4d suwb ble oplkd seem$. I, C-b R* R. D. Owevvis. J. Goo. CAma. (u. s. v 90)--Diuokv 8 6. alebrin base in M 1110 SOIL C M 9 6 oom - - . 5. SaffacauPbor is 25 sid. ig w do ob. : -1 tab oher 24 brs up w vi h l j 0 a . . , . as am , w l s a asnal ow. Of au. Gk. Retais The (diratc. Mier 3 b i i d s o ta ne pure 1-atrivin rocrywair. from amone there A twore r etb *d n d i t i a a s o water and excess NU., eat. the mat dw crode seak wit 000 ON, dry tbastberext. with KOM and .1hro with ROO, dis- o 0,3 0 logo dw OdEr. dim 400.2 she a PUB. test with and Acp. the 7tals after f th HCI t h ' e I a 1 I t e c r daya. I o 7o kno 7 ction costaistiox of pure d1-HCJ salt of . 2 o k d was obtsiwd in 48% yidd by adding abs. etber to the fibrate and a". the a7mals after 2 b". The gibmt SkMIC km the ensde aft aw used to distif off the, 1: ~7 ak. is W;W Wd jjw shm4be- now was treated with with KOH and theether am 1uparificationwas te agebo-q.. The WkW&cdvi(y in chnicalcondft%is is to be invirationted. Z. Kam" l l a Pt 6 11 41 U W 6 E 9 _4 - I - I--,- -00 -00 -00 1, a A, ,c is 1; i; j, is M'. as -6 a- it -8 it Q 0 o 00;44 0 :10 0 0 0 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 U I a 0 go a -I v a 2 A a a a 41 0 0 0 0 0 9 : 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 see see too 00 06 6*0 see luee :90 lore* T- - -- - - 16 1 -11 10 ~ i I ~ , FTTV -it 14'T I I J. IF a ~p a A A, L I- A. J, 4 J.!!~"_QA9_ The l," 2 Zwa 1. -00 Mff; dW g& d dgtebrb reMdall in MAN. Tbc we umW wkb Nits. &W rwowtad by 'So 00 rwtimm cc"", of tow 66 09 see 00 w ve ISO MOO Nee . ........ .:___ _.x %6's slow lee U. "it 44T 444 0-V ill Masi 0 sites ##fife off go-go 1111t2o 112122,2,1111111122;1" I- v, 0 c irv ! o q, 'p, 0 " . , , I Ii iZ - t . . _: , , A (t W It A 4_F-Q_L,_1 .4 fl- f L Ok t 00 so of 41111 a Sauctwul, 4maka W wmr~&;~ *0 V. A. Fish. J. (;m. 00 li"'WWOP41). -The syntlems lit carried oil, ivy ,u1,. I'll c1 ill fee 4 0 iiIALIS~1jd"wlkAhiwjYrja, lose (11) In "llfait" Its Al.0% J.; 4W by btallind A 'I'llit. 'if 2 1. No ill 40 fill. arin. ate. Oi MINI 6.5 a. I lit 3o fill. &it%. ale. After 2 lite. lkiling ill,- ak-. was fellinved so lwma Arld tile IgNiflue firalril Willi -it ad. A% 110. renrlialiont still r%f.l. will& 4:110.. A.1- 0 If wilits. wevr extal. Willi ether. 111.110 sit. 1,N7* (AuCla 0 cmipd. "a. 1144-W). Witial L. kildria"ll" o a Vo lueo slick, -j I t!-, get 4. goo, uO A U AV A it to K if 1 0 0 Wo 09 a 4 009 000 4eN:_z_ -N&O n vit JJ33 3611 long 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 300 AkD 41. (-Oral ti Ako Poo /0 SOA sea mm edbeffiesdole. G. V. Cbefinturv and *08 zubmill. J. C~W. Chow. 11941).-A mint. v4 108 v. AcN It C.11.80oN [it (1) 1&1 It AM 9. KNOv &9%d M ~V. -Mve,]. 11.0A1: t. I c p syst"t Sive M %. M. 1111- WUm 21 g. 16 r(m%vned to the 1fCJ mall and freatrd shb 13A N- F1111111110`13Y& In PMtkMk. It CM-4 36% 9- I'viavater .00 003 ago too oew -00 we* zoo woo U4141 see I L LITUATME CLASWK&TON wee M. 7jj;; - ---- "a 411 01013 Hit too 00 a 00 Go :10 11 lose 0 0 0 00 00 t 00 00 1 00 06 00 0*3 -ij IT -3 4- 1- -4- V - - W40iriiii '*'iiWIi'fWi W"I -,.W ZP *105 V40#4:~=W- 4G. V. Cbdinswv. J. Glen. wsjR.)k a,* (035 X. Owh) "ft afixed (-Wb) N.N-diphmv& .. M. N*OAc to y"t tw-*I~ 01 be P'On,210-11- ydlowr%;~~- "sn.,AkV-II,jw;gh tye -.1. sap em"ftdx"~ NO "a. t0amysts to kW. NCJLN(NO)Me t b of the th": RNOOH + CII.Ru, NTRRI. R -00 .00 '00 .00 .00 n ago roe Fee Coo see IZ Volvo" a fm 6 0-0 SAIL 0 go go A cowmatiess of "taw olbl~ C) -00 h~. -0. V. Chr"IWv. J. G0%. I .7=7 MAI W(WOO (u) with Me -71,10101 WI ketwer (Ull) in the so fog It' 4k IRIrxpt.'I Na Wke age and 36 s. oW. &k. 6 300 ce. dry Irther em to "act - - tolurnonspeadandStONitto W 30g.jagsI421j. WirrWadded. Aftertilors. acryst was mcbt on W 00 0" , . , . washed withether. a" dried. Ondccons"AheNaderiv. I Obtaived with 19% licl. pptg, by dft. With Wal'F. . I-ilift 06W.Up low. In air., ancl again Is. by this. with ' ' l 1 f l & 4 1 "a re. . - 9. o us: , on. Wl a p a and .41to it, hr VMS in-lostra I . n an- 4-4 W rMA.. 7.3 S. tit U and 42 g. 74 M Mete ntmrql thrinvier ' to a smsprusina is elleff W NaOlit pnvd. by nwtkn 4 11.5 g. Na med 23 g. atm. sk. 11W "Mcirs"tion ",artkat j*qlK I A with beat evniatim. Aftrr 2 hr.,. 11u) . nj 7 wee twsuww was added. The Ph%hK'l %6w" ON. ---Iwd twith l im ib r ildri a li Th N see r e vi m na tar. . r adMv.wahwwd "I" . r , - With 18% Ha the prisdart ittia exid with . . ~tbrr dried ivith Mg9O and Add at 115-36'/a men . . .. . ' The p-tWft ailt rob t l i t ec a i y was a is xt. al p p W. logo a ago WOO woo a OVOLLUMM Ln"TON CLOWe"em woo Z a.-Ovs ""W -A- am das- ~ o eo 1 05 we 06 SON '- "Asal GW 0. M 8 It V Oll a Alf a a a I IN at 9 a a I I v am Igo-Igna a a a I 'DID ~ l 0000*00000000 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 ' Do 000 foe Go* 0000 go 0 *BIT i-11T471910il b v m mi- - I? It J4 It It it a it a it u 41 Oce I k ", T., I , JO 11 L-A.A-2. "ILPOGMUS Amo ilDpill'al a Now method for the vitainiti Ill syntheids. C., V. C h". lildwv and Z. V. lknirvalr1144YA (11nit. Ojk-Mr`l1T-- 40 00 74 CCmry twiltrue) w" tn*trtl with 12 K. 011V41 Ettill itni,01he rvaction uall coniplIcte at 6W. alivir mAing. a t. of lb it, 1104211,01-CNI and 12.5~r,. ll,'OEi -t H~W. t" yiAl Ai% This "Ififillt.)and IS llu~S. wt-fe m4iltil ttvti 2 hrs. it, VIONA iftont 4.4 X. No I in C'n cc. hrnt~nr jo,allove.1hon beAtiril jo 4Wfqw2 his. to y4M , of i he Na raplasr 0 Oev;pi%iftdea, alight twimi rrvilhich wevilikettedtdT. Thi. Wat; r"U%lierld"I in 00 or. belizenc Well Ovalwill with 17 it. A#,Cl at 4141-V to yieki &5TO avrdfu7mmilb rimi-ft-4hary- goo 00 43 j& Thl%0 ill APO (T. lwllrrtir wa.4 Mini mith ~MjWI4hm Minn 990 00 a 1.34 6, arclatuldlue-110 atilt IIION4 InV1011) and ods 4100 goo 111r, ov-'idtle Was'lissoll-t-d in 20 cc. )it% Koll. leflilitima Im 2 lim, anti Irraled (pit coltMix imith P) m 'A)% IC011 to coo iricid 57% ill A% in. Pot 1bll*'(l"illl mmi). Ji'hl~ atilt nill goo 111ty in AcOll on Ilk-ating gavc clillit'llavvi, wa%ext4l. "ith Is" 110.11141 the a'ul -I. 'jr'.ro- (j)(",q). Wa,4 Inixt4l with th'. MV'CO ll1vtA'1c*r liqtlm. the miit .3, The -vilarnin '.4, -vm% modumd 4; Ilic t-ustounary contlen- tfrat-l Mith 411Y -NaOll atilt K'CO' for of 0:exlv'- "fion with bhr thlaxetle corripormirrit vithif by dittet fusion CO la)-Vr, which Oll'Irying was disill. to ViOd Ill,- 4 or in Clfllr,. A rrvirrry method far vicem Illettivi. bp MI to** 2.1 -aLL seem 91111411A.. 161141110 "ll..O." Coe 11JI&I't CK Gv M 9 p I 1 9 Mil 0 a v 1 9 ill I m --i-2 -.7 a it R a 4.9 at it so 610 all stem! so*** ql-::O:~0-076006 ease** 000 of@ 9,99999 1 v loll mum maps b4)41Qm" c 0 0 G a a IL 0 0 a P-6 a !; cl, a is 44,11 -L~. It -4 k t-4--f. I.- 111"1111101 40 got ii ww so -1 00 4b "'O0 00 son 00 0416 00 -Itiommu 1111-il All A Cr go ,j Ime ji.,j..jj 00 imp -%A1114N.1 00 00 ~nvi -4 )An, 00 00 a 41 It 0 1 Oll Milo VVY-1-f-iIJA m 1-1 w hi it v 1 It .1 It 1, it It IIt R at It lit , I 4 0 0 0 - W W V W W I - i 4 e 0 q o *1*!*,* :04. - fe.411 wig _-jv-v-W -W -W-W )VO 11 G 11 A P~ A to P to so 00 ic ;-so 00 U_ Toossolorism. Owlintsm MGJI~ lii~ -ilkirlIVAITI AThl I,VUVIV`~, j-1 iWAn"11,41togi of tuh%lA1hiftM cullf i C_W'"VW-313-24, d. CA. 41. to vyvinikift, etc,. jiti hilt ol 11,11iple I . r~g . Of.- 00 bmu t irb- t i b i ;i O -90 a Co t as s W M41b. -An AtICUIP1 Is ULWk oil v Cliell:C11. 4- W.- 101.11#6101XII.- Cll.lkWll!. 00 #~7 JVW Study of U11K. jeArtionii " JI&S1809011tWO to ClAdAY C11011.1 _ C_1 1-111CWCUCII.M.. (W) Adt -9 vuultWe _*0 *0 vulfrut WAS on site voompt of l"Itamelim. 14 Winds in conjupted systems. (2) v.1rucy unto .. l .1,00 gr*ttl Inuim with mult ivk bunds. where ! cycle is formed or 00 wb~vvr the c6poir twb"Ae go eanwrimtim of residues dirupird: (3) -cyvk--t&utoCM7Wm, where a cycle is- 06 a hUU- (kt' "S's"Ormat'aM &M MI-161d M diruinishnl; (4) 00 ~4~bk into 2 rotin groups, (a) tra"armations with "liVAtim of ions or rodivals (i) &1ung a clisin e.g, I " coo . . n Ure. as 00 0: gaMord by the Inim-ille (4 cuiuirmtke of re. iiddo.,- ow decompa.. %ittilile caurs 14 vuNtillitim. t : 0 alkither 00 a sin le to i I !, s ol. e.4.. c a-trans jAxneri.. g ' so C. where tbrtr recmbiestisms, e '_1 ruptures and 2 %"Wb MMOOVI=601111 take PUCT iOdCpMdrnlly of whether vo 00 tAutomeric trandoritutims. Involving UUMMIN"Istions of the prvce~% are 6o"Wric or nouieo~ reversible OW i. . residues. where in tuost cases thwe is OW W and one irrrvrs,%ilde. ionic at radical in character ami hence the 00 f 60 . OM o jecombittation SiVINS I- tbrn t f . acTme Z' the oFWnal tnish. TAutcmneric trar" y ifts In not t-lr~ 4 the Ah,4v urjrjy,-j hsh 00 ctssifint into 4 t)-%".1 (1) "Talency tanto"Wri"', b t h e tOt W CCtA%WA1lA%UlVrWALn%. JAutmtWirr~Cti~ with (1) AlIctAtion t4 the nature of multiple Ox.. double, tion of IHAY he clamilied U "lautinnerie i�011iffilAtiftS "taitta~ 1 i n UW 0111MR I triple, etc.) twnd, lit residues, as MW subMitutiMS.- -tautomeric adds%.,'* -tauto. MrSKIUMIly AnpinaJOU'A &MY1,16011 prod-is J cy-Mrs.' turvic decompts.." A 11111itfs. 14114 Ikulfilr*. in The imlAwke Od WoolAtT with .--so too t Cit UW 4S too 1:00 too If-TV v W 1) 61 0 0 000 00 0 0 00 0 , see 0 o 0 000 000000 0 000 0 00 0 0-0 00 0 0 - o- -o*-*- 11 1 , I. its . M. mid --van 1. _L, _11-PIX -I -4.J. 004 if ANP 1.11~ CA.906 41"~%Qkej 174 0 A too go C Wma tinhf. (Wit. CQ-W-MWW", Ogg j'4rjN1pW.Tccn%1dMd 1IM'su4orstst with thst, 0 =-VAU"Ure dwary. and ttvt~whctniwy. in twtkular in the GM of tautctinsefrism, as it blan The 000, I*Alk' V111111" Of welklefined. Mal. and IndiviAnally 16- few al'anduamrsit cd thr eldiamspA ptoo cumvpts and fartbrr devew"W"I sky" Stuirily C6"61 livers. Ind& direcUms, orbital and "emitact" bomb we f =06 dim Pan am avembf Coe atumit inbeff by tw Ital Varticla by Jeff bands. Iler I I ZOO U1 inviter points, rw annnatic, ring k c crimt 1,% ad by a tautmantuts (vitu versafewrion) c4 its too so a IcAtIrts At StructulAl it goo ImMmlattive wUrb we cim mussily explairwil by Irst-Axt- 2 4%"M or a" A aw N..Wt of I(pirmatirm of "vattect tionsis le Wighboring atoins of cq,lwp" juslAritv. within ibe limits at the sittru orbital giructum. A cmulArte -mv fansictum thetwy" can be built on the issic ctAl-,tk I..&Riossa .0 ftsowdination. and Stn,-sling to Transuface. ti t (III- "Mots.) 1 .1113, am 41- Ass, to U a AV go is v 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 so ses 0 4,-9-0, 00 --OL 0 so * 0 o of a all I 1 .1, a 00 a I 0 0*4 00u *0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- COD isiv O"v gin s o) T--r a, oil a, wrTm- u Of 10.0 000100 000 9000 000-000 0 00*00000 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 WO 0 OALA A6* dw al lmrcudl.- OMAN"* in - mi G. V, I;rw. I /If"' it"s."i R,) Ift, In.1101114110- I, MkIt"i In llwln&liml c' Pyr"""- Nit., The jx~rlfurls were wrillifmi by krumn phys. cmst%- AM bY lo!"'a"' All. All 9 R000 700 coo zoo tie 0 see z:0 * fee !,P00 --00 ISO too.. 0-41v -7 #11A 1A, 4111 A IRA a AM 0 IN 11 of Ax 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0*0 0 00 a o:LA 0-0 0 0,0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 F-1 1 I "I . , ilk -art I& a 00 A At" C"401 000 sit "OCSIMI AND MW ##1 "#4 0 _tl _ 6 V. K. "%?nd 4(imms i AS 141 . 4 J. GOO. CWW. m ol -Tbe mrda"Im ituftlan) - '*4AjUjloo(A , tmtsd with I until the wt- S'Alft W&34 0 . malls of a go. of imms. acme 11.1Oft IWO) may for I br. the Soln. trTated with 6-1 1- AcOll- the ' " t ' tm xp6imd as the basis of a tantomrtk c%NW of the Odd be i of A h b h i j A dp jjaO o !M h d ,a Joe; e mme an s t m mY n t e e., kan involve , _ a M. K -00 Oe A -00 lob 406 As( OINS)l) W12"OH Tbb b ed by d d & fi= i t l (l) tin i .. imm" e . g%C t mp m"A=P H'O W" tgrat'd with S9 04 3W W R N (= * ft er A W W1. mis W" 10 g 4 swi mWt.Wm4W.W"svob-'k70mud : 0,00 at 0' wkb 8 tmam - SO PhNsa ha Wk. Oak.; I--- ==IMA C"44 R NO 6 f dw Noo . t rom 9-. s dye 6 k W Md women. temmi QmtW W" the P-t-t - L., .POW r%mmm h I= (Ana. nk (2). M a m 1'. too cc. omen were treated (06.) si = 00 .' qbmummum wrt.mmumlos.; ahw=fw , X) k" the am, dilciemsWee. on by i :sroo ms. dn&p ( 10% Ark C1004- 814 fAw 41twed off). em. ?1!9t a %4~0' conven- lb th e . y t* (SAAWMAWWNWOWli". %6 * do to MFAM SO W " jK . d4sud trawAmi W h P ft" on ma"041100 AtSd shmes but mommir Vhbb Of Abe by4my"W with N%HAmA.. US) OMWIMNO WOO Woo woo 4t~~~ 1111084 d"W dot MASI SIR Wv I oil s s' U a r I to. go V* *0 AaSr 'A A I a a~ a a 5 1 W p 0 a l 0 so 0 1 1 4 it Q Is 14 Is m 1? 40 ji,v 1@ 11 v u m a At i A it P 4 -W~A- 12 A A I A -1 INV PROC96*14 AND P90F921QS MV44 a0 Kolb* ISOC11". V. Chelinucy .06 and L. M. Saturgoaskil. J. Cta. 1 -Pb nd i WW M (5 0 i k ) CW A a Uu A- 141V"(19 n %n). )( OM g. pmd. N& in 20 cc. dry xylenc wrm irditued with stktft Im I br. On cooling, 1.7 g. glacial AcOll was t 0011 &4&4 dmty (dw. with an equal vol. of CA11.) and tbr a ~16 smixt, was ma'. tar 90 ads. at &)-M*. On Cooling, i l 1.1 Si CO(NKPb)v vu AkerW off; twkr cooling of the Mraft gave OJS g. fri-P4 imepsuram (1). m. 2,2- ass 4' (from RtOH). PkNCO (IA S.) m4 FbONs (tnxn 0.2 a. No am! 1.4 a. F%Ml in III cc. zyk-M) brated in a gave I (after twelverat with wakd helor to 2W` 2 Son SC' Is", (from Moll) dsma"O M Nam) MA amm . . ' i, u 01 CE)(NHpb), with NAM gave "fi. smiw holifte see - Ph carbamilate (4 ACCIUCCIAS 63 8 3 8 c ) lam" iwa . . . . . , y saw 0.5 6. 1" in IOD cc. merb Ims sth"d at rooms temp. aportionaltbe ge w 14 with 1% vbkb sold. m acidAmmimit d the sq. malm. gave Fj w-amilhommitmodau. M. 117% in by an sollmotir ""Ple; the muftintler d too ppl. Was orystd, from mwl, KIM. takto up in oe* WOW, mmal wwwwi with IICI to give 11111111 ~Ndik d "w"k am. Time Kdbt ftwOom iowd7v; M. 1300 it 1 -- 1110 ad the 1PbO I= or with I -C). so that an argument as to tb. Ed its bomm (ie. ortbo Its bwas " is air istramol. ~I= in meaningless. The wk if GftdL=m (CA. S8. 121VI) is in 9 . thw to f h or t e Otating bis unwimp" of a wrong stmetum "NoWN md of absence at M.NCO in his reactim mists.; bel", of the Rollie mictim III withmt bR%b. r A I b u w &Y iwal o W a An 4 1 0 0 9 1 v 61-9 ' " a It 0, W a I m e ; else: 0 J _ .*-* i-.4; 000000 0 0:1111:9 0 **so 0 0 00 0 0 0 6 * 41 0:9 0 6*'*;-W*.WG;*'* *!;-; ; : : : : : , - IV gal d I a 1 11 k If 1) It U a If 0 11 M AS w 91 1. 4,; .2 4 1, r,4 M,r.U x it cc w I, 00 oop "16 a' C- 0 0 00 The wasok boad. G. V.,Chr limit. flood. : set. (IdsTr 56. orbioui ku-6ni. 00 None U( %be bror"lAvArt-Owd fwlluu, (,or tile l,tusfrup tilts sea is milorvator is doommlibing the lifoultijolwity V4 'AwInAkic WAIJ siptrolo. A tww coritAct loorMI114 i, ImNiiw-fti. in allich I a It l W h d I a i II A or"LAtor wirg" y 1". S$ ". c scmPilloor s w fins C attamoil, laormul"S a orlowl orbitally Contacted cycle. lift, foritluk Cep be Used to explain the tollworrel lACI% in -3 firk"fatiow. orr-rondneornwalf, of Sub-liturnts. still Trpj.I%T- 001) IlleninwOms. it rjin aim) be jilq)lird top Inflyt-yviwand Jorterwyetior pyarons. The 1wintilkil loraturr tit not alto. *0 inala: boW in tho ctonvelit Wthe frxi-tvnov t4 A 0-1 SO -.y.tetn of bowl. loortafivo altern,arly Ch'IFAI'l till-Illift-1, IIC a ring Sar""more. whicis A tile Ino't Y111111tiriv arT.tagortnest ol a woLtek -4 ork-ciron% upplied toy tile UB-hAfVd election jmir%. The nont-sWenct of aitiviiitir tumid is wmll or large ringN i% expWried fly the fAct Mrii 1,1114119y Cap"Affittiet (JIVC11,411sills tilt WAI~IfClt alj&jt.~ V%elled, the ortiergy, Sun rrWrwnted by the Afuniatic boad. This comov" Malov" the need for the indefinite r1tvitron-vioud IWA idea of the wanturn tortufalor"t of such Syst(IIIN Und prrcr"~S tit! imidividumlity of the riectroax. C-NLK. A 11-11.1h 411111 LLUItG NICAL UTIFOATLOT CLSOAPICATKU 4.4 301 1010pt it C., Obt v U 0 AV .0 All, " . . I to, ap IV so Im a A Its 1111111B Its .11111 tit An I 1 8 f!Md D 4 5 1 w a 0 a 6 3 0 9 Ito 0 1 in 00 ..00 .00 =06 Coo ;i'ZOO X00 00 12i COO 400 goo logo t:90 11209 ""HELDITZEV, Q- V- Peb 1947 V. Chelintzev, 6 pp '01tv Ak Nauk M&W No 2 The authoar',r6jecta the rescnanc6 the6ry of re&6- tI=~ as an expression of the tendenev to reduce chWcal iLechanical ones, and a "machanlatleal blunder." PA 8Th Ivib+-Ori. chew%. Hs USS CRELI14TSEV, Ou. V. P.4 15Th2 uw^ww" -Alkylattan 194i Chemistry - Ftbylene "The Phenomenon of Alkylation of Etbylencyanhydrine, vith Carbaniun Ethers,," G. V. Chelintsev, Z. V. Benevolenskaya, B. M. Dabinin, 4 pp, "Zhur Obahch I&W Vol XVnJ* No 2 Ability or etbylencyanhydrine to alkylate to oxygen In the presence or alcoholates. G. V. PA 15TO MR/Chemistry - Acylenols TO 1947 Chemistry - Pyrimidine "Same 'Acylenolal,, G. V. Chelintsev B. M. Dabinin Z. V. BeneVDlensta7a, 5 pp ~*Zhur Obahch J[hhi" Vol r!II, No 2 Methods of obtaining lacylenols' (stable substances ,deriTed In pure form., readily obtainable and useful for v lous syntheses) and their use in the synthesis 'of pyrimidine ccopounds. IN43 w v v III ? a Ic 11 12 'j 1, J$ 41?1 )? 2. 1 A'~ it u 11 m b:6 L. a m mi II di &1 61 a -7--f$ I I ~1:1 b A a -L-x- L 'r 1--& f I, P. _Q It-I .-U-_ " ~ A k~ b A I It p ct~"i ts 4, I~ 7! ..1 -t I A 00 'ft,nil IN K-I l1wl. ad' I-so 06 -00 a moo *0 'a zoo 960 00 so Mee tie* no* j-,L~L% a L a 841ALLURCINCAt OTINAVILAt CLA%SWKAIICVI tie* 41- - - - we* Oar so III It AV, 00 . . . v IT MA I I a N 0 0 a I III Is -13 9 llo* 0 * of 0 We"* 9e 0 0 We 'o 0 6. 0 -0 -0 0 a 0 00 00 0 0 0 C,4 diuvwkon cA Newwynnov'p, fivrtnaltiou~ (C.A. 40. 34511; 413.74124) tA evil. haksmeentry 4terivs. Thervaily VICAMW of At or$. ved"Is. films thew, NuWallcv, i, rx~ plainable by wV4Mucvd bond Warization and dtx, wiot invoolve The hyperemitlExtitm conerpt. The lia-alling M the trwwmmv thowy i% lft%ru~,"I, nith the volichl.ion that it i. not Only Uwr)t.,. lull ortually may hitaler futuiv Them. IWOSMS. (". M. for. 24. e) hgwy of with ftit at an It it nxxr "'Ismt eltamph. rrfr., into (.h I~ k alfLc&,vl: Ifni * In, nrla. 1h, k,.tnm Ivi pa i flillemenfln'. qudilturn f Imlloo of -,h ( In 0, it le*fl dk,11 C4 If$ ikq Irej a"ific.17 USSO--beiiiot,ry, - Resonance Theor~ Feb 51 "Lett..,Ir to the Editor Regarding V. M. 'Tatevskiyts Articl, On the. Theory of RePonance, I" G., V. Cheltr~tsev' "Zhur Piz Flim""'Vol )M, No 2, pp 239, 240~ Crit,;-.:izeo V. M. Tatevskiy for (1) usurpatio'n,of Cholintsev's priority in criticism of theory of resonance, giving Chelintsev no credit; (214n- compIete criticism of theory based on quantum mech aspects. only; (3) acceptance of postulates of d--461ocation and diffusion of electrons, which in effect retained resonance theory; (4) acceptance 184T36 USSER/Chemistry - Resonance Theory Feb 51 (Contd) of Masorrerism; (5) nonacceptance of Chelintsevve, orb'LT.61 tbeory. 184'T36, ra Ca Um^01018try - 8tMICtMILI MwQr7 Jan/Feb 52 Mesponse to Critics or the Nev Structural, Theory," G, V. Chelintsev "Is Ak. Smu'r SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk" , No 1, pp 190-195 Taboo issue vith the critics of his theory (0. A. B&utov; N. D. Kursaxwv, B. M. Dubinin, M. I. Ubachnik,.Te.' D. Kaversina, et al; M. V. VPI'Iiehshte~n; A. N. Nemmynnov). Reasserts the brinci,ples or thi'arbital contact theory vhich a localization of electr=ic orbits; ~'20ft5 UWR/Chemistr3t Structural T~O~ Jan/Fob 52 (Contd) 6 electrovalent bonds in the benzene nucleus, &M alternating charges at the carbon sitwo of benzene. Refers to V011kenshteYn 88 One of the chief props.gandilsts'of Paulingis resonance theory in Us UM 20ftI5 C-3 USSR/Chemistry Structural Theory Feb 52 "A. M. Butlerov a Theory of Chemical Structure and Its Recent Successes," G. V. Chelints*v "Zhur Obahch Kbim" vol-wft, No 2, pp 350-360 The present confusion in the field of chem,theory forne a serious obstacle to scientific, practical, MA Ideologhcal work of chemists as well as to in- struction. IP%etsoln to the difficulties is given by G. V. CIM in sev's theory expounded in "Outlines' of theJheory of Organic Chemistry," Gookhla:Lzdat, 1949.,IfB. A. Kazanskiy wA G. V. Bykov wrongly in- terpr6t Butlerov's theory in their introduction to '209T33 USM/Chemistry - Structural Theory (Contd]) Feb 52 to his collected works (Acad Sci USSR Press, 1951) by supbAsizing a purely mechanistic viewpoint which Butlerov did not share. The report of the Commis- sion of the Dept of Chen Sci, Acad Sci USSR, re- J*ete Ingold and Pauling's concepts of resonance and perturbation, but is at a lose to explain dis- pla,c~ent of nuclei and changes in electron density from a purely mechanistic standpoint. The ~nee*s- sity, of, using supermech (purely chem) Ideag,'Ja par- ticularly apparent in the theory of conjugation. Resonance f oramlas' of benzene should be rejected unequivocally, but the change of covalent into *Ioctrovalent bonds t6 double bonds and alternating 209T33 USSR/Chegistry IStructural Theory (Contd 2) Feb 52 t,charges of opposite sign at corners) must Was- cn smed in order to WWI&Jn the gain of energy. CABLINTSM, G.V. .............. On the second edition of the Report of the Committee of the Section of Chemical Sciences of the Acadeaq of Sciences of the V,S*$eR,:*Statu6 of the theory of ahemicalstructure in organic chouistry." Shur. ob. khIm. 27 no,.8:2308-2310 Ag 157's (KML 10t9) (Stersochomistry) CHELINTM G.V. T.M.1feneberger's p"r Meorstical chemistry In Russia.* -f to..kh1m. 31 no-3:726-731 lir 157. (MM 10:7) (Chemietr7, Physical and theoretical) ACC NR, AP`70007(~)2 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/0/621/0' (A 05/0383/0383 AUTHOR: Chelintsev-.N--G. ORG: none TITIX: Approximate solution of the equations of dynamics of a nuclear reactor SOURCE: Atomnayza energiya, v. 21, no. 5, 1966, 383 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor characteristic, approximate colution, kinetic equation, approximation error ABSTRACT: This is a summary of article no. 1001/3665 submitted to the editor and filed but not published in full. The orticle describes a method of solving the system of ctor differential equations for the number of neutrons and the reactoz dynamics' ea r for a known reactivity. For small time intervals, formulas are derived using the particular form of the perturbation and making it possible to obtain in relatively simule manner their ipproximte solution. For large time intervals, a method of suc- cessive approximation of the equivalent decay constant is used. A formula is derived for the determination of the error. It is shown that the method is applicable in -e w" those cases when the solution is close to the exact solution. For the ca hen 'he reactivity increases monotonically and the power n increases by a factor of' many times, an approximate solution method is employed, using the reciprocal period as the vari- able. A method is described also for numerically integrating the equation and thus reducing the volume of computation. Orig. art. has: 1 formula. SUB CODE: 18/ Sum DATE;: 22mar66 Fcard U L 0727o-67 EWT(1- ~CC NRt AT6025316 AUTHOR: Chelintsev,' ORG: none SOURCE CODE: uR/oooo/66/ooo/ooi/oo92/oo95 TITLE: Numerical integration of the equations of reactor dynamics SOURCE: Moscow. institut..Upravleniye yadernymi energeti- cheskimi ustanovkami (Control of nuclear power plants), no. 1. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966, 92-95 TOPIC TAGS: nuclcar reactor technology, numeric integration, finite difference, reactor neutron flux "STRACT: The equations integrated are of the form dm Ek-A 6 - n,+ Yxici + S. di I de, (a neutron der-ity, 6k reacti'vitZ, L effective lifetime of prompt neutrons, ACC N.Rt AT6025310 a fraction of delayed neutrons of group 1; 0 -- total fraction of delayed neu- trons; ci - concentratioWof i-th group delayed-neutron emitters, X i - decay con- stant of these emitters; S - source power per unit volume. The integration isbased on a finiie differenci method and it is shown that under suitable simplifying assump- tions, corresponding to the steady state, the method makes it possible to use finite differences which are 100 -.1,000 timeslarger than in the Adams method, ~t the same accuracy. An exwaple is presented, in which the solution was obtained by 28 steps with accuracy of 1%, as tie.4inst several thousand steps in the usual method. Orig. art. has: 8 fbimiulax SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: 2*j'Dic65/ ORIG REP: 001/~;' 001., 2/2 ACC &R, SOURCE CODE: AP7002554 UR/0413/66/000/023/003 INVW-TOR: Chelintsov, K. N. ORG; none TITLE: Semiconductor amplifier. Class 21, No. 189022 Izobretenlyar promyshlerwo7e obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 33-34 TOPIC TAGS: transistorized amplifier, telephone equipment ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a semiconductor amplifier for terminal an~ intermediate stations of simplex dispatcher high-frequency telephone com-maLnications, particularly telephone communications along transmission channels for photocommunica- tiona of packed color circuits. To insure transmission of high-frequency communica- tions alternately in opposite directions, the collectors of two transistors are -connected to the windings of separate isolation transformers, and their bases are connected to separate windings of an additional transformer. Their emitters are connected through semiconductor diodes and variable resistors to the bias sources so that with remote switching on and off of these sources by the dispatcher the altematc cycle of the transistors from the normal mode of amplification to the mode of four- terminal network with controlled attenuation is accomplished (see Fig. 1). The intermediate transformer is provided with a third winding for connecting to it at 1 ACC NRz AP7002554 Fig. 1. 1 collectors; 2 - isolation transformers; 3 - additional transformer; 4 - emitters; 5 - aemi- conductor diodes; 6 - variable resistors -intermediate stations an additional dispatcher attach~aent containing an internal modulator-demodulator. Orig. art. has. I diagram. ,SUB C .ODE. ~09# 1V SM DMs 30-Tank --l I - ~l , ~ ~ - , CHMISHCHEN, B. A. "Pneumatic Hoist with Bel-l-Bearing 2ocking Device," Avt. Trakt. Prom., 27, NO-8, 1952 1 CRUMHCHKV, B.A. .AntowAtic &sseubly line for water radiators. Avt.trakt.prom. no.11:11-144 '53- ' (am 6:u) 1. GorIkovskly avtosayod Ia. Xolotov&. (Automobile*-Radlatore) CHZLISRGHI&V, B.A. 1%A=&-WvftO -~llwoi ~-~ Certain special features In the construction of rolling feeders for staVing presses. Test-m"h. 33 no.11:62-65 N '53- OQJU 6:12) Obver presses) CHRLISHCW. D.Ao. lushener; SOKMOT. V.A., tushener. - mwmpwl-k~ Soloction af antomtle-twele control circults. Test.~h. 33 no.200-9 0 155. (KLU 9: 1) (Rubluery, Astmatle) (Autmatle coatrol) CIMTJSHC . B.A. I -- Rotary device for grinding lathes md presses. Avt. I trakt. prom. no.4.-43-45 AP 156. (XI= 9:8) 1. GorIkovskly avtosavo& Iment Molotov&. (Metalworking sachinery) AUTHOR: Chelishchev, B.A.: Engrineer I SOII/122-58-6-1/37 TITLE: '-U-od-e-r-n--Tr-e-n-d-s-in--i-ITe Development of .'Automtic Conveying Installations (Sovremennyye tendentsii v razvitii avto- maticheskikh transportnykh ii5troystv) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyenlya, 19581 JNr 6, pp 3 - 5 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The advantages of overhead monorail pushing conveyors with automatic control are stated. The facilities of selective stoppage and accumulation of components in a chosen section, the lowering of the component to the loading level for a machine tool and the joining of diff- erent branches are illustxated. A mechanism for carriage control is shown (Figure 2). Another mechanism with a C-hook suspension is shcwn in Figure 3. The lay-out of a production shop with storage capacity and automatic job card processing is indicated. A diagramr-atic illustration of a machine-tool loadin.- carriage is given. There are 5 figures. 1. Industrihl platns--Equipment 2. Hoists--Applications 3. Conveyors--Design Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Chelishchev, B.A., Engineer SOV/122-59-4-8/28 TITLE: 3.i:: o-F-te-formations, in Wedged Roller Mechanisms (Raschet deformatsiy klino-rolikovykh mekhanizMov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1959~,%r 4, pp 35-38 (USSR) ~k ABSTRACT: The deformations in wedged roller free wheel mechanisms have not previously received sufficient attention. A free wheel clutch in a stock feeding mechanism for a press should have the minimum of deformation and no slip. The conditions in a wedged roller clutch were simulated by a model wherein a plane wedge is pressed between two rollers restrained between two parallel walls. The rollers were supported by soft rubber and thus free to roll along.-the walls. The wedge displacement is divided into one component due to deformations of the interacting bodies, and is equivalent to a virtual decrease in the roller diameter and another component due to rolling along the walls. Analysis and experiment show that the second component is about equal to twice the first which is evaluated by Card 1/3 analysis on the basis of experiments in which the compressibn of rollers under lateral pressure was SOV/122-55-,-4-8/28 Analysis of Deformations in Wedged Roller Mechanisms measured (Fig 3) showing a nearly linear relationship. It is shown that the deformation of a free wheel clutch is proportional to the applied torque and the inverse product of the tangent and the sine of the wedge angle, a function which rises rapidly with diminishing angle. Calculated and measured displacements of the model are in good agreement (Fig 4). Under static loads, a wedge angle of 120 still shows no slip but ensures acceptable deformations. An experimental free-wheel clutch is shown (Fig 5) embodying 10 mm diameter rollers on a pitch diameter of 100 mm (14 mm long). Deflection angles are plotted against the wedge angle (Fig 6) showing little gain beyond a wedge angle of 100. At this angleg a torque of 2000 kg M produces a twist of about 30' Card 2/3 SOV/122-59-1+-8/28 Analysis of Deformations in Wedged Roller Mechanisms (Fig 7). The plot of twist against torque is nearly linear. There are 7 figures and 5 references, of vhich 1+ are Soviet and 1 English. Card 3/3 CIIELISHCIMV, B.A.; DAVYDCV, V.I. Rotor 2-Lnes. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 3 no.6:43-45 Je '61. j., (MIRA 14:6) (Rotoro) S/118/62/000/001/005/005 0221/D301 AUTHORS-. Chelishchey, B.A. and Fuks, I.I., Engineers TITLE., Pneumatic and electric drives with straight line displacement for the automntion of production PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatmiya I avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 1, 1962, 35-40 TFIXT., The author gives a comparison table of drives which shows that. pneumatic and electric units are the most frequently adaptable for straight line actuation. The pneumatic drive is used for strokes up to L m,when there are no special requirements for speed stability and the force of resistance is low and constant. The speed attains 3-4 m/sec. The electromechanical drive may be used for lengths up to 10 m at a slow but constant speed, and where intermediate stops are necessary. Pneuma- tic cylinders developed by ENIKMASH are described. Nomograms for deter- mining main characteristics under given operating conditions were plotted as a result of numerous experiments. The authors give the nomogram for a Card 1/4 S/118/62/000/001/005/005 Pneumatic and electric drives D221/D301 100 mm cylinderg, It was impossible to plot a similar one for 50 mm cylinderog and ihe authors state that these can be used as controlling servodrives only. The nomograms allow computation of the actuation time. for a diStaDce L and a given load by T z; tn4-ty+ t,m, where 4- P_ is the pre- paratory time obtained by-interpolation; ty is the duration. of the steadlY motion; t is the time of braking due to air which 3s assumed as 0.11-0.1 sec. The graphs of motion of the pis,!Lon show non-oscillatory behavior when there is an a.--'r cushion at the end of the stroke.. fhe s~ab- ility of speed when the piston meets the air cushion is due to properties of air. Its volumetric. outflow through small apertures ir. super critical conditions depends on the area of the hole and does D-ot. depend on pressure drop. This can be exploited in feeding cutting tocls or when it is necessary to obtain a controlled speed of 5-0.5 mm/sec with- in a short distance. The air cushion design has many advantageF. An example of application of the electromechanical drive is given for unit heads made by the Minskiy zavod avtomaticheskikh liniy (Minsk Factory Card 2/4 S/118/62/000/001/005/005 Pneumatic and electric drives oee D221/D301 of Automatic Lines). An explosion-proof design was used in the mining equipment manufactured by the Konotopskiy elektromekhanicheskiy zavod (Konotop Electromechanical Plant). The electromechanical units are re- liable, simple, have stable speed and permit large displacements with intermediate stops to be realized. The author points out the short.- comings of the Konotop units which lack brakes and require high..speed switching. ENIKHASH developed a unit based on a normal electric motor which is illustrated. It is provided with a friction clutch and rubber buffers. The condition of limiting the wedge action of the screw is then M M. lEs- ( ~, + P ) k, where M is the threading torque; M is the t 0 tan A -P t 0 unlocking torque; P is the friction angle of the thread; X is the helix angle of the thread and k is the safety coefficient, which is equal 0.6-0.8. The electric brake ensures greater accuracy of stops. It Con'. tains an a.c. solenoid, type2)C 1-6121 k,) (ESI-6121K) and a set of discs from a standard clutch made by the Elektrostanok factory. The coefficient of motor loading is small which permits frequent reversals. Applications of ball screws can greatly enhance*the performance of these units. The Card 3/4 S/118/62/000/001/005/005 Pnmmatic and electric drives oac D221/D301 number of cycles withAOC-32-4 (AOS-32-4) motor is 20 per minute. rhere are 7 figures-and 1 table. Card. 4/4 CHELISHCHEV, B.A.,inzh.; ZHILENKOV, N.N., inzh. - -.- .......... -- Technological process and the rotor line in the production of sleeve nuts. [Nauch. trudy) ENIKMASha 8:100-118 164. (MIRA 18:3) 52093mw6~, CCE5SION-N I A