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f'; '7' V '17 f T% f' F% I-
on he o
Effect of techruslogiclil factors per ~Ies;,,,,I 7hfg~h-gopl
"'n . i _
p., -act ically no vffec( on flit- water ab,or Ill ion of the ifm~
shavef; from Ural clay 11'. 'A. pt
O~ueupisry. 15 1.11166-711 (196M
iw tenipetattlie flout MUP to 1420' iv~ollcfl itt,mim,
)7717en . detall1l. imV A I.
livikin (1), Buskul (11), Niiline-I'vel (111), and 1111gliallovit-11 (IV) ill tile dull,61Y (If Flog from 1, ill no lolil-Cabit. 'Alai'V4. ill Ow
cla,vs. Allalysk of 1, 11, 111, stild 1V Oluu-i'll SiOl '16.40, U1.16, (It'llsilyof grog from IV, and ill a ill flit. jwto,ilv 'If j,
AI,O, + 110,30,55,33,17,28 2S,uu(I38,27`,,; grog hoin 111. Grog ftool Ill olmic by tile jlk.tic olvOmd ex-
VrP,3.2,,, I hibitvd considerable swelling. SilitcTing If high-grog %V;114
MyO 0.:M, 0.57, 0.65, and 0.51"! ; ;still ignition loss 1:3.2-1. 11 10, considerably affected by the grain :,izr of th- gTO.K, NN'llell Crt -
9 74. aod 13.52111;.. re~spectivel,v; refractorint:;s value, were 1730% tain temperatures are reached (in this case 1430'), the r0lid fac-
171W. 1f;70'. aud -.- I 710*1C. Briquettes madc by plastic will for, WhiCh dQtemlilles the siniciing oi the product, is the dirptrSC
Ni'militv Illollolk Ivi-it, fitt-d at 13W0 and 1-120' and then ground. Krng Particle!; (11A IC-115t not over IYOSS trou.); as I e quanli of
Is ty of
hlikc~; iverr imp,irt(I from 800') grog and clay. The.grog these particles increa~cs, the sinteting improves. Activation of
Was first 1110il(URA with tile 'Aip and mixed ; then the hinder was the disperse particle-% trikes place at high temperatures, b~-inKK
adilvil and tile- luix was again mixed. The slip contained k5% 1420' to 14,30' in this case, Grains of 0.5 to 0.088 mol. have no
watts- mid was niadc from ground clay with I% sulfite liquor by effect upon thesintering, and if there is a relatively small cont t
weight of dry material. Cylinders 38 to 50 jilln. were made front of tile O.OSS-linn. grains, they hinder tile sinterhig. When tile -I..
Oft, mix Itudut 30n kg./cm.1; -,Ionic were fired nt 13,50' and held firing temperature is not high enough to activate, tile dirpem
for 4 hr., while others were fired at 1420* to 1-130' and held for 12 grog particirs, list excess of these may affect Use extent of sintering
fir' Tile shapes wcre gubjected to physicocheinicnI tests, using adversely. In this caqv, art increase of grains less than 0.5 turn. I
standard method-; Mag resistance was measure(( fly placing all results fit increased Iv,)rosity; for each group of mixes with a coil-
open-hearth slag tablet rinalyzing CnO 41.66, Fc,O, I.M. PcO stant content of grain3 leas than 0.5 mm., there is art optimum
1.50, MnO 6.65, MgO 8.05, SiO, 28.7, und AIA + TiO, 8.82% oil atuoulit of disperse frnctiong less than 0.098 turn. The nature of
top of the shape, beating it in a furnace to 1420', holding for 12 the binding clay had no substantial effect on the density ofshapl.
hr., and then ob~crving tile tiaLure and extent of destructinu. In hit( It did affect the, tclilpelature of dufminaliou undri- hiall"111 J.
making 91709 from I Find 111, tile water jil).qorption dependtA on TumperattiteR of tirlornuttion undri load were docv for 1, 11, :in,
tile llictilm of brifitletting, being (wice as high by ill(- Scillidry aq TV Init much lower for 111. The mok(me content of tile jull
by tile plastic method,, for IV, tile ineffind of firiquetting halt affected tile oroutrtics of tht all incriza-se of
a A 4
USM/Engineering - Refrictories, Jul 51
"Sintering Alumina by Re crystallization," V.'A.
Brbxi, Cand Tech Sci, Ural Dept, Inst of Refrac-
"Ogneupory," No 7, pp 312-323
Investigation of sintering and recrystn of alu-
mdmpk showed thermal treatment and dispersion of
alumina do not provide for sufficiently complete
intering in firing below 1,6000. Considerably
ffective recrystn sintering of alumina may be
attained by introduction of titanium dioxide,
IIC 187T22
UWE/Engineering - Refractories, Jul 51
Technology (Contd)
ilmenite or magnesium titanates, when sinterIng
.,Process intensively develops at 1,400-1,50000
making possible manuf of compact corundum refiac-
torles from c rcial alumina at lowered tempo
of burning.
LC 18=
;lw t7
.h I Xldf=~ 518
the jum A-Wak the inpw,,:rl
ftift of actions am of-K 7be cor"p, Of imi *At
Or ind fmd domica#y h Fthe umm dwow
are ra :rm%le~ W&W'knl -for the ft"'
Im eal~~ _ AnW
Kea! diffim q"nuZ, and cooW.
and rroM the Ildir SiO-'wn" in t stases of the sw,, -
Producu Is low (4 time, 1,, or les taken fro, We
(mm Jim I%a um urnaft
cannot be the rvf-*-6 Id. tr nw' 1 -f I.O.J. Sinm 0. dm~
(2 flSL. 5 ca CMUM Of i al I ' than AJ20,
ZT70 do take Paft in tbeirw
USSR/Engimering - Refractories I-Oct 51
"On RecrYstallization of Corundum," V. A. Bron,
Ural Affiliate, A1.1-Union Sci Res Inst of Re-
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LM, No 4, pp 661-663
Studies recrystn of FlIumIna, in case of addj:ng
titanium-contg minerals, such as FeTiO3, M&Ti205,
and X&TiO4, and investigates sintering of alumina
with s=h admixts. Results may be used for ob-
taining qorund= by sintering method and for manufg
compa&t corundum refractories, with 95-9T% A12.03.,
at firLng temp of order of 1,450-1,5500, eAmp-
table to industrial practice. Submitted by
Acad D. S. Belyankin 19 JU 51.
USSR/Engineering - Refractories, Forsterite Sep 52
"Forsterite Refractories With Addition of Magnesia
Tailings," V. A. Bron, Cand Tech Sci, Ural Br of the
Inst of Refractories
"Ogneupory" No 9, pp 406-413
Discusses possibility of using tailings, obtained in
flotation of talcum-magnesite, as magnesia addition in
fabricaticoof forsterite refractories out of dunite.
Sharp improvement in sintering capacity of forsterite
mmas may be achieved under condition of fine disper-
sion of dunite and joint grinding of dunite vith
magnesia admixture. Activation of sintering in this
case is explained by destruction of magnetite and
magnesioferrite interlayers which separated zones of
foraterite crystals in former grains of olivine. This
facilitates contact among forsterite crystals and
~'romotes their recrystallization.
BRDNe V,As *IkELnd.tekhns nauk
3010ctink a Method for
OgnOUPOrF 18 no.2:51-Rthe manufacture of high-alumina refractories.
7 153a
(ROfract*rY Materials) (MM 11:10)
BBDIIP V*A,j kand. takhri.-nauk; IGNATOVAO TeSq,-inzh.
0---~~-'63100chOmicftl conditiong for
highly refractory dinas bricks.the PreParatiOn Of IlOn-perous
OguiuPor7 18 no.4:147-154 Ap '53.
(MIRA 11:10)
1-UrallskVb otdolenlys InGtItutR ogneuperov.
RRON, V.A., kand. takht. nauk
Corundum refractoriez with titanium mineralizer. Ogneup*17 18
no.6:247-254 ja '53. (MM 11: 10)
l0rallskeye otdaleniye Institute. ogneuporov.
(Refractory materials) (Corundum) (Titanium dioxide)
USS"INIOrlistiT - Refractories 1 Jill 53
"T':e Properties of A-12TiO5,11 V. Er
podro"'In on; and A.
'SSR, Vol 91, 14
0 1, "~ 93, 94
ST'ludied -Lie nroDerties of A112Ti05 uzi'n~' letro-
rap~ - L.
i0 aPd X-ray methods. 7he suimt:~I c-e ~,.as a
'vel"T IMT coeff: of thermal e~n,ansion ,nd a
.'OrM-2_1 stability. Su, .-C~~ts usiIIrI7 this nalL;criai
for tie manufacture oFobjects ordin-a~ly nade of
quartz such as crucibles, tub, t
s, e~c. ,r
Cases it -is su"".erior to quartz dile ,.o its i
Presented ICY Aoad D. S. Bel3n
!.-a:;, .53. .1aildr. (lecensecl)
USSR/Chemistry - Refractories 1 Aug 53
"The Reaction of the Formation of AI.Tio in the
Solid Phase,,!I:'.T. A. Bron 5
DAN SSSR, Vol 91, No 4, pp 825-827
Studied the conditions of formation of A12T'05
in the solid phase. On the basis of kinetic
data, found that the reaction of its formation
develops an adequate intensity at 14500. Pre-
sented by Acad D. S. Belyankin 27 May 53.
MAMYAKIN, Petr Sergeyevich; BRDN, V.A., redaktor; LUCHKO,Yu.V.,redaJrtor;
KOVALBVKO, N.I., tektmfMMf1"~d&ktor
[Refr~Octory articles: their properties, marrafacture tecbnologyand use in
industrial.faranceal Ogmmporrqe Isdallia; evoletya, tekhnolo'giia
isgotovlenila i slushba v pronyshlemVkh peebakh. Sverdlovsk,
Go9.naucbno-tekhn.Izd-vo lit-ry po chernol I tayetnoi metallurgii
Sverdlovskoe otd-nia. 1955. 487 P. (K~gA 8:9)
(Refract.ory mterials)
-'-! ---- - ~ . - . - '. , .... ;-~I -
- t - ~-- 7 . I - -
1 - !--. -, .
V_'D X_ G TViV I rT_1 130-9-7/21
AUTHDRS:Bronp Y.A. (Cand.Tech~.Sc.)v and Landep P.A. (Eng.)
TITLE: Alumina-Chromite Refractories for Lining Steel-Pouring Ladles.
(Glinozemistokhromito,vyye ogneupory dlya futerovki
stalerazlivochnykh kovshey)
PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1,057, Nr 9, pp.17-18 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Tests on 100 ton steel-pouring ladles at the Chelyabinsk
metallurgical works showed that the durability of a lining
of alumina-~-chromite bricks (77-38% Al 20 , 6.70% SiO Y 10.81%
_9% R30; refracto;ies over
Cr9939 1.17% Fe 203' 1.02% MgOq 3-9 2
18006c, porosity at 19.6%) was greatly superior to that of a
firebrick one. It is estimated that the service life of
alumina-cbromite linings could amount to 20-22 heats (com-
pared with 7.6 heats for firebrick). Further investigation
is recommended for elucidating factors capable of still
further increasing durability, particularly the use of a
thinner lining, and for arriving at improved brick-production
methods to reduce thermal conductivity. There is 1 figure.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 1/1
I r
mi 74
AUTHORS: Brdn' V. A., Medyakova, M. V. 131-2-5/10
TITLE: An Investigation of the Dolomite From the Source of
Sukhorechensk as a Raw Material for the Production of
Metallurgic Dolomite (Issledovaniye dolomitov sukhorechensl:ogo
mestorozhdeniya kak syriya dlya proizvodstva
metallurgicheskogo dolomita).
PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1958, Nr 2, PP. 72-78 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Judging from the color there exist three types of dolomite:
a pale gray, a gray and a deep gray variety. The chemical
composition and the physical properties of dolomite are given
in table 1. The figure shows the micro structure of dolomite,
which is subsequently discussed. The method of Kukolev and
Dolgina was employed for an assessment of the sintering power.
Tables 2, 3, and 3a give the results of the determination of
sintoring power. Dolomite showed a considerable increase
in weight after the baking process (table 4). In the court3e
of this invest4ation the influencesof additions, as there
are tinder, a concentrate of titanium magnetite, titanium
dioxide and zirconium dioxide were additionally examined.
These investigations also showed, that the net grinding of
Card 1/3 dolomite in a ball mill guarantees the sintering of all samples
An Investigation of the Dolomite From the Source of 131-2-5/10
Sukhorechensk as a Raw Material for the Production of
Metallurgic Dolomite
at 15000C, with and without additions (table 5).
Subsequently, the problem of sintering is explained and
illustrated by fi8ures 21 3 and 4. Among others, the final
conclusions contain the following statements; The dolomite
from the source of Sukhorechensk represents a qualified raw
material for the production of baked metallurgical dolomate.
With respect to its chemical composition it corresponds to the
specifications of class 1
MTIT~2660 - 50
The gray variety shows the widest distribution. If dolomite
is baked in pieces, it sinters at a minimum temperature of
17000C, except the pale gray variety, which needs only 16500C-
An admixture of tinder of from 2-5 % lowers the sintering
temperature to 1500-16000C. The admixtures increase its
resistivity to hydration.
There are 4 fiCures, 6 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which
Card 2/3 are Slavic.
An Investib~ation of the Dolomite From the Source of 131-2-5/lo
Sukhorechensk-as a Raw Material for the Production of
Metallurgic Dolomite
ASSOCIATION: Ural Branch of the ie-ningrad Institute of Refractory Materials,
(Urallskoye otdeleniye leninfvausKogo instituta
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
"Wear Characteristics and Experience Gained in Improving -whe Life of an Orre-n-
Hearth Furnace Bottom," Proizvodstvo stali )Steel Production) 14oscow, M-ashaiz,
1958. 154 p.
PURPOSE: This book published on the 25th anniversary of the Ural/(Ural Heavy
Machine -building Plant imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) is intended for engineers,
technicians and scientific workers concenied with the production of steel.
0 1 >11Y-L
IS-7.2.2 0 SOV/81-59-12-43044
Translation froms Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, lir 12, p 310 (USSR)
AUTHORs Bron, V.A.
TITLE: On the Effect of the Crystallochemical Pr9perties of Additions on
the Sintering of Highly-Refractory Oxideslyin the Solid Phase
PERIODICAL: Tr. ~-go Soveshchaniya po eksperim. i tekhn. mineralogii i petrogr.,
1956, Moscow, AS USSR, 1958, PP 471-478
ABSTRACT: The sintering action of additions on highly-refractory oxides A1203,
M90, CaO, S102 has been studied. As additions the oxides of metals
of various groups,of.Mendeleyev's tabl 'e were employed from mono-
valent to pentavalent ones. The oxide to'be sintered in the form
of a thin powder (particle size_