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OMSHTETNP M. Theorem on universal coefficients for spectral groups of cohomologies of. differential groups. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5: 997-1000 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Moskovskiy aviats~qnnyy tekhnologichaskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Novikov'ym. (Abelian groupa) (Homology theory) BOKS11TE-1-M, obeknoverjKrkh Teoremy sushchestvovaniya I edinst vennosti resheniy sistem M., Uchen, 4"ap. Un-ta. 15 k ') diff erentsial'nykb upwarvienify. C3?), 3-72. SO: Mathematiar in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G.) I M arkushevich, A.I., Rashevskiy, P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948. 7S_ MA T_ J', 07i fit "Aher itm)r j. 'I a it ts 11, 7 mltopplr,?~"l jinduct _ 71i'- -1 I'll #IlV,-jj,tY4V but Sol I I t i. I I I k o re y-11i;1d. Nauk C'K kw~.-S.) 63, 221-123 (VMK) 775MM, I I uns slelwodim, iii )xtrl (pit ((:rt;6t) pr(,it-c- , ~Iioj drillivil iv the milwn FormuLks :ire -rl plta n I i (if 01.~ A ncllsicm tif oi it c for eillvill-tim-_ the.,V 111vatinlits fnr :1 A XBff D,(A XB) Dd. 1) + &(M. Anwhrt otic i.,: and-D dvvr- a knm%-Je(1gQ of the hom,k~,) -dii,newsio i., of A - - , , , : ' ` - ' _ AMXB)~ 11 jS,(A)+4 .(4 11 bled 1w6o ! ; . i j 1jVlIifjfd P Ibe mile; referv ncei by.]?, RP, C;., Q,., art- not for this and odicr punits of notation and of fact we to I'Jiese inyarinnis are rclawd. to the lj()nlo4.,;~y (jj!jjt!jj_ tai-lier papers by the itithor [C. R. (Doklad~) Aca -d..ScL Sions. of A by.forinula!, (it which ther-c tivo rimy miffil.T: 111"S6 (N~S.) 37, 243--245 (1942"; 38, 197-18 (194 9 3). 40, dinip A =DP(A), and A ~nmx M-342 (1943),. -samp Dol-lady (IN S.) 59, 631-633,(IP-l . - -:, , fhc Tj ineifml theote-in states Ih-,It tht. hollit!1a (j' these Rev. 5, 49, 104; 6. 97; 9. 1123]. The pertincrice of t1lU_0 sion of A X 13 for coeffirim t gi-aups R and C,. i~ t in, ~ilrl 44 grc;!If)s lit-s in the f,.( t 6,t~lkd ab an older result of the the corrmpl,nding dimensit'llit, nild lzivvs forl fill I.-l" it" (.dt it- ailithor) that they givir! sufficicrit knowledge foT the problem. Iming this 4imension for -lie m-vfficicnts R, acid Q, Tiw The -author introrluces new invariants o! four -types. Th e formuln for the;trourl Q, mati-3: i 0 (A X 43) = max d i inq A + dim c, B, for wM6 there ex;sls a subset A' of A whose g-fl mienslonai ' , , B - I dimc A -rdiniv homolog y group over integral coefficients contains an de- L, , , The author remar! s thnt one of his earlier the 3 mquirvd to be or the inent bf infinite order, The -set X z - third mfer to above 2~-_ vertain I.-trusla vdoi a Ow topological type. oi a sr;t1-fJ.iflemnce of, two -OPM snb ,se;;S~citl , pmscnf W ,~Avill t! -P into L. Zij, pw 7'. Source, Vol i 7 7 -(W32)] b; .4xb A Ole d knn. U inu nct m--n5j=,A~A W.A.-Modulo In4m,alf integer k2.111t. anthnr deriote5 by~tlim'.A tile dir-Innsion Of A with rfom!v- f~ t - I I * tb;-- don'"31I.-In 7N,arM, n.~~.prrwcd '17und, NLA. 34, 31i 315. (13~11);~ AIR -lo,. -56] that, Ani. A =inax dini,.A. The (prime) do*m-1naW-x)f'a'-'et A i_q tile st~t:'Vf all (primc'i ;7; with dim. A =dirn, A; Ow i~'rivir) '~-ulAq,,ninant the ~ct of all (pripie) rn with ~1_ I -,1i A. "MVinjll; T4E~-,ull- Uf tht author shDw that the pvme domimult determl3a the donllnant, and the prime subdoininant the zubdom; anL in this paper, the: structure oi these four sen -are compicte!N1 chiramrized. It i-3 shown that no nev relations hobl, N1,3rt preci-sely. if D 6 auv 11011 1 il~Y" -crnpo zwt cif pr4res aT,,d S ar: arbilrar') !iubsu of 6, then thcre C-Nists an A whose pltm~ dominant is D and whose prime sutdominant 13.3. E, E. Floyd (Charlottesville, Va.). -7 X .1 ?, - Call Nr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont.) 14oscexw, Jun-Jul '56 Trudy '56, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 PP. Section 0~ Topology 133-137 Reports of the following personalities are included: Bokshteyn, M. F. (Moscow). On Nomologic Dimension of Topological Spaces. 133 .Gordon, 1. 1. (Gor,kiy). On Continuous Functions Defined on Spheres. 133-134 Mention is made of Pontryagin, L. S. There are 3 references, 2 of which are USSR, and I is English. Yefremovich, V. A. (Ivanovo). Proximity Properties in Manifolds. 134-135 Mention is made of Ramm, N. S., Shvarts, A. S., Khodova, R., Tikhomirova, E,, Yarutkin,'N. and Pontryagin,, L. Card 43/B0 tTaT Tiuls papz:r'is conamed w1rh the relatior-s bi~-w o tho. e n cohnmology rings !V-rinpl (if a joc-aj!v doril spacc.4 over is use-U. Let Zt clencic ti-,, (=Zol redaced mtxl k, Lct v; tfivide ir,' t),, > c . k Mal) Q1 ~, I 4i~,, resp. C11 Z, m ap ;;,r;hua I . I jDf tfiu -11- Iugy F', P_ ne-tiver -n by mip. The a's are ci -1 1, 2~ Ci's i5 C~11_,.-61 V-rinlous arc iSomurp inc; but :determine-& 1:11C V--ing ovar a3v ef.)dfic...ert f! ' ;rin.g 11",1-4, R) is C C"ns-licteill b". an , 5 - . iO th". u-ns~-r . v r Zia'.:, 'i- 77- -:_5 u- a L gTaph 4 _akmt w 0 un,!- t., 013 3 . - utroa! -1 ~ q iv~qij. --iliql'o MUL -)JOWO 0a v q- 17 jol twoul. 's I-,i O-Slvu~ t. jq-ro lt";l illm-u ' i-,:'A ps i-mp S'.; poqpp -Er v j 3p. V*v t! utf-x% pilt n V, ~Jojj ;P;fl 16 ~~P12 'I -1--mic-a inul 1 141' T SZT-M-11;;1,0T~ rq IWO* ~Zil mo_ lpm ;m;jluB~ 3 do toulad k, pal :3v-iq Al 'm s, S's j I BOIESEMN, Mar. N -.--MMNRwNiAK . IFOw Proof of the basic theorem of the homologous dimensiOnRlit7 theory. Uch. sap. Moak. un. no.181:13-44 '56. (KM 10:10 (Topology) VT'\ ~) -M I F- I IN I-I'l PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATI-~'.N Moskovskoye matematicheskoye obshchestvo Trudy, t.6 (Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, v.6) Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1957. 485 p 1,550 copies printed. Editors: Aleksandrov, P.S.; Gel'fand, I.M.; Golovin, 0. N. Ed. of v. 6: Lapko, A.F.; Tech. Ed.: Gavrilov, S.S.; Corrector: Yedskaya, I.L. PURPOSE: This book presents original papers submitted to the Moscow Mathematical Society and is intended for mathematicians and others with strong mathematical backgrounds. Card 1/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 COVERAGE: Volume six contains 9 articles concerning problews in different fields of mathematics and 3 extracts from letters to the editor presenting notes and corrections to articles published in previous volumes. The contributions contained in this book are Soviet. See Table of '%.z--nrents below for personalities and bibliography and for a brief coverage of each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Bokshteyn, M.F. Homological Invariants of Topological F- Spaces, art II Part I of this article was printed in Volume Five of the Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society. The basic results given in the article were presented at the December 143, 1954 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 28 references, of which 16 are SovietY 6 English, 5 French and 1 German. Soviet personalities mentioned include Aleksandrov, P.S., Boltyanskiy, V., Glezerman, M., Pontryagin, L.S., and Kurosh, A.G., all of whom have published work on topology and the theory of groups. Card 2/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society The Table of contents for Part 2, Chapters III and IV is as follows: Part II. Homological Invariants of the Topological Product oE Two Spaces 4 Ch. 111.17 - Groups and Rings of the Topological Product 4 1. General characteristics of chains of the topological product of two spaces 4 2. Criteria of 7 - enclosedness and homology to zero (direct and module m) 15 3. Basic result 28 4. Criterion of equivalence to zero for double V - form and for double Vr - form module m 79 Card 3/17 T.ransactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Ch. IV. Dimension of Topological Product 84 1. Auxiliary propositions A 6 84 2. Behavior of invariants DP P p in connectioA with topological multiplication of spaces 1-11 3. Behavior of homological dimension in connection with topological multiplication of bicompacta. 127 References Skornyakov, L.A. Systems of Plane Curves 132 1- 3 5 This article was presented at the November 16, 1954 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. The results of the article were published without proof under the same title in Doklady Akademii Nauk, SSSR, 1954, Vol. 98, Nr. 1. There are 5 references, 3 of wbi-7~h are Soviet (1 translation) and 2 English. The Soviet personality mentioned, Aleksandrov, P.S., is the author of two referenced papers on combinatorial topology and the theory of sets. card 4/ 17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 The definition of curves in a Euclidean plane n is given and the terminology used is established. The E set of curves under investigation satisfies the following condition: through any two points in a plane only pne curve from Z can be drawn; or, two different curves from E intersect at no more than one point. It is proven that any system'.of curves which satisfies the above condition is an infinite or central system. Gurevich, G. B. Isomorphism Conditions of Standard Nullalgebras 165 The basic results of this article were presented at the October 5, 1954 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 4 references, all Soviet. One Soviet personality is mentioned; i.e., Sushkevich, A. K., author of a textbook on higher algebra. Card 5/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 The definitions of a standard nullalgebra and its code are given. A duality concept of two standard nullalgebras and their codes is introduced. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the isomorphism of two standard nullalgebras are investigated. It is proven that for rrL Z3 , where m is the order of a nullalgebra, two standard nullalgebras are isomorphic when their codes either coincide or are dual. For degenerated cases (m = 1; m = 2) the conditions of isomorphism of two standard nullalgebras are also given. Lyapunov, A. A. On Operations on Sets With Transfinite Indices 195 The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the September 27, 1955 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 16 references'. Of which 12 are Soviet, 3 French and 1 English. Soviet personalities mentioned include Novikov, P.S.; Luzin, N.N.; Arsenin, V.Ya.; Ochan., Yu,S.; Kolmogorov, A.N.; Glivenko, V.I.; Kantorovich, L.V.; and Livenson, Ye.M. The personalities mentioned above have all published work on the set theory. Card 6/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction 195 ch. 1. 195 1. T - operation 197 2. Descriptive measurability 200 3. Types of ~ -operations 202 4. Principle of the comparison of indices 207 5. Projective classes of conjunctive and disjunctive .extensions 211 Ch. 11. 213 6. Definitions and classification of R-sets 213 Card 7/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society i5~ 7. Transfinite functions 216, 8. Degeneration tests of R-sets 220 Ch. 111. 224 9. R-sets of Baire space 224 10. Cases of inseparability of R-sets 226 References 236 Adyan, S. I. Insolubility of Certain Algorithmic Problems in the Theory of Groups The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the October 18, 1955 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There were 4 references, all Soviet. Soviet personalities mentioned include Kurosh, A. G. and Novikov, P. S., both of whom have published work on the theory of groups. Card 8/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction Ch. I. The Central-symmetrical Group of F. S. Novikov 1. Basic concepts 2. The central-symmetrical group of P. S. Novikov Ch. II. Insolubility of Certain Algorithmic Problems in the Theory of Groups 1. Systems of groups (1q; A, B and Z q; A, B 2. Trans format ion;r_ in O(,,q, Al B groups 3. Theorems on insoluble algorithmic problems in the theory of groups References Card 9/17 231 233 233 240 256 256 261 296 298 I C Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society i-,B Plotkin, B. 1. (Sverdlovsk) Radical and Semisimple Groups 299 The basic results of this article were presented at the February 15, 1955 session of the Moscow Mathematical Sociu-..'y. There are 30 references, of which 23 are Soviet, 6 Engll-~~'- and 1 German. The following Soviet personalities are mentioni--': Gol'berg, P. A.; Kontorovich, P. G.; Kurosh, A. G.;, K. M.; Mal'tsev, A. I.; Mayagkova, N. N.; Pekelis, S. A.; Petrovlovskaya, R. V.; Smirnov, D. M.; Charin, V. S.; Chernikt--v, S. N.; and Shmidt, 0. Yu. These personalities have published work'on the theory of groups. The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: ch. 1. 299 1. Radical groups 299 2. Semisimple groups, 10 - groups 300 3. Superimposing of the conditions of finiteness 309 Card 10/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Ch. 11. 321 4. Structural isomorphisms; of mixed radical groups 321 5. Structural isomorphisms of radical R-groups 328 References 335 Rashevskiy, P. K. On Linear Representation of Differential Groups and of Lie Groups With Nilpotent Radical 337 The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the October 5, 1954 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society. There are 8 references, all of which are Soviet including 3 translations. Soviet personalities mentioned are Dynkin, Ye. B. and BerezinP F. A.,. both of whom have published work on the theory of groups. Card 11/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction 337 1. Differential .Dv group 338 2. Supervectors and Supertensors 340 3. Formulation of the basic theorem 1 343 4. Basic lemma 343 5. Lemma 11 349 6. Lemma 111 351 7. Proof of the basic theorem 352 8. On linear representation of differential groups (without unimodular limitations) 356 9. on linear representation of Lie groups with nilpotent radical 362 10. Theorem 11 364- 11. Proof of theorem 11 367 References 370 Card 12/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Berezin, F. A. Laplace Operators on Semisimple Lie Groups 372-462 The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the Moscow Mathematical Society on September 25, 1956. There are 26 references, of which 15 are Soviet (2 translations), 8 English, 2 French and I German. Soviet personalities mentioned are: Gel'fand, I. M.; Raykov, D. A.; Naymark, M. A.; Dynkin, Ye, B. and Onishchik, A. L. An editorial note observes that the results obtained in this article coincide to a considerable extent with those published by Harich-Chandra in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society in November 1956. Card 13/ 17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: 1. Introduction 372 2. Radical components of Laplace operators on complex and compact semisimple Lie groups 387 3. Differential equations for the characters of irreducible representations of complex"semisimple Lie groups on a Banach space 417 4. Realization of irreducible representations of a complex sevraisimple group on a B.anach space 429 5- Completion of the description of irreducible representations of complex semisimple groups on a Banach space 443 6~ Zonal spherical functions on the variety of cosets of a complex semisimple group with respect to a maximum compact subgroup 459 References 462 Card 14/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Ladyzhenskaya, 0. A. (Leningrad). On the Construction of Dis- continuous Solutions of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations in the Form of Limits of Solutions of Corresponding Parabolic Equations, When the "Coefficient of Viscosity" Converges to Zero - 465 The basic conclusions of this article were presented at the December 18, 1956 session of the Moscow Mathematical Society and were in part published in Doklady, Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol. III, Nr 2. There are 10 referendes, 7 of which are Soviet including I translation' and 3 English. Soviet personalities mentioned include Oleynik, 0. A.; Tikhonov, A. N.; Samarskiy, A. A.; Venttsel, T. D.; Petrovskiy, I. G.; and Sobolev, S. L., all of whom have published papers on the theory of partial differential equations. Card 15/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 The Table of Contents of this article is as follows: Introduction 465 1. Auxiliary propositions 466 2. Substantiation of the principle of vanishing viscosity 471 3. Investigation of a generalized solution of the problem derived in paragraph 2. 475 4. Uniqueness theorem 479 References 480 From Letters to the Editor: tevitan, B. M. Correction to the Paper on Asymptotic Behavior of Spectral Function and the Expansion of the Equation A U+tk- T(xl, X2, X3)jLA = 0 in Eigen functions [Trudy Mosk. matem. o-va 4 (1955)) 481 Card 16/17 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 158 Iokhvidov, I. S. and Kreyn, M. G. Remarks on the Article, "Spectral Theory of Operators in Spaces With Indefinite Metric V [Trudy Moak. matem. o-va 5 (1956)) 486 Berezin,, F. A. Correction to the Article, "Some Remarks on the Theory of Spherical Functions on Symmetrical Riemannian Manifolds." (Trudy Moak. matem. o-va 5 (1956)) 486 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 17/17 LK/Jtnf 6-16-58 BOKSHTEYN, M.F. _,-14 -" Homologous Invariants of topological spaces. Part 2. Trudy Mosk.mat. ob-va 6:3-133 157. (Miu 10: 11) (Topology) AUTHORt Bokshteynj Mo ------------ 20-119-6-2/56 TITLEs Tensorial Products Of Systems of Groups and Theorems on Universal Coefficients for Homologies and Cohomologies (Tensor- nyye proizvedeniya sistem grupp i teoremy ob universalln.Tkh koeffitsiyentakh dlya gomologiy i kogomologiy) PERIODICILs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR91958pvol 119fNr 61pp 1066-1069(USSR) ABSTRACTs Let Eq (X,G) be the q-dimenBional spectral group of the oohomo- logies of the space X with respect to the coefficient group G; Hq(X) . H q(XqI)q where I is the additive group of the integers. 0 LetS denote the tenaor product and * the torsion product. Eilenberg and MacLane [Ref 2] showed for metric compacts that (1) H q(X G) %t~ Hq(X)OG + Hq+1 (X) * G 0 0 Already two years ago the author [Ref 3 I proved the universality of the group I in the general case. I he present paper the proof of [Ref 3] is shortened essentially and besides (1) is proved in the general case. There are 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet, and 4 American. PRESLTTFbs December 18, 1957, by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician CarA~.1/2 .1 - Tensorial Products of Systems of Groups and Theorems on 20-119-6-2/56 Universal Coefficients for Homologies and Cohomologies . SUBMITTEDs December 17t 1957 Card 2/2 16(1) AUTHOR4 B o k s h t e yn..'&'?-', SOV/38-23-4-4/8 TITLE: Theorem on Universal Coefficients for Homology Groups of- Torsionless Complexes of Groups PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Seriya matematicheakaya,1959P low- Vol 23,Nr 49PP 529-564 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The paper contains the proofs for the theorems announced by the author in ZRef 10, 11-7 in the Comptes Rendus. The author thanks M.M. Postnikov and A.S. Shvarts for valuable remarks. He mentiuns P.S. Aleksandrov. There are 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 3 American, 2 French, and 1 Dutch. PRESENTED: . by A.I. Malltsevq Academician SUBMITTED- June 18, 1958 qard 1/1 16(l) AUTHOR: Bokshteyn, 11T. SOV120-124-6-2115 TITLE- On the Formula 0 Kiinneth in Homological Algebra (0 formule Kyunneta v gomologicheskoy algebre) PERIODICAL: DoMady Akademi-i nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 124,Nr 6,pp 1187-1190(USSR) ABSTRACT: The author uses his former paper-/-Ref 4~7 and the results announced in the C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris 5 ef 2,Y , especially the expremion for the torsion product of two groups: G* H= fMG; im I iml mH; j m', im,Z , in order to obtain M1 m m m ) the well-known formula H(K OL)/ EH(K) 0 H(L)] = H(K) * H(L) in the form H(KO L) 1~-, H(K) 0 H(L) + H(K) * H(L) . There are 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 2 French, and 1 American. ASSOCIATIOH;Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut (moscow Technological Aviation Institute) PRESENTED: November 12p 1958v by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTED: November 11 , 1958 Card 1/1 85924 S/140/60/000/003/003/011 A " T5 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Bokshteyn. M.F. TITLEt Equivalence of Some Homological Definitions in the im-iolgy PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1960, Nr.3, pp.62-80 TEXT: The author gives a direct proof of the theorem of A.N.Kolmogorov on the equivalence of inner cohomology groups of the locally bicompact Haus- dorff space open imbedded in the bioompactum, with the relative cohomology groups of this bicompactum (cf.(Ref.1)). For the proof the author uses only the homological definitions of P.S. Aleksandrov (Ref.2) instead of the notions used by Kolmogorov in (Ref.1). Furthermore, the equivalence of the definition of the cohomology groups with the aid of the ordinary and mult'iplicative coverings, respectivelyis proved in a more detailed way and in a greater number of cases than in (Ref.2). There are 11 references: 10 Soviet a:~d 1 French. [Abstracter's notet The understanding of the paper is aggravated, since Card 1/2 85924 3/140/60/000/003/003/011 0111/C222 Equivalen,,e of Some Homological Definitions in the Topology since tLe author uses not generally usual, somewhat changed notations of (Ref.2). (Ref.1) is a paper of A.Kolmogorov, C.r.Acad- sci. Paris, 1936, Vol.202, pp.1641-1642; (Ref.2) is a paper of P.S.Aleksandrov in Uch. zap. Mosk. un-ta, 1940, NO-45P pp-3-663 - ASSOCUTIONt Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut (Moscow Technological Aviation Institute) SUBMITTEDi May 11, 1959 Card 2/2 BOKSHTBYN, M.F. Second All-Union Conference on Topology. Usp.mat.nauk 15 no-3: 203-224 My-Je 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Topology--Congressee) BOKSIMIN, M.Y. (Moskva) Complete modular mpectrum of cohomology rings of the Tikhonov product. Kate abore, 51 no-1:73-98 W7 160. (MIRA, 1~:8) (Topology) BOKSHTM, M-F. (Moskva) c4n~rect'joxL to the article aComplete modular spectrum of cohomologY - -263 F '61- ono,r) product.w mat.sli& 53 no.2.2606 ringe of-the (tikh .. - (MM 14 15)' (TOP03-09Y) (HOW16gy theory) BOKSHTEYN, M. Splitting in Cunnet's formula. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no.2:270-273 S 162. (MIRA .15-9) 1. Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tbklmologicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom PoSe Aleksandrovym, (complexes) 00 0 A 00 A Opdooli'mmiltab fw dadyims hydrociibnns. 11.1. 1 i i l , A~ mi Tbs omb wahw mIl spectrum of pefafts 1 00 11"bulin,.M. F. Dobsb!!!~, A. L. LibcrnlAn, At. VU. Lukina, H. 1. MarIpAis. 0. 11. &4ovovm and It. A. Kazzat. 00 qW. BW. "Ad. Sri. U. R. S. S.. Classo m. thim. 1943. 00 198-205(fin" simubary); cf. C. A. 37. W1,51- 1 1 2 di b 1b 2 Ji d f 2 g- 0 - - - -4witst we trpotte sna or utium, ' . y methylbutaw. 2,3.diawthylpentanc.:3.4~tiniethyllwntittic '00 0 223-ttimethylimisne till. --'1I;yIIjrmmrj lbrial1w 21-411111t -00 0 190 0 : 2,2,- tr r1h but m a d 2 3 3 4 i th f Th 3;N l - c am e n r tur ane. e a jwn ~ y , y McthW uwd for the dttns. Is umv smurate than that owd h 00 e prrviam work, but by altRying a N.vevt- 1sruA 1 i f h i d d V i 2 e arr xv cuttipatv rcur ts ur t ve can au ving '. . g ith 5-8 C 1l th WF t Th lt f 1 1 zoo 00 uu w a otim c texu s or bar a e paf the detus. apm im Ifebwal with those of Rosenbaum, d a/ - 0* Alto') A. Ss wl~ Cacept in the MW of I &",I U (C . . . . -4wttra affft better with flm~ duld Ivy Itminn and . MattsuimlAn"i (C. A. JJ. 411741). If At. txkwter The dody ad crymsh with Wcared tays. Audte~ Levialdi. tall. JSN C(N., ("Mr. 101144. bloral S i h . a. I I ) .-A review. (komrio, Arg.) s , pp,(ItW 400 1&l, u It-$11'11-110h A%. S k A ~ I u 11 A~ .0 0 R 41 1- rt of 'mm-.0 A I 000,00 G~o 000 0 0 0 0 0 00000 00 0 0 00 go 0 a 4 0 * 0 0 0 q a Wo goo 0 0 00 0 **go 0 * 0 o 0 60 6 0 60 Go 0 0 0 1 our U an 10 P 32 33 3d is 36 v x N V, 41 0 13 Uis iv cli AT u C -OP C, I'D 401071MIM 1111111113M 1'3014,M,11. ltunlanils ul uallnqlalslp irsaild so JCPfttw -10) '10POtu 1110411411119J) It 1411,% uOllusno-ul jo P041ma twindo Uall usinlod 9q) Suleft 'onliuvddv uy jr 'w9lml ~d lam 1111Mn atil 10 90314813% jo icuuepvav -441 P) ull,#([nH) ANIPS .116141-OP)o '21088 A"Um "OAV04Y VA IPAIZI 'UjAjf4*IjW'A*jR PUI lliqlIANOR -P.1 I 'N C11111011011H III) IkVM-MK Ju go-- flinli" W j j~ 'i t, we -WU MVMI V #APPVPA N~W'Wjl* 0 jr Nil o *4v-: W-r-y-r--w-K -y r it I of 11 u I I I of it it a " u A F1 it it -A a II of V *I S USSP,,/En,r;J neerin~-- strees Analy,,;is Machincr7T - Dcsi,-,n t' Small n,- in I'achine Partur, 11 -Size Polarization Equipment 'I'ype DASH-H2 for Stuayiql Mic Twi-Id 7 pp N. I. Pri[,~orovski.,,-, .-n, InA I~Iach Stu6ies, -Acad Sci 6 T "Iz Ak Nauk SSSISF,, Otdcl TcIdi Naukll No 10 Equip:ncnt is deci,,med for stud.virc- Arcss distributions in machine part,- by optical polariza- tion method usirl',-' transparent rodels. DcEcribe-, comti-uction of apparatuc, zind inve5tigatez; errors resultiir; there'Lrom, with three photof-raphs, and thrce diu-,2-.qmz, Submit'.ed C July hlC PA 21/410T34 icto if AD or I C 0 9F 6 " X L a " 0 Pt a I T ": it CA AT MA -kw -L- A I 4 10 inn A Oe. gror son. so- 00. 000 *2 V JO Aq UPPW 04 pcqm 09 P ' M IJPA% "M "Oftmm %*Am P som paqwpd no lip ftppqw J* Pwmmd Of PMM PW4fte or Mc 141w) mg.'A N) a 00 vmp" . ,own UPNPNW p none"" P446MO Im so j': reo moo W- 7 A I A-1 A 4 L I W fe r a 1, #1 M 11 R 41 P, a 0 0 e 0 0 0 a 0 0 q USSR/Baginsering, - Testing-Equipment - Stress Analysis Mar 49 "The IJ(ASh-KM Polarization Unit for the Study of Stresses.n N. 1. Prigorovskiy, M. F. Bokshtsyn, Inst of Mach Sci, Aced Sci USSR, 9 pp "Zavod Lab" Vol XV, No 3 &LbJect unit wkes it possible to perform neasurements on flat models as well as on cross sections of three-dimensional models, utilizing the Nfreezing" method. Complete doscription of IYASh-KBZ unit, with illustrations and diagrams. pa 48/49b9 10 1,151TIC! ~/Physlcs -Wass InIpis Oct 49 Plastic Models "Resolving Powir of -a Polarirstion ApparatuA for tbip Study of Stresses," Me F. Bokshtepp Inst of Mach Studies, Acad Scl USBB, 4 Vp "Zhur Tekh Fiz' Vol XIX" No 10 Shaved reason for nonresolution of interference ,Uands created by a model under tension is deflection of. ligbt in the model forhigb etress gradients. Established analogy between this..phenomenon and diffraction of light in a"fine structure. Sub-, *itted 17 Jul 48. FROCHT, M.M.; BOKSH -f-translatorl; IM"ONTOVICH, Yu.F., [translator]; PRNM , K. [translator]; PRIGOROVSKIY, H.I., profeBBor, redaktor; SHITKO, I.K., redaktor; TUMARKINA, N.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Photoolasticity; polarisation-optical method of stress analysis] 7otouprugoet'; poliarizatsionno-optichookii metod issledovaniia napriazhenii. Perevod a angliiskogo M.F.3okahtein, IU.F.Krasonto- vicha, A.I.Preiss. Pod red. N.I.Prigorovskogo. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo tekhnito-tooret. lit-ry. Vol. 1. 194B. 432 p. Vol. 2. 1950. 488 p. [Microfilm] (MLRA 8:2) (Photoelasticity) (Strains and stresses) '~iliVr'-,TICATION CF T!X TEN:;IC-;:!! ON VCLW:EWlf~ t-!-L:,E!- EvFr(:T f,F Lji;irr." S.,jfj GrT IHST OF J;ACFjf'~E7 7jciCt;cr, A~/,b ",Ci U r0R Tt.'C E)CCRICE or CANDIDATE j.4 TromiCAL SCIENCE5) SO: VECltf:RfJAYA MOSKVA, JANUArzy-Dccomn icw'5L BOKSHTEYN, M.Y. Dissertation by X.F.Bokobtein %thod of ezunining tension in volunetric transrurent models An diffnsed light." Izv.a S= Otd.tekh.nunk n0.8:1211- 1212 Ag '53. (,41.',IA 6:8) (Optics, phy5ical) do_!~v vss -Or 71CAA .holail SX5.11. 0101. TOh. Naiil; No. 2, M-41115*5) Feb. tin Russian) A new t~Tie TnutcMul ',glifinmal" war, dcvLJ&)ed for temijut flat V11C.-ROB M r,.,Itn It'niperaturv with r~d-JE'-d ilymerjxjilof~.' "GlIftamal" is the prodmet of pentacryth- rite. glycerin, gr;d dlethylene glycol condensatinn with rnaR-ic Rnd p) jg~~ Tht matenal has a soitzii- ficallon ttr_ ~ja pf ' nwr%Lhs. Disk-shaped samples were tested in polarlk~ under dlameizr compression. The rela- tion:i of m JO.&S to the str~?isas and to the lengt)i of time render stres"i vvere determined. Selected saintles shova optic proportionality of 30 baids calculmed for 7 mm thickness. T"- Ar results are given, (TIN.J.) BMSHUY11, N.Y. -, FUTSS, A. K. Doubling of light rays in I&M MAN-KB2 Polarization machinox. Zav- lab, 23 no-5:636-638 157. (VIA 10-.8) 1. Institut washinovedenlya Akedeali nauk SSSR. (polawisation (Idght)) ___ BOKSHTM, M.F.; kand. takhn. nauk; ZAIBTJGINA, N.A., ingh; PRIGOROVSKIY, N.I., - - -- --_-'prof-,-~ doktor takhn. nauk; KHURSHUDOV. G.Kh., inzh. Using models made of plastics in investigating stresses in large-size presses. Vast. mash. 39 no.1:69-74 Ja 159. (MIRA 12: 1) (Power presses--Models) (Strains and stresses) 9 r 9 IF tr PIZ a BOXSHTEYN, M.F. Geometrical analysis of polarization of light during the trans- lucenBe of optically sensitive materials. Probl.prooh.v mashinooty. no.8:73-117 162. (MM 16 il) (Polarization (Light)) 0111 BOKSHTEYlip M.F. Ailtiple Klulmeth formulas. Iz-v. AN SSSR. Ser. mat. 27 no.2:J67-482 Mr-Ap 163. WIRA 16-4) (liomDlogy theory) (Groups, Theory of) -SOURCE CODE. UR/012 IAUTHOR: Bokshteyn, M. F.; Prigorovskiy, N. I. !TITLE: Development of a wide-field polariscope ISOURCE: Ref zh. Mekhanika, Abs. IV718 REF SOURCE: Sb. Polyarizats.-optich. metod issled. napryazheniy, M., Nauka, 1965, 5-13 C TAGS: polarimeter, stress analysis, polarizing filterg model ABSTRACT: Data are given on a new polariscope for studying stresses on the basis of two- and three-dimensional transparent models. The instrument has a field diameter- of 250 mm and interchangeable light sources (a mercury tube, motion picture projectioh' lamp and spectral tube). The light sources are mounted on a rotating turret and provision is made for independent adjustment of the individual lamps is three mutually perpendicular directions. The optical system of the :polariscope projects a 1.8x image on the screen of the instrument, and a lix image on a wall screen. The load unit may be used for both vertical and horizontal loading of't'b'e model to 2 tons. The polari- scope is equipped with a 24x3O cm camera with a mirror''unit. The system contains,lighti splitters for multiple passage of a beam through the:!nodel or for producing a band pattern of higher contrast using the multiple-interfe'rence method, an attachment for xCard 1/2 ACC NR, ARb02O6-T7------ ,doubling interference orders in studying thin sections and models made from low-modulus ,materials, and a compensator tube for measuring path difference at points in the model or sections by the compensation method. The tube of a polarization microscope is used in this capacity to permit utilization of the compensator, drawing equipment and a photomicrographic adapter. The compensator tube may be rotated about its optical axis by the control shaft of a selsyn -with readout of the angles of turn on a dial with an accuracy of 0.10. The polaroids in the polarizer and analyzer may be rotated from a remote control panel. One or both polaroids in the analyzer and polarizer are rotated, by receiver selsyns through rotation ofa control selsyn on the panel. Rotation of ,the polaroid in the polarizer is synchronized by selsyns with rotation 'of the compen- sator tube. V. D. Kopytov. [Translation of abstract] SIM CODE: 11, 20 Card 2/2 IJP_ MY W1 11 , .. -- . I .. . .. AtT%"R- -MO-OC617 08 ~M SOURCE CODE3 -DRT06WI65 00941 AUMORs Bokahteynp V. F. ORGi* none i~4 TITLE: -Polarization-optical investigations of stresses neikr openings in a shell loaded by an internal pressure R_0_SR_In SOURM A stitut maahjn2yg~~ Polyarizatsionno-opticheskiy metod issledovaniya napryazheniy; problemy prochnosti v mashinostroyonli (Polarizing-optical method of investigating stresses; problems of durability in maDhinery manufacture). Moscow, Izd-vo Vauka"t 1965P 94-106 TOPIC TAGSt stress analysis, photoelasticity, pressure vessel, ellipsoidal shell structure ABSTRAM Photoelastic stress studies were made on a model of a pressure vessel with orifices. The model (Bee Fig. 1) is a shell segment with an internal surface in the form of half of a oompressed ellipsoid of rotation with semi-major axis a I and semi- minor axis b1 - 0-5 alg and with z being the shell's axis of symmetry. The shell is of a constant thiclmess d - 0.2 a 1 and it contains nineteen cylindrical orifices each of radius 9 0. 12 a The model is constructed bf material ED6-M. It was "frozen" in card. 1 3 ACC NR: AT60DO917 CD 0 N cd Fr% N k 0 cd n ko ,a V.-f (V 0 Cd C%I CV N H a) ,I n 0 P4 8 a\ "A M 43 r4 m U"\ 0) v k P4 glyoerin under an internal pressure load of 0.250 kg/OM2 (see N. I Prigorovskiy (Ed) Napryazhenlya i deformataii v detalyakh i uzlakh mashin. Mashgiz, 61). Shell ;g Card 2.13 ACC NR: AT60W9 17 101 sections were immersed in a bromonapbtalene-oc and pe~Xoleum Jelly bath, and stresses were measured on a polarization microscope with it KPKAompensator. Trajectories of comi-principal stresses were measured for several actions of the model. Una is made of the formula - M 9'. 0;1 - 0-3) or, .. where 6 is the mean difference of oemi-principal stresses a' d is the o 81 an 821 ms order of the interference band, and s is the light path. Variations of the formula are developed for various conditions of stress and for various geometrical configura- tions of sections. Mean stress coefficients are computed with the aid of Bupporting streBB-strain curves obtained from the pliotoelastio measurements. Several cases are defined in correspondence with the sections observed in the experimenta. Orig. art. hass 9 figures and 19 equations. SO CODE:20,1/--?,/ MMM DATEt 03Apr65/ ORIG REP: 008 card 13 OM BOMMLY117, M. YE. Roentgenologic examination of the pelvis in pregnancy and Labor Akush i gin. no. 2, 1952 ' Kandidat Medishinskikh Nauk LEYKIM, Ye. GAYKO..B.A.; CHELTSHEYA, K.M.; BOKSHTVN, Mje. Fiarlj immunodiagaosis of ascariasis in man and its clinical and apidemiologic significance. Klin. mecL, Moskva 30 no. 11:49-53 Nov 1952. (CLKL 23:5) 1* Ofthe Helminthological Sector of the Institute of Malaria, Medical Parasitology and Helminthology of the Ministry of Public Health TJSSR (Director of Institute - Prof. 'P. G. Serglyev, Ac- tive Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Head of Sector -- Prof. V. P. Podlyapollskaya), Moscow. BOKS kand. med. nauk.; U,,YKIRA, H.S. (Solnealmogorsk, Moskovskoy obl. Contrast study of the knee joint in meniscal injuries. Ortop. travm. protez., Moskva 19 no.6:30-33 N-D 158. (NIBA 12:1) (MM, wds. & inj. meniscus. diag. value of contrast arthrography. (Rua)) KOROIEV, M.F., polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzzbb7; BOESHTEnT, M.Ye., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby,; dAtfkl-ftfl-l-,---Y-u-.-n.-,-'podpolkovnik meditsinskoy Blushby Some problems in the differential diagnosis of chronic highmoritis. 'Voeno-medezhur. no.12:54-57 159. (MIU 14t1) (SIMISITIS), podpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby,; KVITASH9 V.A., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, kand.Medenauk Clinical importance of the early stages of degenerative diseases of the q3ine. Voen.-med.zhur. no.l2t72-75 159. (MIRk 14:1) (SPDM--DIMMES) LIUBUSHINt A.A.; .BOKSHTEINP M,Yee Case of malignant synovioma, of the diaphragm. Klin. med. 38 no. 4:136-140 AP 160. (WRA 14:1) (DIAPHnGM--CANCER) LOGINOV, A.S., kand. vied. ro-A,. i-:~" Comparison cf laparoocc-piv and i-II.-Fidings in diseases of the liver and bille diw-15. viA. 27 no.10. 91-97 0 163. 1. iZ InStitUtZU t;C;,Pii 53-311 prof. 1.1yasnikov) ALIN ;ACCESSIoi, zmt AP4013291 S/03.35/64/000/002/ooli/W14 I I AUTFDRSt Katler, S. 1-1. (Candidate of technical scianoes); Bekshteyn, R. L. (En,,inear) TITLE: Welding of pipes to pipe boards with a cylindrical arc regulated by a ,magnetic field J ',SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no, 2., 1964o 11-14 -!TOPIC TAGS: welding, pipe welding, arc welding, cylindrical-arc, magnetic -c welding, ring welding regulation, steel welding., lKhl8NqT steel,, argon ai electrode ABSTRACT: The article presents the results obtained in the experimental welding of pipes to pipe-boards by the procedure developed at the VNIIW, This me, hod in,~olved using an annular arc; under argon, with the anode and cathode points rotating in a magnetic field. The are was activated between the welded object am :an infusible electrode shaped to fit the object being welded (in this case a ring).i ~The electrode was cooled by running water. The pipos were 6., 150 28 and 29 =a in diameter and varied from I to 2 mm in thickness. They wero welded to the boards Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013291 10 mm thick made of steel 1Kh18NqT. It was established that 1 1) best results ! were obtained when current was delivered in pulses and the are was reversed during each pulse; 2) the optimal length of the pipe-end projecting above the board was 0.2-0.5 rj.-af or pipe diameter 6 mm., 0,5-1 mm for 15 and 28 m diameters, and 0.5- 1 .5 nnn for 29 min diameter; 3) the optimal clearance between the pipe (29 mm in diameter) and the opening in the pipe-board was 1 mm; 4) the optimal electrode diarreter for welding with an annular groove was 28-29 am (for 29 m pipes) and 31 mm for welding without encircling grooves, "Engineer A. L Zakrzhevskiy participated in the experimental work," -Orig, art. hass tables and-8 figures. ~MOCIATION-. VNIILSO* 57LTBI-ZETTED: 00 DATE ACQs 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 1 O0.-L SUB CODE: ML NO REF SOVi 001 OTHER: Card 2/2 BOKSHTSYN, S.Ya. Girculating air separators for c8ment grindin Mement 26 no.2-26-28 W-Lp 166-0. thRk 13:6) (Cement) (Killing machiner7) ACCESSION NRI AFLO349OP 6/0181/64/006/005/1261/1266.. AUTHORS: B"-Ateyn,,J~,, Umantsev,, E. L. Kishkin., 5, Ti; 14azarova, 110 Pol svetlov, 1. L.., TITLE: 'Growth of Sapphire whisker SOURCE: Fizika tvardogo tola,, v. 6. no. 51 1964, 1261-1266 TOPIG TAGSt whisker crystal, crystal growth, sapphire,'sapphire whielker ABSTRACT.- Whisker crystals Of Al were grown by high-temperatiire oxidation of i 2~3 H powdered metal-Uc Al in an atmosphere of moist hydrogen. -The reaction temperaturel wasl350-140OC- The authors describe a special apparatus used for growing these 7sWs,vbJrh ccasists cfthree essential parts.- a tubular furnace, a hydrogen source, and a system for purification and'contxol of hydrogm feed . The whisker crystals ranged from 1 to 30 -p in diameter and from 3 to l5am in length. Hicrocrystals ranged from 30 to 350 11 in diameterP -* and 0.5 to 3 mm in length. Capillaries were observed 'alon'g the growth axes of some crystals. Card L ACCESSIO14 NRt AP403490o Gwwffi of the whisker crystals is exphinad on the basis of FrwWsdwty of cmtalprowth by sa-ewasbotku, Hexagonal cMtal nuclei form in sitos where the sorow axes opiargo with Burgers vector /bD017. Since the dislocations are at right angles to the basal planes, all the whiskers grow parallel to each other in the CobO17 direction. Because of a high modulus of elasticity (52pOOO kg and a large Burgers vector of dislocations along d 1ef010T0YUL=tion,theel&-r1r enera cf%e dislocation nuclei exceeas ths the 1,bonaing energy of atoms in the crystal lattice, This fact leads to ruptuire of lattice, which is then manifested in capillaries along the growth axes of the cr)-stals. Laue patterns and immasion sudies show the crystals to belong to the alpha 'modification of A1203 (sapphire). "in conclusion.. we thank Ye. V. Kolontsov anti I. V. Telegin fcr their aid in d-a interpietationofft x-ray patterns." Orig. art. hasi 5 figures., 1 table, 'and 3 formulm. ;,,ASSOCIATION: none suBiarTas oUeb63 ATD PRES$t,.3048 ENCU 00 j PMER: 006. I'M CODE s SS NO REP SOV 0 4 1 p 1 0 to it 11 11 1`1 it, Jr go a 00 49 00 So TWITe 0 0 0 wm,-w, is It It Is womb mvUbve U41.0ro All 0Cc 0 U _I 1~ t-11c, ILI -.00 11~mfluilzce of austenific grain iiiint an mechatakul pf*P- met of steel. 1. V. Koutmivit-h and S. flok%trin- 111:4 At ~'Mr, It aillitil. - 1", 04 a Mtk ifill for l-will'atins loi-c 11, Ill miginal Iltmin sijv slid by the #aIn site induced fly hent tmatment- Austenite pain %is* vran dttd. by inlempted quenching. 81wrilorn, heated to the dmrrd terip. ivere trattsferred to a 111) bath at 54io V.U* kept t a sh