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140 00, 1 ~011~ 7 0006 4 4 i 11 /j b m J3 it 1, W At ii, $1 m It V L' 0 A.1 .1 thermittm Its the Prilatak "don I like sent" of I 49SW of the womem meriam 94ty. N-N- Mystic- 1'* 1947. data an I the d,,h,Cy i 66 of water of ft grol, Orposits That WrWj as parent 0 =1 for the cberno"s vJ thetvArim: the CMP"' of o: Oi =** a 110. of steppe lit-w-s and of the dead crams in the mat of the A.; the cgs. matter contllt and the quantity of 0 U(INNIved ca. Mg. and Na In ihe chernomn profile. the total analysts of a profile. The accumulation of salts In v 0 0 00 4 the chrinmrms n1l the regWo is a9critmd to the parent tualt rial )I O"ternary lime J. S. Joffe 4*0 C& 0 ZOO it! !4' ASS-St A - ----- Poe S WALUIKIChL L111FROuitt CLASSIFICATION L Z-111 'r0 0 U It AV $0 L%:; --qwl 00 Ail A I rW 0 rv t' At 71 0 9669 0 a 0 0 00 000 vi a 0 0 & 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 * 0_9 0 0 0 6 0 0000000 00 0 0 0 00*0 BOLYSHEV, N. N. "The Distribution of Algae in Profiles of Certain Soils of Desert Zones.." Vest. Moskov. U., Ser. Obshch, Nauk, No. 8, 1947 33T53 The uhn d dw WuvW Wton of structuroless cherno- sm. NNN. ~HW v. Vestpok Maubor. I'mr. 3, INia. W. 81-93( '-lack of a structural pi-file with an ar. mulation of structurdess heavy material in the B horizon in same spots of chernomm. usually encountered in de- Pr ned artAs, is explained by the reversion of mineml,. I rZ montmorilkinhe to tionfronirr, %0h an excess of lia- drated oxides of Al and Fe. Thm atriai; i4fe oubovint In ,intennittent conditions of surface switniping imil dew~- N. J,,ITc v '. 'OLYSIL' J, ,. N . 37235- Evolyutsiya i klassillikatsiya pochv v osveshchycnii D. :-'. 0 - I i Fochvo-ryedeniye, 12119, *','0. 11, s. 677-81. lUblio-a-': 7 ~,,'Zv- SO: Letopist Zliuiiialtnyldi Stattay, Vol. 7, 1949 BOLYSHEV, N.N.; MZHELISKAYA, A.F. 4;A The origin of the red-b.rown soils of the tak7re in Western Preeaspiya- Vestnik Moskov. Univ. 7. No.5, Bar. Piz.-Mat. i Estestvane Hauk No~3v 85-103 '52. 1 1 MRA 5:8) (CA 47 no.21:11625 033) BOLYS)IIEV. N. N. Origin and evoluticn of takyr soils Poch vc-.-,,edenie no. 5 ]~!52 1. BOLYSHEV, N. N. and M-MCIMOVA, Ye. A. 2. USSR (600) I+. Algae - Don Valley 7. Species composition of algae in certain soils of the lower Don river. Vest.Mosk.un. 7 No. 10p 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. BOLYSHEV N.N.; VOROBIYEVA, L.iL. Soils of the limans in the western C4tsDian Sea region. Vest.Kosk.un. 8 no.3:69-82 Mr (MY-RA 6:6) 1. Kafedra pochvovedeniya. (Caspian Sea Region--Soils) le Chevnut, The Alynaraks el readily stAublL ;all% In tf zone uoila complex in the Stalingrad-steppe region. N."'N., olyshev, L, N.'llyk-ova, aml H. N.-Kotinova. VcOnX 3fask(n--'Uttiv, 8, No. F), Ser. ris.-.11til. i Rtlesiven, Nauk No 3. 101-14(1053).-The authori studied -1 soil tylw.~; bright che,tnut (1), meadow chumolat (11"' Sulolletz (111)~ and Suslikovin p). III, with background of 1, con~titutcsi more thnn 500,',~ of soil ill the area studied. The zoiie of accumulation of readily sol, L:alts is at a depth of SU cal. for I and at '*-70 cm. for 111. All tudied were bandy loninq with himellar-leafy structure of A hmizon. Tlicte is a horizon of increased silt anel phys, clay (hydroxides or complex organo-mineral cutripds,), the thickness and cittan- tity, resp, Increasing from the cru%ty-columnar to the decp- columiiar varieties of 111. The :iuthu-s consider horhon A as accumulative-cluvial, with incrtased (,xidcs of Fc anti Al owing to intensive biol. proccssts, while horizon 13, is detise illuvial, with =-.mulution of colloi,lal particles from both weathering and biol. processes. Bicarbonate concu. occars ill horizon B, and up to 30-40 cin. arid- bears little relation to that of chloridei nnd sulfateq, which accumulate in the sub-solonetz layer or thmpcr; chlorides in forest zont often occurring at I m. or more, with les,,-ixiobile sulfates at, e.g., 80 cm. The distribution of Ca and Mg is closely related to thnt of %tilfate. During the vegetative period the readily sol. salti remain at greatcr depths. There is a direct rela- tion of depth %vith* moisture penctiation. At thc end vf July the salts njove upward, chlodile, -nn-~ih:it fa,tvi thail sulfates, owhig to capillarity. and jjclllap~ al"O. owing to suction of root vessels. Tilt: development ef 1his wi~r.tlury horizon with seasoai pulsltioo of ~-di!y A. ,It~ oil the thick-ocss and silt content of the illuvi;%l A. USSR/Geophysics - Soils Sep 53 ."The~Essence of the Malting Process and its Role in the Formation of the Soils of the West Caspian Region,"~N. N. Bolyshev anA"S. A. Tyurdeneva, Chair of Soil Science Ve st Moe Univ, Ser Fizikomat i Yest Nauk., No 6, PP 35-47 State~.-that their observations and other investiga- ,tionrij(k. G. Kurganskiy, "Certain Problems of the Characteristics of Soils of the Southeast," Pochvo- vedeniye (Soil 8cience~, No 3) 1951) in the West 275T65 0'aspian Region established that most soils) in- ,luding also zonal-brown soils, possess a whitish zoloration and a laminar-flalty structure in hori- ton A, the thickness of which varies widely from ~-3 cm in red-brovn soils to 15-25 am in meadow- 'irth malting soils and 58 em in malt soils. FD-1498 USSR/Geophysics - Soil Science Card 1/1 : Pub. 129-1/18 Author : Bolyshev, N. N. Title : Essence of the soil forming process. A general discussion Periodical : Vest. Mos. un., Ser. fizikomat. i. yest. nauk, 9, No 6, 3-15, Sep 54 Abstract ; The author discusses the main ideas of Russian and USSR pedologists; e.g. S. I. Korzhinskiy (1888), K. K. Gedroyts (1925), K. D. Glinka (1926), S. A. Zakharov (1932), V. A. Kovda (1934), D. G. Vilenskiy (1924-1945), L. I. Prosolov (1936), B. B. Polynov (1938), A. A. Rode (1947-1950), Yu. A. Liverovskiy, 1. N. Antipov-Karatayev (1953), N. L. Blagovidov (1953). and V. R. Villyams. Twenty-two references, all USSR. Institution: Chair of Soil Science Submitted : March 20, 1954 US,133R~6~6~t9iysics Pedologists in Kazald-istan FD-1619 Card 1/1 Pub, 129-22/23 Author Bolyshev, 14. N~, and Yevdokimova, T. I. Title Works of soil scientists on virgin and fallow lands in Kazakhstan Periodical t Vest. Mosk.. un,, Ser. fizikomat. i yest,. nauk, 9, No 8, 144-145, Dec 1954 Abstract : In connection with the resolution of the February-March la5h Plenum of the Central Committee CPSU on the increasing of the production of grain by way of sowing of grain cultures on virgin and fallow lands, a group of 22 (18 6tudent-graduates, 3 laboratory assistants of the Chair of Soil Science S. A. Tyurdenevy A. P. Mzhellskaya, and A. P. Lobutev) under the guidance of Docent N. H. Bolyshev worked from 1 April to 5 June 1954 in Kustanay, Sev,.,ro-Kazakhstanskaya and Favlodarskaya Ob- last'; another group consisting of 8 persons left for Kazakhstan in the second half of August and stayed until 15 October (6 associates of the Soil Department: K, B. Orlov, Ye.- W. Plastinin, G. I. Glebov, V. V. Aleksandrov, L. A. Sergunin(I G. D. Belitsin; two associates of the Chair of Geography of Soils, Geography Facultyg Candidates L. S. Dolgov and Yu. I. Stroganov). Institution Submitted BO-- Jay NikjG2X2v N15 632.893 .B69 Proiakhozhdeniye i evolyutmiya pochy takyrov (Origin and evolution of soils of takyr (salt bottoms) Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universitsta, 1955. 94 p. illus., tables. OLiteraturs"t P. 92-05) BOLYSM, N.N.; VLADYGMSIrIY, S.A.; YNVDOIIINOVA, T. 1. Principles and approaches to an over-all study of soil cover. Vest.Nomk.un,10 uo,8:141-149 Ag 155. (KLRA 9:1) (Soils) BOLYSHEV, N.N.; SHTINA, N.A. - In memory of R.A.Manuchareva. Bot.zhur.40 ne.6:911 N-D 155. (Manuchareva, Ekaterina Alekseevna, 1892-1954) (MIRA 9:4) of - f' " --*ini Yer ' he L, : , Aern O j !;:-)sc-),.,,, 1)5 0 U -._nej r De-roa. , ~SiID :nLYSIIEV, n.-Tit "Modern Views on the Formotion of Salt Londs," Lomorsov 1,~ctures in, 10,56, vest. Mosh. U., Physico Mnth and T~aturai sciences 3erias, 4, No. 6 pp 147- 160, 1956, Biologgical Soil. Fuculty Ttanslation U-3,054, 363 ,C -sit and VVOU11611-Of the 5411no 1)f N. N. Bolylltv, vejlp";-~ Ho5kc.. C', i,;, 11, "C', 21 Srr. 'Piz.-77M 7 -- -liaor. Sauk N-, 3. ji~, I i: IWYI~ . I Tht -,~'ry of the f"InIaLim) of 1~-11;13es in thv wesicin. C Th~ vi w,L-u-- of till-, triiiisfu*.-a uvai;l TwC4 -."u, - mrd, dlffvzi!M tloirm-,-p (11 fl, .0i awl alk art Jew- -k efrul chlund'-s, 'th~rray. --s PA,~ guil. fich ;L1 be ;01~ f,tz-), ca I l'o - af n Z! d Z1 1a- r~ , rel nail- 5 in t; I c cc% I I ;~T , )f t ~ t ~: I f d-~~ It cd~allne. Thctn"tph--m of dcs-ahin~ 11ilb t I; i. --t vcgrtafion; OiB ietdi to the fc,rnrl ~11 thr fu c -3.!jIla- BOLYSUV, N Work of the Joint Kustanav Brpedition. Test., Moak. nn. SF, 1-. t I ol. pochv., gaol. geog. 12 no.l:-258-260 '57- 10: I al'research) (Kustanay Province-Agricultur LIVEROVSKIY, Yu.A.- BOLYSHEV N N. "How to study soils in the .field Reviewed by M.A.Liverovskii and no-10:109-110 0 157. (Soils--Analysis) and in the laboratory" by G.G.Eremin. N.N.Bolvahev. Pochvovedenie (MIRA 10-12) Oremin, G.G.) "T, BOLYSHEV, N.N.; SHISHKO, G.K. Vegetation and aoils-of the recently exposed coastal plain of the Caspian Sea. Test.-iXonk. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol., geog. 12 no.1:159-167 '57, (MLRA 10M) i. Kafe iochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo univ3rsiteta. drf.p (Caspian Sea region-Soils and crops) BOLYSHEVIL H.11.--,-GAY'ML', A.G., doktor eel Iskokhotyayetvannvkh nauk; GOLIDADE, -~-i A., agronom Special problems of agriculture on sandy loam soils in areas where now lands are being brought under cultivation. Zemledelie 6 no.12: 55-62 D '58. (MIRA 11112) Mazakhatan-Reclamation of land) B VOROB IYEVA, L.A. W-11 ~-- ; Role of vegetation in the formation of Solonsts soils. Test. Moak. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol., 9809- 13 no.2:97-108 '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Mosknvakiy gos. universitet, Kafedra ochvovedentya. (Solonetz soils) (Soil biol - 5 BOLYSHEV, NOT.; SOIAWYEV, M-V- Methods of investigating soils of state farms established on virgin lands. Fochvovedenie no.4:51-60 Ap 158. (MIRA 11-5) l.Moskovs1dy gosudarstvennvy univernitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Soil surveys) ALEKSANDROVSKAYA, H.A.; BOLTSHEV, N.N.; TYURDENEVA, S.A. Fractionation of humus in connection with the study of the geneaio of gray meadow soils of the Volga Delta. Nauch.dokl. vys.shkoly; biol.nauki no.1:210-215 '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Rekonandovana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudar- stvennogo universiteta Im. M-V.Lomonosova. (VOLGA DELTA--SOILS--AIIALYSIS) (HUMUS) BOLYSHEV, N. N. Genesis of light-colored chestnut and brown noiIR. H~uch.dokl. vys.shkoly; biol,nauki W-3;212-215 159. (NDU 12 S 10) 1. Rekonnnflovana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Mookovskogo goandar- stvennngo iinivorsiteta i%. M.Lounnonova. (Soil formation) BOLYSHOW, Soils in natural regions of the eastern slope of Yergeni Hills and western part of the Caspian Depression. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.biol., pocbv.. geol.. geng. 14 no.l*-79-91 159- (14IRk 12:9) L-14oskovskiy gosudarstvenrqy universitet, Kafedra pochvovedeniya. (Yergeni Hills--Soils) (Gasplan Depression-Soils) BOLYSHFV, N.H.; SHTINA, B.A. Vegetationaud soils inthe cutoff area of the western part of the Volga Delta. Vest.Mook.un.Ser.biol., pochv., geol., geoge 14 no.4:63-70 159. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo universiteta. (Volga Delta region--Soils) (Volga Delta region--Plant communities) SHTINA, Z.A.; BOLYSHEV* 11.11. Algae of Solonetz soils. Bot. zhur. 45 no.11t1619-1629 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. 11rovskiy sel'skDkhoz7aystvOWY institut i Moskoveldy goSudar- stvennyy universitet. (Algae) (Solonetz soils) (Soil micro-organisms) BOUSHEV N.N.; 1CM-OLAYEV, V.A.; TYURDENWA, S.A. Some results achieved and outlook for a comprehensive study of soils of the Virgin Territory in the Kazakh S.S.R. Nauch. dokl. vys.-shkoly; b~ol. nauki, no.4tl86-195 16-1. (MIU 14: 11) 1. Rekomendov~ma kafedroy pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo unbreroJUta In. M.V.Lomonosova. (VIRGIN TERLUTORY-ZOILS) BOLYSHb-V, N.N. Role of algae in soil formation. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv.'16 no.2:67-75 14r-Ap '61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kafedra pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudarstvemogo universiteta. (ALGAE) (SOIL FdRRATION) IVANOV, K.I., red.; EFLOTSERKOVSKIY, M.Yu.,, red.; jPLXStqV red.; GEDY14IN, A.V., red.; GLAZOVSKAYA, M.A., red.; GOLOVEENKO, S.V., red.; ZVORYKIN, K.V., red.; IGNATIYEV, G.M., red.; KUZNETSOV, G.A... red.; LEBEDEV, N.P., red.; LEBEDEV, P.N.,.red.; IUKIT~IKOV, AA. , red. ; SHEYNIN, L. B. , red. ; GREBTSOV, P. P. red.; YERMAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red. (Accounting for and the evaluation of agricultural land) Uchet i otsenka sel'skokhoziaistvennykh zemell. Pod red. K.I. ivanova. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1963. 385 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Fam--Valuation) (Boils--Classification) (Cadasters) BOLYSHFV N.N. "Dzharyk" soils. Pochvovedenie no.909-48 Ag [i. e. S] 163. (KIRA 16tlO) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Siberia, Western-Soils) (Kazkhstan--Soils) RYABOVI V.F.; BOLYSHEV, N.N. Present state of the abundance of steppe marmots in some regions of the Virgin Territory. Zool. zhur. 42 no.4.,602-608 163, (MIRA 16:7) 1. Biologico-Pedologieal Facultyp The State University of Moscow. (Virgin Territory--Mamots) SHTINA, E.A.; BOLYSHEV, N.N. Algal communities in the soils of and and desert Bteppes. Bot. zhur. 48 no.5:670-680 My 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kirov.,Idy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut i Moskovskiy go.-,udarst-%,-snnyy universitet. BOLYSHEV, N.N. 2:~Jl Of T-0ChV0Ve-j,3:lli6 1-10.~Z Rale of algas in -the 79-85 JoIC-4 ( 4114 r, 3 7 ) 1. Moskovskly BOLYSHEV, N.N.; KAPUSTKINA, N.A. Nature., composition, and characteristics of the absorption complex of Solonetz soils. Pochvovedenie no.12:32-41 0 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarst-vennyy universitat imeni M.V. 1,omonosova. ,Y,. N.N.,, SETINA, E.A.; KONNOVA, Yt~.N. _ jq~j�~C- Effec~, of varlous salts and thei't- cow-untra Lions on algal species. Vest.Mosk, un. Ser. 6: Blul.., pcchv. 20 no.2-.72-30 Mr,-Ap(,1,65. IRA 18,',5) 1. Kafedra pochvovederdya Moslcov-3kogc) up-1.versj4C-ta. IBBEDEV, T.S. [Lebediev.. T.S.I.- SOBAKARI., G.T. (Sobakar,, H.T.]; OROVETSKIY, Yu.P. [Orovetalkyi, IU.P.]; BOLYUBAKH, K.A. Recent data on the geological structure of the zone of Junction of the Pokrovo-Kireyevo and Tellmanovo blocks (northeaetern part of the region of the Sea of Azov). Dop. AN MR no.1:91-94 162. (KOA 15:2) 1. Institut pofimikr AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.G.Bondarchukom [Bondarchuk,, V,H.I. (Donetsk Province-~:Geologyv Structural) LEBEDEV, Taras Sergeyevich; SOBAKARI Grigoriy Timofeyevich; OROVETSKIY, Yuriy Pavlovich; BOLYUBAKH, Klavdiya 44tanamn" SUBBDTIN, S. I., akade-M-4. oiv-.--r-e-cF--; MELINIK, A.F., red.izd-va; RAKHLINA, N.F., takhn. red. [Tectonici~ of the central part of tho northern slope of the Crimqkn Mountains and results of its studying; based on geophysical and geological data) Taktonike tsentrall- noi chasti severnogo sklona Krymskikh gor I opyt so izu- cheniia; po materialam geofinichaskikh i goologicheakikh isoledovanil. [By] T.S.Lebedev i dr. Kiev Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1963. 85 P. tmia 16:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR (for Subbotin). (Crimean MountAin-Geology, Structural) LEBEDEV, T.S.; SOBAKARIP G.T.; OROVETSKIY, Yu.P.i-,&& ~I ~~-A- Geologic structure of the conjugated z6ne of Pokrovo-Mireevskiy and Tellmanovo blocks in the northeastern part of the Azov Sea region. Geofiz.abor. no.1:32-36 162. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Institut geofiziki AN UkrSSR. (Azov Sea region-Geology, Structural) ILBLID)IN) L.O. [Lebediev, T.S.); G.T. [Sob-,', 0,WV",'TSKIY, Yu.11. [Orovotslicyi, IU.P.1; BOLYULAII, K.A. Rew data on the tectomcs of the central part of the northern slope of the Cri-mean Mountains on the basis of the materia-1s of geophysical studies. Dop. JVI U116R no-3:33~390 163. (MILk 17:10) 1. Institut 11-c"OfizilU IV4, UkrS.3-Al. I-ru(Istavlono MI I I k r3 ~.,, R S.I. Subbotinym. i -41 RE DE v " K.A. I - -- - 1:, ~~n~.-,tal llicture~ of the ~;ea 1)aBlr~ an.-o~ding !---o geophysical 16 ~ . Cz:lmc.,a und the B2ack-Azov stiidip~~. Geofiz. sbor. (.MIRA -18,t6) 1. lzi:?titot Ali likmISR. ACC NRI AT6030893 SOURCE CODE: UR/3169/66/000/016/0031/0094 AUTHOR; Bolyubakh K. A. ORG: Institute of Geophysics, AN UkrSSR (Institut geofiziki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Application of second vertical gravity derivatives for inter- pre-tation of gravimet'ric: observationa SOURCE; AN UkrSSR. Geofizicheskiy abornik, no. 16, 1966. Primenentye geofizicheskikh metodov pri geologicheskom kartirovanii d6kembriya (Use of geophysical methods in geological mapping of the PercambrlcLn), 81-94 TOPIC TAGS: second vertical derivative, gravity anomaly, gravity gradient, anomalous field, geological heterogeneity , mapping, gravimetric-1 survey, rdneral, petrology ABSTRACT: Empirical formulas are used for computation of second veritcal derivatives for gravity acceleration in the z-axis direction, based on gravity anomalies obtained by gravimetric surveys. Second vertical derivatives for Korsunl--Novomirgorod plutonic rocks in the Ukraine were computed, using the empirical Paul's formula. This massif! contains local anomalies with gradients of 2-4.5 mgl/km in t-he Western part and 1.5 mgl/km in the eastern part. These anomalies show the heterogeneous structure of rocks. Second vertical derivatives have Card YALA; INNI AT6030893 field using Paullst uted for the anomalous Elkins', an4 been comp Results of computations were represented Aub"Ibach's formulas. of positive and negative a,nomaliesi graphically on maps where the 'regions may be prepared were stressed. Large-scale gravimetric. survey maps !-using Paul's formula for second veritcal derivatives. Geological investigations proved that regions of positive anomalies of second derivatives are rich in dense rocks which may be deeply imbedded in the, crystalline massif. Formulas used for computation of second deriva - tives are sufficiently sensitive to find subsurface heterogeneities in the crust. Fields of anomalies of second derivatives detect better geological heterogeneities than direct observations of gravity. The author expresses gratitude to 1. A. Balabushavich and V. 1. Starostenkol, -1. for their advice. -Orig. art. has: 8 figures, I table, and 2 formulas.; SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 26Feb65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 ACC NRt AT6034513 AUTHOR: Lebedev, T. S.; Bolyubakh, K. A. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0147/0155 TITLE: Structure of the Earth's crust in the Crimea Mountains and the Black Sea basin according to data from gravimetric investigations SOURCE! AN SSSR. Otdeleniye nauk o Zemle. Nauchnyy sovet po kompleksnym issledo- vaniyam zemnoy kory i verkhney mantii. Glubinnoye stroyeniye Kavkaza (Abyssal structure of the Caucasus). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 147-155 i-jriC TAGS: ri-;t~,,ovicic discontinuity, earth gravity, earth crust, granitic layer, basUic layer, 1; 1 ABSTRACT: The correlation of available data on the structure of the Earth's crust in the Crimean Mountains and the Black Sea basin made it possible to compile a generalized gravity-anomaly map (not given in the test) for this region. In the area of the Black Sea, a large, positive anomaly, 10-35-kni wide, extending over ~ significant part of the Crimean meganticlinorium is superposed on ~ background of a smoothly varying gravity field. A region characterized by some- what reduced gravity values borders the positive anomaly field of the Crimean Mountains from the side of the Black Sea. Two very intense positive gravity anomalies- are found in the central part of the Black Sea. The deep-seismic-sounding and gravity data were utilized in preparing 3 cross sections of the Earth's crust. Card 1/2 j ALIZ- NH: AT6034513 Qualitative calculations indicate that the intense positive gravity anomalies of the western Caucasus Crimea and the Island of Cyprus are associated with either an upwarping of ..the basaltic layer or with an intrusion of a body of basic and ultra- basic rocks into the upper layers of the Earth's crust. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. [WA-7941 SUB ODDE: 08/ SUBM DATE:- 26Feb66/ ORIG REF: '030/ OTH REF: 005/ BOLYUKH, I. R831able opBration'of boilers. Mor. flot 23 no.8:25 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Glavnyy inzb. Asovskogo upravleniya Ghernomorskogo parokhodstvas SOV/49-59-2-12'1/25 AUTHORS:Bolyunova, A. D. and Morozov, V. LIT. TITLE: On Photoelectric Measurement of the Night Glow of the Sky (0 fetoelektricheskikh izmereniyakh svecheniya nochnogo neba) PERIODICAL: Izvesti-ya Ak-ademii nau1c SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959', Nr 2", pp 721-.32,5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of the photoelectric measurements of the night glow of the sky is a determination of light emission X 5577, 58937 6300 R and of the band OH . However, the interpretation of the results of the measurements becomes complicated due to the continuous spectrum of the slqr caused by the diffusion of light in the lower atmosphere. To over- come these diflfic;alties the a'athoz-,..; suggest an application of the specially calibrated photometers which could differen- tiate between the two factors: a continuous constant and a linea_~- radiation. This can be done when the diffusion in the lower atmosDhere is considered as Eq (1), where, instead of the usual coefficienzs of filters (Refs 1 and 2), a trans- mission widt;h of the filter A X is taken which is an equi- valent of t:ll(:,- coeflioient of transmission k., of the wave X (B x "- brightZLeSS of radiation in quants cm-2sec-1 7 b general bri--13.taess in quants cm-'2 sec-1 and R-1 Card 1 5 ' tD SOV/4.9-591-2-21/25 On Fhotoelectriz:~ lleasur:pment c;f the Night Glow of the Sky L~ angle of photometer, As -- surface of objective, c coefficient of proportion), There-Lore, for calibrating t6 pliotcmete:c, the value of c% ~ kx ---,d' A % should be known f or every N and dwAS , Thus4, for the photometer for measjxing the s!, the expression (2) should be solve-d (EOX st:aT ill'.UlAna'-1-ion J. r, -1~ ILJ -ie ob-ective when the a'mo sr,'a ~, r i c: --cudilions are eliminated,, measured star I -acspheri.. ~~onditian), In order to illuni,nation ii~ ttle atL obtain BI B % the expresoions (3) can be cal-,-I~ulated from the ELIs (1) and (2). Generally, the radiations B % eald 1)X of the different 6% could be obtained when two photcmeters are employed but the measuramento will not 'be in proportion to b XIBX , because the differenc,:t could be .-onsiderable (Table 1). In two cases Card 2/5 SOV/4-9-59-2-21/25 On Photoelectric Measurement of the Night Glow of the Sky the ratio of two measurements of the different AX will be constant: 1) when the linear radiation can be determined (BI% = 01 X, say, 530 k) and the effective wavelengths in both photometers are equal., then a relation Awl/&2 can be obtained from Eq (4) (i and 2 - first and second photometers); 2) when the continuous radiation (atmospheric diffusion) does not exist. Then the ratio of two measurements of the, linear radiation AX11AX2 can be found from Eq (5). The absorption B' can be defined as a sum of absorptions I HI Eox I 'A?L I ,aw and J. when the relation: 10 0 0). takes place T - optical thickness, x - 1/sin h , h'~~,20 The absorption of an individual observation BI can be determined as: '6B 8% + A EOx Card 3/5 Bi EOx SOV/49-59-2-21/25 On Photoelectric Measurement of the Night Glow of t1le Sky The precision of the photometers becomes a major factor in obtaining the high accuracy of the measurements based on these calculations. Table 2 shows an example of the deviat- ions which wele obtained (Columns 3 and 4) when the va-rious filters viere used, One of the best photometer,-~ , was designed by ii. S, Khlebni.kov, Results of the measurements 0 obtained by this photometer are shown in Fig 1, showing I U , an error of less than 2%. The calibrating of the photometer can oni Ly be done in a condition of constant radiation. This can be determined by the 2-readings method when the formula: 1 qIMA IH 1 - opq can be employed I6,p, or IMA readings at large and small diaphragms, 02 = IMA1,6A The author conveyed his Card 4/5 S"V/49-59-2-21/25 On Photoelectric Measurement of the Night Glow of t1rie Sky 0 gratitude to N. S. Khlebnikov for the use of his photometer, V. S. Shifman for constructional details of photometers and M. A. Yermolayev for operating the photometers. There are 2 tables, 1 figure and 4 references; 3 of the references are English and 1 is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki atmosfery (Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere) SUBMITTED: June 27, 1958. Card 5/5 "--BOLYUNOVA, A.D. The problem of constructing a model of the atmosphers. Izv-AN SSSR.Ser.geofiz. no-10:1529-1533 0 160. (MIR-A 13:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, InstitUt f12iki atmoefer7.. (Mmosphere, Upper) 37857 17 ~L'a S/049/62/000/006/002/002 1-1 D207/D304 XUMHOIRS 110rozov, V.1-L't Bolyunova, A.D. and Yer-tuolayev, ~A.A. m y On calibratinp 4 gphotoelectric measuremen s o" weal: light sources PZ.',~,IOD!Cz~L: Alcademiya nauh SSSR. Iovestiya. Seriya geofiziches- kaya, no. 6, 1962, 340-844 TZXT: Duriny the 1GY the authors measured photoelectrically the nzight-sky e-,aission using, as light standards, two Z'ns:Cu p~115- -,.)!-Io"-s -106 (FK-106) activated with radioactive nuclides Cs (-phos-phor 'N7o. 1) and SOO (phosphor No. 2). The phosphors were developed mid prepared at the La-boratoriya Iyuminestsentsii fizi- cheskocro ins-Lituta im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Luminescence Labora- %.ory, Physics 1-astit-o-te imeni P.N. Lebedev, ~6 USSR). The present paper reports a study o-If the variations of the intensity of emission of these two phos-phors with temperature arnd with time. The tempera- ture v,-.ried from, about -50C to about +400C. Before measurements, the phosphors were,kept at each of these temperatures for several Card 1/3 S/049/62/000/006/002/002 On calibratinG photoelectric ... D207/D304 hours in order to reach equ~*.libritln, it ,,Yas that at a cer- taill emission wavelength ')L-L (5550 for phosphor No. I and -5280 "R for No. 2) there was no change of the e-mission intensity n I ~g from -50C to +40(1C. At )L1 the c1hange was negative o heatip (a decrease) and at the change was positive (a rise) - Tf su'ficient time was not allowed Zoor the phosphors to reacla equilib- L rium, then a tem-perature drop produced first a fall o-LE the enission intensity, followed by a slow rise to the equilibrium value; this happened even at ~ = 11. The emission intensity of the phosDhors cl-ecayed with time faster than was expected from the decay of the radioactive activant-ors: 15-35/10 fall (varying with the emission ,.Tavelen,fth) ~or -.,)hosl3hor 'No. 1 after 11-1Y months; 10-25i. oo - phor No. 2 also a--~,~ter ll-~ months. If these variations wit'l time and temocrature are allowed -for, Lhe paosphors can be used success- f-Ully as weal.-- li,,cht sources suitable for calibration of pnotorleters. .Lne authors thaull; V.L. Levshin and L.A. Pakhomicheva for supplying the -.phosphor materials and for advice. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. Card 2/3 0-,l calibratin' photoelectric S CIC i -~T i Uzi .1,7--adeiiya naiY, (Institute O-L S/04 62/000/006/002/002 ... D207YD304 fizilci at:mos=ery instit SSSP,, ~?hysics Of the i~tr,-os-ohere SUI~:ITTSD ia-,juary 24, 1962 Card 3/3 LLIj82&k=k1- En (1)/tWT (m) ACC (w) IFS (y) -2/tDS/ES (v) /ZEC~2 AFF?CASD/ TT/GW jrq AFMGiT~ PGC Pe--4 i-4/Po-04-4 A6CESSION M AP30073.41 S/0293/63/001/001/0132/0.139-'Y' 1~wTHORt Krasovskiy. V. I.; Gal'perin, Yu. I..; Dzhordzhio-, N. V.-, Mulyirchik, To Me; Bolyunova, A. D. TITLEi Study of the upper atmosphere by means of the Cosmos 3 and Cosmos 5. 'satellites* 2o Soft pirticles \,V .SOURCEs Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 1, no. 1. 1963, 132-139 TOPIC TAGSt Cosmos satellite, Cosmos 5, geoactive particle, ionospheric particle, ionospheric current, ionospheric field, .Ion counter,,-,patticle-counter, Cosmos 3 ion, ABSTRACT: This is the second in a series of four articles on geo- active particle research conducted during the Cosmos 3 and Cosmos orbital flights. This articleidiscusses the existence of currents of electrons and positive ionkin the upper ionosphere having energies that are relatively low but greater than thermal. This was concluded from fluxes detected by the two types of particle counters used: 1) a sensor formed of a fluorescent screen and Card -:1183 5: i L 18946-6 3- /ACCESSION NRt AP3007341 photomultLplier, which was biased negatively and also shielded with: Al foil so as to register only electrons above 40 ev and positive ions whose free path exceeded the foil thickness (e.g., protons of 'the order of 200 Kev); 2) an ton trap which registered electrons of 5 Kev or more 'and poaitive ions. The trap counters showed re- peated instances of anisdtropic positive Lon flow in a direction- normal to the geomagnetic force lines; the fact that no simulta- neous indications appeared in the indicator screen type counters thus suggests tha.t these must have been "soft" positive ions, if protonsp their-energy would be less than 200 Kev. This conclusion is supported by the fact that when the satellite had turned 180 the Indicator counters in turn registered particlAs not sensed by the Lon traps, which were'evidently electrons below 5 Kev. There thus are areas which exhibit local current flow, in which positive ion energies are 6stimated to be several dozen electronvolts and average density is 108 ion/cm2/sec/ster. These areas are in the i 200- W 600-km region and tend to remain at the same earth latitudes; for prolonged periodso sometimes as much as 9 hours, The authors emphasize that complete determination of the orientations of the Card 2 /1 ---- --- ------ - L 1894"3 ACCESSION NR: AP3007341 Cosmos 3 and Cosmos 5 satellites during flight is not yet complete,: but sufficient data are available to verify the above results. Additional observatione are made of some high-energy particles, particularly those registered in the South Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly. If these had been positive ions, the ion trap count, being the algebraic sum of incoming particles, would have been phase op- , posed to the indicator count, which records the absolute sum; sincd,' however, both counters registered such particles in phase, they' must have been electrons, estimated at between.50 Kev and 1 Mev and at an omnidirectional density of 5 x 107/cm2/sec. Regarding electron counting technique, the possibility of spurious effects caused b~r the flelds of on-board transmitting antennas, principally', that of the telemetry transmitter, is rejected since no difference in electron count was noted whether the transmitters were on or off. The intensity and anisotropy of recorded electron currents agree with earlier data from the 1958 Sputni~N%nd from the U.S. "Injun" rocket of .1961. Fig. 1 of the Enclosure shows examples of electron intensity isolines over the South Atlantic taken by Cosmos 3. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. 'Card 3/03 BOLYUNOVA, A.D.; GALPEUN, Yu. I. *Study of drastic changes of the radiation in the upper atmoaphere in July 1962**(U-SSR) Report submitted for the COSPAR Mth International Space Science Symposium) Florence., Italy., 8-2o may 1964. GALIPERIN, Yu.I.; KRASOVSKIY, V.I.; DZHORDMIO, N.V.; MULYARCHIK, T.M.; BOLYUNOVA, A.D.; TEMM, V.V.; MAROV, M.Ya. Studying the upper atmosphere with the aid of the satellites "Kosmos-3" and wKosmos-5." Kos&. issl. 1 no.1:126-146 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17W qg- -0, ~~gmwj 1_7 -_--------- Ing K a sr-lb b --;5 Ten-.: in nx- approacn I ute_s- later:electrons- wit art, v n e r gy: o V several He v.', be ga a to. predominat-e* -In the magneti.c -region in- the vIcinity of ~ Johnston, land, st~ al1i tudes o-f about 500 kn. and in -ty,- of the z -a the Vicini _Bra Ilian magnetic nomaly :at-altitudes of 200-~- 300 kno relatively soft electrons, vere detected, whose absorp'tion~.Ln the atmosphere was evidently the.cauge of an aurora-borealis di6play above the Pacific. The maximal intensity registered above the S Orth Atlantic on hour after the Oxplosion was on the order of 2 x 1 electron/cm [sec. Thenazinuminiensityof the~~adiation belt formed zifter the explosion occurred~above the magnetic equator at an a titude of approx. 1A50 km above Johnston Island-, Intensity varied with longi- t .,firs - A ude.. During the ti few ays,~,a,,rapid drop in intensity was noted which gradually tapered- off-~iad -tb-A't:afrer: the first four months the intensity in the center-:of~ tb'S:be1t had-,declined by approximately one 4-' a t an order. An increase in the background radiation was detecte .-altitude considerably below: tbAt_of:tha existing steady-scate radia- tion. belts. The docay rate -of this, excess radiation was close to the naximum of that of the backgrbund:-radlation caused by cosmic ray#. The authors include graphic. aata:,on the decay rate and a dis- 2/:3 L 3107.?66- -.FS8- .2/ ACCESSION NR: AT5023611 UR/0000/65/000/000/0406/0417 AUTHOR: 321Y-UD-03 _L.; Galtperin,-Yu. I.; Potapov. B.-P., Temnyy,~V. V'; ~~~Skay~~F. K. TITIX: Preliminary results of particle studies using the "Elektron-111 satellite SOURCE: Vses uznava konferentsiva vo fizike kosmicheskagS stranstva. Moscow _pr(~ t 1965. Issledovaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Space research); trudy konfire~n_ Moscow.4 Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 466-417 TOPIC TAGS: particle physics, artificial earth satellite, satellite data analysis, electron, proton ABSTRACT: The.authprs analyze data from tjbp "Elektron-111 to determine the distribu~ tion of radiation" \IEL -_ 7 in the &fj ~ma ietic..trap .ong the o_rSit of the satellite in Janu-1 lary-March 1964. At lower latitudes (L < 2) close to the equator, the dominating particle flux i9 from electrons of natural orig-in with bnergies of 20;~4100 kev rind an intensity of up to 2-109 particles-cm-2-sec-1, and from electrons artificially -;A- jected by the high-altitude explosion of 9 July 1962 with energies of several Mev and a flux of 'up to 2-108 1" . There are.also trapped protons in [-Card 7, L 3107-66 ,:ACCESSIO14 NR: ATS023611 .tb-;Z~; same region with energies of tens and hundreds of Mev and an intensity of up t~ :,v5-10 uarticies-cm-2.sec-i (9 > 50 Mey). At middle latitudes (2 < L < 4) there isl 0 a sharp increase in the flux.of soft protons with energies of a few hundred kev t intensities of no less than ~,108 particles-cm-2.sec-l at latitudes of 30-500 and ap-1 parently to no less than v3-108 close to the plane of the equator 'at L ^- 3. Their spectrum is softer at higher latitudes. Both protons and electrons are observed at, higher latitudes', the low energy electron component (E > 20 kev) being extremely variable, especially during increased geomagnetic activity. The boundary of the capture zone in the geomagnetic field during magnetic calm matches the outlines of the "momentary" polar aurora zone which reflects the diurnal asymmetry of the mag- netosphere. "In conclusion, we are since 'rely grateful to V. I. Krasovskiy, T. M. ~arc~hik, N. V. Dzhordzhio, M. L. Bra in, G. N.,Zlotin, I. N.-Kiknadze, I. D. Dmitriyeva, T. N. Zayly-adimova, A. K. Na-aray-aan-d-G. A. Bordoyskiy for great as- sistance in the work and for useful discussions." Orig. art. has: 8 figures and I table. [141 ASSOCIATION,., none ~SUBMITTED: 02Sep65 LRCL: sov! L[Up oog 2/iLq b- OTRER! J SUB CODE- ES, NP 00 009 AM PRESS.- L 21492-66 &4T(l'/FSS-2/EWA(d) T T IG'd - ACd -NH: AP6007750 SOURCE COM TJR/0293/66/bO4/001/0167/0169 5 AUTHOR: -Bolyunova, A. D., '.ORG: none TITLE: On radio!~ of Cosmos III after the explosion of 9 July 1962 ctiY~i~ ,SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v- 4, no. 1, 1966, 167-169 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear explosion, satellite data analysis, radioactivity ABSTRACT: The U.S.A. set off a thermonuclear explouion 400 km in the air above 4ohneton Island on 9 July 1962. On this date Cosmos III had an apogee of.615 Km and a perigee of 221 km. The perigee was at a height of 490 in the Southern hemisphere. Prior to this date, radioactivity was at the normal level of cosmic irays as measured by qei er c9qn-W7B1Y1n the satellite. At the instant of explosion, ',Cosmos III was at a height of 6oo Rm, 440 S lat-t 3.10 W long., with its recording :equipment switched off. Daring the! first day after the explosion, the satellite came within about 550 km of Johnston Island almost 6 hours after the explosion, at A height of about 320 km. The recording apparatus was switched on about one full ,'day after the explosion, and the radioactivity be about 2.6 times the ~Card 1/2 UDC: 629-195.29550-'~ 121493-66 .ACC NRt AP6007750 0 average value for position and hei&t about 230 km). The excess radi activity wa ifound to be independent of longitudeip magnetic field, and cosmic-ray background# ,This nuggests that the source was either on the satellite itself or that it was txtremely widespread. -It is possible that the satellite picked up radioactive products in the contaminated upper atmosphere. "The author thanks Yu.-I.. Gallperin for his constant advice and his guidance in'the work#" Orig. art. has: 2 figures 1041 SM COM 180 22/ SUBM DATEl 3lA7xg65/ ORIG REFs Oil/ OTH RM 006 ATD PRESS:)/2A;k' -2/2- 'Card GIRBFAj St.; SAIAHON, I.; BOM, I.; AIAU, B.; SUGNAVA, I.; BOUA, R.; DUM31FANU, 0.; VASIU, I. The treatment of Utryngeal cancer at the ORL Clinic, Timisoara. Tbmftnian M. ]kV. 3 no.1:68-72 Jan-Mar 59. (LUM, neoplasma surg. statitit.) Bowl M. Cardboard packing material in the food industry, its deficiency and possibilities of improvement,-especially In relation to microbial effects. p. 411. PRUMYSL POTRUIN. Praha. Vol. 6, no. 8, 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions Liat (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, Marcb- 1956. "Siroval D. Contribution to the methodology of microbiological analysis of cardboard, parchment paper, and other paper wrappin.17 materials. p. 553." 1 CI'5 ISonthly list of East European Accessions (E76AI), LC, Vol.. 8, No. 6, Jun 59 unclas CZIECHOSLOVZIA'~ Microbiology. Sanitary Microbiology. F-4 -~bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1958, 72067. .t.Xthor Bomar, M*;__~irova, D. Inst Not-g-fV-en. Title Influence of Microflora of Wrapping Paper on the Spoilage of Buttar and Oil Products. 7 Orig Pub: Obaly, 1956, 21 No lp 14-18. "bstract: During the investigation of parchment paper used for wrapping oil products, there were-found in almost every case sporogonic bacteria, micro- cocci, in separate cases Protous vulgaris I Pseud- omonas sD.. Bact. flavum, as well as molds TPen- icillrum, 1sFj_rgil_ju_s_F._ It is proposed to dis- infoct the paper, The author considers the quan- tity of mold spores per unit of surface to bo an indicator of the quality of the paper. The number Card 1/2 33 CZ33110510VAKIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Producta and Thoir I I - Application,, Syntbotic Polymera. Plasticu. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - KUziya, No 5, 1959., No. 17535 Author , Bomr Me Imt 9 Title : Investigation of Stability of Polyvinylchloride Plastics to the Action of 14croorg5nisms Oris Pub : Chem. pruWal, 1956, 6, No 12, 5o6-5ii Abstract : Investigation of-the stability of the polyvinylehloride Plastics (PP) components included: 13 brands of poly- viny1chloride plastic, 23 plasticizers, 2 stabilizing agents, and PF itself.whioh Yore exposed to 8 strains of bacteria and molds. Polyviny1chloride is not affected by microorganism nor it inhibits growth of individual cultures. Of the Imaticizers, insufficiently resistant are: dioctyladipinate, dioctyloebacinate, ethylenagly- P~ard 1/2 14 - IX7 AT -rinnimmind-~in ido, hiplijifilip Ijul jx~kVojwr, .)I, iii'l gfll~VLit 14 miv-- -wvl lit. -iirrourgni.~ 'isihg of OID cs-III)Mmunt. w;, 1 U4 of tilt, n.3111111"'i; IgIvAlro Inkm boon lhl,tnnial-t Ar a, mmIl. the huthur rrwimimulA tho_kvv III Illitt"it, t~+I donvRIN-VA zs tam~V`11" ratabilkmr& III tM3 Why 1101 ItOwfiWK] jML;,4V-C MIA; t.- fulk-a is ailliI461, munt-ly, ... vaR, wholl tho mult'lial -61)uviabibi orsvar ut mowd* L Ilau Are::~uwdzlb~- ON -j -Tol.-11[5 rdcroblology, etc-IW 1958 1295. NOTES ON THE DETERMINATION OF THE FUNGISTATIC EFFECT OF FUNGITO)aC COMPOUNDS. TESTS OF FUNGISTATIC ACTIVITY INHI- BITING VEGETATIVE FORMS IN POPULATJONS OF NUCRO-ORGANISMS - Pilspbvek k zjittlovini fitinnosti fungitoxic"ch sloutenin. Zkoutky fungis- tatickt aktiv 'formy mikroorganismii v populad - ity inhibuj(ci vegetativni eh B u ma r M Vftkumnj Ost. Obalovg, Praha - CSL. NUKROBIOL. 1957, 2/4 A_ 3 Tables I Illus. 2 A modification is elaborated for determining the minimum concentration of fungi- toxic substances which inhibits the growth of vegetative forms of Aspergillus flavus or A. niger. The test organism is cultured on Sabouraud agar on a cover slip. The ef - fective concentration of the compound (pentachlorphenolate or natrium benzoate) is determined by placing the cover slip culture on the surface of nutrient agar con- taining a given amount of that compound. The out-growing of mycelia is Inhibited. Results were read after 48 hr., either microscopically or macroscopically. The results obtained are as accurate an those of the Schamberg-Kolmer method. Nermut - Brno czEelioSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Application, Synthetic Polymers. Plastics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1958, 45074. Author : Domar M. Inst : Title : The Resistance to Molds of Films Made from Polyvinyl Chloride Plastics mid Polyamides. Orig Pub: Obaly, 1957, 3, No 3, 72-74. Abstract: In studying the resistance to molds of films mde from polyvinyl chloride plastics and from poly- nmides it was ascertained that permeability to molds and growth of molds throggh the mterial are observed in the case of films which have micropores; in the case of film free from micro- Card 1/2 Card 2/2 45 2AW CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-26 Application, Part 3- - Carbohydrates and their Treatment. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 14, 1956) 48369 Author : Miroslav Bonar Inst Title Lta for the Problem of Conservation of Some Natural Glues Orig Pub ObalY, 1957, 3, No 5, 136-139 Abstract The methods and results of the study of starch sizing and dextrin glues stability agninst bacteria and molds destroying or altering the properties of these glues are described. The minimum concentrations of the most avail- able and inexpensive means of eonservation vere established; the pentachlorophenol compounds proved to be the most active. At the concentratlon of 0.1r,; of Na pentachloro- phenolate in starch sizings, their stability against nold) as well as against bacteria was established. The growth Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / microbiology. General Microbiology. F Geological Activity. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 6, 1959, 17o. 24013 Author : Bomar, Miroslav Inst : 7~al givon -, Title : On the Problom of Studying Bactoricidal Stability of Poly-"..-Caprolactam Ori,, Pub : Chom. prumysl, 1957, 7, No 3, 153-155 0 Abstract : Microorganisms destroy poly-,.-caprolactam only if it is in a nutrient medium. Monomeric caprolactam inhibits the microorganisms in high concentrations and stimulatos them in low concentrations. -- From the author's resume Card 1/1 Biological causes of fat decay. p. ?02. (Prumysl Potravin, Vol. 8, No.4, 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European AccesEions (REAL) LG, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. C' ,),, ~, n t r y Czechoslovakia B-28 0 at f~z o r y -ibs j--ur. : 47725 Auth- - r : Bomar, III.; Lebe-do%ra, A. 141. incti-,ut. Peretration of Micl-o-Organisuis Through Fap~r P-jb. lr!5-"~ 1+t No 2, (1 1 "b t I, of the results c-f stidias of the n I smr- of Pa re r ar,,,-l -~a rd o -)a rd use d Czec noslovakia J OUR. 1959, 6onar, E. and Leoedova, Soroic Acid az a ',:'ixn;;iciaaI- Aqerit for the Im- Pregnation of -';rapj-LnK Miaterials in the packaging of Food Products 0 fru:11:Ysl Potravin, (), i~o The authors iiave found tnat sorbic acid (1) in concentrations- of about 0.11,: inhibito the 4rowths of mold5 (Astergillus niprer, J-,,~niciLlinum 'brovi- compaclum) regardles6 of p'i in the pil ramre _5..5- 7.,; O't doer. riot affect the grownt of oacteria. in contraat to the data pimlished in the litera- ture, the a-athors nave found that I iE; oxidized fairly rapidly in air. -;'xperiments were made -wit the pres-~rvation oi butter uy wrappinF it in p:4per impregnjted with I. The preservation cf la vlnyl cmakdo). WAY l p l 431 s s VIA I chlbrWeYfl) , ( 4 ' was atod tklt-,ti tyvmt = Cd W - i ~ JU 13 Ot. tdtk - imi 61 di di h imw dl lh 4 e t idur gm mg t is t wmi~ C411 + 5% No Gwra -he t tyls =,Of I i s mu Pts w dnu,n-to 2%; i.01,1111,R) M. "Disinfection of Tackin-- p. 28 PHT-ITOYSL, K:q-'I!',IJD4. Praha, Vol. 10) no. 1) 19,C). Monthly List of Fastu TE'uropean Accessions (ETAI), LC-, Vol. 6, No. 7., 1950 Uncl. BOMAR, m. Estimation of efficiency of fungitoxic compounds according to the inhibition of mycelium growtha Folia microbiol. 7 no,3:185-190 162, 1. Packaging InstiWte Prague 5. (RUNGICIDES pharmacol) BOMAR, M. The relationship between the age of Bacillus subtilis spores and their resistance to ethylene mcide. Folia microbiol. 7 no-4:259-261 162. (BACILLUS SUBTILIS) (ETHYLENE OXIDE - pharmacology) BOMAR 2 M. Notes on the mechanism of the effect of fungitoxic compounds on microorganisms. II. Synergism of the bactericidal effect of certain chemical preservatives and low temperatures. Folia -rdcrobiol. 7 no,5:298-305 162. 1. Packaging Institute, Prague 5. (ESCHERICHIA COLI) (BACILLUS SUBTILIS) (LACTOBACILLUS) (YEASTS) (PHENOLS) ism 6r.4212 Boma& P, pub"M - d lbmahwavws to reets" tbq 146 Oftst l"'M ";-a- ..Progi podwafte )Mw irWek ochrony brmeg6w friLrskich prred rroijo,'. Technika Mcm I WybrWM, No. 1, 19SI. pp. 6-11, S fitts; The author, in referring to an article by 1, Wilski entitled ..Concrete breakwaterv an a system of construction for sea emit protection". quotes, together with the opinlam uf Soviet authom.. examples of submerged breakwaters for sea coast protecUon as adopted In pracUee in other countries, The type of breakwater suggested by 1. WU&kl differs vastly from almilAr constructiont4 recommended in forellm artMeerl" literature, The author 1. of the opinion that the choice of a type of submerged breakwater to suit the conditions obt.alning on the Polish coast %hould be pre-rdm by laboratory tests on models and advaners a renrrat ilr"ram Il'i such tests. BOMASHI V.Y&. I Methods for determining productivity of rotary kilns. Trudy GIPROTSNKIINT 8:52-68 1470 W2A 10:4) (Kilns, Rotary) SH Ta.t doteent. "AMIAIL -ails-u-i X~ ,z "Kilns in the coment industry." I.I. Khodorov. Reviewed by Y.IA. Bomash. Moment 17 no.4:23-24 ii-Ag 151. (MLHA 9:8) (Cement kilns) (Khodorov, E.I.) B0)4ASB,.TaoF.; KANAY-EV, N.N.; LIKIINITSKAYA, I.I.; PARILOVA, V.A.; TDESKOV, I.S.; TaETIYAKOV, A.F.; FRIDMAN, S.Ya. [deceased]; RYhTLMCH, V.S. (Methodological fundamentals for using functional studiea in practical expertise] Yotodicheskie osnovy ispolizovaniia funktsionalInykh issiedovanii v ekspertnoi praktike. Leningrad, Meditaina, 1965. 228 p. (MIRk 18:12) OSTROVERKBOV, Georgiy Yefimovich; LUBOTSKIY, David Nauln-ovich; BDMASR Yully Maksimoviphi MOVSHOVICH, I.A., red.; LOPUKHIN, N.I., tekhn. red. [Course of operative surgery and topographical anatomy)Kurs operativnoi khirargii i topograficheskoi anatomii. (By]G.E. Ostroverkhov, D.N.Lubotakii, IU.M.Bomash. Moskva, Medgiz., 1963. 739 p. (MIRA 160) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) (ANATOMY, SURGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL) SPIROV, M.S*; BOMASH. Yu.& , redaktor; MLICHIKOVA. Yu.S., tekhnicheakiy redakto-r (Guide for the laboratory preparation of human muscles. ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves) Rukovodetvo po preparirovaniiu myshts, oviazok. soaudov I nervov chaloveka. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo mod. lit-r.r, 1954. 268 p (MLRA 8:3) (knatomy, Raman-Laboratory manuals) ANIKIIIA, T.I., dots.; BOGUSLAVSKAYA, T.B.0 ass.; BOMA311, Yu.M., dots.; GEYMAN, D.V., ass.; GIMIADLROV, Yu--77'-V~ss-' DOBROVA, N.B., ass.; KLEPIKOV, V.A., ass.; ZUBRILOVA, A.V., ass.; IWLIK, V.P., mlad. nauchn. sotr.; NIKOLAYEV, F.D., dots. [deceased]; SYCETNIKOV, I.A., dots.; TRAVIN, A.A., ispoln. obyazarnosti prof.; MAUD, Me., ass.; KOVANOV,V.V,, prof.,red.; PROKOFIYEV, V.P., red.; ZAGORELISKIY, ia.l.., tekhn. red. [Special inethodology for practical work in topographic anatonrs and operative surgery] Chastnaia mctodika praktiche_ skikh zaniatii po, topografichoskoi anatomii i oporativnoi khirurgii. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Pod red. V.V.Kovanova. Moskma, 1963. 224 P. (MIRA 16%12) 1. Moscow. Pervyy meditsinskiy institut. 2. Kollektiv pre- podavateley kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii 1-go Moskovskogo instituta imeni IJ' ' Seclienova (for all except Prokoflyev, Zagorel'skly). 3. Zaveduyushchiy ka- fedroy operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatonii 1-go Moskovskogo in5tituta imoni I.M.Seclienova , clilena-lcorr6spon- dent A1,11 SSSR (for Kovanov). (ANAT014Y, SURGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL) (SURGKIY, OT-E-RATIVE) KOVANOV, Vladimir Vasil 'yevichiprof . jBoM -,TnUy I4&k'9jMQ.Vj!q4'dots.j BOGUSLOVSK&A,T..B.,,kand.mods~muk~:GEYMAN,D.Y.~,YAW.'mod.vauk ; ZUIRILOYA,A.V.,kaM.n8d.nAUk; LSONOV,S.V.,kand.iwdiuiukj NI%OLff&VjF.D;',aoU.[dmm&sed); VAVILOV, G. S., nauchn. red. [Practical manual on topographical anatomy] Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo pi topograficheskoi anatomii; dlia studentov i vrachei. Moskva, Izd-vo ItMeditsina," 1964. 388 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Prepodavateli kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topografi- cheakoy anatomii Pervogo Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova (for Boguslavskaya, Geyman, Zubrilova, Leonov)- 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Kovanov). IVANITSKIY, Mikhail Yedorovich.profesoor; BOXASH, Yu.M.radaktor; KANINA. X.P.,tekhnicheskiy redakt6~ [Human anatomy] Anatomiia chelovs)w. Izd- 3-0, perer. Moskva. Goo, Izd-vo 07iskulltura i sport,O Vol. 2. [Internal organs. vascular system, nervous system, sense organs, organs of internal ascretion]Vnutrennia organy, sosudistaia nistema, nervnaia sistema, organy chuvetv, organy vnutrannei aekmtsii.'1956. 323 p. - (MM 10:4) (ANATOMY, HUMAN) -5-6 fill Ij ~! 11JP. M KRENDALI, Petr Yevgenlyevichi; KAB.ATOV, Yuriy.Fedorovich,. kand.tekhn.nauk; BORASH, Tu.M., red.; LYUBKOVSEAYA, N.I., [Hadiral equipment manual; guide for pharmaceutical institutes and pharmaceutical faculties of madical institutes) Keditsinskoe tovarovedenie; nchebnoe rukovodstvo dlia farmatsevtichaskikh institutov i farmatsevticheakikh fakul'tatov meditsinskikh inatitutov. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. 1958. 334 p. (MIRA 13:1) (MEDICAL INSTRUMXNTS AlM APPARATUS) KOVANOV, Vladimir Vasillyevich; ANININA, Tamara Ivanovna;., ASH Yu.M., red.; 3)LIDYAYEV, N.A.p takhn. red. (Surgical anatomW of the fascias and fascial, spaces in man] Khirurg1ch6Bkaia anatomlia fastsii i kletchatochrWkh pro- stranoty cheloveka. 140'sWas Medgiz, 19619~ 209 (61A 15:3) (FASCIAE (ANATOMX)) (ANAMY, SURGICAL ABD TOPOGRAPHICAL) SZGZESNIAX, Jan; BOMBACH, Wa Does the Abt-Latterer-Siwe disease exist? Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.9t 315-318 3 N'Lr 58, 1, (Z KieJsklego SpItala Chorob Dzieciecych im. ZDrazaka we Wroclawiu; ordynator Oddsialu: dr mod. Jan Szozesnink) Wroclaw, Norwids 22 m. 7. (ISMWM-SIU DISMSI relation to Hand-Schualler-Criatian aynd. (Pol)) (HM-SCHMIXI-CRISTIA11 SYNMM relation to letterer-61we dis. (Pol)) BOMBALE, I. A., (Major of the Medical Service) "Interrelationship of Helminthio-Arotozoan Infestations and Pathogenic IRE in the Parasitncosaosis Za word similar to "blocosnos-is" originated byathe author to designate the society of parasites_/ in the Intestines of Healthy Persons and Patients with Acute Intestinal Diseases" Voyenno-Ileditsinskiv Zhurnal, No. 12, December 1961, pp 62-73 BOMBARDIROV, Petr Petrovich; BOCRUMIKOVA, K.N., inzhener, reclaktor; AAIJJJr&IR, A.M., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Sconomizing materials in axle bearing lubrication] Zkononiia materialov v biOrsoamasochnom khoxialstve. Moskva, Goo. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1954- 38 P- (MIRA 8:7) (Railroads--Rolling stock-Dubrication)