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BUYUKLINSKIY, R.D., inzh. (Ufa) Transport of trusses. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.12:25 163. (MIM 16:12) --.e SUT jjj~ - ~, Y,-,.'^.; BUDIKLI, P.I. z;~. - I Studying the die2pmet-,y phen,:,-,rer-77,n Ir wheat. izv. AN Mold. SSR no.6g5O-68 163. (MMA 17 112) BUYUXLI, P.I. Studying the dissymetry phenomenon in pulse crops. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.6t6940 163. (KMA 17 112) BnUK'LI. P,I. Genetic and practical evaluation of winter wheat developed from apring wheat by controlled conditioning. Agrobiologiia no.4:572-579 Jl--kg 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Otdel genetiki Akademii nauk Moldavskoy SSR. BOKOVY G.; VELEV, L.o BU-XULMEV. K.; GRINIYUK, V.; TKACHF11KO., A.; LUKOVETS, A., red. (The wonderful country of Bulgaria, 1944-19641 :ArUia chudesnaia Bolgariia, 1944-1964. Moskva, Pravda, A64. 278 p. (MIRA 17:9) BUY=YAX,,A.A., -, . -,- I - - - Effect of Ustsesta bathe on vascular reactions in hypertensives. Yop.kur.fizioter. i lech.fiz.kullt. 22 no.6:28-36 N-D '57. 4 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz terapevticbeskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. H.M.Shikhov) Sochinskogo institute revmatizma (dir. - doteent II.F.Vladimirov) (MUWAL WATXR.~, SULFUROUS--PHYSIUOGICAL R-FFWT) (HYPIIMNSION). BUYUKLYAN, A. A.- Master Med Sci (diss) -- "The affect of Matsesta baths --------- -- on the vascular reaction of patients with hypertension (Based on the data of clinical observations and plethysmographic investigation)". Sochi, 1958. 20 pp (Yerevan State lied Inst, Sochi Inst of Rheumatism), 150 copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 142) - - I - - - - -, I FISENKO, Ye.I.; ORZHESHKOVSKIY, V.V.; BMYLYAN,.A.A,. (Sochi) 1. Modified method of vertical ballistocardiography. Vrach.delo no.11: 128-129 N t6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut revmatizma Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHr) ,PUYUKLYAN, A.A.0; VINOGRADOV, N.A., prof.; SHEITIL', L.B., --- ~"7 d.nauk; MARKOV, D.A., prof.; GRENADER, A.B. Reviews and bibliograpIV. Vop.kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't 30 no.5:468-472 S-0 165. (MIRA 18;12) 1. Predsedalell Belorusskogo obshchestva fizioterapevtov i kurortologov (for Markov). 2. Sekretarl Belorusskogo obshchestva fizioterapevtov i kurortologov (for Grenader). AUTHORS: Dozorova, R. Buyvol, N., and Kozlova, L. .136-7-18/22 TITLE: Discussion at the Severonikell Combine of the book, IlMetallurgy of Nickel" by V.I'. Beregovskiy and N'.V.Gudima. (Obswhdeniye knigi V'.I-.Beregovskogo i N.V.Gudimy "Metallurgiya Nikelya" na kombinate Severonikell). PERIODICAL: '1XTj~taXV_Metal1,y1'1 1957, No.71 pp.85-86, (USSR). ABSTBACT: More than a hundred engineers and technicians partici- pated jA a conference in Monchegorsk in February 1956 organizad by the Severonikell combine to discuss a book ?n the metallurgy of zinc, published by Metallurgizdat, in 1956. 9. 1. Gran, welcomed the book as a contribution to the insufficient literature on the subject and some errors and defects of the book were considered by I.S .. Ivanovy BV.. Liping G.P. Leshke, K.N. Dzakhoz, S.Z. Malkin, P.A. Orlov and R.Ya. Boguslavskaya. Replying for the authors N.V. Gudima attributed some of the omissions to the fact that the book was written in 1954-55 and said the criticism made would be noted. It was decided at the end of the Conference that the book was timely, that the 1/2 publishers should be asked to produce a second edition in 1958 and that all assistance should be given to tlie authors Discussion at the Severonikell 2/2 liMetallurgy of NiOkelll by V.I*, Cont.) in its preparation. 136-7-18/22 Combine of the book Beref~ovskiy and N.V.Gudima. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 21357 S/021/61/000/011/004/011 D299/D304 AUTHORS: Saving H,M., Academician AS UkrRSR, Van Fo Fy and Buyvoll V. M. TITLE: Concentration of stresses in the neighborhood of two holes of a spherical shell PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 11, 1961, 1435-1439 TEXT: A sloping spherical shell of radius R is considered, having two circular holes with radii r 1 and r 21 under the constant internal pressure q and the shearing stresses Q. The basic equation is V 2V2~ + iv21 = 0 where w + ig?, w and Y being the bending- and stress function 2 respectively, and g =~12~(1-7)/Bh . In the case of a single hole Card 1A 21357/02X61/000/011/004/011 Concentration of stresses ... D20W9 D304 and axisymmetric loading, the function depends on the coordinate x only: iC 1n x + (A + iB)H(1)(X-Fj) (2) 0 where A, B, C are arbitrary constants which are determined by the boundary conditions, Ho is Hanckell.s function of the first kind and zeroth order. If the shell has 2 holes which are at a sufficient distance from each other, then the stressed state near the holes is described by the function 0 = igro + + 1(2) (3) where T 0 is the stress function for the unperforated shell, P) is of type (2), and k - the number of the hole. If the holes are near each other, the function (3) has to be considered as the zeroth ap- proximation only. In this case the functions I are sought in the Card 2/4 S102' W1/000/011/004/011 Concentration of stresses D299YD-304 9 form 00 ige in x + (An+ 'B j-n,osng + (Cn+ iDn)H(1)(x1fi_)cos nQ n) z n n=1 n=O (4) where the constants are determined from the boisdary conditions. The boundary conditions yield an infinite system of linear algebraic equations which can be solved for all n. Assuming the constants C, An, BnP Cni Dn as already determined, and using formulas from the references, one obtains the corrections of the first approximation. Hence the function which solves the problem in the first approxima- tion has the form ig + _(1) + ~(2)+ j(1) + ~0) � 12 21 (7) If the holes are at a distance apart, not below the length of the Card 3/4 SAY1~61/000/011/004/011 Concentration of stresses D299/D3O* smaller hole-radius, it is not worthwhile to find the second appro- ximation; anyway, the second approximation cannot be found by the above method. A numerical example is considered. Computations have shown that the disturbance due to the holes is of a local character: It does not reach farther than a hole-diameter's length. Hence 2 neighboring holes do not affect the stressed state if the distance between them is not smaller than the diameter of the larger hole. There are 2 figures and 2 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-So- viet-bloc (in translation). ASSOCIATION: Instytut mekhaniky AN USSR (Institute of Mechanics AS UkrRSR) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1961 Card 4/4 E9221 S/198/61/00t('005/003/'015 2 D274/*03 AUTHORS: Saving G.M., Van Fo Fy, and Buyvol,, V.M. (Kyyiv) TITLE: Applyii~g the method of successive approximations to the problems of shallow-shell theory PERIODICAL: Frykladria mekhanika, V. 79 no. 5, 1961, 487 - 495 TEXTs A spherical, shallow shell of radius R is considered, hav- ing m circular holes of arbitrary radius. The shell is under the internal pressure q = constg and the edges of the holes are sub- jected to a system of e*ernal forces,. One of ihe holes is consi- dered as principal and the influence of the holes far from the principal hole (at a distance of at least two hole-diameters) is neglected. It is assumed that k hoies are so near that they 4p=ot be neglected. The centers of the hole6 are denoted by 0 1 U = ly 2n co.9 k)9 the hole-radiuses by aJ9 and the distances between the hole-centers -- by r,,O The stress-strain state in the neighbor- Card 1/6 I 9t 1-It S/1~8'61/007/005/003/015 Applying the method of D2747D303 hood of a hole is determined by the solution of Ir 2 2 2 ,' 7 'q 1~ + i V tD = 0 (D = w + i where w and cf are the bending- and stress functions, g = -Vl-2(-1- -V )2/&2p h being the thickness of the shell.. If the shell has one hole onlyq the stressed state can be determined by means of the function ~D ln x + (A + iB) H (x -Vi") (2) 0 The arbitrary cuitants C, A, B are found from the boundary con- ditions, and H 0 1 is Hankel's function of the first kind. To com- pletely solve the problem, it is necessary to take also into con- sideration the contribution (to the stressed state) of a constant external pressure. If the shell has k + 2 holes which are at a sufficient distance from each others the stressed sate is deter- mined by the function Card 2/6 - Y'rr-7 S/198/61/007/005/003/015 Applying the method of ... D274/D303 k -Do oz~o i v, + r,( (4) J=O where cfo is the stress function for an unpunctured shellf and SO) is analogous to (2). If the holes are near to each other, function (4) has to be considered as the zeroth approximation only. Thereby the boundary conditions will not be satisfied completely at each of the holes. This discrepancy in the boundary conditions is narrowed down by introducing the function . k + \ ' (Tkl) + l = 1110 / , 01 i0 J=l This function can be considered as the solution of the problem in the-first approximationp if k holes which are near the principal hole, do not interact. As, howeverp these holes do interact, other Card 3/6 !9"1 3/198/61/007/005/003/015 Applying the method of D274/D303 T-function have to be introduced to remove the inconsistencies in the boundary conditions. Hence the function which solves the pro- blem in the first approximation is k + 01) + + (1+0+0 ige + 01) + P(l) 10 0/ All the functions ~D have to be determined as soluti6ne of the ba- sic Eq. (1). Taking into consideration the conditions at infinity, such a solution is expressed by d)-JgCInx+E x-n(a,e'Oncosn&+b.e'PnSjnnO)+ (5) + + T), E (c,,e'4'n cos n0 d,,eltn sin h9) H."' (x I/ I n-0 . where a, b, c~ a, cf. IP, and C are unknown constants by means Card 4/6 S/198/61/007/005/003/015 Applying the method of ... D274/D303 of which the boundary conditions can be satisfied. I~ the second approximation, the effect of forces denoted by TjO(l is taken in- to account. The process of successive approximations converges and a practically exact solution of the problem is given by the func- tion k k igTO + + (q)(i) + (1) 1(/)+(j-1)(Dj(.0i)+(/+1)(j)(1) (6) Of 0 io As an example, a shell with two circular holes of radiuses a 1 and a2 is considered. In this case, solution (5) reduces to CO q) fgC in x + Y, x-- (A. + ffl~) cos no + n=1 (7) (Cn + iDn) H' 1) (-%: 117) cos no. n n=0 Oard 5/6 S/198/61/007/005/003/015 Applying the method of D274/D303 The arbitrary constants in Eq. (7) are determined from a system of linear algebraic equations. Thereupon, the formulas for the st-res- sed state are derived. Figures show the distribution of stresses and moments at a cross section through the hole-center line. It is evident from these curves that, under certain conditions, the dis- turbences in the stress field due to the holes, do not reach fur- ther than a diameter's length. The stress function T 8 is most Sig- nificant with respect to magnitude and distribution of stresses. There are 5 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bloc (in translation). ASSOCIATION: Instytut mekhaniky AN URSR (Institute of Mechanics AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: June 30, 1961 Card 6/6 Woo 1"77 AUTHOR: (Yyyiv) TITLE: Applying the method of the plane problem, for gions PERIODICAL: Prykladna mekhanika, v 25b- 3/198)16 1/6007/0061/007/008 D299/D301 successive approximatij-r. certain multiply-coniiected r.-M- 7, no.6, 1961, 672-675 TEXT: Schwartz's method of successive approximations is applied studying the stressed state of a circular plate with m cyclical-ly disposed circular holes. The uniformly distributed load p -is ap- plied to the external contour of the plate. Polar coordinates arE used. First, an approximate solution is sought for an eccentric. ring. Denoting by 90 the angle between central and local polar -,-o- ordinates, one obtains for the solution 1) F = pR~- 2 0 ~0)= (~(ol P; 40) 0 (3,! 2 Q Card 1/3 325o~~ S/198/61/007/006/007/008 Applying the method of ... D1299/D301 and 2 2 a. 2pa a F, pR la ln p(141 (:5 99 p q,' 0; "/a= (4) where a ia the hole radius and F the stress funC41c,n, Expanding th,~ I stresses ~1) and-b--~"in Fourier series, and seekina the func,.Ioc-~ rG F in the form of a corresponding seriess, one cbItains ~he srur,'n-.- 2 for solution in series form. The convergence c'L these ser2--?8 I - be accelerated, Formulas (3). (4) pluu the cai,ret3pcnd:n g forin-.1-i'l for F are the solution to the problem of an eccen.-rra, j-r-jv.. 2 ~ (Z. I - - vided the least distance between the hole QcntourF is no' smal.,'.,%--- than the hole radius. Further, a plate wathm cy~-!-;_c holes -i= sidered. The influence of two neighboring hol (neglecting ~The in- fluence of the other holes) is determined by means Df the slreez-z functions I(Q). The approximate formula Card 2/3 Applying the method of 32563 S/198/61/007/006/007/008 D2 99/D301 2 2 2 2 ,VQ2 );:~~pR t ln (Y - 2~01 COSO ~ 0) W= 7 - TO) is obtained. The formulas for the stressed state are derived, It was found that the influence of neighboring holes on the stressed state near a given hole mainly affects the tangental stresses. From a figure which shows the stresses state of a. plate with 6 cir.- cular hole8j it is evident that the presence of a neighboring hole disturbs the stress field near the hole under consideration. There are 2 figures and 6 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Instytut mekhaniky AN URSR (Institute of Mechanics AS UkrRSR) SUBMITTED: December 30, 1960 dard 3/3 39710 S/19 62/008/001/003/005 IS27 D299%302 AUTHOR: Buyvol, V. M. (Yyyiv) TITLE; Action of concentrated forces on a plate with holes PERIODICAL: Prykladna mekhanika, v. 8, no. 1, 1962, 42-47 TEXT- A circular plate of radius R is considered, having m cycli- cal holes of radius a; m concentrated forces P are applied to the plate. The method of successive approximations is used. The con- centrated forces P are expressed in the form of delta-functions, which can be readily expanded in series, viz.: 00 MP P + 2 Z Cos (2) n=1 Card V 6 33710 S/19 62/008/001/003/005 Act.-I-on c.', ccnicentrated ... D299YD302 Ac(,Drding to Eq, (2), the solution to the problem can be divided in two: The solution for a load corresponding to the constant term of Eq. (2), and the solution for a load corresponding to the other terms of that equation. The first solution was obtained by the au- thor in an ealier article (same periodical). The second solution is dealt with in the present article. Approximate expressions are de- rived for the stresses. Thus, for the stress component cr one ob- P tains in the zeroth-, first- and second approximation respectively the formulas: 0 4 P 'IrR 1 2 _ 2 5011 c 0 s (6) 0 Card 2/ 6 33710 S/19 62/008/001/003/005 Action of concentrated ... D299%302 00 0~ + Z- Z j E(n + 2)b naj ~2 + (n + 2)(a - b p JrR TR n 1 n n)j 'y n=l n cos nf3 1 1 (9) 00 d~( 2 k ~l + E [(n -2 + n 2j (n + )Xncos n n=1 Card 3/t 33710 S/198/62/008/001/003/005 Action of concentrated D299/D302 The complete formulas (6), (9)~ (11)9 in conjunction with the so- lution to the problem of an eccentric ring loaded by the force -PltrR, describe the stressed state of an eccentric ring under the action of two concentrated forces. The error in the solution does not exceed 10%, provided the size of the holes is not greater than the smallest distance between them. The stress function which de- scribes the stressed state of an eccentric ring, whose external contour is under the stresses QO c os 2nal, r In Z n=1 has the form Card 4/6 33710 S/198/62/008/001/003/005 Action of concentrated D299/D302 F(Q 0)'~-~f0(00) + f1(00)+ f2(0 0) (12) As the zeroth approximation one takes the function m 2, P(Q n) (19k =(k - 1)00) n=1 (for a plate with m holes). In the first approximation, formulas are derived which make allowance for the influence (on the stressed state near a hole) of neighboring holes. Adding together the stres- sed state, described by the obtained formulas, one obtains the to- t-al stressed state for a plate with 6 holes, under the action of 6 concentrated forces. A figure shows (for comparison) the theore- tical and experimental stress distribution in the neighborhood of one of the holes; the experimental measurements were conducted by Card 5/6 Action of concentrated ... 33710 S/19 62/008/001/003/005 D299%302 the optical-polarization method. There are 2 figures and 4 refe- ren~~esg 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc (in translation). ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Instytut mekhaniky AN URSR (Institute of Mechanics AS UkrRSR) December 30, 1960 Card 6/6 ACCESSION NR: AP4037990 S/0198/64/010003/0263/0270, AUTHOR*. Buy yq~,,.V. M. (Buyvol, V. N. ) (Kiev) ; Goloborod'ko , S 0 0. (Goloborodlko, Shnerenkop Ke Is (Kiev) TITLE: Stress distribution in a spherical shell with a hole stiffened on the edge by an elastic ring SOURCE: Pry*kladna mekhaTkika, v. 10, no. 3, 1964, 263-270 TOPIC TAGS: spherical shell, shallow shell, spherical shallow shell, stress concentration, stress distribution, minimum stress concentration ABSTRACT: The stress field around a circular hole in a shallow spher- ical shell under uniform internal pressure is investigated ' The0dge of the hole is stiffened by a thin elastic ring which is rigid in i. flexure and in tension. The hole has a cover transmitting only shear. stresses. All these component parts (the shell proper, the stiffening ring,and the hole cover) are treated separately, and the forces and moments acting on them are calculated taging into account the inter- action between shell and ringp and ring and cover. The effect of Card 112 ACCESSION NR; AP4037990 rigidities of the ring on the stress distribution around the hole is evaluated in numerical examples, and it is shown.that by'l varying the flexural and tensile rigidities a combination of,them can be found that will make the stress concentration at the.hole edged a minimum. The values of rigidity'parameters for such an optimum i ring and foran almost, . -, perfectly rigid ring are determined. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas and 3 tablos. ASSOCIATIONi Instyltut 6ekhaniky*. AN URSR (Institute of Mechanics, AN URSR) SUBMITTED: 27Apr63 DATE ACQJ 12Jun64 ENCL:- 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 000 Card 22 ------------ ------- over=- :7q~ ACC NR: AP7002556 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/023/003T/003T INVENTOR: Buyvol-Kot, Yu.j.; Chuprov, M.Ye.; Tsybayev, B.G.; Akimov, V. M. ORG: none TITLE: Dipole-slot antenna. Class 21, No. 189032 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 37 TOPIC TAGS: slot antenna, dipole antenna, waveguide antenna ABSTRACT: An Author "Ceitificate 1~as_'Seen issued'for'a dipole-slot antenna which comprises a symmetriqql dipole and a waveguide slot radiator in the form of a shortcircuited section of-'a.rectangular waveguide. To secure separate reception or transmission of mutually perpendicular electro- magnetic signals in a wide range of frequ'encies, 'the symmetrical dipole is placed above the waveguide slot radiator in parallel to the slot. SUB CODE: 091 SU13M DATE: lUar65 / ATD PRESS: 5113 UDC: 621-396.677.71 BUTVOL. V.N. [Buivol, V.M.j (Kiyev) Biharmonic problem for multiconnected systems with cyclic 97mmetr7o Prykl. mekh. 5 no.3:276-287 '59. ( MRA 13:2) l.Institut stroitelluoy mekhaniki AN USSR. (Ilastic plates and shells) BUYVOL, V.N. [Baivol, Y.M.] (Kiyoy) Experimental investigation of the stressed state of multiconnected regular plates. Pr7kl.makh. 6 no-3: 328-334 160. (MM 13:8) 1. Institut stroitalluoy mekhaniki AN USSIL (Elastic plates and shells) BUYVOL~ V.N. [Buivolq V.M.) (Kiyev) Using the optical method in determining stresses in the vicinity of trapezoid holes in a circular plate. Prykl.mekh. 7 no.2z2O7- 212 161. (WRA 14:4) 1. Indtitut makhaniki AN USSR. (Elastic plates and ohells) t. BUYVOL, V. N. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- "Plane problems of the theory of elasticity for multiply connected regions with cyclic symmetry*" Dnepropetrovsk, 1961 (Min of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education UkSSR. Dnepropetrovsk State Tiniv im 300th Anniversary of the Re I of the Ukraine and Russia). (KL, 4-61, 182) -9- SAVIN, G N. (Savin, H.M.], akademik; VAN FO FY, G.A.; QVYVO-L,_V.N. tnuivol, V.M.] Concentration of stresses near two apertures in a spherical shell. Dop. AN URSR no.11:1435-1439 161. (NIRA 16:7) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN UkrSSR. 2. AN UkrSSIR (for Savin). (Elastic plates and shells) SAVIN, G.N. [Savin, H-M-J (I'iyev)-, VM FO FY, G.A. [VAN FO IFY, H.k.j (hiyev); V-M-3 (Kiyev) Applying the method of consecutive approximations to certain prob- lems,in the theory of shallow shells. Prykl.mekh. 7 no-5:487--hQ5 161. (MIRA 14: 10) 1. Institutmekhanil,~. AN USSR. (Elastic plates and shells) BUITOL,, V.N. [Buivol.. V.M. I -' (Kiye7) Applying the method of ouccessive approy-Imations to the P1B3* : problem for certain multiconnect~ed regions. P%7k1.m&U. I no.6-,672-676 161. (MMA 14 -IU) 1. Inatit-ut mekhanlld AN USSR~, (St,-ains and s+treasee) 3/679/62/000/000/006/086 D234/1)308 tkUTHORS: Savin, G. K., Van Fo-PY, G, A. and Buyvol, V. N. (Kiev) TITLE: A spherical shell weakened by two unequal circular holes SOURCE: Teoriya plastin ioboloefiek; trady II Vsesoyuznoy.konfe- Vov 15 61 g. Kievq Izd-vo renteii, L' -21 sentyabrya 19 AN USSRv 1962v 89-93 TEXT: Using the results of two.previous papers by G. N.- Savin, the allthote obtain.the first-order correction for the above pro- 0 -0) _.'blem The solution in-the first approximation is igT V~* + where the first term corresponds to a shell . - 0, ~) - + '-F2(1 .,+ '0112 )1 :without holes, the setond and third are given by k) ia(k 1n. (A(k)+.iB( k) H (k 1,2) (3) (01) ('k xk~ 'Caird 1j2 .. . ..... .... S/198/62/008/005/008/009 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Bette, 0. V. TITLE: Dissertations defended in 1961 at the inutituteB of the Division of Technical Sciences, AS UkrSSR, in the field of mechanics PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Instytut mekhaniky. Prikladna mekhanika, v..B,-,no. 5, 1962, 571-575 TEXT: The following dissertations were preaented by the c6habora- tors of the above section and approved. For -the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences; In3tytut mekhaniky (Institute of Mechanics): Vas 11' Ilykol .__f_yl --t- IA2,yqyy_ch Bj!Zv~a , Aspirant. !PlbLne problems of the theory o 0 e e as 3_61ty for mu=lply-connected regions with cyclic symmetry', -on I-larch 16, 196 1, at Dnipropatrovsk Univeraty. YAKoulav Dlykhaylo- yich Hryhorenko, Junior Scientific GollaboratQr,: 15t'reised state of round plates and conical shells of linearly)varying thickness under asymmetric loads', on April 6, at Dnipropetrovok University. IEE Tymoriyovyc -h Selazov, Aspirant, 'Investigation of the propa- C~rd 1/3 W 1 1. 5/198/62/008/005/008/009 Dia3ertationa:defended in~... D234/D306 gation, of elastic waves in plates and shellsl,*on June 19, at 'j-1- yivs",qry politekhnichnyyinstytut (Kiev Politechnic Institute), _~'Lnariv Fcofanovych Ulitkoj Aspirant, 'Solution of 3-dimensional pr 'elasticity by the method of vector elgen- functions', on Sepiember 26, at Kiev University..Mikhaylo Petrovych ?ctrenko, junior Scientific Collaborator, 'Transverse and longl_ 1(~aiii7a_l vibrations in short rods of constant and variable thick- ness, due to impacts', on October 24, at Kiev Univeroity. ilariya Dnytrivna Synyavs1ka, Junior Scientific Collaborator, 'Increase of Wear ra:34_stzihdb__of piston rings of integral combustion engines with the aid of galvanic coating', on October 24, at Kyyivs'kyy avtomobillno dorozhnyy instytut (Kiev Institute of Automobiles and Highwayu). Hoorkiy Ivanovych Dybenko, Engineer, 'Change of strengih and deforma"bility 'of ~kCn .(DSP) plastics in time at increased tem peratureal, on November 28, at Kiev Institute of Automobiles and Highways. For the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences: Instytut elektrozvaryuvannya im. Ye. 01 ~atona (Institute of Blectric Weld- ing imeni Ye. 0. Paton): Boril Oleksiyovych Movehan, Senior Scien- -tifio Collaborator, Candiditi,of-Tec-hni6al Soienoes, 'Microscopic Card 2/3 S/198/62/008/005/008/009 Diuaci7tation8 defended in ... D234/D308 inhomogeneities in cast alloys', on May 16, at the-Siberian sections of AS USSR. 2.or the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences: In- stytut mashynoznavstva ta avtomatyky (Institute of Machine Science and Automation)% Hryhoriy Semenovyen-Kit, J 'unior Scientific Colla- borator, 'Approximate sol-E~tion of the problem of free torsion', on March 16,.at Dnipropetrovsk University. Hryhoriy Vasyllovych Plyatzko, Junior scientific Collaboratort 'NonBtalionary problems -.6f-h-ea'Y-conduction and thormoelasticity4, on April 20, at the In stitute of Mechanics of AS UkrSSR..~Iykola Yuriyovych Shvayko, As- pirant, 'Some problems of elaatoplaatic torsion of prismatic rods'.. on December 25, at Llviv University. Instytut metalokeramiky i spetsial'nykh splaviv (Institute of Ilietal.Ceramies and Special Al- loys): Volodymyr Ivanovych 4ov 'Investigation of du- _1_--pak, Aspirant: -dur PF change of load a rable'str6ngth lirfe 6grammea nd temperature,, on October 23, at Kiev Polytechnic Institute. C'ird 3/3 L 1774o-63 LVT EDS A. C ACCESSION NR: AP3006955 S/0021/63KOW/066/1635/1640 J AUTHOR: Bxiyvol', V M TITLE: Shallow sphericil-''ahell weakened by an eccentric cive hole. SOURCEt AN UkrSSR, D6povidio no. -8# 1963# 1035-1040 -TOPIC TAGS: shallow spherical shell,-hole weakened spherical, he I'l stress distribution,, stress concentration, clamped spherical shell,. ..hinged spherical shell 'ABSTRACTt The stress distribution in a shallow spherical sheii [A': with a circular,hole-pl-aced at-a certain distance,from the top~is` a na yze S, I d. The shell is~ under internal pressure, and the hole-~a a -cover which transmits' only the shearing forces.*. Expressions[for..: forces and moments in radial and circumferential sections of a!' 'shell without a hole ar.e determined for cases of clampe d -and 6fJ. hinged edge of the shel'I. In order to satisfy the boundary con-* n the edge of."the hole, an additional function Aftions o is intio,--;:!,r,i dticed which, in connection with the initial equation furnishei -Tr Carci 1/ 2 L ;% c c 2. -- ----- t L 1`~ 7 4 0 -6' ~3 ACCESSION NRj AP3006955 J1 inite system 0 f-: I inta r~ a 190 b T a if. `ii~q -ch an app.rox- U-sit Otis 0M..Uhi jiPate soluiion' can easi~7 be obtained. In oTder to evaluate t~e~ influence of the hole'ou~,the stmte of stress' a numerical computd--;, tion;'was carried out, and"4esults for both cases of shell duppqrt~~,k-` jhe-stregis concentration, the support f a:re given in a table, ef e:ct I and the accuracy of,the' solutin as-related-to theAls tance 0.9 thc" hole from the edge of the:~shd,ll are discussed. Orig. 4rt, has. :1 and 10 formulas, AI ....,-ASSOCIATION:-... lusty tut.:mekhaniky* MUM (Irfattfut.e of.Mechanics -AN. URSR) ..I,SUBMITTEDt: 26Juu62 L DATE ACQt 2?Sep63 ENC 00,; SUB. CODE: -.AP 'NO REF SM 002 OTHER: 00 tj CaM 2/2 BUYVOL V.N. [Buivol, V.M.] (Kiyov) Stressed state of shallo.w spherical shells wit# circular holes. Prykl.makh. 8 no.2.212-216 163. (MIRA 3.6-3) 1. Institat makhAniki AN UkrSSR. (Elastic plates and,shells) BUYVOL, V. N. (Buivol, V. M. I (Kiyev) wmwffmo.,~ Shallow spherical shell veakened- by- sy=etrically placed holes. PrykI. makh. 9 no.11.52-59 '63. (KM 16W 1. Institut makhanild AN UkrSSR. (Elastic plates and shells) BUYVOL, [Biii-vol, V.11,11.1 ---- ~ 1- Conur,rtral lon Of stressez In a sp~erJcal nL,&-.r a reinforced u 1. .1 hole. Dop. AN U-11SR no-11:1460-1464 263. Oli-rvl 17: 12) 1. InsLitut mekhaniki AN UikrSSFI,. F, -r I d FUT 1- P-v?f m 7-W-P w F-W A f d T - A=ORS: A. -r.'k a3np----- me~:Jna.-AkF-, v. TOPIC TAGS: yeve pr py,'Rtion, continuum mechanics, elastic wave, plaotir p3ve, viscoalastl*cltv L 505-46-65 A C C a~, Z- T "'.N' 1,1 R k-1350" 1595 q'Inn-If -.:Aves A.- I A C.,d 2/22 BUYVOLP -yvt!z-Wvf!y) - ------- App4ing Sneddonlq approximation to the probleme of a strip. Prikl. inekh. 1 no.4t127-130 165. (MBA 18: 6) 1. Inatitut gidromekhaniki AN UkxSRR. ACC NR:' -A~6024327---- -~66kt~CC61it-.-61~[00-if[6~~10661004104371C)4 AUTHOR: Buyvol, V. 11. -- Buyvol, V. N.; Huz', 0. M. -- Guz', A. N. ;ORG: Institute of Hydromechanics, AN UkrSSR (Instytut hidromekhaniky AN' URSR); !Institute of Engineering, AN UkrSSR (Instytut mekhaniky AN URSR) 'TITLE: Two cylindrical shells in an incompressible flow SOURCE: AnUkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 4, 1966, 437-441. TOPIC TAGS: cylindric shell, shell structure, incompressible flow i 1 ~ABSTRACT: The dynamic phenomena occurring in an elastic cylindrical shell in a poten-, itial incompressible flow have been studied in detail by V. V. Bolotin (Fizmatgiz, i 1 1961), who assumed that the shell was thin and infinitely long, whereas the flow was-i along the generatrix of the shell. This paper makes the same assumptions in studying i itwo identical parallel cylindrical shells of thickness h and radius R. The authors !Start from the theory of sloping shells where the tangential components of the energy :Lorces may be neglected and from 'Linearized hydrodynamic equations. Subjects treated are waves of certain phase velocity propagating along the shells, the contents in- Ivolved, resultant finite equations, application of Kramer's rule, lowest flutter rate,, land application of Il'yushin's "law of plane intersections." The paper was presented 'by Academician AIN UkrSSR H. M. Savin. Orig. art. has: 16 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 07Aug65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 001 Card 1/i IKAYXV, R. (g. Sukhumi); BUTLMTAN, S. Q,Patrodvorets, Leningradskoy obl. VOROZHKO, V., (g.D-n-ep-rq-p-e-V-6V-sk-.T-, BUREMIN, V. (g.Tegorlyevsk, Moskovskoy obl.); SAMYLOV, I. (Krasnoyarekly krayJ; TARAM-NK0. I. (g.Kstialavll, Mogilevskoy obl.) I Suggestions of readers. Radio no.4:47 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Rad;q) LMSH/Wdiclne - Nervous System, Sop/Oct 48 Effects of Electricity Medicine - Nervous System, Physiology "Physiological Analysis of the Function of the Afferent Aortal Nerve (N. DepressoriB): I., Reaction of the Vasomotor System to Irrita-~ tion of the Aortal Nerve by Stimuli of Diverse Frequency," IR. A. Buyya, Div Physiol. of Nervous Syst, Inst Physiol, Acad Med Sci. USM, 8 pp "Fiziol Zhur SSISR" Vol AIM, No 5 DeBoribes experiments on stimulation of the cexx- tral ring of the aortal nerve of rabbits by WSR/Me&lcine Nervous System, Sep/Oct 48 Effects of Electricity (Ccatcl) discharges from ei condenber. ' Freqiienc.T'usad Va a 1 850 cycles. Submitted 7 Feb 47. 34/49T~ 15 BUZ.A. 1. Quantitative determination of instability energy. Meteor.i gidrol. no.2:32-33 1? '52. (MLRA 8:9) 1. GUMS Idtovskoy SSR, Vilnius. (Meteorology) (Atmosphere) sov/169-59-2-1723 -7~rans2atlor. from,~ Referativnyy zhurral, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 2, p 111 (USSR) AUTHOR~ Buz~ A.I. M.17 The Variation of the Velocity of Wind In the Lower Layer of the Atmosphere PERIODICAL,. Nauchn. Soobshch. AS LItSSR In-t geol. I geogr,, 1957, Vol 5, pp 31 - 39 (Res, Lit., Engl.) ABSTRACT-, A comparison of the signs of with the signs of and Zi for different seasons (t is the time, z is the vertical coordinate, s - u + iv, u and v are the horizontal components of the vector of wind velocity) is carried out for examining the question on the effect, of tk~? variation of wind velocity with altitude on the time variations of velocity, on the basis of the analysis of actual material from obsen-!a~,-'-=-Sw Moreover, thediurnal course of the expectancy of coincidence in. s-gns Of at and ~151 is analyzed, It is stated that by day the opposl-,e sIgns d'a of the variations of the wind velocity with time and with altitude are predominant. In the cold season of the year, the coincidence in th~- course Card 1/2 of variation of the wind with time and with altitude is somewhat greater in V SOV/169-59-2-1723 ""lie Variation of theVelocity of Wind in the Lower Layer of the Atmosphere I the morning and, especi&lly, in the evening hours. A method for determining the turbulence factor is described and a comparison of the results obtained with the results of L.D. Laykhtman (Tr, G1, geofiz, observ., 1952, Nr 37/99) is presented, (UGMS, Lit, SOR), Sh.A, Musayelvan Card 2/2 kk 3(8) FHASE I BOOK MIDITATION SOV/2263 USSR. Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzbby Sbornik rabot po sinoptike, Nr. 2 (Collection of Articles on Synoptics, nr 2) . Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. 157 P. 1,200 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): G. D. Zubyan; Ed, (Inside book)i R. V, Grosman; Tech. Ed.: A.* N.. Sergeyevj. PUFd"OSE-. This collection of articles is intended for meteor6logists. COVEELA.CE- The book contains 12 abridged extiales written by synoptic meteorologists of the Weather Bureau, the Gidrometbyaro, and the ANBG (Air Weather Station of the Civil Air Fleet). All articles deal with the local features in the development of atmospheric processes and weather. There are no personalitiOs mentioned. " There'hre,35--ref6rene6s o' ~,-34; Boviet and I German. TAKE OF COMERS: Card 1/3~ --~- I Collection of Articles on Synoprtics, nr 2 (Cont.) SOV/2263 Yerofeyeva, A. I. '(Otsk Weather Bureau], Synoptic Conditions of Heavy Snaw- storms on the Omsk Railroad 3 Koshin kiy, S. D. [Baku Weather Bureau], Synoptic Conditions of Strong Southeasterly Winds in the Makhachkala Region 16 Koshinskiy, 8, D, [Baku Weather Bureau], Characteristics in the Distribution of Winds on the CaspipLn Sea During Severe Storms.on the Aysheronskiy Peninmila 3T Mogdym~ N. S. [Saratov Hydromet Bureau], Synoptic and Loocal Conditions of Strong Winds in the Sarstov-Region 53 Kolesnikov, L. D. (Arkhangel I sk Weather Dareva], An&175is of Gale Wind Con- ditions in the Soatheastern Partof the Barents Sea 59 (AMG, VilAius].' Datermildng the Poobibilities of ConV66tive Movement by the Layer Method 66 Card, 2/v, Cc 'Ir it; sr rg X. R zg a ';Aw or- FYI, r~ c A Eli I'll nr,I if p BUZ, A. 1. Determining the poanibility of convective notions by the layer method. Sbor.rab.po sinop. no.2:66-82 158. (MIRA. 12-6) 1. AvlameteorologichMkaya Btantsiya v Grazhdanskon vozduabnom floto, Vilonyus, (Weather forecaBting) BTJZ) A.I. ------------ -- Effect of the shore line on air currento and distribution of prcioi-pitation. Sbor. rab. po ninop. no.~-3-12 160.' (MMA 14-8) 1. Upravleniya gidrometoomlogicheskoy sluzhby Litovskoy :SSR. (Baltic Sea region-Precipitation (Meteorology) w - Afil-PR: 309~6 S 124/61/000/009/017/ 05 8 D234/D303 Buz, A.I.- TITLE: On the problem of determining the stability of the atmosphere with respect td vertical motion FMilODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mel-chanika, no. 97' 1961, 76, abstract 9 B552 (Vilniaus univ. Mokslo darbai, 1958, 19, 171-183) kA. TIMT: C& *~hthod of calculating the energetic characterlst- ics of thermal inaVability of the atmosphere is offered which is a kind 'of generalization of the well-known layer method. The gencra,2- -;,o ization refers mainly~ to the method of calculating these character- istics from the data of vertical temperature 13ounding. 1-2 a layer between isobaric surfaces is-considered one can calculate three quantities - Hj,Hc, HB with the aid of an aerological diagram; H i is the dynamical thickness of the layer in question and.Hc'and -differ from H by being calculated from~temperatures taken respect 30996 - S/124/61/000/009/017/058 On.the.problem of determining... D234/D303 ively from the dry and the moist adi4batic-curve. Then the follow- ing, f ormulae are valid; A n [(IiB - n % -, 11d] (20#1) N [(H - He)/(HB - He)] z (211) H 14 (H13 ]I)/(HB c where n is the cloudiness i4 fractions of 1, A the energy of in :.stability, N the optimum mass part of ascending motions of the air and M the maximum part possible of ascending motions of.the air. It may be remarked that according to (211) and (221) the following! relation is.valid: which io mora oonvonient for calculating N, Sevaral axamplea of the use,-of A, M9 N for forecasting purposes are given, viz. in forecasting the quantity of convective cloudiiiesag thickness of ViS 9~1/000/009/017/058 On the problem of determining... D2347D.3!03 of cloud layers, intensity of precipitation as much as in forccas-t-1: of wind near Earth. Methods applied to these purposes have been tested on few data of two points - Kaunas and Xalininr-rrad, and re- quire an investigation of more numerous material.. stracter's note: Complete translation-7 Card .3/3 BUZ, A. 1. Determining the therzod~mamic stability of a boundary la7er of the atmosphere cn the basis of pilot balloon observation data. Meteor. i gidrol. no.8:29,-30 Ag t64 (IERL 17:8) 1. Upravleniye gidrometeorolcgicheskoy sluzhby Litovskoy SSR. ACC NR- AR6016956 AUTHOR: Buz, A,!. TITLE: On foc, formation in SOURCE: Ref. zli. Geofizika, REF SOURCE: Tr. Villnyussk. S0URk-'---' CODE- UR/6161~;/ '65/C00/0!-2/3C64/3"4 Villnyus region during cold ttililcs of the year Abs. 1213389 gidrometeorol. observ., vyp. 1, 1964, 131-139 TOPIC ZAGS: fog, V14 A),V ABSTM.CT: llydrothermal charactc):izitics of the ground layer, iheir influence upon fo- formation, and local applicability of thc TsIP criteria of fog formation were ~;tuc;icd.: Oct. - Mlarch cold periods of 1957-1960 were used. 10 proccs-,;es, owclogous to the Gall 1 tsov process were cliff crentiated from a study of dew point ('Z~ 'ariation clurin- the ni-ht. About half of the processes had a radiative character; in 661;~ of cases thcy were observed at cloudiness ratings of 0-6. Fog fort-mation and coilinGs under 100 n are probable with all process tyges if t -Tdoes not increa:3e durinr, the nirht; if, at 13 or at 21 o'clock t -Zz 1 , 16-he probability of for, f3rna-zion at 7 10 cloudi- I nc.-ss ratini ., reaches 30,11, and that of for, an3 low clouds us.". CZ-zaze tlais probability. Decreaz;es of air and cllc%r; point temper for fog prediction. Tables of average decreases of terp. and dcw point are -ivcn, cie- pending on wind velocity and direction. Radiation fogs lift "ker sun- rise at temperatures cxcccdin(; the temperature of fog formation by I Duripj Card 1/2 UDC 551.57-S. 1 (474) ACC NR: AR6016956 the colder half-year, advective fogs predominate. For t4cir Prognosis; the crIterion is used, where Ta is '-he dew point Of the arriving air IF low and .t - is -,he tem"). at the point of the forecast. However, the map values of tA'ic!-.e cluaititics muLl.- be coz- rectcd by 4t Tabl' conditioned by inflow air transformation. e, OZ. such coz.-ectiona is given for eaclZ'term of the iAps. ~Translation of abstract]. SUB CODE: 0,; L 11217-67 EM(l) GW ACC NRi AR6016950 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/65/000/012/BO36/BO36 AUTHOR: -Buz, A. X. TITLE: On the dependence between temperature profile's and wind velocity in the boun- dary layer of the atmospher ~_and determination of the thermodynamic stability of thit layer from baZoon sounding data SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 128233 REP SOURCE: TR. VYP. 1. 1964, 140-146 TOPIC TAGS: bit-* atmospheric temperature pr-vf5a;e., atmospheric tur- bulence, storm ,,,.f ore casting, ABSTRACT: Por a comparison of temperature profile steepn--ss and molillus of wind vel'). city in the boundary layer, finite differences of the second derivatives on height, o1 the above meteorological elements, were utilized. Similarity of wind and tenperature profiles is related to turbulent exchange along the height, in the boundary- layer. Thf results gained from experimental data show that during the increase of the vertical temperature gradient with height, a decrease in the wind velocity gradient is obser- ved. The sign of the seconiderivative of wind velocity on height is diagnostic for th( presence or absence of thunderstorms (totfil justification 63%). Changes of wind velo- city profile with time even better reflect the condition of thunderstorm activity (to. tal justification 66-77%). Both in the first and in the second case, positive signs Cord 1/2 UDC 551,571.3 L 11217-67 ACC NRt AR6016950 __O1 lead to convective events, At stable stratification, a sharp convexity of the wind vej locity profile toward the side of higher velocities and an increase, during the day hours, of the wind velocity maximum is observed. In an unstable air mass, a decrease of the maximum wind velocity and im intensive decrease of the convexity of the wind velocity profile takes place during the day hours; the profile often acquires a conca- vity. With the development of turbulence, a shift of the wind velocity maximum toward the higher levels takes place. The positive effect of turbulence in the development of convection is emphasized. In closing, the author explains changes,of wind profile in time from the standpoint of the coefficient of turbulence changes. [Translation of ab. stract]. SUB CODB: 04 Card 2/2 jb ACC NR, AT6033295. SOURCE COD91 AUTHOR: Buz, A. 1. ORG: none UR/32301641000/0011013110139 TITLE: Fog formation in the vicinity of,Vilnius during the cold season of the year SOURCE! Vilnius. Gidrometeorologicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 1. 1964, 131-139 TOPIC TAGS: gmw4lmmeteorology, weather forecasting, fog f===tzE= at"mrnp4wr+c surface boundary layer, cloud Qe4lipwg 4-- ,~4v~ CT. ABST CT: This artYcle continues a 1959 study of the meteorological conditions favoring fog formation near Vilnius, in which it was found that 69% of all fogs occur during the period October-March (averaging one every third day). Most favorable air temperatures (-l, +1C), and winds (southerly) for foe formation were determined. The present paper discusses the h),gmt]-i--rrm-dcli~iracturistir-s of die atmospheric surface boundary _layer and their effect on fog formation. An evaluation was made of the applicability to local conditions of certain criteria in fog pre- diction,,which were recommended by the Central Institute of Forecasts. Since fog formation is closely related to local changes in temperature and humidity (dew point and the difference between the temperature and the dew point), it was possible to isolate 10 processes resembling Galltsov processes. Changes in temperature and AT6033295 dew point were measured)accurate to V. It was found that in spA-.te of the pre- dominance of overcast weather during cold weather, about half of tile processes were radiational and were usually combined with advection or evaporation of pre- cipitation. Formations of fogs and low clouds (below 100 m) are probable in all types of processes except those.during which the dew point spread increases in time. If the dew point does not increase during tile night, there is a 33% probability that fog will form near Viinius, and a 52% probability of fog or low ceilings. Maximum probability of fog formation (over 40%) and low ceilings (over 60%) is noted during the cold season with advection of heat, evaporation of precipita- tion, and slight changes in air temperatures and the dew point in a state of near saturation. Minimum probability is associated with advection of cold. It was found that 20% of fogs formed during oVercast weather and 54% of fogs formed with a 0-6 cloud cover were caused chiefly by radiational cooling. The principal con- clusion drawn in the paper is that taking changes in air temperatures and dew points intp consideration significantly improves the forecasting of fogs and low cloud ceilings. If the criterion Xa - t >.O (where T is the dew point of the invading air mass and t Is the temperat.ure at the point for which t.he forecast is compiled), the probability of fog.or low ceiling is 70%, and if the criterion is T - t '> 2% this probability is'increased to 96%. Orig, art,, has:. 12 tabless* a [WA-50]- SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIC REF1 003 '2 ACC NR. AT6033295 SOURCE COM UR/3230/64/000100110131/0139 AUTHOR: Buz, A. I. ORG: none . , Qr TITLE: Fog formation in the vicinity of.Vilnius during the cold season of the year SOURCE: Vilnius. Cidrometeorologicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 1, 1964, 131-139 41-11 TOPIC TAGS: S=meteorology, weather forecasting, fog surface boundary layer, cloud 2siA4M c.-1-4-,, oclnu-,~-T-14~ CT. . This artYcle continues a 1959 study of the meteorological conditions favoring fog formation near Vilnius, in which it was found that 69% of all fogs occur during the period October-March (averaging one every third day). Most favorable air temperatures (-l, +1C), and winds (southerly) for fog formation were determined. The present paper discusses the hygmtharmal chazacteristics of the atmospheric surface boundary _layer and their effect on fog formation. An evaluation was made of the applicability to local conditions of certain criteria in fog pre- diction,which were recommended by the Central Institute of Forecasts. Since fog formation is closely related to local changes in temperature and humidity (dew point and the difference between the temperature and the dew point), it was possible to isolate 10 processes resembling Gal'tsov processes. Changes in temperature and AT6033295 .-dew point were measured.,accuratt! to 10. Ic was found that in spite of the pre- dominance of overcast weather during cold weather, about half of the processes were radiational and were usually combined with advection or evaporation of pre- cipitation. Formations of fogs and low clouds (below 100 m) are probable in all types of processes except those.during which the dew point spread increases in time. If the dew point does not increase dt,,ring the night, there is a 33% probability that fog will form near Vilnius, and a 52% probability of fog or low ceilings. Maximum probability of fog formatio%i (over 402) and low ceilings (over 60%) is noted during the cold season with advection of heat, evaporation of precipita- tion, and slight changes in air teriperatures and the dew point in a state of near saturation. Minimum probability Is associated with advection of cold. It was found that 20% of fogs formed during o,;ercast weather and 54% of fogs formed with a 0-6 cloud cover were caused chififly by radiational cooling. The principal con- clusion drawn in the paper is that taking changes in air temperatures and dew points intd consideration oignif1cantly improves the forecasting of fogs and low cloud ceilings. If the criterion Ta - t > 0 (where T is the dew point of the invading air mass and t is the temperature at the point for which" the forecast is compiled), the probability of fog or low ceiling is 70%, and if the criterion is Ta - t *> 2% this probability is increased to 96%* Orig, art, has;- 12 tables* IWA-50], I SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIC REPI 003 1EMEDEVI P.D., prof.; BUZ, M*Aef Jnzh, A nothod of calculating the conditions of nondefective drying of ceramic wall materials on the basis of the theory of probability, Stroi. mat. 11 no*8:12-14 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) UJV.ARi, losif; BUZ, C.' -l-,, . t'ri-'leMS Cf t110 7' '-," ~ Univ, B-B Is. .1 A Ge( 9.8 nn.20.07,0..~ 3 9 ~ ..), DtZ,A, A. -.i:c,ncjTraT-,S for ar 115, C H:,. 10, vol 1~4 f St 7.OT( pear Avccssiors (M Al SC: T'nrthly Ids, BITZAY Antal, okleveles kohomernok Theory of operation and application of "oentralograph" plant control instr=ents. Koh lap 96 no.10-.471,-475 0 163. 1. Dunal Vasmu. BIJZ,A, Antal, kohomernok, egyetemi tanarseged Constructin of nomograma for determining the power demand of roll trains. Koh 'lap 9 no. 3: 115-122 Mr 154. I IGOUNTRY CATEGORY rjrganLc Chemistry--Theoretical organic chemirtry ABS. jOUR. ARZIE.InUa. , i~o. 21 1959, ~,-.O' c"a Uuza, D. all-I T-Olocz1~ui;a, Vi. -, T 7 a 1"~3 On Tatitczierism in tha Oxirie-- of Isophorone 7478? 0 A TT' . ~Fu B Roczniki Chem, -)2, No I-, 10~1-i--11(:6 (1956) Tne meti.~'Iatiln cf the f:""Tk- and ant`_-Oximes 0-1 .~_,iorjhurone with (!'d% )2 SCI; in aliualire zedium gives petroleum ether scluble O-methyl deriva- tivez, ( 0(-I and IS' -1) (yield 15.5 and 24.5%1 bp 84-85o/14 = and 89-90*/14 mm, n2()DI.4-914 and 1.4921) and in8oluble in petroleum ether M-methyl derivativea ( Y-11 and fi - TI), Oiln ESiC]i 'Ile -ii .deccoposez on distillation under high vacu-um; the hydrochlorldes (yield ~"(.l and 83%, resPectively) are hygroecopic and melt at 116-117 (from arbydrou, C A tID I/if COU11TRY Poland c- - I c it I 191 G OR"I AB.S. JOUR. RZI(htj. Z10. 21 '1959, ?4787 IT I ORIG. FUB., "F~ A Ti jerivative. mii ?oz- co-_-pArison D also -urepared by the met.hylat-l':,n of ~11 vvaq u-!nZ.alisophorylarnine with (UH, '2 SC, followed -by hydrolycois of the 14'-cethylbpiizalisophoi-3tit),.izaoziium st;lfomethylate'whicl) is formLd; yi-ld of III, bp 64-65' m-m, "90/10 mm, 820'20 man, 84c/ /7 13 23 mm, r?"D i.46.61. The authors are of the opinion that the data presented ane the f.,Lrct Proof of tautomerism in saturated ketoximes with conjugated Ctlv tind C-aN bondIc accordine to the G-1 T --Vf Pol a nd No. 21 19 -59 k,'c) 7471"17 OR I i 73 T , T IT I ?UD. 3 52 TA C T Scheme: ,,~C=NOR /C= PH 0 - R. Topschteyn CARD: 4/4 97 WOLINSKIp Jerzy; BUZA, Daniela; CZERWINSKA-FEJOIN, Eugenia; ZAMLYNSKI, Waclaw A new method of determining amines and phenols. Chem anal 4 no.5/6: 989-993 '59- (EEAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Chemii Organiczne Politechniki, Warszawa (Amines) (Phen i BUZA KISS, Iajog._ Mutual effects between railroad cars and tracks. Jarmu mezo gep 9 no.1:32-37 Ja 162. 1. Fooaztalya marnok-fooloadoja. IUCIZ19 ) Z- . Hungary/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Uaused by R-1 Bacteria and Fungi. Abs Jour : -'ef Zhur-Biole, No 18.. 1958, 83553 Author : Buza, Laszl Institute : Vo institute -was-given Title : Examining Several Hen Flocks for Brucellosis by Using the Laminated AgFlutination Reaction Per- formed in the Eastern Part of Hungary, Orig Pub : Meyer yllatorov, lapja., 1957, 12,, No 6, 179-181 Abstract : The performed examinations involved 13,650 hens. On farms, where large horned cattle brucellosis and swine brucellosis were in evidence- 28 out of lp692 hens gave positive reactions, and on farms free from brucellosis not even one out of 4,491 exarbined hens gave a positive reaction. The problem of whether positive reacting hens are dangerous for large horned cattle and swine needs further study. GArd IA 28 T Buza, T. I'Cleanjzi~,- -? f 'ura':c dr-Li;--, -L-,o i.D-- ovent, 10 (-kllto ~:otor. Vol. 6, no. 1?, Junic 1-1~53, -3,j-djt-)est.) J_ - -11 SO: :lo-nthl~, L~,st ol -la~-,t 3-m-o-ccan Accc:;,;-.,s Vol. 2, :-o. Librar-,- of Con7- 1953 Ljrlcl. Z'n rr a pre C i P 1ae C' N1 r SOURCE . Academia scientiaram liungaricae. Acta chimica, v. 4i, no. 1-2, 1 Otl~ 109-122 TOPIC TAGS! chL~m-_"-:a_1 precipitation, barium compound, sulfate, Plectron microscoDy Baritm snl tate -precipitates obtained in variour. afialyt ital- pre-, ipitatiofis were eyartined by derivatography and electron miscoscopy. Pure barium sulfate wag 4ilUte scluticns even aft-r it'! v,'P,' I- 77 e WC 7' F! E3 nd d i scussed. C!r i g. art., k7 a r, en TI" Tm-titut fur allgemeine Chemle der Technig-ch &-I C-h emni a t r,.Tcr 1 c alv 1 'lard 112 Card 2-12 f4f ~lq&- - 19" 1 16 ~j ,4 ~ "It PAULIK Ferenc (Budapest, XI., Gellert ter I+)- BUZAGH Eva ~,:rs); (Budapest, XI J. Gellert ter 4); POLOS, SZ10 Budapest, XI., Gellert ter 4i; ERDEY, Laszlo dr., prof. (Budt-pest, XI., Gollert ter 4). Der4v--tographic analysis of barium sulfate precipitates. Pt.l. Acta chimica flung 38 no.4:311-323 161".. 1. Institut fur Allgemeine Chenie der Technischen Universitat, Budapest. BUZAGII'VE GM, Eva Separation of precipitations in homoUeneous mediur -for ignalvtical and preparative purposes. ',!a ---:- 1--n, lap lo' no.~- SUPPleMent A~alitikai Kozlemenyek 7 no.3:429-433 S 161. 1. E-udapesti Muszaki Pgyetem Altalanos Kemiai Tanszek. TUROVA, A.D. , professor; BUULi=, GeV* Kidney tea (Orthosiphon Stomineno Benth). 17 no.12: 24 D 153- (HLRA 6:12) 1. Is Vaesoyushnogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituta lekarstvap nykh i aromaticheakikh rasteniy Ministerstva sdravookhraneniya SSSR. (KidneyB-Dieeases) (Botany, Medical) BUZALKOV, R.; DAJA, I. Effect of chlopromazine on lethargic hypotberrda procchxed by confinement in rarefield air. P. 73. Srpska akademija nauka. Odeljenje prirodno-matematickib nauka. GLAS. Beoprad. No. 216, 1955 SgJRCE: East European Accessions List, (F.;,AL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4., No. 12, December 195.3 TZALYOV ST71:11~-:)ITJC V. Glucemia and Inorpanic phosphorus in rats deprived of thyroid Jin bypotbermia. p. 89. Srpska akaderd-ja nauka. Ode1jenje Prirodno-matematichih n.Taka. GUS. Beo.r~rad. Tio. 216, 1955 SOURCE: -East Earopean Accessions List, (FT-AT ), Library of ConFress, Vol. No. 12, December 195~ BUZALKOV, Risto Thermogenetic characteristics of the suprarenalectomyzed rats after a prolonged stay in the zone of hyperthermia. Arh biol nauka 12 no.j/4:123-128 -60. 1. Fizioloski institut Prirodno-matematickog fakulteta u Skopju, KIRSANOV,IYu.V. (Vvov, USSR); BUZALO, F.F. (Llvov, USSR); KOBERNICHENEO, N.I. (L'vov, USSR) ft~ - "What ever7 hospital attendan't should know." A.G.Kapralov. Reviewed by IU.V.Kirommov, F.F.Buzalo, N.I.Kobernichenko. Med.sestra no-5: 28-30 VT '55. (MIRA BiQ (KAFRALOV, A.G.) (NURSES AM NURSING)