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65&65 - C Sj_' -4c - i~ ON Mt. AT 11 F Is dateiml ned by.1ts cont6nt In the Initial tellurium and amounts to 5 x 10-3 2 x 10- %. it was found that silicon, Iron, aluminum and sodlum Impurities are very poor I y removed by zone me) t I ng. They rpus t be removed by reme I t i nq t he i n i t 1 a I tellurium, when the above-mentioned Impurities pass Into the slag. A technojo-gi- cal scheme for the complex utilization of the raw material to obtain a T-Ai-brade tellurium as the main product, and tellurium compouncis of crATM-Mrcial purTt-y as by-products, Is proposed I a6d the main technical date for the furnace are given, The initial tellurium T-I lAntains about 1% Impurities and up to 10-15% tel lurium oxides. The most 1nt~_restInq.a=mq all tellurium compounds Is tellurium trio;tide, then, to a iesser extent, tellurium dioxide, toliuric acid and tellurium nitrate. The different amounts of Impurities found in different samples are tabulated, along with the analytical data for teliurlum compounds obtained by processing the waste metal. BY using waste-metal, the loss of Initial tellurium aod the cost of the extra-pure tellurium obtained can be reduced considerabiv, "The tellurium analyses were carried out by V. A-. -_KUzIna, N. G.-Shepeta, V. V. Druz', and V. A. Turova." OrIg. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 27Nov63 ENCL: 00 SU8 CODE: RM Card 2/2 NO REF~SOV: 001 OTHER: 001 E-3 lip(C.) RDW/,7,:) ACC NR, AP5026781 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/651000/017/0069/0069 INVENTOR: c2 7 TITLE: ~Metbod of refining commerclattellurilum. 'Class 40, No. 174364 Announced by -the Plant'of.therWest-Siberian Council,of the National Econog (Predpriyatiye zapad- Soug~E: Byulleten' izobreten1y i,tovarnykh znakov no.- 17, 1965, 69 TOPIC TAGS: tellurium, .-ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces amethod for refining commercialtel-, lurium. 'To increase the purity bf-the-final product, the JFnitial tellurium is mixed ~Oith phosphoric anhydride and treated at a temperature of about.800C. (AZ :SUB CODE! SUBH DAM, 06Apr641 ATD PRESS: 669.777 AP6032956 SOURCE CODE#. UR/0078/65 /010/009/1990/199; -.-AUTHOR:~ Breusov, 0. No; Revzina,, To V.; Druz I N A ORG: none *,kT.TTLE: Synthesis and certain . pIrope rties of litIhiumVtellurite SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimi v. 10, no. 9, 1965, 1990- 1992 TOPIC TAGS:;.inorganic synthesiss,,tenurium.c,ompounds,lithium compound, x ray anal is, specific density.. Ys: ABSTRACT:- Lithium tellurito was obtained b reactin a solution of Hchemi;;~~ -7 9 cally puie" lithium oxide )Wdrate with an excess of freshly precipitated .-tellurium dioxide. Later the excess of toUurium'. dioxide was filterea of f and the bf lithium tellurite evaporated to near dryness. To the properties of lithium tellurite, it,was made into a more .~puro product by first being dissolved inwater; the solution was filterea ,and-evaporated in a idarbon,dioxide-free~atmolspherd- The preparation obtabied in 1his manner. contained 84-18% TeO2 and 15-75% L120 (theoretical 23% -md 15 o 77%,, - respectively) o The pyenometric density of lithium tellurite,, !determined in toluene, was equal to 3;83 t-0.02. Bia:dal crystals are formed ~vith a negative indicatrix,of Ng-~l' 7 and Np = 1.676 o 0.003. The lithium ~tbllurike was also studied b~. x-rays. The x-ray diffraction pattern of Li2T!-!03 .indicated hombic syhgo The 1~arameters of the. unit vell we e: a 0,79 kX*-. r ny r Card 1 2 UPQ-!--5.46A-4 L244,--5O-M6-F- ~, -.- - , ~ -:~,- I . , , -- -as, -~cv~ .1 . ''I ~ 1. - . . ,,, - :' " I 22142-M . - BREUSOV, O.N.; PETROVA, L.M.; LYANDUSOV, B.G.; KORS*NOVJ, B.G.; DERBIN, M.M. Apparatus with continuous action for the e~lorination of high-melting metals. Prom.khim.reak. I osobo chist.vashch. no.2-.46-48 163. (MA 17:2) BREUSOV.,,_O.N.; KOROTKEVICH, M.N.; ODINTSOVA, V.G.; TSIBULEVSKAYA, K.A.; AUZI, N. A. Preparation of germanbun wilfides of reactive grade. Prom.khim.reak. if' asobo chist.veshch. no.2t49-53 163. (MIRA 17:2) =y REVZI*j O.Ye.; LESHCHENKO ' V'V.; ZELENTSOV, D.P.; DERBIN, M.M.; BREUSOV-,- VERNEDUBOV., N.P.; MAKAROV, G.I. Obtaining analytically pure tellurium by the zone melting method and reprocessing of its wastes t9 tellurium compounds of pure reaction. Prom.khim.reak. i osobo chist.veshch. no.2:54-60 163. (NIRA 17t2) I :'M BREUSOV, V. Correct work standards are the basis for a system of wages Miss. ind. SSSR 29 no-5:40-41 158. (MRA 11:10) (Meat induntry-Production standards) (wages) 'rOV, J, Y-. , 3. , BFEW',OV, -YU. N., KAR?--,YSK1Y, M. YA., K1,10--ri .4 - GOTT Kii, 3. P. (USSR) I'S V ynthesis of lertain Biolol~-ically Active qydroxylamine Derivatives." ReDort presented at the 5th International Biochemistr,y Congress, Moscow, 10-16 August 1961 -A %-PfM . -.7. -W AUrHORS& rr&uo'.kiy. T.L., Lk~yso*~. ru., Sirmt TITLRt Report on the Second All-Union Conf.r..ce on Gas glectranica PMODICALS Radiotakh"Jun I alektranike, 1959, Vol 4, Or 8, vp 1339 - 1356 (USSR) and N.G. &g1.L-.kiy *New Data on X-ray -~1-- Ldl.tio. During P'llia"BLAClai~ S .T,A- KhrAhZ-_ and dealt with the invest I- Za tico, of the neutron r.diatl_oj~jn Powerful 1. discharges in chambers with conducting wells. I:Ar%~MQX -t Al- - 'Inw.atig.ti.. or the Gas Di.chazz. I Cb"b.r-. S-M- -08*w- A at -1. - 'A Turn of PL-Sma In Traze,ars. Magnetic Field- _L_Q.jLsAax*r_ D;t4 no the Division of aCathode Spot On Mercury In a L~-prsasura Arc P 1269 of the Journal,. Rutland) - "A Now Theory of the Cathod. spot- ~P ~ ! M . .2,5 f the Journal). P L N Ar .jKr --itLv: C.I- i. a Hydrogen"S. . 1M i t : V 3t t a 1 U and Pula Lo da- r; . _1.Gj_ffskrAahW*b and A_k__LAhud - "Currant Distribution am t5 s . urface or Clectrades In gl*ctrlc Pulse Dischargeow. -ALA~JLY4.- wSone Properties Of Gas Discharges in Low-voLtage In 4alosen Counters.. kMI.Mand Itki-SrAnazakAx "C-mpariAan of t9W nizatLan in the I.otopea; of Hydrogen (H and W. L.A. A~.wl !~_~gs communicated Jo=e results on the pro-br*&x"vm - v=Tvnt pulses at low pressures. W. Vs. Z w LA Ch:rg,-d.nxLty j 12-, and t - : r_ -r. Cm .. .... I. ;r .2 .. rV Pj. . Y i-Z~kZE#k Of Czechoslovakia coactunicated one Information U the -*v-ILk* phenomena I. X.0-dLecharge p1&.-. It with the problem of the determination 4 ;* . f..t, I.nx in Pula. discharge.. LCcnvectlcn Instability of a PISA" String-. !� 51~fr-v - "Theory of a High- :~~. XQ ples. S temperature trL . ~ . Th. fifth Section was presided over by N.A. Maptsov =4 dealt with current. I- The fO120-L" P-Para war. V.T~~G IjLnL- wrormatiou of ULtra-hlCh Fr.qn"cy Pula. Moberg.. I. T~srt G.I. Fateyuk . mlnflu~* of the Boundary C~Onditloo* on fr*q "or Disebargesm. and Maitnan, . of High u at-jiulkLa at .1 -1 .at ~ioa a S.If--Lnt.IA.4 _F . ,,. ; Ultra-Ligh Frequency Pula& Discharge and the Process 4C its Development'. -Z", 'kar and Gjj__SaZat~- -so.. Result. or the XnvSat,...ti.A of the rormation of Low-pressure High- rr.quency Discharge.". Of Weekly Incised /%a _~~SA) - 'Conductivity w l . P a *ne ndjtjo~ of Tr."iti.n Fro. C A avalkq charse at Atmospheric Press-.. U : c rona o rn oquem O M ! ! .Th us hip Bet.s.. the character- t .to r ., I-t j G T _ :. ne hItr hL qu.ncy Current and the Direct pr . , : Curv.ot in Us Di.chrg.8-. lysed the ..ndoti,ity of the r an AAA w ' Sting P "me . the window of a resonan,ce di.chazge ~a a t _~ tub.. 4~1~7 and t.2,3hashILCAM dealt with the -Cr.quemy /1-46pplic.biLitr Of the,probe method to high 0barge. ( ... p 1238 of the journel)- d1 --a 4-wct-d t Bulc ~t ^: the T*. Hi Th paper by V. : :l . . ir l . inv..tizat Ia o the utra_hi qu ucy p1. . by f & Means of t be Stark fr.ct. 1"trit at &I. dealt with the probl.: or : . . S. t a fields in a bj~b.rrsquoncy di.char A I Pr - -S f road . p:p.r ..titl.d *High- ;:~:chsrg.- in H.than. ; devoted to the p,.bx-. Lo t Th work of the sixth " ' " be --ti-n was pro:id*d n r ple.- and its r.dL:tit ; :war by V.A. F:br TI.. following P.Pars war read: ioProk;* M*thodA of PISA--- _ 2, '94% I s 1 Y.I. DrOado, - -0.cillograph ic M ... ur.. - 7 =t1 tL.n or tht ,. V.A; SidnbC nd A.G. - -1,. me ~', M"'. C o ~jas. Spectrometsr of -' PI :.. ; T KA-RPEYSKYY, Structure of the enmme-LihiblLor compley. of :,-ip&rtic transaminase wibh L-cyclosering. Biok-himlia 30 no.lsl53..,6o Ja-'F 16:50 (illRA 18 6) 1-. lnstituut radiat5ionnoy i fl'zilw-khimicheskoy biologli AN SSSRY Mcskvu. BREUSSOV, YU.N., SEITRIN., E.S., K-HOMUTOV, R.M. AND KARPEISKIY, M.YA. "The mode of interaction of some cyclic derivatives of 17droxylamilne with pyridoxal and palp-erocyrries. Paper presented at the Symposium on RLological and Chemical aspects of pyridoxal catalysis, Rome, Italy 21-31 Oct 1962 L 10392-66 ACC NIR: AP50261966 :1increased concentrations -of charged icle diet ibution within the ;part s and tbair re r I positive ciolumri,'- and _(b) a ."thermal", E-fall-off duo to the heating of gas at the colurrm - aid a and: redi stributio'n of the gas density over the colurnn cross-section; 4 (2) In the case of Ne and. A, the thermal stage was not observed because E varies :very little within the pressure range corresponding to the heating of these gases lunder the conditions of the experiment; (3) The: abrupt drop of E with the current rise, starting from a few ma,, a transition-from the direct electron- stepw* I shock Ne and. A, gas ionization.. to a, Ise, onization, the presence of metastable', hi'hly-populated excitation levels I ve:to tho deve 9 9 conduci' lopment of the stepwise Ionization; (4) With pulse currents going into.4undreds of amperes, an arc pinch 1 effect and Increased pote nti al -gradients -were observed in all three gases. 111n, nclusion, the author wishes to thank BO - N. Klyarfelld for formulating the 460 1 !problem valuable advice, and his- constant interest.~ 11, Or~o art. has: 6 figures,: 3 f or;ils I and.1 table@, S' UB CODE... 09:1 SUBM DATE; ZWay64: f 01U0 IMF: 066 OTH REF: 005 A jW Cmd 2. /Z' ..BREUSTEDT A. prof. dr. Application of preventive Atasures in free-end prosthesis. Fogorv., szemle 58 no-3.714 Mr 165 1. Kczlemeny a Berlini Humboldt-Egyetem (Gharite) Fogaszati protetikai poliklinikajarol (igazgato: prof. dent. hab. A. Breustedt). b ,~7 ye J 0" 137-1957-IZ-Z3661 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 117 (USSR) AUTHOR: Brevdo, B. P. TITLE: The Production of Cylindrical Gears by Hot Rolling (Izgotovleniye tsilindricheskikh zubchatykh koles metodom goryachey prokatki) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1957, Nr 5, pp 26 - 30 ABSTRACT: A description of domestic and foreign practice in the utilization of rolling mills in the making of gears; this may be accomplished in two ways, viz..,. by unit rolling and by rod rolling. The latter method is more productive and achieves greater accuracy, but is limited to gears with small modules and with hubs having a length which does not exceed the width of the crown. The surface of teeth obtained by hot rolling is noted for its accuracy and finish. Structural peculiarities of several varieties of mills of the TsNIITMASh type are described. S. G. 1. Cylindrical geLrs-Production 2. Cylindricil --ez rs-liot rolling Card 1/1 I SIMONOV.9 V.V.; BRMO G.D.; VUGIN, R.B.; YEGOROV, A.Ye. Rotational speed of- cones of three roller bits. Trudy ILU4KHiGP no./+O; 32-41 163. (14IRA 16:4) (Oil well drilling-Nuipment and supplies) -- ------- SILMONOV P V.V.; BREVDO,,- G.D. Dependence of bit torques on axial load. Neft. khoz. 43 no.6: 16-18 Je 165. (MIRA 18-7) EVDC~~,_L.Rq - SOLOVIYEV, Ye.M. _J~ _~IMONOV, V.V., Effect of the parameters of drilling practices on the rotation speed of a bit roller. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' I gaz 7 nc.4:23-27 ,64. (MIRA 17: 5) 1. Moskovskiy institilt neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti inieani akademika Gubkina. BBEVDO, G.V.; MEDVEDEV, Yu.A. Pathogenesis and the pathogenetic method of. preventing and treating inflammatory infiltrates forming at the site of intramuscular injections of an aminazine solution. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 62 n'o.2.-216-218 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. S.S. Miukhin) Leningrad- skogo pediatricheskogo instituta, 3-ya Leningradskaya psik- honevrologicheslmya bollnitea imeni Sk;rortsova-Stepanova (glavnyy vrach N.D. Bulkin). (CHLORPROMAZINE-TOXICOLOGY) (INJECTIONS, INTRWLJSCUIAR) (INFIMLkTION) S S R of intermolepular Interullm on rolitions] Is=. V VoMmIttein and V. L Tjirtvdo (Trist. Zhkr, Pit. Kkim. 28. 1213-ig(1054y; ii"FA742, A muh. O=Wou. The decrc= ol the diflum. In 4~N b~rwm gbe, puche and trans b6mm a) I A.-Cr I, .6n Mm, it of j A--Cslilp. 70) upon tramit Ion from the vapor plmse to tlzc ,jqjjj4 p od. The full of AE i3 due to orientation lptmctiAs. lq lb- JWd pban vnlues of 4E for I smd U am 40 and Mi r4jraolt; rtsp. 71ttse rmWts arc in atmd witb !!pti. d4~, A~. &MebqgLL._j ---- BREVNOV,-N-.V--naWc-Nn-yy sotrudnik Taming of the plasma. ' IUn.tekh. 6 no.2:61-65 '62. (KRA 15:2 .)' 1. Institut atomnoy ener U imeni I.V.Kurchatova. fP11azma (Ionized gases)) BREVNOV~ N.N.; TCKASHCHUK, YU,F, Effect of local perturbations of a magnetic field on the confinement of particles in a magnetic adiabatic trap. Atom. energ. 13 no-5:421-428 N 162, (MIRA 15:11) (Magnetie fields) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) MIAW, V*Ae;.IT!~V ~N- KLectrostatio channel for injecting an ion beam into a magnetic trap@ Atm.energe 13 noo6s581-583 D 162, (MIU 15t12) (Ion beamn) (Magnetic fielda) S/0,139/63/014/ 019-:1.1. il~6i- m~laimoid~. trav6r"d- the 350 eld long. tr&'P' .d (z of th6- pla'smoidis and, glpwe of'*Ahe.:j6ti is -attributed- to ~ instabilitiet..:-..'. ti Id with curved liae f6' C e, P,.,. fie. s of r a W 45588i-65 --------- - - W 1;-4 IJP~c, YWIDMIAT 0257 ACCESS1027 NR: AP5009119 S/0089/65/018/003/0256/ AtITHOR.- Bortnikov, A. V-;~JrevnovqN.N.; Zhukov V.G.;RomanovskiY.M*K* --- oxia TITLEi Ldiabatic compression of a lasma with hot Ions (Description of installation and first experim SOURCE: Atomnaya anerglya, v. 18, no. 3, 1965, 256-257 TOPIC TAGS: plasma compression, plasma Ion, adiabatic compreasion, Investigation of thd :bebk17Ior'0f~-pJavma:-*Jth h6t lone In a~mitgnetic field that increases with ti'me. A diagram of the installation to shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The plasma Is produced by Inject- Ing atomic b drogen ions with energy 10 keV (or moleciLlar Ions with energy 7 kev~* The lone move In a homogeneous magnetic field around the ax.!B of the installation almost perpendicular to the axis, are reflected by a magnetic mirror, and are trapped by azotite. The growing magnetic field detaches the ions from the ohanAal and compresses them to a etation=7 mmgnetio mirror,, after which gurther Card -J P, L 45588-65 ACOBSSIOR 31R: AP5009119 radial and longitudinal plasma compression Is produced by the oom- pression coi13. The stationary field Is 2000 Oes the maximum rising field and the field of the compression coil in the mirrors Is 30 kOe, and the mirror ratio is 3. The ion current (1-5 mk) is Injected In pul:,ea whose duration can be -varied from 1 to 500 meec. The Initlal gas pressure prior to injection of the ions to 10-8 mm Rg. Experiments ai,e rapartad on the dependence of the Ion charge exchange time on the flux of faBt neutral stow and an the dependence of the plaama poten- tial on the amplitude -of U6~__ad'ooziponent, of the Injection current. Orls. art. bast 3 Mures ASSOCTATIOR: V*ne MMITTED: 13Aug64 EBOL: 01 SUB CODE: MR HE REP BOV: 000 OTHM 000 Car -L 29671-66-- ENT(1)/Erc(f-)-----IJP(c-)----AT Acc NR:. ATWL2~91 SOURCE CODE: UR/3136/65/ooo/A/0001/0022 AUTHOR: ~',Dor~nikovj, Ao V.; Brevnovp No No, Zhukovskiyp V. Go; Roma~Ai M. X.AY/ ORG: State Committ!te 0-a-ule-of Atomic Ent stitute of Atomic ~-im. 1. V. Kurchatov, 14o cow (Gosuderetvenmy komitet po ispolIzovaniyu atomnoy energlip Institut atomnoy energii) TITLE: Investigation of plasma in the "AS" instalUtion SOURCE: Moscow# Institut atomnoy energii. Doklao, no. 988, 1965. Issledova- niye plazzy v ustanovke ASj 1-22 TOPIC TAGS: plasma research, plasma compression, plasma injectionj, plasnoid ac- celeration,, plasm stability, cyclotron resonancep magnetic mirror ABSTRACT: The authors describe the "As" (adiabatic compression) amiGatue for the 1 study of a plasma produced by injection of fast ions. An axially-centered cylin- drical plasmoid is detached from the injector by means of a pulsed magnetic mirror.91 is accelerated taward a stationary magnetic mirror, and is compiZessed by a time- increasing magnetic field of mirror configuration. The initial ion energy can reach 10 kev. The article contains a descriptiox. of the installation (Fig. 1), the auxiliary apparatus, and the measurement details. Measurements vere made of the density and potential of the plasma, the lifetimes of the fast ions, and the :Card 2/3 Llq. nitrogen To L 29671-66 ACC NR: AT6ol269l Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of "AS" installation. 1 - Magnetic lens, 2 channel, 3 - azotite, 4 -" titanium evaporators., 5 - chamber., 6,,7p8,3.Opll - stationary mag- netic field coils, 9 - copper screenp 12 - detachment coil, 13,14 - compression coils, 15 - neutral particle detector, 16 - secondary ion energy spectrum analyzer* 17 - current receiver, 18 - rod probep 19 - palladium leak valve. I onset and development of oscillations at the ion-cyclotron frequency. The initial! plasma density was found to be proportional to the injection current and amounted to 10,18 cd-3 fast ions at a current of 5 ma. In the absence of inj ection- current pulsations, the plasma potential did not exceed +30-40 v and was independent of the injection current or of the neutral-gas pressure. Cyclotron instability with an increment time of 20-30 psec developed in the plasma after detachment from the sourse., lasted for about 100 lisec, after which it decreased exponentially., appar- ently as a result of self-stabilization. 7he lifetime of the fast ions depended only on the charge exchange with the neutron molecules. The development of cyclo-! tron instability did not cause additional ion losses. The plasma decayed after 1 compression with a characteristic time of 500 psec. Tilis is several times smaller than the charge exchange time, and the reason for this behavior is not yet clear. Mie experimental plasma lifetime of the fast ions increased approximately in pro- portion to the pressure. Orig. art. has: U figures and 8 formulas# SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ (MIG nF: 005/ OTH UF: 005 L card 3/3 RAZINAYEV, G.A.; PETUKHOV,, G.G.; GALITJLINA., R.F.;.LR~~. Investigating-the reactivity of pheny4ithium by means of exchange reactions. Zhur,ob,khim. 31 no.7:2347-2349 n 461. (MniA 14-7) (Lithium) (Benzene) VYAZANKIN, N.S.; RAZIMAYEV, G.A.; BrFVNDVA-, T.N. Reactions of tetrapropyl-~and tetraisop-opylti- with benzcyl peroxide. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:1005-1009 Mr 164. (MIRA 17.6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gortkovskom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni N.I.Lobachevskogo. VYAZANKIN,l M.S.; RAZUVAYEV, G.A.;-=-V Synthesis and properties of tert-butyl ester o' ,R -(trimethylailyl)-perpropionic acid. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.6tl389-1392 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Laboratorlya stabilizatsii polimerov AN SSSR, Gorlkiy. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Razuvayev). BRWINSKIj W. TECHNOLOGY Periodicals: NORMALIZACJA. Vol. 26, no. 9., Sept. 11958 BREWINSKI, W. Building fittings and their standardization. P- h35- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, Unclass, BREXNJAK, M. Investigations concerning the temperature of steam in vats during the heating of beech peeling logo. P-34 DRVNA INDUSTRIJA. (Institut za drvno-industrijska istrazivanja) Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Vol. 10, no-3A, March/April 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions(EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no.9, Sept 1959 Uncl. BREY, V.V., Inzh, .1-1~ - Experimental study of the performance of the disk-type diggers of sugar beat combines, Trakto i sellkhozmash. no.2:31-33 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Ukrainskaya mashinoispytatellnaya stantsiya. z) ZHIDUVICH, A.I., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; BUffDB=, B.N.,xWehiy nauchny7 sotrudnik. For an efficient increase in cop weight for cotton spinning mchines. TaketeprIpe 16 no.12:20-23 N 1560' ~(MIRA 9:12) Opinning machinery) BRE~MBM BA.; KORNIIDVA, G.V., starshiy nauchnyy rotrudnik New standards of.tubes and bobbins. Tekst.prom. 22 no.4:31-32 Ap 162e (MM 3-5:6) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii izde3.iy tonkikh secheniy TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta vopomogatellnykh materialov zapasnykh detaley-kAekstilvupm.~ oborudovaniyu (for',Breydbard). 2. Iaboratoriya izdeliy tonkik-h secheniy TSentrallnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta vspomogatellnykh materialov i zapasnykh detaley k tekstillnomu oborudovaniyu (for Kornilova). Spinning machinery-Standards) BREYDO, A,Te. *Xanual on hygienic aspects of the merchant marine" by.L.K..Staroka- domakii. Reviewed by A.B. Breido. Gig. i san. 24 no.10:87-90 159. (KMA 13 - 1) (NAVAL HYGIM) (STAROEMMSEII, L.M.) BRIYDO, A.I.; ZHIWV, G.M, --,~Or'-ience with automatic operation of automatic block system feeding points. Avtom., telem. i evias' no.12M-25 1) 157. (MLM 10:12) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Leningrad-Vitebskoy distantaii signalizatoli i avyazi Oktyabrlekoy dorogi (for Breydo). 2. Starchty inzhener Dorproyekta (for Zhilov). (Railroads-Signaling-Block system) BUTM. A. I. Using the PM)--2/250 autotransformer for testing high-voltage lines of automatic block systems. Avtom. telem. i sviaz' 2 no.12-.32-33 1) 158. (MIn 11:12) I.Zamestitell nachalini)m Leningrad-Vitobsker distanteii signali. (Electric transformers) (Railroads-Signaling-Bl*ek system) BRNW, A. I. We are building semiautomatic block systems. Avtom.telom. i evias' 4 no.11:19-21 N 160. ~ (MnU 13: 11) 1. Eamestitell nachalinita Isningrad-Vitebskoy distantaii signalizateii i evyasi Oktyabr!skoy dorogi. (Railroads-Signaling-Blook system) Nj--L~~ Introduction of communication anii automatic control equipment by drawing on unexploited production potentials. Avtom., telem.i sviaz,l - 4 no.4:21-23 Ap 16'0. (KIU 13:6) I.,Zamestitell nachallnika laningrad-Vitebakoy distantaii signalizataii i evyazi Oktyabriskoy dorogi. (Bailroade-Bleotric; equipment) BREYDO, &.I. Use of electrolytic condensers in a.c. circuits. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 5 no.5:32-34 My 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Leningrad-Vitebskoy distantsii signalizatsii i svyazi Oktyabrlskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Electric Oquipment) (Electric capacitors*) BRUI~O, A. I. ---------- Rail networks with a twofold use of the transmission channel.* Avtom. telem. i sviaz' 5 no.9:19-2/* S 161. (MIM 14:10) 1. Zamestitell nachallniks, Ieningrad-Vitebskoy distantaii signalizatsii i evyasi OktyabrIskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Signaling) (Railroado-Communication systems) BREYDO. A11WA Ttaknvinht ZHILITSOV., P.N., inzh., retsenzent; - -THRELINITSMIL.i... insh.,-red.; VOROTNIKOVAI L.F.,, tekhn. red. .. . . - I -- (operation of electric interlocking systems] Fkspluatatsiia ustroistv elektricheskoi tsentralizatsii. ~Ioskva, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1963. 53 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Railroada--Sipaling--Interlooking eyotem) EREYDO, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Use of track circuits with valve converters. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 8 no.5:27-30 IV 164. (MIPA 17310) 1. Nachallnik Leningrad-Baltiyskoy distantsii OktyabrIskoy dorogi. BRIL YD, 0) kand. teklin. nai:l,-; SE~C-NYI-M' , a s i E. L e n; Useful textbooks. Avtomn., teler:. i svIaz' rc.6t46 Je 165. 1. Na--hallnik Leningrad-Ba-llulyskoy distantsii Olctyabrskoy darogi (for Braydo). 2. Kafedra avtomat-ikil telemekhaniki sir jazi Tashkentskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozlmcga transporta (for Semenyut-a). BREYDO, A.I.v kand. tekhn. nauk Seientifia urganizat4na of work in control and taa atatiom. Avtom talem, mvUsv 9 no.91lt-,12 S 165. (MIM 18.,;~ 1. Nachalluik Leningrad-Balttyskoy distantsit aignalimatsi.* i svyazi Oktyabrtakoy dorogie 77' ft~ AP6 SOURM comr- 1*9239/65/051/005/0621/0625, _AUTHORs. Birbfishbya Z-14 oa d Ya -Institute of EvolUtiong vlphvsloloiq`~ 110~ 1. Me Sechenovs All MR, LeninMd ~.(Instltutsvoly~sionnqy fi~74610 i- M MR); vlnz I Changes-An the.osmotic resistance of erythro6ytes with muscle training ~SOURCE;',.Fiziologicheskiy zhumal SS'SRD v. no. 31, 1965, 621-625 :,.-TOPIC TAGS: rat,~ hypoxia, hemiatppoiesis, ABSTRACT: I White.rate viere trained by'wkir* them swim for increasing lengths of tank filled with water at,,a t' ture-of 3000.- The training was con-i time in a empern tinued for 4 months. The degres' aqquired was determined on the basis~' of the increased general resistance of,the rate shown by'th spac 9~c ity to swim ith a load$ change bod - U ure (as i6dicatOdly 'the, rectal timperature) j y emperst ivx*41ately- after swindng with s. load W resistance -hypoxia pmvduced by .:rapid reduction or the pressureto 134 am in's chainber, invhic~ the rata were .4laced., The oevotio-resistance.of the' ijr-Abiocytei (th-9 re;iistance of erythro-' es to h 0136-0.56% NACI) wa ~cyt emoly6is in Nacl solutions containing a nigher for t than*for-contro -the rate trained in-mmcular offer I rate. In the case of rate that. had been oTertriined and ehowled a decrease In general resietancel the often -did not Incresse.but, on the contrary .osmotic resistance of erythrocytes idecreaeedo No changes in the- hempolesis, of'erats with am Increased osmotic Iresistance of or ver6 f&MAO ythrocytes, It was established In former work by Barbashova that- the osmotic resistance .,of erythrocytes iwassed in rate that., were trainad t vithstarW tbeeffecte V NrpoxUa Orig.aart*:-has 1 2 ft gurQs an ply 6 SUBM DAM De 63, REP 30 e ORIG ttMT2 t 612.Ul SAFRORRIN, M.I.-; IRMO, G.Ya.; OGTROUMOV. N.A. [deceased] Influence of the cervical sympathetic nerve on respiratory reflexes during stimulation of the vague nerve; influence of the sympathetic nerve on afferent nerve Celle. 'Mat. po evol. fisiol. 3:102-109 158V (MIRA 12:4) (RESPIRATION) (VA(RJS MVE) (MMVOUS SYSTEK, SYMPATIMM) AUTHOR: Breydo, 1. 107-58-3-39/41 TITLE: A Useful Beginning (Poleznoye nachinaniye) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 3, p 63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently a series of lectures was held in Leningrad on small-size radio parts. The lectures were organized by VTORiE imeni A.S. Popov. The lectures dealt with materils for producing small-size receivers, capacitors, resistors, transformers, induction coils, printed circuits and techno- logical questions. Some of the most interesting lectures weres "Physics and Technology of Electrotechnical Materials Used in the Manufacture of Radios" by N. Bogoroditskiy; "Capacitors Made of Paper and Tape" by L. Zakgeym; "Non- wire Resistors" by B. Gallperin ; "Magnetic Materials" by V. Mes1kin. In the reports it was pointed out that there is a tendency to reduce the dimensions of the radio parts. Tantalum capacitors were listed as example for the effort Card 1/2 made in this direction. However, there are certain obstac- A Useful Beginning 107-58-3-39/41 cles in the development of new, small-size parts. Fre- quently, such parts are not manufactured immediately after their development is completed, because there are no orders from the consumers who do not know that these parts have been developed. Therefore it is necessary to publish in- formation on new developments in periodicals on electronics, radio engineering, etc. 1. Radio equipment-Miniatureization Card 2/2 AUTHOR: __2_r~ SOV/107-59-1-19/51 TITLE: The Measurement of Microcurrents (Izmereniye mikrotoko-;) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 1, pp 21-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT; This is the first installment of a two-part article on the measuring of microcurrents. The author outlines general information 9p existing.methods of measuring microcurrents of up to 10" amp, by using circuits with electronic tubes. He recommends the use of the following tubes: 1EIP, 2E2P, 6nin, and 6ZH7. There are 9 circuits, one graph and 3 Soviet references. Card 1/1 9(2) SOV/107-59-2-38/55 AUTHOR: Breydo, I. TITLE: Microcurrent Amplifiers (Usiliteli mikrotokov) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 2 pp 48-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is the second part of an article (see "Radio", 1959, Nr 1) describing various direct current ampli- tier systems, which are used for measuring purposes, remote control, automatic gear adjustment, precise recording etc. The article gives also the parameters for the evaluation of direct current amplifiers and various circuit diagrams with a short description of each. In highly sensitive direct current amplifiers, one or several intermediate cascades are usedfor voltage amplification. In direct current amplifiers of average sensitivity the input tubes may be used for voltage amplification. Direct current amplifiers, which are intended for control operations, contain usually from 1 to 3 voltage amplifying cascades. Di- Card 1/2 rect current amplifiers for automatic gear adjustment Microcurrent Amplifiers . SOV/107-59-2-3 8/55 and precise recording are additionally supplied.with electron drift correctors. The ultimate stage of di- -rect current amplifiers is usually working oR compara- tively powerful tubes (6N8S, 6P6S etc.). To achieve better linearity and stability, there 'are usea cathode followers and~various variants of balanced cascades. Dirdet current amplifiers are fed from regulated sour- ~es. In amplifiers with-few cascades the anode feed- ing may be stabilized using a stabilizer and a current regulator tube for the filament. Direct current ampli- fiers of small sensitivity are fed by a.c. or recti- fied current. There are 10 diagrams, 2 graphs, and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/2 9( S/107/60/000/01/011/059 AUTHOR: Breydo, I. TITLE: Low-Power Thyratrons PERIODICAL: Radio, 1960, Nr 1, pp 9-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Th& author describes the design and application of thyratrons with cold and hot cathodes. He explains the basic thyratron circuits with the aid of circuit dia- grams and graphs. The data of the following 17 thyra- trons are compiled in a table: TGlB, TG1-0102/0,5, TG1- -091/0,3, TG1-0,1/193t TG3-091/1,3, TG1-1/0,8, TGI-196/ 1,39 TG1-3,2/1,31 TG1-6,4/1,39 TG1-295/49 TGIl-3/lt TGI- -1-10/1, TG11-35/3, TEM, TKh3Bj TKh4B, and MTKh9O. There are 8 graphs, 11 circuit diagrams, 1 table and 4 Soviet references. Card 1/1 T I X x I , 7 , T coo ages JR,A--x , wool AA AW~ too we$ 71' MO's 104M 191811" I llem MOAT IIIN; Zi �r ' 2 All t i v t e 0 0 0 0 0 6 0,04 Is 0 04 0 0,0:0 7wwoo-o ooo **so***4* 000,000- 10 Id to it , IT , *, - 1. , mottles O"Al U2,11144-fl-Ax III I L IIA I P I 21A N n a 0 41 . tv Lol I m ad dim civi l$ *Wallis Aim OkWIMINS $*$a k? sea sea 74 1 f9 w see see it Joe's moo &IN-ILA ~MIALLORGICAL UWAIM CLASWWATON %law SIV1611" Gcwk"T I/odmon 941 SIAGIO No amw get 331121 aw oww AV 10 AS M L I I 1w 0 0 V 1 9 IN I A 6 3 1 V vg, : : . 1 u K-4 19 x*-OR I a U 0 I ja . . 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0,0 000 0 0 0 * 00 0 0 fees 0 0 & 0 of see's O.We 0 0.0-0 MM gaw 0 so o of 0 0 W -0 W. 0 0 0 e W 0 0 #V~q, 0,0:* 0 W 0 0 We's Co 64.4, o 0 fee** 0 ;x A a c 0 v 9 a 0 #6 a a0 ft a i Iw V-1 11 -11 AJO M L11190 1 "0 A" son - on .-44'.4"Ni6i for. ofs *ot oft, 00: sox 490940 ",too. 064, off, 00 Pee Ol 11VA 00- too Fee fee too Mr Igo ifl V.ii-llw-mrif CASWCATON M=z a I I fm 0 it 5 1 W, 9 A Goose** 0 Ott *11 ,l Ll v - & A-J-- 0 .1 gtf&l prWrtki of AS Wde pbolo- of w d the condlil"s olk A.M.N., tloo' -t;- ' J. P W. C.A. AN -6;0 i!iit v0 :41 -1 $i51 z:zi_l LM An 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 o *-o -90 -00 moo zoo moo !moo zoo too 0 Apr 49, lftlnui (i%6t,ogra.PhiY- 86nsit ivitY Light - Absorption "Me Nature or the Spectral D16tribution of the Natural Light-Sm2eitivity of Silv6r-Hallde Thotographio Films,." 1. 1. Brey&o, YU. N. Oorokhovokiy, State Opt Inst, Leningrad 4 pp- *Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol TXV., No ,.,Previous etperlmmts indicated that photochemical 'light -gone itivity of photographic films vould :,"Increase vith'increasing absorption of light :by the silver halide. In long-wave region of,, ~xatural light-semsitivity, this actually held 3qAqTlo4 ,'MM/Physice (Contd) Apr 49 .*us. inultravlolet section of spectrtm, ,1001ever, coefficlent of absorption of silver iUllda increased rapidly with decrease in ~~-Vave length of ultraviolet radiation, Vhile ~~:Ilght-sensltivity pf photographic film decreased.' 1~Att6mpts to explain these,phenamem In the 4~ectral d1stribution of light-sensitivity. !ftbmittecl by Acad A. N. Torenin,, :L4 jan 49. 3qAqTjp4 BRENIDOP 1. 1. Optic qualitits of photographic of their own photo-sensitivity Usp. nauch. fot., no.1, 1951 layers, M _ML a m m M-1 a% AP& 011, d". k 771 53 534 5 . . Sm t WelAvers adthel, 0 Speema DWM-- milpy okm a * of Singilution -an Rtmw wycr. 1. 1. BRmDo and P. K. Pitugs. Z.. r Pz 1932; 22 51"24 -Ine distribution deM on t size oTTteemulsiort . . .,. , Orticles. wWch Is rdated to -the. wavelength scattered. ScinsitiZation b affeWng ft~pir" slze~- may v&iy tht -wmvelent% scaltocd find tho uSect ' the M961VI4 pov,~t. 'ib:.' 1.2.2. of The W.61win M~r .f Plms nophlr Mmerrial. &m khr Wistr I&nalb ..f dir Light kirtins J.h~ 'I IKn ." (h. was,1411.) 1. 1. 1 -, AA laity U.1"Zi sssn, -1v 21. 1s),32. M) ~ Th.. f.,ahil g,lx %vt-r .f 5 onotbim, his %anm" uaw I.-sigth, wa, m. MYDO, I.I. Contact determination of the resolving power of photographic materials. Usp.nauchofotono.4:111-216 155. (MLRA 9:4) (Photographics optics) BREDO, I, I. Investigating the phenomena of nonreciprocity of recent photographic plates. Ixv.G&O 19 no.6:112-121 155. (MBA 13:5) (Astronomical photograpby--Apparatus and supplies) (~Iain Astronomical Observatory) "Modern Photgraphic Materials," a report on hstronomical Instruments Construction 12 Feb 506. presented at the Confernce of Commission of the Astronomical Council, AS USSR, 10- Sum. No. 1047, 31Aug 56 BRNW. I. I. ---------- XTolution of the latent photographic image in recent photographic materials, Izv.GAO 20 no,2;141-148 156. (KM 13:5) (Astronomical photography--APParatus ana supply) BRRYDO, 1. 1. *a- Requirements for photographic plates used in astronomy. Zhur. uauch. i prikl,.fot. I kin..2 no-3*219-225 My-Je '57. MRA io.-6) . (Asironomical photography) BRLTDO, LI.; 14ARKEWVA, A.A. F'roperties of Kodak photographic plates used in astronomical photography. Isv.OAO 21 no-3:161-173 158. (KIRA 13:4) (Astronomical photography-Appfwatus and supplies) BREYDO, I.I. Catalog of characteristics of photographic plates used in astronomy. Izv.GAO 20 no.5:156-167 '58. (MIRA 13:5) (Astronomical photography-Apparatun ancl supplies) AUTHORS: Breydo, I.!.; Kruglyakova, L.V. 30-07-77-3-5-7;/21 TITLE. The Relation of the Resolution of Small Details in the Multiple Copying to the Nature of the Operative Light Beam (Zavisimost' razresheniya melkikh detaley pri mncgokratnoin kopirovanii ot kharaktera deystvuyushchlego svetovogo puchka) PrR I OD I C.AL - Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinemato~;rafii, 19'iS, Vol 3, Nr 5, PP 1359-362 (USSR) YLBSTRACT: The object of the study was to determine how the resolu- tion of small details at various stages of the duplicating process was effected by replacing the white light source by ultra-violet and using a parallel copyin. beam instead of a diffused one. For the experiment, double-positive A, double- neCative A and positive MZ photograph-1c materials ;,ere used. The resolution of the various materials found b,,f -the contact method, projecting a special line pattern Dr-to them and later measuring the degree of reproduction. This was carried out in both white and ultra-violet light. The ccpy- ing process went through five stages, yielding 2 intermediate positives, two duplicates and one final positive. The resclu- tion of the pattern lines was determined in each case. It Card 1/2 was found that the resolution of small details falls sharply 307-77-3-5-7/21 The Relation of the Resolution of Small Details in the Multiple Copying to the Nature of the Operative Light Beam during copying, particularly in the first stages. The resolution can be considerably improved by ultra-violet light instead of white and a parallel copying beam instead of a diffuse form. Further experiments showed that alter- ing the development conditions had little effect on resolu- tion and that the use of an ultra-violet parallel copying beam is a more effective means of improving the resolution of small details in multiple-copying than the use of special films with a high resolving power. There are 3 tables, 1 graph and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov (Leningrad Institute of Wtion Pictdre Engluters) SUBMITTED: January 1~, 1957 I. Photographic films--Processing 2. Photographic films-Test results Card ~/2 SOV/58-59-9-21633 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 9, pp 310 - 311 (USSR) AUTHORS: Breydo, I.I., Markelova, A.A. TITLE: Infrared Photographic Materials and Their Hypersensitization PERIODICAL- Izv. G1. aston. observ. v Pulkove, 1958, Vol 21, Nr 3, pp 174 - 181 (English r6sum6) ABSTRACT: The article describes the results of studying infrared plates of domestic production, as well as of the Agfa and Ilford firms. Means of heightening the sensitivity of these plates are discussed. It is shown that hyper- sensitization by means of water or ammonia proves to be very effective in a number of cases. The article describes a laboratory method of sensitizing photographic plates to infrared rays by means of bathing them in a solution of an appropriate dye. The authors' r6sum6 Card 1/1 30) SOV/33-35-4-13/25 AUTHOR% Breydo, I.I. TITLEs A Comparison of the Properties of Photographic Plates for Photographing Extended and Point Objects (Sravneniye svoystv fotoplastinok pri fotografirovanii protyazhennykh i tochech- nykh ob"yektov) PERIOD1CALs Astronomicheakiy zhurnal,1958, Vol 35, Nr 4, pp 634-642(USSR) ABSTRACTs The author foundq by compa-ring with the results of photogra- phic observations made with different,kinds--of-plates with the Slusarev mirror-lense oamera at Pulkovo, that the-se-nei- tometric sensitivity of-plates is a satisfactory character- istic of their,practical sensitivity for photographic ob- servations-of stars. The author found by photometry-of seveml hotograpbB with the aid of the photometer of A.V.Markov ...39f 7,67-o that the-form of the astrocharacteristic curves (which giiie the dependence of -the star image on the magnitude of the star) does not essentially depend on the properties of the plate and on the conditions of development, but mainly on the propert4es of the telescope objective. The author thanks D.Ye.Shchegolev and N.V.Fatchikhin for photographs. Card 1/2 A Comparison of the Properties of Photographic SOV/33-35-4-13/25 Plates fbr Photographing Extended and Point Objects There are 8 figures, 3 tables, and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 1 American, 1 German, and 1 Dutch. ASSOCIATION:Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya AN SSSR Ast:rr,r-.=,Jc~-' Obse2-,rt~z-y A9 USSR) SUBMITTEDs April 13p 1957' Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Breydo, I.I. SOV/77-4-1-12/22 TITLE: _Vi*~entific Discussion (Nauchnaya diskussiya) Re- marks About Sensitometric Test of Photographic Materials Intended for Astronomy (Zamechaniya o sensitometricheskikh ispytaniyakh fotografiches- kikh materialovq prednaznachayemykh dlya astro- nomii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kine- matografii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, p 67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author answers suggestions by K.V. Vendrovskiy and B.A. Shashlov on the sensitometrical testing of photographic material, especially for astronomi- cal photography, according to GOST-2817-50 and thinks that the testing system might be corrected in the near future. In this respect he refers to the catalogue of photographic plates for spec- troscopy and astronomy of the firm "Kodak." There are 2 Soviet references. Card 1/1 23(5) SOV/?7-4-2-10/18 AUTHORS: Markelova, A.A. TITLE: The Influence of Triethanolamine and Ammonia Hyper- sensitization on the Spectral Sensitivity of Photo- graphic Materials (Vliyaniye gipersensibilizatsii trietanolamin . I aTn'n'akom na spektrallnuyu chuvstvitell- nost' fotomaterialov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 135-136 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article begins with a reference to the short work also published by I.I. Breydo J'Ref. 12 which stated that hypersensitization by triethanolamine did not alter the spectral sensitivity of photographic materials. However, the authors came to rather different conclu- sions, after having determined the spectral sensitivity of several photographic materials before and after hypersensitization by triethanolamine and ammonia. Card 1/5 SOV/77-4-2-10/18 The Influence of Triethanolamine and Ammonia Hypersensitization on the Spectral Sensitivity of Photographic Materials The exposures made ranged from 0.05 to 90 sees., sometimes 750 sees., and were made on an ISP-73 spectrosensitometer. The results of the experiments were as follows: 1) for some types of photographic plates (e.g. Agfa Phoi;otechnische C Ortho) the increase of sensitivity after hypersensitization does not de- pend on the wavelength, and the form of the spectral sensitivity curve remains invariable; 2) for other types ofj,,~lates (e.g. Agfa Astro panchromatisch, Kodak 1_ hypersensitization proved much more effec- tive for the region of additLcaal sensitivity than for natural sensitivity, so that the spectral sensitivity curve changes. However increase of the effectiveness of hypersensitization with increasing exposure is the same for all ~, for these materials, too; 3) only in one case.(Ilford HP-3 plate) was the increase in the Card 2/5 SOV/77-4-2-10/18 The Influence of Triethanolamine and Ammonia Hypersensitization on the Spectral Sensitivity of Photographic Materials effectiveness of the hypersensitization with increasing exposure greater for the region of natural sensitivity than for additional sensitivity; 4) hypersensitization by triethanolamine and ammonia gave analogous results; this corresponds to the data produced by Vendrovskiy and Sheberstov for white light ~'Ref. 2~7. Tiie authors drew the following conclusions from these results: hypersensitization by triethanolamine or ammonia can have two effects; 1) it can cause a general increase of light sensitivity over both regions: This effect is virtually non-existent at short exposures, i.e. such hypersensitization reduces the deviations from interactivity at long exposures. Increase of sensi- tivity is equal for all wavelengths, the effectiveness of the hypersensitization depending on the type of emulsion; 2) it can have a specific effect on certain Card 3/5 SOV/77-4-2-10/18 The Influence of Triethanolamine and Ammonia Hype~sensitization on the Spectral Sensitivity of Photographic Materials types of sensitizers, leading to a considerable growth mainly of the additional sensitivity of the correspon- ding panchromatic and especially infra-red materials I-Ref. 3-7. The effectiveness of the hypersensitization varies for the regions of natural and additional sensi- tivity. The authors mention that the results obtained for Ilford HP-3 plates do not follow this system entire- ly. It is evident that in some cases the increase of sensitivity due to the first of the two effects mentioned does not extend entirely to the region of additional sensitivity. However the authors stress that in the latte3~ case, the form of the spectral sensi- tivity curve will change with increased exposure in contrast to the generally held opinion CRef, 4-7. There are 4 Soviet references. Card 4/5 SOV/77-4-2-10/18 The Influence of Triethanolamine and Anmonia H persensitization on the Spectral Sensitivity of Photographic MNerials. ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriyaAN SSSR (Main Astronomical Observatory of the AS of the DSSR) SUBMITTED: December 10, 1958 Card 5/5 23(5) 5 (1) SOV/77-4-2-14/18 AUTHOR: Breydo, Iiij-_ TITLE: Deviations from the Law of IrO;erchangeaVility at I4ng Ex- posures of Modern Photographic Materials Used in Astronomy and Spectroscopy (Otkloneninya ot zakona vzaimozamestimosti pri dlitellnylch vvderzhkakh u sov- remennykh fotograficheskikh material'ov, primenyayemykh v astronomii i spektroskopii.) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinem~ato- grafii, 1959, Vol 4,. Nr 2, pp 144-148 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author states that, regarding problems of astro- photography, he and his colleagues have studied over several ears the deviations from the law of ability. at long exposures in a great number of photographic plates and films of Soviet and non- Soviet production. Some of the data they produced have already been published: in the present article Card 1/4 SOY/77-4-2-14/18 Deviations from the Law ~f Interebangeability at Long Exposures of Mo- dern Photographic Materials Used in Astronomy and Spectroscopy. the author sums up the entire data and draws a few general conclusions. The photographic materials were subjected to varying exposures in a FSR-4 sensitometer; illumination was reduced by using neutral grey gelatin or glass (NS-10 glass was used) light filters, and was kept constant. In all cases a Chibisov metolh-ydr8- quinine developer was used at a temperature of 20 C. Figure 1 shows curves corresponding to various expo- sures for the films Pankhrom 10 from Nr 2 factory and for Kodak OaD from which it is seen that for the for- mer the deviation from the law of interactivity increases considerably with increased exposure -while the latter shows a comparatively small general deviation. Isoopaques, corresponding to an optical density D=1.0+Do, are shown for several materials (Figure 2): It is shown that for different materials the isoopaques Card /2/4 vary both in respect of the minimum and thesbeepness SOII/77-4-2-14/18 Deviations from the Law of Ihteirchang4ability at Long Exposixes of 1,110- dern Photographic Materials Used ir AStronoMy and Spectroscopy. of their curves. Statistical data on the li-ht sensitivity and the contrast coefflioient at various exposures are given for the most oharacteristic materials (Tables 1 and 2); these show that the deviations from the law of interchfmgeability(K) at long exposures vary from 1,8 uo 21 for different materials. Table 2 shows that Nr 2 factorv has succeeded in in- creasing the light sensitivity of rheir films at large exposures and reducing K at the same time. The author feels that in the face of this data it is useful to know how to control the form of the isoopaque, and that the emulsion factors determining this form should be studied more thoroughly. He shows from the results in Tables 1 and 2 that with most materials Y increases in direct proportion to the exposure. Figure 3 gives a light sensitivity-development time curve for Card 3/4 SOV/77-4-2-14/18 Deviations from the Law of..1fiterchangeability at Long Exposures of Mo- u dern Photographic Materials Used in Astronomy and Spectroscopy. non-sensitized plates from Nr 2 factory exposed for (1) 0.05 secs; 2) 90 secs., which shows that the latent image centers formed at large exposures develop faster. Figure 4 shows light sensitivity - Ig t curves for different periods of development of Agfa Astro plates, from which it can be seen that K increases at large exposures. The author's general conclusion from all these data is that factories should include in their film catalogues details of the light sensitivity of the film not only for one but for several exposures. There are 5 graphs, 2 tables and 14 references, 11 of which are Soviet, 1 American, 1 German, and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Pulkov?,.glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya, akademil nauk SSSR (Pulkovo-,Chief-Astronomical Observa- tory of the AS USSR) Card 4/4 I., SHCMMLEV, -Ye. "A Map-Scheme of the Reverse Side of the Moon." paperpresented at IAU Symposium on the Moon, Leningrad, USSR, 6-8 Dee 60. (1) The photographs of the reverse side of the Moon were reduced independently at the Pulkovo Observatory. The details were revealed by the projection method and only the most reliable formations,noted. A map-scheme of the distribution of dark and bright objects, containing 107 details, was compiled. (2 The comparison of the eastern region of the scheme with photographs and maps of thevisible side of the Moon showed a high degree of reliability of detection of regions with san albedo which differs from that of the surroundings (maria, flooded ring mountains, ray systems.) The detection of details of the relief is exceedingly difficult. s/o35/6o/ooo/Oli/Oo4/O1O A001/AO01 Translation from: 'eferativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1960, No. 11, pp. 25-26, # 11089 AUTHORS; Markelova, A.A. TITLE: in Hypersensitization of Photographic Materials by Triethanolamine PERIODICAL: Izv. G1. astron. observ, v Pulkove, 1960, Vol. 21, No. 4, m 190- ~99 (Engl. summary) TEXT: !'~ Is shown, on a great many photographic materials of various type.% that hypersensiti2-tion by is a very effective method of increas- ing the photosensitivi-~i Li. cases when photooaterials are exposed for a long time; it reduces deviations from interchangeability, The effectiveness of hypersensitiz- ation is different for different photomaterials. In some cases it is possible to raise the sensitivity by as much as 2 or 3 times. Hypersensitization affects only slightly the contrast coefficient. A comparison of the effect of hypersensitiza- tion by triethanolamine and ammonia shows that the nature of their action is simi- lar. Spectral sensitivity curves of some photomaterials do not change after hyper- Card 1/2 S/0,35/60/000/011/004/010 A001/AO01 On Hypersensitization of Photographic Materials by Triethanolamine sensitization; in other materials the preferential effect of hypersensitization is observed in the region of additional sensitivity leading to changes in the shape of the curves. On the basis of authors summary Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 S156 611000100910011009 D045YI)114 AUTHORS: Breydo, I. I Markelova, A. A., and Shchegolev, D. Ye. TITLE: The identification of authentic objects on the Moon's far side by the first photographs taken of this side SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. Wo. 9, Moscow, 1961, 30-40 TEXT: The study was conducted to identify authentic details on the first photographs of the Aloon's far side taken on October 7, 1959 by the automatic interplanetary station, to determine their selenographic coordi- nates, and on this basis to compile a map of the Moon's far side with an approximate distribution of the brightness*of the revealed details. For this purpose, contact positives from negatives obtained by telerecording pictures of the Moon's far side, double-negatives obtained from the same negatives, and prints of pictures obtained from a magnetic tape were used. These prints were enlarged approximately 10 times. Lenses with focal lengths of 200 and 500 mr. had been used for taking the pictures. The coordinates of Card 1/3 S/560J61/000/009/001/009 The identification of authentic objects D045/Dll4 the details of the lunar surface were determined by using the known coordi- nates of the automatic station at the moment of photographing, and calculat- ling and tracing a network of selenographic coordinates in the external per- spective projection. The terminator line, calculated according to the sele nographic coordinates of the Sun at the moment of observation, was plotted onto the network, and the angle of phase determined. The network copied and printed on diapositive plates was superimposed on a set of prints designed for determining the coordinates of the details of the Moon's far side. The diameter of the Moon's disk on these prints was 20 cm. A map-chart of the Moon's far side showing the approximate distribution of brightness of the revealed details is included. It is accompanied by a table in which all ob- jects and details marked on the map are described as -to their color and fora, The map-chart was compared with maps and atlases of the visible side of the 1,11oon and the border zones on the chart with photographs contained in tho atlas of the Likskaya obsorvatoriya (Likskaya Observatory). Since almost all the details plotted on the map-chart actually seemed to existy it was assumed that the objects on the Moon's far side, plotted on the map-chart accordin.;, to photographs taken by the automatic station, were authentic~ Card 2/3