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BRUl"I'l i~,; , "' "!'l . , I ;; 1 , [ t . 1. ('/ -~j I i'l - --- I ~ - -. , I Projr? I", o I-, I),[, o ~' 0.14~ ,til-obl~ Ym, tind m0l.hoifi of co q ;~ ~.! nl,,, vi f~ 0i ('1C.Lrord c f calcidating allto'ruta. P~. 2. Geod IJ.c;!, 0- D 164. KYAGKOV,K.N., inzhener;,YOSKVIN,G.V., Inzhener; AMOV,A.T., inihener; POCHTAM,F.K., inshener; PISHKOV,X.Y., insReffff", SHDIVICH,V.A., inzhener; MAKARYCHNV,V.V., kELntl!Aat tekhniehaskikh nauk; KUMYASHOV, F.T., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauL*: KRIVITSKrY,H.Ya,, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; kUTSELINSKlY.L.N., kanclidat tekhnicheakikh nauk TISLIR,P.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk large reinforced foam concrete panels for heated beamless floors of industrial buildings developed by the Central Bolentific Re- Boarch Institute of Construction,and the Northern Urals Heavy Construction Trust. Rats. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.81:18-19 154. (KLRA 8:6) 1. Glevuralpromstroy (for Nyagkow, Moskvin, Brukov) 2. Sevural- tyazhattoy (for Fochtarev,.Peshkov, Krys~devich) 3. TSentmllw mmehno-isolodaratellskiy.institut promyshlennykh so6razhenly (for Makarychey, Kudryashov, KrivAskiy, Katselinakly, Tesleir) (Floors, Concrete) BORTNICHUK, N.I., Effect of the dimensions of the jacket of an induction furvace on its electrical parameters. Vest. elektroprom. 31 no.8-.27-30-Ag 160. (MM 15: 5) (Electric furnaces) MIKULINSKIY, Aron Semenovich;-BRUKOVSKIY, LP., red.; BORUNOV, N.I., tekhn. red. [Vac== aleetric furnaces for th~'-p~mduction of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals]Vakuumnye elektricheskie pechi dlia polucheniia shchelochnykh i shcheloohnozemellnykh metallov. Moskva, Go6energoizdat, 1962. 96 p. (Biblioteka elektrater- mista, no.14) (MIRA 16:3) (Electric furnaces) (Alkali metals) (Alkaline earth metals) MIKULINSKE , Lron ERUKOIISKTY 1.P.,, red. (Detei-m-ination of the paravitcxs of ors.-smeltfiv:: f%jrnactes using thj similitude theor7l Oprede3enip, parametrov rud- no term J chenkikh pricohei na osri(-,v(;r tparji podribila. Mo:3kva, Enorglin., i964. 85 p. (Blb.lioteka elektro-ts-r1lil.sta, no.20) -18olj EkERPTA MICA See 13 Vol 13/8 Dermatology Aue 59 2053. CASE REPORT ON THE RECURRENCE OF CUTANEOUS LEISHMANIA- SIS (BOROVSKI'S DISEASE), TREATED WITH 'AKRICHIN' (Russian text) Brukson A. A. Med.Inst.. Tashkent - From the symposium: VOPH. DER-M-7-r-Mn. (Tashkent) 1957. 6 (223-224) A *13-year-old girl wascured from cutaneous leishmaniasis within one month after the foci were treated 4 times (intracutaneously) with a 516 solution of 'altrichin! (mepacrine). The treatment was administered once a week. A relapse occurred 8 months later. Mashkillelson Jr - Moscow (S) EXCERPTA MONA See 13 Vol 13/8 DermatolOgY Aul,? 59 2057. EFFECTIVE CHRYSANOL THERAPY IN THE LUPOID FORM OF BOROVSKI*S DISEASE (Russian text) - B r u k s o n A. A, Med. Inst.. Tashkenf - From the s mposium: V0PTf7D-`R-R-M7r-VE`1VE"M.7 (Tashkent) 1957. y 6 (225-228) Tfirce female patients with the lupoid form of Borovski's disease (cutaneous leish- maniasis) were treated with I. m. injections of the gold compound 'chrysanol'. All responded with complete clinical recovery; in one case. the patient was cured after IS injections of a 5% solution of chrysanol (dose I ini.), the second patient after 10 Injections of a 5% and 9 injections of a 10% solution of chrysanol; the 3rd patient needed 10 injections of a 5% and 19 Injections of a 10% solution of chrysanol. The treatment of the 2nd patient had to be temporarily discontinued due to the develop- ment of a toxic capillary reaction and nephropathy. The treatment was continued successfully one month after the disappearance of the side effects. Mushkilletson Jr - Moscow (S) L- AKOVBTAN, A.A., prof.; BMMSON, A.A., ordinator Treatment of syphilis patients with bicillin 1. Vest.dorm.i ven. 33 n0.5146-50 S-0 159. (MIRA 1312) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zaveduyashchiy - prof. A.A. Akovbyan) Tashkenskago gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PENICILLIN ther.) (SYPHILIS ther.) BRUMS0.11J. A.A, ordinator Treatment of syphillo with bioillin 1 and 3. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.U: 45D-64 N 160. (MIRA 105) 1. Iz kafedry kokhnykh i vgnericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.A.. Akovbyan) Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SYPHILIS) (PENICILLIN) BRUKSON, A.A. Antitoxic function of the liver in the bicilMn treatnent of sypNlis. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no;9:58 S 161.' (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedr k hnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.A.Akovbyan~ Ta O:hkentskogo gosudarstvonnogo medits skogg institute. (PENICILLIN) (SYPHILIS) ruvl~fq BRUKSON, A.A.s, ordinator Tmatment of syphilis with bicillin-1 and bicillin--3. Vest. derm.i ven. no.1-136-42 162. (MIRA 1531) 1. Iz kafedry kozbnykh i venericheskikh bole=ey Tashkentskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki UzSSR prof. A.A. Akovyan). (S'YPHILIS) (BICILLIF) BRU)JISON, tA. Volgo-Donakoi kanal i lesozagotovki. L The Volga-Don Oanal and lmbering_j. (Lesnoe khoz-vo i leanaia promyshlonnost', 1929, no. 4, (67) p. 60-62). DLC: SDl.L4 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A BibliogM2hZ Library of Congress, Referbnee Department, Washington. 1952, Unclassified. BRUKSZO., Teresa; ROGOYSKI, Antoni Activity of glutamic-mmlic and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase in normal newborn infants. Ginak. Pol. 33 no.2*.169-173 162. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Instytutu Hatki i DziecIm w Warszavie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Lesinski Dyraktor: prof. dr mad. F. Groer. (INFANT NEW13ORN blood) (TRANSAMINASES blood) BRUKSZO, Teresa; ROGOYSKI, Antoni Buhavior of glutamic omuoacetic and glutamic pyruvic transamnasoo, in hemolytin disease of the newborn. Ginek. pol. no.4:.417-423 162. 1. Ulniki Polowictwa i Chorob Kobiocych Instytutu Matki. i DA,~cka w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Losinski Dyr(,-'r-.'Uor: prof, Lr. med. F. Groer. (ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSI-ERAS-E) (ALAMIZE J4MIIvOTRAT!SFZ-ibIST,.) (E TUNHROBLASTOSIS FETAL) (EIIZ'B.S TMS) BRUINA, M.F., radiolyubitel*-konstruktor Pocket radio receiver. Nauka i zhy-ttia 2.1 no.7g44,45 JI '61. (MIRA 34t8) Oadio,:--Reoeivers and reception) BRUKVA M. inzh. !%ra.11 Znan.ta pratsia no.9s3l-32 3 162. (MIFA .15111) (Raclio~eceivers and reception) ILIIN V (Frunze); ZAXTSEV V. (Guynaksk, Dagestanskoy ASSR); YEFREMENKOV, M- iserpukhovy MoskovAoy obl.); CHUGAYEVSKIY, N., inzh. (Moskovalmra- oblast'); BIRUKVA. N. (Kiyev); SYCHAYEV, S. (Mytishchi); YEVTEYEV, Ve (Rostov-na,B;-nu`Y- Exchange of experience, Radio no.4.*20,,33,36,39,40.53 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) NASEDKIN, I.F., kand.tekhn,nauk; TSVELODUBp B.I., inzh.;BRUKVA, N.A., inzh. Steadily raise the technical level of building the super-structure. Transp. stroi. 12 no.8:10-12 Ag 162. (MM 15:9) (Railroads-Construction) BRUKVA, N.A., iiizh. '- Utilize possibilities of excavators. Trans. II of increasing the performance capacity, stroi, 13 noo8250-51 Ag 163. (MIRA 17z2) KISFAWDY, Sandor, tochnikai mLtnkatars: BRULIGH, Margit Determination of ammonia in the blood by means of ninhydrin reaction. Userletes Orvostudomany 1Z uo,1:98-106 7 160. 1. Bkidapesti Orvoetudomanyi JjUetem I. oz. Belklinikaja. (AMMONIA blood) (INDICATORS AND RUGANTS) KISFALUDY, Sandor; Teebaikai mmkatars: BRU-UCH, Margit i On normal and pathological a n4a content in the blood. Kiserl. orvostud. A no.2:205-23-1 AP 162o 1. Budapesti Or7ostudomnyi SUetem I oz. Balklinikaja. (AMMONIA blood) KISFALUDY, S.; ERULICH, Margit. Determhn'atdon of the ammonia content in deproteinized blood. Acta me4. acad. sci. &mg. 20 no.197,94T 16~ 1. MBdizinische...Klinik (Direktors Prof-i Itr,. I.Ibs=yak) der medizinischen Universitatp Dadapest. ACC NRj AP6028453 SOURCE CODE: HU/0018/66/000/003/0237/W re_,_ Pal-Semere, P.; Toth, Bela-Tot, B.; it-Bru3ikh, K.- AUTHOR: _Szeme Brulich, ~Iarg N==%- ORG: IV. Department of Medicinep Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education (orvostovabbkepzo Intezet, IV. sz. Belgyogyaszati Tanszek); Department of Physiology, leterinary Medical University (Allatorvostudomanyi Egyetem, Elettani Tanszek) TITLE: B~ood coagulation of bypo-, hyper- and normo-calcemic dogs treated with a coumarinetderivative SOURCE: Kiserletes orvostudomany, no- 3, 1966, 237-242 TOPIC TAGS: dog, coagulation, blood, blood chemistry, calcium, drug effect ABSTRACT: It was established that the efteof--i of'the--counarine derivative (Sy'neumar*) is not influenced by the blood Ca level. In the course of development of hypocoaguilility in response to coumarine treatment, the increased demand for Ca by the recalcification system can be noted early. The increased need for calcium is satisfied by the blood or by the Ca present in the solution added in the course of the determination (if it is present in sufficient amount there). it is .probable that the Ga requirement is increased both in the extrinsic and jintrinsic systems. On the basis 6f the experimental data obtained, it ~appears that ~he~_leypj_of the labile factor decreased in the hypercalcemio dogs during the Syncuma~r treatment. Orig. 6A. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. 1JPRS: 36,5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 23Mar65 / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: Oll Card 1/1 e_ej _4'e BRULINSKI, T. BRITLITISKI, T. Modernization of the road service organization. n. 243 Vol. 11, no. 10, Oct. 10,56 DROGOUTNICTWO F01ITICA-L SCIENCE Warszawa, Poland So: East European accession Vol. 4, Ro. 3, March 10,57 5RIJLTP,',Yj, Z. BAULEVSKI, Z.; GA'HCZAPCZY-T-', J. f'Sei-mre from installation3 for prifyinc, wuter." Gaz, 14odna I Technika Sanitarm, li,'arsaw, Vol 28; 140 4, II:p-. 19,51,, F". 98 SO: Fastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1954, Lib. of Coneress tftvu~ b I Ity4ork of an agronomist in a machine-tractor station; some experiences in Szczecin Prov-1nee." P. 30 (Nowe Rolnictwo, Vol. 2, no. 7, July 19~3. Warszawa.) SO: Monthly List of East Eurovean accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Congress, Feb~ 1954, Uncl. 13 R U L-1 b BRULL, D. Spoldzielnia produkcYJna "WBPOlrw SjW w Kant. Warszawa, Fanstw0we WYdawn- Roinicze i Lesne, 1953. 187 P. (The WspoIrW Siew Production Cooperative at Kania). DA Not in D1,C Poland SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESS3DNS (ESAI) LC, VOL- 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 BRULL, D. "Exploiting reserves in collective farma.11 (p. 25) NOWE ROLNIMO (Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Roinicze i Leane) WaLrszawa, Vol 3, No 1, Jan. 1954. SO: Fast Buropeaa Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954 BRLILL, D "Crops of collective farms depend on the work of machine-tractor stations." (p.42) NOWE ROLNICTWO (Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze in Lesne) Warszawa, Vol. 3, n6.4, Apr. 1-954 SO: EAST European Accessions List, Vol 3, No. 8, August 1954 BRML, J. BRM, J. Production of cellulose textile fibers in Rumania. P. 475 Vol. 7, No. 10, October 1956 INIDUSTRIA TEXTILA TECHNOLOGY Bacureati. Rumania So.- East 3kropean Accession, Vol. 7. No- 3. Parch 1957 -1) ry CaLo~,cry jxrv~ 1111-pl., .il,,.-.,cpt-,,),.;r,. Lbe. Jou--,, FhIm-, Noe 10. 1950, 37,713~'- 3rL") 1 J AM 1 AS r ft.. ln.3-titUt. a,01#311111- a Aaroalatioa of II&I'lM13 170-4 I~rti:,.IeS In tht. ).~PR. 01, i!; I u b. -act Ourd: R~-iO Ul Rii M N Bn[:ineurc ard. Teohzd,)iama MnnuNotur :(i from I!--s OnnFf. tehn n ',trid. 11BOArI7. 2--)XtllO. JB~.icures,-L~,j ASIT, 2957. 331-335, Yo c-ibs'r,-,ct. CZECHOSLOVA311A / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Applications. Elements. Oxides. lWineral Acids, Bases, Salts. .Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Rhimiya, 1959, No 4, 12327. Puthor Jiru., Pavel; Brull, Julius. Inst Not given. Title Surface Structure of Native Silica Gel Carriers and Catalysts for Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide. Orig Pub: Chem. prumysl, 19-57, 7, No IZ, 652-654. Abstract.- The possibility is investigated of obtaining from infusorial earth (1E) a catalyst or catalyst car- rier by means of worhing the surface of IE. It was established that the addition of soluble salts favorably influences thc surface structure of a carrier of IE Type SK. The process of vpnadization of thea catalysts obtained from IE of LM and SK qual- ities was investigpted. !~ib. 6 titles. -- 1. Yellnek. Card 1/1 PAVW,.S.p ipzh.v-chUn:-Nammuni9tich9okoy partii Sovetakogo Soyuza a 1917 god& (*Wkm) Truth win ten. soy. profaciusy 19 no.20:38 0 163. (mrRA 16:11) .11-1- PLATCV,M., ing.; BRUIQJWCU, A., chim. Chlorine requirements for the bleaching of paper pulps frcm annual plants and foliafe trees. Cel hirtie 12 no.4tl28-134 Apt63- BRWSRU~.G. 'Snsilage of cornstalks.11 P. 20 (Drumul Belsugului) No. 9,, Sept. 1957 Bucharest, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 "The importance of supplementary recompense." P. 5 (Drumul Belsugului) No. 10, Oct. 1957 Bucharest,, Rumania SO.* Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7. no* 4., April 1958 BRUMAT, A. "Conference on the transportation equipment in industry." Reviewed by A. Brwnat. Stroj vest 7 no. h-5:ii8-119 o 61. BRUMAT, AtTaIr., inn, ___ ------- Program of the activity of the Commission for Quality Mark and Standardi- zation of the Federation of Engineers and Technicians of the People's Republic of Slovenia. Nova proizv 12 no./+-5-6:328 D 161. 1. Predesednik Komisije za k-ya-litatni znak in standardizacijo pri Zvezi inzenirjev in tehnikov Ljudske Republike Slovenije. BHUMAT,, Adolf,. inz. W %~& A m4m ~- Some ideas about standardization. Nova proizvo 11+ noo5/6: 428-1+29 0 ?63 1. Clan Uredniskega odbora, ItNova proizvodnja". BRUMAT, Adolf, inz. - I J. Te .~th anniversary of the Association and Technicians of Slovenia. Stroj Ap 164. of *chanical Engineers vast 10 no. 1/2:29 BRumBAROIT, i). I Ir , IfMine Timbering in Our Country", P. 4. (TEMNICHEMS 0 IELO, Vol. 5, no. 11--. Sept. 1953, Sofiya, Bulgaria). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1954. BRUMBIRG, A.S.; D14ITRIYIWA, V.S. Cardiac modifications in malignant tumors. Arkh.pat., Mogkva 13 no-3:82-83 May-June 51. (CLML 21:1) 1. Of the Department of Pathological Anatoqr (Head--Prof.A.S. Brumberg), Kursk Medical Institute (Director--Prof,, G.Te. Ostro- verkbov). p,jjjR,aF--~l,lLG, A. S. TLm, ors Changes in the lunCz; in non-pulmonary maliimanL ttvi:ors; paraspeci.1c cl.aneo it Lim-ior ca~~Cs. Arlthiv pat. 14 No. 2, 1952. 1,11onthly List of ltuz3sian Acc-cssions, Librarr of Curl-Zruss, October 1952', Unclassified ZOLOTOVA. CH., dotsent; BILIGHEKKO# A.V., professor, zaveduvushchiy; BIWHBFMP A.S.. professor, saveduyuehchiv; OSTROVEMOV, G.Ye., profeoeo~,~re Tc~- Lip cancer. Stomatologiia no.3:36-39 153. (MLHA 6:7) 1. Gospitallnaya khirargicheakeya klinika lurskogo meditainskogo institute, (for Zolotova and Belichanko). 2. Tafedru patologicheskoy fty-tomii Kursko- go meditsinskogo instituts. (for Brumberg and Zolotova). 3. Kurskiy medi- tainskiy inatitut (for Ostroverkhov). (Lips--Cancer) BRUMBERG, A.S., prof., NOVOPOLISKATA, O.S. Nesting of pnthonnatomists and expnrts in forennic medicine from Kursk. Belgorod. Oral. nnd Bryansk Provinces. Arkh.pnt. 18 no.2: 134-137 15'6 (MIRA 11:10) (ANATOMY. PATHOLOGICAL) BRUMBARG, A.S,, prof.,- DOROSHINKO, V.V. Work of the Kursk Province Pathological Society for 1958. Arkh. Pat. 21 n0-709-91 '59. OURA 13 0) 1. Predeedatell lwsiogo, oblastnogo, obsbehestva patologov (for Brumberg). 2. Sekretarl Kurskogo oblastnogo obahchestva patolo- gov (for Daroshenko). ( 11 PROVINCI-PATHOLOGICAL SOOMINS) Adu, prof.; VAKRUR)XINA, A.M.; VINOGRADOVA, T.P., prof.; IAVRISHCHEVA, G.L., kand. mods nauk; FWYAKOV, N.K... doktor med. nauk; %1OLIYANNIKOV, A.V., prof.j STRUKOV, A.I.., prof.; otv. red.; DVIZHKOV, P.P., prof., zar-estitell otv. r6d.,- APATENKO, A.K., kand. mad. nauk; SENCHILO, K.K., tekbn. red. [Multivolime manual on pathological anatomy) 14nogotamnoe ruko- vodstvo po patologicbeekoi anatomii. Otv. red. A.I.Strukov. hoskvap Medgiz, Vol.6. [Pathological anatory of diseases of the osteoarticular system, muscles, and tendons] Patologicbeakaia anatomiia boleznei kostno-sustavnoi sisterW, mWshts i sukho- zhilii. Red. toma T.P.Vinogradova. 1962. 518 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Strukov). (BONES--DISEASES) (JOINTS-DISEASES) (MUSCLES-DISPA S) BRUHBERG, P.S.,- in2h. New equipment for preparing protective plastics. Stroi.traboprov. 5 no.6:23-24 Je 160. 1 (MM 13:7) ~(Protective coatings) (Plastics) I BARSKIY, I.Ya.;.PRUMBERG, I.Ye, Ultraviolet fluorescence of cells in rat lymphosarcoma. TSito- logiia, 4 no.3t328-330 My-Je t62. (MIM 1633) 1. Laboratoriya mikroskopii Instituta tsitologii a' SSSR i Laboratorlya eksperimentaltnoy onkologii Instituta onkologii MIN SSSR, Leningrad. (HODGMtS DISEASE) (CMM) ' (FLUORESCENCE) BRUMBERG, I.Ye.i BRLIMERG, Ye.M. 7 Ultraviolet fluorescence of cell.s in pbagocytosi--. Biofizika 9 no.2: 237-238 164. (MRA 17$U) I. Institut biologicheskoy flziki AN SSSR, Moskva. i Laningradskiy institut perelivaniya krovi. BRUICERG., Ye.M.; BRUMBUG., I.Ye. - I Effect of glycol3rtic toxins on ultraviolet cell fluorescence. Biofizika 9 no.6:748-750 164. (MIIRA 18: 7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. %T 1h, BRUMBERG, I.Ye.; BRUMBERG, Ye.M. Use of ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy for the study of the action of mouse blood plasma on LIO-1 tumor calls. Biofizika 9 no.4002-505 164. (MIRA 18--3) L Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Yoskva. ,BRUMBERG, Ye.M.; BRUPMERG, I.Ye. --.- I- ..-I - --.- I.. Some possible regulators of the cell growth in the organism. Dokla AN SSSR 165 no,,5:1173-1174 D 165. (MRA 19:1) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Submitted June 25.. 1965. II A I.I.-I BRUMBERG, N.R. Cqnnection of - St~.mat.zbur. wreath products with other operations on groups. 4 no.6:1221-1234 N-D 163. (WRA 17:9) BRMIBMG,- R.M.- 35318. BRUMBERG, R.N. Nekotrye voprosy rascheta differentsiallnykh i dirrerentsial(nO-) Besstupmchatldi peredach. Trudy seminara po teorii mashin i mokhanizmov (Akad. Nauk SS�R. In-T Hashinovedeniya), T. VIn, VYP- 30, 1949, S. 57-69.-Bibliogn 6 Nazv. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 34, Moskva, 1949 T' -- T -T.;D72 I Lonr,~.4-1](]~)I,jj of a beam a T)I.-:.,ie lateral cu-nort. ('~'alcul- -ition of lbnr,,il-idinql beirlini! strns-,-ns of a 'heam Jn '~-e c 1!-e t., at V t- zone of mayium tleformation/ is limlle-l a nlans Sil!'i'3CP. Calculantions for various -mvt,od!~ of fix`rr: arid Fop,-ort (-,,f* tl,e b-.'ms en is, various Vpes of ',leniin;- sixess-s, vtc. it, is claim---4 V,at this pipnr is an important contrilution luo solution of a frf,n.uPA ent-inenrin- rroblem.)pp. 22~ - 7-56. A paper contAined in tl!e S.-mposium. "Rv~.searcl-. on the Strength of Ae--l", 11 editund by 1. 'V. I:uflrja'L-seva, -aslh-riz, 1051. KOROLW, A.A., Itand.teldin.nauk; FMmBM11G. R.m., inzh. ~- ` Studying experimental data on the distribution of unit preasure along the are of gripping In the rolling processs Obromotedavlo no.?:l3P-i46 '53. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Went-ral'nyy nauebno-issledovatel'skiy institut tokbnolngil I mashinostroyenlya iRolling nills) '1; k BRUM3ERG, R. M,. "Dynamics of Differential Gears." Cand Tech Sci, Lenirqrad Fol)technic Inst, MftinOad, 1954. (R-hl,',ekh, Apr 55). -1 - SO: sum. 7N0. 704, 2 nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educ6tional Institutions (16). BRUMBERG, R.M., inshener; TRYNIN, T.T., inshener. Impact on elastic beams with their mass distributed on two elastic supports. [Truo] TSNIITMASH no.63:208-221 154. (MM 7:9) (Girders) t )8 1,12 (/ Y),q f R (1, )?, 14 BRUMB andidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. .. , pended automatic -71brptors. Vibrating -platforms with elastically sus - Stroi. i dor.n9shinoctr. 2 no.8-25-21' Ag '57. (mlaA 10-9) (Vibrators) BYMWERG, RM., kandatekhiunauk Single-shaft vibrator for actuating vertical vibratory conveyers. Vest.masho 40 no*6:17-22 Je 160o (MIRA 1318) (Conveying mchinery) (Vibrators) F. ,,~ ',k, d. tekhn. nauk I .~ .*- .., -,P- static moments of the unbalances of mechanical vlhvators. Vest. mashinostr. 1+5 no.6:26-27 is 165. (MIRA 18%6) AUTHOR: Brumb-erg, V. A. TITLE: Constant configurttions in the problem of four bodies and their stability. Nostoyannye konfiguratsii v probleme' chetyrekh tel i ikh ustoychivost'). "RIODICAL: Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 1957, Vol-34, No.17 PP. 55-'114 (USSR) ABSTRA,CT: 1. The equations of motion for the four body problem in a rectangular baricentric coordina-te system with rotation components p q, r are given by (1.1). Configurations for which the rUios ol the istances between the bodies are constant in time, are defined as constant configurations. An anlytical expression of this definition is given in eq.(1.2). Eqs.(1.1) can thepefore be reduced to (1.3). Three cases are possible: I. All points of the system lie on a straight line. If one takes'the x-axis as the straight line so that q m 0, eqs. (1.4) result-from (1-3) and the necessary condition for the existence of a straight line configuration is given by (1.5). If r I ='O all the points describe similar Keplerian orbits (equal eccentricities; focus at the centre of mass of the siBtzm),)and.take up the same positions on them. q* 1. wa first given by Moulton (6) for the problem of V bodies, who showed that it leads to 112N! solutions. II. Points of the system do not lie in the same plane. It is shown (P.5?) that the only constant spatial configuration is a right tetrahedron, in which thn mpm--- Constant-configurations in the problem of four bodies, and their"Stability. (Cont.) the points are arbitrary and the motion takes place down the straight 1'ines which pass through the centre of inertia, and in the same direction for all the points. III. Points of the system lie in a single plane but not in a single straight line. The analysis of MacMillan and Bartky (4) is repeated (PP-58-61 inclusive). 2. The stability of circular solutions in the roblem of four bodies is considered. Use is made of the resJts of Andoyer (1), t?) and Meyer (1) for the case of N bodies. For circulr~,r motion f (t) = constant. The plane Oxy is taken as the plane of relative equilibrium of the given bodies. The ori in of coordinates is taken at the centre of inertia of the system, and the constant angular velocity of the x' and y axes about the z axis isji~t equal'to n, the angular velocity in the circular m ion of the points. The equations of motion for this case are given by eq.(2.1) which may also be written in the form (2.2). It is shown that whatever the masses and initial erturbations which are perpendicular to the plane of unpert~rted motion, tAe circular solutions are stable, in the first approximation, and the perturbed motion about the z-axis is periodic. Further aspects of the circular solutions are treated in some detail. Constant,co,nfigurations in the problem of four bodies,and their stAility. (Cont.) 3. The stability of some special circular solutions in the problem of four bodies is considered. I. Strai6ht line. With a suitable choice of initial conditions configuration is conditionally' stable-, and two families of circular prbits exist which are near to the position of relative e ilibrium. Ilu S5uare. I this configuration is unstable but the inhability is not absolute. II. Rhombus. Configuration is unstable. B9, le. (three equal masses, fourth mass at Uilateral tri!Ll .4 centre); Configurati is unstable. 4. An attempt is made to apply the theory of constant epnfigurations to the stars of the Trapezium of Orion. In this system (Fig.8) it is assumed that E and F are only projected on the general background of the trapezium and their mass is small. Therefore', in the first approximation, the trapezium may be taken as consisting of four bodies A,B,C,D, where CD = AC and m "Mb It is shown that within the D ' MA - limits of this model the Trapezaina of Orion cannot form a plane constant configuration. it is possible, however, that these stars form a spatial constant configuration. 10,Figs. 1 Table. 10 references, 3 of which are Russian. State Astronomical Institute imeni 1'. K. Sht~-,rrberg. Reed. April 18, 1956. .: ~Sauter pk,,,o 41 MUMEERG .1-- _~jatjl Sci (djaf3) __ ~Relativlstic correctlonB in I the problem el tilree bodies". Leningrad, 1956. 6 pp (Acad Sci USSR, MAin Astronomical Observatory), 100 copies (HL, No 6, 1959, 12-3) BRUMBERG, V.A. Relativistic corrections in the theory of the notion of the moon. Biul.Inst.toor.astron. 6 no-10:733-756 158, (MIRA 13:3) (Moon) 30) AUTROR: Brumberg, V.A. SOV/33-35-6-9/18 'ilon and the Coordinate Conditions in the TITLE: The Relativistic Problem of N Bodies PERIODICALs Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1958,Vol 35,11r 6,pp 893-903 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author derives the equations of relativistic problem of N bodies in an arbitrary coordinate system. At each stage of the EIH.- method (approximation method of Einstein, Infeia and Hoffman) four arbitrary functions were introduced into the expression for the gravitational potential. After an introduction to the problem and to the basic idea of the E1H- �� I and 2, it is proved i~ �� 3 and 4 that the equations of motion do not depend on the introduced arbitrary functions. In � 5 the author investigates the motion'of a test particle in the field of the N bodies. The author mentions V.A. Fok J-R Ief 7-7. Card 1/2 The Equations of Motion and the Coordinate Conditions SOV/33-35-6-9/18 in the Relativistic Problem of N Bodies There are 21 referenceag 1 of which is Sovietq 5 are American, 6 Engl~sh, I is Irisht 4 are P61iah, I is Canadian, I Italian, I French, and I Indian. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of ths AS USSR) SUBMITTED: November 18, 190 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: TITM: 35 7 36 S/124/62/000/003/002/052 D237/D301 Brumberg, V.A. Trajectories of double collision in the restricted three-body problem I PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanikay no. 3, 1962t 12, abstract 3A81 (Byul. In-ta teor, astron. ANT SSSR, 1960, 7, no. 10, 833 - 843) TEXT: The method of determining the trajectories of double colli- sion i.e. direct hit trajectories,of one body on another body in the plane, restricted, circular three-body problem, is investiga- ted. Differential equations of motion are transformed into ellipti- cal variables of Tile (Transliteration] and normalized. The system is reduced to a single 2nd order differential equation in which one of the elliptical coordinates takes the part of the independent va- riablev by means of the Jacobi integral. The boundary problem cor- responding to the double collision trajectory is solved by 1hod of successive approximations. At the same time a theorem is proved which is a generalization of the knom Picard theorem. The Card 1/2 S/124/62/000/003/002/052 Trajectories of double collision ... D237/D301 method developed here is used in constructing-the trajectory of double collision in the Copenhagen variant of the restricted circu- lar three-body problem. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation]. Card 2/2 . 1. T AUMiOR-. Brumberg, V. A. 9/035/61/000/012/031/01i I AOOl/A1O1 TIME% On the problem of determining energetically optimum orbits PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 12, 1%-1, 9'_~ abstract 12A771 ("Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSR".. 1961, v. 8, no. 1, 1 - 10, Engl. summary) TEXT: The problem of determining an energetically optimum orbit for 1he two-impulse transition of a rocket from one given point of the phase space Of CO- ordinates and velocities into another given point is reduced to findl. +11le ng imum of some function of two variables, being the instants of applying In the case of Kepler ! motion, the knowledge of the general. solution of eauaTl in variations makes it possible to find necessary derivatives of coordirnat.4_~ ana velocities from boundary values in analytical form. As an illustra-blon, ure ~-i- ample of determining the Bar-th-Mars trajectory is presented. There aie 10 ref erences. V. Brumberg [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 89329 3 0 S/033/61/038/oOl/012/019 a'xwo E032/E314 AUTHORS: Brumberg, V.A., Kirpichnikov, S.N. and --Ch'ebVt-X-r-TV7 "G. . TITLE: On the Motion of Artificial Moon Satellites PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1961, Vol. 38, No. 1, PP. 131 - 144 TEXT: The launching of artificial Moon satellites is a problem for the immediate future. It is known that a number of attempts have been made In the United States to put a satellite into orbit round the Moon, although all of them are said to have been entirely unsuccessful. The theory of motion of artificial Moon satellites has been widely discussed in Western literature (Buchheim - Ref. 1, Kooy - Ref. 2, Kboy and Berghuis - Ref- 3, GrObner and Cap - Ref. 4 and Th9ring - Ref. 5); in Soviet literature the theory of motion of these satellites was considered by Yegorov (Ref. 6) and Aksenov and Demin (Ref. 7). Prolonged observations of artificial Moon satellites may be of great interest from the point of view of celestial mechanics, since they can be used Card I/Ij 89329 S/033/61/038/001/ol2/019 E032/E314 On the Motion of Artificial Moon Satellites to improve the present data on the figure and mass of the Moon. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the motion of Moon satellites by considering a number of special cases, the solutions being obtained by numerical integrations. From the mathematical point of view the problem is reduced to the integration of equations of motion of a mass point having a negligible mass, moving in the gravitational field of the Moon and subject to perturbations due to the non-spherical Moon and the gravitational attraction of the Earth and the Sun. The moti-azi of the artificial Moon satellite is described in terms of the mean anomaly M , the area vector Z and the Laplace vector which are defined by: c = r x r (5) Card 2/1f 69329 S/033/61/038/ool/012/Oig 1-032/E314 On the Motion of Artificial Moon:Satellites and: ,2 M P Tr P(Trp) 0 (6) where r is the lunocentric radius vector of the satellite. The Moon is assumed to have the form of a uniformly rotating homogeneous triaxial ellipsoid and the perturbation is represented in the form: r, (p, - r+ (p)] + grad V, (22) ri The.princ:Lpal set of coordinates xyz is chosen to be the, lunocentric system oriented along the principal axes 6f the ellipsoid of inertia of the Moon for the epoch 196o.o-.: ln C.-ird 3/1i 89329 s/o33/61/O38/Ool/ol2/ol9 E032/E3i4 On the Motion of Artificial bloori Satellites the derivation of the transformation formulae for this system of coordinates it is assuined that the Moon modes in accordance with the Cassini laws. The physical libration of the Moon .�s neglected. The initial instant of time is chosen to be t = 1960, October 24.0. At this instant the Moon is in 0 the neighbourhood of the perigee and is in the first quarter, which may facilitate the observation of the satellite from the Earth. The unii of time is one day and the unit of length is 10 mean radii of the Moon. -The other initial data assumed are: 2 M2 2129 90, i M 1.375, 8 (38) '17 .3?1 OW, Cixrd 4/1 P ='O. 272 274 6378.270 mit,j 89329 S/033/61/038/001/012/019 E032/E314 On the Motion of Artificial Moon Satellites where is the mean equatorial radius of the Earth, -7 is the radius of the Yoon, 111 01 m Iand m2are the masses of the Floon, the Earth and the Sun, respectively (mu 'ltiplied by the gravitational constant) and N is the average angular velocity of the Moon around its axis. The initial positions and velocities of the Earth and the Sun in the principal system of coordinates xyz have the following values: Card 5/1i 89329 S/033/61/038/001/012/019 E032/E3i4 on the Motion of Artificial Moon Satellites 0 128 077 44 - 10?, Y, 0. 167 612 08. 102, 0.245 209 82-101, xt 0.128 601 29-104, Y1 0.844 314 33-104, (41), z, 0. 118 582 14. 103, jj 0.418 764 47 - 1 Ot, 0.325 042 31-101, 91 0.839 719 12-10-2, 0. 143 319 51 - 10-1, 0.229 757 57-10!, .2 0.334 423 30-101. The initial distribution of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun at the initial instant of time Is as shown in Fig. 2. The following.four orbits of the satellite are then computed: 1) polar orbit with small eccentricity (Cp) 2) equatorial orbit with small eccentricity (Ce) Card 6/it 89329 1 5/033/61/038/001/012/019 E032/1014 Un the Notion of Artificial Moon Satellites 3) polar orbit with large oebentricity (Ep); 4) equatorial orbit with large eccentricity (Ee) For polar orbits (Cp, Ep) at t it.,,%,ras assumed that: 0 900, 00, 17 1034o The quantity was found from the condition that the" line of nodes for the satellite orbit is perpendicular to tht direction of the Sun. For the equatorial oAits (Ce, Ee) it was assumed that: 0 i = 0 , -- + w = 1710340 (43).. Table 1'gives the summary of the initial data (key to 'cable 1:- 1 - element; 2 - type of orbit.~ Card 7/14 89329 1 S/033/61/o38/001/012/019 E032/E314 On the D:otion of Artificial Moon Satellites Table 1: Card 8/11 CROAR4711n4nabilux ADIHINX Tull opOisTu Typ- 4 Or6~i Melly Cp CIP EP E6 0. 15528270. 10o 0 0.18506'427-10, 0 cy 0-10191,879-W 0 0.121.50144-101 0 CT 0.103J2460:101 0 0.12290275-161 1 -0.12610546-1T - 1-0.1261051,6.10% 1-0.4692MA3.101, 1 -0.1,6925243-W /y 0.10207686,1V 0.19207996.JO- 0.71473935-IT FO.7147393,r).100 0 0 0 89329 S/033/61/038/001/012/019 E032/E314 On the Motion of Artificial Moon Satellites In the above table, M is the mean anomaly of the satellite. The initial values of the elements were found for orbits with low eccentricity from the condition: hp 500 km, ha 1 500 km (44) so that: a 0.157 582 56, e 0-182 705 98 (45) For orbits with large eccentricity the corresponding values were; hp = 500 km, ha = 10 000 km (46) and: a =-O-402 30841, e = o.679 869 28 (47). The quantities h p and h a denote the height of the pericentre Card 9/1i 89329 S/033/61/038/ool/012/019 E032/E314 On the Motion of Artificial Mon Satellites and the apocentre at the initial instant of time. Finally, the mean anomaly M was chosen to be zero, ioe. at t 0 the satellite was at the pericentre of its orbit. The integration of the equations of motion was carried out by the Runge-Kutta method. 19 equations of the first order and one time equation were integrated. Table 3 gives the initial and final elements of the orbits (key to Table 3: Title - Change in Orbit Elements of the Satellite; 1 - type of orbit; 2 - number of revolutions; 3 a (in lunar radii); 4-- T (in days); 5 - CP; 6 - Ce; 7 Ep; 8 - Be.) Fig. 3 gives the variation of the eccentricity with number of complete revolutions. Fig. 4 gives a similar plot for the quantity cos i and Fig. 5 gives the variation in the distance of the pericentre (in lunar radii). Complete numerical data on the basis of which these graphs were plotted are reproduced. The authors intend to continue their work in this field. Card 10/1k 89329 5/033/61/038/001/012/019 E032/E3i4 On the Motion of Artificial Moon Satellites Theie are 5 figures, 7 tables and 8 references:. 3 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATlON; Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii Alcademii. nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: October 22, 1960 Card 11/1i S/033/61/038/004/009/010 E032/E5i4 AUTHOR,. Brumberg, V. A. TITLEt Random initial conditions and random parameters in celestial mechanics PERIODICAL9 Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, V.38, no.4, 1961, 738-753 TEXT: In-the theory'of motion of real ce'lestial.bodies, -, the initial conditions and parameters (e.g. masses) are derived from observations and are not, therefore, known exactly; they are random quantities which obey known probability distributions, The solution of the corresponding differential equations of motion is then a random process and the aim of the theory is to establish the associated probability distributions, The present paper is concerned with this type of problem and is divided into three sections. The first section is concerned with the determination of the time interval within which one can predict elliptical motion,. The point is that in most problems in classical mechanics a slight indeterminacy in the initial conditions grows with time and the prediction of the motion becomes less and less reliable, M. Born (Ref.6t Dan.Mat,Fia.Medd., 30, No~2, 1955; Card -2/2 Random initial conditions S/033/6l/038/oo4/ooq/oio r,032/r.,514 Ref,7,. Z,Phys., 153;372z 1958) has established a 11principle of uncertainty" for classical mechanics- the more accurate the action variables the less accurate the angular variables, The-present author applies the Born approach to the elliptic motion, The second section is concerned with random initial conditions and random parameters-in the problem of two bodies and the third section treats the case of'n bodies (inaccuracies in initial conditions and masses), It is assumed throughout that the initial distributions obey the normal law, In actual practice the distribution of the initial conditions must be-determined froffi the'observations themselves. as described by M. F. Subbotin (Ref.91, Mat'Sbornik, 31, 296, 1923,, Ref.10% Astron, Nachr,, 218, 5~ 1923). The paper is entirely mathematical and no specific numerical calculations are given, There are 10 references? 6 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet, ASSOCIATION-: Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy. Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED- September 17; 1960 Card 2/2 BRUMBERG V.A. - -, -1 Total perturbations of the elements of artificial moon satellites. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 8 no.10005-732 162. (MIRA 17:8) BRU14BERG I V.A. Series of polynomiaJa in the pro'b'lem of three bodies. Biul. Inst. teor.astron. 9 no-4231~-256 163, (MIRA 17:3) 3. W-M - BRUMBEFG V. A, "Theory of the motion of artificial lunar satellites." report submitted for 15th Intl Astronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64. Leningrad Inst for Theoretical Astronomy, AS USSR SHUDELI, M.S.; CHERNOGUOSKAYA, N.A,i BRU14BFRG,-V.A.; ROZANOV, Yu.M.; BRUI-IJ3ERG, Ye.M. . , - - , -- Effect of some metabolic poisons of the respiratory chain on the ultraviolet fluorescence of cells. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no. 2U47- 450 JI '64. (141RA 17:7) 1. Institut tsitclogii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I. Oparinym. ACC NR' AR6035280 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0269/66/000/00910009/0009 AUTHOR: Brux'nberg, V. A. TITLE: Repre entation of planet coordinates by trigonometric series SOURCE: Rel. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 9.51.87 REF SOURCE: ITr. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSR, vyp. 11, 1966, 3-88 TOPIC TAGS: ~IaInetary orbit, ejwzdi=*a, three body problem, planet coordinate, trigonometric sieries, planet, MACVW"dT*V=W5tt ABSTRACT: The author developes a generalized theory of the large planets of the solar system, t. e. , by a representation of planet coordinates in the form of purely trigonometric 6;xpansions without secular terms. Two methods are suggested for the practical d6velopment of such a theory by menns of modern computers. Both methods utilize'rectangular coordinates, while the majority of the known methods make use of osculating elements. The essence of the first method lies in the applic-ation of the Hill-Browne lunar method to the planet problem. The inter- mediate orbit W a periodic solution of the first order in the restricted three-body r_A 1/2 4CC -NR' A-R6035180- problem and a formal quasiperiodic solution of the planet problem. In both cases tfie intermediate orbit yields all the inequalities which do not depend on planet eccentricities and inclinations. The derived formulas make it possible to calculate' the intermediate orbit up to and including third-order te'rms in relation to perturb- ing masses. The second method consists in substituting trigonometric series expressing rectangular coordinates in the planet-motion equation, in equating the coefficients of the right and left sides with equal trigonometric indexes, and in solving the nonlinear infinite algebraic system thus obtained for coefficients and frequencies. This method is the more expedient for the development of a generaliz! ed planet theory. The bibliography contains 43 titles. N. Yakhontova. [Transla- tion of abstractl [DW] SUB CODE: 031 1 6 1 1 1 Is It It It M is M Is 4 " a 111 a a v a 0 I- L--v-Y I I 00 00 *0 '00 a 3951. loiNde voKs of WMe-Ap*rM* Cme of 00 Wom0ow md E. M. DrumbwS. Phyv. Pits. d, .154 - -- Tff GJRW9o.-Wben a sourre of plo, 103-114. l933. 00 two bramp In dillannt. direcdons, their ability to int 00 0 anothm when broulght toWher by a suitablic optital Ityak d Analyse by TMWYitIg the Vibration Of Oath PRIMA Into tV" 00 13 beams anct cansl&dna each bftm wepusrataly The paper 4 so cam in this manner And shows how, In cetWn dreumat 60 ferVism rdevto of the tm) pmd1s will just be mutr4find wim frtmn tho ixionv III oplumile d1roctiona, An vitivrimen, which has Imen u,.vd to verify the txmdu&kms. is described ultra-microscope with suit&* conderaer And polarising dc U it IV "I a b, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 96 0 9, 0 0 0 0 0 9-9 gas & 0 0 0 Joss vs: Ido Jots MIN41 41 404) "4,Co 7:4 0 & U&M. 15. 1. fetictilovs. S. 1. -00 !ht "As out fore with one -00 a. can only be .0,0 )I&nO POIArived cusses vwkma cm. the Inter- thry c**"tv one I arranpment nd indudes an ca. W. D, W. goo re 0 too -7 -emlp.. is i- Arl L 1 4 Dd 0 4 6 '1 IF P V on 4 1 T dg 0 0 goo 0 0 0000 goo 0 0 0 0 , V 1 6 1 1 9 a it 12 01 11 1 of a N N it V 11 a A 9 a , "1 1 H . A r I N L . IS r 1 1, V , AA 1 4 1 III coot*$ 0401 ~~ -I- Mot. 04 49139 ACCUFACY OF PHOTMETRIC EXTINCTIOF YETHODS. E. BF-71UrAND S. C-OMPTES RMFIDUS DE L. ACAL. MS SCIEKC'S. URS3.3 np WS-411 Aui-. 21 1934 , of visual extiniotion metbt:iz,is daterzined In German The limit of a oursoy by the capabilitios of tho darl-adapted eye, Which possesses a hirh 00 sensitivity. In the Crean part of the spectrum 50-iOO photons are sufficith .00 00 to S~xcitv the visual response. This limit Is beyand thnt of the ordinary 00 06 j ethod photomlactrbo cell and In R photo Craphicm It would re,j,iira vveral 00 0 hours' expa3ure. An apparatus is descrioed for testinC the a coursey a** go a of the vis,sal -method and a 3cries of results for two obsorvers is given. 00 V 'Ma fluorescence of' an pquec-us solution of fluorescein, xciteda too go, 0 0 - t 5-a--Vera carbon ttrc lam-) As measuraLle vn,en tho concentrution o. the f zoo 3 'z flixorraf-ein is about 10- rm. per c o . HJUS i -00 A 5 a -9, a -tTALLURGXAL 1.1712MME CLASSIFICATION ------- L -,- -- - ~ - - ~ .--- - . : _ I go AnL %laid(I U K At lo Al , No 4 1t4 n n - 0 i, o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 0 & 9 0 0 ' l 0 e 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 a 0 0 0 0 Ir o:z 00 A to -SL IL SITALLURGKIL LITCRATWC CLAUWXATIW 0"1 ORL 0 u 4 b 9 . u It AT so it tt i , ' . i i ; " ; , my be md b Ibr ra b pbcad as 90. 111411mot ad 4"1 ill 14 1 1 8 OW 0 0 2 1 W 0 9 A 4 0 * 9 0 0 It 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 Is, I .00 age '00 of ago '00 too see V WW - W - a It x -1- -1 I -aft 03"A. Deyke for 5*1Kt1m$ Monochromatic Ujht. E.- M. .00 t''_"j'1 mllwstm tit twi, tijtht44Wd-jwiwm fonitlikit A tmetaiitluW 14c*k. whkh a layer of a Auld of suilmAk d6persion is introduced. A sharp twundary to the tritrimWIted Ught b pooducod by total reflection. Altrmmf%vAy A trans- .00 (ww plate is Introduced in a Auld at a suitable Angle. 11Y HMSIR appr"- *00 lwime Putwia"CON, thS &Uth(W hU 0101KtOd SrkVt1`Al lr$141414 ad UAMIW OLS 00 20 A. Tfic avelboill h w4levially UNIU1 (tic mr1rcling lituitni irgimn in the ultra-violet; ffluittratlorm abow tb~ um of different j%drs of sullotances. T. L. M. age 31 0*0 d (LattaKAl.00 St, it, 77 logo" A. OcklT 0 IS U It AV I go *0 0 0 0 o 0 *0 We TOO; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 -i - 00 00 j 00 . 00 f 00 000 A I it a IS a W V a At At At X L Z*sW. 1037, is rAt &I to dilcreatlate gwees Only tb*dr or only their luare- -ohm somse of diffamt cmp-. give the lanumW cow. In at other assr. Ownstioss an vi: =w= Unhwad 32 opdad gbmwm frOrM the LAMM showed dot cely glavirs of vM lim campus. g1tyc tw pb- &*OMKMt- S13d pt the um time the am harewevit colors. so that all oil- glas" mn be dif. febrentlual 1xvolorMax both phm-. M. 0- M. x 31 a it I I It -00 _9* -** 00 9 coo goo coo SOO ago g(TALLUNGKAL LITI04YLOI CL41WKAIMM i L -.1 goo. sl~vjlv. $gnome .4 14140'a .99 M. dot sit&&, OK qWv all U 0 AT 10 131'. , A I I - I " D 0 it a A K It Cc It za i i ire Wl a I a Us 0 0 9 1 W IN I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) 0 OT"a 10 ~17',v A. 5 T~.~ got *0 a nil g0'3 0 0 V 0 00,4 9! !---n"k F. ArAd. Sri. WIX.A.. 473-476)..7%m photogm art, made A with a, mieromops with qmrtz kme wW mono. Chroffistar timing a high Vol mr spark betwm (m clevtrodem an light mou, m- "m Photographs are ProPtled On 10 A mvfwn MA wh III PumbW by a c`olOuii*wh" triftrwaitting rfd, 1, M. Or blUO light. Or hrm - 11trvir-fi*mar mcfemb can a6o be phot(Wmphin J.1 then S. T. V-- - A. I L A WILUACKAL 1.1111MOt CLAISOKA11066 il ifi-chw '~V; II II Q.T Got 461111011t, I A v a w 0 9 a I of Im a In An L I a u IS hT 00 Is 4 a cg Wit 0 00 so 0000 000 090000 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 '00 r0 0 so 0 see XOO foe ~1;0 o of Iro o