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In a ty-ping shop. Prom.koop. no-7:16 Jl '57. (MML 10:8)
1.11adhallnik teekha mashinopisi artell Invalidov inami XIX Parts"yesda.
BUM. S. S.
36832. Ostsillegraficheskiye pokazatli arteriallnogo djvl.,.niya u zkc
(pri razlichiykh fanktsionallnykh probakh). Trudy 'lied. in-ta (Rhev.
t. IX, 1949, C. 190-95
SO: Letoris' Zharnallynkh Statey, Vol. -50, X",oskva. 1949
BALI=, A.F., ixzhener. BUIR, V.M., iazh*aor.
The JR-201 multibucket excavator. Strol.1 der
Jl 156. (Excavatiag vachinw7)
T---) ",.~ . - I 1111-1 "7111
L:--) "", r , "', I
SUDOVICH, N.P., inzhener; BUKH, inshener; -,iOZMCBIAT, A.Ta. ,
inzhoner. -~.
The ET-142 trench cutting machine. StroM dor.maahinoatr. no.1:16-18
Ja 157. (WAA 10:2)
(Excavating machinery)
KOZLOV, T.I.. Prof.. doktor ekou.nauk,; BI!90ELI. IC.Ta,, prof.,
doktor akon.nauk, rod.;j , Tq,.jj.., dotsev.~.# kand.ekon.nauk, red,;
ZHIBRAK, K.n.. prof.. doktor skon.nauk, re-I.; ISAKOV, V.I.$
dotsent. kand.okon.nauk, red.; FRETHM, To Y., dotsent. kand.
okon.nauk, red.; SEIZVCHUK, I.V., kand.ekon.-isuk, red.; SHIFW.
I.G., dotseatt kand.ekou.nauk. red.; SHCHAFNA, T.A., doteent,
kand.okon.nauk, red.; USTUANTS, V.A., red.: MEUNT11W, A.M.,
(Problems in statistics and accounting; a ecAlection of articles
on machine accounting] Voprosy statiatiki i ucheta; abornik
statei po mekbanizataii uchata. HoEkva. Goa.stat.izd-vo, No.2.
1959. 350 P. (MIRI 13:6)
1. Moscow. Ekonomiko-otatistichaskiy instittt.
(Machine accounting)
KOZWV# T.I., prof., otv. red.j BREOLO, R.Ta.p profsa red.;,,-PUKRp Ye.M.p
dots.p red,j MMBRAK9 M.D.9 prof.9 red.; ISA,TV, V.I., dots.-r-r-o'cE.-
FJtMflJ=t 799H&p dota,p red.; SHIYW, A.Gop dots,,p red..; SHCRk-
FINAp T.A.p dote.p redel SHEVCHUK# A.V.p kand: skonom. nm~*j red.1
SHENTSIS9 Ye.M.9 red.; PYATAKOVA# N.D.,-tekbn,, red.
(Problemis in statistics and accountind] Vopro;~y statistiki J ucbeta.
Moskva, Gosetatisdat, TWO SM. No.3elconeevon of articles on
labor productivit;7 statistics in industry] Sbwmik statei po
tistjke'~roizvoditellnosti truda v prozWshlem:7sti. 1961. 345
(MIRA 24:810
1* Moscow, Zkonomiko-statistiobaskly institut.
BORISOV, Ye.F., dots.; BREGELI, E.Ya., prof.; XK#, dots.;
VASHENTSEVA, V.M., dots.; GOLEVA, Yu.P., ka:id. ekon. nauk;
GOIEVA, A.P., kand. ekon. nauk; DMOCHKIN, (.;.V., dots.;
DONABEDOV, G.T., kand. ekon. nauk; YMIOLOVI,CH, I.I., dots.;
A.S., prof.; MIROSHNICBENKO, V.S.., dots.; MY.ASNIKOV, I.Ya.,
kand. ekon. nauk; PIKIN, A.S., dots.; SIDOROV,, V.A.; WIRNOV,
A.D., dots.; SOLOVIYEVA, K.F., dots.; SOROKINA, I.F., dots.;
TARUNIN, A.F., kand. ekon. nauk; KHARAKHASHIYAN, G.M., prof.;
red.; GARINA, T.D., tekhn. red.
[Economics of socialism] Politicheskaia ekonomiia sotsializ-
ma. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1963. 476 p.
(MIRA 17:2)
Ua.-'Lng azolyat-A as an emulsifier;~in the emulsion.po4merization
of rubber. Sbor. nauch.-tekh. inform. Azerb. inst. natich.-telch.
inform. Ser. Nefteper. i khim. prom. no.2:3-14 162.
(MIRA 18:9)
Synthesis of demulsifiers based on the oxidation products of a dearomatized
reflux fraction ai*& besting of their demulsification properties with several
oils of the Azerbaijan. Azerb. khim. zhur. no.1:18-22 165. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Institut neftekhimicheakikh protsessov AN AzerSSR.
- ~ BUKHA, V.
Some results of paloomagnetic investigations of primary eruptive
rocks in Czechoslovakia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.1:54,59
Ja 161. NEU 14- 1)
1. Chekhoulovatskaya Almdemiya nauk, Geofizicheskiy itWtitut.
(Czechoslovakia-.Rocks--Magnetic properties)
(Magnetism# Terrestrial)
BUKH-GEIRCHIK, S.I.,dotsent (Kiyev)
-1;7, VW, -Z"Izi~--
.. -~v . ,- -
, , 4~ --
Treating chronic odontogenic osteomWelitis of the mandible.
Probl. atom. 3:159-162 '56 (MLRA 10:5)
--3m- --MCHIKP S.Lp dots. ("v)
Sargleal method In the over-all treatment of paradentouls, Probl,
stom. 4.-317-321 158. (GUNS-SMIRT) (KM 13:6)
BUKB-Cl,iECHIK S.I. dotsent (Kiyev)
. -1- -. ~ -., I.- ........)
Trimecaine (mesocaine) in maxil2cfacial . r-';; -1,14 tz
('~,,-IiA 3,6110)
Iddr. no.l-.7-10 165- ",-
BUKH-CHECHIK, S.I., dotsent
gical tactics in the treatment of various forms and stages of
parodontosis. Vrach.delo no.7:707-709 Jl 159. (MIRA 12:12)
1. Kafedra khirargicbeskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. N.V. Fetusov)
Kiyevskogo meditainskogo instituta.
V. Ye. Bukh-Viner - "Plethod of Increasing the Noise Protection of
Eulti-channel Repeatered Systerns.11
Authors' Certificates, Blektrosvyazt, 1958, No. 7, pp 77.
AUTHORS: -Boushka, Ya., V~- and Kochi, A.
TITLE: Geomagnetic Charts for Czechoslovakia for the Epoch
1956.0 V
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRI Seriya geofizicheakaya,
196o, No.6, PP-798-80
TEXT: The first measurements of the Earth's magnetic field
were commenced last century and by 1890 the first datE, on
geomagnetic elements for Czechoslovakia were published. Between
the two World Wars, the State Institute of Geophysics in Prague
organized magnetic surveys and published, jointly with the Military
Geophysical Institute, isogonic charts. A basic geomagnetic grid
of 161 first-order stations was established between 1946 and 1953.
Measurements have been "tied lull to international stations and a
geomagnetic map of Central Europe envisaged. Continuously
recording apparatus has__been established at observatories at
Pruhonic;0and ljurbanovo.101' Nine stations are measuring secular
variations in the geomagnetic field. The mean annual variation in
magnetic declination varies from 7* in the west to 50 in the east.
Card 1/2
Geomagnetic Charts for Czechoslovakia for the Epoch 1958.0
Small annual variations in the horizontal and vertical components
have been established. Geomagnetic maps of Czechoslovakia on a
cylindrical Mercator projection on a scale 1:1 250 000 have been
completed for the epoch '1958.0, they were based on measurements
at 294 stations. The various data will be used as the-basis of an
aeromagnetic. survey of the country. The paper includes 5 maps of
the various geomagnetic elements in Czechoslovakia together with a V
representative list of publications summarizing the historical
sequence of measurements of these elements. There are 6 figures
and 30 references: 23 Czech, 1 Hungarian, 6 German.
ASSOCIATION: Chekhoslovatskaya akademiya nauk
(Czechoslovak Academv of Sciences)
SUBMITTED: November 3, 1959
Card 2/2
Laboratory estimate of Ihe magnetic stability of rock= c' the
Czech massif. Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz. zem. no.2:54-64 165.
(14IR-A 18-6)
1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR.
Application of mathematical methods and electronic calculating
machines to machinery manufacturing planning. Vop. ekon. no.6s
114-120 Je 163. (WRA 16:6)
(Machinery industry-Management)
(Electronic data processing)
(Economics, Mathematical)
--- ...... :;--
Second Scientiric Confbrence on thwTho of Mathematical Methods
and No-dern Coiqmting Equipment for the Planning in tbe Machinery
Wustry. Vest. nashinoatr. 43 no.6:80-82 Je ,63-
(Machiner7 inftatz7-Mmnagament) (MIR& 16.-7)
-6 Q K H4 L Q,
BUKHAIN7, A., dotsent, inzhener-polkovnik, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk.
4 xww
Changes in elements of bomb trajectory due to changes of flight
altitude and speed* Vest.Vozd.Fl. 34 no.12:33-41 D 151.
(Bombing, Aerial) MaA 8: 3)
FUE.'i i AL7,11." V.
K hlooko-pryade niye . (Catton Spirminc) V Thrukh Cir.astya-h. Ycl,! -a,
Cizlegpro.11, i9h6.
V. Illus.,, Table,-, Diagre.
At 'lead or v. 1: A. P. Fakov,
At Htad ol v. 2; A. P. FEkc~v,
Ub_. Has:
N. IN. A. V. Fulk!-.alev.
N. ~!. ~1ilcvidov, I. I. Taraccv.
SO N115
T3 u b Lips I '''V,
F- IT" I-= / AV
RAKOV, Aleksandr Pavlovich; M11OVIDOV, N.N.; BUKHALEV, A.V.; TAR&SOV, I.I.
(Cotton a-Dinning] Priadenle khlopka. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo Hinisterztya promyBhlennykh tovarov shirokogo potrebleniia
SSSR, 1953. 486 p. (MLRA 7:3)
(Cotton spinning)
,--~UKMMV. A-V.. inzhener.
Single thread fillings. Leg.prom.16 no.12:2D-22 D '56. (MLRA 10:2)
(Irnit goods industry)
RAKOV. Aleksondr Pavlovich, ).-(fei:sor. MILOVIDOV, I'llk-clay Niholayevich.
inzhoner; B101KH'A"V. Alo'- I eh, inrhener; Te-RASOV.
Ivan Ivancv c% hi-,,:nkir, TALHYV, A.G., ratEer-7erat: X-i-i"s~LEVICH,
Ye.11, redalector; L.Ya.. tekhnic~eslriy redakt-c-r
[Cotton spinning] Priederde khlopke. Izd. 2-oe, ispr. i dop.
Moskva, Gos.,iauchnc>-.e'(-Ln,izd-rc M-va legkol oromyshl. S.SSR,
1957. 518 z. (mul-il 10:10)
(cotten spin- i-,),)
Et-1'2(d)/LI-IP(c)/EtiP(v)/EtiP(k)/F,14P(h)/EWP(l) IJP(C)
.t%CC'i\'R: AP602979Z SOURCE CODE: UR/0119/66/000/008/00ZZ/OOZ3
AUTHOR:- Bukhalcy, V. A,.-(Fngineer); Yeremin, G. V. (Engineer); 33
Yefimov, Yu-.A. (Engineers
ORO: none
TITLE: Digital-code tolerance control
SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 8, 1966. 22-23
TOPIC TAGS: quality control, digital system, di insthment
ABSTRACT: A digital scheme of tolerance (product quality) control is considered.'
The measured parameter value is compared with preset values in two steps:
(1) Each measured digit is separately compared with the corresponding preset
:limits for each digit and (2) On the basis of this comparison, signals "pass" or
reject" are shaped. Boolean formulas for the "pass". signal are met up, and
-Card 1/2 uDC: 681. 142.621
L 089?1-6?
logic diagrams are drawn. The final diagram contains 10 OR-gates, 7 ANID-
gates, 6 NIOT-gates, and 2 emitter followers (before the last.AND-gate). The
claimed advantages of the digital quality-control scheme are: (1) The error of
the preset tolerance is one in the lowest digit place; (2) Parameters having the
sign + or - are tolerance -controllable; (3) The tolerance is checked practically
instantaneously; (4) The scheme can work in conjunction with any digital
measuring instrument. . Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I I formulas.
SUB CODE: 13, 09 SUBM DATE: none
Cor(; I w3t
Results of testing engines manufactured by DDxford [from DThe
Motor Ship, no, 1. 19611. Sudostroenie 28 n'o.9:70-71 S t62.
(MM 15:10)
(Great Britain-Harine diesel engines-Testing)
LANDA, L.Ye., inzh.; BUKHALKIN, Yu.M., inzh.
Characteristics of thepwer plant on the tank vessel "Dzhuzeppe Garibaldi?
Sudostroenie 29 no.1.30-38 Ja 163. (MML 16:3)
(Tank vess4s) - (Marine gas turbines) (Boilers, Marine)
New habitat of the gauteron7cote Mutims canitm ( Pere. ) Fr.
in the Ukraine. 17 no.1:89-9o l6o. (MIU 13:6)
1. Institut botaniki kN USSR, otdol mikologii.
New and rare fungus species of the Ukraini&n flora from the
left-bunk forest steppe areu. Ukr. bot. zhur. 17 no.6:94-99 160.
(AI]a 14:3)
1. Institut botgnild AN USSR, otdel mikologi-J.
(Vorskla Valley-Fung4 Phytopathogenic)
Iveological research in forests of the middle Vorskla VaUey-
Ukr, bot, zhure 18 no.lzlO4-3-13 161, (MIRA 3-4:3)
1, Institut botaniki All USSRp otdal mikologii.
(Vorskla Valley-Fvu4i)
Mycological characteristics of forests in the middle Vorskla Valley. 18 no.4:113-120 161. (14IRA 14:8)
1. Institut botpniki AN USSR, otdel mikologii.
(Vorskla Valley6--Fungij Phytopathogenic) (Forest ecology)
New species of Fungi imperfecti from the left-bank area of the
Ukrainian forest steppe. 18 no.6:99-101 '61.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Institut botaniki AN USSR, otdel mikologii.
BU KHA 10 1 A.S.
The new species Cercospora ficariae Buchalo sp. nova on Ficaria
verna Huds. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.3:106-107 163.
'MIRA 17:9)
1. laboratoria mikologii Instituta botaniki AN UkrSSI.
BILAY, V.I.; PIDOPLICHKO, N.N. [Pidoplichko, M.M.]; GUTYRYA, V.S. [Hutyria, V.S.11
.BUKHALO, A.S.; VIYUN, A.A. [V'iuno H.A.]; GALICH, P.N. [Halych, P.M.]j
i6VALI, E.Z.; MASUMYAN, V.Ya.; MTLIKO, A.A. [Millko, 0.0.]
Petroleum hydrocarbons as a source of carbon for microscopic
mycelial soil fungi. Mikrobiol. zhur. 27 no.2:3-10 165.
(MIRA 18:5)
1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii, AN UkrSSR j. Institut
kbimii vysokomo1eku1yarnykh soyedineniy AN UkrSSR.
N.; TMNTIUVA, T., doverenyy vrach; GONTARI, I., pomoshchnik
stalevara; ZUKHALO, I., slesar', str&khovoy delegat; KOVAIZVSKAYA, Z.,
":`6 ;--- :toodezhdy, strakhovoy delegat; SHITUMV. I.,
portnikha po remon u slie
kontroler; CHAYKA, M., inzh., strakhovoy ddlegat; KOZH9?4YAKIN, P.,
normirovshchik; ALAKDZOVA, L., felldsher; TS01010, F., slesar'
Li't's have more of active initiative and interest. Okhr. truds, i
sots. strakh. no.Z:9-10 Ag 158. kMIRA 12:1)
loStrakhovo.v aktiv Zhdanovskogo metallurgichaskoge zaveda "Azovatal",
(for all). 2.Yrodsodatell zavkoma profsoyme, zavoda "Azovetall" kfor
sementin). 3. Ghlen komiteta martenovskoge taekha za,7oda 'Azovatallo
(for Gontar'). 4.Kekhanicheski7 tsekh zaveda "Azovetall" kfor Bukhalo).
5.rredsodatell meatnoge komiteta modsanchasti zavoda "Azovatall" kfor
Kovalevskaya). 6.Rallso-balochnvy tsekh zavoda Azovstallff (for Kutsevale).
7.Utdol tekhnicheakego kontrolya liteynogo taekha i chlen komissil
savkoma po sotsiallnomu atrakhovaniYU 2avoda "Azovetallu (for SbLitunov)
8.Bomewwy tsekh zavoda mAzovatal" kfor Chayka). 9,,Zameatitell
prsdsedatelya tsekhovego komitets, mekhanicheskoge ts(jkha No.1 zavoda
"Azovatallm kfor Kozhemyakin). 10.Medsanchast' zavedu OAzovetall" i
chlen komiteta zavodskoy organizataii Krasnage KrestAL (for Alakozova).
ll.k'redsedatell komisaii pe sotsiallnomu strakhovanivu tsekha blyuming
zavoda "Azovetall" (for TS*Iolo).
Aquatic and swamp vegetation Of the lakes of Zabolotlye District.
Volyn' Province. Dop, to pove Llviv# ung no.,j pt.20-~7 155.
(MLRA 9:10)
(Zabolotlys District--Aquatic plants)
Plant associations of Pesochnoye and Domashneye Lakas in
Zabolotlys District in Volhynia. Dop. ta pov. Liviv. un.
n0-5 :pt.2-7,9 '55. (miaA gao)
(Zabolotlys District--Aquatic plants)
Macrophytes of certain lakes of the Shatek group in the VoWn'
Province. Dop. ta, pove LIvive un. nu*7 pts3:4-53 10, (MIRA 11:2)
(Volyn' Province--Algae)
Bumm, m-A. [Bukheao, 14.o.]
Aquatic and OWRIMP vegetation of Lake Tur in Zabolotlys DiRtrict,
Volyn Province, and its utilization. Biol.sbir. no.8rl0g-lZl
158. (MM 12:7)
(Tur, Lake-fresh-water flora) (Pish culture)
3ulli-L-110, S.M., k-nudidat nauk.
Operations of cutter-loader wrrked longpvalls and wc~rk ~_,rppndzation
forloadinP,' Rnd trans-)ortinfT coal from the sector. Trudv Inst. gor.
del& AN USSR no.3:72-94 '51. (mmuk 10: a)
(Coal m!ning, mobinery) (Coal bandling) (Mine railroads)
4o ve, ~A f
C.ard 1/1 Pub. 138 - 5/12
Authors. I Bukhaloi S.M.
Title I The creative frie.ndship between Russian and Ukrainian scientists
Teriodical I Visnik AN URSR 3, 40-51, Mar 1954
Abstract I The closefriendship,existing between the Russian and Ukrainian scientists,
since the establishment of the All-Russian Academy of Science by Peter
the Great (18-th'century). Is described. The contributions of Russian
scientists to the development of Ukrainian industrial science and
culture and vice versa are listed.
Institution: .....
Submitted: .....
. gtagich; GIRCHIKOV, S.S., otyetstvannyy rgdaktor;
SUROVA, V.A., r'ell&tor izdatel'stva; IGNATITAVA, L.I., redaktor
izdatellstva; AIADOVA. Te.I.. takhaicbeekiy redaktor
(Organization and planning of production in coal mines] Organiza-
tolls t planirovanle proizvodstva na ugollnykh shakhtakh. Moskva,
Ugletekhizdat. 1957. 355 p- (HLRA 10:8)
(coal mines and mining)
BUKHALO, Sergey Maksimovich; DITACHUNK0, I., red.; SWETA, S.,
[Organization and planning of the production in coal mining
enterpriaeal Organizateiis i -planirovanie proizvodstva na
ugollnykh predpriiatiiakh. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo tekhn.lit-ry
'USSR, 1959. 374 p. (MIRA 13:2)
Nine management)
BUKHAID, Sergey_tjaksimovic4j NAUMKO, K.D.j, doktor ekonom. nauk.,
'--r-e-Voenzent; DOYKO, A.A.# inzh.p otv. red.; SUROVA, V.A.,
red.izd-Ta; PROZOROVSKAYA) V*Lsj tekhn, red,
[Production organization and;planning in coal mines] Organiza-
tsiia proizvodstva i planirovanie na ugolInykh shakhtakh.
lzd.2.p perer. i dop. Moskvat Gos.nauchno-tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry
PO gornomu delu, 1961. 413 p. (1E= 15:1)
(Coal mines and mining)
BuKHALo., s. m.
'%Jkrainian economic experience in development of productive forces and its
possible application in less developed areas"
report to be submitted for the United Naticoz O=ference cc the
AppUcation of ScIance exod Technology for the Benefit of the Uss
Developed Areas - Geneva.. Mtzerland, 4-2o Feb 63-
BUKHALO, S.M., doktor ekonom. nauk; GEINSIRUK, S.A., kand. sel'skokj'.oz.
1-- t - nauk; KRAVCHENKO, A.N., gozmyy inzh.
Re~iuce the consumption of wood materials in the coal industr7
of the Ukraine. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.7:31-33 Jl 163. (MMA 16:8)
-BUKHALO, S.M., doktor ekon. nauk, otv. red.; SHEVCHMIKO, Ya.A,,
doktor ekon.nauk, red.; YAKUSSHA, G.B., kand. tekhn. rauk,
red.; SKLYAR, V.T., kand. khim. nauk, red.; RESF-EETTI-YALK,
A.A., inzh., red.; PILYUKHANOV, L.S., inzh., red.; METLINA,
T.I., inzh., red.; VELIKOKIIATIKO, A.T., red.
[Problems of effective use of fuel and power resources
(Donets and Dnieper Econordc Regions); materials] Yoprosy
ratsionallnogo ispollzovaniia toplivno-energeticheskikh
resursov (Donetsko-Pridneprovskii ekonomicheskii raion);
materialy. Kiev, Naukova dunka, 1964. 200 p. (KIRA 17:12)
1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po voprosam ra-
tsionallnogo ispolIzovaniya toplivno-energeticheskikh re-
sursov. Donetsk 1962. 2 Institut ekonomai Gosplana Ukr.SSR
(for Shevchenko~-
YEGOROV, Nikolay Alaksandrovich; KOVSIIUIXA, Afanasiy Andreyevich;
PECHKOVSKIY, Vsevolod Ivanovich; BUKFIdL, S.M., doktor
ekon. nauk, otv. red.;
(Ore resources of the Ukraine] Rudnye ir sursy Ukrainy. Kiev,
Naukova dumka, 1964. 188 p. (MIRA 17:10)
TaELIYA1,10, A.S.; PILYUY.&INOV, L.S.; Z"T""GII., F.7-.,
takhn. nauk retsenzent; RUZIMICII, -..S.,
nauk3 retsenzent; BUKRALO,,. S.M., dAtor tekfLi.
oty. red.; GOLUITAM-T redo
(Potentialities for improving th-) evonomArs of con.1 ml
Rezer,vy uluchsheniia ekonomild. ugolInykh shiklit. Eu~7~r.
lif , ~)
Nedras 1964. 255 P.
-BU-KHALO,. doktor ekon. nauk, praf~: VOLOBOY, P.V,., kand. ekon.
nauk5 KUGUKALO, LA.[Kuhuk~lo, i.A.I. kand. elcon. nauk;
PALAMJARCHUK, M.M., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; SMISAR. V.D.,
kand. ekon~ nauk; GLADYSHEV, 1,.S,[Hladyshev, I.S.), S't.
inzh.-ek-=omist; TSYASHCHENKO, P.S., kand. ekon. nauk;
PETRUNEVICH,- R.G. [Petrunevych, TE.H.), at. inzli.--ekonomist;
GRADOV, G.L.1,Hradov, H.L.1, kand. ekon. nauk; KHAZAKET, S.M.~
[The ec:onomic regions of the Ukrainian S,S.R.; a manual] Eke-
nomichni raiony URM; doviftyk. Kyiv, haukova. dLmka, 1965.
'190 P. (MI RA 18? 5)
1. Sovet po -JzuchenIyu produktivnykh sil Ukrainskoy RSR
Gosudar q4 ;vennogo planovogo komiteta Ukr. RSji(foj aU except
04-- BUKH"OV, M.
Great problems'of omall machinery', Ne. istroi. ROB- 4 no-4:32
Ap '63. (M~RA 16:4)
:L. zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera Stroitel'nog'oIupravlaniya
Saratovskoy gidroelektrostantBii.
(Conotruction equipment)
2'.,PU LLOVp nj.F-..r-dotsent; PAHTOLnip M.P.y dotsent; SLABKIY,, O.S., dotsent;
KOLIKOVp I*Mop dotsent
A book about M.O. Maksimovich ("Philosophy of M,O, 14aksimovich"
by Do Ostrianini Reviewed by IUoFo BAIalov and others), Nauka
i zhyttia, 3.1 no.1.60-61 Ta 161. OMIRA 3-4:3)
1. Kafedra filosofii Kharikovskogo universiteta.
(Maksimovichy Mikhail Aleksandrovichp :1.804-1873)
(Ostrianing Do)
ri L P A
USSR/Physical CheLdstry - Thermodynamics. Thermochenis-cry. B-8
Equilibrium. Mysicochcrtical P_nalyois. Mase Tran,-itions
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur -Khi-,Aya,, No 2, 1957, 3723
Author : Ber&pan A.G. Bukhalova A.A.
Inst : institute of -andInorganic Cheridstry, Academy
3f Sciences USSR
Title : Topology of Mutual quaternary Complex-Forming Systems
OriG Pub : Izv. Sektov(;. fiz..-khin, . nnaliza X(jy~b ':~Y'808R-s '1956,
27, 36,49
Abstract : Presented are the results of geometric analysis of crys-
tallization trees and stabile elements of quaternary nu-
timl systems with a compound the figurative point of the
composition of which can be located on the edge, face,
or within of the composition prism of the system. Consi-
dered are 1'( fDrms of tetrahedration of composition prism
of mutual qunternary system.
Card 1/1 - 68 -
Buldia-lova, A.
7?51- 5 0 0 t s e n t n f-- r ov 1, o r ni ov cy sv o k ly s F-, e k-:-., ~ r, r, clk I- i z Z- v --- n.---ioy
rloll%,hoz,i im. stalim, b-r.Lu,Ls),Jdm. rayona. lit. ob--: otka
g. n. lysiklil-naa . gorlldy. kn. izd., 'Os. lllsr-.. (UPR. s.-Ih.
prop-agancly I nauld. Peredoviki Xhivotrovodstva o -%Yqven, op--,~
tz - .C;1.
n'O ekz. Despl.-vlozzhona s 9-ru ch-ugirl kni~-amu etoy serii v
futlyar s za~-l. serii-.- (55-3953)P
SO. Kriizlinaya Lot-opis' , Vol. 7, 19-1-5
"AMOO" mw . A.
(lam. cd Gen. wul 1;oM. AemrW.
!-14 (Md Ms.-Kaii. Ana., Ina. (M.
Newe xLZIAbod. IV&ob S.S.S.M. It. 33-W
11949).-A IwW wAmmumma, of remits of topacbew. studift
sinalombrfalwis. TTAt munwom types af il.
dlwamwrp!cw?l*d.qm~y. .. P=
~~try MOOOMpositi an
Solut-itm, ftliA
ODauble Decomposition In the Absence ~O a'. SAvents
fteT oxmation of Complexaq Solid solutions
Dolab2a Deconliosition In Posioni-S! of the 71nolli
anUMlorides of Strontiu:m and Barium.."
MW.JG. A. Bukhalova,.8 3/4 PP
nZlnn~ Obshoh Xhim" Vol No 4, 60~-11-
Detprxjzea by visual-polythernic analvals that
botWeen fluorides and chlorides of stroutiui aWL
V~wium are formed stable anionic amplem'se of
BW22~ SrF2 an& Ba",12 - BsF2p which zielt at:'9W
UW/pbamIstry - DeccupositIon (Coutd), Apr,
an&,-10080 an& undergo homemorphic transf ariviUM:
at, 8900 and 9500. Submiite d Jan 48'a"
USSR/'hemistry - Sys~ems, Ternary
Mlay 49
"Ternary Reciprocal Sysyntms of Fluorides and Chloride of Lithkam and Calcium," G.A.
Bukhalovap A.G. Bergman, Inst Gen and Inorg Chem imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Acad Sci USSR)
3 113 pp
11Dok ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIV, No 3, PPt,67-70/
This is a study of a particular caseAth regard tolhe nature of the appearance of binary
compounds in reciprocal systems when a secondary incongurent compoi:nd emerges in a non-
reactive system. Submitted by Acad G. G. Urazov, 5 Mar 49.
PA 50/49T22
MNvO e(compka fervastim an the emsbaW W termary
MS.S.R. W. tratuilatim); cf. C.A.
14. ZW.-(I) In tht can of krametion al only am
hinary commid. in the migirmal syKern AX + BY v
AV + BX. the npl istativa Oquam in Ubtairmlated by
We"to drawn betevess that M*mmantative palm of the
COOP& and the at the Swaft; swb
sy-. 2IWtr&t17
1j=F. CL aft tertord -adi-
by Ing the square in priniAzily di%ided adiAgcxWly. and I he
atomal." At points in inUftection brtmem "cants and tanker triangle subsequently q)fit in two by the Iitw c,on-
dbr& the rractions MY + RX - AV.BY + AX mectingtise2emplexes. li,initidn.tocompkifortna-
both l
lid -
n 211Y
+ AX - AY.DY +
% by tha criteein's of
nuou% o
s a eont
In, t
I u
airs of compoocnis ind between the complrxe~
b; of formation pron I
to right. By the ,
'Anw criterion, if am of (Im: 2 wmts startd at tht repre. the mprtsirttlatim square is -iftilly 'It"" into 2 rrc-
scutati%v point of tbr conspiri, and Ilmr other ioincWts ig-
tangles, as in Sr. 16 11 F. C1. pArtirtl
f t"C.
with& diAsonal. tinctractionisarr AY.BV + AX- RX + truird by Ca. Ha 11 P, C1. uriw% whm 0"IY CXW 3di.61011.11
2AVmud 28Y + AX-AV.SY + RX; imsocksystems. section is significant. the retuainiux Chants having n.,
illustrated by Na. 3r 11 F. CI. the trimaigulatims stable mec- birunry-oysten: c "-ctrr. Systctu% in which the line
I imm am the diagonal BX - AV and the smaust RX - connecting the rcrursentativr point, of the complex- on
AV.HV. Two ponRA varimote d thin cm aft detd. 2 opposite skks of the squArt & A tri4tlgUlAting cfliMl
WhKhrr The dk4pmw Wdim is the Predominating ant and are
am ternmed
belt-type reciprocal 4ystenn.
tbr adUpsW mbordinatt: as in K, Na 11 F, DA, or vice chavacterlwil by the feature that the crystn. 6r~l* tA
Vella. as in U. K 11 Cl. 6Fh. ". I~ Came In t,,rrmd pairs of diatImally oppoicif ctimpnnmits are wpd, by om-
"adiaggamal with vishardinate dintgonal Kelints." (2) In tiguous Ctp. In. fich1% tit the ;.1 tomptnirnt.. N. Th,.%
tin cam of 2 Compels. lying an opposite am" of the 6*UrC.
d the excimmW deverop . fractions predominates. &b in
Ag. Te 11 (3. 80k. the is triang"Wed In The lot
PIK*. bir a dimmumat and emb nsuftim trkngk bf a mr.
a germ.
n T
e pretwom o
i6d I
c sqvm
m pr
tamos, each of which can w irirwril m a mw fecipgral
Symeam, sub*ct to further triangulstim. an CzaW441 is
nod of compkx fonuatim on the elcbop in t*MALF:lr-,
rodproW syWoms. A. G. Berginan and G. A. Bu,
J. Cem. CAtim. U.S.S. R. 20, 24 3.-9(l 9.50)(Fifil. t ring.2.111!
-See C.; 44. IOWf. R. M. S.
14 ALOVg,
c4mon.renow" Owl a MIND in 2m
-A WAIlb"
7. babolsbow". mid
A. G. AR. Nook S-SJ,Jt- 71. 297-
tenwy 57"M ~ ibrestigaud by dw
1 method. Ille 4 bbwY-gVmm -M ill-
vtmig~ted prcvkvdy by Giber SUUMS- Tile ternmy dis-
pan bw a si - ohm an "m rho" MA on P-mt-
agr of The snIA arm arr, rcV.: KAO~. 43.2: WSD4. 42-7.
LW,.K*SLI., 12; KNOt. 0.9; LWO~. 1.3. Them are 3
invariant points: a transition point at 4400. mtg. W 5
(equiv.) % S04. 58 Ll.- a transition point at 133*. ccalix
R and a eutedic at J03'. COU46. 1.0%
Sol, 43.b% U. 't" is a tbermody-numic dixmislam -8 t1w
beat of reaction involved In the fortuation of the coulplex
L6S%.KwW)4. AnId 1. Sfiflcr
_YSSR/Chemistry r1uppinq Compounds Sep 51
I~A Diagonal Combined [Interactinj System of Fluo-
rides and Chlorides oTCalcium abd Barium." G. A.
Bukhalova, A. G. Bergman,, Inst Gen.and Inorg Chem
Ameni N. S. Kurnakov) Acad~ Sci USSR
"Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol XXI, No 9, PP 1570-1579
From ,temp and compn observations for interacting
.System Ca-Ba:F-Cl constriicted 3-dimensional phase
.diagram. Discussed interaction of, ion exchange
between, and formation of double salts by differient
components on'basis of diagram.
USSR/Chemistry - Lithium and Fluorine
Nov . 51
"Heat of Formation of Double Salts Li SO K2Sol, BaF . BaCl , and SrF SrCl
N. K. Voskreseskaya, G.A. Bukhalova, YnWof Gefl and Korg Rem imeni E S. iurnakov.,
Acad Sci USSR
ItZhur Obshch KhimIt Vol M -1061
, No 1l., T,PP 1957 e
Detd by expt heat of interaction of salts which form subliect double salts. Caled heat
of formation of these double salts from elements.
PA 19hT44
4: C& LrXrn (1,A-
O'ClUara fii-Ahim. Aral.,
Pj I t P f4OP41- Add. Pauk S.S.S.R. 21,
228-4D(ID52) -The c ne I between the direction of a
metathetic reacl Inn In ti reciprocal system AX + BV ::t AV
+ DX and the assumed thermal effect of the reaction is an-
at zed
The reactions aclunflY cmsldvmd take place tit
fusion, temp. a alk. ardalk. earths
alts (clOoMrs. fluorites,
mlctl, tit 18-23, team the Neml of formation and Is thcrclote
ferred to as~ "assuincd." The atudysis Is made.tin the
basis of phase diagrams and caled. data on the thermal effect.,
In IttrversiMe reciprocal systemi where vo complexes arp.
Immed. the direction of the reaction and the topollogy of Its
agramLSM-detd, by the iusumed thermocliem.
space di;
effect; xlymuillcAlly it follows ap - an - Tas.
When. the thermoclico. effect Is %m.
all, not over ~-3 Cal.
Per M.W. TAS can become commensurate with 411 and
even-chanke the sign of AP. ie. the reaction win proceed
contrary to the direction indictited by the assumed therma-
chem.effectollbereaction. Such Is the case in tl-.*33*stcni
Whtrr, complexes- are lovinO by one PI
the componvill binary systems, the square represviting the
entire,s),tent Is secants which represent the
max. thermal effecto except in the system Lij B311F, Cl~.
and U.' KIISDo. NO~. -In systems vrhrrc.complexes are
formed on oppositi sides of the C.; St. RallF, Ct.
triangulation.-ecuntq Indicating NVZglon of the reaction
USSR/Chemistry - Fluorine and Chlorine Jan 52
"Double Decomposition in the Absence of a Solvent.
Complex Formation, Solid Solutions, and Double De-
composition in Melts of Calcium and Strontium Yluo-
rides and Chlorides," G. A. Bukhalova, A. G. Be~gman
"Zbur Obshch Khim" Vol XXII, No 1, pp 23-31
Constructed and investigated phase diagram of Ca,
Sr-F, Cl system, consisting of 3 planes of crystn
of solid solns: Ca, and Sr fluorides; Ca. and Sr
ebloTides-, and both complexes (incongruently melt~-
ing CaF2.CftCl2 and congruently melting SrF2.SrCl2).
LISSR/Chemistry - Fluorine and Chlorine Jan 52
Compounds (Coutd)
Ccmparison of results of this and former investi-
gations showed general relationships between com-
pli.-x formation and double decompn for 3 mutual
system formed by fluorides and chlorides of Ca,
Sr, and Ba.
V------ Aomftkx"~&~
The reaction of vanadinite in fusions of orthovanadatea and chlorides of
lithium and lead. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 88, 819-2o '53. (KLFLA 6:2)
(PA 47 no.22:12138 153)
1. Rostov State Univ.
.411111qornpie mation
6 for' Rnd sctlid solutioni in the agonal
reciprocal system of the m6lybdates and chlor 'des so
I s G. A. Bulkhalova and -A~~
Mt. it. on . Zh,,. Ob-~
MOM AnItH. Z51 it 5~sttm: xact~-
KCI-NalMoot-KINfoo. w i"Vestul t by a visual poly-
thermal method on a Pt plate by 3 of a t-Pt,Pd.Au:
thermocouple. Two complexes, t d ' mp. on mrlfing,~
N%jMoO#.K2Mn0j.(I)&ndXa~%f .2 x 004 ( ), - a -
NatMoO. (MI. ru. 644* without de==w U .. and the 1011OW-
invarlant points tim reported (type, p Of Va 1,
K*MoO., - % NaturA, and pha ~,140
transitiou, On% 41, 63.6, S.S. KCI. tm
5074, 42, 47, 11. KCI, 11, 111, transitio. , 543% 30, 35, ZZ.
1, U, 111; transition, 5609 19 224 57. Na.-A%04, 1. 1
transition, 6240,49.5,41-5.'0, i~a'&,KCI, M. Phasedig.,
Crams of both the complete system and numerous sections
John Howe Scott
PVC 9Ivcv
Ternary reciprocal system of sodium and potassium molybdates and
fluorides. Zhur.ob.khis. 25 no.9:1673-1680 S 155. ()URk gt2)
l.Reatevski.v inshanerno-stroitelInyy institut.
(Sodium salts) (Potassium salts)
system of sodium and strontium fluorides and chlorides.
12V.Sekt.fiz.-khim.anal. 26:138-146 155. (M1RA 8: 9)*
1. Institut obahchey i noorganichaskoy khimii im. N.3. Nurnakova AN
SSSR. (Sodium salts) (Strontium salts) (Systems (Chemistry))
Qutunw mubW system ol eMofidu and finorldt3 of aDdiun"
tzssi=, calchm and larlunh as the basli of flaw for smelti
'ef n"
sDmaftry IISbt alloy& G. A. Bukhalova and A. G. B (-A.
At. JYMM.' 1955, diazramHre glv~:I
the systein.3 2NaCl-2KCl-C-aI--, and MCA-21ZO-11al'.. from
which, together %with othtr pubbshed data, a topological analysis is
made of the quaternary s)-dtems Na, K, Call 17, CI and N a. K, I]ia 1; F.
LI Them data allow of the rational selection of flux c,,mpositions
for remelting Al scrap. R TRUSCOE.
US*/ Chemistry - Alkali Metals
Card. 1/1 Pab.-- 22 94/45
Aithors Sholokho4ioh~ M. L.; Leinykh) D. S.; Bukhalova, 0. A.; and Bergman, A. Go
=16 t Stratification In fusions of mutial systems with participation of salts
of first and sooond.groups
Periodical. i D.ok. All SSSR-,103/20 261-2630 Jul U., 1955
Abttract i Experiments conducted with Nas Cap Li and-other metal systems showed that
one of the conditions loading to stratification during the fusion of these
elements is the greater difference in the polarizability of the cations and
anions of the components. The most vivid difference in the polarizability
was established among ions with 8 or 2 external electron layers and ions vith
external electron structure consiking of 18 or 18 plus 2 electrons. The
-effect of fluorides on the prevention of stratification in liquid phases is
explaited. Nine USSR references (1929-1946). Graphs,
Institution Rostov/Don. State Univerisity im. V. It. Holotov
Presented by t Academician 1. 1. Chernyayev) I-lay 13, 1955
Category: USSR Physical Chemistry
Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. Equilibrium. Physico-
chemical analysis. Fhase transitions. B-8
'*~bs Jour: Referat Zhur-Ehimiya, No 9, 1957, 29945
Author Rildhal ova G.., Mateyko Z.
-not gl:ve~
Title Adiagonal, WtuallSystem of Mlorides and Tungstates of Sodium and
Orig Pub: Zh* obshch. kbinii, 1956, 26, No 8. 2ug-2124
Abstract: Liquidus diagram of adiagonal =tual system Na X cr,
investigated by the visual-polythermal method, is represented by
seven fields of crystallization, converging at five non-variant
points; three of these are eutectic. Interaction of the compo-
nents of the system can be expressed by the equations: Ma,,P~-, +
21~-,WO.r = Mi&,WO,~- * Na,-Ql,~ + 2KC1.j 3N&;-WO,~- + K.,Cl :._= 2Na, Wo,
Na.~_Cl, + K,W01-; ILNa,,,'WO r+ KC'-,- - 2ffa_WO#- - Na_c,_ + NtL_WO,-
K:kWO-t ; 5Na.;,_WO., + KAC1A - 2Na.,FOf - Na,,Cl;i, + 2N&-WOt . K.WOI,,.
Card 1/2 -61-
Eng- Construction Inst., Rostov-on-Don)-
Category; USSR / Physical ChemistrY
Thermodynamics. Thermochewlstry. Equilibrium. Physico-
chemical analysis. Phase transitions. B-8
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Mitmiya., No 9., 1957, 29945
The compound Na,WC~-. K YO,~ melts incongruently in the binary system,,
and congruentli'in the"ternary. The point of couposition of the com-
pound: 2Na,.WOf. Na.Cl,-,constitutes the pole of a four-ray triangulating
star. The compositions and tepperatures of the non-variant points are
Gard 2/2 -62-
------- -777-7777q~~
a w
b tam
A Nid
. -
Mawkb d
JD U F\ ri u
AUTHORS: Mateyko, Z.A7. and Bukhalova, G.A'. 576
TITLE: Complex Formation~and 'Exchange in the Reciprocal System of
Sodium and Potassium Fluorides and TungStates. (Kompleksoobraz-
ovanie i Ofbmen vo Vzaimnoy Sisteme iz Ftoridov i Vollframatov
Natriya i Kaliya).
PERIODICAL: *Zht&hal-,N'eotgazictieska"-Khimi"L" (Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Vol.111 N0.2, pp.4U'1-4:1_j. kU.b*S'9R*).111FW 11,57
ABSTRACT: The aim of this investigation of the system Na, K 11 F, M4 was
to find the influence of replacing the molybdate ion by
tungstate ion on the stability of the catioxi and the anion
complexes of the system Na, K 11F, Mo04,
The visual-polythermal method was used in tte investigation,
tem peratures being measured with a Pt-Pt, Pd., Au thermocouple.
Eig ht crystallisation fields were foundl -meeting in six non-
variant pointsq of which three are eutectic. Comparison of
data for the system with those for the analogous molybdate
system Nag KYF, MoO showed that in the latter the cation
complexes are more s
able, wtereas in the tuagstate system
the anion complexes are more stable than the cation ones.
Mere are five references, four of them Enssian'.
5 figures, 4 tables.
The work was carried outat the Engineering-Clonstruction
Institute, Rostov on Don, Received 14 Ail cm-,+
1-./, / I A, I I i %~ I ~- In I
L -1 ~- f I 117 "f) i- (- V /I )--~ R ,
SEfULIGA, N.A.; BUEHA14VA.-q.A.:,,:
-.. I .
Fusibility in the systeum Na 2 P2
- C&F 2*
Zhur.neorg.khlm. 2 no.9:2136-2144 S 157. (MIRA 10:12)
(Fusion) (Systems (Chemistry)) (Crystallization)
AUTHORS: Mateyko, Z. A., Bukhalova, G. A. SOV/ 78-3-8-26/48
TITLE: The Ternary Systems Ya7ff-, WO and KVC!, Moo Wo
'[004' 4 42 4
(Troynyye sistemy Nal?Q, MoO 49 WO4 -; K11C1, MOO 49 Wo 4)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorgan-icheskoy khimii, 19589 Vol- 3, NT 8, PP- 1883-
1887 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The systems Nall.Cl, MoO 4' W04 and X11C1, MC04' W04 were investi-
gatedp especially some solid solutions of these compounds. The
melts were investigated by means of the visual-polythermal methods
In the system Naftly Moo WO L-he fusion diagram consists of
49 4
three crystallization ranges: NaCl, solid solutions of 2 Na 2MOO 4'
-Na 2Cl 2 and 2 Na 2WO 4* Na2Cl 27 and solid solutions of sodium
molybdate and sodium tungstate. The compound 2 Na 2moo 4- Na 2Ci2
has its melting point at r500C, and the compound 2 Na 2W0 4* Na2Cl2
at 6440C. In the system K11.31, VoO 4' W04 only two crystallization
ranges exist;KC1, as well as continuously solid solutions of
Card 1/2 potassium tungstate and potassium molybdate. The surface crystal-
The Ternary Systems NalIC1, MoO 4$ WO4 and VIC1, MoO 4? W04
lization of the ternary systems investigated! Na11Cl, MoO 4' W04
and K1101, MoO 4' W04 'a comparatively simple; this tends to show
the lack of a complex interaction between the components.
There are 6 figures, I table, and 10 references, 8 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu. inzhenernc-stroitel.4nyy institut (Rostov n& Donu
Institute of Construction Engineering)
SUBMITTED: June 8, 1057
Card 2/2
5W SOV/76-4-1 -2 3/46
AUTHOR: -Bukhalova, G. A.
TITLE., The Ternary Reciprocal System of Fluorides and Chlorides of
Sodium and Calcium (Troynaya vzaimnaya sistema iz ftoridov i
khloridov natriya i kalltsiya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, PP 117-122
ABSTRACT: The melting process of fluorides and chlorides of sodium, with
the complex (CaF 2' CaCl2) being present, was investigated by a
visual-thermal method. The fluorides of calcium and sodium
were produced by a solution of carbonates in fluoric acid.
The binary sy .stems Na 2F2-Na2C1 2' Na 2F2 -Cap2l Ca C12 -CaF 2' and
Na 2Cl 2- CaCl2were investigated. In the reciprocal system
Na, Call F, Cl two diagonal and 17 inner sections *were in-
vestigated~ The crystallization sarface in the system con-
sists of five ranges of crystallization; four ran-res are
initial salts and one range indicates the complex compound
Card 1/2 ' The temperatures and compositions in the system
' CaCl
The Ternary Reciprocal System of Fluorides and Chlorides of Sodium and
-which are correspondinG to the nonvariant points -.-:ere de-
termined. The complex GaF 2# CaCl2does not change its in-
congruent melting character in the reciproc,31 system. in the
,system Na, Ca 11 F, C1 the exchanEe process is pradoninaj:tt.
There are 4 figures, 4 tables, and 8 references, 4 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Rostoiskiy-n-~--Donu i-t-itut (Rcstov
naDonu Instltuto for Construction Engineeiing%
S, 7
Card 2/2
5 ~4)
' SOV/7 8-4-4-32 /44
ORS: Berezhciaya, V. T., Bukhalc;-.ra, G. A.
TITLE: The Mel,,--Pg Diagram of the Ternary System of L::.s.hium,
and Calc---~-,~r Fl*~-,-'-r~dc-s 'Piagramrra plavkosti trcync~y .5istemy --'z.
ft,nr--'dGv litiya.. magr-1ya i ka'-Itsiya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nearganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 902-905
ABSTRACT: The ternary system Li, Ca~ Mg'jjF was investigated by a visual
polyt-l'.ermal method. The correspond--~r~ fluorides were zynthf~.ofl
by --re:attrig cal~t-am and magnesium carbonate with hydro,
f'-uoric aoid. The-melt-ing points of these compoands are t'jzt,,
foll:wir.g: MgF 2: 1396"), CaF2: 1411" and L12F2: 8480. The
tinary systems Li;~F2-MgF-2~ L--;2F2-C-LF2and MgF 2- CaF2
.-h,:,-.ked and oomplated. The authcrs investigated eleven interrql
of he ternaz;y systpm; the results are 'Lijte-d
flg--~xe 3. The solid scl,,;tions of magnesium ard
lq.~ompcsa al.~~eady aftar the addition of 10% CaF at. ;-,6"
Card -"'hs formation uf a ter'nary eutectic: 18% CaF
4'17% L-?
D~ag--am ~f Ternary 3ysz~im- .)f Lithi,=, Magnesi-= and
.35% MgP~;. T-,-. of t;h--s M-v
'-q the tr?atme-~t. cf ncnferrzus metals. Th,,~
-g d'agrams of 'h,:: 'hzeEz
iznder ivv~stlgatfc-n are lis-,?d in a table; a::cllher
-'c--ntaine the melting pcin-l's al~)ng the alx inter-ir'!
s,~:-n~ons. Ther:~ -are 4 f~ig'--Irez-l 2 41-ables, and 5 r4fsrencen,
2 ,4' &-^- S.-. -.*,---,.
SUBMITTED: De-pzl--~r 41
Card 2/2
5(4)- SOV/78-4-5--31/'46
AUTHORS: Buk~al~~ ~A_y Sulaymankulov, K., Bostandzhiyan, A. K.
TITLE: The Melting Diagram of the System Consisting of Fluorides
of Lithium, Sodium and Calcium (Diagramma plavkosti sistemy
iz ftoridov litiya, natriya i kalltsiya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiiv 1959, Vol 4. lir 5,
PP 1138-1140 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For the purpose of determining the easily meltable mixtures
of alkali- and alkaline earth fluorides, the three-component
system Liq Na, Ca1jF was investigated by means of the visual-
thermal method in a platinum crucible with a platinum stirrer.
First, the two-component systems were investigated, and the
following eutectics were found: Li 2F2_CaF2 with 7660 and
34% CaY2 , L'F2 -Na. F2 with 6520and 39% Na2F2 ; Na2F2-CaF2
with 8180 and 49% CaF2 . In the three-compaiEnt system 8 sections
were investigated. There is no interaction among the com-
ponents of the system. The common crystallization line of
the components harmonizes with the triple eutectic point in
Card 1/2 the case of a composition of 33.5% Na 2F 2, 46.5% L'2F2 and
The Melting Diagram of the System Consisting of Fluorides of Lithium,
Sodium and Calcium
20~ CaF2 with a melting temperature of 6070C. The low-melting
eutectic mixture of the system Li, Na, CajjF is recommended
as a fluxing material for melting nonferrous metals. There
are 3 figures and 5 references. 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu inzhenerno-stroitallnyy institut
(Rostov na Dori! "ngineer-Building Institute).
Laboratoriya goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akaaemii nauk Kir_aizs1--,
SSR (Laboratory for Wixteral 5'~vt:~s of Vie Acii~,My of S~:ieaces of
the Ki::-ziz SSP)
SUBMITTED: February 20, 1958
Card 2/2
5(4) SOV/78-4-5-32/46
AUTHORS: Bukhalova, G. I A., Berezhnaya, V. T.
TITLE: The Three-component System Consisting of Fluorides of Lithium,
Magnesium, and Barium (Troynaya sistema iz ftoridov litiya,
magniya i bariya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 5,
PP 1141-1145 (USSR)
A13STRACT: The three-component system consisting of f3uorides of lithium,
magnesium, and barium was investigated by means of the visual-
thermal method. The fluorides were produced by treating
chemically pure carbonates with hydrofluoric acid. The two-
component systems Li 2 F2-MgF2 , L'2F 2-BaF2 and 1ZgF2-BaF2 were
checked and completed. For the purpose of determining the
crystallization regions 15 sections were investigated (Figs 2, 3,
Table 1). The course of the sections is shown by figure 2.
The following crystallization regions were found; 2A1gF2 BaF 21
Li2F2' 2BaF2 fBaF2 and the continuous solutions L'2F2 and MgF 2'
The compound 2MgF,.BaF 2 melts incongruently in the two-component
Card 1/2 system.MgF 2- BaF2 and congruently in the three-component system.
The Three-component System Consisting of Fluorides of Lithium, Magnesium,
and Barium
Three triple nonvariant points exist in the system, as well
as one transition point (P 2) and two eutectic points (EI, EIII)'.
The composition of these points and the temperature are
shown by table 2. The sections of the system Li, big, Ba11F
are shown by figure 3. The low-melting mixtures of the three-
component system may be used as fluxing material for the
melting of nonferrous metals. There are 4 figures, 2 tables,
and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu in7hanorno-stroitelInyy institut
(Roatov as, Dr~-_-,-
SUBMITTED: February 8, 1958
Card 2/2
5(2) 3OV/78 -4 -7 -31/44
ATITITORS: Mateyko, Z. A., Buklialova, G. A.
TITLE: The Ternary Systems of Fluorides, I.Iolybdates, and ThznUstati:~s
of Sodium and Potassium and the Binary System LiF - Li,CrO 4
(Troynyye iistemy iz ftoridov, molibdatov i vollframatov natriya
i kaliya i dvoynaya sistema LiF - Li 2CrO 4)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganichaskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 7,
pp 1649-1652 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It follows from references I and 2 that alkali fluorides form
eutectic systems with the corresponding tungstates and molybdates,
which have the composition Me 3 [EO 4 P I(lie = alkali metal, E = Mo
or V0. These complexes were also confirmed by X-ray examination.
The salts are isomorphous. The following systems were investi-
(Pigs 1,2), The crystallization
gated: 1) ~a :F, MoO
0 Wo
surface of the system consists of three fields: sodium fluoride,
which occupies the largest portion of the surface, continuous
solid solutions of the fluoromolybdate- and fluorotungstate com-
plexes and continuo,.s solid solutions of sodium molybdate and
Card 1/2 - tungstate. 2) K,'.F, MoO 41 WO 4 (Fig 3) shows the same behavior
The Ternary Systems of Fluorides, Molybdates, and Tungstates of 5odium and
Potassium and the Binary System LiF - Li 2 cro4
as system 1. 3) In the binary system Li 2Cro 4 -Li2F2 (Table 1)
an eutecticum is formed at 4600 and 14.5% Li 2F2- Table 2 gives
all systems of alkali fluorides with alkali salts of the metals
of the 6. group of the type H 2EO4 (E - S' Cr, Mo, W). Lithium
forms eutectic-systems with all Li 2EO 4-salta. All other alkali
metals form the salts Me 31E04F]' This deviating behavior of
lithium is explained by its stronger polarizing effect, which
prevents the formation of Li 3 IE04y] . There are 3 figures,
2 tables, and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: March 4, 1958
Card 2/2
5(2)' SOV/78-4-lo-25/40
A UT' HORS. Mateyko, Z. A.,
TITLE: Solid Solutions in the Systems 1.Na 0 1 CrO 1400 2.11a ~~04'
CrO VIO -Nap moo WO 4. Na r04 1116 , ;" 6
1 3
PERIODICAL: ih"~uirnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr lo,
p~ 2329 - 2334 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; The phase diagrams of six binary systems consist i of the
components mentioned in the title are given (Fig 1 , as well
2, Table 1),
as the phase diagrams of the ternary systems 1 (
2 (Fig 3, Table 2), 3 (Pig 4, Table 3) and 4 (Fig 5, Table 4).
The sulphates, chromates, molybdates and tungstates of sodium
were found to form with one another a continuous series of
solid solutions. This isomorphism and the capability of forming
mixed crystals is confirmed by the comparable radii of the anions
(Table 5). There are no data available on the polarization pro-
however, be assumed that they are
perties of the anions, it may,
. '
the .r; The intended investigation of
little differing from one o
the quaternary system NaAsd-~~i-d4l,;Moo INO is believed to
Card 1/2 4'.. 4
explain the formation of quaiernary solid solulions.
. Solid Solutions in the Systems 1.Na~ SO 49 CrO 4' moo 49 SOV/78-4-lo-25/40
2. Ra ~SOV Cr 04 fWO 49 3 - Na ~I so 41 moo 49 WO4, 4.Na I CrO 4 1m00 49 WO4
There are 5 figures, 5 tables, and 4 references, 2 of which are
SUBMITTED: May 28, 1958
Card 2/2
5(2), 5W SOV/78-4-11-1/50
AUTHORS: Bukhalova, G. A., Mateyko, Z. A.
TITLE: Meltability in the Quaternary System of Sodium Sulphate, Sodium
Chromate, Sodium Molybdate and Sodium Tungstate
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganioheskoy khimii, 1959P Vol 4, Nr 11, pp 2417-2422
ABSTRkCT: The system under investigation offers the rare example of a
quaternary salt system in which all components produce continu-
ous, quaternary, solid solutions from the melt. This phenomenon
is explained by the same structure of the anions and the almost
equally long ionic radii. Such a system of anions is hardly
found again in the periodic system. The presence of quaternary
ByBteW.B of cations with continuous, solid solutions among the
salts of platinum metals, lanthanoids and actinides is more
like*ly to be detected. Figure 1 demonstrates the unfolded
tetrahedron of the quaternary system with the six edges of the
binary systems and the four surfaces of the ternary systems
dealt with in reference 2. The authors investigated four see-
tione of the quaternary system whose position is shown in
Card 1/2 figure 2. The course of the isothermal lines of meltability was
Meltability in the Quaternary System of Sodium Sulphate, Sodium Chromate,
Sodium Molybdate and Sodium Tungstate
measured (Tables 1,2, Figs 3-6). Experimental data clearly
indicate that ever-continuous quaternary, solid aolutioiis
crystallize out of all melts (Fig 7). There are 7 figrures,
2 tables, and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institu--.
(RoBtov-na-Donu Institute for Construction Engineers)
SUBMITTED: June 21, 1958
Card 2/2
5(2) SM/78-4-11-30/50
AUTHORS: Mateyko, Z. A., Bukhalova, 0. A.
TITLE: Systems of Potassium Sulphate, -Ohromate, and of
Potassium Sulphate, -Molybdate, 'Tungstate
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959,-Vol 4, Pr 11,
pp 2567 - 2570 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A previous paper dealt with the ternary system of sodium
salts of acids of the elements of the 6th group. They formed
continuous solid solutions (Ref 1). The potassiam. salts were
now investigated for comparison. Figure 1 shows the correspond-
ing binary systems all of which form continuous solid solu-
tions. Figure 2 and table 1 show that the ternary system
KISO 4P moo 49 WO4has a symmetric strlicture with a straight
course of isothermals, and also forms continuous solid solu-
tions. The system K so 41 moo 4,' CrO4(Fig 2, Ttible 2) also
consists of continuous solid solutions. There are 3 figures,
Card 1/2 2 tables, and 17 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
Systems of Potassium Sulphate, -Chromate, -MOlybdate S('V/78 -4 -11 -30/50
and of Potassium Sulphate, --Molybdate, --Tungstate
ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (Rostov-
na-Donu Institute of Civil Engineers)
SUBMITTED: July 20, 1958
Card 2/2
Bukhaloya, 0. A-.-,-Serezhnaya, V. T.
The Melting Diagram in the Ternary System of Sodium-,
Potassium- and Calcium Fluorides
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959., Vol 4, Nr 11,
pp 2596 - 2599 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the system Na, K, Cal~ F, a complex formaticn can only
be observed between KF and CaF2. The congrueiAly melting
compound KCaF3 considerably influences the character of the
ternary system. The system was investigated in 11 sections
(Figs 2,3). Th-e crystallization surface is reoresented in
figure 1 as a projection on the composition triangle. The
compound KCaF3 maintains its congruent character, also within
the ternary system. As this compound formq co.ntinuous solid
solutions with KMgF3 having perovskite str#cture (Fig 4), it
may be-assumed to have the same structure. The capability of
NaF and KF of forming complexes with fluorides of the second
group of the periodic system depends on the ic,nic radius of
the bivalent metal (Tables 1,2). There are 4 figures, 2 tables,
Card 1/2 and 13 references, 9 of which are Soviet.