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Met. i Gidro., 3, 8-15, My-je 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 71-a - 2/26 AID P - 2492 perattire changes resulting from the vertical movement of air. Adiabatic heating and cooling, together with ad- vection, affect the structure of the pressure field on different levels. Eight Russian references, 1940-1954. Institution: None Submitted : No date 124 -58-9 -10058 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 88 (USSR) AUTHOR: Burtsev, A. 1. TITLE: Elements of the Moisture Cycle Above the European Territory of the USSR (Elementy vlagooborota na ye-,,ropeyskoy territorii SSSR) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. in-ta progn07OV, 1955, Nr 38. pp 3-60 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Atmosphere--Moisture content 2. Meteorology--USSR Card 1/1 BMSRV, A. I* Evolution of precipitation in connection with the change of moiPture content 5- the air and of vertical calocities in a cyclone. Meteor. gidrol. no.1:9-12 Ja'56. (KiaA 9:6) (Cyclones) ASTAFENKOF P.D., kand.geograficheakikh neuk;-BUR _=,,.,A. I., kan&.f iziko matematichaskikh nauk; GUROV, V.P., kqnd.fiifi~--matematicheskikh nauk; ZVEnV, A.S., k-and.fiziko-matematicheskikh-.nauk; ZVBYAN,,G.D., doktor geograficheskikh nauk; MINNA, L.B., kEknd.geograficheskikh neuk; MCROZKIN, A.A., inrhener-mateorolog; RUPFRRT. L.L., kancl.geografiche- skikh nauk; SIMGNYEV, B.M., inzhener-meteorolog; SAMOYLOV. A.I., kand.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk; TUMTTI, Z.L., Imnd.geografiche- skikh nauk; CHERIJUVA, V.F., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; CHISTTAKOV, A.D., kand.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk; POGOSYAN, Kh.P., prof.,red.; YASROGUROD5KAYA. M.M., red.; BRAYNINA, M.P., [-'synoptic study atlas] Uchebnyi sinopticheBkii atlas. leningred, Gidrometeor. izd-vo. Pt*2. (Sost. P.D.Astapenko i dr.) 1957. 90 fold. maps (in portfolio)_ _ _ (Practical recommendations and assignments for students using the "Synoptic study atlas* Metodicheakie rkomendataii i zedaniia dlia studentov k "Uchebnomu sinopticbeekoma atlasu," chast' 2. Sost. A-S-Zverev. 1957. 87 P. (MIRA 11-3) 1. TSentrallnyy Institut Drognozov (for Chernova) (Climatology--Gharts, diagrams, etc.) 49 - 2 - 10/13 AUTHOR: Pogosyan, Kh.P. and.Burtsev, A.I. TITLE*. Features in the evolution of the field of temperature, humidity and pressure of the air in developing cyclons. (Osobeni,isti evolyutsli poley temperatury, vlazhnosti I davleniya Vozdukha v razvivayushchikhaya tsiklonakh). PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geofizichesjaya,r1957, No.2. pp. 245-254. ABSTRACT: It is shown that the distribution of the changes of these fields pass through three fundamental stages of development. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the means of advection and vertical movement in the change of the thermal field of the cyclons. It was established that, in addition to advection of cold air masses, adiabatic drop of the air temperature in the central and frontal parts of the cyclons plays an Im- Card 1/5 portant role. 49 - 2 - 10/13 TITLE: Card 2/5 Features in the evolution of the field of temperature, humidity and pressure of the air in developing cyclons. (Osobennisti evolyutsii poley temperatury, vlazhnosti i davleniya vozdukha v razvivayushchiRrya tsiklonakh). CalculationJs based on the selection of thirteen fixed points, namely, the center of the cyclon and twelve points distributed symmetrically relative to the center at distances of 300 and 600 km respectively; for each of these points the advective and the adiabatic changes of the average temperature ofthe layer between the surfaces of 500 and 1000 mb were calculated for every twelve hours and the calculated values of the total changes of the average tempeature of the layer were compared with measured values. These values are summarized for all the three stages in tables 1 - 3, p.247. It is concluded that the schemes depicting the structure of the pressure and temperature fields, presented by N.L. Taborovskiy (1) for the various stages of the life of the cyclons, adequatley represents the entire process of cyclon development. 49 - 2 - 10/13 TITIE: Features in the evolution of the field of temperature, humidity and pressure of the air in developing cyclons. (Osobennosti evolyutsii poley temperatury, vlazhnosti I davleniya vozdukha v razvivayushchikhsya tsiklonakh). The structure of the thermobaric field In the system of an extending cyclon is such that it brings about an approach of cold and warm air masses and lead to an increase in the horizontal temperature contrasts. With a degree in development of the cyclon, the advection of cold extends gradually to the front part of the cyclon but the drop in temperature takes place not only where the advection of cold has penetrated but in the entire system of the cyclon. The calculations of adveqtive and the adiabatic changes of temperature given here indicate that adiabatic cooling of air, which is most pronounced In the front and central parts of the cyclon, plays an important role in filling the cyclon with cold Card 3/5 air. 49 - 2 - 10/13 TITLE: Card 4/5 Features in the evolution of the field of temperature, humidity and pressure of the air in developing cyclons. (Osobennosti evolyutsii paley temperatury, vlazhnosti I davleniya vozdukha v razvivayushchikhsya tsiklonakh). The general reduction in the air temperature takes place simultaneously in the entire system of the cyclon but the intensity of this distribution is unequal. For stages of maximum cyclon development, the cooling of air in the tail part is more intense than in other parts of thecyclon owing to advection of cold which exceeds adiC:)atic heating. In the front and the central parts, the temperature decrease is due to adiabatic cooling, the magnitude of which exceeds advective heating. This non uniform reduction of temperatnre brings about a conservation of a warm crest above the central part of the cyclon, although even there the absolute value of the temperature decreases. In addition to weal~enlng and subsequently stopping the advection of cold in the tail of the cyclon and its penetration Into the front part, a more intense break up of the warm crest above the central part of the cyclon takes place; in this process the adiabatic cooling of air plays an important role in addition to the advection of cold. 49 - 2 - 10/13 TITLE: Features in the evolution of the field of temperature, humidity and pressure of the air in developing cyclons. (Osobennosti evolyutsii poley temperatury, vlazhnosti i davleniya vozdukha v razvivayushchikhsya tsiklonakh). In a cyclon system the moisture field usually coincides satisfactorily with temperature field and is subject to analogous changes in its individual stages. The text includes 3 tables and 11 diagrams. There are 7 references, all Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Central Forecasting Institute (Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov) PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: 11/22/55 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 BURTSEV, A.I. - - a" Considering the changes In vertical velocity with increasing altitude in the calculation of adiabatie. temperature chaWs. Moteor.,I g1drol. no.7:26-30 J1 157. Offa& 10:8) '(Atmospheric temperature) PWOSYAN, Xh~F.; B1~4SiV. A. Conditi5g,for the forration of considerable the southern part of Ifeatern Siberia. Trudy (Siberia, Western--Precipitation precipitations over TSIP zio.60:51-64 '57. (MIRA 11:3) (Meteorology)) IBURTSEV, A.I.; POPOVA, T.P. Comparative evalution of the accuracy of different methods u9nd in computing vertical air velocities. Trudy TSIP no.772 71-81 '58. (14IRA 12:5) (Metsoroiogy) BURTSEV, A.I. Method of computing vertical air velocities in calculating altitudinal variations of vertical temperature radients. Trudy TSIP no.77:82-102 ~58. qHIRA 3.2:5) (meteorology) : a U ~T_s C-~ V, (~ - I - -17 (7) PHASE I BOOK MWITATION SOV/3029 Moscow. Tsentralinyy-inatitut prognozov Voprosy sinopticheskoy meteorologii (Problems in Synoptic Meteorology) Moscow,, Gidrometeoizdat (otd.) 1959. 62 p. (Series: Its: Trudy,, vn. 7a) 11100 copies prInted. - Sponsoring Agency: USSR.Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy slnzhby. Ed. (title page): B. D. UBpenskiy; Ed. (inside book)i -L. B. Blinnikov, Tech. Ed.: T. Ye. Zemt,sova. PURPOSE: This issue.-of the Institute's Transactions is intended for specialists in meteorology. COVERAGE: This collection of articles discusses problems in synoptic meteorology. The first tvo articles deal with the formation and structure-of frontal clouds in the Western Siberia and Ural Mountain area-. Other articles discuss upper- level cyclonic and anticyclonic phenomena, the evolution of thermal fields, and thermal convectioii'. References accompany each article. Card 1/2 Problems in Synoptic Meteorology 807/3029 TAWZ OF CONTEINTS: Sovetovay V. D. Microstructure of Frontal Clouds Over Western Siberia 3 Sovetova,, V. D. Effect of the Ural Mountain Range on-the Evolution of Frontal Cloudiness 12 Gayevskayaj, 0. V. The Problem of Accounting for Aqceleration in Diagnosing and Forecasting the Evolution of Upper-Level Cyclones and Anticyclones 25 Burtdev,'A. I., and T. P. Popova. The Role of Orderly Vertical Move- --___me_n_-Us_ and Advection in the Evolution'of ~bhe Thermal Field In Frontal Zones 33 Pavlovskaya, A, A., Aerological Characteristics of Thermal Convection of Varying Int(pnsity 44 AMIABLE: Library of Congress I Card 2/2 TM/mal 12-29-59 S/050/60/000/05/02/020 B007/BOi4 AUTHORS: Burtsev, A. I., 4eonov, W. G. TITLEg Slope of the Spatial Axis ofl~aric Systems PERIODICALB Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1960, No- 5, Pp- 11-16 TEXTs quantitative relations between the spatial axis slope of the baric center and the characteristics of the thermobaric field are derived in the paper under review. Formulas (1), (2), and (3) are written down for the spatial axis of the baric systemy and therefrom, the differential equationt, (11) are obtained for the position of the axis of the baric system in the space. If there is fairly sufficient accuracy, the spatial axis of baric systems between two main isobaric planes can be assumed to be a straight line. Moreover the symmetry axes can be regarded as the coordinate axes. Formula (13~ is obtained. It follows therefrom that the shift of the center of baric systems at the upper level with respect to the system center at the lower level can be determined by the following 4 factorss the horizontal temperature gradients (TX, TY), the thickness Card 1/3 Slope of the Spatial Axis of Baric Systems S1050V6010001051021020 B007/BO14 of the isobaric layer (p - p0)9 the quantities H xx , Ryy , marking the curvature of the isobaric plane, and pressure. With equal temperature gradients, the slope of the axis will be the larger, the smaller the curvature of the isobaric plane in the center of the baric system. Also such factors are discussed as give rise to a reduction in the axial slope of baric systems at various periods of development of such systems. For an example, a description is given of the cyclone over the European part of the USSR in the time from June 21 to 25, 1959. This example shows that the most striking reduction in the axial slope occurred during the first stage of the cyclonic development, at the time, before occlusion, at which the temperature contrasts did not change appreciably in the cyclonic center. Mention is made of the part played by curvature as one of the factors determining the axial slope of baric systems, and an example is offered to demonstrate this role with the comparison of the inclination angles of cyclonic and anticyclonic axes. Moreover, the axial slope of a baric system depends to a lar e extent on the pressure at the isobaric planes investigated. Formula M) for the tangent of this inclination angle is written down in this connection. It is shown that the shift of Card 2/3 ~lope.of the Spatial Axis of Baric Systems S/050/60/000/05/02/020 B007/BO14 the baric center with height does not rigorously proceed along the horizontal temperature gradient, but may also run to the right or to the left thereofs formula (15). It follows from this formula that there are two cases only, in which the shift of the upper center with respect to the lower occurs precisely along the horizontal temperature gradient. These cases are (1) if n3a a Ryy , i.e. in the case of steep isobars, and (2) if tany tanTI, i.e. if the direction of the isothermal lines coincides wizh the direction of one of the symmetry axes of the barie system. Magnitude and sign of the deviation of the axis of the baric center from the direction of the horizontal temperature gradient are determined by the direction of the iBothermal lines and by the H xx -to-H Yy ratio. There is 1 figure. Card 3/3 'EbRTSEV, A.I, The system of numerical wind and geopotential forecasting in the lower part of the trojosphere. Trudy TSIF noollO;32-41 16~-V. (mud (Weather forecasting) BURTSEV, A.L; LEONOV, N.G. Calculation of cyclone mvements based on the initial fields of pressure and winds@ Trudy TSIP no.110:42-50 161. (IMA 14.-6) (cyclones) BURTSEV, A.1 ; VETLOV, I.P. .Li .,*.,.Restoration of the geopotential field according to the wind f eld and ,of tne wind field according to the vortex and divergence. Meteor. i gidrol. no.5t.8-16 My 162. (MM4, 15:6) (Atmospheric pressure) (Winds) BURTSEV,- A.I.; VETLOV, I.P. Map nf imaerical prediction of vind in the free ataosphere. Meteor.i gidrol. no,*1123-11 Iq 162o (mk:15212) 1. TSentralln7y institut prognozov. (Vinds) BELOV,- Pavel Nikolayevich. Prinimali uchastiye: BELSMA, N.N.; VETIDV' I.p:;.p_IIAT;OV) _Aj.; BELENIKAYA, L.L., red.; BRAYNINA, 1.1 1 iL .- ~ - ) 'i~ red. (Practical methods for numerical weather forecasting) Prakticheskie metody chislennogo prognoza po ody Lenin- grad, Gidror-eteoizdat, 1963. 257 P. M! 16:12) (Numerical weather forecasting) ACCESSION NR: AT4017170 S/2546/63/000/128/0046/0055 AUTHOR: Burtsev, A._I,-i Vetlov, I. P. , -~ .~ , .;;!'~- -- - ~ I- 7 TITLE: Determination of the paths of air particle& using electronic computers SOURCE: Moscov, Toontrallay*y institut pro nozov. Trudy*, no. 128, 1963- Voprosy* kratkosrochny*kh prognozov pogody* NroUiems of shortrange weather forecasting). 46-55 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, weather forecasting, wind, short-rarge forecastingi. air particle, air particle path ABSTRA,CT: The synoptic method for determination of the paths of air particles, used currently by the Soviet meteorological service and described in full in the Manilal on Short-Range Weather Forecasting, is reviewed concisely, with emphasis on the shortcomings of the method. It involves only an approximate allowance for, changes of the wind and geopotential fields with time, provides only a rough idea of the actual movement of a particle and the error, significant at best, is the greater the longer the period for which the particle path is detemdued-and the more rapid isthe change of the wind field with time. Improvements were not. feasible while manual computations were necessary; electronic computers now mks Caidi/$ 'I- ACCESSION NB: AT4017170 :it possible to obtain a relatively precise determination' and forecast. A com- putor of small capacity can calculate the movement of a relatively large number of particles for a period of several days in a few minutes. The formulas used in the old method are given, with necessary modifications. A "Ural-11" computer was used in determining air particle paths at the 700-Mb surface; data for a 12- hour period of observatione was used, with air particle position determined in geographic coordinates. A total of 96 particles were traced. Me data fed to the computer included u and v wind data at 510 points in a grid or geopotential data at 612 point'a. Fig. 1 of Enclosure shows a chart of air particle paths for a 24-hour period computed from geopotential data for three successive.peri- ods of observation. Air particle paths can be predicted by this method provided there already is a wind or geopotential forecast. An experimental forecast is described. Orig. art. has; 16 formulas, 3 figures and'l table. ASSOCIATION: Tsentral'3*7 institutprognozov (Central Institute of Forecasts) SUBMITTED; 00 DATE ACQ: W064 ENCL. 01 SUB CODE: AS ~0' MW Sm. 001 OMM: 000 d ACCESSION' NR: AT4017171 S/2546/63/000/128/0056/0063 AUTHOR: Burtsev, A. L; Vetlov, L P. TITLE: Comoui-tafi6 of components of wind divergence from the geostrophic SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentrallny*y institut prognozov. Trudy*, no. 128, 1963. Voprosy* kratk-osrochny*kh prognozov pogody* (Problems of short~-range weather forecasting), 56-63. TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, geostrophic wind, wind, atmospheric geopotential, atmospherio pressure field, weather forecasting, short-range weather forecasting, wind divergence ABSTRACT: Formulas have been derived for calculation of the components of wind divergence from the geostrophic. For computations with these formulas it is necessary to have data on wind only for the isobaric surface for which -the computations are made. The, values of wind divergence from the geostrophic, computed by the method proposed in the article, agree with theoretical estimates In order of value and with the actual diurnal wind variability. The niethod is simple and electronic computers of relatively small capacity can be used. The following are the equations for computatiou of the components of wind 03rdj/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4017171 divergence from the geostrophic. The horizontal components of the wind vector are represented in the form OH V H f 6H where 1 6 y and 67care the horizontal components of the geostrophic wind and ul and v' are the components of wind divergence from the geostrophic. Then ul an~ V, at each moment of time can be determined from the system of equations + + Y Y d V, The first of these equations is derived if u and v are replaced in the expression for hori- zontal divergence by their values from (1). The second equation of system (2) Is the -0i 0 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4017171 balance equation, written in somewhat different form. If ul and v' are represented in the form of the sum of the potential and solenoidal components, that Is, if it is assumed Y + (3) V Y by solving the equations 61 4) H "al 6H D + U13+ (~'-J)-'+ ')Y Tx) ')Y 2 it is possible to determine and If and therefore ul and v' from given values of the horizontal compron6nts of wind and geopotential. Formulas (3), (4) and (5) were used to, compute the values ul and v' at the 700-mb level at 0300 hours on 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 February at-285 points o6a s'quaro grid; points'were spaced 300 Ian apart. Computations were made Card, 3/4 ACCESSION NR,. AT4017171 on a "Ural-111 electronic computer at the Institute of Physics of tlie Atmosphere. - The com-, ponents ul and v' of wind divergence from the geostrophic computed using formulas (3) - (5) are smaller than the corresponding values determined by subtraction from the components of the actual wind of the components of its geostropldc approximation and correspond to theoretical estimates of the order of their value and actual wind variability. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas, I table and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ta6ntrallnyy institut progaozov* (Central Institute of Forecasts) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 24Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REP SOV: 015 OTHER: 001 4/4 ,-be Siry T T-j d v oniems in sateliiie kcrv -~y -m e t e or c.L o g, i ~y Card V2 -, -;ui-: -~-~T--Vnv tF-Prl'r . - - - -- 4.--" 1 11 '. . I 014 . . wDm:-----,---.:-.~:, kTD PREss, 4055 -5i _.. - r ft 1-66 M( 0- ''M IiKs AT5024834 URA*3118/65/OW/OM/0041/0045 AUTHOR: ~Burtsev, A.I. Arovoy meteorologicheskiy tsentr) IDRr World meteorological center (V TITLE: On the prediction of wind and_tesperature SOURCE: Mirovoy meteorologicheskiy tsentr. Trudy, no. 6, 1965, Voprosy gidrodinami4..' cheskogo kratkosrochnago prgnoza pogody i mezometeorologii (Problems in hydrodynamic short-range weather forecasting and r4esometeorology), 41-45 TOPIC TAGS: veather forecasting, hyclrodynamic theory, wind, atmospheric temperature, computer ABSTRACT: Author notes present preoccupation with geopotential and wind prediction methods, and difficulties in computer processing of massive simultaneous fields of the above parameters plus temperature. He therefore develops a prediction method for winds and temperatitre, avoiding consideration of geopotential as the predicted para-. meter. By substitt!ting,:in the hydrodynamic.equations of motion and heat inflow, fi- nite differences for the time derivatives, three equations are obtained - the pairs: ~(I),(4); (2), (5); and (3), (6). Addition of the continuity equation Z7) and the sta- tics equation (8) completes his first round in the construction of a system of 5 equ&. tions for the determination of the 5 unknown functions u,v,-r , H, & T. Here we denote kl=l8t; k2w`g8t; I - Coriolis parameter St - time step; u0pVo, TO & u,v,T-magnitu- I - - ___ - _UDC_* -None - L 3.4o63-66- ACC NR, AT5024834 des of horisontal wind components and temperature at the time moments t and t +h; also~ y. and A( - dry adiabatic mid actual adiabatic vertical temperature_gr.a.dients, and R - the gas constant. With M212 RITOA-T) P 12 P g the equations are: aH u - ktv k2 dH -== V4I V+k,U+k27 - Y T - k3% T., 0 duo duo + 'o -LUO- 4a UO (U WX +V0 d- OP Y (4) va~vo- (U0 avo VO + %D Fx- + dy J710 670 T, TO Uo -7x- + to -jy-I U, (6) -Tx- + -FY- 7 -F W OH T---KCW, R (8) Com A/3 ACC NRt- ATS0.24834 0 By a series of dif f erentiation, eliminations, integrations and substitutions, three final equations of a mutually related structure and of the same type are obtained for the determination of intermidiate parameters 11, f, and 0 equationst(14); (15) ' and the pair (20) & (21). The intermediate parameters are simply related to wind veloci- ties and to temperature by the equation (11), below, and (3). The combination of the (20) plus (21) pair (one equation) and ecuation (3) provides the final sytem for the determination of T in the next time step.. Methods for the solution of the equations of the type of (14) are well developed, Orig. art. has 21 formulas. 2 nil + A2 (2 jp. RUt .7 O)Ta era + (U,.+ klV.) I +k- 7~2 n12. dy 2 + inj A vF., M, + (V. kla.) + t kl-OX + k2 02 C2 +M2A.C=='p" (20) t)OC + av RCU -Yya- + k12 AT,. -(21) ITO W -77 SUB CODE: SUM DATS:-.-~ OPJG REF: 035/ Card 3/3 ACC NRs AP7002137 SOURCE CODE: UR/0050/66/000/012/0003/0009 AUTHORS: -JLqrtsevS A ~,_ (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); Vetlov, 1. P. (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); Dudnikov, V, N,*) SonecWklrk 'DA, ORIG: Hydromotoorological Scientific Research Center of the SSSR i (Gidrometeorologichoskiy nauclino-issledovatellskiy tsentr SSSR) TITIS: llblolniya-Ill transmits images of the earth from oater space SOMICEs Matcorolosiya i gidraleglya, no. 12, 1966, 3-9 TOPIC TAGS: meteorologic satellite, tv camera, cloud formation, earth planet, weather ri-,ap / I-,Iolniya-I meteorologic satellite ABS11UGT: The authors discuss the television images of the earth, transmitted from the 111olniya-I satellite. The cameras were mounted on the outside of the housing of the satellite and had interchangeable objectives. These television cameras permitted' photographing in the yellow-red region of the spectrum, which increased the quality of the images of clouds and the earth's surface. Photographs taken at 1500 hrs 1 M'oscow time on 30 I-lay 1966 at an altitude of 30 000-40 000 km are shown. Anal7sis of the television photographs shows a number of structural peculiarities of large s. cloud formations that determine the weather over a large territory, Orig. art. ha 1 2 photographs and 1 map. SUB CODE: 0 SUBM DATE: 19Aug66 i Card 1/1 UDC: 629.195.1:551.5 BURTSEV, A.I., star.shiy prepodavatel' I-- - Interaction of loose rocks and fencing supports. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.11:36-42 '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Kemerovskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki poleznykb Iskopayemykh. (Mine timbering) (Rock pressure) BURTS vp A o. aspirant Loads of rubbish on the suspension supports in pitching seams. Bauch. trudy MGI no.38:n9-226 161. (MA 3-5:10) (Iline timbering) BURTSEV, A.I., aspirant Theory of the movemeft of loose rocks in a mined-out area of pitching seams and the interaction of them with flexible movable supports. Nauchp trudy MGI no.38:191-201 161. 1 (MIRA 15:10) BURTSEVjL_A~.I., inzh. Load from loose rocks on suspension supports in steep seams, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.3:40-45 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kemerovskiy gornyy institut. Rekamendovana kafedroy razrabotld mestorozhdeniV poleznykh iskopayemyIdi Nomerovskogo gornogo instituta, (Mine timbering) OREKHOVSKIY, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; BURTSEV, A.I., kand. tekbn. nauk Ways of raising laluor safety in the shield system of mining. Bezop. truda v prom. 8 no.11:3-6 N 164. (MIRA 18-2) BURTSXV, A.K., nauchnY7 sotrudnik; SHABANSKIY, V.P., kandidat fiziko-matematiche- z-skikh nauk. Into the depth of the atomic nucleus. Nauka i zhizn' 23 no.8:1-4 Ag 156. (MIRA 9:9) 1.Fizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (for Bartsev) (Nuclear physics) -Pnl IA-RTICIAM A- AUTHOR: Burtsev, A. K. and Kolomenskiy, A. A. 120-2-2/37 TITIR: On the oLeoi,~Yo ~a Circular Phasotron. (K Teorii Koll-tsevogo Fazotrona.) PERIODICAL- Pribory i Tekhnika -.Eksperimenta. 195?, No.2, pp. 11 - 15 (ITSSR). ABSTRACT: The strongly focussing accelerator with a magnetic field constant in time (the circular phasotron) was first suggested in 1953 by A. A. Kolomenskiy, V. A. Fet-akhov and M. S. Piabinovich, (Refs. 1 and 2) then by K. R. Symon in 1955 (Ref. 3). The particle dynamics in the circular phasotron as compared with the well known strongly focussing synchrophasotron (Ref. 4) exhibit several pecularities. In the present article an analysis is made of certain problems associated with the linear theory of betatron oscillations in the circular phasotron. From the analysis of the rnagnetic field of the phasotron the so called "similarity condition" (Refs. 1 and 2) is defined as R2/Rl = n2/nl (equation 4). This condition is met only for a certain set of parameters, e.g. for a = 47V . it is shown that the "similarity condition" restricts the choice of the working point in the stable region, for given Card 1/3 accelerator parameters. The peculiarity of the circular On the Theory of a Circular Phasotron. 120--2-2/37 phasotron is the fact that conditions for r-(radial) and z-(vertical) oscillations are not equally important, which is due to the fact that the sector angles should not be equal to each other. The mean radius of the magnetic toroid increases to infinity for Vl::::e-y2 and in general the stability region is assymmetrical with respect to 'the bisector of the coordinate angle in the ol, a 2 plane. The amplitude of the betatron particle oscillations is characterised by the modulus of Flocquet function. It can be seen from equations 7 and 8 that this amplitude increases sharply when the working point approaches the limit of the stability region ICOS ~L r, zl,-- 1. The number ~f og n can be inter-relatea by equation 9 where a 1 is the c;_ordi-nate of the working point in the a 1 a 2 plane. Only the case of parai~etric resonanzes is analysed. The equation for the allowable mean-square values of the field index n change, which leads to a resonant increase of the amplituae is given, (equation 10), and their numerical Card 2/3 values computed for N = 70 and n = 50. The relative the periodicity elements N and the index the field On the Theory of a Circular Phasotron. 120-2-2/37 influence of "fringe" focussing and the influence of the use of linear gaps and fringes is discussed. The shape of the maE;netic field is considered and means of obtaining the necessary con-figuration are discussed. One diagram and two graphs are given. There are six references, four of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: October, 2?, 1956. Assov~~,J,ION-. Institute of Physics imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences of USSR. (Fisicheskiy Institut im. P. N. 1j--bedev-a AN SSSR). AVAILABLO: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 r ,- ~ T~--\ I- -- 7- V) ~~, LRYKIN, Ye.M.; BURTSEV, A.I.; D"UXIN, I.&; LICBEZV, A-11.; OXMI, L.B. Conference on the physics of high-energy particles. Usp.fIz.nauk 61 no.1:103-128 Ja '57~ (WAL 10: 2) .(Particles, Blemente47) I BIM,*,V.V.(trsns1atnr1.: SYROVATSKIY. S.I.. red.: BURTSET. A.K., red.; SOKOLOVA, T.S., tekhn. red. C.Nlectromagnatic structure of atoms and nucleons; a collection of articlas][transiated from the English] Slaktromagnitnaia struktura isder i nuklonov; abornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1958. 2C4 p. (MIRA 11:11) (Nuclear physics) PIMYA. A.D. [transistor]; ZICLITM, G.I. [translator]; IX!-!.UMG. I.Xh. [translator]; KONSTAYTINOV, O.Y. [translator]; SHUTIKO.A.T. [translator]; SLIVA,L.A., red.; =TS3V,.AI..KA, red.; SOKOLOYA,T.S., [Deformation oi7 atomic nuclei; generalized nucleus model and the Coulomb excitntion mettod. Articles trpnslsted from the 3uglishl Deformstaiia atomnykh War; obobahchennaia model' iadra i matod kulonovskogo vozbunhdaniia. Sbornik Btatei. Mosk-ya. Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1958. 383 P. (MIRA 14-5) (Nuclear shell theory) (Nuclei, Atomic) MSTRIUS, P. [MattheWB, P.T.1; RITUS. V.I. [translator]; USACHXV, Yu.D. [translator]; BURTSEV, A.K., red.; REZOUKHOVA, A.G., (The relativistic quantum theory of elementary particle inter- actions] Reliativistakaia kvantovaia teoriia vzaimodeistvii elementarnykh chastits. Hoskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 184 pi ( anslated from the Enalish) - (KIRA 12:11) Palicles, Zlementary) (Quantum theory) IOM' V.A. [tranelatorl:' SHWUMIT. G.A., red.; BURTSM, A,K,, red.; IMNrLLOT, B.I.,; POTMUKOVA, -[Dielectric spectroscopy; recent atudiez on'the properties of certain ferromagnetie samico Uotors and diAectrics: relax'stion. processes, electric conductance, losses, and the role of structural defects. Translated articles] Dielektriebeeksis ope'ktroskopila; noveiahie iseledavaniia evoistv nakotarykh forromagrxitnykh polu- provodnikov i dielaktrikov; re1aksst#'Ibnnye protsessy. elektropro- vodnost', ppieri i roll defektoy struktury. Sbornik statei. Pod red. G.A.Smolenikogo. Moskva, lzcl-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1960. 362 p. AMIRA 14:4) (Spectrum analysis) (Dielectrics) (Semiconductors) ., SHP KOVRIZRIYKH, L.M. [translator]; RHZER, M.D. [translator] - IGEL I j I.S.[translator]; RABINOVICH, M.S.,, red.; BURTSEV, A.K.-f- red.; POTAPENKOVA, Ye.S.,, tekhn. red. (Plamna physicu and mngnotolWdrodynamics) Fisika plamq i mag- nitnaia gidrodinmnika; sbornik statei, 14oskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry 1961. 302 p. Translated articles. (MI.U 15:3) tPlasm (Ionized gases)) (MagnotolWdrodynamics) N.Mjtranslatorl; RUM )fl-P NOVAKU, Vjllovacu, Valerl, prof.). Ot-'-IJANUt red.;_ A.K'. , red.; GRUSHIN, A.V.) tekhn. rod. [Introduction to electrodynamics] Vvedenie v elektrodinamiku. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1963. 303 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Run;ynskoy SSR (for Novaku). GG ~%a_ ANA%,; z.w.K- 50 SOURCE CODE: UR/C)051/65/019/004/0469/0473 AUTHOR: Bolotovsk!y, B. M.; Burtsev, A. K. ORG- none TITLE: Radiation of charge passing over diffraction grating SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 4, 1965, 469-473 TOPIC TAGS diffraction grating, electron radiq4o~,- electromagpetic radiation ABSTRACT: When a uniformly movlng~electjron passes over any periodic structure such as a diffraction grating, an oriented electromagnetic radiation 31s emitted. This phenomenon has practical applications in the generation of electromagnetic radiation over a wide fre- quency range that is difficult to attain by other methods. To explain this radiation, the authors consider a three-dimensional problem in the approximation of the scalar theory-of diffraction. Formulas are derived for the fleld and intensity of radiation of a point dis- charge and a planar modulated electron flux. It is shown that at small distances of the moving source from the diffraction grating, the radiation during passage over an inhomo- geneous surface is Identical to the radiation of a charge which moves in a vacuum and whose li-Card 1/2. 535.23:539.124 BURTSEV, A.M. -I-- - - I- . ----------- Experience in decreasing industrial traumatism at the Syas' Paper and Rap Combine. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 8 no.21.5-8 P163 - (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni II.A. Semashko (dir. P.I.Kall-yu). BEER= BURTSW, A.N.,"T'r; PAPAZOV, Y.K. Multiple giant cell xanthomatous granulomms of the tendons. Ortop. travm. i protes. 18 no.6:47-48 11-D '57. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz goopitallnoy kbirurgichaskoy kliniki imeni prof. V.M.Bogo- slavskogo (zav. - prof. R.V.Bogoelavskiy) Stalinakogo meditsinakogo institute (dir. - dotsent A.M.Ganichkin) (TwORS, dis. giant-call xanthomatous granuloma) (GILANUIA)Kk giant-cell zanthometous granuloma of tendons) BURTSICV, A. N. kand.medenauk-. FAFAZOV, F.K. Neurinoma of the ratroparitoneal space compressing the ureter. Urologiia 22 no.6:56-57 N-D '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. 1z gospitalluoy khtrurgicheakoy kliniki imani V.H.Bogo5lavskogo (zav. - Prof. M.Bogoslavskiy) Stalinakogo meditainskogo instituts (RITROP"ONSAL SPACE. neoplasms neurilemmome. causing compression of ureter) (11WRIUMMOMA retroperitoneal space, causing compression of ureter) (URETIRS. die. compression by neurilammoma of retroperitoneal space) BMITSEV, A.N., (Stnlino, ul. Artema, d.84b, kv.16) Two operations for removing needles from henrt muscles. Novekhir. arkh. no.2*.B9 Mr-Ap 158 (MM 11:6) 1. GoupitalInaya khirurgicheakaya klinikEk (zav. - Drof. R.P. BogoslAvskiy) Stanlinskogo meditsinskogo instituta.* (EMT--P=,IGIi BODIES) IBUIRTSEV, A.N., Plastic surgery for defect of the cranial vault after excision of an osteoma. Ortop., trav.i protez. 20 n0-10:75-76 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicbeskoy kliniki im. V.M. Bogoslavskogo (zav. - doktor med.nauk prof. R.V. Bogoslavskiy) Stalinskogo medi- tsinskogo instituta (dir. - dots. A.M. Ganichkin). (MUU neoplasms) (OSTEOMA surgery) BURTSEV, -A.N., Decubitus ulcers of the small intestine caused by a catheter used in feeding the patient following gastrectomy.-Vest.khir. 87 no.11:111-3-12 N 161. 1 (KMA 15:11) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgichoskoy kliniki im. prof. V.M. IrOgo- slavskogo (zav. - prof. R.V. Bogoslavakiy)'na baze klinicheskoy bollnitsy Stalinskogo meditsinskogo institute. (STOMACH-SURGERY) (INTESTRW-ULGERS) BURTSEV, A.14., kand. med. nauk (Donetsk, ul. Artema., d.81+,kv.16) Apparatus for the formation of esophageal anastomoses by means of a mechanical two-row suture, Klin, khir, no.10.-80-81 0 162. (MM 16:7) 1. Gospitallnaya khirurgicheskaya klinika imeni. prof. V.M. Bogo- slavskogo (zav.- prof. R*V, Bogoalavskiy) Donetskogo moditsinskogo instituta. (SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) (ESOPHAGUS--SURGERY) 130BORITSKIY, F.M.; MROT , P.P.; BURTSIV, A.P. .Diecussion of the artiols "Ways of mechanizing line work". Avtom.., telem. i aviaz' no-3:40 Wr 157- (MLU 10:4) 1. Nachallnik otdola slushby signalizatsii i avyazi Yugo-Zapaduoy dorogi (for Baboritakly). 2. Zlektromakhanik Moskovskoy distantsii signalizatmii i avyazi Koskovsko-lursko-Doubasakoy dorigi (Kimble). 3. Starshiy inzhener Mookovsko-Smoleaskoy distantsii sigualizateii I, svyazi Kalininskoy dorogi (for Burtmay). (Alentric line*) KULAW, V.N,; GRIIGORIYEVp Ye,A.; MRTSKVI B.V. Founding the profiled part of idrboccmpressor rotors. Listoproiav. no.11939-40 14 162. (MMA 15:32) (impellers) (Founding) BURTSEV. D.A.; GOLIDIN, B.H. "' Work of the Simferopol' Hydromateorological Bureau. MstoGr. I gidrol. no.12-144 D '56. (MMA 10:1) (Simforopol'-Metoorology)(Simferopoll--Hydrology) SOV/169-59-7-7447 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 140 (USSR) AUTHOR: Burtsev, D.A. IV TITLE- Aurora Polaris in the Crimea PERIODICAL- Izv. Krymsk. otd. Geogr. o-va USSR, 1958, Nr 5, pp 273 - 274 ABSTRACT- The author reports on the observations of intense aurora polaris in 1957 in the night from 21 to 22 January in theyevpatoriya region and on September 29 in the Kerch' region. During the appearance of phenomenon of aurora polaris, a sharp deterioration of the radio communications was recorded. Card I/I BURTSBV, D.A.; STIUZ)iKOVA. Ye.H. r~ - Some characteristics of and synaptic conditions for the formation and disappearanco of the snow cover in the Crimean Mountains. Trudy Uk-fNIGKI no.12:110-122 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Crimean Mountains-Snow) 3 (7) .&UTHOR: Burtsev, D. A. SOV/50-59-3-10/24 TITLE: Unusual Frosts o Crimea (Neobyohnyye zamorozk-4 v Krymu) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, NT 3, r 40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On June 7 - 9, 1958 the weather bename considerably colder on Crimea. On June 7, the air temperature dropped by 10 to 120 com- pared to-the preceding day. In the following days it became still colder. During the night to June 8 frosts were observed in the mountains at altitudes of 900 - 1200 m, and on June 95 frosts occurxedalso in a number of steppe- and promontory areas. The strongest frosts were observed during the nigh'. to June 9. In Voronki (steppe area) temperatures dropped to -0.20 during that night, in Belogorsk (promontory area) to 00 and on the Ay- -Petri mountain to -2.0 0. In a number of districts the fm'osts caused considerable damage to agriculture (corn, grapes). Card 1/1 3 (7) AUTHORS: Burtsev, D. A., Belashchenko, N. A. SOV/50-59-8-9/19 TITLE: Thunderstorm With Snow -'.n the Crimea (Groza so snegom v Yrymu) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 8, P 32 (USSR) A13STRACT: On January 12, 19590 the formation of cumulo--nimbus clouds ac- companied by snowfall, which er, 'imes limited visi~Ility to 200-500 m, was observed for some hours in Simfero-uo2.'.The shower clouds originated rapidly, and were destroyeu just as rapidly. The interval between individual "charges" amounted to 30-35 minutes at the most. Thunder was heard some times at mid- day. Precipitation fell in the form of a downpour-snowfall and frozen-fog grains. Since the beginning of regular meteorological observations in Simferopol! in 1891, a thunderstorm in January was recorded only 3 times. The winter thunderstorms ':I the Crimea were only observed at. the polar fronts at the outlet of 11 southern cyclones, and were accompanied by downpoum On January 12y 1959, the Crimea and the adjoining area wer,3 In the reex 6f t-he le'px-ession, ir- fcraed.-l- Mnsses of former aratic air. 2he data of the radio sounding in Simferopollat 9-15 hours on that day showed a moist-labile state Card 1/2 of the atmosphere in the layer of from 1090 to 3200 m. The pilot- Thunderstorm With Bnow n the Crimea SOV/50-59-8-9/19 balloon data showed at 15 hours a "gap" on the wind vector in the layer up to 1000 m; at an altitude of 400 m, the direction was recorded with 3320, and the velocity with 6 m/sec, whereas 0 at an altitude of 1000 m the direction was determined with 261 and the velocity with 17 m/sec. Higher up, the wind changed little with the altitude. To clarify the possibility of a for- mation. of a turbulent mixture in the lower layers in the kind paper (Ref 1), the thermal equivalent of the vertical gradient of the wind vector was calculated, and the "thermody- namic" curve was plotted. The result showed a dry-labile state of the atmosphere in the layer of 0-700 m with a condensation level at an altitude of 550 m, a moisture-neutral state in the layer of 700-1090 m, and a moisture-labile state in the layer from 1090 to 3200 m. Consequently, the great dynamic turbulence in the lower kilometer could form a thrust sufficient to over- come the labile state and to form the cumulo-nimbus clouds. The intrusion of cold air aisturbed the day-temperature course, but the moving air itself was heated in the day-hours which also favored the formation of convection. South of Simferopol~ there are the ~I ountains, and the current coming from north had to undergo e.'risipg motion which also intensified convec- Card 2/2 tion. There is 1 Soviet reference. VAZHOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich. kand.geograf.nauk; BURTSET, Dmitriy Antonovich- ~7 ZHILUKOVA, 0., red.; ISUOVA, N., tekhn.r-e7~.--=-` [Unseasonable frosts and their Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1960. (Crimea-Crops (Crimea-Mrost control] Zemorozki i borlba s nimi. 79 P. (MIRA 13:12) end climate) protection) AUTHOR: Burtsev D. A. TITLE:. A thunderstorm with snow PERIODICAL: Refera'tivnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, stract 7B249 (Izv. Krymsk. no. 7, 19612 217-220) S/16 62/000/007/107/149 D228YD307 no. 7, 1962, 47, ab- otd. Geogr. o-va SSSR, TEXT: An intramass thunderstorm, accompanied by showery snow and soft hail, was observed-on January 12, 1959, at Simferopol' from 1306 hrs to 1316 hrs. The upper cloud boundary did not exceed 3 - 3.5 km during the thunderstorm. Intense Cb forma.tion and destruc- tioTi and snow charges,.recurring every 30 - 35 minutes were noted before the thunderstorm, in masses of f 'resh Arctic air coming from the north-west. The vertical temperature gradient in the lay- er 1 - 3 km, according to the data of soundin- at Simferopol' at 09 and 15 hra, reached 0.75 - 0.78 deg/100 m.oThe thermodynamic* stratification curve, constructed with allowance for the thermal equivalbnt of the wind velocity's vertical gradient, was charac- Card 1/2 A thunderstorm with snow S/169/62/000/007/'107/149 D228/D307 terized by dry instability to a height of 700 m, by moist indiffer-' ent stratification in the layer 700 - 1090 m, and by moist insta- bilit to a height of 3200 m. The wind veloc-ity was maximal (17 m/sec~ at a height of 1 km, and the wind direction changed from 3320 at a height of 400 m to 2500 at a height of 1500 m and more. The intensity of Cb formation and of the thunderstorm near Simfe- ropol' increased in connection with the genqsis of orographic ver- tical movements in the airstream directed parallel to the m~dn ridge of the Crimean Mountains. 2 references. /-Abstracter's.note: Complete translation.-7 Card 2/2 GRECHISHNIKOV, Nikolay Pavlovich; BURTSEV, D.N.) retsenzent; X11MOSOV, I. I. p doktor g eol -prof.) otv. red. [Methods of studying the material composition of solid fuel minerals] Metody issledovaniia veshchestvennogo sostava tverdykh goriuchikh iskopaerykh. Moskva) Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 214 p. (MIRA 17:5) AMMOSOV, I.I., red.; BURTSEV, D.IL, red.; GORIYUNOV, S.V., red.; GUSEVY A.I., red.; KbROTK(YV, G.V., red.; KOTLUKOV, V.A.p red.; KUZNETSOV, LA red.; MIRONOV, K.V., red,; , NEKIPELOV., V.Ye., red. ; P01101UREV, MOLCHANOVI I.I., red:! T.N., red.; POPOV, V.P.S red.; FROKHOROV, S.P., red; SHROBOV, S.A.p red.; TYZE40VI AN., red.; SHABAROV, N.V.p red.; YAVORSKIY, V.I.,q red.; BOBffSHEV, A.T.., red. toma; VINOGRADOVp B.G.., red. toma; VOLKGV, K.Yu., zam. red. toma; LUGOV071 G.Lp zam. red. toma; OGARKOV., V.S.,, rea. toma; SIMONOV, AN.., red. tome; IZRAIISVA, G.A., red.izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn. red. [Geology of coal and combustible shale deposits in the U.S.S.R.]Geologiia mestorozhdenii uglia i goriuchikh slan- tsev SSSR. i dr. Moskva, Gosgeoltakh- izdat. Vol.2. [Moscow Basin and other coal deposits in central and eastern provinces of the European part ofthe U.S.S.R.IPodmoskovrwi bassein i drugie mestorozhdeniia uglia tsentral'rWkh i vostochnykh oblastei Evropeiskoi chasti FWSR. 1962. 569 p. maps. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Ministerstvo geologii i okhrary nedr. (Coal geology) it to It Aj It 11 JI J4 1$ .6 If A 11 L Ii 1: ' 1i Is 4 1 A i4 r 4 It i I v v v x v I r* ct tv if L a &.-I f. L a t of .41 et- of 00 fl~uxits and soils in the Turgal. 11, N Muw% -00 00 ir Smel (;n,/, 8, No. 1, S".-Somix). I'lieMilMic till mi -00 t,ootain AI.O., V and vOmil, mm tvi. L17 and * ' -00 * ,.S and and 1,~; SiO.. 12.2 aud 30.51, ,,; I-rO., ~ , so of r i t h. a nI -,.z i F. IF Rkthm~rj l 00 ei 00 00 go a 00 00 3: coo go J i.0 o Lo 0 :0 0 A allAtIvOI&KAL LIMM"t CLAIStFiCA11 k It rv 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 : : : : : * v 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AUTHOR! Burtsev, D.N.; Molchanov, 1.1. 132-58-5-14/14 TITLE: Conference of Coal :~T-l ng Geologists and Coal Chemists (Soveshchaniye geologov-uglerazvedchikov i uglekhimikov) PERTODICALt Razvedka i Okhrana Nedrq 1958, Nr 5, pp 63-64 (USSR) ABSTRACTt From 26 to 29 March 1958, a conference of Soviet coal- prospecting geologists and coal chemists took place at VSEGEI in Leningrad by order of the Minister of Geology and Conser- vation of Mineral Resources of the USSR. Among the 200 spe- cialists, there were 32 members of the Ekspertho-Geologi- cheskiy Sovet (council of Geological Experts) and represen- tatives uf the All-Union, RSFSR and UkrSSR State Plans, the USSR AS, research institutes and universities. The conference was devoted to two main themest 1) The results of studies of the coal basins and deposits in the USSR, and the further direction of geological prospecting from 1959 to 1965 and 2) The results and methods of studies for their complex utilization. S.A. Skrobov of the Minist,.-rstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (USSR Ministry of the Geology and Conser- vation of blineral Aesources) and N.V. Shabarov of VSEGEI spoke on the first theme. They pointed out that the USSR has 58% C&rd 1/3 of the world,la coal deposits, and that the presently un- Conference of Coal -prospecting Geologists and Coal Chemists 132-58-5-14/14 developed coal reserves exceed those to be opened between 1959 and 1965 by 3 times. The insufficient capacity of con- centration plants makes the lack of ash coal for coking still more acute. Increased prospecting for coking coal, mainly in the Donets, Kuznetsk and Karaganda basins, will go on in the new 7-year period. The second theme was introduced by I.I. Ammosov of IGI of the AS USSR who stressed the need for a practical knowledge of petrology in coal prospecting. Addi- tional reports were presented by F.Ya. Saprykin of VSEGEI, I.V. Shmanenkov of V11AS and V.M. Ratynskiy of IGI of the AS SSSR. Critical remarks on faulty planning and errors in methods were delivered by the Deputy President of GKZ, X.V. Mironov. The editors of the indivi4ual volumes of "Geologiya ugollnykh mestorozhdeniy" (Geo'Logy of Coal Deposits) made brief statements. Volumes I - IV will be published by 1 December 1956, V - VII by 1 March 1959 and VIII by 1 June 1959. Card 2/3 C.-.e;'-ren-2e of Geologists and Coat Chemists 132-58-4-14/14 Q! CC,hTIONt Minis tez I o' -,-a y ad SSSR (Ministry of Geology end Com~,~~.-vation ~~f ML~Aral 3ourcoa of the USSR) Glavgeologiya pi~--- &~-~ete Miulstz-ov P-SF5R ~Msln Geological .-Pros ating Adminle- tration of the Covmw:il -.~-f Ministers of th-5 RSFW- AW I TA P 12 - Ubvar), of CzaVsI-.t Card --/3 1. Geochemistr7-Conference TJSCOMM-DC-54817 ~JOLGM-JGV, I.I.; SKROBOV, S.A., TYMNOV, A.V~ "Coal" by P.V.Vasillev. Reviewed by D.N.Burtuav anci otherq. Sov.geol- 5 no.38157-160 Mr 162. (MINI "&5,!,1 ) (Coal) (Vasillev,. P.V.) SKROBOV, S.A., glav. red.; TYZ11NOV, A.V., zam. glav. red.; SHABAROV, N.V., zam. glav. red.; PJ'2/10SOV, I.I., redaktor; red. V_URT6ET,_D red.; IVAROV, G.A., red.; KORDTKUv, V., red.; KOTLUKOV, V.A., red.; KUZNETSOV, I.A., red.; MIRONOV, K.V., redaktor; MOLC111ANOV, I.I., redaktor; VZKI~ELOV, V.Ye., red.; PONOMAREV, T.N., red.; POPOV, V.S., red.; PROKHOROV, S.P.., red.; YAVORSKIY, V.I., red.; LAGUTINA, V.V., red. toma; LEVENSHTEYN, M.L., red. toma; SHIROKOV, A.Z., red. toma; IZRAIIEVA, G.A., red.izd-va; KROTOVA, I.Ye., red. izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn. red. [Geology of coal and combustible shale in the U.S.S.R.]Geologiia mestorozhdenii uglia i goriuchikh slantsev SSSR. Glav. red. I.I. Ammosov i dr. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat. Vol.l.[Coal basins and deposits in the south of the European part of the U.S.S.Si;Donets Basin, Dnieper Basin,:Lvov-Volyn' Basin, deposits of the western provinces of Moldavia and the Ukraine, White Russia, Trans- caucasia and the Northern Caucasus] Ugollnye basseiny i mesto- rozhdeniia iuga Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR; Donetskii bassein, Dnep- rovskii bassein, Llvovsko-Volynskii bassein, mestorozhdeniia za- padnykh oblastei U~ra:ltny i Moldavii, Belorussii, Severnogo Kav- kaza i Zakavkazlia. 1963. 1210 p. (KTRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet. BU RTSEV, - D. B. ~- Condensing K.V, Mironov'r, booR "Goological and irduot-rial ova- luation of coal deposits". Razved. i okh. nedr 29 no.11:63-64 N 163. (IrLMA 17: 12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet SSSR. AUTHOR: Burtsev, G.A. Sov/106-58-2-11/16 TITLE: Propagation of Pulses in Infinite Lines (Rasprostraneniye impullsov v beskonechnykh liniyakh) PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1958, Nr 2, p ?4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: If the frequency characteristicsof a communication line are approximated by the expressions: 0 = 00 + bV_W (1) cx = aw + b FW (2) then, as has been shown by L.A. Zhekulin in his paper "Propaga- tion of signals by coaxial cable" (Ref 1), the voltage produced in an infinite line When a unit step of voltage is applied to it can be represented as: U(t1j ) = e-OOL 0 Wl where t' = t - Z/v is the distance up to the point in the line-, Cardl/3 v is the velocity of propagation of the signal; Propagation of Pulses in Infinite Lines Sov/106-58-2-11/16 x = bt /q-2t' 2 (x) = 2 e-z dz ff ~ is the Gaussian integral, the value of ~aich can be found from tables (e.g.I~ef 2). The approximating expressions (1) and (2) reproduce comparatively well the shape of the frequency characteristics of aerial lines of copper (Figure 1) and of steel (Figure 2)(wire diameter 4 mm; s8paration0between wires 60 cm; conditions: "summer - dry"; t = + 20 C). as well as symmetrical cable with styroflex-cord insulation (conductor diameter 1.2 mm) (Figure 3). In the diagrams, the solid lines show the actual characteristics con- structed from data in Ref 3 and the dashed lines represent the approximate expressions. The phase-frequency characteristics have not been given for the present scale. Therefore, the results of L.A. Zhekulin can be applied to the Card2/3 Propagation of Pulses in Infinite Lines Sov/106-58-2-11/16 investigation of signal propagation not only in a coaxial cable. Figures 1, 2 and 3 also show the shape of a rect- angular pulse 20 4sec long at various points in the lines. There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: December 7, 1956 Card 3/3 1. Pulses--Propagation 2. Pulses--Mathematical analysis BURTSEV, G.A. Multiple unit magnetic probes. Defektoskopiia 1 no.4:23-32 165. (MIPA 18.,1-9) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. Wl-. U-AUMP-M- TITLE: Inc reasing the selectivity of the ferroprobt examint C.,-. -f p r o al u c t qfo7- ;urfac-r- defectp "na C r C ra, F, ~Iil: r! o, ABSMACT: Th ree me th odE are desc ribed f or i nc reas i -Ii: he. 5 f- fe r copr o~~f, s u,- ac e -nT)t -nj of tma P4 Pjl~125~65- ACCESSION NR; AF50182.3b 2) the readinp i,( a ~ez-er~ of sip Mans 0! Tin c1 v i w, ~i: F i a a i v reduceLz th e overai. IeVE-, t: a r f., S!, 171 i k i I 4~% S S ; R . . A N _SSS RR FOUPrO -SUB WDE !E: Cord BURTSETY G. A. Quality critera of large-scale flaw detection. Defekto- skopi.ia no. 5:74-83 f65 (IURA 19tl) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. BURTSEV I A Reproductive ability of the hybrid between sturgeon and sterlet. Dokl. Mi SSSR. 144 no.6:1377-1379 Ja 162. (MM .15:6) 1. Saragovskoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatelf- skogo institute. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva. Pres- stavleno -.t!~ad. Ye.N,Pavlovskim. * ('Hybridization) (Sturgeons) (Reproduction) BURTSICT, I.B. Experimental study of oil recovery in water flood operations. Trudy VNII n0.24:11-21 159- (MIU 13:5) (Oil field flooding) 0, 1 c uvrini- ~he o' f' oil 1; L 1960, 16 ?p ~nFt itute of the Petrochem;,_-ai and Gas Iiiustm i, u lkin) L, 35-`0, 1-24) cl zw~ . BURTSEVO 1. 13. Rat-ovary of oil flooded from a porous medi=. Neft. khoz. 39 no.3:51-54 Mr 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Oil field flooding) BURTSEV, I.B. Flowing oil production in flooding oil from a porous medium under laboratory conditions. Neft. khoz. 39 no.11:50-55 N 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Oil reservoir engineering) BURTSEV, I.B., Experimental investigation of the oil yield and phaSe Dermeabilities in water drive in a porous media. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz '? no.4:47-50 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Filial Ufimskogo neftyanogo instituta v gorode Oktyabrlskcun. --BURTSEV, l..B. Solution of the unidirreinsional problem of flooding putroleiLT. fram. a porous medikxm. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.; neft, i Igaz 6 no.11~67-70 163. M RA 17 % 9) 1. Filial Ufimskogo neftyanogo instituta, g. Okty7ibrlskiy, Bashkirskoy ASSR. A.P. Hydraulic resistamce In fluid flow tLirough pipelines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.5*.-"'5---'S' 164. (IHIRA 17:9) 1. Ufillskly neftyanoy in."Litilt. TELKOV, A.,--.; ITURTSEV, i.B. I - uallculaUng the wat-ories5 porJod cX thc- of c-12 wells with Lottom water. T-zv. vys. lucheb. 2av.; neft' -; gaz 7 no.8:47-52 164. Ourp-, 1.-, :101) 1. Ufjmski-y nelktyanoy invt,itut. BURTSEV, I.B.; TELKOV, A.P. --- . A I- Determining the coefficient of hydraulic fluid flow in pipelines. Izv. vys. ucheb. no.3:81-84 165. resistance in case of zav.; neft' i gaz 8 (MIRA 18:5) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut. BURTSEVY I.F. The KR-2 coal mining combine. Biul.tekh.-ekcn.inform.Gos.nauch.- issl.inst.nauch.i takh.inform. no.3:14-16 162. (MIRA 15%5) (Coal mining machinery)