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PODIND/Nuclear physics - Ruclear Power and TechlioloGy. C Abs Jour Ref Zliur Fizika, No 10, 1959, 22284 A-Lithir Jezowska-Trzebiatavska, D., Dartecki; Chniclowska) M., Przywarska, H., Mikulski, T., Dukietnynska, K., Kakolo- Wicz, W. Inst Title studies on the Chemistry of Sesquivalent and quadriva- lent Uranium in OrLpnic Solvents. OriL; Pub Nukleonika, 1958, 3, Spec Number, 39-58 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 21 - JEZOWSKA-TRZEBIATOWSKA~ B.; BUKIETYNSKA, K. The change of IandelO-interval parameter for U (IV) and the new spectrochemical series. Bul chim PAN 12 no. 2: :123-126 164 1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry,, University, Wroclaw. Presented by W. Trzebiatowski. BLJK IEWICZ t__gRpx-yk-.(Po znan) 44&t'. ,W Genus Salix (willow) in nature ard the economy. Wszechswiat no.50.12-114 Myt6l BUKIEWICZ, Henryk Certain habitat factors of the Nowy Tomyol Plain in the region where sandy humus soils occur. Rocznik-i. wyz szkola rol Poznan 14 3-01 163. Studies on the fertilization of certain types of barrens and land formerly azable. Ibid.:11-14. 1. Department of Forest Cultivation, College of Agriculture, Poznan,, MRCCZKIEWICZ, Taon; BUKIEWICZ, Henryk Fruiting of various varieties of black currant (Ribes nigram-1.) In the older habitat. Roozniki iqz szkola rol Poznan 14 91-107 163. 1. Department ol Forest Cultivation, College of Agriculture, Poznan. MROC7XIEWICZ, Leon; HUKIEWICZ, Henryk Studies on methods of accelerating the germination of the seeds of the sumac (Rhus typhina L. Tourn). Prace nauk rolm i lesn 15 no. 3:213-232 163 [publ."641 1. Department of Specific Forest Cultivation, College of Agricul- ture, Poznan. BUKHWICZ, 11'enryl. Cultivatic)n value of cuttings of Salix ainericann hcrt damaged by hail. Prace nRuk- roln i lesn 17 no.2:121- 162 164. 1. Departnent of 33pecific Forest Cultivation, !Lgher ---hoc;! of Agriculture, Pcznan. MIMI and GAVONIN "The use of the movable desirifectional device LSD." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No. 6, 196o, p. 73 1 "1 , , V 4 - - Dr. 611"X'j, n~ &,t,' 0VAJ." UA- POKROVSKIY, Aleksandr 'Nikolayevich;,BUKIN) Aleksandr Alekseyevic ; GAV- RIIDV, Dmitriy Fedorovich; fiLKACHEV, S.S., reteenzent; GOIICPA- RUK, Yu.K., red.; SMZHKOVA, N.I., red. izd-va; NIKOLAYEVA, L.N.p tekhna red. (Operating taotortrucks with carburetor engines under low temperature conditions] Ekspluatataiia avtomobilei s karbiuratorrlymi dvigatelemi v usloviiakh nizkikh temperatur. Moskva, nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo H-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shossginykh dorog RSM, 1961. 171 p. (MIRA 14:10) (Motortrucks-Cold weatber operation) NR AR6032367 SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/66/0001012/N100/N100 AUTHOR: Gross, A. I. TITLE: Method of evaluating the electric excitability of ptq~qgra2~~~ SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Part 11, Abs. 12N564 REF SOURCE: Tr. Yses. n. -i. konofoto-in-ta, vyp 52, 1965, 36-47 TOPIC TAGS: photographic film, electric potential, cellulose triacetate film, cellulose nitrate film, terelene film ABSTRACT: A device is proposed for determining the accumlation rate of charges on films, as well as the influence of the speed of the film, of its take-up pull and roller material on charge magnitude. The device makes it possible to determine the kinetics of the electric potential increment and the value of the limit potential, as well as to study the electric excitability of films (cellulose triacetate, cellulose nitrate, terelene) as weU as the effectiveness of film varnishes. " Vinogradoy. LTranslation of abstract] SUB CODE: 14/ ill UDC: 771 PUDOVIK, A.N.; MOSHKINA, T.M.; KRUPNOV, G.P...- BUYIV A.I.- SawENCFVA, L.A.; - FZ, R Prinimali uchastiye: KOSTYUKOVA, L. borant, 0-11, 14. G., laborant; TE14IRBAYEV, A.M., inzh.; F ULLIN, A.Yu., inzh.; POLOZOVA, L.P., laborant; NAZAROVSKAYA, G.V., laborant S*nthesis and study of organophosphorus plasticizers for the tri- acetate film bases. Trudy NIKFI no-46-27-25 162. (MIRA 18:8) M-5-006 RM ACC W AP50284-80 SOU CODE: UR/0286/65/000/02?~) 4q,5~JRGE r10 YO-'3964/0064 AUTHORS: Moshkina., T. M, Fudovik, A. N.; Krupnov, G. P. Bukin, A. I.; Semenova, L, A. ORG: ncne TITLE: Metlf6d-for obtaining plasticized ester-cellulose filns, for instance, tridd6tate cellulose films. Class 39, No. 17564616 Tannounced by All-Union ScientifJ Research Motion Picture Institute (Vsesoyuzrrfy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kinofoto'institut)_/- i~4 '5~_ SOURCE: Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov.. no. 20, 1965, 64 TOPIC TAGS: polyiner, plasticizer, plastic compound, plastic material, plastic, film ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a me or obtaining ester-cellulose . troducing esters of polybasic film, for instance, triacetate cellulose film,Mi acids into a solution of cellulose triacetate. To increase the variety of plasti- cizers, esters of phosphonoacetic acid are used as the plasticizing agent. SUB COLE: 32/ SUBM DATEt 13.Tun64 UDC: 678.544.43 678. B U K 1.11, tal I rab-,--)tv, karld. _-,A-,L.,,-avpirant; FILATOV, G.V., nuuchn~y rukovodi biol.nauk Toxicity of sevin to mammals and birds. Veterinariia 42 no.Ilt93-95 N 165. (MIRA 1911) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut -veterinarnoy sanitarii. ktC-RR---AF6005d26 (A SOUME CODE: UR/03h6/65/0W/011/0oq3/6oq5 AUTHOR: Bukin, A. L. (Aspirant) ORG,- All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation.(Vaesoyuzny-j- nauchno-issiedovatellskiy in t-3tut veterinarnoy sanitarii TITLE: The toxicity of sevin f or maumials and fowl SOURCE: Veterinariyq, no. 11, 1965p 93-95 TOPIC TAGS: veterinaj~y medicine, inscaticide, toxicity -%Mmm=F ABSTRACT: In the searph for new .inzqecbicide~with a relatively low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, ~cvin was tojted in an 85,9 wetting powder in suspension given orally. Toxicity in mice was determined by clijiical symptoms of poisoning and percentage of mortality; in rabbits and lions tho action of ac and cholinesterase in the blood was also used. Residual amounts of sevin and its Riptabolites in organs 'aind tissuos of rabbits and chicks were determined by paper chromatography. Tabulated results of toxicity of various sevin preparations are given for white mice. Doses up to 300 mg/kg caused no clinical symptoms of poisoning i~ rabbits. At 500 mg/kg rabbits survived despite severe clinical symptoms of Oisoning, but all died at 700 mg/kv. Chromatographic analysis of specimens of prgans and tissues of rabbits indicates an absence of sevin with doses up to 300 ~kg, but all organs and tissues contained .075-1.2 mg,/kg at 600-700 ing/kg. Y L L-2198-66 ACC NRz AP6005020 Deaths of ducks began at 1000 mgAgj and 28--70 mg/kg of sevin appeared in all specimens of organs and tissues from ODO to 60oo mg/kg, while birds killed 4 days after ingesting 3000 mgAg of sevin showed neither sevin nor its metabolites. Chicks died and showed traces of sevin in chromatographic analysis beginning at 250 mg/kg. For full-grown hens (leghorns weighing 2-5 kg) the first clinical symptoms of poisoning appeared at 1500 mg/kg,0and deaths began at 2000 mg/kg. One hundred percen mortality occurred at 3000 -ngAg. Adsorption by hen's organs and tissues was tested with 2000 mg/kg of marked sevin of 259--336 fd.crocuries, and results showed the presence of sevin wiLhin 5 minutes of ingestion and a duration of 6 days. It is concluded that, sevin has a relatively low toxicity for animals tested. Ye. A. Puchkova, aspirant in the entomology laboratory, participated in the test with hens. 75-rig. art. has: 3 tables. SUB CODE: 061 SUBM DATE: none af FILIPPOV, M~M.; BUKIN, A.R. Oscillograph for the centimeter band. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. no.3:373-376 MY-Je '58. (MIRA 11;7) 1.Rekomendovana kafedroy radiofiziki Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Oscillograph) (Microwaves) AUTHORS: Bukin, A.N.? and Filipp SOV/120-~;9-2-42/50 I'T OV7 M.M. TITLE: H U ( j e Rectifier with Output Voltage Control Vy tnyy vypryamitell s reguliruyemym vykhodnym napryazheniyem) PERIODICAL: Pribor I , .tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 25 PP 139-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The block diagram is shown in Fig 1. The 'Low voltage supply, which should be stabilised,, is first converted into a voltage between 12 and 15 kV peak at a frequency of 8 kc/s. This derived supply is rectified in 3 units. In the first twc units D.C. supplies of +10 kV and -10 kV are formed. The third unit is a voltage quadrupler with outputs at +20~ +30 and +50 V. There are auxiliary units for feeding the heaters of the high voltage rectifiers in the quadrupler period. Fig 2 is a more detailed circuit diagram, and Table 1 describes the five-winding coil to which the GU-29 valve is connected as a Hartley oscillator. Fig 3 shows how the Card coil is mounted with respect to the first two rectifiers. 1/3 The oscillator is tuned by varying the position of a cylindrical ferrite core of F-600 material and its SOV/120- 59-2-42/50 High Voltage Rectifier with Output Voltage Control output voltage can be varied from 2 to 12- kV by (-.hanging the grid bias but this results ir. a dissimilar variation of the *� 10 kY outputs. The quadrupler uses valves type lTsllP and would norutally supply +40 IkV for an input of 11 kV~ By connect-Ing the rectifier system in series with the +10 k-V su-pply a maximum of +50 kV nan be obtained. The +20 kV supply is filtered via the components R4Cl-. Valves fi8 and. A 9 are a pulse Power suPP17 for the q'uadrupler heaters and aTe coupled by the transformer TI-1 shown in Fir, 4-. Table 2 givas some typical readings taken at va+,--i,:)us points iii the The quadrupler together wlt~., its heater transform-IT Is mounted Separately in a unit measuring 130 x 170 x 11-10 mm3 completely filled with paraff-in. The,Aioie arrangement measures 300 x ~00 x -200 mm3 and (.~an supply 1 mA at 50 kV to a ITHF oscillograph tube using Card 2/3 SOV/120-59-2-42/50 High Voltage Rectifier with Output Voltage Control post-acceleration. There are 1+ figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenn un-,versitet (Leningrad State UniveTsityv -- SUBMITTED: March 29, 1958 Card 3/3 B ~~~~ola ev~ich- FILIPPOV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; 2 ISAYEV, Andrey Eylyubovich; TSARIKOVAY Z.I., red.; HELIZAROVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Oscillographic recording of super-high frequenay oscil- lations] Ostsillografirovanie kolebanii sverkhvTsokikh chastot. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningradskogo univ., 1963. 211 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Oscillograph) (Microwave measurements) (Electric measurements) ANISDOV, A.A., naucbnyy antrudnik; BORISOV, S.14.. naucbW sotrudnik; BUKIN..-A - W!.-.-naucbmyy sotrudnik; SOLTUS, G.P., nauchW notrudnik; SIPCID, V.V., nauchVy sotrudnik; CHURN, K.Ta., otv. red.; RDSffCHIRA, L., red.izd-va; MHDKV, A., tekhn.rod. [Local finances in capitalist countries] Mestnye finansy kapita- ligticbeakikb stran. Moskva, Goafinizdat, 1958- 156 p. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Moscov. Naucbno-issledovatel'skiy finansovyy institut. (Fimance) ANISIMOV, A.; BORISOV, S.; BUYLIN, A.; BURLAKOV, M. New work on the finances of capitalism ("Finances of capitalistic states." Reviewed by A. Anisimov and others). Fin. SSSR 21 no.9: 79-82 8 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Finance) i)/Drr(m)/T IJP(C) RM ACC NN AR6023276 SOURCE CODE: UR/0O58/66/OOO/O03/Dl24/D2_-4 TITLE: SOURCE; Pudovik,, A. N.; Moshkina, ZL_!L; Krupnav, G. P.; Bukin, A. I.; Semenova, L. Plastification of triacetate celluloid films by mixed phosphoric-acid ethers Ref zh. Fizika, Abs- 3DIO28 Z /Z ('!p 1965, 5-16 o' REF SOURCE: Tr. V_ses.. n.-i. kinofotoin-ta, vYP- 52, TOPIC TAGS: phot-graphic film, plasticizer ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the plastification of triacetate films by mixing phosphoric-acid ethers. It is shown that at least some diphosphates of diethylene glycol result in better mechanical film properties than the previously used mixture of triphenyl phosphate and dibutyl phthalate. However, in the presence in them of aliphatic radicals, their compatibility with the film deteriorates with increasing length of the radical. To improve the compatibility, one can introduce cyclic radic C1 atoms, and alcoxyl groups into the ether groups. The most effective for the com- patibility are the latter, and they also improve noticeably the pbysical and mechani properties of the films. A. Yaruzhanakiy. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 14 kh Card I VT io~c NRz AR6023275 ;;AUTHOR: TITLE: SOURCE: X :1 SOURCE CODE: uR/Oo58/66/OO0/OO3/D124/Dl24- Gross, L. G.; Bukin, A. 1. Method of estimating the electric excitation ability of films Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 3D1026 REF SOURCE: Tr. Vses. n,-i, kinofotoin-ta, 52, 1965, 36-47 TOPIC TAGS: photographic film) excited state) surface property., photographic emulsion ABSTRACT: An instrument was developed for the measurement of the surface potential of photographic film materials that become charged by motion through the picture-takingj, processing, etc. apparatus. The instrument makes it possible to investigate the rate of accumulation of charges and its dependence on the rate of motion and on the tension of the film, on the materials of the rollers, etc., and also to determine the sign of the resulting charge. Several emulsion-technology problems for the solution of which the constructed instrument would be useful are considered. A. Kartuzhanskiy. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 14- Card AP700384 6 _/6 ACC NRs SOURCE CODE: 012i f/6O0/OCVd0Wdd01. ( A) V171 AUTHORS:.Woritayn, I. A. (Doctor of technical sciencesp Professor); Golovin, V. A. (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent);_,Ilukin--Batyrevp..I,._.X.. (Engineer) 6RG: none TITLEE: Increasing' the extrudability of structural carbon steels*Tor cold extrusion SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 19 19679 54-57 TPPIC TAGS: metal extrusionp carbon steel, plastic deformation, ferrite, pearlite, annealing, hardness, metal heat treatment/ 10 carbon steel, 20 carbon steel, 35 carbon steel,'45 carbon steel ABST.-UG`T: This work establishes a quantitative relationship between the conditions of preliminary heat treatment of.blanks and the cold extrudability of the most widely used structural*carbon steels 10, 20, 35, and 45. The low-carbon steels (10 1 20) We~- subjected to subcritical and supercritical annealing. The high-carbon steels (35, 45~1 were subjected to cyclic annealing and to other combined treatments. The tests of 10 steel showed that,, in the presence of supercritical (740--760C), cyclic (4 cycles from 650 to 780C) and high-temperature (1050C) annealing, strong grain growth occurredp which reduced the bardness (see Fig. 1). It was established that the maximum increase in extrudability in achieved for 10 steel with supercritical damealing, for 20 steel with normalization and annealing, and for 35 and 45 steels with cyclic annealing and I AI, ACC NR. AWODW~' k6lxo; :d6 Xg/mR. Fig. 1. Curves of hard Of 10 (a) and 20 (b) steel a I%mction of heat treatment with normalization-and annealing. The obtained results can serve &a starting data for calculating -the loads on tools and for selecting heat treatment conditions. Orig.- art. has: 2 graphs and 3 tables. . I SO GODS -- 131 jj/SU~M DkTEt none/ ORTG M; (*3/ M MW: W4 i_- BUKIN, Y. - v . - ,+1t . .... . 4i" ':' .~4~ Let's look at the future. Mast. leBa 2 no-7:23-24 Jl (Forests and forestry) (Wood-using industries) '58. (MIRA 11!9) BUKIN, F. I. U.SSR/En--,inecring - %..'elding,Materials Au.~' 51 "Electroies for B-Iding Up cutting Tools and Mh~-hine Parts b We-"ding A. I. Serpokrylov, D. Ya. Sobantsev., F. I. Budkin, N. F. Vank, !Engineers Avtcgen Delo, No pp 22-23. Discusses preparation of components,'and methods for fabrication of heavy-coated metal electrodes and sintered-type electrodes. Materials for latter include wastes of pobedite, vokar, high-speed steel and its substitutes, ferroa-I'Loys, h~Tereutectoid carbon steel, chilled cast-iron chips, metaliic cobalt, nict"011 and graphite. Mangenese. silicon and titanium serve as binders for sintering electrodes. 20DT55 - BUKIN, F.I.- Modernization of the ABS welding head and tractor. __,vtom. svar. 11 no.2:90-91 F 162. (JURA 15:1) (Welding--Equipment and, supplies) ACCESSION NR: AP4009Z85' S/0125/64/0001001./0055'/. 0- 0 58 ;AUTHOR: Antonets, D. P.; Bukin, F. I. TITLE: Automatic flux welding of aluminum by two zigzag *irem SOURCE:. Avtoniati.cheskaya avarka, no. 1, 1964, 55-58 TOPIC TAGS: welding, aluminum welding, aluminum arc welding, zigzag wire aluminum welding, automatic aluminum welding ABSTRACT: Split-electrode flux automatic welding was used to manufacture aluminum tanks from 16-, 20-, and 32-mm-thick plates. As the method did not ensure a uniform weld quality, this improvement was introduced: two Mutually- opposite-zigzag wires supplied by the same:power lead are fed into the welding zone, perpendicular to the puddle. Due to the resulting alternating r~agnetic blowing, the metal in the puddle is well mixed 'and well degasified, and (I. the depth of penetration increases. The device is"' In thi shown in Enclosure' Card 1/3 ;ACCESSION NR: AP400928S case of thicker plates, 30-40% of the welds were defective when the old split-wire method was used; only 5-10% of thev;elds have been defective with the now zigzag-wire method. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: ZhdanovskLy savod tyashologo mashinostroyerdya (Zhdanov Works, of Heavy-Machine Building) !SUBMITTED: 13Sep63 DATE ACQ: 071rob64 ENCL: 0 1 SUB CODE: ML NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 C rd 7.13 I ACCESSION NRt AP4009285 Card 3/3 INGLOSURE: 1 A now device for the automatic welding of aluminum by means of.two zigzag wires 1 - base metal 2 - weld-on metal: 3 - shield 4 - power-supp.Ly bush ..1 5 driven pinion 6 - driving cog wheel---. 7.- guiding bushing 8 - electrode wl" - flux. 9 ANTONETS, D.P.; BUKIN, F.I. Electric welding under flux of alumimm by rmeans of two -bent wores. Avtom.svat. 17 no.1:55-58 Ja '64. (MIU 17:3) 1. Zhdanovskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya. GULIBINOVICH, Mikhail Ivanovich- 3UKIN, F.T., red.; RA IYAROVA. R.Kh., red.izd-va; LELTUKHIN, . .. [Analy2ing the economic and financial activity of landscape gardening enterprises of cities] Anal12 khozisistvenno-fi- nansovoi deiatellnosti predpriiatii gorodskogo zelenogo stroi- tel'stva. Moskva, Izd-vo X-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 196o. 142 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Landscape gardening--Economic aspects) GUL'BiN"OVICH, Mikhail IVAnovich. Prinimal uchastiye MASHINSKIY, L.O., kand. biolog. nauk;,BUKIN, F.T , red.; BAKHTIYAFDVA, R.Kh.,, red.izd-va; KHENOKH, F.M., tekhn. red. [Economics, organization and plaiming of municipal park and horticultural services] Ekonomika, organizataiia i planirova- nie gorodskogo zelenogo khoziaistva i stroitellstva. Moskva, Izd-vo M-ya kow=.khoz. RSFSR, 1962. 275 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Landscape gardening) (Horticulture) BUKIN, G I i~,' 1~ 70M/6 621.121 .139 A Short Guide., The Black Sea Coast of the Soviet Union. Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957. 182 P. Illus., Mep. Translated From The Original Russian: Chernomorskove Poberezhlye SSSR. !~ ! '. "1 7, 1; - /, t, , i .", i- L,-'!~ BUKIN, G.I., inzh.; KLAPCMX, L.D., inzh.; LIPIN, A.I., inzh. - Automatic control of the waterside pumping station of a state regional electric power station. Elek.sta. 29 no.1:82-85 A 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Automatic control) (Pumping stations) BUKIN* G.I.* insho; KNXUXRq 1.0, insho Thyratron relay used in pulse s mlin& Elek. sta. 29 no.10:92 0 1-58. (Thyratrons) (Blectric relays) (MIRA 11:11) BUD`) G~ i . j K"-*~` =11 , I,.., ~, GOL 0 VC11TIERTO, lu.1 , ---------- Use of E!tati-jnaxy blowing devices for clearur,~~ deposits fron, the extein--.1. -nirfLzte5 of steam boilers., i elektrotekh. pro.~i. AP-Je '62., (EIRA 15;6) 1, rayonnap elaktrostantsiya, (Builers -01-enning) (Compressed air) SOV/169-59-5-5397 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 5, p 146 (USSR) AUTHOR: BWp,,G.V. Tl=-. Ionosphere Observations on the Station Vostok PERIODICAL: Mezhdunar. geofiz. god. Inform. byull., 1958, Nr5, pp 45 - 46 ABSTRACT: The author gives information on the regular work of the ant- %-V February 2 arotie 1. ionosphere station Vostok, beginning on 27, 1958. The main parameters of the ion sound are as follows, working range 1 - 18 Mops, duration of the emitted pulses 50 - 70~- sec, the power 2.5,kw, the time of covering the range 20 see. A graph of the diurnal median course of the critical frequencies of the layers F2, Fl, and E of the ionosphere and a graph of the minimum frequencies of reflection in the time from 1 to 20 March, 1958, are presented. The diurnal course of foF2 is symmetrical relative to the local noon. The E laver is Ob- served over the entire time of 24 hours. in addition to the main diurnal maximum of f,E, the secondary nocturnal maximum (in Card 1/1 0.2 a.m.)is noted. J; -4 q EK ek, Id la -dromn 8.1 I L ;4 X pv 'I ": Ise 9' 1 a 8/169J61/000/009/042/056 D228/D304 AUTHORt Bukin, G. V. TITLEA Ionospheric observations of the first and second continental expeditions FERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, no. 9, 1961~ 18V abstract OG145 (V abo Sov. antarkto ekapeditai-ya 12, L., Morsk. transport, 1960, 82-4T?) TEXT Tables are cited for the hourly values of ionospheric parameters from observations at Mirnyy between Way 1956 and December 1957. Concise information on the equipment is given, and the state of the ionosphere (average diurnal variations of layers F2, Fl, and E; disturbances; peculiarities of the E layer) is described. Brief characteristics are given for radio-communication conditions in the Antarctic. Z-Abstracter's noteg Complete translationj Card 1/1 BUKI.4) G. V. , f~ ~- "Anonial-us Absorption -n HiCh lat-Itudas of' the Southern and Northern I . - - - ((1-2-7) ) repoj~t IC.r the 7 tl. f;onf. on Cosmic Rays aml Earth sto!- (IUPAP) In Kyoto, Japan 4-15 Sept.. 1961. 312:0316 1/001/005/015/028 A006/Al0l AUTHORT Bukin, G. V. TITLE: Some peculiarities of the F2 layer in the Antarctic PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 1. no. 5. 1961, 730 - 739 TEXT: Materials from the Vostok and Mirnyy stations are used to determine some peculiarities of the F2 layer in the Antarctic. Data from Mirnyy are com- pared with those from stations located in the northern hemisphere symmetrically in respect to Mirnyy in both the geographical and geomagnetical coordinattes. The author attempts to present a physical interpre-tation of regularities observed, such as: distinct diurnal variations of f0F2 with a high ionization level during t-be polar night; a higher ionization background in the southern than in the northern hemisphere; an amplitude of critical frequencies at midday higher in winter than in summer for the maximum of solar activity; ionization maxima of the F2 layer at different hours at different stations. A comparison ofafoF2 with the cosine of zenith angle of the Sun and the sine of the angle of the Sun sinking below the horizon, did not explain the seasonal variations of the diurnal amplitude of 6foF2. The effective factor of recombination wascalculated by various methods; Card 1/2 Some peculiarities of ... S120316 1/00 1/005/0 15/028 A006/AI01 its values explain the shift of the ionization maximum during the afternoon and yield a correct notion on the decrease of electrons. However '. recombination pro- cesses cannot explain the aforementioned peculiarities of the Antartic Ionosphere. Therefore, addi-~Ional hypotheses will be required, as e.g. ionization under the effect of charged corpuscles, or redistribution of Ionization due to horizorral and vertical drifts. There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 12 reference5r 6 sovie- bloc and'6 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo mag~aetizma, tonosfery 1 rasprros,~raneniya radicfi:oin M SSSR (Ins'.1tute of II-errestrial Magnetism. lonosp~-,-ere ard Propaga- tion of Radiowax?es, AS USSR) SUBMIT11m; Aup;ust 4, is)61 Card 2/2 S/2C)3/61/001/005/023/028 Aoo6/Aiol AUTHOR: Bukin, G.V. 11 ..... ...... ........I TITLE: Ionospheric observations on the Atlantic PERIODICAL; Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 1, no. 5, ig6i, 832 TEXT: On the passenger motor ship N. Kalinin" ionospheric observations were carried out by vertical sounding during a voyage to the Antarctic coast in 1958 - 1959. As a result of the measurements the latitudinal section of the ionosphere over the Atlantic was obtained. A series of graphs shows results of observations in the equatorial region. The equatorial ionosphere is very d1f- ferent from that of middle latitudes and as appears from the graphs, slight shifts in the latitude entail considerable changes in the diurnal variations of foF2. It is probable, that such a strong latitudinal dependence of the F2 layer 6tructure is connected with the electromagnetic effect of the equatorial electric stream, flowing in the E layer. The f-graphs presented show that marine observa- tions are well suitable for studies of electromagnetic conditions in the equa- Card 1/2 S/20-3/61/001/00 5P 23/0 28 Ionospheric observations on the Atlantic A006/A101 torial region, making it possible to observe gradual changes in the ionosphere during the motion of the vessel, There are 4 figures and I Soviet-bloo refer- ence, ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radlovol~n AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, ionosphere and Propa- gation of Radiowaves, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 4, 1961 S/ 203/62/ 002/00 1/0 11/0 11) 1023/12-23 0! 1.4ukin, (;,V. - --------- 1T ~eogr~ti)hictil distribution of foF2 in the Ant-aret-fe -?,EI k1jeomagnetizm I ;~eronomiya, v.2, no.1, 1962, 99-104 L Datax frmi 24 stOtions located in the southern hemisp"here at i,.i.odiuri and filgh ls~f.,,_tudes are used to draw maps of isolines of critle&I froni)encieo of the F2 layer. Comparison with the northern n~,-.-.-iznhore shovis an asy=eitr,,v In the ionosphere. The geographical a -ibution of fcF2 in 'he northern hemispliere is more complIcated. ao~,nmetr, I tj can oossibly be explained by the &symmetry of 'he F,com,agnetic field. '--he Tnaps of ilsolinas of fcF2 axe for a period of maxirmm solziv activ.1ty. '1'here are 4 figures and 1 table, AE'SIOCIATIOW Tnstitizt zeninoFo magnatlzma, ionoafery I rasprostranoniya rAdiovolu Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial 11.1agnetism, Ionosphere and Radiovmve Propagntion, Acaderwy of Sciences U93R) S'J B %1 IT TED December 5, 1061 Card 11/1 BUK114, G.V. Anomalous absorption at high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. Geomags i aer. 2 no*2:368-369 Vx-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma,, ionoefery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln A14 SSSR. (Solar radiation) (Ionosphere) 1, UTHOR: Ilukirl, G.V.- ij '20 12 5/203/62/002/005/008/010 1046/1246 TITLE: Geo-riohical aistribution of f B and some properties Of the -'~'-re6ion in the Antarctyc I"EMODICL Geom.;fnetizfr., J aeroilomiya, v.2, no-5, 1962, 918-924 TEXT: The fo'E isolines constructed from the data of 18 ionospheric statioris spreu6 betv-een, 30 and 900S 8how obvious asymmetry with respect to the noon meridian, which is suggestive of lack of cor- relation between foE ax.d the cosine of the solar zenith angle, in high southern latitudes. The exponent n in the expression (f (f -,.-)'/cosh(R,,X) 0 o o where (fo---')o is the critical 2-frequency for X = 0 and cosh(R,I- Chapman's function allowing for the sphericity of the 'Earth, is found to depei,d on latitu(je: r, =? 3 up to 500S, n =~4 in higher latitudes; this anomaly is probably due to the superposition, in Card 1/2 S/20 62/002/005/008/010 Geographical distribuidon".of f E ... I0406Y,246 0 high latitudes, of cor-uuscular ionization onto the or6inary ultra- violet ionization. The latituce distribution o' ' "-layer distur- bances and the occurrence frequenc of the nocturnal 7--layer (that ,AZ b`oth attain axima at forms re-ardless of sun's -oo!~ition their m 6= 70 to Boos; t'his is probably due to the geomagnetic concentra- fion of electron streams iiiovinS from the radiation belts to the ionosphere. There are ~ fi--ures. t, ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma,'ionosfery i rasprosstra- neriya radiovoln AN SSSR (Insd-tute of the Terrestrial kagnetism, the Ionosphere and Propagation of Radio- waves AS U3SR) SUBLIMED: April 10, 1'362 Card 2/2 L4453 SA03/62/002/006/009/020 a A001/A101 AUTHORS: Bukin, G. V.,Fligelt, M. D. TITLE: Winter anomaly in the E-layer of the ionosphere PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm I aeronomiya, v. 2, no. 6, 1962, 1103 11o6 TEXT: There is a peculiar feature. known as winter anomaly, in the sea- sonal variation of absorption, which consists in the following: absorption level is higher in winter than in summer, the zenith angle of "be Sun being the same. It is assumed usually that this anomaly is due to sporadic formations in the lower Ionosphere. The authors put forward another-hypothesis to explain the winter anomaly from the viewpoint of the conventional ionization equation. Ana- lyzing the expressions for ion formation rate I in winter and summer, they came to the conclusion that electronic concentration is higher in winter than-in sumer at the same value of the zenith angle of the Sun X due to different rates of X variation in different seasons. It follows thereof that winter anomaly must exist in'the seasonal variation of critical frequencies of every regular layer. Experimental data from 50 stations all over the world were.analyzed and it was Card 1/2 S/203/62/002/oo6/oo9/020 Winter anomaly in the E-layer of the ionosphqre AOO1/A1O1 found~that for the most station� foEwin "~' foEsum- Moreover, winter anomaly was analyzed for the stations in Moscow and Yuzhno-SakhalInsk for the periods of m&ximum-and minimum solar activity; its existence was established In both. No correlation was found between max1ma of R (average monthly number of sunspots). and foE. Formulae are given to d6termine the values bf I and oL(effective re- combination coefficient) from the-magnitude of winter anomaly. These values proved to be close to those known from the literature sources. There is compara- tively small scatter of the values in different months. There are 2 tables and 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery I rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetis6A . Ionosphere and Radio- wave Propagation, ASUSSR) SUBMITTED: June 20, 1962 Card 2/2 BELITSKIY, I.A.; GABUDA, S.P.; INIKIIA'ILOV, G.11-% Investigation of laumontite using the met:hod of n-or-lear magnetic resonance. Dckl. JAII. SSSR 159 no.5~.1038-1040 D t6,l (MIRA M.1) 1. Irstitut geologii i geofizi-ki Slbirskogo ot-deleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.S. Sobolev,,!m. BUKIN, G. V. "On the Wave and Corpuscular Events in the Antarctic Ionosphere." summary to be presented at the 13th Gen Assembly, IL1GG, Berkeley, Calif, 19-31 Aug 63. S/125/62/OOO/Ob2/OO8/O1O;w D04O/Dl1--3 AUTHOR: Bukin, F.I. TITLE: Modernization of the ABS welding head and the welding tractor PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 2, 1962, 90-91 TEXT: Structures of 20 mm thick aluminum sheets are automatically welded at the Zhdanovskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (Zhdanov Heavy Machinery Plant) using welding equipment designed by the Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona (Electric Welding Institute im. Ye.O. Paton), i.e. a modernized AEC (ABS) welding head and a TE!-33 (TS-33) welding tractor which withstand continuous load for an entire day in operation with current of up to 500-550 amp. The hot portion of the welder and head, i.e. the brush holder, feeding roller and brush was altered because of heating and the drop in welding current,when welding with stronger current was introduced (700-750 amp, 48-50 v). The current supply was altered as shown in Fig. 1. and a new nozzle design (Fig. 2) was used. This permitted con- tinuous automatic welding of 30 mm thick aluminum parts with long welds. There are 2 figures. [Abstracterts note: Complete translati04 Card 1/3 1r: c'. L ACCESSION NR: API,01~72)0 3/0125/641/000/01-0 /Ch-17 if )7- AUTEORS: Antonets, D. TITLE: Moderni2ation of an '7TS-33" type mobile weldinf, un i t 1,'C' - aluminum and aluminum alloys SOURCE: Avtomatiche kaya svarka, no. 1 6 X~ 0, ~9 4, 75-77 TOPIC TAGS: welding, alumintua~, alminum alloy, welding unit ABSTRACT: A new method of welding aluminum and its allo,, s bv means of two wires bent in opposite direction was developed 1'.1 1963. However, the application of the method involver! thio ization of the welding unit. The design was improved ~.y a able uni 't. The modernized unit makes automatic iyeldini, of- mm thick Al and Al alloy sheets possible (See Fig. or the s ure or i g . art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Zhdano-vskly za-irod tyazhelogo mash inos troyeniyA (Zhdanov Hes,.-.~ Machine Building Plant) Card 1/3 L --63o5-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047230 SUBMITTED: 27Apr6,L NR REF SOV: 001 ENCL: 01 GTHER: 000 SUB CODE: MIA Card Z/3 65 ACvigiION N"R AP4047230 ";'N C L Single-thread it 42 -1? -44 M'U Double'j =d Faed roll Tr le- ead IM77 j kv rpm Tri ple- thread j 'MI b e-I ~ Fig. I Flow sheet 4 modernized TS-33 type velding unit Card'- 3/3 ANITCUTETS, D.P.; BRIKI, I.F. . Modernization of the TZ-33 tractor for welding aluminum and its alloys. Avtom. s-var. 17 no.10,.75-77 0 164 WIRA 18zl) 1. Zhdanovskiy zavod tyazhelogo ma~,,hinostroyeniyu. EEC(k)-2/EWA(h)YEWT(1) Acc f4k, AP6013505 SOURCE CODE: AWHOR: Boin. 1. 1.; Kogakov, V. I.; Maksimov, V. L..-, Nedovodivev.-E. V. ORG: Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (Laningradskly politekhnicheskiy institut) 11-T ITLE: An automatic magnetic field calibrator for electron paramagnetic resonance microwave spectr*meters SOURCE.- Pribory I tekhnika eksp6rimenta, no. 2, 1966, 93-95 TOPIC TAGS: EPR spectrometer, microwave spectroscopy, magnatometer, phase detector ABSTRACT: A circuit is given for an instrumen ich automatically calibrates the magnetic field for electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometers. One of the main ad vantages of the circuit is that It may be.assembled'Pi~n standard components which are available in chemistry and physics laboratories engaged in electron paramagnetic resonance research. The device is.'6onditionally divided into two functional units: 1. a system for automatically tracking the change in the magnetic field of the spec- trometer; 2. a circuit for generating the field pips. The basic element in the first section Is a standard IMI-2 magnetometer. The nuclear resonance signal from the phas detector of the magnetometer is fed to the input of a UE-119 amplifier. The output voltage from the amplifier is the supply for a reversible RD-09 motor with a 1/15.62 speed reducer. The motor shaft is connected through a clutch to the vernier shaft of UDC: 539.28.078 BUM$ I. V. Gas and gas-core surveying in the northeastern slope of the central Timan Ridge. Izv. vys. uch. zav.,* geol. i razv. 5 no.7; 87-94 J1 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedoelj*7 institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (Timun Ridge-Gaaj, Natural=Geology) BUKIN, 1.V.; TENDER, O.V. Sampling and cbeckIng drilling flu!.d In condurting gus lf.;gging Ln coal deposIts. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gtjo-,. I razv. 6 no~1aft'- 92 N 963. tMIRA 18.-2) D 'cgo,-az,.-edochny-y- Institut. Lt. S.Ordziionikidze. Moskovsk.1y aeo*. DUKIN, IN. - Combined gas and core analysis logging of liydrocarlx-)ns and light inert gases in the T-urian Ridge. Trudy MGFI 39alOl- 111 163. (MIRA 16.-10) -- EUKIN, I.V., aspirant Evaluation of the significance of coal-core samples in the study of the gas potential of coal deposits. Izv. vys, uchebe zave* geol, i razv, 7 noolt72-75 Ja 164 (MIRA 18t21 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut imeni Ordzhonikidze. BUKIN, I.V., aspirant; DOGADOV, 11 - Determining the time of the circulation of drilling fluid in core hole drilling. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 7 no-5:126-133 ~' !y 164. (14IRA 18:3) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze. Determinin7 the output of' a in ulle of holes 1-1 c c, re, d rl 11 in, g. lia,~ v c d o; a, r. r .3 C- n - 7: 12 .7 imAitiA Tdzhoni- d, zc: 1- 1 i k 1 11 BUKIN, I.V.; YEPRLHO-V, K.A. Basic reqidmments of inateria-I.- in gpologicul reports ~)n the gau content of coal seums. Ugoll 39 no.707-60 il 16.1,,. (~LIRA 1. Moskovskiy geologcrazvedochTry ingtitut Ineni S. Ordzion'Lkf d-.e (for Bukin). 2. Vostochnyy naucImo-issiedovatellskiy inst--tilt po bezopasnost! rabot v gornoy proirTshlennost! (for Yefremov). 1. BIJKTNp K. P. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Technology 7. Structure of pig iron. Kievj Mashgizp 1952o 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January, -1953. Unclassified. BUKIN #4t ~r-~~-red. . P.V.. red.; KALLISTOVA. G.A., takhn. [Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station is being built] Stalin- gradekaia GIS stroitsia. [Stalingrad] Stalingradskue knizhnoe izd-vo, 1958. 99 P. (WMA 11:8) (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station) BUKIN,, Mikhai-'L Andrevevich: BIRGER., lzraill Semenovich; MEDVEDEV, s1. deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, Laureat Gosu- darstvennoy premii, prof., red.; BAKUN, A.., red.; CHEPELEVA, 0., tekhn. red. [Largest in the world; history of the construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (22d Congress of the CPSU)) Krup- neishaia v Mire; k-istorii sozdaniia Volzhskoi GES imeni XIII s"ezda KPSS. Moskva, Sotsekg12, 1962. 225 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Volga Hydroelectric Power St ation (22d Concress of the CPSU))-- Design and constiuction) Bukin, Mikhail Andreyevich Krupneysh.Va v mire; 'k istorii sozdaniya Volzhskoy GES imeni XXII S" yezda KPSS (by) M.A. Bukin (1) 1. Birger. Pod. red. S.R. Medvedeva. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1962. 225 p. iUus., ports. Bibliographical footnotes. G.L., 1=jd. to',Itbn. naWc; P. yop inzh,.4:ap-itan 2-Go r=ga, 1--nd. td-Im. nmik Dva' luatien ol' tho aox-vicoubiliti of pcwer urlto of" mwraoiD T chipoo 1-for. abor. 49 no. 128W-71 D 1 65 (t.'Im 1911) -29720-66 __EWT(l) ACC NRi Ap6015406 SOURCE CODE: UR/0375/65/000/012/0068/0071 AUTHOR: Gluzm an, G. L. (Candidate of technical sciences); Bukin, P. Ye. (Candidate'oi of technical sciences; Engineer; Commander) ORG: none TITLE: Evaluating the operational reliability of power stations on surface craft SOURCE: Morskoy abornik, no. 12, 1965, 68-71 TOPIC TAGS: statistic analysis, power plant, reliability theory/ ABSTRACT: Ttie methods of statistical analysis are used for determining the operation reliabiiity of shipboard power stations. The probability of dependable operation of the individual mechanisms is taken as the principal criterion for reliability. This criterion should be given by designers and implemented by industry. Reliability of t power installations is evaluated from the probability for maintaining 100% power as well as at least 75%, 50% and 25% of the rated power and finally the probability for total power loss. These criteria may be used for determining the reliability of the power stations in normal operating conditions as well as in emergency situations. An example is given showing evaluation of the reliability of a turbine boiler installa- tion. Graphs are given which may be used to determine the probability of dependable operation of a power installation when the reliability of the individual units in the TG 112 L 29720-66 ACC NRz AP6015406 installation decreases due to wear after protracted use. It is shown that the relia- bility of dependable operation depends on the working conditions of the installation. Therefore, these conditions should be strictly defined before a ship leaves port. Formulas are given which may be used to account for the skill of servicing personnel as well as for the average repair time and breakdown frequency. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 7 formulas. DATr~ 5x8#1; YtOrJ- SUB CODE: 14/ 74- ORIG REr; 006 Card 2/2 SAKOVAP F.S.; BUKINIA-T.V. "' Wi:~ Organizational and propbylactic work in the control of diphtheria at the Second Pediatric Therapeutic-Propbylactic Union in Alma-Ata for 1960 and 1961. Zdrav.Kazakh. 22 no.6: 61-63 162. (MMA 15111) (DhFH,niERiA-PR M.NTION) USTINOV, H.I.; BUXIN. P.A. *wr, -;-A , - _".Oodloow, 1, - Effecr of basic factors on coal gasification in panel No. I of Yuzhno-Abinsk OPodsong"" gas-producer plant. Fodzem. gaz. ugl. no. 2:3-7 158. .I (HIRA 11:7) 1. Inatitut gornogo dela 0 SSSR. (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal gasification, Underground) USTINOV, M.I.; BUK!IA.Xaa&, Criticism of I.D.Mdinle, I.A.Turebaninov's, and H.K.Rewals r�view entitled "Erroneous analysis of the performance of gas- producer No.1 at the Yuzhno-kbinaki7 nPodzerZaz" Plant." Padzen. gaz.11gl no.2:78-79 '59. (MIRk 12:9) ~Kuznetsk Basin-Coal gasification. Underground) - I.A.) (Revva, M.K.) (rUdin. 1.D.) (Tucbaninov, ACC NR:AP60-- SOURCE ,.1843 103 ( CODE UR/6375/66/C - 7/0W6/ocB.3 AUTHOR: Darofeyev, 1. D. (Engineer; Rear C_nptain '2d Rank; Candidate of Technical Sciences); Klimenko, X. A. (Engineer; Captain 2d Rank); :Rikhter, A. A. (Engineer; Captain lst Rank Reserve; Candidate of Tecin-nical Sciences) None TITLE: 1%aval propulsion engineering during the years of Soviet power !S01MCE: Morskoy sbornik, no. 7, 1966, 76-83 !TOPIC TAGS: marine engineering, marine engine, diesel engine, gas turbine engine, !nuclear propulsion engine, engine performance characteristic, engine reliability ;ASSTRIWT: The status of propulsion machinery building, as a base Z'Or powerful pro- !Dulsion installations, is of great significance for the building of a navy. The iabsence, in the past, of a strong machinebuilding base was the result of the depen- Idence of the Russian fleet on foreign states for propulsion engineering. 7-hhe main ipropulsion equipment for combatant ships was made abroad, or on foreign.- license. 'The history oC the development of "classic" steam and diesel installa,~-Ions is rev4 'ewed'! las are such naw installations as atomic powered and gas turbine ones. Certain of the i !qualitative a:,ad quantitative characteristics of the various types of installations are listed for purposes of comparison. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables. ISUB CODE: 13,15/ FBM DATE: None Cordl/l BUKINq V - GORAP GOP red.; LOS'j POP rConsolidated mechanized crew for corn growing) Ukrupnennoo nekhanizirovannoe zveno po vyrashchivaniiu kukurazy. StavropoV, Stavropollokoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 13 p. (MIU WO 1. Zveulyevoy ukrupnemogo mekhanizirovamogo zvena kolkhoza FRossiya" Novo-Aleksanclravokogo raVona (for Bukin). (corn (maize)) -4. BUTYRINA, 'K.Ge; -BUKIN, V.A,. New karst bridges and arche.s in the Pashiya-Chusovoy region. Peshchery no.-3.-73-74 "163. (KIRA 18.2) L W80-66 _ WT(1)/LNT(m)/T VvIlDi ACC NRI AP600-5392 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/ool INVENTOR: Belikov M.; Bukin V A.; Arashchenko, ORG: none 41/0141 A. N. TITLE: Multistage-centrifugal pump.1" Class 59, No. 177777 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11 1966, 141 TOPIC TAGS: pump, centrifugal pump ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a multistage centrifugal pump with a labyrinth shaft seal and gradual pressure reduction on the seal. To rid the labyrinth of mechanical Inclusions when operating with a 3olluted fluid,%,kthe pump is made with bypass pipes connecting the circular groove f the labyrinth bushings with the respective pressure stages of the pump (see Fig. 1). orig. art. has: 1 figure. 1/2 uDc: 621.67 L 4428o-66 4CC NRt AP6005392 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 26Dec63 Card 2/2 1-j'3 Fig. I Multistage centrifugal pump. 1- labyrinth 'bushing; 2 to 4- bypass pipes; A,B, and C- cire grooves; D,E, and F- cavities with pressure stages (LD1 BUKIN, V.G., takhnick, Redesign of the nonreturn valve. Inergetik 4 no.6:21 Je 156. (HLHA 9:8) (Valves) BUKIN, V.G., takhnik. ,- Graphite carbon packings in turbine control valves. Inergatik 4 no-7:17-19 JI 156. (MLRA 9:9) (Packing (Mechanical engineering) V T 3u', V. I. "The effect of the system of irrigation on the developplent and sta-7ered productivity of alfalfa in the southern recrions of eastern cis-Caucasia." All-Union Sci Res Inst of Fodder imenI V. R. Vil ly-ams. Y~oscow, 1956. (I)issertation for the degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences) Knizhnay'a letonis uo. 15, 1956. I'losccnq USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodders. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 25078 m-4 Author -L- Bukia, -L.I., Tarkovskiy, M.I. Inst :-The All-Un-l-on S.R.I. of Fodders Title The Effectiveness of Alfa.'Lfa Seed from the First or Second Harvests on the Irrigated Land of Eastern PredkaVkazlye Orig Pub: Byul. nauchno-te'chn. inform. Vses. n-i. in-t kormov, 1957, No 2-3, 50-53 Abstract: The problem of whether it is more practical to let the first or second harvest of alfalfa go to seed Is not clear enough, especially in regard to the new rayons of Eastern Predlcavlcazlye with irri-ated C~ agriculture. The author investigated this subject in 1953-1955 and came to the conclusion that the first alfalfa harvest yielded a larger output of Card 1/2 81 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodders. m-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,~ No 6, 1958, 25078 Abstract: seeds than the second. Plants of the first har- vest are more strongly developed, their roots contain more carbohydrates, and they have bigger seeds than the plants of the second harvest. They are less inclined to droop. All of these biological peculiarities make It possible to obtain, under local conditions, larger seed crops from the first harvest of alfalfa. -- S. A. Brushlinskiy Card 2/2 EUKINY V.I.,, kand.selskokhz.nauk (Orenburg) Herbicides in the fields of medicinal plantff. Ushch.rast.ot vred. i bol. 7 no-4158 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:12) (HERBICIDES) (BOTANY, MEDICAL) BUKIN, V.I., kand. se1'skokhozyayotvennykh nauk. Irrigating alfalfa seed plants at different stages of growth. Zemeledelie 6 no4*6t19-21 Je '58. (HIBA 1136) (Alfalfa) (Irrigation farming) BUKIN, V. 1. Effect of certain herbicides on the thistle Leuzaa carthamoides and the Siberian rhubarb. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no. 38:85-88.160. (1-URA 14: 5) 1. Vsesoyuzn~y institut lekarstvennykh i aromatit.-heskikh rasteniy. (Herbicides) (Rhubarb) (Thistle) BUKIN, V. L. , inoz, tolrov i-,.ns Ite r IL-inforcuriorit of b:-idl?o footInp. hit' '. put,~hoz. 9 no.': 14 165,, (,~~ -L ~-, ~. '18, 5 ) I. Sl--~rits _',-i a 'v'r, rkhr, *,,r U 'a Yuzhnc-ljr a I I skoy dorooi. ------- 1W. of *0 0 0 * go* , , I a , W .! 'I ;I U is 16 it is it a a z In is a 0 Is if It 41 V u l JAIS aLl Mia.1 CAI 0 is rip . A_.L_A__L a M Yl "F.Q 1~1_1.k cc IQ 9L 4-1-4 -1 ~00 The preance of the anti-scurvy vitands In vatious .4116 fruits and vegetables. X. N. Ivanuv. V. N. Ilukin. - ' B. 0. Dwokbovich w0 K. L. l 112H. ovolollkilys: -00 App4td Botany. Cwntlics ftal BrAvding (IT. $..S. R.) .00 00 AT Scries A. No. S. 03- 111 (1 04-71tc t*Nd dkt given to 00 swum lpigs in tesliu stra.1vtries and ;=rs fen it 4 t M I III i M C -00 V am "M 0a s n&" n 5t . . cg somcwhal Iu- rolk 7.5 S. Wild miw% 00 Ar to cultivated variettes in their onlivembutir ptolwt. ties. Of the 4 varktka of Mack citarrant, the effective 00 00 3~ntity iansed from I in 12 g. After theft cipts. the 06 1 ict we% changed to oats and aularlaved hay. Rmlit ~64 wriv nriativr with 3 varieties of grapes. (If I I varletles " " q apptAs Antoonvita had the hifitext porlber 00 was %Uffk*tlt to Prevent scurvy. cranberries were * , effic-ient. Freezing the berries &^. -8 d;d not decrease 7 1 : : : fog their anti-worbutir action. Cabbap grmm In the more arid steppe region contained more vitamin C than cabbage i =00 pown in the n4wthetri troms. Kohlralti is high in J. a. Jane so 0 Wells 00 00 019 00 4 60 1: 'U TO .. ... 1 1 a ew a 4 a I W &A I a 4 1 It At AT I IT It a At 0 0 0 Wo 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * o o 0 q a 0 0 6 a 0 0 4 0 00 00 00 :; 0 0 !zoo 8, 00 t:oo '00 tloo too 1 0 6! 0 0 6 S 6 1 A 9 W U U U 4 IS It 11 M " A ZI 22 At 31 A X b 4 V MISMAI UP Sj$atl&lojil 4 A -9 L Z- _J__M, JIM - CCW U A I If .~,f ?~v copies 00 UP Th d vitam" Is various fruits, 6orries kad I!, OOA, V.-N, Hokin, K. L. 11(mi. Lqska%a dn't N. . f`k%.1sInI%1k7_-R-b."-1jANW )W40A." 09 Grailits Ildid )limit N, K I Stilvil. 67. 25-A1 :0,0 OW143-Of the Mt 8 kh0q of vrgrIaIAjr%, .00 kohlrahi and mt and SIRTOV C&llls4Krv 1`114"1 lo have the 490 64 13 .99 A-lit; I X. ject"I se- so (m,441% I& It-' l"I 90 Vmt Ilm gultirs, OR 0 1., 1 g. 4 a. I- 00 3 quiml to acconil,fili 4nalar rc~111(0. CIdtivii(VAI Mraw- coo 00 :Wltiesq. %Awe Us( v atiliwis Intl ic than the mhl Waw- 0 A, wit" (X the w"ild In'.0% the il-w- Ibl- A" etCell- SO* 09 timiall [.0micy. 0.1 X, i4 oil rom-live 41,%age. The Wid 600 00 hrffy. tlewlivAnA And Atutar iell-I maw air IstartVal1v 007 dTvwd 44 Viteittlis C. PN~V)10k), 1', IWNtIOW Ar 40 0 and P. arr m 1-trnt A. Ow utang -. -1 0 WNF a- i J. S. Joffe 00 00 Ire 9 SvIciii "it oftv 046, .... a., goo IL a AV to At Ir 9 Is a R IN K a a a HAD I U I I a two 0 RIM409,124 3* 1 an .00-00 0 0 0 IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 : : 0 0 We 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 (so" too z iU. A~, mA AL IL oo Im. UAAJR.. lial &qPL roe of Imad re 0 "0o ~;o 0 re %e to: I J I~EIALLVOCAL LITIVATUIll (LAWM010" 14 bee '.I Ql) &.r JO! vililit"ll ~ R - wo* IM@ V 00 Sj L , ,, , t 1 , KM A % * ' 0 0 o 0!o 0 00 a to R it i0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 * 0 * a 0 0 a 010 0 0i 4 e 0 0 0 - - - - A 00 00 z 0; 14 1 At alwill 41 Quail" MAL -A-L-1-1_1 & I A 1 4) -N. -Scam, N. fd *ppL Bot --Onbod .442). W8 tumi 30%, LF- "m NVU.. A W Of S a S L A -fIkLI :~GK.L Wf-AILOE La. ! . . . :141) hit am, Q.L SM OtT U 5 AV 10 111. --F- A V-Z, r W II An 4 1 V rW 0 0 1, 0 1, C, a X a I( a I IRA *00 -00 ZOO r coo licoo be* .: . 1, : 4 ~ ~ - -W -W-W W-" 61* 0 0 0 9960900060000 14 it 12 11 M It 1$ 1, 1, a IN -1 x a, 1: 13 1J1 1L L A h P (a X I I 00 _ __ _ I- 7 1.0 - .01 1_1 PE (E W Et, a ,lot 00 .00 00 a me*,*& in dew- CbOzM1CM1 0 06 a nil 'r S. R.) S %-XWr7TaW BraWing (U d B " ii j . . . . ,, A .y. -11 V Fraction Rod I heDe"M a 179-94(1930 U Su l . . pp fluation do not agree with the actual aj3tiwurvy activity. 0 The reAction with moo worked otit by 7111mam Im not spedde t*C&Um this rrACC4L with & ;;Ics t4 othcr substsom. A-Com- might react =0 0 00 431 ParLWM C1 this ~ion with biol.. tests has proved it to be in J.W agreement and it COU14 he used for A r4TJiMhU" mientatiDu of the Vitandu content. At high 11CITIP. the =0 0 jnvwtce of umars mar rrdt~ the Mtrnt. 'goo _G 0 t:90 A I A - S L A StIALLU*GKAL LITINAIURE CLASSLFJCAT of t U i ISAW M kil " Y_ V ?I- t % 8 CW 0 i ~ 0 l P.0 it It a 69 K it R a R C9 Es It 19 n I X. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 9 ;0 0 0 IPI 14 0 10 a 0 0 it 5 0 a 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 :it a V 0 0 4 a 6 a 00 0 0 -4 00 A ~00 a ee & ISO o o 11 vt t 1 , . 11 U It 11 11 ' Is U Is 0 Q U 40 41~c* rt. Maols;w dowswine dw WitAMMIS. V.N.Bukin X-L.INwoWtIhy&&ndu 7 . C-lartinov, ~~. A)PW am "Y, GISMIks Plant Brad. .00 i19 (U. S. & R.), Suppl. 67,195-2160WO.-A number u4 diets bave been Investigated with the Ectwonor diet .00 as the standard. -The latter was found to be unntis- facury inastnuch as Prophylactic doses of substances coutg. vitamin C, like orann Juke, did not give any t"I-Pwic Addat of i di t d l . . "a s s, ew.,t- and e cma salts did slot improve the lkz~Kwv diet. A diet of onto. 40 autoclaved hay and autoclawrd raffuts was found to tot ' satisfactory. c4rutene in plact of Carrots was aw satis. L40 0 facticY. Ile Istiff an. a a mum W witantin Ii. it almo improves the vitw~.ia A ~xtvol, J. S. lone 40 0 as@ woe too ,%Oki am, jot ISAI iT_ U AT b0 KW n Is gig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 09 '010 0 0 0 40 0 a 0 AT. 00 *0 0 :*at so 110 00. C., 16111 AND 020"61111 1wDcx D0600FAMUM d,.v11mwAmW. - V. X.-BUILIN (la"n Amiml. AMAo. ". Imma. Plant IwC HuH. A144. BOMBY, OW. 11,W9.8,104 4--M~-A mudifimUm d of ih~ vmmlihod~ of Jbmwnb: md T" Sow= of. A ISK Ila) i0 m-L.."4,awuft- 11~ sq. in ~thau "wwWc acid, W% this Me glve~ r.owafts in harmony with bi*ftcm~ Tau.. Asn. (m) coo coo see so coo see wooli flow 11"Nsiv. T U 11 no 1; a' 0 0 0 A* go a T'- T T-T let, it. 00 -90 .00 10.41. 411111 CA a- A4 All I o 0 g 0 0 0 o g 0 O's 0 g 0 g g 0 0 0 0 0 0 =04 110