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BUJKO, Klaudia; ZAPASNIX-KOBIMSKAr.-Holina Treatment of exudative tuberculous pleurisy by local bydrooortisono administratione-in-children.. Qmlioa.29 no-31205-212 -Mr 161. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Dzisci AM w Warazavie Kierovnik: prof. dr med. H. Brokwn. (TUBMtCULOSIS PULMONMM in inf & child) (IffDROCORTISDXE,tbar) KOBIERSKA, Maria Halima; BUJKO, Klaudia Causes and results of late diagnosis of tuberculosis in infants and wall children. Gruzlica 29 no.5:415-425 My 161. 1. Z Klimiki Terapii Dzieci. AM w Warazavie Kierowmik: prof. dr mod. H. Brokmax. (TUBERCULOSIS in inf & child) BROKKAN, Henryk; BUJKO, Klaudia Prolonged intravenous administration of novocaine in tubercu- lous meningoencephalitis. Gruzlica 30 no.10:909-912 162. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci AM w Warrjzawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. H. Brokman. (PROCAINE) (TUBERCULOSIS MENINGEAL) (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD~ (INJECTIONS, INTRAVENOUS) BROKMAN, Henryk;_BUJKO,-Klaudia;.TAYTSCH,, Zofia Viral meningitis in ancephalomeningitis tuberculosa.(Preli- minary ccmmunication). Pediat. Pol. 39 no.2.-105-1-10 F'64. 1. Z'Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci !M (kierownikt prof.dr. med. H.Brokman) i z ZaIdadu Wirusologii PZH (kierowniki prof. F.Przesmucki). BUYv), KMY;, Staz-.iqlawa; 141-,,FjU.M1tGZ, Roman Oleural chylothorax In a child vit!i lymph node ,d~ediat. Fol. 39 161. 1. Z K'!--iiki Terapil Chorob DzIlec! Pl(ademli Medyczne'~ v viarsztw e(Kierownik: Prof. dr. med. M.H.Zapasnik,-Kobierska). OCHOCKAY Marill; BTU~Cj) Khjudla; KAMINSKI, ZdzJ.9law fji 'v&Uelmols disease or erythroblastic reaction in mililary tuberzulosis. Pediat. Pol. 39 no.6:691-697 Je 164. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci Akademii Medyczne.1 w Warszawie (Kierownik: doc. dr med. H. Kchierska),i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej przy M nr 3 (Kierownik: dr Z. Kaminski). ..)~UJKO, Ydaadia; 7ApAsNjR,_KOBjERSYA, Maria Halina; MALISZIEWSKA, Zofia; KOSTRZENSKI, Wladyslaw Primary drug-resistance to principal antit-abercular agents u8ed in children. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.8:773-780 Ag 165. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci A14 w Warszawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. M. 11, Zapasnik-Kobierska) i z I..ojewodzkiej Przycbodni Przeciwgruzliczej w Warezawie (Dyrektor: dr, med. J. Gackowski). SZCZYPjORSKI,-Kazimierz; TOMASZEWSKA, Elzbieta; BUJKOO Klaudia. Bronchoscopic results in cases of obstructive emphysema in primary tuberculosis in infantB and ame-11 children. Gruzlica 33-no.St 657-663 Ag 1 65. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorn'h Dzieci AM v Warszawie (Kierownik: prof& drs inedo H. Upani~-Kobiershca) i z Dzialu laryngologii zespolu ninik Padiatrycznych AM w Varszawie (Kierownik,., dr. med. K. Szczypiorski). 1.3u.":: 1 K 'ITC, , j . Problem of centrali?in-, d~-,-~r~:,:ental tn~nf:-,.,:)rt~tion. 1~- 165 ~zO: Euro.-ean --%ccessions List (ELAL). LC. VO. b U. 11 NOV. 195:~ lulci. , I - 1. 111 1CY H!jKI,EwjG;6) J. Standard P~sqrket pr-ii-es of fuels and cl-ls. -- 367. '401. Y , No. 12, 1955 ATEMA." I EA UIWILANI~ T:-IcI~-,;-Ic,j Ccly 1,',-.rszawa, Pc2and So: Ezst Ev..ropeon Accession, Vol. 5, 11c.. ,, I-Ir!y 1956 Buculm-11CZ, J. TaxicaUs in Budapest. P. 250 I MOTORYZACJA (Unisterstwo Transportu brogowego i Lotniczef-;o) Warszawa Vol. 10, no. 8, -"Ugust 1955 SOMI CE: EELAL LC Vol. 5, no. 7, July 1956 PIWITMI'llicz, J. Som remarks concerninf- orFanization of repairs by c-Kchanging accessories, P. L-1 110TORYL 111 ZACJA (Ministerstwo Transportu DrogoI',ej-,o i Lotunicul-,o) Warszawa Vol. 11, no. 2, Feb. 1956 SOURCE: FIAL LC Vol. 5, no, 7, July 1956 BUJNIEWICZ, JoZef, mgr Remarks on the realization of a netvork of factory centers for technological and economic information. Przegl techn no.5:,4,,5 31 Ja 162. BUJNIEVICZ, J., mgr Scientific) technological, and econoLT-,,~ Inf'c)im&tion on automobile transportation. Przegl tectin 85 no. 27:8 5 J1 164. BITJNIF.,.TICZ, jozef Diagnosticn in technical service for vehic:jps. Techn motor 15 Lo.1:21-22 Ja 165. 1. Aitomobile Trgnspruat'-cn R6search Center, Waruaw. 'q, Z~Ijollj I :": I .; I - -~f :i.~r II 'I, ~ I I i "'i . ')V .~,e ;ii: I.irv? ,. tl -- nf the u :r t.a.,11ir '7,6. 11 '-, ~ (,;- rd' al'an-, 1,171 11 1 U.11 (-nnt- 'lr-t lor.. WINCZA, Michal,, mgr inz.; BURIE-11OZ, Zbigniew, mgr inz. (Gdansk) Weldable aluminum alloys in shipbuilding. Przegl spaw 16 no. 1: 24-26 Ja 164. 'IC7, - bigniewp m~r im;.; WEiCZA, a~-, (' 11 11 1 - v - . - -w iro6ui-t-ion of nhip 3truct-anis o-' -3 I " :., ,Jar~,-za-a, 10 no.: 1,-18 Ja Ll- WINGZA, MichnI, mpr inz., .7,bign.low, mgr inz. Automaticn of welding light alloy structures. -,rzegl spaw -17/ no.4:98-1.02 Ap 165. .0 przewozath prxwykk a pr=Lroes=4 alLmjni4 ladutskow;" Prwgl4d Kolejowy. No. 10. 1961. pp. M-M, a t*& Definition of p"kAges which exceed load limkL Intricate prolUe lowls. fteclal load limiting equipment at railway static.u, Trucb fitted with control frames. Arid MethOd of using them. CarrWe of long and high padcages. in the ftft,Cf WhIC11 PlOvision nitut be Madt, according to the length and mdU of curves along the lini. for Woltional limit excess an curves. Diagrams &rAnftg schlttionw brilt exem woording to c jvo rxA11 Mid WbW) bW of rolling Aack. Exampim twilitating qu&Ufle&Uon of pwkuft for tran- spor . of means for deteimbilft the mriputation width of patkages huJI'~C'.."Syl ) W. EUj,'.CIWS"'I, I-IT. Traffic ca'pacit3 of sections of railroad lines in case of unequal traffic. p. Z,19. Vol . 7, Nc . 11, flov. 19f 15 F.HZILLAL, "CLEJ(WY TECFI,'OLCCY Warszawa, Poland So: East'.Europeon Accession, ~ol. 15, 1' 1) 56 -40. r KEY 19 BUJNOWSKI, Waclaw First order base gravimetric network of Poland. Przegl geol 9 no.10: 524-526 161. 1. Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. (Gravimeter(Geophysical instrument)) BUJNOWSKI, Waclaw Research results with the Askania GS ll gravim3ter and its accuracy in the light of measurement results of Ist 2d degree base networks. Kwartalnik geol 6 no./+:71+6-747 ,62. 1. Zaklad Geofizyki, Instytut Geologiczny, Wa7xszawa. L 01915-67 ACC NR: U T RO/JK 55155 -(A SOMCE CODE: PO/0081/65/011)/WZ/023.6/0216 SZYMAJDA-KOLLOTO. Barbara and Acad2M (Klinika Chorob Zakaznych AH), Bialystok, and Regional Sanita and Er)idemiologic Station (~ojewodzka Stacja Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczna) Bialystok. "Epidemiologic Analysis of Hass outbreaks of Po13onin in the Territory of the.Bialystok Wojewodztwo 1953 to 1963.11 Warsaw, 4zS~Ia4'Epidemi~lop~cqX, Vol 19, No 2, 1965; r 216-218. Abstract: Review of 59 outbreaks involving 929 patients, with hospitalization necessary for 347 of these; 9 of the latterdled of the disease. The data regarding the number of outbreaks and persons involved are given for each year; causative organisms and food involved are discussed, as well as diagnostic methods. I-lost cases were due to home-proce33ed meat products; occurrence Was seasonal mainly May to October; only one case was due to Ici cream. Presented ~i at the 3rd Scientific Assembly of Polish Epidemiologists and Infectoloitipts. Krakow, 5-6 Oct 64- 1JFRS3 ITOPIC TAGS: epidemiology, therapeutics SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none bi. BUPKY A. "Degreasing metals." p. 24 (Mochanik, Vol 25 No I Jan 53 Warszawa) BUJOKP- A* wTechnical Manufacturing Proc-es3es Applied To The Treatmer-1. Of Fl~sticsu-p. 151. "A Chuck For'Holdii Bevel Gears When.Poli-ghed"-p. 254. (j~ .9 V01.25, no. 4, Apr. 1953, Warszawa East European Vol. 3s. No. 2,, SO: Month List of/AUSIM Accessions, hibrary of Congress, Pbruary, L954 Xft Uncl. 11[iiijok A. Warit safety and Illycleur In VOWticr Metallurgy. I'letzenstwo I higiena pracy w mefidurgil-lir 6w*'. I'lutnik.. MG No. R. 1054, pp. 251L-263. The author deals In delall wilh the deleterious -Arect or noise pro-. duced by crushers and mills upon the operativee e(Ndency, their ner- ~,.es and hearing. There I,.;, moreover, the attendant risk of metal-fitist Tpollution which In both noxious to health and a cause of exploslorfs nnd if1kcs.. The author quotes preventive means for Rdoptio n in worki ton- d with powder metallurgy with a. view to ralrdralsing the ttkiks of., fire and",,ijury by burns, as well as means for comballing dust V61lullon of the 111T. 140 reviews I also the problem of gases as used In povifir me. tallurgy. Details are given of results achieved In Poland In woft sa(ety hygiene; these fficlude medical examination prior to thg engage- d n f1hent of operatives; medical supervision over such equipment of Is likely be injurious,to health; Instruction of newly engaged op6tatives In rnWrz concerned with work safety, modifications in the design -of `~,Fplant and equipment; to ensure work safety and reduce noise produced ;b I n Millis. LURE A' FIAJI C'T,-,I'I, ';l: Eatlalo6 ci?.,~adex, matrve, dirsz i urowadnic z S., I -clh (A cata_lo_,-ue of .-un-le-y-s dies, nozzles --u c s a 1 3 2":~ 7 Z~-" id rar cartons), by A. '-~ujok, it. Fiaskov:ski. Rel;o t ed in Cc!,--5 Esi:Lah-5), Fo. 6-, Yarch 15, 19156. 130-0 AUTHORSs BujokiJ.j and Sujak, B. U355 P/045/62/022/005/007/009 318q/B186 TITLE3 2(-ray absorption changes in graphitized carbon as ef"fect of a pressure applied PERIODICALi Acts. Physics Polonica, v. 22, no. 501), 1962, 435 - 437 TEXT: It is investigated how the absorption of r-radiation in a lump of graphi-.ized carbon depends on an external pressure. The pressures applied varied from zero to 26.8 kg/CM2.csl37 is used as radiation source and a Geiger-Ydller counter as radiation detector. The measured result is given in figure 2. It is shown that the-absorption capacity also depends on whether the sample had been exposed to.pre asure before the measurement. This is explained by irreversible deformations inside the isample-caused by the preceding compression stress. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Hauptinstitut fdr Bergbauwesen, Katowice (J. Bujok); (Main Institute of Mining, Katowice); Institut fUr Experimental- physik, Universit9t zu Wrocraw und Hauptinstitut ftir Bergbau- wesen, Katowice (B. Sujak) (Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wroclaw Main Institute of Mining, Katowice) RAUK., Jerzy, wgr inz.; BUJOK, Jozef, mgr i ---- Gamma rays and the course of underground gasification of coal. Frzegl gorn 18 no.11;647-650 N 162. SIKORA, Wlodzimierz, dr inz.- BUJOK Jozef mgr P - P 2 Experiments in testing the workability of coal by means of radio- active isotopes. Przegl gorn 18 no.12:697-700 D 162. BUJOK, Jozef, mgr. - RAUK., Jerzy, mgr iriz. it Porisibilities of applying radloacLivo isotoper, LYj the lailling, industry. Przegl gom 20 [i.e.191 no.9058-364 S163. BIIIJOK, Jo.--cf,, '1:' I Intens--ty variatior of ga~Tn.,Ea rays penetratini: coa; Masses a'; - Z, 1, . -L: -3 F-ja 1 ' determined by loads, 1-rzegl gorn -:1 - '--1-24.4. 1 BUJOK, Jozef What a miner should -know about isotopes. Pt. 2. Wiadom gorn 11 no. 7/8:265-268 JI-Ag t6O. -BUJGK-,-J,omef-j-mgr; SUJAK, Bogdan, doe. dr Usefluness of basic physical and physicochemical studies an coal. Przegl gorn 20 no. 2: 71-74 F 164- _L 8258-66 FEW (.e)/4Vq! (b)_ DIAAP VAVIWIJ PO/0045/6W027/005/0571/0530 Acernsion NR: AP5017139 AUTHOR: Bujok, J.; Sujak, B. TITLE.- Stress-inauced variations in the spectral distribution of )f-rodiation fromi Cs'57 transmitted by gg~ited carbon !SOURCE: Acta physica polonica VA7, no- 5, 1955, 67i-68o :TOPIC TAGS: gamma radiation, ce9liM eWrbon, stress analysis ABSTRACT: The authors investigated variations in the spectral energy.distribution of gamma (Csl57) radiation transmitted by graphitized carbon, in their dependence .on vertical load, with the purpose of collecting experimental data to clarify the : riations observed in the intensity of gamma radiation scattered on carbon due to va ::stress. Based on this work the authots come to the folloving conclusions: the in-~ ',teraction between Samma (csl37) quanta and the graphitized carbon depends on the 4state of stress in the latter. The variations observed previously by the authors ln intensity of radiation can probab3y be attributed to chaqSes in the energy dia- :tribution of the radiation transmitted due to the load on the specimen. Investiga-' /2 .Card J L 8258-66 -NR: AP-50111~-9- ACCESSION Itions now are in process at-the Central Institute of Mining, aimed toward an ex- i planation of earlier results obtained on changes in intensity of gamma radiation i :scattered on bulk carbon under the effect of external forces. Orig. art. has.- U 'figures and T references. ASSOCIATION: le4ttowice Poland; Institute of Experimental' Central Hining Institut :physics, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland SUBMITM: VAuz64 EWL-. 00 SM CODE: NP, IC OTM: OOT NO MW SOV.0 000 Card 2/2 BUJTOR, Jeno, dr., okleveles gapeszmernok, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Distributor feed pumps. Jarmu mezo gep 10 no.8:292-296 Ag 363. 1. Orszagos Tervhivatal. BUJOK, J.; SUJAK, B. Change of intensity of penetrating gamma radiation in a homogeneous carbon substance as a magnitude function of vertical pressure. Acts. physics. Pol 25 no.5:683-693 YT 164. 1. Institute of Mining, Katowice (for Bujok). 2. Depart- ment of Experimental Physics, Wroclaw University (for Sujak). Bujoll p lollita, ing. I Modern ultrashort wave radiobri-adcasting stations. Tele- comunicatii 7 no. 4: 154-159 jl-Ag 163. BUJOR, R. Ap efficient conference. Munea sindic 6 no-10:52 0 162. BUJOR. R. Labor protection, an important problem of discipline. Munea sindic 7 no.5:15-17 My 163. #1Y-QA P.-IL-- A fruitful activity in helping consumers be well served. Munca sindic 7 no.11:55-56 N 163. BUJMEAN, G AGRICnTURE Periodical: STUDII SI CEROMM ST1INTIFICE, SEPJA STIINTE AGRICOIS Vol. 4 no. 1/2, Jan./June 1957 BUJOREAN~ G. Contributions to the study of vegetntion in the western part of the Banat. p. 1,33 Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI), IZ, Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1959i Unclass. BUJOREAN, G AGRICULTURE Periodical: STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINTIFICE. SERIA STII1VrE AGRICOLE Vol. J+ no. 1/2# Jan./June 1957 BUJOREAN, G. Results of the variation of the water content in the soil of natural structure obtained by a new geohydrometric method. p. 149 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No-3, March 1959, Unclass; BUJOREAN, G AGRICULTURE Periodical: STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINTIFICE. SERIA STIINTE AGRICOLE Vol. 4 no. 1/2, Jan./June 1957 Picris echiodge L. in the flora of the Banat and the Crisana. p. 167 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), IZ, Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1959, Unclass. RIPMANIA Moadow Cultivation. Kos Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, Tjo 6, 1959, -No. 24771 Author : Poposcu, P. S.; Bujorean, G. Inst : Academy of Scion-c-e-s=I, Title : Geobotanical Investigation of Pastures in the Western Part of Rumania Between the Danube and Black Crisul Oris Pub : Studii sl corcetarl stitnt. Acad. RPIR. Baza Timisoara. Ser. stlinte agric., 1957, 4, No 3-4, 9-49 Abstract : Basic formations and associations of natural pastures are described, and a chart in the scale of 1 : 500,000 is submitted. Measures for the improvement of pastures are recommended. L Card 1/1 1CCUNT9Y ABS. JOUR. 19~4 lio * ) AUTPOR Bujoroan , TITLZ ORTG. PUB. !0357, 139~ 194 1 ABSTRACT A list' ij Of valluable f : ~:re t;r. voo'j-.- jn in In *,!on" -nd Itz Of of )f sl-,ailar o~-Xljtc'li in Tifulzo l ax:. on ly aao. to .L'idL"oatal in Uqt 1- i tle ~Ir'ditions 0~' L 1 . . 1jjpay6va I CARLD: 1/1 165 BUJORF-kN,-G,.,- ARVAT, A.,,Ldeceased]; SERBANESCU., I.; POFESCUY P. C.; - GRIGORE., S.; OPREAI Reghina; FADUREANUJ, 0.; ROMANY N. Lythrum tribracteatum Salzme, a new plant in the flora of Rumania. (Contributions to the flora of People's Republic of Rumania). Studii agr Timisoara 8 no..1/2:119-.128 161. (Rumania-Lqth-xac*eae) BUJOREA.N, G,,L.GRIGORE, St.; ARVAT. N. New contributions to the phy-togeography of Banat and Crisama. Studii agr Timisoara 8 no.3/4:205-221 Jl-D 161. BIJJOREAN, G.; GRIGORE, S.; OPREA, Reghina Variability of flowering.time in some ligneous species of the city of Timisoara. (Phytophenological notes. II.) Studii agr Timisoara 8 no. 3/4*223-236 JJ-D 261, BUJOREANY G.; OPREA, C. V., prof.; GRIGORE, St. . ...... Solonchak reservation of Socodor, region of Crisana. Studii agr Timisoar-a 8 no-3/4:31%-;328 J:L-D 16.1. 1. M8mbrU al Comitetului de redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii si cercetari; Biologie si stiinte agricole" U*or Oprea). -Z v i.. r r- 7-, tE. r 17,4. f c n s 2 lill t i f ~C;-: :t7s ;!:-r,; BUJOREAN, Gh.; GRIGORE~ St.; OPREA, I.V.; MARUSCA, T. r,ontributions to the teratological flora of Banat, Rumania. Studii agr Tim~,soara 9 no.3/4:395-400 Jl-D 62. BUJORFAN, G.; GRIGORE, St. Fourth Geobot-anic Conference in R=ania. Studii agr Timisoara 10 no. 2: 311-326 JI-D 163. BUJOREANU, V. Organizing the intermediate and the final control in thesseries production of agricultural machines on the "Semanatoarea" ("Sower") Plant. METALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTL~i DE MAS1NI (Metallurgy and Machine Constwtion.) 1: 68:Jan 55 RASOVIC, Ljubomir; TABAKOVIC-DAJA, Vera; BUJOSEVIC, Hilorad Fibrolipoma of the lung. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 89 no.11:1339-1343 N 161. 1. 11 kirurska klinika Hedicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr Vojis:Lav K. Stojanovic. (LIPOKA radiog) (LUNG NEOPLASMS radiog) BUJTAS, Bela Survey of designing works in the field of the fine ceramic industry. Epitoanyag 15 no.9:343-347 S 163. BUJTOR, Jeno, dr., okleveles gepeszmernok, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Simplification of fuel injectors. Auto motor 15 no.20:16-17 21 0 162. 10 J. C I ~volopmcnt of the CA" 'A "Dolphin" un!~ino j.*oi, boats. v.275- J--'i-l! P7"y IMOGAZDASAGI GEFEK. udapest. Vol. 3, No. 9, Sept. 2956. SOILTME: East European Accessions list (E-:1-1) I I Vol. 5, No. a2, December 1956, BUJTOR2 J. Mew Diesel-feeding pumps with correctors. p.200. JAFI*JV--NK ISZOGAZDASAGI GEPEK. Budapest, Hun,gary. Vol. 6, no. 7, 195~. monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. BUJTOR, Jeno blew type feed pumps with correctors for dlesel engines. Jar=u Mezq. gep 6 ilo.7:20D-206 '59o BUJ'Xn', Jeno., dr., okleveles gepes-,mernok, a muBzaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Now ways of lubricating two-stroke motors. Auto motor 15 no.12:13-14 21 Je 162. y", , i~l, tL-lb:~r accorcU,n- LO L,,L-, Lastria Jart;j JU -701. Lion- of jo: joTjl,,-nt~, List of Ei=on-aan -c~cl 0 BUJUKALIC, H. "Khrat of Eercegovina and Supplying the Population with Firewood." P- 193, (GODISNJAK, Vol. 2, 1953- Sarajevo, YUEOBlBVia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No- 5, May 1955, Uncl. BUJUKALIG, H. Protection of tress under the Law on Wood Saving. p. 299. NARODNI SUMAH. (Drustvo sumarskih inzenlera i tehnicara Bosne i Hercegovine) J Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Vol. 12, no. 4/6, Apr./June 1958. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 19h. Uncl. BUJUKALIC, H. A survey of the publishing activities on forestry in Bosnia and Hercegovina from the liberation until 1955. p. 212. NARODNI SWAR. (Drustvo sumarskih inzenjaim i tehnicara Bosne i Hercegovine) Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Vol. 13, no .1/4, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 10,69. Uncl. Karoly; GYORGY, Zoltan; VAYIOS, Tibor, dr.;RITTER, Ehdre; HAMS# Ferene; BORWISSU, Gyula, dr.- EUJTAS Laszlo, dr,; BUJTAS, Lwzlo, dr.; EDELENYI, Laszlo; BAN, Tamas, Miklos, dr.;AUAR, hwe; KERECSENYI, Gyorgy; GANGER, Gyorgy- VARGA, Istvan. Present state-and per6peotives of the7aiAtowation in ther food industry. Elelm ipar 18 no.203-36 F1164 1. Committee on Measuring and Control Technique, Scientific Association of the Agricultural and Food Industry, Budapest (for Kaffka). 2. Directorate of Instrment Industry, Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry, Budapest (for Gyorgy). 3. National Committee an Technical Development, Budapest (for Vamos). 4. Central Committee of Automation, Budapest. (for Ritter). 5. Secretariat of Automation, Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry, Budapest (for Markus). 6. Hin- istry of Food, Budapest (forBojtair).7. Technical Department Ministry of Food, Budapest (for Alpar). UNGM, A.; BUJUM, 0.; COCIUWI, L. Investigations concerning the action of antibiotics, in vitro & in vivo, on the sinus flora. Rumanian 14. Rev. 1 no.2:89 Apr-Jxine 57. (SINMIT11S, ther, antibiotics. eff. on sun-as flora) ~ANTIBIOTIGS, ther. use sinuesitis, eff. on sinus flora) Y ------ q S., Borovava and V. S. Mon Sel, Researen ittst. rIetral efinery Iff MCONY Mod consists of (1) d6selviuz 0-4- 0.6 ml. of a sample in 13 mi, of cyclonexant and detg. the tewpoolcrystu. of the mixt. and (2) removal of the arainatic hYdioewbons by treating the mixt. urith PA and H:.SG., followed by waMilul with jjtSOj, neutnifir-itiou, drying, and drtti.-of the f.p, To completely re-move the aromatic bydrocatbans the soln. was treated 3 times for 20 min. with a Soln. of 3D g. PkOj in 100 mi. 091YO HISO., washed 4 times for. 10 -tain. with IftSOand neutralized by shaking for 10 Uin. with f inely comminuted MtOll. Cf. C.A. i7, 19201. V, '4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 647 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nefti Sostav i svoystva vya4kowleku1yarnqy chasti nefti; sbornik rabot pn ixucheniyu sostava i svoystv neftey i nefteproduktov (Composition and Properties of the High Molecular Weight Fraction of Petroleum; Collection of Papers on the Composition and Properties of Crudes and Petroleum Products) Moscow,, I%d-vo AASSR~, 1958. 370 P. 3,500 copies printed. ReBp. Ed.: Sergiyenko, S.R.,Rrofezeor;.Ed- of-l~.Iblighing Hcuse:-'Nekrarpv,.A.f).; Tech. Ed.: Pavlovskiy, A.A.; Editorial Board: Topchiyev, A.V., Academician., Kazanskiy, B.A., Academician.. Fedarov., V.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kusakov., M.N., Professor, Sergiyenko, S.R., Professor, Plate, A.F., Professor, Nikolayeva., V.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This collection of articles introduces new material in the field of high 'molecular weight components of petroleum. It is intended for scientific and engineering personnel. Card 1/ae 5' Composition and-Properties of the High Molecular (Cont.) 647 COVERAGE: This book is the second collection of articles published by.,the All-Union Conference on the Composition and Properties of Petroleum Products., held in January 1956 in Moscow. This volume contains papers on the composition and properties of high wlecular 'weight compounds and sulfur cbmpoands in petro- leum. Several of the original,papers were -revised by the authors, other papers were changed loy the edi:ting committee. The articles add to the knowledge of the chemical nature and properties of the least studied fraction, that is the high molecular veight fraction of petroleum. kany nev experimental data are given on the composition and properties of the high molecular weight fractions of Soviet crudes (lubricating oils, paraffins, resins and asphaltenes, sulfur compounds). Research methods are discussed.' Present and future trends in research are explored. TABLE OF CONUNTS: Preface Introduction 3 Card 2/& Composition and Properties of the High Molecular (Cont.) 64-7 PART 1. SOME BASIC PROBIMS OF MODERN PMOLELM CROMTRY Sergiyenko, ~S.R. The State and Prospects for Future Development of Research in the Field of High Molecular Weight Compounds of Petroleum 9 The author gives a review of developments in the field of analysis of the high molecular weight fraction of petroleum in the Soviet Union and abroad. A separate chapter is devoted to the study of Soviet petro- leum in respect to its bitumen-asphaltene components. The indications for further research are described. A chart is given to show the process of analysis to vhich the bitumen-asphaltene fractions of various Soviet crudes were subjected during the last five years. There are 36 references of which 23 are Soviet, 12 English, and 1 German. -tl6left6ev, RiD. Problems in the Study of Sulfur Compourds of Petroleum and Petroleum Products 25 This article is a brief review of domestic and foreign research in the field of sulfur compounds of petroleum. Some data are given on Card 3/4 Y- Composition and Properties of the High Molecular (Cont.) 647 sulfur compounds found in Soviet crudes. Attention 13 paid to the recovery of sulfur compounds from high boiling point fractions. There are 7 tables, and 14 references of which 11 are Soviet and 3 Englis'i. I Gallpa=, G.D. Physicochemical Properties and Composition of Petroleum Products 36 The author gives a general review of the field of petroleum chemistry.. Foreign and Soviet developments are discu.;Bed including methods for the determination of the composition and -,)roperties of hydrocarbons in malticomponent hydrocarbon liquids. '.'here are 36 references of which 15 are Soviet, 15 English, 2 Germ:n, 3 Dutch, and 1 French. PART II. STUDY OF THE HYDROCARBON COKPOMMT.F. OF OILS Tilichii-iW.- Oldhiheviet,'N.A~, --~Gryoscapic Method for Quantitative Determinat on o omatic Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Oils in Cyclohexane Solution 47 Card 4/~P ZI Composition and Properties of the High Molecula (Cont.) 647 This article describes the improved cryoscopic method :.)f Tilicheyev and mentions its application for the first time to control of the clearness of separation of aromatic hydrocarbons from alkanes an.'. cyclanes in the chromatographic separation of lubricating oils into ar_--matic and saturated components vith silica gel. It vas. determined that va.,ious aromatic fractions separated from petroleum oils by chromatogra-hy (under conditions chosen by the author) contained 2 to 22 mol. percent o:' nonsulfonating admixtures. There are 4 tables and 3 Soviet reference-,. Zherdeva,- L.G., SidlyAronok,_F.G. The Structure and Prop,:rties of Aromatic Compounds Contained in the High Boiling Petroleum Fractions 54 This article considers the structure and properties of aromatic com- pounds from two types of eastern petroleum: Tuymazy p;troleun. (paraffinici, sulfur containing)and Emba petroleum (lov paraffin, lov sulfur content). It was determined that high molecula:- weight aromatic compounds separated from sulfur-containing petroleum c~.nsist of a mixture of polycyclic (3 - 7 cycles in an average mole,ule),.xaostly con- densed aromatic hydrocarbons, and sulfur compounds sim,lar in their pro- perties to aromatic hydrocarbons. The calculation of 'he strictural Card 5/P.~ BANKOVSKIY, Yu.(Bankovskis, J.] (Riga)- MISULOVINA, ~e'. (Riga); 1XVINISH., AjIevins, A.] (Rigal; BUKAt M. &-mercaptomethylquinoline and Its interaction with m9tal ions. Vestis Iatv ak no.11:103-106 l6o. (mi 10-9) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviy-okoy SSR, Institut kb..,.mii. (Methylmercaptoquinoline) (Ions) C-letals) BMKOVSKIY, Yu.A.; MISULOVINA, 1'-;'P--VLN?Sll- iJ'. lovins, A.]; ~UXA, 14.R. . 5,Fluor,---8-rwroapt.oquino-line and its salts. I atod.pobich.kbim. reakJ propar. n0.4/5.-71-78 '62. (MITIA 111:41) 1 1. institiit khimil AN Latviyskoy &SR. BANKOVSKIY, Yu.A,; MVD41SIHq A:F:,LIevins, A.]; BUKI., 14.R.; LUKSHAJ. &A. [LUsa,, E A 4 , -, Inner-complex compounds of manganese with thi coordination number of 8. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.1:110-123 Ja 163. (MM 16 5) 1. Institut, khimii AN Latviyokoy SSR* (Manganese compounds) (Coord.~'Mation compounds) R.A. [Zag,-,ta, Condensation of t hd -i Z r t Zhur.orxg.khim. no-3,35"' I Condensation of bindone vith diazo compounds. lbid.:525-529- 1. Ins ti Wt . org, 4!! -~,,A o s ih te.: -i A' N SAS 62/000/020/023/040 B168YB101 AUTHORS: Bukab, Zbynek, Obereigner, Blahoslav 4 TITLE: A method of producing iditol ester of 2,1,5-diazonaphthol- sulfonic acid P-'-'RIDDICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1962, 426, abstract 20L391 (Czechoslovak patent 996399 May 151 1961) TEXT: The iditol (11) ester of naphthoquinone- [1,2] -diazide-[21-5-sulfonic acid (I-acid) is obtained by condensing crude chloride of I with 11 in an acetone solution, or alternatively with an aqueous solution of potassium or sodium salt of II under the action of aque *ous Na2CO 3' 288 g potassium salt of I and 2300 g chlorosulfonic acid (III) are mixed togetherv boated to 90-1000 C for 1-1-5 hr, cooled to 20 0C and poured into crushed ice; the water is then removed by auction and the isolated chloride of I is washed with water until the excess of III has been eliminated. The resulting precipitate is placed in a solution of 100 g II in 1 1 acetone; when it has dissolved the mixture is heated to 400C, 1 1 10% aqueous Na 2C03 is Card 1/2 S/061/62/000/020/023/040 A method of producing iditol ester of ... B168/B101 added in the course of 2 hr, the mixture is left to stand for 12 hr, the viscous fraction forming on the bottom is ground in water, the water is re- moved by suction, the powder obtained is triturated with 0.5-0-75% aqueous NaOH, washed with water and dried. This produces the eater referred to above, which is used in the manufacture of light-sensitive films. .Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 BUKACI Zbymek,, inz. Printed circuits by photoetching. Sdel tech 10 no.7:248-250 ii 162. S/081/63/000/004/099/051 B149/B186 AUTHORS i 'Bukadp 1byp%kj Obereigner, Blahoslav TITLE t Photosensitive material 'f or photomechanical preparation of surface reliefs ~-J PERIODICALA Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyd, no. 4, 1963t 502p abstract (Choohool. patent 100548, August 15P 1961) TEXTt Compounds of the st.ructure'r-CH 2 C04(OS02*Jn (I), where D is an ortho-ben2o or ortho-naphthoquinonediazide residue, are used as photo- ~sensitive substances for photomechanical reproduction. To prevent crystalli- ;'zation,.I is mixed with polymerid film-formingcompounds (PF) of the type of- lacquer resins , polyesters of the.alkyd resin type, polyacrylates, polyvinyl' acetals, or polystyrene.. Irradiation decomposes D tothe carboxylic acidand, the irradiated sites become-soluble in-weakly alkaline solutions. Examplet a mixture of 1 (006 g), lacquer resin (0 01 g) and alkyd resin (0-4 9) in a 1 mixture of acetone (50 ml) and oyclohexane (50 MI) is applied to the base and dried for 5 min at, 80-900.i. In. other instances the FF added to 0.6 g I I are lacquer resin (0.1-g),and polyvinyl butyral (or polybutylmethaorylate) Card 1/2 Pup"", -7- rl:, . Y(',(' 1 1 iwi! pol, q t, 0. hc rmorizz, C .In 29 no. I r. n 11-26, - 1 5-262,5 n-/ I , T A (-- a dn3 z; 0~ my G.;' L --ences~ Praeue. 3echcs- BUKACEK, F. Vanished glasaworks in Fusta Rybna and in I-lilovy. t,. 118. (CljsV Lid, Vol. 44, no, 3, 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL) IC, Vol. 6, no. 1C., October 19,47. Uncl. L 40868-66 EWT(m)/EWP(w) JJp(c) WW/EM ACC NR, LIR6014929 SOUR, CE CODE: !P,/0124165/C)OZ/01-1/701-VM-13-1 AUTHOR: -Bukach, G. I. TITLE. Boundary value problem of the second kind for longitudinal vibrations in a double-layer rod SOURCE; Ref. zh. Ifekhanika, Abs. 11V149 REF SOURCE: Tr. Rostovsk.-n/D. inzh.-stroit. in-ta, vyp. 27, 1964, 66-73 TOPIC TAGS: mechanical vibration, vibration theory, mixed boundary value problem ABSTRACT: The problem of longitudinal vibrations in a rod sectioned along its length is solved. The problem is reduced to the common solution of the two equations for longitudinal vibrationslin uniform rods of constant cross section. The initial coilditions (displacement and displacement velocity) are given as arbitrary functions of the coordinate. Static boundary conditions are set up at the ends of the rod: at one end the force is zero, the axial force is constant at the other end, and mixed boiindary conditions in the form of the equality of the longitudinal displacements and axial forces are given at the junction of the rods differing in cross section. The solution is represented as a sum of two functions of two variables. One of the functions is selected to satisfy the initial equations and part of the boundary condi- tions. To find the other function the initial equation is solved and the arbitrary constants of integration are found from the remaining boundary and initial conditions. L 40868-66 Ilb ACC NRi AR6014929 0 The Fourier method is used to separate the variables. The formula for determining the longitudinal displacement as a function of time and longitudinal. coordinate is derived. The results are not analyzed. V. A. Sibiryakov ZTranslation of abstrac~7 SUB CODE: 20 Cord HF: APS004039 8/004F/65/09/001/01L7/015 Ivanov, Rumor, LA ilu%ach, A.Ya. 13 TITM: Internal conversion blectrOls of.10 Weport, 14th Annual Confe-.,ence on ---,Huclear Physics-held Im Tbilisi 24-22 Feb 19B&7 SOURM- AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Sertya fizicheslMya, v.29, no.1, 1965, 157-153 TOPIC TAGS:.internal conversion, tellurium, iodi decay ~A33MAOT:, The infiernal conversion spectrum' 01 Td was observed witha p/1 double loc~sing A -spectrometer. The work was undertaken because of contradictory data in the literature. Tba TeI32 was separated from the fission fragments of uranium ir- 13 -2 -1 thermal neutron flux. The radioac- radiated for 5 days with a 2 x 10 cu see tive contamination of the separated Te did not exceed 3%. Eight conversion lines were observed and 6 of them are assigned to the two knar;n y transitions. Internal conversion coefficients were calculated on the assumption that the two y rays are in cascade. 7he internal conversion -coefficients obtained for the softer y rays differ greatly from those obtained by G.D.Cheever et al (Phys.Rev.110,922,1958). Card BUKACL Cl I I Cal Sc-i 07 d i.' tro-! t: cnt C., F--t-l e-TE 1~~ 17P the individiv-1 rol~cti,~it%lr of 0r.7 "nj. of Voronenh St-~tn A.-c!d ln~-11)23')~ c0.- ie~- BUKACII, R.K.1% Characteristics of pepsin secretion in chronic gastritis. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inBt. 12:330-331 163. (MIRA 17*.9) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii (zav. prof. V.G. Budylln) i kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. dotBent N.P. Yermakovskaya) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. P OUCHO-SLOVAKIA/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 19571 19159. Author z Dulcach Z., Obereigner B. Inst Title z Proparation of Phonyl ester of 1-hydroxynaphthoic-2 Acid. Orig Pub: Chem. Prumysl., 19~6, 6, No 6, 254-255 Abstract: At the synthesis of the phenyl ester of 1-hydroxynaph- thoic-2 acid (I, II- acia) from II and phenole in the presence of POC18(Chem. Abstrs, 1948, 12150 and BIOS, Final Report, 16 5) 1 which is formed may be transformed into methyl aster II with a yield 60-755 in the procoss of vacrystalization from CH30F in the presence of H3P04, Na3P04, NR2CO3 and NaHCO 3* Card : 1/1 MIRMSKQ' A ,Iinshener.. --- Womewwwopauk The NBTK light-weight crane. Stroitel' no.5;21 My '57. (MIRA 10:6) (Cranes, Derricks, etc.) BM.GUNKO, A., inzh. eie;iing information. Stroitell no.6:35 Je '58. (MIR& 11:7) 03ailding) MUCHEM. Ji...inzh. The improved MBTK crane. Stroitell no.2:18 P 159. (MIRJL 12.5) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) BUKAMMKO, L.I.; NAGWV, B.A. Birds in forests of the Donets Biological Station of 1(harkov 'University.' IHGU 52:65-77 154. i (muu 11:11) 1. Xeedra zoologii pozvonochnykh Miarikovskogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta (sav. - prof. I.B. Volchanetskiy). (Zmiyov District-Birds) (rorest fauns)