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BYKHOVSKIY, D.G.. Inzhaner.
New nppnrntiv! for ~,nnnncting and terminating aluminum
Vest.elektroprom. 27 no-3:10-13 Mr '56. (MMA 9:12)
1. Ministerstvo elektroproqrshlennosti.
(Electric conductors) (Aluminum-Welding)
BYKHOVSKIY, D.G., inzhener; WIAN, R.I., inzhener.
Problems in planning and designing welding converters with selenium
rectifiers. Vest. slektroprom. 27 no,101-25-28 0 156. (MLRk lotg)
1. Zavod Ollaktrik.0
KIlectric,current converters)
ByMoVsKlY, D.G., inthener.
Use of selenium rectifiers in direct-current arc welding. last.
eiektropron. IL? no.9:49-51 S 156. (Mia-A 10:9)
1. Vsenoyurnyy nauchno-jesledovntel'skir institut elektroevnroahnogo
(Electric weldiag,) (Electric current rectifiers)
AUTHORSi Bykhovskiy9 D.G., Eng., and Kaplan, V.I., Eng.
TITLE: Now Welding Rectifier SYstoms (Novye ekhomy evarochnykh
PERIODICAL: "Svarochnoys Prottvadstvo"p 1957, Nr. 1, PP 1-4 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt A now selenium rectifi*rC= -100/W with automatic voltage
decrease at idle run, was developed by VNIIESO (BHHM3PCo
(probably - All Union Scientific Research institute for
Eloctro Welding Equipment) - as the first experimental appara-
tus - In the Zhdanov Works at IZHORA (Izhorskiy Zavod imeni
A.A. Zhdanova). It is stated that this pystem is suitable
for future mass production.
The authors have also designed a combined rectifier - system
consisting of two separate rectifiers of different power and
different idle run voltage, of which the first is called
"ignition rectifier" and tho other "basic rectifier". This
combined rectifier avatea considerably decrivasse consumption
of material including selenium, and increases efficiency 10 -
Cara 1/2 15 percent.
TITLE: Now Welding Rectifier Patterns (Novye ekhany ovarochnykh
vypryaniteley). 135-1-1/14
The rectifier cnc -loo/w is considered advantageous for
welding in low-power range (up to 100A), and the combined
two-rectifier-'system for welding in high-power range (300-
500A and higher).
The article contains 7 diagrams, 1 photograph.
There are no references.
AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959. Nr 9, P 101 (USSR)
AUTHORt Bykhovskiy. D,G.
TITLE: Experience in Using Semiconductor Rectifiers in Electric Weld Equipment
PERIODICAL~ V sb.: Primeneniye poluprovodnikov v elektrotekhn. Leningrad, 1958,
pp 24 - 35
ABSTRACT: Welding rectifiers are, as a rule, assembled according to the three-phase
bridge circuit. Operation with semiconductor rectifiers is characterized
by a great number of valve elements at high current densities (up to
150,^, a/cm2); this requires intensive cooling. Me author analyzes
operation of parallel switched valve elements. He shows that rectifier
operation under transitional conditions is not dangerous for the valve
elements as far as overloading with current is concerned. Se-rectifiers
are very well able to undergo shcrt- time overvoltage (0.001 see), contra7/
to Ge-rectifiers. Best results are obtained with Si rsetifiers, since
their operating temperature is 200 - 2500C.
Card 1/1 A.N~
110- 58-9-
AUTHOR; B4gLi~~ Enbinoer.
TITLE: Circuit for Reducin- Autofa~~tically the No Locid Volt&E;e of 0
Welding Rectifier (Snema dlya c~.~,rto...,c-ticiiesk-oGo snizheniya
napryazheniya '*CholostoGo Ir.~aoda sv1,%rocdno-o v~Tryamitelya)
P12KODICAL: Vestnik ElektropromWahlennoetj 1958, Nr 9, pp 34-36
ABSTRAP,T: The author developed and inve.3tiGated (in the Physics
Laboratory of VNIIE30) Li circuit for reducing the no-load
voltztGe of weldine rectifiers; this circuit contains no
-ion chokes are used for the purpose of
relays and satur&t ~~U -
obtaininG the necessary shtipe of the external characteristiz
and for regulating -the Yielding current (FiG.1). Tine opera-
tion of the circuit is based on the possibility of chano-dinr.,
rapidly the resistance of saturELtion chokes within wide
limits. During no-load operation the arc gap is open and
the current in the maGnetization circuit is blocked by the
rectifier units of the main and the maGnetization circuits.
On closing of the main circuit the me-aelization circuit is
automatically closed, the resistance of the s&tu-rLtion choke5
droDs to a certair. value which is determined by the para-
meters of the ma--netization Thp externa
teristies, shown in Fig. 1 di
Circuit for Reducing Automatically the No Load Volt,,-.,F,,-e Qf a
teristics of standard type welding rectifiers i,,dth indepen-
dent current supply of the magnetization windinGs; this is
due to the fact that in the proposed circuit the =vZ:_qetiz_a-
tion Current depends on the are voltage. Fig.3 shows the
equivalent circuit of this circuit arrangement. In ttie
case of chanGes of the Drc length, the external cl'a,~.rac-c'eris-
tic is shifted and this explaius the shape of (the e-xternal
characteristic of the supply source built according; to the
proposed arrangement. A drawback of the propozed circu-it
is that in the case of are breaks the rectifier block -will
be subjected for 0.1 to 0.2 sec to the full no-lo;~,d volta-e,
i.e. the no-load voltage will _oe reduced to the permissible
rated value after a short but finite time which is deterLoi-re'"3
by -the transient phenomena in t:ae saturation chokes. -However,
tests have stiown that selenium rectifiers withstland conside:~-
able short duration overvoltaL;es durinS no-load o-porz~tion.
Card 2/3
S -11'- -56-9 8/20
Circuit for Reducing Automatically the No Load VoltFGe of a Vielding
Due to absence of relays, this circuit is very reliable and
since it permits obtaining relatively flat charecteristics,
the range of utilisation of welding rectifiers is consider-
ably extended. There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: May 4, 1957.
1. Rectifiers--Circuits 2. Rectifiers--Performance 3. Welding
Card 3/3
18W SOV/32-24-12-11r:/
AUTHOR: Bykhovskiy, D. G.
TITLE: Methodology of X-Ray Investigations on Point Welding of Dar-
aluminum Alloys (Metodi.ka rentgenograficheskogo issledovaniya
~ochechnoy svarki duraly-uminiyevykh splavov)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, 12, PP 1456-1459
ABSTRACT: The possibilities of using metallographic analysis for st-ukvine
the complex metallurgical processes which take place in point
welding of duraluminum alloys are very limited. Investigations
have shown.that the first insight into this transformation
can be obtained by using a combination of micro-roentgenography
and X-ray structure analysis. The qualitatively best results
were obtained using the absorption method, since the basic
components of duraluminum (Cu and Al) exhibit a difference in
thei_- coefficients of linear absorption of X-rays. For this
method in mioro-roentgenography the URS-70 apparatus and the
tubes of type BSV-4 with a molybdenum anode are recommended.
The point welding of the alloy D20 (6-7% Cu, 0.4-0.8% Mn,
Card 1/2 0.1-0.2% Ti - the rest Al) were X-rayed (Figure), and the
Methodology of X-Ray Investigations on Point Welding of Daxaluminum Alloys
composition of the phases,in the various zones of the micro-
roentgenograms were investigated with X-xay structure analysir-1.
The investigations showed that the cast nucleus and the zone
in which the maximum plastic deformation takes place at higher
temperatures consist of a solid a-solutiorl of copper and
manganese in aluminum (with inclusion of the inter-metallic
compound GuAl 2). The concentration of CuAl2 pre-gent in the
zcnes varies. The results obtained indicate that the described
method would be suitable for the investigation of the welding
of other alloys. There is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Veasoyuzrqy nauchno-isaledovatelli3kiy institut elektrosvarocla-
nego oborudovaniya (All-Union Scientific Research Institute
for Electric Welding Apparatus)
Card 2/2
Circuit for automtic decrease of idle-running voltage of welding
rectifiers. Vast. elektroprom. 29 no,9:34-36 S '58. (MIRA 11:10)
(Ilectric current rectifiers) (Ilectric welding)
AUTHORS: Bykhovskiy, D.G., Engineer and Fridlyand, M.G Engineerl
0 TITLE: ng o Copper y Means of a Concentrated Are
1PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropro yshlennosti, 1961, No.1, pp.55-57
TEXT: Investigations of the cutting ability of plasma generators
using a variety of gases and gas mixtures have shown that the
highest arc voltage (100 to 120V), and consequently also the
highest specific power, can be obtained for a plasma generator by
using as the cutting gas pure hydrogen. This fact is attributed to
the high thermal conductivity and the high ionization potential of.
this gas. Since hydrogen is much lighter than argon and nitrogen,
0 the gas speed is much higher. This also improves the possibility
of blowing away the molten metal from the cutting zone. VNIIESO
developed a plasma generator, powered by a 6-phase rectifier systWm
with iSiAtron rectifiers. This system ensures a no-load voltage
of 250 to 300 V; the supply source has a falling characteristic,
and for regulating the current within the necessary limits (150 to 2
350 A) a variable ballast resistance in used. The main
requirement to be met by the head of the plasma generator intend
Card 1/4
Cutting of Copper by Means of a Concentrated Arc
'for cutting copper is an accurate centering of the tungsten
!electrode in the nozzle hole, since otherwise it would be
impossible to cut copper at all. Several designs have been
~developed which take into consideration the necessity of absolutely
;reliable centering of the electrode; a photograph of one of these
:is reproduced in Fig.1, Usually, tungsten electrodes of 6 mm dia
!are used which show less burn-off during operation and are more
[.rigid than electrodes of smaller diameter. The end of the tungsten,~
electrode is machined into a truncated core with a diameter of 1 .5 mm
at the narrow end; this has a great directional effect on the gas
50 --iflow, bringing about narrowing of the gas' discharge and,
:consequently, an increase in the specific power of the plasma
!..'...igenerator, It proved possible to carry out stable cutting of
;copper 80 nim thick with the equipment designed by VNIIESO.
!A photograph is reproduced showing the cuts made in shdets 35 mm
thIck. The generators that have been made can be used for cutting
!,copper sheets 10, 20, 30, 35 and 45 nun thick at speeds of 40-50,
..125-30, 12-15,' 8-10 and 6-8 m./h, respectively. Plasma generators
lCard 2/4
Ctitting of copper by Means of a Concentrated Are
were used in the "Elektrik" plant for cutting components from pure
copper up to 80 mm thick. The use of concentrated arcs for
cutting copper and copper alloys increased productivity some
15 or 20 times, compared with conventional methods. A-further
advantage is that -there is less waste than in the case of
mechanical cutting since the width of the cut is smaller by a
factor of two or three.. There are 2 figures;
iCutting of Copper by Means of a Concentrated Are
i4o -
45 -
PHr. Oftlift BHA roAoBKR
L~ard 4/4
09, lyl 1)
S/135/6 1/000/005/006/011
AUTHORS: Bykhovski G Bogorodskiy, Yu. A., Engineers
TITLE: Oas electric cutting of metal plates
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 5, 1961, 16 - 18
TEXT: The mechanized gas-electric cutting of over 100 = thick non-fer-
rous metals and stainless steel was for the first time in the world practice
achieved with the aid of equipment developed by VNIIESO, including an are cutting
torch, a power supply source for the electric arc and a control system. Pouring
channels of 100 x 100 ffLm section can now be out off cast-iron, silumin, chopper
and copper alloy castings with satIsfactory quality of the edges. The advantages
of the new equipment are: greater thickness of the material to be cut, higher
cutting speed, lower gas and-electric power consumption. Cutting is performed
with an are burning in the gas flow between a tungsten electrode and -the work
piece. The cutting process has the following technological peculiarities; inde-
pendence of the arc current on the thickness of the cut metal: ccrrelaticn of the
S 4-
thickness of cut metal and are voltage; the cutting process ha o be conducted
at initial and operational speed. A formula is given showing the dependence be-
Card 1/4
Gas electric cutting of metal plates
S/ 13:5/6 1/000/005/006/011
tween the thickness of the material and the arc voltage:, U. 0 = _'. + B - Ig S,
where Uare is the are voltage in v; S is the thickness of tU plate in mm, A and
B are the coefficients depending on the composition and rate of the gas feed and
on the nozzle diameter of the are torch. The narrow range of regulating the opera-
tional current and the relatively wide range of ohanges in the are voltage are
specific peculiarities of gas-electric cutting, requiring new ways of considering
the problem concerning the electric are power supply source. Investigations car-
ried out in this direction proved that the most efficient power supply source is
a rectifier on --;emi-conductor valves and an improved control stray transformer.
This power source is efficient, light, small-sized, simple and reliable. VNIIESO
developed moreover a power source on the basis of multiampere selenium rectifiers
assembled by a three-phase push-pull circuit with 270 v idle-run voltage and stabae
buming of the arc up to 450 amp current, and a power source with ignitron recti-
fiers. Metallic ignitrons H -70/0.08 (1-70/0.08) and 14-140/0.8 (1-140/0.8)
assembled by various systems were investigated, including a three-phage push-pull
and a six-phase sinESie-cycle*circuit (Figure 3). The main deficiency of ignitron
rectifiers is the need of a ballast rheostat. Therefore, they will remain in use
only until series production of sufficiently cheap silicon rectifiers will be or-
ganized. The new type arc-cutting torches present a series of advantages, such
as satisfactory centering of the electrode in respect to the nozzle; reliable
Card 2/ 4
Gas electric cutting of metal plates A006/AIOI
electric insulation of.the electrode and the nozzle; hermetic nozzle cooling'
system, intensified cooling and simple nozzle design. The T-2 are torch (Figure
4)'consists of two silumin castings containing the adapter with the electrode and
the nozzle. The insulation of the nozzle and the electrode is achieved by the
use of epoxy resin. Furthermore the possibility. was studied of using hlgh-~temper-
ature fluoroplastic and super-poreelain insulators for are torches. The develop-
ment of the described equipment makes it possible to consider the centralized
cutting of sheet material so that savings of scarcemetal and a reduction of pre--
paratory operation costs will be achieved, and a great number of metal cutting
mills will be liberated which presently are needed for mechanical cutting-of metals
unsuitable for oxygen cutting process. There are 1 table, 5 figures, 7 rdferences
4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet.
Card )/4
DAIJ elvati-10 Outt1:1e, or Ifl9till Plato"
Figure 3-
Six-phase single-cycle circuit of ignitron
rectifier: 1 - fuse; 2 - magnetic start-
er; 3 - push-button set; 4 - transformer
5 - ignitrons; 6 - selenium rectifier; 7
- hydrorelay contacts; 8 intermediate
Card 4/4
AOM/A 10 1
I , - I I'- I
Q I(L h C' V--!~-' /-,- i I/ -L) C' -
Cutting copper with a focused are* 'lest, elektroprom. 32 no.1:55-57
Ja 161. (Copper) (Electric metal cutting) (MMA 14:3)
Cutt- metals by ponotratin~ aro c=-'Oined ras
2ERTODIC'L: ~vtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 4, 19052, 13-53
T E"I' TThe eszonce of the described new method is cuttinj 'Dzr a tunGo-ten
-LUna head with two chanr-c-dS for sceparate feed o two
clec rode hocl in a cat
di'-Poront -ases fo-r shieldinj3 the anode and cathode portions o4 th e a -- c
(Fi ~- 3) -The -orinc4nle was aevelo-oed initially at the Ins"'itut elel~trosvallri
im. Ye.O.Patolla (Electric ','IelLing Institute im. Ye.O-Pator). Combine 'a gas
bloyiino prevents the formation of a ao-alble aze .vh-ich wo-ala s-pof-l the --etal
and t*,-Ia cuttins head. Narro,.-r and smooth cuts obtained 1- 10 t',ick
S-',-aiinless steel, or 150 mm thick aDaminiLm, cast iron, and other rla~als.
Different combinations can be used, e.g. a=j3on-~Zram-ocen, az!con-
nitrogen, hydrogen-nitrogen, etc- The cuality of cuts is I.-Ille same as -n
Card Vor
S/I 2 ~16 21/000/00411007/013
Cutting metals ,by panetrating arc
1'. 41
conventional ar'gon-hydrogen cutting, but.the new mothoul reauoas tlhe are
voita-e, ma' the -orocess very stable, inc:icases t"'10 Cu'.t--nL,-' Of-fician-cy, re-
duces the electric power consunption, and greatly inc::eases I.-Ine o-f'
'un-stuen electrodes and noz7lec;. The equipment consists of & &; taidard
turansafo--,mer, a cututuin.,-I head, and gas containarz. r' manual head,
h . .
sqovm in a -ohoto, uses argon and air, consiLmes one tuent, of the ar-Z;on
Usually consumed, and is claMmed to be a promising tool -for underwater or
pi-pe cutting or vatting in "'he continuous casting process. It st,-=ts cutting
.Lrom any point on the metal since no hole has to be -ore-oared to start t'he
Process. There a--e 5 -fiipres.
SU3-;.:IT'T3D: A-ugust 19, 1961
Card 24 -2
AUTHORS: Fridlyand, M. G.
TITLE: Investigation of heat fluxes in an extended spatially-
limited arc in an argon medimn
z1ka vy*sokilch temperatur, no. 1, 1964, 65-70
k9OURCEs Teplofir
TOPIC TAGS: electric arc calarimetry, heat transfer to electrodes,
coolant thermodynamic charact(iristics, beat flux.temperature de-
pendence, beat transfer to coolant
ABSTRACT: An instrument is described, developed at VHIIESO, to
measure the beat transfer frovi an arato its electrodes, in wbich
the beat is carried away from the electrodes via the pbase-transiti
energy of boiling distilled water. The advantages claimed for this
method are constancy of.tbe tbermodynamic characteristics of.the
cooling medium, constancy of the cooling-temperature during the
Sardj/'~' _1
course of the investigation and the resultant independenc- of the
heat losses in the measuring system on the power released by the
arc electrodes, simplicity of the scheme, and possibility of inves-
tigating the effect of the temperature of the cooling medium on the
heat flux to the electrodes. The tests were made on an arc burning
in argon, with power up to 15 kW and current up to 350 A. The effect
of variation of the argon flow on the heat transfer was investigated
for different values of th6 arc current and power. The heat-trans-
fer to the anode decreased with increasing argon flow for all values
of arc power, and the heat transfer to the gas increased continuous-.
1y with increasing gas flow. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 1 for-
ASSOCIATION: lisesoyuzny*y nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut
elektrosvarocluiogo-obwudo,%,ran.Ly-a (All-Union Sal-entific Research In-
stitute of Electric WGIdingr, Equipment)
A0-14ESSION NR: AP4024191
DATE ACQ: 16Apr64
ENCLz 0.3
OTHER: 005
Heat flows in an extended,spatially bounded arc ~,Jowing in an
argon medium. Teplofiz. vys. temp. 2 no.D65-70 Ja-F 164.
(MIRA 17:3)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy Institut. elektrosvaroch-
nogo oborudovaniya.
AUTHOR: By*khovskiy, D. 0. (47,andidate of technical sciences); Kunin, V. S.
(Engine e
TITLE: Some quantitative relations in penetrating-arc cutting
SOURCE: Avtornaticheskaya sivarka, no: 4, 1964, 43-46
TOPIC TAGS: metal cutting, metal arc cutting, metal gas electric cutting, metal
penetrating arc cutting
ABSTRACT: Test equipment included the following units; a power source with
external static characteristici; set by saturable reactors:.a modernized ADS-1000
tractor for advancing a T-12 arc head (sketch supplied) with a speed within 3-150
m/hr; a control unit. Copper and steel 35-mm thick and aluminum 40-mm. thick
were used in the gas -electric.cutting experiments. Argon flow was 8 lit/min;
hydrogen,.5o-65 lit/min. air, 1510 lit/min. It war, found that: (1) The cutting
Card 1/2
speed is directly proportional to the current; (2) The coefficient of utilization of
the arc power is directly proportional to the current; (3) The arc voltage, at max
cutting speed, is practically independent of the current and kind of metal; (4) The
arc voltage, at a given current, is inversely proportional to the ratio of linear
speed of the head to the maximum possible cutting speed;. (5) The cut width is
practically independent of the current and is determined by the head'designi.
Orig. art. has: 6 figures.
ASSOCIATION: BNIIESO (AU--Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric
Welding Equipment)
SUBIZTTED: 08jul63
Card 2/2
DATEACQ: 27Apr64-
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 000.
-.-;!F 7
V.42644,Z5- 8060/ MIA/k V, '(0191K IVH~
b) jD
DAZI 10031/0032
(M~A-1dal,6,6f teehni j" in V
X.- -the role- of hydrosen duriog cutting inwreed are.
SOURCE: ",varochnoye proizvodstv?o, no. 12, 1964, 31-32
TOFIb TAGS: arc cuttin immersed are c'utting,metal cutting, hydrogen supply, steel,
g' aluminum cutting, copper:cutting
Thp paper considers 3 methods of gav, supply for cuttiag with an i=nersed
arc. Ijsually, argon is delivered to the cathode with air being supplied to'the ouL-..
er nov"Ile for both manual and machine cutting and aluminum alloys up to 40-510 mm
thich ~Iethod 1). Mlivory of hydroken improvfPs the capacity of the cuttinF1 operas'
tion whon it catt-,ra the outer noz2la togothior with tho air Qlothotl 11). 1kir t1tv,
second mAhod, the voltalle was lawered, but delivery of hydrogen improved A)c
of the are and increased the cutting ispeed. Ilydrogen delivery increased
~60-' clitting speed of
1.5 tiz-- -a a copper 4,5 times,
inckeased-he transmission to the sheet. tl6tl
at 0 at
oil- Til consif,its .-Of deliv6vit of h*drogon togedie'r vith-ar-g-on',, leading.
I jWi
L 2264445~1
ACCESSION -:RR;,:~ M5001174-::.:
_It~ I-
Heat balance of an extended spatially bounded arc burning in a
two-component gaseous medium. Teplofiz. v3rs. temp. 2 no.3.329-332
MY-Je 164. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-is-sladovatel'skiy institut ek-ektrosvamehnogo
Some quantitative i~atios in cutting with a penetrating arer.
Aytom. svar. 17 no.4:43-46 Ap 164 (MIRA 18al)
1. 7!---3ooyuznyy mauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut elektro-
avaroc'mogo oborudovaniya,
B'K!MO3L5KIX,-M-GG., kand. tekhn. nauk; BOGORODSKIY, Yu.A., inzh.;
ROGOV, V.D., inzh.
Hand operated gas electric cutting torch. Sudostroenie 30
no.11:49-52 N 164. (MIRA 18-3)
BYKHOVSKIY D G kand. tekhn. nauk (Laningrad'j FRIDLYAN'D, M.G., insh.
9 . ~
Electrical parawters of a long hydrogen containing spatially limited
are. Elektrichestvo no.6s73-?5 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7)
ZUSIN, V.Ya.j, inzh.;-,B.YKIIOVSKIY, D.G., kand. teklin. nauk, rukcvoditel I
raboty; DGMGTINA*,--Z,.,-A-.-, kand. tekhn. nauk, rukovoditell raIy.,;*.y
Nomograph for determining the optimal speed of gas electric metal
cutting. Svar. proizv. 12:33-34 D 163. NIRA 18:9)
1. Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (for Zusin, Do'brotina).
2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektrosvarochnogo
oborudovaniya (for Bykhovskiy).
4i SKIY,- A.G., kand. tekhn, nauk- (Leningrad); FRIDLYAND, M.G., Inzil.
Study of the electrical parameters of a lengthy space-limited
a:Lc bm-ning in argon medium. Elektrichestvo no.12:53-57 D 164.
(MIRA 18:12)
BXKHOVSKIY. David G _~ch; DOBROLEHSKIY, V.P., kand. tekhn.
nauks retsenzent; AUSSO, V.L., retsenzent; KHAZOV, V.Ya.,
nauchn. red.; TURANDINA, L.A., red.
[O-Vgen-arc cutting of metals in shipbuilding] Gazoelektri-
cheskaia repka metallov v sudostroenii. Leningrad, Sudostro-
enie, 1964. 167. p. (MIRA 17:5)
211392 - -----
o 0 E071/E433
rg,. A.A.
AUTHORS: Bykhovskiy, D.N and Grinbe
, Coprecipitation of tri-alent crium- ith _q=uJUM- QXAIAA,4'j
ERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, 1960, Vol.2,*N6.2, pp.164-174,
TEXT- There are many phenomena in the field of coprepipitation''
of an'admixture with a non-isomorphic carrier which are not
sufficiently explained'. For this reason, the authors investigated-,
the:coprecipitation of cerium with uranium oxalate. . The
determinations of uranium were made by titration with potasslu
;.permanganate and of cerium by activity, using cerium-144 as-an
The crystallization experiments-were carried out at
20 + 10C. On'precipitation of small quanti-ties of.-uranium (IV) i
from the supersaturated solution (20 to 40 mg in 100 ml of
,;Solution) in,the presence of an excess of oxalic acid, the
1, distribution of cerium between the'precipitate and solution
corresp cess
onded to the logarithmic formula. -At a certain ex
oxalic acid, the crystallization coefficient X remains constant,
lirrespective of the amount of the.carrier precipitated. With an
.~Inczeasing concentration of oxalic acid" X noticeably-increases
(e.g. with an excess of H2C2104 Of 0-01M X 1-9 and
~:.Card 1/4
S/186 60/002/002/006/022
,COP,recipitation of trivalent E071/E433
X 2.4). Although the solubility of cerium oxalate*under
~~0.02 M
-experimental conditions (at a c6neontratioia'of hydroch1gric4acid"
the-solubility of cerium
of 1M and. of oxalic acid of O.OlM
0.xalate is 5,00 times higher than that of uranium oxalate) was
-considerably higher than the solubility of uranium oxalato, yet'the..
of the solid phase by cerium was'observed., On
coprecipitation of cerium in the absence of an excess,of oxalic
liacid, the crystallization coefficient X decreases. The inf luenc ai
of pH on X was investigated'within a range of hydrochloric,acid
,~donc6ntrations from 0.5 to 3M The results indicate that-thd
1.~coprecipitation is governed by the concentration of oxalate ions-. i
'The influence of the concentration of cerium on its coprecipitation
s studied by means-of additions of non-active cerium up to
,~concentrations comparable to the urgnium concentration. w
,~concentrations of cerium (below 10- M) its-coprecipita~ion i
rindependent of the concentration.~ At higher concentrations,-no~-,..,
exceeding the solubility of cer~ium,oxala-fe under experimental.
6onditions crystals with a definite uranium to'cerlum ratio
;:'independent of their ratio.ini the solution, are precipitated. .:The-;.
~--~compositlon of the precipItates-obtain-ed'at'a concentration..of
'Card 2A-,'
t,~Coprecipitation of trivalent ... E071/E433
cerium.of 10,~3 m is characterized by the' ratio of U:Ce:C204
-irmula BU'(C204)-Ce2(C204)3
which corresponds to the fL
u The ratio of
(water of crystallization not taken into acco nt).
uranium to cerium in the precipitate left in contact with the
solution steadily increases. Since the coprecipitation of cerium
takes place in accordance with the law-s of primary adsorption,
was are capable of some interaction
expected that cations which
with uranium ions should have some inf luence on the copl~~Pcipita-ti n,,
of cerium. The experimental results !3how that bismuthlhnd calcium
a1ts (Bi(N
s 03)3,CaCl2) lower the coefficient of crystallization M
while other admixtures tested (KC1, K2SO4, UO Cl ) have a similar
influence when present at higher concentratibns ?0.1 to 0.5-M)
On prolonged contact of the crystals obtained by coprecipitation of
;::uranium and cerium with the solution, the return of cerium from the
lid phase into the liquid phase is always observed. It is a
characteristic feature of the system studied that the
equilibrium is attained with great difficulty and, in practice, the
~mixed crystals are never in equilibrium with the solution. The
concentration of cerium in the solution increases with time and-
does not attain a constant value in five to eight months. The true
Card 3/4
toprecipitation of trivalent B071/r',433
coefficient of crystallization D is only.(l -3) X 10-3 and the.
fact that X >>'D is the main feature of the system 'whid'K ~.tlesents
difficulties in placing it in the existing classification of.-
coprecipitation processes. There are I figure, 10 tables a~nd'
16 references-.'12 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The' f our
references'to English language publications read as follows:
H.M.Dawson, Ch.R~Hoslrins, J.E.Smith, J.Chem.soc. , 1884 (1929);
H.M.Dawson, J.E.Smith, J.Chem.S6c., 2530
J.M.Kolthoff, Ch.Rosenblum, J.Am.Chem.Soc., 56, 1658 (1934);;
A'.H.Booth, Trans.Farad.Soc., 47, 633 (1951).
SUBMITTED: July 9, 1959
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Grinberg, A.A.
and Bykhovskiy, D.N.
TITLE% Coprecipitation of microquantities of thorium
(uranium Xl) with uranium oxalate
PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, vo3, noo5, 1961, 528-534
TEXT. Since oxalat thorium and-tetravalent uranium are
isomorphic and ions :fI, 0t+ 4
U and'Th + are close in their dimensions,
an isomorphic coprecipitationtshould take place in this system.
The authors studied this coprecipitation process under various
crystallization conditions in order to find out how the process
could be utilized for the separation of the thorfum. Isotope.
uranium Xl, from uranium salts. It was also intended to compare
the behaviour of an isomorphic admixture with a non-isomorphic one,
e.g. with the coprecipitation of trivalent cerium with uranium
oxalate which was studied previously (Ref.5: D.N.Bykhovskiy,
AoA.Grinberg, Radiokhimiy!k, v,2, 2, 164 (1960)). The experimental
procedure was the same as in the abovementioned work, It was
found that on precipitation of uranium X, with uranium oxalate
from a supersaturated solution the distribution of uranium XI
Card 1/4
Coprecipitation of microquantities ... E071/E485
corresponds to the. logarithmic formula. The coefficient of
distribution X increases with Increasing concentration of
oxalate ions, The isomorphic system UXI.(C204)2 -U(C204)2 differs
from the non-isemorphic CeIII -U(C204)2 system in its stability
of the mixod crystals formed,. Since UX1 coprecipitates with
uranium oxalate (IV) with an enrichment of the solid phase, its
quantitative separation can be athieved on precipitation of small
quantities of uranium (IV). Ely precipitating UXI in the form of
oxalate with some uranium (IV) it tan be separated from the main
mass of uranium present in the six valent state. Preliminary
synthesized oxalate --an be used as a source of the tetravalent
uranium. In the dry state, this salt can be stored, The
neressary amount of uranium oxalate can be dissolved on heating in
an aqueous solution of either potassium or ammonium oxalate
(2 moles Of K2C204 or (NH4)2C204 per 1 mole Of U(C204)2)~ The
other method Is to reduce with rongalitea anall amount of six valent
uranium present in the solution from which UXI is to be separated.
The beat results were obtained-when the initial concentration of
uranium (IV) was about 30 g/litre, under these conditions an
enrichment by a factor of 100 is obtained with practically complete
Coprecipitation of microquantities .. E071/E485
separa,tion of UXI~ The presence of a large quantity of uranyl
makes the precipitation of tetravalent uranium oxalate difficult,
In suoh cases, it is advantageous to first precipitate uranyl
oxalate and then from the filtrate, containing a small quantity of
uranium and practi, the whole UXI, separate UXI with oxalate
of tetravalent uranium, By repeating the prozess, the necessary
degree of enriz~hment in UXI san be obtained, The subsequent
separation of UXI from uranium *an be done using an iron exchange
resin, The authors used cati-onite IMV-2 (KU-2)~ Thus a method
of separation of uranium X1 from uranium based on the ability of
uranium XI to copreoipitate with uranium oxalats and not to
coprecipitate with uranyl oxalate was developed. It is claimed
that this method roan compete w�th the ether extraotion normally
used for this purpose., There are 5 tables and 10 references:
5 Soviet-bloc, 1 a Russian translation from non-Soviet-bloc
publication and 4 non-Soviet-bloc, The three references to
Engliah language publications read as follows;
Ref~3,- A..1LBooth, J., Chem, Educ., v,,28, 3, 144 (1951)'~
Ref~4g A.E.Taylor, P.T.Dillon, Anal. Chem., Y.24, 10, 1624 (1952);
Ref.6. M.Bose, D-,,M,,Chowdhury, J,. Indian Chem., Sof:;., V,31, 2, 111
-Card- 3/4 (1954).
s/-i86/63f;;t3/0 05/003/0 2 2
Coprecipitation of mi~zroquantitie3 .., E071/E485
SUBMITTED? May 27, 1960
Cari 4/4 '1\
2 1 _0 DO
AUTHM Bykhovskiv, D-,N,,
TITLE-. Copre-cipi.tation of trivalent cerium with thorium
PERIODICALg Radiokhimiya, V-3, no-5, 1961, 535-543
TEXT,~ The fact that on precipitation of thorium in the form of
oxalate its separation from rare earth elements is not achieved has
not been satisfactorily explained, For this reason, the author
studied the phenomenon of non-isomorphic ooprecipitation of cerium
with thorium oxalate. In the majority of experiments, the
copreci itation of microfluantitiis of cerium was studied.
CeriumlU was used as an indicator, The experimental procedure
was described previously (Ref-3g D.N.Bykhov3kiy, A.A.Grinberg, v.2,
no.2, 164 (1960). It was established that under conditions of
copreoipltation as well as of precipitation on preliminarily
prepared crystals, cerium penetrates inside the crystals of thorium
oxalate. No lower limit of concentration for the formation of
mixed -.rystals was observed. The crystals formed on precipitation
of thorium oxalate in the presence of radioactive cerium, contain
more than an equilibrium amount of cerium, The approach to the
Coprecipitation of trivalent ... E071/E485
equilibrium is exceptio t1ly slow, It was found that the
precipitation of ceriuma.- and thorium isotope (UXI) on prepared
crystals of thorium oxalate is of a different nature. This is IV,
apparently due to the difference In the velocities at which the
equilibrium in respect of these two radioactive elements tan be
established. It is stati~d that the data obtained indicated that the
specific feature of the system investigated is a considerable
difference in the composition of mixed crystals obtained on
coprecipitation of thoriura and cerium oxalates and that of crystals
obtained on a prolonged contact of the solid phase with the
solution (in the latter oatse th6 content of zerium is lower), Thus
for the system investigated similar to the system CeIII - U(C2002,
there 1.9 no indisputablv place in the existing classification of the
coprecipitation phenomena, The author expresses thanks to
Academician A~A.Grinber& for his interest in the work, There are
7 tablets and 15 references,,, 9 Soviet-bloz, 2 Russian translations
from non-Soviet publi-~ations and 4 non-Soviet-bloc, The references
to English language publications read as follows,.,
Ref.4,. F.A~Gooch, M~Kobajaehi, Am. J~ Sci~, v~45, 227 (1918)-,
Ref.5s; 1,,,A.Sarver,. P.~H,Drinton, J,, Am, Chem, Soc., v,49, 4, 943 (192?).
SUBMITTEDA May 27, 1960
P --A 11 .f 1)
S/020/62/'145 004/021/024
AUTHOR: Bykhovskiy, D. N.
TITLE: Some regularities of copreoipitation on the formation of
anomalous mixed crystals
PERIODICAL: Akadewiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 4, 19629 845-648
TEXT: -The author discusses the applicability of the equations of,V. G.
KhloDin (Izbr. tr. (selected Works), 1, Izd. AN SSSR, 1957, P 104),
L. 1E. Henderson, F. C. Kracek (J- Am- Chem- Soo., 49, 3, 738 j192M, and
H. A. Doerner, W. M. Hoskins (J. Am. Chem. Soo-, 47, ?, 662 (1925)) to
special cases of anomalous coprec~pitation from supersaturated solution
with logarithmic distribution of the components. Results: (1) The
Khlopin and Henderson-Kracek equations only apply where tHere is thermo-
dynamic equilibrium. (2) Where both components occupy similar sites in
the crystal lattice and ciompete with each other during crystallization,
the Doqxner-Hoskins equatio'n applies. (3) Where transition of the
microcomponent into the crystal is independent of the concentration of the
m.acrocomponent and Vliq, the volume of the liquid,phase, remains constant,
Card 1/2
S/020/62/145/004/021/02 .4
Some regularities of coprecipitation ... B1011BI38
log aAa - x) - xy/V liq '. Here a is the concentration of tho microcomponent
in the liquid phase; x,y are the quantities of micro and macrocomponent,
rdspectively, in the precipitate, and x is a coefficient. The validity
of this equation was proven by coprecipitating Ca with uranium or
thorium oxalate. x was (3-1 - 3-4)�0.2. (4) When transition of the
microcomponent into the precipitate is ejcpedited by the prevenc'e of the
macrocomponent, log aAa - x) = Vy (b - y/2)/V2 , where b is the con-
centration of the macrocomponent in the liquid phase and V is a coefficient.
The difference between the equations cited can be made quite clear by
varying the degree of coprecipitation of the carrier, which is easy to do
by using poorly soluble salts. There are 2 tables.
PRESENTED; April 10, 1962, by A. A. Grinberg, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 10, 1962
Card 2/2
New variety of anomalous mixed crystals. Dokh AN SSSR 161 no.l:
143-146 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:3)
1. Submitted September 16, 1964.
tpmmsm, X.B.
Mixed problem for one type of eqyations of particular derivatives.
veot-Len-un- 11 no*19:55-65 156, , (KRA 10:1)
(Differential eVations. Partial)
-1 1 - - -A
Solution of the mixed problem for Maxwell's equations In the cons
of an idenl conducting boundary (vith summary in E lish]. Vast.
LGU 12 no.13:50-66 157. nfM1IRA 10:11)
(Differential equations, Partial) (Vector analysis)
(Operators (Mathematics))
BYKHOVSKIY, E.B., Cand Phys Math Sci -- (diss)"Solution
~ e~' - I
of certain VjMMantg&y boundary problems for t~z Maxwell ~~-
equations o systen-0 Len, 19~,d, 10 Pp (Len Order of Lenin
State Univ im A.A. Zhdanov) 150 conies. Bibliograrhy
at end of text (10 titles) (KL, 50-56, 119)
- h -
AUTHORs SOV/43-58-19-4/1 6
TITLEt On the Local Solution of Cauchy's Problem for the System
of Equations of Gas Dynamics by Means of the Difference
Method-for Smooth Initial Values (0 reshenii v malom zadachi
Koshi dlya sistemy uravneniy gazovoy dinamiki metodom konech-
nykh raznostey pri gladkikh nachallnykh dannykh)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta,Seriya matematiki,
mekhaniki i astronomii919567 Nr 19(4), PP 39 - 44 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The equations of gErs dynazi-c5 axe replaced for smooth-initial
values by a matrix equation filling up a whole page. Then the
problem is approximated by-a difference scheme. If the initial
values possess six and the-prestyure function five continuous
derivatives, then the solution of the difference equation con-
verges for decreasing step width to the sought solution.
There are 4 referenoesp 3 of wh~Loh are Sovietp and I German.
SUBMITTEDs February 15D 1957
Card 1/1
&40. 0 BI 12/B2O2
AUTH0113- Bykhovskiy, 3. B., Smirnov, 3. V.
TITLE': Orthogonal decomlostion of a spece of vector finictiors
quadratically summable over a given dowain and of open-Lurs,
of the vector analysis
PERIOI)ICAZ.-: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Matemati.cheskiy institut. Trudy,
v. 59, 1960, 5-36
TEXT: The authors study Hilbert spaces L (W of vector functions
'V(x) (VIIV2IV3) whose domain of definition is a region.Q of the threedil-1-
onsional Euclidean space E 3* The scalar product in L 2 is:
0-1 IV) Vk dx.
0 a
The --uthors consider a decomposition of L 2(1) into subspaces G, U and J0 orthc.--
onal to each other which have been introduced by R. Weyl :h a fund3mental
pap,er 'The method of orthogonal projection in potential theory. Duke Math,
C,ird 0 -
Orthogonal decoml~osition of a ...
S151 7/60/059/00()M:0/006
Journal, 7 (10/40), 411 -~ 144)- a is the closure of the gradierts c-F' "'I
'4nite smooth scalars, J the clowlr-! of the curls of all finite smooth vecto-rs,
of-(I. U the orthogonal complement a4)3. The authors mainly deal w1th oonso v-
ation* of differential properties in projection onto the subspaces , U and S,
In �I of chapter I the authors consider the space L 2(E3). Each finite smooth
vector fwiction u(x) of thia 3t)acc can be representea in the form-
1 1 f'd iv I (y)
it (X) rl~bjtgk) dy - -L gad
4n x - Y
3 E
A deco4podbion L2 GGJ corresponds to thin possibility. It is deronotratcd
that irb projecting onto (; and J, the differential properties are conserved and
a and J lie densely in G and J. �2 contains the fundamental results of R
Weyl applied to the space L,,(E ); they essentiall- reat-Wfollowst G - 60U,
0 -+ 3
J ~ A)TJ andAf = 0, curl ?"= 0, div 0 for f U. In chapter II,Slis
assumed'to be bounded by a surface homoomorphic to the sphere. An orthogonal
decomposition of L2 by means of a boundary value problem is obtained in �1; ir,
�2 theorems zredbrived on the possibility of re pro -- w; t in"': vectois vv. curls;
S/51'1/60/059/C,CO 64/006
Oi 11-ho;IonE,,1 dcccin-,~osi ~j.crt of a ... BI 12/B202
zn �3 the equivalence of the decomposition of �1 to Weylls decami-of-r,tiort -is
in �4 the authors study the projection onto the Weyl subspaces.
of chapter 111 contains the studies of chapter 11 extended to limited,
i;.Iiltiply c-oiinected spaceao The 1-^3t section gives aspects of further studies
fo:~- wibourded domt?,insa. 0. A. Lnk?zbenvI%.&yv) S. L. Sobolev, S. Ga Kreyn
and V. M. Babich are mentioned. There are i Pigure ~ and 26 referelWas: 25
ano -1 ilon-Sovict-bloc.
Estimation of a vector through its rotor, and a mixed boundary
value problem of electrodynamics in the case of mixed boundary
conditions. Vest.I&U 16 no.19:161-164 161. (KMk 14:10)
(Boundary value problems) (Elootrodynamice)
BI 12/.B1 50,
AUTHOR. CBykhovskiy, E. B.
TITLE: impermissible viscosity matrices for isothermal gas motion
F7'i TIODICAL: 10,adcmiya nauk SSSR. - Doklady, v. 146, 110- 4, 19162,. 751 - 753
frli;W: The "evolutionarity" of the gasdynamicul system
-4 1. Y. G
3 613 t 4 L11 /8 X=E3(13('T5/~x)/ax (2) is investigated (cf. e' I f and,
umm' 14, 2(a6), a7 (1959) . A necessa'ry condition is that the real parts
of the eigenvalues of the viscosity matrix B dre'non-neoative. The author
shows that this condition is not sufficient. -The imufficiency is proved
by the impermissible matrix B =(0 where a1 and b 1are positive
constants, and where d .~ 0 is an arbitrary sufficiently small number.
(X t
Supporting evidence is given by the functions u v(x t) -,0iich
S1020162 / 146/004/001/0-1 5
Impermissible viscosity matrices ... B112/B186
prove to be the solution to the system (2) and which tend at E-0 to the
initial rarefactio.-i discontinuity. Results for amear-out discontintli'Pies
obtained by G. Ya. Lyubarskiy (UMN, '17, 1(103)t 183 (1962)), Nvere used in
the calculations.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy A. A. Zhdanova
(Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov)
PRESENTED: April 26, 1962, by V. I. Smirnov, Academician
SUB',.JTTED: April 19, 1962
Card 2/2
BYKHOVSKIY, E.B. (Leningrad)
Small parameter method ("vanishing viscosity") for the solution of
a system of gas dynamics equations. Zhur.vych.mat.-1 mat.fiz. 2
no.6:1128-1131 N-D 162. UMA 15,11)
(Gas dynamics) (Differential equations)
Inadmissible viscosity matrices for equations of
isothermal gas motion. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no.,4:751-753
o 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.
A.A. Zhdanova. Predstavleno akademikom V.I. Smirnovym.
(Gas flow)
(Differential equations)
Abzanc~-- in C, aild i, cc ipac.-- a L--nalcgs t~i an snergu
hequalldy fcar lt~he ntl-ing~ v.,Lh leaellng coefficient.
Dckl. AN S..;Sq ICS.3 no.,5z,150-1041) 1g I~r
(MAA 191
-v -23
1. loningradskV. g9;-4L,, ratvennyy ard i ti Submit' ed Januaty
da rs
Absence in C, Lpj. and 0P (1!6p 0 and
8 > 0. For the flow of water in an inclined channel this equation takes the fo=
A%.%. NKI AP6027729
ui-~- IPWI. = F(U, V)-; , Vt U~ = 0;'
P (V) = -y V-2; F (U,.V) a - lu- (V +Sign, U; a, A, > 0; m, n > I
A set of conditions is outlined for-clj,n/m, and X for which a self-similar solution
can-or can not exist. In the case where viscous dissipation is in-luded in the
channel the solution is a simple extens'ion of the'corresponding nondissipative case.
This paper was presented by Academician V. I. Smirnov on 22.21ovember 1965. Orig.
art. has: 8 equations and 2 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEs 20Nov65/ ORIG REP: 002/ C/M RU: 002
SHLEym, L., inzheser, BYKHDVSKIY, G., inshener; G-AMVICH, F.- i2zhes4r.
Loading machinery In the low Stalin fivO-Ys&r PlAn- Xor.flot 7
no-7:5-8 J1 147. WRA 9:6)
(Loading and unloading)
OHlotory of the Develoymat of Divir4l in%e USSR,* Rech. tramp., 12, No.4, 1959
BTKHOV�Au,ur PUSTOSHMI A.Y., otvetstrennyy rodaktor;
vieftomr: FRUNKIN. r.S., takhnieheskiy rodaktor.
(How the water-jet ong-ine was developodj Kak mozdavalsia vodometnyi
dvizhitell. Leningrad, Goe.soiusnoo iad-vo sudostroit.pronyahl.
1956. 134 p. (MIJU 10:6)
11 U-99-VA T-Y- -IKW~Al I AdaAS (TO, 1. 1MIOTUMIN, N.S., otvetstvaanyy redaktor:
MISH"V 1. . ( tor. SHISMOVA. L.M., tekhaicheakly radaktor
[Atomic submarineal Atomrwe Podvodve lodki. Leningnd, Goa,
soluznoe izet-vo su&ostroit, promyshl., 1957. 76 p. OILRA 10:10)
(Atomic submarines)
VAVILOV, Dimitriy Mikhaylovich. Impitan 1 ranga zapass; OSADCHIT, Kikhall
Dmitriyevich, kapitan I ranga zapass; BDMOTZXIT-r-Izr*W-AdGl-'-fD--
Y~.eh_kspitan 2 rengs sapasa; KAZANKOT, A.A., kapitan I rang&,
red.; KONOVALOVA, Ts.K.,
[Practical seamenEthip] Morskaia praktiks. Pt.2.[Shi_p handling]
Upravlenie meneyrami korablia. Hookwa, Voon.izd-,Yo K-va obor.SSM
1958. 287 P. ""QUVA 12:4)
QaPV I Ifovioh- ZOLOTUKHIN, N.S., nauchny7 red.-, TASILIMY,
O_ ~SKIYIzrai~l Adol
MaWMEbiRkiiji, A.M. 9 takha. red.
[Atomic warships of the IWO countries are weapons of imperialistic
aggression; stenographic record of a lecture given in various estab-
lishments in Leningrad] Boevye atomnye Itorabli stran NATO - orushis
imperialistichaskoi agressili stanogramma laktaii, prochitannoi
us predpriiatiiakh Leningrads. Leningrad, O-vo po rasprostraneniiu
polit. i nauchn.snanii RSM. Leningr.otd-nie, 1959. 51 P.
(MIRA 12:12)
(Atomic ships)
13YKHOVS-.K-IY,, lzraill Adollfovich- BELLII v.A., prof., kontr-admiral,
rets-e-n-E-e-n-tj Z=SSjU;F1--6- -, kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
ASBIKI M., prof.9 red.; PZAROV, Yu.S., red.; SHISHKOVA,
L.M.., tekhn. red.
[Experts on shi a: S.O.Burachek, A.A.Popov, I.F.Aleksandrovskii,
S.K.DzheretskM Korabellnykh del master&: S.O.Burachek, A.A.Popov,
I.F.Aleksandrovskii, S.K.Dzhevetskii. Pod red. V.V.Ashika. Leningrad,
Gos.soiuznoe izd-vo audostroit.promyshl., 1961. 215 p.
(1-',IRA 14:12)
BYKRCMSKILt-lzraill--IdoL$-fmdat, Prinimali uchastiye: ILIKINOVICH, A.V.,
inzh.; ISMOVp K,A,; MWINq A.K*,, prof,',, doktor tekhn. nauky
retsenzent; ZNAMOVSKIY, B.F., kabd. tekbn. nick, retsenzent; KU-
DINOV, N.N., inth.9'retsenzent; MISHKEVICHt G.I., red.; SHISHKOVA,
L.M., takha, r6de
[Atomic ships] Atooq-r mda. Pod red, N.N.Kudinova, 'Leningrad, Gos,
soiuznoe izd-vo sud6stroit. proiWshl., 1961. 310 p. WIRA 14:9)
(Atomic ships)
BYKIiOVSM, Izraill Adollfovich; YEMENOV, K.P., kand. tekhn. nauk,
ret6enzent;-LARkb4, kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
YEGOROV, S.A., nauchn. red.; MISTIKEVICH, G.I., red.;
SHISHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red.
(Atomic submarines] Atomnye podvadnye lodki. lzd.2., pe-
rer. i dop. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 230 P.
(mIRA 17: 1)
(Atomic submarines)
IORISH, Yu.I.; ANTS=OV, M.S., kand. fiz.--mat. naukp retsenzent;
HRANOVSKIY, M.A., kand. tekhn.naukp red.; BRATANOVSKIY) V.A.)
red.;..BYKHOVSY.IX.,-,I.I.p inzh., red.; VASILIYEVA, R.V., inzh.,
red.; KORITYSSKIY,. Ya.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KUSHULI,
M.Ya., doktor tekhn. nauk-, red.; PEVZNER, L.A.I. inzh., red.;
SHNELEV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BYSMITSKAYA, V.V.9
rod.izd--vaj UVAROVA, A.F,p tekhn, red.
[Vibrometry; measurement of vibrations and shocks,,ganeral
theory, methods and devices] Vibriometrila; imerenie vibra-
tsii i udarov. Obshchaia teoriia, metody i pribory. lzd.2.,
perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 771 p. (MIRA 17:2)
---, (Moskva); LUKOMSKIYY S.I. (Moskva)
Some periodic movements and the structure of the phase space
of an impact-vibration system with a regularly recovered
force. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. i mashinostr. no. 2:161-165
Mr-AD 164. (MIRA 17:5)
~3 41-0
ACC M AP7002-618 A pR) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413166/000/023/013410
ORG: none
Inozemtsev, N. 1,; Kitayev, Yu. V.;_Bykhovskiy, Kho V.; Pechatin, As-A.
TITLE: Piston reducer for an automatic squalung. Class 65, No. 189323
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, prom
.yahlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 134
TOPIC TAGS: piston reducer, aqualung, diving technology, life support equipment,
respirator , underwater clothing, survival kit
ABSTRAM. An Author Certificate has been issued for a piston reducer assembly for an
automatic aqualung. Fig. 1 shows the assembly. To maintain secondary pressure in the
1. Piston reducer assembly
.1 - Differential piston;
12 and 3 - rubber gaskets;
44 ring; 5 seal;
.15-- connectftg pipe seat.
The flow of precast reinforced concrete at state farm construc-
tion projects is increasing. Sel'..stroi. no.3-1:3-5 N 162.
(NIRA l5sl2)
1. Nachallnik proisvodstvanno-tokhnichaskogo otdola zavoda
zhelezobetonn,ykh izdeliy treata, Smolenskeovkhozat-roy.
(Concrete plants)
momm, L. B., n1g.
"On the Interchangeability of Parts with Multiple Threads" p. 298-307 in book
Increasing the quaity and Efficiency of Machinery, lybucow., Wwhgi-P, .1957j,
(\-- 6.p p .
~VSKIT. L.B. (Peru')
CharacterlRtA~06 Of IMUMP10 threads and their Interchangeability.
[Isd.] IDNITOMSH 47:77-80 '58- (NTRA 11:10)
(Screw threads)
Gorrelation of errors in multiple threads. Standartizatsiia 27
no.12:3-9 D 163. (MIRA 17:4)
~ 6-'Z~:' - -.:
67A 11 %:
Bykhovskiy, L. B. (Perin'). Interchangeability and Special Features
of Multiple Threads P. 77
InterchanpaUlityo Acmrwy and Vknz!!!2~ HathDft in MO-Chine Bull"., lbscov..
liasbaizp 1950, 251 -W- (SbOrnik- Hole n. obahch. =bin stroltellnoy
rr=yshlannosti, Lm~~boye oblast pravleniya, ka. 47) -
Tbis collection of articles demU vith the topics discused at the 3rd
Ianingrad Sci. and EaGineering Conference on InterChenVabil-Ity., ac=acY Bad
Ihsix-ction bSeOwda in M-nehine-buildinc and InstrumPat-makim9p held 3.8-22 Mar 2957.
BYKHOVSKI-Y. L . kand.tekhn,nauk.
Screw-type heat exchange apparatus. Teploenergetlka 4 no.11:
92-94 11 '57. (MIRA 10:.1o)
(Heat exchangers)
Tungsten deposits as a new source of tantalum. Razved. i okh.
nedr 29 no.7:lOL12 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Goeudarstvennyy geologicbeskiy komitet SSSR (for Bybochkin).
2- Ge 1 go- eokh:Lmicheskiy trest (for Bykhovskiy, Gurvichp. Che-
(Tungsten ores) (Tantalum)
Bismuth in ttmgsten deposits. Razved. i okh. nedr 30 no.2:
10-15 F 164. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Goaudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet SSSR i Geologo-
geoUjinicheskiy trest.
New types of scandium-bearing raw materials, Razved, i ckh. nedr
29 no.60-34 Je 163* (MIRA'18,U)
I* Vseooyuznyy vauchno-iseledovateltakly inatitut minerallnogo
syrIya (for Arkbanpllskaya). 2,, Geologo-gookhimicheakiy treat
(for Rozov, Bykhovskiy). 3. ?Sentrallrqy rAuohno-isoledovatell-
skiy gornoramdochayy institut tsvetnykh rodkikh i blagorod-
nykh ustallovs, Moskva (for Chetyrbotskayai.
Ryentgye Notyeraliya Raka Hozbii Myetodan Fral- Tsionirovaraicop Cbluchyeniya,
Uchyen, Zapiski (Kiyevsk, Ryentgyeno - Radiol I Cnl:ol. EN-T), 1., 1949
S. 138-4.8
ACC. NRt AP6005000 SOURCE CODE: UR/0106/66/000/001/0060/0066
AUTHOR: Bykhovskiy M. A
ORG: none
urnmation codes used in :request-for
TITLE: Analysis of noise rejeiction of a
repetition systems
SOURCE: Elektrosvyazl, no. 1, 19660 60-66
TOPIC TAGS: noise rejection, communication system, request for repetition systern
ABSTRACT: Simple approidmate formulas for evaluating the probability of undetected
error in a code combination as a fujaction. of the probability of incorrect reception of
one code symbol are developed. The formulas are applicable to summation-type
codes in which first m positions of an n-digit code combination carry information;
the balance k = n-m positions are used for checking, i.e. , for transmitting a binary
number equal to the number of ones transmitted by the first m information, positiono.
The summation.code is compared, to the constant-weight code with an appro)dniately
equal number of combinations. This comparison reveals that, in ARQ systems, the
constant-weight code will have aol[ghtly better noise rejection. ~ However, thanks to
much simpler encoding -decodin.11 procedures in the summation codes, they can be
preferred for practical purposes. Orig. art. has, 2 figures and 30 formulas.
SUB CODE: 17 SUBM DATE,. 0:)Mar6S ORIG REF: 004 / OTH Ru-F: 001
Card UPC: 621,394, 14
1111"'v-sliff, Ta. L. 'rhe new Bush difterendnl analy:er.
SEI. I vC11. '~ In't'sim AOd.
117 -1198 (1046).
t i ,Ind J. Franklin Inst. 240, 255-326
1,:! - , t Ill ~t- Nrv. 7, 33t%
"Precision of Hechanisma in Which the Position of Links Is Expressed
With Differential Equations." Sub 26 Nov 47, Inst of Machine Science, Aead
Dissertations presents& for dagrees in scienee and engineering in Moscow
in 1947
SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55
'Fri-o r- a, Iky 194T
"On a Method of Detemining Velocity and Accelera-
tion Errors of P.-Ume Mechanisms, M. L. Bykhovsky,
8 pp
"Izv Ak Nauk Tekh Nauk" No 5
Mathematical discussion, with formulas and
mechanical diagrams of subject mechanisms.
M. L, ;On a meth Od for I
letermining the errors
of veloc; aCCOMt! Dn of plane mechan Isms. Bull.
Anzt-S:i. URSS. CL Sil. TLTh. ['1zvi-stin Akad. Nlauk-
S'~Sizl 19-17, SU3-510
The ;n any nio~hzin6m, due to minvoidable devia-
hom dic-sign in manufacture, ate cxprc.-~3ible app-oxi-
Marc-1v in I, erms of rlic &sign parainciers and the first
deviations The atithor dietwOv., a graphival int-thod for
SpVed -.itiw and arvi-k-ratinn- IL, -:n-
nimil, .1 riciv 111(-, 11 a 1, -1, 1, "n
tA dit; iviall, vitut
i3 oblained Al. Coldinerg (Wit5hinpton, I
t-L 1? , NO 2
1 LU Kulo )I I I I
TIC ,1111 Ill ;)41 j I I I I I
CA 111"aw anlr-
9 atil impli O(Itlf'), ill, a Ali
ral Tit'
qiiA-L 'tij-ti 30 rej: olilt
, (q., 1: -r,
limp.q Ifoua Jo lot I
6!2 j0 J.)q it I' ;1MAJOALP ~T!-
;;tp ]o Sill % S
-jaz. rill!
SUOI I CY. I; pi ~j
jo uownva. p !Aus) I- Sil
:)tp T v.0,lim )o -10-
I, tit ,iijrjs;I.1 jr~l*)l ~ILJ J,, uol I
i-mll j0 uopIr..)ll(
01 wa.1lookil
~sasislaiddru.4 tit - i vj3p4ut .1-m4l 11111
- ' pj;~Jp axii
" ' m 'Ilq!"Illiau
,a spie2w (lia 4) j;it ('I ~~, 1
1 '31.)
~i!a 4
4SWO put,'( tz 1 -XI,7- (X Ix), I t:) aq i li o
6?-Tp(,C)'a (X !'(1 (4c X) A 4
31np mIlIfIj l(-)jjjgj,1O-3Ep U..1141 TlIX)j 61 T f)UT (-X)IA
LLIOI)VUI "Ll I 4,4DApaq WAIN )141 11
:r-, ql3ual ~Ouleq
L. 10 ~,7 grP A F.Tt I I I 1 10 '!i~p In IT 'Pa JIMIM ',)Jlf 'UtT
I OdST 4
P pur ?npm 11L
, ~-
- .
ltsllj 1)(10141
, ; ..
'joutu owl j
qj, atp )o sjltl,~ajutg
UQJ PEIV ~(j 0)
M, 4ndut atp pue q;;j;ItuI-JLNi 7 INOP S 1
- '1141 j0 5-1"14L ~4
10 111 p9rFSWdxa A: 4 1
~tt4pcjvj li IT, ~1;~ i Ln -i I A i no 4)
(joil3m, i T~auj;) ;)tfl LID 1.1011t, 11:1k, 19-11i .,Li I
,(ur d) I T"(
Atol ~nv\
9, j0 So L
Mathe,matice ion' 9, Differential
~The Precision of Mi6chanlms, in Which the Position
of the Links is Described ty Dirferential TquatibW
--i:Mi L. Bykhove)riy, 28 pp,
tIT&T Aktd Nauk SSSR, Otd Tekh Sauk" No
Gives a mechanical determination or the precision
of vork of machines vhich have already been'con-
structe& alad makes re'c-cuai6ndati'='s foz~ inoreasi4
this precision (for example, exclusidi of system-
&tic errors by.a correcting equation). Allo"
U~3iM/Mathematlcs Calculatorl-
designer to represent the (permiss'ible'varlation An
a new machine In a more rati onAl form. SUbmitted'
by Academician N. G. Bruyevich.
An slectronk Wculatln&-an Jytltal ma-
(M-tRuC). 12yestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR. Otd,
Khn. Nauk 1948, 1329-1350 (19481. (Russian)
Source; ~'~StheTro tical fievieva Vol