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DYBICKI, Jerzy, BOJ Bwaf* DWORAX, W:Lodzimierz; SZCZYGIMSKI, Iesmek; I ' -' ~ MOL9STA-,TaiZraTBOCHINSKI, Karol Studies on reactions of the bronchial wall to some types of thread used in surgery in dogs. Gruzlica 32 no.10015-922 0 164 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgioznej Akademii Medycznej v Glansku (Kierowniks prof. dr. K. Debicki); z Zekladu Anatomii patologio=ej AkademA Medyaznej v Gdansku (Kierownikt prof. dr. W. Czarnocki); i z &mnatorium Przecivgruzliczego dla Modziezy w Dzierzaznie (Kierownikt dr, V, Dworak)j, DYBICKI, Jerzy; WORAK, Wlodzimierz, SZCZY(!TFTSKI, Lenzek; MOUSTA, Jadwiga; SZELEZYNSKI, Kazimierz Studies on the appearance of bronchial fistulae following the excision of tuberculous pulmonary tissues in adolescents and young adults. Pol. przegl chir. 36 no.7:905-916 Je 164. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AMG (Kieraqnik-. prof. dr W. Czarnock-4) i z 1I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AMG (Kisrownikt prof. dr K. Debicki) i Panstw. Sanatorium PrzecNgruzI!czego dla Mlodziezy w Dzlerzaznie Kierownik: dr W. Pwor&k. RA-NASZKIEWICZ, Tomaoz; BOOT, Eugenluezi KORYTOWSK'Ij Edvard Age as a factor in the state of health of crows of the Polish Ocean Lines in the light of periodical examinations. Ball. inst. mar. med. Gdansk 16 no.ltlO7-113 165. 1, Z Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku. ~13L 'iL an, on r":rUbF, NIKOLOV) p.; BDJADZIEV, Gv. [Boiadzhievt Tsv.],b, MANOLOV, F. - ------ Experimental investigations on the pharmacological action of swe drugs derived,from Semparvivum tectorum. Doklady BAN 15 no.V101- 103 162. 1. Institut fUr wcperimenteUe Krobstherapie. t TSCHOBANOVA, D. j BOTADZISV C. Changes in the serum proteinogram under the influence of suocus liquiritiae. DokL bo4. akad. nauk. 15 no.51579-581 162. 1. Vorgelegt Von P. kkolov, korr. Mitglied di&'Aki(Teimie. (BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS) (GLYGYRRHIZA) N-1-ax. Vol 14 3 19, ~-Oltrlbutlon of Tangentiel Planes to surface. cC-2, t"'a Congruence of StXalght Lines in the Hy,-erbilio.r,-aCe' A. )LUIM-17v pp 235-237. - 2. "Flbazurirg the Activation rner,.ry of Aftasion Lrv*ls In Lead Sulfide' 1V. WaV and L. Sn!,'Vr ;p 239-242 (english M=cmLrr) - 3. -A Vew Preci;e Diff*,roatial Manomater ter Laboratory Purposes' 6_X2ZjR:,4jZV and 1. scanOPOVI p2 243-246. 4. ftcr*quantitativa~r_~.erminstlon of Chlorins and iodine long' 11. q)XC:4_1V Lad K,tosyr pp 247-250. 5. *Comparative Mine Arid Content of the floats al -Soma ftit Stones* S.I. Ya='Ovt pp 231-254. 6; -one, F~thod of Xc=vlng Sulfur from The Kr6MI4XOVCI Liwaita CL 'a. 11 .,Y,*'.*.KIEVr pp 255-257. 7. 'Ab=tlp d: n tl,.* r a of u ,u 9CJ.=_=ZV Chr. rAtARSW L d DLX1mLwwr pj-25~-262. a. -On the Rat of - t -,, . , or Gages D. zVRCV, D. Lk=X,.QV and C._8,V_,tAZ (IN M;GLIMI) pp 263-2~r. 9. Omffect of So= Inorganic Additives an thm Rzductlon of Copper Ceelds by carbon Dioxide at Low Ta=paraturez- M.S. jgrtr_"T.~ -270. QYj pp 267 10. -Bagarits from the Radka Flne, UnagIrluz Usin' T.G. RADC' r pp 271-274 (English 2u=ary). 11. IAI%=In= "ponIte, from S"tluka, Ardin Basin- T.- _. ~DORCVAr pp 275-270 (English Su--mary). 12. "Regarding tKa.MKporimental Variability at 93chorichia coli, S. GALABOW Vp 279- 291. 23. 'Studies on the rormation of Capsule by tarttdn Strain, of Bacillus anthracla in vttx*l G. Xv. MW-137r Pp U3. 14, *Antibiotics and the Rsticulo-~ndotholial Sy3teM fixation Acttylty In r1ce Troat~d V-th 0=2111-4 Iron "CChar&td- AS. MqrAOV. 0. !C~j-=_KOVA and D. OTOY&NOVI pp 287- 270. 15. Otlectron Study of Lungs of Sm&kes8 ff. XAA_qTXV? pp, W. 294. 16. -Ruman Laptospirctim Dus 7b LeptospLre Saxkoebin-i in Bulgaria' 1. MUJUlInTir-ri pp 295- 299. oT AW V, L ---------- CZECHOSLOVAKIA BOJADZIEV., L; ELHNKOV~ D Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia - (for both) Prague, Collection of Czeohoslovak 'Chemical Cor-Mruni cat i qTj$_,, No 10., October 1966, PP 4072-4079 "Studies on oxtraction, Part 8: On the size of drops in a Venturi extractor under turbulent conditionsat' i You 6 a LA F - 04 9 VC V;q FL BOJADZIEV, S. --- ~. I :~ - . ~ I .. . Baytinal in tabun poisoning. Folia med. (Plovdiv) 6 no.4:269-273 164 1. Hches Medizinisebes Institut "I.P.Pavlov* -i Plovdiv, Mgarien; Lehrstuh:L Mr Organisation des Gesundheitsschu-.zes und Geschichte der Medizin; Abteilung Mdiko-Sanitfitsschutz k~lorstand: Doz. Dr. T. Sachariev). BOJADJIEVP C. On the sedative and hypotensive effect of pripparations from the plant Calendula officinalls. Nauch, tr. Ussh med. inst. SoMa 43 no.1:15-20 164. 1. Chair of Pharmacology,, (Director: Prof. D. Faskov). PEJGEV, P.; BOiADZIEV, S.; MAROVSKI, T. The influence of royal .-Ilelly on the courcia of radiation sick- ness in white rats. Folia med. (Plovdiv) 7 no.11.69-!73 165 1. Institut do Hautes Etuieo Medicales "I.P.Pavlov* do Plov- div. Mgarie, Chaire do Phamaoologie (Dira(,,tei~r: P. Pejeev, prof. agmge); Chairs dlOrganisation des Services MeNiicawc (Direateurt T. Zaharlevp prof* agrage); Chalm de Roentgenologie (Direateur: prof. K. Vlahov). SIOBV621000100210391107 B151/B108 AUTHORSs Bojad!jhJAx.,L., Schopov, I. TITLEt k new accurate laboratory rheometer PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1962, 170, abstract 2Ye26 (Dokl. Bolg. AN, v. 14) no. 3, 1961, 243 - 246) TEM The construction of a laboratory rheometer for measuring the flow rate of a gas over a wide range with high accuracy is described. Increased accuracy is achieved by a considerable increase in the working lei-,..-,th of the measuring tube, made in the form of a spiral. This rheometer is notable for its compact form and cuts out possible loss of manometric fluid. [Abstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 1/1 sort&, D~).aftdy D0191r.40Y A"Cl=l -AUA, Vol L3, W, ~^17L,04rosls In 'aa 5srin mota article In zAEit,,; 55- 22. "oo Lao jocariairz ef uA-atory tr~eatlng," i. ~~PZW a" I. ~?xTRCV, &r-.1 ale in ~,.rz&.; pp 69-92. ~ 23~. -Oa the Nature of to* 1coomplaZe I'Llves Im L'16 rxiL4ro&j 13.iao &=I Fo4oraa Vain," V. 'ILUICV; oracle In lngUsh, ;1, 93-96. 24. "VolazLme &ad Z40 Sualear IA$boa 0- kLaro-orasnI 2=9 u4ur =a I 1"Ona arti I Fro Ion; p 91 IOU. 25. 1-7 us&-Iona jm-~ tno-1ftaraLca-1 -3-11 Cal mrract of 56varal proparstions '--a -a& tmag 3wm';*rTIv= . - P~ YA,:T-C*l f too Immu P rv,;y; arol.l. a-- The, - . ~6 WE- po 3/3 L 2251-66 EWP(e)/EWP(j) Wit ACCESSION -A--P500--0 --t/0015/65/000/()03/0087/6091 "0 %(Sofia); Bojadz AUTHOR ~S efartov G (Sofia).- Stefanov. D:(8 ievs. P. (Sofia); Lngia. Charize a) TITLE: Reaction in the solid phase in a mixture of kaolin and calcium carbonate SOURCE: Sklar a keramik no 1965.. 87-91 3, TOPIC TAGS: ceramic, porcelain, kaolin, calcium carbonate, solid phase reaction, reaction mechanism, first endot -hermic effect, first exothermic effect, kaolinite, limestone, porcelain paste ABSTRACT. The atthors review the results of investigations which have already been made of the ternary system CaO - Al-LJ03 - S102, important for the formation of ceramic pastes with the crystalline component of anorthiteY in order to explain the mechanism of anorthite formation. It has been sha= that the reaction de- pends on the dehydration of kaolinite,, but the direct product of this rcaction has not been determined# Neither has it been establisbed. when and how this synthesis proceeds, nor what the connection is between the Intermediate phase and anorthite. Thi's study attempts to aamter these questions and to explain the reaction betveen d .--L 2251-66...,- ACCESSION NR: AP5009382 kaolinite and calcium carbonate in the molar ratio of 1:0 to 1:2 in the tempera- ture region of the first endothermic and first exothermic effect of kaolinite. Kaolinite from the region of Stachanovo and limestone from the region of Ogujano served as the experimental materials. The limestone was ground in a porcelain mill. Eight mixtures of the components were prepared for stuc the reaction lyinr between kaolinite and limestone. It is concluded that gehlenite is the first stage to be formed when the experimental mixtures are heated to 600*C; anorthite appears as the firpt exothermic effect of kaolinite, and the described reaction mechanism is in agreement with the Brindley and Nakahir theory- concerning the gradual change of kaolinite into the kaolinite spinelmullite series. Orig. art. has: 9 tables 10 figures', and 5 formulas ASSOCIATION: none SUBUTM 2 00 SUB CODE: MT E=~: 00 W F" SOV 001 OWRI 01~' A Liceird '2" BWO, Drzaj l~~,jj,~jnjcal Wit- No. 3 19t 10, 51. i-jological tho V03plifstion Woia. DjinovAi, ONO.-n Vriaj (Univ. The Infilletict: of 1)(-ctiii atiti otht:r sub,tatteLri ou tht.- coiguh- itioll of bIO(xI fla'. bv~-ll mildiml. The co~ldu~izms vvere reaelicil: Tile prupj,.;. 11,41 to Liflaonca al -,!iv coagulation of b1"1. The produeti of the hydiuli'Ai d adup -': 11" tWCH11 ShOmik the caigul, . tiaw hy 21.6;i, v %wvcr. the placturonit: aciti Iactww VOLL"I I., fmm'.-d 1i L.; Ito dica. The Ba ~-tltof latioa tinic by 3 1% and dig,LUetwouic acid It hv M%. The dimethyl ti~ur of iu, t Ity1da'A 'Cut( mic acid deerk-a"CA 111C tiallt: 15 5 1! V, tar Le tell Dimit-rii, ing., coresp. The Somes Dam was bul-1t with concrete. Constr Buc 17 no.797: 1 17 Ap 165. CSAKY, Gergely, dr.;.BOJAN, Maria, dr. Fatal familial food poisoning caused by Salmonella typhimurium in hen eggs. Orv. hatil. 103 no.29:1371-1376 22 JI 162. 1. llajdu-Bihar megyei Kozegeszoegugyi - Jarvanyugyi AUomas, Debrecen. (SAU-IONETIA INFECTIONS case reports) (EGGS-microbiol) CSAKY, Gergely, dr.; BOJAN, Maria, dr. ----------------- Fatal familial food poisoning caused by Salmonella typhimirima in hen eggs. Orv. hetil. 103 no.29:1371-1376 Jl 162. 1. Hajda-Bihar megy~i Kozogeszsagugyi - Jarvanyugyi Allomas, Debrecen. (SALMDNFJ.JA IMCTIONS.ease reports) (EGGS microbiol) dr.; LAKATOS) Maria~ dr. Bacteria-caused food poisoning in the laboratory examination material of the Public Health and Epidemiology Center in Hajdu-Bihar County. Napageozoegugy 44 no.10:308-322 0 163. 1. Kozlemany a Hajdu-Bihar megyei Kozfageszsegugyi-Jarvanyugyi Momasrol kigazgato: Madar Janos dr.). (SALMONELLA TYPHDWRIUM) (STAPH INFECTIONS, GASTROINTESTINAL) (FOOD INSPECTION) (SALMONELLA FOOD POISONING) (BACILLUS CEREUS) RrPANJ Ralvca; EG"Fri, I.; BOJAN.N. Contrit-ations to the datermiration EX uranlwh urd fi.5 acc mp.--.- nying elarrents. rt. 1. Rev 0J.-,Ae Roun 9 no.L?:829-833 D 1641. 1. institute of Chemistry of th,, Pwman! 'an Academy, Cluj Branch, 59-65 Donath Street. Submitted ivCiy 20.1 1964. RIPAN, Raluca; EGER, Contributions to the determination of uranium and accompanying elements. Pt.l. Studii cere c~im 13 no.12:873-8717 D 16~. 1. Institute of Chemistry of the Rumanian Academy, Cluj Branch 59-65 Donath Stree". BOJANIC, B. "The schedule of the register of the stability of gunpowder by series." P. 937 (Vojno-Tahnicki Glasnik) Vol. 5, no. 12., Dec. 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: PLonthly Index of East European Accessions (EM) X. Vol. 7j, no, 4,, April 1958 BOANICU, J. Stefanovic, D.; Bojanic,-J,-; Vandjel) V. (Priroda. Vol. 18, no. 9, 1953. Zagreb) "Preparation of symmetrical bisamides.11 P. 579. SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions - 3, no. 3. Library of Congress. March 1954. - , Vol Uncl. BOJAWIC, L. General geologic structure of south-eastern part of Dinara. Bul se Youg 6 no.4:99 D 161. 1. Institut za geoloska istrazivanja NRH, Zagreb. BOJANIC, L. General geologic structure of the main ridge of Svilaja. Bul ac Youg 6 no.4:100 D 1611 - 1, Institut za geoloaka Istrazivanja VU, Zagreb. TIERAK, Milan, dr. (Zagreb) j,.BOJAflIG,-Luka~ (Zagreb); SIKIC, Dragutin, (Zagreb); MAGDALEWIC, Antun (Zagreb) New elements of tectonics in the region of upper Kupa River, Geol vjes Hrv Il+:245-251 6o (pubi.,6i). 1. Geolosko-paleontolooki zavod Prirodno-matematickog fakulteta Sveucilista. u Zagrebu, Zagreb# ul. Socijaliaticke revoluoije 8/11. 2. Clan Urednickog odbora, referent, "Geoloski vjesnikn (for Herak). BOJ ANIG, Kilan. Severe c-,,.ee of hemolytic icterus owed by splenectomy. Spr arhly Iskar 82 no.3:423-425 Mr '54. OMAL 3:6) 1. 111 Interna klinika Medicinskog fakultsta, u Beograda, upravnik: prof. dr. Alsksandar RadosavlJovio. (Rad je Uradnistvo primilo 11-IX-1953 god.) (SPLE", murg, *axoi;.O* in congen. hemolytio jaundice) (.TAMICI, CONINITAL HMOLYTp, surg. *618nectozO I DANIIA)VIC, Vojislav, doe. dr,; BOJANIC,-,Alm, dr. Advantages of combined todipine and sulfathiazole in broachography. Med- glesu. 8 no-10:370-373 Oct 54. 1. 111 Interna klinika Hedicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (upravnik prof. dr. AtRudoeavlJovic) (COBTWT MEDIA iodized oil with sulfathiazole In bronchograp1q) (SUIYATHWOrA, In brouchography, with iodized oil) (PRONCHI. radiography contrast media, iodized oil with oulfathiazole) DANILDVIC, Vojislav, doe'. dr; RUVIDIO, Rajko, dr; !OJANIC.,-!!lan, dr,, POPOVIC, Radivoje, dr; FUTHIKs Milan, dr Primar7 atypieal pneumonia. Ked.glasn. 9 nooltl3-21 Jan 55, 1. 111 Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravnik prof. dr A. Radoevljevic) (PMMMIA, PRDURT ATYPICAL) DANILOVIC, V. -. WJAIIIC. H. Yffrer caused by, hypersensitivity to strerptocWcin. Srpski arb. colok.lek. 83 no.2:17'4-179 Fei '55. 1. 111 Interna kliulka Hadicinskog fakultata u Beogradu. Uprav- nik: prof. dr. Aleksandar Radosavljevic. (STRXMHYCIN. inj.eff. fever(ser)) (F.KM. ettol.& pathogen. streptorWcin(Ser)) MAGARASNIC, 14.; RMDIC, R.; ARANBASIC, M.; PUZNIK, M.; BOJANIC. 14. WWI Miliary carcino9is of the lungs. Srpski arh.celok.lek. 83 no.2: 233-243 Feb '55, 1. 111 IntArza klinika Medicinakog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik; prof. dr. Aleksandar Radoeavljevic. 2. Radioloski Institut Medi- cinskog fakulteta u Beogradix. Upravnik: prof. dr.Stojan Dedic. 3. Patoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Ksenofon Sahovic. (LUAGS, neoplasms, miliary carcinosis, pathol. & x-ray diag.(Ser)) A W DAFILOVIC, Vojialav: BOGDANDVIC, Klodrag: BOJANIC, Milaa 4 Unusual cases of aortic aneurysm vith rapture into respiratory tract, lungs and pleura. Srpski arh. calok. lak. 84 no.1:33-41 Jan.56. 1. 111 Intern& klinika Madicinakog fakultsta u Beograda. Upravnik: akademik Prof. dr. Alakeandar Radoaavljevic. (AORTIC A NW RYSM, rapt, into rasp. tract, lungs & pleura, case reports (Ser)) (RWIRATORT TRACT, fistula rapt. of aortic aneyrysm into reap. tract, lungs & pleura, came report@ (Ser)) (LUNGS, fistula same) (PLZM, fistula same) (FISTULA, rasp. tract, lunge & pleura, caused by rupt. of aortic "uryan (Ser)) SPUZIGO V.; BOJANIC, K. Role of climate in allergic manifestations. Glas. Srpske akad. nauka, odelj. mod. 20 no.16:83-102 161. (ALLEWr) (CLIMATE) DANILCYVIC, vojislav; BOJANIC. Milant RADOVANOVIC, Lazar; GODIC, doe.; RADIC, Vlastimirp dr , Mihajlo Imediate results of balneo-Olimatic factors in Soko-Spa in bronchial asthma. Srpski arh, celok. 19k. 89 no.3:295-303 mr 161. 1. Balneo-klimatoloaki in'stitut NR Srbije u Beogradu. Direktor: doe. dr Vlastimir Godic. Interns, klinikEL B ~%dicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Radivoje Berovic. (ASTHMA ther) (BALNEOLOGr) ROIC, Mihailo; GODIC, Vlastimir; RADOVANOVIC, Iazar; I an QJA UI-Ct~~ ~...... Contribution to the study on radio-emanotherapy and results of combined balneo- and climatic therapy in Sokobanja. Srpski arch. celok. lek. 91 no.lltlO33-1040 N163 1. Balneo-klimatoloski institut SR Srbije u Beogradu;direk- tor: doc.dr. Vlastimir Godic. ulc ~Illi'llv-'we AZAN.TAC,R.; BOJANIG V.- Pulmonary aspergillosis. Tdberkuloza 15 no*3:453-459 Tl-D'63a 1. Institut za tuberkulozu JNA. (nacelmikt puk. prof. dr. Mirko Tucakovio) i Institut za patologiju i sudsku medicinu (nacelniks pak.profedr. Konstantin Brankovar). 3 AZANJAC, R.; BOJANIC, N. Value of cytodiagnosis of pulmonar- --.Hriomet in the lirht of our experiences. Tuberkuloza 17 nc..1/204-61 Ja-Ap 165. 1. Vojni inotitut za tuberkulozu, Institut za patologiju i sudsku medicinu VMA. BERVAR, Marijan,, mnitetski pukovnik docent dr.; JUZNIC, I/hrijan, nanitetski pukovnik dr.; BOJANIC Nikola sanitetaki potpukoviii.k dr.; MITROVIC, - - _0 I Dragoslav, saniie-t-siff !~petan dr. Current treatment of acute pancreatitis. Vojnosanit. pre.-l. 23 no.l: 29-33 ja 166. 1. Vojnomedicinska akademija u Beogradu; Klinika za Iiii-tirske iboles.I. 1. . - . - i - - I - . I , . ~!17 t ~; " - . I . - - x~- .. ~ , , 7~ , . , ~, , !~ f, -,, . -.4 - NMI, et 5 S R An tvvt~t7i7ntinji i, . pliniff, , aFvm $ tie ,, , 1-., - t/ - I - ~ '-, ; '! -, 1 :,~ 4~ oj T--i I-- 71-T 7T- C 7 I I ~ , ~ -... .-l. 1. ... I . -"- - . .. . - . 77"!" oral i zo k n .,w rep.?hcf! 7 I=il:i 51r~ 7 A Om T~c I" A? I S/044/62/000/0021/010/092 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Bojanich, R. I TITLE: -- On the approximation o f continuous func-t ions by Bernsteyn polynomials PERIODICAL: Referativnyy-zhurnal, Matematika, no. 2, 1962, 17, abstract 2B75- ("Glai3. Srpuka 0", 1958, -2L'2-L 59-65) TEXT: Lot the function f(x) have a continuous derivative fl(x) on [0, 1 ] ivi th the excep tion of the point S , 0 1, where it has a discontinuity of the first kind wi th the jump & = fq~ + 0) - ff(t - 0) / 0 . Let Bn(f,x) be the Bernuteyn polynomial of f with deg-ree n. Then the following holds for n m : ~ ~ (1- 1-/2 G' 0 Bn (f f Q) - L 2 ~r 7n + T=n The result for 6 - 0 is that of G. G. Lorentz (Bernstein Polynomials, tr Card-1/2 S104416210001'00210101092 On the approximation of continuous ... C111/C222 Toronto, 1953). There are a number of regretablO LliGS-printG, among which the q)litting of -',-he basic intearal is important; for 0 it shoula read correctly 00 + + 0 0 S LAbstracter's note: Complete tranolation.] Card 2/2 BOJANIN, S. BOJANIN, S. Accuracy in determining the volume of stands by la,,,ing out sample strips. p. 221. Vol. 79, no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1955 SUMARSKI Zagreb, Yugoslavia So! Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 U T -,-GENF A T IT A313. JUIR. RZKhirn. , No. 19S,99 A TI"", 0 R p S T11:Lk C T CARD: 167 C- Z- KnP,KoC.A A, I COMM IPOLASU rA7nmm 4Ch ~wj::I Siam%,* I oey. rhomissl rrolviva %vA Their AW11 t *,to. Food Ifidostry. AN. JOM Ih2dral". , AD 11. 1959, V4. $2546 AUTOVR %14a.suals, C.1 I-leaki, 3.1 I ;stritive Yalu* Value of 'Alto U"a MO. 140119. 141, 111F. , It". *, ~o 1, 40-470 AWTRCT 11% the two ess,les of Vt"s or* fou*d flnl): 103- *&!or, 563-car" tit, 9 51.7c, 11 "Collulove. 3.11-tsh, V6 skPIL P6 XC3 so a, h . 349 K talhoo St. calorific value. B()JANKI1'WjGz'-Wi& Chemical -hanges of a microbiological nature in the spoiling process of bakery articles. Roczn panstw zakl hig 14 no.3:225-230 163. 1. Laboratory for Testing Food and Articles of Covaon Consumption, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. BOJANXIEWICZ, Maria Detection of preserving substances by using the fermentation test. Roczn panst zakl hig 15 no.2:167-170 164. 1. Laboratoryfor festing Food and Articles of' Common Consumption, State Institu.a of Hygiene, Warsaw. Head: [prof. dr] M.Nikonorow. BO.TANOVICv D. Yugoslavia (430) Social Sciences - Serials The primeval societies,, or a so-called error of F. Ragelal a controversy resulting from Ingels' assumption on the historic function of the family, in his introduction to the first publication of the Origin of fwdly., property., and state. p, 128, East European Accessions List, Library of Congress, Vol. 1. no. 13, November 1952* UNCLASSIFIED "Card I of 20 BOJANOVIC, D. Yugoslavia (430) KDMUNIST. (CentraW Komitat Komunisticks Partije Jugoslavije) Beograd- Zagreb, (Bi-monthly theoretical organ of the Central Co=ittee or the Commmist Party of Yugoslavia) Vol. 6, no. 1-2. January-Marcb, 1952. East Xuropen Accesgions List, Library of Congress, Vol. l# no. 13, November 1952, UNCLASSIFIED "Card 2 of 20 BOJAIRIVIC, J.; ROTOVIC, B.; BUGARSKI, O.j ROSIC, Effect of insulin on protein, lipid and carbohydrate metaboUsm. IV. Distribution of serum protein fractions in insu2in shock in schizopbronid patients with metabolis disorders.- Acta med. iugos3.avl. 14 no.4:420-432 160. 1. flemiski, institut Madicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (SHOCK THEWY INSULIN blood) (SCHIZOPHRENIA ther) BOJANIMC, J., AND MEPS Preparation of symnetrical bisamides containing alicyclic'. ccndensed, and bisamides containing alicyclic, condensed, and heterocyclic rings in the amide residue. P. 267, Vol. 20, no. 4, 1955 SCURCE: East I!-uropean Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956 BOJANOVIC, J.; VANDEL, V.; STEFANOVIC, D. Reactions of bisamides. IX. Reactions of para-substituted aldehydes with compounds possessing active methylene groups, in the presence of acetamide. p. 545. GLASNIK. Beograd. Vol. 20, no. 9, 1955. So. Fast Baropean Accessions Ust Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 A - -A - Distr: 412C ( J ilr%aratlon of qminetrical b!sirnides icontmillng Con. d se . betermyclic, and slicycliFiWiii La the aldehyde ' " ' 11, 6 St llovic, J'ItIla Boialloviv Milauka and 111?AOIL." "PIP'ST, -hai 1,1 tPMiodnc)*v!lif' , - - _T'41' DI-sh __ . B g,,Ij " 13-el-gii`[3e, Yug a v 1zT-_ - Tra ~ iF&I .1, U el / 22, 2D-42(195-#); cf. C.A. 52, 1050c.-Several new l+,- amides were synthesized by condeuiing acetaillide (1) and - be mid i t e lic s l kh l t 11) ith v d nza w ai a t es mu ero c ou ic K, e ( y ) and alicyclic rings in Lite a-pusition: bisaectainide, ru. 231'; 3-thenylidene-.iV,JV'-bisbeuzamlIC, in. 213-1,1*; 211*; 3-pylid).Imcthylcne-N.N'-bisbentan6de, tn. 1210%' and 4-i)yri(lyltnethylene-ArN'-bi3benLunide, tn. 217-18';~ ~;-I)ytidyInteLityle-tie-N.N~-bismfttawkte, m. 23&-G*- I- acet3-1-3-itidolytxiieth)-lene-iY,A"-bi%Acetamide, ui. 21176, 1. h;licxylidcnc,jY 9'-bi!;acetamitte ru cyc V; CYCIG- M . . . , , bexyWtne-.V,N'-b6benzamId c m. "MI ~dceompn . Call- dtn,~~Iiors of pyffoIc-2-tarbox,.Xdchydc with I and i did not )i0d the expected bisamides. The new bismuldes WM prepd. in 27-9970 yield by litating the uldehyde and ninide on a lvater bath in tile preRnLc of AejO or fly directly beating the starting products without Ac, )0_ So*. At the' 0 nt If same time R studr was made of the c6ccl, of heating period on tire yield of bisaralde in the condensatiolls of aldehydP5 and acid amides In the lirmnee of AcIO. With aliphatic, aidehydes it was found that the yields were best after beathig the rnixt. 3-4 bro. Cinnarnaidehyde bebnv-d vimilarly whert2s with tile yirldsWtve, - - b ft 1 t 6 b l Wi h ti h l eA e. a . ra, it t n%v a ng, avop3aj / ral~thyi~ ever. optinturn hcating periods were sarneivitat 16ger,V-16. h Z N . rs.). C. e7 NESKOVIC, Milutin BOJANOVI Jelena J.; PRALEENOVIC-STOMROVIC, ,,,J=Wtq~ Zagorka T.Y-~' , Ljubica S.; KULIC-JAPUPWIC, Ivanka M.; CORBIC, Milaxg-.a O.j KOSTIC, Dusan M. Metabolic relation of lipides, glycidep and proteins. I. Cbanges of glycemia, nonesterified fatty acids and total proteins of blood plasma in the x1li ntary hyperl3pemia of dogs, provoked after-fasting. Glas Hem dr 25/26 no.5/7:345-352 160/161. 1. Medicinski fakultet, Biohemijaki inatitut, Hemijski institut, Beograd. BO-TAN.OVIQo-,JO1G=-,.T.; CORBIC, Milanka 0.; JI-MOVIC, Anka D.; SIBALIC, Stanimir M. Methods of determining nitrogenous substances in biological matorials.. I. Micromethod for the determination a nitrogenous com onents in blood serum, or blood plasma. Glas Hem dr 25726 no.5/7:361-366 160/161. 1. Modtainaki, fakmltet, Hemijaki institut, Veterinarski falmltet, Hemijski institut, Beograd, STRAT, C, Stanimir M.; JMOVIC, Anka D.,- RISTOVIC, Ljubisa; .BOAPOVIC, Jelena J.; CORBIC, Milanka 0. Methods of determining nitrogenous substances in biological materials. II. Determination of nitropen of the freec( -amno acids and polypeptides. Glas Hem dr 25/26 no,5/7:367-372 160/161, 1. Veterinarski fakultet, Hemijski institut, I-ledicinski fakultet., Hemijski institut,, Beograd. BOJANOVIO, Jelena J.; JEVTOVIC, A&.a D.; CORBIC, 0.; ROSIG, Dragoslav 0. Action of inoulin on tho motabolism of proteins, lApides, and glycides. Ill. Comparative investigation of blood nitrogenous comporents in the insulin shock administered to notabolically healthy people, but affectoed by schizop:wenia. Glas Hem dr 25/26 n%W.7:373-392 16M'61. 1. Medicinski fakultet, Hemijski institut, Beograd. SEVALJEVICj, Ljiljana M.;.BDJA jelena J. ~Jipg~ Proteinnj, lipides., and glycides with reapeot to age and M. Dialyois of blood aerum at-Vw yvung. and old guinea pigs. Glas Hem dr 25,06 no.5/7:353-360 160/161, aging. -1. Yojno-mdioibaka akademijap Patofiziolooki institut, Medicinski fakultetv Hemijaki inatitutf Beograd. 'BOJANOVIGI J-J-j LEVNTAL-KAUKUSEVIC, M.D.1 NIKOLIC, K.M. Effect of insulin on the metabolism of proteins, lipids and glucic~s. II. The oor= lipid content in schizophrenic patients in deep insulin coma. Aota mod. iugool. 16 no.2%151-165 162. 1. Hemijaki institut Medicinskog fakultatat Balneoklimatoloski institut NP3 i Nouro-polhijatrijaka klinika MedioinBkog fakulteta, u Beogradu. (8HOCK THERAPY, INSULIN) (BLOOD LIPIDS) (SCHIZOPHRENIA) NESKOVIC, M.V.; MIADENOYIC-STOJIMIROVIC., Z.T.; BOJANOVIC.-J.J!,; JEVTOVjC, J.J.; MILOSEVIC, P.P.,,* KULIC-JAPUNDZIC, I.; U.S. Metabolic relations of proteins, lipids ahd glucides. II. The effect of-the intravenous injection of glucose on the fatty acids of the blood plasma in'dogs during starvation. Acta med. iugosl. 16 no.2:201-242 ,62. 1. Biohemidald institut i Hemijaki institut Medicinskog fakulteta u 4Beogradu. (GLUCOSE) (BLOOD LIPIDS) (FATTY ACIDS) (STARVATION) NESKOVIC, M.V.; ZIVK0VICp R.; CORBIC, M.O.; BOJANOVIC, J. MIADENOVIC, STOJIMIROVIC, Z.T. Metabolic re3ations of proteins, lipids and glucides. IC The effect of the intravenous injection of glucose on the fatty aoids of the blood pldLqmn in dogs qWring -alimentary hyperlipemia produced after fasting. Acts. mad. iugool. 16 no.2%213-221 t62. 1. Biokemijaki institut i Hemijoki institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. (OLUCOSE) (BLOOD LIPIDS) (FATTY ACIDS) (FASTING) BOJANOVIC, Jelena J.; JEVTOVIC, Anka D.; CORMC, Milanka 0.; NIKOLIC, Kosara ` -- . I B. - -'- ' -" - Effect of insulin on the metabolism of proteins, 11pides, and glucidAs. Pt.5. Glas Hem dr 29 no.9/1.0:465--477 163. 1. Chemical Institute of the Faculty of MxAicine of the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, and Neuropaychintric 011r1c of the Faciilty of Medicine, Belgrade. Submitted May 13, 1964. BU01OVIC, J.J.; FAVLOTICt D.E.; SW"j!,Jr-WIG, Effect of small amniints of hoparln m. blond protelns in vitro. Faectrophoretic patte=3 of prz-AelM fra,-l'Jons of hoparinized guinea pig blood plasma. Actit med. -TI.IgC)51. 18 no.!*.1-9 164 1. Hemljski institut Medicinskog fakult.eta, Hemijski llnokt~it-jt, Veterinarskog fakulteta i Patoloskofl-.1olosk.4. VKA u Beogradu. BaJAPOV-16" J".j.; SEVALTEVIC, Lj. M. Prnte-rls, lipJds and glyeldes in the crurse of aging. IV. Polarc- ,vmphic analysis of some blood protein fractior-, guinca pigs of variovq ngea. Acta med. Iuggosl. IS no.3:20.11-2)"N"; lti!,. 1. He-:TJJ~~,ki inst,~tuf. Mledicinvirog foJI-tilteta 1, Jnatitut 11-111t u Beogradu. BWANOVIC, Jelena J.; SEW.JMC, Ljiljana M.; CORBIC, Hilanka 0. Effect of insulin on the metabolism of proteins, lipiden,, and glucides. Mao Hem dr. 27 no.7/8t4Z7-433 162. 1. Faculty of Medicine, Chemical Institute and Military Medical Academy, Institute of Pathophysiologyp Beogradp Yugoslavia. BOJANOVIC,, Jelona J.; SB7ALJMC, Lji.Ijanat Mo; PAVIOVIG, Danica, B,; Dorde J., Prealbumins, Flt.l. Glas Hem dr V no.7/4;435-446 162. C ZII-"jCI:OSLGVAKIA BOJANOVSV-Uk, A. Bratislava, Farmaceuticky obzor, No 7, 19063, P,i 310 "Enatrol in Skin Application." WJ&WKAj A. The activity of various skin dehydrogenases after the administra- tion of parabromophenyl isothiocynnate. Cesk. denn. 40 no.2t 88-91 Ap'65- 1. Dematovenerologicka katedra Lekarskej fakulty University Komenskeho v Bratislavel (veducit prof. dr. L. Chmal, DrSc.). BOJAIIOVSKAt A.; HLAVATY, P. Mucinosis follicularis. Cesk. dem. 40 no.2:119-121 AP'65. 1. Dernatovenerologicka katedra Lekarskej fakulty University Km,enskeho v Bratislave (veduci: prof. dr. L. Chmel, DrSc.). BOJANOVSKA, A. ~ I ~, ~-. Apropos of skin reticuloses. Bratisl. lek. listy 45 no-4: 217-221 28 F165. 1. D~irmatovenerologicka katedra Lekarske faMilty Univer--ity Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduci- clen koresp. Slovenskej akademie vied Ladislav Chumel, Ih-Sc.). ,BOJANDYSIC Ivo; WOLF. Jaromir qt wave and its relation to the degree of training in athletes. Polskie arch. mod. weia. . 27 no-5:611-615 1957. I Z Instytatu Badan Kultury Fixymej (Vyxkumny ustav talovyohovzw) i z Wydzialu Ochrony Zdrovia w Dalturse Pisycanej i P Sporcie Gentralenj Rady Narodowej Fragi (Oddeleni sdravotni pace o tolesnou v7chovu a sport. UNY Praha).,Adreg. autora: Praha II Karlovo Nameati Poliklinika. (ATHLETICS, qT wave, eff. of train (Pol)) (ILICTROGANDIOGRAPHr, q?'wave'in athletes, off. of train. (Pol)) EISELTV I.;'BOJANOVSKr, I.; BOSAKS Vle Blood picture in aged males. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.22t686-689 2-JTe 161. 1. Vyzkwmy ustav telovychovny, Praha, reditel MUDr. 1. Eiselt. (BLOOD CRUS) (SEX) (AGING) BOJANOVSKY, Jiri; SOUCEK, Zbynak Possibilities of determining the prognosis of incipient schizophrenia and borderline schizophrenic states. CeBk. psychiat. 54 no-3:170-172 June 5 8. 1. PaychiRtricka klinft KU v Brno. (SCHIZOPHRENIA, case reports progn. of incipient & borderline schizophrenic cases (Cz)) SYNKOVA, Jarmila; BOJANOVSKY, Jiri Shagass' test in differential diagnosis of depressive states. Cook. paychiat. 55 no.4:233-239 June 59. 1. Psychiatricka klinika v Brno, PANIC' MMMOM.,AWSO" NAHUNEK. K.; BWAKOVSKY, J.; RIMOVA, V. Zxcito-motor signs in parkinsonlem durine ataractic therapy. Ceak. psychiat- 55 no.6:377-381 D '59- 1. Psychiatrickm kliniks University v Brne. (TRANQUILIZING AGENTS ther.) (PARALYSIS AGMANS ther.) BOJANOVSKr J Use of the analeptin test in prognosis of phenothiazine therapy of patients.vith diseases of the schizophrenia group. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 no.2%2YI-232 161. 1. Paychiatricka klinike. University J. Br. Puricyne, Brno. A ther) (PHENOTHIAZINES ther) OPHRMI (SYNPATHOMDZTICS) j. A4 1)) .SURNANS G , Givon llama Countrys Czechoslovakia Academic Dogreast _Pqychiatric Clinic of J,EV* Purkyne University (Paychiatricka Affiliations' kl-in-ik-a-u-di-v(Frb-lt-y-JoEve Purkyne) g, Brno; Directort Prof J& HADL Z Lekar, Vol 41,'No 12p 196 Prave, RXpktic~ 1p pp 559-561., Ditat "Imipramin (Tofranil) in the Treatment of Depressiom" Au~hores NAHUNEK,, K.p MD iUDLIKv J.t Prof.p MD -A RODOVA9-A 9-- Bb~ANOVS 9 J.9 60~ A ~Jo V-S e- SURNAM# Giveft Nowe Countrye Czechoslovakia Academic Degreest kffiliitims Sourest ftaguo# Pra"Mola-191cax, Vol 410 No 1?0 3 Soptombor 1961, PP 782-7W Datat "The Contemporary State of Syphilis Serolog7 wA Its Diagnostic Possibilities." Authors: -POSMIL Dermatovenorological. Clinic (Dermatovenerologicka klinika)p .03tals Fvror ur jxora~e-k j ZM-hiatdo-Q-1iao-(Psych1Atricka klinika)o Brne; Prof Dr J Hadlik eta 961103 I BWAN(YSKY, Jiri; GERTLOMA, Anna Seazonal &istribution of births of mental patients. Ceek.psychiat. 57 no.lt47-0 F 1610 1. Psychiatricka kliniks a Ustav zdravotnictvi University J.Ev. Purkyne v Brne. (MLWAL DISOPIWM statist) QERIODICITY) (VITAL S~ATISTICS) BOJANOVSKXp Jiri; AUFARTOVA, Vera On the problem of the seriousness in suicidal attempts. Cook. psychiat. 57 no.2t95-99 161. l.Psychiatricka klbdka University J.E.Purkyne v Brne. (SUICIDE psychol) CHLOUPKOVA, K.; BO Our experience with ox-phenadrin (disipalamin) depression. Cesk. psychiat. 57 no.6s4O7-408 161. 1. Psychiatricka klinika university J. Ev.Furkyne v Brne. (ANTIHISTAMINICS ther.) (PARASDIPATHOLYTICS ther.) (ANTIDEPRESSM, AGENTS ther.) BOJANOVSKY, J.; CHLOUPIKOVA, K. Comparative therapeutic effects of Meprobamate and Guaiacuran in anxiety.neuroses. Aotiv. nerv. sup. 4 no.2:232-233 .162. 1. Psychi&tricka klinikEL lekarske fakulty University J. Ev. Purkyne, v Brne. (MUSCLE RELAXANTS) (MIOROBAMATH ther) (NEUROSES ANIIETr ther) BWANOVSKY, Jiri; NAHUIEK, Karel Gilles do la Tourette syndrome. Cosk. poychiat. 48 no.1:50-52 F 162. 1. Psychiatricka klinika Univorsity J. Ev. Purkyne v Brne. (TIC) (C11OR U.) I: NAHUNEKf K.; RODOVA, A.; BOJANOVSKY, &_ Therapeutic trials with fewharmn VUFB. Cask. psychiat. 58 no.2: 91-94 AP 162. 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty University J. Ev. Pur1qns v Brno. PTRIDINES therapy) (INDOLES therapy) HIZOPHRENIA therapy) (MF14TAL DISORDERS therapy) M 4 (CHOREA, HEREDITARY therapy) OZECIIOSLOVAKIA BOJANOVSKY, J., MD; CHLOUPKOVA, K., MD. Psychiatric Clinio of the Medical Faculty UJEvP (Paychiatricka klinika lekarake fakulty UJEvP), Brno (f or a.11) Prague, Prakticky lekar, No 9, 1963, PP 335-337 "Olassification of Depresuive Statea."