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SURW3,q Given Names Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees i at gived En amh of rma ochet-datry (Forschums- !S~~titwta- P, 07--ah" Piii- Affiliations '-institut fuer PbMrrAa* und Bicabomle). gas 3ources Prague, Collection of CzeahosLovak Chwdcal Copsunicationse vol 26g jFo 11, Novasibar 1961, pp M5-WP Datat son the Preparation Of 13jk-do4-HstIWIpyrIdirss with HatmveyoUG substitlent in position 6.0 Authors: JBMWIM Z SURNAME# Given N a Countr7: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: LGot giv=3 Research Institute Of Aach9mL%tx7- (Forschungs- -U-sft~ fuer Pbmw urA Biocherie)' Prigue Affiliations Pharm 9 Sources Prague, C63.1action of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications# Vol 269 Ib 11, Novanber 1961, pp 287l-.2-W5- Datas wReaction of Metbyl Esters of AcylWroracemic Acids with COMMM" of the Ursa Type,* A tho ROUBIMM, 7 BUDESINSKY, Z.; JELINEK, V.; PRIKRYL, J. The 5-halogenpyrimidines. Part 1: Produetion of 4-hydroxy-5- halogenpyrisidines. Coll Cz Chen 27 no.11:2550-2560 N 162. 1, Forachungainstitut fur Pharmasis und Biochemie, Prag. BUDESII:i:S~~KYZ ; PERINA, Z.; SLUKA., J. 5-Arylpyrimidines. I. 3-Aryl-2-thiocy-tosines and 5-arylaytosines. Cesk. farm. U no.7:345-354 S 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro farmacii a biochemii, Praha. (GYTOSINE) BTJDMfNSKfq 7,; JELfNE*Kt V; PlaKIRYLY J. Czechoslovakia Research Institute for Pharmacyand Biochemistry 'prague -*(for.all) Prague, Collection of-Ozechoslovak Chemical Communi- cati No 11, 19629 pp 2556=750 5-HbLlogenpyrimi dine - I., Preparation of 4-Hydroxy- 5-Halogenpyrimidines.11 R4DA, B.; BIASKOVIG, D.;,BUDESIN~KY, Z.; PERNA,, Z. creening of antipetabolites inhibiting vilus multiplication. II. Inhibition of virus multiplication bY 5-ary1derivatiVes of pyriiaidine. .Acta virol. 7 no.3:269.-274 My 163. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak-Academv of Sciences, Bratislava, and Pharmaceltical and VLochemical Res" eh Institute, PraVm. (ANTIMETIBOLITES) (VACCINIL VIRUS)F (ENCEPHALITIS VIRUSES) (=C'07~Z' DISWE VIRUS) (PYRIMIDINE~) ' -(ANTIVIRAL AGENTS) BUDESINSKY , Z. ; SIXKA ~ j. ; 13YDZOVSKY, V. Antitubercular drugs. XIV. Isonicotinoylhydrazones of some phenylglyoxylic acids. Cesk. fam. 13 no.7:345-349 S t64-- 1. Vyzk-umny ustav pro farmacii a biochemii, Praha, BUDE,SINSKY, Z.; HOUBINLK, F. 1~ - -------- 5,6-tetramethylenpyriad- dines substi-.u-Led In the positions 4 and.2,4. Goll Gz Chem 29 no.10.234.1-12350 0 164. ). ForschungainEtitut fur Pharm-azie ami Biocheirle., Prague. 0 B u 7) i-I 'Q 1 114 "1 it ytZ. ; J~Pj i(l(yl- , J. ; V . . n, -1. T 0 1 L .,ing-act.lng Pt .3. Co,!l Cz Cheri 29 no'12:29" 191 1) 1 6~', j. Research inatitute of Pharmacy rind Bjocbemlst:~lj, T~rague. CZECLOSLOYAKIA BUDY-31143KY ZI AOtJl31NXKg PI 3VAT14KO Lit ==L= I'le3earar In3titute, for Pharmnoy and BlQchaml3try, FMsue - (for *21)a L."ratmes C01,20112UAL g-zecbn&jgys W=tS14 Dam3ml- antigns No 11, November 1965a pp 373C.-3743# *5-ArylPYrlMdlnGs, Part 2s 406-dlsubstituto 5~wpherry- lpyrWdinos* CZECHOSLOVAKIA BUDESINSKYS Z; PRIKRYLO J; 3VATRKv Ee Research Institutelbr Pharmacy and Biochemistryp Prague& (for all)* f GzeSjjosj&ya Chemical C p Praguej, OA Q&U= No 11, November l9b5a PP 5095-5901e "5-halogenpyrimidines,' Part 2s Synthesis of 2-hydro-5- fluorpyrimidineo" CZECHOSLOVAK1k BUDa)'T- LETOVSKY, V.; iosearch Institute for Phar-macy and 3. cclolnistry (Ilyzilcunny Untav pro Parmacii a Biocne-,,Ai), Prague. "5 - Arylpyri-.iidinos. M. '-Arylisocytosines and 5-Aryl-4- -thioisocy'u-0sinc-C. PraF%ue, Ces!coslovenslca Farinacie, Vol 15, Yo 8, Oct 66, DP 432-LL37 Abstract f,:uthors 1;Aiglisln suramary modified 7: 5-phenylisocytosines .ere --rep.-~red by condensation of enolethex::s; of allpha-form~ U y1phenyl- acetates; tlaese wo-re 'UMnsformed through nitro-ph~nyi substances to corresponding aid-nophenyl derivatives. Reaction of P S with 5-ph-enyli-soc-tosines produced 2-a-,.iino-L,,-nereapto-5-pheny rimi- dines; atinylchlo.roacatate produced 2- amino - LL- a tho--,:yc arbonylT-. ethyl - thio-5-phenyl-pyrii-didines, which were hydrolyzed to free acids. Nitration of th~~ esters produced nitrophenvIderivat;ves, and their reduction aminophanylestuers. The productswere tested for -.)harr,-4aceu- tiGal, bact-eriological, and virological ap,~Iications. They show a therapeutic effect in mice who were infected by the influenza A PR-8 virus; the dose used was 1.5 Mg per -mouse -oar day. 4 Tables, 4 '.4estern, L Czech references. (Manuscript received 23 Apr 66). CZECHOSLOVAKIA SIVATEK, E.; KNOBLOCII, E.; B' Rosez -e of' Map:_~ _~,;I nrela Inst-itut - Pharmacy and Biochemistry Oiz'icumny Ustav pro Farnacii a Bioche- mii), Prague. "Dimorphism of 2-SulL'anilaiiido-5-1~i'e'uhoxypyrimidine (Sulfamethoxyd- ine). " Prague, Geskoslovenska Farmacie, Vol 15, No 9, Nov 66, PP 470-473 Abstract /A-utL U U -iors' English summary nodifieL7: The natiLre of 'he crystalline form depends on the solvent.and the conditions under which the crystuals are forned. Alpha form which has a r..n. at 2120C -forms when crystaliizazion occurs from hot sQlutions under a7,itatuion; beta form with a m.p. of 1970C is formed when the crys- tals are formed in the cold from water solutions. Ory3tallization from solvents containing alcohols and water producos a mixture of the 2 forms. InIL-ared spectra of the two forms are different. X-ray spectra are di~;cussed. Beta form can be converted to the alpha form by meltinr and slow cooling of 'he melt. 5 Figures, 8 Western, 3 Czech references. (1vianuscript received L~ Jul 66). ZUAW&J-4- "Determination of the capacity of rollers in the rubber industr7,11 P. 135 (Industria Usoara) Val, 49 nos 3. Mar, 1957 Bucharest,, Rwonia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. vol. 7, no. IL, April 1958 BUDESKO, I. "K.1. Parhon, Rumanian Scientist." p. 4, (7,DRAVEN MR?, No. 49., Dec. 1954, Sofiya,, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly Ust of East European Acd.essions, (ESAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. ilrinly, 81-141fas . -- -"- .6- Today Is Rmazla: Karl& Domi a weavere Xab. I slal. ao.9:8-9 3 155. (Baba, ftrial (an 9: 1) ABS. 3 .OUR. : 1959,. 1~1o. 862GY0 : Budevska, 10,,r. INIST. Sulgarian Academy of Sciences T IT L,,' Polarographic Metliod of Analytic Dete=jxiardon of 1-Diazo-2-Naph~tlio'L-4-Sulfor',.ic Acid and (-Nitro-l-Diazo-2-N~;-,Phtliol-L~-S-alfoi-iic Acid O?IG. ?UB. : Dokl. Bo1g. AN7 lc/~Sj 117 No 5, 387-390 ABSTRACT : 1-D4-azo-2-naphtliol-it-sulfo-iic acid (1) is rrl-:du--ed at dropping Fig-electrcde at PH 4.7 (acetate buffer) G (awonia buf fer) ; wave he J.'ght is proport-lonal to conce,ntration o-f I, half-wave potential E1/2 0.6a v. Tn the presence Of Yia3AsO the. u:ave of I vanishes. 6-Nitro- -! A- - ~1 a Ph 11 -oppi iazo-z-r~ ;ol-4-sulLnic acid (II) yields at di -q g Hr C- - ," --electrode - waves at pli 9. On addition of NayksO3 only One walf", J's le I't (E 1 /2 = - 0. ( P, v) , the he Ight of which is prorortlional 'o concentration of H, but depends greatly an I I t L, pF of sol-aLion. The polarographic method is suitable for separate determination of I and II, and also of II in the presence of I; relative eiror. is 2~*. -- Yu. Pleskov. A:', D: MIHAILOV, M. [IAMailov, M.]; HUDEVSKA, Ch. (Budevska, Kh.1 I Extraction of epoxy re.sins from lignin. Dok-lady BAN 15 no.2:155-158 162. 1. Institut Aw organische Chemie der Bulgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Vorgelegt von korr. Akademiemitglied B. Kurtev. AUTHORS. TITLE: PERIODICAL: 0~2/000/002/007/012 B/OOY D205 307 Mikhaylov, 14. and Budevska, Xh. Preparation of epoxide resins from lignin Referativnyy byulleten' Bolgarskoy nauchnoy litera- tury, Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, no. 2, 19627 8, abstract 110, Doklady B.,W, 15, 1962, book 2, pp 155-158 (German, Rus. summary) T&XT: It was found that during the epoxidattion of sul.-',"ated lignin in the presence of 49'10 NaOH, and with simultaneous distilling off the water, (both that produced in reaction and water introduced from outside), a resin is formed which, after removing the epichloro- hydrin by distillation under vacuum is converted into a form insolu ble in epichlorohydrin and other solvents. During the epoxidation of phenol lignin resin (condensation product of phenol and sulfated li6in) a soluble epox'3*de resin is formed, with a softening point of 72-950C. This resin dissolves in ethylene glycol, dio:cQn, chloro- Lorm, and cyclohexane, but is insoluble in C014, and in aromatic or Card 1/2 F B/007/62/000/002/007/012 Preparation of epoxide resins D205/D307 aliphatic hydrocarbons. The resin combines with -,)henol-formaldehyde and diene resins and hardens under the action of aliphatic polya- mides and their adducts. The resin may be used for the preparation of varnishes, pastes and glues(Sofia, Bolgarskaya akademiya nauk, Institut organicheshoy Ithimii (Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of ~;ciences, Institute of Organic Chemistry)). Z-~-Lbstracter's note: Complete translation 7 Card 2/2 N.; BUDEVSKA Khr.; MILOSHEVp M. KOIzV 9 -- " ~ -- - Synthesis of diphenvlamine-4-sulfo acid# and a new method of controUing the processo Godishnik Inst khim prom 2:91-97 263* BUMVSXI, B.; BOSTANOV, V. Form of electrolytic development in copper spherical monocrystals. Isy Inst- fis. khis- 2.t65-75- 162. 1. Mlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia, sIzvestiia na Instituta po fimikokhiniiO (for Budevski). MCSHTEV, R.; BUDEVSKI - MISTOVA, N. 4.E., Corrosion of iron in the presence of nitrate ions, Izv Inst fiz khim 2:145-16/+ 862. BUDEV,13KI, F., STOINOVI, L-ir. -'. - -.- - .-- Theory of elactrocrystallizatton under galvanostatia pulse conditions. Izv Imst fiz kliin 4.-35-45 164. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Bulgarian Acadeikv 0 of Sciences. E. - DESIMIROV. G. Theory of irreversible electrode processes and the processes with a rapid preceding reaction, flowing in a spherical electrode. Izv Inst fiz khim 3 71-78 163. 1. Institut po fizikokbimiia pri Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, 2. Chlen na Redaktsionna-ta kolegiia, "Izvestiia na Institute. po fizikokhimiia". BUDEVSKI 0.; DZIIONOVA, L. Complexometric determination of copper. Zav. lab. 30 no.9:1066- 1068 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khImii Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk. BUDWSEIY, O.B. CompUzometric; wt6d for the determination of copper Zar. lab. 24 no.5:535-537 1580- iKM llt6) U Rmohno-issledovatoilskly lastitut po votallurgil I polesmys iskapayeiWat Bolgarly% g. Soflyo. (Copper--Awaysial (Titratlon) 5(2) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 S/032/60/026/01/014/052 Budevskiyp 0. B, B01O/B123 Complexometric Method for the Determination of Lead Zavodskaya laboratoriyaq 1960, Vol 26, Nr 1, PP 50-51 (USSR) The method described is based upon the fact that lead is precipitated in the form of sulfates, dissolved in a mixture of potassium hydroxide and tartaric acidq and titrated with trilon using methyl thymol blue. The use of the alkaline solution causes a swift colour change of the indicator and makes determination in the presence of barium possible. Calcium does not disturb Ahe lead determination and also barium with a 0.2 g weighed portion can be present up to 12-15% as the lead of the preoipitate is completely oxtractod during long boiling. 1.1ethyl thymol blue can also be used for titrations in ammoniacal media, in this case, however, e.g. ammonium fluoride has to be added for maeking the calcium. Complexometric Method for the Determination S/032/60/026/01/014/052 of Lead B010/B123 If in the latter case larger amounts of silicon are present, the lead is only slowly titrated and thexesults are reduced. A course of analysis is stated and a comparison of deter- mination results obtained (Table) accordinn.- to the described method, and of the dichromate method, and shows great conformity. There axe I table anit 1 reference. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut-po metallurgii i poleznym iskGpayemym, g4 Sofiya, Bolgarskaya Narodnaya 'Plespublika (scientific Research Institute for Mletallurgy and 'Jineral Resources, City of Sofia, Bulgarian Peop]Lls 'Republic). Card 2/2 IS - 1/& 00 68614 AUTHORS: S. S/020/60/130/05/026-/uD'i B004/BO14 TITLE: Investigation of the Xinetios of Sleotroohemioal Reduction of Chromic Acid on a Rotating Disk rbleotrode'7 PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 5, PP 1047-1050 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors studied the contribution of sulfate ions to the reduction of chromic acid and refer to A.I. Vagramyan (Ref 2). It is supposed that diffusion-dependent complexes are formed in this case. Accordingly, they carried out their experiments under exactly controllable diffusion conditions as may be established by means of a rotating disk electrode (according to Yu.Yu. Matulis and N.A. Mitskus, Ref 4). Reduction was carried out at 10, 25 and 450. The solution contained 200 g11 of chromic acid and 0-5-8 9/1 Of H 2so 4* Figure 1 illustrates the dependence of the maximum cperage i max upon rz (z - number of revolutions of the electrode). With a high z, imax remains Card 1/3 slightly lower as a result of secondary processes than would 68614 Investigation of the Kinetics of Electrochemical Reduction of Chromic Acid on a Rotating Disk Electrode S/020/60/130/05/026/061 B004/BO14- I 1 1 correspond to a linear dependence. The equation f - -Ed+ yk is derived (id - the limiting current determined by diffusion only, ik - the limiting current determined only by the kinetics of the sidejeaction). It is noted that I is a linear function of z 1z as confirmed by experiments (Fig 2). The dependence of id (with z - 1) and i. upon the concentration of sulfuric acid was determined from the slope of the straight line (Fig 3). Figure 4 depicts the temperature dependence of i * The temperature coefficient -1 -L' was found to be 0.019. max i dt The restriction of amperage by the diffusion conditions shows that sulfate ions react on the electrode. A.B. Prumkin et al. (Refs 12,13) are mentioned in this paper. There are 4 figures and 13 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Sofiyskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Sofiya, State Universit Sofia, Bulgaria) Card 2/3 Bolgariya (Sofia 68614 Investigation of the Kinetics of Xlectrochemical 5/020V60/130/05/026/061 Reduction of Chromic Acid on a Rotating Disk B004/BO14 Electrode PRESENTED: October 7, 1959, by A.B. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: September 28, 1959 Card 3/3 BUDEVSKIY,,,.,Xe.1 DESIMROV, G. TheR~7 of Irreversible processes taking place on a spherical electrode. Dokl.AN SSSR 149 no.1312042Y Mr 163. (KM& 16:2) 1 Institut fizicheakoy Wall Bolgarskoy skadmil nauk, Sofiya, i;igariya. Predstavlew akadmikm A.M.FmOdWs. (Electrodes,, Dropping-mercury) -(Zlectrovative forcei micHAiLov, m. [Mikhailov, M.);.BUDEMSKA, Chr. [Budevskay Kbr.) Obtainment and polymerization of carbalkoxyfurfury3netha- crylates. Doklady BAN 16 no. 8: 841-844 163, 1. Vorgelegt von B,,Kurtev, korresp. Akademiemitglied. 'or d qbmftd bdm Abd- S. "dA do III d- vNim 0~- i CA. d G M. OD, M. od 730 Tw (,,A aw (IOD) bm appm smaw all ob~ dW (211) AM (01) 110- doi 01" C d abm M Is MW Wilk. The maw 1. 6 T A6g-N 6", rO go tb~ GdW d I CWmn lit. Din Un Im CA. lm.~d- PO !YIxor*, .145 6- OJT Dip, 04 for, T fro com 0411 hot Cwd 10 but Soc ants - )OW BUDEWSKI, E,,. (Budevski, E.]; VITANIOV, T.; BOSTANOV, V. Mechardeal equipment for producing rectangular galvanostatic impulses. Doklady BAN 17 no.8:725-728 164. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. von St. Christov [Khristov, St.1, korr. Hitglied der Akademie. BUDEVSKI, E. Polarographic research on electrode processes with preliminary reaction. I. Theoretical part. P- 113. Vol. 3, Jan./Dec. 1952 (published 195h) IZVESTIIA.SEPIIA FIZICHESKA Sofiya, Bulgaria So: Eastern European Accession Vol- 5 No. 1 ~,,n- joc:(, BUDEVSKI, E. Stax stical conclusions from kinetic cur nts and from, vi re diffusion-lin.ited kinetic currents. p.8~. Vol. 5., Jan./-Dee. 1955 IZVESTI-U. SERILA FIZICHESKA. Sofiia, Pulgaria SOURCE: East European Accessions List kiE~E) Vol. 6 No. b April 1957 n,LTDEVSKII, E. BUDEVSKII, E. Statistical determination of the reaction-layer thickness in the presence of kinetic currents. In German. p. 25. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan.&Iar. 1955. DOIUADY., Sofiiaj Bulgaria SOURCE: East European Accessions List (REAT) Vol. 6, iio. 4 A-vril 1957 Um of dw emcintrStion poj,r1-H- ,A fho no end" " " dwAlffusion layer by cathodic polarization. l d !'M lt kf d d C w I ft Abet nows a . an ompt. rcx . aca . Caro (Pu . ggl6b).-Equations are de~ .p ) * i i h d h l f l d f - ravidw 48 Tol r a or t e Comm. (n.) an t e potent a " l n the diffusion'layer electrodeposition of metali M e Apr~ 10 q 1954 ions for sang, ccontil. not 1y the salt which takes pan In the - . indifferent' electrode process but also a finite amt. of an . l Wh 1 t th Ii iti i th t l t d f ZlestroobSidstry e. ere e . n e ec ro o m e presence o a ng c. . y bwrre eacm of an Indifftrent electrolyte. I Is the cd. in amp./' eq. on., and a is a mcasure of the excess of the indifferent' -RrIV In 11 - 1/121v (a + I)l I and x. Aalt. then f , E. J. R ~~n, Web .the -w%ich IA B wbforqio~ -A w wom-olotiorA umi: djW 1 i box, b~,mRUd6d d fdr the- thldm~ IL U 1 i B'Lagaria/ Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4) 1957, 11-343 Author : Budevskiy Yevgeni IMIst :-n-pa-rt-me-~i7-o7-M-ysocomthemticaI and Technical Sciences, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Title : StAtiatical Derivation of Kinetic and Diffusionally Limited Kinetic Currents B-12 Orig Pub : Statisticheski izvod na kinetichni i difuzionno ogranicheni kinetichni tokove. Izv. B"lg&r. AN Otd. fiz.-nkitem. i 'tWdm.' n.' Ser. fiz., 1955, 5, 89-106 (Bulgarian; Russian and Germn sil ies) Abstract Calculat.6d statistically is the limit current i li of electrode proces- ses A+ ne --~A' vhich are preceded by fast che;SaWreaction: B kB C I + B2 =:-_ A; K- 0 CB02./ CO.,, vherein B and are electrochemi- kA El A. .. 1 1 % ~ - . -. - cally inactive. It is assumed that: 1) _64uilibrium'concentrati6n' A is so low that its diffusion from the solution volume can be disregarded; 2) B%iLgaria/ Physical Chemistry - Blectrochemistry B-12 Abfi Jour Referat, Zhur - Kliimiya, No 4, 1957, 11343 decomposition of A is a reaction of first order; 30 where --mean *diiplacement of molequles -A during'i"n life' period c_(_ ; and '--effectiVe depth of diffusion 1 Comparison of exprissioh thus ob- ned ik _- nFS B2 X _Djk --kinetic curretit, 9 --electrode tai q, & .pre5k OL lyIde-t-ved. equati n (Brdicka R., Wiesner surface) with - r 0 K., Coll. Czech. Chem. C6mm.-., 1947, 12, 39) 138), shows-that thickness of reaction layer - Drj-,._ ' If'kinetic i ' - d nds upon conditions of ,AA (lim) epe diffusion*B and B., it is balled diffusion&lly limited kinetic current limited only by rate of diffusion Bl, then wi, 3 1 th ik i,W With 'k/ 'Bl 0.3 there holds the 1 .4. 1 :r.1 iBl+ 1 /k- equation'l /i Bl 4-1/11-071 ) (1).- These equations are approxi- mately correct.also for a drop Ng-electrode, for which k 2 ID.5lnpM2/3t2/3 o C D .627 x npm2/3tl.6CBo.' DJ/2. i and i Bl. -a- 0 m2. It is n6t6d that more'preci6e expressiofis-dre obtained on taking into Ac- count conclitions'of diffusion R to'drop'ele'trode'(Keyman N_., Zh. fiZ_-_ khimi:il- a:948, 22, 1454; RZW(hQ 1955,-3497)c' 94uation (1) permits'ready determination of'i- and b3f4aristion of parameters, -upon which 'k and fes iBI depend in difieerent iBl manner, and subsequent extrapolation. 5W 1AUTHOR: Budevskiy, Yevgeniy SOV/20-124-2-29/71 TITLE: The Use of a Drop-shaped Mercury Electrode for the Determi- nation of Diffusion Coefficients (Ispollzovaniye kapellnogo rtutnogo elektroda dlya opredeleniya koeffitsiyentov diffuzii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, PP 342-345 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first part of the present paper deals with the diffusion current limit. Measurement of the diffusion current limiting value of a mercury drop electrode makes it possible to calculate the diffusion coefficient of the substance partici- pating in the electrode process. For this purpose it is, however, necessary to have a sufficientIj exact equation for the diffusion current. The equation by IlIkovich is only a rough approximation becausep when it was derived, several effects which are characteristic of the mercury drop electrode, were not taken into account. The effects concerned are spherical diffusion, the effect of shielding, the decrease of the concentration of the electrochemically active component in the immediate vicinity of the opening of the capillaries, Card 1/3 the influence exercised by capillary pressure, and the The Use of a Drop-shaped Mercury Electrode for the SOV/20-124-2-29/71 Determination of Diffusion Coefficients deformation of the drop under the influence of its weight. The curvature of the mercury drop causes an additional increase of,the diffusion current by spherical diffusion. The impoverishment of the electrolyte reduces amperage. The three first-mentioned correction factors can be taken into account by one single correction factor to the Illkovich-equation. Hitherto, all equations for the diffusion current have been derived on the condition that the mercury continues to flow off with constant velocity. However, the flowing-off rate is auch lower during the first stages of the life of the mercury drop. Therefore the mean value of the flowing-off rate was used in the equation for the mean diffusion current. A somewhat better approximation can be obtained by calculating the electrode surface in the usual manner from the weight of the drop in the equation for the momentary value but an approximation equation given by G. S. Smith (Ref 6~ for the weight of the drop must be used. In this equation the variation of the flowing-off rate of the mercury is taken into account in the various stages of development of the drop. The second part of Card 213 the paper deals with the checking of the diffusion current The Use of a Drop-shaped Mercury Electrode for the SOY/20-124-2-29/71 'Determination of Diffusion Coefficients limit. Investigations were carried out with - 1-5-10_3M FbC1 2 in 0.1 n K01 + 0.01 % gelatin at 250 in hydrogen atmosphere. The experimental results are shown in a diagram. The value for the diffusion coefficient found in the present paper agrees excellently with the diffusion coefficients of lead ions, which were determined by different methods under the same conditions. There are 1 figure, I table, and 8 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Sofiyskiy goeudarstvennyyuniversitet Sofiya, Bolgariya (Sofiya State University, Sofiya, Bulgaria) PRESENTED: September 1, 1958, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED; September 1, 1958 Card 3/3 BUDEVSKI, E.; DZHAMBAZOVA, M.; KAISHEVA, A.; PJWGKLGVA, N. Mechanism of the reduction of chromate iqw,as tested in drop mercury elec"e. Izv Inst fiz khim 2:131-1/44 162. L r or te- ----and-,-ib 6' Ol -1 Vrw of W6, d iveio~ r rappec O'.suggeste maxivim-1 alla*ab 9-~Opnoajitra~tip -~d 77, Imes, fi noy'- i skovsko dena lanina 90-Or . A Im sc enQya-.-~ ititut Hygi- quo - M*9icqir ~-A~c or Fir6V im - . -'ODDk LS GO OD SIM so vi - IRnTJEOV, M., nachalnik (Bryansk); LITOM, Chernovitskoy oblasti); BUD=. 0., sary) I., sakretarl (solo Sokireny, nachallnik.- COLIKOV, D. (Chobok- Radio amateurs "slat collective farm villages. Radio no.1:15-16 Ja 054, 7:1) 1. Badloklub Toonoyusnogo dobrovollnogo obahchestva, sodoyetviya arnii. avlateli I flotu (for Kryukov). 2. Pkirtbyuro Mashino-traktornoy stantell (for Litovim). 3- Grosnenekly oblastuyy radloklub Tossoyuumogo dobrovollnogo obahchestva sodaystviya. arnii, avlatoll I flotu (for Bad,pr). (Radio in agriculture) I C Czechoslovakia H-17 Zathurecky, L.; Mandak, M Budiacova A it u t, Effect of Kuzmicki Bentonite on pH of Water and Buffer Solutions. 603 Ceskosl. farmac., 1957, 61 No 10, 599-" u .3 r'Ct Addition of -`L~v of Kuzmicki bentonite (B) to water raises its pH from 6.37 to 8.85, and of 2*, to G.201. +. j.1 ieach subsequent addition of B brins about a drop of p.H un.~ its value becomes stabilized at 7.45 (30)v B) . 13 added in amounts of 1-30~6to buffer solutions, prepared in accordance with Czechoslovak Pharmacopoeia 2, of pH 1-6, -increases the"ir pH, and decreases the pH of buffer solutions of pH> 6. In the above-stated amounts B does not'alter the ph of the blood serum of sheep, which makes it possible to uti-lize Kuzmicki bentonite for removal of proteins, clarification$ i ,purification and filtration of some immunobiologioal prepa- Card: rations. -- A. Vavilova. ED~CH...P.I. [Budych, P.1.J Temperature repime as a criterion for determining the interrelation- ship of surface and underground waters. Dop. AN URSR no,1:90-92 165. (MIFA 18:2) 1. Institut, geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrFAR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR V.G. Bondarchukom (Bondarchuk, V.1f.]. -7-7-,Q H-26 RUMANIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application - Carbohydrates and Refinement. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimim, 110 3v 19580- 9484 Author : Kalmim Ao, RcPcewu F., Creanga Iaura, ZoriD W., Budici Georgetta Title : IlTreatment of Rummnian Diatomites and Possibilities of Their Utilization." Orig Pub Abstract : Rev chim., 1957, 8# No 3# 158-161 : The Chemical Ccr4position of diatamites is given and their various uses are stated, especially as filtering materials in the sugar and chemical industries* RUMANIA/Cherdcal Technology Chemical Products and Their H-8 Application - Elements. Oxides. Mineral Acids, Bases, Salts. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1958, 8591 Author : Kalman A., Ionescu Valeria, Man Marinela, Munteanu Mariana, Inst : - Title : Contributions to the Study of the Carbonation Process in the Production of Calcined Soda. Communication I. Prac- tical Directions for Increasing the Output of Carbonation Columns of the Precipitation Process in the Production of Anmnia Soda. Orig Pub : Rev. chim., 1957, 8, No 4, 241-244 Abstract : For the purpose of increasing the output of carbonation columns, in the production of calcined soda, a determina- tion has been made of the basic factors of the carbona- tion process. Card 1/1 AT.,q, Jo3f., I RMIme, 110* 51960r NOv it,' 7 ',Oft I Ka~marlj A., 3udici, G., Creangs, L., Marcu&, D., I J;oz riveri irouass;n- a' liumanial, U--stonites and possLbil- for Theil' Applicationc. R,.irt H. lnvcst!~-a- tion. of th~- :',unlity of n i4timber of Rumanian Deposit CRTG, IVH. S '-t'ev Ghim, 9, NO 7-B, ~94-.~Cj,~, Disciiesion 396 (1958) Nfork, Oil the determ-Inatior, of the quality of dia- I-cTites fi-om variouF qumanjian depos.ts !;ire de- ,cribed. The aut.~~ors have determined the s'rurture adsorption protortlar-, particle size distrivution, epecific gravity, porosity, and otlier parameterz. The bibliography liots 8 titles. For Part I sec. R7,hKhirfi, 1953, No 3, 946"j. From authors' summ~iry Natba,nsohn, M., aRa Flarescu, A. L/1 246 BUDICI, G.; SERIM, E.; IONESCU, V. Obtainment of sodium sulfate and magnesiust salts by a complex utilizatL on of gypsum, dolomite, and rock salt. Report 1. p. 559. REVISTA DE CIEU-IIE. (Ministerul Industriei Petrolului si Chimiei si Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania, Vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, August 1959. Uncl. BUDICEK, Ludv-ik ~ - ~ ~ Equipment for continuous wheat dough production. Prum potravin 14 noo'7043-346 JI 163. 1. Zavody potravinaralkyoh a abladialch pUoju, n,p,,, Pardubice, Vyzkumy ustar Prahm. BUDICKT, -.Tbzef-$- -ins. Problems of mechanization and automation in the national enterprise "Zelezorudne banes, RudnwW. Rudy 10 no.8:254,258 Ag 62. 1. Zelezorudne bans, np., Rudnany. LUUVIKt Vaclavs, inz.; DIMCIMO :00off inz. Technical dust control equipwnt in the Krivoy Rog mines. no.9009-M S 162. 1. Rudne dolyp n.pep Pribrax (for Ludvik)o n.p.p Spieska NOT& Ves (for Budicky). Zeleznorudne bane, 3LnXIN9 I.Sh.; BUDIGAYNY, YO.N. Mrasnodar) loural factor in the PSthWAIsis and-therapy of Wuto dissemi- nated Peritonitis. Xhirarglia a0-.4:69-75 Ap 154. Oam 7:6) (MITONITIS, pbyslology. fteural factor) Alp-, /J-- -14--- - A,' I QY-l 7V- v, I` IV BLYUMIN, I.I.; BUDIGAYNV, Te-11- Prop)Vlaxis of experimental burn shock. Vest.khir. 75 no.3:124 Ap . "55. (NM 8:7) 1. Iz ekspertmentalluoy laboratoril OVG. (SHOW BUDIGLUV J hiy laytenaut meditsinskoy sluzbby; BlYUMIN. I.Sh.. 10 gali , stare polirovnlir meditsinskoy sluzhby (Vaanodar) Mechanism of action Intravenous injections of novocaine. Trach. delo no.2:163-166 7 136o (HM 9,7) (NOVOCAIU) (INMTIM. INMVUOUS) kand.ekon.nauk; ATMOV, Yu.K., dotsent. kand.ekon.wiuk; &IRTOMM, T.G., kand.ekon.nauk-, PRECMRAMUSKIY, A.A., kand. istor.nauk; ATMOV# Tu.K.. dotsent. knnd.ekon.nauk; POLTAMIY, F.Ye., prof., doktor istor.nauk; ZUTIS, YO.Ta. Datis' J.11 GULA", Kh.G., prof., doktor skon.nauk; MMAIMN, Kh.G., prof.p doktor ekon.nauk; KCSTATIT, A.I., dotsent. kand.skon.nauk; KHROKOT# PqAq, prof@, doktor ekon.nouk: -SHALASHII , I.Te., dotsent. kand.akon.nauk; SHWAM, I.N., dotsent, kand.ekon.nauk; POMM- BINSKIT, A.P.. prof., doktor ekon.nauk; CIRLOV, BqPvO dotsent, kand. ekon.nauk; TMMV, V.A., kand.ekon.nauk; BALASHOVA, A.T.. kand. okon.nauk; MOZHIH, V.P.. kand.skon.nauk; KINDAROV, A.T., dotsent, Icana.ekon.nauk; MIGALIN, G.I., prof., doktor ekon.neuk; GOL10NI- CHIT, I.S., prof., doktor ekon.nauk; TOSMSENSKAYA, T., red.; BAKOVMMT, 0., mladshly red.; MOSKVINA, R.. tokhn.rea. [History of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.; lecture course] Istorlia narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR; kurs lektaii. Koskwa, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry~ 1960. 662 'Do (HIFLA 13:5) 1. Daystvitellnvy chlen M Lstviyokoy SSR (for Zutis). (Russia--Iconomic conditions) 13 Lo) Budik, J. Budi~, J. Pressed circuits and standardization. P. 461. Vol. 17, no. 9, Sept. 1956 SUBOPROUDY OBZOR TECMIOU)GY Czechosloyakia So. East European Accessions, Vol. 6, MaY 1957 NO. 5 "Storing coal with the aid of bulldozers." P. 85 (Energetika) Vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1958. Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 :F;I,;DT!,*' J. Lmnli-cpti-on o'L maruf2ctur-ing methods used i-n series product-ion on piecevork. p. 615 ST.RCJM'r2!ST-VI (YIiiiisterstvo tezireho strojirenst-vi, 11-4nizterctvc, v-scobecnebo 0 stronirenstvi) Praha, Czechcslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 8, AuF. 1,059 11 111onthly Li-st of Eest Evropean Accessions (M-U), M, Vol. 9, no. 2 Feb. 196o Uncl. B'UDIKv K. ElectrJc millisecond detonators for mines of the DeM p. 201. (Rudy? Vol. 5., no. 6, June 1957. Praha, C?echoslovakia) Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC,, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncle BUDIK, V. Experiences during my study tour in the West. p. 771, BOR- ES CIPOTEGHNIKA (Boripari Tudomanyos Egyesulet mint a Magyar Tudomanyos Egyesuletek Szovetsege Tagegyesulete) Budapest, Vol. 6. No. h, Aug. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5. No. 119 November 1956 LAGUCHEVP S.S.; HASHINSKAYA, V.N.; ORLOVA, I.I.; ZALETAYEVA, T.A.; BUDIK, V.M. Pinocytosis. TSitblogiia 4 no.4:381-390 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Gruppa eksperimentallnoy morfologii kletki Instituta eksperi- mentallnoy biologii ANN SSSR, Moskva. (CELLS) ,-=IxffiN, A. Work of the dentral Scientific Technical Idbrary of Mechanical Jhginsering. Hashinostroitell no'7:29 Jl 160. (MbtA 13:7) (Moscow-Technical ilbrarl~v) .. 4 .-.4, r B-LJDIK02 M.I. and VOENIKOV, A.I. "Evaporation under natural conditions". (Inparenie v estestvennikh uslovivakh), published by the Hydrometerological Publisher, LENINGIAD 1948. SO: A-1089-54, 2 Sept 1954. BUDIL, Bobuslav,, inz.; DVORAK, Vojtech, inz. New trends in ore dressing technology. Rudy 11 no.9:293-297 S 163. 1. Rudny projekt Praha a Brno. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION CZECH/5216 Budil, Ivo, ed. Do blfzkiho I wdileniho veamfru (Into the Near and Distant Universe) Prague, Orbis, 1960. 10,000 copies printed. Authors: Milan Blaha, Doctor ofyatural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Ondrej Brychta, Engineer. Jan Bukovskyl$ Professor,, D.C.Ae.j Viclav Bumba, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Can- didate of Physics and Mathematics. .den4k Ceplecha, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Josef Dvo A k, Doctor of Medlelne. Vladimfr Guth, )Docent,-Doctor of-Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of-the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Doctor of-Physics and Mathematics'. Joelp Kleczek, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Miloslav Kopeckj, Doctorof Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Lubos Perek, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. MIroslav Plavec, Doctor of Natural Sciences,Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. -Jaroslav Ruprecht, Candidate of Physics and ' Mathematics. Josef Sadil. Ladislav Sehnal, Candidate of Physics Ca Into the Near (Cont.) CZECH/5216 .4k Aveatka, Doctor of Natural Sciences, and Mathematics. Zdene Candidate of Physics and Nathematics., Boris Valn1aek, Doctor of Natural Sciences and Vladimir Vanysek, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Nathematics. Reap. Ed.: Josef Sadil. PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for the general reader Interested in astronomy,-celestial mechanics, and astrophysics. COVERAGE: The book prebents In popular language and in summary form the most Important achievements of science to date in the field of astronomy, celestial mechanics, and-astrophysics, and notear the importance of continued progress In these disciplines. for space travel to the moon and In our solar system, And ulti- mately to the nearest stare and galaxies. In the section headed "About the Authors" the degrees-and titles, affiliations and scientific contributions of each author are given. The text Is accompanied by many diagrams, graphs, and tabular data. There are 3T photographs of various celestial bodies. No personalities Card::--~ Into the Near (Cont.) CZECH/5216 are mentioned. There are 29 raferences., all Czech [several translations]. TABLE OF CONTENTS: THE NEAR UNIVERSE I. The Moon - The Nearest Cosmic Body 7 Size and density of the moon 7 -Orbit of the moon around the earth 8 Phases of the moon 9 The ashen light of the moon 10 Does the moon have any kind of an atmosphere? 11 Temperature on the surface of the moon 13 What does the surface of the moon consist of? 14 Beginnings of lunar mineralogy N Is the moon radioactive? 1 Surface of the moon through a telescope 16 Origin of the seas and craters of the moon 17 Card:=~~ -!P(i /Z-!P(f ut(~ 'PWA, V Lp 3 a -AA06110 P1-4/1>w-4/Pk-4/Pn-4/ BODY.: EXPLOITATION Pi-4/Fh-4/Pno-2/Ps-4) Aro Po-VPe-5/Pq-VPac-4/Fr-4 ' -1JP(C-Y- Bn-vir, Miroulav, (1,:neLneer)'.-, iones, Xonracl, (Profcacor,* Doci~-.); 711vaska Ji"J., -I kDoctor); Alaill, ivo, (GraduRaTe-MMao-so]~hy); Ccplecha-, Zdcnclz, kCandidate Of Physical anT'MUR-ratical Sc-leaces); Codrp lra~n, V1.--(1jMir Antonin Dvora%. (Doctor); Dvora3l., (Candidate or Xedical beiences Oxi:Ki~j VluAimir (Candiftte of MmUcal Sciences, Docentp Doe Hor-.LL,, Ldo-nek, (D&tor of Physical and Mtbewatica Sciencea, Corresponding I-.ember of Vac Czechoslovak Acadenw of Sciences, Professor, Doctor); Ilospodar, Xan, (Doctor of rhysical and-Mathemmtical Sciences$ Doctor); Incezelt, Josi:p, (Doctor); >U ate of Physical and 1WhemItical Sciences); Kolodovslv. MU-1n; Koral.- .. (Candi& Vladimir (Doctor); K0JSS]5x, Milaslay., (Candidate of Legal Sciences); Kriv-ekyj__ Yt., (Can Ladi r;1aYj (Cmaiclatt of P1 V-sical and Mthe=tical Sciences); Kviz, Zdc:qe didate of Physical anrl Mathematicnl Scicnces); uavina, milan, (En~inccr); I-Lilclkp Vladimir, (Doctor)i Moravelt, Milan (Candidate CTEMEECMF-iences); Mramelcl -Jaroslav., (Candidate of Medical Sciences; XnSlncer); Jiri, (C-7,Ed-ld-ate OT Ludek, (Doctorj. --- (Candidate of TecMucal Sciences); XcUZ112 ).b 11ov-0tny, Zdanek, Yhysical and. Math=atical Sciences ; Xovotnyi Men (DocU3r);Pcrnee;r, Jaroslwr, (Doe"- 'Canaidate of Faysical =d Ya =ucal Scieneco Pea Raff, -Profesuor, Doctor.. Engineer); Ual, 1-Monlav, (Doctor of Tecbnical SclenceGjp Corrcupoa&ing %aedber, of the Czechoslovak Academ$ of Stionces); plawe'2 14iroslay, (Doctor); , 3?okornyj Zd--uekp (Canuante of phruical aua Hathe=t1nal Sci=cs' Docento Doctor); C A BUDILP J*f in2a Automtic vrapping machines. lutomatizam 4 no.11:341-343 N 161. (Wnpplng machines) -BUDIL,, -.~mf , im * Mobile shelf racks. Stroj vyr 9 no.12:615-617 161. I BUDIL, Josef, inz. A die for cold pressing of hexagonal nuts. Stroj vyr 11 no.1:46 163. V9114; BUDILLNO, L.P. Powerfj-e-lec-t-r~-ic* draiW- e with sendconductlors. Gaz. prom. 7 no.8: L, 46-47 162. (111RA 17:10) MARTYNOV, M.L.J, inzh.; Prinizall uchastiye.- _p4M.IUNK 1~oKAREV, M.N.; , SHAMI-IN, V..-.,- DOBROVA, M,A. Automatic control of water boilers. Ispoll. gaza v nar. khoz. no.2;226-230, t63, (MMA 18.- 9') 1. Otdel konstruirovaniya aredstv miekhanizatsii i.avILOmatiki Suratovskogo gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo i proyektnogo Anstitut% po ispolizo-vanlyu gaza v narodnom khozzyaystve. F7. j ~ 0 CCESS S/02 5/01 30/01 9/0/000/0 - - ~: 3 9 A 7 ~ ,. nVa-A;'.L '5 32.831, :hnika.. Abs. 0 v N dnwik AT)MtR. T)*heWwj 0 J, , 77 - lect _4 Ag',semiconductors zir rainage :.TTqT M 1ighmpower: 7- OMM: Gaz 1DrcM % drv,.1=* ev~'iemiconft TOPIC TAGS electrical; ctors-- ollico~ vai~66-~ TRANSLATION:. comminicat on:1.0oncerning ey _periviental units, devolcpk" !'Gaipribor". by GiproNIIGAZ andbUilt 1W the Baratov - plant, of a:high power ~ drairxo~i -utiliiini sil:WC4 tectineirs The.drainage system is des gn ed-for a~ irixted~ culTeni of-506 d apperes'an permissible.short-diiration oVerjoadS axperesI t e permissibl up 800.. e back-voltage is 100.v'olts. has one The drainage, Unde-rg successful:operation trials. Orig. art, has ~C d ACCESSION go - o-z s- ustmU - ; ~ -ACQ t *6 C)o~ a I LZ lo. i Tl 4 1 ij BIJDILENKO, V.G. Psychological analysis of volitional self-control of students. Uche zape Saro gose pedago inst. noo42t253-262 163 (MIRA 18i1) ACC NRz AP6034623 SOURCE CODE: UR/0084/66/0001011/0005/0005 AUTIHOR; Budilin, D. (teninabad; Airport chief) ............ ORG; none TITLE: A new air terminal,in Leninabad SOURCE: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, no. 11, 1966, 5 TOPIC TAGS: airport, airfield facility,tivil,airfield ABSTRACT: A new air terminal with a turnover'capa'ci;-- of 200 passengers per hour y has been built at the Leninabad airport, according to the plans of the State Design.and ?1anning Institute of Tadzhikgiprostroy. In addition to specially constructed conveniences for the pas&engers, the airport has covered gangways from t~e landing field to the air terminal, so that passengers are protected in various kinds of weather. Ticket registration and baggage checking *can be done in the air ter-minal or on the.street. At the end of this years the construction of an inn-for 150 persons and a restaurant will begin. An expansion of the city ticket agency is also planned. SUB CODE. O1/ SUBM DATE.- none Caid 1/1' - - DONBUYA. Ye.P.; KARATATWA. Te.A.-, BUDILLM, TU.D.; GOROKHOVA. V.1o; DRITS, P.A. R.A.Volkova; on bar 60th birthday and the 35th anniversary of her Medical service. Probl,tub. 36 no.l-.124 158. (MMA 11:4) (VOLKOVA, KRIIA A . 1897- ) TIMOSHECHKINA, MO.; BIDILINI, G.I,.. Results of the combined use of sarcolysine and brain tissue emulsion under experimental conditionso Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 58 no.10:88-90 0 164o (MIRA 18:12) 1. laboratoriya eksperimentalinoy bioterapii (zav. - chlen- korrespondent AWI SSSR prof. M.M.Mayevskiy) i laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - A.P.Belikova) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii (dir. - deystvitelf- nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.N.111okhin) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted JUIY 4, 1963. BUDILINAp Yu.D. Detection of initial forma of oeteoarticular tuberculosis in young children. Nobl.tub. 38 no,6&19--27 160. (MM 130-1) 1. Iz Irkutskago oblastnogo protivotaberkuleznogo diapansers. (glavnyy vrach - dotsent, M.A* Bolkova),b (BONIS-TUMMLOSIS) HUDILINA, Yu.D. Course and outeme of poteoarticular tuberculdsis in infants and their relation to the nature of intrathoracic changes. Probl,tub, 38 no,4*.62-67 160, (MIRA 1415) (BMEB-TUBERCUIWIS) BUDILINA, Tu. D, - CHOWATEVA, L. 0. .0 , f ..31aftAna. A,- - The plant and technical education In school. Sov.profsoiuzy 4 no.6., 44-46 Je '56. (mm 9:8) (Technical education) lcmtft At -aus-ASO of Consist M-crim Azd tmxmttx At *" **l'TOF!Rdb4- A"~ L l'&rviW.-,- Prgm:i 29 (8) M-23, i,0'00. t6 12% CA was used In them teita~ "awhens, vtem utade of cetmt.xiW xxvd (1:3) and 2.5 to - F em T*tAi;'Rcmdbwmccimpared with those ofspecim with addl,'-, ADIP-Silau Itbi~ cIV -atuount be Sludia 141 '*btmbed;',*th-c'- t he -eff 'd bein 4no ea~-~t.F%Vqxt,. CC TV ttr I-ftt ~ -01 'ta ibe cruJAbs:zl-:-- 0406Z,uk -6=lly MWIson wkh cempt. cone: tloo plmtu. BUDIIDVO A. A., Engr, NIITsement USSR/Engineering - Constructions Materials 30 Apr 52 "Recent Investigations in the Field of Coarsely Porous Concretes" Prof B. Go Skramtayev,, Dr Tech Scis A* A. Budilov, Engrj, NIITsement "Byul Stroitel Tekh" No 8, pp 9-13 Studies effect of water-cement ratio and rubble grain compn on strength of concrete, diacusues, primatic strengths thermal cond and air-permeability of coarsely porous concrete and suggests.its application for high buildings as heat-insulating material. PA 213T61 I 1. jAj- SM .'TAME 0"." PROP': 2. U5.9R (600) 4, Cement 7. ExBmining the effectiveness of various admixtures for accelerating the hardening of cGment solutions. Stroi. prom. 30 no. 10, 1952. 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jantma 1953. Unclassified. Lot.. 1 7 J Investigation of phyalsel iMarsaterlstlem of large-poroconcrate. ?jXkjAi$khV AIAJ ~ji A. lli)bkl)~. Stroild, Prom., 3114120- Ali Arcl 4il' ~il Shrinkage, coefficient 61 fillUt palw6i, iiWiilus of elasticity. beaditig-itrength, prism' sitk'nii~ adhesion to fvinforcetvkif:-A~a hailing chav~mcteristlcs. Curves for selecting optivium' SnEL~Iidons are included. B.Z.K.