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KHRUSHCHOTI N.A.; YERSHOV, A.D., glavnyy red.; KREYTER, V.M., zamestitell glavnogo red.; BUTKEVICH, T,V., red.vypuska; FRASNIKOV, V.I., red.; MOMDZHI, G.S., red.; SAAKYAN, P.S., red.; SMIRNOV, V.I., red.; CHERN(SVITOV, Yu.L., red.; ENTIN, M.L., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., [Molybdenum] Molibden. Moskva, Gos.nauchro-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol.i okhrane nedr, 1961. 269 p. (Otsenka mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkakh, no.19). (MIRA 15:4) (Molybdenum ores-Sampling and estimation) DOVIDAIR, S.A.; CIIEPA) O.A.; Prinimali uchastiyel BU.TKEVICH, V.A., in--h.; PARNION, G.Ya.p inzh. Friction and wear in the hot metal forming process with a chromized die. Dokl. Ali BSSR 8 no.10:671-674 0 t64. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Fiziko-tekhnilchaskiy institut AN BSSR. ; GOREV, K.V.; DOVTTAR, S.A.; BUTKEVIGIH,.V.A. Changes in the engineering properties of 3Kh"V8 and 5KhGSVT steels caused by secondary high-frequency hardening. Doki. AN BSSR 9 no. I.lt74.2-744 N t65 (MIW, 19:1) 1. FizJko-tekhnicheqkiy inititut Ali BSSR. I;AUTHORS: Butkevich V.G. and BuUlov, M.M. 109-3-7/23 TITLE: Some Investigations of the "Shot-through" Secondary Electron Emission (Nekotoryye isaledovaniya vtotichnoy elektronnoy emissii na prostrel) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, Vol-III, Nn.:K Pp. 355 - 3?0 (UiiR_'5. ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of the penetration of electrons through thin, metallic foils was first observed by Lenard (Ref.1), and since then, a number of workers have investigated this effect, but it did not have any practical applications until 1955-56, when a number of American workers developed multi-stage electron- optical amplifiers (Refs. 7 and 8). The aim of this work is to analyse the basic characteristics of the "shot-through" second- ary electron emission of thin aluminium foils and, in some cases, of magnesium oxide-coated aluminium foils. Pure aluminiun foils were prepared by condensing the metal in vacuum on to a nitro- cellulose film; the film was then dissolved. The resulting foils had a mirror-like surface, characterised by an almost total absence of any holes. The experimental investigation was carried out in a special instrument based on the spherical- condenser method. The instrument is shown in Fig.l. It con- Cardl/4 sists of a sphere containing -the investigated film in its centre. 109-3-7/23 Some Investigations of the "Shot-through" Secondary Electron Emission A beam of primary electrons is accelerated and focused by appropriate electrodes and directed on to the investigated foil or film. The secondary electrons at the opposite side of the foil are scattered at various angles and a fraction of them passes through the aperture in the sphere and is collected by a system of plates and collector grids. The diameter of the investigated foils was 5 mm. The primary electrons could be accelerated up to 40 kV and the system could be evacuated down to pressures of 3 x lo-'l mmHg. The experimental equipment permitted the investigation of the energy distribution of'the secondary "shot-through" electrons as well as their angular distribution. The experimental results are shown in Figs. 2 to 17. Yig. 2 shows the angular distribution of the secondary electrons for the foils having a thickness d = 0.2 ji and an accelerating potential Ui of 6 kV; the curves, whose areas are proportional to the number of elec-uz-ons within a given energy band, are-,shown for the same film in Fig-3. Fig. 4 shows the secondary emission coefficient a as a function of U 1 for d ranging from 0.2 to 1.4 4, while Fig-5 illustrates the Uard2/4 accelerating potential Ul necessary to produce the "shot-through" 109-3-V,'23 Some Investigations of the "Shot-through" Secondary Electron M.i.:'sion effect in the joil of a given thickness; the thickness is given in mg/cm. . Figs. 6, ? and 8 show the curves of the angular distribution of electrons at the exit side of the films of various thicknesses; similar curves are shown in Fig.9 for the groups of slow electrons, while Fig.10 shows the energy distribution of the slow electrons. Figs. 12 and 13 illustrate the energy losses of the electrons during their passage through the foil, while Fig.14 illustrates a as a function of U for aluminium foils coated with a 1 layer of magnesium oxide. The electron energy distribution of MgO-A1 foils is illustrated in Fig-15, while the angular .distribution of the electrons for the same type of film is shown in Fig.16. The secondary emission coefficient for various film ti-deknesses, for both the rapid and slow elec- trons, is shown in Fig.l?, from which it follows that any increase in thickness of the film results in a decrease in the number of the slow electrons and the curves a f(Ul) become less steep. The decrease in the slope of a f(Ul) for increasing foil thicknesse5 is due to an increase in the Uard3/4 diffusivity of the primary electron beam and to an expansion Some Investigatiom of the "Sho t- through" Secondary Electroz: of the area which Droduces the maximum number of "Che secon- dary electrons. The relationship between the rapid and slow electrons, as a function of the accelerating potentials, permits the determination of a functional dependence between the number of electrons penetrating the film and its thick- ness for various values of the accelerating potential. The resulting curves for an aluminium film are shown in rig.18. Analogous curves Nvere evaluated for Al - MgO foils and these are shown in Fig.19. There are 19 figures and 13 references, 4 of v.,h-ich are English, 3 German and 6 Russian. SUBMITTED: June 20, 1957 AVAIIABLE: Library of (;onwress Card4/4 Use of sbaft DIU] for jo&nt grinding and d J! v cIny for A7Ain dyr,~sslng of brick. V.M.Dittkevith, uspCilslif, d . - - 77- --- -0. -17 V. Stojlpikov~ SEW t Amu. No. 10. 11 (1Or-0).-q;mIl1tmncO1I3 drying und giintling (A iigbty tnc)i,t clay In a abalt mill ImA Onding mul 'If kli,)g of mal provedIlmsibk. 11 Aogging of tbe allp. . Finew--ss of gdnd can he control"M 0 lounging n4te of jh)%v Clair luixt. ill tbeshaft. b y BUI%EMCH, V. P. Pk -Y/L.9 T&~- - USSR/14-MICIne - HiAt Effects Jan 48 Medioinei - Ma-solee~ Sartorias OThe Action of Thermal Irritation on Masoular Tissues of a Frog'K V. F. Butkevich, 6-4'- PP *7est Leningrad U" No 1 Reports experiments made to ascertain effect of high teniperatures (30-40o C) on sartorial muscle of frogs. Muscular contraction vas induoed by heat, injury by onset of narcosis and paranecrosis. Concludes that irrltation.and injury by heat occur simultaneously at all temperatures for vh1oh readings vere obtained. 4/49T6~ BUTKEVICH, Yu.M., Inzhaner (g. Tallin). Efficiency promoters of the Tallin gachino Building Plant. Stroi.pred.naft.prom. I no.8!17-18 0 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Tallin-Machinery industry) 'Ov '. . I ~' ~-' j~ 1-. , . ,' x ;-, .- C.- I / ~ - 1 .1 ~ ~ I ) , C, , ./,I KAAZIK, P.A.-Masik, P.A.], inzh. BUTOVICIT, Yu.M., Inzh. (Talli* - - .. Stamp for inclined washers. Stroi.pred.neft.prom. 2 no.8:25-26 Ag 157. (Tallinn-Washers (Mechanics)) (KM 11:1) BTJTKEVICH, Yu.M., insh. --------Va--l-ua-ble eificie=7 suggestions. Stroi. i dor. mashinostr. 3 no.2:38-39 F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Screv-threada) (Punching machinery) 1110 00 0 gas a 0 0 9 Gesse-so a SO a 31 v a a 0 of a a AS, I C, A, 3 -A tab aar it. t4flit." so. OUTK~! Vic; go f .00 0 0 a T AM-1tumbs Ekes" lmdhft MWOW fw OM V. on" to N O POOM =WMAMAI& (Jvo~ I I l 0 : go jf ~ cm6tsorawwwpnwaww"amwppiY330MVA- : 0 at I kVA rar an burAw 11110~ INIMIL SW-V tramtomet. moral so 31111110 "01111 &W womrint go bdodift tWD WWW WhIld-111111011 O*dUO- a 9-1-mb A from the central dak an dweribs& P Co 0 mm mm immetWatione umh"m in the labmuwy am WeL A. L_ sez 400 mi see see d we 0 it A%$.%LA MCIALLUOtOMAL LITEIIATLOI! CLASIWKATOON _ %Sam 410.1" Koo -I, am. oat VIIIINCIt 411111 41C Owv &t% \ j Man *g U a &I ID An -,, I v In 9 0 ~j 0 v ~ AS a n a .1 It It It K 9 0 o o 6 0 q 0 0 0 0 l ban I 0 6 O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 * **go 0 *go 0 4 0 0 o 00 oi ***Is - 00 0 0 0 0 000000 as** Nl~ R, BUTEVICII, YU. V. FROF PA4&T19 ft 1947 High Voltage Circuit, Breakers," Prof Yu. V.. But - kovioh, Dr of Teobnioal Sciences, e pp Nziektrichestvo" no 5 At the 1946 International Conference for High Vol- tage Electric Circuit Systme, the matter of high voltageoircult breakers -was not taken up. However, -axithor believes that these circuit breakers have a .very important place in future development of elec- trioal techniques. Therefore, he gives a short ac- count of some articles vhIch were submitted but not discussed., AmM9 these.were works by Pollard (Erig- jand) and Vogeleanger - (Switzerland) !D~ 4oTig BUREVICH, Yuj., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh naak. Building high-voltage apparatus in the U.S.S.R. for thirty years. Vest.elektroprom. 18 no.11:11-14 N 147. (111ai, 6:12) 1. Voesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheakiy institut im. V.I.Lenina. (Ilectric apparatus and appliances) USSR/Electricity - Arc Quenching Mar Switching Circuits "Quencbing an Open AC Are in High-Voltage Installa- tions," Prof Yu V. Butkevich, Dr Tech Sci, All- Union Elec Eng Inst imeni Lenin r-- "Elektrichestvo" No 3, pp 3-9 ----es processes of quenching during "self quenching," i.e., without removing voltage from interval, and with removal of voltage ("APV" - automatic reclosing). Examines conditions of arc quenching in installations during single-phase short circuit to ground with single-phase switching 1TIT7 USSR/Electricity - Arc Quenching Mar 50 (Contd) off of damaged section. Gives formulas for estimating time of delonIzation and quenching of open arc. Submitted .12 Dec 49. 1>4 171T7 BUTKEVICII., Yu. V. 11L. I. Ivanov, Obituary," Elektrichestvo, No-5, 1952 Z3 a 7A~4* V/' c /I y 4( - Y, AKOPYAN, A.A.; BORISMIMBSnY, F.V,; BUTEMOH, Yu.V.; INOKHOVMYA, L.P.; r'.., RA VIG, D.Y.; SIROTINMT, L.I. Answer of the authors and of the e&itor. Ilektrichestvo no-8:93 Ag 154. (Miah 7:8) (Blectric engineering) BUTIMUCH, Y. V., AhOPYAN, A. A., BURGSDORF, V. V. GERTSYK, A. K., GRYURTTAL, Y. L., ROKOTYAN, S. S.; AND SOVAWV, S. A. Development of 400-500 Iff networks in the Soviet Union, paper submitted for presentation at the Intl. Conf. on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) 17th biennial Session, Paris, France., 4-14 June 1958- Electra., No. 301 Nov 57, periodical news letter issued by the CIGRE., Paris Rance. 70TIN, V.P.; AXOPYAN, A.A.,red.; AMXWIOV, K.A.,red.; BIRYUKOV, V.G..glavnyy red.;. 23U=ICH, Yu V.,zameatitell glavnogo red.; GRILNOVSKIY, V.L., red.: EUITVYAII!3TIY, V.I.,red.; XLYAMLID, B-11-,rod.; KWIVIII, Y.K., red.; T1140PBUN, F.V.,red.; FASTOVSIaY, V.G.,red.; TSMOV, Ye.M., red.; SIE24AYEV, A.M.,red.; IIEHKOV, Ye.D.,red.; FRIDKIN, A.M.,tekhn. red. [Voltage increase on long a.c. lines during nonsymmetric short circuits to ground] Povvaheniia napriazhenii v dlinnvkh liniiakh peremennogo toka pri nesirmetrichnvkh korotkikh zam.-Amniiakh na zemliu. Moak-va, Goa.energ.izd-vo, 1958. 223 P. (Moscow. Vsesoinznyi elektrotekhnicheskii institut. Trudy, no.64) (14IRA 12-2) (Electric lines) (Short circuits) ,VMXfi. ChIllkla, 19. G., K-t-w, K. F., V..Lk.,. T. A., S1r7uX.,, T. G., C, 02sannor, AL-Aw So Rad.119. D. T., and Other. TI?L19o Leonid Ivanovich Si"Unakly (Leonid Ivanavich 31rotinskly) On Ris 80-th Birthday (M SO-lotly. a. doy. roshl.uly.) YMOOrCALS Zleitrich4stvo, 1959, Nr 6, RD 91-92 0332) A33TRACTI Tban:cIontiot and podAgotist, Doctor of Technical Bolduc- LOO 4 =chm3l"Unskly was be= in April 1879. aid career Court 1/5 C." 2/3 in the field f *low. and teaching has=. -ban In 1907 be WtIcipated in the o.tablishoont of the first junior decimate college In 2".1a, (at prodout Moskovvkiy emrgst lchskiy Solchatkun, safe* Polrttchl. of Power Engineering). where afterwards be ";kod for sord than 25 years. In *917 he b.gso to work at th Soak k, whey tokhAlchook.y. uchillshchs, ol, " 'joand a . u (no ov, Toonal O"O."Ity I t.r on I the Xcokc,akiy *mrg.tichookiy I'vatitut (M~scov Institute of Power Emelmorin5% Its Introduced iourset an oloctrt:sa Illminatlon. .1sutrio tractioa.0mr,oltaCea and ovorwiltW protection at the MU sued 1W. Later on be "Inly worked in the field of hlgh-voltag. ow-m4ring. go oresuLsed the chair of hisb-wolta" -rimaring at-the -bZr:- with this In 1921 In collshcrati.~ -Ith X. A. J~vvg 21. established th Inotitut (Stat%~rperimntal rastifts.), which later on ... into Yeasoyostyy *1okirot*kt-4.-bswkIjr Institut Jewel Lamina (All-Undon Institute of M*ztrical Zzeloserics Jaded Lenin). Stratinakil vas the fir' t head of the dowtaeat of high w I t, I a in c go Centel in %h TIT. o toc.0 of the Till Be 0 -1 t , a go w,ft. . ".her of the 1dd.%r-U1cq7 l.ktrot.kbnI.hswkI I 1*1*t (Central Couzzil for Cle,trica'. Encinsoring). 1. .. function and as a "arultaot 0 it. 0!a,*-rsv be collaborated In ct,xvs big expert a. the Dmpr and it,. on &TLC.'4" 1h in th: Donbass. F. pr%Ici- . di...."!rIn f"Id J.ct of the 400 kw 4.2. Jim pated in the pro WA of the i.e. S, lirsTed, hyl"ol.atri, power station Donb"s' ft _a he wes, the choircan of the coxedittoe, r _or To& for the slab.ratloa of p-jfI,.t!.nd for P,ro"ottes' Be saw d, dex'Sor of ',h* Prtsidlook eAd deputy their- isdo of the 11&ktr*tkho,!: skol. cboh.b..t,. (E:1*,trotchAics,1 3**$.ty), chlrdao, of tt,~,otlon for p1wor stations at the NOWITUt add for many yvars m was -hoArx" of the gnt(si Toch.11.1 Bocl. ty of KM) . Be I. . pr*::a11tf,.,t,lI ..ob.r of the Scientific C-111. of the IEEI ad TrJ, motor of the Ischnio.1 C.uncl I of the lilolotorstvo otroltellstvs, oloutm. sta~.Wy (ministry for the C.-tructt.A of Power Stations). Rio thrOs-selowe textbook 'Kilrb-Tolta4v Er4imoring- Is well koc". At present hA is A4.d-,d to oditlet -his Uft. 9. had 'been .e.rd.d two.Leml. :,*b*r of the Order of the 21, Sancer f Labor, . rd -Model tl"tl* a. r of Did md&10; In 1942 the t itl. of . Merited 3^12.t :; :".d X,Z of h o 9rr*4 upon hie, *.I in 1950 h: was =;d., tth. R.1t7&113in*P--1so,;ar his work an valve arresters. There Is 1 fijr~*. Card 3/3 JUCZAITIS, B., VI k. stud., SINKUS, V., V k. stud.; DARIELIUS, J. BIZEVICIUS, K.; KACMGITJS, A.; BUTKMCIUS P. - I;ESAVAITE,J. Treatment of dermatoses with elimination diet. Sveik. apsaug. 8 no.1:42-1+3 ja'63. 1. Kauno Valst. medicinos instituto Odos-veneros ligu dis- panseris. BUTKEVICIUSP S. General activity in women with uterine fibromyomas. Sveik. aDsaug. 7 no.3(75):52 Mr 162. 1. Kauno Valstybinio medicinos instituto akuserijos-ginakologijos katedra. (UTERTIS NEOPLASI'ISrwsiol) (L~ICWGIA physio NARIKASHVILI, S.P., ~Xnmluzi' S.M. Relationship between descending and ascending effects af the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata (with summary in Em.-lishl Fi2iol.zhur. 44 no.9:84M58 S 158 (mrRA 11:12) 1,* Inatitut fiziologii AN Gruzirwkoy 33B, 7bilisi. (MEDULLA OBLONGAT.A. physiol, reticular form., relntionchip between a3cending & descending eff. (Rue)) BUTKHUZI, S. M., Candidate of Biol Sci (dies) -- "Kvographio ana oscillographic study of the contraction of the skeletal muscles of the frog". Thiltsi, 1959, published by the Acad Sci Georgian S%... 17 pp (Tbilisi State U im Stalin), 160 copies (KL, Vo 21, 1959, 113) BU-PKFfUZI, S.M.; WIKASHVILI, s.P. VwAftwan"" Significance of anesthesia in the inhibiting effect of the bulbar reticular formation on spinal activity. Biul. eksp. bir-1. mod. 47 no-2:3-9 F 959. (NINA 12:4) 1. Iz Instituta fiziologii AN Gruzinskoy 56r, Tbilisi. PredBtavlena deystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSA I.S. Beritashvili. (IMULIA OBLONGATk, physiol. reticular form., eff. of anesth. on inhib. eff. on spinal cord (Rus)) (AN11STRASIA, effects. on inhib. eff. of medullar reticular form. on spinal cord (Rus )) (SPINAL CORD. 'DhYsiol. eff. of anesth. on inhib. eff. of medullar reticular form. (Run)) ANTELIDZE, B.F.;. BUTKHUZL,-S-M-4- nARIKASHVILI, S.P. Changes in breathing related to inhibition and facilitation of 6ignal reflexes during stimulation of the reticular formation. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 24 no. 1:81-88 Ja 160. (MIRA 1-4:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut fiziologii, Tbilisi. Predstav,leno akademikom I.S. Beritashvili. (RESPIRATION) NA; J Iasi 11VILI, S.P.; BUTIMUZI1 S 1-4.-; MUM, E.S. III r. r-- rebral cortex on non specific thalamic reactions. -663 Je 160. (MIRA 13:8) Fiziui z.,j. 40' no.6:653 1. I.-i:;titute of Pj~ysiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ueorf,-a.a7, 3,oviet Socialist Republi6j, Tbilisi. tCFJZEBRAL CO"IT-11) (OPTIC THAI.V.ITJS) BUTEMIP S.M. , Afferent connections of the caudate nucleus. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 27 no.5:613-618 N 161. (MM 15:1) 1. AN Gruzinskoy SSR., Institut fiziologii, Tbilisi. Pred- stavleno akademikom I.S. Beritashvili. NARIKASHVILI, S.F.; MONIAVA, E.S. ; BUTKHUZI-, S.M. Effect of tetanic stimulation of the sensory-motor cortex on the thalamus relay nucleus. Fiziol. z-hur. 47 no.7:863-871 Jl 161. a "Lli~A 15: 1) ( 1. From the Georgian S-S-R- Academy of Sciences Institute of Physiolo197, Thilisi. d (CERMUL CORTU) (OPTIC T11ALAI-M) ROYTBAK, A.I.; BUTIUIUZI, S.M. Reaction of awakening in response tol" the stimulation of the specific thalamic nucleus. Dokl. Ali SSSR 139 no.6:1502- 1504 Ag 161. (11IRA 14:8) 1. Institut fiziologii AN Gruzinskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikoia .L.S. Beritashvill. OPTIC THALAMUS) ROYTBAK,, A.I.,t BIJTKHIJZI9 S.M. "Arousal reaction to stimulation of a specific $f thalamic nucleus." Report submitt6d, but not presented at the 22nd International Congress of physiological Sciences. Leidwnq the "etberlands 10-17 Sep 1962 NARIKASHVILI, S.P.; k~~Iq~UZI, S.M.; KADZHAYA, D.V.; MONIAVA, E.S. Some characteristics of the reticular facilitation of responses of the v-1nual system. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Gruz. SSR 13:15-33 163. (AURA 17t6) BUTKJRJZI, S.M. Correlation of chwignu J.n the electroencephalogram and genorfil motor activity in normal cat3 during stimulation of the caudate nucleus. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Graz. SSR 13:61-68 163. (MIRA 17,-.6) 161 lD7J.'-jjVTjJ BUTIMIZIP SOMO intezastion of the ceretral cc-.tex and Lhs-, me5pncer-'-::~l reticular system in the compensation of lo3oinotor Tnid~ inst. fiziol. AN C*2T--z. clSR ll~-69-!76 163. . .. .. ...... ACCESSION NR: AR4027233 S/0299/64/000/002/POJJ/Poll SOURCE: .RZh- BioI091ya, Abe. 2P63 AUTHOR: Dzidzishvili, N.N.;-33utkhuzi, S.M. TITLE: Interaction between the cerebral cortex and the reticular forma- tion in the compensatioh'of the locomotor functions CITED SOURCE: Tr. In-ta fiziol. AN GruzSSR, v. 13, 1963, 69-76' TOPIC'TAGS, central nervous system, cerebral cortex, reticular'formation, mesoencepha- i Ion, locomotor function TRANSLA77ON: In investigation' s performed on adult dogs and cats, electrolytic lesions ;were produced in the mesoencephalf6-reticular formation (MR-F; diameter 3-4 mm). Indogs,~ areas 4 and 6 were removed; in cats, the area around the or'uiciform gyrus. The movement of the animals and (in part of the experiments) the conditioned 'reflex activity was studied under conditions of free movement. Monolateral the,'MRF produced the short- lasting appearance of rotary movements toward the sidG* of the injury. After bilateral injury, to the MRF, an acute locomotor disorder appeared (the animals could not stand on. their 11/2 !ACCESSION NR: AR4027233 legs) from which they recovered within 2-3 weeks. The behavior of the animals changed; they became very quiet and peaceful. At the beginning the ani als would trip on obstacles during walking. Injury to the intralaminal area of the thalamus, involving the same total area as that in the MRF, did not produce changes in movement. Injury to the MRF and re- I'moval of the motor zone of the cortex (with any successive operation) brought about a pro- i: nounced; irreversible, locomotor disorder and the death of the animals. The authors con- clude that there is a close connection between the MW and the sensory-motor areas of the cortex, thus guaranteeing normal function of the two parts of the brain, representing tvrp i~ links in a single system. The author feels that one should not ascribe an exclusive,role in the recovery of lost motor functions to the cerebral cortm E. Rutman DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 SUB CODE: 'L8 ENCL; 00 W: 2/2 A=9Ft_R3024226 SOURCECODE: UR/3167/65/014/000/0039/0065 AUTHOR: Narikashvili, S. P.; B utkhuzi, S. M.; Moniava, E. S. 1~1I ORG: TITLE: The synchronizing mechanism of the brain stem reticular formation SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Institut fiziologii. Trudy, v. 14, 1965. Sovremennyye problemy deyatel'nosti i stroyeniya tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy (Present problems of the activity and structure of the central nervous syatem), 39-65 TOPIC TAGS: synchronization, CNS synchronization, reticular formation, bulbar reti- cular formation, mesencephalic reticular formation, cortical synchronization * ABSTRACT: To clarify the role of the upper and lower brain stem in the formation of induced synchronous cortical activity (recruiting response), the effects of electrica stimulation of the bulbar and mesencephalic reticular formations on the development and course of recruiting reactions induced by stimulation of nonspecific nuclei in the thalamus were studied in unanesthetized curarized cats and disencephalized cats. It was found that frequent stimulation of various parts of the bulbar reticular forma tion (BRF), which has an initial inhibitory effect on spinal activity, and of the mesencephalic reticular formlition (MRF), which has an initial potentiating effect on spinal activity, suppresses he recruiting response to almost an equal degree. Stimu IaLion of BRF and MRF with xi~jbely spaced pulses elicits slow waves of similar form. 1/2 L'22226_66 ACC NR: AT5024226 The combination of slow BRF or MRF stimulation with slow stimulation of nonspecific thalamic nuclei is equally unfavorable to formation of the recruiting response. The only type of stimulation found to favor the development of thalamically-induced re- cruiting response was stimuldtion of the solitary tract nucleus (STN). Fast stimula- tion of the STN increases the potentials of an already established weak recruiting response, unlike MRF stimulation, which suppresses the recruiting response. STN stimulation preceding thalamic stimualtion inhibits the development of the recruiting! -response induced by the latter much less than MRF stimulation preceding thalamic~ sti-I mulation. If potentiation or inhibition of the recruiting response is an adequate index of the effect of sychronizing or desychronizing mechanisms on the cortex, then of the structures studied here, only the solitary tract nucleus has a synchronizing effect, the BRF and HRF being almost identical in their desynchronizing effects. [DPI SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ OTH/REV: 017/ SOV REP: 001/ n1st '2 24228 AUTHOR: Butkhuzi, S M. ORG: Yet SOURCE CODE: UR/3167/65/014/000 TITLE: Changes in potnetials evoked in the cortexduring,caudate nucleus stimulation SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Institut fiziologii. Trudy, v * 14, 1965. Sovremennyye problemy dayatel'nosti i storyeniya tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy (Present problems o*f the activity and structure of the central enrvous system), 89-99 TOPIC TAGS: caudate nucleus stimulation, evoked potential, cortical activity, CNS activity, cerebral cortex ABSTRACT: The ascending effect of stimulation of the caudate nucleus was studied in nonnarcotized curarized cats and in disencephalized cats. It was found that sensory motor cortical responses to either peripheral or thalamic nucleus stimulation are suppressed by high-frequency stimulation of the caudate nucleus. This suppression, which lasts 100 to 500 msec after caudate nucleus stimulation ceases, is usually followed by a "rebound" augmentation of cortical responses. High-frequency caudate nucleus stimulation also suppresses antidromic cortical responses to bulbar pathway stimulation. It is suggested that sensory motor cortex response suppression during caudate nucleus stimulation is due to inhibition of both afferent and efferent corti- cal cells. [DPI SUB CODE: 06/ MhM DATE: none/ OTH REF: 020/ SOV REO: 002/ Cnrel -i j-t BUTKHUZI. S.M. ,- -1--l ... Electrophysiological analysis of the cortical regulation of the activity of the nucel-tis caudatus. Fiziol. zhur. 51 no.1:47-53 ja 165. (MA 18:7) 1, Institut fiziologii AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. BUTMZI, S.M. Electrophys, iological data on the correlation between the cerebral cortex and nucleus caudatus. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 15 no.6:1036-1046 N-D 165. (!,MIA 19:1) 1. Institut fiziologii ANT GruzzSSR, Tbilisi. Submitted July 1965. U& U-vTtcx.%T 7- POIAND/Optics Physical Optics K-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fiziks, No 4, 1958, No 9227 Author : Batkievicz Inst : No Title : Optical Mlicropyrometers with Vanishing Filaments Orig Fub P-m-tary, antmat., kontrola, 1957, 8, No 5, 2.80-184 Abstract No abstract Card 11/1 P/515JS1/006/000/001/003 IO81/I26l A, -.5 rv AUTHOR: Je ButkLewicz (Warsaw) TITLE: ct r Jj i Iproperties of generalized potential and of Green's function for an elliptic equation and fbe.*r application SOURCE Polskle Towarzystwo Matematyeznes Roozn1ki, Seri.a I. Prace matemstyezne. v.6, 1961, 49-68 TEXT: A general second order elliptic equation with variable coef- ficients is considered: a c (A),t 0 1 '- f Yt?) + wher e a,, (A b,,, (A c (A ) ar e func t ions d of Ined in a c los ed domain A(xl, x2, xjeQ+ S,, satisfying Holder's conditions,, Q being n dimensional EuclUian space, bound by a closed surface S. satisfying Lapunov's conditions. This research is a generalization of W. Pogorzolskile theory given inK41 C W. Pogorzelskie Etude do Card 1/2 P/515J61/006/000/001/003 1061/1261 on certain properties of gonoralizedee* la. solution fondamentnle do 110'quation alliptique at des probl~mes aux limites, Annales Polo Mathe p 3 0 1957 0 pp. 247-28+1. The Finthor proves that under boundary conditions on S Lim du (A) + p(P) u(P) = 0, where Pe S9 (62) A -+ P I dT P I V 4../ a unique solution exists u(A), satisfying Holder's conditions and given by a differential-integral equation: u (A G(A,B) Vn (B) F [B# U(B)Pau(B)#...#~ 11P dB (72) n where G(A9B) is the dreen's function of the pr6%lemo ~te prooP is given by the methods of successive approximations. Card 2/2 \,--'BUTKIEWICZ. J. (Warazawa) - Z-~ On the solution of certain limit problems for the elliptic equation by the method of successive approximations. In French. Annales pol math 9 no.3:235-252 161. (EFAI 10:8) (Differential equations)- (Functions) (Approximate computation) L CL EWT(l) ACC fL&AP 61-3sF56- SOURCE CODE: PO/0034/661000/004/0123/0127 AUTHOR: Butkiewicz, J. (Master of arts) ORG: Temperature Measurement Laboratory, GUM (Laboratorium Pomiarow 7 GUM) TITLE: Draft system of criteria for test instruments used in the measurement of temperature in the -200 to +3000C range SOURCE: Pomiary, automatyka, kontrola, no. 4, 1966, 123-127 TOPIC TAGS: temperature measurement,-temperature-meat"uring instrument, instrument calibration ABSTRACT: The article discusses the problem of the effect of the addition of random errors and pre-existing calibration errors in the case of test instruments, and also the total effect of such random errors in combination with distortions in the trans- mission of the specific unit of measurement from the state standard to the test instrument in actual use. Particular attention is directed to the problem of calibra- tion errors in test instrumentation designed for temperature measurements over wide intervals (from -200 to +3000C) and a tentative schedule of gage criteria is proposed for use with these instruments. The proposal is largely based on work planned and carried out in this area at the Temperature Measurement Laboratory, GUM (Laboratoriur Pomiarow Temperatury GUM). Recommendations are also made with respect to future approaches to the calibration and verification problem with emphasis on the developmeni Card L 07;' 5-6 ACC .C. I of stricter and more thorough criteria. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas. 0 SUB CODE: 14/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTR REF: 001/ SOV REF: 002 Card --.;- - ~ -~- -,,-; - ~ . - 1 -7 - ----s . - ;~ Z C Z- :-b iff -ere n. pWoM&Fhy7fn mexauring concentration of CluAta from o= or the ow ographic Coluaw, Wiktor Kernula, Stqqi_..Iaw 13mozosvski, and YArol (Mr. MIArl 3, VSU-V4(I9M)ttM tw'Effary); cf. C'i. 51, 18470c.-Two dropping electrodes, one (or analyzing the. efflnent and the other as reference electrode, ivere used The! velocities of eluating were the same for both columns:, The method was tested on 2,4- and 2,5-(O~N)jCjl1.Cl mixts. Expts. were made on &cm. columns at the rate of 10 and 8 mt./hr. NaBr was used as standard soln. The niethod gav,e wisfactory results, It permits the use of gTilvanorn. efers with high sensitivities even in the case of solm. tontg. cousidet-bSe atnts. of org. sulmtances. The method makes it pmible to increase considernbly the sensitivity of ordinary chromatopolarography (Lbout 20-tinies for 2,4- ahd2,5403N~Call:Clmixts.(Kernula tint.. C.A.SD3 M56 Z. Kurt t BUTKINWICZ, T. In memoriam Dr. 2ygmmt Jur6wier. Polski przegl. chir. 26 no.10: 869 Oct 54. (BIOGROHOS Juravics, Zygmunt) BUTKINWICZ, T. Treatment of wounds of the soft tissue. Polski przegl.chir. 26 no.11 Suppl.:7-37 1954. (WOUNDS AND IN~URIES, soft tissue. ther.) BUTKINICZA, T. prof. dr. - .. ~ .- ... I -W Summing-up by the chairman of the Polish Society of Surgeons. Polski przegl.chir. 27 no.7:683-686 -Tuly 1955. (SHOCK, conf. in Poland) EMERPTA '.,"iZ-)1CA F--C,9 V01.11/9 Sitrgery Sept 1~157 4935.'BUTKIEWICZ T. I.Klin. Chir_ Warszawa. "Loczenic zakrzelift I zakrze- powego zapal-enia zyk ko6czyn ( dolnych). Th e t I* ea t In v it i o f I h r o ni - bosis and thrombophlebitis of the veins of the (inferior) e x t r c In I t i e s 110L. PHZEGL, C11111. 1956, 2817 (603-629) Tables 6 A lesion of the nervous system following trauma (mechanical or chemical) is con- sidered to be of utmost importance in the pathogenesis; humoral oisturbances and toxins are next in order. In the treatment great importance is attached to novo- caine blocks of the sympathetic system. Conclusions are based both on the ,uthor's clinical experience (since 1936, 490 cases have been treated with good results) and experimental work. The treatment of thrombophlebitis with anticoa gula tits is considered to be only symptomatic and empirical and despite oetter results achieved in comparison to sonic other methods it has no stifficient scientific basis and does not take into account the effect of the forming thrombus on the local cir- culation and possibility of improvement of that circulation by appropriate treatment None of the coagulants, heparin included, prevents with certainly the occurrence of lung Infarction or fatal embolism. A markedly favourable effect of heparin treat- ment was observed only in very early cases and only In the thrombosis of the calf veins but not of the thigh. Among other unfavourable effects are: danger of haemo- rrhage, necessity of s7stematic laboratory tests, etc. On the other hand, treat- meat by novocaine block is based on biological grounds, documented by X-ray pictures and clinical observations. Novocaine blocking affects the conditions of local circulation by: (1) abolishing irritation of the vasomotor system induced by the formed thrombus, (2) dilatation of the arteries and veins, (3) considerable improvement of the local circulation and trophic conditions of the tissue. To ob- tain these satisfactory results it is necessary to inject not Lnly the neighbourhood 4,0A1 7-' of the sciatic nerve but the whole lumbar segment of the sympathetic trunk. Zakryd - Lublin BUTKIEWICZOWA.-J- "Thermocouples for use in carbon atmospheres" by 14.Nadler, Gh. Kempter. Reviewed by J.Butkiewiezowa. Pomiary 8 no.1:47 J& ,62. BUTKIEWICZOWA, J. ID~mamic characteristics of sensitive elements for temperature meamwement:" by A.Kopiel z M 'Klimowickij. Reviewed by J.Butkiewic owat Pomiar;V80 n'o.lsO J& 162. a"1 L 27248416 ACC tat AP6009861 SOURCE COIE i UR/0423/66/000/004/0053/OD53 AUTHORS: Yudin, Ye. Ta.; Toodikovo V. Ya.1 Khusainova, 0. H.; Takoboon, I. M.;/,7 Butkin, B. I.1 Chuchayev, V. G, ORG: none Composite noise damper. Class,27, Wo. 178934 SOURCE- Izobroteniya, promyshleiftye obraztsy, tovarayyo znaki, no. 4, 1966, 53 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic noise, sound absorption ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a composite noise damper for gas- dynamical equipment, engine exhaust channels, and ventilator shafts. The damper contains resonators placed along thD side walls of the channel and shoots of sound absorbing material placed parallel to the resonators (see Fig. 1). To increase the damping efficiency and to decrease the conhumption of the sound absorbing material, the shoots have open holes along the!x entire length.for absorption of sound waves at both high aM low frequencies. Card 1/12 UDGi 62-758.34 1--L 27248-66 ACC NR i AP6009861 Fig. 1. 1 - exhaust channel; 2 - channel wells; 3 - resonators; 4 shoots; open holes in aheetso Orig. art. hass 1 diagram. SUB GODEs 200 13/ SUBM DREP OjF9b65 Cand. 2/2 J~u BUTKIN, N.A., gornyy inzh. Ebcperiment in the technical.consolidation of mines. Ugoll 36 no.3: 47-50 M~ '61. (HM 14:5) 1. Kombinat Primorskugoll. (Uglovskoy Basin--Mine management) ~ BVTYJNS ~ -N&A 0 -,- Prospects for increasing open-pit coal mining in the Maritime Territory. Ugolt 38 no.6.-6-7 A 063. (WRA 16s8) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Primorskogo, kombinata ugoll noy promyshlemosti. (Maritime Territory--Coal raines and mining) Lunm, N. 0. - Control of tifbarculbAs in the Sverdlovsk regiom, Probl. Titbark., HoOma No. 6, Nov,-Dec. 50. p. 44-7 1* Of Sverdlovsk Tubeftilasis Institute (Diractox%-Candithte Reaeal Sciences I. A. ShEddoin), Sverdlovsk, CU-1L 20, 3v Mrah 1951 BUTKIN, N.G., Btarshiy aauchnyy sotrudnik; SHXLKOYKINA, A.Y.; HAZAROVA, I.B. larusan therapy of pulmonary tuberculoois; preliminary communication. Probl.tub. 34 no.2:36-39 Mr-AP '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo institute tuberkuleza (dir. - prof. I.A.Sbaklein, zam. dir. po nauchnoy chasti. - kanaidat meditsinskikh nauk II.G.Butkin) (TU33RCULOSIS, PUMONARY, therapy, laruman (Rua)) BUTKIN, ~,.G..; SHELKOVKINA, A.V. Course of pulmonary tuberculosis in workers employed in dusty.. areas in the asbestos industry. Probl. tub. 41 no.6t48-51 163. (MA 17:9) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - prof. I.A.Shaklein). BUTKIN V.D. inzh.; KULACHOK.. M.I. Research on boring with a roller bitt carried out on the BSSH-I'l rig-testing machine, Gor.zhur., no,5:37-41 MY 161. (IURA 14:6) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut gornogo dela, (Hook drMo-TeBting) BUTKIN, V.D., inzh. Calculating the efficiency of boring machines in open-pit mines. Ugol' :6 no.9:24-25 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. ChelyabinsRiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gornogo dela. (Chelyabinsk Basin--Strip mining) (Rock drills) BUTKIN, V.D., gornyy inzh. Use of 2ow angular velocity drives in drilling very hard and abrasive rocks with a roller bit. Gor. zhur. no.6:35-37 ,Te 162. (MIRA 15: 1-1) 1. Chely .abinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gornogo dela. (Rock drills) CIERNORUTSKIY, G.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; SIBRIN, A.P., jnzh.; BUTKIN, j..D. inzh. System of measuring the feed rate in the automation of rigs in boring with a rollor bit in open pits. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhur. 5 no.3tl48-15o 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Chelyabinskiy politekhnichookiy institut (for Chernorutskiy, Sibrin). 2. Cbplyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gornogo dela (for Butkin). (Boring machinery-Measurement) (Automatic control) B11,11KINP VODOY kand.tcl~lm.nauk; TEISISHOV, A.S., Dependence of' roller bit operation Jndiees on th(, concl~ll, lonr cf boring. Gor.zhur. no.10:36-38 0 164. 0-IMA 18,~Ij 1. 14auc!il-n,---issledo%ratellsk"y i 1.)rc~vektn(--korE;tT-:Iltc,,-sk:y ins-O'ut po dobyche pol.cznylHi iskopayemykIl cl,.Rrytym spv.,:-c-ibom. ~~Ivabiusk~, .7 - BUTIKIN&~,D. .,kand. teldin. nauk; TELESHOV, A.S., inzh.; BIRYUKHOV, B.F., inzh, Resistance and wear of roller bits depending on the hardness of rocks. Gor. zhur, no.9:46-1+8 S 165. (MIRA 18t9) BUTM, Ye. I. Cnnd Vet Sci -.- (d ss) "Experiments in the sanitation of LM tc~-- -7. defective f arms tka brucellosis in oattle." Mos, 19-1 18 pp (Min of Agriculture USSR. Los Vet Acad), 140 copies (KL, 6-58, 101) -32- USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Bacteria R-2 and FunC;i. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.) No 1958, 5o176 Author Butkin) Ye.I, Inst Moscow Academy of Veterinary Sciences. Title Experimental Assanation of Farms with Bovine Brucellosis by the Method of Frequent Complex Examinations. Orig Pub Tr. Mosk. vet. akademii, 1957, 19, No 1, 283-293 Abstract On farms where recent acute brucellosis infections were present, complex applications of Ar, BSR, as well as of the ophtalmic allergen and lactic ring tests with short intervals between examinations (lo days), rmde it possi- ble for the author to isolate the min group of sick ani- mals vithin 1-~'f to 2 months. Thus, the danGer of spreadinG bovine brucellosis nE; herds was avoided. BiblioC;raphy, Card 1/1 30 titles. Country USSR Category Diseases of Farm Aninals. P Disettse', Caused by Bacteria an~ Fungi. Abs. Jour Ref Zhu:?-Biol., No 212 195S2 90'963 Author D'utkin Ye I Institut. 0.0~sco~~ ~Wrirlary AoAdemy. Title al-L The Problem of Differentiuting he UhY A.*Ijx",gls f"rom knira-als Sic.l.- wi.`U-b Brucellosis in a Vacci- nated Herd. OriG I'lub. Tr. Llos'..".. vet. akad., 1957, 100, vyp. 2, ch. 11 r7j _f78 Abstra.~t i Ji Cows theu vere vaccinated 6-12 months before . the expeTiment with a dry vaccine of the No 19 strain were investigated. Co--.-iis Yhich had abox ted afier vaccinatiu0n, showed a colored ring reaction to milk and positive AR Cagglutiiia- 0 reaction] tion reoction] nnO BSR [blood sarum vith a varlue of 4-3 crosses - Vaccinated _ani- mals which were given a ring test, alhv.,ays showed positive AR and BSR. S'L.-,-. wonths after vaccim,tion, a considerablo number of cows Card: 1/2 USSR/Disoases of Form Animala. Diaeases Cauced by R-2 Bacteria and Fungi Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol... No 1. 1959, 2799 Author Butkin, Ye, I, In3t X66-664' ~'tteri_n_"_ai-y_Academy Title Applying Experimental Biomyoin Therapy to Bruce- llosis Afflicted Cotis Oeig Pub: Tr. Mosk. vet. akad., 1957., 19.9 v3rp. 23 ch. 1p 79-85 Abstract: Biomycin was applied according to three methods: 1. orally, on 6 consecutive days during the first stage of the treatment,,-and on 3 days during the second stage; 2. orally. in combination with hyper- immne sera injected subcutaneously; 3. intra- muscularly,, 6 times d1iring the first stage of the treatment and 3 times during the second stags,, HyperiiTimune sera were introduced t-wice dir-ing the- ~ard 112 first stage of the t--eatment with a 6-day intarval, 6 Country : USSR R I OatoE;ory : Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fungi Abs. Jour. : Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23P 1958, No 105620 Author : Gannushkin, M. 3,; Bessarabov, B. F.; Butkin, Inatitut. : - Titlo : Biomycin in Paratyphoid of Piglets, Brucellosisi of Cattle and Infectious Pleuropneumonia of Goats Orig Pub. ; Voterinariya, 1958P No 3, 53-56 Abetr:~ct : The therapeutic effectiveness of biomycin (B) was tried in two experiments conducted on 24 and 115 young pigs affected with paratyphoid. All animals treated with B recovered. Me use of synthomyoln L'ohloramphenicol , as well as tiv 17 action of antiparatyphoid serum and that of sul. fa preparations, proved less effective than B. Better results were achieved Vaen B was applied Ye. I.; Zan&&, M. 0"'rd: BUTKIN, YQ.I., kand.veterinarnykh nauk; Prinimal uchastiye IVANOV, V.L., vrach-baktariolog Effectiveness of Ji4ng aptipastourellosis vaccine. Veterinariia 39 no.12:37-38 D 162. (14IRA 16:6) 1. Kurskaya oblastnaya nauclino-proizvodstvennaya vaterinarnaya laboratoriya. (Kursk Province-Chicken chgl,3ra--Preventive inoculation) BUTK.INAp X.N. Distribution and degree of severity of goiter in 87erdlovsk school children and the results of preventive measures. Pediatriia 38 no.12:4147 1609 (MMA 3J+t2) 1, Iz kafedry gospitallnoy pediatrii (zav. - dcktor med.nauk D.Ye. Sherynberg) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - Prof. A F. Zverev) na baze detskoy bollnito7 No,13 Cktyabrtakogo rayona. ?glavn7y vrach N.~. Kaminskaya). WwwVSK-WIM) KL~IER, A.M.,; BUTKINA, T.K., r:,- Physiological and hygienic evaluation of working conditions of technical school undergimduates. Gig. i san. 26 no.8:38-43 Ag 161. (MMA 15:4) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i professionallnoy patologii. (SVERDIOVSK-TECHNICAL FDUCATIOII--IIYGIL-:IC ASPECTS) BULiiOV,P.'; BUTKINA,Ye. Incrensing the utilization factor of the elevator leg. Muk.-elev. prom.21 no.9:29 S155- (MIRA 8:12) 1. Sverdlovskaya mormntivno-iseledovatellskaya stantsiya Zagotzerno (Grain elevators) BUIATOVj, Aleksandr AIeksandrovich; BUTKM, Ye.P. I [Receiving grain from combines at the Topchikha elevator] Opyt priema zerna iz-pod kombainov na Topchikhinskom ele- vatore. Moskva, Izd-vo tekhn. i ekon.lit-ry po vop.-osam khleboproduktov, 1960. -24 P. (MIRA 15:8) (Grain--Storage) (Grain elevators) BUTKO , A. A. Our practices in introducing winter barley in the Don Valley. Zemledelie ,,,25 no.2:76-79 F 163. (NIRA 16:5) 1. Glavnyy agronom sovkhoza "Novyy mir", Samarskogo rayona, Rostovskoy oblasti; (Don Valley-Barley) L 10927-6.7 - (d)&ba(l) , WP . -- ---Z lam -X)&1WT4k)ZEMT1h)/E -(J)--,C~QTR pnftn) ACC NK~s-AT602 89 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/00010026/0032 AUTHOR: Butko, A. I. ORG: none TITLE: Some problems of bioelectric control of technical plants SdURCE: Vaesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio, 22d, 1966. Sektsiya bioniki. Doklady, Moscow, 1966, 26-32 TOPIC TAGS: bioelectric phenomenon, biologic training simulant, optimal control, servosysLem ABSTR&CT: There exist presently numerous practical devices with bioclectric control where the final control object is the living organism. A brief su rvey of the achie-~6- ments in the field is presented. The author stresses the need fo-- the development of multifunctional manipulators for work under the conditions of increa.,-tid danger. The operator can either be excluded from the control process which repLaces him by an appropriate automaton, or man can be converted into an 01,.-Crator, i.,,. , the characteristics of the control process can be improved from Llie point of view of the complete control system of which man is only a link. The autll-,or sir,,,eys problems connected with the second type of solutions: a circuit corresponding to human control of machines, operation of the model of "eye" servosystem do-signed by A. Lauringson (Izvestiya AN Estonskoy SSR, t, KITI, seria fiziko-matematichosi-livI) nauk, 1;o. 2, 1964) Card 1 /1) -.67 INK: ALOV44LO-- 'Me urgent problem discussed include coding and decoding of information, ellicient feedback means, methods lor,operator tralning 10 productloT, of bioele ctriC l signalg, and the study and the optimization of dynamic of bioelectric control circuits. JSUB CODE. 06/ SUBM D&TE: 08Apr66/ ORIG REP: 008 ;-ara z/;z '_AC~ NR.- AP700011,2 SOURCE CODE: UR/0046/(-,6/()12/()O/,/0405/04-10 AUTHORS: Blagoy, Yu. P.; Butko, A. Yo.; I-Iikhayleako, S. A.; Yakuba, V, V. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute for Low Temperatures, AN UkrSSR, Khartkov (Fiziko- talthnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperatur AN UkrSSR) TITLE': Velocity of sound in liquid nitrogen, oxygen, and argon at temperatures higher than the normal boiling temperatures SOURCE: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 102, no. 4, 1966, 405-410 TOPIC TAGS: sound propagation, oxygen, nitrogen, argon, specific heat ABSTRACT: The velocity of sound in liquid nitrocren, oxygen, and arron in the tempera ture region of 77-87Y and 112-120K was determined. The investigation supplements the results of I. S. '.Radovskiy (00-caperimental Inoye issledovaniye skorosti. ui-, tra zvuka na linii nas,-rshcheniya v argone. Zh. prilkl. mekh. i tekhn. fiz., 1963, 3, 159. Issledovaniya shnrosti zv-Wca v zhidkom i gazoobraznon argone. Zh. prikl. mekh. i tekh. fiz., 1964) 3, 172). The experimental technique is described by A. Ye. Butko, S. A. KiMiaylenko, and V. V. Yakuba (Ul'trazvuR-ovoy interferometr d1ya nizlcotemperaturnykh zhidkostey. Sb. Voprozy metodiki ulltrazvLdrovoy interforometrii.1 Tr. Vses. konferentsii Po metodike ul'trazvukovoy intorferometrii. Kaw-ias, Izd-vo Mintis, 1966). A schematic of the experimental installation is pro3ented. From the -Card _ 1/2 ITTY, .rop ACC NR: AP'7000142 experimental results, values for the adiabatic and isothermal compressibility and snecific heats at constant pressure and constant volumeJ, respect 'ively, were derived. Tie experitental results are tabulated. It was found that these results were in good agreement with data reported in the literature. Orig. art. has: 4 tables,- 1 graph, and 6 equations. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 26Apr65/ ORIG RU : 006/ OTH REF: 012 0 carci 2,/2 BUTKO D.G"Lugansk) Conducting a geometry-lesson-in a factory workshop. Mat.v shkole no.6%30-31 N-D 162. (MA 16:1) (Pantograph) 3JTKO, D.P.; VASILIYEV, B.F. organization of analytical work at the ,,.zhniy Tagil metallurgical combine. Stall 25 no.6:562-563 Je 165. (MIRA .18: 6) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. Bur"Ko, I.T.; GUM, V.I., redaktar; ALKKSMROVICH. Kh-, tekhxicheskiy - "Maktor. (Hints and suggestions for the collective farmer on developing his own dwelling] Sevety i pozhelaxiin kolkhozuiku po zastreike individuallsoi usad1by. Hisek, Izd-ve Akadexil *auk Belerusakei SSR, 1955. 106 p. (HLRA 9:5) (Farm houses) SOV/126-6-6-23/25 AUTHORS:Dlyachenko) S,S. and Palatnik, L.S., Kaplan, R.S., German., S.I. and Butko, N~I. TITLE: Structural Changes in the Steel 20Kh1,1 L After Holding for a 0 Long Time at Elevated Temperatures (Struk-turnyye izmeneniya v stali 20DII-L pri dlitellnykh teplovykh vy-der-s-h-ka-kh) PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i nietallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, 114:rl~ 6) pp 1122-1129 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The stability of the structure of the steel 20KhM-L at elevated temperatures was investigated and the influenr,-, was elucidated of the applied stresses on structural chmanges. Specimens of this steel were investigated after normalisation annealing for 3 hours at 650 - 6800C (initial state) and after holding them for various durations in the loaded and no-load state at various temperatures. The composition of this steel was as follows: 0 0.15%, Si 0.30'/,b', kin 0.61%, S 0.026%, F 0,039%, Cr 0. % and Mo 0,55~;, Tl~e mechanical characteristics of the specimens after holding them at var-Jous temperatures between 530 and 5500C for durations uD to 51400 hours are entered in Table 2. The investigations Included Card 1/3 SOV/126-6-6-23ZP5 Structural Changes in the Steel 20KW4-L After Holding for a Long Time CD -at Elevated Temperatures metallographir, X-ray and electim-microscopic studies. It was established that carbide particles appear in the ferrite ,grains only after tempering in the temperature range 650 - 6800C but not at lower teinDeratures. Changes in the tempering temperature are accompaniea by insignificant changes in the lattice parameter of the m-phase (2,8624 kX after tempering at 5700C and 2,8615 after tempering at 650 0C). It was estab- lished from X-ray diffraction patterns that after norinalisat- ion annealing and tempering at 650 to 6800C for 3 hours,, a mixture of 3 carbides can be detected in the carbide precipi- tate with the structure: Cr 23C.1 Mo2C and Fe 2"do2C- In the case of long-duration holding at 500 - 550 0C, a coalescence of carbides takes place as a result of which carbide-free zones form at the boundaries of pearlitic grains. Coalesclenr~e leads to a growth of carbides of the structure Cr2 C. and to the dissolution of Mo carbides which can be explained by the low stability of the latter caused by the fact that they have Card 2/3 a higher degree of dispersion than carbides of the type SOV/126-6-6-23/25 Structural Changes in the Steel 20KhM-L After- Holding for a IOnl-_- Tims at Elevated Temperatures Cr23 C6 - Stresses which are near to the yield point of the steel lead to an acceleration of the i)rocess of coales3ence by one order of magnitude at 5300C and by two orders of mag- nitude at 5500C. Due to the dissolution of Mo carbides,. the a-phase becomes enriched with alloying elements and this should have a favourable influence on the high-temperature charact- eristics of components made of this steel. There are 3 tables, 5 figures and 16 references, of which 12 are Soviet, 2 French, 1 German and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Khar'kovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I.Lenina, Kharlkovskiy turbinnyy zavod im. S.M.Kirova (Kharlkov Poly- technical Institute imeni V.I.Lenin, Khar'xlc-.ov Turbine Works imeni S.M.Kirov) SUBMITTED: April 11, 1957, after revision, September 7, 195?, Card 3/3 Z 2 0 d. 'S ~j ; " e fl $,VAR OP Z iji'l 9 VP x b V, lo sit; na Pit .6 nl t:l ol E. 3 t d . i . . , , , , N 9 1 '14 Lit j& Ij! i BUTKO Ya. I y S Every day is dedicated to creativeness. Frof.-tekh. obr. 21 no.6: II 12-14 Je 164. (!.',LiA 17:9) .r .1. 1 LZE I ~J.. -Wy ni:-u~-;hnyy sc-rrudnik ARKHANG LISKU, , prof.; B17KO, M. ~, sta: - - -- - --- Evaluatl-ng detergents and di5infertannIA usat in da-'rying. Veterinar-iia 41 no.6-102-105 Je 164. (MIM 28;6) 1. Vsc,.so3,iiznyy in5titui~ veter-Inarnoy sanita-.'.1. T.T-P(I Mia/tTi/W ACC Mr "5027705 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/65/000/011/0021/002 AUTHOR: Popova, N. N.; Sandler, 19. 1.; Butko, N. 1. ORG: Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Metals (Ukrainskiy nouchno-issle'dova; tellskiy institut metallov) __7777' TITLE: Effect of rare-earth metals of the cerium subgroup on thecritical cold baittlenesip ,rs,,of carbon steel F ST) SOURCE: Metallovedentye I termicheakeya obrabotka metallov, no. 11, 1965, 21-22 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal cerium, carbon steel, cold brittleness, ductiliby ABSTRACT; The results of a comparative investigation of the carbon steels 20, St. 3, and KGt. 3 with and without addition of cerium are presented. REM (rare earth metals) were added,to the molten steel following its deoxidation. The REK were added in the form.of ferrocerium ormischmetal"'gontaining 50-70% Ce, in proportions.of 0.05, 0.07, 0.10, 0.15i 0.30, and 0.40% Ce by weight of welt. Subsequent investigation of the ef- fect of Ce on the crystallization of the steel ingots, performed by means of macro- and micrographic and autoradiographic examination as well as by measuring the micro- hardness of the dendrite axes and interaxial dendrite spaces revealed the following- the addition of 0.10-0.15% Ce improves the macrostructure of steel, markedly reduces Its content of sulfur and oxygen, and enhances its ductility and plasticity in the presence of high temperatwres, and it also reduces the critical temperature of the Card 1/2 UDC; 669.85.86:620.'178.2:669.141 19642-66 N -----AC-C -NRt-"5027,705- cold brittle,6eas of steel from approximately".zWC to -650C. For steel MSt. 3. nmtfl- cold b senBitivuy-Nnd proneness to mechanical aging, as well an weldability and vibration nsit se resistance of welded joints of this steel, remain the same with or without the addi- resists tion of Ce. It in important to emphasize that, on the other hand, the addition of 0.3% Ce to steel reduces its ductility and markeidly raises its critical temperature of cold brittleness. Hence, in order to improve'the ductility of steel at low tempe- ratures the amount of PM added to the steel must be rigorously controlled. Orig. art. has: I figure* SUB CODEs 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIC REF: ODO/ OTH REP: 000 2 Card .SRUBENKO, RUFAtkNOT. M.1., kand. tokhri. of ,be cerium subgroup of rarf;;-.-3artv-, elemEints on ths a,.--a,:Lur-e and prooortles of a carlx~a siee! 1 Ot. S r. ud. Ing 1>2 tr U,Ylj:M nc.:12~250-?61 1,45. (MIR-k 'A8.,11) POINTA, N.N.; jlll"T~Oj "'.T.; ~~!IUB~IIKOO G.1, _:I__- Microscoric detor7w-nation ot sulfide :~a-v.2:,.b. 31 Yio,3t~27-310 165, Om-I~A 1e [Fgrainskiy nauchncw-issladovate3tsk~y, metallov. POFOVA N.N.; SANDLER, N.I.- BUTKO~ 11.1. .9 9 Effect of rare-earth metals of the cerium subgroup on tho cold- brittleness threshold of carbon steel. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.11:21-22 N 165. (MW 181l2) 1. 11krainskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut metallov.