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----S-O'-U ... RC'E 'COD),'-:- - UR/25-31/-66/ooo/ 0187- 0-0-13/00 43
AUTHOR: Bortkovskiy, R. S.; Orlenko, L. R.; Toeytin, G. Kh.
ORG: now
TITLE: Calculation of wind and tangential stress above a water Burfacei
SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy,
no. 187, 1966. Fizika pogranichnogo oloya atmoofery (Phyaic5 of the
atmospheric boundary layer), 13-43
TOPIC TAGS: micrometeorology, atmospheric turbulence, wind speed,
tangential stress, atmospheric boundary layer, near water boundary layorl,
wind velocity, ocean dynamicss ocean current p surface temion
'A nfod*~dure is presented for calculating wind and tangential
stress over the open sea using a given baric field and known
temperature stratification. The procedure is based on theoret-
Jcal investigations made at the DeparLment of the Physics of
the Boundary Layer, Main Geophysical Laboratory. Since the
roughness of the water surface is reganded as known, the problem
.is reduced to solving the usual equations of motion for air F-
'with a given horizontal.baric gradient over a moving surface
Card 1/3_
NR: AT60215-65
_(ex'Ce'pt that the *underlying surfaci-Is nO`t'motionleSB).__--'_Hor-
Jzon'tally homogeneous conditions are assumed. In selecting
boundary conditions, the presence of surface water currents
land the temperature stratification in ~he boundary layer are
.icharacterized by the difference between the water-tiurface
temperature and the air temperature at the upper limit of'the
bound'a"r'y layer. The influx of radiant heat is assumed to be
a linear function of-height, a model in which there is,a
1jump at height h is accepted in determining the turbulence
1coefficient k, and the Laykhtman model is accepted in determin-
'Ang wind velocity.
General7-iolutions- 'a-r--e-'-obtained for the layers zo 1 z :1 hand
z >.h. The solution for the first case is simplified so that
th; wind-velocity components are computed rapidly -with auxiliary
tables and nomograms. A scheme is given for finding wind
velocity, tangential stress, the modulus of the wind velocity
and the angle of "friction" at a height of about 10 m above
the sea. A simpILfied'procedure i,s presented for calculating
wind velocity and tangential stress under equilibrium condi-
tions. The procedCire won tested with limited experimental
data, The applicability of the procedure is discussed, and
.the errors-are estimated, Fir instance, with a time interval
of 2 'hr. the error in the component of the.tangential stress
AC.C NRt AT6021505
X - 8% for V 9 -n1adc. and -AV -1 5 m/sec (the velocity of
.tRa-goostrophic wind and the jumpg in the geoeLrophic windil
iT.O*x - 12% when AV," 10 m/.sec; errors of 12% and 20Z were noted
i'n Toy under like cnnitions. The error in the wind velocity
~due to.advaction should not exceed 15%. [WA-50; CBE No. 111
suB com W SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 018/ OTH REF: 012/
Card 'A PI
L 43992-66 EWr (I) GW
ACC W AT6021516 SOURCE COD]'-,:-fJ ~/2531/66/000/187/0163/0166
AUTHOR: BorLkov6kiy, R. S.
ORG: none-+"
TITLE: Estimate of the error of measuring the lend velocity by an emometer stall ed on
a buoy
SOURCE -?~Leningrad. Glavneye. geofizicheskaya observatox!ya. Trudy, no. 187, 1966.
Mike. pogranichnogo sloya atmosfery (Physics of the atmospheric boundary layer), M.,;-166
TOPIC TAGS: wind velocity, wind measurement, anemometer, error approximation
ABSTRACT- The error of determining the mean wind velocity arising as EL result of veftical
oscillations of an anemometer Is examined in a logarithmic profile. It Is assumed that the
anemometer Is installed on a buoy and undergoes vertical hermonic oscillations, that the
anbmometer does not have Inertia, and the instantaneous velocity Is recorded. The anemoine-
ter's were Installed at heights of 1.0, 2.0, 3.5, and 6.0 m above the water line of the bttoy.
The* calculations showed that it deviation from the true wind velocity waB noticeable only for,
the I oweBi'anemoffieter, whereas for those located higher this error was less than the c alibra-
tion accuracy of thlecontact anemometer (0.1 m/sec). The adjusted error for the anemometer
L 43992-66
ACC NRt AT6021516
at a height of 1 m above the waterline (corrected for the consciously overestimated rocking of
the buoy) amounted to 1% or 0.08 mAec. Consequently, the vertical oscillations of the buoy
for the gradient observations cannot Introduce substantial distortions In the mean velociv
profile. Rocking of the buoy can have an effect only on the readings of an anemometer estab-
lished very close to the water surface and which Is flooded ta a highgen. Orig. art. has: 2
tables and 11 formulas. \T'
SUB CODE:Pf,14/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF; 004/ OTH REF: 001
2/2 0 ~, ~-
ACC NRt AF6023472 SOURCE CODE: (2/0038/66/000/003/0()88/C
AUTHGR: Pig Bortlik. Jiri
.0RG: Energoprojekt, Prague
TITIE: Utilization of nuclear sources in district heating
SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 3. 19669 88-92
TOPIC TAGSt nuclear reactor powerp heating engineering, thermal reactor
.ABSTRACT: The general questions connected with the utilization of nuclear reactors
in district heating are shown. Separate sections of the work were devoted to the
problems of positioning the nuclear district heating installations, delivery of heat
.to the consumerg and economic questions. The advantages and disadvantages of district
heating by nuclear installations in comparison -with heating installations using
conventional fuels were reported. The design of the basic thermal circuit of nuc'jl.ear
district heating power plants was given. A list of the present nuclear sources
.for district heating is reportede The paper was presented by J. Vlach. Orig.
art. has: 2 figures. [Nk)
none ORIG REF: 005 SOV REF: 002
'I.. -1A
L 37250-66 EWT(m)
ACC NR: AP6027866 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0038A6/000/003/0088/CO92
AUTHOR: Dlouhy, Frantisek--Dlougi, F.i.Bortlik, Jiri--Bortlik, Y.
ORG: Energoprojekt,, Prague
TITLE: Questions and problems in the utilization of a nuclear source in centralized
heating system engineering
SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no- 3, 1966, 88-92
TOPIC TAGS: heating engineering, nuclear reactor technology, nuclear reactor power
ABSTRACT: The a*i0le examines general questions connected with the utilization of
nuclear reactors'In centralized heating system engineering - the placement of the
nuclear equipment, the delivery of heat to the user, and economic questions. The
advantages and disadvantages of the use-of nuclear equipment are discussed. DesiRns
of such nuclear equipment are presented, and cases of this application to date are
listed. This paper was presented by J. Vlach. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
IJPRS: 36,8451
SUB CODE: 13, 18 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 005 / SOV REF: .002
OTH REF: 008
UDC: 621.039.
Good production of foundations and posts of prestressed concrete for
high and low-tension electric lines. p. 283.
(Energetika, Vol. 6. no. 6, June 1956. Praha, CzeeboslovaUa)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EEAL) LC.. Vol. 6. No. 6.
June 1957. Uncl.
Inspection, maintenance and the use of some protective apparatus in networks
having a very high voltage.
P. 328. (ENERGETIKA.) (Praha., Czechoslavakia) Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1957
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (FRAT) W. Vol. 7, No. 5, May 19513
The problemi of the n=ber of workfra on electric networks* Energetilia
Cz 3.1 no.*6:3O6.Z308 Je 161. -
. BCIRTLIK,-.Tan-,---
Operation and maintenance of electrical equipment on farm.
Energetika Cz 12 no.8i4O7-408 Ag 162.
1. Zapadoslovenske energeticke zavody, Bratislava.
Importance of insulators for reduction of defects and operating
stress in extra high-voltage networks. Energetika Cz 13
no.10:545-546 0 163.
1. Zapadoslovenske energeticke zavody, Bratislava.
Experience with a prototype of a new smoking installation. D. 163.
(Fri*JI%'YS7 POTRAVR', Vol. 7, No. 4, 1956, Praha. Czech3slovsk a)
SO: Yonthly List of East ----uropean Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec 1957. Uncl.
0 0- U N TRI" Czechoslovakia
CAT-ZOR-f Chemical Technology - Food. 11-,dustry
JOUR. '~17K'hiia., NO. 24 1959, 117c. 88212
Adam7 M. ; Bortlik, L,,; Suchy, J.
11~13 T
2,' E ectrostatic Smok:Lng - Aromatizing of
Food Products
ORiG. PUD. Prumysl potravin, 19581 9, No 5, 233-238
ABSTRACT Electrostatic smoking is not well adapted
for the production of boiled sausages, berrings~ hot
smokecl products and other Items in which the temperature
during smoking should reach approximately 700. It is bettei
suited for the production of bacon, smoked me-ts amoked
eneeses , and other products the smoking of whlch'iE
primapily intended to effect'. arcmatization. The use of
electi-ostatie.smoking is particularly advantageous in the
production of canned fish in oil (anchovies, etc.).
Bibliography 18 references. From authors I sw=ary.
M&CHOSLOVA19A/Chenical Itchnology - Chenical Products and
Thair Application. TreatLmnt of Solid Mineral
Abs Jour MT Zhur - iftimiya, Ho 8j, 1958., 26400
Author _4Qx`nL I'.
Ue Investif;ation of the =act of 11ineral Humic EMbstancas
and Ditmwas on Water-GUability of Driquattos.
Ori.- Pub S'birha praci vyzku.-m. ust.., 1957, A8., ro 17-26., 135-16.n
Nbstract -i coal intended for imhin~ of briquettes, ware removed
by w.-traction with Mlj, 1M, or C611,j respecti.,aly, a por-
tion of raineral subotancesl hiLdc 9cids or bitumns, and
a determination was ijado of the effect of such prallLaina-
'ry treatwnt on watcr-stability of briquettes. It --ms
found that on decrease of contant of irIncral. substzmas
')i-operties of briquattes acro substantially iLpprovadp
Card 1/2
CKI,)CHOSLOVI-~i(If~/^-iiejaical TachDolom( - Chanical Products and 11-22
Micir AppUcation. Troatmant of Solid Mineral Fuels.
Abs Jour : Ref ,bur - IW- miya, 110 89 19589 261M
while oa ramval of hurde substance:3 and bitw3ene tae
results differ depending aa nxLure of the coal.
Card 2/2
s ll-linh, G, p iny, (~So; . BORTL~~-, -V.
Flocculants In coal PPP-Paratiln- Palilra 44 n,:~.3,69-75 Mx '64,
!. TnstI.tute of Mlining, CzachoBlvvak Academy of Scien~--3j.
Go r..--rLuni cat ion.-3
Vov 19,17
"Inventors of the National Tec~:nicjues of Communi cations," U. lol-,-ak, 7hief,
Techrical Section, Ministry nf Corounicetions, S. end~,r i~ncr, Doremi
of Inventions, 1 v
I'Vestnik Svyazi ElektrosvyazIll No 11 (",2)
Lists the various .'.-bissian scientists who have been contributers to tl~E~ :I. evolc-,-mellt
of radio tec'miques in the Sovict Union.
FA 29T92
AUTHORS: Stepukhovich, A. D., Rafikov, E. A., Bortnichuk, A. L.
TITLE: Effect of colloidal platinum on kinetics and mechanism of
initial block polymerization of styrene. Il
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 2, 1962,
182 - 187
TEXT: To clarify the effect of Pt on the initial rate of styrene poly-
merization (Ref. 1: Vysokomolek. soyed., A, 85, 1962) the authors tried to
generalize the quantitative theory of the braking effect of inhibitors
(A. D. Stepukhovich, Dokl, AN SSSR, �2, 8899 1953). A start is made from
the empirical equation 1/(Wp - WO) - A + Bc,nh (1). Neglecting the
initiation rate of radicals as compared with the reaction rate of chain
,growth, W = k I'd (2)
p g[ M ; 2k in[Ml- k,[Rj+ k [R-Itk inh0inh
ER] total concentration of polymer
is obtained for d ~]/dt = 0, where * =
radicals in steady state; k in' k9? k V, kw, kinh - rate constants of
Card 1/4
Effect of colloidal platinum ... B110/B101
initiation, growth, and chain termination in the volume, on the walls and
inhibitor particles, respectively, and FMI - monomer concentration. This
ives: 1/(W W 2 L-J k k ~]2) (6).
9 p - ,D) = k W/2k in kg[M] + (k inh /2 in g[ -cinh [Mj 2
The coefficients A and B are: A - kW /2k in kg[M]'; B - k, nhI/2k inh kg
As the polymerization degree increases, Eq. (6) becomes: IAWP - W"O)
- Be inh* For c inh ~ 0, (1) becomes: Azl/ kg[M][~j (9). The steady
condition for c inh ~ 0 is: 2k in [M] - ko [1~12 - After solution with respect
to U ,1/2 / (V-2kll2 k M]3/2) (10','.
~] and substitution into Eq. (9): A = k 0 in g[
The ratio of B coefficients for the temperatures T 1 and T 2 is:
B1/P-2 = [(k inh)l ,(k ink9)21/ [(k inh)2' (k ink 9)21 (11)' Einh = (Ein + E 9
- [RT 1T2. in(Bl/B A /(T2-Tj) (13) is calculated from the experimental
value for Bl/B 2* (k inh) /(k inh)2 = [(k,(B/A )T [(kw(B/A) TI (15). The
capture energy of radicals by the walls is:
Card 2/4
S/19 62/004/002/003/02'1
Effect of colloidal platinum... B110YB101
Ew (E in + E9) - [RT,T 2'n(Al/A2)J /(T2-Tj) (16), where for styrenet
Ein 29.6 kcal/mole; Eg . 1.25 kcal/mole. Eqs. (13) and (16) hold at
80 and 950C for 60 min polymerization. Radical recombination prevails in
the volume in this case. Since the value of E inh (800 cal/mole) extra-
polated for the zero polymerization-degree is less than the activation
energy E0 (1500 Cal/mole) of the recombination of polymer radicals of
styrene, the inhibition reaction is faster than the recombination. The
ratio of the coefficients A at 80 and 950C in constant with 5-55 for POIY-
merization up to ~60 min, and 3 with increasing polymerization
degree. According to Eq. (16): Ew - 7250 cal/mole, which corresponds to
E9. According to Eq. M: A,/A2 --(k,/kin kg)T (kw/kink'g)T2 (17).
Since E - E , k Aek , and (17) givest A /A ';:~exp[(E /R)-(l/T /T
w 9 W 9 1 2 in 2)1('B'
A transition of the initially bimolecular inhibition of styrene polymeri-
zation to a trimolecular mechanism is assumed. The change of the negative-
activation energy with increasing polymerization degree in probably due to
Card 3/4
Effect of colloidal platinum...
a gradual valence increase until coordination complexes of Pt are formed,
The positive activation energy with zero polymerization degree is probably
due to the bimolecular character of the reaction because of low radical
concentration and pure surface of colloid particles. There are 1 figure
and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONi Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N. G~
Chernyahevskogo (Saratov state University imeni N. G.
SUBMITTED: February 1, 1961
Card 4/4
d It I B119/B136
AUTHORS! Stepukhovich, A. D., Bortnichuk, A. L., Rafikov, E. A.
TII'LE: Effect of colloidal gold and thallium on the kinetics and
mechanism of initial polymerizcition of styrene in block and
in solution. I
kIERIODIC.'~L: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v- 4, no. 4, 1962, 516-522
TZXT: Styreno v;as polymerized k ing point 75-50C in block and in
toluene solution in the presence Iloidal .-old at 60, 80, and 950C-
The Au content was varied between 0.37-10-4 and 11-84-10-4 gram-atoms/Iiier.
The rate of Dolvmeriz,,tion was determined from the time variations in
J. - -~ty. Results; In very small amounts Au acts as initiator,
specific viscosl
and in larger amounts, as inhibitor, of block polymerization. The
Au-con"Ient/reaction-rate curve has a maximum which shifts to lower Au
contlent with increasing temperature. In the range of inhibiting Au
concentrations the curve obeys the Stepukhovich equation
A + BC inh; W p = polymerization rate appropriate for the
CaPd 1/2'
S/1 90/62/004/004/006/019
Effect of colloidal gold and thallium ... B119/B138
concentration c inh of inhibitor, 'W- = residual rate). No limiting
inhibition value was observed with respect to Au concentration. 'Because
of its low solubility experiments with'TI were made with minimum amounts
(it was added as Tl(ITO 3)3 or oxidized filings), and had qualitative
character only. T1 inhibited the polymerization of styrene. There are
5 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N. G. Cherny-
shevskogo (Saratov State University imeni N. G.
SU-D:;'.ITT--,D: 14arch 9, 1961
Card 2/2
S/1 90/62/004/004/007/019
B1 1 9/B1 38
AUTHORS: Stepukhovich, A. D., Bortnichuk, A. L., Rafikov, B. A.
TITLE: Effect of colloidal gold and thallium on kinetics and
mechanism of initial polymerization of styrene in block and
in -,olution. Il
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. i1#, 1962, 523-527
TDM This is a quantitative evaluation of the experimental results
obtained in the previous paper (Vysokomolek. soyed., 4, 516, 1062). The
initiatin8 effect of minimum amounts of colloidal gold in styrene block
polymerization is explained by the react-ion:
styrene peroxide -,- Au Au+ + active radicals. This also explains the
drop in ihe height of the maximum on the Au concentration/pol.-merization
rate curve when the reaction temperature is raised. The activation enerl;y
fov the inhibition of chain growth by colloidal gold particlen is
calculated from the temperature dependence of the coefficients A and B
(in the equation 1V1111c- = A+Bc - p = polymerization rate appropriate
- inh;
Card 112
Effect of colloidal gold and thallium ... B119/3138
for the concentration cinh of inhibitor, W- = residual rate). The
activation energy is around, -14 to -17 kcal/mole, and varies with the
degree of polymeriz-tion. The inhibi-.ion is probably due'to a trimolecular
reaction in which the excess recombination energy of two radicals is
released to a colloidal Au particle. There are 1 figure and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N. G. Cherny- (Saratov state University imeni 11. G.
SUBY,ITTE-D: March 9, 1961
Card 2/2
ACC NR, ARD'025710-- S~OURdl~-CODE.1-Lilt/61~6/66/OC)0/004/NO02/;i6627
AUTHOR: Bortnichuk., N. I.; Volokhonvakiy, L. A.; Gogol, , V. B,; Smelyanskiy, X* 7A.
TITLE: Investigation of stability of high-power are discharge in vacuum
SOURCE- Ref. zh. Elektrotakhnika i onergetika, Abs. 4N11
REF SOURCE: Elektrotermiya. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. vYP. 46, 1965, 33-36
TOPIC TAGS: vacuum furnace, are furnace, melting furnaco
ABSTRACT; To improve the explosion safety of vacuum are furnacess a system of
stabilization of are discharge is necessary which would prevent the are from throwing
over to the crystallizer wall and would cope rapidly enough with such a throw-ovar if
it occurs. Peculiarities of vacuum are discharge were investigated which permits
recommending measures for improving the explosion safety of vacuum arc furnaces
withoutresorting to any basic change in their design. A solenoid constantly on
during the melting and producing a 60-oe vertical field is recommended. To eliminate
the solenoid fringe effect, an additional solenoid connected in series with the utain
one and producing a vertical field in the same direction should be placed at the
bottom of the crystallizer, under its tray. To eliminate side discharges, a field. of
100 oe is needed. Also, shorter area are recommended. Five figures. Bibliography
of 3 titles. 1. Knanovskly [Trawlation of abstract]
SUB CME: 13, 09
Card ill UDC: 621-365-91:537-523-5:533.5-061.5
KATUTICH, Leonid Sairvich. Prinimal uchastiye BORTNI . '0 inzh..
TSISH9FSxIT' T.P.. red.; LARIONOT, G.t~~.'-,
[Desip and construction of electric furnaces] Raschat i
konstruirovanie alektrichaskikh pachai. Moskva, Gos.eneyg.izd-vo,
1959. 439 P. (MIRA 13:2)
Ollectric furnaces)
a lit
v 1 2- E vu
33 R.
-2.8 N
q 3 1
s qj. jqsk.-~
j~j U,
OSTROUKOV. Georgiy Andreyevich; BORTKICHUX, N.I., rod.; ROZKIITb1rSyG,
Ta.D., red.izd-va; ISIMTIYBTA, P.G.,
tPhysicomathematical principles of the iwgnetie mixing of
M81tB1 Fiziko-matematicheakie oanovy magnitnogo peremashivaniia
rasplavov. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhnoizd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I
tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1960. 63 p. (HIM 13:5)
(Metals-Kagnetic properties)
BORTNICHUK, N.I., inzh.; BRUKOVSKIY, I.F., inzh.
-- ------ ---
Effect of the dimensions of the jacket of an induction
furvace on its electrical parameters. Ve.A. elektroprom.
31 no.8-.27-30-Ag 160. (Electric furnaces:) (MIRA 15:5)
SMELYANSKIY, Matvey Yakoylevich;
TSISHEVSKIY, V.P.7 red.; FRIDKIN, L.M., told=. red.
(Short networks in electric fu'moes]KoroWe aeti elek-
tricheskikh pechei. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 93 p
(Bibliotaka alektrotermista, no.13) (MIRA 16:4)
(Electric furnaces)
j ju
ACC NM AV.6W305 Up
SOURCE CODE '/()276/65/OW/0Oq/G00q/G00q
AUTHORs Volokhonelriyj L. A Vikulinj A. A.; 1)2chkol~) D. A. Bo chA;.~'
TITLEt Study of moltin& hydrodynamics in a vacuum are furnace by the atimulating
SOM.St Ref. sh. Tekhnologiya saddnostroyeniya# Abe. 9G75
REF SOUH08t Tr. Wes. n.-i. in"t4 91Wd vtorm. oboru vyp. 1t 1965t 66-77
TOPIC TAGSs vacutm are furnace, vacuum melting,, 1~~drodynamics,, molten metiaj
magnetic field, solenoid
AWRACTs The distribution of a current in the molten metal of a vacuum are fwnace
to studied Iand the forces responsible for the metal rotation.- the vertical magnetic
field of solenoid emd the horizontal component of the are current. The measurement
of hydrodynamic pressures on the molten metal model parmitted determination of their
distribution along the bath diameter and depth and determination of the melt rotaticr
rate. The most effective stirring of.metal is observod in the zone of the anodia
spot. Some redistribution of pressures and rates of rotation due to friction forces
takes place. As far as the intensity of mixing in presence of a solenoid is cort-
corned, the beat affect is obtained when the current cable is attached to the upper
edge of the crystallizerf in which case the horizontal component of the current has
the highest magnituile. in melting steel tending to ghosts it is advisable to We
L Z1090-66
L 46776-66 EWT(d)/h-WT(m)/EWP(V)/Ll,'iP(t)/ET:[/EW (k~LEW h ft,'P 1`~JJDD W, JJGG
, U 01 000 011
ACC NRt AR6014548 SOURC UR ft196 6;5 000 011 NN~0%3 NN~OOOO33
AUTHOR: Volokhonskiy, L. .1 Kikul-in, A. A.; Bochkov, D. A.; Bortnichu1c, N. I.
TITLE: Investigation of the hydrodynamics of a melt _~n a vacuum are furnace by a
simulation method
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetilca, Abs. 11N10
REF SOURCE: Tr. Vaes. n.-i. in-ta al M- ohgr_Md,,~ vyp. 1, 1965, 66-77
TOPIC TAGS: are furnace, vacuum furnace, melt hydrodynamics
ABSTRACT: Current distribution in a liquid bath of a vacuum are furnace has been
studied, and the causes of metal rotation have been determined; they are: vertical
magnetic field of solenoid and horizontal component of arc: current. By measuring
hydrodynamic pressures in a liquid-metal model, the pressure distribution over the
diameter ;uid depth of the bath were found and the melt rotation speeds were
determined. The metal is agitated particularly vigorously in the anode-spot zone.,
some redistribution of pressures and velocities being effected by the forces o'L
friction. From the viewpoint of intense mixing, in a solenoid-type design, the
current-supply conductor to the upper flange of the crystallizer is more efficient
because the horizontal current component is greater. Twelve fig4res. Bibliograplvr
of 4 titles- 0. Provs [Translation of abstract]
SUB CODEz'13 09
Cardl/i ~
BO-RT-NICMM, N.Ta., inzh.; BRONSHT-DYN, A.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; BYSMITSKIY,
WBROVSKIY, Z.M.. inzh.; KATKOV, B.S., inzh.;
inzh.; RAKOV, V.A., inzh.; REBRIK, B.H., kand.tek-hn.nauk; SUYETIN,
T.A.. kand.fiziko-matem.nauk; KHITROV, P.A.,.takh.-;,red.
(Electric locomotives operating on alternating current with
ignitrons] Elektrovo2y peremennogo toka a ignitronami. Pod ob-
shchei red. V.A.Rakova. Moskva, Goe.tranap.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1959.
286 p. (MIRA 12:10)
(Electric locomotives)
AUTHOR: Bortnik, A., (Odessa) SOV/107-58-2-27/32
TITLE: An Amplifier for the 'IMP-111 Attachment (Usilitelik DriS~.,V-
ke 'IMP-111)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 2, P 52 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For increasing the power, a small amplifiez may be added to
the tape recorder attachment 'IMP-111 which is composed of
tubes '16,"Zh7" and 116P6S" according to a given diagram. There
is one circuit diagram.
1. Power amplifiers.--Applications 2. Recording devices
Cerd 1/1
BORTNIK, G.. inzbener
Pneumatic transportation in an artel. Prom.koop. 13 no.6:28-29
j8 159. (MIRA 1?:g)
1. Koiistruktorsko-takhnologichookoye byuro oblprousoveta,
g.Bognrodek, Gorlkovskoy oblasti.
(Pneumatic-tubs transportation)
tiCcESSION NRt AP4028963 8/0067/64/034/004/0731/()736
AU`111OR: Bortnilt, I.M.
TITIX: Contribution to,the justification of Pik4a formula
SOURCE: Zhurnal tolthnicheskoy fizilci, v.34, no.4. 19G4, 731~736
TOPIC TAGS: corona, corona onset conditions, Pik's formula, first Townsend cj)oXfi-
ABSTRACT- Pik's formula (F.Pik,Dioloktrichcs1ciyo yavloniya v teldinilto vy*sokilch na-
pryazheniy fbiolectric Phenomena in High Voltage Eng,.incerinr,7,Gosenergoizdat.L.1934)
E = I-:.(p/po)(l'+ (P.a/pro~1/2), gives the electric field at the surface of the in-
nor conductor at the onset of corona discharge between two coaxial cylindrical con-
ductors in air. llerer%r, is the radius of the inner conductor, p is the press,ure, p.
is one atmosphere, Eo = 31 W/cm is the dielectric strength of air at atmosphpria
pressura, and a = 0.0139 cm. It is shown that this formula is equivalent to the con-
dition that an avalanche discharge between the inner conductor and a (lictl';ious)
electrode located where the field atrongth reaches the value Eq, be self-sus,taining,
provided the first Townsend coofliciont in given as a function of pressure and field,
strength by n( n and b aro*appropriate constai
E)' nts (b is negativc).
The values of the Toimsend coefficient given by this equation are compared with the.
experimental data of P.H.Sanders (Phys.Rev.43.,667,1932; 44,1020,1933). Good agrae-
ment is obtained over al~onsiderable range of E/p. It is concluded that formulas,
similar to Pik's can be derived for other gases for which the Townsend coefficient
depends similarly on B/p. Pik's formula was tested against calculations based D11
Paschen's law and experimental data. It is concluded that the formula is not vahid,
at atmospheric prossuro for re e- 3 x 10-4 cm, nor at a pressure of 0.1 atm for 3:104
3 x 10-3,cm. Grijart.has: 28 formulas and 6 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy onergetichaskiy institut (bloscow Power Engineering Inst'
,SUBUITTE-D-. 04Mar63 DATE AOQ: 28Apr64 ENCL: 4X)
.,:1 -65
s: itaportant, at, small Pd -iralues. The kinetic Dqua-~'
netic 6:Ueot tj~nt: I
tion for a ki
tion is Simplilf ied I ion
)Y O*Panding the distribut- Sunct ion in a series of Legendre
Polynomials in the clircj~ltion- of the ve.10citY'and retaining only tile first two
terms. The inelastio aCatteiiing cross sootion is asswaed to be a linear . function
the electron Velocity above the threabold, and tho elastic scattering cross sec-
tion is assumed to be 65nstant for -electron, velocities 36ss than 1.33 x 1013 cm1sec,
and to decrease. smootbi, at higbey, V6106itie i The -calculated distribution lunc-
tions are 'cOmpared With i funct ions previously calculated by other authors, and
slight differences are disevissed. The ~ expectation value of the. electron energy wi,s
found to be almost Independent of.R/p. 7he Paschen curve calculated with iesonance
radiation taken into aci~ounl., was- found to bD, In good agreement with experiment f or
-large pd values,_ but nei r the minimum 'the calculated values are too low. Whon a
correction was Applied for ihe Xin e distance -that a
it n olectron ejected frora the
cathodemust travel, befi.~re.:Jt acquires. the equilibrium v0,locity, however, good
agzeement-with obta d. ~ I pite of . this
experima6t. was iue n P agreement, the author
does not consider ihe th,eory to be fully satislactory beicause some of the parame-
ters have been..chosen webitrarily. Further. Imowledge of:.the role of excited, atom3
is des irable.!s-. 35 formullas 9 figures awl I table.
HOSTINSUTA, R.Z. (Dserzhinsk)~.; BDRTKIK Lj. ershinsk)
4400"t , v..
N -
Calmdating air exchange in electrolytic shops. Yod. t sac. tekh.
no.9:36-37 S 158. (MIRA 11:10
(Factories--amting and ventilation)
5 (2)
AUTHORS; Yudelevich, I. G., Shelpakovap I. R., SOV/32-25-8-21/44
Soanovskayap T. I.,
TITLE: Spectrographic Control of the Production Process' of Rare Metals
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 8, PP 959 - 961
ABSTRACT: To control the extraction of rare elements from semi-finished
products and wastes of the lead-zinc production, a speztro-
graphic determination method has been developed for In, Tl,
and Te in the semi-finished products, and for the determination
of the impurities in metallic T1, lie, and Se. The determinable
concentrations are for powder 0.001 - 20% and for solutions
8 - 300 mg/l. For lower concentrations (0.001
- 0.5%) an are
PS-39 is used, at higher concentrations (0-5 20%) a spark
IG-2. A "fulgurator" is used for the analysis of solutions
(Ref 1)..The article contains a description of the working con-
ditions with the arc and with the spark. The simultaneous de-
termination of In and Tl in lead dust and lead products was
partly effected according to the method reference 2. The ar-
Card 1/2 tiole contains the conditions of analysis for the final deter-
Spectrographic Control of the Production Process of BOV/32-25-8-21/44
Rare Metals
mination (Table). N. T. Alontseva developed the method fo:7 the
determination of Na a nd other impurities. It was effected ac-
cording to reference 4 with a for Ha relative accuracy of + 1C~v
The determination method for So and To was developed in ecEla-
boration with V. N. Vardugina and occurred under conditions
differing from the above. A method for the determination of Fe,
Te, and As in Se was also developed at which an arc PS-39 was
used. There are 1 table and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gorno-metallurgicheakiy
institut tavetnykh metallov (All-Union Scientific Mining-metal-
lurgical Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals)
--Card 2/2
Determination of rare earth elements in ores. Sbor.trud.
VNIITSVETMET no.9:199-203 165.
(MIRA 18:1,1)
CODE, uR omi 66 M 011 321), 3217
AUTHOR: Yukhnevich, A. V.; Tkachevp V. D.; ~Ipr~pj~.M. V.
ORGs Belorussian State University in. V. 1. Lenin, Minsk (Bolorusakiy gosudarstver4
TITLE: Annealing of bands of impurity recombination radiation in silicon irradisted
with gamma quanta
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 8p no. lit 1966, 3213-3217
TOPIC TAGS: recombination radiation, radiative recombination, semiconductor carrier,
gamma irradiation
ABSTRACT: The isochronous, annealing of infrared radiation bands arising in silicon
from the radiative recombination of excess carrier s across the levals of radiation de-
fects was studied. In the.25-6000C range, the successive appearance and disappear-
&nee of various bands was observed, indicating a complex character of the rearrange-
ment of defects during annealing. The results obtained show an important role of
oxygen in the formation of recombination centers in silicon upon irradiation with
gamma quanta. On the other hand# this recombination radiation is a good indicator of
low oxygen concentrationsp and can be used to determine the latter. Thus, recombiza-
tion radiation can be used as a means of studying the radiation defects of silicon and
processes of their rearrangement during heat treatment. Nine different "radiatir%,"
radiation defects were observedg and the kinetice of their annealing showed the struc-
ACC NR, AF6036960
ture of stable radiation defects to be complex. Oxygen atoms are an integral par4- of
most of the radiation defects responsible for the observed bands of impurity reconbi-
nation radiation. Phosphorus atoms participate in the rormation or centers radiating
.D'and E bands, and boron atoms take part in the formation of centers radiating F and
bands. The majority recombination centers (determining the lifetime Of OXCO33
.car.Aers) a" annealed at 400-5000C. They are also linked to wcygen and are centers'
,Of~nonradiative recombination. The intensity and energy distribution of the various
:bands of recombination radiation of silicon containing radiation defects and subjerite
*to heat treatment permit an analysis of the content of chemical impurities in the Lni
tial single crystals. Both active (boron# phosoorus) and inactive impurities (CKF:-
gen) can thus be analyzed. Authors thank Z. M. Afanaslyev and P. S'-.Solovlyev for
their systematic assistavm In the ovarse.of the experiawntse Orig: art, hast
figure. and I table. A
'dlZ'ESNIOWSKI, Kazimiarz; BORSUMWSKI. Wladyslaw -2R-11T 41 ~K- , '. "
Method of neuroplegia and controlled hypothermia at an air
force hospital. Polski t7god. lek. 11 no-35:1617-1620 17
Sept 56.
1. Z oddstalu chirargicznego Szpitala Lotniczego).
WRZESNIOWSKI, Kazimierz; BORSUKOVSKI, Wladyslaw; 14-
Application of neuroplegic drugs and of physical hypothermia
in a case of severe cerebrocranial injury. Polski tygod. lek.
11 no.39a675-i678 24 Sept 56.
1. (Z Oddzialu Cbirurgicznego wojakowego Szpitala Lotniczega)
adres: Warszawa. al. Na Skarpie 65 m. 9.
in head inJ. (Pol))
(HEAD, wounds and injuries,
tber., artif. hibernation (Pol))
Results of effective control. An.SSSR 20 no.10:69-71
0 159. (MIRA 22:12)
1. Nachallnik otdola gosdakhodov Ocleaskogo gorfinotdola
(for Kate). 2. Starshiy Inspektor gosdokhodov Odesekogo
gorfinotdola (for Bortnik)
(Odessa Province-Finance)
Study helps to improve economic vork. Fin, SSSR 21 no.9:66-68 S 160.
(14IRA 13:9)
1. Starshiy ekonomist Odeeskogo gorfinotdeia.
(Odessa-Finance-Study and teaching)
BORTNIK, S. [,%;-_tnykj- S.]
Design details o' cow barns using precast reinforced concrete.
Bud. mat. i konstr. 4 no.3:45-49 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Glavnyy inzh. Ukrainskogo nauchnc-irsledovatellskogo i
proyektnogo instituta sellskogo khczyaystva.
(Ukraine-Dairy barns) (Precast concrete constructicn)
YMMOV, L.D., kand.takhn.nauk; CHKOTSHHV, G.S., inzh.; LUKASHMO, I.A.,
insh.; UDOVIK. L.F., insh.; LISHCHINA, A.S., inzh.; US, Ye.Ya..
inzh.. Prinimali uchastlys: BORTNIK, S.Pinzh.; SPSL'BOYM. P.L.,
insh.; INOSOVA. N.1.. LUKASHENKO, I.A.. inzh., red.
(Instructions for mariifacturing three-stop blocXs for arched roofs
made without formal Instruktivnys materiiily po proizvodetvU
trakhotupenchatykh blokov d1la bazapaluboohnykh evodchatykh
pokrytii. Kiev, Bluro tokhn.informstaii NIISK ASLA UM, 1958.
35 P. I (MIRA 12:4)
1. Akademira bndivnytetva. i arkhitektury UPM. Instytut budivel'ufth
materialiv i v~rbblv.
(Building blocks) (Roofs)
Number of thrombocytes and thrombocytograms of normal persons in the
city of Frunze. Sorv. zdrav. Kir. no.1:48-50 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Iz Kirgizakogo nauchno-issledovatel skogo instituta onkologii i
radialogii (dir. - prof. A.I.Sayanko).
some hematological indicators of healthy people in the City
of FrLuize. Sov. zdrav. Kir. no.3:10-14 Itr-Je'63.(MIRA 16:9)
1. Iz Kirgizskogo nauchno-issledovatellsko o instituta onkolo-
gii i radiologii (dir. - prof. A.I.Sayenkol
Some variants of rertission in the clinical aspects of
schizophrenia during aminazine, therapy. 2bur. nevr. i psikho
63 no.2:263-2M 163 (MIRA 16:11)
1. Moskovskaym gorodska-ya psikhonevrologicheskaya bollnitsa
No.12 *5treslmevo*'(gl&vnyy vrach A.S. Kalandarishvili) nauch-
nyy rukovoditell - dotsent T.K.Tarasov~.
ACC NRt AP6009160 tA) SOURCE CODE- UR/0002/65/000/011/0014/0023
AUTHOR: Bortalk Ye.
ORG- None
TITLE: The problems connected with the statistical study of production quality
SOURCE.- Vesbdk statistiltig no. lit 1965v 14-23
TOPIC TAGS: quality control, Industrial statistic, statistic analysis
ABSTRACT: The quality of machines to determined by the totality of various properties not all
of which can be subjected to quantitative estimates. To develop a statistical approach to the
quality of machine operation, the author Investigates the ways and means for evaluating the
quality of a self-propelled combine harvester, The coefficient of technical servicing of the
machine and the coefficient of the technological servicing of the combine are defined. On the
basis of statistical data the exploitation reliability of the unit Is discussed. A comprehenstve
survey of the cost of operation and general productivity of the machine Is given. No attempt Is
made to generalize these specific calculations to larger'classes of problems. OrIg. art. Nis-
14 formulas and 5 tables.
SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: none
L- 5 46-~V
7-' NKO, V-G, kand,--tikhn,nauk; BNTNI~, Yo.A-, ir.zh.
I .T o
ECO-n(- -re quality of an
h4lon of' the increase in 1.
,;-jo eVF,,l-,,
electric locomotive. Vest,mashinostr, 44 no, 2-:711-73
F 64, Nutt, .J!
DMNIK, Yu.Y. inzh.
lighty tons of soap per shift. Mael.-thir. prom. 23 no-9:37-38
157. (MIRA 10:12)
(Soap industry)
,BORTNIK, Yu.F., inzh,
I-- -
Fractioning of animal fats. Masl.-zhir. proin. 29 no.10:36
0 163. (KM 16: 12)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut maslozhirovoy
L 29671-66 EWT(1)/ETC(f)-- IJP(c-) AT
!CC NR: AT6012691 SOURCE CODE: UR/3136/65/000/968/0001/00; 22
AUTHOR: *Bortnik Brevnovp No No; Zhukavoklyp V. Go; Romanoy IW *p M. V 31'J!
A, V
ORG: State Committee M Use of Atgmic &germr $SSE. Institute of Atomic Energy
im. I. V. Kurcbatoy, srow (GosudarstveraW komitet po ispolIzovanlyu atomnoy
energiip Institut atomnoy energii)
TITLE: Investigation of plasma in the "AS" installatlon
SOURCE: Moscov. Institut atomoy energil. Dokls4p no* 988, 1965. Issledova-
niye plazuW v ustanovke AS, 1-22 1
TOPIC TAGS: plasma research., plasma compression., plasma injection.. plaamoid ac-
celerationj, plasma stability,, cyclotron resonance,, magnetic mirror
ABST1WT: The authors describe the "AS" (adiabat
Ic -comyression) apzrratus for the 2
study of a plasma produced by injection of fast ions. An axially- centered cylin-
drical plasmoid is detached from the injector by me&= of a pulsed magnetic mirl'orp,
is accelerated toward a stationary mognetic min-or., and is compressed by a time-
increasing magnetic field of mirror configuration. The initial ion energy can
reach ID kev. The article contains a descriptiox. of the installation (Fig. 1),
the auxiliary apparatus, and the measurement details. Measurements were made ot
the density and potential of the plasmaj, the lifetimes of the fast ions, and the
cam 3/3
L 29671-66
ACC NR: AT6o32691
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of "AS" installation. 1 - Magnetic lens, 2 channel,
3 - azotite, 4 -~ titanium evaporators, 5 - chmber, 6,T.,8,1o,ll - stationary mag-
netic field coils, 9 - copper screen, 12 - detachment coil, 13,14 - compression
coils, lc - neutral part--cle detector, 16 - secondary ion energy spectrum ans,3.yzer,
17 - current receiver, 18 - rod probe,, 19 - palladium leak valve.
onset and development of oscillations at the ion-cyclotron frequency. The initial:
plasma density was found to be -proportional to the injection current and amounted
to 1018 crC3 fast ions at a curreirt of 5 ma. In the absence of injection- current I
pulsations, the plasma potential did not exceed +30-40 v and was independent of
the injection current or of the neutral-gas pressure. Cyclotron instability with
an increment time of 20-30 psec developed in the plasma after detachment from th-9
sourse, lasted for about 100 psec, after which it decreased exponentiaaly, appar.-
ently as a result of self-stabilization. The lifetime of the fast ions depended
only on the charge exchange with the neutron molecules. The development of cyclo-
tron instability did not cause additional ion losses. The plasma decayed after
compression with a characteristic time of 500 psec. This is several times smaller
than the charge exchange time, and the reason for this behavior is not yet clear.
The experimental plasma lifetime of the fast ions increased approximately in pro-
portion to the pressure. Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 8 formulas.
SUB C9PE: 20/ SUBM DATE.- 00/ ORIG TW: 0051 OTH IW: 005
L card 3J 3 -
L-L -------------- ...........
45588-65 EWT(I 104/9
W-21 ~t
~Pz 6/Po-4/M-10/14-4 JJP(c)
ACCESSION RRt AP5009119 S/0089/65/018/003/0256/0257
AUTHOR: Bartnikoll A
TITLE: at- A
-p1tisma With hot ions (Description
of. Installation azA first Abxpbrtzents
I&V n 3v~1965#:1256-251
SOURCE: AtionnsYs VneriiY~,'q V..~ a
P1 a Ion, adlabatJ ilon
..TOPIC TAGS: plaaiia compro a M x compresE
Injectionr magnetio mirror
is Intended for an
ABSTRACT: The adiabatic t' on apparatus
e behavlor icilf plasma with hot Ioni; In a gnetic
InveBtigation of th ma
field that increanes with,tiza.- A diagram of the Inutallation Is
J shovn in Fig, 1 W." the -Raclllosurei, The~ -plasma is produced by Inject..
Ling atonic h7drogon Ions idth onergy I '0 keV (or molecular lone with
1 -energy 7 _ keV) The ions zove Im a homogeneous magnel;lc -xield arount;
the ax! ,of the Instal-latton s3,imat pe;rpondicular to- the axis, are-,
reflected by gi, marometio idaTori and. ar;v trapped by amotite. The
growing magniptic. Meld det!achen the ions:frox thhe okumnel. and
compreosea them -to a statf.mnaz7r notguello sdrrorl, aftokr wbich furthek
D L'
V" Irp k' -, , . EV
I Z N. . , ~ t L~ Y t O.G,~ POCHIVALOV, 1.11~;_~ORTNIXOV, A.V,;
.i . t 11, ;
Indu9trial test, in rpGilble mill grinding of gold containing area
at Uhr. 8 OrdzhoniUdze plant in the B&leyzoloto Combine.
I~Ivet, met. 38 no.616-11 Je t65. (MIRA 18%10)
AUTHORS: Ivanov, G.D., Bortnikov, M.G. and Zatulovskiy, xv.11.
TITLE: Modifications to the Control Circuits for Lifting Tables
on a Plate Mill to Shorten the Rolling C.7cle (Izmeneniye
skhemy upravleniya pod*yemnykh stolov tolstolistovogo
stana, d1ya sokrashcheniya tsikla prokatki)
PERIODICA:L: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958 01 13 No.3,
pp. 18'- i9 ~UbSR).
ABSTRACT: This is a suggestion that neceived fifth premium in an
All-Union competition for the economy of electric power.
An important factor in determining the time required to roll a
billet on a plate mill is the time required to raise and lorer
the tables. Lowering seldom causes delay, because the opera-
tor can commence to lower them before the work leaves the rolls.
However, if the raising is commenced too soon, damage may be
At the works imeni Petrovskiy, the electric motors driving the
table lifts were controlled by the circuit given in Fig.l. An
oscillogram taken when the motor was working with this control
circuit is given in Fig.2, and shows that the motor is acceler-
ating tbnughout the period of lifting of the table. It was,
therefore, desirable to increase the acceleration of the motor.
Cardl/2 After trying dif-ferent values of starting resistance and delay
Modifications to the Control Circuits for Lifting Tables on a Plate
Mill to Shorten the Rolling Cycle
time of the accelerating relay, the new circuit shown in
Fig.3 was proposed. It contains no accelerating relay nor
counter-current relay, and a few other parts are left out.
An oscillogram of the operation of the motor with the new
circuit is given in Fig.4. The acceleration time has been
cut from 2.5 to 0.9 sec. and the total time requjmd for lifting
is cut from 4.38 to 3.25 sec. The total time saved in rolling
a sheet is 4 see; thus, it was possible to roll a further
4 000 tons a year of sheet, whilst saving some 200 000 kWh of
electric power.
There are 4 figures.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
(g. Yoroshilov)
Intraperitoneal infusion bf antibiotics in acute ampurative
peritonitis. Xhirurgita 33 no.9:64-66 S 157. OfIRA 11:4)
antibiotics, Intraperitoneal admin. in laparotouv)
(ANTIBIOTICS. ther. use
peritonitis, intraperitoneal admin. in laparotoav)
BORTNUOVp,0*0* (Unsuriyok,, Primorskogo kraya)
Gaae of fibroleiomyoma of the atmach, MArurgiia 36 no,81124
Ag 160, (STMUCH-TOMM) (MIRA 13:E...)
BORTNIKPV Ussuriyok Primorskogo kraya, Gospitaltnaya ul.p
G. t(g.
---- ' '-- - A. 23,
Bronchmsophageal fistulae. Grud, kbir. 4 no.1-112-114 Ja-F 162.
(MIRA 15:2)
Simultaneous perforation of the stomach and duodenum by ulcers.
Vest.1thir. no.9:129 161. (MIRA 15:3)
FOFOVIYANIJ-~", . c - 1. ~ I f. .: . IT , f7, . G. 6:t'- r" - I - 1 r -- mi C, r. w ~. ~ 3: ;-,- - ...
1. N I.-I.; KI'Tw k .: 1~ Y - , . ~ 1. - -
Ferl:~holedochal lymphadenitis as !, COMPlicaLio,", Of
disease. Sov. med. 27 no.2:26-28 F t64.
(illl~-,tUi 17: -10~i
POPOVIYANTS R.S. (Ussuriysk)4 KLEYN, v'.G~, kand, nied, nauk (Ussuriysk);
BbRTIIIKOV,, O.G., kand. med. nauk (Usauriysk)
Surgical treatment of aryptorchism. Urologiia. 29 no.3-~13-16
V.Y-Je 164. (MIRA 18:10)
Public standardization office. Maahinostroitell no.10:42
-il 0 163, (MIRA 16:12)
Short-range weather forecast based on the solution of a complete
systm of themohydrodynamic equations. Mateor,i gidrol. noollt
12-19 V 162o (MM 15:32)
1. V~ahislitellnyy mieteorologiaheakiy t3ents.
(Weather forecasting)
.ACCESSION NR: AR4015478 S/0169/63/000/012/BW5/BO75
SOURCE: RZh. Geofizika, Abs. 12B392
AUTHOR: Bortnikov, S. A.
!TITIE: Calculation of the influence of orography in short-range weather fore-
casting based on the solution of a complete system of hydrothermodynamic equations
XITED SOURCE: Tr. Vy*chisl. meteorol. teentra, V.Y*P. 1, 1963, 53-61
TOPIC TAGS: orography, short-range forecasting, hydrodynamic equations, orographic
influence, weather forecasting
-TRANSIATION: A method is proposed for computing the influence of mountains in a
-two-level system of hydrodynamic equations. An original system of equations is
presented for a "straightened" surface of the earth by means of a suitable substi-
tution of independent variables. A solution of the indicated system of equations,
which takes into consideration the influence of the unevenness of the earth's sur-
face, is given. Author's resume.
DATE AM: o9jan64
ENCL: 00
Aue NH: AnV483o UR/3U8/65/000/006/0008/0018
AUTHOR: S, A, Dortn
TITLE: On the utilization of vind data as the initial conditions in forecasts
based on the complete system of equations
SOURCE: Mravoy meteorologicheskiy teentr. Trudy no. 6, 1965. Vopropy gidrodi-
npdcheakogo kratkosrochnogo, prognoza pogody i mazometeorologii (Problems in bydrD-.
dynamic short-raAge losather forecasting and meeometeordlogy),, B-18
TOPIC TAGS: weather forecastirS short range weather forecast, wind,
Ig 144',
ABSTRACT: In the utilization of prognostic mathematical models for weather forecas..
ting, the choice of initial conditions was found to be significant to the quality
of weather forecasts, This paper discusses certain improvements stemming from the
utilization of additional actual meteorological data, in addition to the usual
geopotential initial conditions. The nature and the results of forecast computa-
tione and subsequent forecast quality evaluations are presented for a Dreviously
described two-level prognostic model of the author (Trudy WiTs, vyp. 1, 1963)..
utilizing real wind conditions in addition to the geopotential data as the initial
conditions. The model uses an iterative process, treating the non-linear members
Card 113
L 10302-M
AGG NR: AT5024030
initially as knmm quantities and utili2ing an implicit finite differences
shematic on time. Mountain regions are treated by a "straightening" coordinate
system and the basis hydr'othermodynainic equations (of movement,, continuity and
adiabaticity) rewritten in the new coordinates for the 700 millibars and 300 milli.-
bars levels. The initial meteorological and geophysical data are picked up and/or
precomputed at a 26)c22 points not (522 points. Iqg, 1, of the Enclosure shows the
basic net, the inner 20x16 region of forecasts and the innermost 12xlO points
region of forecasts quality evaluation. The addition of the actual wind data as
the initial conditons resulted in a reduction of the relative forecast errors for
the geopoterTtia-1 of between 10% and 18%. The prognosis of wind velocity component:5.
then, selves was Aso improved. Enlargement of forecast areas and consideratdon of
the Coriolis parameter variability,likewise improved the prognosis.
ASSOCIATIM: Mi)rovcv meteorologicheskiy tsentr (World meteorological't0r)
NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 000
Card 2/3
L io3o
ACC Nft 2-66
: AT5o24830
FIG. 1.
0 fA Regions and pointv oft
~A~ : Data acquisition
'0 a B Forecast presanta-
(0) Forecast evalaation
3/3 fv
L 19393-66 .2WT(1)/MQ_. W000-
ACCESSION Ni: AV S/0000/64/000/000/00-54/00152
AUTHORs Bortnikon- S. A.
q1 I
'ITITLE- Short-ranEv operational weather forecastin \~~ing general equations
SOURCE: Simpoziuvi po chislennym metodn_prop!za ljog d Moscow, 1963. Trudy,,
Leningrar,-%~~me-t-e-o-lizd-at,--146-4,-' --ii
TOPIC T~Gg: weather forecasting, meteorological cbart, numerical method, pressure
field, atmospher-jc thermodynatAcs
IABSTRACT-. Numerical methods for short-va.nge weather forecasting are being mole
land more widely used in operational practice. The first operational quasigeo-
strophic methods for forecasting the high-altitude pressure field have shoi'm tbiit
numerical forecasting methods *are mucli better than synoptic methods. However, cx-
perience in working daily with the quasigeostrophic method has indicated tbat com.-
1put1tional schemes based on more accurate physical models of the atmospbere am
necessary for operational forecasting. From this standpoint, the use of unalterad
general hydrodynamKc equations can 'give a more reliable picture of the pbenomenc
important to weather foreeaiting.~%, Short-range forecasting methods for a tvto-levol
Card 1/4
1 bave been developed using a general system of hydrothermodynamic equations
tnikov, S. A. , "An Experimeni in Short-Range Weather Forecasting Based on the
tion of a General System of Hydrothermodynamic Equations." Mefeorolooya i
vZogiya., No 11, 1962; Tseng Ching-talun, "The Use of a General System of
=hydrodynamic Equations for Sho'rt-Range Weather Forecasting in a Two-Level
il,11 DAL AN SSSA, 137p No. 1, 1961).' The first examples of 6alculation have
Irmed that forecasts based on the solution of general hydrothermodynamic equa..
is give a more accurate picture of the potential pressure field than the system
A on a quas~igeostrophic model. The model investigated in this article uses
equations of motion and an equation of discontinuity which are written on the
mption of quasi-static conditions on the 300 and 700 nb levels, and a beat flux
ition (adiabatic conditions) for the kOO mb level:
E., . (
.,dill Out Vi
-7-1 , -
x Y
-do an V
+ +
619 a2# 11
L 19393-66
where t is time; x and y are'borizontal coordinates-, reduced pressure C= plP is the
vertical coordinate (P= 1000 mb); 0 is the deviation of the'geopotential from the
standard value-, u, v and w are the velocity components! along the coordinate axes;
I is the Coriolis coefficient, z. yg-l XjR2Tj (R is the* gas constant, g is ac-
celeration due to gravity, y is the vertical temperature gradient, Tj is the aver
temperature and the indices 1, 2 and 3 correspond to the 300, 500 and 700-mb
levels). Boundary conditions are: w = 0 at 0. 1 and C = 0. 9. An analytical solu-n
tion of the problem *is'given. Preliminary analysis showed that the altitude H,
Obtained as the arithmetical mean of the altitudes at -the isobaric surfaces of 300
and 700 mb differs from the altitude at the isobaric surface of 500 mb by an em-
Pirically determined constant average value. This also made it possible to plot
the AT500 f0recast'map'.-The 'recox;ds of forecasts. by'ihis' method dite back -to
October 1962. "solute 'topographic maps for the 300,"500 'and:700 mb levels have
been plotted as* wbI:1 Fu3 ''the' .30'01-700 irib thickness pattetn'and the'map for the verti-
cal currents it tbd li~el:,Of 't 6 '160baiic surface for 50Y *mb for' a- 24 and 36 houc,
period. The ATtoomap and the map of the vertical curTents were used in opera-
tional, practice'. * Since initial data wers required at the 300 and 700 mb levels q
the fiterpolstion/formula was usedt 0700= 0.6244850+ 0.376450g,
Card 3/4
- L, 19393-66
_L 34746-766 - rAn(jVFCr, 014
ACC NRi A 25228 SOURq$ COM UR/036~ V661662160216f~81&0f
ATMOR: Bortnikor. S. A.
ORG: Wo?M-VeW'Rftg1qq1:, Center (FAivvoy mateorologicholik!Ly tsentr)
TITLE: Finite-differences scheme for operational short-range f!o!Er9tcS!2LiM using
primitive equations
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Fisika atmosfer7 I okeana, v. 2, no. 2. 1966, 198-2o1
TOPIC TAGS: weather forecasting. atmospheric model. Poisson equation, iteration,
integral calculuo
ABSTIMM This is a review of the problems involved in the use of primitive equation
in short-range forecasting (15 Soviet and foreign authors are cited). Particular em-
phasIs Is on the computation of the nonlinear terms; the problem considered hero in
for a two-level model of an atmosphere and the use of a finite differences schemie
The author presents a refinement of one of the variants of such a finite differences
approach. The presented variant, based on primitive equations, is convenient fo,7
carrying out numerical experiments for evaluation of the influence of different
physical factors. The computation time on an electronic computer for a series ol
prognostic charts for a period of 36 hours in advance using this modified approach
was about 8 minutes. The scheme is still being tested. One of the refinements Is
that a contour integral is-introduced in the iteration process when seeking the
solution of the Poisson equation. It Is shown that Introduction of this zontour In-
tegral gives a systematic improvement of forecasting results. Sindlar work now is
being undertaken for a three-level radel of the atmosphere. Orig. art. has: 11
formulas and I table. 1_7PRS' 36.,5!a/
SUB CODE: 12. 04 / SUBM DATZI 29Sep65 / ORM REF: 007 / OTH REP, 008
Card 1/1 -Y.;(j:5- UM: 351t 01.:~3 ,
.11 - ~ z A C-
L 471 1-66 GV1
ACC NRt AR6000714 SOURCE 3 '70-12 47 5TW669A "i nyl-
AUTHOR: Bortnikov, S. A.
TITLE: Experiment in short-term operative prognosis by meiuls of generalized equations
SOURCE: Ref. zh. ISekhanika, Abs. 9B679
REF SOURCE: Tr. Si!ip_9ziuma 2o chislen. metodam -roMoza Waody, 1963, L--
Gidrometeoizdat, 1964, 54-62
TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric thermodynamics, synoptic meteorology, geostrophio windq
weather forecasting, differential equation system
ABSTRACT- The results of operative studies of a two-level system of short-term
weather%rognosis from generalized hydrothermodynamic equations are reported.
Prognosticized elements are: heights of isobaric surfaces of 700 and 300 mbar, their
relative topography, and vertical currents at the average level. The height of that
level which differs from 1/2 (AT100 + AT3 OQ ) only by a constant is also forecast.
Prognosis was given for periods of 24 and 56 hours for a territory of 22 x 18 having
network span of 300 km, using as the initial data those obtained from objective
analysis. Application of a finite-difference system implicit with respect to the
linear terms in solving differential equations and of iteration with respect to
nonlinear terms for each time span allowed the span Lt to increase to 3 hours. When
compared with the quality of the daily prognosis, the quality of the 36-hour
NR, AR6000714
prognosis in this case is cnly slightly less accurate. Comparison of a series of 50
forecasts compiled for October 1962-11ay 1963 with analogous prognoses derived f3'0M
the operative three-level quasi-geostrophic method has shown that they are of siixilar
quality. However, the method of generalized equations is more satisfactory in
calculations for cases with sharp rearrangements of baric fields. V. M. Kadyshnikov
Oranslation of abstract7
SUB CODE: 04, 12
Card 2
_/2 args
jKiahix. ev I
~--PqRpi~yjj. -N
Business accounting in construction. Vop. ekon. no.3.-14?--150
Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3)
(Moldavia-Zonstruction industr7~--Finan,,-e)
30GUSHIff ICE, U.N. (Moscov); MMVBM, A*P* (YAoscow), BOR19FIXOT, V*Bq
(Kishinev); MHAYNV. G.A. (leningred); RLI
Discussionou methods for determining the coefficient of prefabri-
cation in constrtwtion. Strolt. prom. 36 no'6t38-45 Je 158.
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BORTNIKOV, T.B., kand. ekon. naul., red.; MEDNEK, V..P., red., FEXTOVA,
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R,D, red.; DMITFCENKO, N.Z., red., POLONSKIY, S.A. tek~-
[Problems of the economics of capital construction in the
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Moldavsk04 SSR; mater-Jaly. Kishinev, Shtiintsa, 196". 145 p.
(MIRA 16~"!')
1. Naucbno-ekonomicheskaya Ronferentsiya pc, stroitel'stva v
Moldavskoy SSR,, Kishinev, 1961. 2. Zamestitel', predscdatel~
Cos-adarstvonnogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po delBra strol-
tellst-c,,a Moldavskoy SSR (for Mednek-), --;. Zaxeduyusbcbly sektorom
ekonomd'e.. stroitellnoy industr1i instituta ekonomilri Akademii
nawk Moldavskoy SSR(for Bortnikov),
(Moldavia-Constnic-tion induEtry-Management)
WaYS to iMprove the indices of capital construction in the Moldavian
S.S.R. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.12:12-26 163.
(MIRA 1815)
Device for knocking out cutters from bushings. Mashinostroitell
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