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POLYANIN, D.V.; ZOTOV, G.M.; GRYAZNOV, E.A.; MENZHINSKIY, Ye.A.; RUBININ, A.Ye.; CHEBDTAREVA, Ye.D.; ZAKHMATOV, M.I.; OKUNEVA, L.P.; SHMELEV, V.V.; STULOV, A.A.; POKROVSKIY, A.N.; SHILIDKRUT, V.A.; IVANOV., A.S.; NABOROV, V.B.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; KURIYEROV, V.G.; KHRAMTSOV, B.A.; BATYGIN, K.S.; BOGDANOV, O.S.; KROTOV, O.K.; GONCHAROVY A.N.; KREZTOV, B.D.; LYUBSKIY, M.S.; SOKOLINIKOV, G.O.; KAMENSKIY, N.N.; YASHCHENKO, G.I.; SABELINIKOV, L.V.; GERCHIKOVA,I.N.; FEDOROV, B.A.; STEPANOV, G.P.; BORODAYEVSKIY, A.D.; INGATUSHCHENKO, S.K.; VARTUNYAN, E.L.; KAPELINSKIY, Yu. -Fe-d.; MAYOROV, B.V., red.; NABOROV, V.B., red.. SOLODKIN, R.G,,' red, -DRDZDOV,- A. G. , red. ;-, POSHQHINA,, L~:j~~ SOLOV I YEVA, G. , mdadshiy--red.; CHEPELEVA~ 0.;:,',-tkbn. -red. [The economy of capitalist countries in 1961; economically de- veloped countries]Ekonomika kapitalisticheskikh stran v 1961 godu; ekonomicheski razvitye strany. Pod red. IU.N.Kapelinskogo. Moskva, Sotsekgiz, 1962. 447 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Economic history-) -0 it e- Is -0 - 0 i -i i i i i .. 11 www-. SO IS aflunjob hlln.~ Kit w3j JAP mv boxg T I b 4 0 A A IX go U of a a v 0 a a f I JI-1. -P - 41 , A --1 -4 0 The Napke an dep$Wl "a the city of SmWorsk. and ininorrakilk-al devrip. tkln% of tbt d"Mit are givrn. A. A. llmljt,.~tty .00 des g=00 00 00 00 Ir See *0 06 00 *00 400 41 its, .00 ttes .. ALLU*60CAL 4.1111141U41 (MINKATICk 7 it aftv W 41, AV All I S a U 0 9 1 w Of I di 4 3 0 010 ego 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111F 0 0 ;Ix a If a 0 C~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 -00 0 0- A go .3 00 v 3 iti h 27 a 19 10 it v it u IS 16 v 9 It -Q-41 -a- U---- U I A I I M n tX -PP- Et i 1 -1 A 101WA Of Oft vein fractwes of The berezor gold' IdepWIS. N. I. Borudar"kil and 1'. 1. Kylyukhoine lorl-9 ' l4wiri r calld is f(Rind in 2.30 cold-Itmins vatfiloW clik". F. If. Itathulann -00 =00 coo coo -99 :it !too 0o t :i: A S a - S L A DETALLURGKAL LITtMAjk*j CLASSWICATION C-Z- .17 O-V ON( 0) l mm u is AV 10 1%; 0 0 0 to it at K K a 99 51 it a It 01 S a PILD n 1 1111 ad 0 Pi I It w j a a T 0" 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0000 000 0 9 0 0 0 go 60 0 0 0 o 0 0 go Go 9609 30RODAYEVSK'IY., N. I USSR/Geological Prospecting Ore Deposits 1948 "Pre-Ore Structures of the Berezovsk Deposits in the Central Urals," B. Borodayevskaya) N. 1. Borodayevskiy, INUGHIZ, 16 pp I'Sovet Geolog" No 29 Data on geology of regions .5urrounding deposits, results of bores through greenstone 0 U layers of structure of ore field, vein granitoids Jq a-lid an evaluation of practical use of conclusions on structural studies. PA 69T44 BOi0D.',Yl!"0'xlY, -N. i . .;bdral,himov, K. Z. and Boroda esidy, N. 1. 1'.. new finling of cu 'prous r7old iri ulic Southern y Q i;'ral," Trudy Gcrno-t--.ol. in-ta (Al-ad. nauk SZS3, Urallskiy filial), Issue 14, !'1-4-, - -1 .-. 61-6- Sc : U-3~' 50, 16 A= ~3, (Lctopl s I Z~iurnal 'nyldi Statrv, 11*0 - 5, 1`4 - ) - XOTAW, F.I., redaktor; BOWDORMY, Nola$ roaaktor; BABINMY, R.I.. roaaktor; QMTA, v9=,"! Yrsdaktor. [Ooologloal stirvey met1tods In prospecting for mineral deposits; & collection of articles] I notodike geologiches1wi Osmki pri poiskekh I raxvodkW& nestorosbdonil polezmykh iskopaexWkh; abornik materialow. Sostaylen grwpol geologar TIMB pod rukorodetwou F.I.Kovaleva, pod red' I a dopo* N.I.Barodaevskego, Koskw&, Gos.u&uchno-tekhn.izd--vc Ut-ry Po geologli I okhrane medr, 1955. 423 pe' [MicrofiW (KLRA 8:5) I* Noscow. TseweyvaW usuchno-Issledavatel'skly institut nizerallno- 90 syr,ya,,. ( ospectIng) BORO]AYEVSKII , N.I.- BORODL12vmu. N.B. ReTieW of the collected articles edited by I.N.Rurek 'Changed rocks adjacent to ore bodies and their prospecting significance. ROTIewed by I.I.BorodMTskii, N.E.Borod&STekata. ZapJaes.min. ob-va 85 no-3:11114 44 156. (NLRL 9:11) (Ore deposits) (Kursk. N.N.) BORODAYEVSKIY, N. 1. "On the Problems of Modeling Tectonic Phenomena," physicists L. M. Kschanov, Ye. I. Edellshteyn, G. V. Vinogradov, G. N. Kuznetsov, M. P. Volarovich, and A. V. Stepanov and geologists F. I. Vollfson, V. A. Aprodov, 11. 1.- Borodayp-vskiy,k and Yu. S. Shikhin --- - paper presented at the First All-Union Conference on Tectonophysics, Moscow 29 Jon - 5 Feb 1957. Sum 1563 Y9 If BORODAYEVSKAYA, M.B.; BORODAYEVSKIY, N.I. "Dikes and mineralization" by Kh.M. AbdullAev. Reviewed by M.B. BorodRevskRia. I.I. Borodnevskii. Sov. geol. 1 no.2:137-143 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Nauchno-issledavatel 'ekiy geologo-rAzvedochnyy institut-oo zolotu. (Dikes) (Mineralopy) (Abdullnev, Kh.M.) . BORODAYEVSKIT. N.1.; SHER, S.D. 1 Metasomatic rocks in the Melentlevskoye deposit in the Urals. Zap. vaes. min. ob-va 87 no.5:603-607 158. (MIRA 12:1) (Ural Mountains-Metasomatism) BORODAYEVSKAYA, M.B.; BOHODAYEVSKIY, N.I. ConcerriM F.Is Vollfson's book 'Problems in studying hydrothermal deposits.* Geol.rud.mestorozh. 5 no.4:103-110 J1-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Ore deposits) (Voltfson, F.I.) BORODAYFVSKIY., N.1. Genetic types of hydrothermal gold ore deposits in the U.S.S.R. Zakonom.raw.polemiskop. 7:376-378 t64. (MlRA 17-6) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gorno--razvedochnyy institut. BORODAYEVSKIY, V. Unit cost accounting on poultry farms Mias. ind., 23, no.4, 1952 DVCFKIN,. S.M. 3DROD AYhVS K Ty - ~ SHIM, V.3. Mastering centrlfugal i~,asting of -"rozi water plptls, Lit. prvizv. 5 ' 71-9 MY 164. (AURA 18g3) BORODAYMKIY., Te.T.; DVOSM,, S.M.; lalAWALIN.. B.D.; IVANOV, V.G. Use of steel watex-cooled chills for the centrifugal casting of pipe. Lit.proizv. no.11:5-7 N 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Centrifugal casting-Equipment and supplies) f DZIgRZKOWA, Wanda; BORODEJ, Ajjcja k6ber; SUJAXOWA, Kuleoza; SUJAKOWA, Alin& Studies on imme iso-antibodies in hmnan milk. II. Role of Munk- Anderson's reaction in the evaluation of the nature of antibodies in the blood serum and milk of women with main group conflict. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.13:1+61-464 26 Mr 162. 1. Ze Stacji Erviodawatwa we Wroclawiu; dyrektor. doc. dr Tadeusz ]Dorobiaz 1 20 Szpitala Minjokiego im. Madurowicza we Wroclawiu; dyrek- tor: dr mod. Sergiusz Doganovski. (MILK HUMAN) (ANTIBODIES) (ERYTHROBLASTOSIS FETAL) (BLOOD GROUPS) BORODENCHIK9 N.K.,- DIKALOV., A.I.; STOROZHIK, D.A.; MARA, A.M. Three-bell charging hopper. Metallurg 6 no.2:7-11 F 161, (MIRA 14- 1) 1. Zavod 7Zaporozhstall" i Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgichoskiy institut. (Blast,furnaces-Design and construction) - I I BOROLENCHIKO N.K.; DIKAWV, A.I.; STOROZHIK, D.A. Increasing the durability of blast fur-nace charging equipment. Stall 21 no.9:782-790 S t6l. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Zavod "Zaporozhatall" i Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. - (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) BORODENCHIK., P.I.,, brigadir The vorkman is known by his work. Hekh,silt.~psp. 13 no.12:3-5 D 162. (KMA 16s2) 1. Tiraktornayn brigada kolkhoza im. 9 yanvaryap Kulikovskogo rayma, Chernigovskoy(Oblasti. Agrimltural maohinery) WDVEDKV, P.I.; Prinimali uchistiye: BABENKO, Ye*; BORODENKO, V.I. Determining the eleotrokinstic potential of the particles of nuclear sols. Lakol-ras.mat.i ikh prim. no.6:50-52 162. (MM 16:1) (Paint materials-Electric properties) DAYCH, A.R.; Prinimal uchastiyt BORODENKO, V.I, Deterrmining co-%%x poirar of willite piT,,wnts. La,-kokras. nat. i ikk Prin. n0.3:58-,:.)1 '63. 16:9) 1. Khar2kovsldy sollskok-hozyuystvcnirry ~,-m;titaito (Figmnts-'T'~Sting) 130RODOW, Yu.P., inzh. (stantaiya Kirsanov). , - m~ -~, I Change the technoloa of re~-raclqg- track. Pat' i put. khoz. no,6: 17 Je 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Railroads-Malutenance and repair) BORODENKO. Yu.P., inzh. (st.Kirsanov Moskovsko-Ryazanskoy dorogi). - mo-reI -attention to quality in the manufacture of frogs. Put' put, khnz, no.9:45-46 S 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Railroads--Switches) STOLYAROVp II.I.; BOROUMOV, M.G. I I - ;:7-1- r,;.! Thing a pneumatic lubricator for greasing cylinders of high-pressure gas engines. Xhin.prom. no.2:119 Mr 154. (MLRA, 7:6) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Cylinders) - "i0)6? 0.'0S-Aj--Ar. 4nVi A.0 USSR/Chemistry - Oxygen, liquid FD-V,)09 Card 1/1 Pub 50-13/19 Author- : Stolyarov, N. I., Borodenkov, M. G. Title : A new design of [pneumatically] powered valves for regenerators of liquid oxygen installations Periodical : Ktiim. prom., No 2, 110-111 (46-4"1), Mar 1955 Abstract : Outline details of an inproved design of a valve for regenerators of KT-1000 liquid oxygen installations. Four figures. Institution: First Mscow Autogenous (Welding] Equipment Plant BDRODZMV~ Machine for reveating votive plates. lislorod 12 no,5:44 '59. (compressors) (WRA 13t2) ' BORODENOK, A. 1. Filtrable type of the pathogen of paratuberculosis, Veterinariia, 29, No. 8, 1952. SO: MLRA. October 1952 'ey Oro .7,> /-=~Y "~ 4" A . __'Z uSSR/niseases of Farm Animals. General rroblems. R Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40599. Author : Mukhin, G. Inst :North Isetia, Farm Institute. Title :Merphology of the Hoof Horn and rrnphylaxis of Hoof Diseases in Sheep. Orig Pub: Tr. Severn-Osetinsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, 17, 277-285- Abstract: The wall of the horn membzune in sheep hoofs forms at the expense of the growth of the tubular (corona) and leafy horn substance. On the outside it is covered with a thin layer of enamel. On the upper part of the enrona. the horn wall is built entirely at the expense of the tubular horn substance; some- what lower than the corona rim, it is built at the Card 1/2 USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. General Problems. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Binl-, No 9, 1958y 40599. expense of the leafy substance which increases gradually towards the lower margin. In the process of growth the tubular corona horn meves downwards; the leafy horn substance, thcugh, grows perpendi- cularly to the wall. This pecularity in the grcwth of the horn wall causiss its bec#~ming vorn out at the sole rim of the hoof. The dark color of the horn is caused by deptmsits cf melanine in its cells. The strength of the hoof hnrn depends upon the amcunt of pigment, upon age, as well as upon the character- Istics of breed and ccnstitution of the animals. For reasons of prophylaxis of lameness in sheep, it is necessary to clean and clip their hoofs systema- tically. Card 2/2 3 USSR T 1 CATBOCRY *Hunan and Animal Physiology, Blood JOUR. : R'Wiol., No. 5 1959, No* 21906 A-UTFC.R : ~orodeviok, A. 1. 1'j'jST. Agricultural Institute TIME tMorphological Changes in the Blood of Sheep with Paratuberculosis and Mixed Tuberculosis-paratub- erculosis Infection. ORIG. Nj B. :Tr. Severo-Osetinsk. instituta, 1956, 17, 287--297, A3,3 'TRA C T Blood morphology -was studied in ? sheep artificially infected with tuberculosis and 7 infected naturally. In the initial latent stage oi the 6i5ease pronounced morphological changes in the blood were not detected. A reduction in hemoglobin level was most frequently obseved 3 to 3j months after infection, while during the period of infection aosinophilia was seen. Episodic laukocytic shifts to the left were noted, as well as periodic lymphocytosis and neutropenia in the face of a general tendency toward leulcopenia. In the clinical stage there was a pronounced Card: 1/2 i COU~ITRY USSR j CATEGGRI ADS. J01M. Fllsiol. Nc, 5 1959, Ifn . 21 19 AUTHOrl INST. TI qi,!-" ORIG. PM A3,STPJiCT :anemia (Eb 35%, rbc 637,000/=3), neutrophilia wi-th a shift 4"d $the left and a certain reduction in tile percentage of lymphlocyte!s. A rpm which was artificially infected with paratuberciiloi3is, and then happ6ned to contract tuberculosis as well, after 5 months showed a reduction in Hb level and leakocyte count and an increase in the percen- tage of lymphocytes in the blood.--l.I.Yurovskayn Card: 2/2 T-25 BORODENOK, A. Some problems in the pathogenesis of paratuberculosis in the experimental infection of sheep. Veterinariia 36 no.12:17-21 '59. (MIRA 13:3) i.Severo-Osetinakiy sellskokhozyaystvanny7 institut. (Johne's disease) (Sheep-Diseasee-and pests) BORODENOK, A. I., (Assistant Porfessor, North-Osetian Agricultural Institute) Authors report. Mucormycosis In sheep Veterinariya v01- 38, no. 9 September 1961, pp. 47. BORCDENON, A.I.., dotsont Muconqcosis in sh86p. Vetarinariia -i8 no.9:47-49 S 161. (MRA 16:8) 1. Severo-Osatinskiy sell sko-khozyayst-Tenny7 institut. S/133/63/000/003/001/007 Ao54/A126 AUTHORS:- Kalinnikov, Ye.S., Efros, D.I., Borodets, IN. TIM: The application of synthetic slag to refining steel melted in 50- -ton open-hearth furnaces PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 3. 1963, 207 - 212 TEXT: The method was tested for 0c.1 (Os.L) axle steel, 40A (40A), 2OX2H4A (2ORM4A), 20, 40X ROM) and 20 X (20101) grades in a 50-ton basic open-hearth furnace. Besides the slag addition the conventional technology was modified In that the content of S and Mn was not controlled during melting; for reduction in the ladle 454 ferrosilicon was used instead of the 754 grade and less aluminum was added into the ladle for the Oa.L, 40A and 2OKh2N4A grades, while for the remaining grades no aluminum was used at all. Ferrosilicon was fed on the 2,adl* bottom, the I-Al was then heated and synthetic slag amounting to 5% of the liquid metal with a temperature of at least 1,6500C was fed inpaxing! time. 2 - 5 min, pouring hftht 3.5 - 1.0 m. These conditions ensure a thorough mixing of metal and slag in the ladle. The synthetic lime-aluminoferrous slag C&rd 1/2 S/133/63/000/003/001/007 The application of synthetic slag to .... A054/A126 was melted in a 5-ton aro furnace (at 2,800 kw transformer capacity). The com- position of the synthetic slag and its changes during melting the above-mention4d grades are given in a table. Samples from the ladle contained 0.014% S as against 0.025 - 0.039% in the conventional process. The burning out of silicon was also reduced from 19.3 and 15.1 to 14.3 and 10.5% (for the Os.L and 40A grades, respectively). Synthetic slag refining promotes reduction: for the OLL grade samples, usually containing in forged condition 0.002 - 0.006% 029 the oxygen content was found to be between 0.002 and 0.004%. The macrostructure of the test steels proved flawless and their content of nonmetallic inclusions de- crossed. The new method does not deteriorate the mechanical characteristics of the test steel; it improves their notch toughness, the sk-value in transverse specimens increases, f6r instance, for the Oa.L grade from 3.4 to 4.4, for the 40A grade from 3.8 to 5.6 - 5.7 kg/cm~ and the anisotropy of the structure as to notch toughness In diminished bY 30 - 55%. The investigationsfor the new method were carried out in cooperation with S.G. Voinov, S.I. Yaburov, L.F. Koaoy, A.G. Shalimovo P.A. Berov, T.A. Izmanova, Ya.M. Bokshitskiy, S.I. Kazarin, V.G. Kuk- lev, A.M. Mamlin, A.I. Lyutov, B.Xh- VishimaikpP.I. Yegorov, N.M. Tarasov, et al. There are 8 figures and 2 tables. Cara 2/2 BORODI, Tibor) ujsagiro Notes on the work'of the Trade Union,of 'Workers in Commerce, Finance and the qatering,Industries in the field of disseminating knowledge. Munka, 10 fio.9:29 S-160*. BORODICH, N. Dj~~q ~N. D~.] Hibernation of bottom organisms in the ground of drained fish- ponds. Vop. ikht. 2 no.3:530-541 162, (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iaboratoriya rybovodetva filiala. Chekhoslovatakoy Akademii sel'skokhozMstvennykh nauk v Bratislave. (Czechoslovakia-Freshwater fauna) (Fishponds) (Hibernation) _M_ T-T _V 'If N T_ It M, -It MI 'W -ADM" a U.S-4 ,A -r49 ~"'! E'll PIOUS Its #0 `W* W40 The fWW&W nvqmk~wA*b al dw lpisdid "a zoo" al dw V. S. S. L M-11, Traw. Sci. fast. -Podzots FolAiwo (U. S. 3, R.) W. 3574M). rapmd =cA so usamim wAsmisL of N, P and K, and r the cbi:m~ Ap Um g . The exptl. dam w& smarvlary vmH with the MitwherUch Csk= V,., J. S. Ickffe Use too itlASS-SLA 017ALLMICAL LTURATURE CLASSIFICATION too 21WO #,*Inv .4 Mall Nil 041 Gilt 04V too u 04, 10 is 04 U.& 0 0000 0 0000 so **so Is s, **so 00 0' 0 AL mg m_,~ gpegp, kgw, ~,.pg g, ~g M�ROMM, It A.. IL Ja -s-A-L-L-A- 04 9 --- T~ 00 The torellizer requarewants, of tho tuadiumental MU tylt" he the Soviet UnbM. A. N~ Lebedyantzer ardjl- 00 N. Dogodich, Tmxs. Sri. InA, Ferldims (blopcow). 00 a N1671113.-M-s-19OWL-Tbis Is a sumnim rqKwt an the effect of froilirm on the Sona suit types,, p4soll. i-btmxhvm and their subtytws, Owstnut and sray. It 00 a CIM" a %Vrk~% of IMM) exp1s. condacted by the lost. fur 00 Feftilimrs. I'lie varlow podiclis rtqK)nd truat cf- lectivtly to a cog pkte Itrtiliter. Thtw an followd b) 004 the dcpadvd chernozem "Is. The nomal and deqi 00.43 chensosms rexporA only to high appikailons. and, what is voom strikinS. Obr" soils re"id to large applications of N. Test: data hor biuley, lientp. sugar beets. uats. *0 w .0pVtoes, 9" aM spring wheirt are presented in tables 9401 ,4 gMpbq. S. Joffe 004 11 SITALLIMICAL LIMATIONE CLAUPWOCATION I*novv -'0 woto .40 04V cog ow ONT As# b U IS AV "I :I-, ; &I :., In, to[*, stilm asrorug; i 9 * I I a ow 00 00 gel w0:0616,401, 119, 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 0 00000000000***Oooowooeoe::G*oeoeog:eeeoe:*: 00 .00 000 aeo age 800 too see moo "Oe we* USSR / Cultivated Plants. Potato. Vegetables. Meons. m-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 1955B, No 16, 72954. Author : Borodich Inst : All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Fertil- izers and Agricultural Soil Science. Title : Effectiveness of Fertilizers Under Potatoes During Square Pocket Method of Planting on Podzolic Soils. Orig Pub: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Vses. n.-i. in-t udobr. I agropochvoved., 1957, No 3, 3-7. Abstract; This work represents a summary of results of a geo- graphic network of experiments In the non-chernozem, zone. During square-pocket plantin6 of potatoes, P 15-30 locally is especially effective on a rich manure base; a tAxture of phosphorus with humus on a broad ratio exerts a negative effect. N 15-30 locally gives a higher addition on poor bases; the Card 1/2 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Potato. Vegetables. Melons. m-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 1958, No 16, 72954. X)stract: effect cf K 10-30 locally is in general hardi.1,7" per- cei~,~-ible, Two-five tj/ha of humus applied locally ,o,ives a stable addition. AddinG humus and Pc of line in holes, in doses recommended by the All-Union Academy of Agriculture imeni V. I. Lenin, decreased the harvest somewhat. -- V. V. Prokoshev. Card 2/2) - TOKA)IGHM., B.F. T)iL,,xaatlc fr&me for vimmiee-,Lng tablIc. liigs. Der. Tirol,!. 2,$ rc*.I;-: 27 D 164 oili-pu" 18..;7-) AFANASIYEV P. inzh.; BORODICH, 14. inzh.; VISHNYAKOV, Ye. inzh. .9 .9 - 31 Making wire-reinforced concrete girders on stands. Na strois Ros. 3 no.5:37 Ily 162. (14IRA 15:9) (Beams and g~~rders) BC-RODICH, M.A., kandidat tekhnieheskikh nauk, dotsent. I Some problems of designing complex (reinforced steel and concrete) bridges having continuous girders. Trudy BIIZHT no.1:105-".29 157. (MaA 10:9), (Concrete bridges) BORODICH, M.X., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. IMMMOM"66 Statistical method for determining temporary loads exerted on multitrack railroad bridges. Sbor.trud. MISI no.10:146-166 '56. (963A 9: U) (Railroad bridges) BORODICH, M. K. Borodich, 11. K. "Some Problems in the Planning of Complex Bridges for Railroad Lines." Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineering Inst imeni V. V. Kuybyshev. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 27, 2 JulY 1955. BORODICH, M.K.. kandidat takchnicheskikit nauk, doteent. Calculating beams with wide flanges for bending from evenly distributed loads. Trudy 3IIZHT no.1:96-104 157. (M1RA 10:10) (Girders) SOV/124-58-1-1124 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 146 (USSR) AUTHOR: Borodich, M. K. TITLE: Some Problems of the Design Composition of Complex (Steel-plus- reinforced- concrete) BridgesWith Plate -reinforced Frameworks [ Nekotoryye voprosy komponovki kompleksnykh (stalezhelezobeton- nykh) mostov so sploshnymi fermamil PERIODICAL: Tr. Belorussk. in-ta inzh. zh. -d. transp. , 1957, Nr 1, pp 105-129 ABSTRACT: An investigation of the rational shape of the cross sections of bending elements, wherein particular attention is devoted to single- lane flitch-beam bridges. A procedure for the selection of the respec- tive dimensions is proposed. Reviewer's name not given Card 1/1 124-58-9-10504 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 154 (USSR) AUTHOR: Borodich, M. K. TITLE: io the Calculation of Compound (Combination Steel and Rein- forced-concrete) Bridges for a Vertical Loading Relative to the Strength of the Concrete [ K raschetu kompleksnykh (stale zhe le zobe tonnykh) mostov na vertikallnuyu nagruzku na prochnost' po betonul PERIODICAL: Tr. Belorussk. in-ta inzh. zh. -d. transp. , 1957, Nr 1, pp 130-139 ABSTRACT: The author states that the premise, generally adopted in structural analysis, that the ratio of the moduli of elasticity of steel and concrete m=10-15 is not realistic and that the re- finement proposed by the TU (Technical Specification) should be adopted, However, the calculation method proposed by the TU project leads to a weight penalty and therefore requires correc- tion. In the structural analysis of concrete the author recommends that, 1) not the permissible stresses but the permissible fiber strain of the concrete be specified; 2) the value of the ratio m be specified in relation to the grade of concrete to be employed. Card 1/1 1. Bridges--Structural analysis TSEGELINIK, A.G., inzh.; BORODICH M.PK.' inzh. awwwm~ Using prestressed reinforced concrete construction elements in constructing industrial plants in Krasnodar Economic Region. Bet.i shel.-bet. no.12:568-569 D 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Krasnodar Territor7--Girders) I AFANASIYEV, P.M., inmh.; BORODIGH, M.K., inzh.; DOLGOV, V.A., in7b.; KOZLOV, V.V., iniF.-- - Manufacture of wire-reinforced concrete articles on the T116-906 unit in Krasnodar, Bet.i zhel.-bet. no*6:254-257 Je 161. (MA 14:7) (Krasnodar-Preistresoed concrete) BQEDPJ~L nauchnyy sotrudnik; AFANASIYEV, P.M., nauchnyy sotnxInik; KCZLOV.V V.V. Tensioning station of very simple design. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.6:276 Je 162* O~aRA 15:7) 1. Krasnodarski'j- filial Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta po stroitel'stvu 1-Unisterstva stroitellstva RSFSR (for Borodich., Afanaslyov). 2. Glavnyy inzhener zavoda No.3 Krasnodarskogo sovnarkhoza (for Kozlov). (Prestressed concrete) BELOV, V.P.; BORODICHIV M.K., nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHCHEBUNOV, E.M... naucIffiyy-sotruduik Design of a sleeve anchor. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.0':277-278 je 162. (IAIPA 15.7) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya stroitel'stva Krasnodarskogo sovnarkhoza (for Belov)e 2, Krasnodarski-y filial Nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta, po stroitel'stvu Ministerstva stroitel'stva RSFSR (for Borodichp Shcheblanov). (Concrete reinforcement) V., BORODICR r~ D. Larw!c 0-1,1*1cr Acn(cils o- Their Biolor""'I S!.~'b 2c", '~'ov 52, ins" Of thc '-;-'conon,~- imoni A. I. f: e r 0 for Lhe Bef-ree oil in Biolo~,-;cal Co. Vecl~ern'anra 7pminry-Demqier 1c-" Food of the larvae of Chironomus f.1. plumosus and their wintering in the bottom soils of drained fish ponds. Trudy Gicl-robiol.ob-va 7:123-147 '56. (K6RA 10:2) 1. Moskowskiy takhuicheakiy institut rybnoy promyshlerffiosti i 1--hc- mystva. (Chironomidae) (Fish ponds) nonoDic-T, S.11. 33995 30RODICH, S.V. 0 kyeal; Noy Pomyekhoustoyciiivosti Pri Priyekye Signalov Inmul;sno- Vryein.vennoy I-loaulyatsit Sbornik Nauch Trud Ov (Tsyen Tr. Nauch-Isslyed In-T Svy,ctzi) Yyp. 1, 1949. S. 5-25- Bibl- io,-,r: 5 Nazv SO: Leto-Dis' Zhiirnal'rA,,rkh Statey, Vol. 42, Moskva, 1949 BWOUICIIP V. USSR/Electronics Comunications Sep/get Interfeye~~e "Noise Stability of Communication With Pulse-Code Modulation," S. V. Borodich, Engr "Radiotekh" Vol IV, No 5, PP 13-28 Presents method of calcg potential noise stability of subject communication during fluctuating inter- ferences. Examines method of receiving pulse-code modulation signals and assesses their noise eta- bility. Obtains formulas suitable for any signal- to-noise ratio at the receiver input. Submitted 8 Dec 48. 2o6T53 BORODICH, S.T.; MINA N, T.P., redaktor; SON)LOVA, R. Ta.. tekhni- chaffifly redaktor. [Pidtichannal radio relay cownudcation lines] Knogoi-ml I are radioreletiVe lirdi sviazi Moskva Gon.izd-vo lit-ry po vop- rosan sylazi t radio, 1953: 43 p. tKIcrofIlmj (HLRA 8:9) (R~KUo relay system) BORODICH, S.V. Cand in Tech Sci, Chief of the Laboratory of the Scientific Research of the. Ministry of Communications. "Frequency Multiplexing of Raaio Relay Communication Lines" Vestnik svyazi, No 3, 1954, PP 5-6. Translation M-3,053,704 VOKPOIC tr ) Z")V MwMiscellaneous - Radio Card 1/1 1 Pub. 133 4/20 .Authors i Borodich., S. V., Cand. of Techn. Sc- Tltle i Traffic density of radio-4elay communication lines in time O"10dical Vest- svYazi 7, 8-10,, July 1954 Abstract The principle of dividing channels in Lime and the construction of an apparatus for increasing the traffic density of impulse-modulated radio relay lines are described. A comparison is made between radio-relay lines with traffice density according to frequency and lines with traf- .plication-of such relay fic density according to time. Fields of ap systems, are explained. A system with channel divided according to time can be used for conventional telephone and telegraph transmission, transmission of telephoto news and for broadcasting by increasing traf- fic density orby combining several telephone channels. Drawings. Institution : Ministry-of Communications, USM Submitted : BORODICH, S.V., Idnear distortions in frequenc7 modulatione Radiotekhnika, 9 no.6: 66-72 D 154- (MIRA 8:4) (Radio frequency modulation) BORODICH, S. V. Card. Tech. Sci., MASHIN, V. P., Card. Tech. Sci. SOMLOV, A. V. Engr "High Prequency Equipment of Radio-Relay Communication Lines" Vestnik Svyazi No 5, 1955, PP 7-10 Transaltion M-1321, 19 Nov 56 77777~ - rJU -13Y AFMIAL / 3")o 2~~ LT~ ~l ~N V FLEDER MODULATION MT EPAIS., Sypol~nafta, - - i 0 t a 3-14 i 10 Vol No rfussir " 10 Sky, a . . . . n , 1 -- , 1 . ~ q Non-1.1near distortion miarbc 1 n rpulypri; rec_6v1;_,. f.m. C,f Wit'nVeM infortal.bon iUt 41S,~phcrd In Tohzso, ~"i~o ' " V ,dve W non-'OniforrAly & aerial leeiers, rmlbng in energy refl,chons, distortion increases with ffie ampltttide of thL reiifcte~ -Wav~D and ~%'M thi pbue 41f!prlenvc b-Owpen thL t-wo 1 0 1 ... ri-altipath transnll.-~sions, and is paril6larly e-vident In inu!ti- ebannel radio relay 111nes, us,u;aly as :idditional A math- ematical aftn1vs1S e the gpnerzt6d ihslorllDa In 2. multIchannel System is given, abi ibe correlitionl3neu6n 0 N)t"llatortion prz6jced is "icul Me d, alst) 11w irzq~en'c~ sp-miruril o1 the l Spa -goneIin zi ~Jprc~~Cwq-uo4 w RUC) made _b, !or b)C e~Isc. ct n single -W6, FE)TATtgr A. 14L B OR 01V ; KALINVI, A.I.; FORTUsBENxo, A.D., otvetetvennyy redaktor; 4ft4-YICV, B.S., redaktor; VXTW2RAUB, A.B., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Handbook for electrocommunications engineering] Inzhenerno- tekhnicheskii sDravochnik po elektrosviazi. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio. Vol- 7. [Radio relay systems] Radioreleinye linii. 1956. 172 p. (M1RA 9:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo avyazi. (Radio relay systems) Calculation of noise in channels of radio relay lines with frequency compositiug and frequency modulation. Blektrosvias' 10 no-3:13-20 Mr 156. (MLRA 9:7) (Radio--Interference) (Radio relay systems) 6(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2322 Borodich 3 V f N.I. Kalashnikov, A.M. Model', S.D. Manayenkov, a ~_.V71;trov ~4i Radiorele4,nyye linii svyazi (Radio RelayNetiorks) Moscow, 1957. 36 p. (Series: Obzory po novoy tekhnike. Energetika) Errata slip inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po novoy tekhnike, and Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vsesoyuznyy institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii. Ed.: V.I. Siforov, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences. PURPOSE: This booklet may be useful to engineering personnel working with radio relay systems. COVERAGE: The authors discuss radio relay lines existing in the USSR and abroad. They also describe the utilization of tro- pospheric scattering of radio waves in radio and television broadcasting. There are 10 references: 2 Soviet (both trans- Card 1A Radio Relay Ndtworks SOV/2322 lations) and 8 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS t Use of Radio Relay Lines 3 Brief characteristics of radio relay communication 3 Existing radi-O relay lines In the USSR and introduction of Soviet equipment 6 Existing radio relay lines abroad and '' their use 8 Economic effect of introducing radio relay communications 11 State of Radio Relay Engineering in the USSR and Abroad 15 Characteristics of equipmrnt 15 Antennas and waveguides 23 Power supply and automatie control systems of unattended stations 29 Utilization of Tropospheric Scattering of Radio Waves in Comm- unications and Transmission of Television Programs 31- Card 2/3 Radio Relay Networks SOV/2322 Conclusions and Proposals 3 5 Bibliography 37 A"ILABLE: Library of Congress (TK 6553 -B59) JF/ec Card 3/3 10-7-59 SXMNIOV, Vasiliy Ilekseyevich; BaR otvatstvennyy.redaktor; GOROKHOVSLIY, A.Y., re&OTrO-r--,-IXUS'I.AVSKAYA, L.Sh., takhnichaskiy radaktor [Principles of radio comunication by ultra-short waves] Osnovy radiosviazi na ul'trakorotkikh volnakh. Xo9kva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviast t radio, 1957- 818 P- (XIIRA 10:11) (Radio, Shortwave) "Determination of -the-Fun xitikL F a of an Apparatus for Multichannel Radio Rela5 Lines," by S. V. Borodich, Elektrosvyaz, No 3, mar 57, pp, 14-23 A method is given for determining the optimum parameter values of a multichannel radio relay -kith frequency division channel I ng and R4. The optim quantitative relation between the individual consti- tuents of noise in the telephone channel was established. (U) AUTHOR: Borodich, S.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences 111-9-6/28 TITLE: The "P-60/12011 Radio Relay Equipment (Radioreleynaya apparatura. ,P-6o/120--) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Svyazil 1957P Rr. 9, PP 3-7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article deals with the new "P-60/120-1 radio relay line equipment for multi-channel telephone communications and TV- transmission, designed to replace the 24-channel telephone communication and TV transmission system. This standard unit allows to establish, in one radio relay line, one simplex re- versible TV trunk-line having a pass-bandwidth of 6 megacycles and two duplex telephone trunk-lines having one duplex-channel each with a pass-bandwidth of 300 cps to 552 kilocycles. This channel is condensed by means of terminal equipment separating the channel frequencies. The maximum capacity of the trunk- line is 120 telephone channels when using two "K-6011 systems in the ranges of 12-2r,,2 and 312-552 kilocycles. When the simplified condensing equipment "KPP-30/600 is used, the same frequency-ranges contain 60 telephone-channels. In addition to 120 (or 60) telephone-channels$ the same trunk-line conta:ins service-channels and the channel of the aural TV reception. Card 1/6 The service-channels have a bandwidth of 300 cps to 6 kilo- The ,P-6o/12011 Radio Relay Equipment 111-9-6/28 cycles, the bandwidth of 300 CPB to 3 kilocycles being reserv- ed for conversations and 3 to 6 kilocycles for TV-service. The channel of the aural TV-reception has 275 to 290 kilo- cycles, its LF pass-bandwidth has 30 cps to 15 kilocycles. The intermediate stations controlled by "P-60/120" type equip- ment are automatic, having an automatic reserve-system, re- mote signalization and remote control. The automatic reserve system consists at each line station of a complete reserve unit in addition to the complete base unit of the transceiving(trans- mitting-receiving)equipment. There is an automatic replace- ment of the base unit by the reserve unit and the time of communication interruption does not exceed 200 microseconds. The electric power supply of 220 V, 50 CPS9 is provided either by a separate engine-driven generator or by the local network through a voltage-stabilizer. About,5 kva are required by a complete unit of the equipment.used by an intermediate station for two trunk-lines (TV and telephone). The quality indices of a radio relay line using the "P-60/120" type equipment meet the standards and recommendations of the International Advisory Committee for Radio Communications and;the International Ad- visory Committee for Telegraph and Telephone *hich-specify Card 2/6 a hypothetical calibration line of 2,500 kilometers length The "P-60/12011 Radio Relay Equipment 111-9-6/28 with a condensing of the trunk-line by 120 telephone-channels. Such a calibration line adopted for radio relay lines contains 9 stations with signal modulation and demodulation. The quality indices of the TV-channel, in case of utilization of the.,,F-6o/12011 type equipment and ofaradio relay line having a length of 1,000 kilometers correspond to the recommendations the above international committees are planning. The complex "P-60/12011 equipment is described in detail and summarized in a,table. The transceiving devices are shown in a block.diagram '(Figure 1) and consist of several units des- cribed in detail. in the transmitter, the average frequency of the FM oscillator is 70 megacycles. The receiver section contains a crystal frequency converter and a heterodyne opera- ting with a "K-1111 klystron. The intermediate frequency has also 70 megacycles. The block diagram Figure 2 shows the transceiving device of an intermediate station. The peculiar- ity of this device is the utilization of a master-oscillator of the transmitting section as heterodyne of the receiving section. In order to maintain the service-communication with a given station in case of signal-vanishing at its input, an emergency oscillator of 70 megacycles is inserted into the Card 3/6 circuit. This oscillator is switched on by an indicator, if The "P-60/120" Radio Relay Equipment 111-9-6/28 the signal of the IF amplifier is vanishing. The transceiving devices have the following base characteristics; The fre- quency-range has 1,600 - 2,000 megacycles (this frequency-range has fixed frequency-values for two telephone and one TV trunk- lines); the transmitter power has 3 watts; the noise-factor of the receiver is 30; the bandwidth has.20 megacycles; the fre- quency deviation of the telephone operating has 100 - 200 kilo- cycles per channel, the corresponding value for the transmission of TV-signals htying N megacycles- A complete system of t-erminal devices is installed at each radio relay line station having "P-60/12011 type equipment. The terminal equipment of the aural reception channel contains amplifiers, an individual frequency converter, an oscillator and filters. The converter has a two-phase modulation (phase- difference diagram), by means of which the separation of one lateral frequency band-is effected after the amplitude-modula- tion without any quartz filters. The stability of the carrier- frequency is increased by quartz, the whole oscillator being contained in a thermostat. The terminal video amplifier of the TV-channel matches the amplitudes at the input and at the out- put of the channel. The signal amplitude at the output of the Card 4/6 amplifier attains 5 v. The same has also a separate output The ,P-6o/1201, Radio Relay Equipment 111-9-6/28 for controlling the picture quality. A special teSt-8y8tem prevents false commutation in case of signal fading at the output of the receiver. It switches on first the reserve receiver and only after re-appearance of the signal at its output, the complete unit is switched over. The remote-control contains sensitive elements placed at main (or terminal) stations, and receivers placed at intermediate atat- ions. Figures 5 and 6 show the photos of such automatic de- vices. The main unit of the antenna of the "P-60/12011 equipment is the periscopic antenna elaborated by V.D. Kuznetsov and used also in 24-ohannel equipment. It consists of a horn-radiator in- stalled inside a building, a lower elliptic reflector at the tower-base and a flat reflector at the tower top. Long feed- ers are unnecessary. Another antenna type is the parabolic antenna with a vibrator (similar to the parabolic antenna of the 24-channel radio relay equipment), connected with the transceiving devices by a IIPKK-5/181, coaxial cable. The an- tenna and the feeder devices contain separating filters con- sisting of two parts made of coaxial line section. The an- tenna commutator has the form of a coaxial T-pipe with a cou- Card 5/6 tactor actuated by electromagnets. The ,P-6o/1201, Radio Relay Equipment AVAILABLE: 111-9-6/28 The "P-60/120" equipment has been designed by the Scientific Research Institute and the Experimental Plant of the Ministry of Communications under the direction of I.V. stov, V.P. Minashin, A.V. Sokolov, M.V. Brodskiy, V.D. netsov, V.M. Shifrina and Ya.M. Madorskiy. The mass of this equipment is being prepared. This article contains :two- bl6o)g-diagrams, I table, and two Russian references. Library of Congress USSR Kazi- Kuz- production 4 photos Card 6/6 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3550 Bor'odich Sergey Vladimirovich, Vladimir Pavlovich Minashin, and :~~Ya_srl _1yev_ic_h_7Yc) =oov RadiD~eleynaya svyaz' (Radio Relay Communications)Moscow, Svyazl- izdat, 1960. 434 p. '-Errata slip inserted. 17,000 cipies printed. Resp. Ed.: S.V. Borodich; Ed.: V.I. Bashchuk; Tech. Ed.: K.G. Markoch. PURPOSE: This is a textbook approved by the Minist~y of Co,mmunica- tions, USSR, for use in communications tekhnikunis. It.*was pre- -pared in accordance-with the program.of the course "Radio Relay Communications." COVERAGE: The book describes the fundamentals of radio relay-commki- ni6ations, the structure of all the components of a radio relay line, principles of design of radio relay lines, and the electri- cal characteristics of communiQation channels and methods of measuring them. Particular attention is paid to radio relay commu- cation systems using frequency-division multiplexing and fre- quency modulation, systems considered the most joroxisiag' iad, Card 178 Radio Relay (Cont.) SOV/3550 most extensively used in practice. Byatems uaing time-d1vision multiplexing and pulse modulation are discussed to the extent necessary to familiarize students with the principles of their operation and with the basic peculiarities of the equipment's structure.. In this textbook the authors' aim is to generalize from vast amounts of material on the theory and.the engineering problems of radio relay.communications contained in a series of ariticles by Soviet and non-Soviet authors. The authors also used their own experience gathered in developing the equipment of Soviet radio relay systems and in lecturing at courses for the improvement of communication workers' skills. They avoid as far as possible the use of complicated methods of mathematical analysis. The subject of radio relay line's has only recently been introduced into the curriculum of electrical communications tekhnikums., and this work represents the first textbook in the field. The Introduction and Chapters I, II, VII, and VIII were written by S.V. Borodich; Seetions 1, 2, 8, 9, 10,-and 11 of Chapter III, and Chapter IV by V.P. Minashin; Sections'3,,4, 5, 6,-7, and 12 of Chapter III, and Chapters VI and IX and the Appendix by AN. Sokolov. The whole work was written under the Card 2/8 Radio Relay (Cont.) SOV/3550 general supervision of S.V. Borodich. Them are 47 refenrices, all Soviet TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction. 5 Ch. I. General Concepts of Radio Relay Communications 9 1.1. Principles of radio relay communications 9 1.2'. Construction of a radio relay line 11 1.3. Fields of application and basic features of radio relay communications 20 1.4. Radio relay lines of long range ultrashort wave tropo- spheric propagation 24 Ch. II. Multiplexing of Radio Relay Lines 26 2 .1. Concept of frequency-div 'ision multiplex of t'he line 26 2 * 2. Construction of frequency-division multiplex equipment 30 2.3. K-12 and K-24 multiplex equipment 34 Card 3/8 Radio Relay (Cont.) SOV/3550 2.4. Principles of multiplex equipment,design for a large number of abannels 38 2-5~. New principles of simplified multiplex eqiAipment*design 41 2.6. Frequency-division multiplex of radio relay lines 44 2.7 Concept of time-division multiplex system 46 2.8: 1Types.of pulse.-modulation 48 2.9. Construction of time-division terminal multiplex equip- ment 55 2.10. Time-division multiplexing of radio relay lines 63 2.11. Fields of application of frequency-and time-division ,multiplex methods In radio relay lines 65 2.12. Secondary multiplexing in telephone cbannels 66 2-13~ Transmission of television programs by radio relay lines 69 Ch. Ill. Receiver-.;Transmitter'Equipment of Radio 3.1.. Block diagram of rec'eiver-transmitter eqaipment 3.2. Ultrahigh rrequency oscillation circuits 3.3. Input circuits and crystalmikers of the 3.4. Receiver set noise 3.5. Intermediate frequency amplifiers Relay Lines 74 74 85 receiver 97 105 118 Card 4/8 Radio Relay (Cont) SOV/3550 3.6. 14miters,- frequency and pulse detectors 129 3 Final amplif iers i 138 .- Ultrahigh frequency oscillators and amplifiers 145 N 3.9. Frequency stabilization in u1trahigh frequency oscilla- tors 168 3.10. Intermediate frequency power amplifiers 177 3.11. Modulators: 187 3-.12. Operating frequency distribution systems over radio relay lines 189 Ch. IV. Antennas and Feeders 199 4.1 'Ahtenna parameters 199 4.2. Phase synchronized antennas 203 4.3. Parabolic antennas 204 4.4. Horn-lens antennas 208 4.5,. Horn-parabolic antennas 213 4.6. Periscopic antenna's 214 4.7. Coaxial feeders 217 4.8. Waveguidi!~s 223 4.9. Separation filters 231 4.10. Ferritewaveguide"Isolators" 237 Card 5/8 Radio Relay,(Cont.) SOV/3550 Ch. V. Propagation of Ultrashort Waves 242 5.1. Radio Wave propagation in free space 242 5.2. Earth's influence on ultrashort wave propagation. Types of routes 245 5.3. Effect of meteorological conditions 254 5.4. Selection of routes for radio relay lines and estimation of attenuation factor 259 5.5. Long-range tropospheric propagation of ultrashort waves 268 Ch. VI Additional Equipment of Radio Relay Lines 271 6.1. Maintenance control communications `271 6-.2. Automatic standby (rese'rive) systems 276 6.3. Nonattended stations. .Remote signal system and remote control 2 9 6.4. Check instruments 1 2 1 6.5. Power supply 2814 Ch. VII. Electrical Characteristics of Radio Relay Ch-annels 290 7.1. Transmission levels, attenuatiori and gaift 290 7.2. Basic electrical characteristics of a telephone channel Card 6/8 Radio Relay (Cont.) SOV/3550 7.3. Standards and recommendations concerning basic electrical characteristics of telephone channels and broadcast channels 303 7.4. Basic electrical characteristics of the master channel of a multichannel line 308 7.5. Standards and recommendations on basic electrical char- acteristics of a radio relay line television 6hannel 309 Ch. VIII. Principles of Design of Radio Relay Lines With Frequency-Divi sion Multiplex System 317 8.1. Thermal noise in the channels" of ' radio relay lines 317 8.2. Accumulation of thermal noise 325 8.3. Basic properties of multichanti e1 communication 328 8.4. Noise caused by nonlinearities. General rem-arks 331 8.5. Noise caused by nonlinearities in the components'of the master channel 333 8.6. Noise caused by nonlinearities in the components of the radio frequency channel 341 8.7. Noise caused by nonlineariti es in the components of the antenna-feeder c . hannel 347 Card 7/8 Radio Relay (Cont.) SOV/3550 8.8. Effect of amplitude limiters 353 8.9. Addition of'noises caused by nonlinearities 356 8.10. Linear distortions 361 8.11. DeteruLtnatim of bas:tc parameters of equipment in multi- channel radio relay lines 366 8.12. Design of radio relay lities 377 Ch. IX. Basic Operational and Preventive Measurements 388 9.1. Character and purpose of measurements 388 9.2. Methods of measuring basic chiracteristics of a tele- .phone channel 389 9.3. Methods of measuring basic characteristics of a line master channel 393 9.4. Methods of'ineasuring basic characteristics of a tele- vision channel 398 9.5. Methods of measuring and checking radio frequency equipment 399 Appendix. Basic Data on the R-600 and R-60/120 Type Equipment of SoViet,Radio Relay Communication Systems 4?2 Bibliography 430 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/jb Card 8/8 5-24--6o 3 2-? (10 1/0, ' /,S_~) Y-9 0 0 AUIHOR- Boredich, S.V. 32951 A055/Al 0-1 "'II',-E Calculation of the permissible radio Interference magnit-ade il tichannel radio relay systew PMODICAL, Elektrosvyaz, no. !, 1962, 13 - 24 TEXT. The author examines the Increase of nonlinear transitions In radl--, relay channels with frequency multiplexing and frequency modulation in t- pre.- sence of radio interferences. He analyzes the effect of both the ncnm.Can.,.,a!,~_d Interference5 and the interferences modulated by the multichannel He begins by deducing the formula giving the correlation function';O., anlf tbE- time-averaged correlation function Wc of the phase of the total (the index T designates the value of the function at the moment t +Tnes--- formulae are deduced under the assumption that the amplitude modulation of Ulif~ signal by the Interferences is fully suppressed by the amplitude li'mi-ter and that no substantial components of the combination frequencies (getting into V'!~- I-f amplification band) are formed in the nonlinear elements of the rc_-ce.4ver. The formulae obtained by the author show that the correlation functicn A The Card 1/2 32951 Calculation of the permissible radio A05544110! phase is a periodical function of time,. Using the averaged correlati, n f uncti, and the theorem fc-r -zhe apectrum of t114~, derivative of the random pr.-ces'~Z, -~,e author deduces next a for-mula giving the averaged spectrum ctf the at the out-out -f Me frA--quency discriminator, ThI= formu.-ha ena,bl~., t~llm ,,: pr"-- ceed t,-, --he rf Cne p-sophcm~trlc power c-f ~ne In7i~rf.Ar"rr.- 11-1. 'r.- telepbone cha-nnel- Tha final formula. to whi~~h thI5 ca.!--u.-a,Icn leaois Tj~rm:r= deter-nine the d-:,peziden~e of !-he power c,f the in char-ne]. ijprrl~ 1;' th-r-. Inter-.-f*L-:rence-to--z~-qna.I r~~411~'~ t':-c- the freque-nc;-!=-z r,f this !Lrd cf the interferenc~e~,~, 3' C-7--IzUIat1%nP5 wiih th~; aid of tills final f a rtalcullatior. -f two z!c~mplic-arad are rn~,,de fc-r- t-w~- f predistortion.: ELpT,,---'yirg -rn..e by eral grapas are rept~-dhu-,~--!, which s~~--w PQW~~r cf frequency-m:.du--.a!,--d by mule -,rhanne-, -7 c;v--t P-? mentloned in the arlftolt- !),rE-. 1.,L Gon,~rovqfty, W.A. Ir,-~vrer-~ Y~v, E.V, a-!id A.A, Kharkevi.~h. are 'I figii,-es, t tablp and bloc and 8 non.-Soviet-l-loc.. SUBVI=--D Carr.1 -?,"-- 6, 7,%,300 AUTHOR: Borodich. . V. 38973 8/106/6P/000/007/001/005 A055/A101 TITLE: On the required passband width of the h-f channel of multichannel radio relay systems PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazt, no. 7, 1962, 3 10 TEXT: The problem of determining the required passband width of the h-f channel of multichannel radio relay systems with frequency multiplexing and frequency modulation was already tackled by Medhurst (RF Bandwidth of frequency division multiplex systems using frequency modulation, "Proc. IRE", 1956, v. 44, no. 2). The present article is an attempt to find a practically useful solution of this problem. The characteristics of the channel are supposed to be ideal. The nonlinear noise power in the telephone channel is used as a criterion for determining the required bandwidth. The article consists essentially of the deduction of a formula giving the nonlinear noise power. Starting from the formula U, (t) - uocosruj-t + AWMS(t)], 0) L-0 Card 1/3 38973 S/106/62/000/007/001/005 On the required passband width of... A055/A101 where ul(t) is the voltage of the signal at the input of the ideal. fourzpole, frequency-modulated by the multichannel communication U(t), and S(t) U(t)dt, -the author analyzes the processes U(t) and S(t), and finds their correlation func- tions; the energy spectrum of the multichannel communication being Wu(F) Wo within the band F, < F -C F21 he next deduces a formula for the spectrum of non- linear noises W,(F). Using this formula, he finally derives his essential formula giving the nonlinear noise power in the zero relative level point: Ok - k2s 109 Pnoise = - 0 H(a, q6 picowatts, (15) where qL+1 H (a, qa) I g(a, q)g(a, q 1)dq. (16) q&. In formulae (15) and (16): Fk' is 2!~ andwidth of the telephone channel; kps is a psophometric coefficient; M = F2 is the effective modulation Index for a Card 2/3 38973 S/106/62/000/00VOOI/005 on the required passband width of... A055/A101 channel; Afk is the effective frequency deviation for a channel (when a sinus- o1dal. cu;rent of 1 millivolt power is stIpplied to the zero relative level point); 2 Af PI) ~L 6f a q ~ 7 Fl- -F; F 1C. T. Formula (15) and a set of 2 '16 -2F2i I I graphs (five of which are reproduced in the article) enable the author to deter- mine the required bandwidth Af =-2F2qafor six different multichannel systems. There are 5 figures. SUBMITTED: February 20, 1962 Card 3/3 APGC P_- -p-4 4/P ACCESSION NR:. AP3005601.- -S/01:06/63/000/008/'0001/0013 AUTHOR: Borodich, -S. V* TITLE: Statistical calculation of.-nonlinear crosstalk caused by reflections in antenna feeders of multichannel radio-relay systems SOURCE: Elektrosvyaz no. 8, 1963,-1-13 TOPIC TAGS:, crosstalk antenna feeder, radio.,relay system, echo signal ABSTRACT: A mathematical investigation is~offered of nonlinear crosstalk in telephone channels that terminate a frequency-division-xniltiplexecI r-M raclio- relay line; the crosstalk is,due to echo signals in all antenna feeders of-the line. Equations are set up that describe a usefuLsignal at the receiver input combined with a number of relatively weak distortions due to echo signals. By analyzing the energy spectrum of the cross noise it is proven that the noise power is a random value for the. various realizations of feeders. Orig. art. has: 11 1-figures and 34 formulas. Card L 17$01-~~3- EWT(d)/BD8/EECm;2:' AFFTCA6,/AF~=/E5D_3/RAPC/ A /SSD .,- pn.~4/pp_4 PW S/0106/63/000/009/000110007 ACCZSSION NR: A P3006945 A orodich, S. V. UTHOR: B 719 TITLE% Statistical calculation of nonlinear crosstalk caused by :deflections in antenna feeders of multich el radio-relay_Ry ann _Ltems (continued) 1, SOUPLCE: Elektrosvyaz no. 9, 1963, 1-7, :TOPIC -TAGS: crosstalk, antenna: feeder, radio~-relay system,- echo signal -ABSTRACT: This is a continuation, of the author s -article, published in Elektrosvyazt, no', 8, 19,63, 1 13. F-qrmulas, are deduced for calculating cross - talk p-5v on the ass phometric power umption that the -crosstalk spectrum is approximately uniform within the telephone -channel band. Orig. art. has:. 35 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none DATE ACQ: 3osep63 ENCL:~ 00 O8Mar63 SUB CODEz CO NO 1EF SOV.-- 002 OTHER: 002 C. ard -1/1 BCRMICH. S.V. On the necessary band width of FM multichannel radio relay systems. Acts. toohn Hun&42 no.1/3:4"g- 963o 1. Vauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Radio ministarBtva av.vazi, Moskva. GUSYATINSKIY, Igor' Aleksandrovich; RYZHKOV, Yevgeniy Vasillyevich; NEMIROVSKIY, Aleksandr Solomonovich; MARKOV, V.V.: retsenzent; IEVIN, G.A., retsenzent (deceased] -;--~C~H S.V.,, otv. red.; NOSOVA, M.N., red. [Radio relay coimmnication lines) Radioreloinye linii svia- zi. Moskva, Sviazt, 1965. 542 p. (MIRA 19:1) ACC NR: AP7011358 SOURCE CODE: uR/oio6/67/000/001/0001/0013 AUTHOR: Borodich. S ORG: none TITLE: Method of calculating non-linear transitions In the high frequency channel of a multi-channel radio relay system SOURCZ: Elektrosvyazl, no. 1, 1967, 1-13 TOPIC TAGS: radio nolso, point to point radio, frequency modulation, frequency division rwltiplex SUB CODE: 09 .,gested for calculating the noise revulting from ABSTMCT: method is sug non-linear transitions u4nich arise in the HF channel of a multi-channel radio relay system with fraNquency division multiplwdng and F& A formula is produced for calculation of noise for fbxed frequency and phazo charac- terievics. supported by experimental results.. The formula is: Card 1/2 M)C: 621.396.p: 621.391.827 ri a ?,/ 1 -*7 -'7.9 ACC M AP7011358 PA - A F"A?. 10, M" I+ F:B'(F) t (C R-I IN-2 + M- (E.Q.Q. in nw (28) Tho coefficients G=, D=, Fmn and Fmn disappear rapidly with increasing and n, so that the number of tems in the series idUch must be used in calculation is comparatively slight, and calculation is not difficult. Trio author thanks 1. S. TsIrlin and Z. F. Gur'ova for completing the experinent. Orig. art. hass- 6 figures, 29 formulas and 2 tables. EJPRS: 40,36(7) T. 09191-67 SOURCE CODE: UR/0106/66/000/009/DC)01/0008 ACC NRt AP7002802 AUTHM: Borodich, S. V. /V ORG; none"' TITIE: Applicability of a quasi stationary approximation to calculation of non-linear~ transitions in multichannel radio relay systems SOURCE: Elektrosvyaz?, no. 9t 19660 1-8 TOPIC TAGS- radio relay, approximation AMTRACT: The aroa of applica'bility 0.fa quasi stationaz7.approximaiion for calculation of non-linoar transitions which occur in a high froquonoy ,channol of a multichannol radio rolay systom-witIn froquoncy comprossion tand Afroquency modulation is determined. The quasi Gtattionary appro>dnationi is propor if the intoogrand functions in the expression for tho corrolAion func-4on of process xs(t) disappoar x4honxL Z >0 W. in practice, the quasi stationary approximation is thus appKJC1a'Lo*if Aw12(-t)>,w or Aw/ZZ10A .whoro 41 T>O*17f, i.e. if approximately 10 sidobands of the sianal are inoludoi in 1/2 the band of the qua&-upolo which is the Input of tho hf channol. Tho quasi stationary solution is inapplicable for calculation of non-linoar transitions in systoms with largo numbors of channols (600 or moro) It is usable only_for calculation of systems jjp,:t~~ -- . annols With _about 60 oh rather wide hf channel band widths. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 34 formulas. IJPRS: 39,1831 SUB CODE: 17 / SUBM DATE: 1%tay66 / ORIG REF: 004 Card 1/1 UDC: 621-396.43 BORC)'PTC I - !! I V. 116 0, t Raboty Prokhodchikov Briciod,T P. F. Dvornichevn. ke-Inerovoy Krt. IzA., 195+ -Y i2 I -10s. 3 Chert. ; 1 L Gr6f. 20 SM. 5. '01 Ekz. !.0 K.-'a Obl. Axrt. '~'e. Uknzany- (54-54976) P. 62~1.?37:622.26 St SO: Knizhnayn, Letopis, Vol.. 1, 1955 BORWICH., V. D. =MM A. I.,, 11131 . -V*- 76-0-0 -Wj -- - - A P - MMM.I., --- nL- -- ja-- jo J=P Aq 0., ra* a p- - an& amorm, B. N. "CritICA1 ommvnt faF Nb-Zr ribborA in ex*ftmal m4;metic field. - report, to be submitted for tbe8th rntl. Conf. an Im Tmperature pk"jog (nTAp) ImAon, InglarA. 16-M Sep 62.