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S) 10 121 XIM (104t1 CAWOW. Zewy.. low. 1 1211260 %m -Am only about uNM' of the hiso-fismam ska 1% put to pnAlat4c use In Ru*,6o foundrks. a long mW of expMmmis wtft madc to dis- Mm its furibm aMlication. Good n-jults arm obtainc4l by grinding dtird ba4c Manin. lkswinct, and foundry 4mX% with A to I0% anhydrite (ff"mm fiml to NO' to 7(111' or ustuml auhYdrior) A. well A. 3 to 5% d'A"Itife After slocae in water for 2M daM a rexistance to prr~%urr of 110 to Mh kgus. am cut I depratfing an the suking JR,qxwtio" (1:3 with -jawlard sand).,*, obtained. gemioub law the ussnufactudnil pnKr.- and u" of th~ --Iieikrf ffer blaid funumv anhydrife dog tentents Orr fi%vn. ~.l %'C We um 81alphate as a source of sulphur chlorides. 1. Chlorin- ation 01-S&I Ate, in presence of reduR* arents. 11. *tp-h-.1 ~1- Ss.- Cpjimnm con ions for Jb- chlorination prooe 1. Kyetsch (J. APPI. Cheju. Russ, 19,11, 14,'747-754, 755- f,5- __ f_X._'I9S6j2J 1).-I. When the mixture CaSO, (Kvpsijln) + ' C 4C flignin C) was chlorinated over the range 226-850*, the CaS04 brgan to decompose At 345' to give S chlorides (1), the yield o' S n% SO, Ti,ing rapid[-,, as the temp. increased to 725' (9601 yicld). Tho twix. yield of 8 At 740-750' was obtained with the I'mixture CaS04 + 3C. V*nder these conditions. max. yields were obtained 115iM4 n~ lignin C or suRat C and the lowest vield %ith colce (87-4%): anibracite, bone C, or electrode C gave ~I'A~Tnl-batc yieldq. At the optimum tonditions 1740-750' 1~0, -:- 3C Oignin)). the reaction was verv rarid, a Nalf, yiel'i obtaincd in 15 min. The addition of '.\aU or (0-1 )wr g.-Tnol. CaSO,) increased the speed of the reaction at w1o, -64W; addition of Fe.0, or of Sit), (1mreascd the yield of S. Al I 'N Polillwilts we;v rarfied out with sulall sa I]. Vvpefifion (onfinued the allove te.,%ults (Illaritities of III, Tfaclallt;. Tbovp I ilnum tell] p. for the plVI I. of 11) bV ell lorm- atw,,, the stqichviornetric mixture Cx"O, + 3C (alithracite) (all Previously baked together at 00-800') was 700 Illorillatiolt of the stoich6onletric. Inixture CaSO, + 4C + produc,d hoth CS2.ind (11. The hcat pr(,duced du~illg re;i, tions is calc. AN,.('. W b&wim!l!d 001 at hot lentrartsfurm Z lk-IIIART'. (-~PJ Rfod .4.0d. -All", w~r fornmd whrn a k"at wid a clay wetv rat-h ml with W; ofoil'saloacat MI. 10211111.. StMNIKOV AtKtratted in .. , 43 --B VtMi Akad vesti Nana I - . A.0. A.. Ives, P, n . i t h d d h f f f r te cement an e e manu adt: o t ram gypsum la y ' aftd anhydrite found In the Bashkir Republic of the Soviet ' Utda~t. The addition of various catalysts In amounts of ; 11 to 3% durint the htdristion of the atihydrite w%Lq found to hate a ctical vall-e for "mvivilication" of the an- bydidte an the manufacture of cement ro On the basis of . i extei*l~e laboratory tiperimtnt3 apd semicommerdal "~~ Yv tests, the anhydrite cement lgrepared by ir;kdninj the i A, sodhim% sulfate (0.6%) and cor sullatt (99" ) Th'i Cattent In Ufa. Wnjt~ade commetcla ly K. ,f5f` , ti , q Lk V 10 w U w ~j v w to ;.o v, v, -pif ~il t - -0 q, -Tii's1ii, 7 N:..:,'4 in imi r., in the 2~OtO-AIJIO 4- WHIO Thr-se dcf~ct~ wct-c AI,C oy ibc addifin~i o! gvp;urs vAcined it OVO* to 7! Acitil':o;i 'of tZi T)"'r of Ow nuhvdiot~i m hirl! w;lt; 11 a Iell 11 IfIrt ,I to 65" irstilted in a K,t'.I.l affvr 2 da%q and .520 rlpj~jzarnfried cclicucte qllowol ~tt i,iigt h (:1 040 kg. 'cru.' aftet I ditv and 14'jkl kf,, zt~~cl 7 ~13yq smlyloaf concipte pri,put'd from alawll% tht. :161ition u( alillydifilm kpz, cm.' aftcr 2 CIAV% an't H." Al - ii ii; iiii 0- iii a op t5 16 17 is IT a 31 X 1831NOUSAisrn"'C.-O V AC *to 14-JL-C-- a f r r it I a L-A-K, 1 11 -L t b I - - P 8 1 ~~ I A 'er - .- oi "Mists AND 114"W11% .111. -00 41triked" of abiaw from kaolin by means of sulfur .001 (110111411C P. P. ,JMUV-AXD L 1. kvvLis. Poklady 00 AW. 4vask S.S x; 121-23 (1942).-Washed clay 012diftlit) ccmab&69 .34 knolinite, 7.4 feldspar. -00 00 and &26OZq free quahs ftr#ed as the raw material. AualyvL% 00 showed SiO, 53-02. CAO 0.67. AIA 319.5. MgO 0.45. Fft0x 1.70% (Ion an filiskian 11,44%). The ctay was cal- 1*0 0 citted at TOO' and SOP a&A mixed with water; S(h was .00 posed through the valattirt For 2 hr. while it w&,6 bring stirred in a veml at 85' and atmosphtric pressure. Tbe -00 00 liquid was periodically decarit-1 and the residue treated 6see 0 with S%. By repeated leacbs--,u it was pouible to extract 94.8% of the alumina In the kar.4-n of the sample calcined =00 #0 -3 at -,Ix)'and 95.4% from the kaa:~.t .1 the %ample calcined at&)O*. insignificant amounts of Fe and snWl amounts of 00 silica Uwe also extracted. I1XK. 06 00 ale 0 ago t-o too too $LA NITA%, LIJOCKAL UTIOATLOR CLAIVIF"TION too 3: "it okv cat asssins"t a tt Ot No a I IN U :AT so ASI a . I I 0 0 0 OW 0" OU I 0 0 00006*00090000 000000001 1*:000090900060*0466096090 1!000000000000000000 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - A f I I I I I 1 $91 * a I t j AS'A top 'hi, 00 GYMU16--ITS UMTIO&TION AND 932 (GIPS-200 MUM- 00 0: 1 VANIN I MUMMIX). 3d ed. P. P,.AA%1k*v. Stroltz- *oo of 81; dat Narkametropp Mum PPO '0* its 4! Price 25R. - Part k gives asavq of both- Soviet and forelp '00 li"; 00 literature on problems, regarding the general characteristics -00 of gypsum and makwdritst, types of deposits, and also 0 pkWalcal and chmalcal properties of various modifications of apsumt. Part II Is devoted to the exposition of experisental and theorstleal Investigations; ~~al chimptere having practical appIloations are Included. Now experimental date an the production of sultale said, Port- land oamt, am GlGS-FWtlmd *asset from aixturoa of clay and Ga safats, we givese 7he following now chapters 0 ~11 are noted because of tbeIr epsolml Interests Chapter 12, Oamt of 1Wdration of ,0- ddUdiated at varlow too- pa'sturef"") chapter 26 %irrosion of ountsrets, from slay- 0 nabydrits, (ollakwless) comt*l and Chapter 22p OChm- Q istrv of *lag-*nbqdrit* (ollakerlees) osment." ?be book We 0 UMATtAt (LAIUVICAYMN use 00 lie a IV It a 0c a a it SIF of St 14, AIJIM 014, ; 06 00 00 00 00 00 00' oe so 00 00 0* *0 00 0* 00 00 Os 00 00 00 00 00 *dvt #TTdo ftTol *0 jo Pwin~uT itooq oqi jo pto eq-4 %a acy-4"s ono uT jmwlo-~ 00 peftojig eim Am JT wl" amseis .1vi "eq p"m @*Duo 00 -39301 OJIRPJSIII 4=M=o an stpooloswa pooijooad vim% *0 0* so so 00 Os 0* 00 so ""' so A 0 0 0 Ab **A 009 00, **A es, 0013 gow -01 1 i I M a Is 9 Is N -A ,1-.J-A- g 0 T- Z ~ ~~ . imW t - hm s midattare of grpoven (asbydrise) oW Masl4wasce r Priklad Kkim k 7 1 21 16 1 d P . x . .. . of blast4uraam dag and gypsum 7_ (19 ;ie T " 4INK) i d h i d / so ctn. open eves av ngs un to pan ng 8 2f* l id I OW i 0 ) / = . ant cm. ue v res open ngs .) ( uv treated with awAnahm carbonate at about 40' whilc being aetated. The *M of ammonium sulfate was 96.4%. TbL residue was filte" off without difficulty and had a enoWm content d about 20%,. The rtdduc was fired in an ckMk- furnace at 14W* and yielded a normal PwtlwW cement chniceir containing Si% 23-771, Als()~ 3.47. age FeA 2.34. CaO 69M. MgO 1.10. MnO 0.40. and SOl ti 93 link r ti Th th dS i t l o 0 38 onwas . . ec e . t en o u urn eco %. was ground with (1) 2% gypsum. (2) SP, gypsum and coo 70flo al". and (3) 18170 anhydrite and M, slax. All Coo samples of ceenct t% passed the physicomechanical tests. B.Z. K. coo I NF U ties floe Dee Doe 00 o q 0 0 0 0 0 oil *0 0 0 8 It _V v v -A 41 a 41 at 4 L_A_A~ a- iHij~ of s ir-31:11, aiiin" of muii 'i;i and anhytidw itad raWkWactm of ceatient. 11. 11_11itlaik(sy itud 1. 1. Rivfin. J.ApWied C". tj%.q, S. k.) M, 11 14 IRYO(fiuxl6h ot S fruca nuAlen 1AU14tunwi: Aap by ittlelit, ur sughydritc. Aith %ilhout sit bliming. wa, stitil". Auhy%JriIr.3 julded at 14OLI-W; by I he UW tif air "W16101, UP tit M% Scaulichto6tcd. The rtmkluc. stuum, uith anhytwic and .00 dultnuite. virms visti-lwltwy rVIIII-fit. G. coo aq 0 woo coo 1*0 0 goo woo woo 1KIALLUMIGICAL L119NAtImirt CLASSIFICATIN ISO* gum via., 40.4". Woo vi"" 1410sa mt# mv as( IIII&II ac 0-1 All I Alk u 0 All 00 lu ZA JA L 9 9 OW 0 it 9 1 w N I a 4 It a m of a It a ~ At I NA '0121 109000 V Ttal-w-w-w-M a V 0 0 o 0 0 0-6-0-0-w- W - IfiXil LIU 345 AV 31 JO Aj .1 Q * It 4 VacViles 1.0 gop"das of nVer grew a mirwe of blest4waace alag -so 00 A , and asdildrite In the casamitachare of cement 11~ 11 -- - - AND SIMUN. Zhur. /%AW~ Xhilw- f&jT I- !. 00 00 . 21 HM - -lc blast-furnare 449 (114'# 'i and IG ) -60 0*11 L21", sch) was "101ten at 14419)"1014R0". anti 5 to 1101" tif ' i -00 llite was added. The fibetratt-4 Nfl~ WAS %CPAfA teI Ainhyt 004 (tutu the umitenma-A by an air mervint K%ttavittinAS ` - &A h 6 i 1 t ddi l '60 - W.4 or a t on o H % w t 1 hr SIAS f Rithydrile T " 1 *.I. grotiolt with A to 10 ; Anhydfit~ Alta 5 ; cahilml at 114111". 11W t44114-111 it %hawrdairn-dr.irroalhol3t) so 00 utte th 4 awl kg I M I (S% Mrs %tta Age IThe .1ittid., N itt he' ';as 6=1 frolli 11W orisinAl 1:14"; I'l :.1 V 1. i " * 1 ! 'so and f s Improved the hydratilic properties of the Woe ; 111aIt-fureace was. 11 Z.K~ 0 !400 L A 61TALLUM.K&L LITIRAIMME CLASSW&CATO" T;-Z U 0 &V -13 n Zo 0 Soft Ifoo 0 0 tioe C' 00 - - - - - - - - - - nd 0 it a I N IS -5 Is 0 0 .6-00000 0 00060000 000 1--v w R v Ills- 10 It w a III IS a IF IS A of 9 a a It c -.A __jL_ OOA t fis 0 00 ft 00 t flydritw1i ""to from Acid W144w- two __J~Aptjij (14go. (ti. O.S. It. to. 0.11 17. -x" 943) r t I . N! 4 A hull - wrl =& =t w #Ad, ikckt It Urnam mg Without ctwet. The lot, -00 eel v 0 of Coo to S% + not be ka MAn 0.7 .00 99 Itnt t1w ratio of SOv to A not own 2.21 the MOO con- J tout *WNM WA s w0vattin Itir ornivil moo or afti"I all sumle from "I =Wtdm '.J 00 cakiliod at IRWIA), 3-7%. The dolornite con Iw "Tiami 11Y a car"BoOdful qumant1tyofN19O+CAO. I(XV0. rcsults Wid ORM, at* taIndor4j. go* as* !s 00 ties use It Al I I "A 0 a 2 1 IF a 0 a 6 3 4 v U it It a Of 0 0 09 0 00 00 00 0 0 000*00*00*0 mu ic c entfrg acid bInst-fumace Slags... 16, Abst-arls. 1"S. March, 131, 102 -- Acid shgs~ havin Cao:(Si(), 4- Al,(',): w,t less lban 0.7 and SiO:: :AI!O, not less than 2.2 givv. ivkh 10~~" Caso, all(I I 1')W;~ :Cat) or:J to 77,, CaO 4- MgO (ftont (Inh-mi(e at MW to :Mil'), hydraulic cements. of standattl propertit%. In- stead of Cat) + MgO, PorthAnd crinctit clinker ran be used. Me go 100 Ir! 008, 008 ** 8 i get go 4 1 so* '! 00.3 ;!! ODW W-W-M goo 06 Mu-sli A A a a a WMAT CLAWWATON =77= r Uumn U0 o o 0 M m 0 00000o1 600660666*996 Impe -Os .00 -00 .00 so zoo age 00 : 00 COO ago nee, I F vil is ",v I v I Is a J1 u I IL -A_)L_f .2. a -1 The 1,1011,14" 01 Of aft ~t 11".. E__ B 4A rt D " hW A k sa . elkvv. . uda* o swjaqaL- y A 0 V ,W. 2Z -6(19U). Compt. Pea. sead. wiL U. R. :0 S. S.jM. 20-1(190)(im Ea&W,Alits (3CaOJ%(h) it b d b fi l h" f C 0 O CO 1 w C 0 : o e n ca c o O or & a S lo tai . ( y ) 2CMO_%%, tb= adding Obt ftQWsltt 14WIIM' f I d ki d 3 0 or an recs s 0,46 or all at All naterials should be doody ground. On ad- Inizing AloO, (U) in amsts. up to 10% (ndc& as C^O.- j Ah") tbc caking capacity of tha diakcr *W Its Isseducas ' increased continuously, wbik Uss clinker s artIvity de. 00 Creased. In the cons. manal. of allte dWm by dmbk c -ining. the amt. of soclo advalsts. aboold be kM to a ak win. Wben calcining iscorkol out in a sligbtly reducing atm.. factors law- ilia cabin (e.g.,adu:i3Lt.ollIurMgO) a impart a sp color to the dimkw. J. W. Perry Ziff .4 1 A. I L A SIETALLUM&KAt LIVIIIIATUR9 C&ASWICATION U AV 10"1;; K 19 of 0 0 : : : : : : 0 or! no 0 0 1111 AS v a 41 a 43 am* .00 Zee 990 woo coo see woo 42.31 Q.T Ali in L 11111nic nelifftbAd )IT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 If 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 000 00 ~*Aj 00 see be sees *0010001000 *0*000*0*00001410*00 is bL 0 n 36 a 41 a a a *I A 11 C 0 ty 6 K X L 0 P-4 4 1 ST as AV 0 n 146 .10 4T- CODfIl of I S;i iu I "C-4 ~11 .41M.Ll ;.oil .1 oom --Z a "lx&V31J111V1> 301YOU11 1W)IOM11111-1 V I V son box. too 90 nee lose 00 0 OR 0 0 so- P00i r papt-4A "O.ORQI IN pup be .4- v3np-d aqj -txli -nj- jqi ul I qq*M Pull am0paid I us J 0" ql~ft -uOlInt- aql u1 -'~twc PON alviX;'~Jzx"U' '~vm: 021-1 p3pt.,!A aimusadum Amulpio .IN rjvjjX jo ibi~injut IMMM" e 41FA PaINU) PUT '360(JZI 19 PjUpt83 4I!UX)jG(j 6'*sqy '70"gr ul palmlage :(gttjj) z"It 139 'PD" 'PIUA WIM03 'I 'I (INV Adif?;(Mg -J"3WW JO GMPV;Sg= r so a" U) wasl) "S "In" I- -P, P-4 "0" 1JIL91*064 Gkv ISS01.1004 . 0 * r 4 1, - - -0 "1 .I'll, - a I IV* 1 t A t"WV61sitte 0 ON01% I Vill Top 11vto '4 I.D1.1 is: 004 *WR Budsitkov. P. P, and Rivilu, L L' PR901"YMN tAP WAGNMA 11019 DDIMUng AND ITS V%K IUR 1PROVI'ClNo issinucTostiati. Do"y Akuf. -Mlsk SS.-S.R.. 41. =-24(ISV43); Compl. read. u"J. sci. 1:1 R.N.S v :110 1- ' : (1M3) (in Ensl6b).-Approximately of t Le k1go i". 0 02 a dolomite (1) can be reco... in moderairly pure form I'v 0016 calcining I at 1200' fair I hr.. cooling, treating with a ml 9ox P I ff l no* t ngo icuadlad"dUgo. lure of treatment with 11 is givvn. liowe%w. lowering lli~ roe 4P concentration of 111* 10% Lad only it slightly advvrbe effect 1 000 SAWActory refractory product% iverc obuined by 1owly b i eat ng MiXtUrto ranisisting of 1% 31). gild 401~ of 008 serpentine R)61r-2Si0s-2Hr0) with. re%pectively. 75. 70, and 110, The A140 (produced as dexiibed) in 1510% balding at that temp"siture for 21) minutes and then cooling. The posaihility of including the abovr- 00- outlined prom& for separating MgO w% an integral step in the Solvay proms is mrntioncti. If go 00. so 00. 00 00- 1:1 900 0 ; go 0 4r* 934M SIM14111404d Got 111111 304. o - I 8"6* Olt G.v got 00 R It It .1, A ; 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 la! 00000*0000001111 000 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is a 36 v aM, a as 42 a a a ice 00 -I'-lt4jL-A j-A,-L--L 0 -00 *0 09 chi the d M"Wgdwing III N*4t"go ;-Qo 2. 1119-190B(M .1 FPSM4 i r 00 14"WIff a row cd coadiakwas Is. fw 7-11 his. vildw 1.3 0 mm' or for 3 Ism amw a amj mvwa it into * wtw nwkn of adcular Ctrs" of The length of dw 0 to '040b. 0 -from 0.1 60 1-6 qrawt. g .0t byllreir lit-luenj by raliciallin at 170" 1. mmtly tkv"lf.. oluteriol almOd 4 well vlrvtl6qed t". fitnWilum. After go w1linx the wkularmialloydrate retains Ito Irlic4l structure, Ctwvnwr~kvn ~Urnrlu c4 133 kv./cm." and W ka.irm.2 after I and 7 duyv. rt~p., of setting have been cAmermt. 06 ai W. I" coo r- 0 0 see oil rJeo A 10.11. ASWITALLWACAL LItIMI&TUNI CLAIWIC&T*0 ago glow we* ON% it, u 4 a I -0(w0 p 0 or go A- is a ot is it it at me a I 0.0 011 o' 'e, o go&g000 * 0 a 0 0 0 a o or oe0 0 to 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 : : : :1** 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o o 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 o1 - - - - - - - - - - - - W 0 go**** go 090000!!~' M_ -tr-Iwt W 0 30 4 b P V )o a o It A_A_ A sot J4 I-so 0*0 r-It, --Oboc& Its 00 *is *0 got J~~ *0 $00 *Wftl oft uUMMON 4d boat 1041 08 in MrA dw kc _141well 111 OWWAIM _*41 at C*N#i. toid. Owd, 3.1. - pm%6,01 :08 -00 608 .~, K"."i lly maws lIK4kra to M OW duk"Wor .041 III lucin A&I wivaturs. a4"1 t& am nivim an the wwas tism "d ibe 6NOW &md evowe"im anuoh. 00.3 after 4. 7 and 29 dap of wtUms of cemsects pewpd. by cm. bWit%x V% of an mcOwtur with 66% sod 70%. vnp.. 4 y!~~atx Wt (lionsummer. Wma Imunh awl fisailry) amil roe 5!*%, wA 0, 4A sypem. Raw&dus of will" tow &W Zoo 0 IM isi,=Ib obmwvW omly after IV Ox ve- ounts An" see 00 Also COO See see =00 noe, It LA A I I It 01 9 A 6 :1 . 0 0 9 o 1-0 0 0 a or", T- -V'-W -W -W -W T-411-6 10 9- -F -m-IT U 11 4 U I", I-& L-A -0, POOCNINS am& "Sole ftignimmlimmet v in ncm. ma"s 7 r by jg"" bmwWime. 1. P. AUmw=. J. " C 1 *0 Applwd CkmR. (U. 17, Wx 6=1908 1 0 v m k k eel . m or s m WwWotf inm No orescambal JanOX666malbsualtilme off i., ju N 14PO.. whembir - intense reLkm calormlim re- suits. wW& cm weve to detect V in dda. of 1:6.000.000. The effect of chressams and mmuganates is diminated by .00 00 the use of Mohr salt s" NaN(h- The sample 6 UvMed r topetiacr with H F. G. M. K. Wratlism of emew b b P t a 0 m" mme o y V mu -ft- WS.S.Zhukovs- age 00,3 R-) 17, 16"(1944) bedeld- bypptn. with (NH4)1 few The Osine hYdrochicride in dil. jid own I is dtd. in th. I i tration with y IkOK or win. l G. w. K.Iwapff goo "A 01. 609 goo goo goo A11*. L A 81TALLOWGICAL LOIRAINII CL&SWICATION WOO 9200 Woo MAII mw All . Al U5 AT 00 ad 0 N A 4 , , 99 000000000000000900 1 l 00610000006000000000 00 0 4 00 090004166900006400 a 0 0 0 0 0 a o 3 4 414- 10 Soo 00 J3 00 Lo Wit UY"AVAR CLAUNCATM b u m Aw so n1; 0 * 0 :,:.:1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10:0 0 Al 111oze 000 o 0 0 o 0 0,40 0 0 0 t P PPL do" team cd =41 SRI* 400 too too two 4 a 3 0 1 o 1000 0 0 i U000000400409090000 **A 00 got 00& *Ott 094 000 000 0011 Firecams am 0100INI'll W. S ft. L ANETALLURSICAL 1.171FRATIAt CLASSWICATICIP I Ivicla.1 it ON, Zia( b U U AT To. 0 .1 CID, a It a * it a it it 99 Ua Ita ooowoioeooooooooooooo4 of -dr*m domw smote Cement. .60 P. G. GoCtommum. Zhmr. Prikldd~ '8j WT'4l7-2l(l944).-Thc bask for the dental Kh CrInent was the ckww containing calcined AIM Z1.2. loo s sand W.& "othetic cryolite 30.0. and C&HPO, The cbwp wats gramst! to pa" a sieve of l0,WU .0pe"Ings/eW mW caldimil at 13W. The muclied and 0* Smnubled mm *As mind %ith a special liquid made ity disiOvinsSpwtzofAi(UH)swWVparuofZnoin to parts of boiling HIM. Tbt ortamt hu toad adhesion, hirdem completely in 15 to 20 min.. and eau be pol6bed to give a lustrous surface; the loner. density, and translucence are r a 2-wmk inuttervion in %diva at 37-C. The cement comparn favorably with the Dc-Trry (Swi%A) dlicate censent. 111. K. I--t _j -A--) =00 ZOO coo Aroo 00 zoo woo it :0o CS 0 0 a-- -.1 fw 0 10 v I A*000*0000000000049A 0 00 4 S sit Is 16 Al' OA G 1111110 Irb. theory .1 awidillc4flual of nuildivi silag cat"ou(s P. M. Leahmv. C.,* - "j, -d, t 1 -P; A kad. . 1 . . k S.S.S.R. Y - 2" 6 ISM4441, Me 45, 31. . 4 It 6,41 ill Milf,11"I 4,x Cellicilf'. like 111,,# .4 4-4hrf crilivid,t, i. v.111-1 Iq Ill, -,4 m1w%itut lwtvtr~.% lw~ .4W hy,1141M 1~ th.l. it" 'Ok-IM11 411111MIUMMA(I %A'4qi AIAI, 111110W) "likil 1.1111t, Ill -111-041W, ..1 .1101 0( fill' (TVICIR dill-O skit I'MIUCC %%Clllttt, Mid th't.. 1, 11-1 0,41.11~illj W the -44illifying Murill A. ill the CA.Wof On the oluttary. th~, ittitial utfentith 4 *0 the critlelic I"'ottle. higher Ktki the 1111(vivi wrtraw fit -tMilith il~VVSAMI fly file tjVVrhqw"rUt ()I file , KV11, "I CA A 1. Im. ' v r I A'dl I AM 1, N I.M. It the l -iliff"ll 44 fill. &- -61- 1-1-It ill- 111v milvii. 4 Ism Vii fi, the it'll) Ulu," file Plellealm of Ca*14 in vAlfil:*ut quantities. The cvlAutivit of hV-At UlKM 51L)IJIllifistaitiM of the *UJIX,~l oil Mil"At 6 SIXxS1 ~W;R) cal./I. of crinent as 4ximpated A 50 CAL'$, (IS IKIIIIAIIAI MUMI. 1. It. iwTALtw"KAL 1.1111111avior twisrKATON jjw mood itit -T of Ma Asia, AV Of so Soo 7] nee It** too 4100 910* see ------ - ties W** Is" @"SAO 0 go go 0 *0 0 OOA --w- 2 0 041,00*99iiiie 'W IS is 14 11 IN 0 0 2, 31 Wbids sympedl 0830 !1 ----M c 14 FlOCIS69% Alto 0,401,411111 f.01 I caldned upnn 460 dwanule. 1'. 1", ITS.&R. )an. 31, 11145. t.vt-.Attn nad dolomite are Aflik-41 to a ladk- conig. molicii %lag at lim, fline WIK41 Ihe 1210C i5 V IUD. TIW C21eil"I 1-111CI iv IkkillIlIkil 410 the mirface ni"h, -6.. ASO-ILA KTALLUnCA& L"INATURIE CLAUVICATIGO XPOW XOO X#* see nee a 049 use blikill OIA U.W III U 0 AV 10 151i j A 1 0 W 0 8 1 '1 R pr & 49 19 a 00 00 'a e e 0 4, : 4 000*000000 . 0 0 0 66040e 4 0 0 0 0 000 G-f-.PL 0 0 *sp 0000 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 00000 00 00 *0 at go it 1, got es& f 0 414 OOU I 161490 "it GMT ant lt to 13 4 U U AT b It 0 d K .1 ftw .1 T a, la It 1 00 0* 0 It 16 t? v it It a a a a a V, Ill it a It It U m a ft U lsita4i Coss 4 T 6 JL cc j 6 so ~PJ!k TO 141 ..9.10 0 0 0 hin. U.S.SS.64,670,AOM30.1943. lotheproductkwo. (.4110,S04 %r ),SRprjm or anbcdrite. the vepn. of b,s f, CO. front M.) by Otmilon facilitswi by add- Ing to the startilms Inaterw a multabie tity of blast- furnace ~N, cdcmwy smulmed. 4rmi-t- is -Ti- ArixInd. It ground prodmi b treated with COs and Nil,. Ile mW. of C&M and dm Idt after filtration I% fed into a rotay kft to produce a com,"d dipoker. M. I loqeh a. SL a ASTALIMICIC&L LM906TURC CLASSIFICAT" s;*O r coo go* go* see mail; a It a :0 a, I I& 00 00 00 99 00 0 0 a 6 a a IV k, RV 10'r at its mw" I an nut Ve to the Atteloo"i WA*h .92, 1W o 6-ai T g ?"t rftnt I W or ~d bY dr ns of . hetnjhYdrvte j ~ dehjra~~jj;~ lore) wit h the, NJ of I he fiket B .Z.ic, 61. 0.21 Vnis 46AA -2 and I er% 0.13, 4 water Of hYdjtJ0n 20 to 70.9-11cm.,(Pu W.t rly Mute) cri he jlz bola IM90, 1 Cam be Pond fteshoij "bedfi. J.., U"ed in one tion apparatus &dvubtd RYMM greater IOU plants. 1 6? to 0! !o ~e Of !o lop o of 0! 0i 1 C X L a Id 0 PQ A S T W IT cm AT 0 04 4D 0A 00b om~, 00, 4i 0, 00, 0% 00, o% 00, so. :0. 0. Gstqj 34q-u -0 Pug ivFN sulpr-pl- IN- gin-4nbaj t- oUl )v pug inanpou.1 .~,m.,U, aruvo pug I%m -wo'l-ir I 920a S41 10 I Julw ano-ul tun 1.006 inaqu iw Awla "ujnwa _~q piul" sl :aa %It PM AVP %99 JO Na %C9 PC* Amp %M -MM -pd-d Sq - -Amp unnul"k) *&"Asm" IlurwP41'" F0FPw xq qqolpos e1 Isup .0611 P,4-1 "up P-.Mgl-ml I* -mml.-J- ,we .4 .U'VC-9w. NAY 10,0"'L9 ON WAkWN listMall 'PUIUWJH Sql -1 -0-9t-41 I-I 'ON $"T '"Ad lop"Y p 008.1orms --" *v B pug -Ripm-a 'a -w" *"win p $'up =4 W-mm I W-03 04) 0 . jr it 00 noo v 00 000 00 ak 00 a 00 09 00 *0 00 0*0 too a 04 tp 00 Dolomite and Ilsivash" acturflosis as wart" of mall. nesiumazwe-11 1043. No 2 :1. WJ,?;VAl gilt fit 14 11,11,01111C 11. A44111 inagli"Ill"I midir are givris. The other njr%~ tif rualt 11:131. 4.% ifir air the Illiffirrisill, lall Iski, W tittritit-fil ,, ea ca 1W ~iva,h - 111"111 of Ill.- in. Illairlial, dft- a p".1 14 Ilifigni'mill Inill'. IM."Iniv 41"411.1 Ill. .1 Itrat,.1 at .*,11tviarv .lilt a A .111"fid, NUKI" -111m mpl, 'Andiffell I" fill. 'Ally VAII IW 11-1 lilt file 111AIIII(a, IU9,- maxil-lititit I "I'Sliclifc. &fill ftirsIrrille refrual.-fil, A Li CA D*MdM And as 16-21(IW).-Mtaibcitmsb-OtiAdOl-it toobtaw M&() am Jim. Tht Slum worm of mco we the ,Mmw, at 6k" of Nortbtm crimm. mued "sivwh." '00 IkAmnite bmid be fimd at 1200' and then tftgtd at wkb a subt. of NTLCL MgO tbus ob- =-WY.'-brp-uscd for the numud. Of UL169-111al. U189- nesitc, w0 forsttsite fdrKtarim. M. V. CoOldwe 00 000 00 5 ~, ; 001, ro 0 00 .Z-w J. ~ goo boo S a - 6 L At WTALLVRGCAL UTINATUM CLASWICATON C-zmz="AWW 000 INNS 111`1113W WNW 410411110 -- ----1 0 A MaW M&O 0411 a" Mill at Awl, ISO "LML.L I " 1 6 1 9 W, I S a ad 0 A or 9 a a 3 a or onativen mans a it Mi il 040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 SO A 6 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OR 0 0 'o 0 0 so 00 a Go 0 Z go 0 goo 7 ell v as __11 via JIM u I IF A 1.0 PmKlitt I Aso PROP111111t .1`1 phydewdimm" me" Otewital In the Stabulu. d.,. ad 6.11"ate of Cr'O. 11 11. fit, "i V. y TRUT i 10 11-121 W-jd 0041%) A tr e l hr ==Y J idk- em The fartmallott of a wwc milet, of rout founds of Cr and CRO when CrA Is add"I to dolomitc, d Mixturcit ocintaining varlom titruivotlimm of CuO san Cr, k-t , tni C&O - I d fi d Th f - ritv m vi n" re e a ; by by Cr its the raw of dolmnitr I% Iwtvktvn .1C*0 Ct.(i. and 4(~ml).CrA. Mimmmik- %ludim weir mAmMY hintlerrd bectiuse of t he ClAmut hm of 1 he %1vocilue" by I he Cr rottiltounds and lorran,r of star Lick of ri-fiable 410val see o1 Ct Asid VAO 0%0416.i~ couttanis [or the rMilliound 4 O ANS h.d it. ffevi -, I lv~ Cat. To cAlmr the reffartwhit- of elinket. It 6 mvititary tit tidd %0, vi it It I lit- Ottimille 21 FrIcte"C". itz K L A "VAUUMMICAL LITINAIJAI CLASSWKATON,) .11 0., '311( u to it it it Op a a a, -.19 g1l *t a, ; i's N ass goo !roe t:99 UA ... ... to I S a FW 0 $0 0 1 W-114-5 At 0-1- --;--1OvApo OVA Ist sup IP-P 96010t2 ---L- 000 006ca"O &I* vooplolitt out 0 A - 6 if" Z Ma. 2 .d 1 0 (Wdenberg. Kitimirkask 1E.-I 25" V :! i , 2; i-li -4x a ". of muntis test A the 2 t t vtd saost satlifixtury wtn- qmj& sm4 ~ r o is 0. 0.2. 57 I . 4d$pu IIA, 10.A; md "m 21.0. 16.8; vxAs,-% NM 11 .0. 10.0; ZnO 0.9. 2.0%, resp. The Chem. cows*. wim: SKh GUM 70JD AIM JIM -Ojp a . . . Of 2.19; Niko 6.84, 10.75 0_0 3.94, 3.72; C&O 17.90 10.95; ZuO 0.0 and Ud (amfg. ZOO) 6 not ma a whirh tomis wv strated The of tbeft enavah is SW40D-. They 'S Imn ~~Imak fiva. Their mists RCS z H 110 HNG S. % Jill'; c l. ex mal mid3 by bodag damdal test pkm 232' t d h b OOW o an t en PIMA&I t tm into tap vmttf. The 004 eflarnels withstood 15 cb&Wm (3 Is the required no.). The mmh - proped Ics of the ecarach wem pod, 4 see see moe woo LA2 A. MITALLUROCAL LITINATUNI CLASWKATIM moo- 11-NIA- 1"m "MART Wei ta'aama A. Wtv dot NIA4110111 MILL11 ex WT All bu AT 10 As Am a S a ad 0 6 1 W a- 9 A 0 3 1 v p I a, no a, ; it K a I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see 0 *of 0 0.0 0 0 0 :0~9,* Or**.** *00 0 0 0 000 9 00 OSOLA 00 A go sea go 8 go ej S N - I L A OfTALLUKKIL LIMATIONE CLAISVICAVON ------------ I.A.- At aw U 8 AN So As v vp a b it a I I K a IS It o 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.4 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 *is 0 0 0 0 0 goes woo 0-0-2 T. a .4 pf"Is"S A No favoley'ri I 'Role W Salskmin weltedwaimif to 9M evedwramid Mr 401611101L P-J'~21MISAIVAN111 0 CIA ppikidd. xhime.. 111 11 21 15 19 (1945).-Haotherroal curm we" obtalmd of ordinary alumina cement am& rmm blatt-lurnaft alumnix slat and oftbeomwenpmtwitbn"tkmao(anhydritc. I(xprii- inents were conducted tit 18'C. under conditions of wtural liberation of beat %ad at 63* to 711* and higher analogous to conditions exialm In large eomT"r "vkL. The rmults ohm tkat. Ice mient hardening at bIqh ternper-aturm. the be3CjiO-AIA - 6IfjO into useful prodwis. Cmk1ork-11 prolitflits of the hardened Lvinent mcfe aluo lmpmvtd. It z K. IS IF 10 W 44 41 11 'A 4 to it's* .00 400 Y 'too see Ixed t:00 use wee ON "1 14, AM J. it N 0 A a 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 R-OULOO-9 9 0 9 9 * o o * so* 11 U if If is A 42 411 It & L -I- -FA-41, AL -L IF IxI 00 .ttilt -0 Ft.0,Ft.If-,111 wI .00 00 .00 06 12. CORROSION OF CONCRLVE BY MINE AND COAL-WASHING WATMS AND 00 SELMOTION OF A MORE RESISTANT CEMIT- b-&UM P, P- Rnd t~u~l .941 00 Al V. K. (J. Appl. "her. (U.S.S.R.), 1945, 18, 474-82; Chem. Abstx., -46 00 "'~Iy; .00 1946, AO, 5Ua). 4003' :0 1 Examination of rosistnnce of concrete to argra~.,5ive waters pva No* 0 4;w the follovinir graeation of resictance (in de5cending order)v :0 4! elinkerless 'c'ement (90% blaot-fw-nace slag, 5% UaSO4# 5% calcined 00 J dolomite), slag-portiand cement with 5% anhydrite, pozzuelann port- T wee 00. land carent, portland cement. Extensive test results are Given P moo In table form. Fee 00 2* *0 V, a 0 0 so Or 0 too A t 0S L Aal. I AL i C-PCKAt LITINA109 CLAMPICAT1601 11"M 0wV Lit ~7'T a , 1 9 9 1w 0 to ; 1 05 a a 3 t a d4 K ft it 91 It At t1f Of KOOMI 0 000600000400000-*0606411111000 0 0 I a so a 0 0 a a 0ap 'dob 'D ~: 0 000000100.0000000060600 48 6,000 ft -5, -w -TI -T) -WU- 4 1? I,--, =F:j, $1 Alf tI -4ftP-4A r, (.Vj cl -a- 0 *-o -W-i -06 0 -i -go i i If 1111 Job so 11MV41 04) adjas, 2"4* XFF9CT Or COAL ASK RMCM) WITH LDIS UPON HYDRATION OF IMOLUBLE ANMIXTIL !h~--Q-Tj-fe P. and BUtte J. M. (Compt. Read. O)GkWy) 1945, 28, -02 420-2) Coal ash am be made into a binding materiJ- by -Was with lime, or burning powdered coal end limstons. The latter nothed gives OM-coment"t which ocutalas =09 32-48% Illse MA 705-25% The variation of lime 00 content results In a voluise variation which is a serious dral0back. A modified coment in described in which insoluble anhydrife and TIZ-ooment we -4mod, the lime acting as see a catalyst an the hydration of the ant.ydrite and the calcium so a sulpilats, stabills" the volume of the solidifying line. 'Ice* The reactions Lavolv-d are discussed. The resulting product is called A.T-osoostj optimal compression strength 170: The authors was 331 kg/anX and tensile MoS ke/ank 1000 conclude that the At-ComMat has & wide &PPIL"ticu in 09 tion wak, wkd can be produced from local raw materials. J: contruo big 0 A 18.1 L A017"LIMMAL WIXOM CLASWICATM too 9 U It AV to Al I; ; Ct 0 11 ~ al ; 2, ; a a 'ca Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is Y1 M -3 A3 a i-, UO I ~W A I N A 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e4k *of 0 9 04b ee. es~ 04L DID. 046 DO. *06 000000 .)OO90"sooso o 0 c 9 L, 0 MI A L R_l_T 12~i uc"*It U1334 ab Us bag 41414 64 o1 Ts til ..a M ktM-0 fl~% wi to t44Y IWAJnq PUV SPIAMM AkW W" pUrM uqi-q*ft 44S PQt AIN 431140 POP)" ma Irtu AA",, : "!r v Ital Mallubalull 44A pa=l"= ZZ9 - inA ti! I 68"41PUIBA mqn2aal pjqaA4n Vim laIll, GRW-b 3ql IMADJdLUI (I%" tj (,Oglg liq -V A T-T R""X) 4W4-Mi %IIIA P31LIWA FM 'PMQO=Aq ap-n 01 "-za.L -It"M 'VWWAlb3lqj %Is -JJ 53190 PUO 141=1 lbalswol It" )a "IUJPA4 jql pall t3lun JuIll VIAL P"a 4" "*a 'W#606 y 00 tin '1 %/P- 60 "M IPIAL P"Spas Vm I"$ ?a Pon if! a K a a a a 0-4 4-6, SA 01- rL tt A -A M , fit t I soluble an y n c, Campt, rctid, anid, ntllllof..~ ilig rc~tc d IIF(- pf'-p.11ation of ~a Itio C011~11,jft 'it culmml (ATJ IttAll ( 1 ) litile-t ?IF iellVd CO;Lj U~ll ;M(l j 2) iti~ solubli: tifillydrile or some otber modification A C;iSoj Startiisit matvri,il, wcrv (1) 10 t,j III) :mby(llj1v and 90 to I U(,' I'l Z vviiietit (32 to 4S lime :md 7.5 to 25"1, Atimill,l), (21) 8:1 anhydritro 11) TFIZ ",h. a~W I r;. little, mill ',I) m , atillydrilv, 15 TJ:Z ash. and J,Y~ ,little. Hydiatioll (if ill- Soluble alillydrit WIL" 1wevIt.f.; led, I lid lilt-01,111ir.if Orcor,111 aild wArr rt..kt ;allce Elf th~ vetrit, It "' ere illcm,'A 11), th'. addition of like filtir-elificlicd cmil Al. The prulwi-twS of 1111, Tl.'7 veinvill, Were gicAly improved, aud thete were no irregul.'r variatiom ill file .Ollmm lligh (JuAltly hilid- ilig material is obtijued hom in,ollit,le jLtiliphile jild litfic'. WWWW,Wqpwww a 13 x a 34 a Is v If -z- **A 0*0 OOA 000 imoil 094 000 0106 00V 004 T..MrMe Compt. read. atad. sri. 49. =13(190).-A mullitizatkni 1woces4 takes 14*xv "h"6 kaolinite i0brated in the ranKrof W,0-11(X)*Wbmtyy Wwa 6 filwmit-d in the Imut of cristoballite. 3(A6Lh,. SKh;'I1#4J) - 3(A40..2SiG,) + 011.0; 3(AW.2SitX) 2 11 . 3AiKh.2SWt + 451(h. The ykU of mullite mat gmwth -9 cry*W- ~.~ with the temp., but the theoretical mot. is never attained. because part of the A" enters into - binatku with the melts of the clay to funn a SKh glam of vozyins viscomity. The famintion of a v6- cous vitreous Flow Is unfavorable its a clay te(ractory an its delarmatim mWer load at b4h temp. The IvAnstfull o effect of the vitrms phase can be checked mornevilmt IPY the introducliou of nusteriaJ hish in aluntina, such 4a bauxite, dleopmr, sillunanite, kyanitc. midalushr. or alutuhm, Dest re2mits jut obtained when alumthin 1- added. so tbat,tt cvrUin trimps. the &W= libcrutcd hoto The kaolinite combines to fann mullite crystals. A)Ah.- MiM + 2A110. - 3AIAhJ2SiO.. Initial material may I* Prosiatul; kaolia aM cam. alumina. A mist. of fine- gmad kmalln and ulturtina In the ratio of AtA:Si(h - 9 3:'- Ug* UWA19 hGtO I-1Iq0CIN Whk'h "CtC thVj? lourr" Ut 11)(11). WO. alml to,"(). fm 2 hts.. givto tt IKIIIISIA1,11i, lu~iptkin arid quantitatively exanhi, for mullite uith 20% lialo. Microscopic extunn. showed a boutogencous ammas of mallite crystals. The amt. of cry"Is &M the crptal knatke wcov I&W in the samples burned at lil-W. burnim temps. and percentas" of mullife were: Itwo'. 70.2. IM0, RIA, 1070'. 83.7. In adda. to A 10 - S L A 1111TALLM"AL LIMAIMI fAASW$rATM inullitessid #111cm gla",640%corunduzu wasalways= cut. A 2-4% adda. of such substances as ctyollte. rite. MgCJ%, Fv%, or DA will &"w the bureW temp. Do that the Viscosity of the SUM is decreased MW the CCY%tU. Of the MUUitt accelerated. WOM G kAO11U- slunthm mis.t. with 2"'C; MgC4 added. a refractocy was ptvpd. by uilas grains utuler 0.8 men., 30%; from 0.6 to I nun., 45%; from I to 2 nuu., 251. The biniiag ma- tcrial was PH clay from Chmsov-VvY (1.2%). The cum (uh-Astum 6.6%) was pressed Into cyliudere 5 to 6 cut.. and burned at IWO*. ResulLa showed that the tuuUite refractory r4rqxl. from a mixt. of kaofin and sit" is Aultrtlot. 0* rratuds dr(mmation under load. to both The ottlinaly rVIIAC14my askil Laollo trft%.%-1txv R. T. Ratumay woo wee 39*0 11140110 090 goolt logo wee woo woo wee wee IS 'a 0 wee 1/ 1401089 -A 111"Do "it Ov sow latuintatal leasall all SLUAV M'e IN, WO In 'a, .1 It ; - MAL 11, boo a I'lV5.00 - 0 31 a v 0 0 0 0 0 0 ytt 40 '.1 fo 0 0 0 0 IN 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 & ji WX 77 owA a t. A-- A oil -..D J-r fADI?j 66 00 00 06, 00 00 MULLITE REFRACMRy FRO39 A W-XTU-RE OF KAOLIN AND AUJ.MI-S;A.-P. 1'. B.dnikov jCampW jZMjUS _4cad. S~~ U.R_S.S., 2OZ 3945). 00 .3 A-n Intimate mixtum of fiu,.jj'jnu;kd klo!40 and aluminiL (Al 0 - Sio..S: 2) was *00 made into btiquettesvh" LWM tb" burised at 1.600~ J!" 'I hr. Tticir thin sections under the'sukroswpo s6wftt a homogeneous maw of 66 Mullite crystals, -ith a jertain asnountolMundanx (&10%) and"" glass. The atIALLURCKAL LIMATUSIC C "SWICATOR C.IGNJ -it Q-v OU U S IV 00 Is tr or Ig w it a n it I 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 T11441* 0 0 0 0.0 000 41151 OW OUT Ai WIC"t a V- Oda 4 w Ub A I g 90 41 4 9 0 a 6 0 go 1.00 met met lose u Id a 311 Al 0 a it a it a Opf Ttoctlancilva GICeriiiSk SUppe 164 008 P P lWPNISSpy. A S ProvismIl. v I 001 ANSI I N .00 MISS 00.1 Arram, 3 Jill Zi 24 (1048) 11,irt I see oej Tcelittoltogirmil privioetlie% Kful the wictitilik lut.knm pt",mird ill the light oftilmirtli 1,,kttll ass Ceram"; Port Ill, %four-mmmit. Ofalw" 00i '11111 ivrilluk. rithin. Nuilirfilles ritilts fil lilt- thimilk are jKlilittil 00% mt. It i% itilprov"I as a text hir go title, and facilities& by the Mijaimfy t4 llitilorr Fdtiralhm It z K. coo r- LittRITLO414, MASSWICATICIP #.a, .4. gait it L v r - i -0 asi IS; X a it ill MID 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 so SO *1* 4 0000000 goo 9.1 tie woo 00 a Iwo 0 .71C046,1310 39 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 0 WT 0 f a to u 1) m 11 IN I IF ---I I mV v n jL" it 1, lk ]a A L I, R I-so C, -00 t 2M. OSA vich 1946. The gyj~ulft hrulihydrutc is obtailml by timAing usod,r I)tr%sijn-. To inctraw i1% %imillila, Oxmit V; gii almm. AlOA1.)i is odded w glic gyp'llill. llt..41 tj zoo Soo kloo woo 14104po Wag Cm. got sails) OK a".. tit itU M V D at 0 @1 K A -1 U It IS It It 6 14ft 1 amll 0 sit 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 13UDNILOV, T.-P* - AS it: S L A AIETALLURGICAL LITERATURE CLASSIFICATION N30HO 41P 04V Odl 04 U I v 1A An L S a nd 0 1 xr 94-D C, it It vp Ir 8t ZE 9T 51 IT rt zt If qjD n I )(A P IQ VQ A a I% m M 04 f% 4~b A 04 04 0% F% 4b (W Pb _ I tt #k U.y 4i! -s of Paris. 11. P. Budnikov. ~Iaster May i1, IV i'vnquin is a, I 111.~, C, 11 " 'IV C "I at 1.2 atm. and the product is ground hi a ba or a rod otill, and at tilt S',In)C tiTTIC dried with hot flue g-,t%c-.. A it took $Iln )Iwo to I "it afty all AV 10 a is a a Ko 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Td a e e ego 000 a 000000*-A- -sw *00 We a gee Are* 40* Soo Nos log* WHO WHOM 614131 INC a.- III u Ap 1 5 a I X k 0A IIN a ALA" AL flutt. U 8 M.R. 66,#M..N(ay -4 COMI, A-14 A U-11 WTI 004 ;o; cm., VIC-CISSIS No fouvisf.ft -0d. 000 slow-Gottift plamer of pAris. .. 11. I~Iud 00.1 2-0 1'. V. lApshin. U.SSA. 06,M, Mj7 0~ The -ttins of is retarded by adding 5-1311. v( miiji"I hYdWk'rl,=I= I WI*IM dolmill, either beftwe w go If duting dehydration, Gypsum thus inwir begin% to wt. 'a stiff 9-20 into. xf. lichch 0 0,41 ti IL 10 "1; i 1-9 i Oil i if 1I a a i 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 40 *0 0 : ! 0010 40 be 0 0 0 0 & 9 0 0 9 0. 0 ON! I Ir IN 9 do 4 11 0 9 vp a r "so -00 .00 lee see too go* ago* wes dig A a, so's oew PRO I P. I'. jf~!EJBAUT 240.Tl4dYinA.CTl9m4&6nt ATITWiii'll- 'vIlwIlt (w 069- (Ithy- iralml gyly.%Ailil and qukkliti%e air hemilml t,igrthvr UndCf a jwmutc of 1.2-1.4 stril. with const. oirrins, and the litiXtuct 11 dfw at Alin. jwrvmilr with rimint. utiffilix. lk 0 ORW oat b a AV so it 011-ur"al-Ill at 0 see- 0 age too a 0 0 ISO* Am g o g g o g 4. 0 cp ZU1)f4A-4VV r. r. V4 rh sk 0) :#j d4 04 1% "s #p O's $b OR 11 f, a ab AS 04 04 A 0% 0; OV n ~b RIP is At so 14 11 1 to I IIt tj Is Is 11 17 '1 1, to It V 23 24 23 16 n n 21 30 11 12 13 34 Is 36 J? ]A 19 All 41 4? 41 F r, H --% L P Q itI T 1) v v x y 7 h j k i ST AND IND ORDERS PROCESSES AkO P*OPtAMS MDE2 LjIgb-strene pluter of Pule. P. V. LSQ~Jljm, a d Y%. yu. Mny 31, 1946 -Ground gypou", is treitted with approy. 17c of Inincral ;cid and then is heated under pressure. ow M. Hosell P. P. BUDA Whit, UpAr-11- bIgAgg J~r, A.- litt"11C V AND L, 0, Lumotm. R. 66,002, July 31. 19413; abstracted in Ztn1r., 1945, 1 111/121 74S.-The binder is made of 2 mixture of granulated blast-furnace slag, lime, and cal- kuolin. These vined constituents are added without calcining if waste protluct from the process of producing AlClj from kaolist 1% tis&d InstcHd of culcived kaolla. e% P% m r% ON 0% C% 2 3 4 5 4 7 1 9 12 11 11 13 14 )5 U 17 is 17 21"22 23 24 25 h 21 21 29 3101 31V 13 34 11 36 11 U 34 44 41 41 43 44 43113 _R__r -a_ F P G H 1 -1 -fL R S TEOSU Y 31 A I Z AA-M-M-MAL . " f XN L_ IST NO 2ND 0110 PROCEMS AND 1`110FIRTIES INDEX V 1?, 00 00 004 Poo 0 0 T 0 IW. 311 11140. To c"113'"Fi"nn II.I.-IMIrrc4thrrivit "Shet"ll" 1win"Xing to the Ultamar (prrmlirms%if.) wid lite mist. watetval%tv wit stiffills. M. litvwll j.00 f see Coo too gee Q*o go '0 400 A MITALtURSICAL LIVEROM IMUPICOMM 0., cat %Va. DO.Ift, u a Al so AfFs-; it alaill 7141j, -*Kcal X 0 5 a T, le. a Od 0 0 1 1 x 5 .0 see 0060000994 00 00 0 *So qjL2A 0 0! -9 Il; 0 0 0 0 0 0,09 *00 a **J 0 90 0 Wt 00 IOU 0 AA6F. 01110CIIIII AND P110#11NICS;~V47 VW WMAUARS PMUM 10 C401100010ft With OW Ust of oxygm In As IRsd Wmity. 1. 1. KitalgorodAkil and P. 1'. Akoy,,Ilenry Brutcher (Altadena, Calif.). Tr a on 0. 2081, 1948. 0 a VA. Cow P densed from Kislorod (Oxygen), v. 3.n0. 1.3. 1946. p. 29-31. A fentral discussion of paper of above title by Glebov. Includes data on vitrified corundusu and zircon cement refractories and refractories of zircon+chromium oxide+calcium oxide for tu- g In oxygen-blown converters. Gives particu- on a new chrome-dolomite brick for b"c O.H. furnaces; its manufacture-, properties. and actual performance; test data on eased chrome- dolomite concrete, and on zircon brick. in 0.11. furnaces; and details on manufacture of mairnesis. spinel refractories and their properties. 61-- SLA NETALLURGICAL UltRaTLON CLASSWICATIOM 7; .10 M. 0.f U AV 11~1 AS *1 '41 W, Olt ; III no I #a~, .31111 CA .111 Is. An I t a ?W 0 a IF I It W9 a a 3 4v M Z ass "60 ass 00* 00 ~ZOO 3aa 11010 9 71~00 o: A 1-00 A "of PRSPARATION OP PROPUTISS W -Mum Rma"MATS. !-oo jj'i~ ~~ 1-06 go T.!, T Nonikov. ROMW AS NAM6 I" 6&AAW so - 4 j$;~" (1946). WWjn badhoiedrato having a 00 compressive strength of 189 to 215 kg./em.2 was obtained 0 0 by heating finely grounid gn" for 1.5 hr. at 1.3 &to. In 0: an outoolavo with continual stirring and then drying it at =*o oo.)~ 160' for I hr. without pressures Th longthon the setting %* og tise wA to reduce the extent of expansion during the hy- coo dration and hwdgnlng, It Is sqWooted that line, TJU 'AI sent, or shwosh (JksmWru* spectabi.11s) be addedl the last Is boot and should be added in mounts of 0.1 to 0.51% pielor to the heating. A flowshest of the process Is gIv*n. cr. FA=. AUka" 1947v WU* P. Of log* be* OiK do.- .4-, U a 4T go it is X two I Xr Ha** 1191a 0*fee* 0000010 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 00009 000600 0090 0 L 0 0 0 & 6 C" a it a D w m 36 v x 39 40 41 a 4~ ds ZA�cDVGmJKL-* 0 CPU W% ILV AT RiToo TZ c a b -P - - n W ANO M Lift(% _4 1 .0 t IT no A .0 4 f -I__ r-toups IT31-34,1111LI4 I S. av son Sop - 0001"0t UT swip Toolump" puv UOTIMMou; J" 00 *01 2ffTAjp p;dwj ool lipliq s%M joj olqv4pw %ou oxv qopW U*pUTq JO on to* #~TWPOIWA *PUB AOT JO Oft 'GOTWIT94M4 -100d If"T 9'"MIP0 041 *(film fv 84m foamy -uoqo - 89?6T #A&O&Wo#O) -T -M -a 0d TA 04jij~is 'Onow4lu nu 00* IMOM MI SMIUM U010rdill JO 3VfltTVJ MIUVWU AO S.MV3 , ! jj r V 9 tie" bit* a 0 0 a a a GIAW ,44111, 0 kJ 00 A A 00 eel eel 041 ALIL! L-A.-A-JL I R L told tutic%. and (0) strong Jolts in sef%ire. The trinpeta- t .;ire curve of a fuel oli fired locomotivr for a 20-ht liwti,m v"lions. Lining, live lnctxm-ti"- fira..%- hould have a rvlrmrtorinm~ not 11mr" than 117.110C -id also high tt%ktame to thmnal %hmk. Cootorc,-ive Itrrnlih should be not lower than 1211 ks./cm 1. luitilid %ofirning under a Joad of 2 kg./rm.2 %hould be not lower than 13TWC. Additional shrinkage of 1410)' %hould riot lic over 0.71"". Z.K. - i - a lap J.r I j PICICISUS Ave PROPtallits .0911 CSUM Cd P111111111NOWS 448UWUOQ Of f*fMCtory Hiring in 0600&0&* Willb"111111, P- P. HILIDNIXILIV AND III. A. MAT- vXxv. Ofmirsipwy, 11JO) Z1-25'0114110! Cmum, ,I ihr Iffe"Uturedmirmlon, the refraillory lining in laviximmive firclsolims arc (1) Istulty in,litallatuhir (4 Arche., 1.1) 11W III (3) uwal a tehidet hivinjudifferent frorn that of the birick, (4) very rapid %trying A the .4rches after itutali6tion. ~51 leakage of crinorktor, btlatILLASKAL LIMATURI CLA111,0KOWN ;ire -IA at C" I da Q.! ------ 0 -00 Me 0 ire 0 Ze 0 Fog ~zo IS tie 0 be 0 tie 0 tie 0 300 U An I I fm 0 0 0 1 IN, 14 5 a I am. gir 40 0 0 * 0 0 a a 0 0004000 00 6 000 a 0 00060 00000 000 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 61 -0-11111 0 00900 0 9 IS, 0 0 0 & 0 seal 06.3 000 *04 SOU P. P. HIW MA A. & bm*%W. 11 *11 -011kel mvktw wkh nm up It- 1044. N. Tba" see me* go* Kee soo, be* u 4 At 10 J111i iiI i i 1i i iit A it a i i it a O)b A i IISaa0 0 0 1 w see** Ness 0*000000 $00000004 see* W'999999099999000V Atz PIK 4 1911 -D I 61-t I 1.0t I OOA 11"Outtlef of "Miftersibm" too the Formation of Mal. lite in Clay. KWbk anil SjmAhkk Cmilimilkitm (111 -00 Russian.) P. P. Bqo_qj_",r and K. M. Shmukler. do* Journal of Applied ChrmWilry (U.8.9-10, Y. 10, nos. 04 -00 10 10-11, 1946, p, 1029-1036. 000 The jxw1bilitiam of manufacturing "muffit1wd" see artit'lell uphig the abovip materials, by means of 00,3 heat treatment at about MOM., were Inveiiji- :0 a WOO No I i A S S L A MITALLURFKat UIERAIUMIL C_).A%SIPKATkDM -.r. -Z.= belt J.t UJIS310-t milli, OW 0.. lit U AT 00 is 6--y a a a 'A An A S Is rm 0 1 W so 1~ a WW A 14 0 p it V, p Ip at M K n W a W is n it a HAD A 4~1 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 .0 0 0 0. 0 * * 0 * 0 0 -IV Its, A ;z ~ - - 4. t!- -C l 00 A MDt I so Kills *9 -06 00 .00 00 -00 of 1*0 OraphIl"havivatte leffectilry for fial"S doel looftirstl Wdles and the ansclissiam of Its lesser. P. P. Divvisor -0 0 A%t, I % T%&1TL1'.'. Zh%,. Prs'414d. Kkiw.. 19 i " 0 1 694fl A mr-t graphite-riot refractory w v 4" X! t It con1priwil Kon,tAntinov clAy M) And fri&jmr Ltv;_ h -09 latly for lining ladles UWA for II.d - .t r11 -: ' 1 41 I d f hi T e properties of the refractnri, ., 4% folina-s. Intal h k i 7 0 x x A. ma e up o tr 2 to * grap , grog 15 to 40. and Y 4411* cla Two t w f hit t t d f % r n . age to apparent poitnity =1 4 to 3A gC` - ~' true P O-41 NN WA s o ,. e were es e . one rom y grap yl ht nt d th oth K f i l Th Ni l to 2 P Y ;; Volume "eight I W- to I fi s r 447 t 2 2 W59 ffi i =00 i an e er rom sur . e c yw tipo ay Was y . . o p. g A ; coe c ent of gN4 1wrtorabilily. less Chas1w- Var. and thr grost was made from the same day. than 0.1: nbrq%lon loss 01.3 to 1.10 gin, per %q. cot : shock ago Tint chemical and site compositions of the com resistance 22 changes: temperuturT of deformation under aceirilren. The refractories were molded in a plast= is load of 2 kg, per sq. cm, vNitening at 144W in 14M, 0 1 a ~emklry state. 'Me former method gave Wter regultj, and 4"r conip"m%ion at 14MI. in 15406; thermal rewi%tance ve 0 The refractarie% werr firrit in sallifers parked with coke at AbOve IVAN)'; brat condurlivity:1 2 to 4 T CAI p,r 1'. 'C 14110* And kept at this trin1writturr Inc 0 hr., A methad hr. "Air lining toade 1.1 thi. rr(r",.torv %A. .111wrioi was al~ %orknl out for firing without vaggers; to preVent others ccautoonly u%ed. Generally, the quAity of the the burning off of the graphite the refractories were pro- refractories depended on the ProPerti" of the graphite. 460 1 tected with the following glaze: Part Is v it% %late Of nubdivi4on. and on it~ quantity V7 ri ;I O l h o* KO 11 ' ,I AI,Ch OAUI N 0weml t t e quality of the refractori" NIC"t rr~lstant were trfrartoric, made of K"hir'"A ra hit INO it _, FryCh 1) 11 il CAO e g p (finer than the other) :141, St"a W. And CLY 401; aill* Nt Ifo too t, tfoo s i ISO 0 A &ITALLURMAL Ljjgjj&jusnl cLAUMPKATM11 ...... 1114D., *still OK a- 41, told@ aft , I , a n., 0 a 0 1 it 04 D Am 0 T F A 1. man "PA as it R I IN . - ~ go* 00000 1: UZ 6 A A. 00 .4 go J I . I ii,H 0 0 0 1210. GRAPHITF-MRACTORY CUUf LINNINGS OF !jTi!1U CAST1,116 BUCUTS - AND THE MPHANISM OF THEIR WEAR. Budnikov P F. and ~:eitlin, L. A. (J. Appl. Chem. (1).S.SjR.),)1946, ~i-45j Battello Ubr. Rov.x Nov.# 1946j No.1 , 41 Invostigation of the adaptability of gra-hite-refrnctory clay for,the lining of buckets used in manganese steel caatinf. gave following rosultat graphite-rofnictory clay lined buckets showed a considerably improved resistance to wear; thogu 11ninco restrict the inclusion of non-met&llic substances into molten matali resiata;,co to wear o1' such l1ningo depends on the quality of rraphite (Particularl, its distoraion ) and on its content In the refrictory oomround. Presenoe of free silicate in such a amtomd reduces rosirtance. T-1 if 19 9 a *00 goe,ooooooooooooooe*o0000000~000000000 0 0 Ole * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 O~ 0 0 li 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 9 o, lee so lee COO 48 0 6 C 0 IF G N X L 0 VU 4 1 1 Vi M If It U 13 Jd )I % V 30 3w 4 41Q 83 Im 4 is n Ilklabb liff kit. 6 t I I tv &"a pe 2 T I a. I.D T. .-Ott% ofours Gem *am Ynarall so, 00 NJI-)934 qllua4)x aA[xvi)jdtuoa 911 "uOllwaglPlI~ 1)!dvj - ja,% Sq pn!ja)jvuvti3 s1 put joloa u! uaajs T. so vi poupriqo juatuip:) -Z).00411 IN 311v4a put jujul * l '* -nts 10 Uo(jtPPw tnm U-v O no v w % P q D.OG6 i q if[ lu 11011W jlu!~4 *aiwutnj siviol v U, P-m-loliod U011RUI-111ra alqnop s1 PotnaLu S!q3 j0 31111 .j,n.7vjvqj jalqa L Juatua.) (alwolill tunfolvilij) III 0 UOIIJIIPO 401 jX)qjAUI A%JU "jj"aa ; (milsong u1) ? 'd '9t6j 161 'A TH,6,911) AAI"Ugjqo G* CO. P-~)Jddy JO 10-adf 'AO](l-lg 'I *rj PUN AGJJU~nff 'd gqllv 'An v InIm 1-3 P U09-fam 1 40 'it c.. 4'. i f r It- T 1 0 l U: n 91 . 1 1 1 c 1 * 00 O's UnOt AV IS ON off *096 JLOO *I- "KOS -09 Vomitus SM POMIallos ","s 00 'Uja-4W-jjjWj,~,0M &# fWantitloo a(' an -00 114NOWN6 alad nutheft CIAIS - P. P. Budailstov Sh M l . inuk er. J. ApOW CAtao. (USS.R,) 19, Russian).-Tlse amt. gi muUjte (tooslKA at 1000-1cojo-ICE1 3 MW Ifil 4141 . , omorutittd. bydissayinx in 2017,D IIF, by it."M aull alklrowapkwly, with clay, "Oe mullite fortrittin bwmu Agailicatit alom Joao*-, Kirov 0 clAy MAO, 44-ft AIA 311.77. FeA LOS. TKh O.AC,- CAO 0.83) heated for 3 hn. &11100. 12DD IWO*. showed 31 47% lM 38 A & 008 mu r. . tirmst.tem.. AMI'armul. . lite a - a l + b h l os.r on or u l . w me in min., a and 6 are "mvto. depending on the temp.; the max, a - roulled wax 7-111% b l th h i ll lt coo e ow e t tvret c A 4c max. y poso ' ' -00 00 (49-Z W P - Ansout the taluctollitm. Investigated (Itid- 170 11 Mr 110 7 NH Ni 11 0 C M 0 N a I woo n- LA 1 4 1 l, 1. 1. - . S. 0. 4 " l. g SO,. addus. of 47c MuS06. 4% CuClu 4%. 1 %t C1 d t ff" i h 4 pruve mos c ve; n t e latttT case.- 6 z 4 W t 1"~ effect. 7be adcla. lourers the temp. of the besinnins oo of mullitc formation by Ity)-3uo*. In milt%. ul IVO, + Alg(h, held at the specified temp. 3 hra,t the formation of s mullite was max. at all ttsups. in the prescam of 217r. ee MuO (4% WSW. thin. in a mixt. of Si% 28.2, AISO. 71.8, at 1300, HIM. 15M. 1000'. the residual corundum 4*9 wa% 3G-J.5. 15, 10, 5% reap , the order of derreasing eftectivetirm of mitorrxl&~ AXIM W&4: at 14(X)* 4"~ . , hNS". 17T ?.Ixa:. 2% MS. 4% CuF,; at I&XII, 41' 21 - F )l nSO TiCh 4% C 4% M CI A r ~. . , I. 4 e(Oll)3. , C 4- Nita'. LiCl. Thm - = vo 2"Oll 1"11111001 Room "Olow ~ ~ "Le 0'. 40 imin 41112111 WAS Q-V Sol A AV 10 M I In I ~Ic Ill In In 11 181.V I Mr ' 0 a I V s 4 ad a a 'A 0 1 71 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 * 0 1111 a * 41 0 0 : L A . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 40 a 10 0 * 9 0 a - O's 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 a 0. --9 ~ a reduction in the amount of A1203 relative to that of mullite. It is possible to obtain a mullite refractory suitable for blast-furnace use by the addition of 2,10 MnO (4% MnSbO to a charge consisting of clays and kaolins with calcined alumina in proportions that will insure a complete mullite re- fractory by firing at 15000 to 16000c. The MnO will not favor carbon de- position within the brick. B. Z. K. t P% rw. 'A it c I 1] 31 q 31 -U J~ 3t) 17 ST IN AT IS __T__tN _Y' I.f A ly 9 11BUIldnill4v P P and Tqcitlin I A C RAHII I I' I.AI)IX1, ANI) Mir M1 CITANNIM XVI'AR. 40-41 A-11-V rr;iIjIljtv grof, cOM11,111111INI p,itfiviihrly lilt linitir ladlej ilwd for l1wifivid I lie hfxIV %v:]% 111MIC 11P (If gntpliitc 21) WWI, poig I.*) Io -10. a ... I dny r%vo qp( If lu.111161c werc le:,trll, tiliv flo'll K %-,III Vim, '113d tit.. of hur From 'Matillp(A. 'Flit-, clay wa~ clm~rlv-var, alld flit, gtt,g roltlllrj~cd Koliqlalithlov clay SO litul fckkpaii 201;r. ' cllc,llic:ll ;,,,(I ize tile mlop chly. I'lic prriperties of (fie rrfr;!ctorjvF werc ;i~ folimv,: foud 11 o,ifm I., no file compow-ni , :,re giwll. "I'lle 0triiIL%tgv 7.6 to 9A ',;~; .1ply;iretit r)(,rO;itv 22.4 to) 26 8~ fillies were flinliled ill :1 I'Ll'tic :11141 ill a willidiv staic. W" 110ri)-itv 21.1 ivcght 1.82 to 1.9);: *Hiv flmuvr IIIL!Illlxl pvv hvit,q I*cmills. '11w refrM-foric,, 4W, i1ii-gr werc fircd ill packed witil col:v 0 1 11M " 1 11 1( - thmi 0.1 : alwi~iriii 1(1,,0.7.3 to I All gut 1.~rl. cin.; shrick I his I cittpcia I tim fill- 1; lit, A f ticl lit KI iri, a K(I (lilt )'I Y,l mcc 22 ItInfimlinfe W matiwi unflut for fitiitv wiflimil. saggerg. It) ptevt tit Ihe glrlijll~ "fl-tj a lwd If 2 kg~ cm . .4oftcninr at. 14LS)' to 1190' will flit, gtaphitv (lit- rufmHoric% w-le pfohl-It.1 mills flit- fol I,;, 4-IMI'll"im I nt 1180 1() 1310 thunial Irsistallm. :01w. VIM beat condticlivity :1.2 W 4.7, Cal./in. *C, Ill'. Ladle Imilig i1mile of thk ri-fiacttiry wa~mipcriartu colimmilk, ll,rd, GwIlcrallN. tile q1tality of (11i: 'Mg() 0 4-110mled (,it live ptopvtfic~ of flit- grnphitc, c:t0 0 iwlivilhi-ly ik slate of millilivi,iml, :411d on its fluall(ily. Fl(v SiO. lowtivd (he (111:11ity of fill- 101-actorics, Nlo,t ri'I'l lilt mric I( 41:101%lics liuldr ill Kyslityllm gr~kphilv (fillft 111:111 0ir Mht[) NO, Rrog3d. and rhy -101'~. n T I % I T f We. 4% 1 a a 70 -T 7 T I ; ; ii , 7A Jig Y. is a 1-1.1 41 I a (X rl~t k 1 0 t .97 -1 00 A CAU1111 00 A WDM*m of obw meet with a Wait auto tantont Otmll I 'rokl ? 1 STUNI Ittiv Zh d . - . . a u .9 -41 ( . o W 1 61 o1 l v A i I - 1 . o , reniv *a n" a B 00 containing 05 , (ficalvium -flicAte falitr) in thr irhoL~t A torthowl of iloulilr rah-inalloo wall oticil for lwo4wing th, At~ voirof A ruliforr of silica And chkil, hill 1wro at A Ino1wr4tu" i-A 9011% onmr rh4lk .1.11 AlooiltA 00 wrrr ad:IM to thr 14-ll"Iciunt -WrAtir obt-in"I. an't Ifir i1 1 a frin irratior i i 1 1 l i i '00 0 tif-f- 1- 1- ... ca r nc . 1 ot .IMW o' p 4 INIII, Thr clornjwrs4,v -It~nath -4 th,, Alt, -00 - 00 00 00 00 xoo oi so 00 '00 400 "O0 A a I t A atl&LLURGICAI LiTfP&1%14t CLAIMFICATION to It It % it a No o o o o 0 * 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 * o o o 0 0 a : : Oe :100,00 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0141A 0.- - - - - - - - - - - __ lie 0 -0-a 'v qw ff ? 2-0 )n j v B M M A v w , 30 v v I v z 4k. _J6__M_J" I- I 00 A '.~ W, cl Pre"rStim 0( ONDMI with hf4h auto (trICAWUM Sw- cate) omtent. P. 11. fluditikov and NI. 1. Mrelkov. J. ' 00 ai T 19, 3-0-SORIM-fly nicans Applied Ckw. (1.71 M. go V of dauble cakitting the authors prepd. cements aith up to 9157v content of tricaicium silicate in the clinker. The i _ edients u%cd were sand (109.8% Si(h), chalk. and put CaCO.. which were findy "nd and rnixed in the ratio T! vrqukrd for formation cif tticalcium -41"tc. then cakined at AW; the tealting caltrium ardmwilicate wa~ imakined so al 14511-1N111% 11w cement thus (ormcd listdrn% inore iapidly than the stbrulard alumina ceinrut Fiving a highcr liv%urr sIrruxth, while Traching a coulpfc."W41 %tteuxth 44 -3 l:ll)kS./sq,rmAo24hrP. The piresencrof irk-ak-lum Wu- minate In lbb cement failed to inilmove its hydraulic prop- erties further. The allte cemmt a. produced ha. green so cokw U eidduln b done in reducing atm. The cement = -an be prod In rotating kilns. G. M. Kom-"poff gov 00 W~Itvf'.OCA LIT (Pituft :.ASlIfICA fro" lag. 0~4110_41. w-jr 'jJ A), ag a., I I w a I U it xv to 1% P r, is ap M III it It IF IT a rt It It n 1 14 : : : : :!* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 * 0 0 0 o a a o o 0 0 e 0 0 06 go 0000 9o@ 96049 .00 '00 .00 -60 _410 -00 wee 2*4 coo COO 9900 Fee Zoo see zoo ties coo too W;I oe 0 &-o-e-f-W 606 F t I, it j L N'..r,c ft,l T 0 :0 CHRME-DOLOMITE HIGH RURACTORY COMORM AND BRICK. P.P. Budnikov. (Comptes Undus (Dakla4y) do IlAcad;mle do* Sciences PEW S.S., 1946, vol 61. p 615: British Ceramic AbstriLats, -00 19480 May-iJune, p 193&)* Results of tests on an unfired chrome- .00 dolomite refractory showed that it may replace magnesite and 4500 ohrome-imagnesite bricks in steel furnace*. A ohrame-dolomito refractory in the form of a astal-asped tube was tested in the and wall of a 40-ton open-hearth furnace operatinr, on oil. At zoo the point in question silica and other refractories withstood from 40 to 60 melts, whereas the chrome-dolomito refractory with- stood 370 molts. In the back wall of an open-hearth furnace, COO T:elo disintegration of chromie-dolomito bricks and magnesite bricks 44iju was Identical. It is concluded that the use of unfired chrome - dolomite bricks effects big savings in fuel and cuts dawn the '0 oonovieption of magnesite. Cleo 0 U x '0 Ls F rw v m 5 4i a 3 a v 0 K C9a It 0( KLO a 0 000 0 0 ~jla -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 o Os *to 0 0 0 a 0 0 Gio 0 4 0 0 0 C a 0 0 0 9 0 A 00 V :: ~tr_ ; I at 1 1 *AD 8 og 00 3 go go J e0 4' a; a It a M It V IS so a 16 ly is W Air 2 M a&- -jL--L-a _-A __4 - J -a Is 0 !0V a II 91.11)_ Plocasiss AND PROVID1111, -011 ChMot-4010MIO NO fWFACWI Concrete and'brick. -00 11. 11. Ill'ohletov. COWN. ROOJ. A'ad t4i I' x S S. 51 191 III&ITTIUM--The ob*1 ol this itivviallalloo w4% to determine the ratio in which CrA and CaO combine in dolomite Mixturiesof I CrA with 2. 3,4,11.4nitsCao -00 wirre studied. The proportions In which the two were voinbined were tort - 3CnO-Cri" %nit Wao-CvAN 'W, to whith %.. M.1 In a m1% calculAted its 3CaO-1L Si(X AIX4. or FrCh. &U of the Cot) w&. coinhined A 1' mix calrukled as WaO-CrA crialainnil 1.911 to 4 "(1 dohl free Hour. On this hatis a nil% wan made co"ll-f6111 Noe Initc 1-4, chrololle 21. and quartaile it"; rlir it, % wit, 1 .00 lifiquellrd and fired at IMW to IAN". The polvirit"I cliniker hatil litiod tirdiraulic properties. ittttinx IMNAIS Ali" r-O 0 N) ruln. and wjkji completed after 3 hr. I0 inin. The coni- ' =Go pression strenirth of spwimm made of this cement was I W. 1.14). and 201 kj. per sq. em. after 4.7. and 28 days. riettlier. k w re m de of this ce li l B i e t with t ddi too ve r c e a n ou y. m a ng any lKwAing aWts. The brick withstood temperatures above Vnder a kind of 2 kil. per %q cm. deformation be. goo gan At 14.*A)* anti failure occurred at IN111*. Trord live tilien hrar(h and elve(ric-furnace linings. chroincAlolotnite lefetictmicti fullY equaled SnAg"etilte anti ch~-tnairn-itr firtractimi" its *ltALLVftKAt. LITtRAT419 CL&SUPICATION tt** MOW .4. G.. Con -.4-ii Cit. 'A' T % P 1 L s 3 rw 0 14 9 1 IF of U 49 go Is AM (P it isN a a Is a it U. one, 0 0 * 0 0 00 0 0 G! 0 goo goes* 0 66 06 0 0 0 i4i .7 3 29 *Q 31 32 31 34 35 38 37 3, 4 S 11 1 1 9 10 11 12 11 IS IS 16 17 11 ItM v r I K L s H P 0 A S T Ijv 1 1, ?ND OROM A N' Ck ill5 I ST A 140 PROCUSIS AND PROPERVIIS INDE I 5o lnll 112 Willydrotgri ggpi, P. P.,"fi~~Opolpt. rend, arod. sci. U.'R.S.S. 52, 0, CTI,BaCillll-;ky, Compt. rend. orad. ~ri. U.R.S.S. 30 ,28U-3(1941)..-Tile addo. of o.,,,-I.(jq dried and crushed sheresh roots to gypsum increased tile 4 setting thrieseveral fold as ivell astlicitititiiatccotnl)rc!.-i(iiI strongth by 2()f",, or more. Elrll5t M. Cohn INVIMA d e-beftimeW (C. R. Aced. dS ri. U.R.S.S O"don of 0-1-1-0% of &,=, P-repared UUM Use rams of E--y- SOWASNUS am oft I 27~-M% of Ca ambiate ou the nae of settiDLIZ UIUULMO Owl= tmhakW ii,he~ tecIlypearn votisenatedie4f. setting is ancruaseif. .."to of tv in"Ves" IU ultimate olim length. but gh'TCOMIL P91M.11:11LI'll A sell. Owm" d Iftiewbu dw swum 1w fthadild ushm nd V. K Gumv (CosupC trod. Ac".Sco. UJI.S~S., ).-A celomat is prepared Inmn lit"t-furume alas of w" granulation (10 pts.), a" to (I jpt.). and cakJord dolonute "Pt.). It withstands 10%. -,vu A" NGSU, better than ducs I'Urtlalki VVUWGL loomprevaim stmoh after 3 yews rvalacrA by 15-1 and 21%, trzliectively. as compared with immersion in 11,0; umparative vals, Sor Fbrtlsmd~ cuftst. 45-A anit 100%). but is not suiwrkw in "ard to 10% sq. MgC and 10% a 1 1. XISW. (cumpanstm %&1s. 3&0 and 00%. agx nal 42-9 and 001 S. A. -0 Ell '-~WM/Chemistry Cament Lime Sep 1946 "The Chemical Formula of the Limiting Content of Lima (CaO) in the Portland Cement Domain of a CaO-81.02- A1203-P0203-VZO System)" P. P. Budnikov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M. 1. Stralkov) 2 pp "Comptas Randus (Doklady)" Vol IZEII, No 8 Since the composition of commercial portlemd cement is very complicated, studies are first made of cements containing =Iv one,, then t-wo, three and so on, off the main oxides making up ordinary cement. The chemical equation relating CaO and the other oxides 21T16 Sam 1g46 a Lima are studied to obtain the "limit" or "asymptotic* value of Ca.0 as the number of other oxides are in- creased in the formulas- 21T16 W 04T.II?tp? Ortt lit etttf I Tral f, a Slow I It L -F it a -1 t M-TA,1-_A_t__"_MLM Cg'-JM+A- &-A _A_ a -A too ;~v I~v vipf~ -e 00 Formula of limit coothal of Umv In the portland cement 'r domain of the C&"I0t-AIOj-Fvi0, MgO ilyflam. ' 4 :: l 1'. 1 . Ifinfiliki'T and I'l. I StmIk"V. C-4pf #'.j. '-4," i 1 ti U lMl 1 , 0 u . . t . na hwanita %a% hyl."hetically tIVINI'L COO - 2 It NO), inK 1 ) 3 00 . - 4 t 4 At,( .04 -f 1.4 Fe.O.. Tra ripti. din6i. Onmi-d that It,, Ca() fimit (A 2.K &0, 1- AlAh 1 11.7 nee I ,,( 1. " In it I lit- AIA 1. iin%I%1In% i, alvvi- :.; atul 2' X Sit h 4 7 1 1. , Ut 1, 1 it 3A FeA 1. lit-it t lie A40. nimlutu- I- I x It n% lt 1% A . ~ . Alai At a L A .11ALLUMOCAL LITIPMAIWt CLASSIVICATtOw C Z- is As f ak I- -_ I---- . 1 A too SO Is a 46 6 1 M 040, I 5T ....0 .... r c,:, R , u 5 wuE x ffildflikov and I'll, M. it t ui~~~A.7'7~ =`, 7-1-Guictcasc file sut I!,"11 ;;w[ hydrmilic prop"tOcz of cumvilt, 11:101--11 ,1 'artificial anhydrite ii ,ith 5-201,"r of TLTs LOUL11t (power station cement) or its nrit. with gTanulated blast- Euann,41111 Cement, -IIL(" U.S.S.R. 69, 4it L, 600, Nov. o, ) i"'.' Art i -xjiaii~ ing cerrient is marle of a bydraiflir Nwl,r .171f1 ~111 rXpariflim, whIll. The latter i% made of a mixt. of clay or k:i(plin fir:-d at 700 lirlic, arld (TIVIVIlt. TlIV 1.1~t MIC t-mi 1w omitic(l. Thin (try itipedi(nit, are mixrd with water arid after hardening and drying, (lie mass is ground and mixed with an vqual vol. of gypsum Iii-mifty(Irate. lfo~ch All' 00 A go a 0: .0 9 Al so of 0: is eat Stela a a Iva a -Ala 10 0 0 0 0 T I lot I I I ?1 40 10 471111,1TITIA ATO 14 1. t pet(11tes tkit 01"fatol -PC# 712* ASH CEMENTS. Bu#4kjy, F.P. and Butt, Y. M. (Tsem4ut, IH7, vol. 13, (7), 9-11j abstr. In Chem. Abstr., 1949, vol. 43, 1938). Ash from power station boilers in combination *ith other substances was tested for its suitability as a bonding material. For these tests the ash was mixed with anhydrite or with anhydrite and line. In addition was also tested a mixture of cement and anhydrite. The mixtures of anhydrite and ash were weaker than anhydrite alone. The addition of up to 10% of lime and keeping the ash content at not over 10% improved the resistance of the mixture. C.A. A-14, ILA ITALLUIKKAL LIMAIM CL&ISIFKAISON ON 4JASSIONt U S AV Is 10T V a a X a UM ((*lW" I *_O 0 0 40 0 0.00006 00410 0 * 0 umxn-..~L~_ 614ill OW Is. on A S a ad 0 1 jr 91 6 0 0 * et 0 '. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jv~.q .dle "s 0 -00 "so Mol 0 =00 "0 0 goal 0 vow ape be* fte 0 A 1 4 1 A I I t a if 12 1) fl, I# I? x is j a L A-A- a w-w 00 00 0 PNOCIMS AND PROPINVIII W111 -0* ate ic -00 OV X 00.1 008 7111 Heist of 51111161111 of 11116posisum 03dAG (SWAN& h6d. *# 0 .I Waite) IFIred of 111gh Tompstowft (In Russian.) -616 P. P. Budnikov. Jourwd of A led Chemistry (U.S. 4 19 3 0 O.t : 9- 26. 47, p.. , 0 4 Shown that W amount of heat evolved on Ills- 4410 Polvint sintered mapealts in RCI dopends upon th t t f fi l i I o e empera ure o r so Increased by nir and s a the presence of CsO In the maenesite. Describes goo use of dipheny1methane calorimeter to determine 9100 00,, t he approximate temperature of firinir, from the h l d eat evolved bn so u In In HCI. 0* 0 00 gee :j MOO, A MULLURMAL LITERATURE CLASSNK&IM via. S~Iftv 9430111 .10 0-1 a., SILL11101t *Altai ow GkV All - -U 11 AV 00 Al ; T % - I - P . I T T rW AM A S IN Ild 0 01 0 '1 W M 0 As 0 3 1 t, 40 "1 ;.,( attics " u a it 09 MAD 0 1 Ila ! 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 l l 1 10 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a - Ogg** *** Go go 000 0,0 00000 600660 1309. MIRTY 1E= OF 60VIET SCItXCk; IN THE FIEW OF SIMCAL6S. F.P. MO-OAWT. (J. Appl. Chm.,U..S.S.R. 20,1097, 1947). A full ommry of work carilied out b7 Russian scientists in the field of silicate t technology is given, authors' news are quoted but no references are given to the sources of their original papers. 00 4 41 A a 00 00 go 6 go 1 19 10. *, o1 1. till Il Ii-it- , , , ,, -, 0101111(s APO 01001410S WtIto Resistance of Salf&W Alumina Cetnent to Chemical AtlacL (In RusaWn.) P. P. Budalkov and 1. G. Got'- denberg. Zhurnal Pr4kindnoi Khi7nii (Journal of Applied Chemixtry). v. 20, Nov. 1947, p. )155-1158. Gives results of a study of the comparativc rc~6t- ances of ordinary alumina rement and, that t- which CaSO. was addtil, on expmsure to soft and. to suit water. Data are tabuinted and discutist-d. 13 ref. *00 gee off wee o goo was F, -1 -'a slam, 1114#31TW 4nom? -A T taicisi wit oWW 44t alkitIcHtl _611ij, -OW C.. S. . V 1 11 1 j . F 0 1 Y1 M 9 0 tr to of M 0 a x 9 It et tt A I VA 0 a 0 , rM 00 o 0 0 0 0 U S 01; 0 0 0 * 0 * & 0 -0 A A As 00 r.........i rnicii on P1ld1liI:,,v and N'll. 'Al. 71 M P 'TZ, %%ctc (Sit 1~. 40.:A, Al:#_)~ 37.42, Fv:l), (019, C!O :;.i)' I, MKO O.S2, SO, 1.11, ignili"'; 19" '111(13 Illodificatioll'; ,f caso, (111.1de floill liatural ryp~lllll. C.10 :~3 M, ;0, 46.01, A1.0, + Fe.,O, 0.51% 11:0 19.18, CO: 0.47. I.Q::): (1) madc b-v licat- ing at PD-7W, (111 anlivd-,ite, olitaine(I 1,%* iowi.n at W911% 3 hr-, (Ill) ignitc'-I at 000', 3 lirs. ''I'llo bmvhv~ !~Crc 30, 40f,~. rislle'%, 5. 5, -111(f 10 165, ;7.01-, CiSOl (1, 11, or III '). With iocrca~ing crm. 11plit of 1, the i%ater rv;InIrcnicut ilccrva,cs (co, ,5, it.y.); it illcle:vei A11,1111 with IlwTv.1%ing allit. of It k;;6, 381 11-0) or of 1 11 40, 42.). Setting is 'dowc-d down wi! If dt-cm-ming nints. of I or 11 and i~ accelt rmed kith dccrc~Le c' 111. With 40e~ rulics, ifter 2S dav,' C eoln stailding, tile 1), it samples had 6, pre"Sive Micligills: lVitil 1 115 kj,.~ q. ctn., irith it 2110 kg./sq. cm., and wilb 111 120 kg./sq. in. Milli. of a4m,; and Hint: acceivrate5 tile setting of (~,%SO, and increases its watcrproutnesr. Cements with I at ~ best allowed to set in air or ate dried to conqt. %vt., %AL, tai cements with III lunden best in I inoist atin. Best ty, wproolfirsq is obtained with 111. W W 11, JW I Al U v P.E a 040 BUI)NMOV AND Yv- M. BuTT- J)Okldy A bad. VO.J V..V,S R.'.-* WWS (1947); abstracted in Chem. zestir., 1"S' 1 117*/181 1M.-Hy adding O.&j'C' sulfite lye. the off natural density of C&SOt-11.11,0 Is reduced frons 60 to 4; without much chAnge in the witting tinse. Tionk and bending virculthw ac incrmwJ by tb& addition. a nutnitaurn occurring 00 at 0,31t0 I M 11A 1-00 09 00C 0& goo 000 =00 0041 reo zoo 00 P. zoo 0018 14: .11 "see WOO COO XOO woo A I 641ALLU"KAIL LIT111ATUffit CLAU01CATOP goo dat sit 11041 0 11 AT-Wi- W- U U AT 10 AS" An 1 11 rw 0 0 W AM 0 3 a go 01 IN 0 0 0 000000 0:00000000000000000000000000**000 a 4 0 0 :110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 see The logow* 4d WAIS FW of Upam kerAydrale. limit (14trIdIeWtv Imt. -ChO lei. U. R.S.S. 36, bal too 1. W.-%dfite pulp liquor from the wwc~ frimu j he jwWwtlon of callutotc (tum wood wAs added to the=121. increased its Cos duccd the water drumW of hardmem, mA bad no affect oo the T11c: Nfooce III LAMat L11016KAt t t1tool 6~1 CI.Atmvs~klom 'to 0 ..11. - IN. C.I. ishislof! nial CWT III I - - --- 09 AV 00 Is V U It IV rk It 0 44 K a of it or aI W a 1 19 43~ 1V ~4 A~ 0 0 0 0 0 04 010 0 o1' 4 0 0 0 0 00 004* 0 0g 04 *9000600096 *0 400000 0g T USSR/Building Materials May 1947 Gyps= "The Influence of Sulphite Cellulose Lye Upon the Properties of Semi-hydrous Gypsum," P. P. Budnikov, W. Yu. M. Butt, Member Correspondents of the Academy of Sciences, 2 pp "Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR" Vol LVIy No Tables showing the consistency of plaster of Paris for varying amounts of the sulphite, whieb reduces the necessary amount of water an& increases strength. 1'A t) 750 9T50 BUDNIKOV, P.P. Badnikov, P.P. 'Stone ceramic articles,' in symrosium: Sv-rlyevyve resursy tonkokeram. prom-sti BSSR J puti ikh iND011zovaniya, Moscow-LeninErad, 1948, p. 72-78 SO: U-2889, LetMis Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 1, 1949 BUDIIIKOV, P. P. US,M/Engineering Cement Mar 194.8 I'Sulphated Hydraulic Slag Cements," P. P. Budnikov, Corr. Mbr., Acad. Sci.; US&t) 9 pp. Izv-. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh. Nauk, No. 3 Details varioua experiments carried out on sulphated hydraulic slag cement to test its durability. Ineludes tables showing results of experiments. 39T18 60 to -go *#- 0 t-o 0 t U 11 is 11 Is , 'I " z IT7 T A a _,6 . A___ i_ i - L &--P P 4 X 1, v. A.-1 -A, M 04 T W_U 0. , t:w %"**A b1digulk filed tooments.-h , e.,. M"I 19* A 1"0. Ak"d Xqok 3.8 S. R.. r .4ar"T1111O.- 423 jete %lag- lwnw" 141mi -a-Crotoulat"i Iflast-111(f) ! hlmffuul;r proliert". higlwf %*ills greater nmirtilis to MA I. "vollws'l %oib Mo., tit,- Imt-fill iT-t ..f it.$ tit Ow _111-11 .4 Ito- millmil"I .1.4 -,.1 1~!A) MI 9 MAMMA In M I.1 it fm J."ItAml '00 Ily Ca-Al., -nU -mill. !lit'. Allow., 1-241.1y., ills ("Ills'll b). hP111-1) It' 14 OW 46'.S JO.- III ill I hr tit,. Alt. in :1 6 I,y-. A- mot I- Ca.10. to listrwill In 4,1411. to( Me.) its low fi,,d .1 140411W v, s. ill, ii,lithl, 1w.,eim-alli, its) AM), gm- into It. The hellerw1ill. d4 01111trAtO hr tilt see -follosilta 12~vw It,; .1 00 twon.1 its the mIrfavI14"I twi-l"i 0691 Anti CA' ISO, 37,73. Aloco, 11 W. 1-01, if AI ('all 8. :lit, %Ig 1.1.112 NO, i's WAI's, 46, - W-h OAx I(C 0 t hle)),' N111 1141. Cos I.Xilt P;P, f C4m),,44nhT.Ir1w ?I%. all 09 01 ims, i AIAW - 1 M. Nilm AIA'. 1271 "IC&I 1. Also N. - CJ VII 111111-1 VIA111. 1411-1k ~111'114111 A.l.i. -wjjjN,,-JZ 000 0 .31 11.40 + 2C,tVAIM, HAP t I A C-0-WO0140; .11.61solit 396 lsx.;144. %M . .1.44 %al I s 0 JoIRCO, ago JoW. *W44l).AI,()..3C~SA),.II,0 + I.Zl 9 j.,g IfiflAl 41.4 411111 51111. 11, I-tv.f %N 11huml *Alt-$ 0 C.'O.M060. 'kiling 1- .1 it- .1.1 its the I*rwthr of m"I if 1"10. .146 ULO + C...Ql, to". ul,l And 31104; %log 0 11. 4-4)_A X-IL Call ill tilt' lilitlid I ,!, 0%" 1 g.,11.1 uhk-h I- C41NO, rhdlk :I'll -W-34 W.) :139; ~Iq 93 + ttAoll It IIV 541141ifig ill' to "I" CA4 I to ton' lAa-C*SOI MiXt.; CASA 1. 7 + clinker 10'- CLS ansl 3 1 A; lail IV) + Ca.S(N A 1. it CAI p n, it. hquul cum. 1-I 111rch + %WO. (fiml) A".. 4 LA And NW Arill gags arr Jr 00 Ito. .11tv- -1t"14111 14 7-1-Y -taltAl.k. fill lovilf4fil" -twol. If- I-- Um, G"4111 LK -1 "lit I AN"It _114.141my -wro-ov. "I.A. tonsil j,o-l -lag- %%th .4 .. '~'m It"j. itif.l. I is .1". Is- 'All-i ke 44 04*4 1. Als.1 , Oss I Vol I I Islilt I so .)"kotnn~ fj-j 0 .1 kill I At 0A it .1 IWI1411,14., A I'l.A."Iftil Isol. .0 "..1 luw %IjS (Sj(jo.;0,AI. AI,(h 8 Ol, 1-0 1, 1 W. CAI) Rs,^ PM 44), 1, 1 :.1g4 I w, W, _:1, A NIgO 6.07 '. MvIO!. 12. SC), Writs, S'.,.3t, 'I) last,'+ OkSO dAoinite 51 (~sihytlrillr) 5% + + .144onsile (fiovA Alt alonv lum') A". grown] to; It.&- mirsoph after (; months and 3 yt.-Ars ill fresh watcr. 2114 And O.W, m4due on a Ml nwA,*q. vul. -isrvv. after 3 uwmtIL,, :,.'I kt.,.,~ c", in air.mll and 4418. Ito 10"i N90- 267 (cttilc mmuSth 33.3, cmnprr%%ivr 44*4 ks. cm. boo 27;.- And 2M; after I yorat in X. Tbm tie 0 it, Ill,, IV. .. . - MS.-At,, NWI, 411.1 tit ILT Ills, ftootfat-A 44 1 T NZ! A It of PW 9 10- Is At a 1 0 v lit c; t1t 1~t ft- s; IV 9. Is 1:14 &"O t T101 0 0 Ill 0 0 ; 0 * 0 o * & 0 * 00 : 00 *a 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0 *~ SO- 4 0 i- _09 I - - U It M It k It a, Ll. "JAIC-A j A I- It-r-2 1,1A 141 A.P I., "�Pfs~ Pa"INI'tt ..001 iU1,:'11Af4D HYDRAULIC SIAG MENTS. py~! i (Bulletin do l'Acadvais do* Sciences do 1948, V No. 3, P- 4231 British Coramic Abstracts, 1948, July- Aug., 0# p. 250a) Acid open-hearth slags can be mixed with portland so comant to produce lime slag and gypsum-slag cements. In 00 the latter came the slag ro*cts with the eyp3um, ind ,ortlaxid Jt_ 0 cement or slaked lime in added as &% alkali component. :0 Cement produced by this moth6d, however, has poor mechanical qualities. Sulphated cement with Eood stability can nevertheless be produced from open-hearth slay by activating it *ith calcium sulpPate (especially anhydrite) and a mixture of C&C and HS0. In place or Lf~o latter see components it is possible to use dolomite, burnt at 10000 to 11000 C. NG, J 1111-MAt (tAMIKAT tC14 41, W., too Ut 11111110.1; ja 4., '1' #A I I lu 0 1 K a IL U of a Maia 000 0 0 41 IS 00 0 41 0 0 0 a 0 0 SPI 000 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 e 0 a 0 0 Ole 0 0 0-0 a o 0 0 o 0 * o 0 -0 : : : : 61 1 04 i i i 0-0 0 .. 1 11 1) it 15 111, W? it"main ajobbl7joh loll LIU DID )I LI W zz R --W-,aw A_ A. AL .11-1. -L-k . I" cc PC a f..Pf 4 1 1"t %.t 1, WN porps III % 1.111 A. L Bwkmku.* jawilKov. 21- 22 (1949).- -Twenty. hig ortivitin In the field amaut" by A. S. licirktun are It Z.K zo: Zee cp zI I a we* U a Al K's a A .3 W If OT 1, j# cW 'A W a W K III If III It K RM AVIA 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 **A pip The Spineb. FormatION Of 80"10' ona S'm'6r C*M' Vs. (In Rumian.) P. P. uv~#' Uspekhi Khimii 41'n'g- pt--vcL 1949. P. 585-605- A comprehenNiVe r(!view, including syntheRis anti propertics. 108 ref. L As !. S L A__ SITALLURCICAL LITMILOF CLAsupICAT" -77 Isom "WkAv 0- lot u a A, K, it tt 01 $t of a a K u coo foo age o o 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0110 0 0 0 0 000 e 0 0 0 *go* oes 006000900 0 0 0 0 0 9 * L * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 BUDNIKOV, P. USSR/Chemistry - Cement jan 1948 Chemistry - Calcium Sulfate "Effect of TeTs-Cement on the Binding Properties of Various Modifications of Calcium Sulfate," P. P. Budnikov, Yu. H. Butt, 7 PP "Zhur Prik Khim" Vol XXI, No 1 Subject cement speeds up hydration of calcium sulfate and increases its hardness and water resistance. Hardening of semihydrous and anhydrous cements goes on best in air media, and. takes approximately 7 days. Humid climates cause setting to take place in about 28 days. Cements containing gypsum set faster than- ordinary cements. Submitted 28 War 1947. 64T1 PA 64T1 BUDMIXOV, P. P. Budnikov, P. P. and Zhukovskaia, S. S., The method of determination of silicon by volume in cast iron and steel. P. 959 The checking of the volume method of determining silicon in bakelite vessels on standvrd sample gave satisfactory results. It was interesting to apply this method to th,, quick-cutting instruments and other kinds of steel containing tungsten, the presence of which complicates the determination of silicon by the weight method. April 13, 1948 SO, Journal or Applied Chemistry (USSR) 21, No. 9 (1948) VM/Ohemletry - 8111cat6w- Aug 48 Chemistry - Ceramic Industry *Session on the Progress of Balance In the Field of Silicates," P. P. Budaikof, 3 pp "Zhur Priklad MAmii" Vol XXI, No 8 Session vas held in Oct 47. Organized by All-Union Soi, Eng and Tech Soo of Silicate Industry and All- Union Chem Soo imeni D. I. Mendeleyev. Reports speeches made. Submitted 20 Nor 47. IM 11149M LM/Madepty, of 80100086 Aug 48 Chemistry "Twenty Years In the Institute of Physical Chemistry Imeni L. To Plearzherskiy, Made f Sliences, ~ 9 0 Ukrainian SM," P. P. Sadnikov pp "Zhur Priklad Khimil" Vol MLI, No 8 Institute originated from Chair of Electronic Chem organized by Pisarzherskiy In 1922 at the Yekster- inoalar (now Daepropotrorsk) Mining Inst. Describes vork cf Institute during past 20 years. 11/49T5 BUDNIEDY, P.P.; YURKOT, M.I. Cathodolumizencence of Grathetic silicates and aluminat"--. Dop.AN MSR me.4:3-11 148. (MLRA 9:9) 1,Diyonly chles AN URSR (for Budaikov). 2.Drdema Leniza khimikt-takhao- logicbni.r inotitut Imeni D*I.Mendeleyeva. (Cathode ray tubes) (Silicates) (Aluminatea) BUDNIKOV, P. P. PA 43/43T28 m 1948 Ow--- 0OUba ffINS 'Mixture of Ofay and- ft6ua-7 and Its Mmusl Dissoolatlan.- P. P. Badalkdvj, Carr Nmp Acad Sol Mmy 0. P. Mcbe0av-PetraWan, 3 PP *ftk AW ftak emp lima alle Vol =0 ft Demarlbse deposits of gashm at Tblllnl,, Bigmw%, AMISIUM (GO(Wal= OR).. Rr0T8np'-TaHMWn,, LeaInaken (Azvmlm M), Klrdwcg*d, La*aran,, Taut .(Aawbaydzhan SM) end others. Tabulates peraentagpe dIssoclatlon under Ufferent conditions. 7~1~i~nml dissociation of "garba." 1-. j milipi!Iny-Petronvaii. D1.4tidy A krd. Nauk S.S.S. F. 7 !(1-*, f ( 19 1116 77V prod tie tio I I of "0) ~i n d cc Ill" It froln "Fa7ha 7 (;1 mixt, of lime, 'sand, gvp~lllll' alld 1clated llct~)' special mtewit-in nillst be Iekid ill X;tzh;I rolog. I"'Itent is bigh (twer :in, caso'), a hig!l temp. is ruquircd for thermal tfi';o-11., but Ole rc- of iq coniplutt! ill 30-C'O 131111. at 1100'. 11. K, Liviqstmi BUDNIXOV, P. P. C"Swa clay and its thermal dissociation. P. P. Budnikov and V04 Fe Mcbedloy-Petrosyan. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 59 (4_7 719-21 F19W.-Ihermal dissociation tests were conducted with gypsum clay contain- ing 20 to 90% gypsum ob tained from the largest deposits in the Georgian S.S.R. When the gypsum content is less than 30%, it is possible to obtain almost complete liberation of S03 by heating at UOOoC. for 0-5 to 1 hr.; complete expulsion of S03 occurs from the melt. Gypsum clay having a low Ups= content should be utilized for making binders or 503- B.Z.K. BUIL'IKOV, F. P. t=/)ftGr&jx Oypftum cement xv 1948 "Research C81 the GYPSUM Of the Stalinogorsk Deposit," 11 - P - Badnikov, Corr Nw, Aced 801 USS, 2 pp "DOk Ak Nauk SSM" Vol LI, No 4 (lives tables of chemical &malysis of specimens from above deposit and proportion of various cements pro- iw,red frcm them. Submitted 9 NhLr 1948. P A 7 'W oilil - s , , . .Ii 21%, a A I A "OCEStIs &N0 Paor l"OKOV. A41dify Akad. Yduk S.S.S.R., 60 141 (115,1ti (114H). -A%-rrigr -1 the cYP-uln shim-a CaO 3225. SO, 42.61. SIO~ and Alto. i I iiu. ' PeAO.-*I.MEOO.79.RndliOlg.16'. f. CaSO,-211,Oconstittitv, a% high a% 93t?7l-, of The material; organic mutter i% 0 344, Stnwturathrmih"lrmtealuitlu~dinggyp,41, "in le in the laboratory by calcining at 170'C, lit tuaking ti sea hytle cement. the gylKunl wal, Culcinvil at -,tk)' to 7"Al, .111.1 Cround together with 31 , of Nikitovo dolomite calcined lit Will' After -24days, compressive strength was 11116ka./cm-latut nipturr 3 strength 24 To prepare estrich g.". m, thr nalur.d 1 qyp~stn was calcitted at IMW slid ground so that (17', awl 21.W", rcrunined on %ieves of INN) and 49(g) openings cm 1. r- itpectively. Thecalcinecontained 0.43~*j frev little. JIM liar "att-f- gypsum ratio was 24";; setting began after I hr. -"', titin atid end daft 2h 19 i Af 29 d r er r. m n. ter ays compressive anil ruplurt strength% were 129 and 12.5 lig./cm.l. reswetively. and aftef sex water storage these valuts were 190 and a) kil./cm.l. Fini%hing white cement was made by calcining at Ul'and 740 ". grinding to leave a residue of 1 lit 2~1 oil a sieve of IfRX) tqvMng%.'crn 2, 4nd mixing with 2.4, and 6% ols35%*Wutkm ofalutti. Re%ullsiarr LfTCOATUCC CLASSObICATICO A S 11, tTALLUrrKAL o-- b u AV 00 Is 0 P It 0 0 000 " a a ; 000 0 a to 1'**'- 0 0 0 0 0 0 q a a A?~W -90 coo re* COO 2 we 0 roe wee mill 310"91 - IF IZA I , , 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 00 A 00-4 00 t 009 sod 00.1 00 906 IJ W 00 __ -a- 0;&;1 fit 12yestip'400 of Stal" or. P,. 11, 11mlaikov. IWOWC, 033-6001AT-~~Tbe is t,%pecially wrU suiled for the production #d building and molding plaltrr. and WSD fm $.Estrkh Gips" (sooringL4"ter). aubydrhe cements, and PWW while cemmu. The ArAlysts of the natural raw material alpm a content a( 3.231v COs and 0.34% arg. material, it has a remarkable tumb. strength and is KCSY- bb colarvd. By calcination to 170* the vem1hydrate Is lormet), tbt grayish COW dbaPP-- and A very good i. pmduced which CM-P-,41 In n3y -pw to the StAMAX& (Cf- III, GYt-M a' zMa"MON, 100). For anhydrile cements (cf. D. and Sarin, TU Ani itt 0MCW. 1947) the satne raw material 6calcined Id. to 73:750', fincly ground, and 3% dolomite frorn N towsk (calined at 95W) is added as a catalyst far hard- i i ecking. Ille mech. strengths produced - well Aon the standards (or air-cumd samples. Par the twoluction 01 OwduS Outer K Volsheraldl, TU PWirk Gip, 19U) th, natural "Psum is calcined at IMOO an-I very fiftly P-W- TINOPMdUctcontaiM0.4%trectinic. ra,,,t. thAgis Mormal.and the comb. strembs aremysatiars"Ory, elpft-WHY after moist-curing. A special white cvtwnt it jwotluced from IMuok (cf. MIUZOU. SPft-i41 P141(ff PrAd- acts of H 400 _Vrvv#Ais in Arrhiketare. 190) by firinq In Am ou-= Industrial mu& lwuwv at SM and 740 and extrewdy finely amund. It shows a ditIn" WM&K of Its mech. strength with Increasing The grind bowvVW. is uneconomkol 1F1v1",5='_raffkd to theft-Ighest degrm Of fifteom. and the tendency of (1)"nittr IOMPI on the walls of the W taills b most trouble. some. Nevertheless the standard exama. resuit. we txcellicat for this calcined prodwt after an adda. of "% alum, oormVoodios to the farnous English "JUenes W. Eftcl offIALLMSICAL L"11141601 CLASWICATON f Is AV 10 U 0 o 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a A A s a two OvIveloat 31 1 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 -60 S* =00 460 =of too a** goo 400 goo see Woo Zoo moo too BMWOMD V 0 P. P. A as a positive factor in preparing expanding UgnIIII-Kopi teme UnIlIKOVAND Daklady If k4d. S. a 00 N414S. 'k~ ub-A-rved only In those cases Milli there Is n colicentration of (3CuO-Al,O,.3CaSO,.;tq)4.AIOt-aq. The difficultly wfufflr 00110% CnO list lie liquid phase. When the CONmifetit klf.-sgthaii 0.4 crystrilm of Ca sulfoaluminate thus formed gradually expand Oe .1111 All 1011141111 cenient In tile colloidal mrdlitmof hydrated Cu silicates istid aluml fra./lit4tr, R jmulli amount Cf the Cis fIfUllfifl- .j(p .9 goes into 1" A)ItIlion, jintes. The foi million of lit ner destructive stresses III t lie httrileti r4l 1 the remiltillf sulloaluntinate formed Is small, and tile %trength of J' - -% si Isis Pip [19";iment Is not impke'd. whell tile 00 content Is OV cernent does not take place because the formation of the rulto cr 1 niumbiate occurs not thtough the reaction of 4CaO - Als0i - 12110 .00 It Igm./Ilter, the Ca aluillinates (10 not flis!kolvc and tile cement nr- wit), gypsum but mostly through reaction of the latter wills Iquirts the characteristic of swelling due to the formation of CS 2Ca0 - ~ 1,0, - 7H!O. Optimum compositions of expanding prod - 0`11104 t3 sulloaluminate front the reaction of solid en altitninntex with I lit-, ucts tire (1) knolin (eillcined at 800') 20%, lime 43%, Portlawl Fis dissolved CAO and gypytim, Theswelling proct-55 was Utilized a" cement 31%; and (2) kaolin (800*) 35% and lime 0511 '3 n positive factor In preparing expanding ceincitt. The hardened. optimull, addition of the txt)an?iing product Is a to 10%. Tlll~' products of the reattlon of a mixture tif activated kaolin (rialcined it-III projuce a 0.17 to 0.19%0 expansion of the hardened Pot flund fl V at SM*C.), Portland "ment, and lime (or )line aintle) with defl- cement, a greater percentage rMuces the strength. Cement V1 so nite amounts of votes were Immersed in wMer for 10 days, then containing the expansion product and 1% C~Cls became Impet- dried at 1201C., and ground with it dcfiidtc~ antount of gypsunt. mcabl, to water after 13 days utider a hydrostatic presitire of The addition of this expanding product In nolottilts Of 5 to lb'r? water of 3 ntm. The addition of basic grantilated blast-furtlact: Id to cement wjII cause. the cement to expand In a inoist. lllcdiulll- Ong to tlv~ expanding cement reduced the linear expaitsion con- Zj" The compressive strength of the crinent. is slightly below that of siderably, ordinary Portland cement only during the first period of harden. I fit.g. The phenom,.,non of expansion may he explained by the -J c' following reaction: .1(2CaO-AltOi,7HtO)+(3CtgO4,2li.O-FRQ- prow bo tjw 40 tillo Iso A 5 X - S L A IIETALLUnOKAL 1.11111,47UPF CLASSIFICATION NW Ssaado 41; aW 73 1-1 V31121 cia CRY III ;.7T, Is ; - #7=-T-1- An I S V Dd 0 N -W i %r tj o n a 3 0 U 9 AV H2 it 11tyll, (*a All 9t;E K U U it 01 full n T-T 0 y 00 W , . I IA 1 0 W AND W W 44 W ~j 1.0 V ~d V W W Us W 44 W . . 1.0 j I'd U W W %W W V V V 40 W W W u4 BUDNIKOV of t ,S I$ A k6 Wl't SITTS Sulfoalurninflie Us 411) esselitial factor in n R. koili,%ii t-ximm-ion effect ill hatilenitig cv- Mid COIJCICtV~ 3l7C0llljl3llYillg tit.- formatioll of 11N, the Ical-tion of cxcv,,~ .1 gypstilit, nr by UTSO, dis.,olvell ill indmu 0C., with Ow Ca e.g. can tic matle h0i)(ul it tile shrinhgo of tile hydrated sifi- Cate gels ill the settilig ceillent is colllpcw;~ttvd by that ex- 1mnsion effect. Tlw illethod (it 40L%si~r-fCA. 39, 7939 Inr Itiv pr~xhwtion of a slitisikige-in-c mortar or conuriv is bum:fl on this idca. B ;m,l K. rummmend the tion nfati vxpandlitig mis: by calvinitig Wolitiit hydrated little With (it without art a(Mll. of pordialld ce- nictit. and grindiuZ ill iv.7t(-r the soinQ%khat. lwardencd mix tftcr dr ving nt 120*, thell udding ZI-psitill ill jrfinitv ratinq (c~v. 26 or 35~;~ c-alcined kaolir~; 43 or IV" It%- dmicd fimc; .11 or O,~ portland rement; 70-7.V;, wattr. gYpsifill adderl to tile litic(l Ilia's ill the ratio 3:1). if ceinctit, a mix is prodticed with practically ito chatige, ill litech. stmngtlt, bin ivith a wry lo%v wl. cliattgv. For the produetion of-ii,inortar which is also inipcrincahic to tile addri. of I~tl C3CI; to tile portland cumcni, i, ANo, file whIll. of grativilated Ma~14timace ~11?, co:I~idvr- ably rccluces the vol. ch,iliges. F10 I u 04 r T rwwTTT?pp dL'AL rt Mr-yr I I - * 0 0 J X A-L- oil silk b US 00 4 0 opt* Iftt. a Reac4oo "I S li f600 00 - d Ph-. III-o%IICO%'A =00 -A S ji f ItItImIN. S s R 1-.k %Vt.% forth itirol, I'll Prive sl ti ce a otl ,, .1 P-111111., i rudeti"". j" allid oxid" 'ilh- sh, f"Inalion of 0 0 go 00 :00 OCT4LLIIRGKAL LfffQ& TOf Cta jj&fqC&jWM 4 1 ;Ise 0: :10 0 00, .10 am" .111110" L 0 it v so 29 1-01 lill ~1911 Joe- 9 0 0 0 0 ore a 0 0 0 GINZBURG, D.B... diktor tekhn. nauk; DELIKISHKIN, S.N.., kand. tekhn. nauk; KHODOROV, Ye.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; CRIZHSKI.Y, A.F., inzh.; BUDNIKOVA, P.P.,, red.; qMIIWVA, I., red.; PANOVA, L.., tekhn. red. [Furnaces and drying apparatus for the silicate industry] Pechi i su- shila silikatnoi prorqshlennoqti. Pod red. P.P.Budnikova. Moskva) Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam, 1949. 483 t;,IRA 15:1) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AN USSR (for Budnikova). (Kilns) 7 T ct ~)o 6t," t V. V r, -.-%c h vro I if 0 S t,.. el1 er., ~4'. -:e KFjk Ci-ri., c-w :)rnom e wa. Mbiluzr: 9