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BOZHKOV, L. Application of the method of s-ymmetrical component!7 to uns:y7-imetrical oDerat~ons of electric transformers. p. 12. M-EKTRODIERGTIA (minifterst*o:, na elektrifikatsiiata i T)dnoto sto--)anstvo i Profsujuz na rabotnitsite ot tezhkata promishlenost i elektrifilatsiiata) Vol. 9, n. P, ~'.Uff- 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (FFAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. h April 1959, Unclass. "WOV. L p TEMNOLOGY Periodicals ELEMOENERGITA. Vol, 10,, no. 1. jan. 1959 BOZHKOV, L. Concerhing the paralle+1 switching of transformers with various groups of connection. p. 24. Monthly List of East European Accestions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8., No, 5, may 1959o Unclass. BOZHXOV, Mub-)mir, :Lnzh. Pelecting the capacity of network consumers transformers. Elektroenergiia 13 no.2:13-15 F 162. 1. IE pri BAN. BOZHKOV, L. Selecting the economical section of conductors in transmission lines. Izv Inst Onerg BAN 5:11~-5-162 163. FETKOVI L., inzh.; BOZHKOV,.--!,-.,-inzh.; BAKHNEV, B., inzh.; DDIOVA, M., inzh. Standard diagrams of active and reactive loads. Elektroenergiia 14 no.7t7-9 Jl 163. BOZHKYII-R;-;, GODEV~ N. Tornado of,May 29,, 1961 in the Rhodope Mountains. Priroda Bulg 11 no. 1:80-86 Ja-F 62. BOZHKOV, Rpen D. Synoptic conditions for the spring and autumn dangerous falls of temperature,, and methods for their forecast. Trud Inst khidro meteor no.13:111-137 162. BOZHK('VI R. M. MARTINO. Whirlwind around the vertical axis of Vitosha Mountain on June 14, 1956. p. 59 (Khidrologhia I Meteorologiia, no. 5j 1956, ftlgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol.6, no.6, June 1957, Unal. DOMKOV.0 R. "Unusually high maximal temperature during the month of December in Bulgaria." p. 22 (Khidrologiia I Meteorologiia., Vol. 9, No. ", 1958, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Indix of E~,st European Acce.-I-sions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 9, September 1958 EU-IMOV, R. "Ozone and its connection with 4.mospheric processes." KhII':!QLCjGILI I I-MMICLOGILL, Sofiia, Bulgaria., No. 2, 195C? Monthly list of EAST EUROPEfill ACCESSIUNS (EF~), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, Julv 1959, Unclas BOZHKOV, Rumen D. Synoptic conditions for transition of minimum temperatures belos two degrees during the spring and autumn in Bulgaria. Khidro i meteorolog no.1:19-29 160. (EEAI 10:1) (Bulgaria--Atmospheric temperature) (spring) (Autumn) 50ZHKOV, Rumen D. Conditions which help in forecasting critical low temperatures during the spring and automn seasons in Bulgaria. Khidro i meteorolog n-a.2:63-66 160. (EFAI 10:1) (Bulgaria--Atmospheric temperature) (Autumn) (Spring) BOZHKOV, R.1 GODEV, N. A brief review on investigating the earth atmosphere with artificial satellites. Xhidro i meteorolog no.3:30-35 161. GODEV, N. l~il-ZIAO-V-lR- -- Some remarks on the article "Modification of the baryfield 161. in the atmosphere.* Khidro-i meteoroloir-M GODEV, Nikola; BOZHKOV, Rumen Some comment on the article "On formation of a microvortax in the atmosphere". Ibidro i meteorolog no.4:61-64 t61. BOZHKOV,, Rumen D. 'Relation between the temperature changes: and the ozone in the raiddle stratosphere. KUdro i meteorolog no.2M-32 963. ;GCMV, -Nikola,,- BMENOV., Rumen Testing acme grcphio methods for weather forecasto., ard adapting them f(cr use in Bulgaria. Khidro i Mateorolog nool:18-23 563,,. BOZHKOV, Rumen D. W~- Abrupt and unusual warming in the stratosphere oyer Sofia in winter. Khidro I meteorolog 300-43 163. SUBWp L; STANBVO Sr, I B)ZHKOV R, .:==U~ Conditions of late-spring and early~-&iztumn frosts in Bulgaria. Trud Inst khidro meteor noo:L5845-112 163. 1. Redaktori, OT~udove na Instituta po khidrologiia i meteorologiia 0 (for Subev and Stanev) BPRPv ~Un~~Ao- Variations in the total amount of ozone and their connection with temperature variations in the stratosphere. Geomag i aer. 4 no-1-137-140 Ja-F 164. - iMIRA 17.-2) l.- Sofiyakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Bolgarskaya Narodnaya Respublika. BOZHKOV, Rumen D. . Changes in the tolal ozone, and their relation to the wind direction in the F.Aratosphere. Khidro i meteorolog 13 no. 3: 13-21 164. BODII'LOV, hiricill P. - --- . . .....- Ozone variati-ons and, abrunt warinings iii thr; strpitosnl~ere over U,~o modlt~-,irranoati during, tho cold half of the year. XhIcLro 3- meteorc)'-obf 13 iia.5:8-20 164. 2-549-66 EPF(c)/FCC/MrP(t)/EWP(b)/EWA(h) 1JP(c) JD .:'ACCESSION NR: AP5023678' UR/0050/65/000/010/0003/0011 551-510. 534 5, 3! 0. 30 ~AUTHORi Bozbkoy-*-~- r phyeico-tmthematical sciences) TITM Vertical di tributLon of ozone IM the earth atmosphere RESOURCE: Meteorologiya i ".drologiya, no. 10 1965, 3-11 iTOPIC TAGS:. ozonel~%tmosphere, atmospheric physiosq atmospheric sampling, atmospherics, stratosphere, physics research, geophysi-a research facility ,ABSTRACT: After presentini'3 a brief resume of viodern stratospheric studies, the ;author explains the value iind the sco pe of researGh on ozone distribution., Tho jeading scientists from Gotz to Regener are cited, and the methods used by them are ilisted. An analysis of th-3 mean vertical distribution of ozone along the earth's 'north latitudes is then developed on the basis of nearly 4000 observations :contributed by 28 stations. The latter are tabulated according to their latitudinal 'positions (30 to 760)'q nuj~bers of observations., and mean total amount of ozone at teach station. The vertical ozone distribution is analyzed fornine layers with average elevations varying from 1.8 to 42.6 km, Prom,partial pressures in these jayers four graphs were plotted, one for the yearly mean vertical distribution of ;ozone ~see rig, 1 on the Enclosure) and three for the seasonal distributiong. With! 3 BOZHKOVi Stoiko I Toward comminism, toward new achievements in science. Spisanie RAN 6 no-3:3~,-7 161. l.' Nauchen sel;.Clatar na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite. VODRNICHAROV, M.; LTUTSKMOV, S.; STANCHEV, 1.1 BIMHKOVI V. - ~M_ Mwwmft~ Automatic device for regulating the level of malted lass in , pot furnaces. Stek. I ker. 20 no.6:39 Je 163. MR& 16t6) L Nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiy institut silikatnoy proWshlennosti i stroymaterialv7, Narodnaya Respublika Bolgariya. (Glass furnaces) STOICHEV,K.; - !!-;-,BTOLLNOV,R. On th3 problem of industrial injuries of the hand In our countr7. Xhirurgiia,Sofia 13 no.2-3-235-2.18 l6o. 1. Iz Institute. za vuzatanovitelna khirurgiia, protezirane I trado- ustroistvo. (WID wds & inj.) (ACCUMM INWSTRIAL statiat, ) BDZHKDV,-,V,,,, Lecture experimentp in teaching chemistry in the primary eight- grade schools. Biol i khis 6 no.,4t2g-36 16). 1. 22-ro u-shte, Plovdiv. DO21HROVY V.; GI2,1KOV, G.; GAITAVD~~HIEV, K. A case of osteomalacia vith Milkman's syndrome. Suvr. med. (Sofiia) 15 no.503-36 164 L1117-66 EWT(m)/EV1P(t)/EWP(b) IJPW JD/GS :ACCESSION fiRs- AT5020497 'UR/OrM/64/000/066/0491/6494 AUTHORSt Presnov, V. A. (Professor); Bozhkov# V# 04. 3 VITLE: Calculation of, the si irfsoe charge tot a orystal with iiz atomically pure isurface coinciding with face (111) S07JRCE: Mozhvuzovskaya chno-tekhnicheekan konferents4a pq fiz;Lkp lpoluprovodnikov (poverkhmositmye.i kontaktn", Tomaks 1962. iPoverkbnostnWye i kontaktrq?e yavieniya contact phenomena in semiconauotors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomako&2 univ. J-964, 491-494 ~,ITOPIC TAGS: semiconducting material, jLerman i c atalf exoited state, electron trapping, electron hole ~ABSTRACT; &preesions are drived for calmlating the surface charge of a Matal with an atomically pure owface t&at coirLai des with face (111), under the assumption that this charge is a result of either pairing or breaking of an unsaturated surface atom bond* - The effeot of. excited statee on electron and hole trapping is not taken 'into account. The calculations were made an the basis,of the woft of W# Shockley i land J. T. Last (Pbys. Revi, To, Mp No* 29 1957)6 It is found that a negative is present on an stomimlly Vure germanitai surface bounded by fsoe (111)o Orige Card 1/2 1 1, - - . . , - % ". , , : - , - : - I I . I I - . 11 :~ , .., z I ., . 1. - - .., = -%wT 1 - -..- : - , ;- - I . . --l - - - -1- - _-, - 1, ~ '; STOLUIOV, lordan St.; VOMMICZAROV, 71arin B.; LIUMUMV, stolan St., inzh. BOZII?-'CV, Vasil Yr. Automatic electronic regulator of the glass r-ass, level in the glass tank furnaces. Radio i televiziia 11 no.l'-: 283 162. BOZHKOV,VI. Dermatoplasty of the hand according to experiences of the Institut za vuzatanovitelua khirurgila. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.2-3:258-259 ,6o. 1. Iz Instituta za vusetanovitalna khirurgiia. protezirane I. trudo- ustroistvo., (RM BUrg. (SKIN THMPIANTATION) KHOLMCH,p IA,, doteentj HATEV, Iv.; BO'LHKOV, VI On surgical therapy of burn.. IMIrurgiia 15 no.9/10-'803-907 162, 1, Iz Nauchno-issledovatelskiia institut po vusstanovitaina khirurgiia, protezirans i rekhabilitatsiia. (BURNS) (SKIN TRANSFLANTATION) EWr(d)/BDS AFFTC/ASD/APGG/IJP(C)- Fg-4/Pk--4/F1_4/Po_h/ Pq-h BC ACCESSION NR: AP300374Z 5/0103/63/024/007/0950/0961 AUTHOR: Bozhukov, V. M. (MOSCOW).; KWchteWco,' V. I (DIOS0011) TITLE: Method for designing self -adapting automatic control system with stabilization of frequency characteristics SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, Y. Z4, no. 7, 1963, 950-961 TOPIC TAGS: self-adapting system, automatic control ABSTRACT. Self-adapting automatic-control systems that vary their own fre- quency characteristics were studied by A. A. Krasovskiv et al. (Fundamentals of automation and technical cybernetics, published by VVIA im. Zhukovskoizo, 1961). The self-resetting method considered in the article includes stabilizing a few points on the amplitude -frequency characteristics of the open and closed automatic -,control systems. Hence, the values of these characteristics at some fixed frequencies serve as indicants of resetting. The law that governs the Card 1/2 L'18400-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003742 correcting circuits is formulated thusly: The signal of difference between the measured and the required resetting quantities is fed, through an integrating circuit, to a variable -coefficierit-generating unit and varies the coefficient until the difference signal vanishes. A number of functional diagrams are discussed and analyzed mathematically. The above theoretical work amplified by an "investigation of a laboratory model of an industrial controller" permitted the formulation of the fundamental properties of the self-adapting systems, Ori,-. art. has: 9 figures and 24 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 030ct62 SUB CODE: I.E ,card DATE ACQ: OZAug63 NO REF'SOV: 002 ENCL: 00 OTHER; 001 BOZHKOV, V.P., '00 Abrasion of dam buttresses and crests by the river bed load. Trudy Inste soor.AN Us.SSR no-7:239-,244 155. (14MA 10:3) I (Dame) 'KAT-WOV,., ASV.; BOZHKOV, V.T. Industrial testing of a combined dust collector of the dram dr3Tr in t'h&,Chumakovo Central Coal Preparation,Plant. Koks i khim. no,.3:34- 1630 (NaFA 16:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-ii3sledovatellskiy i proyektno-konstrAiktorskiy institut.po obogashcheniyu i briketirovaniyu ugley (for Kdlmylpv). 2. Chumakovskaya tsentralinaya ugleobogatitelinaya fabrika (for Bozhkov). (Dust collectors-Testing) (Drying apparatus) CHEBOTARIV, G.A.; BDZEMDVA, A.I. ' ""a Evolution of orbits of minor planets teor,astron. 5 no.9:571-393 154. (Planets, Minor) (Orbits) of the Hi2Aa group. Biul.Inst.' (MMA 834) CHEBOTARVO GaAs;. BOZ4X0YA,-,-A,;-~ ~~ Theor7 of motion of the Trojan group of asteroids. Blul. Inst. teor. astron. 6 no.4t221-231 155. (MIRA 13:3) Manets, Xlzor) C. Z-1 0 69848 CY, /,S-,37-0 50'V/35-59-9-6929 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1959, Kir 9, pp 8 9 (USSR) AUTHORS. Chebotarev, G.A., Bozhkova, A.I. TfTLE: The Study of the N.-ion of Two Trojans by the Numerical Method PERIODICAL: Byul. In-ta teor. as tron. AS USSRI 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 186 - 201 (Engl. r6sum6) A WITilAft. The hiotion of two Trojans'has been studied - of Patroclus (617) and of Anchises (1173) over a-period of -1 710 years. The motion of the Trojans in the plane of motion of Jupiter is examined; a numerical integration in the rectangular coordinates is carried out by the Cowell method, and only the perturbations from Jupiter are allowed for. The motion of is considered to be unperturbed and the integration interval W = 1 ;80 of the complete revolution of Jupiter. Patroclus was chosen as the Trojan with the greatest eccentricity and the greatest inclination, and Anchftses as the Trojan with the greatest daily motion. Orbital elements of both ',Irojans are given, calculated after each revolution of Jupite.r. The Card 1/2 big semi-axis of Patroclus undergoes long-periodic fluotuations, with the: Y~ 69848 The Study of the Motion of Two Trojans 'by the Numerical Method SOV/35-59-9-6929 period - 12.3 revolutions of Jupiter or 146 years, the eccentricity decrease$ secularly, the apside line rotates at an average speed of 67 - 00.842 per one revolution of Jupiter. The big semi-axis of Anchises also has long-periodic fluctuations with the period - 12,6 revolutions of Jupiter, the eccentricity remains constant while the speed of rotation of the apside line is 67r.: +00.850. In the whole interval, the joviocentric orbit of Patroclus retains its elliptical character, while the Anchises orbit periodically changes its character, passing from elliptical to hyperbolical and back. N.S. Yakhontova Card 2/2 85204 510351601000101010031021 /#00 AOO1/A001_ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Ast,ronomiya I Geodeziya, 1960, No. 10, P. 9, # 9814 AUTHORS: Chebotarev, G. A., Bozhkova, A--I TIM: On the Stabilityk