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New method for making worms. Mashinostroitell no,.9:23 S 160.
(MIRA 13:9)
(Machine-shop practice)
ERUSENTSEV, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk
Measures preventing seepage from farm distributing ditches.
Wauch. zap. MUM 19."234-248 157o (KIRA 15:3)
(Irrigation canals and flumes)
HAKATEV, M.G., kand.tekhn.hauk; SKIR`N`0-V-,-A.V.,;
AFANASIYXV, I.V.-, VOLODIKO, I.F.. kand.tekhn..Inauk-, 3FGLYAROT. S.A.;
MI.; FANIX&M, V.V., kand.takhn.nauk; XULIKOV, P.Ye.; SHIMANOVICH,
S.Y.; IELITSIN, N.V., retsenzent; BRAUDE, I.D., retsenzent; BARYSHU,
A.M.; retsenzent; GRIGORYANTS, A.!S., retsenzent; IGNATYUK, G.L.,
retsenzent; KAT, I IN9 A.Ya., retsenzent; MKENETSXIY, N.D.,
retsenzent; POPOV, X.V., retsenzent; ORLOVAj V.P., red.; LBTIW#
V.7a., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.M.,; FZDOTOVA, A.F.,
(Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineers] Spravochnik
gidrotekhaika melioratora. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry.
195P. 766 P. (MIRA 12:3)
(Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural engineering)
300) SOV/99-59-11-5/15
AUTHOR: Brusentsev Candidate of Technical Sciences
aMCL AjEiiV, Engineer
TITLE: The Use of Bentonite loams in Antifiltration Screens
for Farm Irrigation Canal Ne-biorks in the Golodnaya
PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 1959, Nr 11, pp 21-23
ABSTRACT: This article deals with the use of Bentonite loams
in anti-filtration screens for irrigation canal sys-
tems at farms on the Golodnaya 6teppe; a nurnber of
experiments recently conducted are briefly described,
and their results outlined and discussed. it is sta-
ted that sovkhozy (state farms), with a land area of
10-15,000 hectares each, are planned for newly irri-
gated lands in the Golodnaya Steppe. loss of water by
filtration from the canals of the extensive irrigation
system can be very considerable; the authors assert
that the effectiveness of antifiltration measures on
periodically operating canals - such as these - is
Card 1/3 about 5-10 times lower than that for constantly ope-
The Use of Bentonite loams in Antifiltration Screens for Farm Ir-
rigation Canal Networks in the Gclodnaya Steppe
rating systems, and thus the cost of these measures
must be greatly cut, which is possible by using a new
type of antifiltration covering for the canal beds.
Antifiltration screen structure and its requirements
are briefly discussed; screens of a dense mixture of
soil and Bentoniteg or of pure Bentonite, are recom-
mended. The advantages of using Bentonitue loams are
outlined; such screens meet all requirements. The
use of Bentonite loams in the USA and Japan is also
mentioned. In 1957 loams from the AzknTnnr deposit
in the Bukhara oblast', with a swelling index of
500-700%, were tested by the'laboratories of the
"Sredazgiprovodkhlopok" and MIIVKh imeni
(Vill yams) institutes; the purposes and results
of these tests are briefly outlined. In 1958 further
laboratory tests, briefly outlined, were conKcted by
the laboratoriya kafedry sellskokhozyaystvennykh meli-
oratsiy DIIIVKh (laboratory of the Department of Agri-
cultural land Reclamations of the MIIVKh); the results
Card 2/ 3 are enumerated. In the summer of 1957,field tests of
The Use of Bentonite loams in Antifiltration Screens for Farm Ir-
rigation Canal Networks in the Golodnaya Steppe
antifiltration screens of a mixture of soil and Bento-
nite loam from the Azkamar deposit were conducted at
the state cotton farm "Druzhba" in the Golodnaya Steppe;
testing conditions are presented briefly. The results
of these field tests established that in canals with a
flat soil-Bentonite screen, filtration losses are de-
creased 3-4 times. The results of both laboratory and
field tests showed that the use of soil-Bentonite screens
is the most acceptable antifiltration measure for perio-
dically operating canal systems under the soil condi-
tions of the Golodn4ya Steppe; the Dentonite content of
screens should not exceed 15vlto by weight. The authors
conclude with a note.on present costs of manually proces-
sing Bentonite loams and producing screens using this
loam, indicating the reduction in costs which would re-
sult from mechanization of this work.
ASSOCIATION: MIIVKh imeni Villyamsa (MIIM imeni Vill-jmzs)
Card 3/3
Seepage preventing measures in intrafarm distributing canals
of the Golodnaya Steppe. Mat. po proizv. sil. Uzb.-no-15:179-
196 160. (MIRA 14:8)
1. Moskovskiy institut, inzhenerov vodnogo khozyaystva im. V.R.
(Golodnaya Steppe-Irrigation canals and flumes)
BMSERTSBY, V.Y., kand.tekhn.-u ; VBDBN!rAPIN, T.Te., inzb.
Studying the seepage-reducing properties of Wdrophobic soils.
Hauch.zap. HIIVEH 22:219-228 160.- (mm :13o)
(Boil per1colAtion)
AYDAROVI I.P., mladshiy nauohnyy sotrudnik; BRUSENMEV, V.F., starshiy
nauchnyy sotrildnik
Antipercolation bentonite linings of irrigation eaz4a in the
Golodnaya Steppe, Izv. TSUM no.3-.160-170 162 . (iaRA 15-9)
(Golodnaya. Stel5pe-Irrigation canals and flumes)
Unit for manufacturing knitting needles with eyes. Biul.tekh.ekon.
Inform. G)s.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh. inform. 164.
kM1RA 18:4)
"The Influence of Potassium Bromide and Potassium Chloride Concentration on the
Yield of Molecular Products Fr6m Radiolysis of Water Solutions" p.40
Trudy Transactions of the PUmt Conference on Radioaction QmistxTp Moscow,
Izd-vo Ali 5=0 19%. 33DJV.
Conference -25-30 Harch 1957, Hoacow
1)0'- 1. 1. ana S. A (1nst- Of PlIvs-1cal Chemistry)
UN, I T5 NA 9
"The Action of Ionizing Radiation on Concentrated Water Solutions of Inorganic
-ao-'4ps and Ralia~lm LD C*AfmistrY, Co~-Iec:J-on of
A-IL-Ulica ftnt. on Use of Radioaclive and Sl~nblv
Ra-dia-11cei tn NaUanal acnmy aud Sclen.7g, Mos,-,ow, Tz4-vo.
- z,
-Is voD~-zf- J~k)blis4&3 Wi* revu-'ZI Of Qf "h,!
G-A U,7,E: L; az-,,
r-, !-xZ,-A hie i m-a I F~7--Zr; nmy, Z-,~Caf; C; 117 5
C o InIA r, t, r r, U",
Z,11.1) -.12 Ac-rii 1,:7
BRUSENTSEVA, S. A., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Determination of the
~ ~~a of ion-radical reactionstduring radiolysis,of
aqueous solutions of KBr, KC1, KI, and KBr with FeS04*1' Moscow,
1960. 15 pp; (Moscow State Univ im M. V. Lomo'nosov); 150 copies;
price not given; (KL, 32-60, 145)
AUTHORS: Brusentseva, S. A. and Dolin, P. I.,(Moscow)
TITLE: Radiative Oxidation of Fe 2+ Ions in Solutions Containing KBr
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 11,
pp. 2513-2516
TEXT: The authors wanted to determine the ratio between the rate constants
of the rpaction of Fe2+ and Br-, and of Fe2+ and Cl- ions with OH radicals.
The 3 - 4.10-4 M FeSO 4 solutions were irradiated in 0.8 N E2 s04 with Co 6o
(dose rate, (2 t 4).-jo15 ev/cm3.sec) at various concentrations of the added
KBr or KC1. In FeSO solutions saturated with air, the G(Fe3+) yield
decreases from 15.6 to 12.3 if the KBr concentration is 10- 1 M. A rise of
the KBr concentration entails an increase of G(Fe3+) to 16.5-16.9. In an
evacuated FeSO 4 solution, Ge(Fe3+) falls from 8.8 to 4.4 in the presence
of 0.1 M KBr and rises again with an increase of the KBr concentration.
Card 1/2
Radiative Oxidation of Fe 2+ Ions in S/07 60/034/011/013/024
Solutions Containing KBr B004YI3064
When KC1 is added, G(Fe3+) does not decrease but rises again at high KCI
concentrations. This effect of KBr is explained by the compatible reaction
rates Fe 2+ +OH--*Fe3++OH- (1) and Br-+OH-+Br+OH- (7), as well as H+H+----.*E+
(5) and Br+H---3-Br-+H+ (8). At KC1 the rate of the reaction Cl-+OH---,--Cl+OH-
is incompatible with the reactions of Fe 2+ and therefore, remains without
effect. The G(Fe3+) increase observed at high KBr and KC1 concentrations
is explained by the oxidation of Fe 2+ by the liberated halogens. The ratio
of the reaction constants of the Fe 2+ and Br- ions with the OH radicals
determined from the dependence of the Fe 2+ oxidation on the ratio
&e 2+ ] : [Br-j of the concentrations was found to be 90. There are 3
figures and 5 referencest 1 Soviet, 2 US, 1 British, and 1 Canadian.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut elektrokhimii (Academy of
Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Electrochemistry)
SUBMITTED: February 24, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Brusentseva, S. A., Doling ~. 1. 9/0: 6'e4110110321060
TITLE: Radiolysis of KBr Solutions Under the Action of 66o-Mev
Protons t
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr It PP 117 - 119
ABSTRACT: The aim of the present paper is that of investigating the
action of a heavy radiation having such a high energy that the
value -dE/dx approaches that of a light radiation, in order to
determine those difference as arise with heavy radiation due
to central collisions. In the case of the 660-Mev proton
radiation used for this investigation, the valu4 of -dE/dx was
almost equal to that of a 1-Mev electron radiation. As this
causes the same radiochemical processes as the gamma radiation-ei
of Co6o , the latter was taken f .or.i comparison. The energy
absorbed by the solution was determined by measuring the total
proton flux by two methodas (1) by measuring the C activity
of a graphite plate that was placed in the proton flux; (2) by
the use of an ionization chamber calibrated according to the
Card 1/3 Faraday cylinder. Measuring reiult8 differed by 25 - 30%-
Ra4iolysis of KBr Solutions Under the Action of : 3/020J60/131/01/032/060
660-Nev Protons B004/BO11
Radiolyeis was investigated on solutions of FeSO 41 KBrP and
on pure water. G(Fe3+) was spectroscopically determined in
FeSO4 solutions (Fig 1), and the-same value was fo.und as in
the gamma radistion'of Go - In KBr solutions the authors
measured the amount of hydrogen that wag+burned in a vacuum
apparatus on platinum wire at 180 - 200 . As is shown by
figure 2, G(H 2) increases with rising KBr concentration up"to
10-3 M, remains constant between 10-3 and 10-2 M, and rises
again with higher concentrations. The same result was obtained
for gamma radiation of Co . Hance, it follows from experiments
made with FeSO 4 and KBr that the radiochemical effect is solely
dependent on a single index of radiation, namely, on the
energy lose per unit of distance. The determination of G(H 2)
in pure water in the case of gamma radiation yielded 0-07
molecules per 100 ev, and 0-15 - 0.19 in the case of proton
radiation. The authors, however, do not consider the explan-
Card 2/3 ation of this difference by central collisions to be probableg
Radiolysis of KBr Solutions Under the Action of S/020/60/131/01/032/060
660-Mev Protons B004/BO11
but assume the action of impurities. There are 2 figures and
7 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
PRESENTED: November 20, 1959 by A. N. Frumkin, Academician
SUBMITTED: November 10, 1959
Card 3/3
The Rate Played In Electrode Processes by Stsible Products fern" %ben Aq~ Solullons Art 4
Expeoed to R*dhirlon
P. L Will, D. V. Kokoulhis ind S. A. PAuscritpst
Tbc participation of the short-lived products of water radiolyh In the establish-t of he .1~1-de W"liall
arkI In the clectrudo proonts h3s been discutted In The literature. The experimental results obtained by the authors
with a P1 electrode in a solution or suiphutic acid find a complete interpretation In thow Occirode rc3ctions in
which only the moIccular products of water radiolysis (1)s and H.0g) take part.
An Im-citIC311on or the triect of radiation on thL~ rate or elcormhemical'o-driation or Formic add and ethyl
alcohol on a rotating Pt electrode showed that the observed effects are also determined in general by stable products
Formed when radiation act% on these solutions. The fundamental Plitt In the formic acid solution li rl3)cd by hydru-
Wn peroxide. and In the ethanol solution by acculdehyde and hydrogen peroxide, ne 1,itticipition orshort-lived
radiolysis Products has not been delected In these procesmis.
RAJ14flim Cliefflkel 1ANOW1, Uffirorkmirar 1-lHW1,,4nWmjV5rlr-, Ma-, Us
rOPCFl7t P2VDeMt*4 at the 2A1 Intlo Magmen of, R&Uatim V*gearchv
Asirrogt./Urkolilm, Ot. Brit. 5-U AV8 1962
Effect of X rays on the electrochemical oxidation of formic acid
on Pt anode. Dokl. AN SM 144 no.5:1081-1084 Je 162.
(ERA 15:6)
1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom
(Formic acid) (Oxidation, Electrolytic) (X rays)
lffect of X rays on the electrochemical oxidation of ethyl alcohol
on a Pt-4mode. Dokl. AN SM 147 no*38649-652 N 162-
(MIRA 13M)
1. Institut elektrokhimij AN SM. prodot&vleno e&admikom A.N*
Pramkinym ZM-yl elcohbj) (Bleetrochemistry) (I rays)
MMSENTSEVAI_S,Af.r kand. MAm. mauk
Symposium -on Radiochamistry. Vast. AN SSSR 33 no,2183--84
Ja 163. (MIM 16: 1)
Radiation-chemical oxidation of potassium Iodide in solutions saturated
with nitrous oxide. Dckl. AN MR I(S2 no.5-.1083-1085 Je 165.(MIRA 16:7)
1. Institut elektrokbimii AN SSSR. Submitted December 26, 1964.
Coal yield prospects of coal deposits of the Pripet lowland.
Dokl.AN BSSR 3 no,10:408-41? 0 '59- (MIRA 13.2)
1. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR K.I.Lukashavym.
(Pripet Vallev--Coal)
--- - - --- __- - - - - -
Analytical Ghemistr,
Dissertation: "A new Fast Method of Determining the Value of Pharma-
ceutical Preparations." Cand Chem Sci, Moscow Pharmaceutical Inst,
Moscow, 1953. (Referativnyy Zhurnal--Khimiya, Yoscow, No 3, Feb 54)
SO: SUM 213, 20 Sept 1954
E"o CO-S ENTS 0 V, P" W.,
SHEHYAKIII, Fedor Mikhaylovich; KARPOV, Aleksay Hikiforovich; BRUSENTSOV,
Aloksandr Nikolayevich KUVSHINSKIY, M.N., red.; LYtDKUrSnT*-,-H-.1-.-�
(Analytical chemistry] Analiticheeksia khimiia. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo
med.lit-ry. Ptele [Qualitative chemical semimicroanalysis for
students at pharmaceutical iuetitutes] Xachestvenr7i khImicheskii
polumi~rosnaliz dlia studentov farmatsevtichoskikh institutov.
1957. 389 P. Nin 11:6)
(Chemistry, Analy tical-qu lita tive)
red.; LYUIKOVSrAYA, N-r-
[Analytical chemistry] Analitichaskaia khimils. Moskva, Goa.
izd-vo ned..lit-ry. Pt.2. [Quantitative chemical analysis]
Xolichestvannyi khimicheskii analiz. 1960- 389-p-
(Chemistry, Anslytical-quantitative) (MIRA 13:12)
An#lysie of mixtures of certain cations by means of t i
, rper-9 r f
chromatography. Sbor. nauch. rab. MFI 2:66-69 159 MIRA 14:1
1. Kafedra. analiticheskby Ichirdi (zav. - prof. F.M. Shemyakin)
Moskovskogo farm~tievtioheskogo instituta. -
Sediments of the Moscow stage in the Pripet Graben. Dokl.AU
BSSR 4 no. 11:474-477 N 16o. (HIRA 13:12)
1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN BSSR, Fredstavleno akademikrom
AN BSSR K.I. Lukashevym.
(Pripet Valley-Geology, Stratigraphia)
BASOV, S.Xe., inzh.; BRUSENTSOVI P.A., inzh.; LOVITSKIY, A.K., inzh.
Cenveyor line for transferring ore concentrate over great
distances. Prom. stroi. 40 no.5:30-33 162. (MIRA 15:5)
(Conveying machinery)
(Ore handling)
AUTHOR: Brusentsov, L.V., Assistant
TITLE: Automation of the Recording and Evaluation of Graphs of
the Progress of Processes as Applied to Electrical
Energy Studies in Industry (Avtomatizatsiya-z-apisi I
obrabotki'grafikov protekaniya protsessov v primenenii
k. elektroenergeticheskim issledovaniyam v promyshlenn-
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeng.) Elektro-
mekhanika, 1958, Nr 81 pp 108-118 (U
ABSTRACT: A set of equipment is described for recording and hand-
ling data about individual machines, power demands of
whole factories and loads imposed by entire areas. The
load, current, power factor etc. are recorded on a
photographic recorder (which is described); the mean
load, etc. is measured from the blackening on the film
by a photoelectric device with facilities for changing
the time scale of the averaging. Some accessories for
linearising the scales of the instruments are described.
An instrument is dealt with which produbes histogr
Card 1/2 from the recorded curves; so is one which gives the
correlation function, though not many details are given.
Automation of the Recording and Evaluation of Graphs of the Progress
of Processes as Applied to Electrical Energy Studies in Industry
The diagrams and drawings are not very good and few
exact dimensions are given, though principles are
adequately dealt with.
There are 17 figures and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektrifikatsii promyshlennykh predpriyatiy
Novocherkasskogo politekhnicheskogo institute
(Chair for Electrification of Industrial Undertakings
of Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute)
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1958
card 2/2
als: I W 44/60/000/02/012/019
4Q0A;'d V E191+./El55
AUTHOR: Brusentsov, Assistant
TITLE: The T~e of Integrating Instruments for Investigating
Electrical Loads
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zaveden3*-Yl
Blektromekhanika, 1960, Nr 2, pp 110-126 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is becoming increasingly necessary to have accurate
information about the load consumption of various types
of electrical equipment in order to design supply systems
accurately. Induction-.type integrating meters are
Commonly used for this purpose, though they are not
always suitable. The present,article sets out to
determine the field of application of these instruments
and to extend this field by suggesting special
additional devices. In industry, i6tegrating meters
operate under conditions widely different from those
obtaining in the laboratory. The instruments are
particularly subject to error when the load curve under-
goes many sudden variations. This dynamic error occurs
because the rate of acceleration or deceleration of the
Vici rotating disc does not correspond exactly to the rate of
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
change of current, or other property measured. Previous
authors have considered the dynamic error of induction
meters when the load curve is rectangular but other
cases have received less attention. For example, in
starting induction motors the acceleration of the disc
on application of the load may be many times greater than
the free deceleration as the load falls. The dynamic
error has not been determined for this case, and the
resent article endeavours to do so. No attempt was made
o determine the error exactly for each particular type
of load curve. The main object was to assess the error
in order to consider whether the instrument is suitable
for investigating industrial loads. For study of the
dynamic error it is convenient to compare the equations
of motion of an actual and an ideal inertia-less meter;
Eqs (1) and (2) correspond to the two cases. In the ideal
instrument the coefficient of proportionality between the
Card disc speed and the measured power is a constant. In the
2/10 real meter it is not, because of the presence of
additional retarding moments due to friction7 eddy
Tbj Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
currents and features of the magnetic system. The
difference between the coefficient for the two cases is
not great and corresponds to the static error of the
instrument at various loads. In determining the dynamic
error between 10% and 200% rated load, a mean value of
the proportionality coefficient may be used, thus
simplifying the equation of motion. The oscillogram of
the load curve when starting an induction motor is given
in Fig 2. For the purpose of the examination it is
considered in two separate sections using different
coefficients of proportionality between disc speed and
load, one when the motor is connected to the supply and
the other whenit is not. In considering the motor
driving.torque; the load curve may be divided into four
sections, each with linear change of torque, as shown in
Fig 2. The modified curve is used when assessing the
dynamic error. The resultant error is shown to be the
difference between the error on starting and that when
3/1u the meter is over-running. For a rectangular load curve
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
the relative error is given by expression (21). This
expression can often be used in practice, particularly
if the time of connection of the load is substantially
greater than the time-constant of the meter. The case
is then considered of short-term connection of an
induction motorg when the meter disc speed does not reach
a steady value before the motor is disconnected. In this
case the relative error for the cycle is given by
expression (32). This expression is complicated and
unsuitable for practical calculations but its use may be
avoided by showing, with its help, whether the dynamic
error is of acceptable magnitude for actual load cycles.
In order to evaluate the dynamic error of a three-phase
e I
induction meter typ Othe meter characteristics
necessary for the calculations were determined experimen-
tally and oscillograms of the starting of an induction
motor were taken. Calculations were also made by
Card formula (32) and compared with the experimental results.
4/10 The dynamic error of the meter was determined by
continuous photography of the rotating disc, using the
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
special automatic camera illustrated in Fig 3. The test
circuit is shown in Fig 1+ and the experimental and
calculated values of dynamic error are given in Table 1.
It will be seen that in most of the tests the error is
not greater than that corresponding to the class of the
instrument. Recording-type instruments are not very
convenient for determining industrial load curves because
the graphical calculations tend to be laborious.
Integrating meters can generally be applied, using them
to give a mean value of the magnitude measured over an
interval of time. The smaller the time-interval, the
more closely the true curve is represented but, of course,
this tends to give a large number of readings. Experience
shows that in most cases readings taken at intervals of
15-30 minutes are usually sufficiently accurate and it is
only occasionally necessary to reduce the intervals to
5-10 minutes. Statistical methods must be used in
assessing the possible error. By way of example, the
error due to parallax in a three-phase induction meter
.5/10 type IT with a scale of 0.02 kWh per division is
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
considered. For each measurement the possible parallax
error is half a division or � 0.01 kWh. Each measure-
ment is the difference of two readings and so the error
per measurement may be double this. It is then shown
that the effect of the variable load curve may be to
increase the error by a factor of 6 as compared with that
obtained with a steady load. Fig 5 shows a graph of the
relationship between the possible error of reading and
the time interval of measurement, The shaded part of the
curve corresponds to the possible error of reading in V/
making power measurements on an induction motor with a
meter type IT. As current transformers are made in only
a limited number of ratings it is possible that in a
particular case the meter may be more lightly loaded than
in the case considered and the error correspondingly
greater. The examples quoted show that in using an
induction-type meter the errors due to parallax alone may
Card be considerable when short time intervals are used.
6/10 Errors due to play in the meter mechanism are of the same
order as those due to parallax and are random in nature.
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
Therefore, the use of induction meters when taking load
curves with small time intervals is not to be recommended.
Errors of time-measuring devices are then considered.
Special instruments for automatically measuring the time
for which equipment is connected to supply are not
produced in the Soviet Union and people concerned with
investigating load curves.have to make their own
instruments. Usually a synchronous motor type SD-2 or
SD-6oj to standard GOST 2641-44, is adapted for the
purpose. Its accuracy for time measurement depends on the
stability of the system frequency. There is also a
dynamic error.: whilst the motor rotor is accelerating or
decelerating. It is of interest to determine experimen-
tally the dynamic error of motors types SD-60 and SD-2.
Laboratory tests of several instruments fitted with motor
type SD-60 have shown that the absolute positive dynamic
error is from 0.1 to 0.4 revolutions~ which corresponds tu
the same number of seconds error per cycle of load
7/10. connection. The voltage drop in industrial circuits may
increase the absolute error of the instrument to 0.15 sec
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
per cycle. What has been said above about errors in
readings made with induction-type instruments applies
also to time-measuring devices of this kind. However,
such timing devices are usually left connected for
considerable periods so that this factor is not very
important. Integrating instruments may be improved both
by increasing their accuracy and by making them easier
to use. In recent years devices for recording
integrating-meter readings have been described but none
of them has been good enough to be generally adopted.
The author has developed an improved instrument which has
given good service in industry and in coal mines. The
integrating meter is provided with an impulse-signalling
device consisting of a slip-ring with insulated sections,
as illustrated diagrammatically in Fig 7. When the drum
rotates periodic signals are given. The recording
device, a photograph of which is given in Fig 9, contains
Card 35 mm film driven at a speed of about 200 mm per hour by
8/10 a synchronous motor type SD-2. Signals from the meter
are applied to a lamp and thereby recorded on the film.
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
The device can record eight signals simultaneouslyg so
that one instrument will serve four integrating meters
each with two commutator drums. The instrument is small
and can work in any position and could be adapted to
automatic operation, by the use of photo cells. Its main
disadvantage is the need to develop the photographic film.
The dynamic error of the instrument may be improved by
disconnecting the counter mechanism when the rotating
disc free-wheels after-the load has been disconnected.
A more convenient alternative is to apply a brake, and in
this way the positive and negative dynamic errors on
starting and stopping may be equated and compensate one
another. A device of this kind is, however, rdther
complicated and it appears best to incorporate an electro-
magnet to allow not only for the starting time but also
for the times for which the electrical load is on and off,
A device of this kind is illustrated diagrammatically in
Fig 10; an electro-magnet is used to couple the
continuously-rotating shaft of the synchronous motor to
9/10 one of two counters. Because of its inherent
The Use of Integrating Instruments for Investigating Electrical
characteristics, the on-load and off-load currents
necessary to actuate the electromagnet differ
considerably. The author has reduced this discrepancy
by arranging for the armature motion to shunt the
current coil of the electromagnet by a resistance.
There are 10 figures, 1 table and 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektrifikatsii promyshlenpykh predpriyatiy,
Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut
(Chair for Electrification of Industrial Undertakings,
Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute)
ETTI 3 D October 20, 1959
AUTHORS:, Kayalov, G. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
Brusentsov. "T----V-
TITLE: Correlation Functions o4 Load Curves of the Electrical
Drives of Machine Toolsl%ii_dTheir Practical Significance
PERIODICAL: Izve6t"iya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy
Elektromekhanika, 1960, Nr 5, pp 123-129 NSSR)
ABSTRACT: The meaning of the term "correlation function" is first
defined; it is a limit of the form given by expression
(1). Correlation functions are becoming widely used
for a variety of purposes, including analysis and
calculation of the loads on industrial electrical
systems. The correlation function gives the variation
of possible mean values of load over a given tiine interval.
Thus if the correlation function of the load curve is
known, the statistical three sigma rule may be used to
calculate maximum loads of any duration, such as half
an hour or fifteen minutes. Moreover, knowledge of
the correlation function of load curves of individual
current-consuming devices is very useful for assessing
Card 1/6 whether the manufacturing process is sufficiently
Correlation Functions of Load Curves of the Electrical Drives of
Machine Tools and Their Practical Significance
rhythmic and organised. The present article considers
both these applications of the correlation function.
Hitherto, the correlation functions of load curves of
industrial electric power systems have not been
studied experimentally: the authors describe such a
study carried out in the machine shopsof an Electric
Locomotive Works and of a Tractor Works. The measure-
ments in the shops were carried out by a student
A. Derevyanchenko and Engineer S. Pronin. Determination
of each individual point on the curve oTthe correlation
function requires laborious integration and the work was
greatly facilitated by the use of two special semi-
automatic measuring instruments designed by one of the
present authors. These instruments, a recorder and an
analyser, were described in Izvestiya vy6shikh uchebnykh
zavedeniy,-Elektromekhanikal, Nr 8, 1958. The recorder
was used to determine the load curves in the form of
special photographs and the analyser was used as a
correlator to make automatic calculations of the right-
Card 2/6 hand side of formula (1). In practice, the infinite
Correlation Functions of Load Curves of the Electrical Drives of
Machine Tools and Their Practical Significance
limits of integration given in formula (1) must be
replaced by finite limits. Figs la and 3a give typical
examples of correlation function curves for the indi-
vidual load curves of machine tools determined in this
way. If the machine is running rhythmically, that is,
if the load curve is strictly periodic, the correlation
function is also periodic. In practice, this applies
only to automatic machines: in other cases the duration
of the operating cycle varies in a random manner from 11_~
one cycle to the next. Therefore, the correlation
function of the individual load curve is no longer
periodic but ranges between the rms and the mean ordinates
of the load curve during the shift. Figs lb and 3b give
curves of the distribution of the duration of an individual
cycle obtained directly from the load curves of individual
machines. The actual load curves are not given because
theirEhape during a single cycle of the machine tool
does not influence the damping time of the correlation
Card 3/6 function curve. It will be seen that the graph of Fig la,
Correlation Functions of Load Curves of the Electrical Drives of
Machine Tools and Their Practical Significance
Card 4/6
which corresponds to a relatively small dispersion in
the value of the cycle time (see Fig lb) has the most
nearly periodic correlation function. A summated effect
arises from the super-position on a strictly periodic
but weak signal of stronger irregular interference. If
graphs of the correlation functions are constructed, they
can be u3ed to reveal the presence of the signal and to
determine its periodicity from the periodicity of the
damped wave of the correlation function. This principle
may be used to detect machine stoppages in the common
case when the dispersion is relatively great and the
stops are relatively small. Under such conditions, it
is difficult to establish the presence and duration of
stops directly from the load curve and the indirect
method is to be preferred. First the mean value of the
duration of the cycle is determined. It corresponds to
the required normal law on a load curve without stoppages,
and suffices to determine the period of damped waves on
the correlation function graph. Then, on the ex-oerimental
distribution curve, experimental values of the cycle time
Correlation Functions of Load Curves of the Electrical Drives of
Machine Tools and Their Practical Significance
are laid off from the origin to determine the mean value
of the standing time. It has been found that variations
in the cycle time depend almost entirely on variations in
the stopping time, whilst the time which the machines are
in operation is usually constant. This has been observed
in many workshops and it also applies to the load curves
of underground sub-stations in coal mines. Fig 4 shows
the correlation function of a feeder load curve which is
aperiodic, whilst that in Fig 5 contains a damped
periodic oscillation associated with the presence in the
load of one large item of current-consuming apparatus.
In general, the presence of damped waves in the graph of
the correlation function of the total load of a group
of power-consuming equipment has no important influence
on the dispersion of the mean loads over particular
intervals of time. If there are waves in the graph the
envelopes of the maxima and minima may have different
time-constants, as may be seen in the graphs of Figs 3a
and 5. Attempts by the authors to obtain a simple
Card 5/6 graphical experimental relationship between the time
Correlation Functions of Load Curves of the Electrical Drives of
Machine Tools and Their Practical Significance
constant of damping of the correlation relationships
the ratio of this time constant to the cycle time
exceed 4, so that expression (5) was generally valid.
The method of using the data obtained in the present
article to calculate the loading of industrial electric
power systems falls outside the scope of the present
article. There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references.
169 , a/ /vA ,
1.49 -10 . P,
ASSOCIATION: NoVocherkasskiy politekhnichesklyinstitut
(Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute)
SUBMITTED: January 28, 1960
and other constants was unsuccessful; but in no case did
Card 6/6
AVILM-KARRAUKHOV, Boris Bikolayevich, doktor toklin.nauk, x)rof.; KAYALOT,
Georgiy Mikhaylovdch, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent;.BRUSENTSOV
~Tai 'jqjjShL_a!!~stent; SHALYGIN, Igor'Tladimirovich,
Devices for studying the long-term Drocesses. Izv. vys. ucheb.
zav.; elektromkh. I no-7:92-98 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy elektrifikataii -promyshlennykh
predDriyatiy Novocharkaeskogo po1itekhnICheBkogo Inatitut (for
Avilov-Karnau~hov). 2. Bovocherkasakiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut
(for Kayalov). 3. Kafedra elektrifikataii oromahlennykh -Dred-orl-
yatiy Novocherkassko~go, -oolitekhnicheskogo institut kforbruaArtsov).
4. Kafedra alektrifikataii promyshlennvkh prcdpriyatiy Novo-
nherkasskogo politekhnichoskogo institut (for Shalygin).
(.~sco~ding instruments)
Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Methods of test' - electric-power studies
on the performance of industrial electrical receiving containers."
rKharIkoy7j 1961. 19 pp-with illustrations ; (Ministry of Higher
and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, KharIkov Polytechnic
Inst imeni V. I. Lenin); 200 copies; price not given; list of
author's works on pp 18-19 (11 entries); (KL, 6-61 sup, 214)
Methodology of studying the expenditure of workin
.g time and the
utilization of equipment in time and by capacity; -Trudy NPI
139215"25 162. (MM 16:6)
(Time'istudy) (Machine tool industry-Production standards)
':ABSTRACT: To combine amplitude and time selection of the input signal,".
,the proposed analyzer (see Fig. I of the Enclosure) contains a time
!gate circuit which includes a differentiating shaper-amplifier with
itwo outputs. One amplifier output is connected'through an oscillator
jol-standard time intervals to one input of the gate trigger, vhile
.!the second amplifier output is connected directly to the second trigger
~input. The trigger DUtpUt is In tUTn connected to one of the valve
.inputs. [DW]
..i -
L 54558-65
Amplitude selectorl 2
shaper- 3 - valve; 4 - counter;
5 - diiferentiating shaper-
amplifier; 6--- oscillator of
standard time Intervals; 7
Calculation of the
zav.; elektromekh.
average cycl~e of a random process. Izv. vys. ucheb.
8 no.5:602-603 '165. (MIRA 18:7)
Professor Georgii Mikhailovich Kaialov, 1905- ; on his 60th
birthday and the 37th anniversary of his theoretical and educa-
tional work. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; alektromekh. 8 no.10:1181-
1182 165. (MIRA 18:11)
ACC AR,--X 013582 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0144/65/000/010/3-181/11C2
AUTHOR: Avilov-Karnaukhqv, -P. X.; Bogush, As A.; Gikis, A., F~; Drozdov,.-A.--P.L;
- -tinel ' I
Malov. D. I --- Inikov,,. Yqe M.; Brusentsov,'L. V.1 Denisov,. A. A.; Pal'sh u. )L._Yoj
B. A. ; Che~4ivikly-,
Polyakov, .4V.' .; Kqzhdan, A. E.;
Kovalev,.V., Ye.; Kurennyv, Potapenko, V..Ya.
ORG: none
TITLE: Professor G. M. Kayalov on the occasion of his 60th birthd~r and 37 yeara of
pedagogical activities
SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Elektromekhanika, no. 10, 1965P
TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel, academic personnel
ABSTRACT: Doetor of Engineering Selene as, Professor of RI1ZhT
/Rostovskly institut lnzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta;
Rostov Institute of Railroad Engineerd, Georgiy Mikhaylovich
RAYALOV was-'SFr-non Zb September 60 years ago. He began his
!working career as a standby electrical construotion worker at the
jNovorossiysk oement factorys In 1929 he graduated from the
Novocharkasak Polytoohnioal Institute, and between 1928 and 1947
worked in the designing sootion of the "Slaktropron" trust. Sub-
C,r d i/2
ACC NO: AP6013582
sequently, he joined the Rostov department of the GPI LfG-osudarstvenniy
proyektnyy Institut; State Designing Instltutg7 "Tyazhpromelektro-
proyekt" where he advanced from a technician of the designing de-
partment to Its chief engineer. From 1933 to-1962 he was docent of
the department of electrification of Industrial enterprises of the
NPI CNovocherkasskly politekhnicheskly Institut Iment Sergo
Ordzhonikidze- Novocherkassk Politechnic Institute Im. Sergo
Ordzhon1kIdzD; he taught as.profes6or until 1965 and presently Is
a professor of the RIIZhT. He published more than 70 scientific
works, Including studies cf flywheel-containing electric motors,
investigations of electrical loads of Industrial enterprises.
analyses of basic features of real load graphs, (including their
probabilistic modeling), proposals for peak load calculation methods
(based on the theory of mass servicing) and developments of methods
for the calculatlon of extremal loads of heavy consumers, for the
study of random graphs of reactive loads, for the evaluation of ,
electric load fluctuationse-'and the like. G. M. KAYALOV was also
active In the Party, professional, and scientific organizations.
He is a holder of the "For Outstanding Work D.urlng the Great
Patriotio War of 1941-1945 gg." medal and the "Badge of Honor".
decoration. Orig!.art. has: 1 figure. [jpRs]
SUB CODE: 09, 05 / SUBM DATE: none
. S.,
PAVLENKO p Tijnofey Alakigandrovich,'-kand. tekhn. nauk; BRUSENTSOV, N.N. I
I.V. v "d. izd-va; VDOVIHKq-V-.ff.-p-U-kM-.-red-.
(Precast reinforced conc4U-f6r construction in the lumber industry]
Sbornyi zheleiobe~on na'stroitallstve v lesnoi promyshlonnosti. Mo-
Avat GoBlesbumizdatj 1~619 268'Pe (KMA 109)
(LOUring) (Precast concrete construction)
USSR/Mathematics - Mathieu- Bessel functions
Card 1/1 : Pub. 129-3/18
Author : Brusentsov, N. N.
Title : Wave functions of an elliptic cylinder
Periodical : Vest. Mos. un. Ser. fizikomat. i. yest. nauk, 9, No 23-30, Sep 54
Abstract : Generalization of circular wave functions and polar coordinates leads
the author to equations of elliptic cylinder wave functions. Analyzes
such Mathieu-Bessel functions of first kind as well as functions of
second and third kind. Represents functions fn graphs. One Soviet
and two foreign referenc6s.
Institution :
Submitted : June 26, 1953
9 W SOV/112-57-5-11224
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 238 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Kocherzhevskiy, G. N, Brusentsov, N. P.
TITLE: The Radiation Pattern of a~R`aiatiorPla`ced R-e-ar an Elliptical Cylinder as
a Function of the Cylinder Parameters (Diagramma napravlennosti izluchatelya,
raspolozhennogo vblizi ellipticheskogo tailindra, kak funktsiya parametrov
PERIODICAL: Tr. Moak. energ; in-ta, .1956, Vol 21, pp 32-48,
ABSTRACT: Radiation directivity is examined for the following cases: (1) an
electric radiator oriented along-the axis of the elliptical cylinder; (2) an
electric radiator oriented at right angles with the axis of the elliptical cylinder
(in the plane normal to the cylinder-axis); (3) a magnetic radiator oriented
along the cylinder axis. (a longitudinal slot) and placed on the surface of the
elliptical cylinder. Derivation of formulae for radiation patterns is made in
the following way: field is determined in the space surrounding ihe cylinder as
Card 1/3
The Radiation Pattern of a Radiator Placed Near an Elliptical Cylinder as a . . . .
a function of angles-of- incidence of -a plane wave at the cylinder; a radiation
pattern of a receiving antenna placed at some point is determined; from the
principle of reciprocity, the. radiation,pattern of the radiator placed near the
cylinder is determined. Formulae are presented for'calculating the radiation
patterns in a plane perpendicular to the cylinder axis. The formulae establish
a relationship between the radiation pattern and the size and parameters of the
cylinder. Estimated radiation patterns are presented which illustrate the
dependence of flie radiation pattern on the following factors: radiator placement
with respect to the cylinder, eccentricity of the cylinder cross-section, cross-
section perimeter, and cylinder -radiator distance. Experiments were needed
to clarify how much of the. error in.. calculations was due to the assumption of
an infinitely long cylinder. A- comparison of experimental data with calcula-
tions showed that, with a short cylinder, -the discrepancy is considerable,
particularly in the rear half-space. A good agreement was obtained with
Card 2/3
. . The Radiation Pattern of a Radiator Placed Near an Elliptical Cylinder as a . . . .
cylinders up to 41A long for the case of electric radiator and up to ZX long for
the slot (in the latter case'. the cylinder turned into a strip, because the elliptic
cylinder had unity eccentricity). Bibliography: 5 items.
G. I. Zh.
Card 3/3
IFF R - ,
BRUK, Isealt Semenovich, red,; BEZBORODOV, Yu.M., red.; GAVRILOV,
[The M-2 high-speed calculating machine] Bystrodeistvuiushchaia
vychislitel'naia mashina M-2. Hoak-va, Goa. izd-va tekhniko-taoret.
lit-ry, 1957. 2-28 p. (MI16' 11:3)
1. Chlea-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Bruk)
(Slectronic digital computers)
Illipsoidal coordinates. Nauch.dokl.vys.sbkoly; radiotekb. i
alaktron-no.1:235-238 58. (Km 12a)
1. Kafedra antenrjykh ustroystv i raspr6atraneniya radiovoln
Moskovskogn energeticheskogo institute.
(Field tbenry) (Coordinates)
Small-size automatic digital computer "Setun'." Vest. Mosk. un.
Ser. li Mat.,mekh. 17 no-40-12 Jl-Ag 162. (KRA l5s7)
(Electronic digital computers)
S10055 048
ACCESSION XR: A75009261- 1651000/002/6039-/0
AUTHOR*. Brusentsov No
TITLE: Ex er'ience ~in t~e "velopment of a.ternary computer
SOURCE: Moscow. UnIveraltsi*1 Vestnik. Seriya lo Matematika,
makhanik,a, no.-2, 1965, 39-48
TOPIC TAGSt ternary electronic computer,, switching circuitry$
Iternary shift register, ternary adder. computer component
ABSTRACTt Experience gained in the development of the Setun' ternary,
computer is reviewed. The discussion includes the advantages found
in the use of the ternary system, the synthesis of switching cir-
cuitry, and switching-circuit components. Comparisons of Setun' with
a binary variant showed a 50% savings in arithmetic and operating
Unit components. Coding was found to be somewhat more economical with
ternary notation, requiring 1.58 times less ternary than binary digits.
When the ternary system is symmetrical with reference to zero, a s.ingle
digit is sufficient to represent 0, 1, and -1. Though logic operations
are more cotaplext the, ternary system proved better suited than tho
binary in -the processing of relative numbers. The switching scheme
in the Setun' is based on the representation nf a three-state variable
with 2 two-state component. At any given value of a three-state
variable, one element is equal to unity and two are equal to zero.
High-speed magnetic amplifiers with two-phase pulse-current feed are
he switching circuitry. Fig. 1 of Enclosure shows
-the -basic unit, of ti
one link of a ternary sh.i t-r consisting of two elements con,"
ft reg a a
nected one behind the other and fed by opposing phases of pulse cur-
rent. Each element consists of two amplifiers; each amplifier con-
tains a transformer with ferrite core and a diode. The input windings
are so wired that a pulse through input I excites the upper amplifier
and blocks the lower. A pulse atinput -1 has the opposite effect.
,Thus, ternary-code transmission occurs along two channels, the upper
representing +1 and the lower, -1. The 0 state is represented by
simultaneous pulse feed at both inputs. Logic summing operations are
performed with the outputs of two elements connected in parallel to
the inputs of a third element. The independent outputs of the mag-
netic amplifiers allow decoding by the digit* The number of components
land the power requirements are no greater than those for binary shift
~188 isters with compensating transformers for noise suppression# Multi-
plication operations can be performed with the same basic circuit
elements. Fig. 2 is a schematic of the ternary adder used in the td "1
Setun'. h" two -imputs -of:: two- ha,lf -adders. It is
claimed to be the most economical of the present generation of ter-
nary adders. Orig. art4 has: 5 figures. jrwj
ASSOCIATIONs,-Vychislite1*nyy tsentr meklinniko-matematicheskogo
L 5i5o4-65 EWT(d)Aim-2/Dip(i) Pq-4/F,-,-h/Pk-4 ijp(c) BBIGr,
ACCESSION NR: AP5015330 UR/0286/65/000/009/0089/0089
1 AUTHOR: Brusen!~qX,,N. P.; Verigina,_V. V.; Maslov, S. P.
TITLE: A method for recording information in a permanent memo Class 42,
No. 170745
SOUAM' Byulleten'. izobreteniy i tp-varnykh znakov,,, no. 9, 1965, 89
I TOPIC TAGS: magnetic core storagelinformation recording, computer memory
1ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces-a method for recording information
lin a permanent magnetic core memory ky threading the read-out (or energizing) wire
Ithrough the core openings. Ternary information is recorded by threading this wir"5
f,nir.g--in-one-,dir,ecii-o-~i-wberk~--;j~~arc4ng.the -code_~1~___14Ljm_-_th-
:0.Pp9dite diriectlon-iihi-en -__6qo-i f
y- passing -the wire outsi7~
-Atbe-*dorb when a the'code':0
Card 1/2
BRUSE14TSOVi N14.o~~'- Ilef'rCivi:ah; MASLOV qergey petrovich; ROZIN,
--l' ?.Ii,
f f" rovich: TJS'HULBi,A, Antonina PlikhaylovnA
Psetuni`,, a small digiial computer] Malaia. isifrovaia
vychishte.PnOa maBhina "Setunt." Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk
univ.. 1965. 129 p.
(MIRA 18:8)
BRUSE , a assistent.
Druamic loads in the transmission of an automobile with hydraulic
torque converter. Izv. vys. ucheb. 2av.; mashinostr. no.10:61-6s
158. (MIRA 12:11)
I.Hoskovski.r avtomekhanichaeldy institut,
(Automobilas--Transmis~on Idevicea)
BRUSENTSOV, P. M., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Dynamic loading in the
transmission of automobiles with hydrotransformers-11 Moscow, 1960.
16 pp; (Ministry of Higher Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR,
Moscow Automechanics Inst, Chair of "Automobile"); 150 copies-, price
not given; (KL, 17-60, 151)
CHERKASSKIY, M.A., prof.; IVANOV, V.M., ordinator; BRUSENTSOV, V.I., ordinator;
DiAribution of hypertonsion among the workers of a footwear factory.
Sbor. trud. Kursk. gos. med. inst. no.16:83-87 162.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Iz Kurskoy.gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.2 (glavnyy
vrach - M. Ya. Nekhlyudov) i Kurskoy kliniki pro edvetiki vnu-
trennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.A. Cherkasskiy 2. Zdravpunkt
Kurskoy obuvnoy fabriki (for Brusentsova).
AUTHORS: Tv-ratayvm, N.Ye., Brusantso7a, M.N. sOV/89-4-6-i3/30
TITLE-, The M*mugmlynt of, P -Ao-%:U4Uem With a Window Counting-Tube
(Imaxvniya n& tortamcm sohettjhika)
FERIODICAL: Atommya maxgiyav 1958v Vol, 4, Nr 6, PP:, 583-585 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: When datexmining P by meam of window counting-tubes
a number of wrro6tions mat be oarried omt. The corraotion for
the thiokvms of thn wlimdow of the counting tube and the absorp-
tion of ex- the window and the preparation can be de-
tarmi-med -loint,ly 'by mmna of tht f ona-aa
T + ta
whe-49* tCj aanoteai the thi-.-Jmess of the window,. t. - the thickness
of the intertPaLov of alm, tj/? - the tliolmass of balf-width ab-
307PU.0r. (Lu *&Oh cam* e:xpremzaa in mg/022).
The *f tvo wss mazur,53 for the followIng raoleit.
The Mawuramanll. 15,9' f9i With a WirAow SOVI 89-44A3/30
mev) t iu mg/
33.5 o.167 2v8
0&45 0. Z5?+ 3-9
T1204 0.765 15.1
sx,90 0.154 84
Ras IAJ7 19
P32 1.7 34
fw~, kh* zmalal N95, S35v
Puxth9mors G&45, 0060, Zr95, Ga1371
T1204, RAB azi RhIO6 *h* umviation ooofflolmmta for %ha
of tha3i nw-lei in alr was detamined and the
cawnt vu, ploftel.
Tha followlmg wivhm mmting tubes ware used: 13FL --25,
ar -17.
With thea,* wsrruvdon coifficienta ~ha absolu-ba A-aatkd~y of
a.-037, sr9O,,y9O, 0060 WAa d',RterMtl-aj; mtiafaotory &gmwat
Cax4 213
The Measurement of ~ -Aotivities With a Window SOV/ 89-4-6-1.1/30
with the values obt&iued by meazo of a 41r -oounting devioe was
atWned. Thre are 3 figures, 2 tables and 5 references, 3 of
vddah are Soviet.
STDRITTED: Deoenber 20, 1957
1. Beta rays--Counting methods 2. Mathematics--Applications
Card 3/3
q r
-I N
W W 44
- , F im
i2l~-gj rpnfiw~p S~
1 11,0i
CHERKASSKIY, M.A., prof.; IVANOV, V.M., ordinator; BRUSET,7SOV, V.I., ordinator;
Distribution of hypertension among the workers of a footwear factory.
Sbor. trud. Kursk. gos. med. inst. no.16:83-87 162.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Iz Kurskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.2 (glavnyy
vrach - M. Ya. Nekhlyudov) i Kurskoy k3iniki pro edvetiki vnu-
Z 2 Zdravpunkt
trennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.A. Cherkasskiy
Kurskoy obavnoy fabriki (for Brusentsova).
BRUSENTSOVA, V. A. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "On the pathogenesis and trentaent
of obliterating andarteritia." Mos, 1967. 11 pp (Inst of Surgery im Profesew
A. V. Vishnevskiy, Aead Mod Sci IUSSR), 110 oopies M, 44-57, 101)
? C -'.) t-: fV T- ---, C' L" ~) )~. A .
AUTHOR: Brusentsova, V.A., Physician 25-7-49/51
TITLEj Answers to Questions (Otvety na voprosy) Spontaneous Gangrene
(Spontannaya gangrene.
PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhizn', 1957, # 7% p 63 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Spontaneous gangrene is an ailment of the vascular and nervous
systems of the human organism. Its main characteristic is the
gradual contraction of the btood vessels, which stppa the blood
supply to the tissues. It is caused by tobacco am oking, after
effects of diseases, especially typhoid fever, relapsing typhoid,
and freezing of the extremities. As a cure intravenous infusion
of salt solutions, sodium citrate, and ions of various metals
are applied. The Institute of Surgery imeni A.V. Vishnevskiy
of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences has develope4-a therapy
based on a slight irritation of the nervous system by a solution
of novocaine. Preventive treatment, in time, can arrest the
illness entirely.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
BRUSSIVNTSOVA. V., kand. med. nauk
~7~hrombophlebitis. Ilauka i %hizat 25 no. 6:77 Je t58-
(MIRA 11:8)
Study of the vessels of the funaus oculi in obliterating endarteritAs.
Sovened. 23 no.1:10D-110 A 159. (MIRA 12:2)
1. Iz Institute khirurgii (dir. - devstvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof.
A.A. Vishnevskiy) ANN SSSR imeni A.V. Vishneyakogo.
ocular fundus, vase. changes (Rua))
(M. blood supply
fundus, vase. dhanges in obliterating endarteritio
BRUSENTSOVA V. A.. kand. med. nauk
Activation of mesenchynal reaction in endarteritis obliterans.
Vast. khir. no.12t82-85 161. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Iz Institute khirurgii im. A. V. Vishnevskogo (dir. - prof.
A. A. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSR. Adres avtora: Mosk7a, B. Serpukhovslmya,
27, Institut khirurgii im. A. V. Vishnevskogo AMN SSSR.
Obliterating en4arteritis is intermittent claudication-. Med. sestra
20 061,54-56 Ja,,'61o I (MPA 14 -.3)
Testing new instruments in developing present-day restorative
operations on the bl6od vessels in endarteritis obliterans. Trudy
NIIEKHAI no.5:272-276 161. (KRA 15:8)
1. Iz Instituta khirargii im. A.V.Vishnevskogo ANN SSSR.
PSHEN-ICHNIKOV, Vladimir Illich; BFUSENTSOVA, Valentina Aleksandroyna
SIMONYAN, K.S... red.; BkSHMAKOV, G.M., tekhn. red,
[Pathogenetic treatment of obliterating diseases of the
extremital arteries] Patogenaticheakaia terapiia obliteriru-
iushchikh zabolevanii arterii konechnostei. Moskva,, Medgiz,,
1963. 175 p. (MIRA 16t6)
L 1625-66_
776c'WioN as AP5o2l890 UA/0026/65~~63/10D.6/1408/14111
41 49
AUTHORS$ Frolove. As A.I 'Bru senteoval Ve Go; ~czlovt Pe V*; Kargin, V"',A.,
TITLEs Investigation of the relaxation phenomena in crystalline W3.vca=7lanidG1
SOURCEs AN SSSR. Dokl&4y9 v. 26 9 no, 69 1965t 1408-1411
TOPIC TAGSI* polyceprylamide,-relaxation. process ax=j
ABSTRACTs -Relaxation properties of oantallina Molvm=91A;~~e been studied using
specimens of polycaprylamide with a definite structure but of varying degree of
crystallization* This work io.s continuation of the study of relaxation
processes undertaken previously by the authorst on amorphous Matallizable
polymers IDALN, 1609 875,, 1965)9 The experimental conditions and equipment were
the same as those described earlier,, except that the temperature interval was
now -30 to 22D0 and the heating rate during the thermomechanical experiment-s was
20 per MindtO. The specimens were prepared in _form of tablets 10 = in diameter
and 2*3-24 in thicke They were compressed at 2200 and 3oo kg/(=2 pressure end
then cooled by liquid nitro M to -500, SP imens so obtained were of Mstall
straoture'(density 1,145 groo)e :Several specimene-we investigated-direotly
~Pord 1/3
L 3.62546,
14001 140t 141 1-41 and 0-14 vibrations per minute. Others were heated at 180C
for I hour,' giving a material of higher crystallization order (density of -1-153
9/Co)p whose deformation was then studied at 14p 1-4P and 0.14 vibrations per
minute* It was discovered that in these frequency intervals thermomeohanical
curves are functions of the effective force frequency, An analogy was founa in
properties of rigid polymers and polyeamiamiae made rigid by crystallization*
Study of the relaxation properties of the unheated and heated (less and more*
crystalline, respectively) sper-imens - established a linear relationship between
the maximal deformation values (epail..0nmax) and the logstithm of the effective
force frequency, as indicated by Fig. 1 on the Riclosure. It is shown that
hardening of the polyzer by nMtallization results In a. de=eese in epailona.
value and is the cause of tba An6rease of T and ito indep m-doince of effective
force frequency. The obtelped data oxe ex;fZed In terma of the Madle"
structure theory offered by T nty
N~ke KargimA1 L _Mrods lAd -G. L...14-
lqkj.y- (Koll. Zbv-=. 9 19 lWs 1957)*'1,'Or1g* art, bast 3 f ese
ASIS 00 1' Ur'skovekLy ar,-ndtvritven.,~q7 univel-Sitot ims M, V4 lamonoutoTa ( 'YOUC07,
State MWM=i-tY)
NO'REF SM. 008
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurmal, Mashlnostroyeniye, 1959, No. 10, p, 132,
# 38211
AUTHOR- Brusentsova. V M.
TITLE: The Use of Bakelite Lacquer to Protect Large-Size Equipment From
PERIODICAL,, Prom-ekon. byul. Sovnarkhoz Luganskogk ekon, adm, r-,a, 10'58, Nn- 6,
pp. 20-21
TRX1': The author reports on the positive practice of the Lisichansklky
khimicheskiy kombinat, (Lisichansk Chemical Combine) of using spiral eler-tric. heat-
ing; for -the polymerization of bakelite lacquar. The No. 86 bakelite laoqaer is
applied with the aid of brushes on the inner surface of the tube which was _-rab-
Jected to preliminary cleaning by sandblast. After a 12-huar air drying, the
first and seeond lacquer layer were subjeotad to a 4-hour heat treatmen-_ I
at 600C, two hours at 800C and 1 hour at 9D C. The heat treatment of the third
layer continued-for 49 hours. Heating was effected with the ald of a two-secldon
Card 1/2
S/123/59/000/0 10/048/068
The Use of Bakelite Lacquer to Protect Large-Size Equipment from Corrotion
electric heater. The use of bakelite lacquer with electric spiral. pol- & - a
Y-M riz ti:~n
makes it possible efficiently and easily to protect large-size equipment from
K. S. A.
Translator's noteg This is the full translation of the original. Rx*sian abstra-a-t-,
C ard 2/2
j3jausr,Qrs*v.q, Y/Y
~04,1 by v1!TvYtk
I .. yW, MoA- il." it
195 . M .16 itt Will d
ct-Milett %.Jvrit wm saitt",fully teptsecA IVY 411(kik'
1, V.111111rul, Folklmilix cr I'tAling lite %Afvq~ "ter IfeAtM
allodi"lly I"c I I min. ill .14 riftirolvir t'astit. Off. '-",t1
am, I I ';A 1. ItA At NO and 4.1 4A amp.:.I~ Vim,
I", srusms, lose "kWr at the I.-Ki'll,wit 'd ms-lk-
It.t tslmt. pulwy W cuttrut 2-3 little% xirart Min the
",ul ownent of 2-3 tuin. Visitation c-sch. %-tie applin].
To carry out this lwkkvlq summfully the All(Air trealturut
~hoqsjd IsAlom inunriftarly chs-imse pLaing withosil chawisitis
the jx%ilksit tJ the immirand the 1mritVon t.1 Star tint%.
NI If.-It
BRUSFINT SO ICRYLOV, V.P., inzh.; SA"LOY3VA, Ye.G., inzb.
Increasing the wear resistance of aluminum alloys by Chromium
plating. (Trudy] NATI n0-18-3-21 159. (MIFLA, 12:7)
(Aluminum alloys) (Chromium plating)