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BUD1101 M. 1. "Thermal and Water Regimes of the Earth's Surface" report to be submitted for the Intl. Geographical Union, 10th General Assembly and 19th Intl. Geographical Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-13 August 1960. 3/169/62/000/003/077/098 D228/D301 AUTHOR: Budyk-o, 1-1. 1. TITLE.: Heat balance of he ground surface -dE.HIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no.. 3, lQ62, 49, ab- I j 'U I stract 3B366 (V sb. Teplovoy i vodn. rezhim ze.-m. po- verkhnosti, L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1960, 5-13) T--,:'.Y,T: The history of the development of research on the hea-. ba- lance of the rrround surface is briefly stated. The main forms of solar ene-:~:;y conversion on the land surface are considered. The present state of the study of the main components of the sur.-Cace 1,eat balance is described. Radiation balance. In all there a.-e 700 s-,,a~.ions in world where actinometric observations are bcing r.ade. The -available data of observations are insufficient for detailed investigation of the surface radiation balance in diffe- rent ':'feo:;raph_Jc regions. Therefore, calculation methods for ascer- taininv- the flow of short- and lon-wave radiation are used to stu- 0 cz, dy the radiation balance regime. World maps of the mean radiation- Card.1/ 2 S/1 69/62/000/003/077/098 Heat b~.Llance of D228/D301 bala;-.ce values have been constructed for each month Und yez~r. Out- lay of heat in evaporation. There have only been few direct obser- vations on eva-3oration, so calculation methods are, on whole, used -'to study the distribution of evaporation in space and time. J*,,. world map of' the annual average magnitudes of evaporation has bee!_ co-st--ucted. Turbulent heat-exchange of the ground 3u--face -t")e a'lnosDhere. The mean values of terrestrial turbulent heat- are deteri.,tined as the residual term of the heat balance Lia L -on. world map o,' the -average annual values of u2 1. cn e:~:ch_an~e has been published. Investigations of the direct in- fluence of energy -factors on the hydrologic reGime, 'U'.,-e plant co- v0r, the soil cover, and geographic zoning have ~.,merged in connec- tio~n i-.,fth the -atherinG of data on the heat balance. in practice :T.azerial oln the heat-energy balance may be used in three ch-Jef" di- rections: 1) To develop various methods of hydrometeorologic fore-7 cas-~4n:,; 2) for the direct utilization of solar energy in J_ndus-~- ri--,l n_~ocesses; and 3) to found different measures on the trans- formation of natural conditions and to estimate their effectiveness. 26 references. /-Abstracter's note; Complete translation.-7 Card 2/2 s/oio/60/000/003/o,r)1/001 A003/AO29 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Budyko, M.L ; Tsitsenko, G.V- The Climatic Factors of the Heat Sensation in Man Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya geograficheskaya, 1960, No. 3, PP. 3 - 11 TEXT. The heat sensation is the factor which determines clothing, -dwelling and in many ca.�es also the working conditions of man. The body surface should have a temperature of 29 - 340C to feel comfortable. Under stationary conditions the equation of the heat balance of the human body has the form: R + T = LE + P (1), where R is the radiation balance of the body surface; LE Is the expenditure of heat for evaporation (L is the latent evaporation heat; E is the evaporation~- F is the turbulent heat exchange of the body surface with the atmosphere; T is the heat pro duction determined by the average calorie value of food taken up during a given period). The authors arrive at the following final equation: ~Z~-h + 1 q + 1 (Q + q) - Ct CL) A 2 2 1/3 - Io + 2sc63 (go + T P S/010/60/000/003/001/001 The Climatic Factors of the Heat Sensation in Man A003/AO29 of air at constant pressure; a is a coefficient designating how much the rate of evaporation from the body surface is lower than the rate of evaporation from an evEn moist surface; 0 w is the average temperature of the body surface depending on me- teorological parameters; D' is the average coefficient of the heat conductivity of the elcthing. The heat production of the human body is taken to be 4o - 59 kcal/M2 hour. The formulae 'are used for calculating examples for the European part of the USSR under average conditions of July, at 13 hours. The temperature and the humid- ity of the air are taken from reference books. It is shown that the formulae can also be used for calculating the effect of various factors, like heat production or irradiation, on the heat sensation. It is pointed out that the calculations yield only approximate values. There are 5 figures and 10 references: 5 Soviet, I English, I German and 3 American. Card 3/3 BUDYKO, N.I.; YUDIN, M.I. Le7el fluctuattons in landlocked lakes. Meteor.1 gidrol. no,8: 15-19 Ag 160- (MIRA 13-8) (Likes) BERLYAND, TaMara GAgor'yevnaj_BUDYKO,_-H.I., otv. red.; USHAKOVAs, T.V.v, YASNOGORODSKAYA; M.M.9 red.; BRAYRINA, M.I., tekhn. red. red.; (Distribution of solar radiation over coniinents] Raspredsienie solnechnoi radiataii iia kontinentakh. Leningrad, Gidkrometeor. izd-vo, 1961, 255 P. MaPs. (MIRA 140) (Solar radiation) BUDYKO, M.I. (Leningrad) "The radiation climate of the arid zones." Report submitted in connection with the Symposium on Radiation. Vienna, Austria 14-19 Aug 1961. S/169/62/000/011/036/077 D228/10307 MTHORS: Budylto, mj_, Gal'tsov, A.P., Dzerdzeyevsl,.iy, B.L. a 6ribnyy, I.I.F. TITLE: Climatology and land hydrology section PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 11, 1962, 66-67, abstract 11B372 (In collection: XD, Eezhdunar. geogr. hongress v Stokgollme, 1960, E., Vi SSSIU, 1961, 322-327) T1,--1'XT: 6 section meetings, at which 26 papers were heard, were held at the 19th International Geographic Congressin Stockholm (1960). Alpert (USA) presented the paDer*"Cloud observations by means of satellites". The paper of Yosav (Iosav) (Japan) was devot- ed to "Cloud variability as a climatic, factor`. Oliver (Great .3rit- ain) considered the influence of the height,of a place on the marine climate of Great Britain. Green (Great Brit *ain) read the paper "Potential moisture deficit as an important'climatic indicator in the example of north-vire stern 'Europe". Kemer's (F1,1G) cotmiunication was entitled "Hydrologic observations on the Great Lakes in the last Card 1/4 S/169/62/000/011/036/077 Climatology and land D228/D307 century". Al Halaf Udl-Kh6laf)(Irak) prcsented the paper "13as-in of the Lower Tigris". The paper oE Skribnyy (US31Q -- "Ileculiarities of the genesis of floods, their bases of analysis and reckoning" -- proposes a hy-enic classification o1c floods and states a theory for reckoning them. The Rumanian hydrologists Platagva and Uivari (Uyvari) presented a paper about the hydrologic conditions on Ruman- ian territory. Vatterns of climatic variation in the Ukraine i4ere discussed in Buchinskiy's OU-Jilt) paper. Galltsov ccnic for- ward with a communication on the subject "Investigating patterns of world precipitation distribution in connection with the problem of genetic climatic classification". In the paper "Geographic analysis of precipitation" Gregory (Great 3ritain) reviewed climatic investi- gations, carried out from the data of 6000 stations of the British rain-measuring grid. The paper of Meidcch (USA) -- "Role of the water balance in the soil redistribution of strontium" -_ elucidated the results of theoretical and experimental investigations of preci- pitation fallout and radioactive strontium, migration in groundwaters. Thorntweisht (Torntueyt) (USjQ in his paper Ili-later balance investi- gations carried out by the Climatology Laboratory" generally review- Card 2/4 S/169/62/000/011/036/077 Climatology and land ... D228/D307 ed the laboratory work that he directed for 20 years. In the paper "Unique curves of the general course of prdcipitation in inland regions of the U.S.V' Trev-orth (Trevort) (USA) characterized the preci- pitation regime in Texas and Oklahoma and in the valley of the Upper Eississippi. Bailey (Beyli) (USA) gave the cormunication '$Iethod of determining climatic warmth and-moderation". Kerry Werri ') (New Zealand) in his paper "Probability interpretation adapted to climatic conditions" touched on the question of the adaptation of vegetation, glaciers, the water regime, and other phenomena to climatic changes. Malmstrom 0.1allmstrem) (USA) considered "Harvest and climate in Ice- land; role of the iwctic front". 3udyko (USSR) stated the results of research, carried out in different scientific institutions of the USSR, on the heat and the water balances and their relation to var- ious natural processes. The data of microclimatic observations, con- ducted on the streets of London by means of a specially equipped automatic machine, were cited in the paper of Chandler (Chendler) (Great Britain) -- "Climatic investigations of London". Tae paper of Vlon (Flon) (-,-;RG) -- '%echanism. of the summer monsoon in south and east Asia" -- summed up multiyear investigations of tropical and Card 3/4 ,/62/000/011/036/077 S/169 Climatology and land ... D228/D307 and subtropical monsoons. The paper of 01colowicz (01colovich) U01- and) wa's called 'Uacro-, 11.1eso- and microclimates, their correlation and methods". The paper of Paszyhshi (Pashinsliy) Uoland) was de- voted to the topic "Atmospheric turbidity as a factor in the local climate of industrial areas". Dzerdzeyevskiy (USISR) examined the question of multiycar fluctuations of climatic elements at dif-Eerent points in the northern hemisphere. The communication of Shatier (Shatlye) (France) considered the influence of urban water research on the discharge of the R. Seine at Paris. f-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.2 Card 4/4 29709 S11691611000100810211053 3,5'oim A006/AlOl AUTHORS: 14jdyka, M,__~_., Yefimova, N. A., Mukhenberg, V. V., Strokina, L. A. TITLE- The radiation balance of the northern hemisphere PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 8, 1961, 26, abstract 8B191 ("Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. geogr.", 1'961, no. 1, 3 - 13) TEXT: The authors propose a method of the indirect alimatological calcula- tion of the radiation balance, which makes it possible to obtain Its values from data of basic meteorological observ&tions on the land and in the ocean. Results are submitted of mapping the radiation balance for the northern hemisphere w1th the aid of formulae presented. The effective radiation of the land is calculated with the aid of specified formulae. If there are no observation data available on the temperature of the soil surface, it is suggested to use the calculations of the heat balance components. To specify the mean values of the earth surface albedo, materials were processed which had been obtained from systematical observations on a number of meteorological stations. To calculate the radiation balance of the land it is recommended to employ data on cloudiness, air tempera- ture and moisture, heat consumption for evaporation and heat exchange in the Card 1/2 29709 S/169/61/OC,0/008/021/053 The radiation balance of the northern hemisphere A006/A101 ground. The radiation balance of the water surface can be oalculated on the basis of observations of cloudiness, air temperat-ire and moisture, and the temperature of the water surface. Maps on the radiation balance of the northern hemisphere are plotted on the basis of data obtained from 1200 grcund and 250 marine meteorological stations for average conditions for every month and year, (excepted moun-,ainous regions with over 2 km heights), The values of radiation balance calculated are compared with actual measurements for a number of points. Here a noticeable deviation of values is observed for regions with a non-homo- geneous basement surface, due to the rather high variability of the radiation balance. It is mentioned that the mean value of deviation is 2. kcal/cm year for the annual values of the radiation balance, and 0.54 kcal/cm?year for the monthly values; this is not over 5% of the maximum mean values(f the radiation balance. Maps of the radiation balance for the northern hemisphere are presented for the mean annual period and also for June and December. A general coincidence is noted in the regularity of the radiation balance distribution in the northern hemisphere with the charts of the "Heat balance maps". Simultaneously the author points to some differences due to the most detailed and precise calcula- tion method of the former- Ye. V. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 BUDYK0, 14.1.; ZUBENOK.. L.1, Detc=U-ning the evaporation from the surfa6o of the soil. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. reog. no.6:3-17 N-D 161. (14IRA 14:12) 1. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. A.I. Voyeykova. (Evaporation) BUDYKOP M.I. Third session of the Cozmission for Climatology of the World Meteorological Organizatift, Meteor.i g1drol. no.6:62-63 is 161. (MIRA 14.5) (Climatology--congreeseo) BbYDYKO, M. I. Thermal zonality of the earth. Heteor.i gidrol. no.11:7-14 N t6l. OURA 14:10) i (Climatology) - I I i BUDYKO,) M.I.; YEFIMOVA, N.A.; ZUBEKOK,, L.I.; STRCIMU., L.A. The heat balance of the earth's surface. Izv. AN SSSR. Sor. geog no.ls6-16 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15fP) 1. GUynaya geofizieheakaya observatoriya im. AI.Voyeylcova. (Earth taq)erature) BUDYKO, M.I. I Conference on radiation in Vienna. Meteor. i gidrol. no.1:65-66 Ja 162. (YLIRA 15:1) (Solar radiation--congresses) BUDYKO, M.1, Some ways of influencing the climate. Meteor. i gidrol. no.2 zl-g F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Climatology) BITDIKO v M. I. .k - ,\V ice and climate. Izv. AN SSSR. Sei!#eog. no.60-10 Iff-D f62. 0CMA 15:12) I* rxLavna-ya geofizicheskaya obserwatoriya Jmq AeIw Voyeykovae (Arctic regions-Climate) (Forth AtleA ic Ocean-ice) BtIDYKO,, M..I.,, doktor fiziko-matem.nauk Ch=ge of clir4ate and ways of its transformation. Vest.AN SSSR 32 no.7a33-37 JI 162. (MM 15:7) (Glimatology) BUDYKO, M.I., prof. Thermal state of the earth. Friroda 51 no-8:55-59 Ag 162* (MIRA 15:9) 1. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. A.I. Voyeykova (Leningrad). (Climatology) GRIGOR I YH;V j A, A. , akade:nik; BUDYKO., 1. 1. Seasonal variations in the climatic factors of geographical zDnality. DAL All SSSR 143 no.2:391-393 mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Climatology) KONDRAIIEV9 K.I., BJ=s M.I. "AtmDspteric beat balance.0 Report submitted to the Symposium on Results of the IGY-IOC (Intl. Oeopbyalcal Tear)., Los Angeles,, California 12-16 lug 1963 GAVRILOVA, Mariya KuzIminichna; BUDYKO M 'I" doktor fiz, red. "t. i mat. nauk., ; RUS~k~iA,a. '2- red.; BRAYNM, M.I., tekhn. red. (Radiation climate of the Arctic] Radiatsionnyi klimat Arktiki. Pod red. M.I.Budyko. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1963. 225 P. (MIRA 16:11), (Arctic regions-Climate) (Arctic regions-Radiation) AVSYUK, G.A.; BUDIKOt-H.I.; GEWIMOV, I.P.; GRIGORIYKV, A.A.; DAVITAYA, F.F.; KOLESNIK, S.V.; SOCHAVA, V.G. Geography in the system of science studying the earth. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.4:102-Ul il-kg 163. (KMA 16.-8) (Ge.graphy) GERASIMOV, I.P.) akademik; GRIGORIYEV, A.A., akademik; DAVITAYA, F.F., akademik; AVSYUK, G.A.; KALESNIK, S.V.; PUD~KO,,.M.-I., doktor fiz.- matem. nauk Physical geography and its position in the system of sciences of the earth. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.10:24-28 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Davitaya). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Avsyuk). ~L 32107-65.1 ACCMXON Mh A1300749 q the -fifth -aerj.#n 17 -wA- tbevarontb-sorl o- owlsts of -three wmal Lops character- UIM the raMICtion b&3*m 9 of the earth,,,*tasoa~ere isy4mjp the Influx ol'beat frce condentationp - and - the - beat -redistribution. vonnectod with the horizontal, vo- tions In the idwoopberse The maps of susuary raftation are based an the use of observational data, frcn 30D actl=mtric stationse The renats of the culculatiow of the averago monthly sum of the ounury radiatlon$ determined vith an empirical forzu-U that 1"takes Into accoud the nonlinear dependence of the ou=M i%diation on the dejpree 47t cloudiner-o', are also UBed. Estimates have ohm that the Calcu- Istion errors do not exceed 8-10% for the montblT "M and 3-J4 for tbe annual ones. Calcaitted values We" obtallned for 2.,100 points on continents awl 280 points on oeemm. An ix"reclable rise In the xvm=7 radiation in the sx=er,,, from the paw circle to tha pole,$ was obsernde The geograpbical distribution of the mean annual radiation sums Is characterized by a zone structure which is violated essentlaUy only In the tropical zone* In the sumer the" are Ter7 -11 gra- dients of the radiation mm am large AreaBo !"Llhas for exWleg tbe uu=er radi- stion tram Ix the Arctic (16--20 kcaljcz~ month) era close to the values corres- ponding to Abe regions of the tropical deserts during that tim of tble yenr. The M"jZM innam of aw=ary radiation In the rcm2er Is obserred on the low-Aoudinelss ewitral yWmau of the Antarctlep wbere the Deeftber radiation own vary 'rom 20 turd 2/7 n Z 3210745 AMUSION IGIS ARM749 to 30 ke zwth. During timt -time of-.the year,9 the equatorial regions teceive Tram 2-3 VbeB leS$ eolar beat then the VAar regiow. The raftation4al"te mys hikye been. twostrueted fi(a the calculated date., based on Inormation on such aete- orological olfzmts as cloudiness., air tagerature and humidity, characteris ties of the snow cmper,, etc. The calculations vere made for 1,,Vo points on land and 280 on sea. Thit jwteorological data for the ocean av predmi nantly frts the Amwican marine climatic attlas. On the mps of the radiation balwee one can see a d3zeottinaity in the isolines of the balance on land--sea shore Use, and :a non-zoual distribution of the balance in the tropical and equatorial latitudes, 'balance sum vary 2 year, depending vhere the amnual radiation frm 60 to 9D kcal/eL ~on the humidity conUtions, The largest annual radiation-balance sms Ir or exy. land (8j__90 kealj6z_? year) are observed in lov-cloudiness but relatively h=id regions of tro Ic p-J Ll torests and savannas, vbere the Influx of radiation is large, wid the albedo and the effective radiation is considerably small r than in deserts. On oceans, the imanal radistion-balance gn- range from ' 30 kcal/cm2 year at th,t bound- aries of flatting lee packs to values larger than 140 kcsiftio? year in tropLcal latitudes. Me series of maps showing the evaporation and heat lost to evaporation contain data obtalized for the first time an the planetary geographical dist ribution ~of the nontUll values at evaporativn# and beat lost to evaporation,, Tor cwtinental Card 3/7 2: L .3210745 ACMC~10N IMI AR5005749 surfaces (the data are calculations pertaining to 280 points on the oceaa surface and 1,460 points on &U. the continents except the Antarctic). A detwu1nation of the evaporation frcm the am-fate of dr.T land van made by a method based om simlta- necus solution of the equations of water and heat balance., yroposed bry Wyko rind Zubenok. The starting point for the calculations in information concim-niag precip- itatim and air temperature, wd buzddityp taken fnm different clIvatic hWbooks. The average relative error of calculation of the annual sums of evaporation =Dunts to -approxims;U17 %,, and that of the monthly vaues less than 19%. The dacisive factors of evaporation ftm land are the heat and moisture resources. At tropical latitiades the humidity couUtions are of principal significance. One observes here the maxiiaum annual values of evaporation from the surface of dry land, exceeding 10DO =9 and the waximm monthly sums, exceeding 10D mm. Evaporation from the ocean surface greatly exceeds evaporation from dry land., since the radiation balance of the oceana (at the same latitude) is larger. The distribution of eva, poration from oceans is subject to the influence of the sea currents and atmospheric circulation. The aa---A=- annual a= I-r= oceans reaches 3DDD sm. The noted singularities of the geographic distribution of evaporation ere characteristic of the beat lost to evr4oration. The values of the turbulent heat exchange for land were determined as thr reminder term of the beat-balan e equation, The annual magnitude of the tur- Card 4/7 t 32107-65 ACM81011 MRS AR5005749 bulent heat acebange between the mvfaces.of oceans end the atmapbare was calcu- latea as the :remainder tam of the beat balance of the ocean surface, Turb-tClent beat exchange between dry land and the atmosphere its fte to radiation hvaiaifica- tion conditioas. Thereforep the maxismm values of turbulent beat azzchs4e occur In hot regions with insufficient hwdcUty. In tropical deaerts, the wmal elm of turb%Llent heat transfer exceed 60 kcal/c=2 year. The main 1"s govezzing the annual courae of turbulent beat exchange between dry land and tbe atmosphere con- sist in the fact ttat the continental murfaces, from the equator to 401D north and south latitudep give rAlp beat to the atmosphere during the entire year. fit north and south lutitudes isitger than 4oO,, heat from tbm atmosquere Is direc+.ed tCATara the earth's vzrface in the winter.months, Its magnitude not exceeding 1 kcalica? month. AnmiiLous emd1tiono occur in the Antarctic where,, averaged over the year,, the turbulent beat exchange Is directed fr(a the , atnoapbere to the earth I a m irf set'*' In most casess turbulent heat exchange on the oceans is small. The raxlw= values (more then 40 kcal/cm:2 year) we o7bBerred at high latitudes in regions of Beft cur- rents., irbere iqpreciable temperature contrasts exist between the water and the 9-4r. Averaged cmer the year,, the bulk, ct the ocean surface loses beat by turbulew, heat transfer. Ths as-Imm best exchange between the ocean surface and the untler%ying- IsMa Iq dvttrzfted by the Influence of the sea currents and the conditions of i Cara 5/7 .4 L 32107-65, AMMION M AR"0749 therml Interaction between the ocean and the stmosAere. The influx of hfiat to the oceto surface Is most ap3preciable in regions of wam sea currents (- 80, - 120 kc&Vc3m? year). In lower latitudes (10-2010 north), heat lose is observed, reach- ing 20--60 kcal/cmF year. in the soutbern hendaybere, where the differencos be- tween the temperatures of the water and the air sare considerably lower, W., beat carried by the currents frm the low latitudes to the moderate ones is wes.0-y pro- ngunced. The annual radiation-balance map of the earth-atmosphere systen Ls con- structed on the basis of calculations for 260 points uniformly distributed crver the earth's sphere. The =M of beat influx due to condensation in the atwspbare is calculated under the answiption that in each geograpble region these quantities averaged over the year ue equal to the proauat of the mm of the precipitation by the latent beat of aftporation. The heat redistribution connected with the hori- zontal mDvementx in the atmosphere Is napped on the basis of date on the beat lost to evaporation W on the influx of beat due to condonsation, the radiation balmce of the earth-atmosphere system., and also data an hent influx or outflait coanected __~.Vith borlsontal.rmezz a lu the bydrospharb for the detersdnation of the sought as the:.remsinder -term of. the equation of beat balance of the - tearth- qMMUty -, - I atmosphees syst4ma. The imps ofzthe atlas vere used to determine the avernae lati- tudinal ecm1ments of the beat b&Uzeep and also to calculate the averftge indicea Card BUDYKO, M. I.; BERLYAND, T. G.; YEFIMDVA, N. A. "Study of the solar radiation regime on the surface of the earth." paper presented at the Atmospheric Radiation Symp, Leningrad, 5-12 Aug 64. BUDYKO, M.I. Climatology of heat balance; in reference to A.S.Monin's article Oon the climatology of heat balances," published in the Izves'tiia AN SSSR geographicail series, No. 5, 1963. 'Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.l: .101-.112 Ja-F 164. (NIRA 17:3) .- -10 ACCESSION NR: AP026236. S/0293/64/002/001/0071/0097 AUTHOR; Bu~ Kondratlyev, K. Ys. . ~ - 4y*- - TITLE: Heat balance of the earth SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye Issledovenlys, v. 2, no. 1, 1964, 71-97 TO-PIC TAGS: meteorology, atmospheric heat balance, evaporation, radiation balance, climate ABSTRACT: The use of now observational data and the development of new computa- tional methods has made It possible for the Glavnaya, geofizicheskaya observatoriya (Main Geophysical Observatory) to compile a new atlas of the heat balance of the earth. The atlas contains 69 world maps. Among the series are maps of the mean' long-~term values of total radiation incident on the earth's surface, the radiation balance of the earth's surface, expenditures of heat on evaporation, evaporation and turbuient heat exchange of the earth's surface. Each of the series consists of 13 maps, 12 raonthly and I annual. Also included are maps of mean annual condi- tions of redistribution of heat In the oceans by sea icurrents, the radiation bal- ance of the system "earth's surface - atmospherd', the Increment of heat from con- densation and the redfvtrNwt+on of heat M-the atmosphere by air currents. The 1,~iyn_the new atlas are much-more detailed and accurate than the maps prepared Tap Card ACCESSION NR; AP4026236 by the Main Geophysical observatory In the early 1950's. Examples Of the maps are shown in the Enclosure. Fig. I shows total solar radiation (Cal/CM2.month) inci- dent on the earth's surface. it can be seen that the total radiation,in the high latitudes in the summer months is very great. This fact Indicates that the low summer temperatures in the high latitudes are not the result of a small quantity of incident radiation; the ice and snow cover with its high albedo is the responsi- ble factor. Fig. 2, a map of the radiation balance of the earth's surface (Cal/CM2- month) shows that the mean monthly values of the radiation balance over the greater part of the earth's surface are positive as a result of the greenhouse effect. Fig. 3 shows the heat balance losses (Cal/cm2.month); for the greater part of the .earth's surface the principal loss is on heat expenditure on evaporation, which varies In wide limits on both the oceans and continents. The mean losses of heat on evaporation usually are far greater than the Increment from heat of condensa- tioa. Fig. 4 shows turbulent heat exchange between the earth's surface and the .atmosphere (Cal/cmz.month) and confirms that turbulent flub of heat from the , earth's surface to the atmosphere usually is far greater than the flux from the at- mosphere to the earth. Maps of the mean latitudinal values of the radiation bal- ance of the system "earth's surface - atmospher&l show that the earth accumulates radiated neat in the low latitudes, approximately to 45* N. and S. In this zone .the exce4o is transformed Into energy which is transported by air and sea currents tnto,~qq.,higher latitudes* Merldionall transport of heat in the hydrosphere-con- Card ACCESSION NR: AP4026236 stitutes about 60% of the heat transport In the atmosphere, Indicating that In the theory of climate i7t is impossible to neglect heat exchange in the hydrosphere. Discussion of the atlas maps Is accompanied by a review of the literature contain- ing the results of determinations of the radiation balance of the earth and Its components; it is shown that much observational work must be done to determine pre- cisely the values mentioned for the system "earth's surface atmosphere!'. Orig. art. has: 13 figures and 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: IIJUI63 SUb CODE; AS Card 3 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: o4 NO REF SOV; 017 OTHER: 003 24 ; RJDYKU, M.f. A.A.Grigoilev's s--dies and the paths of developing physical geography. 1mr. , hr SSR. Ser. geog. no. 2.-&-1l Mr-Ap '64. I (MIRA 17:5) I. k-~ --- BUDYKO,--],I.-.L , doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, prof.; YEFIMOVA, N. A., kand,geograf- naull Variation in the radiational factors of the heat bidget of the earth's surface. Meteor.i gidrol. no. 4:9-15 Ap 164. (MIM 17:5) 1. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. BUDYK0, Y-1 . ; UNDIN, 1 .3., d0ctr~,-- i ~ 7,m% I.. yi,,uk Calculation of regularities of atmos-,.~eric -:.n cal research. Meteor. I gidrol. no.21,3-11 11 ';-4- (NORA 17:12) 1. Glavnaya geofizicheskpya observat,criya, li,.ningrad. 2. ~'Iilen- korrespondent AN SSiR (f;-,r Budvko'j. BUDYKO, R.I.; KORDRATIYEV, K. Ya., Prof. Symposhm on radiation. Vest. AL' SSSR 34 no.12:65 D 16.1, WIRA 18a1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent VI SSSR (for Budyko). L 16146-65 ml&o I /V3 0'0AwG(a)/EwGW rb-~/ P0-5/pa-4- ba ACCESSION MR: AP4045631 S/0020/64/1581'002/0,1131103"'~4 AUTHOR: DRC-1,V*ko. M. L. 1ITLE; Concerning the effect of climatic conditions on Rhotosynthesia SOURCE: AK SSSR. Doklady*,.v., 158, no. 2, 1964, 331-334 TOPIC TAGS: photoo y*nthesiskinetics., climatic conditions, plani growth., COZ assimilation, J~Iftnt ABSTRACT:' Starting with the- expression for the dependence of the rate of C02 assimilation A by the, plant leaves on the active radiation (see E. Rabinovitch, Photosyntheiiie and Related Processes 2, ~N. Y. 1951), the author derives a non- l near equation*- relating A to C02 i; differential concentration at a givon level in the _;,fdUage.cover andlo that high above the latter, coefficient of turbulent diffusion aborve -the, foliage, intensity of the active radiation, specific moistum in and above the foliage, and the amount of water in the ground. It is possible to estimeb. from the diffei,ential equation thi.effect of various climatic conditions on the Card 1/2 BUDYK()J- M. i. Heat balance of the earth. Geofiz. biul. no.14:39-44 164. 38:4) GRIGCRIIT,V, A.A., akademik; BUDY.KO,- M4 1. Relation between the bulances of heat an,4 moisture and the intensity of geographic processes, Dokl. AN SSSR 1.62 ro.]; 151-154 My 165. 'MIRA 18:5) L. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Budliko). L 34.53-66 ,-IUT(1)/FS(v)--3 ' -- DD ACCESSION NR: AP5024010 UR/0020/6-5/164/00,'C!/0454/0457 AUTHOR: Budyko. M. I. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Gandin, :6. S. TITLE: On. the theory of pAotSla hesis in a layer of plant cover 3ML_ 21 SOURCE- AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no. 2, 1965, 454-457 TOPIC TAGS: calculus, solar photosynthesis, plant respiration, computer appli-;, cation, carbon dioxide ABSTRACT: In continuation of earlier work on calculation of total photosynthesis! by considering the regular processes of carbon dioxide diffusion 1Md irradiation 1 distribution. in a plant layer, the author presents some gene ralizations of the earlier theory and the resuits of calculations based on this theory. The initial formula it; A,, pk de / dz, where Az is the vertical current of CQ2 gas in the layer at the z level, p the air densith k, is the coefficient of turbulent exchange, c the C02 concentration in the I Cord I L 3453-M ACCESSION NR: AP5024010 leaf interspace. Further development introduces other factors, such as Q- the durrent of photosynthetically active radiation, D"- the integral diffusion coeffici-: ent Of C02 from leaf interspace to the adsorbing elements of the leaf, s- the leaf surface unit. The developed formula A =.Au + Ao es dz, where A is the total assimilation and AH is the vertical C02 current at the H level, is applied to the cases of : 1) well ventilated cover in the absence of CO 2 from the scsil; and, 2) well illuminated cover in which conditions of light satura- tion are mett at all levels. A computer was used for solving these equations. Curves are shown for total assimilation as a function of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), V' and k. From these it appears that for low PAR values, total assimilation depeZids almost exclusively on PAR. For high PAR values this is determined by W and s. Low V' is an important factor for assimilation while high IDY reduces the importance of this factor. For curves referring to the Card 2/3 1. 3453-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5024010 effect of k, the leaf is considered well ventilated if K1 5 cm. sec- Orig. art. has: 17 formulas and 3 figures ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. A. 1. Voyeykova. asical Observatory) Mik GecTh SU13MITTED: 12MarG5 NR REF,")OV: 002 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS OTHER: 000 ~!jPYKO,_M-I,.;__W4DIN, L.S- Effect of climatic factors on the plant cover. Izv. M., SSSR. Ser. geog. no. 1:3-10 Ja-F 166 (IMIRA 19 -.2) 1. Glavna)m geofizichn,91,ava observatoriya iipeni A.I. Voyeylcova. 1j. I-C ~-- f~ , " ~- Ivan Nikc-laevich %-dyko; obituary. Izv.vys.ucbeb*zav*l energo 6 nool:123 Ja 163. (MIRA 1622) (Badyko, Ivan Rikoldevicl, 1892-1963) DIYACHENKO, Nikolay Kharitonovich, doktor tekhn. nauk. prof.; DASHKOV, MU~ATOV, viitaliv Sergey NiI'Ltich,, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; Sergeyevich, kand.tekhn.naak; BELOV, Pavel Mitrofanovich, kand. tekhn.naukp prof. ~ B_;N.ZKQ+-IuUy_Ivanoy",oh~ kand.tekhn.naujc. Pri- nimali uchastiye: BURYACHKO, V.R.; GUGIN, A.M.; ZHDANOVSKIY, 11,S,,q doktor tekhn. nauk,prof., retuenzent; YUPLEEVICH, M.P., inzb., red.;, FETERSON, M.M., tekhn. red. [High-speed piston internal conbrustion engines] Bystrokhodnye porshnevye dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962~ 369 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Gas and oil engines) (Diesel engines) VZOROV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk;,.4~jWXO Yu.I.. kand.takhn.nauk; KOGANER, V.E.; .Y MALITSEV, A.V.; ZAYCHENKO, SS.-i-SAUROV, V.A.; ABOLTIN, E.V. P Brief news. Avt.prom. 31 no.10:40-48 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) L EWT(d)AwT(m)/,-rW(f )/T--2/EWA(c) WE ACC NRt AP5026823 SOURCE CODE: uR/q286165/000/017/0100/01 BRUk 'V INVENTOR. -.20- Y-u-1. 1~ogE~n~i7 D~~n~in. XuA Li.sitsyn, A. Mal ite'l A. V. 1~~yly.~4chenkov, V.- V. TITLE: )!Luel-in~ection sydtem for internal-combustion engines. Class 46, ND. 1744 [Announced by the Central Scientific-Research and Design Institute for Fuel Equipmez _X_Q~.XWtdxg_AaLStationaEy Engines (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isslt!.dovatel-'-ik-l~-i-IE6i-- I fA struktorskiy institut topliirnoy apii~iatdiY avtotraktornykh i statsionarnykh dvigate3 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 100-101 TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion ~Agjne, fuel dispersant, fuel injection, Pael in- jector, engine fuel_.system ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a fuel-injection system (see Fig. 1) for internal-combustion engines, which contains plunger-pump sections, suc- tion lines connected to a fuel tank or booster pump, injection lines connected to nozzles, electromagnetic metering devices, and an electronic control unit. Por im- provecl uniformity and accuracy in distributing fuel under all engine operating con- ditions, the electromagnetic metering devices are installed along the sur-tion lines 21.4i.niR-q L 6407-66 ACC NRt AP5026823 Fig. 1. Fuel-injection system too Plungei-pump section; 2 - suction linl~ 3 fuel tank; 4 booster pump; 5 - in- jection line; 6 nozzle; 7 - electromag- netic metering device; 8 electronic con,' trol unit. Oil 3 L .7 of the plunger-pump sections. These devices provide for fuel metering at low pres- sures. Orig6 art. has: 1 figure. [U SUB Vr PR, GO/ SUBM DATE: l8jul641 ATD PRESS: ZRIDIKOV, A.P.; NECHAYEVA, N.S.; BUDYLEVA, O.K. Forecasting water levels Of the Volga and Kama Rivers below the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin) and Kama Hydroelectric Power Station. Trudy TSIP no.117:41-61 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Volga River-Hydrology) (Kama River-Hydrology) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6212 Budylin, B. V., and A. A. Voroblyev Deystviye izlucheniy na ionnyye struktury (The Effect of Radiation on Ion Structures). Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 166 P. 5000 copies printed. Ed.: V. A. Podo8hvina; Tech. Ed.: N. A. Vlasova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for specialists in atomic and nuclear physics, physical chemistry, and radiation. COVERAGE: The book describes the effects produced by radiation In matter and investigates the changes occurring in the structure and mechanical properties of solid bodies and crystal latticesaB a re- sult of radiation. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Card 1/0 / 4 S/1 81/60~C'0'0/04/18/034 B002/B063 AUTHORS,, -Voroblyev, A. A., Budylin, B. V. TITLE: Spontaneous Formation of F-CenterJ;n Irradiated Alkali Haloid Crystals After Annealrn-g 79, PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No- 4, PP. 663-664 TEXT: Crystals of NaCl, KC1, KBr, and KI were bombarded with thermal neutrons in a nuclear reactor for three days. The color of the specimens changed so strongly that even I mm thick layers ;:re opaque. The crystals regained their transparency when heated to 200-4 0C. But changes occurred again in the course of time. At the same time, the electrical conductivity of the crystals decreased, and their microhardness increased. The color changes were due to gamma- and beta radiation of the nuclei activated in the reactor. They vanished almost completely after 5 - 7 days. This effect may be utilized for the following experiment: A small amount of 209 83 Bi is isomorphously introduced into a M crystal. The former passes over into 83 Bi 210 during the irradiation: 83 Bi 209+0n' --0 83B210 + Card 1/2 81958 Spontaneous Formation of F-Centers in s/ia1/6o/oO2/04/18/034 Irradiated Alkali Haloid Crystals After B002/b063 Annealing 210 The latter is a P-emitter which passes over into 84P0 with a half-life of five days. The latter is a strong a-emitter vith a half-life of 138 days. About 10-12 days after their removal from the reactor the crystals show - after heating - only the effect of the a-radiation of polonium. There are 5 non-Soviet references. SUBMITTED: July 20, 1959 Card 2/2 L 12971-65 -dT/JD Fr~/Pu-4 CUSSION MRS AP4039637., S/0101/64A006/006/1573/15781 AU"10 'TITLE: Stan features of deedloration of alkali halide crystals bimbarded by neutrons t1%u*ing ivothenal am3W I vg SOUM& JU:W tverda& teUs 6s no* 6s, 19640 1573-1578 TOPIC TAGSt decoloration., color center' A _1kali halide neutron bombardmerv isotherml annealingy defect forwation, diffusion decay, single crystal study/ MH 8 wetaUographi6 microsCOpe ABSTPACT: In. their experisienta.- the authors used isingle crystals of KI,, KBr,.KClp i -Nal. NaBro and NaCl grmn, from N. stod salts. Air' studying isothermal annealing in sinile cry4alss speeimas In the form of parallelopipeds were produced b;' appro- priate,cleavage to give dimensions of 5 x 5 x 15 mm. The specimens were irradiated in the duv-4 of a reactor at2W by an integrated flux of neutrons ranging from +-AW 1.2-1020 neutrons/eM2., %e test and control specimns were placed in ceramic crticibles having a high thervol, inertlap and these were se~ in a crucible furnace. Spetimens vere exhracted:ftm the furnace and cooled at set, interVals of The rate of tosz"j~atum chame in the-proce3s did not exceeKI 15 dejjmin. Thi j . ..... -65 L 12T hccrwok as AFW39637 1'. muired observations were made on ~clsavage fragments of annealed samplea by me-ans of an H]M-6 metallop*aphic microscopes Results show that isothermal annealing of specimens irradiated with an Integnted flux exceeding 1016 neutrons/cm2 3,eads to anomalous d6struction of color centers in the zone adjacent to crystal facese Macroscopic pores are formed Ultmu&out the whole volume of the annealed i3amples. The formation of these pores is accappanied by Increased intensity of light scatter-~' and by an acceleration of anavalous local decoloration. This loqal dticoloration' ing salluratfi.on in the takes place Ln two stages. The first involves decrease in defect zone next the crystal face because of iwicrodifftsion to the boundaries, The second) accompanied by development of cloudiness in the crystalp involves tho fontation of an internal escape nechanism for the def" formed by the pores* !Vtiese pores are die to diffusion decay 6"_did ficlutiond saturated with vacancie I't *The authors express theirthanks td'Professor As A* Torobt of this' yev for discussing, the results vork.R Orig. art, hast 3 f1glumi Z tabless, WV1 formulas, ASSOCIATIONs none U94ITTS)t umsy63 Mt OD i ODDE-. 5S% UB ~NO MW S.OV: .003 crnim- oo4 P 2,t il, I LA DS 24- 84599 S/lBl/60/002/010/022/051 B019/BO56 AUTHOR: Budylin, B. V. TITLE: The Change in the Mechanical Properties of Ion Crystals Under the Action of Irradiation 7? PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 2484-2486 TEXT: Seen from the radiotechnical viewpoint, there is considerable interest in the investigation of the changes of the mechanical proporties of ceramic materials under the action of irradiation. The author investigated roughly 100 samples of single crystals of NaCl, NaBr, KC1, and KBr before and after irradiation in a reactor. The samples were bred according to a method developed by Chokhrallskiy. After irradiation with VY slow neutrons in an uranium-free reactor channel, in which case the samples attained a temperature of not more than 300C, they were stored for 3 - 5 days, before being examined, In Fig. 1 the microhardness numbers are shown as a function of the irradiation dose of the four crystals investigated. In Pig.2 the micmhardness of the crystals is graphically Card 1/2 84599 The Change in the Mechanical Properties of S/181/60/002/010/022/051 Ion Crystals Under the Action of Irradiation B019/BO56 represented as a function of the lattice energy after irradiation in the reactor. In Fig. 3 the results obtained by bending tests carried out on rock salt are graphically represented. Here, the samples were exposed to various integral neutron fluxes in the reactor. As may be seen from these results, the microhardness grows with the increase of the dose rate in all samples. An increase of microhardness with an increase of the lattice energy is found. The elasticity limit of the crystals after irradiation grows with an increase of the dose rate. Summarizing, it may be said that an irradiation of the crystals leads to an increase of elasticity and hardness, whereas plasticity is diminished. The destruction of the irradiated single crystals sets in at lower relative deformations than in the case of non-irradiated single crystals. The subject of the present paper was suggested by Professor A. A. Voroblyev and the investigation was carried out under his supervision. V. D. Kuznetsov is mentioned, There are 3 figures, 1 table., and 2 references: 1 SoVie~. SUBMITTED: July 20, 1960 Card 21102 BUDYL1V.-B-Y-,-VOROB'YEV, A.A.; PODOSM11VA, V.A.J, red.; VLASOV-A) R.A., takhn. red. [Effect of radiation on ionic structures)Deistvie izluche- nii na ionrWe struktur7. Moskva, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 166 p. (FMIA 15:9) (Dielectrics, Effect of radiation on) (Ionic crystals) BUDYLINY M., zasluzhennyy izobretatell UkTSSR Maple leaves and the technology of inventing. Izobr.i rats noolO!2 of ower and 29"30 0 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Glavnyy inzhendr Kiyovskogo mototsikletnogo Savoda. (Technological innovations) 11 --~? L 4 ~D U,~ i A, , Vi ".4. i BUDYLIN,M.M.; ARNOPOLIII,Ye.M. - Textolite rings in pneuxatic ba era. Stan. i inatr. 26 no-5:31 Yq '55- WRA 8:8) (Pneumatic tools) (Washers (Mechanics)) nDYL"N' MJ-) Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 5359 Card Wl Pub. 103 - -13/25 Author : Budylin, M. M. Title : Semi-automatic drilling of holes with intersecting axes Periodical Stan. i instr., 8, 35-37y Ag 1956 Abstract The author describes the two-column drilling machine (VEBO) reconditioned at the Kiyev Motorcycle Plant, and now capable of drilling holes with intersecting and if needed with parallel axes. Five drawings. Institution As above Submitted No date ~ I t , , It M, r C i -v -,, j 't ~/ I 'I, SKIRNOV, F.I,; BUDYLIN, H.M. Mechanized line for shall molding; work practices of the Kiev Hotorcycle Plant. Idt. proizv. no,l,.13-5 Ja 158, (MIRA 11:2) (Shell molding (Founding)) (Kiev--Motorcycles) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4475 Firstov., Aleksey Nikolayevich, Fedor Ivanovich Smirnov, and Mikhail Mikhaylovich Budylin Yekhanizatsiya litl~a v obolochkovyye formy ( Flechanization of Shell-Mold Casting) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 174 p. 6,000 copies printed. Reviewer: R. I. Anpilogov, Engineer; Ed.: I. B. Pyasik, Engineer; Chief Ed. (Southern Division, Mashgiz): V. K. Serdyuk, Engineer; Ed.: P. Ya. Furer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel in foundries. COVERAGE; The book deals with the large-scale mechanization of the shell-mold casting process in large-lot and mass production. The authors present recom- mendations for selecting proper materials for the molds and charge, describe what they consider to be the most efficient technique of castin4and discuss equipment required for the operation. Technical and economic indices of shell- mold casting are presentedpand measures for safeguarding the health of foundry Cax~i_ Mechanization of Shell-Mold (cont.) BOV/4475 workers are suggested. The book is based on the experiences of the Kiyev- skiy mototsikletnyy zavod (Kiyev Motorcycle Plant) and other foundries. There are 20 references, all Soviet. TAMZ OF CONTENTS: Fbreword 1. Materials for Shells and Equipment for Preparing Shells Used in 3 Sbell-Mold Casting 5 Materials for shells 6 Composition. of mixtures for shell molds and shell-type cores 11 Check of physicomechanical properties of mixtures for shells 14 Drying equipment 21 Machines for preparation of precoated resin-sand ZIxture 27 2. EquipmEint for Making Holds and Cores 47 Materials for patterns 47 Construction of pattern plates 48 Nsign of the gating and risering provisions 50 ftrd," MOCHALOV, V.A.; MATYUSHCHENKO, D.D.; KRIVITSKIY, A.A.; GLEZER, G.U.; OPARIN, I.M.; KHEYMAN, E.L.; SMETNEV, N.N.; EPSHTEYN, A.L.; GUSEV, B.Ya.; LEYKIN, L.P.; MARCHENKO, G.M.; FISHKOV, V.G.; SAPROVSKIY, S.V.; LYAUOVSXlY, I.I.; SMELYAKOV, Ye.P.; VAYNTRAUB, D.A.;-WVTLIN,.,M.M.; NOTKIN, Ye.M.; KUR, G.Ye.; ARONSHTEYN, N.A.; SUKHAREV, V.I.; VINOGRADOV, K.N.; BOBROVSKIY, N.S. Innovators' certificates and patents. Hashinostroenie no. 2: io3-iog mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) Jnzh.; LUKASHF-Vicli., G.I. increasinp the relint~i1jt find Q BUDTLIN, N.V.; SOKOWV. X.I., direktor. Iffect of the central nervous system upon the formation of immone bodies; author's abstract. Zhur.nikrobiol.spid.i immian. ne.9:53 S 153. ()MU 6--il) 1. Meskovskiy institut, opidesiologii i mikrobiologit in. I.I.Mochuikovet. (Nervous system) (Iminxity) KOST, A.N,j YUDIN, L,G.; BUDYL Nitration of the benzene ring of indole compounds. Zhur.VUO 10 no.4t474-475 165. (MIRA 18all) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univerettet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. MINP L.G. ~, BUI-ALIN.Y. V.~ ., KOS79 A-11. 9-TEolidenes. Metod. pol-ech. lh~m. reak. I prepar. no.lh 65..68 164. (~!TF_k 18,12) 1 -. Yoskovskiy gosudarstvenny .y unIversitet iwni XV. Lomonosova. Sulmitted April 1964. ;91~0(1~11V 11/ 6i BWDARAROVA, II.M., assistent; RAIMM, B.A., professor. zaveduyushchiy kafedroy; WDYLIF, V.G , professor, dire"or instituta. Treatment of rhounation in children with prolonged sloop. Pediatriia no.4:)2- 34 J1-Ag '53. (KrRA 6:9) 1. Klinika detskikh bolesney Stayropol'skogo neditsinakogo instituta, (for Bagdaearova and Rafther). 2. Stayropollskiy meditsinskly institut (for Budylin). (Sleep) (chorea) (Rheumatic heart disease) KHOZHAINOV. I.I., FEDOROV. P.S., professor, zaveduyushchiy; BUDYLIN, Y.G.. pro- fessor, direktor. Surgical therapy in certain forms of enuresis in the prasence of a-Din-ne bifidae occultae. Vop.nairokhir. 17 no.3:45-47 M.V-Je 153. NT.RA 6:8) 1. Fakulltetskava khirurgicheskaya. klinika Stavropollskogo nviditsinskrigo inetituta. (for Fedorov and Khozhainov). 2. Stavropollskiy wditsipskiy institut (for Budylin). (Spine--Abnormities and deformities) (Urine--Incontlnence) EXCERPTA MICA See 2 Vol 12/9 Physiology SePt 59 4342. HIGHER NEUVOLTS ACTIVITY AFTER EXPERIMENTAL INJURY TO 7111E SCIATIC NERVE (Russian text) - B u d y- I i n V. G. and 1, e v s h u n o v a N. A. Dept. of Physiol., Med. Inst7.--SM-V-r-o-p-OT---FIZIOt.. Z11. I.M. SECH, 1958, 4417 (513-518) Graphs I Tables 21 The effects of prolonged stimulation of the sciatic nerve by means of chemical or mechanical injury upon conditioned alimentary reflexes were studied in 3 dogs over a period of 2 yr. Traumatization of the sciatic nerve was followed by inhibition of positive conditioned alimentary responses for 2 to 12 days. Simonson - Minneapolis. Minn. LEVSHUNOVA, N.A. Flormation and course of conditioned reflexes in the presence of a traw-uatic dominant in the cerebral cortex. Zhur.vys.nerv.deiat. 9 no.4:573-577 JI-Ag 159. (MMA 12:12) 1. KafedTa normallnoy fiziologii Stavropollskogo-meditsinskogo instituta. (REP= CONDTTIONIM) BUDYLIN, V.rr., prof.; ALABOVSKIY, Ya.I., dotsent Organization of regular paractical training for students. Zdrav. Roe. INder. 4 no-3:-25-28 Mr 160. (MIRA 13'.5) 1. Iz StavTopol'skogo meditainakogo iustituta. (STAVROPOL--MICINIC--STUDY AND TUCHING) Forewo-rd. Llr-,b. Etav~-. gos. med. Anst. 8,13-5 163 1. gcs-odarst-verunogo meditsinskogo In- BUDYLIN, V.G., prof.,, zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki Twenty-five years* vork of the Stavropol State Medical Institute. Uch. zap. Stavr, gos. med. inst. 14.-3-11 163, - (NIRA 17:9) 1. Rektor Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo moditainakogo Instituta. BUDYLIN, V.G.' P.-OfQ Rea-Alvity of the ::erebral cortex in the pathology of afferent innerTation and homoral disorders. Uch. tap, Stavr. goe. med. inst. 1201-33 163, (MIRA 1:7t9) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologil (zav. zasluzhennyy deyatell nauk!. RSRSR i Dagentanskoy ASSR prof. V.G. Budylin) Stavropol'- skogo gosudarstvaimogo meditainakogo instituta. BUDYLIN, V.G., prof.; GUBENKO, V.K. Method-of investigating gas exchange in dogs. Uch. zap- Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:60-61 163. Gas exchange in old dogs. Ibid.:62-63 Alteration of gas exchange under the influence of pathological interoception in old and young dogs. Ibid.01-72 Effect of cortisone on the gas exchange in old dogs. lbid.:73-74 (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra. normaltnoy fiziologii (nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. V.G. Budlin) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. BUDYLIN, V.G., prof., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki; LEVSHUNCIIA, N.A., dotsent Electroencephalographic data in cortical pathological dominants. Uch. sap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 1204-35 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii (nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. V.G. Budylin) Stavropol*okogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. BUDYLINA, "Autograph [Mmiuscriptl of Willaim Ilershel (1738-1524-1)," Astron. Z,hllr., 16-, No 2, 1939. SO: U-1518, 23 Oct 3551. BUDYLINA. M. V. I Francois Arago's letters to G.V.Orlov. Trudy tekh. 10:393-398 '56. (MM 9:12) (Arago, Dominique Francois Joan. 1786-1853) (Orlov. G.V., Graf. 1777-1826) BUDYLUM, M.V. Reputed autograph of Nicolaus Copernicus. lat.-astron.issl. no.7:310-314 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543) BUDYLINAP S. M.., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "Functional indicators of taste reception in desquamative glossitis". Moscowr 1959. 14 pp (Min Health RSFSR, Moscow Med Stomatological Inst), 200 copies (KL, No 26, 1959, 127) of th~, gastr3langiml refl-ex s:)Ygp. djs4:-~,~jz~s E 4s rite tO ty wil ,rLot. i,.ksp. biol. nrn3. 36-39 Ag 165. K-,f~4 18:9) :31A-cgo Tred it ,Rj I iqk~)go -st -.-Tii it che.-, kof-,~~ instltut;l, BUDYLIN'A, V. V.. Charl.. Pathophysiolot- , Inst. Med, ly I "Determination of the Virulence of the Variolus Vaccine and the Influence of Anenia on Detritis Evaluation 'An Auto-Abstract'." Zhur. Miki,obiol. i Immanobiol. , No 101-11, IcA4. I BtMYL1111'.. V.v. Muscular mception in tetanus immunization.Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. no.8:85 Ag '55. (MLRA 80.11) 1. Iz Stavropollskogo institute. vaktsin i eyvorotok (dir. V.M. Krug-likov) (T-TOTANUS, imunology. vacce off, on musconeuroreception) (VACCINSS AND VACCINCION, tetanus, off. of muse.nouroreception) (14USCLE4 pbysiology, off. of tetame vace. on neuroreception) i USSR / General Problems of Pathology. Immunity, U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 220 1958, 1024o9. Author : Budylina. V. V Inst :-Stavropol Scientific Research Institute of Vac- cines and Sera, Title The Phagocytic Activity of Leucocytes of Animal's Blood in Hyperimmunization. Orig ub: Sb. nauchn. tr. Stavropollsk. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin i syvorotok, 1957, vyp. 4, 27-36. Abstract: In hyperimmunization of guinea pigs, rabbits, and horses with tetanus anatoxin, the phagocytic ac- tivity of leucocytes (PAL) lowers in the increase of antitoxin production. In stimulation of CNS of rabbits with strychnine, PAL increases regard- less of the titer of antitoxin. Towards the end of the first cycles of hyperimmunization of horses, Card 1/12 -_iviicrobiology. 1,,iicrobes Pathogenic to 1~_an al-ld F -.5 Animals. Bacteria. Bacteria of the intestinal vroul,), Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1~58, ?U75. jwthor :-Budylina, V, V ; Illyutovich, jL. Yu.; Pletrova, Z. S.; Bodulina, T. V.; Golubeva, Ye. Ye.; Ti- trove, A. I.; Chetvernina, R. S. 31 : Stavropol Scientific-Research Irstitute rf cines and Sera. Title : ExperiLilental-ESiologicai I-Model of BacterialDys- entery. Orig Pub: Sb. nauchn. tr. Stavropollsk. n.-i. in-t vaktsin i syvorotok, 1959, vyp. 4, 85-97. ilbstract: Kittens aged Z-5 months were infected 1!,,ith a local strain of a Flaxner type W in a quantity of 1-B billion raicrobe bodies. Davelo--).,Ient of Card 1/3 USSR / I'licrobiolo!,?y. -Mldcrobes Pathogenic to _-';ian aid F-5 Animals. Bacteria, Bacteria of the Inte.t'j'-.inal Group. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-13iol., No 16, 1958, 72175. Abstract: typical bacterial dysentery vias observed in all kittens after the incubation ]?eriod. The animals were divided into 3 -sroups accordin-1 ",) char- acter of the course of the disease ?severe, in- teri*_'Iediate and raild f or.~is of dysentery) . It is noted that the seriousness of GAe disease did not depend on the infecting dose of t'ae bacteria. The dia6nosis was confirmed by the bacterial in- vestigation of feces and internal organs, as well as by Laeans of phagocyte reaction and reaction of agglutination with sera of the kittens. Patho- logico-anatomic and histological chdn.res of in- ternal ora'ans of the kittens were characteristic Card 21/3 61 UOSSR / Mlicrobiolo6y. 'Hicrobes Pathopenic to .--Lan and 1F - 5 j~nimals. Bacteria. Bactaria of the Intestinal I ,-'roup. -,.bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1958, ?2175. Abstract: for dyselitery. The authors tll--inlr that kittens must serve as an experi;,iental-biolo~ical model for V~le study of the problems of patho-.enesis and LuMunity from dysentery. -- F. 1, Yer3hov. Card 3/3 IAS2/Microbiology - Microorganisms Pathogenic to Humns and F-5 Animals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 996o Author : Budyl~na,__V.V.., Illyutovich, A.Yu., Petrova, Z.S., Bodulina, T.V., Golubeva, Yt.Yc'., Titrova, A.I., Chetverina, R.S. Inst Title Experimental Bacterial Dysentery. Orig Pub Bylil. eksperim. biol. i meditsiny, 1957, 43, No 2, 70-75 AbstraCt Kittens at the age of 2-5 months were infected by a sus- pension of Flexner dysentery culture (strain No 6176) mi- xed with milk. All 15 kittens became ill with typical dy- sentery clinical symptoms. Flexner dysentery bacilli were isolated from excreta and different organs. Accumulation of agglutinins in the blood was noted 6 days after infec- tion, and lasted all through the illness. During severe and moderate grav-1ty of dysentery an inhibition of the Card 1/2 IlauQhnYY rukovoditell-kandidat med-itsinskikh nauk