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BRONGOVA, 0.; WOZOVSKY, V. The disinfective effect of quaternary ammonium compounds on viruses in vit-ro. Il. Comparison of the disinfective effect of Ajatln, Septonex, substance VUFFB, - 3555 and Bradosol on vaccinia and WEE viruBes. Cook. epidem. 14 no.2*.106-116 W 165 1. Vy-zkumny ustav pro furnac:li a blochoni.A, Praha. BRONDER,._)Ueczyalawp technik The, CHOP type orthogOnal linin of headings, Wiadom gorn 1A+ no.5-.142-143 My 263. .i~ I BRONDZj B.De.-(Moskvap Baltiyakaya u1., 10, kv.59) In vitro and in vivo study of the cytotoxic effect of cellular and humoral isoantibodies. Report No.l: Cytotoxic effect of bumoral iooantibodies from cells resistant to varcome in mice. Vop. onk. 10 no-3:9-16 164. (MIRA 17-.8) 1. Iz otdela immunologii i onkologii (zavo, - prof. L.A. Zillber) Instituta, spidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F. Gamalei (dir. - Prof. P.A. Vershilova)o BW4DZ,,B.D.; YEWROV,I.K. Antigenic structure of locus Hma of the mouse strains CC57Rr and CC57W. Folis, biol. (Praha) 10 no.200-93 t64 1. Department of Immunology and Choology, Gamaleya Institute of 4idemiology and Microbiology# Moscow. BRONDZ, B.D. Some problems in the study of the inhibition and stimulation mechanism of homotransplant growths. Axialele biol 17 no-3:32-55 MY-Je 163. J;,,- BRONDZ, B.D. Interaction of immune lymphocytes in vitro with normal and neoplastic tissue cells. Folia biol. (Rraha) 10 no.3:164-176 164 1. Immunology and Oacology Department, Gamaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiologyp Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. BRONDZY B.D. (j.!OSjcva, lijiltlyskayaj d.101 kv.59/ Antibodies against t1le specific antigen of t,~-,e membrarie. of tu'.10:' eel-Is. Vop. onk. :10 no.2:82-88 164. I'V, 17:7) 7ii 1 1. 1z otdela immunoloc,11. i onkologii vl-M Inct- tuta evirlemiologi i -i N.F. Gamnle; (dir.- prof. P..... ~ershi.2ova) SSSR. BRONDZ, B.D. Relationship between haemagglutinating and cytotoxic properties of humoral isoantibodies. Folia biol. (Praha) 10 no.4:251-260 164. 1. Gnmaleya Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiologyp Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Immunology and Oncology Department, Moscow. ~3RONDZ, B.D. (Moskva, Baltlyskaya u1., d.10., kv.69) Studies in vivo and in vitro on the and humoral antibodies. Report No.2: lymphocytes and homologous normal and -71 164. no.8s64 cytotoxic effect of cel-lular Interrelation of immune tumor tissues. Vop onk. 10 (MIRA 18,~,. 1. Iz otdela immunologii i onkologii (zav, - deystvitellriyv. chlen A14N SSSR prof. L.A.Ziltbar) Instituta eksperi-mentalirtoy meditsiny imeni Gamalei (dir. - prof. P.A.Vershillova), Moskva. BRONDZ. B.D. Methodology for cell agglutination reactions of normal and tumor tissues and of cytotoxic reactions in vitro. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 57 no-5:64-69 VT 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Otdel immunologii i onkologii (zav. - prof. L.A.Zillber) Instituta epidemiologii*i m1krobiologii imeni Gamalei (dir. - prof. P.A.Vershilova), Moskva. Submitted December 27, 1962- BRONDZ, B.D.; YEGOROV, I.K. Antigenic structure of the H-2 locus of CC57BR and CC57W mice. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 58 no.7:90-93 Jl '64- (MIRA 18:2) ? Mel immunologil i onkologii (zav. - prof. L.A.Zialber) .z natituta epidemlolo~ii i mikrobiolog i Anent Gamalei- (dir, - I I prof. P A.Vershilova)) Mosk\ra, Sulin-Atted July 8, 1961, 0 X NM AP6017418 SOURCE CODE: UR/0221/65/059/OC)2/0257/02831 AUTHOR:, Brondzj B. D. (Moscow) /13 .ORG: none TITIE: Various aspects of investigation of the nature of hypersensitivity of the delayed type and of phenomena related to it SOURCE: Uspekhi sovremennoy biologii, v- 59, no. 2, 1965, 257-283 TOPIC TAGS: immunity, antibody antigen, enzyme, immunization ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of hypersensitivitylof the delayed type (11DT) and -its significance In tae formation of immunity4are discussed on the bisis of !extensive published data oa the subject and of the nuthor0s own work. It is tbrought out that the process of formation of immunity consists of two stagest developmcmt of cell antibodies, I.e., of a specific complementary configura- tion on the surfaco of mature small lymphocytes, and development of humoral ~anitbodies* Some immune lymphocytes deteriorate upon reacting with the anti-, gen, with the result that Intracellular proteolytic enzymes are released ,which are responsible for HM reactions against transplantates, and other .phenomena of tissue Immunity. ilie second stage of Immunization develops as .a result of a transformation by interaction with the antigen of other Immune lymphocytes into cells capable of developing humoral antibodies (possibly plasma cells). By administering'only a small amount of antigen, irradiating ,experimental animals w1th_X-rays, and applying some other methods, the second Card t ACC NR: AP6017418 of immunizatlon~ that of formation of humoral antibodies, can be delayed and the first stage (as Indicated by formation of HDT) produced in,Its pure form. On administration of a large amount of antigen, the .Second stage develops rapidly and the first Stage Call Usually not be Aifferentiated from it. The first stage (that of formation of immune lympho-' cytes) presumably forms the basis for lasting imiranolocgical tolerance by ;ensuri-i- persistence of the antigen in an organism that is tolerant to it. 'Although it is.generally assumed that cell antibodies cannot be separated from dhe cells* the argumentsadvanced to this effect are not entirely valid. JPRS) SUB CODE: 00' SUBM DA-TE: none ORIG REF: 011 OTH REF: 228 Boots and Shoos - Trade and Manufacture Apparatus for determining the activity of a solvent for granitol. Leg. prom. 12 no. 4:33-34 Ap 152 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of U-ongress, July 1795-2. Unclassified PREMLLIGp Rudolf; CADEK, Josef; BROIEC, Josef Kinetics of decarburization of co34 rolled silicon steel transformer sheets in the H~-H2-H20 and CO-002LE2-H2-H20 atmospheres. But :List7 16 no.9:645-651 S 161o 1. Vyzkumny ustav butnictvi zelezap Frabae CHURT, J.; BROW, J.; KANINSKY, J. Catalase activity of hepatic tissue, preserved at a temperature of V Lin Russian with ou-&-try in German] . Chekh.biol. 3 no.1:49-53 P '54. (Mr-RA 7:6) 1. Institut biologii veterinarnogo fakullteta Vyeshey zemledellehaskoy shkoly, Brno. (Liver) (Catalass) BRONER, A. Prospects of the increase of labor productivity. p. 15- PRZH)GLAD TECHNIUNY. Nacze1na Organizacja Techniczna. Warszaway Poland, Vol. no. 29, July, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EC-AI), W, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959. Uncl. X* I I ~- Evartirnaia )-Iat,, v f:~ent in t!-,c :(-S.F.,j-R,75-r,, .,,i !", ..j kornut'Llj. Jcl'Oziir't',ra :-',7F~Rj 19531. 62 p. - 11 j.-,.fo ..'. 30, ~-cnthlv idst Of Russian ~ - - . ~.~ccl'-Ifd~olls, vol. 6 jt~o. 11 February 1954. BROhni-y D.L. N15 781.12 Kvartirnaya Plata V TWSR (A-artment Rend Tn The RSF,',R, By) B8 K. L. Broner, Izd, Dop, 1 ISPR. Moskva, Izd-V6 Hinisterstva 1954 Kommunallnogo Khozyaystva RSFSR, 1954. 63 P. Tables. Bibliographical Footnotes. 15 -Rx -7R, 1). T'. Organizatsiya i ekonomika zhil-ishchnogo khozyaystva (Ori-ranization and economics of housing) Moskva, 1955- 351 P. A ON, V-_A._k,, , BRON, V A. nd.toklui.nauk _2L_ gintering and mineralogical structure Trudy Inst. ogneup. no.29:90-106 160. (Refractory of the system MgO-CqO-Fe 03* (MIRA 14:12 materials) BRONER, D.L., kandidat skonomichaskikh nauk, dotsent. --4~ :r - i - * Computlag.the cost of hpApIng. mistenance im, planning houses. Uch. Up. Hook. ekes.-*tat. inst. 6:70-86 155. (MIRA 10:4) (Dwellings) L~~ndidat.,ekonomichookikh-mauk, doteent. I in.housing ptgtjptics. Uch. Zap. Xesk. okoa,-stat. inst. 6:133-139 155. (MLRA 10:4) (Housixg-statiaties) BROJUM, D.L.; ROZANTSEV, S.N.; KHRISTMO, V.P.-, VOLKOV, S.V.. [Housing management; reference manual for workers in housing management and In offices administering apartment houses] Upra-vlenie shilishchnym khosiaistvon; spravochnoe posobie dlia, rabotnikov domoupravlanii I zhilishchno-okepluatatsionnykh kontor. Isd.2., parer. Koskva, I.zd-vo K-va komman.khoz. RWSR, 1939. 302 P. (MIRA 12:5) (Housing management) (Dwellings-kaintenance and repair) "o-BRONER. D.L.; GELIDEPLG9 L.As, kand. tekhn. nauk; KATSv Ye.A.; FEKLER, A.N.; FILATOVv P.L.; MOMKOY9 K.L,q red. izd-va; OSElIK09 L.14, tekhn. red. [Ways to lower apartment house operating expenses; on the basis of choosing efficient.plans] Puti snizheniia raskhodov po eksplua- tatsii zhilykh dorov; na osnove vybora ratsionalInykh proektrykh reshenii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.9 arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1960. 109 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektm-y SSSR. Institut zhilishcha. (Apartment housea-Accounting) BRONM, David Llvoviclij HYABUSHKIN~ T.V., red.j YEZHOVA, L.L... tekhn. (Modern problemb in fious ing;-economic and statistical analy#91 Sovreihenrgre problenq 2hilishchnog6 khoziaistva opyt ekonoit~ statisticheekogo analiza. Moskval Ges. izd-vo "Vysshaia ebkolap" 1961. 263 p,. (MIRA 14:10) (Housing) KAPUSTIN, Ye.I., kand.ekon.nauk; LAV-ROV,V.V.; RYIPMRI, S.M.; KONSTMITIROV) Yu.A.; PRI AVDIII, D.T. I kand.ekmn.nauk; KIRILIDU, I.T.I.; HIMASHMM'SYMA, 1414.~ AIINIOPOV, B.F.; RYABKOV, F.S,; POPOV, G.A.; DEIMANOVA, V.A., 0,1101YAR, I.M.; ACHARKAN, V.A., kand. yin-id.nauk; BRONER. . * SIIEPIMI, Ye.V.; KRYkZMV, V.G.; ALESHINA, F.Yu.,'.an . ekon. nauk; KUZIMSOVA, N.P.; I-W.KOVICH, M.B.; BIBIK, L.F.; BUDARINA, V., red.; MIGORIYEVA, I.p mladshiy red.; CHEPELEVA, 0., tekhn. red. [Public consmption funds and improving the welfare of the people in the U.S.S.R.jObshchestvennyo fondy i rost blagosostojanija naroda v SSSR. Moskvaj Sotsekgiz, 1962. 222 p. (MA 15:6) (Cost and standard of living) 25( SOV/117-59-8-33/44 AUTHOR: Broner L. TITLE: The Creators of Hydrocopying Semi-Automatic Machines PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitel9, 1959, Nr 8, pp 38-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The designers of the Moskovskiy stankostroitellnyy zavod imeni Ordzhonikidze (Moscow Machine Tool Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze), Ya.P. Mezivetskiy, B.L. Korobochkin, I.A. Rostovtsev,Ye.F. Sokolov and the former Chief Engineer of the plant M.M. Berman, were awarded the 1959 Lenin prize for the creation of hydrocopying semi- automatic machine tools. The new hydraulic co-ordinate follow-up system (Figure 1) permits the copying of parts of any configuration within 180 limits. The plant is producing a series of hydrocopying semi-autbmatic machines. The three main models are: 111732" (Figure 2), "172211 (Fi- gure 3) and "1?12" (Figure 4), designed mainly for the machining of multistage parts with conical,, cylindrical Cardl/2 sov/117-59-8-33/44 The Creators of Hydrooopying Semi-Automatic Machines and shaped journals of 15 to 320 mm in diameter and 150- 1,600 mm long. At the zavod imeni Likhacheva(Plant imeni Likhachev) it takes only 15-20 minutes to reset such a machine for installation in automatic lines. The automatic line containing two hydrocopying machines, which received the Grand Prix at Brussels, will soon be available to the machine building industry. At present, the designers are completing a hydrocopying machine with program control. Ivan Alexandrovich Rostovtsev, Chief Designer of the plant, has received many letters of praise from the Nizhnetagillskiy "Uralvagonzavod" (Nizhniy Tagil "Uralvagonzavod"), Gor9kovskiy Avtozavod (Gor'-'- kiy Automobile Plant), Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant), Gorlovskiy mashinostroitel9- nyy zavod (Gorlovka Machine Building Plant). There are 4 photos and I diagram. Card 212 BROUR, L. New designs of industrial buildings, Washinostroitell no.10:38-40 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Industrial buildings) RUDAKOVp A.; VASIL'YEVp G.; MONERP R.; MDIPGHANOV, V. I proposals made b7 engineers. Pozh.delo 8 no.12125 D 162, (MRk 16sl) (Fire-prMrention-Technologioal innovations) DMITRIYEV, A.To.; BROMICH B - work. -ing students for socially useful Parents' role in prepax Politekh.obuch. no.12:44-47 D '59. (14M 13:5) 1: Srednaya sbkoIA No.21, TagRnroge (Home and school) BRONEVICH GoAsminghe Device for removings storingg and replacing balls in ball mills- Blek,sta. 29 no.11:77-78 N '58o (MIRA 11:12) (Killing whtnery~lquijmsnt and suPPliss) (d )L ACC NRt AP5021521 SOURCE CODE! UR/0113/65/000/008/003410035 AUTHOR: Abramson, Yu. M.; Genina, F. Xh.; Bronevitskaya, N. V. ORG: None TITLE: A simplified approach to automobile radio interference level testing SOURCE: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', no. 8, 1965, 34-35 TOPIC TAGS: radio transmission, automobile, interference measurement ABSTRACT: The All-Union standards for tolerable industrially-produced radio interference levels also apply to automobiles. The present article describes a small-scale test stand to ipeasure radio Interference levels of automobiles simply and inexpensively. The stand Is rpade of two mutually insulated plates the size and location of which are selected so as to achieve a sufficiently large capacitance between the upper plate and the car body (reasonable coupling) while maintaining a low capacitance between the two plates. This capacitance determines the magnitude of the*HF resistance which Is used to measure the voltage generated b~ the interference current between the automobile and the lower plate (ground). The article also gives all the pertinent formulas for the calculation of the interference level and gives some reBV1t0 obtained with GAZ-6 3 and ZIL- 130 automobiles. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas, 2 figures, and 2 tables. SUB 99DE: EC, EE / SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG FM OD1 629.113:621.391.823 BRO14EVITSKIY V&P,.*v VISLEW., M., V.; ZjjjOVYEVAp U.Z.; MMUGIN) A.M.; FMRONr A.A.; FEDCROV, A.D.; FEMOVAj A.YO-; j=JAP DDJ6*p VoLKHOVERv R.S." tekbn. red. after A.S-POPOVI [Central Museum of Communications named TSentrallrWY muzei sviazi ineni A.s.popova. Loningrad.9 1962. 234 P. (MIRA 15:3-1) 192 _ jj.S.S.R.)MinisterstvO sviazi. 1. Russia' ( .3 (Leuiwad-Commnications museums) FEDCROV A.D.; VISLENEV, M.V.; BROIEVITSKIY, V.P. nStudies of the history of radio engineering" by B.S. Sotin and V.M. Rodionov and V.M. Titova. Reviewed by A.D. Fedorov, M.V. Vislenev., V.P. Bronevitskii. Vest. sviazi 21 no.7:30-31 Jl 161 * O-MU 16:7) 1,Nachallnik TSentrallnogo muzey'a.svyazi imeni A.S. Popova (for.Fedorov). 2. U&.enyy sekretarl TSentrallnogo muzeya svyazi imeni Popova (for VisleneV), 3, Zaveduyushchiy radiootdelom TSentrallnogo muzeya svyazi imeni P,opova (for Bronevitskiy). (Radio) (Sotin, B.S.) (Rodionovj, V.M.) (Titova;, V*M*) BRONEVOY, V.A.; ZHEZHELI, O.N.; ZHILIN., S.G. New data on the stratigraphy of Paleogene sediments �n the northern part of the Aral Sea region. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6t 1412-1415 0 163, (MIRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Sukachevym. 13PO141"voy, V.1j.; "~ I ~IY'U- 101 J I I, L. G. ; 1, UP jj, T,: i3 ) . I . ; P: - ~ ~, I :( ; " .; , , .~ 1 "I , I A - I - ~ . I :) . S 1, ril t I (z, -.,; t ( -,a, ~ IL ,rjjpj,y of () the soutillic -rll 1 -4 00 llgor.-one nodimont..,j in ~ P, , L f-he C""'b-l'aYSI(OYe Plat-Pau- BJUI.- 1-101P. CILd,cle, -1- 3' 0-5:96-'~~O 8-0 1514. (.MIRA 18:2) BRONEVsKiy, F.J.p inzh. RNV-L tyPe minimum vOltage relay with time delay. Energetik 13 no*1:24,-25 A 1659 (MIRA 18:3) LAGOVSKIY, Andrey Hikolayevich, polkovnik; BRONEVSKIY,_S.S., general-mayor, red.; GOLUNOV, A.V., polkovnik, red., [Strategy and economics; a brief study of their interrelation] Strategiia i skonomika; kratkii ocherk ikh v%aimnoi eviazi i vzaimnogo vliianiia. Koskvs, Voon,izd-vo K-va obor.SSSR, 1957. 199 P. (KIRA 11:1) (War--3conomic aspects) KMER.- A.O.,; BRONF.VSKIX,,YA., Now equipment for multihole drilling. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.8:17-23 Ag 161, (MM 16:7) 1. Kazakhakiy nauchno-iosledovateltakiy institut minerallnogo syrtya Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr KazSSR. (Boring machinery) DUM, &.V.; FAYERM~4K, B.G.; BRONFEN, P.M. The SBG-Im boring machine for boring gas drainage holes in coal mines. Ugoll 40 no.12:60-61 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Giprouglegormashp- Karaganda (for Dum). 2. Mashinostroitel~- nyy-zavcx, Karagandinskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystvu (for Fayermak, Bronfen). BRONFEMRIM, P.p 9vardii inzhener-podpolkomlik Training rf tank driverr. Voen. vest* 42 no.10:52 0 162. - (MIRA 15:10) (Tanks '%,Ailitary science)) CHUDNOVSKIY, A.& (Chudnovstkyi, A.R.]; BRONMBRENER, Z.V. Factors affecting the shrinkage of plastics. KMm. prom, [Ukro) no,3:9-13 JI-S 163. (NIRA 17:8) 1. Chernomorskiy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva. SHKOLINIKOVP Double-stage deasphalting of crude residues from the Tuymaz7 petroleum. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.60-13 163 (MIRA 17t7) 1. Chskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod. L 22h?9-66 FMT (ri) nj ArC_Mr1__MGD7939 ( A SOURCE CODE: UR/0318/66/ODD/001/0020/0022 ALITHOR: Bronfin, 1. B.. Sidorskaya, 16. F., Slepchenko, L. G.; Vinnikovai R. A.; Kuracb, L. ORG: Omsk Oil Refinery (Omskiy neftepererabatyvaygshchiy zavod) V TITLE: Synthesis of alkylphenols for oil manufacturing using silica-alumina catalysts SOURCEt Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no. 1, 1966, 20-22 TOPIC TAGS: alkylphenol, petroleum product, lubrication oil, lubricant, lubricant property, lubricant additive ABSTRACT: Catalytic synthesis of alkylphenols based an technical grade phenol frac- tion and olefin fraction boiled below 800C was investigated. The synthesis was con- ducted by passing a mixture of 27-28 wt % phenol fraction and 72-73 wt % olefin frac- tion through a tubular reactor packed with silica-alumina cracking catalyst. At an optimum reaction temperature equal to 1500C, the yield of alkylphenols was 25-30 wt per pass. The lubricating oili/Sdditive based on the product alkylphenol was found to' conform to the GOST standard for quality. Alkylphenol characteristics reaction tem- perature is graphed. Orig. art. hast 4 figures. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: OD/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 002 C.,d UDC: 665.652.4-4 : 665.4-4 : 66.022.313 BROTTIJ~, UARICHEV, V.A. High-vacuun 'Inii for testing sublimation -b:3L'5th,- continuous weighing method. Zav. lab. 31 no. 12:1522 24 165 (.',IIRA 19:1) 18(7) BOV32-25-9-15/53 AUTHORS% Krasil I shchik, V. Z., Svetlov, I. L., Bronf ing M. B. TITLE: Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient According to the Method of Residual Gamma Aotivity PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959o Vol 25P Nr 9, pp 1072-1074 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The simplified method (Ref 3) of the removal of thin layers for the determination of diffusion in solid bodies based upon a measurement of the difference of radioactivity in a certain layer depth, contain a large determination error. It was found that, if the diffusion coefficient (3)) is not determined according to the gamma activity, but according to the absolute values, the determination accuracy may be increased, For this purpose the relationship between the value of-the integral g a activity of the sample, from which a layer of the thickness h was taken', and the value (D) must be determined. A diagram of .-1 1 the function 0 h (Io ~ initial activity(pulses/min) 0 proportional to the quantity of the radioactive element placed Card 1/2 upon the sample surface, I h - integral activity of the sample Determintttion of the Diffusion Coefficient SOV/32-25-9-15/53 According to the Method of Residual Gamma Activity after the removal of a layer of the thickness h) versus the thickness'h of the removed layeip is obtained; it is a straight line from whose tangent of the inclination angle the value (D) may be direotly dotermined. The autodiffusion of zinc was investigated to test the method. 99.9%-Zn and the radio isotope ZU 65 were used. The intensity of the radioactive radiation was measured on the apparatus B-2 with a gamma counter MS-4, and the autodiffusion of'Zn at 325# 350t 375, and 4000 was investigated after 40, 34, and 22 hours. The maximum determination error of (D) amounts to 10% (Table). There are I figure, I tableg and 5 referencest 3 of which are Soviet* Card 2/2 -11MONFINP H.B. . . I I .- -- -I BOISETEYNO S-Z" ZRMOV'TSKry, A.,L Determination Of the dI8Plac~m~Rt of the &cd'ff0'I0' '"fficient from the tlv,t. v curve. 828-830 160. Zav. lab. 26 no-7: (D'ffusiOn) (RadIO180topea) (MM 13:7) S/806/62/000/003/002/018 AUTHORS: Bronfin, M. B., Bokshteyn, S. Z., Kishkin, S. T. TITLE: The self-diffusion of molybdenum in molybdenum -zirconium alloys. SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. InBtitut metallurgii. Iseledovaaiye splavov tovetnykhmetallov. no.3. 1962, 1Z-18. TEXT: The paper describes experimental work done to clarify the dependence of the volu*metric self-diffusion (SD) parameters of Mo on two factors: (1) the amount of alloying Zr present; (2) the antecedent cold-working of Mo alloys. The work is intended as a contribution to correlations between the rate of self-diffusion and creep, such as those which 0. D. Sherby, R. L. Orr, et al. have tried to estab.- lish causally (J. of Metals, v. 6, no. 1, Sect. 1, 1954, 71-79; Tr ans. ASM, V. 46, 1954, 113-128). Test material and methodology: Large-grain specimens were used to reduce the W-hare-o-f-b-ou-n-aary d7iffusion in tfie total diffusional flux. The Mo and its Zr alloys were vacuum arc-smelted, rolled into an 18-mm diam rod, and high-T annealed at above 1700OC; the alloys ranged from 0.00516 Zr to 0.54% Zr. Right- cylindrical plane-parallel specimens 14-mm diam., 4-mm high, were'cut oui of the rods and were subjected to a 10-15-hr stabilizing anneal at 1,950-2,0000C in a 10- 3_ 10-4torr vacuum, whereupon the grain size in all specimens attained 1-2 mm. Card 1/3 The self-diffusion of molybdenum ... 5/806/62/000/003/OOZ/018 Part of the specimens were upset on a press at 200 (height reduction 255o) to investi- gate the effect of cold working on the SD of the Mo. The specimens were electrically polished, whereupon one of their faces was activated with radioactive Mo99 in a galvanic bath. Diffusion anneal was then performed in a special vacuum furnace (exploded view shown) at 10-3_10-4 torr and 1,7ZO-Z,0000G. The SD coefficient was measured by the two senior authors' method (Zavodskaya laboratoriya, no.7, 1960, 828-830) based on the shift in the activity curve (summarized). Test results: The self-diffusion parameters measured (and tabulated) indicate an apprec-la-ble augmen- tation effect of even small additions of Zr on both the self-diffusion activation energy of the Mo and the factor before the exponential term. Thus, at T above 2,0000C the SD coefficient of Mo does not depend on the alloying, but at T below 1,7000, in which the value of the activation energy is decisive, the SD rate decreases with increasing Zr content (numerical values tabulated). Even though antecedent cold-working de- presses the SD activation energy of the Mo in Mo-Zr alloys, the activation energy of upset specimen increases with increasing Zr content. Inasmuch as the diffusion anneal of the deformed alloys was performed at a T substantially above their recrys- tallization T, the latter was complet6d in but a fraction of the anneal time, and the diffusion in the grain volume continued through an extended time in the absence of any structural transformation, so that any observed lowering of the SD activation energy of the Mo is regarded as a result of irreversible structural changes attribu- Card 2/3 The self-diffusion of molybdenum ... S/806/62/000/003/002/018 table to the cold-working of the alloy. The increase in activation energy during the anneal is attributed to a healing of c rys talline -lattice defects which previously had served as "short-cut paths" for the diffusion; cold-working appears to firm up the defects, thereby inhibiting the healing effect of the anneal. The relationship between the SD coefficient and the activation energy is further examined and, in agreement with G. J. Dienes (J. Appl. Phys., v.Zl, no.11, 1950,1189) and 3 Soviet authors, is found to be exponential. The results of this investigation agree with existing knowledge on the favorable effect of relatively small additions to Mo on its recrys- tallization T, its hardness (ref. Pipitz, E., Kieffer, R. , Za. f. Metallkunde, v. 46, no. 3, 1955, 187-194), and its high-T stress-rupture strength (Northcoitt, L. Molybdenum. Russian translation, Moscow. Foreign Lit. Publ. House, 1959, 107-108). There are Z figures, 4 tables, and 16 references (11 Rua a ian- language Soviet, 1 German cited above, 4 English-language of which I is a Russian translation). ASSOCUTION: None given. Card 3/3 9/129/62/000/009/001/006 E071/E492 AUTHORS: Bokshteyn, S.Z., Doctor of,Professor, Bronfin. M.B_., Engineer, Kishkin, S.T., Doctor.of T-elzl;wf,~~Y--9~iences, Professor, Moroz, L.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Grain boundaries on recrystallization PERIODICAL. Metallovedeniye i-termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no.9, 1962, 6-8 TEXT: This is a continuation of earlier work ("Zavodskaya laboratoriya", no.10, 196o). The behaviour of If, Ni, Sn 'and C admixtures present at the grain boundaries recrystallization of iron (0.021'~'. C1 0.014% P, 0.0110to' S, 0.67," Si, 0.071;'; Al, U.08% Mn, o.o6,,O' Ni, 0.03310' Cu) was studied by autoradiographic investigation and microstructural analysis. The admixtures, forming with iron substitutional. solid solutions in the case of W, Ni, Sn and interstitial solid solutions in the case of C, were introduced by diffusion saturation at 600 to 7000C. The recrystallization was carried out after preliminary deformations of 10 to 15 and 50 to 70%. The Ni, If and Sn were completely Card 1/3 S/129/62/000/009/001/006 Grain boundaries ... E071/E492 soluble in iron at all recrystallization temperatures investigated and remained in their original lattice positions, despite substantial changes in the structure of the metal. The behaviour of carbon atoms was substantially different: above 7500C carbon passed from the boundaries of deformed grains to the boundaries of now recrystallized grains. However, in the initial stages of recrystallization (after 30 to 45 min at 650 to 7500C) carbon atoms remain at the boundaries of thu i ii i ( .,I grains and boundaries of the new grains remain free from carbou. The possibility of "heredity", i.e. preservation of the initial structural and concentration non-uniformities in recrystalli7.ed metal was demonstrated on a molybdenum alloy (0-540 Zr, O.,~Oj~' --r, 0.0008% Ti and 0.01150' C). A thin layer of tungsten 185 was electrodeposited on the surface of a flat specimen of the deforwrd alloy, submitted to a preliminary annealing at 17000C. The activated specimen was than annealed in vacuo at 17500C for 100 hours. Autoradiographs of an oblique section showed the presence of an accelerated diffusion not only along the boundaries of the newly forined grains but also a preferential penetration of Card 2/3 j S/129/62/000/009/001/006 Grain boundaries ... E071/1;1192 the W185 along those sections where old grain bouridaries were passing before recrystallization. The velocity of diffusion along the old boundaries was lower than along the new boundaries, nevertheless it was noticeably faster than-volume diffusion. The results confirmed that within the grains the process of grain boundary migration does not produce as high -concentration of defects as is produced at the,beginning and at the end of the boundary migration. There are 6 figures. Card 3/3 S/032/62/02 810121015/02 3 B108/Bl 86 AUTHORS Bronf in, M. B. , and Shabanov, N. N. TITLF, A portable apparatus for stripping parallel microlayers from metal samples ,IERIOT)ICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 12, 1962, 150 - 1510 8 TEXT: A combined electrolytic and mechanical method is used. The specimen is rotated at high speed in contact with a simultaneously reciprocating ground cast iron disk. This disk is coated with abrasive micropo%der with n fe%~ drops of electrolyte added. A small recess in the center of the iron disk prevents continuous contact over the entire sample surface, Vihich guarantees uniform abrasion. When direct-current is passed through-the specimen for electrolytic dissolution of the sample ourface the recess in the disk will compensate the higher current density at the edge of the cylindrical specimen. For a current density of 2 -2.5 a/cm2, with micro- po%der, type ti 20 0120) and lWo NaCl solution a layer of 151, is removed from a molybdenum sample in 30 sec. The nize of the apparatus is 360-220-440 mm. It weigho 12 kg. There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 EFFN 1-2/1-V-A(d)/T/Z%P(k 'I /Z'-,TP(W)/7--7P' t C -.j985-65 7" -7 1i' 2, _3 77, ACCESSION N'R-. KI-404AU7 S /0000 163 1,C)OO.100011012 3/ 0127 AU'rHOR: BokshteyT., s. Z., Bronfin, M. B_ ~jaricjjev, V. A. TITLE :Effect of preliminar'; plastic deformation on the internal flrl.C~10-~ 01 molybdenum and molybdenum a;~oys SOURCE: Vsesovuznaya kon'?1rentsiya po relaksatsionny*m yavlenivam v metallakh i !avienlva '; Meta!~aw:-. splavakh. 3d Voronezh, 1962. Relaksatsionnv*ve ---~Rel-wxat-,on-rp-.hLv-no,-,e:la in metals and alloys); trudy* konferentsi-.. .Moscow, 1"E"ell- lurgizdat, -1963, IZ3-127 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, molybdenum alley, internal friction, molybdenum plastic deformation. ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the relationship between the temperature of maximum internal friction connected -with plastic deformation anci thc grain -n an attempt to a-xplain the shift of the deformation maxim ' L when t:,-:e zrain size -ncreases. Mol-hden= prwderl peracures n oz molybdenum with z irconi-= (01 - 137 Zr ) and rh -nium (50'~'~'-,-i e tested; the 110-120 mm wire samples were tested on a torque pend U L uu-, --,I av ii Card 1/3 L 139C5-6; ACCESSION NR: AT401481271 2 deg/m-n. 01 10-5 irm lig. T'he heating rate -was in the 20-1000C 6e.-Ormation was belc"'~ 19-5. The torque oscillation frEquency f~,r 7Ltl~,~:r!:'," na, was 0.35-0.40 cvc1es/sec. llydrochl,oric I friction used for e-lectrnIN-Sis of the sanple to increase the inter-31 fri-,inn. allovs passed through recr-7stallizatior. it three different t em Pe r ar e 5 ~7 1- '. k I f 7i - temperature side, but Lhe internai it 1.~ L C,i~ temperature increased, especially between 200 and 600C. In the discussion, i t 1.L s pointed out that modern theory considers the crystal. structure to nc a t1hree- d-'rnens'ional lattice, '~~Pnents oll vMcl, -av bcnd. under 1(--)u 71he "at c d~ ri'~'ed ir. the paper S;.ows r.1. -the -cluus o~ locations -~s lo-wer than for materia; S WIIIIIC~L;L m ses the c~5,ocaL'on dens'-.v the etal C, v? e rt~IE thus ~ncrea The Modulus of elasticitv and incroaSin, ;nternal friction. i Y. 7, oi !;;r f riction connected w-IL11-1 plasL ic defurm'atio'n is r~!ac'hc;! cni snip of degrees o~ freedom oi oscillati-1Z dis1rcat-IOTIS i r-,7 admixture.,. The i:-revers-;'hlL loocrin.z. of internal [rictio7i ceeding the max-imum temperature is camc'e"l in Hie 01)ililon ()~7 f~', only by an inc--ea~e in the diffusion mobiliLy of the introducc(d a L o.-,! Card 2j3 L 13985-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4048127 by 0,e lowering of relatively free dislocations due to polygonization. The lack of connected, with p , 'I r t I i e mo I Y bdl e m,,,Tn~ - E- i stic deforn.,zition f I 3 i i ferc-T,,cc bet, el" C 0-,l 1 Ur. il _kAll-Union InsEiLuue ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyky institut aviatsionny*1zh materialov, -of Aviation Materials) SUBMITIED: 10Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 124 NO REF SOV: 001 OTOERt 001 Ccrd 3/3 BOKSHTEYN, S..2.; BRONFIN., M-.B.; KISHKIN, S.T.; MARICHEX, V.A. Internal friction of deformed molybdenum and its alloys with zirconium and rhenium. Tiz. tver. tela 5 no.1l.-3075-3080 N 163. (MA 16:12) ACCESSION NR: AT4040405 S/0000/64/000/000/0025/0035 AUTHOR: Bokshteyn, S. Z. ;.Bronfin, M. B. ; Kishkin, S. T. TITLE: Surface and bulk diffusion of tungsten in molybdenum SOURCE: Protsesay* diffuzil, struktara i avoystva metallov (Diffusion processes, structure and properties of metals); sbornik statey. Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1964, 25-35 TOPIC TAGS: tungsten, molybdenum, surface diffusion analysis, bulk diffusion analysis, autoradiographic analysis method, activity curve analysis method, diffusion coefficient, diffusion equation, diffusion activation entropy, vacancy formation energy ABSTRACT: The radioactive isotope W185 was electroplated on fine-grained flat plates of Mo for autoradiographic analyses of bulk diffasion and surface diffusion, as well as on coarse- grained cylindrical samples for bulk diffusion analyses based on displacements of activity curves. Diffusion coefficients were determined for all samples (see Table 1 in the Enclosure) and further processing yielded the equations D 3.18 exp L:-(112900 + 1000)/RT3 cm2/seo Cad -ki - M Wtl H ~g a R NZ M A- 1 -0- 'ACCESSION NR: AT4040405 lor bulk diffusion and Dsurf = 1. 1 exp(-770OOjRT)cm2/sec for surface diffusion. It is concluded that the entropy of activa tion of Mo self-diffusion is I greater than zero, in agreement with Zenerl s theory of Do for atomic diffusion'. and approximate ,Values for the entropy of activation of W diffusion in Mo. Energy of vacancy formation Q. ',36 kcal/g-atom, ratio Qo/Qdiff = 0. 3 to 0. 4 (0. 32 for Mo, 0. 39 for Cr). Orig. art. has: ,:8 formulas, 4 figures and 4 tables. 'ASSOCIATION: none 'SUEMUTTED: 09Dec63 DATE ACQ: 28May64 ENCL: SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: Oil OTHER: 012 Card_.2/* .......... ACCESSIOU Ms AT4040405 EITOLCSUREt 01 Table 1. Diffusion coefficient in cm2/sec. for diffusion of W in No. -remp. wmealinz Bulk tivity placement (hrs.) Bulk autoradiographio analysis Intercrystalline diffusion 01 GUIUSI LOU in *C 1700 1750 1830 1850 1880 1 1900 diffusion, ac- S. 8xio 1. 1XIO curve dis- 6 (109 5) analysis (47. ) . diffusion, 10-12 9 9 - 0X10-12 2 8.9X10-12 1. WO X . . 1 (99) (hrs.) (112) (108) 1O_9 4 5 3X10-8 1 2. Ox1O_ x . . Ccd 3/4 - WCCESSION IW:--AT4U40405 3' ."GIA)STRE. 02 1950 2100 .3. lxlO 1. 25xlO (69) (24) _Card 4/4 Ef IHEZ S/0000/64/000/000/0036/0039-,- ACCESSION KR: AT4040406 AUTHOR: Bronfin, M. B. TITLE: Diffusion of r.hanium In molybderoim SOURCE: Protsessy* dlftuzll, strukture I avoystva metallov (Diffusion P~ocesses, i structure and properties of metals); sbornik statey.. ftscow, Izd-vo, Mashinostro- yeniye, 1964, 36-39 i.TGPIC TAGS: molybdenum, molybdenum allay, molybdenum self diffusion,.rhenium, rhenium diffusion ABSTRACT: Alloy!k representing solid solutions of rhenium'-In molybdenum are characterized by unusual plasticity at low temperatures and by a high recrystalli - zation threshold. However, an Re content of 50% represents the limit of solubilit, iabove which-precipitation of the sigma phase begins, accompanied by considerable embrittlement. The processes of solution and precipitation of a phase In a solid isolution'are-to a great extent determined by the diffuilonal mobility of.the atoms of the alloy components. For this reason, measurement of diffusion constant's Is useful for estimation ofthe-temperature- and time-dependent stability of the plas-!_ of; tic properties of Mo-Re alloys. In the present studi, the diffusion coeffici.ent 1 ;ACCESSION NR: AT40006 rhenium was'determined In cylindrical specimens of Mo prepared In a vacu 196' re furnace and subjected to preliminary annealing at 2000C. Radioactive Re -was used as a tracer, and the coefficients of.diffusion were determined by the method of activity curve shift.Ing, following 'diffusion annealing at temperatures of 1700- I2100C ' Analysis of the results (diffusion coefficient rising from 0.28 to 17.0 x 10-11;m2/sec. with Increasing teMerature) revealed the following empir(cal're- lationship between the diffusion coefficient of rhenlum In molybdenum and tempera-- ture: 2 94700 0 9-7x)0' GXP(- - cm2/sece R T Since the self diffusion ~f molybdenum Is given by: exp 113 cm2/ sece, R T the activation energy of self diffusion of molybdenum Is considerably greater than that of rhenium diffusion In molybdenum. This difference, ab*ut 19 kcal/g- at6m, is apparently caused by the different polarity and dimensions of the Ions of _Jvent and the solute, as a result of which the Re atoms diffuse 1.7-2 5 1 3 4 t, me &h 1 ACCESSION NR: AT4040406 as rapidly. 'IN. N. Shabanov took part in the expell mental work." OrIg. art* has: I table, I figure and 2 formulas. 1ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 090ec63, DATE ACQ: 28Ma . . . Y64i ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M" NO REVSOV: 003 OTHER: 0OV* Card 3/3 ACCESSION MR: AT40404*'07 9/0000/64/000/000/0040/0051 AUTHOR* Bokshteyn, S. Z.; BronfLn. M. B.; Kishkin, S. T.; Marichav, V. A. TITLE:' Investigation of conditions at the grain boundaries in molybdenum and its alloys with zirconium and rbenium by the method of internal friction SOURCE: Protsessy* diffuzLi. struktura L evoystva wtallov (Diffusion proc sees, structure and properties of mitals); aboraLk statey. Moscow, ltd-vo HashLa:- stroyenLye, 1964. 40-51 TOPIC TAGS: molybdemm, mlybdenum alloy, molybdenim grain boundary. molybdenum rhenium alloy, molybdenum zirconium alloy,'rhenium, zirconium, intetual friction, stress relaxation, alloy diffusion.. ABSTRACT: The mechanim of stress relaxation at the grain boundaries in pure metals Is known to be affected by the presence of alloying elements, but preciselyl how is still unclear. The study of internal friction, based on 'measurement of the forced oscillation dampening of a polycrystalline specimen is a sensitive method for investigation of the structural conditions of a metal generally, and partLcularly-at the.grain boundaries. The present authors experimented vith specLwske of 99.98% pure aLutered mlybdenum-..a No --Zr alloy containing 0,13%.Zr, tzrai, - 1/5 ACCUS10i IMS AT4WM7 O-OU% Ci. 0-'0"% 02, ando.won and No+ 30% Be. The specimens were subjected! to torsional oscillations (0.3-0.4 cycles/see.) at various temperatures in a rasp c of about 20 -~ 1000C, &f ter annealing at temperatures up to 20W. The test installation was originally developed by V. S. Osvenskiy and is shown schematically in modified form, in Fig. I of the Enclosure. The activation energy B of internal friction.was.datermined frost the expression AN log lot q 0.4346 if under the assumption that in W "nnat. ':"Fig. 2 of the Enclosure shown the of jQ-L -'& als compared. The results showed temperature dependence f ;r 3 materl.* that the boundary calamtion begins to grow at different temperatures in differentl alloys. Thus, this temperature is 700C for the No-Re alloy and about 600C for pu molybdenum or No +0.13% Zr. Beginning at 700C, the hitheat level of internal friction is shown by unalloyed molybdanum; the lowest - by its alloy vLth*50% rhenium. If the internal friction along the grain boundaries depended only-. on the activation energy, it should be maximal'in the No-Zr alloy, and not in ~ 2/5 111ACCESSION NR: AT4040407 ,pure molybdenum. A mechanism of boundary relaxation Is therefore suggested which ~is connected with a migration of Interstitial solutes such as oxygen, carbon and 1 ~nitrogen- This migration requires less energy than the displacement of the dif- hfusionally more-inert atoms normally occupying the nodal points In the lattice. Jhis could explain the relatively low activation energy of internal friction found [I at the grain boundaries. Qualitatively, the Influence of diffusional replacement 1components can be explained by the mutual Interaction between these components and ;the migrating atoms of penetrating components, as well as the ability of the re- ;placement components to alter the structural Imperfections In Intergranular zones. li"The authors express thanks to Ye. M. SavItskly and M. A. Ty*IkIna for supplying the Mo-Re alloy." OrIg. art. has:..5.flgures, and 4 formulas. i ASSOCIATION1 None SUBMITTED: O9D*c63 ENCL: 02 R 005 ISUB CODE: MM No REF SOW: 003 OTHE Card! '.3/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4040408 S/0000/64/000/000/0052/0058 AUTHOR: Bronfir_%.-~~Marichev, V. A. 'TITLE Internal friction in stressed molybdenum alloys SOURCE: Protsessy* diffuz'i. struktura. i svoystva metallov (Diffusion processes, :'structure and properties of metals); sbornik statey. Moscow, Izd-vo Mashino- strayeniye, 1964, 52-58 TOPIC TAGS: internal friction, molybdenum, molybdenum ailoy, stressed molybdenum alloy, plastic deform tion, sintered molybdenunimolybdenum zirconium allo Y, molybdenum rhenium alloy, rhenium, zirconium ABSTRACT: Curves characterizing the temperature dependence of internal friction in cold-worked metals sometimes show a peak which is reduced after low-temperature annealing and which disappears after recrystallization, Previous studies with iron have shown that a significant increase in internal friction can be produced only by relatively free dislocations existing within the sub-grains, and onf~'in the presence of dissolved nitrogen and oxygen. In the present study, wire made of sintered Molybdenum and binary alloys of molybdenum with zirconium (0.13%) and Card /4 "'C'. 5 ACCESSION NR: AT4040408 rhenium (50%) was investigated for internal friction after plastic deformation, and an attempt was made to correlate the temperature dependence of the maximal internal friction with the grain size. The wire was subjected to torsional oscillations (0.35-0.4 cycles/sec.) in a vacuum at 20-1000C, and the total defor- ration in the elastic range was considered to be the sum of the deformations arising from displacement of atoms and the bending of dislocation loops in a three- dimensional lattice. The results are shown in the Enclosure. It can be shown theoretically that a material containing dislocations has a lower shear modulus than a ma terial without dislocations, and that plastic deform tion increases the density of dislocationa.inside the metal grains. In freshly deformed meLals, there are considerable distortions inside the subgrains. Annealing below the recrystallization temperature reduces the-inner distortions because of poly- gonization, and decreases the deficiency of the shear modulus. The present results indicate that the intensive fixation of dislocations by polygonization, interactions with point defects and other processes occurs in a temperature range of 250-600C. The maximal internal friction shifts toward lower temperatures with increasing plastic deformation, and toward higher temperatures with coarser grain,structure. The irreversible decrease in internal friction at temperatures Card ACCESSION NR: AT4040408 nigner than that corresponding to the maximal internal friction can be explained not only by an increase in the diffusional mobility of the atoms, but also by a decrease in the number of relatively free dislocations caused by polygonization procesoC6, The absence of an interruil friction peak after plaotic deformation of the Yo450'/.Re alloy leads the authors to the conclusion that, in this alloy, plastic deformation is not accompanied by creation of a sufficient number of relatively free dislocations. Orig. art. hast 3 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION:, None SUBMITTED: 09Dec63 DATE ACQ: 2Way64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: 1-24 im REr SOV: 005 OTHER: 003 Card 3/4- ACCESSION NR: AT4040414 S/0000/641000/000/0110/0112 ~AUTHM Bokshteyn, S. Z.; Bronfin, He Be TITLE: Effect of hareditary structure in molybdenum and its alloys SOURCE: Protsessy* diffuzil, struktura i avoystva metallov (Diffusion !processes, structure and properties of metals); sbornik statey. 'Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1964, 110-112 ,TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, molybdenum zirconium alloy, alloy structure, :hereditary structure, structure effect 'ABSTRACT; The effect of hereditary structure (residual structure da- ~fects in regions corresponding to the original grain boundaries) in .molybdenum and molybdenum-zirdonium alloys was investigated by the ,method of tagged atoms. A layer of W185 was electrically deposited on the surface of specimens vacuum annealed (10-3-10-4 mm Hg) at 1700C for 14 hr. The specimens were then held at 1750C for 108 hr. The growth 'of the molybdenum grains at 1750C was completed in 100 min and change in grain size occurred in'the succeeling. 10,000 min. The autoradiograms of the diffusion zone showed that 14-85 penetrates 01 along the grain boundaries formed at 1750C but also along the .ACCESSION NR: A~4040414. .initial grain boundaries, i.e.,, those which existed prior to diffusion annealing. This indicates that even prolonged diffusion annealing .does not eliminate structural defects in places where the initial grain boundaries were located. In the molybdenum -zirconium alloy ,(0.54% zirconium) the phenomenon' was expressed much more sharpl)r than .in unalloyed molybdenum, owing probably to the presence of very stable :zirconium compounds (either oxide or carbide type). The diffusion .along the new grain boundaries was more intensive, which indicates a higher density of defects than is found along the old boundaries. It .is suggested that-the phenomenon observed can be utilized for improv- ing the ductility of mol bdenum at room temperature. Under certain conditions at reerystallrzation it could be expected that the old boundaries would serve as a kind of trap for the atoms of harmful .1intetstidals such. as carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, and would thus reduce the content of these intaratitials in the now grain boundaries. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none Card 2/ ZPIZ M RM , M-0 i, V; 5 Z MK A-F 't'jgWF gg_ K L ~605-,2-65 -PR/T/-EWP~ f 7. jr r b A1717ESSION ',,M: AP5010555 MJW/JD, 532.72:669.71~'2 A1,7111OR :Pokshteyn, S. Z. -, Bronf in, M. B. ; Kishkin, S. T, Mll! I L ?k. TTTLF: Study of the diffusion 1~ f magnesium in aluminum by'neans of evaporation in a ~,acjum SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka T--etallov, no. 4, 1965' 1;~-IA TOPIC TAGS: magnesium diffusion, alun)inum alloy, vacuum evaporation, containing alloy ABSTRACT: The diffusion of maonesium in aluminum was studied 2' ?7191-121~c. evaporation from an open surface. Samples of the Al-Mg alloy AMvOiontainin-' 6.357/1 Mg were used. As time elapses, the surface laver~ of 'e depleted of Mg; a concentration gradient is thus created wiiich caus~-s tl!c ~n'.'7ra- tion of magnesium by diffusion from the middle lavers to the su,7face. Subspquent- ly, Yg evaporates at the rate at which it is supplied by this evaporation was determined from the weight loss of the ra-,r.-If of the specif ic weight loss under isotherma 1 cond it ions were cd tengeratores. From these curves, the coefficients of Card 1/2 L 56052-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5010555 allminum were calculated for 275, 300, 350, 375, 400, and 425C by assumint that the diffusion coefficient is independent of the Mg concentratio,~' w-HcIn ;-S 2ern, at the surface of the sample in the course of the isothe rmal Droceas. Thp activation enerK., of the diffusion of 'f~~ in Al was noun t be 28.50 kcal/ Orig. art. has: 2 fig,lres, ~a*~-!'~, ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M4, SS NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 003 ~V\11 Card 2/2 DIP(e I/EpA (s)-2/EeIT(m)/EPF(c)/E,-IP(i)/EPA (w)-2/EWP(t)/a1P(b)/ETC (m) L 00737-66 -lip(c) , AN/A ACCESSION NR: AP5022693 UR/0181/65/007/009/2603/2606 f AUTHOR: Bronfin, H. B ~'Zhukljovitskiy, A. A.; Marichev, V. A. q b ikik P TITLX: Effect of oxide fi lm!~6~ sublimation kinetics SOURCE: Fizika tverdo'go tela, v. 7, no. 9, 2603-2606 tration TOPIC TAGS: sublimation, aluminum oxide, Magn siumoxide ABSTRACT: One of the methods for studying rate of vaporization is continuous weigh~,- ing of specimens during isothermal holding in a vacuum. When the specimens are metals which have a strong affinity for oxygen, two characteristic periods may be distinguished on kinetic curves for weight loss. In the first period, the loss in weight increases with time, then after reaching a maximum value the loss rer'~ins constant in the second period (see fig. I of the Enclosure). This increase in the rate of sublimation at the beginning of isothermal annealing is due to gradual des- truction of the oxide fi urface of the specimen. Kinetic curves for weight loss in some a5TO-Yte a similar shape. If the alloy base has a considerab- ly lower vapor pressure than the dissolved material, there is a third period on the curve where the rate of sublimation decreases due to a reduction in the concen-:. of the volatile component on the surface of the sample. Aluminum-zinc and L 00737-M ACCESSION NR: APS022693 :t aluminum-magnesium-alloys are examples of such systems. The authors study the first stage of the sublimation process. Thermal dissolution of magnesium and alu- minum oxides is practically impossible at experimental temperatures because of their thermal stabi-lity. Therefore there should be another mechanism responsible for the destruction of these films. Nearly all surface films on metals except for aluminum have various types of microscopic discontinuities. During isothermal annealing in a vacuum, atoms of the volatile component pass through these defects and leave the surface of the metal, thus increasing the concentration of vacancies in the defect zone. Vacancy coagulation takes place due to the interface between the oxide film -ion of microscopic pores close to this interface, and the metal. With the formal the bond between substrate and oxide film is broken and the film is destroyed, in- creasing the defect area& Thus the minority atoms are more rapidly evaporated, microscopic pores are formed and the autocatalytic process of film removal is ac- celerated. A kinetic equation is proposed for the process of sublimation when there is an on the surface of the metal. Theoretical calculations show ex- cellent agreement with experimental results. Orig. art, has: 3 figures, 14 formu-* las. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: O6Feb65 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: IC, GG NO REF SOV.# 000 OTHER: 001 Card 2/3 ENCLOSURE: 01 1 _C3 Fig. 1. Specific loss of weight for magnesium as a function of isothemal holding time at 3500C. 29 0 i min tard 3/3 L 22718-66- F'ACC NRt AP6013374 SOURCE CODE: UR/0370/66/000/002/0177/0187 0 3~~- AUT11OR: Bokshtcyn% S. Z.*,(Moscow); Bgpnfjn_ N. B. (Moscow); Zhukhovitskiva As A, ('Moscow)-, Kishkinj S. T. (Moscow) ;JGII~fc:, (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Characteristics of metal sublimation in the pvsence cf maddized surf ac laver- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 2, 1966, 177-187 TOPIC TAGS: sublimation, vacuum sublimation, magnesium alloy, aluminum alloy, alloy! sublimation/VM6,5-1 alloy, V95 alloy ABSTRACT: Theoretical and experimental studies have been madf&of the sublimation' and mechanism of.the breakdown in the presence of an oxidized~hurface layer of VM65-1 magnesium-baBe alloy (5-62 Zn, 0.3-0.9% Zr) and V05 luminum-base alloy -8 torr at a tem W2.5% Mg and 6Z Zn) In a vacuum of 10 peratull of 200-380C. it was found that i2ii Iloy vM asurface oxide film sublimated slowly at 200 or 250C for the first 12-15 hr; then the sublimation rate increased sharply. Speci- mens which were vacuum annealed at 300C for 4 hr prior to testing sublimated at a high rate from the very beginning of the test (see Fig. 1). The weight of surface- oxidized V95 alloy specimens does not change at 300C for 4 hr. However, at 350C rapid sublimation begins after 10-15'min. Annealing at 340C removes the oxide film, eliminates the inoculation period, and induces rapid sublimation (as in the ACC NR. AP6013374 Tig. 1. Sublimation curves of VH65 alloy in vacuum 1 - 200C; 2 - 25OC; 3 - 20OC; 4 - 250C (3 and 4 afterannealing at 300C for 4 hr). XXXW-T X-M case of 465:.~aloy) at the very beginning of the test. The experimental values of the sublimation rate agree well with valnes obtained from kinetic equations for the sublimation process of tested alloys.. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 26'formulas. [AZI SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE, 18Feb65/ ORIG REF: 0041 OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRES 2/2 ZOTOV) Mikhail Nikolayevich; YEFRD~IOVICII, Boris Arsentlyevich; YERSHOV, Mikhail Vasillyevich; ERONFIN M 'S _0__inzh,,_ retsenzent; KLOCHKOV, V.I.p inz ., re senzont; KOROTROV, V.11.) inzh.y red.; KHIMOVA, N.Acp tekhn. red. [Working principle and operation of automatic battery- powered loadersi Ustroistvo, i ekspluatatsiia akkumuliatorrykh avtopogruzchikov. Moskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poli ob"edi- nenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1962. 77 p. FIIIIIRA 15:10 (Loading and unloading--Equipment and supplies') WPM, A., inshener. z Ship power installation working with pressure of 102 k9./cm . (From wThe Shipbuilderm April 1946).?tor.flot 7 a.6.z:43 :147. (United Atatee-Shipbuilding)(Stem power plants) (KqIA 9:6) BRONFX&N, A. - -. Gap turbines are being installed on 8LIbertjvw ships. Mor.flot 7 no.6:46-48 Jo 147. (Gas turbines) (KLU 9;5) BWXrXAN. A. - Alumiwim ships (Tres INarize Arogrosel no.1, 1947). Mor-flot 7 no.9:46 S 147. WaA 9:6) (United States--Ships) BRONYMAN, A. I - Auxiliary mechanisms to increase the speed of "Liberty" ships kyrom "Marine Progress" no.1, 1947) Mor.flot 7 no.9:46 S 147.(W-aA 9:6) (United States--Steam turbines) lituNMAN, A. i. PA 45/4r,45 USSR/Engineering Mar 49 Ships - Propulsion Drives, Electric *Problems Of Electromotive Pover In Vdssels of the Maritime and River Fleet of the USSR," A. I. Bronf- man, 2 pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdal Tekh Naukw No 3 Sao for Sci Sol of Transp Problems met 26 - 27 NOT 48- Revieved a series uf reports on practicability of using electric motive power In USSR river and mari- time fleats. Concludes that although electricity has certain advantages, other methods of motive power have advantages in their own right. EROIFFMA14, A.I. Busing compressed air to clear shiPwa78 of ice. Rech.transp. 16 no.12:40-3 of cover D '57- (MIRA 11:1) (Sweden--Inland navigation) (Compressed air) . _~R~O Maritime transportation and shipbuilding in Poland. Biul.tekh.---okon. inform. no.2:75-77 '58. (MM 11: 4) (Poland--Shipping) _13-IROITMAR, A.L.-_ Inland water transportation in the U.S.A. no.5:93-96 .'58. 11:7) (Udited States--Inland water transportation) -BRONFMI$ A.I. Static stability regions of a system of two synchronous machines operating onto a common load with given characteristics. Trudy LPI no.195:74-85 1-58. (14IRk 11:10) (Electric mAchInary, Synchronous) BRONFMAN, A.I. (Leningrad); MMITGAUZ, E.B. (Leningrad) 1161~ to check the serviceability of d.c. "vilit" dischargers. Zlek. Ollectric 1000motivel-Ilectric (Idghtning protecting) tepl. tiaga 3 no.4:18-19 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) equipment) BROMM. A. I. Development of inland water transportation in Poland. Biul.tea.- skon.inform. no.11:80-83 159. MU 13:4) (Poland--Inland water transportation) -BROIT~~ ~,A,.I-.; KMIOVA, M.D. (Leningrad) Supporting t7pe vilite arrester for a.c. electric locomotives. Zlek.i tepl tiaga 3 no.12:34 D '59. (MI-U 13:4) ixec 0 locomotives--glectric equipment) BRONSHTM, Anatolly Harkovich; KATKOV, Boris Semenovich; P40NFHANO Aron.Io.sifovich;-SIDOROV, N.I., inzh.g red*; BCMOVA, Te*N.p [Main switches and arresters of a.c. electric locomotives] Glavnyevykli-~chatell i razriadniki elektrovosov peremnnogo toka. Moskva. Vaes.isdatellako-poligr.aboadinanie N-va putei soobehohenila, 1960. 54 p. (MIRA 1~:4) (Electric locomotives) Bao-i,FYAN. A.i. Ship supported on cushion inform. no.6:92-96 160. (Ground-effect of air- 'Hovercraft." machines) Biul.tekh.-okon. WIRA 13:1) !FW 88091 s/lio/60/000/007/004/005 go 0 9073/E535 AUTHOR- Bronfman, A.I., Enginee 0.1man- TITLEt Movement of a Short Electric Are in a Magnetic Field PERIODICALa Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti, 196o, No.7, pp.52-56 TEXT*. A number of arrestor designs have been published in which the arc quenching in by means of the magnetic field, The arc quenching ability of spark gaps, which are similar to arrestors, is determined in the first instance by the behaviour of a short electric arc in a magnetic field. This behaviour is also important in various other electrical apparatus. On the basis of published data, the author reviews the behaviour of an electric arc between electrodes of non-magnetic materials generally, mentioning briefly the results of G. A, Kukekov (Ref.1), N. A. Babakov (Ref.2), 0. B. Bron (Ref.3), V. V. Shmatovich (Ref.4) as well as American and British results (Refs-5-16). Furthermore, he analyzes published results on the speed of movement of the arc in the various zones of the gap an functions of the field strnngth and the current intensity and also the behaviour of the arc at reduced atmospheric pressure and in various gases, including the anomalous foreverse" movement of the are. In the latter part of the article Card 1/4 68093. S/110/60/000/007/oo4/005 E073/E535 Movement of a Short Electric Arc in a Magnetic Field a similar analysis is given of published results on short electric area between ;electrodes made of ferromagnetic. material, paying particular attention to d.c. arcs. The following conclusions are arrived att 1) The movement of a short electric arc in a magnetic field depends on the current intensity, the field potential, the inter-electrode gap, the material and the state of the surface of the electrodes. With increasing current intensity and magnetic field potential, the speed of are movement increases in all cases. 2) In the case of gaps between non-magnetic electrodes in excess of 1.3 to 3 mm, the speed of movement of arcs depends little on the material of the electrodes or the state of their lsutfac'es~ ~ -,* - With decreasing distance between the electrodes the speed increases, reaching tens of metres per second. The speed drops by a factor of 2 to 3 in the case of field potentials below the critical one, which is estimated at tens of oersted. 3) In the case of smaller gaps between non-magnetic electrodes, the speed of movement of the arc depends to a considerable extent on the state of the electrode surfacesQ It reaches tens of metres per Card 2/4