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KOSTIN, K.A.2 inzh.;-jQKWx_j,-T.p inzh, Prinimali uchastiye: TSIKUN,D.S., tekhnik; TSAGOYKOp N.V.., tekhnik; FILIN, A.G., red. izd-va; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. (Technical charts for the maintenance of the M-21A automobile., "Volga"] Tekhnologicheskie i postovye karty tekhnicheskogo ob- sluzhivaniia avtomobilia M-21 "Volga." Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1961- 150 P. (MRA 15: 1) 1. Moscow. Nauehno-isaledovateltakiy institut avtomobillnogo trans- porta. Leningradskiy filial. 2. Otdal tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniya i remonta. Ieningradskogo filiala Nauchno-iSBledovatellskogo instituta avtomobilinogo transports (for Kostin, Bokhan). (Automobiles--MLaintenance and repair) KCSTIN, Kqnstantin AlekBandrovichoif ,*f;jRP;-ft-T 'ba t1ye: BOXW I T i~zh.; TSIKUNq D.S., tekhn: PO I., ilA. P. tokhn, red. [Maintenance of M-21 "Volga" automobiles in automotive trans- portation urAts) Tekushchii remont avtomobilei M-21 "Volga" v avtokhoziaistvakh. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1963. 47 p. (MIRA 16s6) (Automobiles-Maintenande and repair) K. 255- 3 3 5 BOKHV~, Y.A. Intepralbnve uravneniya dlya abostra'~triykh funlemiy- U-chen. ir:apisld (Ley-linffr. Goss. Ped. in-t im Gertsema). T. YYJV, 19bb, S. 35-52 -- Bibliopr: 6 Ilazv. 50; Letopis' Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Noscow, 1948 BOKW, K. A. funcitonal In 90,w~ Uch. zap. Fed. inet. Gerts. 125:157-164 '56. (MLRA 9:12) (Integrals. Goner4litedL) (Punctional analysis) WKW,Konstantin Aleksandrovich; VULIKH, B.Z., prof., red.; RYWIE, A.Z., red.; DOLGOPOLOV, V.G., red. [Problems and exercises in mathematical analysis) Za- dachnik-praktikum po ratomatichaskomu anailzu. Moskva, Uchpadgiz, Ft.IjIntroductlon to analysis; differential calculus of functions of a single variablol Vvedenle v analiz; differentsiallnoe ischislenie funktsii odnoi. pe- remennoi. Izd.2., isp. I dop. 1962. 168 p. (Miuk 17:9) SLOWDSKAYA, Vilcturiya Aleksandrovna;__~)LE~tjqi,,__K.A., nauchn. red.; KU7JIETSOVA? L.G., red. [Short course in higher mathem"tics) Kratkii kLLr.9 vysslic-i ratematiki. Podollsk, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 4015 P. WIRA 17-9) 1. 2CF-H.U1, 11. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Planets, Vinor 7. N=erical inteGration by calculatine machine of equqtions for the Fle-tion of minor planets with a given system of initial conditions. Biul, Inst. teor. astron. 51, No. 4, 1952. 1 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified. BOKUN, H.A. Integrating motion equations of minor planets on analytic computers. Biul. Inst. toor. astron. 6 no-3:162-165 '55. (MIRA 130) (Plantets, Minor) MAKOVER, S.G.;,~BOKHAN, N.A. Motion of the 11heke-Baklund comet in the years 1898-193.1, and a recent determination of the mass of Mercury. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no.3:552-~54 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut teoreticheekoy astronomii Akademii nauk SSSR. Pred- stavleno akad. VwG* Tesenkovym. (Xncke's comet) ' (Mercury (Planet)) MAKOVERI S.G.; BOHM, N,A, Encke-Backlund's comet. No.3: The cometIs motion in 1898-19n and a new determination of the mass of Mercury (with summary in English). Trudy ITA no.8:137-179 161. (MM 11+:8) (Comets) -(Mercury (Planet)) k BMAN ) N. A. Practical applicability of Wilkens' method to the perturbation function. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 164. expansion of 9 no. 6:44&-463 (MIRA 17:9) BOKHAN, N.I., inzho Hydraulic regulator of the depth of milling. Torf. prom. 39 no.6:5-6 162. (MIRA 16.7 1.,Inatitut torfa AN Belorusakay SSR* (Pea:t maohinery) BCKHAN, N. I, &perimantal study of the Operation of a diak-vhmped cutter, in the produotion of granulated peat. Vestai AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekbo nav. no.itn9-123 163. (KIRA 16:4) (Peat machinery) BOKHANY N.I.J. inzh.; OPEYKO, F.A., doktor tekhn.nauk Determination of the power needed for peat milling by means of disk cutters. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.:gor.zhur. 7 no. 1:117-119 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Belorusskiy politekhnichoskiy inatitut. Rekomendovana kafedroy torfyanykh mashin. BOMMVp Met myor weditslukoy slushby - Hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Odessa Military District Hospital. Voon.-m'd.shur. no.806-87 Ag 159. (WRA 12t12) (011118SA-HOSPITALS6 MILITARY) .TEHPER~ A.S.p mayor meditsinskoy 13luz4by;-BOKHANQJ.J~V., mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; ZAGRANIOMM,, L.A., mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; YEZHOV, A.S., podpolkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; KATASONOV, S.V.t pddp61kovnik meditainskoy sluzhby' Role-of prophylactic additions of vitamins to food in the decrease ofmorbidity. Voon.-med.zhur. no.3:49-51 Mr 161. (MDA 14:7) (VITAMINS) (SOIDIERB DISEASES AND HYCIENE) ;!21H"Ovo I.T. (Uunas) One and a half mole of ferrous and chronic suppurative otitis Ves"oto-rin. 20 no.6s65-67 N-D (OTITIS M&DIA, ther* ferrous chloriL (IRON# ther. use. ferrous chloride (CHIODRIDRS, ther. use game (Rug)) chloride in treating discharging media [with eummar7 in English]. 158 (MIRA IIZ12) solution (RUBD solution in otitis media (Rue)) KHARCHENKO, A.B., inxh.; PBSTOV, L.N., inth.;,W Wy,-J.A., insh.; SILIMAN, M.A.# inzh. Now system of regulating the performance of piston air compressors. Khim. mash. 3 no-3:1-3 Mv-Je '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Air compressors) 112-57-8-16192 Translation frorru Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 18 (USSR) AUTHOR; Zanarevskaya. Z. P. , and Bokhanovskiy, A. P. TITLE.- New Developments in the Manufacture of Lacquered Wiring Conductors .(Novoye v tekhnologii izgotovleniya lakirovannykh montazhnykh provodov) PERIODICAL- Inform. -tekhn. ab. M-vo elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR (Engineering Information Collection, Ministry of the Electrical -Engineering Industry, USSR), 1956, Nr 10, pp 8-12 ABSTRACT: Described are the improvements introduced at the "Ukrkabel'" plant which were intended to raise labor productivity and product quality and also to improve woirking conditions in the production of lacquered wiring conductorg, particularly in the processes of diluting lacquers and direct lacquering of con- ductors. A swivel -blade power mixer and a sealed lacquer vat (fed from a lac - quer tank attached to the body of the oven) were designed and built; they are in- tended for stirring the lacquer being thinned to its working viscosity (35 seconds by the ball-drop method). Molded rubber gauges are inserted in the vat ports instead of metal gauges. Composition.of rubber for molded gauges and new Card 1/3 112-57-8-16 19Z New Developments in the Manufacture of Lacquered Wiring Conductors formulae for tubular gauges are given. The new vat and the new formula for rubber increased durability of the gauges 6-7 times. The starting procedure of the oven and the lacquer processing of MBDL and MShDL wires were changed. Lacquering wire with undiluted lacquer (viscosity 67 and 97 seconds) was successfully tried. Undiluted lacquers with viscosity of 100 -110 seconds can be used for lacquering wiring conductors; in this case, the number of runs can be reduced to ten, with the rate and temperature of lacquering unchanged. Use of the sealed vat with automatic lacquer feed secures the following advan- tages: 1. Uniform thickness of lacquer film along the wire and improvement in quality because of the almost constant viscosity and level of the lacquer; 2. Lacquer may be applied with a viscosity of 100-110 seconds without diluting it down to 35 seconds, saving up to 100 kg of solvent (acetone) per ton of lac- quer; 3. Increase in lacquering rate (for MBDL and MShDL 0. 2-0. 5 mm? wires, 4-6 m/min versus 2.5-4 m/min); 4. Improvement in working condi- tions because of a sliarp reduction of solvent-vapor content in the air around the workmen; and 5. Facilitation and hastening of the vat cleaning and a reduc- tion of lacquer loss in the form of dry films. Introduction of the power -driven Card 2/3 112-57-8-16192 New Developments in the Manufacture of Lacqured Wiring Conductors mixer nearly doubles the labor productivity, along with facilitating and improv- ing labor conditions and producing a higher quality of lacquering and a more uniform lacquer viscosity. A. 0. M. Card 313 5oKi4bAdOVIC.H. A - PERIODICAL ABSTRACTS Sub.: USSR/Engineering AID 4200 - P BOKHDANOVICII.-A-- TM-M-Y-A-TKY-011NICHESKAYA KONFERENTSIYA PO 3VARKE V POL'SY'0Y SUDOSTROITELINOY PnOMYSIILENNOSTI (First Technical Conference on Welding in Polish Shipbuilding Industry). Avtomaticheskays avarka, no. 1, Ja/F 1956: 83-84. This is a very short report on proceedings of the first Polish conference on welding in the shipbuilding industry, held September, 1955 in Gdan'sk, Poland. The delegates of the con- ference visited Gdansk shipyards and inspected the all-welded shell of a 10,000 ton Diesel motorship under construction there. The author Is the Chief Welder at the Gdan'sk shipyards. Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 12/13 Author : Bokhdanovich, A. AID P - 4826 Title : First--techni6al conference on welding in the Polish Shipbuilding Industry. Periodical : Svar. proizv., 3, 29, Mr 1956 Abstract : The-a'u'thor, chief welder of the Gdan'sk Shipyards in Poland, reports briefly proceedings of the conference held in Gdan'sk on 23 and 24 September 1955. He mentions that a 10,000 ton motorship with all-welded hull is being built there. Institutions: Electrowelding Institute im. Paton in Kiyev, and the Central Scientific Research Institute of Machine- Building Technology (TsNIITMASh) in Moscow. Submitted No date L!4406.;M' iliT~(d)/W(y)-,/fW?(k)/EWP(h)/EWP(l) IJP(C) 13C 1ACCESSION KR: AP5025725 UR/0286/65/000/018/007�/0079--'-- 621.317.757 WTHOR: Atamanenko, V. G.; Andieyev, G. N.; Artemenko, I. N.; Bokhenek, A. Ya. ;iTITLE: Transfer function analyzer -operating at infralow ftequencies. Class 42, IN o. 174805 ,SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarn h 18, 1965, 7 znakov, no. TOPIC TAGS; automatic pneumatic control %utomatic control systeml, Aransfer func- i tion, automatic control.analysis iABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces h.tranafeeLfUn6ti0rVana1yzer ;which operates at infralbw frequencies. The device contains integrators based on operational amplifiers, a low-frequency oscillator, multiplying unitsand an indicaj, tor display. The installation is designed for improved accuracy in analyzing sys- 1 Items with random disturbances and for reduced analysis time. The sine output from!, !the electropneumatic low-frequency oscillator is connected to all the first inputs '!of the units for sine multiplication. The second inputs of these multiplication units are connected through input converters to the output of the system to be ana-1 lyzed. The cosine output from the low-frequency oscillator is connected to all thei Card 1/4 L 1, 44o8-66 iACCESSION NR: APS025725 ifirst inputs of the cosine multiplication units, and the second inputs Of these mul-~ i iplying units are connected through input converters n a similar fashion to the .output of the system to be analyzed. The pneumatic and electrical outputs of the oscillator are connected to the system being analyzed. Each sine and cosine multi-: plication unit is connected to a recording device through a circuit for changing the, !number of'averaging periods and through the operationa 1-amplifier integrator. A modification of this analyzer is designed fbr- improved reliability. The low- ~:frequency oscillator contains a master RC variable-frequency oscillator connected ~through phase shifters and power amplifiers to a three-phase synchronous motor. The ,shaft of this motor is connected through a 50:1 speed reducer to pneumatic and elec-' tric sine converters and to a rotating transformer. A second modification is designed ' for studying pneumatic control systems. The pneumatic sine converter, lin this unit contains a nozzle-damper,element. The damper is made in the form of a;, ;tilted disc mounted on the shaft of a synchronous motor. The nozzle is braced by aj 'flat spring which is supported by the rigid center of an elastic feedback element. iThe cavity of this element is connected through a choke to the power supply, as well as being connected directly to the nozzle and to the input of a pneumatic amplifiers,-'_ A thirA modification is desidne4,,for increased accuracy in andlyzing ayff- ~-tems with random disturbances.,7he circuit for changing the number of averaging. L 4408-U .ACCESSION NR: AP5025725 tperiods contains a photoelectric relay controlled by a beam which passes througha ,slotted disk mounted on the shaft of a synchronous motor. The photoelectric relay is connected through a blocking relay to a step switch. The stepper is connected td :a switch which sets the required number of pulses. The output of the blocking rela' is connected to its own coil, and the contacts are connected to the integrator in_ Lputs. Orig. art. has; 1 -figure. L14] ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy,nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut kompleksnoyzvtomati- zatsii (Central Scientific Research Institute of Large-Scale Automation) SUBMITTED: 20Mar63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: re, rc NO REr sov: ooo OTIMR: 000 ATD PFMS;,//~~51 Curd-.3/4 L 4406-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5025725 ENCLOSURE: 01 Transfer f6ction analyzer 1 Harmonic oscillation input; 2 - system being analyzed; 3 - low-frequency 'oscillator; 4 input device; 5 - multiplication unit; 6 - integrating unit (operational amplifier); 7 - contact which determines the integration time; 8 - control cir- cuit; 9 recording instrument; 10 - circuit for changing the averaging periods, x- 14'~J' /t 4 BOKHXNRK, MOY&,) Preserving meclical case histories. Sov.zdrav. 16 n0-7:59-61 JI 157. (MIU 10:11) 1. Iz bollnitay No.18 imeni Oktyabriskoy revolyutaii Krasnogverday skogo rayona Moskvy (glavW vrach M.I.Kamenev) (RICORDS, MEDICAL, pronerv. (Run)) "ek 1. D ,,.Yu. redaktor. DEREVOYANX0, G., Oj,=Aw tokhnichookiy redaktoi [Journey through the land of the Soviets] Podorozh po radiauslkii kraini. Kyjv, Derzh. vyd-vo polit. lit-ry URSR. 1956. 71 P. (MLRA 10:5) (Russia--Description and travel) kand.sellskokhozyayatvennykh naukj CHICHMOVF V,Ya., kand, tekhnicheskikh nauk International ocientific method6logical conference on work mecbpmi- zation and the use of plastics in irrigation and drainage engineering. Gidr. i mal. 3.2 no.3.1:4/4,.55 N 160 (NIM 1411) (Irrigation-Congresses! (Drairigge-Congresses) (Flasu qs) SHAUKYAN, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. red.; JEOKH N. F.1 kand. sellkboz. naukq zav. otv, red.5 KOKOVIN, YeA, kand, y tekhn. nauk, red.; KOPIYEV, Ye.I., inzh., red.; POPOVA, V,Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk,, red.; SAMSONOVA, N.P., kand.luekhn. nauk,. red.,- CHICHASOV, V.Ya., kand. takhn. nauk, red.; RODIN, YA.S., red. izd-va (Mechanization of irrigation and drainage work and use of plastic materials in irrigation and drainage construction, materials]Ma- khanizatsiia gidromaliorativnykh rabot i ispolIzovanie plastmass v gidromeliorativnom stroitelletve; materialy Mezhdunarodnogo na- uchno-metodiebeskogo soveshchanila. Moskva, izd.VNIIGiM, 1962. 242 p. (MIRA 15~12) 1. Nauchno-metodichaskoye i koordinatsionnoye soveshchnniya nauchno-issledovatellskikh uohrezhdeniy sotsialistichaskikh stran po mekhanizatsii stroitelinykh i. ekspluatatsionn-ykh gidromeliora- tivnykh rabot i ispollzovantyu plastm-tas v gidromeliorativnom stroitalistve, Moscow, 1960. 2. Vsescyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatell- skiy institut gidrotekhniki i melloratsii im. A,N,Kostyakova (for Shaupyan), (Irrigation-Congresse3) (Drainage-Congresses) Y-) BOMUN. Kh.A.,- SHAkAnIN, N.V. ontrol of mlaria!and helainthiasis in the Estonian S -S.R. Med. parez, i pares, bolo 26 no-5;598-599 S-0 '57- (KIRA 11:2) 1. Iz Istonskoy reepublikanskoy senitarno-apidemiologicheakoy Stantsii. (KAURIA 9 prev. & control in Betonia (Rum)) (EMINTH IXFWTIOMS same) BOUKARP YasVe , 17mphogenic mtwtasis in cancer of the endometrium. Vop.ork 19 no.gt98-107 162. (MIRA -15;9) il;'Olz .inekologicheskogo otdeleni-ya (zav, - prof. V.P. Thbi- :hj Instituta otkologii AMN (dir. - deystv* cUen AM, prof. A.I. Serebrov). (ENDOMETRIUM-GANCER) (LYMPHATICS-CANCER) BOKHMAN, Ya.V. (Leningrad, M-105, YakovIevskiy pereulok, d.6, kv.78) Current methods of treatment in cancor of the corpus uteri. Vopr. onk. 9 no.4tlO4-111 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz ginekologichaskogo otdoloniya (zav. - prof. V.P.Tobilevich) Instituta onkologii AHN SS)SR (dir. - deystvitollnyy chlen AMNI SSSH prof. A.I.Serebrov). BOKBMAN, Ya, V. (laningrad, M-105; Yakovlevskiy pereulok,, dom 6. =varfliiC 18) - Body characteristicil in patients with cancer of the corpus uteri. Vop. onk. 9 no.8&30-37 163 (MIRA 1724) 1. Iz ginekologich6skogo otdeleniya, ( zav. - daktor med. nauk prof. V.P.Tobilevich) Institute. ankologli AMN SSSR (direktor- deystvitellnyy chlein AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov). BOMIMAN Ya.V. (baningrad, !' - 10", YakcvlevAly, d.t, k,;-. 78); ~--- ~-, N.M. (Lerlngn'i~'d, S-36, u1. Vosstanipj, d.1/30, kv.33) Mesodernal mixed tumora of the cervix uteri. Vop. onk. 9 no.6: 82-87 163. (.M'--RA 17:8) 1. Iz ginekologichesk-:)go otdelaniya (zav. - proll V.P. Tobile- vich) Instit-ta rinkelog,'i fl.'N SSSR (dir. - doystvitelInyy chlen AYIN SSSR prf. A.I. &.~nzbnjv). -BQIMIX,J,ajV. (Leningrad, M-105, Yakovlevskiy per., dom 6. kv.78) Extent of surgical interventions in cancer of the corpus uteri with consideration of the nature of lymphogenic metastatic spreading. Vop. onk. 10 no.5:37-44 164. (MIRA 18:8) 16 Iz ginekologicheskogo otdeleni~a (zav. - prof. V.P.Tobilovich) Instituta onkologii AMN SSSR (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen AMN prof. A.I.Serebrov). BOMAN, Ya.V. Yletastases and recurrenzfis In the %-!ijv~na Akusb. i gin6 40 Ja-F "64, 1. Ginekologicheskoye'lenlye (zav. - mstituta onkolopii Wr. dey:3+-,ri Or. A.1. &rebrov) AMN SSSR, Jening-rad. -".n uter!noicanc---r. ( 2,7; 8) r-rof. V.P. bilevich) fy ~flhllejj "llriAl SIT prof. TSVEY, S.M.; BOMNAN, Ya.V. Cancer of the vulva and pregnancy. Akush. i gin. 1-0 no.l: IJ4-145 Ja-F '64. (MIRA 17.8) 1. Bollnitsa I'll pamyatl 25 Oktyabrya'- (gl-rivnyy vrach Yushmanov), Leningrad i ginekologichrakoy--~ Odelen'-ye (ZUV. prof. V.P. TobileviCh) instituta onkologii (,dir. - dey-zt- vitelInyy chlen JW SSSR A.I. Se.-ebrov) AMN SSSR. BOKHMAN, Ya.V. Some aspects of compound.treatment of cancer of the cervix uteri in the first stage. Akush. i gin. 40 no.4~21-27 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA IP-4) 1. Ginekologichoskoye otdeleniya (zav. - prof. V.P,Tobilevich) Instituta onkologii (dir. - deystvitellny-y chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Serebrov) AMIN SSSR, Leningrad. POKHMAN. Ya.V.; TRWY, S.M. Carcinosarcoma of the corpus uteri developing six years after radiotherapy of cancer of the cervix uteri. Akush. i gin. 40 no.5055 S-0 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Ginckologichaskoye otdoloniyo (zav. - prof. V.P.Tobelevich) Institute onkologii (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen ANN prof. A.I. Serebrov) AMN SSSR i bot'nitsa 'IV paWat' 25-go PKtyabrya" (glavnyy vrach I.P.Yushmanov), Leningrad. hOYJIM~PNJ Yri,V.; KOSTINA, L.I. I-Inlomatriosis of the pelvic lymph nodes. Vop. onk. 11 no.2: 3-10 165. (L,IIRA 18-7) ~. Iz ginekologichesbogo (zav. - prof. V.P. TobIlevich) i pato- logoanatomicheakogo otdelonlya (zav. - doktor med. nauk S.F. Sarov; nauchnyy konsulltant - deystvitelInyy chlen Al-24 SSSR prof. M.F. Glazunov) Ingtituta onkologil AM SSSR (direk-tor -- days'WitelInyy chlNn AMN SSSR prof. A.!. Serebrov). KHOLDIN, S.A., prof.1 BOXHMAN. Ya.V.. Proceedings of the 95th Meeting of the ScientifJr Society of Oncologists of Leningrad and Leningrad Rerion. Vop. onk. 11 no.10:U3-126 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. President of the Soientific Society #,P Oncologists of Lenirgrad and tenIngrad Region (for Kholdin). : Secretary of the Scientific L Society of Oncologists of Tenlngrad and Teningrad Reeion (for Bokhman). 4P,.,22,?-6/'7 AMMOR: Bokhnatski, Z. TITLE: The Peculiarity of Forbidden -Transitions in Defoxmed Nuclei (Osobenimtl zapreahchennylch f3-perekhodov v deformiro- vnnnylch yadrakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadenii Hauk SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Hr 2, pp. 158 - 1G1 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The X-forbidden A--nuclear decay with an odd A and an .1-3d number of neutrons is investioated here. In this conne~Lion the nucleus is assumed to be strictly axially symnc.,lric. It is shown that the matrix-element B, f ii pernitted, according to K leads to the values of lbr t~U, Ogg; 8,51 9,2 for the transitions to the levels 3/3~, 7/2". The contribution of the matrix-elements C, Z, Is r Card 1/3 about 100-fold less and leads to 1G fT-F,-!i. Th ematrix-element. 49 - 2 2'-2- 6/17 The Peculiarity of Forbidden ~ -Transitions in Deformed Nuclei. _* -4 (Y.r, double-forbidden according to K, does almost not play any part in the transitions. These results are in agreement with the Txperimental values for fu in transitions to zhe level 5/2 and 7/2+. Regarding the shape of spectrum no ex- perimental data exist. It is further shown that the energetic distances A E of these levels are of an order of magnitude of some MeV, which is very high as compared to the distances of the one-part levels in which I K - Qldoes not chanje. At. the same time all terms of the excitation which are connect- ed with the axial symmetry of the nucleus are proportional to the parameter of the axial symmetry T (if it is not great). Therefore it is to be expected that they will not greatly influence the probability of the K-forbidden transitions. In the case of a high degree of prohibition according to K the nenbersof the excitation connected with the axial symmetry can markedly influence tho probability of the decay. The author was advised by L. A. Sliv, L. K. Peker and V. V. Anisovich. The work was performed in the Physical-Technical Institute AS USSR in Leningrad. There are 1 figure and3 re.. Card 2/3 ferences. 48-22-2-6/17 The Peculiarity of Forbidden P -Transitions in Deformed Iluclei ASSOCIATIONs Institut yadernykh issledovaniy Pollskoy ;.iademii nauk,Krakov (Institute for Nuclear Resemb of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow) AVAILABLE% Library of CongreBs 1. Nuclei (Deformption)-Bate. transitions-Theory Card 3/3 GURITEVA, Ye.F.; Z117LOVAg G.P.1 KUZNFTSOVA, F.Ye.; VASIUNSKAYA, N.I.; HORHNEVIC119 G.M. Methodology for preparing tissue cultures for the laboratory diagnoels of poliovVelitis. Trudy Len. inst. epid. i mikrobiol 26t213-225 164, (MIRA l8sl2) 114 BOKKON, U.N., kandidat maditainskikh nauk Examinatioa of the conditioned blinking reflex in glaucoma patiento before and after surgery. Vest.oft. 69 no-5:53-58 S-0 156. (MISA 9:12) 1. Iz kafadry gl&znykh bolazney (nach. - dotsent P.I.Gapayev) i kafadry normallnoy fiziologii (nach. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.Y. Lebodinskiy) Voyanno-Morskoy maditsinskoy akademii. (GIAUCOKA, physiol. blinking reflex before & after surg.) (EYBLIDS. physiol. blinking reflex in glaucoma before & after surg.) 17(20) SOV/177-58-4-4/32 .4bTHOR: Bokhon N.N. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Medical Corps t!f~~ I TITLE: Dark Adaptation in First-Degree Radiation Disease (T8mnovaya adeVAalya pri pervoy stepeni. luchevoy bolezni) .PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 4, pp 15-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: G.A. Zedgenidze, M.N. Pobedinskiy and M.A. Strogiy have experimentally proved that radiation disease changes the vitamin balance, and disturbs the metabolism and the life activity of certain organic systems, especially of the central nervous system. For his investigations, the author picked out dark adaptation as one of the most sensitive functions of the eye to various effects (P.P. Lazarev). Dark adaptation was examined in patients, to be treated with x-rays in the VIUAA clinic, in 1955. The data obtained show that in all persons the adaptation curve was within the "zone of the norm". This does not Card 1/2 . j /177-~8-4-4/;t2 W7 1, , 5 -1 IDark Adaptation in First-Degree Radiation Disease exclude an eventual reduction of the ad_,,ptation de- pendent on the degree of the radiation disease. In the first degree of radiation disease, the state of dark adaptation as a rule does not change. There is I table. Card 2/2 BOKHON?_Ll.~._ Modification of Hoes$ operation in ptosis, Vent, oft. 74 no.2: 60-61 161. (EYELIDS-DISEASES) (MIRA 1414) 1 BOKHCH, N.N. Surgical treatment of myasthmic ptosis. Oft. zhur. 18 nol: 35-38 163 (MIRA 1714) 1. 1z kafedry oftallmologii ( naclmllnik - prof. B.L.Polyak) Voyonno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirov&. .. KOGARKO, S.M., doktor~,takhn.nauk; BORODULIN, A.A.L-BOKHON. Yu.A.; KOMAROV, V.N.; LYAMIN, A.G.; MIKHAYLOV, V.A.; SVi'STUNOV,V.G. Propagation of the chemical reaction zone in acetylene in large diameter pipes. Khim.prom. no,7:496-501 Jl 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Inatitut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Gosudarstvennyy inatitut po proyektirovaniA zavadov kaucht*ovoy promyshlennosti. (Acetylene) (Gas pipes) (Combustion) "rInIvil uchas,,iyL-. KOGAKO 14. ; LYA14111, AX. ; MIUAY1,OV, V BOKHON, Yti.A. Perfoemarice c,[* scrubbort, with it vackirp a4 Clame. intercepLing de-ilce in wetyl-c-no plovs propt. no. 4t 2?5-282 Ap 104. 17-7) 1. in 'dtiit- ~'.,Jmicbeakoy I LiAki AN S)S"I'l, i Gcv~ularatvunnyy oyeknyy i riaiiclino-ingli.,Ciovp~teltslciy iru-tita'~ prorryshlennost-I r p sintetic~oskogn knucliuka. BOKHOR-ILIYA, A.I. Device for the mechanical cleaning of onions. Kons. i ove prom. 14 no.5:13-14 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:6) I.Chernigovokiy ovoshcheaushilinyy savocle (Canni industry-9quipment and supplies) 311 (onions '-BOXHOR-ILI.YA, A.L.-- - ~ Now types of soup concentrates. Kona. i ov. prom. 14 no.10:42-43 0 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.GlavWy inzhener Chernigovskogo ovoeheheoushillnogo zavoda. (Pood. Concentrated) (Soups) SOKHOR-ILITA. Operation of the Chernigov VegetRble Dr7ing P3Aat. KonsA ov.prom. 12 no.6:loTll Js '57. (XLRA 10:7) 1. Chernigovskiy ovoshchesuehillnyy savodo (Chernigov--Potatoee--PreservAtion) BDMMR- Ah~, ~"- - wmv~~ , Work of the Chernigov Vegetable Dehydrating Plant. Kons. i Ov. PrO13. 13 no.10:6-8 0 158- (MIRA 11:10) l.Chernigovskiy ovoshcheaushillny7 zavod. (Po ta toes -Drying) F-THOSIAN, Kh. A - XMIUDOV. X.Yu.; BOKHOSILN, Kh.A. . a Case of hemorrhagic favor in Stars, Zagora. Savrem. mod., Sofia 5 no.z:113-116 1954. 1, Iz Okrushnata boluitna, Stara Zagora (gl. lekar: F.Fuchidshiev). (NPIMIC HAK)RRHAGIC FXM, epidemiology, *Bulgaria) DAIRDV. P.I.; BOKHOSIAN, 1h.A. clinical aspects of atrodectus tredecium gmtt&tus bits. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 6 no.4:99-101 155. 1. Is Okrushnata bolnitea-St.Zagora (Cl.lakar: P. Fuchidshiev) (ARACMDISM, Atro'dectus tredecium bits, clin.sepects.) BOKHOV. Effect of uoilatgl decortication on calcium metabolism in the central nervous tem. Dokl.AN Arm.SSR 31 no. 2:123-127 16o. (MM 13:11) 1. Kafedra normalin)q fiziologii 2-go Mookovgkogo goeudarstvennogo meditainakogo inatituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. Preastavleno akademikom AN Armyanskoy SSR B.A. Aeratyanom. 0ALcrum MABOLISM) ~ (NERVOUS SYST114) (CIRIBRAL CORTEX) --,B!OKHOV B B Influence of unilateral decortication on calcium metabblipm in the central nervous system. Biul, eksp, i biol. med. 50 no. 8:89-92 Aj 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR prof, B,A* Astratyan) Hoskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. Predstavlena daystvitalln-ym chlenom AMN SSSR V.V. Parinym. (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (CALCIUM-METABOLISM) ARLASHCHENKOJ, N.I.- BOKHOV B.B.; BUSYGIN, V.Ye.; VOLOKHOVA, N.A.; GRIGORIYEV,.-iiR-'.P-. "NAKOV, B.I.; FARBER, Yu.V. Body reactions during the prolonged effect of coriolis accelera- tions. Biul. eksp. biol. i medo 56 no.8:28-33 Ag 163. (MrRA 17:7) 1. NauoluW rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.V. Lebedinskiye Predstavleno daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR A.V. Lebedinukim. GRIGORIYEV, Yu.G.; BOMOV, D.B. (Moskva) Nev apparatus for adequate stimulation of the vestibular anal5-oaz with utilization of anMaar accelerations ani strength of the coriolis. Vent.otorin. no.605-M 161. NIRA 15t1) (VESTIBULAR ArPARATUS) (oToLAR7NGoLoGy-zQun,MT AND SUPPLIES) ACCESSION NR: AT4o42699 6/0=/63/000/000/0333/0339 AUTHOR: Lebedinskiy, A. V.; Arlashchankot N. I.1 Bokhoy, B. B-1 Grigortyev, Yu.G.; Kvaanikova, L. N.; Farber, Yu. V. TITLE: The importanoe of the vestibular anlayzer in the selection and training or cormonauto SOURCE: Konferentaiya po aviatsioxinoy i kosmicheakol mediteine, 1963. Aviatoionnaya i koGmicheskaya meditaina (Aviation and space medicine); materialyo konferentaii. Moscow, 1963t 333-339 TOPIC TAGS: rotating chamber, tilt table, rotation effect, man, CDriQlio accelera--~ tioa ABSTRACT: One of the main criteria upon which the system of comonvAt 3election should be based is the evaluation of the vestibular analyzer. The .-Ya3uatiou of :other systems U. e., the vigual analyzer, the retina and muscles oC the eye, and ;interoceptors) which enable a cosmonaut to orient himself in space should be of almost equal importance in the selection program. Experience ban shown that a ACGESSION NR: AT4042699 idisruption of information concerning the position or the movement of the body can :lead to vegetative disordern. This consideration led to studies of the analyzer systems of each of the cosmonauts, the interaction between analyzer Systems, and !the condition of vegetative functions during unusual interaction between analyzera ~(such as the conditions which arise during space flight). The special conditions !arising during space flight are limitation of afferentation in a weightless state and the presence of unusual stimulation (vibration, noise, etc.). The dikferen- I- .tiated study of the vestibular analyzer should include determination of the thresh-,, ~hold sensitivity of the semicircular canals to an adequate stimulus, determination i of a reactivity curve during application of angular accelerations of various magni-'' !tudea, determination of adaptive abilities to the action of angular acceleration, .and tests with Coriolis acceleration. The research on threshold sensitivity of the semicircular canals to adequate stimuli was performed for both positive and negative acceleration. Research performed on fifty healthy pernona indicated that .the scope of variation of threshold sensitivity is not great. It varies from 0.1 to 0-50 Per Sao (20 second action of acceleration) for positive accelerations, and 1.5 to 59 per second (for a atop stimulus of 0*15 seconds) for negative ac- colerations. However$ various outside- stim U-i and physical conditions of the en- vironment can greatly affect the thresholde of vestibular sensitivity, The data ACCESSION NR: AT4o42699 ora in.responso to stimulation obtained during the combined action of angular and linear accelerations. Laboratory tests with the periodic application of Coriolis accelerations accompanied by slow rotation have indicated that even a Ghort rota- tion leads to a disruption of walking, to a change in akin temperature, and to a change in the pulse frequency. At the same time, a lowerizig of the threshold of sensitivity to Coriolis accelerations was noted without the threahold to,"ligular acceleration being affected. A very interesting interrelationship exist6 between the vestibular and optical analyzers. Laboratory experiments havc confirmed that stimulation of the retina has an inhibiting effect on the vestibular analyzer. Tests have indicated that the result of interaction between the optical and the vestibular stimuli is determined by the functional condition of the vestibular analyzer. It became apparent that if the exvitability of the veutibular amilytor was increased by radioactivity, inhibition of 9pontaneoualy arising nystagmue by optical stimulation of the retina became more distinct, The level of excitability of the vestibular analyzer was achieved by means of radioactive tars. ASSOCIATION: none C-ofd ACCESSION NR: AT4o42699 SUBMITTED.- 27sep63 NO REF SOV: 000 i 4 Card 5/5 ENCL: 00 0=1 000 SUB CODE, LS L ------ UR/02-9 brVOW0 4408; ACCES'104 NR' APS011556 AUTHOR: Bokbov, B. B.; ShipoV, A. A.; Lebedinskiv, A. V. M iTITME- SoTre qu-Lntitative characteristics of the vestibular analyzer in rabbits SOURCE: Byulleten' eksperinientallnoy biologii I meditsiny, v. 59, no. 4, 1965, 12- 14 ITOPIC TAGS: vestibular apparatus, nystagmus, semicircular canal, labyrinth !ABSiTRACT: The nystagmic maction of chinchilla rabbits to rotation Was investigat i led with respect to duration and number of oscillations after change in intensity of !adequate stimulation of the vestibular analyzer (sudden st,~,p) rraTIIil~c fl-0-11 J--1V ~St-C ,to 1800/sec. Since the experimental curves constructeui ,r, a -,~m-:10,garitnmic Scale it were not rectilinear, they-could not express a logarith-,d( Function. '~~-,-Ithematlcal analysis showed that the portion of the curve reflecting ty- dlurati~-)r, nvst;'T.,-,us ~n the 10-60'/sec range of stimuli was the closest nf ~Lnct -)n. The curve showing the number of nys ta-gmi c i I I -it. i appr-jximated both linear and logarithmic fim-ct-ions, A iin~,-ir aT,--,r~,ximati r) ot the two curves was possible in the 70-1800/sec range. A chanSe in the vdcur---~ ol tlt~; t cur-vec occurr'-d in the 60-700 range. A stimulus of about 701/sec Card 1/2 A- i;R: .AP5011558 the activity of semicircular canal atistae at rest. After sudden halt-h-.1c, of s t e, a dy ri?,-op,or- of the cri of hoth s~~mlcircii I -1- 1, PT an -:amp U 11 o,,,c t a If !,:.,4f rs is Rr--ater thar. whl-' h a flow. 'W 1, e Pt'e cupola r-turrs t i, tr- t-; ui--s from the semicircular canal = i 7,, zAT, i,, cneolymrpn gradu~!Iy decreases to that at rest, but i i~~ 1 -1 f Or the canal Th~~ establisbirtom', nf irnpuls~-s 1 u -mor-- blod- -11-mm-the-m-Ceptom- v, th- _-i i Jnr ae W or -k im-piuses F e se- C roular-Canal int ith the ampullafugal flow of endolynph, themby slightly pre)1onv-irqt the nyGtagridic reac- tion '.,eyond the t-me detertninc-d bv th--~ Jogarit"mir r- -Ti he-F i -3 t Or art. 2 -Igu ASSOCIATION: Institut b1of-i--Mcis N msteTs-tva 2dravLookhraneniya SSSR, plos~ (Institute of BiopIrysi,cs, Ministrj of Health SSSR) SUBMITTED: Va454 ENCL: 00 SUB COD!: LS NO REr GOVI 007 OTHERs 010 C Ora q~.2 2 ~ L 19-32-6� MVT(1)/FS~v)-3 DD 'ACCESSION 11R-: AP502~6T5 UVM9/65/060/06~/oo5q/0062~ 612.886-08 1AUTHOR: Bokhov, B. B.; Shipov, A. A., ............. ITITLE-. The effect of repeated series of stimulations of the 'Vestibular analyzer lof rabbits on the quantitative relation of the duration of nystagmus to the value !of reverse an ar acceleration ISOURCE: Byulleten' ekisperimental'noy biologii i meditsiny, Y. 60, no. 9, 19651 '59-62 ,TOPIC TAGS: animal physiology, autonomic nervous system, vesti~ular analyzer, !rabbit, nystagmus, angular acceleration !ABSTRACT: Cupulometry, a method of studying the vestibular function based on regis.~' ,itering the nystagmic reaction to a series of adequate stimuli of increasing force, :has been applied chiefly to humans. However, research indicates the possibility ofi.- :using this method on animals. In this work the influence of repeated series of stim- ulations of the vestibular analyzer of rabbits on the duration of nystagmus in a range of stimuli twice exceeding the cupulometric ranee is considered. Eabbits were-_ rotated in a clockwise direction, with the axis of rotation through their heads. t ~Card US L 1952-66 AcassioN n AP5023675 Adequate stimulus consisted of reverse angular acceleration created by une xpected stopping of a steadily revolving stand. Conditions were uniform in all experi nts; me acceleration during buildUP-5*/sec2; duration of rotation-1 min; interval between) two consecutive rotations-1 min; stopping time-D.15 sec:. Three groups of five animals each were subjected to 1) 18 stimuli of increasing magnitude (minimum 100 i~ see, maximum 180' in see) ; 2) 12 decreasing stimuli (maximum 1201, minimum 101) ; I 12 stimuli of increasing series (100-1200 in see) fol.lofed after a 5-min inter-I val by 12 stimiali of decr6asing series (1200-100 in sec). In all cases the experi-i, 'xperiments shoved that stiri- ment was performed five times with 2-6-day intervals. 15 Uli of bcth increasing and decreasing series shorten the nystagmic reaction, most noticeably from the first experiment to the second. Experiments with vestibular simuli a) increasing in force, b) decreasing in forcei and c) first increaking and I then decreasing shoved that in all three types, the relationship of the duration ofil ,nystagmus to the logarithm of the value of the stimulus does not chajfge. It waston- !cluded that the shortening of nystagmus observed in these rotation tests is the "result of training, which extends to the entire semicircular canal "system." It ioi--- 'possible that the state.of training of the vestibular analyzer is generalized to I -,affect all reactions to nystagmogenlic stimuli,,Orig. art. hab,. 2 figures. 'ASSOCIATION;! none .0 P soon MMMEMMM~~ ~L iqD-2-66 ;ACCESSION NR: AP5023675 'SUBMITTED: .,23jun64 ENCL: 00 60IMF SOV: 005 OTHER: Oll L 11377-67 EWT (1) ACC_RR7-M0365Ol SOURCE CODE; URJOOO,0166/000/000/0071 ~0072] AUTHOR: Bokhov. B. B.; Komissarova, I. V. ORG: no~W_--__ - TITLE: Changes in visual afterimages during various typos of vpLatibular Stimulation [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held in Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19661 SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kbsmicheskoy meditsiny, 196~. Problemy kosmic~eskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materia%v konferentsii, Mosccw, 1966, 71-72 TOPIC TAGS: vestibular analyzer., visual analyzer, biologic acceleration effects coriolis acceleration, afterimage ABSTRACT: Research indicates that vestibular stimulation is commonly accompanied .by a displacement of the visual afterimage, which depends on the force vector 'and the type'of eye movement during rotation. The present study was con- :du'cted to establish the relationship between the direction of afterimaae dis- I C2 'Placement and type of acceleration*(angular or Coriolis). In addition, the :relationship between the degree of afterimage displacement and various if magnitudes of angular acceleration were studied. Preliminary q~~udies shwed that when the head was inclined and straight-, L U377-67 AC -A-T-6 03 6-5 01- ened, afterimage displacement was strictly vertical.- iThese sam'e head move-~'. ments were executed during steady rotation at rates of 15 and 300 /sec to - create Coriolis forces. Here, five of the 23 subjects showed pronounced and reproducible deviations in the trajectory of afterimage displacement compared! to vertical displacement through a given angle (about 30* Tests in which the vestibular analyzer was stop-stimulated confirmed earlier data on the displacement of the afterimage in the direction of rotation during stopping, and, at the same time, revealed some new features of this phenomenon. First, the character of spontaneous movements of the after- I image along a trajectory in a resting state and the direction of its'movement during vestibular stimulation ~ should be noted. Rotation at various rates showed that the angle of afterimage trajectory deviation from the initial value increased as a function of the rate of rotational buildup from 15 to 30 and 6(r /see. A simult 'aneous study of the duration jof lateral afterimage displace- ment during a series of building-up angular accelerations also.indicated a substantial fbrce dependence between stinnfli and reactions** Therefore, it is possible to rate spatial and time indices of the visual afterimage quantitatively under analagous experimental conditions* (W.Ao ko. 22; ATD Report 66-3161 SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 6 bard 2/2' egk L 11379-67 EWT(l) SCTB_ DD/GD AC-CM-1 AT663675*03- SOLIP-11% CODE: UR/OODO/66/000/000/0072/0073 AUTHOR: Bokho v,B B Frolova, M. M. ORG.- none TITLE: The effect of the vertical writing test on P08t-rotational nystagmus [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine held :in Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19663 SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam koamicheakoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny, (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferebtaii, Moscow, 1966t 72-73 TOP~C TAGS: biologic acceleration effect, coriolis acceleration, vestibular analyzerp nystagnits, psychophysiology ABSTRACT: The results of some experiTwnts indicate that increased human alert-- ness and accuracy expedite the.onset of a nystagmic reaction while to the !Contrary, when an experimenter gives the order to relax or diminish atten.- -tiveness, this reaction is quickly damped. In the present rotation investigations, vertical drawing tests, indices.of a tonic labyrinth reflex to upper extremity musculature, and a record of -postrotational nystagmus were simultaneously conducted. The effect of a test which entailed -drawing a vertical series of small circles on various L 11379-67 -Acc-N'Rs AT6036503 ,qualities of postrotational nystagmus was studied. j*conducted, half with the vertical drawing test. A total of 56 tests were The results indicate that the duration and number of attacks of postro- itational nystagmus increase and their amplitude decreases during drawing tests. This effect was particularly pronounced during rotation at low rates (15 and 30* /see). A less pronounced decrease in the duration of nystagmus was observed at 60* /sec. These observations should be taken into consideratiDn when studying both indices of various somatic vestibular reactions. An explanation can probably be found in the prodominance of the unconditioned reflex component tonic reflex during these tests and not in-a.conscious voli-.-,' tional effort. [W.A. No. 22; ATD Report suB com o6 suBm DATH:''Ooxay66 2/2 . - e9k L 31023-66 an(l) SCTB ACC NRI AP6022950 SOURCE CODE3 9/66/061/003/0017/0019- AUTHORI 13okhov. B. B.,(Moscow) OHG% nond' TITIE'. Effect of partial extirpation of the cerebral cortex in the rabbit on vestibular n-yetazmua ly .. SOURCE: Byulletent.oksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny, v. 61, no- 3, 1966P 17-19 TOPIC TAGS1 rabbit# qsrebral cortexp vestibular disturbance, neurologic surgery, muscle physiology ABSTRACT: The duration of the nystagmal roaction following bilAeral extirpation.. .of the cortex of tho tomporoparietal lobes in rabbits previously subjected Ao training in tho farm of repeated series of rotations is discussed. In the experiments the animals received a total of 12 stivu.1ittions (rotation and stopping of the test stand at 12 different speeds). `:nitially, the stimuli -fonowed each other, increasing in magnitude, and aftor a 5~-minute interval- ~in decreasing order. The maxim= stimLlation attained the rate of 1200 per .secondo and the minimum .- 100 per second; each succoasive stimulation differed -by 100 from the precedimo ;After six experiments with rotation, decortication waa carried out. during whichi -time ey~trical sections of the temporopariotal lo'boti of the cerebral cortex:'- .were. exalsod from the aniul placed under urethan nw-cosis. Following the DD Card 1/2 ' UDC 1; 31093-66 ACC NRt A 50 experimients 0 the brains of the sacrificed animals wore examined ana+.;)Vdcally. The experiments showed that partial removal of temporDpariotal lobes of the cerebral oortox induces in rabbits a distinct, althou.,,,h weak, increase in the -duration of post-rotatory nystagmus to stimuli in the range of 10 - IZOO .per second. In size and stability, the shift established clearly ia surpassed -by disturbances arising after oxtonsivo removal of cortical substance. At .the same time, it cannot be wholly equated to the results of similar exporiments~ on animals with lobectomy, since changes in activity of the-nystagmus following-; removal of frontal or pariotal lobes are either wholly absont, or disappear one day following the operation. Even in a rabbit with homidecortication, nystagmal asymmetry was observed within 3 days after the operation. The experiments confirmed the earlier observations of No F, Tyunyantsay, who -established that the duration of post-rotatory nystagmus in pigeons subjected' -:to decortication depended. as in normal pigeons, on the rate of rotatione~ This work vas carried out under the scientific directLon of Doctor of Medical 'Sciences Yu.'G. Grigorlyev. This paper was presented by Active Member AMN SSSR A. V. Iebedinskiy td ceased). Orig. art. has: 2 figares. [JPRS3 SUB*CODE.6 06 / SUBK DATE: 20Nov64 / ORIG REF: OW / OTH REF: 007 Card 2/2 .BDRTWKO, 1JI,, Insh.; BOKHOVGHUK# M,M*, inzh.; FIDIM,'HAN, G-S,, insh.; POZIN, H.Te 'I or a 0 4 0 Mo ; TARAT, X.'~a., kand. tekhn. nauk. Foam dust colleotors used at the concentration plant of the "#patite"'Combine. I%zop. truda v prom. 2 no.2t9-11 7 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Kombinat Upatit"' (for Borushko. Bokhovelcuk, Fidellman). Z. Te-' ningradekly tekhnologichaskly lustitut Im. ::ensoveta (for Foxin, Tarat). (Dast oollectors) BOKH0,VITI!"'!Vj V. Lokatsiia Luny. Crtadiolocation of the moon_7. (Tekhnika - molodezhi, 1946, no. 5-6, p. 13-16). DLC: T4.T2285 SO: Soviet Transportation and Comunieations, A BiblJormpby, J.Iriniry (-)V Gongress, Te-ference department, Washington, 1953., Unclassified. 15C2 jl.~ CA I'y Awv Inef"W MM Xjjm. (J. Gem. Ck" -Thk ffom was Im"tiptod in the fuwd wtate (low. eke cmd and I- 190th"f"' with rMsPwt tO -4 .. op. jdicstingeog"Pd. b" no .10 %p. gr. whim Mt= p ;j;;. cm& is thwaderized t, ALgNo,.TlNOs. %A'Jlh vsho- cam- I-dht gmter temp. both m" INM IOMWMA' v'w1k%'t'eI t"T' Its 01,11jul. wemtwg 10, of the conspone"t 4 mrith incmA%e in m of I (Ag'41(01~ min. are amoobed out. thist In-. in the jus"I state. it. W. IIIIIII.Vt BOKHOV.KI.N,-I.M, MMN~ Yo,O.; YEINOLINA, N.N.; GESNOKOV, V.F. Physico3hemical analysis of the ternary system caxbamido-phonol - acetic acid. Zhur.ab.kMn. )2 no.9-2755-2759 33 162. ('141M 15:9) 1. Arkhangellskiy :Lesotekhnichaskiy Institut imeni V.V. Kuybysheva ~Urea) (F-henols) (Acetic acid) CHESFOKOV, V.F.; BOKHOVKIII, I.M. Thermal analysis of the ternary system acetanide - acetic acid- phenol. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.9:2760-2763 S I(P, (MIRA 15:9) 1. Arkhangel'skiy lesotek:hnicheskiy institut ir,,,eni V.V.Kuybysheva. (Acetamide) (Acetic acid) (Phenols) BOKHOVKIN, I.M.; FRIBYTKOVA, A.A.; UYENLYARITIA, L.S. Physicochemical analysis of the ternary system carbamide-phenol - monochloroacetic acids Zhur,obekhim, 32 no.9;2763-2766 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.V. Kuybysheva. (Urea) (Phenols) (Acetic acid) BOXHOVKIN, I.M - BOKHOVKINA, Yu.I. Physicochemical ana Sis of thetternary syntem carbamide -!phenol' trichloroacetic acid. Zhur.ob.kam. 33 rio.6:1722-1726 ,Je 163.' (KRA 16:7) 1. Arkhangellskiy losotekhnichaskiy inatitut. (Urea) (Phenol) (Acetic ac~'Ld) BOKHOVKIN I M -, VTMAN, Te.O. :-Itw Physicochemical study of binary systems fonned by furfurole with cresols. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7:2083-2087 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnicheakiy institut. (Furaldehyde) (CresQl) 40 BOKHOVXINA, ru.I.; VITMAN, Te.O. BOKHOVKIN. ~,, Physicochemical analysis of the ternary sy,-;tem phenol - acetamide - monochloroacatic acid. Zhur.ob.khim. )3 no.7:2087-2090 J1 163. (KIRA 16*'.8) 1. Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut. (Phenols) (Acetamide) (Acetic acid) BORHOITKIN, I.M. Physicochemical study of binary systems fonned by acetamide and cresols. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:718-722 Mr- 164. OAIRA I'l 6) 1. ArkJ)angellskly lesotekhnicheskiy institut. BO.UOVKINA, Yu.I.; WYJIOVKIN, I.M.; V17MAN, Ye.O. t' - Physicochemical study of the ternary system carbamide - monochloroacetic acid - trichloroacetic acid. 7hur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:723-727 Mr 264. Physicochemical analysis of the ternary system phenol - acetamide - trichloroacetic acid. Ibid.:727-731 (MIM 17:6) 1. krkhangel'skiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut. BOKHOVKIN, I.M.; BOKIINKINA, N.I.; 'JIT1,110i.. Ve.O. PhpicoohFmical Inwistiontlon nf thi! ternary certamide - acetamide - acid. ob. Yf-irr, 1363-1.3165 Itr 164. FhYSICoollemical illverftigvltio-!~ of O~i-, to:'Ti,iry ~y.,ztum r,.onociAoroacctio acid j, L Fkysleochomical invest igation )f the tornary systom Fbet-r-'- acotlc acld - monochloroace*Uc acid. lbid.,.137 1375 Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnich-2skiy In3titUt. BOKHOVKIN, I.M.; BOKHOWINA, Yu.l.; UYEMLYANINA, L.f;. Phyaicochemical investigatic-n of the :,.--,rnhry .3yotem. c!a-*,-dv,-'.'V- aceta.mide - monochicroacetic acid. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 5~ 1366-1369 I~y t64. (IE-IA 17:,7) 1. ArHiangellskiy lnsol-6 lim 1clit, A ly in,-itltut, BOKHOVKIN, I.M.; BOKHOVKINA, Yu.I.; VITMAN, Ye,O. Physicochemical study of the ternary.syatem penol - acetic acid - trichloroacetic acid. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.9-.2823- 2826 S 164. Physicochemical study of the ternary system carbamide - acetamide - trichloroacetic acid. Ibid.;2826-2829 (MIRA 17:11) 1. Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut. j,.VITMAN, Ye.O. Physicochemical study of the reaction of acc-tamide with alkali metal nitrates. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.63W-953 Je 165. (MIRA 18;6) 1. Arkhangel'skiy lesotekhnicheakiy institult. Acaussiaq im aW34583 S/CO76/64/038/004/0970/0972 AUIZOR: Do1zhoykin." M. TITLE: Corrosion of alloys of cadmium with antimony in c,rganic acids. SOURCE: Zhurnal fizich*akoy khimii,, v. 38., no. 4. 1964j 970-W2 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium antimony alloy, corrosion, organic -zid, mineral acid, furfural,, dioxaneo corrosion inhibition, corrosion resistance) CdSb ABSTFAM'. The rate of corrosion of cadmii-antimony alloys, in formic and acetic acids and the effect of furfural and dioxane additives ort their corrosion rate were invest'iaated.' From the enclosed figuras 1 and 2 it is apparent the corrosion rate increases vith an increase in the acidic concentrat!.on. There is a sharp chanGa in the corrosion ratte at the Cd:Sb congonent ratia of 1:1. indicating the formation of CdSb and a more positive value of the aati=my electrode potentiali, There are no sharp boundaries of corroaion resistance; g(merally the corron resistance decreases in the alloyo containing more than !;0% antimony. Furfural and dioxanep which inhibited corrosion of Cd-Sb alloys :W mineral acids., shav no inhibiting effect in the organic acids* The corrosive ax,,tioa of formic and Card 3A AC a; NR: AP4034583 acetic acids on Cd-Sb substantlaW less than emrosion by HCJ, or HN03- Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCMI(N: kLy lesotekbnicbeskiy institut Cirkbanpl Wood Tecbnology Institute S=T=D-. 2&lar63 DAU ACQ'. May& ENCL: 02 SEM CCDE: NO AW SOYI: 006 VIM: Card 2/4 BOMCVKIN~ I.M.; VITMAN, Ye.O. Physicochemical study of the systems of acrfamide with benzoic and phthalic acids. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.8&1319-1322 Ag 165. (MRA 1W) 1. Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnicheakiy institut. i6 -0 ~w - -= - =_ - _= w _; -_ M-;. a 'a A 4 0 0 0 th 4 0 a a a a a 0=-e 60 ", -1 li, 950, WIT11 Is It U u Id IS is T ii 11P Is w w Is is Is 0 At &I a a 40 je 81 .10, 16 d 1 6 A file Double Iletowpottition In #A&M~wo of solvczu. Ili* 4111,41, hTtvissible redprovil sys" ObA.0, -t- 2FLI 10i KtCr^+JXFXO#, 1.00 :0 r Acu Vair. Vws"riestsis 9. No. S. b-!Njtiu Cwtu m 19 ( IMM-Tise following systwaso were studied by I hernial methods. XA:r,%-NaAA. ssisitsc* at r,.A% M XC*O. 0 411 and 3(10% KNOI,9*Cw#9NAaUvW at 35.7% KCs Ot and .104% N&A~ri)PXMIWArfiatKi 1 45.4% NI#Crotv, 4,t fm.pig NOICN-1 -0. 0. at 732 and 44.0 X NOj ad W3 * Isod 240', rest I., and a , 'N(handW. 7Ufollt,winx I X"OTV its 0 pystems. iawlikk 2 ewipatents stem always in Irfinitr pr*vMlisaws. were also studied: M%% KNCh 4- 05% s K.Crs0t)-V,%CfAh. cutectic at V.01' Na CrA ani'21A)'; oo% K + -,0% xN")-VW:, ;Z" ic .14:1 ~P216'; (2D% Xa%'O. + 80% K.KOk:-Na,- coo CrA. entoetics at 23.5 and 48.8% NsCrA amd 215' ZOO and V-P, mp.. win a max. at .3570 NaPj(h an I 2-W '; 123% KX% + 75% N%NfA)-NxXrA, owtenic at goo 431% %.'&.Cr.Ch and 253% (Mil-" KN + '0c' %kNO.)- see KICrA, twectic at 24A% OW=aud'261'. Front 09 li them the diagram for the entire system is covilructed. It belong% to subtless C t I of the r1aftifict tim of 1kriman mild L)omWo4,TC."'.'WA 24. M). Itesides I the factors a( solvency Itad , . effect. the in. Its. of coo the compmarnts have an eftect on this "eni. and the re. act~xs gws towant the side of the highest nwitirg com- 0. POWMZt, [Alttet, gi, 00 f 00 Ite sago,," A1, 0.9 06t 41t,431011i NAL111 OK Ov &14 V boo a 4119101sm a :I a v KNTL- ft i i ire 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111 0 0 a to : fit Is 1 00 A 000 0 0 001 T -7 T W$ 1W IW W 11, 1.0 W. O 1 11 0 , It 4 " A 1 Ul I 7 , 1 M s . 1 1 . 1 . so so baUldec 9 . Prow mr,4O 1410j = .. ) . pit V, v I .,I,l , hill an, ) At) h It ?I K,Ctt(h (,. Im II& ut 11,14 Q fun lilts in all 111mv. ilwil by two 4111 0 'm "llstap"I lwrvtllt i4m. fkf%t fro, imwlof.%~ at um "I wlAch t~ all" at Up tu .141L, . a b . e , 40,110-70' &W 4fivv U"T the Pum w... 01.1d I f to a dry FnW M. Itivilrb MOO I woo f Ives A _ - ISO A is-It. tottlialwat ctus WK& If am #ciw, Sit!* WOO u :it lu it; If to i, tj I or in 0 00 0000 0, so 0 0 0 so 0 Sig 00-4 00, Air" W DAN 9 .41 AIN% in")b 11 - .11"(6) IWO, Ass-SkA saw 11"illav" "84*0 $Ott on lose 4 9f 00 . I u K KNOO, KNO#-NH lot on tm bdodo 7 A". I of tho' Me "powath 3 ti the bLmry -4 . &W I cl the The brandol F*W it tht of JKNO,, iw9lN)4NO~AsNG&.wl&bbtMlm - 10