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Reglamentataiia pravki svamykh trubehatykh konstruktaii. (Avtogennoe delo,
1946, no, 7. p. 21-23, illus., diagrs., bibliography)
Title tr.: Regulation of straightening of welded tubular structures.
TS22?.Ai66 1946
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1955
"Investigation of Straightening the Aircraft Welded Construc-tions.0
Sub 14-Apr 47, Moscow Order of the Labor Red Bannor Higher Technical School
imeni N. N. Bauman
Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow
In 1947
SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55
FA 1.517
TTSSR/Airframes Aug 1947
Aircraft - Construction
"New Data 6n tbA Straightening of Welded Airplane
Pramee," A. Ya. Brodskiv, 6 pD
"Avtogennoye Delo" No 6
Graphs, diagrams and formulae as reBUitB of experi-
ments. Optimum temperature is 800 to 6500 0.
Pepeated beating of one spbt is inefficient. Pate
of cooling must ta minimum. It Is,not efficient to
maintain high temperaturea'for a long period of time
in parts to be-Btraigbtened.
p 0 10 4
4 9 9 a It U III It Is U It Is Of Is a
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s' ~ , ---
a 100
spew HNAWE Tweb Dwift Strala
use ad a
00 a.
J. Russian,)
qj WsMW Stractum I
AvUlennae Dek (Welding), Feb. 1948,
Describes and dl above torch and the
ts deta
method of Its us&
06. calculations for the theoretical host distribution Joe
00-4 and torch design for welding of cylindrical tut".
e" -
t tp~.
Atli CK Qv Ist Sam
V, Al 941 1*9 It PC U U III Is 11 1 YA 11 Od 0 9 V I N N 9 A 6 2
0 0 00000 0000 0000000 e 'a 0 0
----0 4 so 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 0
00 o
011 p 1. Yn, Ir
nnoo n n
-~ "I',- of lippin- I' -;Vdfling
a nof amount tif tho M .1 re
arO thet of tho promv. the torchest, (ratit4rurnicra unct
Plorlmll.warovormidoml. TcAlq Phom (xi t lint fiangoteto
olortmArm werv I%nttA,r than vArbon ror urlding stninlmq Aterl".
thri Iii-riniftcd dinrnetvr of v1primlo for Alml (1-8-1-5 mm,
thiric 1wing 2-2-5 min., and 11m1 dri(41 ntg-n (13-14-1
_--mitrogon) rotild be timl tint IsIlhel orily. P.x.
a Oct 48
Welding, Arc
Welding, Autogenous
"Automtic Argon Arc Welding of 7hin-Gauge
Metals,- A. Mo. Brodak1y, CmA Tech Sai,
NIAT, ~i pp
.Aytogennoye Delo" No 10
Argon aro welding of thin, stainless-steel
shoots by hand is being suocessfmI.4 introduosd
in plants. Discusies: (1) automatization
of argon arc welding, (2) appliances for &uto-
mtic arson arc veldimgp (3) choice of current
USM/Snginsering (Contd) Oct
and equipment, MA (4) now techniml. "U.
Includbe 12 sketches mA two tables.
A. -'-~ ii. la. MU !I. -
- -'. '" 7- --- ------
if 0^1 Z) -54 / Y "'9-' /,"9 -
" Metalwork and Welding Contrivances used in Aircraft Construction," National
Publishing House of the Defense Industry, moscow, 1949.
M. A* 206
Investigation of the Flectrical Characteristic* of the Welding Are in
Argon. A. Ya. Brodsky WW 0. M. Tikhodw (Avtog. Delo, 1949P Mv 1-3)--
(in of invesittation carried out with the tungsten/
cbreadm-nIckel, are In an atmosphere of argon, the following functions
were deduced: T a f(l), when I is constant and V - f(l) when I is conmmt
(V a voltage, I w current, 1 a loq[th of thow arc.) The relationship
V a f(l) can be tzkon an linear for practical purposes without serious
error. The potential gradient is about 9-10 Vs/c~,. The effect of impuri-
ties in the argon on the voltapo of the are was also studied: with the
tungsten are, other things being equal, the voltage would be 1-2 V. higher
using commercial argon (86*6%) as compared with purIfted argon (97%).'
Fy taking advantage of thin, it appears possible to regulate the beat
intensity of the welding are by varying the quantity of impurities in
the argon.-W.J.X.
SAM An MEN' Cr "M mmim A, NA-11 Ao Too ton).
.Ar_9,4,$W and 0# To Neshkm (Avtfto Dole, 1949, (?)# 10-22).-(Ift Use
Argon-are vold1W to the ratissal mothed of Joining saguestum alley without
flux. Wore volding It Is swessavT to clem the surface of tho mopesius
alleyea for this purpose chemical also' In a Solution of chromic acid is
roomendedo It Is possible to apply this type of welding to butt. lap, and
onglo joints, *tea As filler, only wire nude from alloy KA,-1 shouli be used*
In the transition some of the welded joint of KA-2, grain growth is otberved,
characteristic of the welded joint* of binary alloys*-VoJ-1-
v lot r
0, Art im DtW kWC1(W4
.8 Tos
N!i,,, low P. - -Lrch on an Part-
liwUju of rem u conditions D
swa duruw " c (KA% A. 12.7%
600 d 0.1% 00, * t"'na
comwe"t or of the
6.61 . Um Un N goo
Oto 601:15115- Causes Fh6efOrM&-
"I" C' -1 tting-t-21 11Kt'd"'
,on tip:% L r.0
of 3 goo
0. $04
fe ;09 4
,JUNE EtassVIC"TIO, a, C.T
till ------
IV 1, it OP 0
0 goo*
goo -M.000
RON- W- -0-
-E4~,iif~~A_ 121
~'rgOnOd'UgOvala .9varka v proizvodstve kompensatorov. (Vestn. Mash., l950
no. 2, p. 37-40)
Argon are melding in the production of compensators.
DLCt TN4. V4
SO: Yanufacturing and mechanical engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1953.
BRODSKIY, A. Ya. FA 1) 75
MR/Notals - Welding Sep 50
-"Deformation of Wolfram Electrodes in Argon-Shielded
Arc Welding," A. Ya. Brodskiy, Cand Tech Sci, A. V.
Petrov, Engr, Stalin Prize Laureates
"Avtogen Delo" No 9, PP 11-15
Investigates deformation of wolfram electrodes in
argon medium. Reversible deformation, caused by
thermal expansion of wolfram, is unavoidable. Ir-
reversible deformation, caused by processes of oxi-
dation and sublimation of wolfram oxides, may be
considerably decreased by eliminating turbulent
CUITents in shielding flow of argon.
W, r
go# *go
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u K a A -9 00 0 0
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00000 -*so* 0:_6004190
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:09 o 09 Os go
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a )f It 1) id a
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It"Olft.) A. Ta.
UK P. VY4 V. 34
ooll T4dwA-
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000 0
11"CUM ab - appum" to pvc..
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000 OW
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A it a 40 U * 4
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BOOK _~DSKIY, A. YA. Call No.: AP501939
Author: BO
Transliterated Title: Tekhnologiya dugovoy elektrosvarki v
inertnoy srede
originating Agency: None
Publishing House: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of
Machine-Building Literature (Mashgiz)
Date: 1951 No. pp.: 166 No. of copies: 6,000
Editorial Staff
Editor: Glizmanenko, D. L., Kand. of Tech. Sci.
Appraisers: Staff of the Chair "Welding Production", Moscow Higher
Technical School im. Bauman
PURPOSE: A manual for technologists and designers cipecializing in the
manufacture and design of welded joints.
Coverage: This book is the continqation of the aut*.-Aor's earlier Dugova
elel.:trosvarka v inertnu srede (Inert -0a s-Shielded Electric-Arc
mashigiz, 1950. This book describes the electric-are welding of mag-
nesium, aluminum and copper alloys, silver, thin-sheet 30 KhGSA steel,
Tekhnologiya dugovoy elektrosvarki v inertnoy srede AID 581 - 1
low-carbon steel and cast iron, as well as the joint welding of dif-
ferent alloys using helium and argon gas as a protective atmosphere.
Nitrogen-are welding is also examined. The book contains data on
the mechanical properties, microstructure and corrosion resistance
of the resulting weld alloys and w9lding joints. According to the
author, the possibility and expedience of using argon and nitrogen
mixtures and nitrogen as a shielding atmosphere for welding stain-
less heat-resisting alloys and copper were dem6nstrated for the
first time in the Soviet Union. The book is provided with illus-
trations, tables and diagrams.
No. of References: Total 44, Russian 28 (1913-1951)
Facilities: Benardos, N. N., Boytsov, V. V., Nikolayev, G. A., Prof.,
Dr. of Tech. Sci.
USSR/Engineerimg Welding, Jul 51
"Certain Characteristics of Heat Sources
in Welding Thin Steel Plates," A. Ya.
Brodskiy, Cand Tech Sci, Laureate of
Stalin Prize
"Avtogen Delo" No 7, pp, 16-18
Describes expts to det thermal character-
istics of argon shielded arc and comparing
them with characterf,.3tics of heat sources
in oxyr-cetylene and atomic hydrogen welding
USSR/Engineering - Welding, Jul 51
Processes (Contd)
processes. Max heat flow vas observed in
argon-arc welding, min flow in oxyacety-
lene process.,
USSR/Metals - Steel, Weld ing, Oct 51
"Properties of 18-8 Steel Joints Welded by
Argon-Shielded Arc Method and Other Fusion
Welding Processes," A. Ya. Brodskiy, Cand
Tech Sci, Laureate Stalin Prize
"Avtogen Delo" No 10, pp 6-10
Presents and interprets results of comparative
investigations of welds made by argon-shielded
arc, oxyacetylene and atomic hydrogen arc proc-
eases. Best results ib'resiect to mecb proper-
ties and corrosion-r6sistance obtained by
USSR/Metals - Steel, Welding, Oct 51
Properties (Contd)
argon arc welding. Lowest properties shawn by
Joints welded by oxyacetylene method.
USSR/Engineering - Welding, Processes Jan 52
"Current Rectification During Argon-Are'We2ding,-
A. Ya. Brodskiy, Cand Tech Sci, Laureate W Staliu.
"Avtogen Delo" No 1, pp 10-14
Outlines causes for current rze-tification-and its
effect on technological efficiency of arc and on
mech properties of welded joints. Discusses extent
of rectification depending on arc length, purity of
argon, no-load voltage, effective resistance in
welding circut, and suggests measures against this
phenomenon: elimination by including cWcity re-
actance and decreasing of rectification extent by
including ohmic resistance in welding circuit in
addn to inductive reactance. All relations are
represented graphically.
USSR/Engineering - WeldiN, Methods Al?r 52
"Automatic Argon Are Welding With Mechanized Feed
of Filler Wire," A. Ya. Brodskiy, Cand Tech Sci,
Laureate of Stalin Prize
IlAv-togen Delo" No 4, pp 8-11
Describes procedure and equipment for automatic
welding of articles made of thin stainless steel.
Method permits welding of joints with irregular
curvilinear shape. Are length is maintained
const with the aid of.mech and elec devices.
Performance of elec devices is based on relation-
s'hip between length oysd v-z;ItA-Se of are.
USSR/Ifet-:~,11-1;xa - Welding, P-,-oceoues
Doc 52
"Diaturtion of ThLi Shttts in Argon Are Weldirq,r vLnd in Cortnin Other 11-IcUods of Welding
by A. Tr--. Brodgkiy, Cand TEch Sci, Stalin Prize Laureate
Avto--en Delo, Eo 12, pp 6-10
Gives results of expts for COUPP-ring exteLt of clistortinn of I-C-2-5 mm, sheets. free
during vielding by oyyacet-ilene, atomic hydro, e eff et
;en, Lnd argon arc methods. Discuss E e
of geometrical- factors, ti-me of holdiaL sheets in fixed stcAe Pw4 hp--t conductivity,
presenting results in graphical foxv;
RMW,%% -
Ylux weldir, of reinforement joints with coatel elactrodes. Avtom'
avar. 6 no,6:65-70 N-D 153; (HLBA 8:4)
(Blectric welding)
BRODSKIY, A.Ya., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, laureat Stalinakoy premii.
Welding joints of reinforcement bars having diameters of 25-40 mm. Biul.strol.
tekh. 10 no.15:16-17 0 '53. (MLRA 6:10)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut promyshlennykh soorazheniy.
(Reinforced concrete construction) (Ilectric welding)
1 - 11'."IDINT, V. A. ; Lio~ -,.,1y A. ya.
2. - USSIR (600)
4. Zlectric 'Welding
7. Manual arc welding of the joints of concrete reinf rce!ents with electrode sets)
L' -0 It.
V.A. Baldin, A.Ya. Brodskiy, Avtog.delo 24 no. 4, 19531.
9- ~ ~thl List 2f Russian Lc_cessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. .
z con, j
tl t
L:-, t .1 lie --f
flpo:: ti
I Ore
-Ed esseiner cteel to? %yelded structures. A. Va.
Br-dskil and EM~ ~iovsk, ~-OvikL 1'rem.
wid w,-
ldinr, propertim r( Al and Ti
'killed fiemLmrr steet v6th C, 0,49-0,532 1 Un,
0.1".20 Si, Nvcrt co"jivjed
with an opetl-hc~vrtll steel carrying, 0.191j; C. 0.43-0.47 Ms;,
0.03 max. Killitigp-nacticc
u%cd is not drcribed. Bessevicr P!ctA i~ strco;rr but inore
open-livarlh MmI, and arr~s leas than Ille
brittle than Ilic
latter Riter c-,ld-wnEug. Wcfdrd ii
bigher hulsact'strtngth for IAC-~,Cmvr stvvl mut i% lower will'i-
6ou poitkt. Data 3le VMINI(Ed j 1). O-Vt
Ya -
rM/Enginearing-Argon-arc welding
Card 1/1 t Pub. 128-23/33
Authors t Brodeldyp A* Ta., Cana* Tech* Sbio; and.Polyakovs K* M.,, Xagineer
Title bai~;vn the argon-aro and o;Wgenacetylene methods of
welding tubes of &Imium-magaealum alloys
1318titution I
Pubtitted I
Vest. mash. 34/8, .784W., Aug 1954
I An account io. given of experlments conducted to determi-ae wbother
argon-are welding, or o.VVr.--zcetylene welding is the nore economical
wben applied to work, an tubes of alumimm-mapesim alloy. The
fomer was found to be more productive and to produce better work
but to be more expewive, I3.1ustration; tables; graph.
"Argon-are Welding by Tungsten Ueetrodes." (Argono-Dugovaya svarka vol.. framovy3n
elektrodom.) Mashgiz.1955. -
r ~_ t,
]Cffect Of argon are welding fusion defects On the strength of
7&31-u8m3luJuml--AggaIg,in5~.sium alloy butt Dean welds. Avtom.ev&(Kr. 8 no.4:
LRA 8:11)
(Aluminum-magnesium alloys--Veldlng)(Blectric weldirg)
BRCDSKIY, A,Ts., laurent Staliamkoy promii, kaudidat takhmicheakikh mauk.
~-, W',~! - " - ~
Spot welding of rolled section Irm roiaforceseat bars. Sbor*uat*o
uov.tekh. v stroi. 17 zoag:26-30 '55. (KTAA9:1)
(Reinforced concrete) (Blectric welding)
MOMMY, A.Ya., laureat Stalinskoy prenii. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk.
~-' ~-
Joints with circular cover plates for heavy-duty reinforcements,
Stroi.prox. 33 no-1:31-35 J&155. (MLU 8:3)
1. ?S&ntral'Wy nauchno-issledoTatellskiy institut promyshlezk~-
nykh soorusheniy.
(Reinforced concrete constru6tion)
BROGRIT-9 A,Tas; XOSYMff, T.F.; soj=VSjjjT, p.j.
Corrugated concrete reinforcementg ma4e Gf low &,19w 25G6 steel.
Strel. prom. 33 no-9:36-38 3 t55. (nn q: 1)
BRODSKIY.A.Ya.; ZVBGINTMWA,K.V.. inzhener. redaktor; GRUSHUSKAYA,-G.M.,
rOWTO-r; IPOPOVA,S.M., takhnichemkiy redaktor
[Argon-are welding using tungsten electrodes] Argono-dugovaia
evarka vollframovym slektrodom. Hoekva, Gos.nauchno-takhn. 12d-vo
mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 395 P. (MLRA 9,3)
(Ilectric welding)
A.: F) 7, 1,1
I J)
Card 1/1
AID P - 4833
Pub. 11 - 6/13
: Brodskiy, A. fa.
Periodical :
Abstract :
Determination of the method to be applied in resistance
spot welding of intersecting reinforcement rods.
Avtom. svar., 3. 52-57, Mr 1956
The anthor presents results of calorimetric research,
and proposes formulae for practical use in spot resistance
welding of intersecting reinforcement rods used in con-
crete constructions. Three formulae, 8 graphs. 8 Russian
references (1953-55).
Central Scientific Research Institute of Industrial
Construction (TaNIIPS).
Submitted 30 My 1955
BRODSKIY, A.Ya.. kandidat tokbnicbeakikh nauk; FRIDMAH, A.M., inzboner.
Xquipment for assembling and spot welding of reinforced frame
elements with multiple bar joints. Biul. stroi.tekh. 13 no.12:
10-12 D '56. (MLRA 10:2)
1. T'Sentral'W naucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut proqrsblennykb
soorushenly. (Electric welding) (Reinforced concrete)
BRODSKIY, A.Ya.,-kandidat tokbnicbeakikb nauk.
Welding with flux of T-connectione of Inserted parts in precast
reinforced concrete elements. Nov. tekh. I pared. op. v stroi.
18 no.9:14-16 S '56. (MLRA 9:10)
(Electric welding) (Precast concrete)
- L.L~--, Lc~
7-77TT- i
Sabserged-melt welding of the concrete reinforcing steel joints
with a continuous slag formation. Stroi.prom. 34 no.11:15-18 N '56.
(Mak 9:12)
1. TSentrallny7 nauchno-issle&ovatellskiy Institut, proryshlennykh
(Slag) (Welding)
U-~S-SR 05 ~891. 'Lint
[r -
Uit -.n--tsidr 1v i
-5 rq 0-09 ox so. ne ather m"
_,Ind til
,erl~bn Ig coated.
Lcl*)Aing of Powd. carboru-4d= 70-05-
m-~;er~~qLqp,! AITC), in
~-_) lw~ t- k '/ ~~ A - YA -
.1-35-7 -9/16
AUTFIORs Brodekiy, A.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences.
TITLE: The Mechanism of I'llagging" in Tank-Welding. (0 mekhanizme
lizaahlakovkill pri vannoy evarke).
PERIODICAL: "Svarochnoye*Proizvodstvo", 19579 # 7, pp 22-24 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the "tank-welding" method which had
been suggested long ago by N.G. Slavyanov and has been used in
the USSR for 3-4 years in butt-welding of large-diameter rein-
forcement bare for reinforced concrete constructions.
Welding by this method on single phase current and with one
electrode with a steel croup serving as mold, is now practiced
at the experimental melding plant of the "L4HIMMqH11. This
method was also used for reinforcement welding at the Kuybyshev
Hydroelectric Plant (Kuybyahevgidrostroy). The Technical
Conditions "TY 19-51" of the Ministry of Power Pl~nts require a
strength - limit not below 42 kg/MM2 for butt Joints of profile
bars of steel 'TT, 5"~conditional stresses are meant, determined
by dividing the breaking stress by the cross section area of the
Card 1/4 whole basic bar). According to welding Construction Trust # 65
13 5 - 7-9/16
The Mechanism of "Slagging" In Tank-Welding. (0 mekhanizme
lizashlakovkill pri Yannoy syarke).
(avaroohno-montazhnyy trest # 65) of Glavstallkonstruktsiya-
where 50 bars welded at the Kuybyshevgidrostroy have been
tested - only 20 of the 50 tested butt joint5 disrupted under
load corresponding to stresses of 42-43 kg/mm , JO joints broke
at 38-41 kg/mmie, and 20 joints - at 25-37 kg/mm . 90 % of the
joints which failed to pass the test contained defects in the
form of non-fusion over 30 to 60 % of the cross-section area$
causod by.1slagging" of the bar butts, i.e. solidifying of slag
on the butts during the initial stage of tank-welding.
At Stalingradgidrostroy, 21 % of 503 welded reinforcement bars
made of steel "Cr.5" with a diameter of 22-80 mm, did not pass
the test, mainly due to non4usion and "slagging" (mostly in the
bottom portion of the joint). According to data from the
Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Plant, non-fusion and slag inclusions
were also the most frequent defects of butt joints. Electrode
combs which were used for the pnrpose of increasing productivi-
ty of work, led to even more "slagging" when welding was perform-
ed on the aforementioned steel cramps.
Card 2/4 By experimenting with graphite bars and copper cramps, with
Card 3/4
The Mechanism of "Slagging" in Tank- Welding. (0 mekhanizme
"Zashlakovki" pri vannoy evarke).
cooled copper bare in combination wit a copper cramp, and with
steel bare assembled on a steel brace with copper tubes for wa-
ter cooling brazed to it on the outer side, - the mechanism of
11slagging" was understood and the following conclusions were
1) The "slagging" occurs when the bar butts conduct heat more
intensively than the mold walls.
2) The intensity of "alagging" grows with the intensity of
beat losses of the bar butt3, i.e. with the growing bar diameter,
or with growing heat-conductivity factor of bar material.
3) The degree of "slagging" on the bar butts can be controlledt
Ypr exajc~le. by apj)1ying-!hva`t to the bjp-,bi"ts,,-- or-inten-
sive Cooling of molds, or using molds of"misterials which I are
more heat-conductive than the bar material (for instance copper).
The article contains 4 photographs, I series of sketches, and
2 bibliographic references (both Russian).
The Mechanism of "Slagging" in Tank-Welding. (0 mekhanizme
'1Z&shlakovki" pri vannoy evarke).
ASSOCIATIONs Central Research Inatitut* for Constructions of the Building
and Architecture Academy. (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatell
skiy institut stroitellnykh konstruktsii Akademii stroitell
stva. i arkhitektury).
AVAILABLEs At the Library of Congress.
Card 4/4
~46DSKIY. A.Ya.
Reply to engineer L.V. Glebov. Avtom.evar. 10 no.6:83-M
11--D '57. (MIRA 11:1)
LTSentrallw nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut stroltellnoy
konstruktsii Akademiy stroitalletva i arkhitektury SSSR.
(Steel, Structural-Welding)
(Electric welding)
Brodskiy, A.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Elektrodugovaya I elektroshlakovaya svarka stykov armatury zhelezobetona
(Electric Arc and Electroslag Butt Welding of Concrete Reinforce-
ments) Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1958. 140 p. 8,000 copies printed.
Scientific Ed.: Zvegintseva, K.V., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House:
Skvortsova, I.P.; Tech. Ed.: Toker, A.M.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and technical personnel
employed by design bureaus and construction organizations. It may
also be used as a textbook for students attending construction and
technical vuzes.
COVERAGE: The author discusses the electric arc and electroslag butt
welding of rods and bars used In reinforced concrete structures.
Basic information on reinforcement steel, strength requirements for
welded joints, and a detailed description of various inethods of
welding and their classificatioh are presented. Detailed informa-
tion on engineering and strength properties of various welding
Card l/ 4
Electric Are and Electroslag But't.Welding (Cont.) 1019
methods are given as well as an evaluation of these methods.
Generalized data on the selection of a suitable welding method for
given conditions are also presented. Although the basic principle
of electric arc puddle welding dates back to the last century,
reat progress in this method of welding has been made in the last
or 5 years, according to the author. Experimental work in this
field was and is being conducted by the Moskovskoye vyssheye
tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni N.Ye. Baumana (Moscow Higher
Technical School imeni N.Ye.Bauman), the TsNIISK of the Akademiya
stroitel'stva I arkhitektury SSSR (USSR Academy of Construction and
Architecture), the Opytnyy svarochnyy savod (Experimental Welding
Plant) of them Mosgorsovnarkhoz, the Leningradskiy instutut
inzhenerov- vodnogo trans orta (Leningrad Institute of Water
Transpqrtation Engineers~, the electric arc welding section of the
USSR Academy of Sciences, the Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy
Institut imeni Kirova (Ural Polytechnic Institute Imeni Kirov) and
other organizations. These processes have been and are being
applied In the construction of the Kuybyshev, Kakhovka and Stalin-
grad hydroelectric plants. No personalities are mentioned. There
are 0 references, of which 67 are Soviet and 3 German.
Card 2/4
Electric Are and Electroslag.Butt Welding (Cont.) 1019
Introduction 3
I. General Information 7
1. Nature of the puddle-welding process 7
2. Classification of the methods of puddle butt-welding
large-diameter rods 10
Reinforcement steel 11
it. Weldability of reinforcement steel 19
5. Strength requirements of butt welds 21
II. Manual Electric Arc Butt Welding (Puddle Welding) of Bars in
Steel Molds 24
1. General information 24
2. Single-phase single-electrode welding 29
3. Variations of single-phase single-electrode butt yelding
with fixtures and saddles 60
4. Three-phase two-electrode welding 63
Card 3/4
Electric Arc and Electroslag Butt-. Welding (Cont.) 1010
5. Single-phase multielectrode welding in steel saddles with
a continuous run-off of the slag
III. Manual Electric Are Butt Welding (Puddle Welding) in
Copper Molds
1. Oeneral information
2. Single-phase multielectrode welding
i',r. Electroslag Welding
1. (,e,,ieral information
2. Manual single-phase single-electrode. welding in copper
3. Manual single-phase single-electrode welding in
refractory molds
4. Automatic and semiautomatic welding
V. Selection of Welding Method
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/whl
Card 4/4
SO V 125, -5 8- 5 -7/15
AVTHORS: Brodskiy, A.Ya., Sokolovskiy, P.I. and Fridman, A.M.
TITLE: Spot Yielding of a Reinforcement Framework with Heat Treat-
ment of Cluster Joints Between the Electrodes of the Ma-
chine (Tochechnaya svarka armaturnykh karkasov s -ermich=4-
koy obrabotkoy uzlov mezhdu elektrodami mashiny)
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1958, Nr 3, pp 50-56 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Thus far, reinforcement frames for concrete structures were
are-welded. Experience has shown that contact spot welding
is cheaper and more cfficient in the production of reinforce-
ment frames without diagonal links. Hcwever, joining three
or five periodical-profile "St 5"-steel bars into cluster
joints by oontact spot welding entails metal hardening at
the joint, caused by fast heating and subsequent fast cool-
ing. The article gives a detailed description of experi-
ments carried out for the purpose of eliminating this hard-
ening. Engineer V. YakovlevR took part in the experiments.
The developed technology consists in subsequent heating of
the joints to a definite temperature between the electrodes
of the welding machine and in slow cooling. Details of tech-
Card 1/2 nology are givon in table 3. Chemical composition of the
SOV :25-58-'z-7-i=
Spot Welding of a Reinforcement Framework with Heat Treatment of Cluster
Joints Between the Electrodes of the Machine
periodic-profile steel used for the experiments is alsc
given. The described method has been put to practical
use in the reinforcement workshop of a Chelyabinsk con-
struction project. Automatic heat treatment betreen ma-
chine electrodes requires modernization of the standard
welding machines and welding transformers.
There are 3 tables, 1 photo, 2 figures, 5 graphs, 2 sets
of microphotos and 5 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: September 25, 1956
1. ReinCorcing s~eel--Spot welding 2. Spot welds--Effectiveness
3. Welded Joints--fleat treatment
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Brodskiy, A.Ya. -25-58-5-6/13
TITLE: On Methods of Evaluating the Resistance of Weld Metal to t'ie
Formation of lint Crnckn in Arc Welding (0 metodike otsenki
staftosti metalla fta protiv obrazovaniya goryachikh treshchin pri
dugovoy svarke )
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, 1958, Nr 5, PP 41-44 (USSR)
ABSTRACT3 The MVTU method of N.V. Prokhorov and S.A. Kurkin (with
Kurkin's specimen as is shown in figure 1) and the VNII Min-
transmash method of L.A. Fridlyand and K.I. Timofeyev (with
the use of special test machine) were tested on steel "14G2"
and "14KhGS" (GOST 5058-57-standard) and on killed sieel
'IMSt.3". The test results differed. The author points out
the faults of the Kurkin specimen, which does not reproduce
the actual conditions of the deformation of metal in the pro-
cess of welding. It is concluded that the VNII Mintransmash
method clearly reveals the changes in the strength of metal
welded to different steels, with the "UP2/45" and "OMM-5"
electrodes. It is suitable for revealing the technological
strength of intercrystalline layers, conditioned by their
Card 1/2 chemical composition. The essence of the method is in the
On Methods of Evaluating the Resistance of Weld Metal to the Formation of
Hot Cracks in Arc Welding
measurements of the special machine, which permits control
of the rate of deformation of the specimen, by bending it in
the welding process. The method is schematically illustrated
(Fig. 2,3). There are 5 figures and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitell
nykh konstruktsiy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR
(Central Research Institute of Construction Designs of the
USSR Academy of Construction and Architecture)
SUBMITTED: June 26, 1957
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Brodskiy, A.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: New Yielding Method by Electric Rivet Fusing (Novy,,; sposob
svarki elelctrozaklepkami proplavleniyem)
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 10, pp 18-21 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A now welding method is described, developed at TsNIISK by
O.V. Kuznechikov, graduate of the MVTU, and consisting of
the fusing of rivets through 3 or more parts (Fig. 8). The
fundamental parameters of the new welding technology with
a.c. arc feed are: type and diameter of electrode, second-
ary short-circuit current, electrode deposition, axial load
on the electrode and dimensions of a copper ring serving to
form the electric rivet head. Tests proved that the strength
of weld joints increased with larger electrode diameters
and increased --amber of welded spots. Further investiga-
tions of the new method are being performed and equipment
Card 1/2 designed for practical application is being developed.
New Weldin,, 1";ethod by Electric Rivet Fusing SOV-135-58-10-6/19
There are: 1 diagram, 1 circuit diagram, 4 sets of photos,
4 graphs and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIM Tsentrallnyy naiichno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitel'-
nykh konstruktsiy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury
(Central Scientific Research Institute of Construction De-
sign Attached to the Academy of Construction and Architec-
1. Are welding--Applications
2. Welded joints--Test results
Card 2/2
AUTHOR. Prodskiy, A.Ya. SOV-125-58-10-5/12
TITLE, Th ~.'.eld~-Abil`ity o~Low-Alloy Manganese "1402" Grade Steel
(Svarivayemost' nizkologirovannoy margantsovistoy stali
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1958, Nr 10, PP 44 - 54 (USSR)
ABSTRACT1 Information is presented on investigations to determine
the weldability of "102" grade manganese steel in the
manual arc welding process. Roller tests were performed
on slabs from two castings (chemical composition given in
table 1) which were selected by Candidate of Technical
Sciences P.I. Sokolovskiy for the purpose of determining
changes of steel properties with eifferent welding para-
meters, the sensitivity of steel ~Q stre3s concentrators
in welding and to choose the projer electrodes. It was
concluded that "10211 steel has satisfactory properties.
Best results were obtained in weldirA& with "E42A" and
"E50AII electrodes. As unsatisfactory aeoxidation red-ac-
es the quality of "14G211 steel, proper attention should,
Card 112 be paid to the technology of deoxidizing commercial casts
The Weld-Ability of Low-Alloy Manganese "14G21' Grade Steel
of this steel. There are 7 graphs, 5 tables, 1 diagram
and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitel~-
nykh konstruktsiy Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury
SSSR (Central Scientific Research Institute of Building
Structures of the USSR Academy of Building and Architec-
SUBMITTEDt August 24, 1958
1. Manganese steel--Welding 2. Are welding--Electiodes 3. Are
welding--Metallurgical effects
Card 2/2
BRODSKIY, A.Ta.. kand. tekhn. nauk.
Methods for testing velded joints of high-strength stsel reinforce-
m9nts in concrete elements. Biul. stroi. takh. 15 no.1:16-19 Ja 158.
(MM 11:2)
1. TSantrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut stroitellnykh
konetruktai.v Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR.
(Reinforced concrete--Testing)
BRCDSKIY, A.Ya., kand. takhn. nauk; YEVGIKIYSY, I.Ye.. kand. tekhn. nauk-,
FRUM, AeXq, ingh.; TSAPWN, V-P-, Insh.
Device for controlling strength of joints In velded reinforce-wnts.
Nov. tekh. I pared. op, v strol. 20 no.4.,11-12 Ap 158. (MIRA 110)
(Reinforced concrete)
' BRODSKI Y, A. Ya. , kand. telchn. nauk
Weldability of low-alloy chromemanganeve silicon Steele used
for steel structures* Novetakhomont. i aperts.rab. v stroi.
20 no.12:1&21 D 158, (MIRA'12:1)
1. TSentral'W nanchno-isoledovatellskiy institut stroitellnykh
konstru)ctaiy Akademii stroitalletva i arkhitektury SSSR.
(Steel alloys-Welding)
BRODSKIY, A.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk (Moskva).
Calculating processes of spot contact welding of concrete
reinforcements. Prom. stroi. 36 no-11:39-40 N 158.
(MIRA 12:1)
(Electric welding) (Reinforced concrete)
BRODSKIY, A.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; POELTASM, A.B., inzh., red.
[Welding joints of reinforcements of reinforced concrete
construction elements] Svarks stykov armatury zhelezobetonnykh
konstruktaii. Moskvaq 1939o 27 Pe (MIRA 13:6)
1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Inatitut organi-
zatsii, mekhanizataii i takhnicheskoy pomashchi stroitellstvu.
Byuro takhnicheskoy informataii. 2. Rukovoditell avarochnogo
kabineta laboratorii metallicheskikh konstruktsii TSentrallnogo
nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta stroltelInykh konstraktaiy
Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Brodskiy).
(Reinforced concrete) (Steel--Welding)
Brodskiy, A.Ya., ed.
Payka nerzhaveyushchikh staley i zbaroprochnykh splavcv (Brazing of Stainless
Steels and Heat-ResiBtant Alloys) Moscow, 1959. 51 P. 5,000 copies printea.
(Series: Moskovskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoy*propagandy. Peredovoy opyt
proizvodstva. Seriya: Progressivnaya tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Vyp. 18)
Sponsoring Agency: Ubshchestvo po rusprostraneniyu politicheakikh i nauchnykh
znaniy RSFSR.
Reap. Reviewer,for This Publication: L. M. Garmash; Tech.
Ed.: R.A. Sukhareva.
PURPOBE: Thin collection of articles is intended for brazers.
COVERAGE: The collection contains three articles discussing general problems
encountered in brazing. The joining of thin4walled pipes and the impirtance
of flame brazing are given special attention. No personalities are meationed.
The:-e am no references.
Card 1/2
Brazing of Stainless Steels (Cont.) SOV/5232
Gubin, A.I. Some General Problems in Brazing Stainless Steels and Heat-
Resistant Alloys 3
Kitayev, A.M. Joining Thin-Walled Pipes of M1899T Steel 15
Gorokhov, V.A. Flame Brazing With Heat-Resistant [Hard] Solders 40
AVAIL&BLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 VK/~j4ggj
AUTHORS, Brodskiy A. Ya., and Trofimov, V. I.,Candidates of
T-ecEnEca-12 MoTe-Wes
TITLE: Welding of Reinforcement Toints During Assembly of the
Skeleton of a Multi-Story Industrial Building
PERIODICAL: Betan i zhelezobeton, 1959, Nr 3, pp 156-139 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Gi-prostroymaterial Institute devised a joint between oolunmn
and beam using a "bath" weld in the ]dace of ordinary hand
eleatric are welding. This new Joint was tried out on.
frame of KaracharoTo timber mill (designed by A. P. V-11asov,
Architeat, and V. 1. Trofimov, Candidate of Technical
Soieiwes) and proved to be much simpler than other methods
of jointing (see Fig 2). A detailed description of the Con-
struction of this mill is given (see Fig 1). Fig 2 shows
laying of floor slabs and their tying-in with the beam. The
strength of joint between the floor sla1bs and beams is of
the same o-ler as the joint investigated in TsNIPS (3ee S.M.
Yxylov: "Problems of Contestporary Reinforced Concrete
Card 1/3 Constr4otions", Gosstroyizdat 1952). The method of "bath"
SO V/G ?_ tlz 9-
Welding of Reinforcement Joints During Assembly of the Skeleton. of
a Multi-Story Industrial
welding joints of reinforcement in a copper fom. using comb
electrodes was worked out between 1952 and 1953 in TsNIPS
by V. A. Baldin and A. Ya. Brodskiy and described in
"Welding of steel reinforcement of reinforced concrete by
means of comb electrodes" (Avtogennoye delo, Nr 4, 1953).
Fig 3 shows welding together of six bars in one operation by
means of a detachable copper clip. Fig 4 shows joint zPady
for welding. The comb electrode used far-welding is of
mark UOII-13/45 of 5 mm diameter, consisting of five units.
The finished weld is illustrated in Fig 5. The arcs are
fed by alternating current STE-32, 3TE-34 or STN-500 of 500
amps. Welding of a packet of three 36 mm diameter rods
lasts 8 minutes. 'The strength of mult-i-layer reinfrorcement
welds made under laboratory conditions was tested in the
Laboratory for Metal Constructions of the Institute of
Building Constructions ASiA USSR (Laboratoriya metalliche-
skika konstruktsiy Instituta stroitelInykh Konstruktsiy
ASiA SSSR) and the values obtained are tabulated on p 138.
Card 2/3 The tests complied with norms TU.'73-56 and proved thet bath
Welding of Reinforcement Joints During AE;.--,~mbly of 'Uhue Ske-leton of
a Mult.-I-Story Indust-rial Building
welding of joints using copper clips and ccmb ele,-,tradelg is
very effective. Scientific worker A. M. Fridman and weldlcr
A. F. Yevsyukov of the Institi-a-7,e of BuildirZ,
ASiA USSR took part in these investigations. There are 5
figures and I table
Card 3/3
8( 5' , 25( 1 , 5 "171/135-:5 0,--7-7 /15
AUTHOR: 'Prods, xk-i 4. Yv_ Candidr 4-P of Tec"n!--al S--*er-es
TITLE: Resistance 7!eidinp, in tne Tan'africture of qt e e 1 Rein-
forcements for !7teel-Peinforced Concrete c7trizctures
('K_or,Laktr,aya s-j'axlca 'v proj.zvodstve -rmatur,y zhelezo-
! konstruktsiy)
PERIODICATi: Svarochnoye pro_4zvod,-tvo, 10"10, ''r 7, pp
ABSTRACTg The withor reviev.,s the anT)ltc-atior of resistance
d4_ng in man-ufacturing reinforcemenis for steel-rein-
forced concrete structures, TTo co!Tip~res qoviet v:el-
ding machines used for Vnis i)i:irpose v.,it'i sim-ilar -ro-
reign models. '11'entioning a large nam),,er of 9oviet v;el-
di-ng machines, the autlior point- to certain defici.en-
cies. lie states that the existing Soviet models must
be improved and thpt V, 'e sci'ent-*'fic reseprch org-ani-
zations -nust develop Pew ~nd more nerfect models.
Viere are 7) phot:ogrnpils, I set of E~rnphs and 15, rrfe-
C~iid /2 rences, 1 of 4 0 1,
2re ~~oviiet, ~' flerman, 1 'rrenc'~
r),T-r55 - '79-7-7/15
Resistance Welding in the Fairafacture of Sl-leel Reinforcements for
Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures (Kontaktnaya svar.~-,a v Drciz-
vodstve armatury zhelezobetonnykh konstruk'Usiy)
and 1 Swiss.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatlellskiy institc~t stroi-
tellnylch konstruktsiy alrademii stroitellstva i arkh-
itelctury (Central Scientific Rese,,irch
Struct-oral Designs of t1lie Academy of ~~onstruct-ion
and Architecture)
Card 212
18(5,7) S OV/1 2 5- 59- 5- 5/16
AUTHOR: Brodskiy, A.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TlTLE: On Using Low Alloyed Silicon-Manganese Steel for Wel-
ded Building Constructions
PERIODICIL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka 1959, Vol 12, Nr 5, (74)
pp 45-54 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article presents the results of tests for weld-
ability, made with steel type 15GS. For the investi-
gation three samples of steel 15GS were taken, which
were produced by the factory "Krasnyy Oktyabr"I (Red
October). The contents of carbon in one sample were on
the lower limit of the GOST-5058-57-Standard and in
.another sample nearer the higher limit. The silicon
concentration of both samples was lower than that de-
manded by the standard. The third sample had a medium
carbon concentration, while the silicon content was on
the lower limit. The fluidity limit of the steel with
the lowest carbon concintration was at a thickness of
Card 1/4 20 mm
4 - 3
6 k
less than demanded
The im
On Using Low Alloyed Silicon-Manganese Steel for Welded Building
strength of the samples with low and medi9- carbon 2
concentration was at a temperature of - 40 3 Kgm/cm
lower than demanded by the standard. The results of the
tests were compared with the data of a parallel test,
made with steel NL2, where also three samples were used.
Here the carbon concentration was nearer the higher
limit. Schedule 1 shows the exact chemical composition
of both types and their mechanical qualities, given by
Candidate of Technical Sciences P.I. Sokolovskiy. For
the welding electrodes type UP-2/55. SY-11 and UP-2/45
were used. For the test of sensibility against "ten-
sion concentrator" the tests made by Kintzell with 30
mm thick samples with sharp incisions (r=O.1 mm) were
used. The results showed, that the samples with high
and medium carbon concentration had a higher sensibili-
ty within the zone of thermic influence than steel type
ITL-2. The sample with low carbon concentration and low
Card 2/4 silicon concentration was equal to the corresponding
SOV/1 25-59-5-5, /16
On Using Low Alloyed Silicon-Manganese Steel for Welded Puilding
sample of steel NL2. In other tests it could be seen,
that steel 15GS with 0.1V C and 0.55",f Si does not
have a higher reaction $o the natural tension concen-
trator than steel N12. Steel with medium carbon concer,
tration and a low silicon concentration cannot be wel-
ded satisfactorily, but this steel can be welded well
with a minimum carbon and silicon concentration. It
could be seen in the tests, that steel type 15GS in a
composition corresponding to standard GOST-5058-57 is
not to be used for welded building constructions.
Steels with changed chemical compositions shall be tes-
ted the same way later on. There are 6 graphs, 4 dia-
grams and 3Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroi-
tellnykh konstruktsiy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhi-
tektury SSSR (Central Scientific Investigation Insti-
Card 3/4 tute of Building Constructions of the Academy of Buil-
SOV/1 25- 59-5-5/16
On UsingLow Alloyed Silicon-Manganese Steel for Welded Puilding
ding and Architecture USSR).
SUBMITTED: November 3, 1958
Card 4/4
GUSAROV, N.H., Inzh. Prinimali uchastiye: ANDMEY, V.V., inzh.;
RABOTNOV, B.A., inzh.; FXDOTOV, L.Ye., inzh., nauchnyy red.
BALDIH, V.A., retsenzent;,~3jODSXM_A_1~., kand.tekhn.nauk,
retaenzent; SAVALOV, I.G.. kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; LZVI.
S.S., kand.tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; SMOLOV, V.S., kand.tokhu.
nauk. re-lu-senzent; LEBRMV, Yu.I.0 retsenzent; RAZUMOVA. B.D..
inzh., retsenzent; DOLGIXH, V.G.. inzh., retoenzent; MAISIMOV,
X.G.. red.izd-ve; FOLIXINA. Ye.A.,
[Provisional Instructions on using gamma rays in controlling
welded joints of reinforcements in reinforced-concrete con-
struction elemental Vremennais instraktsiia po kontroliu
evarnykh soadinenii armatury zhelezobetonnykh konstruktaii
proevechivaniem gems-luchami. Leningrad@ Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po
stroit., arkhit. I stroit.materialem, 1960. 46 p. (KIRA 14:2)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo stroitel'stva elektro-
stantsiy. Tekhnichaskaye upravleniye. 2. TSentral'ny7 nauchno-
issledovatel'skly institut stroitellnykh konstruktziy (for Baldin,
Brodskly), 3. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii stroite'llstva I arkhi-
taktury SM (for Baldit).4. VNIIOM (for Savalov, Levi). 3. TSent-
ral1naye nauchno-Insledovatel'skeya laboratoriya Googortekhaadsora
(for Sokolov). 6. 'Namettitell glavnogo sanitarnogo inspektorag.Seni-
tarnaya inspektaipi SM (for Lebedev). 7. TaNIP Kinisterstva stroi-
tel'stva elektrostantsiy (for Razumova). 8. Treat Sevzapenergo-
montash (for Dolgikh).
(Gamma rays--Industrial applications) (Reinforcing bars--Welding)
AUTHORS: Brodskiy, A.Ya; Fridman, A.M; Yermanck, Ye.Z,, Frolov, S.A.
TITLE: Resistanoe Welding of 30.KhG2S Re-'riftroement Steel for Pre-Stressed Re-
inforced Concrete Structures
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, No. 12, pp. 28 - 36
TEXT: The weldability of 3-w r 2C (30Kli-G23) reinforcement steel in resistalm-
welding machines has been investigated and practical reconLmendations are given.
The standard composition 'of this steel (GOST 5058-57) IB; 0.26 - 0.35% C; o.6 -
- 0.9% Si; 1.2 - 1.6% Mnj 0.6 - 0.9% Cr; not above 0.3% N1 and Cu (each); the
mechanical properties: conditional yield limil. a' ;;r_60 k&/,,2; ultimate
,r,2; tion > 6. , .0 in cold state
strength d,3,>90 kg./c. elonga IZ: b2figing angle 41-
around a mandrel w1th diameter eQual to 5 dl&meters of *,he tested rod. Rods used
Jlor experiments were periodical, with 14 - 28 mm diameter, produced by the Stalino
and Magnitogorsk metallurgical works. Round teFt, specimens with sharp notch in
different heat affectpd zones, so-nalled L4140 flC(T-RNIP3 spe-imens) were -.-,-zed with
success first oi ali with oth(~r reinforcoment swel , lmtit. had to be replar(~d w1th
Menazhe (Russian transliteratton) notch specimens; 'or 30KhG2S because of, Its very
high notch sensitivity. . it proved also very to 1naC--v1ra;_%y of connection
Card 1/4
Resistance Welding of 30KhG2S Reinforcement Steel for Pre-3t.ressed Reinforced
Concrete Structures
angle in cross connections as well as to b~jrns in ma~~hine grip5 during resistance
welding. 1-4 Is recommended tc prevent burns by ualng electrode5 with a wide no-n-
tact surface, to raise the gripping effort, to carefully cle-wn the cnirface of
electrodes and rods, and to reduce the ~~urrent density !n these spots, whIch is
possible by not only conduct!ng current to the bottom elpotrodes but also to the
upper hold-downs made from copper alloy- In view of the hi.Sh s~mnsitivity to
heating time with butt welding, prebea4v-.tng should be carried out, (not too drasti-
cally) - e.g. continuous fusing _Js not prerpllse:_Ible - for cl-Illing in the heat-af-
fected zone reduces strength through the forma-,~Ion of mart=ns-Ite spots (Fig. 3)
which affects deformability and thus causes cracks. 7111e formation of martensite
can be prevented by heat treatment between the electrodes of resistance welding
machines fitted.with special automatic devices. [Abstracter's note! No details
of such devices are mentioned]. The op-limum welding process conditions were found
in experiments in an ACK;b-75 (AKF-75) welder with a recorder which enabled the
duration and temperature of preheating, the magnitude of upset,~~ing, the number of
preheating cycles, and the total welding time to be determined. The optimum
values of the following major parameters were determine& setting length I
Card 2A ' YCT
Resistance Welding of 30KhG2S Reinforcement Steel for Pre-Stressed Reinforced
Concrete Structures
fusion length lonn, and upsetting length loc j as well as the transformer stage.
The optimum process was determined by the shape of the curves of breaking load,
bending angle and Impact strength in butt joints. For iredium-diameter reinforce-
ment rods the 1 j_ggA. and 1 o c values mzt be 2.8; 0.7 eand 0.35 respee-
tively. Butt PT d d joints in 20 and 28 mrr, d1wrieter rods were
so welded in- ASIP-75'and HCp-100 (MSR-100) welders. Ln spot welding of cross JoArtz
the weldability of 30HhG2S steel was much lower than of CT.5 (St-5),and the high-
est possible mechanical strength was obtained with about 2 sec. holding (St.5 re-
quires three times as much holding).' With 3t.5 rods, -spot welded connections --an
be obtained with mechanical strength not below the strength of the base metal, re-
gardless of the transformer stage-. but in 30KhG2S spot welds the strength can
drop drastically and be very uneven. The c&aEe !5 the presence of martensite and
heterogeneous structure. The properties of arose joints can appearantly be im-
proved by heat treatment in the welding machine (between electrodes) (Ref. 3) (A.
Ya. Brodskiy, P.I. Sokolovskiy. A.M. Fridman, vAvtomat1zheskaya svarkan, No. 3,
1958). Conclusionst 1) Resistance welding wi-,h 3OKhG2S reinforcement steel is
more difficult than with other Soviet reinforcement Eteel grades, but butt joints
Card 3 /4
Resistance Welding of 30KhGj23 Reinforcement, Steel for Pre-Stressed Beftnfor ed
Concrete Stnuotures
are possible with ultimate strength not below the z--t&ndand minimum for thIs steel.
2) Smooth (T.3 (St-3) steal rods can be joined will, 30aG23 rods by spot welding
into cross joints without weakening the rods. Gross Joints of 30IQiG2S with, 3OKhG29
have not more than 86% of initial metal z'rength bet"ore welding. 3) Brittleness
is the drawback of all jointe in 30YhG2S steel rods made by resistance welding,
but it may be eliminated by heat treatment between eleo,=des. There are 6 figu-'es
and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONS.. TaNI! sivzoitellnykh konstriak-tsiy A&A SSSR k'T-QNITL of Construction
Frameworks AS and A USSR). A.Yok. P,,r~d5zkiv and A.M. Fricl-ar.; NI1-
zhelezobeton pri Mosgorispolkcme k6cien-,it'in, Researen -LnsT..ITute for
Reinforced Concrete nt". Moscow City Exe.,utive Committee), Ye.Z. Y---
mmnok; MVTU imeni baumana (KTIPU imeni Bauman). q
SUBMITTM- March 3, 1960
25H!~ S/1'2"0/000/04/007/018
AUTHOR: Brodskiy, A.Ya. and dhzhan Syu-Chzhi
- _MMWM*VA%4~. M-;k-0 Mt-T, W.'--
TITLE: On the Weldability of Certain Structural Aluminum
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, Nr 4, pp 36-46 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Experiments were carried out with aluminum allo7ski
improvable by heat treatment, with the use of argon
are process and 5-10 mm thickness of the joined
elements. The purpose was to check the weldability
of the alloys in such.thickness, since they proved
not weldable in 1-3 mm. thickness, i.e. the strength
of welds was too low and they evelope~ cracks. ~
The in,~estigated alloys were j~'IAMS611,� limit, lr5ll and
"V92".0 Argon from Balashikhinskiy kislorodnyy za-
vod7l~alashikha O4Zgen Plant~ was used in the ex-
Card 1/4 periments. Detalis of experimental techniques are
On the Weldability of Certain Structural Aluminum Alloys
given. The following conclusions were made-
1) The "kMgA-M" and "AMg6l' can be recommended for
use in welded structures but the "AMg6" developed,
pores in elements over 5 mm in thickness, and
means must still be found to do away with porosity.
The welds of "AMgA-M" had.the same mechanical -
strength as the base metal. In 10 mm thickness,
welds of the "AMg6" had..the-strength of about 70%
of the base metal and welds of the "AMg6" and 5 mm
thickness was between 80 and 95%. 2) Welds in
alloys improvable by heat treatment made by elec-
tro(Ies of the IIAM&I.and "AV-K" alloy developed
no cracks although the welded specimens were fixed.
When an infusible electrode was used without fil-
Card 2/4 ler metal cracks formed in molten metal and spread
On the Weldability of Certain Structural Aluminum Alloys
into the parent metal. 3) The strength of butt
joints in elements 10 mm thick welded with the "AMg6"
wire was about 60% of the base metal strength. In
elements of the "V95A-T" 10 mm thick welded by the
J'AMg6" wire, strength was only 50% of the base me-
tal. 4) Heat-affected zone (determined by distri-
bution of hardness) spreads differently in dif-
ferent types and grades of alloys. In the "AMg6"
it did not depend on the arc power in the range of
6000-13,000 kalories per centimeter weld length
but at more intense arc heat the zone of lowered
hardness spread further, and the hardness in metal
dropped. In heat-susceptible "Dl6A-T" and "V95A-T"
the zone of heat effect and lowered hardness was
considerably greater and depended directly on the
Card 3/4 are power. The low-hardness portion in these al-
On the Weldability of Certain Structural Aluminum Alloys
loys was within a certain distance of the fusion
zone, and spreading of the fusion zone also depen-
ded on the are power. Engineer A.S. Rakhmanov took
part in the experiments. There are 5 graphs, 1 dia-
gram, 2 sets of photographs, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
stroitel9nykh konstruktsiy Akademii stroitel'stva
i arkhitektury SSSR (Central Scientific Research
"Institute of Constructional.Structures n-f the Aca-
demy of Uonstruction and Architecfu_r_e_o_f_~he US-OR)
SUBMITTED: September 14, 1959
Card 4/4
19 .7 2M AO06/AOO2
AUTHOR: Brodskiy/ Candidate of Teohnical Sciences
TITLE- DeeD-Fusion Are Spot Weldingd
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 7, PP. 18-21
TEXT-. In Reference 1, the authoi~ investigated a new are spot welding method
which differs from conventional processes insofar as the weld Joints are produced
without piercing the upper element being welded, at a thickness of 10 mm and more.
Further experimen-;.s to develop this method were carried out by laboratory assistant
j under the supervision of the author. Information is presented
V.A. Sinyr-R2:Eki
on the resultBobtained. The experimental investigation was carried out with 6; 8;
10 and 20 mm thick (MST.3) strip steel and %(T,~' (BST-5) steel and
"WRV-13/55A" (ITONI-13/55A) (d = 4) and "~OHV-13/15.5!' WOK-13/55) or "ifl 20
(UP22) (d=5 and 6 nun) electrodes. A laboratory welding device shown in Figure 1
was used. The are was fed from a "TCA-1000" (TSD-1000) transformer. The are
was excited during the Initial welding stage by a "0(-R3 -1" (03PZ-1) oscillator.
The deep-fusion welding process is divided into 5 stages; ' 1) ignition of the arzo;
2) beginning of the metal fusion and format.ion of a closed cavity, 3) fusion of
Card 1.13
Deep-Fusion Are Spot Welding A006/AO02
the metal to the required depth; 4) filling of the fused ewvity; 5) formation
of a reinforcee head. Changes in the current and voltage depend on the conditions
of the electrode tip and of the coating lip formed on the electrode tip during
the first are spot welding. An oseillogram is given representing the current
and voltage during the initial fusion period fcir three cases- 1) the contact
between the electrode and the surface being welded is a spot; 2) the height of
the lip is 2-3 mm; 3) the contact surface between the electrode tip and the
metal is large. Characteristics of each stage are given, It is shown that
the use of a "nC -500" (PS-.500) are feed generator is unfit for deep fusion weld-
ing on d-c. By investigating the correlat-lon between the axial load on the
electrode and fusion characteristics, the author establishes that the axial load
exerts a pronoumed effect on the fasion depth. If the loads are below the limit
value increased axial load causes a greater fusion depth. A load approaching
the limit value reduces the depth of fusion. Under the effect of excess load the
electrode is bent- to an angle whose increased inclination reduces the strength of
the Coating. The presence of a gap between the elements being welded reduces the
strength of the-weld joints. The assembly of the elements must therefore be made
very Carefully. Tneir may-1-mum thickness, whic-h is 25 and 30 nLm, was determined
by tests with 20, 25 and 30 mm thicok upper. and 6 mm thick bottom plates made of
"14F" (140) sheet steel. The Jointa were free of defects, such as hot Cracks,
Card 20/~
Deep-Fusion Are Spot Welding A006/AO02
due to the positive effect of a lilgh manganese content in the steel. The loss of
electrode material was determined by chemical analysis. The mLaro-gas analysis
of the are atmosphere was made by DS. Kostyukova of NII betona i zhelezobetona
Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (Scientific Research Institute Q,;C--
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete al; the Academy of Construction and Architecture
of the USSR), The strength of weld joints performed by Tie new method was testeT7
in -specimens with a different number and arrangement of the rivet welds. it
shows that highest and most durable strength was produced by two-electrode ETc
spot welds with displaced axes. There are 7 figures, 4 tables and I Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: TSNII str6itel'nykh konstruktsiy Akadernii stroitellstva i arkh1tektury
SSSR (Central Scientific Research Institute of Building Structures
of the U3SR Academy of Construction and Archlteotur
Card ~13
.BRODSKIf. A.To., kand.tekhn.nauk; IMIDNAN, A.M., inzh.
Aro welding of 301028 reinforcing steel for prestressed
reinforced concrete construction elements. Bet.i zhel.-bete
no.6:261-266 Jo* 16o. (MIRA 13M
(Steel, Structural,--Melding)
(Reinforced concrete)
~bo Ly'.N 2202, J-.* 1406 A0061AOOI
AUTHORS: Brodskiy, A. Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Rakhmanov, A. S.,
TITLE: Two-Electrode Semi-Automatio Argon-Are Weldi of AlumjBMM_Allqys
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodst-vo, 1960, No. 10, pp. 22-24
TEXT: A method of two-electrode semi-automatio argon are welding of
aluminum alloys from one feed source was developed with the participation of
L. S. Livshits, Candidate of Technical Sciences, from VNIIST. It was intended to
attain thereFy an increase in the crystallization time of the seam met-al and a
higher welding efficiency. For this purpose the TlWff-9 (PShP-g)semi-automatic
machi.- f one-phase two-electrode welding was redesigned at the welding
_H!~3'1 ~ or
laborat'b'ry of the department of metal s i;ructures- at TsNIISK. The electric cir-
cuit of the machine remained the same, bu the electrode feed was modified'as
follows: the wires are fed through a flexible hose from two containers to the
pistol. From the hose thy are supplied to a pulling device consisting of a roll
with two semi-circular grooves and a pinion gear. Through a hollow pipe the
wires enter a copper aurrent-conducting tip with two eccentric apertures and are
Card 1/3
Two-Electrode Semi-Automatic Argon-Aro Welding of Aluminum Alloys
then supplied through the tip to the welding area. The gap between the electrode
wires and their arrangement in respect to the symmetrical axis of the pistol
may be varied by turning the tip. The optimum gap between the wires was found
to be 2 mm. It was established by further experiments that the possibility of
regulation was of great importance in developing the welding technology, since
it affected the crystallization time of the welding pool, the width of the seam
and the penetration depth. Tests performed with AR4alloy pipes of 377 mm
external diameter proved the good quality of one-pass two-electrode argon-arc
welding under the following conditions: V-shaped unblunted chamfer of' the pipe
edges with angles of taper of 30 - 50 0; assembly of the pipes without a gap on
a backing ring with a shaping groove; welding with 380 - 400 amps current;
12 - 13 m/hour speed; 12 - 15 1/min argon consumption; 300 m/hr electrode feed
and 1.5 mm AMg wire diameter. The :wire is degreased and undergoes a special
etching treatment prior to welding. The 2ultimate strength of welds produved
by the described method is 19 - 22 kg/mm . The developed technology provides
for an extended welding current limit and increased coefficient of build-up
raising the efficiency of the process. Investigations showed that. mechanical
Two-Electrode Semi-Automatic Argon-Are Welding of Aluminum Alloys
oscillations (about 100 osc/min) of the wires were probably due to the inter-
action of the electric fields originated around the electrodes. Porosity is
sharply reduced. The strength of welds produced by the two-electrode welding
process is not below that of joints made with one electrode. There area 5 f igurzes,
2 tables and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: TsNIISK Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury (TsNIISK of the
Academy of Construction and Architecture) Brodskiy; MIST
Card 3/3
_pLt~A, Te.Z.; FROIOV, S.A.
Resistance welding of 30IhG2S steel for prestressed reinforced
concrete construction. Avtom. avar. 13 no.12:28-36 D 160.
(MIRA 13t11)
la TSentral'Vy naucho-issledovatel'skiy inetitut stroitel'Vkh
konstruktsiy Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitekturv SSSR (for Brodskiy,
Aridman). 2. Flauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut zhelezobetona pri
Mosgorispolkome (for Termanok). 3- Noskovskoye vyssheye tekhniche-
skoye uchilishche im.Baumana (for Frolov).
(Reinforcing bare-Welding)
(Nestressed concrete)
Preventing cracks In craters of welded 14G2 steel joints.
Prom.strole 38 no*6:59-& 660e OaRA 13: 7)
1. Wentr&IN47 usuchno-issledovatel'skiy institut stroitell-
noy konstruktoll, kkadenii atroitelletya I arkhitektury SSSR.
(Steell, Stmetural)
Brodskly, Arkadiy Yakovlevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Svarka armatury zhelezobetonnykh konstrulctsiy (Welding of Concrete
Reinforcements) Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1961. 378 p. Errata
slip inserted. 8,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya stroltellstva i arkhitektury SSSR.
Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitellnykh
Reviewer: 0. A. Nikolayev, Honored Scientist and Technologist,
Corresponding Member. Academy of Construction and Architecture
USSR, Professor; Scientific Ed.: D. L. Glizmanenko, Candidate
of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: M. N. Kuznetsova;
Tech. Ed.: Ye. L. Temkina.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians erl-
gaged in the design and production of welded concrete'rein-
forcements and for foremen in plants manufacturing prefabYi$pated
Card 1/10
Welding of Concrete Reinforcements SOV/5587
ferroconcrete products. It may also be useful to students
specializing in construction and welding.
COVERAGE: Basic problems involved in welding concrete reinforcements
arb reviewed. The following are discussed: the weldability of
steel by various welding methods; designs of welded reinforcements
and joints; specifications for strength,of welded joints; proc-
esses of the resistance butt and spot welding of reinforcements;
elements of thermal calculations; methods for scheduling the spot-
welding regimes for reinforcements; the physical metallurgy of weld-
ing; the heat treatment of welded joints; and results of investi-
gations on the behavior of welded joints in ferroconcrete. Atten-
tion is also given to a description of modern equipment for the
resistance welding of concrete reinforcements and to a consider-
ation of the organization,aflabor in production and the engineering-
economic efficiency of various welding methods. The author thanks
0. A. Nikolayev, Honored Scientist and Technologist of the RSFSR,
Corresponding Member of ASik SSSR (Academy of Construction and
Card 2/10
Welding of Concrete Reinforcements SOV/5587
Architecture USSR); r. S. Borishanskiy and S. A. Dmitriyev,
Senior Staff Members of the NlIbetona i zhelezobetona
ASiA SSSR (Scientific Research Institute of
Concrete and Ferroconereie of the Academy of Construction and
Architecture USSR); and A. M. Fridman, Junior Staff Member.
There are 200 references, mostly Soviet.
Ch. I. Concrete-Reinforcing Steel
1. Types of concrete-reinfording steel 8
2. Properties of concrete-reinforcing steels 22
3. Weldability of concrete-reinforcing steel 39
Methods for determining the weldability with the
application of static loading 40
Card 3/10
AUTHORS: BrgAs Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Scientific
Coworker, Fridman, A.M., Junior Scientific Coworker
TITLE: Reply to an Article by A.A. Ulesov and V.Ya. Dullkin on the Mis-
representation of Electric Arc Bath Welding
PERIUDICALt Beton i zhelezobeton, 1961, No. 1, pp. 28-30
TEXTt A.A. Ulesov and V.Ya. Dullkin have raised two questions in their ar-
ticle - one concerning the effectiveness of bath welding in general with re-
gard to butt joints of reinforcement rods - and the other on butt welding of
reinforcement joints in reference to steel of 30Xf-2C(3OKhG2S) grade. Ulesov
and Dullkin try to solve the question rationally by applying the character-
istics of bath welding of brand C/m-3 (St-3) and C,,,-5 (St-5) steel to
30KhG2S steel which is a mistake. The experience of Ulesov and Dullkin are
based on the production of monolithic reinforced (but not prestressed) con-
crete constructions, dealing with field welding of 80-90 mm rods made from
Card 1/3
Reply to an Article by A.A. Ulesov and V.Ya. Dullkin on the Misrepresentation
of Electric Are Bath Welding
" -4 (St.4) and Om -5 (St.5) carbon steel, which belong to the easily weld-
able grades. On the other hand there exist steel grades, as shown in the
table issued by Mashgiz in 1951, which are only weldable if thermically
treated before or after the welding process. Such are the steels of 30x rc
(30KhGS) and 35x rc (35KhGS) grade. Since thermic treatment is not applic-
able on the site, the utilization of such high-grade low-alloy steel for
welding purposes in concrete reinforcement is prohibitive. In commenting on
the statements and proposals of Ulesov and Dullkin the authors of this ar-
ticle explain the reasons, why bath welding of the butt joints of reinforce-
ment rods is not to be recommended in reinforced concrete structures and ar-
rive at the following conclusionsi 1) Steel of 30 KhG2S grade from which
high-grade rods for prestressed reinforced concrete structural elements are
made, having a diameter of 10-32 mm belong according to rOCT 5058-57 (GOST
5058--57) to the number of difficult weldable steels. 2) The butt welding of
the joints of such rods can only be executed in plants, while resistance butt
welding appears to be the most progressive method of welding, 3) In the ab-
Card 2/3
Reply to an Article by A.A. Ulesov and V.Ya. Dul'kin on the Misrepresentation
of Electric Are Bath Welding
sence of resistance butt welding machines, reliable butt joints of rods from
30KhG2S steel can be obtained from are welding by the application of round
bars, in accordance with the technology contained in the "Directives", .
4) Bath welding of butt joints of rods from 30KhG2S steel does not ensure
sufficient strength and should therefore not be applied. 5) The utilization
of covers in butt welding of joints of rods from 30 KhG2S steel is permiss-
ible only if there are no other more progressive methods of welding avail-
able. In this connection TsNIISK has developed and introduced a certain num-
ber of methods of mechanized welding of rods made from steel of St-3, St.5,
25 r 2 C (25G2S), 35 I-C (35GS), 18 r 2 C (1 8G2S) grades etc (electroslag hand
welding and multi-electrode bath welding methods), TsNIISK is constantly en-
gaged in investigating and developing more progressive and more perfect means
(semi-automatic and automatic electroslag welding) for the general wel`!:g
method, as worked out by the Institut elektrosvarki im.Patona (Electrowelding
Institute im.Paton). There is 1 table and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 3b
-Gvaz-'Ci- zic-O' Trud,.
- .1 .. ;- u
DULI:Mll, V.Y. - -2". DSIM,-k~z-
staroi-y rauclinyy
notrudnik; ;Jadn~,iy naucll-ny." not- k;
Vq V
r.A!IASII,OV, K.,".
We:L,Iin,,, t`c 30"z--G23 reinforcinZ zt-.-Icl. Bet. i zhel.-b~`.-. no.1:21~-
31 Ja '61 O-Z 11 11,; 2)
(Ulecov). 2. Starcidy inzh.otdcda issledovemiyi
i ko!ltrolyc,. -o- Dul cin
(.-;'or '2. Di2.-c':to- TSc-.,trall-
no!~o muchnc-i_-~:ledova-'6e__ 3 C),70 in.;tltu'M Aroitellny%!, kormt :t.-iy
I . ne.
(for 1!a:;Onov). uchno
-is:;' o-" 'cvatel's!:o!-o .4notituta '.),.,.tona
00 S/125/61/000/003/004/016
AUTHORSt Brodskiy, A.Ya.; Chang Hsiu-chih
TITLE: Effect of the argon-are welding conditions on the surface of welds
in the welding of aluminum alloys with consumable electrode
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 3. 1961, 27 - 31
TEM The causes of wrinkled weld surfaces in welding aluminum alloy parts
in other than aircraft structures, i.e., elements of 5 - 10 mm and higher thick-
ness, were investigated in experiments. Welding was effected with an automatic
welder on Aft (AMg6) alloy with wire of the same alloy. Data of other investi-6
gations,are mentioned in which it was found that, if the welding current is raisad
above a'certain limit, it spoils the welds and makes the surface uneven, porous
and dirty. The "wrinkle" formation is explained by the pressure of tre arc on
the liquid pool and insufficient argon shielding, the formation of a thick oxide
film, and shifting of the film together with liquid metal into wrinkles. The
phenomenon has to be studied, for welding of thick parts in structures requires a
strong current. The effect was determined by the welding speed, are voltage an-
gle of incline of the welding nozzle, argon consumption, distance between the
Card 1/2
sli 25/6i/ooo/oo3/oo4/oi 6
Effect of the argon-are welding conditions on.... A161/A133
nozzle end and weld metal surface, internal diameter of nozzle, neck of electrode
wire, and diameter of electrode wire. The discussion of every parameter effect
is illustrated with a graph. It is stressed that the optimum argon consumption
is fbund for only one nozzle design, and should be corrected for various nozzles,
but the linear dependence stated between the optimum argon consumption and the
inner nozzle diameter will provide an aid for the selection of welding process
data. The conclusion is drawn that the maximum permissible welding current is
possible at the lowest practically possible welding speed, are voltage and space
between the nozzle end and weld surface, and at an optimum consumption (12 - 25
1/min with an inner nozzle diameter of 16 mm, or 22 - 46 1/min with 30 mm, and
nozzle incline angle of 800; an inner nozzle diameter in the range 16 - 40 mia and
the wire neck have slight and about equal effect. There. are 7 figures slid 4 So-
viet-bloc references.
TsNII stroitel'nykh kcnstruktsiy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitek-
tury SSSR (Central Scientific Research Institute of Structural
Parts Academy of Corstruction and Architecture of the USSR)
SUBMITTEM April 4, 1960
Card 2/2