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Chamical Abst. ,"I , cm M Vol. 4B. go. 6 M IUMI for W E b7thpSsdckowAmm . Har. 25. 1954 Hapive T)D. 5, 311- ]eooda ' a ~tg. 10 g. b~a. ir. I I fir() R- ym ml- tw)% ntoti od,j 1 1 '1l: Tlits was atupprred, shalr~. PL, .I , a f,,! to min C-ewrittigid 1w 5 mm, at ';'k oa-d . -1e mrittnt in The 12.0* S. 11. (0.16-0 !am, AUTHOR; TITLEs P/008/62/000/005/003/003 D265/D308 Brodacki, Zdzislaw, ErWineer Aircraft valves -PE-RIODICALt Technika lotnicza, no- 5, 1962, 144 - 146 TEXTs Sectional drawings and description are given of the following hydraulic and pneumatic values: gaBOlone-delivery valve working at 0-5 kg/cm2 for quick out-'off of fuel delivery; fuel injection pump used for starting where vacuum of 80 mm, Hg is produced for sucking in the fuel and then ejecting it into cylin- ders and air control valve working at 50 kg/cm2 for controlling the flaps during the flight. There are 9 figures. Card 1/1 117 V TRANMUSSION "Remote Sigz2alization and Remote Control over Radio Relay Lines", by N.V. Brodakiy, V.V. Petrov, G.D. Novspasskiy, and V.F. Zatsepin, osvyaz Elekt~r ) No 8) August 1957, PP 26-31- Rrief presentation of the fundamental principles of the construction of a:atomation, remote-control, and remote-signalization circuits for the :presently designed radio R-60 and "Vesna", relay lines with a num- ber of trunks up to 2.5. The operation of the relay remote-control and remate-signalization circuits in the -in and intermediate stations is analyzed. Card 1/1 - 56 - BRODACKI, Zdzislaw, inz. Aeronautical valves. Techn lotn 17 no.5:144-145 YV '62. BRODAN, J. Bxperiences with the treatment of the perianal, Memorrhoidal comples by injections. Cook. dorm. 25 no,7-8:271-273 July 1950. (CIM1 20:1) 1. Of the Tirst Dernato-Veneroological Clinic in Prague (Read --Prof. 1. Gawalowski, M. D.). eIZOID-A#J, VCADIIALe--~, SURN.C-2, Gi*;on G9 Cour'k-'-'Y: C7r:clrlinslovallcia Academe Dogroes: 1.1,D I,,t=aj-p~tp ~rtmen~tof b011cres Irstitute for People's Health (Interni oddel -6T,,.Z) Chief.Dr. F. MN~ EMBEEK SourOI:Prague, Pralkticlky Le'kar, Vol 41, No 15-16) Aug 21, 1961; I)p 694-696 a"t" "Scme Czinen o-.1 Peroral Poisoning vith the Cleaning Fluid Cikali Mixture of trichlorethylene and tetraebloroethylene/.' GOO 981643 BRODAN,V.; MAREK,I.; h'UHN,E. A mathematical evaluation of oxygen consumption during physical exercise and recovery. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 14 no.W01-205 165. 1. Institute for Human Nutrition and Institute of Mathematics, Charles University, Prague. BRODAN, V.; Technicka spoluprace CIHOVA: Z. Determination of lactic acid in the blood serum using a modified Barker-Summerson method. Cesk. gastroent. vyz. 19 no-5:313-318 i1 165. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivu lidu v Praze (reditel prof. dr. J. Masek, dr. Sc.). BRODAV, V. Physical fitness tests in man. Cesk. gastroent. vyz. 19 no.6: 376-383 S 165. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu v Praze (reditel prof. dr. J. Masek, DrSc.). SOURCE CODE t - CZMM/65/007/003/0268/0268 AUTHOR: Kuhn# Z*j- OhG: Institute of Human Nutrition, PraM TITLEs Facperimental procedures used in studies 6n psychotropic-dru"nduced changes in physical fitness ffhis paper was resented at the 7th Annual PsychoRharmacologi Meeting, jesenikp 20-23 january, 196j SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior# vo 7p no, 3p 1965.. 268 TOPIC-TAG-S% biologic respiration, central nervous system, nervous system drug, enzyme ABSTRACT: -Indicators of physical exertion are described; their -mocli-N-cation by psychotropic drugs Is discussed. The drugs calf I facilitate enzymatic reactions, providing energy to the muscles# the bod func- ~ ro decrease fitness by affectipg.respiration ar o y ~tlons, or affect the CNS.'-'Lorig.- art. in En&j/---'ZJPBSj SUB CODE% 06/ Sum DATE: none/ Card 1/1 L 29466-66 ACC NRs A SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: jtq4gn, V.; CZ/0079/65/007/003/0270/0271 ORGs Institute of Human Nutritiona Fravue TITLE: Effect of cy man ~T-his _gloserine isomers on physical fitness in paper was r esented at the 7th Annual EUchopharmacological Meetingt jesenik, 20-23 january p 196g SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7, no. 3, 1965, 270-271 TOPIC TAGS; biochemistry, pharmacology, man, biologic metabolism, human physiology ABSTRAM Cycloserine (m) isomers affect physical performance ~in different ways. d-CS has an excitory effect similar to some narcotic drurs. 1 and dl increase absolutely and relatively ,the anaerobic component of energy turnover. The 1 Isomer also increases the level of pyruvic acid. No phamaeodynamic effect on circulation and respiration was found. The somers act C3rolrig. art. in mainly on the metabolism. Orig. art. has: 1 table. L Ent3 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF% 005/ OTH REF: 005 1 /1 Al Physiology CZLCHOSLOVARIA KUHN, E.; STRIBRNA, J.; BRODAN V.; SCHUCK, 0.; Institute for Human Nutrition (Ust P-:ri- ~z u) yz Z~~-Vyzivy Lidu) Prague, Director av (Reditel) Prof Dr J. 14ASEK; Research Institute of Mcperimental Therapy (Vyz1mmny Ustav Experinentalni Terapie), PrE)gue, Direc- tor (Reditel) Prof Dr 0. SMAHEL. "Renal Response to a Water Load in Subjects on a Low Sodium Diet." PraQue, Casonis Lekaru Ceskyc , Vol 105, No W~, 4 Nov 66, p 1209 Abstract: In people with Na depletion water load is eliminated at a slowe'rF rate than in normal people. Experiments on 8 men aged 21 to 46 years showed that the maximum minute diuresis is lowered when Na is lowered; the total amount of excreted water also decreas- es; the concentration index of endogenous creatinim is hiRher at reduced Na; osmolar clearance of Na and C11 is reduced; no change in the elimination of NH and K v~as observed , acid content in- creased; excretion of wader is lowered when excretion of solutes is lowered; Na resorption takes place at an increased ratio of C11 to Na. I Table, 2 Western references. 1/1 T CZEC-.-.C)SLOVAXIA BRODA11,M11A, 1,11.; HOENILGj IT. BRODn~T VALEX, J.; KTITTI-M, E. ; Lab - oratory of Pathcbhysiolor, om"Ro~odFormation and of Liver Dis- Z71Y eases at the ls~ internal Clinic, Faculty of General iledicine, Charles University (Laborator pro Patofyziologii Krvetvorby a Ja-uer pri 1. Interni Klinico F-ak. Vseob. Lek. IM), Prague, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr V. HOENTIG; institute of Human Nutrition (Us- tav pro Vyzivu Lidu),' Prague - Kre, Director (Reditel) Prof Dr J. I-Iks E:-,L. "Influence of Des'Lerrioxanine B or, Blood Sugar Curves." --Ira-ue, Casopis Lekaru Ceskyc , Vol 105, No 45, 11 Nov '06, pp I 123~ - 1236 Abstract: Peroral glycenic curves a.-i"Ler an application of Des- fer-ioxamine B are lower than witihout ttie apnilication. A`ei, -L u intravenous adi-Anist-ration of glucose Desferrioxa-mine B causes a significant shortening of the tine required for disappearance. ;-'he resulting plasmati-a clearance of glucose is increased. It 0 is not cortain whether the fast disappearance is due to glucose absorption by the tissues, or its transformation in the blood. br\0913~1)0\)A" S'J*.L-.'.*2, Given Nana3 013 Cour~"'T: Czl~,clnozlovakia Acadwdc Degrees: XD I-,,',-,-cx.nnI-2qR~rtmcnt of Okres Institute for PeopIcI5 Health (Interni odde Affiliation: --OUI,,Z) K&FIbERABEK S our ce Prague., P-akticlky Lekar, Vol 41, No 15-16p Aug 21, 1961; pp 694-696 Lk-Ital "Sc,-,c Cnnen of Peroral Poisoning with the Cleaning Fiuia cikai /mixture of tric'hlorethylene and tetrachloroethylene/1, ZR02a,41,7017A Marie Gpo 9s1643 -Z.,. ) D A I%II -N( N ~ G117 if--vel c;f p"lasim iron, copper and to-tual iron binding capacity of the serum. j-P --.hronic Cas. lek. cesk. 103 110-33:90-15-909 11, Ag It")4. laborator pro patofyz1ologli ki-vetvar-by a jator pri 1 interni klinice fakulty vseoliec-cho iEkarstvi Karlovy Univers-ity v Fraze, (prednosta prof. dr. V. Hoenig, D.-Sle.). BRODANOVA, M.; RVA1011C, A.; MERU,, j Level of serum iron and copper and total binding capacity of the serum for iron in relation Lo Lhe activity of progressive polyarthrIt4s. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no-45:1242-1246 6 N 164. 1. 1 interni klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze a Vedeckovyzkumna laborator pro patof~yziologii krvetvorb,v a jater pri 1. interni klinice v Praze, (prednosta prof. dr. V. Hoenig, PrSc.) a Pevmatologicke oddeleni fakultni poliklinilky, Krajzk-,- stav Narodniho zdravi v Praze, (vedouci MUDr. V. liojriolec, BRODANOYA,_LI. Genealogical study of hemochromatosis. Acta univ. Carol. [med] (Praha): Suppl. 18: 205-21.1 164- 1. 1 Idemi -Iinika fakulty vgeobacneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v fraze (prednosta: prof. dr. V. Hoenig). C ZEC , --HOSLONJ~'.X !A 110211IG V. - B.11"OD.LN, V. ; VALEM, J. ; MiTITIM, E. ; Lab- iolo- o' d of Liver Diu- oratory oP 1`athcbhys ty I Blood Formation an eases at the Ist Internal Clinic, .-Paculty ol' Goneral !-:edicine, Charles University (Laborator pro Patofyziologii Krvetvorby a jater ori I. Interni Klinico -Pak. Vsoob. Lek. ICU), Prague, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr V. HOETIZIG; Institute of Human Nutritu-ion (Us- tav pro Vyzivu Lidu),' Prague - Krc, Director (Reditel) Prof Dr J. JiS EK. "Influence of Desferrioxanine B on Blood Sugar Curves." "'Ira-ue, CasoDis Lelcaru Cesicych, Vol 105, ',%To 45, 11 Nov '06, pp, 123 1236 Abstract: Peror-1 glyce-mic curvos a~`uer an application of Des- fer---iox ino B are lower than without the application. Aftei, intravenous acb-Anis'..-ration of glucose Desferrioxamine B causes a sig.nificant shorton-ing of the time required for disappearance. "Llhe rosultin- plasmatic clearance of [,-,lucose is ircreased. It is not cortain -.1hather the fast disappearance is due to clucose, absorption by the tisnues, or its transformation in the blood. I,Table, 11 Western, 3 Czech references. BRODAR, S. "The Otosim cave, a pal-olithic station." p. 203 (Razprave Dissertati-ones Vol. 1, 1951, Ljubljana.) 50-- -.,Ion'h1-;' Li3t of ""q.'qt.EurQprWLII ACCOLUI Vol. 2, INo. 9, Library of Con~ro-s, 3?epte.~Ober 91a 953, Uncl. 1 5 BRODAP, S. "Paleolith-L-C trz--c,-~s in the Posto-ina- - . 24-1 .1 i (Razpravo Disscrtationes Vol. 1, 19-1, Ljji~bljrina) SO: 11ton-Unly List of East Zurooean Accessions, Vol. 2, 11-4o. 9, Library of Congress, Septe.-..-aer 1953, Uncl. CATZGCRY ABS- JOUR- MIG, IAMTRA(rL RMdn,p Koo 5 1960s, So, !9642 i3y-ism., 'fi. rind Srodarec, A. -i-e Detef~tjor. of t~e Pre~~encu of Raffinate Pe an ii t. i)ij jr, :Edible Dils -n.-I P..'per Kenija u Industriji, 1, 1-1-2 (195~) i,0 abstract. CA BRODAREC, A.; BRISKI, B. Determination of arachis oil in edible oils by partition chromatography on filter paper. Pt. 2 (Conclusion) P. 93. K&UJA U INDIJ5THIJI. (Drustvo kemicara-tehnologa NRH) Zagreb, Yugoslavia., Vol. 7, no- 4,, Apr. 1958, Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC' Vol. 8, M. 6, June 195!~. Uncl. BRODAREC, Ivo, dr Basic health'problems and development of public health services. Lijeen. vj~sn. 83 no.7:677-686 161. . 1. Iz Republickog.zavoda za zistitu zdrav1ja u Zagrebu. (PUBLIC HEALTIO A -66 &rP(k)/M4P(W)/EWP(V) IM0 EM/W L39923 ACC NRI AT6ol830O (4 W) SOURCE CODE: PO/2540/65/013/001/0001/0010 'AUTHOR: Brodacki.. Jo ef Brodatski Ye ORG: none TITLE: Elastic stresses in a thick-walled spherical container at short-term inter'napr'essuire SOURCE: Warsaw, Instytut Mechaniki Preoyzyjnej. Prace, v. 13, no. 1(47). 1965* 1-10 TOPIC TAGS: elastic stress, differential equation, 012f5 Z; rcc k),j Srxe!;~-,.j CZ.4571C, 0e.-0A-fn19r1'01V ABSTRACT: Analytical formulas have been determined for elastic stress and deformations in a thick-walled spherical container under a pulsed internal pressure. On the basis of the dynamic equation of internal equilibrium in the container wall and Hooke's law, the differential equation of the radial displacement U(r,t), considered fundamental, was derived. With the given load of the container,.appropriate initia C-,d UDC: 531.252.3:621.64:531-787 1/2 L 39923-60' ACC NR- AT6018300 0 and boundary conditions were assumed. The entire procedure for solving the equation is given. The analytical formulas have been obtained for stresses and deformations by carrying out operations on the function U(r,t) according to the relationships determined between this function and deformations and stresses. A specific form of the arbitrary function v(r,t), which appears in the formulas,,has been proposed. The functions y (r), y (r), and f(r,t), which are necessary for calculating the coefficients, have been determined. The conditions for determining the proper values of parameter CJ-,, are given Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 49 formulas. [Based on author's abst;act) (NT) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG RF.F: o06/ sov REF: 2/2 BRODECYI, A., inz. An~lysi Itihe., activities of the Lodz Branch otthe Printers' tectionq o' the-'Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Tachnicia*n's., Pbl-igrafika 13 no.10:20-22. 0 161. 1. Sekretarz ZarmiLdu Sekaji Foligrafor BRODECKI, Apolinary Do the eponoraists of printing have nothing to say about? Foligrafika 14 no.2:22-13 F 162, BROBECKI Apolinary, inz. P C- , Technological reading and its influenco upon the level of -professional qualitications. Poligrafika. 13 no.9:1-2 8 161. BRODECKI, A., inz. Plenary session.of the Executive Board of the 11pinters' Section of the Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians. Poligrafika 13 no.0:21-23 S 161. KUBICKI, Roman, inz.; PEPSCIIYX, VIECIA1111K, Marian, inz.; Boleslaw Jerzy, inz.; DOBCSZ, Stanislaw, inz.; MIUJI-IGZUK, Mieczyslaw~~D_~,U...' Two-sided raw material feedi-ng of rotational clinker burning furnaces. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no.(95):ll Ja 163. 1. Cementownia, Chelm. ~ BRODECKY, Tadeas (Praha) Portable equipment for truing packing surfaces of steam boiler manholes. EDergetika Cz 13 no.9003 S 163. M.-S& 4 -1W svmptoins oUthe actl Akad;-~, at func )n. 'Wilis 1953-N6, M- chIoronApkiL function ebang-es witblirZto 4. sn'Onths.--Deo~ I n the urem level of~tiui and W'blodd-sujO the It Were Om"t I - bwvabla symptows, -, Iti.later itagn;,the blood-mqmr - st 0 I Jevel agaln Increased. ; Othei.~hanja *ere lnc~eaic In the cholesterol and.decreme In the ns=bk 'atld- mutent - of BRODEIZI-17.-, Sanitary and hygienic conditions in Nrniture workshops of Riga which use urea-formaldehyde glueso Vestis Iatv ak no.1:135--d38 161. USSR/Pliarrjacolo-"~-Y a-ad Toxicology - Toxicolo~,7. V-9 Abs Jour RQf 7',Aur - Biol.,, Yo 21, 1958, 986L>2 Author DroC~clc!, N. Inst AS Iitvian SSR Title 1;arly Sigas of the Chlorona)yatalcne Effect on taic of t1liz, Liver. Orig Pub : Izv. jUI LatvSM, 1955, iio 9, 31-85. Abstract : It was established in c.,pQrimnts on rabbtis that prolon- 3ce.. inIialation of chloronaplitnionc vapors (2-4 raconths) lcads to an effect on livur Tunctions. In blood, Vho c1hanges of the sugar and urca content are expressed 'n::)ovc all. In early stages the: ayaoiuit of sugar in th-- blooc! az:crcascs; in later onas it. increases* Lowering of urca J-s observed in early sta'-C's. Lowering of sugar aad ur--a in the blood my serve as an carly sign of liver function Card 1/1 dicturbance. -- A.G. Pinuo - 36 - -BRODFJZ, N. Sanitary and bygienic conditions in furniture workshops of Riga using urea-fornaldebyde glues. Vestis Latv ak no.1:135-138 161. (EEU 10-9) (Furniture) (Formaldebyde) (Urea) (Glue) (Riga) BRODELIS, ~~?,,Jprodelis, J. ] Seven-year plan assignment carried out in five years. Prof.-tekh. obr. 20 no.12:4-5 D 163. . (MIRA 17:1) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravleniya profes6ionallno-tekhnicheskogo obrazovaniya pri Sovete Ministrov Latviyskoy SSR. BRODELIS, Ya. [Brodelis, J.] Vocational and technical schools of the Latvian S.S.R. in the anniversary year. Prof.-tekh. obr. 22 no.7:6-7 J-1 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravleniya professionallno-teldinicbeskogo obrazovaniya pri Sovete Finistrov Latviyskov SSR. pvr I) 27-11-5/31 AUTHOR: Brodelis, Ya., Chief of the Administration of Labor Reserves of the Latvian SSR TITLE: The Schools of Latvia on the Rise (Uchilishoha Latvii na pod"yeme) PERIODICAL: Professionallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, 1957, # 11, p 6-7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is a report of what has been done by the Latvian Schools of the Labor Reserve in connection with the 40th Anni- versary of the October Revolution. They pledged to re-equip 16 school rooms, workshops and laboratories, to manufacture the standard equipment f6r 25 school rooms, to modernize 20 metal-cutting machines and to introduce 28 improvement sug- gestions. The Too "hnical School # 3 fulfilled its yearly plan by 153.5 %, and the students of Art Trade School # 17 ex- ceeded their year's plan in the manufacture of cupboards, chairs and tables, of 142,000 rubles worth. Trade School # 7 made overcoats, costumes and dresses worth almost 300,000 rubles, exceeding by far the year's quota. The article mentions a Card 1/2 number of other schools, including agricultural mechanization The Schools of Latvia on the Rise schools and their achievements. 27-11-5/31 ASSOCIATION: The Latvian Republic- Administration of Labor Reserves (Latviyskoye respublikanskoye upravleniye trudovykh rezervov) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 BRMF,R J~-; Modlatlon.of 2 c*. :A. zrrst. A " L 1 & M Z Amon yj V Wal kad. Ntiuk NZZ.R., Ser, -. -; Is.1 468- (1953 .-Th- upprr limit of the P*-spectrum' *S I 4 6 8 CI th, ~3- 7,468 . 1. 325,:k 2 c -v. The energy or )-rays corre-spondil .k the conversio of ZrOI with a k-elizetroat to Cuts is 1122 S n Chemical Abstracts e.kv.: e1fl4- (A-5 + 0-5) X 10 theno.ofconversion: ' + ' /-r was established with the belp G electrons). The ratio 0 Vol. 48. No~ 3 of the photoeffect, a pirce of Zn wire, activated by slow Maro IOP 1954 neutiums and enclosed in 11b real Wing used wt n pholock-t- ' ' 0 ! . Ngelear Phenomena : 0. Amn source; $ Pr - (3- ) X 10" oic :Z 0.9 &K . L: iml - (1-5 + '0-2) X 10 4 which corresponds to a MI transition type. The #+-decay of Zn" leads to the ground * 't Oft . The -r line is emitted when Zn9s is transformed statrofCu ' ' into an excited7state 1122 e.kv. nf Cu". P for the transition ' - j- -~ 3.2 X 107; for the K-clectror cr to the ground statr ' " i 2 I(P h d f state o Awe - . T e groun Cu s pt,. u. .6 X excited state ~5/2. ITM can have transitions to the 1122- e.kv. level%of CUO and. to a-12nd higbrr level, 1440 e.k-%-- -cral facts remain,routradictory. S. P. AUTHOR: Broder, D.L. 89-7-1V32 TITLE: On the Reduction of Neutron Currents in Chalybeate Mixtures (Oslableniye potokov neytronov v zhelezovoanyk,, smesyakh) PERIODICAL: Atounaya Energiya, 957, Vol. 3, Nr 7, P 55 OSSR) ABSTRACT: The author measured the relaxation length of fast neutrons de- pendent on the concentration of iron in water. The nuclear re- actions ],)(d,n)He3 (energy of the neutrons Eo = 4.0 + 0.2 Mev) and T(d,n)He4 (energy of the neutrons Eo = 14.9 � 0.4. If-eV) served as sources for t e neutrons. The dimensions of the sources did not exceed 0-7 cm - At the reaction D(d,n)He3 the maximum values of the deuteron current amounted to 30 microamperes and at the reaction T(d n)He4 to 12 microamperes. Furthermore, a Po-Be neutron source in form of a cylinder of 6 mm diameter and '220 mm height was used. The chalybeate mixtures consisted of fittings of 6Ox6O =2 large steel packets in a water mixture. By variation of the thickness of the steel packets at a constant water interspace the concentration of the iron in the water couldbe varied. TIds water vessel on its part was surrounded by protective vessels filled with water and Card 1/2 paraffin. Impulse-ionization-chamberes Trith a layer of the fission On the Reduction of Neutron Currents in Chalybeate Mixtures 89-7-14/32 material were used as neutron detectors. The thermal neutrons were recorded in a chamber with enriched uranium, and the fast neutrons in a chamber with Th232. The measured dependence of the relaxation length of the neutrons of the above mentioned sources on the concentrations of the iron in water is illmstrated by a dia- gram. The relaxation lengths were computed of the curves of reduc- tion of the currents of fast and slow neutrons for distances of from 10 to 15 free lengths of path. The relaxation length of the fast neutrons decreases at the sources of neutrons with Eo = 14-9 MeV and at the Po-Be source with an increazing concentration of iron in water, but the relaxation length of the therinal neutrons produced by slowing down the fast neutrons has a minimum at a con- centration of about 60% of iron (with respect -to volxune). There is 1 figure. SMMITTED: March 7, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Neutron capture-Test results 2. Neutron capture- Equipment 3- Neutron capture-Theory 11. Nuclear reactions-Applications 5. Neutron detectors-Applica- tions 6. Neutron capture-Effects of iron in water 21(4) PHASX I BOOK EXPLOITATION 3OV/2583 . International Conference on the Peaceful Uses or Atomic Zng*rgy. 2nd, Geneva, 1958. Doldady sovetakikh uohonykh; yadarnyys reaktory L yadern&Ya an*r- gettka. (*spo rts of Soviet Scientists; Nuclear Reactors and less Itar 0 (So Nuclear JPower) ?rady, "1. 2) r 7 P. Moscow, Atomizdate 1959. 7 Rrrata allp Inserted. U,000 copies printed. general Zda.v N.A. Dolloxhal, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy Of Sclono*op A.F. Kraminp Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sclonossr A.Z. Loypunakly, Member, Ukrainian SSR Academy Of Soleness, X.I. MovLk*v, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy or Sclonasso and V.S. PUrsov# Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Rd.z A.?. Alyablywvj Tech. X4.x To. 1. Memel-. PURP0SZz This book Is Intended ror scientists and engineers engaged In reactor designing, as wall as for professore and students of klghor technical, schools where reactor design Is taught. vo~%PV-0momod "Iwo Or.& eix~volvmo actuation ca the P--ftt o a *n orgy. The six vol umes contain the reports pro- @anted by Soviet so lOntists at the Second International Conference an Peaceful uses or Atomic Rnorgy, hold front September I to 13, 190 In Geneva. Volume 2 conslats or thme parts. The first 12 dew tod to atoolo power Plants under construction in the Soviet Volonj the second to experimental and research reactors, the ex- POrlmonts carried out on themp and the Work to Improve them; and tJ&S thirdo which to Predominantly theoretical, to problems of nuclear reactor physics and construction ongingering. To. 1. lbrY&kln Is the science editor or this volume. Sao SOV/2081 for titles Of All volumes of the oat. Referenz,48 appear at the T.I[_* V.S. Dlkxr*v, X.B. Togizamvp and To. S. SaltykOv. Mostovoy , measuring Neutron Spectra In Uranium Water Lattices (Report 546 $0. 2152) A.Z., B-0. DubOysldY* M-N- Lantmov, TU.Tu. Glazkov, trasin , R.K. Goncharov, A.V. Kamayev, L.A. Geranovs, V.V. VSTIl0V, 1. InyutLn, and A.T. Senchankov. Studying the Physical. To . CharaoterLstlas of & gor7illum-maderator Reactor (Report No. 55 5 - , 2L46) ~"I.p A.D_ S.A. Namirovskaya, A.?. Rudlk# Yu. 0. Abov, V.P. iment an an Zxperl- bolkla, and P.A. Krupchit kly. Critical Ez " (Report No. 2036 570 mental Beavy~wster Reacto r Marchukp G.I.p V. To. ftpkos To. 1. Pogudal1n&p.V.V. 3=lovp X.P. Tyutorev, B.T. Platonova, and 0.1. Druzhinina- Certain Pro- bless in Nuclear Reactor Fhysics and Methods of Calculating Them (Report No. 2151) 588 Sinyutin, G.V. and V.X. Stmonov. Determination of Control Rod Iffectiveness in a Cylindrical Reactor (Report So. 2469) 613 Gel-fand, I.N., S.M. ftynberg, A.S. Frolov. and N.M. Chentsov. going the Monte Carlo Method or Random Sampling for Solving the Kinetic Squation (Report No. 2141) 628 Laletin, 9.1. Neutron Distribution in a Heterogeneous Redlum . * port No. 2189) 634 klyv N.V.# A.V. Stepanov, and F.L. Shapiro. Neutron FALxmLrnov Ther-11 stion and Diffusion in Heavy Media (Report No. 2148) 651 : Taynlkp A.Z.p V.S. YermAlcov, and A.V. Lykov. Using the Onsager Theory for Studying Neutron Diffusion in the Absorbing Media of a. 2224) Waclear Reactors (Report N 3.A. Markin, A.A. Eutuzov, V.V. Lorin, and ft2"r_jj" _ T-.V. orlov. studying the Spatial and Znorgy Distribution or Neutrons in Different media (Report No. 2147) 674 ftitriyev A B. Boron ronization Chambers for Work In Nuclear ;- 2084) 690 t N I o. Or RO Reactors r2rillin, V.A., and 3.A. Ulybin. Experimental Determination of specific volumes of 111*&77 Water in a Wide Temperature and ft-es- Range (Report No. 24T1) 696 21(8)t2l(7) AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Broder, D. L., Kutuzovq A. Aeq BOV/89-6-5-19/33 _ro_n-d`ra-kio_v, A. P. The Dependence of the Removal Cr6se Sections of H2 Ot B 409 C, Fep Pb on the Energy of Neutrons (zavisimost, secheniy vyvedeniya H 0, B C, C, Fe, Pb ot energii neytronov) 2 4 Atomnaya energiya, 1959,.vol 6. Nr 59 pp 578-581 (USSR) By means of the removal cross section it is comparatively easy to calculate a shield consisting of a mixture of water and various elements. The-removal cross sections were measured .for 4 and 14-9 Mev neutrons (D(d,n)He3 and T(d,n)He4~- reactions), for which purpose not water but boron carbide was used as the principal component. The measuring apparatus consisted of 3 cylindrical tanks (diameter 100 omt thickness in the direction of the deuteron beam 115 cm). The first was filled with boron carbide (1.1 g/cm3)' which contained the neutron source in a special channel. A second and a third tank were connected with the first. During removal cross section measurement the material to be investigated The Dependence-of the Removal Cross Sections of SOV/89-6-5-19/33 H20, 3 4C, C, Fe, Pb on the Energy of Neutrons took the place of the third tank. The fiselon chambers, which contain Th 232 p are used as neutron detectors in a number of channels provided for this purpose. The channels not in use are enclosed in aluminum shells which are filled with boron carbide. The material to be investigated is filled into boxes (cross section 71-100 cm) of 9 cm thickness. The thickness of the lead plates is, however, 9 and 18 om respectively. Measuring results: material density removal cross section 9/cm3 E 0 4 Mev E - 14.9 Nev n n .H20 1 0.165�0.008 0.084+0-004 B4C 1.67 0-083�0-003') 0-05~-+0-002+) Fe 7.83 o.169�o.007 0.137.t0.005 Pb 11-3 0-113�0-005 0-097�0-0.05 +) from removal cross secti on measurements fo r boron carbide Card 2/3 and graphite, corresponding to the reciprocal relaxation The Dependence of the Removal Cross Sections of SOV/89-6-5-19/33 H~O' B4C, 0, Fe, Pb on the Energy of Neutrons lengths at such distanoesp which correspond to 8-15 free lengths of paths of neutrons in B 4C and C. The results ob- tained are compared with those of 5 other publications (table and diagrams), and satisfactory agreement was found. The method of removal cross sections may be extended also to calculation of fast neutron distribution in materials con- taining other light elements instead of hydrogen. Professor A. K. Krasin and Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences V. V. Orlov acted as advisers. Go No Deryaging No 1. DAdkint A. P. Klimov, V. Go Liforov, Z. So Blistanova, A. I. Chusov, and V. S..Tarasenko assisted in experimental work. There are 2 figuresp I table, and 7 references,4 Of which ate Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 21, 1959 Card 3/3 21M AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 SOY/89-7-3-17/29 Androsenko, A. L., Brod?r,, D. L., Lashuk, A. 1. Gamma-Rays Aocompanying the Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons With Energies of 3 Mev Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3v pp 268-271 (USSR) By means of a I-scintillation spectrometer the energies of y-rays were measured which are produced when 3 Mev neutrons are scattered inelastically on titanium, bromine, strontium, iodine, barium, tungsten, iridium, and bismut For the pro- duction of the neutrons the reaction D(d,n)*-was used (the neutrons were aceeleratel up to 200 kev). The neutron source had an intensity of 10 n/sec. The crystal NaJ(Tl) with a diameter and a height of 40 mm was shielded against the y-radiation of the accelerator, together with the correspond- ing light pipe and multiplierp by means of a strong lead cone. In order to reduce the influence of the neutrons scattered on the walls of the chamber, the entire measuring apparatus was suspended by nylon threads, so that it hovered freely in the middle of the room. The elements under investigation were produced in form of rings from full material, and the rings themselves were placed over the crystal during measurement. The multiplier was connected with a 128-channel amplitude SOV/89-7-3-,17/29 Gamma-Rays Accompanying the Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons With Energies of 3 Mev analyzer and a ferrite accumulator. The energy rppolution of the spectrometer in the case of the y-rays of Zn'--l amounted to about 10%. The constancy of the neutron flux was checked by means of a boron counter. The measuring results are recorl- ed partly graphically, and partly by tables, a number of new, hitherto unknown y-lines being found especially in the ease of titanium ` strontium, iridium and bismuth, A. K, Krasin showed constant interest in this work and assisted in building up the experimental arrangement. A. N. Serbinov took part in the experiments. The results were discuesed with 1, 1. Bonda- renko and V. V. Stavinskiy. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 4 references. SUBMITTED: January 6, 1959 Card 2/2 21 (8) AUTHORS. Broder, D. L.p Kutuzov, A. A., Levin, SOV/89-7-4-1/28 V . V . , TYMM," V. V. Tarusova, A. V. TITLE: The Passage of Fast Nbutrons Through Lead and Iron PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 19599 Vol 7P Nr 4P PP 313-320 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper gives the results obtained by measuring the spatial distribution of fast neutrons (originating' from monoenergatic neutrons of the energy E = 4 Mev and E . 14-9 NaO and of neutrons of atomic reactora in Iron and,lead. krat, the experimental arrangements are discussed. The reactor of the Pervaya atomaya 61ektrostantsiya (First Atomic Power Plant)p an experimental nuclear reactor of the VVR type with ordinary.water and enriched uraniump and a neutron generator were used as neutron sources. The spatial distribution of neutrons in iron and lead was measured by means of a neutron generator, a neutron detector, and D- and T-targets. A Th 232_fission chamber and threshold indicators flAl 2'(n, p)Mg2, P31(n,p)Si3l , and S32 (n,p)P 32 ) were used as detectors. The distribution of thermal and epithermal neutrons was measured Card 1/3 The Passage of Fast Neutrons.Through Lead and Ir6h BOV/89-7-4-1/28 by means of a U 235_fission chamber. The results of these measurements in iron and lead are shown by 4 diagrams. The authors then theoretically investigate an infinite homogeneous medium in which an unbounded, DIans isotropic source of mono- energetic neutrons with the energy Eo is located. Neglecting the moderation of neutrons in elastic scattering, the kinetic equation for the neutron collision density y(F,B) is written down. The inelastic scattering is here assumed to be isotropic. The aforementioned equation is then transformed '~y means of a Fourier transformation, and is solved by employing the method of spherical harmonies. The calculation is then followed step by step, and the asymptotic solution is explicitly written down-A for=la is written down for the neutroA flux with the energy-E in a medium with point source. The results shown by some diagrams for iron agree well with the experiment. The same also applies to the results for lead. The computation method suggested makes it possible, if the differential cross sect" of elastic and inelastic scattering of neutrons a iav 17 sufficiently well known, to determine the spatial- and energy distribution of neutrons in thick layers of matter having Card 2/3 comparatively high nuclear charge numbers (e.g. greater than 56) The Paccage of Faut Neutrons Through Liad and Iron SOV/89-7-4-1/28 vdth sufficient accuracy. At large distances from the source, the neutron speotram is enriched with considerably sl(nved- down nentrons. If the energy distribixtion is known, the shield may be calculated accordirg to the multigrouP theory. The authors thank Professor A. K. Krasin, Candidate of Technical Sciences A. N. Serbinovv and the saientific co-worker V. A. Romanov for their constant interest in the present paper a-ad for their collaboration in the experiment. Besides, the authors thank V..G. Liforov, Z. S. Blistanov, and V. S. Tarasenko for their assistance in the experiments. S. A. Kurkin assisted'in working o1A the calculation method, and M. B. Yegiazavov, V. S. Dikarev, V. G. Madeyev, Ye. N. Korolev, and N. S. 111inaiiy further took part in the experiments. There are 9 fig-area and 14 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 21, 1959 Card 3/3 21-1310 77216 SOV/89-8-1-10/29 AUTHORS: Broder, D. L., Kondrashov, A.. P., Kutuzov, A. A., TITLE: Effect of Layers Containing Boron on the Yield of Secondary Gamma Radiation. Letter, to the Editor, PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 1, PP 119-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. Since in most cases the size and shape of the reactor shielding Is detennined by the amount of hard secondary gamma radiation, the authors investigated the pos- sibility of reducing this amount by capturing In boron carbide the thermal neutrons producing the radiation. Ne~itrons captured in boron cause soft "/,-rays of approximately 0.5 mev, while neutrons captured in other building materials, particularly steel,' prod duce high energyv Z-radiation. The geometry of the experiment is gi e in Fig. 1. Card 1/9 Effect of Layers Containing Boronon the Yield of Secondary Gamma Radiation. Letter to the Editor WON, I rI CA /// a Z IZZZA ~3 z.4 re.) -t-n 44 M on 77216 sov/89-8-1-io/29 Fig. 1. Geometry of the experiment. Card 2/9 ECI*ect of Layers Containing Boron on 772:L6 the Yield of Secondary Gamona Radiation. SOVdq-8-1-10/29 Letter to the Editor The cross section of tbe Prism was 710 x 710 and the steels under Inveotigation weve St-3 and stainless steel IKII18N9T. The Po- CL - Be L3ource- of 2-167 neutrons/see strength was located 1n the water shield- ing-in front of steel. Both the steel and plexiglas (lucite) had channels for indicator probes. Neutron distribution was determined using circular foils of indium 20 mm in diameter, enclosed sometImes In cadium containers. Figure 2 shows the neutron distribution in steel St-3. Card 3/9 Effect of Layers Containing Boron on the Yield of Secondary Gamma Radiation. Letter to the Editor 77216 SOV/89-8-1-10/29 CV P Card ~/9 Fig. 2. See Card 5/9 for caption -Z3 E,Cfect of I;qero Contall-lin-, Boron DfI th.,~ Yield of Secondary Gaiiuna Radiation. Letter to the Editor See Card 4/~9 f or Fig. 2. 113 011,,48 8 - 1 - 10/2 9 Fig. 2. Spacial distribution or neutrons in St-3 steel and plexiglas, (lucite) prlsm: (1) Indium measurements (no B)C layer); (2 measurements with Indium in cadmium ~no BIC layers; (3) indlum measurementn (between sveel and plexlfrlaoo i.-, placed a layer of B 4C 20 mm thick and of' density 1.1 gm,/cm3); (11) measurements with Indium in cadmium (between steel and plexiglas is placed a layer of B),C 20 mm thick and of density 1.1 gpi/CM3 Spectrum of X-rays was meaSUred by means of a'NaJ(TI) single-crystal -/-spectrometer. The diameter and height of the crystal were 110 mm. Resolving power for the Zn65 line was 11%. The analysis of impulses Was Card 5/9 performed by means of a 128-chanriel amplitude analyzer Effect of Layers Containing Boron on 772:L6 the Yield of Secondary Gamma Radiation. sov/89-8-i-io/29 Letter to the Editor with ferrite core memory. Figure 3 and 4 show the measured -/-spectra. 60 23 1.6 J~ 50 40 4! % e 4- 70 Card 6/9 0 10 10 M t o W-T o d o v too It o v o n u- bee Fig. 3. Spectrum of 7-quanta produced In the St-3 steel prismi (1) No B4C layer; (2) between steel and plexiglas (lucite) Is placed a layer of B C, 20 iron thick and 4 3 density 1.1 gm/cm E i.'fe c tof* I;uyerj Coi-itainin-'r Borun wi E.") the Yield of Secondary Garmna Radiation. SOV16')-8-1-10129 Letter to the Editor -6 Fig. 11. Spectrum of '/-qU.'11_1ta 0 produced in a priL;m froiP. stain- __r less steel IKhl8N9T. (1) No Bj,C layur; (2,)1) between 3teel and plexlL~Iao lo placed a layer of B4 C (alternative II, Fig. 1), or a composite section with plexiglas, St-3 and B C (alter- native IV, Fig. 1); ffi between steel and plexiglas is placed a layer of plexiglas and a ayer of A C(alternative III, Fig. 1). W Jo to so W 70 00 Ju twou fro 110 &V 23 me 11 if 7.6 Ili &V - Card 7/9 Effect of layers Containing Boron on -(7216 the Yield of Secondary Gaquna Radiatioa. SOV/89-8-1-10/29 Letter to the Editor In the ~.Iasu oV i"he St-3 !jteel, the Intensity o!' the 7.6 mev 7--vais is rekl.iced.13.41 times. In the case of the .3teel 1KI-118t.19T -Uhe red-iction for the zarne energy Is 'r.8 t1me~o. This oteel contaln3 clivomi,,ull and IlIckel, and prod~ice;~ iome aiditional '/-lilies. The autho.-s calculated the decrease of thd neutron capture of 7- radlations from St-3 after Introduction of the boroii carbide between the steel and plexiglas, using the measured neatron distribution from Fig. 2. The spectriuii of neutrons in steel used in this cal- culation wao determined approxiiiiatin.- a half-infinite steel block with an absolutely "black" middle boundary. Corrections were made for tile Self-shielding of the detectors at the T.W.1 ev re~,-,onarice. The computed d(--!crease of :." e coridary 7-(IuMIta at' (':).5 tinies io in Zood a,-Poemerit with the eXI)O"I'llont oil St-3. N . A. Alez;hli~, V. S. Borisov, f;. V. ]-~)rkov, and E. V. SheStOpalOV W-_~:re lICIPCLII the work. There are Card 8/9 11 flgureo; and 2 i-ef'openueo, 1 Soviet, 1 U.S. The U.S, Effect of Layers Containing Boron on T1216 the Yield of Secondary Gamma Radiation. SO1v/8)-8-1-10/?-q Letter to the Editor reference is: Reactor Physics Constants, ANL-58oo (1958). SUBMITPED: August 3, 1959 Card 9/9 85564 S/089/60/009/005/008/020 B0061BO70 AUTHORS: Androsen~ (Deceased), Broder, D. L., Lashuk, A. 1. TITLE: Gamma Rayelproduced by Inelastic Soattering of 3-Mev Neutrons PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 5D PP. 403 - 406 TEXT: Experiments on the inelastic scattering of 3-Mev neutrons from titanium, chromium, strontiumv iodinev bariump tungstenv indium, and bismuth nuclei. resulting in the production of gamma rays were described by the authors of this paper in Ref.l. The gamma rays were studied and their energies determined. The present paper gives data of analogous ex- periments on other soatterers in the form of Tables and Diagrams. The deuterium target of an accelerator was surrounded by blocks of paraffin with admixture of boron carbide. The neutron beam was iollimated through an opening 20 mm in diameter in the paraffin lithium-hydride blocks. An NaI(Tl) crystal (40)(40 mm) and the photomultiplier were arranged in a lead chamber. The.samples to be studied were attached to a thin rod Card 11i 85564 Gamma Rays Produced by Inelastic Scattering S/089/60/009/005/008/020 of 3-Mev Neutrons Boo6/BO70 and placed at a distance of 4 cm from the surface of the crystal. The results obtained from a carbon scatterer were used for bac~kgraund correction. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 8 references: 2 Soviet and 6 us. SUBMITTED: July 17, 1959 Vr Card 2/1 32993 S/641/61/000/000/020/033 B108/B102 .9 AUTHORS: Broder, D. L., Kondrashev, A, P,, Kutuzov, A. A# TITLE: Spatial neutron distribution in mixtures of boron carbide with iron and lead SOURCL Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; sbornik statey. Moscow, 1961, 263 - 277 TEXT: The results of experiments given in this paper are to verify the possibility of calculating the spatial distribution of fast neutrons in media containing boron carbide. The fast neutrons were obtained from interaction of 1-Mev deuterons with heavy ice (4-Mev neutrons) and of 400-kev deuterons with tritium adsorbed on zirconium (14.9-Mev neutrons). These neutron sources were placed before 9 steel tanks filled with boron carbide and each containing a thin-walled cavity in the middle to place the detector in. The free cavities were filled with boron carbide. In some of the experiments, tank 2 or tank 2 and 3 were replaced by laminated iron or lead blocks. Other experiment.s provided steel and lead plates between the tanks. Since the tanks were CT-30 (5T-30) steel, all the measurements were made with boron carbide "containing" 3.61; by volume of Card 1/2 -1 32993 S/641/61/000/000/020/033 Spatial neutron distribution... B100102 iron. The results showed that iron and lead have similar removal cross sections. Substances with small inelastic scattering cross sections, as boron-carbide, have greater removal cross sections in water than in other moderators not containing hydrogen. The ratio of intermediate and slow neutrons (E n< 1-5 Mev) to the fast neutrons was calculated. It was found to be 3 6 for 4-Mev neutrons and 2.58 for 14.9-Mev neutrons. The ex- perimeneal values were lower and closer to each other. This is due to a lower sensitivity of the U235 fission chamber at neutron energies E >100 tl/ kev. The authors thank Professor A. K. Krasin, V. V. Orlov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, G. N. Deryagin, N. N. Dudkin, A. P. Klimov, V. G. Liforov, Z. S. Blistanova, A. I. Chusov, V. S. Tara- senko, and R. G. Bulycheva for help. There are 10 figures, 1 table, and 11 references; 4 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four references to English-language publications read as followsi Blizard E. P. Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 5-, 73 (1955); Doldstein H. The attenuation of gamma rays and neutrons in reactor shield, NDCA, N. Y~, 1957; Burgeois I. et al. Methcus and Experimental Coefficients Used in the Computation of Reactor A/Conf 15/P/1190 France, 1958; Duggal V., Puri S., J. Appl, I. Phys., 29, 675 (1958). Card 2/2 B1041/B138 -.2-2 0 AUTHORS: Broder D. Popkov, K. K. TITLE: Physical-engineering calculation of a biological shield against the radiation of nuclear reactors PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v- 4, no. 12, 1961, 118 - 130 TEXT: The problem under consideration requires the calculation of neutron distribution outside the shie*ld. -The integral q g (r.) Id V. TM 4 Vs E(-o has to be calculated in this connection. qV r a is the distribution func- tion of the power density of the source, and f f(68 , 6t, E) is the radiation flux attenuation of energy E in the source and in the'shield. The calculation of qE (r is one of the principal stages. Primary radia- v tion (instantaneous neutron fission, instantaneous gamma radiation, gamma Card 1/2 S/170/61/004/012/011/011 S/170/61/004/012/011/011 Physical-engineering calculation of ... B104/B138 and neutron absorption) and secondary radiation (capture gamma rays; gamma radiation generated by neutron-activation of the mate- r,ial; neutrons generated by the (y,n) reaction) should be allowed fo'r when calculating, the shield. In the present review, the voluminous international literature is taken as a basis for a thorough examinbticA..;;, of the spatial and energy distributions of primary radiation, the power and dis 4. ribution of sources of secondary radiation, the flux distribution of fast neutrons, the spatial energy distribution of neutrons, and the attenuation of gamma radiation in the shield. There are 1 figure, 4 ta- bles, and 51 referencess 25 Soviet and 26 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications,read as followss Katooff S. Nucleonics, 18, 11, 201, 1960; John F. Stehn. Nucleonics, 18, 11, 186, 1960; Troubetzkoy E. and Goldstein H. Nucleonics, 18, 11, 1711 1960; Clark M. D., Nuclear Engineering, ~06, jan, 1961. Card 2/2 .S/048/61/025/002/016/016 B117/B212 AUTHORS: Broder,.D. L., Lashuk, A. I., Sadokhin, I. P. TITLE: Gamma-radiation yield in inelastic scattering of neutrons on antimony nuclei PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 2, 1961 , 309-312 TEXT: The present paper was read at the 11th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Riga, January 25 to February 2, 1961). The authors have in- vestigated the yield of 1.01-Mev gamma quanta which are produced in inelas- tic scattering of neutrons on antimony nuclei. In these tests annular geometry was used (Fig- 1). 30 mm high rings (3) with an outer diameter of 85 mm. and an inner diameter of 60 mm, served as scattering specimens. A lead cone (2), height 360 mm, base diameter of 58 mm shielded the crystal against direct radiation. The gamma-radiation spectrum was investigated by means of a scintillation gamma spectrometeg with a 40 by 40 mm NaI(Tl) crystal with a relative half-width of the Zn 5 lines (1.12 Mev) of about 9% WY - photomultiplier). The amplitude distribution of the pulses has been studJed Card 1/4 S/048/61/025/002/016/016 Gamma-radiation yield ... B117/B212 with a 128-channel pulse-height analyzer. The neutrons have been obtained from a H3(pn)He3 reaction on anelectrostatic generator at a proton energy of 1.5-3.3 Mev. The energy spread of the neutron beam was no wider than 30 kev. Two types of measurements have been made with and without the specimen. The given values are averaged over the two test series. The measurements with 0.9 to 2.5-Mev neutrons have confirmed the gamma lines, aegLven in Refs. 6-8: 0.49, 0.59, 1.01, 1.32, 1.50, 1.84, 1.96, and 2.16 Mev. A detailed investigation of the spectrum in the region of 1-1.5 Mev is very difficult a low intensity of the 1.32-Mev line expected. It is only mentioned thA the T.32 and 1-50 Mev-lines are excited at neutron energies of about 1.5 Mev; this indicates that the Sb121 and Sb123 nuclei might have 1-50 Mev and even 1.32 Mev levels. A 1.5 Mev cascade transition to the 0.153 Mev level, emitting 1-34.7 Mev gamma quanta might be possible for Sb123. It has been established that antimony nuclei have an energy level near 1 Mev that is excited by an inelastic neutron scattering. For neutrons with an energy higher than 1.01 Mev, the 0.87 Mev line is visible. At higher energies this line and the 1.01-Mev line become indistinct, which is due to a low resolution of the spectrometer . Another level can be as- sumed near 900 kev. An other possibUity would be a transition from the Card 2/4 S/048/61/025/oo2/o16/oi6 -radiation B11 Gamma yield ... 7/B212 1.01-Mov. excited, state to th6 0.153~-Mlev level and emission of 0..8 Mev- quanta. This is the case-if the 41.01-Mev--level is referred to SbI33 nuclei. The following can be assumed, considering the 1.01-Mev gammw yield for in- ilastic neutron scattering on antimony nuclei with energiBs of 1.0-2-5,Mev: For neutron-energies between 1.0 and 1-5 Mev the'eurve corresponds to the excited 1.01-Mev level of antimony nuclei. A cascade transition to this level from the 1.32 Mev-level is not possible, because no gamma line with an energy near 0.3 Mevcould be established in the spectra examined. Fig- 4 shows the graph for the gamma~ yield with an energy of 0.84 Mev for iron nuclei. The data established by the authors of this paper are plot 'ted for 2.0-Mev electrons. The radiation sources which were used to scale the gamma spectrometer are given in the table. There are.4 figures, 1 table, and 8 references: 6 Soviet-bloc. Legend to Fig. 1: 1) tritium target, 2) lead cone, 3) scattering ring, 4) proton beams Card 3/4 S/048J61/025/002/016/016 Gaiama-radiati.on, yiel B117/B212 4, NeY B/869 62*080~000/012/012 B102 BIe6 YB AUTHORS: BE2der, D._L._t Leshuk, A. I., Sadokbin, I. P., Suvorov,.A. P. TITLEt Inelas'tib scattering of it' eutrons-from iron nuclei SOURCE: Teoriya i metody rasoheta yadernykh reaktarov; sbornik statey. Ed. by G. I. Marchuk. 'Moscow, Posatomizdat, 19627 254 259. -The aim 'of the work was to determine- the energy dependence of the inelastic scattering cross section-in-the-range 0.80 - 4-0 Mev-by ana- lyzing experimental data as aocurately-As'possible. Supplementary exper- iments were carried out to provide miasing,da.ta I. The reaction T3(p,n),He3 was used 3as a source of neutrons for the P.80 -'2.5 Mev -range, and D(d,n)He for 2.5 - 4 Mev. The y-ray dete~torwas an NaI(Tl) crystal with a (O~Y-13(F *EU-13) photomultiplier.-,Hence the pirls .es were*fed th .rough an amplifier to a: 128-channel pulse-heiFbt analyzer._-The investigations were carried out for the components of, the-most, abundaiLt natural 56 54 57 56 ,positioni. 91.68.% Fe , 5.484 Fe . 2.17 % Fe, and 0.31 % Fe . The cross sections'of the y-qu"tum yield when neutrons of various energies Card 1/2 8;/B69/62/000/000/012/012 Inelastic scattering of neutrons Bip2Z~186 are inelastically scattered.were measured. Thejollowing values of E Y were found for E. M 4-0 Mevs 0-84, 1.02, 1.23,''V-44, 1-81, 21-15 2.6 Mev. With the exception of 1.41 Mev, all these are associated with scattering from Fe56 levels- 1-41 attributed to scattering from the first 54 Fe level. The other E are assigned as followst 1.23 Mev appears when Y the 2.06-Mev level is excited and then de-excited via Ahe 0.84 Mev level to the ground state. 1.81 Mev is attributed to excitation and cascade de-excitation of the 2.62 Mev level. 2-15 Mev quanta are emitted when the 3.02 Mev le4el decays via 0'-84 1~ev to the grbu.Tid state. 'The 0;-64 Mev quanta are -the result of direct traniii-tions..from--this level'to the ground state. In some cases,the cross sections oVtained differ.'oonsiderably from the calculated'yaluee. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 33472 1400 8/170/62/005/002/004/009 A o2.11 0 0 B104/B138 ADTHORS: Broder,-D.' L., Kutuzov, A. A., Levin, V. V. TITLEt Shielding -properties of water, polyethylene, and Plexiglas PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno7fizicheskly zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2. 19629 47 51 TEXTt Jn an effort to. estimate the shielding action of hydrogenous mix- tures'against fast neutrons, the authors calculated the distribution of -fast'neutr*o*ns in bydrogen,and water. The attenuation of a stream of fast -neutrons-in ahydrogenous mixture with.the initial energy E can be calcu- 0 lated f rbm E 1o)(1 po", (L D)r V Q (E0) 4) (i., E0 E, y(E, dE, EO 0 r) -47C r2 Erp Where.Q(E is the power of a point source of neutrons, q is the volume ~o part of hydrogen nuclei in the shield-, and f(Et Eo~,Or) is the spectrum of moderated neutrons. ~he results.are consistent with H. Goldstein's (Funda- mental Aspects of Reactor Shielding. Pergamon Press, London-Paris, 1959). Card 1/2 33472 S/170/62/005/002/004/009 Shielding properties of ... B100138 The'remdval cross section for oxygen was obtained from the spatial distri- ..bution~of neutrons in water and hydrogen. For the purpose of checking the validity of Eq.(1), the.distribution of 4-Mev and 14.9-hiev neutrons in pol3F-- t* lene andPlexiglas-~ was m hy easured. Deuterium and tritium adsorbed on e zirconium were.used as targets, which were bombaided with 1-Mev and 0-4-1;'.ev 7 '.deuterons.. The-experiments showed that a shield again6t neutrons of 0.2.- 15 Mev,*consisting of 0,- C, Fe,.and Pb, can be calculated using the neutron spectrum-in hydrogen,,the removal cross sections for neutrons as functions of energy, and-the analogous cross-sections for iron and lead. Z. S. Blistanova , V P. Bogdanov, G. V. Rykov, and V. S. Tarasenko partici- pated in the work. There are 4,figures and 5 references. 4 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 17, 1961 Card 2/2 43352 3,/170/62/005/012/005/006 B100186 AUTHORS: Broder, D. L., Kumuzov, A. A., Levin, V. V., Frolov, V. V. TITLEt Using the method of removal cross sections for calculating a shield that contains no hydrogen PERIODICALt Inzhenerno-fizichesk,iy zhurnal, v- 5, no- 12, 1962, 65 70 TEXT: Attenuation of a monoenergetic neutTon. flux in Al and in mixtures of Al containing equal portions of Fb and Fe was measured; also attenua- tion in an assembly of Al plates with Fe, Pb, plexiglass or polyethylene blocks placed between source and detector. The neutron sources used were the reactions D 2(D,n)He No - 4 Mev), T3(]D,n)H04 (Bo M 14-91 Mev) and a 235 U disk expoced'to a thermal neutron flux-extraoted from the reac.tor of the first atomic power plant in the world. A fiesion,chamber with Th 232 was used as detector. Resultst (1)~the removal cross section method can be used to calculate a shield in which light substances Are used instead of water*; (2) in most cases the removal cross section de- pends on the moderat6r only slightlyl (3) the removal cross section Card 1/2 S/170/62/005/012/005/008 Using the method of removal ... B104/B186 reaches saturation at relatively small distances from the souroe; (4) the measurements with a U235 fission chamber*and those made with a Th232 fission chamber are consistent for boron carbide and water. (5) At a sufficiently large distance from the source theirsoiptooll of the relaxation length is equivalent to.the removal arose section of any given substance. There are 3 figures and I table. SUBMITTED: July 30, 1962' Card 2/2 32001 ILI Do S/ov/62/012/001/004/019 B102 B138 .V- 6. ,2 .2 416 AUTHORS., Broder, D. L., Kayurin, Yu. P., Kutuzov, A. A. TITLE: Passage of gamma radiation through heterogeneous media PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 1, 1962, 30 - 35 TEXT: The buildup factor was measVred for heterogeneous media, consisting of diffe;ent combinations of shielding materials (polyethylene, Al, Fe, Pb). CobO was used as point source (N1 g-equ. Ra, E0 = 1.25 Mev). Various combinations of rj1O mm thick'plates~*(Fe and Pb: 700 '700 mm; polyethylene (P) and Alt 1000 - 1000 mm) were investigated. A plastic scintillator connected via a lightpipe to a ~39-24 (FEU-24) photomultiplier Was used as a detector. Dose rates were varied in the range 1 - 105 relative units. Measurement accuracy was about t 10a. The following combinations were investigated: (P) + Pb, (P) + Fe, Fe + Pb, Pb + (P), Fe + (P),-Pb +-Fe, with t:he first material nearest to the source. The buildup factor was calculated by the empirical formula n n-1 Bheter. BJL)bixi) --tB n(7 B)bix,); B n is the buildup factor of Card 1/2 n=1 i=1 n-2 i=1 S/089/62A20102NO 1/004/019 Passage of gamma radiation... B102/B138 the n-th material, Pix is the layer thickness in terms of mean free path. '~P) - o-o61 cm-1' /LA1 0.149 cm -1 , PFe - 0.425 cm- 1, )~b =0.680 cm- 1z The buildup factors calculated with this formula agreed with the measured ones within the limits of experimental accuracy, It is recommended for use at energies near 1 hiev. V. A. Shalin and G. V. Rykov are thanked for assistance. There are 7 figures and 7 references: 4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: 1,11. Berger, J. Doggett. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards, ~6, 89 (1956). SUBMITTED: April 17, 1961 Card 2/2 33234 5/089/62/012/002/005/013 4, B102/B138 AUTHORS: Kondrashov, A. P., Kutuzov, A. A., Naumov, - 77. A., Sergeyev, Yu. A., Turusov, A. V. TITLE: Maltigroup methods of calculating biological shielding PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 2, 1962, 129 - 139 TEXT: The spatial energy distribution for biological shields is calculated for a source at a distance of 40 cm. Seven- and ten-group methods are usedand the calculations are made in diffusion-age and diffusion approximations, respectively. As the lower limits of the groups the following energies were chosen for the seven-group method: 1.5-10 6, 9.106, 4-5-10 5, 3-103, 3.39 Elim and 0 ev, and for the ten-group V~ 6 6 6 5 4 3 5 method: 4,10 , 2-5-10 1 1.5-10 , 7-10 , 3 10 , 4-10 , 1-10 , 6.7, Elim and 0 ev. Spectrum and group constants are calculated for both groups and the results are compared graphically with experimental ones. The experiments were made with the critical assembly of a water moderated Card 1/3 33234 S/089/62/012/002/005/013 Multigroup methods of calculating... B102/B138 reactor with a water side reflector. The shield investigated formed the bottom reflector. Three types of shields were investigated, consisting of several layers of various kinds of steel, lead, boron carbide and polyethylene. The neutron flux in the assembly was measured with a cooper foil, the thermal-neutron flux in the core with a copper indicator and an U235 fission chamber, and, in the experimental assemblies, with a copper indicator in a Cd container. Comparison between theoretical and experimental results permits the following conclusions: 1) Both the multigroup methods, and the group-constants chosen, are suitable for calculating the spatial distribution of neutron energy in shields containing Fe, Pb and H. 2) For shielding systems containing B the agreement with experiment is within 20% error limits. 3) The seven-group method can also be used to determine the spatial distribution of fast neutrons which is characteristic of delayed-neutron flux distribution. For a source emitting 4-Mev neutrons and with large shield thicknesses, the ten-group results differ from the experimental ones by not more than 3M"'. N. A. Gushchina, L. V. Marchenko, Z. P. Sokolova, Z. S. Blistanova and A. M. Astakhova took part in the calculations, N. A. Aleshin and R. Card 2/3 Multigroup methods of calculating... 33234 S/089/62/012/002/005/013 B102/B138 G. Bulycheva in the experiments. The reactor team members I. G. Morozov, Ye. I. Inyutin, V. K. Labuzov and N. G. Uvarov are thanked for their work. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 12 references: 7 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: D. Hughes, L. Harvey. Neutron cross section, 1958. SUBIITTED: April 17, 1961 01-K Card 3/3 I KARDASHIM, D.A.; STAVINSM, V.S.; BRODERv D-.L.; LASHUK, A.I.,- SADOKM, I.P. Analysis of the e=itation functions for levels of the Fe'56 nucleus in the case of inelastic neutron scattering in an optical nuclear model. Atom.energ. 13 no.6*587-588 D 162. (MIRA 15t12) (Iron-lootopei(q) (Noutrone-Seatterin ) Naclear optical Modelef ERODER. D.L.; KAYURIN, Yu.P.,-, KUTUZOV, A.A. I---- Calculating the factors of ~Uray build-up in heterogeneous media. Atm.energ.~ 13 no.6t593--595 V 162. (KM 15S12) (Giams rays) (Nuclear reactions) JROU,_D.L.,, red.1 VESELKIN, A.P.p red.j YEGOROV, Yu.A., red.,* ORLOVp V.V., red.j TSYPIN, B.G., red,; PODOSHVINA, V.A., red.; NIKITINA, T.K., red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Problems in the pbysics of reactor shielding) Voprooy fiziki zaohohity reaktorov; sbornik statei. Moskvap Gosatomizdat, 1963. 345 P. (MIRA 16:12) (Nuclear reactors-Shielding (Radiation)) ACCESSION NR: AT4019031 S/0000/63/000/000/005Z/0.060' AUTHOR: Broder, D. L.; Kutuzov, A. A.; Levin, V. V-.; Frolov, V. V. TITLE: Application of the "removal cross section" method to the computation of non- hydrogen-containing shielding SOURCE: Voprosy* fizild zashchity* reaktorov; sbornik statey (Problems In physics of reactor shielding; collection of articles). Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 52-6;0 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, reactor shielding, Iron shielding, lead shielding, non- hydrogenous shielding, removal cross section, neutron, neutron spatial distribution, 'i i neutron decelerator, aluminum shielding, boron carbide ABSTRACT: The authors first briefly describe the removal,cross section method for the computation of the spatial distribution of neutron stroams in hydrogcn-containIng shielding. Some of the limitations of the method are discussed along with an analysis of the difficulties often encountered in its application (for example, in homogeneous mixtures). The hyl>othesis has previously been advanced that, by prescinding from the question of the accumulation of, low-energy neutrons, the removal cross section technique might be applied to Inedia :Card ACCESSION NR: AT4019031 f containing other light decelerators in place of hydrogen. In these previous investigations, boron carbide in a mixture with iron and lead was studied as the decelerator. Some of the findingo of this research are discussed in the present article,which also gives additional experimental data which prove the feasibility of extending and generalizing the removal cross section method to heavier slowing media, Aluminum was employed as the decelerating medium in the tests reported on in this paper. Neutron sources with E = 4 Mev and 14.9 Mov were used. In addition, measurements were made of the removal cross sections of iron and lead in boron carbide in the fission neutron spectrum and the removal cross section of iron in the apeckfum of the VVR*reactor. As neutron sources the authors used the reactions D (d, n) He' with an T (d, n) He4 (E = 14.9 Mev), ,,,Wtial neutron energy of E = 4 Mov, and and also a disk of U removed from the reactor of the Pervoy v mire atomnoy olektrostants (World's First Atomic Power Station) and placed in a stream of thermal neutrons. The sources were in the form of disks with a diameter of 10 cm for the mono-energetic -neutron sources, and 46 mm for the fission spectrum source. Past neutrons were detected by means of a fission chamber with Th232. Further details on the experimental apparattrs are given In the article. Graphs are presented showing the spatial distribution of -the fast 'X d__-~2/4 ar _4~ ACCESSION NR: AT4019031 neutrons in different substances and mixtures, as well as the dependence of the removal e.ross sections of iron and lead in aluminum (and of polyethylene and plexiglass in aluminum), for neutrons with E = 4 Mev and 14.9 Mev on various controlled experimental factors (distance between source and detector, distance between block of removed material and detector, etc). A table is given showing removal cross sections measured in water, boron carbide and aluminum. It is shown that the removal cross section method-is applicable to' the computation of shielding In which other light media are employed as decelerators in place of water: for example, boron carbide or aluminum. The magnitude of the removal sections for the majority of the substances tested depends only slightly on the choice of the decelerating medium. If a light component is lacking in the shielding, the authors found that the use of the removal cross section method is possible provided the removal cross sedion of the material in the given medium is known or if the lower boundary of the! energy group is substantially raised. Several other significant conclusions are discussed In the article. 117be authors thank V. P. Bogdanov, B. G Oslporv, G. V. Ry*kov, V. 's. Tarasen1w and A. L Chumv for'taking par. In the measurements. I 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4019049 S/0000/63/000/000/0198/0207 AUTHOR.- Broder, D. L.; Kayurin, Yu. P..; Kutuzov, A. A. TITLE: The passage of Gamma radiation through heterogeneous media SOURCE: Voprosy* fizild zashchity* reaktorov; sbornik statey (Problems in physics of reactor shielding; collection of articles). Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 198-207 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, reactor shielding, iron shielding, lead shielding, Gamma radiation, Gamma ray attenuation, Gamma radiation shielding, Gamma radiation accumu- lation factor, polyethylene shielding, aluminum shielding ABSTRACT: The authors note that the computation of shielding against gamma-radiation requires a knowledge of one of the essential characteristics of the material - the radiation accumulation factor. For homogeneous media the accumulation factor B(E x, z. g) is a function of the initial energy of the -/ -radiation E , the thickness of the materi x, . the ordinal number of the substance z, and also the forK of the source g. The significance of the accumulation factor for such homogeneous media Is discussed in some detail. Some recommendations, based on general physical considerations, with respect to the computation cir 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4019049 of accumulation factors for heterogeneous shieldings consisting of two materials are analyzed. An experimental determination is made of the dose accumulation factor for heterogeneous media, consisting of various combinations of materials (polyethylene,~ aluminum, iron, lead), and for (-quanta energies of 1. 25, 2.76 and ca. 6.4 Mev. As the source of theY-quanta with an energy of 1. 25 Mev, Co60 was used; for the quanta with the 2.76-mev energy level,Na24 was employed. In order to obtain the high-energy (6.4 Mev) )"-quanta the authors made use of an F 9 (p,cA )016 reaction. On the basis of the experi-I ments with CoGO and general physical considerations, an empirical formula was derived for the computation of accumulation factor in a heterogeneous medi.Vjn consisting of any number of layers of different materials. The experiments with Na4" and the 6. 4-Mev Y-ray source demonstrated that this formula may be used even In the case of Y -quanta energy levels in excess of the critical. Experimentally derived accumulation factors differ from those computed according to this formula by no more than 15%. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, 1 table and 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 14Aug63 DATE ACQ: 27Feb6 4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV: Oo4 OTHEFL- 004 rd-,' ,V2 !,ACCESSION NR: AT4019057 S/0000/63/000/000/0234/0242 AUTHOR: Droder D L Kondrashov, A. P. -, Naumov, V. ,k. ; Popkov, X. K. TITLE: Heat release In the shield and body of a reactor SOURCE: Voprosy* fizild zashchity* reaktorov; sbornik statoy (Problems In physics of reactor shielding; collection of articles). Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 234-242 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, reactor shielding, heat release,' heat emission, reactor heat dissipation IABSTRACT: A considerable amount of energy is liberated in the active zone of a reactor due to the long-range neutron and Vradiation. This excess of energy is particularly important in the construction of water shielded reactors. Consequently, the following processes. must be considered in the calculation of heat release: (1) )**radiation in the active zone of the reactor; 1(2) ~ radiation arising from the capture of neutrons; and (3) CC-particles from the B10 (no*L17 reaction. The Yr'adiation thus comes from five processes: (a) Flux of rays from the active zone: qQ Card 1 6 1ACCESSI09-NR~-AT4bigo (b) 'Flux of adiation from neutron capture in the* shield and body- of the reactor; b b . qVh {E. [(I + TVh 2pra I+ QJFO CjIN) ILIX1.1 --E2 -pix, psd) VV), (3a) 2 + ~b fe -P5 VA. PIXI +a k1XI -e' + Ctirs) LI j ) >3 I ] . I N j A d + + E, (I + d-~ Lard 2/5 ACCESSION-j9A--AT4019057 -2 Aix,) b~ (2) Are e AS E1.01 +are) +.:t2-j V 9v 2X2 "6j (3b) KA e jLsd*+ x S d PIxi)\ + E, 0 + aj'.*) Yj*~41XI)II (a) Flux of ~ra~s froM me rama.tive .cap'tiie of neutrons. 2 ' . - ~ ... .: . . . - .' A 1 - - j(j+aj)pr,(d-x)j"~% i (Pv yj (2o-Ejj(I+qj)~sxj E2 (4) 21,s I+CLJ qy' (d) Flux of -brays due to neutron capture in the water in the space between the shielding;, rd qBy d (Vvh AreE, (I + Qj JAji4 (6) ACCESSION NR: AT4019057 (e) Flux of captured adiation in the water in the reactor An e IdEj; + 22; _j i II d TE, [0 Ej (I + ajn) yj'.p,x', + Its d J; C +(&J )I Ps + e tL,x + sd] (I Ps 4/5 (7) ACCESSION NR: AT4019057 The contribution of ocradiation is given by: Q. (r) 1j" The experimental determination of the heat release in a reactor was performed by the ioniza- tion method, which was -found to be more sensitive than the calorimetric method in the ease of a zero-power reactor. The energy loss in the solid medium (heat release) is related to the energy loss in the gaseous melum by i (-dE1dx),D q 7W (9) (L. H. Gray, Proc. Roy. Soc. A156, 578 (1936).) The theoretical and experimental results ishowed satisfactory agreement. Orig, art. has- 3 figures and 17 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 14Aug63 DATE ACQ: 27Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NOREFSOV- 002 OTHER.: 004 Lcord 'A - BRODER, D.L.; FOPKGV,, K.K. Methods for calculatina radiation heat release in the vessel and 0 shields of a nuclear reactcr. Atom. energ. 15 no.5:370-377 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) BRODER, D.L.; ZAYTSEVp L.N.; SYCHEV, B.S.; TUGOLUKOV, A.M. Effect of the water content of concretes on the thickness and cost of reactor shielding. Atom. anarg. 16 no.1:26-32 J& 164. (MIRA 17:2) AOCESSION NR: AP012262. S/0089/64/016/001/0026/0032 ATMWORRe _~rpdei~., D.L.; Zayteev, L.N.; ft1*Qh6Tq B.S.; Tugolukov'j A.XJ SOUROR: Atomnaya energlya, v.16, no.1, 1964,, 26-32 ---[TOPIO TAGS: reao!6i ahitld, biological react6r ~rotectjon, reaotor shield cost, reactor shield water concentration, optimal reactor protection ABSTRAOT: The purpose of the present work is to determine the eco- .i nomical aspect of the increasing amount of water in concrete for .1-reaotor shieldings. Increasing the water content in concrete inorea-1 sea its hydrogen concentration which effectively reduoeo the leaks, go of fast and intermediate neutrons because of the large cross section , of hydrogen for fast and intermediate neutrons, Various types of.con- crate used for reactor shieldings have hydrogen concentration witbinj the 12% range. The authors have computed the biological protection J A Icard '1/2 TITLE: Effect of water content in concrete on the tbiolmess of the reactor shield and its costs