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BUKHM02 D.., j-nzh. (Minsk); KISLYAGMIKO, V., inzh. (Minsk); SHAKHOV, "--- Y.,"-3.-nzh. (Minsk) The "Belarusl-110".television receiver and phonograph combina- tion. Radio no.9:28-30 S '03. (MIRA 16:12) SHPILYAN, Yevgeniy Markovich; BUKBW . David Romanovich- TRAVIN., A.A.9 otv. ["Belarua*-1.10" television and radio-phonograph console] .Teleradiola "Belarusf-110." Moskva, Sv3.azl.. 1965. 71 p. (Biblioteka "Televitionxqi priemp" no.21) (MIRA 19:11) BUXMI, G.D. I Increasing the efficiency of turbine Inste,11&tiong. Bnorgetik 4 no.6:16-18 Jo 156. (KM 9:8) (Steam turbines) BUXEMO, G.D., inshener. I ------ Increa9ing4the 54 0 '56. (Steam surface of the packing heater. Zlek. sta. 27 no.10: (KLRA 9:12) turbines) .,, BUPMAN- Q.D,.--- inzhener. Modification of the system of turbine packings. Anergetik 5 no.2:13- 14 F '57. (Steam turbines) (MM 10:3) BUKHRAH, G.D.. inzh., TUYEVA. A.A., inzh. Improving the performance of turbine oil coolers. llek.sta. 28 no.12:65 D !57. (MIRA 12:3) (Oil coolers) BUKHMN, G.D., insh.; TUMA, A.A., inzh. Iffect of turbine design on the life of turbine oils. 111sk.sts. 29 no-1:79-81 A '58- (KIU 11:2) (Lubrication and lubricants) BUKHMAN h Improving the performance Of Rteam-turbine ejectorn. Blek.sta. 29 no.9:72-73 S 158. (MIRA lltll) (Steam turbines) a (6) SOV/91-59-4-5/26 AUTHORS: Zasypkinv Vo A. and Bukhman, G. D.1, Engineer TITLE: An Additional Steam Extraction on a AK-34 Turbine (Osushchestvleniye dopolnitellnogo otbora para na turbine AK-34) PERIODICAL% Energetik, 1959, Nr 4, PP 7 - 8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the additional steam extraction for regeneration purposes on a 34-megawatt impulse reaction Siemens Schuckert turbine, having one Rateau stage and 26 reaction stages in the high-pressure section* The steam reentry from the high-pressure section into the low-pressure section is performed by two 1000 on pipes. The turbine had an uncontrolled steam extraction after the 23rd high-pressure reaction stage at 2.1 atmospheres for heating the condensate to 100-1050C which entered the deaerators. An additional steam extraction at l6ee &to was installed in 1954. In 1958, the authors suggested a now steam extraction after'the 26th Card 1/2 stage of the high-pressure section at 0.55 atm and 830C for An Additional Steam Extraction on a AK-34 Turbine sov/91-59-4-5/28 a new PN-130-3 condensate heater produced by the plant "Kaseca.09 This leads to an increased steam consumption of the 24th, 25th and 26th reaction stages which in turn in- creased the pressure on them. Calculations performed by the Kharlkovskoye otedeleniye Toentrallnogo konstruktorskogo, byuro (Kharlkov Branch of the Central Designing Office) showed that the pressure increase did not exceed the nozinal stress in the bass sections of the blades of these stages. The condensate is heated by the new method from 350C to 730C whereby 1800 tons of fuel are saved annually. There is 1 diagram. Card 2/2 IBUXWJLN, G*D., inzh, Sinlifying the therml circuit of the evaporating Installation of high-pressure turb1neme Bnergetlks, 8 no-3113-14 Ve 160. (KIM 1316) (Stow turbines) BUKWAV, G.D. , Inzh. Reducing the nw6er of vorking locations for engineer assistants In the turbine roes of a state-owned reglowd electric pdwer stations Anerget*8 noo5:10-11 W 060* (NIBA 13:8) (stow power plants) BUKIMM, G.D., inzb. Increase of efficiency, reliability. and simplification of the design of turbine departments. 21ek-sta. 31 no-7:29-33 J1 16o. (MIDA 13:8) (Turbines) s/196/61/000/012/010/029 E-194/E155 AUTHOR: Bukhmanj G.D. TITLEt Reconstruction of the gland arrangement of condensing turbines PERIODICAL: Referixtivnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.12, 1961, 30, abstract 12G 171. (Elektr. stantsli, no.7. 1961, 74-76) TEXT: The gland arrangements of large medium-pressure condensing turbines installed in power stations of the USSR in 1929-1940 have numerous defects, the most important of which is the leakage of steam from the glands into the condenser and into the low-potential Vacuum tapping points, which causes considerable heat losses and reduces the thermal efficiency of the turbine. A description is given of the reconstruction of the gland system which completely prevented the leakage of steam into the condenser and directed this steam into the regenerative bleed points or into specially installed gland heaters. Examples are given of gland reconstruction and, in brackets, the Card 1/2 Reconstruction of the gland ... S/196/61/000/012/010/029 E194/E155 consequent annual saving of conventional fuel, in the following turbines: AEG of 85 MW with stop-valve steam conditions of 18.5 atm, 393 OC (50 tons); Siemens-Schuckert 35 )1W with steam conditions of 29 atm, 405 OC (200 tons). The economies bere may be still further increased by the installation of special gland heaters. Wumag 10 MW and 3 Brown Boveri turbines each of 50 MW. In these latter the installation of a gland heater gave Sveat fuel economy (71 200 tons) and Increased the reliability. jAbstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 S/196/61/000/011/014/042 E194/EIL55 AUTHORS: Bukhman, G.D.0 and Merkurlyevo P.T. TITLEs A luminescent method for finding leaks in (steam) condensers PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.11, 1961, 28, abstract 11G 166. (Elektr, stantsii, no.4, 1961, 86-87) TEXT: Experience with the method in high- and medium-pressure power stations of the Sverdlovenergo system is described. The luminophores used were M fluorescine, and (II) sodium fluorescinate. Because of the poor solubility of (1)g caustic soda is added to the water when it is used. In preparing the condenser for hydraulic testing, a quarter of the volume of the steam space is filled with water, then solution (11) is addedo after which the condenser is filled with water to above the tube level. The condenser pump is operated through the recirculation line for 25-30 minutes to ensure good mixing of the solution. The fluorescine concentration should be greater than 5 mg/litre. Card 1/2 A luminescent method for finding s/lq6/6j./ooo/oil/ol4/042 E194/E155 When looking for leaks the lamp should be moved along the tube plate from top to bottom at a distance of 50-70 mm from the tubes in a darkened water chamber. Solution which escapes through small leaks in the tube system shines with a bright y-ellow-green colour. Lamp type Y~~0-41N (UFO-4A) with glass gradt (UFS-6) was used. Supply was at 12 V a,c-. The test lasted 4 to 8 hours. [Abstractor's notei Complete translation.-' Card 2/2 ,~ BUKEWi 9 G. D. , inzh. Intermediate selection in a =Itiple-stage pump. Energetik 9 n0-5:20-21 My 161. (MURA 14-15) (Electric power plants-Equipment and supplies) (Pumping machinery,, Electric) BUMMNI, G,D., inzh. Decrease in the axial clearancee in the blading of a medium- pressure turbine. Ehergetik 9 no-4:nAp 161. * - (MIRA14-.8) (Turbines) I BURMAN G.D. inzh. 2 Improvement in the layout of the glands of medium-pressure turbines of the Leningrad Metallurpical Works. Energetik 9 no 7:11-13 Ji 161. iMIRA 14:9) (Leningrad-Astall-urgical plants--Equipment and supplies) MirhineO BUKIBLU.1 G.D., inzh. a Meeting on the exchexge of ix~erience in the fields of reliability and efficiency of turbine departments at electric power plants. Elek. sta. 31 no.9:84,86 S 160. '(MIRA 14:10) (Electric power plants) (Turbines) BUKHMA,N. inzh.; MERKUR!IEV P.T. inzh. !~~ ~-G .9 1 .9 Use of lunineocence in a method for determining leakage in condensers. Elek.sta. 32 no.,4:86-87 Ap 161e (MMA 14:7) (Condensers (Steam)) BUXIMAN, G.D., inzh. Redesigninp of the gland networki of condensing turbines. -Blek. sta. 32 no-7:74-76 J1 161o OMU 14:10) (Steam turbines) ~ BUMAII 2. 0. D. p inzh. I 'Redesigning of the 147-UIZ thermal circuit with breather and storage tanks. Elek.sta. 32 no,9:79-80 S 161* (IMA 14:10) (Condensers(Stesm)) BMUMN.. G.P_,_~nzh. IWernization of the control valves of a high-pressure turbine. Energetik 10 no.5.-12-3,3 Yq 162* (MVA 15:5) (Steam turbines) - ----- - -., -- - - BUMDW, G. ~ D inzh. Experience in operating 5TSIO food pumps vithout use of unloading linen. Inergetik 10 no.8:9'. Ag 162. (MIRA 15: 10) (Posping machinery) -AqFT!!j_j~D.v ins~s I Imprbvement of the operation of turbine oil cooling systems. Inergetik 11 no.20-40 7 163- (KM 1623) (Turbines-4oollng) ; ._BUXHKLN,,_G.D., inzh.; KARINOV, A.M., inzh.; NELUED, B.M., inzh.; TAROSIAVTSE-v", A.M.,, insh. Start of a 200 Nk. block in the electric power -system of Sverdlovsk. Elek.sta. 34 no.2:2-7 F 163. (KRA 1614) (Sverdlovsk-Electric power p)Ants) BUIMMANY G.De, inzh. Improvement of the thermal network of the V&100-2(5) LMZ turbine. Elek. sta. 34 no.8:22-25 Ag 163. .(NIRA 16:3-1) USSR/Ruman and Animal rbysiology. fieuromocular Mysiology. v Abe Jour; Ref - Zhur-Diol No 6, 1958, 2T289. Author O.G. DWshman Title The Re:,owsry of Certain Remo4mamlc Signs in Children Folluwf.~ Controlled Mocular Work. O**g Pub: Fixiol. zb., 1957, 3, No 2,, 96-U*. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 Chmages In some hemodynamic factors following ptWsical exercise. Trich.delo.uo.4:41~ Ap 157, (KLBA 10:7) 1. lafelra f iz iologit (say. - lots. K '-Ta.Gorkin) Kiyevskogo Inatituta fizichaskoy kalitury I kabinet vrachabnogo konArplya qatskoy sp#tivPqr shkoly Wo.1-Xiyevokogo goro.dakago otdels narodnogo pbrazovantys. (IMCISM) (BIOW-CIRCULATION) BUKMV, G. G., Can4 Med Sci -- (diss) "Restoration of certain ia&s3*s 01 4emodynamics and leuk in children aqped 10-12 Q-41 "U.,) 1~ 0 yea ollowing physical rance and mixed type.0 zv, k'I qv 19.56 Bktik vb),sW 1958-7. 18 pp (Mayw Order of Labor Red Banner Med Inat im Academician A. A. Bdgomolats), 200 copies (KL, 17-558, 111) bu G, G, MmmAar leukocytomis In ehildren following ezeacise for speed and for resistanceloprefistal. no.99155-162 154. (=A 1481) (IMUCIBB" effects v . on ="a. laukocytic reaction in ohm.) (MUSM=v pbysiologTo ~ off* of mterciso an zuse. lm*oeytic reaction in childj mum leukocytia reaction In child, to BUKHMAN. I. Introducing now machinery in the OTranscaucasian Federation" Plant. Mor.flot 20 no.1:25-27 A '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Nachallnik teekha novoy tekhniki na savode imeni Zakfederatsii. (Cpapian Sea-Ships-Maintenance and repair) (Caspian Sea--DDckv--Xquipment and supplleo) BUKHMA.N, IW*o inzhener-podpolkDvnik YAssion acconplishedl Yest.protivovozd.obor. no.lOi7O-?l 0 ~161. (Communications, MilIitary) (IMU 15:2) BUKHMAN, Konstantin Nikolayevich Statistika Podgotovki Spetsialistov. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, 1960. 58 p. tables. Bibliographical footnotes. BUKMO, L.A. Spontaneous pneumothorax. and mediastinal and subcutaneous emphyses" following exophagotony. Vest. oto-rin. 16 no.4.-86-87 J1-Ag 154. (MM 7:8) 1. Is kliniki bolesney miths, gorls, I noss, (say. prof. D.N.Rutenburg) Leningradskogo meditsinskogo pediatrichaskogo Instituta. (ZSOPR%GU3. surgery, Oesophagotomr, postop. pnemothorax & mediastinal & subcutaneous eWbysemas) (PVMOTRMU, ein ssophagotoW) (PNMMMIASTIM, *in asophagoto1w) (ZKPRTMA. Onubeutansams, in esophagotomr) BUKMIJ 11 Aw lepdidat MedItsinskikh nauk. 'WWvWWWPW__' --'- _~~ "I Pneumothorax and metUastinal and subcutaneous ezWwjsemas as complications In tracheotomy In children. Vest. oto-rin. 16 no.5:46-48 S-0 154. (HUA 7:12) 1. Iz kliniki bolesney ukha. gorla I nos& (sav. prof. D.H.Butenburg) Leningradskogo seditsinskogo pediatricbeekogo instituta. ..(PRMOTKORA'X, etiology and pathogenesis, tracheotomy In child, with pneumosediastiani & subcutaneous (MPHYSMI emphysema) subcutaneous in tracheotomy in child,-with pneumomediastimum & pnounothoraz) (UMBU. surgery. tracheotomy, postop. pneumomediastinwi, pusumothorax & sub- cutaneous emphysema) (PMMOIMIASTINUM, etlology and pathogenesis, tracheotomy in child, with pneumothorbs & suboutansous emphysema) BUXBW, L.A.. Kandidat neditslasklkh sank Arperimidal data on thirprobleis of the lathogeneste of pneu- motborse, eWsam of U* nedlastimms a& aMbromm-of the sub- cutaneoum cellular ..ti*mw In tracheotoW In children. Test. oto-ria.17 no-3:62-& Ny-Je $550 (KLRA 8:9) 1. Is IdinUd bolesser utba, garla I now (saw.-prof.D.K. Fattombarg) I kafodry patologicheelwy fistologli (say.-prof. M. Shutova) Laningftdakego podlatr1chemkogo vieditsinskogo instituta. OUCHA% surgery. trachootomV, complicated by pneumthorax, modlastinal & subcutaneous wfts~ In child) (PNWMOTHDM, etiology and pathogenesis tracheotomy In child) (NeffSIKA. embacutameo;4 Is trachootomr, pathogen, in child) (PUMMMARI . etiology and-ILthogenests) tracheotomV In child) -3/10 L Rh- ," al ~C z)ec'l'l Vol.1, )to- _Lno-Laryn A V101 14A Al 4, A 1937. BUKHMAN L.A. Lenilngrad. *Skin-galvanic reflex in the studies of hearing in children of pre-school age (Russian text) VESTN. OTO-RINO-LA RING. 1957. 3(83-87) The hearing of 54 children at the age of 3 - 7 yr. was tested with the aid of the skill galvanic reflex (s.g.r.). It was found that 12 had normal hearing, 16 an impairment of hearing, 13 were deaf and dumb with 'residual hearing' and 13 were totally deaf and dumb. The presence of approximate sound s.g.r. was established and later con- ditioned rIeflex was formed. When the reflex weakened it was strengthened by the aid of weak pain stimulus. It was revealed that s.g. r. with pain stirnulus as a re- inforcement, may be used as an objective hearing test. It is especially recommend- ed in children of the above mentioned age when other methods of investigation give doubtful results. FYr,'r,,zPTA- I-7DN'A See 11 Vol 12_'/7 O.P.L. Ouly 50 1356.- PARESES OF THE FACIAL NERVE IN TYMPANOPLASTY (Russian text) - Bukhman L.A. lAningrad-VESTN.OTO-FJNO-LAFU.NG. 1958. 20i6 (32-36) Of the 233 tympanopLasties performed according to Wullatein, 27 patients devel- oped paresis of the fac7ial nerve (10 during the operation and 17 in the postoperative period). Of all the pareses which developed during the operation, 2 patients had stable manifestations of the paresis from 1-2 yr. due, apparently. to considerable trauma of the nerve; in 3 patients the function of the nerve was not fully restored. In the remaining 5 patients of this group, as well at in all patients who had devel- oped paresis in the postoperative period. the function of the nerve was completely restored. Paresis may occur as a result of collateral hyperaemia and oedema of the nerve, the action of toxins Issuing from the wound. intracranial haemorrhage. trauma of the nerve and eustachian tube. pa. I% BUKHKAN, L. A,,, kand. mad. nauk late results of tyq*noplasty. Test. otorin. no.5:17-23 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Is kliniki bolesney u~a, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. D. M. Rutenburg [deceased]) Leningradskogo pediatricbeskogo maditainskogo instituta. (TrMPANIC MORANE-SURGERY) BUKHMAN,, ~.A., Ctomplications in tyhqmoplasty in the ppatoperative period. -Zhur. ush.,, nos. i korl.'bol. 21 no.1:19-25 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. 1z kafedry bolezney ukha, goria i nosa. (zav. - prof. D.M. Rutenlx=g) Leningradsko o meditsinskogo pediatricheskogo instituta. &&~URGFM) BUKHMAN, L.A., Otosurgical tactics in limited labyrinthitis in patients subject to tympanoplasty. Zhur. ush.., nos. i gorl.bol. 22 no.1:55-61 ja-F 62. (MIRA .15*-5) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. D.M.1bitenburg [deceased)) Laningradskogo meditsinskogo pediatricheskogo instituta. (LABYRINTH (W)-DISE ES) (TTHPANIC WORAM-SURGERY) BUKHWI L.Ae Minical, aspects and treatment of cancer of the larynx; from data of the clinic of the ftdiatric Institute from 1946 to 1960p Ioningrad. Vopeomk. 8 mo*8291-97 162. (MM 15:9) I* Zz kliniki bolewey ukhap gorla i nosa (zav, - prof* D.M. Ratenhirg [deceased] Imingradekogo pediatriebeekogo meditair- skogo intituta. (LUMM-MCER) BvKi4rvxRN, L-S . PAVLOVS11T. U.N., general-laytenout V.I., doteent; PBRYOVATSKIT. BUMMN. L.B.; GIAOOZAIV, Y.To o"Wkew maditainakoy slushby, aka"mik; NIZOVIIN. G.S.. polkovnik maditsinakoy oluzbby; Now repellent olutmento Toone-nedozhure no-7:46-49 i1 156. (KM 9:11) (INSWT RhITS ARD RBMLUYZS) * M - I.S.; SUKHOMLINOV, F.I.; LFIWSKIY, A.Nq. BUKHW, L.B. i fteparation of -proplolactow and its stablUty in aqueoug solutiozo and Natorap.- Zhur.priklekhia. 36 no.3:629-632 Yq 163. (MIPA 16&5) (Hydracrylic acid) BUIRKAN, Mikhail Moiseyevich; SHKIN, A.A.; BUERARIN, V.V.; VASILOY]WA, 6~.JC64-1 -.I., tekhnicheekly redaktor; [Production of mayonnalsol Preizvedstve maionesa. Keekwa, Pishchopromisdat, 1955. 32 P, (mLRA 9:4) (Keyonnalse) 1. BUKHMAN, M. M.; RUTKEVICH, I. G. 2. uss."i. (6oD) 4. Metal Spraying 7. Using metal spraying In repairing equipment. Masl. zhir. prom. 17 no. 6 1952. 9. Month -List -of -Russian Accession-s, Library of Congress, abruar 1953. Unclassified. NI-M 0 c4aft" ass r jinomeft method for jug" . a af From. 15, NO ption with of an app. for Lessorment of belght of Ikuid in a Af+h"t tmvoh(l) outhereastaoceol- a Column of Ii to pasum at als bubbhm from a lpipe at -Akl~ bottom of k-.KfvkDy*Y BUKHW. K.K.. inshener; LUCHIN, B.Gj Continuous vacuum drier. Kasl.-shir.prom. 19 no.5:19-21 154. (KLRA 7:9) 1. Glayranshirmaslo. (Drying apparatus) BUKHKAN, M.N., inshener. Stuffing box or centrifugal pump. Masl.-zbir. pron. 22 no-7: 30-32 '56- (mm 9tl2) 1. -Ronglavrasshirmaslo, (Centrifugal PW -me) (Packing (Nachanical engineering)) RUMVICH, I.G., Inshener; BUIEW. N.M., Inshoner. Automtlc control of water gas and bydrogen Nael -shir.prou. 22 no At 14-19 156s G:Proshir gas producers* (Mm 10: 1) (for Rutkovich)0 2s Rooglavraoshimaelo (for Bukhmaa)s Is (Gas producers) (Water gas) (Rydrogen) -i-O -00 -6-39W ~Ibv ei 4 4 1, A of U it 4 Is it It a III 4- 1 - L-il-lylilj i M a IX W u4j I L A r c - , .- - - - 00 Aimm L4sn #w the "gW hm I to 5 lukh. t to , -Ay.. (U. S.. S. 111117 irl. RIN.- J. lith. I 4. R.) 7 -Ab4m iven an a no of filters "-j Kvtmm curves are j . it q p o! Soviet aad lomko immice. Tran CUMCS Are r !9 -so so give" kW vokartl-jjla~% fifte., r..,, rCr,(,. .N. , 7 -00 4 pretal, by the lAvillualrd farldwy Coo And * Ithm 146 * and (14 %6%x filtrts black oo~ '-'f Mn. gl ma. M. red " m '60 irt-141. by the Cc + Cu. blue no. 15, dad c0q, no. 12 I .00 r Citi-viinot Glam Wurks. as writ a- tar other submatives %twh - Mlu- e Ilu") Wi N til " l 0 I v . o e. u ats im ster g as in n. , Fe "1, 101,- At,% m4". of 1#. &q. ,ttln. of KlMnO., re6lin . 0 j filtel ful. 3 1. w4l. of 1. in 04TI(Ifir, Zito (m ittiva. M641 on %I " m romili 1a- 0 6,11 tilies i l 1 Z110 3 4' I l x p . X , a $ . .11, 'ISOM. 111 4.41 lita'.. %%*o, t'll glar.4, 1~.Vvrrll pausurl Itlaim + Mark $6.4. %Ixt, tin nwrling 4 MIA-* utt~ KIA.- Im. 26 And Oll ) tAt-ro"I glA%a too kathilialln see As 16 10 0 tj b#IAILVr36K*l. MIN-ItAl CLAWFAC&TION '00 .00 wee, ties 4$10.1 -11 0- z., a 04 A I I a,( a.. It I U III AV V13 0 111 a It Od 0 Aa 11 W OT144 --- c- 'USSR/Physics Photochemistry 1 ft -9 to 1~4 Ultraviolet,Radiation UN "Photochemical Variations in Protein, Amino Acids,: Pk and Nucleonic Acids Subjected to Ultraviolet Radiation," M.. P. Bukhman, S. Ye.'Manoylov, State Opt Inst, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIX, No 1 Fxperiments shov specific photochazical reaction goes on as result of illumination of some orgauic~~ substances found in cells, particularly in p---o- tein, and nucleonic acid. Suggests this phenOMMUM. do 156T87 USSR/Physics Photochemistry 1 *ov 49.: (Contd) can be used, to determine some substances make up cells in histological preparations. S,ub-; mittedby Acad S. I. Vavilov'16 Aug 49. LARIONOV, L.P.; BUKHMAN, M.P.; XONDIAT I TJWA, T.H. Ultraviolet absorption microseopr of live cells. Zh. obah. biol.. Moskva 12 no.6:394-407 Nov-Doc 51, (CIML 21:4) 1. 1xperimental Cancer Department of the Central Roentgenological, Radiological, wid Cancer Institute. BRIDSEIRGY YEE. M.; BUJUWIAN, M. P.; KOZLOV, V. Y-E. Microscope and microscopy Histochemical reactions for the ultraviolet microscopy. Do'(1. AN SSSR 86., no. 3, 1952. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. O~Action of netrafine radiation an cultures of fi bp the methGdi Aemical Abst. n 1i , 110!q 'V01- 48, No. 6 r Mar. 259 1954 Fatol, 13, NO. a ug-To(lum). IleI p otogrnphic re- ly Biolog Iical Chetaistr productions are ;hown which cleat ud cate the usefulness of ultraviolet absorption microscop for chrly detection of changes that take place in living Cells. It allpears to bme. more sensitive than the methods of vital staining. Changes in'both the cytoplawn and the nucleus can be readily ~b- served and alterations of nuckic adds or nucleoprotems can be detected. Penetrating radiation causes'first of all changes in the absorption of nuclear 'hucleoproteins. and only later am the cytoplasmic components affected. The A radiation emp%yed was that produced by'cxposures W n; the substrate was the mammary gland of a mouse.i % USSR/General Ir,~iblcus of PatholoLy - 'AuDr-s. Metabolism. U. Aba Jour : Muf Zhur - Biol., N:) 21, 1956, 98173 Author : Bullffimmi, M.P., Kosti*ia, L.I. List Title : Livasti_eation, in Ultraviolet Microscope, of Twior-Cell pi-glent. OriG 'Pub : Bi--ftzilm, 1956, 1, m 4, 307-289 Abstract : By ucais of a spectroL;rajKl-'-.c attaclinent to all ultraviolet rxicroscope) the absorl-ALn s-pectnui of melanin (ii), 'awosi- e.orili (H) mid Hb of fre-L hom-)rrhages was studicoll. A fast mathoe' of differelitiatizta af niL;ment of M and H im *Umors vas developed, vilich was bascC on the fact that the (7issol- vin.,~ of H in oxalic ac-.*W. in the preparation, ilhI7'dpatce by ultraviolet rays, occ-Llxs cx,~re,,-.iely fast anC may -I'C .)b- sorvoO. wider the racroscope. -- I.S. Heyfel'C. Card 1/1 - 23 BUED", M.P.. BAYXOV, I.B. Usefulness of some hlstologlc&l fixistives In ultraviolet microsco". Zhur.ob.biol. 17 no.3:233-238 Nr-Je '56. (KIBA 9:8) 1. tafedra soologit besposvonochtykb Loningradekogo gosudarstv*n- nogo universitsts, iment A.A. Zhdanova. (FLUO=JNCZ MICROSCOPT) jaul;ym, X.P.; POL1121L, R.I.; QMGBYBV, L.T. Methods for maidug permaswat preperations I& fluoresceace alcros- copy. Zhur.ob.blol. 27 no.3:239-240 ffy-Je 156. (Mm 9:8) 1. Laboratorlys, eksperimentallnoy onkologil Institute, ockologil ANK s=. (, , n a m I I NICRMWY) -Mmm, Te.M.; METSBLI.K.N.; BARSKff, I.Ta.; BUEMN. M.P. ft9riment, In ultraviolet fluorescence sicroscopy of biological objects Lwith summary In Jngl1shJ. Zhur.ob.biol. 19 no.2:"-107 Mr-Ap (KIRA 11:3) 1. Gomda"Wounyy optIcheekly Ina%itut ia. 6-1-Tovilova. Institut blefixIkI AN SSSR I Botanichookly Institut 1p. W.L.1marove AN SSSR. (YWDMCUCE MICROSCOPY) (ULTRATIOPM RAYS) BMIMANt M.P.; KONDRATIYEVAt T.M. Mechanism of the formation of micronecrotic fool in the borne marrov of animals caused by penetrating radiations (according to the data of fluorescence and ultraviolet microscopy)e Biofizika 4 no. 4:454- 459 159. (MIRA 14:4) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut meditsinokoy radiologiit Leningrad. (X RAYS-PHIS110LOGICAL EFFECT) (MARROW) (nUDBESCENCE MICROSCOPY) ALEKSAVDROV, S.N.; BUKHMAN, M.P. Spectrographic study of the effect of radiant energy on the ultraviolet absorption spectra of crystalline proteins and amino acids. Biofizika 4 no. 6:720-725 159o (MIRA 14:4) 1, TSentrallnyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy rentgono-radiologi- cheakiy institut, Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSRp Leningrad. (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (PROTEINS--SPECTRA) (AMINO ACIDS-SPECTRA) BUMMAN.-M.P. ; MOBDRAT I YRVA, T,K, of the reaction of animal marrow' calls to the action of ionizing and ultraviolet radiation by means of ultra- violet and fluorescent mlcroscop7, TSitologlia 2 no-32309-317 Yq-je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Laboratorlya m1krookopii Institute, taitologii AN SSSRI Mal otdalonnoy luchevoy patologil TSentralinogo institute. meditsinskay radiologil Xnisterstva sdravookhranani7a SSSR. NUMOV) (PADUTIO]r--PHYSIOLOGIUL XiF=) OVCHINNIKOVA, L.P.; SELIVANOVA, G.V.; KHEYSIN, Ye.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: BMMMAN M.P.; KUDRYAVTSEV, B.N. Phctocytometric study by the ultraviolet ray method of the eff.ct of starvation on RNA and DNA content in parameciim caudatum. Sbor. rab. Inst. tsit. no. 3s44-53 163. OURA 17-7) 1. Laboratoriya mikroskopii Instituta tsitologii AN SSSR. BUKHKAN, N. A. The weldin'- of low-alloy hin-h-sreed steel rlates and buildingu!~ a hard-i0loy plate on I 9~ cutting tool made of a different Lnetal usinm, contact rolling mochiner and a-T-Firatuv. Moskva, Otrasievoo biuro tck-hn. informateli LAAIGa, 1940. 15 F. 1, J) 4 A UJI-V w t #0 4 AL, _9OPVI___ - - --- .. 00, 114( KISM ANO VOC PtIfIlt INNI 00 *off I Mwqumcll- of 6ww4bmoy A -tamomim-malyb1mums-vanadium tool asevis rmp ham 11750 so IIWC.. and an thus bWaw#dw melt" .0 painim of the somer" gemwelly umd fm Immaing Oft 41641FAM hith-OP. a" ti Oen" Iramomate whimh bmuting alkys for shin particuJar two, lrhvo 60 := an eawwww. F~m.mw4wmO (76%) was 0 a bmw mmilmrirA its Tambing point being emu-olled br4wemn M.C 1140' ancl 12110.0%. adablomm of up to 40 of on=. TWO oupper. ambd aIlloys wow wal ummi. Furnava = and trioal ramimrsatim bnwifta wan - I'l A. abaw t4ma and beffit-Immaimms and cutting two im o wm macle an Ow bwmd-m lipiL IU but mallm wm given by a fwm- nmWa- bming alloy costdaing 0-0 The -Pper- ni"I alloys env* a bisher dow during wo I t. IoM trestromt of the took ww uns"Wactory. Attamptato foom Ow brawng terupwature remmulted m radaml qumw~ tools dirvatly *4 atoll Sol t!"O.4 A I L a NNIA&L~&L L"MATUM CL&IMPKATOP slow VONOW Wei %V1080-64AV, env ant "10 "Alostj 09490, OWN 0- Ot 13g[Lx- I - 14 All; a' T a' no a' a 8 1 V 10 1 a 4 3 9 T U I*.JIM 'A A S 0 0 00 - O-Wo :10 0 0 0,9 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0. 0 4:6.0 wa 0.0 9 0 0 0 a a 6 0 00000.18 'IM am BUKHM, _ ".. A ReMm Plutinok Is tyerdogo splava na apparstakh d2ya stykavoy surlde (Cutting of plates fi-cm hard alloys on apparatus for butt contact welding) Sogtaviu N, A* Bddsaffin I Ke 0* Mashennik. moakwao M&shgiz,, 1944) 8 P* Dijkgrs* At had of title: VNII Basic handbook discusses methods for cutting preparation and cutting of hard alloy plates, equipment necessary for cutting and s=e operational features of cutting. BUKHMAN, N.A. and K.P. IMSHENNIK. Svarka zagq~ovok instruments. po metodu Ignatleva na stykovykh mashinakh; in- struktsiia dlia mastera i tekhnologa Do svarke. Moskva, "ashgiz, 1944 1? p. diagra. At bead of title: Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatellskii instrumentalInyi institut. Butt welding of half-finished tools according to Ignatlev's method; instructions for skilled workmen and weldirg technologists. DLC-. TS227.B92 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union., Librar7 of Congress, 1953.- trhiVAR, 9. A. k X. P. 1!66- =* stykavala, evarka sapro"k instnments; Instraktaiia d3la matera i tak- nolage, po evarke. (Moskva) Washgisq 19", 30 p. diagre. Butt welding of half-finished tools; instructions for skilled vorkmen and welding technologists~ SOt Manufacturing and mechanical engimor-Ing in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953 DISHMIK, K.P.; PEW -4, VIIADISIAVZBV. T.S., professor, rets*useat; KOILI, A.Ta., inshener, rodmktor; NAMYXVA, U.N., tekhalcheekly redektor. [Technology of soldering hard-alloy cutting tools) Tekhaologila palki imerdowplaynogo,~astrumenta. Kooky&, Goo. mmucbno-tekhn. isd- vIo mashizostroit. lit-ry., 1954. 160 p. (MLRA 8:2) (Omttima tools) (Solder and soldering) 117-58-7-5/25 AUTHORSs Bukhman, N.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Kutsovskiy, F.V., Engineer, TITLEs A Semi-Autpmatic Machine for Butt Welding of Steel Blanks (Poluavtomat dlya stykovoy svarki stallnykh zagotc-ok) PERIODICAL: Mashinostraitellp 1958, Nr 79 pp 16-19 (USSQ ABSTRACTs The head and the bar portions of the vernier calipers "Putey,tstl (Figure 1) are produced separately by stamping and are connected by contact butt welding. The article gives detailed information on the design and operation of a semi-automatic machine deve- loped for this purpose by the Welding Laboratory of Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instrumentallnyy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Tools) collectively with the plant "Kalibr". The only manual operations are the installing of the blanks on the machine and the removal after welding. The work process itself, consisting of pre-heating, fusion and upsetting, is fully automatic. The machine design is described in detail. The information includes technological recommenda- tions for the rate of feed in separate stages of process as are Card 1/2 defined by a curve. The automatic drive of the machine, developed A Semi-Automatic Machine for Butt Welaing of Steel Blanks 117-58-7-5/25 correspondingly to this curve, is described and illustrated se- parately. Several thousand vernier caliper blanks have already been joined at the plant "Kalibr" with the use of the described machine and work technology. The quality of the joints is constant and satisfactory. The machine is expected to find extensive use. There are 5 diagrams. 1. Welding nechines-4haracteristialk Card 2/2 BUKHMAN, N.A.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; SEDOV, V.S., inzh. Automatic butt welding of blanks for metal-cutting tools. Nov.tekh.izg.instr. no.2:75-77 161. OCRA 15:8) (Automatic control) (Electric welding) 112PA301111, 32D ids 36V nits 41 ack its I A A "56 1 a 1 8 11 a a m ts u v a -F-5-71-f I is 11 I IF I T I AA 0 jc :,as 00 P110CMIS AND PROPENTIRS IMPIN -00 00 00 -00 -00 00 a t -00 98 0 and N. 0-akda"Ima. rqw v Pslawlyu a. 'N's. 1. * 1 sp 0 t4iliKIII).-Arrvirwwitit:.%iit-li'ttlkv,. S. A. K&rjAI4 9see 90 1=00 00 09 me* zoo Hi goo I use j Mee. use Ai. 10126OW1 CL&IWICAIMN i sihoso -I '311t, slaill am 0.- Ilk - - r I - 1- 'A A t a &i a " 0 1 *,.a 1919 doll 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]A-.? "M G ilvabbANAN W11 VU MA bM 1010C -t GO NOVO MIAL 0 Rji V t so H /5 -go 00 c of !rift by the cyanille Us &iwm1m%WG 01 p - l i 00 J D u ?A. 0. Ly 414401027)) ii tile 111-1 '04. 0 him N01 N m m j 00 1 . . Sm. s . . o iat m ( j;JcJary J&PW awthmi. For 201us. c("ItIg. Tugals .00 Z comus, u1 SociCN), mj KOH t4 40 g./j. a c most %all%. factor7. 00 coo 00 00 w 00 coo 00 2 moo '00 t-'I L A 89TAUMICAL LITINOW, C&AWKISTOR wove .0 .1. 0.. Got u 0 AT No 19 V IF ._. t T q I j 6 p s a ad 0 NO 0 1 w;1wvLvwA malls 19 a a .1 : : : : :,* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o If o 0 o 0 If Is Ie, 0 0 0 0 0 s, 0 0000 : : : :1: : :10 00 41190, 000 foe a 0 0 00 IL L it-JL-r -4 DoWmimmilim W bilmink &dd I 7jjjVd-4j -A I'damijo A. No. 0. Mwj III filok4litin Cfkwnlcml with statiodmid awflowil. 1001W GO (tit foludAM711111 CAMIS. The vwW uwthW iw.' walo HAS IrApiood, Ito 2 And. IlsOll, 111.13A nix. Ile to 4 (awylirdies: Into a Am-cc. Ilash. pilwc':M 5. of the sub. tat. PC 1. a Infe.. 0.11.13 lilt. Fe tit 6 slid.. Big, Ile I A, litanom to be drid.. add 100 m. of Seat" at W', Aake fog 10 Ind., 0.3W And. PC to 12' 111g.. (1.44d nfg~ Fe 1. 14 mg.; 1-2 min, and. fallen vuld, add water up to The rawk. at 0.472 mg. Fe to 16 tn4l.. 0.513 mg. VA: to IS mg. and U.651' 4141 is rater. tum to ec. to( the filtrate I" " ' I awl It. For products coal$. jW'*AiXj IKWY with U tv. 110). (1 ~~S). muld 40 V'. Ii 111Z rXI: Is bext: Into a 14, disin, A&A .1 The 118011 by volialtims A, feel". ROIL ther CAIMI- Still 214) re. tot vemire. add 41) a The j! blue tiff role. and WAA with 11, tv. 44 armet, (Irlwal). 4 O.Mur 14%v0 ;A1 11111flivir AA14tor, lend Then add 2 tv, 0.6 N NaOll find shilklic -5 M14, INNIC the diolill flog Us him, No 0. 14, h4ve at It... iv. Ad dilliAtAile. elk. ext, into a t"t tube and evielo. too a water bath. Totbe Vlo the rArcri-lavir I-1,mv h,-r. XNaOll, Coor. file Alm- 004 to Ile (tot IlIke ("W luji'Al it) all a water loth to Jim) Ale., ,3 1 cc. coned. IIA7N. Im numPINO 1111116,611il" p6v OW Ify with 2 ve, d4l. II.R I.. odd 40 vc, MO.) SOW shake 0 0 1 trat tube Is a water bath #4W M mill. 04 roulb I'l ilf .Itaft W 00 %7 4 cc 111d0, ctAAA asain. " :PI tv. 2111' ofintatimak art wai fm h Into. lio a wi4,. buntel. I hr Arm -( the 6 Sit 01,,oc,itied at.,,,,. Me IAAA-n,~ -A "toic. juallo. Am JUT 30 mia. at 3-4'. Compare the obtaimord cookaing in acetic acid 4an not interfere. In ~ A a I... mactWil 0010 a Dubmq C.Amitneter Awith a ittamilifid m0n, empowd of on foaditryfic acief the latter is oxidized with focimanganate. 13 cv, 2% mol". 44 NJI,CNN. to which hale tx" added 1-2 The nietlmd win leard net various canned fruits and can- (am-tadimid to A he iffitmifity of the codurives) of a VON If.- fectiollek. aterbovirs, Cluvw, "ViAr The Ctfor it UWtl'AC4MIkO f, T. 1AAftes ('14) 1 event X h "Is' 44 I it a X 014, US Calra. the I"mi, o6 is Ile IzA 11W "horimmig W The muleit' 40 bir drid'; -,!! odimmig tit The atimmeefivoll amb.. lo. -8. Is the staftlemid exAm, (Al PC-CN8 ad (I thee c4daims Viet t"Aft 44 the moln. in be detd. Cook. the azxtt~ ad Vv vogim"ok hor few "mime amA then cale. the, amt, III 1118011 III-M a ef"I Ifti. table. IN which 41.4070 MR. 44 Ile "m - ~O Om ',Aiv (A. 0M. ItAflmt. 4 oil At V I. At I Ale Q'i I A 1-1 _3 a Ale 4 8 it Ad a It an to it 111115 A 1 14 41 0 6 0 Ali 0 0 0 4 0 a 0, 4 * 0 0 0 0 400 f 1300 4100 1;00 090 2 Arm al .1 - coo We* Ines BUKHKANp N.DP; LEVYOVIGH, K.K.; KADYKOV, B.I. . professor, zaveduyushchiy. Effect of phosphatides and oxypolymerized vegetable oil on the nutritive value of sunflower seed oil. Vop.pit. 12 no-3:49-54 Yq-Je '53. (MLR& 6:6) 1. Ot.del gigiyeny i fi7iologii pitaniya Nauchno-lasledovateltakogo Bani- .t.arno-giglyenicheskogo institute. (Leningrad). (Leiithin) (Otiq and fate) AN 14. D 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Sunflower Seed Oil 7- Effect of phosphatides on the nutritive value of sunflower seed oil., Masl. -zhir. prom., 18, No. 4, 1953- 9. Month List of Russian AccesSions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. BOMAN, N. D. and ZAPOLISKAYA, N. A. "Development of Pat Diets for Various Adult Groups of the Population," paper presented at the Scientific Conference of the Leningrad Sanitation InfItute, 8-lo may 1956. U-3,054,017 FILLADINA, O.K., doktor biol. rAuk; ANOSHKINA, A.A.; STIPANOVA, Ir.S.; ;_,~APOLISKAYA , N.A. Formulas for margarine baited on Dbysiological, needs. Masl.-zhir. prom. 2.4 no. 6:13-16 158. 11:9 1. VaesovtIzvy muchno-ionledov 'stallskiy institut zhiro.v(for Palladino, Anoslikina. Stepano" ). 2. IMSGI (for Bukhman. Zopollskays). (Kargarine) T"; -, T-- v - mic characteristics of fetr- of rm"live o -r r P,.Vi,4 1~,P- oil' e~- hmicinv their nutritive renort submitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of HyE.-icnistZ, Enirdlemiolor.ists Pnd IlllfE'Ctionists, 1.959. S/244/62/02 1 /001 /OD4/004 1016/1216 A uthor Bukhman, N. D. Title: THE EFFECT OF THE ANTIOXIDANT MOPYLGALLATE ON THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FATS Periodical- Voprosy pitaniya, v. 21, no. 1, 1%2, 68-72 Tem: The study was conducted on growing male albino rats kept on a synthetic diet, Addition of 0.02% propylgallate to fats (refined sunflower oil, beef fat, mixed fat) lowered their nutritional value. The animals showed considerably lower gains of weight and retardation of development. During partial fasting, animals fcd pyrogallate-treated fat failedto utilize their fat and protein reserves and succumbed carlierthan thecontrols. These results contraindicate the use of propylgallate as an antioxidant in the fat industry. There are 3 figures and 2 tables Association: Oldel gigicny pitaniya Lcningradskogo instituta radiatsionnoy gigieny (Department of Food Hygiene, The Leningrad Institute of Radiation Hygiene) Submitted: February 29, 1960 Card 1/1 BUKR4411431 0., sLadentl, Seasonall factors of the course of pneumonia in yjung ckiildren in Dushanbe. Trady TEtdzh. mad. ina~. 50.200-202- 161. (MliLA 17:8) 1. Iz k~Lfed~ry patologichestkoy aliaLowil (zav. prof. B.1. Monasi,*rrskaya) Te.,zhikskogo gosudarstveiinogo maditsinskogo institu'ua lmoni Alyiali lbn-Sin!~. % KOZLOTSKIY, X-T-; BUX-HYAN. S.P.; PALTUX, A.T. cemutation as amm for mtal sepamt1on, Trady Kos. anal. '+'-- 4t 263-273 1520 (NIsatrochamical ana37s1s) (=An t6) - (Nonferrous =tale) - 1, N, Buyanw, S. P. WW CjVA91"qn. of some instate from gquoous soludims oi the r int ta. r an ta. U-I& At Nank Kazal j R No ;Akad . . - . ., 13-W(10731): cf. C.A. 48, lge8r.-Tli 6 theoretical mipects Chemical Abott of eLitlettlation of ttletuls (mat S0111. are &cwwd with 48 No. vol 5 1minterous rclercurves (Russell and Carver. C.A. 32 73321). h f f l h Th ff L I t , s o cc e onture o the meta e. v t e " , of t n., vnnp, Mar. 10, 1954 ngitaflon, and completeness of the proccts ate tevttwed) I Metallurgy and MetallographY The expil. ,Lady was made with IICI *Itis. of D i with Cd, Fe, and Pb plates; the cementation of It! on Cd and Pe murs at nearly the mine rate; it is considerably lem rapid on Ph provided the total atut. of L 'i Is snuill (10 trig.). At small levels of III the rate is approx. equal fit all naSell. i Cementation of Sb (rout IIISDOICI witt. oil Cd ard Pe %vasalsoexanul. mW yield of 10% wav common. Fe is roasidtmbly morel , - effective. Addn. of Cu to the soln. alds c-menlatlon ofl ' .51) on Fe er Cd nmkiiig Cd utilization approach 11)0%;l even small aints. of Cu tire effective owing to lowvr H over-j ~ 'Ivoltagc on Cu than (in Cd. Urge coucas. of Cu cause ni draft lit Utilization Of Cd IuVi"R to decreased area of an(Aic. :fvginus (pure Cd surface). At low concti.4, added Hg in- !creaqes the sepri. of Sb; at high concitg. no c1fcct Lq nh)- scrved. The results art- tiLscussed generally in light of: elect "whem. phenomena G. 1,1. Knqola BUIURIINI S. P. Chemical Abst.* Vol. 48 Noq 4 W8MI'*d.Ior separating,,, and A. 8: Ows"I a I *Vk. Feb. 25, 1954 JV-uk 4(7), Ri~7 3(1952).-Expts. o Khhn. Analytical Chemistry and Sb on Cd. Fe, and a t1le ceme"WiOn of Bi and of Cd on Za g" Pb, of Cd and Pb on NR RnIalgain are des,:ribed. p. the B. I 413d 5b CI or HCJ.' J, IT,1qO4. For laW conens. of 81 the rate afia~n*ea_t~~ pended an the potential of the ce.. enting metal. For "all ro tells. of Ili the rate depended oil the diffusion rate'011 the iiiijoils. %neiilO.timg.DiintOOmi.c#948.vmtruttd vvith Cd, Fe. and Ph, 53. 12. and 95%. resp.. of the amt. of inctaladdedivasusedicippt-fil. Themtolthemetalwea used in'forming H. 11, 25 min. 88, 85, and 70% of the Ili was sepd. by Cd. Ile, and Ph. mp. The reaction rate COU14 not be called. exactli because the sireit of the electrode sur- faces changes. When LOG nig. Ili in 100 I'll. wlVk treated' 3. 1.4, aild 0%. resp.. of the metal Nvith Cd, Ft. and Ph. V added was used to pill. Bi. In -25 tnits. 60, 70, anti 0% of tile Ili wu %epil. by CAt 'lie. attil Ph. resp. When 100 mg. of mim, was added. I ~%%. Ill it, log ul. was 08% scpd. on Cd, alt(l noil witsfortued. Sittillarlyin2limin..0-11mg. Ili was 00% AePd. Oil C41, and abuost no Cd was used for 11 forniation. rifty ing. Sb was scild. quantitatively an CA wilen 20. go. and 160 ting. Cu ion ivere added. with 90, 71, and M% rt,%p.. of lie arlded Cd used for H formation- Ctt fanned a ronwil. will, tile sb and ralsed the discharge potelltial of Sh ioitq. When Fb was cemented oil Fe, CH in" were conducted gave sullilar m-mit, 1%.Vpts. witil allialgallis rrer in IM-11d. beakvr, at 20' will, Co"St. 191H't'd for tile sti - v obiained for CIA 120 S. Cil after 20 min; of anuiliu-n.- -C4-wo;i- -iva-.11-nif 3 me quisatitativelyonthtNitamalpra. InneutralandilloAN acid sofnil. by addn. of 0.0051 C. Zn ton before aildn. of Na amddP- 100% of the Cd was selid., with 52.6 anti 22.R% of. the added Na used for Cd selm. InneutridandOAMactd sains. with O-OM8 g. Ni ion 67.2 and A-4.3% Cd, m. p., was sepil., lyith 29 and 32%. rc%p., of the added Na'ustd for Cd up In neutral and 0. IN acid solos. with O.MVIR .. Ft inn IR and 89% Cd. resp.. wasselid. with 62.5 and 32.3%, resp., of the added Na used for Cdwpvi. InvicittralandO.1 N acid solvis. with OSK30 g. Cis Ion 99.7 alit] 100% Cd, resp.. wall sepd. with 49.4 and r_2% resp., of the added Na' used for Cd scpii. With Ni. chiefly Cd wtv; cemented first. In nentralsoln. with Cd still Vc (or Cd anti Ni) ncithq inctal; transferred completely to the Jig, lit MIN acid h6th Cd! and Cu transferred coinpictely to the fig. Other inctalsl -hindered Cd cementation oil the Na asnalgain. Tilacidqolfllll Zn anudgarn selld. Cd faster than Naninalgani, but Z11 arnal-, gain h4d little effect an Ni anti I:c. I lit alk.soln., 11beoiddbe' sepd, quantitatively an Na tunalgam. hut V% of the added Na wn% itsed for 11 (antiation. liere 1% nninigains gave* better results than 0.5% ainalgims.' With I% Na ujivilgain ivell-fortned clihic crystals licInliging to the triad systoll were folnued 'Their alwltrwc. mnlin. %,-n-; IN q9. 111) 0.27, r la" -I Bull Na 0.55~.. Sit could not lic, 4N oted fly N n"n1g. lit in air. Ultrilin Maverle IOZIOOVBKIY. M.T.; BUKHPAN S P tZil-VIRF - W~I- I NN !- Polarography of malts of various metals with the aid of amalgam electrodes. Izv.AN lazakh.SSR Ser.khtu. no.5:14-21 '53. (MBA 9: 5) (Polarography) (salts) f Ll~-11*1-1~-~-tt:~7- A 1 . . Mm T. Knz!c, zj U S of 2n ir zbe an-lgwij j,,jI ttj,z ~)Ijtj. it, pm~-7,,we of H icir~ Tho di&,olution of Zn shon. an effici ell"y >1 Zlich pmves Oat tpt-t f".11; an-)Jic 01cre elsem, di~~o)uticn. Div prc-,4-ri, -3f thzriug poLirog, phic dan. bi -bc:h cii-a du~:i not irvij--w the true diffu-,iien-eurmait, "i - Vim is an 01171nnt due to the pr"~~-"nec (if Lmavy metals-A. W. 5(2) 3 PHASE I MOK ZaUrMION SOV11699 Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR. Institut Widebeskikh neuk Issledovaniya p0 elektrokbi-11 vodnykh rastvorov I rasplavov I MEMItSOMIDOY metallurgii (Research on the Electrochadstry of Water Solutions, Fusions and Ame"sm Metallurgy) Alma-Ata, lzd-vo AN Kaz. SSR, 1958. 322 p. (series: Its: Trudy, t' 3) 1000 M1" Printed, Ed.: V.V. Aleksandriyekly; Tech. ed.: &P. Rorokina; Editorial Board of Series: I.I. Zabotin, V.M. 11yushchanko, G.Z. Urejakov (Deputy Reap. Ed.), M.T. Kozloviddy, (Resp. Ed.) and L.N. Sheluftmkav. PUMOSE: This book Is Intended for scientists and engineers in the electrodhadeal and nonferrous metal Industries, COVERAGE: This collection contains A reports- by the Laboratories for Analytical Chemistry and Blectrochooslatry attached to the Institute of Chemical Sciences, AcadftW of Sciences, Kazakhstan PA7031c. The amalgiss method of obtaining thal.lium from lead powder, the electrolysis of sulfate solutions of zinc and the impoverishment of vaste slag diwing zickel prodbaction are deserlbed* The majority of articles have a prsatima nabure and deal with problems of Card I* Research on the.Electrochemistry of Water solutions (cont.) sovII699 developing and perfecting now electrochemical methods for the. prodaction of nonferrotis zs~tais. TANX OF MVIMM: 3 Kozlovskly, lk,T,.,- M,V* Nosek, S.P. 30kisma PeI* Zabotin.9 and VeM, Ilyushchanko. water Mcivilition V9i!U;m FrM sint~w Bprx of the ChInkent rAad Plant 5 KOLIM)dy,, k*T.i �AEL-MAwwZL*-M.V. Nonkv V.M. Ilywhchenko,, and P.I.. Zebotin. Displacement of ThaIlliza industrial Solutions by Zinc AmIgm 15 Koziovwdy, M*Top Sk.Jk*bmMI6 N.V.- Nosekp V.N. Ilyashchenko, P,I, Zabotin., an&'A,I. Zebrawai, 'Electrolytic DecamposItion. of Amalgem Ddring Ahe Production of Thalliam From Povdars of the Chimkent lead Plant, 20 Card 2/4 Research on the Blectrochoodstry of water soiutions (cont.) so7/3-699 Noseko M.V.o V.M. Ilyumbehenkox end M.T. KOZ10vokiy. Inv6stiptiOn Of Potentials of Sam Amalgm Metals During Anode Oxidation in a Sulfate-Ammonium Elpatrolyte, 29 graipble Method of Detendning Inbum Bakbman S and K,V,, Nona, Polaro 39 Zabotinp P.I.p M.T. Kozlovokly.. and G.Z. Kirlyakov. Zlec:irolysls of Sulfate SolutionB of Zim 'With a Mercury Cathode and a low Content Of zinc in the Solution 45 Shevtsova, N.K., and M&T. Kozlovoldy. The Use of Aluminum for Die- placement of Metals From Water Solutions of Their Salts 54 T,ir'7a]wv, G.Z., and F.K. Bmaml7etova. The Influence of Sam Metal Ion Adidxtures on the-Caftode Process During " Eleetrolysis of Zinc'Sulfate Solutions Under Conditions of High Current Density 64 Card 3/4 I Research on the Electrochemistry of Water Solutions.0011t.) SOV/1699 Kirtyakov,, O.Z., FIK. B~7ilyetova., and R.S. Vakh1dov. Role of Mangagese in the Zinc MAetrodeposition Process 72 Vakhidov, R.S., and G.Z. Kir, yakov. Eleetrodsposition of Cadmium . Under Conditions of High Current Densities 82 Dmw&yev,, Yu. D. and G.Z. Kir Iyakov. Lead-based Carmet Anodes 87 33ulvarkip A.A., L.N. Sheludyakov, Yu. D. DmNsyev, and G.Z. Kirlyakov. Impoverishment of Fused Waste Slag From the Production of Nickel by the Displacement Method. Part 1, 102 Sheludyakov, L.N., and O.Z. Kirlyakov. Impoveriabsebt of Fused Waste Slag From the Production of Nickel by the Displacement Method, Part 111 13-1 Sheludyakov., L.N., and O.Z. Kirlyakov. Mqpvwjsb==t of Fused Waste Slag From the Production of lickel by the Displacement Method. Part III * 118 AVAILAKE: Library of Congress TM/slas Card 4/4 136-1-7/20 'AUTHORS: Kozlovskiy, M.T., Zabotin, F.I., 11yushchenko, V.M., ,_Bukhman, S.P., Nosek, M.V., Sergiyenko, V.Ya. and Malkin, Ya.Z. TITIS: Use of an Amalgam Method for Extracting Thallium from Chimkent - Lead Works Dust (Primeneniye amallgamnogo metoda. k izvlecheniyu talliya iz pyley chinikentskogo svintsovogo zavoda) PERIODICAL: TsvetnyyeMetally, 1958, No.1, pp. 30 - 41 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The work described was based on theoretical and applied work on amalgam methods of separating and producing metals at the Chemical-sciences Institute of the Ac.Sc. KazakSSR - (Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN KazSSR) and the Kazakhsk State University imeni S.M. Kirov-(Kazakhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. S.M. Kirova) under the direction of M.T. Kos- lovskiy (Refs. 1-8). The following participated in the work: A. Zebreva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, V. Gladyshev of the University and M. Levanov, V. Prachev, Ye. Ruben va, M. Shalaginova, G. Nosov and Yu. Stolyarov of the Chimkent-sk Lead Works. K. Simakov and L. Ushkov of the Works helped to organise the semi full-scale trials and I. Yudevich and N. Karpenko analysed spectroscopically for thallium and Cardl/3 A. Popova did chemical and polarographic analyses with 0. Orsa 136-1-7/20 Use of an Amalgam Method for Extracting Thallium from Chimkent Lead Works Dust of the Chemical-sciences Institute of the An KazSSR. Sintering- dust analyses for different periods are tabulated (Table 1) and laboratory-scale experiments with the dust are described 0 Here, roasting of 20-25 kg batches was carried out at 400 - 50; C, showing (Fig.1) that an appreciable part of the sulphide sulphur and thallium. is eliminated within the first hour at 400 -C. Four-fold 18aching of the dust (two 250-9 samples) with water at 80 - 90 C showed (Table 3) that 80-90% of the thallium. was extracted in the water, the extraction increasing with tempera- ture. Cementation of thallium. with zinc amalgam was carried out on the acidulated extract which was continuously circulated (Fig.3): the results (Table 4) showed that 98-990% extraction of thallium from the solution could be obtained. It was shown that the amalgam (originally 0.36 - 0.40 g/litre Zn, 0.127 g/litre Cd and 108 mg/litre Tl) could be decomposed by anodic oxidation wish special electrolytes at current densities of 100 - 50 A/m, , the density being gradually reduced as the appropriate metal was removed from the amalgam. The flow-sheet based on the laboratory results (Fig.4) was put into practice in a larger scale plant (Fig-5) at the Chimkensk Works, where it (;ard2/3 't 136-1-7/20 Use of a.--a Amalgam Method for Extracti-ng Thallium from Chimkent- Lead Works Dust tzeated several tons of dust from April to October, 1956 and was used for balance experiments in October of that year. The a:rticle gives details of the different, stages and balances for the different metals. These show that with the proposed method pure metallic thallium can be obtained with a yield of 65%, about 30% being in returns and 501o' being lost. An edit- orial note invites disCUBsion on the amalgam method. There are 5 figures, 13 tables and 10 Russian references. ASSOCIAIION: Institute of Chemical Sciences of the AxA_&_KazSSR (Institut khimicheskikh nai,]K AN KazSSR) a'Zd Chimkent~. Lead Works (Chimkentskiy svintsovyy zavod) AVAIIABJZ: Library of Congress Card M,' 10MISM, M.T.; NOSEX, N.V.; BUKHUNo S.P.; ZABOTIN, F.I.; jji , . ILYUSHCHRMO, T.M. - Water leaching of thallium fr9a agglomeration dust at the Cheakent lead smelting ead refining works. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazakh. SSR 3:5-14 '158. (MIRA 12:3) (Thainum-netanurgy)